From a prince to a tailor: a porch for a private house (photo, feng shui tips and secrets of builders). Do-it-yourself wooden porch Other materials for building a homemade porch

The porch is the first thing that visitors to your home meet. Therefore, its construction must be taken extremely seriously. It should be beautiful, comfortable and durable. You can use different materials - wood, metal, brick. But the most the best way, this is concrete.

Let us consider the advantages of this material for this particular part of the building - options for its structures and construction technologies. Basically, we will not talk about large buildings, but about private houses. Special attention we will devote to the question - how to make a porch with your own hands from concrete.

The porch is a building element that has to work in rather difficult conditions (especially in our climate):

  • Is in conditions high humidity, as it comes into contact with the ground.
  • Precipitation falls on it, even if a canopy is provided; in case of oblique rains, part of it will still get wet.
  • Subzero temperatures operate in winter. Their negative impact is aggravated by the fact that sometimes the owners use the same method as on the roads to combat icing - they sprinkle salt.
  • The surfaces of the porch are abraded by the shoes of people passing by.

Concrete copes with all this easily. Increased humidity is even useful for him, he is gaining additional strength.

According to the characteristics of frost resistance, this is one of the best building materials... Abrasion resistance is also good, and surfaces can be easily coated or veneered with other materials.

Additional advantages of concrete:

  • the porch often has a complex shape, concrete is easy to mold;
  • concrete construction is not difficult;
  • the material is absolutely fireproof;
  • in terms of durability, it surpasses wood several times.

Technologies by which a porch is made of concrete

There are only three of them:

  • Use reinforced concrete products (foundation blocks, plates, flights of stairs, curbs, tiles) industrial production. This approach speeds up construction, but is not always suitable.
  1. It limits the possibilities of the designer, fetters his imagination. The porch, assembled from prefabricated structures, almost never fits into the architectural appearance of the building. Therefore, the method is rarely used for small buildings.
  2. There is only one advantage: for the prefabricated device of the porch made of concrete, the estimate is less than that of other options.
  3. Although, if the prefabricated elements were made specifically for the entrance to a particular building, then everything may look good - for example: the entrances of serial prefabricated reinforced concrete houses.

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete... Most attractive technology. The shape and dimensions of the porch are limited only by the design capabilities of the material: its strength and the skill of the carpenter when arranging the formwork. The monolith is most often used for small houses and cottages, especially when building a porch with your own hands.

  • Prefabricated monolithic porch. In this case, both industrial parts are used, for example: staircases, columns, and monolithic concrete... The price for this construction is the average between the first and second options.

Note that concrete is often used in combination with other materials - for example, tiled.

How to choose the size and shape of the porch

Let's immediately determine the size. First of all, it depends on them how the drawing of a concrete porch will look like.

Now we are talking about the most common rectangular designs - if they are semicircular, or of a more complex shape, then everything should correspond to the rectangles inscribed in them.

  1. Naturally, the height of our porch is always equal to the height of the lower edge of the door to which it adjoins. Sometimes they make the porch a little lower so that there is a threshold, but this is undesirable and inconvenient.
  2. The width must be at least the width of the doorway. But it is desirable a little more, more precisely, not less than 0.2-0.5 meters wider than it. If you want even wider - please, no one bothers to combine the porch with the terrace.
  3. Length (distance from the edge of the porch to the wall). There are no restrictions here, but they take into account the height of the porch itself. It is necessary that there be a flat area in front of the entrance, and a non-steep staircase (about the dimensions of the stairs a little lower).
  4. The area in front of the door should be such that a trolley or stroller can be placed on it. Therefore, it is desirable that its edge recedes from the wall by 1.5 meters. And if the porch is not wide, and you cannot put anything on the side so that it does not interfere with opening the door, then more. You can reduce the length by planning the stairs not perpendicular to the wall, but parallel. Sometimes, when it is necessary that the porch adjoins an already finished path or sidewalk, it is specially lengthened.
  5. Staircase dimensions. The width of the stairs should be such that a person can easily walk along it - or, preferably, two people miss each other. Therefore, do not make it less than 1 meter.
  6. How to make concrete steps for the porch? - it is enough to fulfill several requirements. The height of the steps should be no more than 15 cm, so that any person, including children, can easily overcome it, if you do less - increase the size of the porch. The width is not less than 25 cm, but not more than 32 cm. Moreover, it should not be increased in any case, since this will not only make the stairs longer, but also walking on it will become uncomfortable. People are accustomed to the standard, and with wide steps, the step is lost.

Be sure to make a ramp in addition to the stairs with an optimal slope of 1:20. This is necessary not only for people with disabilities, but also for those who are quite healthy. It is inconvenient, for example, to drag a bicycle, stroller or bag on wheels up the stairs.

Now a little about the form:

  • There are no restrictions here - the main thing is that the project of the concrete porch fits well into the architecture of the house.
  • Cover, parapet or side walls welcome (inconvenient to open door lock in the rain or wind). In addition, they provide Better conditions for the materials from which the porch is made.
  • Everything should look like one whole. For example, it is extremely inappropriate against the background of a house made in austere, almost modernist forms, a porch with an elaborate staircase, an arch and railings on carved balusters.

For this reason, be careful about the transparent polycarbonate canopy, which is popular today. In many cases, it appears to be artificially sewn onto the exterior of the house. In addition, it creates a greenhouse effect if the porch has side walls. It is best to cover the canopy with the same material from which the building's roof is made.

The erection of the porch

After we have decided on the shape and size of the porch, we will consider how to build it.


The best option is when the foundation under the porch will be poured simultaneously with the foundation of the walls

Without distinction, we are going to make a porch from prefabricated elements, or from a monolith, you need a foundation for it. We must deepen it below the freezing point of the soil.

To get rid of the overconsumption of concrete with a low weight of the porch structures, you can choose not a solid strip, but a columnar foundation. To speed up the construction process, you can use ready-made foundation blocks.

In case of choosing monolithic construction, you can fill the foundation at the same time as the porch. That is, we dig a foundation pit or trenches, prepare a pillow, and then we begin to prepare the formwork for the above-ground part.

Many people have a question: "Is it necessary to connect the foundation of the porch with the foundation of the house?"

It is difficult to answer it, there are two options for how the structures work:

  1. not connected, they can sag by different amounts, and require an expansion joint device;
  2. if we provide them with a bunch (the easiest way is by installing an anchor in the foundation of the house, which will enter the monolith of the base of the porch), then these movements will become impossible. But then another scenario is possible - in case of subsidence, the massive porch will pull the foundation and the wall of the house along with it.

