Aksyonov new prime minister of Crimea biography. Their Crimea: the Aksenov clan, its politicians and businessmen

Sergey Valeryevich Aksenov is the head of the Republic of Crimea, which is not recognized by most countries of the world as a subject of the Russian Federation, and the prime minister of the Crimean executive power, whose election took place in violation of the current Ukrainian legislation, but declared lawful by Vladimir Putin. Previously, he was a businessman, deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea as part of Ukraine, head of the Russian Unity party.

In 2015, during the crisis, Sergei Valeryevich reduced his own salary by 50 percent (for the period from March to December), supporting the initiative of the Russian president, who reduced his financial security by 10 percent.

In 2016, the leader of the regional government called the territory of the Southern coast of the Crimean peninsula under his jurisdiction, where the famous cultural and historical monuments of architecture, the most beautiful palaces-museums (Vorontsovsky, Yusupovsky, Livadia, Massandrovsky) are located.

Childhood and family of Sergei Aksenov

The future head of the executive power of the Crimean Federal District was born on November 26, 1972 in the Moldavian city of Balti in the family of Nina Semyonovna and Valery Nikolaevich, who was then a worker-regulator of radio equipment at a local plant, designated as mailbox No. 4 and specialized in the production of devices for the military courts.

At school, their son was distinguished by social activity, good learning abilities, and a love of sports. Sergei was the captain of the football team, for academic excellence he was awarded a silver medal upon graduation.

In 1989, he entered the Higher Military-Political Construction School in Simferopol, where political workers were trained for the corresponding type of troops. Sergey Valeryevich studied well and successfully graduated from the university in 1993, but retired from the reserve.

Sergey Aksenov's career

At the age of 21, Sergey began to engage in entrepreneurial activities. At first, he got a job as an insurance agent in the Irbis private enterprise, which specialized in the sale of household items, then he was the deputy head of a number of cooperatives and enterprises that were engaged in the sale of food and industrial goods. According to the statement of the Security Service of Ukraine, at the same time he had a chance to move in criminal circles and become one of the leaders of the Salem criminal group, which, among other things, was the “roof” of restaurants, bars, shops and firms.

In favor of the reliability of such statements is the fact that he received a gunshot wound during the shelling of his car in 1996, as well as the murder of his friend and partner Samkhan Agaev, a criminal authority nicknamed "Sani", who "protected" retail outlets and currency exchange offices. His "business" was transferred to Sergei, who, after the incident, acquired security guards. This attempt was not the only one - later a bomb was found and defused in his house.

The successful businessman also had useful contacts in government structures - with Radion Ratia, the then prosecutor of Simferopol, with Valery Gorbatov, head of the Crimean branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine. As a result, he managed to privatize the Yalta Khladokombinat in Massandra, a food store (along Snezhkov Street) in Alushta, and a glass container factory, an accessories factory and other facilities in Simferopol.

By 2008, Sergey Valerievich also became the owner of residential real estate for rent, firms providing visa services, a bar with the iconic name "Alcatraz", apparently in honor of the most famous prison of the same name in the world, where the king of the underworld Al Capone served time .

The next, quite logical, stage in the entrepreneur's activity since 2008 was membership in a number of socio-political associations, including the "Russian Community of Crimea", "Civil Assets of Crimea".

Personal life of Sergei Aksenov

The prime minister has been married since the early 1990s to Elena Alexandrovna, nee Dobrynya, a native of the capital of Crimea. They got married in the early 90s and still live together.

His wife is an economist, graduated from the Crimean Agricultural Academy, and is engaged in entrepreneurship. She is the founder of more than ten companies, which are mainly specialized in real estate transactions and car maintenance. The couple has two children - daughter Kristina, born in 1994, and son Oleg, born in 1997.

According to the income statement in 2015, the official earned 1.4 million rubles. He owned an apartment, a mansion on several floors with a swimming pool and a land plot with an area of ​​82,577 and about 600 square meters, respectively. The income of his wife amounted to 3.5 million rubles. She is the owner of three apartments of 200 square meters, seven non-residential premises and several plots of land of 1.6 thousand square meters, as well as a residential building and a BMW 750 car.

People around characterize the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan as not inclined to sociability, energetic, physically and intellectually developed person, who prefers to lead a rather isolated lifestyle. He loves traveling with his family, playing basketball and volleyball.

Sergei Aksenov today

In 2010, the young politician became the head of the Russian Unity movement, formed by combining several related structures. From this political force, he was elected a member of the Parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC).

Sergei Aksyonov's appeal to the inhabitants of Odessa

In 2014, when armed Russian special forces occupied the building of the Verkhovna Rada of the ARC and hoisted the flag of the Russian Federation over it, parliamentarians elected him head of the regional government and scheduled a referendum on the status of the republic. According to official information, the election procedure met the requirements of the law, but according to other sources, the number of deputies was not sufficient to recognize it as legitimate. According to the results of the referendum, in March an agreement was signed on the accession of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia.