The optimal way out of the situation - we tie a small porch, for heavy we do expansion joint... The best option is when the foundation of the porch and the foundation of the house are poured at the same time and make up one whole.

If we chose precast concrete

Precast concrete is quick, but difficult to assemble on your own. Parts can weigh several tons. Therefore, almost always you will have to order a crane, and naturally, the estimate for the construction of the porch increases.

Also, in many cases, you need welding machine... But the work (even with the installation of a foundation made of concrete blocks) will take a little time - in some cases, only a couple of hours.

Everything is very simple, as when assembling a children's designer:

  • take the porch element and install it in the right place;
  • we weld embedded parts;
  • we homogenize the joint with a solution.

When connecting embedded parts, the weld is not made around the entire perimeter. For example, a rectangular part is scalded only on three sides, the fourth remains free. This is done so that there are no stresses caused by the heating of the metal by the arc and a change in its structure.

After the structure is assembled, it can be additionally finished - plaster, tiled, painted.

This type of porch structure is probably more correctly attributed to precast reinforced concrete, so we did not single it out as a separate technology when classifying. True, only the side stones can be reinforced in it, and even then not always.

Usually, this option is used when you need to make a low porch by 1-2 steps. Such a structure does not need a foundation - it is poured only under the racks supporting the canopy, or under the walls (if it is planned closed porch). It is even more correct to consider it not as a porch, but as a kind of path adjacent to the door.

The technology of the device does not differ from the laying of sidewalks:

  1. we select the soil, along the locks for the curbs, we take the marks so that steps are formed;
  2. we install side stones on concrete locks;
  3. choose the soil for the base for the tiles;
  4. we prepare a pillow from crushed stone and sand, we compact it;
  5. we lay the tiles.

Monolithic concrete porch

As mentioned above, this is the most common construction method. The work is no different from any other monolithic structure. True, when planning the construction of such a porch, you need to take into account some of the nuances. The video in this article shows all the steps.

  • If the porch is planned to be high, then there is no point in making the entire structure solid. This will not only lead to overconsumption of concrete, but also increase the load on the soil, which can lead to subsidence.
  • Therefore, provide space under the landing and stairs - their thickness should not be greater than that of standard floor slabs. With a small height of this lumen, it can be confused.
  • If the porch is very high, then its platform can be made on columns or pylons, as in the photo above. Alternatively, you can use this space for useful purposes by placing there engineering equipment, or by making a mini-warehouse for inventory.
  • For the construction we use only heavy concrete - its light types with a porous filler or air pores will accumulate moisture. For example, a porch made of aerated concrete will not stand in our climate for five years. But these materials can be used for walls or parapet, be sure to install waterproofing.

The technology is not much different from the construction of any other monolithic structure:

  • We mount the formwork, the process is no different from the formwork for the wall basement and any other structures.

  • We lay the reinforcement... It can be welded, but it is easier to knit, since the strength of the structure will not decrease from this. Be sure to install clamps to preserve the protective layer of concrete. If necessary, to reinforcement cage we fix the mortgages.

  • After the frame is ready, we cast the porch from concrete... Installation requirements, as for any other structures: the process must go without long interruptions, the mixture is carefully compacted.

  • The instructions for the care of poured concrete are also common.- we protect from rain and excessive evaporation with a film, periodically moisten.

If you do not plan to cover the porch, then on the edges, especially steps, install metal squares tied to the frame. They will protect the concrete from chipping during operation.

Prefabricated - monolithic construction

The technology is a combination of the first two. Installed immediately and welded, if necessary, industrial parts. Then formwork is made and concrete is poured.

That's all we can tell you about the construction of a concrete porch and the technology of its construction. We will be glad if we helped you to make the entrance to the house not only beautiful and convenient, but also reliable.

The porch is the first thing that guests see, it can be considered business card any home. By the design of the porch, one gets the impression not only of the house, but also of its owner. And the neater and more attractive it looks, the better.

V decorative purposes sculptures, flowers, columns, carved balusters are often used. But at the same time, you need to take into account the general style. Let's say for a simple wooden house a chic stone porch will not work, and, on the contrary, for a huge brick structure, a small wooden porch will look ridiculous.

The main components of the structure are:

  • Steps;
  • Railing;
  • Visor;
  • Area.

Varieties of porches

There are many types of porches. They vary in size, materials from which they are made, additional elements and functionality.

Let's start with the most common. It is suitable for a small house or summer cottage. The easiest way to build it.

Brick porch will look organically next to a brick house. However, with the right decoration, you can do this for a wooden house and buildings sheathed with other materials.

Column porch not suitable for every home. First, because it is not easy to fit into general design... Secondly, not many materials in style are combined with columns. Columns will fit well into a brick or stone building.

Glazed porch especially important for cold climates. It is more difficult to design it than usual, but in terms of its functionality, such a porch surpasses the main types.

Porch design

Before proceeding directly to the construction, it is necessary, at least, to have the entire construction plan in mind. But it is better to depict it on paper and calculate all sizes, pay attention to all the nuances.

It is important for the project to provide for:

  • Location of adjacent parts (doors, paths);
  • Building materials;
  • Instruments;

An example of a project is shown in the figure. This porch consists of:

  1. support part;
  2. steps;
  3. handrail;
  4. side part in the form of a flower bed;
  5. canopy.

The porch, as a rule, is made so that it is on the same level with the 1st floor of the house, but you need to take into account the margin for the front door, which should be at least 5 cm from the porch site (since in accordance with fire safety techniques Entrance door should open outward).

When designing, you should consider a canopy or a full roof for protection from precipitation. You definitely need to think about fences, since in winter period the steps are often icy. It will be dangerous to move along them without support at this time.

How to choose materials for the porch

When choosing materials for a porch, it is best to rely on what the main building is made of. As already mentioned, to wooden house a tree is suitable, a brick is suitable for a brick. At the same time, it is possible to choose compositions from different materials. But for this they need to be properly assembled and adjusted. So, for example, a porch from typical stair steps into a spacious stone house, and ceramic cladding will make such a structure original.

A wooden structure is the easiest to erect, since it does not require a large support, which means that you can do without a foundation. But this material also has obvious disadvantages - low strength.

As an additional material, metal is quite suitable. It is usually mounted on a concrete base.

Important! Do not forget about waterproofing, in humid and cold climates this plays a big role.

How to calculate your porch size

It would seem that you don't have to bother too much about the size, but this is not so, because the porch must first of all be safe. And it's also convenient.

The area at the door. Let's start with observation: to open a door, a person first walks to the door, turns, inserts the key, opens, and then takes a step back. To do all these actions, you need a certain space both to the left and right of the door, as well as in front of it.

There are building codes that govern the size of the porch. They differ depending on whether the door is single or double.

For the first, the depth should be at least one and a half meters, width from one and a half to one meter and sixty centimeters. For the second at the same depth, the width should be over two meters. Of course, these parameters should not be taken as an ideal. It will be better if they become even slightly exceeded. You should definitely take care of this if the porch is high.

Steps. Their width differs from structures inside buildings, external ones should be more comfortable and safe. It is recommended to tread at least 30 centimeters.

Despite the fact that the number of steps is often small, their height, on the contrary, should be reduced in comparison with internal staircases. Good height in this case, it is in the range from 14 to 17 centimeters.

Railings and fences... If the porch is more than 3 steps high, then fences must be made on it. The standard size of the railing is suitable - 80-90 centimeters.

Light . Lighting is important when building a porch, as this is a place of special injury risk. The same rule of 3 steps applies here, that is, if there are 4 or more steps in a staircase, then one lamp is not enough. You need to hang at least two so that they illuminate the porch from different sides. This is due to the fact that located above the door lighting fixture gives a large shadow, as a result of which the steps are not viewed properly.

Visor. What is it for? The first answer that comes to mind is to hide from the rain. But, besides this, it is also designed to protect the steps from precipitation, which is especially important in winter. Therefore, the visor should be made wider than the porch. It is recommended that it be at least 30 centimeters longer than the porch on all sides.

Such a large canopy reduces the amount of light, especially if there are windows underneath. To solve this problem, polycarbonate can be used for the purpose of building such a roof.

We build a porch for the house with our own hands

Consider the option of building a porch, the price of which is most consistent with the quality. To do this, it is necessary to make a base from a conventional foundation, reinforced with reinforcement and in several layers of cement filled with a solution.

Such a porch can be finished with tiles, stone or any other suitable material.

Preparatory work

The construction of a porch, like any other object, begins with clearing the place and marking. This is done in order to save time later. Also, the whole necessary tool and material (rebar, sand and cement).

Concrete foundation

It is easy to guess that it all starts with the creation of a foundation, under which the first step is to dig a pit (the depth is equal to the size of the foundation of the house itself). Then, according to the rules, you should fill in a pillow of gravel and sand, and then pour concrete, setting the formwork.

The rules and regulations must be followed so that the porch does not have to be restored in the next few years.

For the base of the foundation, you will need a broken brick, on top of which a mesh of ribbed reinforcement is installed. This will strengthen the foundation and bond it to the foundation of the main building. Next, you need to take out the reinforcement from the foundation of the building, along it the future threshold will be poured. After the finished "floor" has turned out under the base, you need to drive in more vertical pieces of reinforcement into it, which we fill from above good solution cement.

Porch base

After the base of the foundation is poured, it's time to move on to forming the base of the porch. A backing brick is suitable for this purpose. They should lay out the base of the structure, taking into account required dimensions... At this stage, do not forget about waterproofing, since the brick is sensitive to high humidity. You need both horizontal and vertical types of waterproofing - the base is cut off from the porch, the whole base is treated with aquasol or double layer roofing material.

Laying of steps

The moment has come to lay the steps. A high-quality brick will come in handy here, it is not recommended to take already used ones. In principle, almost any type of brick will do. It is put on an ordinary mortar, in a way convenient for the builder. This stage should be approached with special care, because the steps are the main part of this structure.

Finishing and decoration

There is no big difference whether it is a wooden or brick porch, because the main thing is ease of use, high quality, reliability and durability. But also not in the last place is the aesthetic component.

Therefore, it is also necessary to decorate the porch of the house. To increase the service life, it is worth trimming the edges of the steps with a metal corner.

For the integrity of the architectural ensemble, it is necessary to carry out coordinated color solutions in the decoration. So, if there are elements of forging in the enclosing structures, then it would be nice to use similar elements in the design of the railings and pilasters for the canopy.

Various directions in the decor of the porch

Examples of beautiful design can be seen in the video

Classics. In this case, a gable canopy, chiseled railings and round balusters are required. A stone or tile is suitable as a cladding.

In the "castle" style. Enough massive construction decorated with natural stone. For decorative purposes, you can use torch lamps, lattices, heavy furniture.

Old Russian era... In Russia, the main entrance of a traditional wooden house was made high, on large heavy supports, and at the same time it was quite spacious. It was customary to use patterns and carved elements in large quantities as decorations.

Patio porch. Such a structure looks like an open terrace adjacent to the house. There are benches, tables, chairs on it. Moreover, not in all cases a roof is made over the structure.

European style... This design is characterized by restrained lines and regular features. As a rule, such a porch is a low structure. For facing take ceramic tiles or a suitable type of stone.

French style... The special feature here is “ French window". Although in fact this is a door made with an openwork lattice design. For complement use flowers in hanging planters, wicker and wooden furniture.

Whatever design of the porch is chosen, it is important to remember the observance of construction technologies and the quality of materials. Provided these requirements are met, the porch will last a long time. And finally, I would like to post photos of various designs of porches for wooden, brick and other houses.

Having conceived to build on individual project As a private property developer, it is not uncommon to find that the porch, which is being built in conjunction with the house, accounts for a disproportionately large share of the estimated costs. Designers and builders do not cheat here: unnecessary corners of the foundation and its ledge under the porch require in-depth calculations and technical measures to ensure uniform shrinkage of the structure. Therefore, in many cases, it turns out to be advisable to build a house without a porch, and then attach a porch to it with your own hands. Moreover, the work is so feasible for a person with initial experience of an amateur builder or not at all, and a porch correctly attached to the house will not affect the strength of the building structure.

Material selection

The porch can be attached to the house brick, stone, concrete, wood or steel, welded from profiles or cold forging... Brick is undesirable: it is sprayed with natural soil chemistry, microflora and microfauna, which quickly destroy the material. Exactly because of this reason brick houses build on a plinth with a height of 400 mm. A fully wrought or stone porch is difficult and expensive. It will be much easier and cheaper to build a porch. simple forms and then revet it under a stone or the same brick or decorate with overhead forged elements.