Most states characterized the change in the status of Crimea as aggression and occupation by the Russian Federation, which violated the 1997 friendship agreement, the 2003 state border agreement, and respect for territorial integrity. The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on non-recognition of the referendum held at gunpoint. Russia, on the other hand, considers the change in the state ownership of Crimea to be the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination.

Head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov on the situation in Crimea

A businesslike and enterprising politician overnight from an entrepreneur and deputy of the autonomy from a relatively small party turned into a real leader and head of the Republic - Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Aksenov Sergey Valerievich

Aksenov Sergey Valerievich, 11/26/1972, born in Balti, Moldavian SSR. Head of the Republic of Crimea. Party "United Russia". Aksyonov is also the president of the Greco-Roman Wrestling Federation of the ARC.


Aksenov Sergey Valerievich, was born on November 26, 1972 in the city of Balti, Moldavian SSR. From June 1993 to August 1998, he held the position of Deputy Director of the Ellada cooperative, from October 1998 to March 2001 - Deputy Director of Asterix LLC.

  • From April 2001 to February 2014 - Deputy Director of Escada Firm LLC.
  • In early 2009, he was elected co-chairman of the Coordinating Council "For Russian Unity in Crimea", and at the end of the same year he became the founder and leader of the All-Crimean socio-political movement "Russian Unity".
  • In 2010, he headed the Political Party "Russian Unity". In the same year, he was elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of ​​the sixth convocation. He became the President of the Greco-Roman Wrestling Federation of Crimea.
  • On February 27, 2014, by decision of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, he was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
  • Since April 2, 2014 - co-chairman of the Crimean regional branch of the All-Russian Popular Front.
  • April 9, 2014 was introduced to the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation.
  • On April 14, 2014, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he was appointed Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea.
  • October 9, 2014 - according to the voting results of the deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, he was elected Head of the Republic of Crimea. Decided to combine the positions of the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

Relatives. Father: Aksenov Valery Nikolaevich, born on February 21, 1949, General Director of Panel Systems LLC (Simferopol). Mother: Nina Semyonovna Aksenova, born on June 13, 1949, pensioner. Wife: Aksenova (maiden Dobrynya) Elena Alexandrovna, born on September 23, 1975, entrepreneur. Daughter: Kristina Sergeevna Aksenova, born on August 19, 1994, student. Son: Aksenov Oleg Sergeevich, born on 02.10.1997, schoolboy.


  • In 1988 he graduated from high school with a silver medal.
  • In 1993 he graduated from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School.

Labor activity

After graduating from college, he retired from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and went into business. He was Deputy General Director of Ellada LLC and Asterix LLC, and in 2001 he became Deputy General Director of Firma Escada LLC.

  • In 2008, he joined the Russian Community of Crimea public organization. In 2009, he joined the board of the public organization "Civil Assets of Crimea" and became co-chairman of the Coordinating Council of the movement "For Russian Unity in Crimea!".
  • In 2010, Aksenov headed the All-Crimean socio-political movement "Russian Unity". In the same year he was elected to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC) on the list of "Russian Unity".
  • On February 27, 2014, at a meeting of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, he was elected chairman of the government of the republic. The next day, he formed the Cabinet of Ministers, and on March 1, 2014, he resubordinated all the power structures of Crimea to himself.

Aksyonov is also the president of the Greco-Roman Wrestling Federation of the ARC.

State. According to the Department of Statistics, Aksenov S.V. is (was) the founder (investor) of the following enterprises: 1. Public organization "Sports Club" Khvarang-Do "(OKPO 33266837, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Kievskaya St., 115, type of activity - public organizations). According to the UGAI of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in the name of Aksenov S.V. the following vehicles are registered: VAZ 21140-120-20, manufactured in 2006, gray, state number AK0159AK; OPEL FRANTERA, 1993 release, blue, state number H9102MYA. S. Aksenov is the founder of the newspaper "Russian Courier in Crimea" (certificate of registration KM 1604-356r dated February 19, 2010). In addition, S. Aksenov is a co-owner of the Berg shopping center in Simferopol and the shopping center at the address: Simferopol, Kirov Ave., 27 (previously, the Ocean store was located at this address).

Hobbies. Culture, art, history.


Borodkin Sergey Anatolievich, 06/24/1967 year of birth, entrepreneur. Aksenov's business partner since the 1990s. According to some reports, Borodkin was in contact with the Salem organized crime group.

Gorbatov Valery Mironovich, born June 27, 1955, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine. Previously maintained close business contacts. Currently, their relationship has deteriorated.