As for the aesthetic qualities of the remaining materials, the statements that, they say, to concrete house you need a concrete porch, to a wooden one - a wooden one, they are not substantiated by anything. The houses in the photo below with a porch made of materials that seem to be incompatible with each other and with the main structural material of the building. However, it is immediately clear that they are combined. Technically, it is quite possible to attach a porch of any material to any home. What we are going to do.


It is necessary to build a porch so that with seasonal ground movements and due to unequal shrinkage, the house and the porch do not affect each other. Cracks along the contours of the interface between the house and the porch are undesirable in any case, but in no case should they violate the structures of both. Suddenly, the crack still went, it is necessary to be able to close it up without starting complicated construction work.

The fulfillment of these conditions ensures a properly executed porch base. A private house and the subsequently attached porch to it must have separate foundations; this, generally speaking, is the general principle of building extensions to a house that has already shrunk. The diagrams of the bases of the porches for different occasions are given in Fig., And we will analyze the ways of pairing the porch with the main structure along the way, because they are different for different porch materials.

Note: if the height slab foundation under the porch turns out to be more than 200 mm, then its reinforcement (see below) must be made 3-level. Replace unburied and columnar foundations masonry from ready-made concrete blocks, with rare exceptions (see below), is highly undesirable, since then, due to the low weight load, the base of the porch will turn out to be unstable.


A wooden porch looks great in any home and with any decorative design... The easiest way to build a porch is made of wood. The base of a wooden porch also requires the simplest one to perform: a columnar or non-recessed foundation, see fig. The latter (on the right in the figure), in general, as they say, the song is one of 2 cases when ready-made concrete blocks - "bulls" 400x400x200 can be used. If the span of the stairs of the porch (see below) from a forty-board board is up to 900 mm, a pair of "bulls" will be enough. Span up to 1300 mm - the treads of the steps are reinforced from below with 40x40 lining beams. The span is larger - additional support blocks are needed.

3 fig. below are typical projects of wooden porches. Typical design of individual housing is carried out by studying the requests of developers, therefore, it is quite possible that you will find a porch here that is suitable for you. But most importantly - pay attention to the connection methods wooden parts.

A huge advantage of a porch made of wood is that it is able to "play" in accordance with the movements of the ground, while remaining tightly attached to the house. Therefore, a wooden porch does not need a particularly stable foundation. But there is no need to "tighten" the frame of the wooden porch either, it should walk a little as if on hinges, see fig. on right.

No special hinges are required; ordinary carpentry joints are sufficiently elastic and pliable for this. Each porch in fig. with the projects it is done so that it will play back the movements of the soil up to the heavily heaving, without transferring excessive stresses to the structure frame house... And the "skeleton" will withstand, and any other will withstand.


A staircase is the most difficult node of any porch, and a wooden staircase is more difficult to make than others. However, heavy long-term works this is not required and a wooden staircase can be attached to any other porch. Therefore, it is from the stairs that you should start developing your own porch to the house.

Main elements

The ladder, as you know, can be made in bowstrings and on kosoura (kosoura), see fig. At the stairs in bowstrings, the ends of the platforms of the degrees - the risers - are closed by the beams bearing the steps, and at the stairs on the kosoura the ends of the steps are free. It is preferable to make wooden ladders for outdoor use on kosoura so that moisture does not stagnate in the gap between the bowstring and the step and does not cause rotting of the wood.

The gap between the underside of the upper step and the tread of the lower one is called a riser; it can be open and closed (deaf). The steps of one span of the staircase, assembled in bowstrings or on kosoura, make up the staircase march. The overhang of the step above the riser (overhang of the step) allows you to increase the width of the tread, without reducing the angle of inclination of the march, and, accordingly, the departure of the stairs - the length of its projection onto the underlying surface. It is undesirable to give a step overhang of more than 30-40 mm, people will cling to it with their toes. To make the shoes less confused about the overhang, the deaf riser is sometimes made beveled in front, flush to the front edge of the tread of the upper step.

Note: general schemes devices and fastenings of wooden stairs are given on the next page. fig., and we will deal with the details further.


Outdoor stairs may be wet or icy. On it often ascend tired, chilled and wet. Therefore, the height of the steps of the external staircase should be kept to the optimum - 160-175 mm, and the angle of inclination of the march should be within 30-40 degrees. For the same reasons, the width of the tread is taken more than for internal stairs - 280-320 mm. It is not necessary to give it over 350, it will be inconvenient to ascend. The span of the outer staircase, counting on walking in outer clothing, should, if possible, be taken no less than the inner staircase of the double passage, i.e. from 1300 mm.

Note: the slope of the march is calculated as arctan (h / w), where h is the height of the step, and w is the width of the tread without overhang.

Also, for the convenience of walking and reducing the likelihood of slipping, the stairs are designed so that a person descends from the last step with the same foot with which he stepped onto the first. It follows that there must be an odd number of steps. According to these data, knowing the outside area available under the stairs, it is calculated. If the calculation does not converge in any way, you need, firstly, to "play" with the size of the overhang. In addition, the staircase leading to the porch most often leads to the landing. This makes it possible for the upper last, the so-called. frieze step, do it already. Well, and there is often enough space in front of the house for the removal of the stairs to fit. Finally, you can vary the width of the platform, but if it comes out less than 750 mm, it is better to refuse the platform altogether.

Staircase on kosoura

The most important node of the staircase to the porch is its connection with the building. On the left in Fig. shows the ways of pairing stairs on kosoura without a platform. Pairing by pos. 1 (stringer with a gash) is preferable for a wooden house, which also “plays” well and gives less shrinkage. The section of the platform beam (which in this case is attached to the lower rim of the frame or log house) is 75x50 mm sufficient here.

For fastening the stringer without gash (pos. 2 on the left), a platform beam from 100x50 mm in diameter is required. This method is preferred for attaching stairs to stone and concrete structures. In any case, the tread face of the upper step should be located 50-60 mm below the top of the door sill, counting on the further shrinkage of the house.

On the right in Fig. - methods of fastening the staircase to the site, depending on the width of the frieze step. If the platform is wooden (see below), then it will be a damper between the stairs and the building; in this case, the stringer can be fastened tightly to the platform beam, for example, with steel corners and self-tapping screws. Otherwise, the stringer is attached to the beam with a tie-in without a gash.

Methods for attaching steps to the stringer are shown on the next page. rice. Fastening on filly and steel holders is laborious, but the good thing is that you can put a regular bar 150x50 or 150x75 on the stringers. Molded timber of greater width per cubic meter is much more expensive, because the waste of wood is great when sawing woods.

Note: the dowels in this case are wooden dowels, not furniture dowels!


A wooden staircase is usually a frame made of timber from 150x150. Support pillars, if they are wooden - from the same timber. If the width / length of the site exceeds 1.7 m, you need to install the cross-piece (s) also from a 150x150 bar. The beams of the frame strapping and cross-members at the joints are cut into the middle of the tree.

The platform flooring is laid on 150x50 logs. The logs are placed parallel to the short side of the platform with a step of up to 750 mm (under the flooring made of a forty board) and cut into the frame and crossbars also in half a tree. The floorboards should not be grooved, they will rot! The porch area is covered with boards with rounded corners with gaps of 2-3 mm for water drainage. Spacer boards for outdoor mounting wooden decking available for sale, on the left in fig.

Note: in general, the entire porch should initially be designed so that the ends of the boards / beams are protected from direct exposure to moisture. It is better to immediately give a little excess and cut off than then break your head, what to do with rot. Example correct execution porch railings - on the right in fig.

Ladder in bowstrings

The staircase on the kosoura does not always match the chosen design of the porch. In this case, the ladder in the bowstrings must be designed in such a way that it is as stable as possible in external influences.

The general arrangement of a wooden ladder in bowstrings is shown in Fig. To do for bowstrings in pairs of boards narrower instead of one wide one, you can use the pads under the steps - surf - pos. a. The beads are cut out of a slab, which is resistant to external influences. wood material e.g. OSB. Their thickness, for steps from a forty and a half-ruble bowstring - from 18 mm.

Fastening the bowstrings with screw straps is the simplest and most reliable, but, you know, the pieces of iron stick out. It is quite reliable and invisible fastening with strands on steel wedges, however, bowstrings with a thickness of 75 mm or more are needed for it. Fastening on steel wedges is laborious and requires considerable carpentry skills: under the wedged thorns of strands with a height of 50 mm in bowstrings, you need to choose blind dovetail profile nests. When assembling the frame of the march, the bowstrings are strongly, but evenly and accurately, tapped with a wooden sledgehammer - a leopard. The whiskers of the thorns of the strands are then tightly wedged in dovetails... Bowstrings for assembly on ties with steel wedges need oak, and ties (from 60x60 mm) are made of high-quality straight-grained pine. Not larch, it's fragile!

Of great importance for the accuracy of the assembly of the stairs in the bowstrings is the accuracy of their marking under the steps. The main methods of installing (joining) steps in bowstrings are given in Fig.:

The rungs of the outer stairs in the bowstrings should be placed on backing bars or beads. This, firstly, reduces the possibility of moisture accumulation in the grooves under the treads / risers. Secondly, the frame of the march can be assembled and, if necessary, trimmed before installing the steps. Both make the manufacture of wooden stairs in bowstrings feasible for beginners.

The assembly diagram of the ladder in bowstrings "for dummies" is given on the next page. rice. In this way, a green novice joiner can even make beveled risers (shown in a pale tone). On the right in Fig. - ways of attaching steps to it. Here it should be added to the above that it is not necessary to put treads on the steel corners in the external staircase - they will flow with rust.

Metal porch

A porch made of metal is the second most popular after a wooden one. With their own hands, a steel porch is most often made for a summer residence: here appearance, as they say, does not hit very hard, but the entire structure can be welded in advance in production conditions, brought and delivered ready-made. A steel porch without wrought iron decorations and will cost less than a wooden one, not to mention concrete.

Due to its elasticity, metal structures are very little susceptible to damage by ground movements. But it is also capable of transferring large efforts to the construction of the building. Therefore, on soils of medium and stronger heaving, the steel porch must be made floating, like a concrete monolithic (see below). The foundation for it can be laid with a lightweight slab, with a 100 mm thick slab, flush with the ground surface and a single-level reinforcement. On weak and non-rocky soils, the steel porch can be made as a cantilever-supporting one (see below) with supports from a pair of "bulls" blocks under the heel.

A steel porch is usually assembled on stringers as shown in Fig. Channel bars for stringers and platform frame take 60 mm; corner for step frames - equal 40 mm. Lags for the flooring of the platform are made from the same corners welded into a T-shaped profile (half-tee). On support pillars go steel tubes from 100 mm.

This design is optimal for production in an industrial environment, incl. piece and small-scale handicraft. The fact is that for precise welding of the step frames, volumetric conductors are needed. When welding on the street in weight, the steps of a novice welder will probably come out skewed. Or, to assemble such a ladder on site, you need some experience, see eg. track. video.

Video: an example of assembling a metal ladder

A beginner can get out of this situation in several ways. The first is shown in pos. and the rice is higher: instead of the volumetric frames of the steps on the plaza (a flat, solid, non-combustible area), flat filly are boiled under the steps. Step them - either wooden hanging ones, or any (for example, stone ones) laid in flat frames from the same corner. In either case, the tread or the frame for it is attached to the filly with screws, which allows you to align the steps. The bad thing about this method is its high labor intensity and increased material consumption. Wooden treads, moreover, will not receive proper support, so thick ones need to be taken from.

The second method is shown on the left on the next page. rice. Here the labor intensity and material consumption is less, because after welding, pipe supports are cut into the horizon with a grinder according to the level and the mooring cord. According to this scheme, there is a temptation to reduce the volume of earthen and concrete works, having made a staircase on one stringer, on the right in Fig. However, a cutting machine is needed for it: the slightest distortion of the filly supports from the channel - and the steps went for a walk. Cut-off machine you can do it yourself by fixing the grinder on a swinging arm, the hinge of which is installed in a solid frame, but is it worth it to do it - it's up to you.

Finally, the simplest solution is a porch under OSB or plywood sheathing, and decorative trim along it, on a straight frame. Its structure is clear from the trail. rice. All parts of the frame are flat, cooked in a plaza. The foundation for such a porch is not needed at all, it hangs on the foundation of the building, this is the so-called. cantilever porch (see also below). It rests on the blind area of ​​the house with adjustable screw legs, so please note: fastening the frame to the foundation of the building is only at the top, as shown in fig! Fasteners - bolts from М8х130 with steel collet anchors. The spacing of the attachment points is up to 600 mm. Since the porch is always wider, spacers are needed in the back frame of the frame. Which will not interfere with other frames with a height of more than 400 mm.