Gritsenko Anatoly Pavlovich, born September 21, 1958, former chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Aksenov was in a strained relationship with him. At the same time, Gritsenko interfered in every possible way with the political activities of Aksyonov.

Konstantinov Vladimir Andreevich, 11/19/1956, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Initially, they were political opponents (Konstantinov headed the Crimean branch of the Party of Regions), but recently they have been carrying out virtually synchronous work on the return of Crimea to Russia.

Lazutkin Vitaly Vladimirovich, 11/24/1955 year of birth, chairman of the Crimean Republican Charitable Foundation. Familiar with Aksenov in the 1990s. Aksyonov came to the "Civil Asset of Crimea" at the invitation of Lazutkin.

Mirimsky Lev Yulievich, 04/02/1960 year of birth, entrepreneur. At the dawn of political activity, Aksenova participated in the financing of his structures. Currently, their relationship has cooled somewhat.

Tsekov Sergey Pavlovich, 09/28/1953 year of birth, chairman of the Russian community of Crimea. Thanks to cooperation with Tsekov, Aksyonov took a leading position in the Russian movement in Crimea.

To information

It should be noted that the election of Aksyonov as co-chairman of the Coordinating Council was difficult, since many opposed his candidacy. The outcome of the vote was decided by financial resources, which Sergei Valeryevich was ready to make available to the coalition. Both co-chairs distributed their duties as follows: Tsekov became responsible for ideological work, and Aksenov was instructed to lead the socio-economic direction. Sergey Valeryevich also retained his influence on the "Civil Assets of Crimea", which had a serious combat core and became the main force participating in various actions, including unauthorized ones. Aksyonov managed to win over the local Cossacks, however, at the cost of provoking a split in their ranks.

In 2009, Sergei Valerievich also became the leader of the All-Crimean socio-political movement "Russian Unity" (in 2010 it received the status of a party) and the first deputy chairman of the "Russian Community of Crimea". In 2010, he was elected on the list of "Russian Unity" to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. There he was chairman of the subcommittee on tax policy of the standing committee on budgetary, economic and investment policy. Despite the fact that in Kyiv he was considered one of the promising politicians of the “new generation”, he was not paid much attention to.

Aksyonov's finest hour came on February 27, 2014, when the building of the Supreme Council of Crimea was seized by a detachment of unknown armed men in camouflage uniforms. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, guarding the building, were expelled from there, and the Russian flag was raised over the building. The invaders let in a group of deputies who voted for the appointment of Sergei Valeryevich as the prime minister of the new government. On the same day, a decision was made to hold a referendum on the status of Crimea. It is interesting that Aksyonov's candidacy was agreed by telephone between the speaker of the Supreme Council Vladimir Konstantinov and Viktor Yanukovych, whom the Crimean parliamentarians considered the legitimate head of Ukraine. In the days that followed, Aksyonov and Konstantinov became the locomotives of the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Politics, as you know, has always been considered a "dirty" business. It is very difficult, being at the heights of power, not to get dirty, all the more so, there are a huge number of temptations to sacrifice conscience and reputation, and there are even more people who want to offer them for their own selfish purposes. The Crimean Spring, which returned the resort peninsula to Russia, put forward new names of regional politicians, unknown before the village, to the top news, which quickly entered the daily vocabulary and became recognizable on TV screens.

At the mention of the slogan “Crimea is ours!” that united almost all Russians! the image of the head of the new subject of the federation, Sergei Aksyonov, who became a symbol of the patriotic movement of compatriots, immediately comes to mind - a young, energetic leader who took on a huge responsibility and was not afraid of threats and possible repressions from the Ukrainian authorities. At times, his popularity rating exceeded that of the head of another Russian subject, Ramzan Kadyrov.

Are the "troubled" times of the 90s, when adventurers of all stripes, individuals with a "dark" past and simply dishonorable people, flocked to politics, like bees to honey, gone? In the new century, people of a completely different formation will come to power - honest unmercenaries, with their enthusiasm, enticing the masses? Like any new phenomenon, the personality of Sergei Aksenov is subject to close study.

Aksyonov appeared in Crimea at the end of the 1980s under the already collapsing but still strong Soviet Union. The birthplace of the future head of the republic was the same warm and fertile region as the Crimea - Moldova, and more precisely - the city of Balti. His father gained fame there as the permanent leader of the Russian community and the genes of patriotism, love for mother Russia, were probably passed on to his son from his father.

The change of residence to Simferopol was explained by the desire of the young man to become a military man. True, he chose a military specialty not in the spirit of that turbulent time. Perestroika was noisy in the country with its criticism of the formerly omnipotent party and, especially, its rigid ideological backbone. Nevertheless, he still wanted to serve as a political instructor, and among the construction battalions - the characters of numerous jokes. In the future, instilled within the walls of a military school, the skills of communicating with the masses will be useful to him at the most decisive moment of his life, but construction, as an activity, will remain aloof from his interests.