Concrete porch

A porch made of concrete is actually slightly better than a brick one: it is laborious, and the work is hard, material-intensive. Requires a reliable, stable foundation, it is very poorly connected to the building. True, it will stand on separate foundation no less than the house itself. Aesthetically, a concrete porch justifies itself only in a house of a purely utilitarian design (on the left in the figure); technically it goes well with a patio porch (terrace, veranda, on the right in the figure), but a terrace porch is necessarily built together with the house.

Also, along with the building, a cantilever (hanging) and cantilever-supporting porch is being built, pos. III and IV on the next. rice. Since here we are talking about an attached porch, we will restrict ourselves to the remark that the cavity under the concrete porch (liner) must be well ventilated, otherwise it will turn into a hotbed of dampness and a nesting place for all obscene living creatures.

Only a floating concrete porch is attached to the existing house, pos. I and II. A more detailed diagram of its device is shown at the bottom right in Fig. Instead of hard mineral wool, an expansion joint (width - 10-12 mm) can, and even better, be laid with basalt cardboard. A sheet of mineral wool or a sheet of basalt cardboard is carried out on the sides outside the porch monolith and temporarily attached to the foundation of the building with self-tapping screws in dowels through wooden slats... It is impossible to fasten the filling of the seam to the foundation of the house in the area where the porch adjoins it!

A typical, one might say, defect of a floating concrete porch is a chronically occurring crack between it and the foundation of the building. It is not dangerous, but in plain sight it flaunts like a red nose and bags under the eyes of an alcoholic and generally better without cracks. Therefore, it is better to attach a concrete porch to the house on a separate foundation, slab or pile-slab, depending on local conditions (see Fig. With foundation diagrams).

What miracles you have read about the foundations for a concrete porch in runet! It is advised, say, to do it on underwash, pressed or driven piles. And the house is nearby, right next to it, on a monolithic Precambrian rock? Piling works will not affect the reliability of its foundation in any way? If a concrete porch is made on a pile-slab foundation, the following should be borne in mind:

  • Pile wells are drilled manually with a garden drill.
  • Piles are reinforced and poured into roofing felt clips using a typical method.
  • The piles are located symmetrically along the diagonals of the foundation slab with an indent of 250-350 mm from the corners.
  • If either side of the porch projection is more than 1.8 m, the piles are laid with an envelope (item 1 in the figure below).
  • The belts (levels) of the reinforcing lattice of the slab are fastened with a knitting wire to the vertical branches of the reinforcement of the piles immediately after the concrete has set in them. The distance from the bottom belt of the reinforcement along the top of the backfill is 40-80 mm.
  • To speed up the work, the sand and gravel cushion under the slab can be poured through the slab reinforcement grid. The remnants of the backfill are swept away from the reinforcing bar.
  • A slab with a thickness of up to 200 mm is poured in one layer, and of a greater thickness - in layers of 15 cm.
  • The newly poured concrete layer is pierced with a sharpened steel bar approximately in the middle of each grid cell to release the air.
  • The next layer of concrete mortar is poured as soon as the previous one begins to set. With this method of filling, the so-called. hydraulic compaction of concrete.

Note: it is possible to reinforce the foundation of a concrete porch with both steel and fiberglass (composite) reinforcement.

The porch is flooded when concrete slab dials approx. 15% durability. Practically - on the 2nd - 3rd day after the concrete of the foundation slab has set. There is no need to reinforce the concrete porch with multilevel powerful reinforcement (item 2 in the figure); enough for each step of one reinforcing belt from steel mesh from 40x40x3 to 60x60x5, pos. 3.

The formwork boards must be impregnated with mineral oil in advance (working off, for example), so that later they can be removed more easily. If the concrete porch is not suitable for finishing, it is advisable to carefully sand the formwork from the inside, and seal the seams between the boards with wood putty. This will make the outer surfaces of the porch smooth.

Pros, working on order / for hire, fill the porch in one go, their time is precious. Working for yourself, the porch can be filled gradually, pos. A-E in Fig. In addition to saving material, the porch will turn out to be insulated and less susceptible to displacement by ground movements. Each subsequent step is poured as soon as the concrete of the previous one has grabbed. The concreting of the steps of the porch is made in the next. order:

  1. The leveled and tamped gravel or expanded clay backfill is poured with a cement-sand 1: 3 solution of increased fluidity, with a water-cement ratio (VC) 0.72, until all pebbles or granules are hidden. That is, the solution should be of the thickness of liquid sour cream;
  2. As soon as the initial pouring begins to set, an ordinary concrete solution (cement: crushed stone: sand 1: 5: 3) of normal consistency is poured in a layer of 4-6 cm;
  3. just grabbed the first layer concrete pouring, lay the reinforcement and pour the step to the top of the formwork section. If wooden or stone treads are to be installed on concrete, screw anchors are bricked up for them at this step;
  4. The poured step is deaerated (deaerated) as described above;
  5. Immediately after pouring the next stage, the previous one is ironed: sprinkle with dry cement M400 and rub it thoroughly with a wooden block (item 4 in the figure)

Note: diagram according to pos. A-E is given for a floating porch. Filling the porch on the foundation with this method differs only in the absence of the primary filling of the first stage with a cement-sand mortar.

The back wall of the porch (pos. E) is poured in layers of 15 cm with de-airing and hydraulic sealing. The order of its filling is the same as for the steps. Wooden or stone treads are placed on propylene spacers with steel washers, pos. 5.

Canopy and visor

The porch is definitely better open. Not only in terms of convenience, but also the safety of the building: the opening of the front door is the place from which the violation of the building structure most often begins under the influence of weather conditions. The roof of the attached porch can be a pillar canopy or a hanging canopy attached to the wall of the building.

The canopy columns of the attached porch must be concreted separately from the porch foundation and even more so from the floating porch. Removal of the bases of the columns forward and to the sides from outer corners porch or its foundation - from 0.5 m; better - 1 m or more. The reason is the same difference between the shrinkage of the porch and the house. If the bases of the columns are not rigidly connected to the porch, the forces of frost heaving will press the canopy against the wall. On the contrary, to tear it off the wall.

Note: it is necessary to process the lower parts (roots) of wooden columns with bitumen at least 400 mm above the ground level. The reason is the same, for which it is possible to build from bricks only on a plinth. In addition to impregnation, wrapping the roots of wooden columns with roofing felt will not damage, but keep in mind that it will not protect the above-ground part of the column's root! In the light, roofing material is destroyed over time by solar ultraviolet radiation (UV).