The first really hard-to-explain fact of Aksenov's biography was the end of a military school in 1993 without the presentation of a diploma required in such cases. By that time, the Union had already collapsed. Thanks to the Belovezhskaya collusion, Crimea became an integral part of independent Ukraine, Moldova separated from Transnistria, and service in any post-Soviet army was rapidly losing prestige. Political officers serving in the armed forces of Ukraine bashfully renamed themselves educators in order to become chaplains in ten years.

Aksenov businessman

Aksenov will still receive a diploma of higher education. It will record that its owner is a master of the prestigious specialty "Finance and Credit", and the educational institution itself is named as the University of Economics and Management. By the way, in his classrooms, he again had to meet with the teachers of the military school, who en masse transferred to a civilian university. The prospects for private entrepreneurship inspired Sergei Aksenov, as well as many of his peers who wanted to work not for a faceless state, but personally for themselves, and determined the future career of a failed officer. The first entry in the work book was the position of deputy director of the Ellada cooperative, which was engaged in the trade in gifts from the Crimean fields and gardens, processed into canned food.

After 3 years, Sergey Aksenov, having gained valuable experience, moved to the same position at Asterix LLC. In general, he did not have to show himself in the lead roles in business for a long time. His next LLC "Firma Escada" secured his reputation as the eternally second, and perhaps "shadow" head. Currently, a well-known politician owns a glass factory, a construction company, a newspaper and an information portal, a real estate agency, and even a drinking establishment - a bar with the meaningful name "". That was the name of the American prison in which the famous gangster of the Prohibition era was serving his term.

In 2008, Aksyonov decided to diversify his daily labor concerns with social activities. Following in the footsteps of his father, he became a member of the Russian Community of Crimea, and in 2010 he finally came under the rays of fame, taking the post of leader of the Russian Unity movement. The further biography of Sergei Aksenov is well known to everyone. In the spring of 2014, he was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and just a few months later, he finally became a symbol of the Crimean reconquista for Russians.

organized criminal group of Crimea

At the time of the beginning of his opposition to the Kiev authorities, in the heat of local political battles, the deputy of the Supreme Council of the republic, Mikhail Bakharev, disseminated information discrediting the image of a patriot. It was the operational reports of the Office for Combating Organized Crime, in which Aksenov was ranked as a criminal group "". Such a strange name meant a brand of menthol cigarettes popular with the then majors.

From the documents it was possible to learn that the person involved in the police development bore the nickname Goblin and was a frequenter of the most expensive bars on the resort South coast of the peninsula. The MP commented on the documents as follows. The goblin was considered a specialist in "dirty" work. He was brought into the group by the hand of his acquaintances, Greeks by nationality, with whom he worked in the Hellas cooperative.

The multinational Crimea gave rise to several organized crime groups, divided along ethnic lines. The backbone of "Salem" were Jews and Armenians. Their sworn enemies, named for leader Viktor Bashmachnikov, by contrast, were mostly Russians and Ukrainians and were considered the largest group. Its number sometimes exceeded a thousand people.

The future main Crimean patriot chose someone else's campaign, but there is a simple explanation for this. "Salem", certainly inferior in number, possessed among all the Crimean criminal communities the largest capital and connections in power. The mentality of enterprising Jews and Gypsies had no competition with the "shoes", who grew out of ordinary market thimblers and preferred primitive schemes of criminal earnings. In inter-clan squabbles, Salem always found support from the organized criminal group "Greeks". Crimean Tatars in conflict situations usually preferred "shoes", but Sergei Aksenov managed to prove himself a good diplomat, having agreed with a group of indigenous people of the peninsula on the purchase of a batch of weapons.

Disassembly of groups

Aksyonov could observe the enormous possibilities of the political lobby in 1997, when Salem decided to acquire its own “manual” party - the Party of Economic Revival of Crimea, which was headed by active members of the organized criminal group Shevyov, Danilyan and Voronkov. In those years, Aksenov's authority was too small to make himself known on the political stage. He had to solve completely different problems. In 1996, the first attempt was made on him, the second happened 5 years later. Reports of these incidents are also present in the police reports.

The main leaders of Salem were less fortunate than the future head of the republic. Oleg Slatvinsky, nicknamed Giraffe, died at the hands of a killer in Warsaw in 1992, and, aka Gide, disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Simferopol in 1995. OCG "Salem" also did not particularly consider other people's lives. Behind them are about fifty corpses.

Aksenov acquired special value for the organized crime group by heading the Russian Unity. Strong sports guys, under the auspices of the self-defense organization, were able to support the Simferopol bus station and the Iskra sanatorium in Evpatoria with their muscles, but the force element in the actions was not enough in the fight for another sanatorium - the Mountain Sun.

Complaint for the protection of honor and dignity

In unison with Mikhail Bakharev, former President of Crimea Yuri Meshkov described Aksenov of that time as a person leading a dubious lifestyle and in contact with persons who do not inspire confidence. Sergey Aksyonov could not endure such insults. He filed a lawsuit against Mikhail Bakharev for the protection of honor and dignity, principally denoting its amount at 1 hryvnia.

The first court instance confirmed the correctness of the offended party, but the Court of Appeal decided everything differently, not accepting the arguments of the plaintiff. The question of the reverse side of the image of Aksenov-Goblin still remains open.


The entry into the ranks of the most famous Russian politicians was also prepared in advance. The new field was plowed by them gradually. Several times Aksyonov offered his services to candidates for the presidency of Ukraine in running an election campaign in Crimea, trying on methods of manipulating the crowd. In many respects, his leading role in the “Crimean” revolution and the support of Moscow is explained by the fact that the ranks of Russian Unity included quite a few supporters of Aksenov, who proved their determination and proved their deeds in battles on the criminal front.

The instantaneously conducted joint operation of disguised Russian military and civilians from among the indigenous inhabitants of Crimea could not be amateur performance, but required careful preparation and certain skills from its participants. A well-thought-out military operation was backed up by a quick vote in the local parliament, which many in Crimea consider to be a rather crude fraud, but aimed at a good cause. A century has passed, but revolutions are still not made with white gloves. About Kamo, Kobe, Bauman, Krasin, grateful descendants composed verses, erected monuments to them and named the streets of cities, only trying not to notice their odious fellow travelers in the person of the “green brothers” of the bandit Lbov. Sergei Aksyonov is not the first and probably not the last character in the company of two-faced revolutionaries.

Sergei Valerievich Aksenov- Russian statesman and politician. Head of the Republic of Crimea since October 9, 2014. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea since March 17, 2014.

Family of Sergei Aksenov

Sergei's father Valery Nikolaevich Aksenov was born in Potsdam (Germany) on February 21, 1949. As is known from the biography of Sergei Aksenov, after returning to the USSR, the family settled in the city of Balti, in Moldova. Since 1970, Valery Aksenov worked at a factory in Balti. V. Aksenov graduated from the Moldavian Pedagogical Institute, then became the head of workshop No. 9 at the plant named after. Lenin.

Since May 1995, Valery Aksyonov became deputy chairman of the city executive committee of Balti. Then Aksenov's father was engaged in business in Simferopol, holding various senior positions in the Tavrida Corporation, Panel Systems LLC and Monolith-Plus LLC, Simferopol Motor Transport Plant named after PJSC. Kuibyshev. Aksenov Sr. was the chairman of the Russian Community party. Currently a member of the United Russia party.

Sergei's mother Nina Semenovna Aksenova(b. 1949) - pensioner.

Childhood and education of Sergei Aksenov

At school, Sergei Aksenov was at first an average student, but as he grew older, he began to study better and graduated from school in 1988 with a silver medal. After school, Sergei Aksenov left for Simferopol and entered the Higher Military-Political Construction School (SVVPSU), after which he received the specialty of a military builder. However, he was not awarded a diploma, although the future head of Crimea passed all the exams in 1993, but refused to take the Ukrainian oath and join the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Aksyonov went to Simferopol and entered the Higher Military-Political School, where he received a military builder diploma (Photo: 24smi.org)

Business and career of Sergey Aksenov

Sergei Valeryevich Aksenov was not going to connect his life with service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but he remained to work in the Crimea.

In 1993-1998, Sergei Aksenov was deputy director of the Ellada cooperative. Sergey Aksenov's private business was in the field of food and their conservation. Then Sergey Valeryevich from 1998 to March 2001 worked as deputy director of Asterix LLC. Then his activities continued as Deputy Director of Escada Firm LLC.

Successful work in business brought political dividends. Since 2008, Sergei Aksenov has been a member of the Russian Community of Crimea party, which is not surprising, because Sergei's father was the chairman of this party. Then S. Aksyonov became a member of the public organization "Civil activists of Crimea", and was also elected co-chairman of the Coordinating Council "For Russian Unity in Crimea!".

In 2010, Sergei Valeryevich headed the All-Crimean socio-political movement "Russian Unity", which united the "Russian Community of Crimea", "Civil Activists of Crimea" and the "All-Crimean Movement "Russian Unity". In the same year, Sergei Aksenov became a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and in 2012, in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, he took fourth place in a single-mandate constituency.