The hanging visor does not fundamentally create shrinkage matching problems. It cannot be mounted only on frame and prefabricated panel walls; in all other cases, a hanging canopy is technically preferable to a canopy on columns. Diagrams of the frames of the porch canopies welded from the 40-mm corner are given above in the figure, and the drawings of the wooden canopy of the porch are shown in the same place below. All these canopies, except for the arched and gable, must be equipped with a drainage gutter with an outflow to the side (to the sides). The overall width of a 75x75 wooden canopy can be increased to 2.5 m; for this acc. increase the size marked with an asterisk.

Attaching canopies to stone or concrete wall- with self-tapping screws 8x130 in propylene dowels or M8x100 bolts in collet anchors. To a wooden wall - with self-tapping screws for wood М8х120. Visor roof deck - any suitable (soft, steel or ceramic tiles, polycarbonate, slate, etc.); under any roof, except for polycarbonate, lathing is required. It is necessary to cover the visors with polycarbonate, observing the rules for working with this material: turn it outward with the UV-resistant side, channels of the structure along the slope, cover the edge with a filter tape, fasten to the frame using thermal washers, etc.

About porch glazing

The glazed porch is cool and trendy. In many cases it is also convenient. But - it is possible to glaze without fear only the porch, built together with the house on a common foundation with it. As for the porches attached to the house, no technical guarantee for the safety of their glazing for more than one season is possible in principle.

Finally: how to search for information

You may need precise working drawings for a typical porch. For example, you were built by self-construction according to a standard project, but so far without a porch. Unfortunately, there is no way to include in a review article at least part of the technical documentation even for one project, but the most popular of the standard projects of individual residential buildings are available on the Internet in free distribution.

In order not to "google" in vain for a long time and painfully, but to go straight to the porch, in the search bar of the browser you need to type " Typical project 18 ... "or" Typical design solutions 8 ... ". You will be prompted with a number of preliminary results based on documents available for free download such as "Typical Design 186-214-9.87" (this is a precast concrete porch made of ready-made monolithic parts) or, say, "Typical Design Solutions 820-1-088.88" (drawings of a metal porch ), or "Typical project 189-000-362.85" (these are drawings of a wooden porch), etc. Further - it is clear. We look at what fits - download, decide on materials and costs, build.

A porch is a small but important element of any home. Other rooms and parts of the building may not be noticed, and every tenant or visitor passes through the porch.

We will tell you how to build a porch with your own hands. Of course, our instructions will not be very detailed, since everything depends on the chosen design, materials and construction technology, but we will try to reveal the general points.

It is impossible to fully enumerate the types of porches. There is also no clear classification. But to have at least general concept, if we are building a porch to the house with our own hands, we will define some types.

  • - is a platform in front of the entrance with a staircase.

  • - the area in front of the entrance is combined with the terrace.

  • - there is a canopy above the entrance to protect it from rain.

  • - in addition to the canopy, side walls have been added, they can be blind or with openings. Additionally, the openings can be glazed.

You can also classify by the number and location of stairs (in front of the entrance, side), by their type. Everything is clear here without additional explanations.

Porch materials

If you need to build a porch with your own hands, then there are no restrictions on the choice of materials. Everything that is used for building houses - concrete, brick, wood, etc., is also suitable for building a porch.

It is worth noting that combinations are used more often. For example, the main structure is made of concrete, the staircase is made of metal, and the canopy is made of polycarbonate.

Also, as is natural, for the structure located in the open air, you cannot use materials intended exclusively for interior decoration... For example, a plasterboard finish will not last even one season.

Advice. When planning to build, purchase all materials in full and immediately. The price for a large batch is always lower. Count your money.

Choosing the architecture of the porch

The question of choosing the appearance is always difficult, and it is difficult to do it correctly. It is almost impossible to give specific advice. Therefore, if you are going to build a porch to the house, then either entrust the design to professionals, or be guided by your taste.

The design of the porch is most often chosen in the same style as the entire exterior of the house (the same materials are used). But you can also experiment, for example, to highlight it on the facade of a building, to focus on the external appearance. Option - a porch with fancy forged railings against the background of a strict facade trimmed with natural stone.

The main thing is not to mix incompatible styles, otherwise your building will look ridiculous. We will also give an example, the construction of a porch to a wooden house from a calibrated bar, in the form of a massive reinforced concrete structure, will look inappropriate and tasteless. The polycarbonate canopy in the photo below also looks inappropriate.

Closed porch and awning

Often, when planning to build a porch to the house with your own hands, the question arises - is it necessary to make a canopy (visor) and side rails on the porch? The answer to it is unambiguous - if it is possible, and does not spoil the appearance, then yes. It's practical.

  1. At first, comfortable. It is better to look for keys or wait until the door is opened with protection from rain and wind.
  2. Secondly, front door, porch details and decoration will last longer. Rain, wind and sun will shorten the lifespan and appearance of almost all building materials.

You can refuse protection only in the most extreme cases. Even if the budget does not allow you to arrange it, then it is worth planning the device of the visor and walls in the future.


Many perceive the ramp solely as caring for people with disabilities. Yes, it is important. But if possible, it should be arranged for other reasons. If there is a ramp, then it is much more convenient to bring bulky things into the house. Also, walking on a ramp with a baby carriage or bicycle is better than dragging them up the steps.

Having determined the appearance of the porch, you can start building it. So, we are building a porch to the house with our own hands step by step.

Let's pay attention to the features of each stage, and the requirements that must be met in order for our structure to be strong and durable. Perhaps, in addition to our article, a video will help you: building a porch to the house with your own hands.

Preparing the foundation

The first stage is pouring the foundation

Starting the construction of the porch to the house, they arrange a monolithic strip foundation but don't rush to dwell on it.

This is the most expensive and time consuming option. In addition, his load bearing capacity sometimes overkill. For example, for a porch assembled from wooden parts, columnar is sufficient.

To speed up construction, more modern technologies can be applied. For example, screw piles are a great choice. Using them, you can literally make a base for the structure with your own hands in just a few hours. At the same time, you do not have to take a break from work until the concrete gains sufficient strength.

Another good option is precast concrete. True, it can be difficult to lay foundation blocks without special equipment.