Going into politics, Sergei Aksenov paid attention to sports. In 2010, Sergey Valerievich was elected president of the Greco-Roman wrestling of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Return of Crimea to Russia

On February 27, 2014 Sergey V. Aksenov was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea by the decision of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov (center) during the swearing of the first company of volunteers of allegiance to the people of Crimea in the Gagarin Park, March 8, 2014 (Photo: Valery Matytsin / TASS)

On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in Crimea, in which 96.77% of the inhabitants of the peninsula voted for the reunification of Crimea with Russia.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov and Prime Minister of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov (from left to right) during a concert on Lenin Square dedicated to the day of the referendum in Crimea, March 17, 2014 (Photo: Alexander Ryumin / TASS)

The next day, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea proclaimed Crimea an independent sovereign state, and already on March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to the Federal Assembly a law on the admission of two new subjects to Russia - the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. A few days later, the State Duma ratified the Treaty on the Adoption of the Republic in the Russian Federation with only one vote against.

Russia. Moscow. March 18, 2014. Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mayor of Sevastopol Alexei Chaly and Prime Minister of Crimea Sergei Aksenov (from left to right) before the signing of an interstate agreement on the admission of the Republic of Crimea and the city with a special status of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation (Photo: Mikhail Metzel /TASS)

On April 11, 2014, Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol were included in the list of subjects of the Russian Federation in the Russian Constitution. At the same time, Sergei Valeryevich Aksenov said that he was ready to take the post of head of the peninsula after the adoption of the Crimean constitution.

In the fall of 2014, Sergey Aksenov was the Head of the Republic of Crimea, combining the positions of Head of the Republic of Crimea and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

For the outstanding organization of the Crimean referendum and the reunification of the peninsula with Russia in 2014, S. Aksyonov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, and in 2015 he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Crimea.

The Kiev authorities, of course, did not recognize either the Crimean referendum or the actions of the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov and Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, and included them in the list of criminals. The United States also applied sanctions against Aksyonov and Konstantinov. The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine seized the property of the Crimean deputies and heads of the authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea S. Aksenov and V. Konstantinov, in particular, "67 vehicles, almost 70 residential and non-residential premises and other property located, including on the territory of the mainland Ukraine".

According to Sergei Aksenov, Ukrainian officials are sick people. At the same time, according to him, despite all attempts to quarrel the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, they remain fraternal.

As reported, in the fall of 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the issue of the territorial belonging of Crimea is historically closed.

Crimean State Council Chairman Vladimir Konstantinov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksyonov and Sevastopol Mayor Alexei Chaly (left to right) during the rally-concert "We are together!" in support of the decision to join the Crimea to the Russian Federation on Red Square, March 18, 2014 (Photo: Mikhail Metzel / TASS)

The situation in Crimea

Recently, the head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, has been criticized, the news reports on corruption in Crimea. Crimeans complain that prices are rising, that speculation is rampant. In 2016, according to S. Aksenov, in some areas, the cost of food in the region exceeded the prices of the Krasnodar Territory, sometimes up to 40%.

Sergei Valeryevich stated that the government would take the necessary measures and deal with speculators, but so far the situation remains difficult. However, many Crimeans, encouraged by the annexation of Crimea to Russia, support Aksyonov and hope that the economic situation will improve.

“Even in the best of times under Ukraine, the Crimean budget in terms of rubles amounted to a little more than 22 billion rubles. That is, in just three years, despite all the blockades and sanctions, despite the difficult transition period, Crimea reached budget revenues that are almost twice as high as the Ukrainian period, even without federal assistance,” said the head of the republic, Sergei Aksyonov. summing up the results of 2016. According to the head of the Crimea, the income of the republican budget in 2016 amounted to 40.6 billion rubles.

“Over the past 3 years, Kyiv has tried to harm the Crimeans with all available methods. The dependence on Ukrainian infrastructure left from Soviet times was used, the peninsula was almost 80% dependent on electricity and even more on the Dnieper water. Kiev strategists with Western curators expected that this would lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, these were acts of state terrorism against the Crimeans, in fact, they can be qualified as genocide attempts. This is a manifestation of totalitarian thinking. Unfortunately, the West has become a collective world dictator who is trying to execute entire nations. But this number will not work with Russia. They tried to turn the peninsula into a Ukrainian backwater, now it should become a showcase for Russia, this is our strategic goal, ”Sergey Aksenov said in the summer of 2017 during the Open Crimea: With Your Own Eyes media forum.

Russia. Alushta. June 11, 2017. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation (NRC) Alexander Lebedev, Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov and official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova (left to right in the background) during the media forum "Open Crimea: with your own eyes" (Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS)

Sergei Aksenov's income

On the official portal of the government of the republic, Sergei Aksenov's income for the first year as the Crimean head amounted to 1 million 621 thousand rubles. The declaration of Sergei Viktorovich also states that he does not have his own property - Aksenov rents an apartment, a land plot and a residential building.

His wife Elena Aksenova, as an entrepreneur, earned almost 3 million rubles in 2014. At the same time, she owns three apartments with an area of ​​​​almost 200 square meters. m and seven non-residential premises. Also, the wife of the head of the Crimea has several land plots with a total area of ​​1568 square meters. m and a residential building with an area of ​​577 sq. m, while Elena Aleksandrovna owns a BMW750.

In 2015, the head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, signed a decree on reducing his salary by 50 percent for the period from the beginning of March to the end of the year.

Personal life of Sergei Aksenov

Sergey Valerievich is married to Elena Alexandrovna Aksenova(maiden name - Dobrynya, born in 1975). Elena Aksenova is an entrepreneur.

The Aksenovs have two children: a daughter Christina(1994) and son Oleg(1997). Both are students of prestigious universities.

Sergei Aksenov with his wife Elena and son Oleg (Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS)

The news reported about Sergei Aksenov's smart cat, whose American name is Sam. Aksenov's cat even opens the water tap in the kitchen when he wants to drink.

The wife of Sergei Aksenov has always supported her husband in all endeavors, both in business and in politics. In their free time, the family loves to travel. In addition, Sergei Valeryevich follows new information trends, the head of the Crimea has his own Facebook page. Elena Aksenova is a beautiful woman, and her photos often appear in social networks and the Crimean media.

Sergey Aksyonov in his convictions is rather a monarchist. According to Aksyonov, the monarchy will enable the Russian Federation to respond more harshly to the actions of Western colleagues. In addition, the Crimean leader stressed that in Russia, where Orthodox people live for the most part, the "Western" form of democracy will not give anything good.

But not all kings like the head of the Crimea. So, Sergei Aksenov believes that Russia lost Alaska through the fault of Emperor Nicholas II, although the signing of an agreement on the sale of Alaska by decision of Emperor Alexander II took place in March 1867 in Washington. “Nicholas II played democracy, in the end we lost Alaska, we lost our empire. It was necessary to take into account the opinion of the people, the working class. But it was impossible to bring the situation to the point that a group of troublemakers made the February Revolution. A group of troublemakers set the tsar in a negative mood, ”Sergey Aksenov said, and the news actively quoted his mistake.

Vladimir Putin August 12, 2019

September 20, 2019

Sergey Aksenov's awards

Family of Sergei Aksenov

Son - Oleg (1997).


Aksenov Sergey Valerievich

Head of the Republic of Crimea (since 2014)

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea (since 2014)

Member of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea (2014)

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2014)

Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2010-2014)

Member of the Supreme Council of the WFP "United Russia" (2017)


09/20/2019 Sergei Aksyonov was re-elected head of the Republic of Crimea

Deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of ​​the II convocation on September 20, 2019 unanimously elected Sergey Aksenov as the head of the region for a new five-year term. Aksenov's candidacy was supported by all 74 deputies. According to the Constitution of the region, the head of Crimea is the highest official and head of the executive branch. He is elected for a period of five years, but not more than twice, and determines the main directions of the region's development.

    Sergei Aksenov was born on November 26, 1972 in Balti, Moldova. After school, in 1993, the young man graduated from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School. Later, he graduated with honors from the University of Economics and Management, first obtaining a bachelor's degree in business economics, and then a master's degree in finance and credit.

    From June 1993 to August 1998, Sergei Valerievich served as deputy director of the Ellada cooperative. After that, for three years he was the deputy director of the limited liability company "Asterix". From April 2001, for thirteen years, he served as deputy director of Escada Firm LLC.

    Aksenov's political career started in 2008, when he began to actively engage in social and political activities. It was during this period that he joined the "Russian Community of Crimea", becoming in 2009 co-chairman of the Coordinating Council "For Russian Unity in Crimea!". At the same time, he became a member of the board of the Civil Activist of Crimea.

    The activity of Sergei Valerievich in the political arena allowed him to become the leader of the All-Crimean socio-political movement "Russian Unity" in a few years. In 2010, Aksenov was elected to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

    Thanks to his ideological views, which prioritize the national interests of Russia, the self-sufficient economy of Russia, support for domestic producers, differentiation of the taxation system, which provides for the abolition of taxes for the poor, Sergey Aksyonov won recognition among colleagues and among the population of the peninsula. This allowed him to unexpectedly rise to the political podium and become chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

    At the time of the coup d'etat in Ukraine on February 27, 2014, the building of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was seized by unknown people who, having expelled the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, immediately changed the Ukrainian flag to the Russian one. On the same day, at an extraordinary meeting, Aksyonov was appointed Prime Minister of the new government of the Republic of Crimea, but still part of Ukraine.

    A few days later, Acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov signed a decree on the illegality of holding elections for the chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea, noting that they violate the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic, the Constitution and legislation of Ukraine. A criminal case was initiated against Aksyonov in Ukraine under Article 109 of the Criminal Code, which provides for punishment for the forcible seizure of state power. At the court session, a decision was made to detain Sergei Valeryevich.

    However, Sergei Valerievich was not idle at that time. Two days after taking office as Prime Minister of the new government of the Republic of Crimea, by his decree, he subordinated all power and departmental structures of Crimea to himself and turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin for help and assistance in ensuring peace and tranquility on the peninsula.

    The thorny path to the top of power in Crimea for Aksenov turned out to be full of all sorts of pitfalls and conflict situations, but the politician withstood all the tests on his way and became one of the key organizers of the referendum in Crimea, in which on March 16, 2014, the population of the peninsula almost unanimously voted for the exit The Republic of Crimea from Ukraine and its entry into Russia.

    After the official announcement of the results of the Crimean referendum against Sergei Aksyonov and a number of other politicians who, according to Ukrainian and European diplomats, are involved in the current events in Crimea, US and European Union sanctions were imposed.

    Despite the non-recognition of the referendum in Crimea by the West and Kyiv, on March 18, 2014, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Aksyonov, with the chairmen of the coordinating council for the organization of the Sevastopol City Administration and the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, Alexei Chaly and Vladimir Konstantinov, signed an Agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on joining Crimea to the Russian Federation. As a result, two new subjects were added in the Russian Federation: the federal city of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

    In September 2014, the President of Russia proposed to the State Council of the Crimean Republic Aksenov's candidacy for the post of head of the Republic of Crimea. During the voting on October 9, 2014, Sergei Valeryevich was unanimously elected to this position, and concurrently he also retained the post of Prime Minister of the Republic.

    Sergei Aksyonov is a vivid example of an ordinary deputy who, thanks to his activity in the political field, reached unexpected heights in his career and became the head of the Republic of Crimea after the peninsula became part of Russia.

    For the outstanding organization of the Crimean referendum and the reunification of the peninsula with Russia in 2014, Aksyonov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, and in 2015 he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Crimea. The vast majority of the population of the Republic sees in the new Crimean head a serious, charismatic and self-confident leader who can make Crimea a real home for the population and restore the economy and national economy on the territory of the Republic.

    At the end of 2016, the head of Crimea launched an anti-corruption campaign, and already in February 2017, the first arrests began in connection with an audit by the Anti-Corruption Committee. Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Government Oleg Kazurin was the first to be detained, but the head of Crimea is sure that this is not the last arrest, and clarified that the committee "remained questions" to many officials and to the Capital Construction Service of the Republic of Crimea.

    In March 2017, Sergei Aksenov became a guest of Sergei Mikheev's Serious Conversation program, which was broadcast on the First Krymsky channel. The head of Crimea clarified that in modern realities, democracy in the state should be moderate, while Russian President Vladimir Putin should have lifetime powers. In the same year he became a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia political party.

    In 2018, the construction of the Crimean bridge was completed in the Kerch Strait. Sergei Aksyonov commented on this event as evidence of the failed sanctions policy of the West in relation to the peninsula. The head of the republic called the bridge a symbol of the unity of Crimea and Russia.

    Vladimir Putin August 12, 2019 held a working meeting with the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov. The head of the region informed the President about the socio-economic situation in Crimea, noting the positive changes in agriculture. Another important direction was the reform of the municipal waste management system.

    Deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea II convocation September 20, 2019 By unanimous decision, Sergei Aksenov was elected head of the region for a new five-year term. Aksenov's candidacy was supported by all 74 deputies.

    Sergey Aksenov's awards

    Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class (2014) - for his contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood, the preparation and holding of a referendum on the entry of Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation

    Medal "For the Liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol" (March 17, 2014) - for personal contribution to the return of Crimea to Russia

    Golden Diploma Award (November 17, 2014) - for information openness and maintaining an open dialogue with Russian media

    Order of Kalashnikov, I degree (OOPO "Military Sports Union of M. T. Kalashnikov", February 2015) - for particularly outstanding services related to the development and implementation of effective programs for working with children and youth aimed at achieving outstanding sports achievements by them, education in them of patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities, distraction from bad habits

    Order of Friendship of the Peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan, January 18, 2019 - for a great contribution to strengthening cooperation between the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Crimea

    Family of Sergei Aksenov

    Father - Valery Nikolaevich Aksenov (1949), worked as a radio tuner at the plant named after. Lenin in the city of Balti in Moldova, then as a foreman, head of the shop. General Director of Panel Systems LLC (Simferopol). Former chairman of the Russian community in Moldova. Since September 2014, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

    Mother - Nina Semyonovna Aksenova (1949), pensioner.

    Wife - Elena Alexandrovna Aksenova (maiden Dobrynya, born in 1975), a native of Simferopol. We met in college and have been inseparable ever since. She graduated from the Agricultural Academy with a degree in economics. Entrepreneur.

    Daughter - Christina (1994). Married, surname after her husband - Manusova. She graduated from the university. Aspiring entrepreneur.