What you need to pay attention to when building a foundation

  • The depth of the foundation should be such that it does not allow the porch to collapse. You need to get to the most dense soil. Of course, the porch is lighter than the house, so it is not necessary to reach the bottom of the foundation of the building itself. But if you want to build a porch in country house, in any case, the base should be deeper than the ground freezes in winter.
  • It is imperative that before pouring and laying the blocks, we make cushions of sand and crushed stone and carefully compact it. If a vibrating platform is not available, then at least spill it with water and carefully tamp it.

  • We provide waterproofing. Although concrete does not lose strength at high humidity, salts and other corrosive substances that will filter into it from the soil can become the cause of its destruction. You can insulate with any sheet waterproofing materials. Prefabricated foundation blocks can be coated with mastic.
  • Be sure to reinforce the foundation with meshes. They can be welded or, which is easier, knit with your own hands during construction. We also provide a protective layer of concrete - from the edge of the structure to the reinforcement should be at least 3 centimeters. In order to prevent the rods from shifting during filling and sealing, we use clamps.
  • When laying the reinforcement, we knit embedded parts and anchors to it, to which we will attach other structures.

The connection between the porch foundation and the house

The best option is when both bases are poured at the same time and form a single monolith. Then the question of their connection disappears by itself.

If we build a porch to the house later, many recommend tying the foundations together. But this is ambiguously correct advice. If the porch is massive, then when it shrinks, a situation is possible when it will pull a part of the wall of the house along with it. In this case, it makes sense to abandon the ligament, and provide an expansion joint between the bases of the house and the porch.

In order to establish a connection, you can install self-expanding anchors in the foundation of the house (4-6 pieces per square meter enough) or glue the pieces of reinforcing bars into the drilled holes. For reliable anchoring of the reinforcement, it is sufficient that it is immersed in concrete at a distance of at least five diameters.

After the foundation is ready, the construction of the porch of the house continues with the installation of its other parts. Consider the options for arranging a site from various building materials.

Monolithic concrete platform

  • First of all, we lay on the foundation at least three layers of sheet waterproofing material. Although our foundation is already protected from moisture, building codes an additional barrier for water between it and the base is definitely needed. Any advice from professionals on how to properly build a porch to the house must take this operation into account. It is advisable to lay the insulation on mastic.

Advice. Choose waterproofing material based on fiberglass or foil rather than paper. It is more durable.

  • We install the formwork. If our porch is high enough, then in order to save cement, we can make it so that the construction of the porch to the house will provide space under the landing and stairs. It can be used for various needs (storage of inventory) or simply forgotten.

The choice of free space under the stairs is especially relevant if you are deciding how to build a high porch to the house. You can even choose to place the platform on the columns.

  • If the staircase is also supposed to be monolithic, then at the same time we make the formwork for it.
  • If a connection is required between the porch and the basement of the house, then in the same way as when pouring the foundation, we establish connections.
  • We install the reinforcement cage.
  • We attach embedded parts to the reinforcement. Fences, railings, canopy racks, stairs (if not monolithic) will be attached to them.
  • Pour concrete. It is necessary to do this work in one go, since the hardened cement stone poorly adheres to fresh solution.
  • When placing concrete, we compact it. It is best to do this with a submersible vibrator, but, as a last resort, we use rammers.
  • After laying, we level the open surfaces with a vibrating screed or just a board, a trowel and plaster floats.
  • After pouring, cover the concrete with foil or wet sawdust (sand).
  • When concrete reaches stripping strength (1-10 days), periodically wet the surface.
  • When the concrete has hardened, we remove the formwork and proceed to the installation of the remaining structures.

Site made of piece building materials

The second most common porch material after concrete is brick. Sometimes instead of the usual ceramic stone use other piece materials. For example, you can find a porch lined with sidewalk tiles.

The technology of building a porch does not differ from the laying of other brick structures. Therefore, let's pay attention to the small nuances that need to be taken into account.

Attention. Do not use sand-lime bricks for the porch (except for the walls). It has very little moisture resistance and absorbs water well. The structure will quickly collapse.

  • The surface of the foundation must be very carefully leveled under the horizontal, so that later it would be easy to lay the masonry. If this has not been done, then it is better to level the surface on which the brick will be laid with a concrete screed.
  • As with the construction of a concrete porch, we lay waterproofing on the foundation. For a brick, this is very important, since, having been saturated with water, it will collapse in frost.
  • It is also desirable to reinforce the masonry with wire or mesh.
  • In order to save building materials, we can provide a space that we will simply forget.
  • It is highly undesirable to make the staircase also brick. In extreme cases, the laid brick steps must be protected from destruction by a concrete screed.

  • So that later we do not have to solve the problem of how to fix other porch structures, while laying the masonry, we immediately install the embedded parts.

Wooden platform

Its construction does not differ from laying a regular floor.

  1. On the foundation (also through a layer of waterproofing) we lay out brick posts - filars. They can also be poured out of concrete or, as a last resort, use wooden (which we attach to the embedded parts with bolts) or metal racks.
  2. We put logs on the racks, to which we will attach the flooring boards.
  3. After the flooring is ready we sew lateral surfaces playgrounds.

by the way wooden porch to the house, how to build it correctly is shown well in the video in this article.

Advice. For the porch, it is better to use terrace board from species resistant to high humidity (oak, beech, larch). Due to the presence of special grooves on the lower surface, it shrinks less. To provide protection against microorganisms, fungi and mold, we must treat all parts with an antiseptic.

Installation of other elements of the porch

Here everything also depends on the material from which they are made or will be erected, as well as on the material of the site:

  1. Ladder - concrete or metal, welded to embedded parts. Wooden is fastened with any fasteners - nails, self-tapping screws, bolts. If the platform is not made of wood, then such a ladder is also screwed to the embedded parts. The answer to how to build steps to the porch is simple - just like any other staircase.
  2. An option is possible when the ladder is combined. For example, we immediately install metal bowstrings by welding, and fasten wooden treads to them with bolts.
  3. The posts, handrails and fencing frame are attached in the same way.
  4. Often, the fence is made permanent, of brick or concrete. In this case, it is also advisable to think over the embedded parts on the site for more strength of the connection.


In most cases, it is a mini roof.

In the same way, the crate is assembled, which rests either on separate posts, or on the fence frame or the fence itself. Often, the entire visor is cantilever, or its part adjacent to the wall is attached to it (as in the video we are building a porch with our own hands, which is given above). But there are also differences.

  1. The roof of the canopy does not need steam and thermal insulation.
  2. It is important to ensure the tightness of the joint between the canopy and the wall of the building. This is done by gluing roll waterproofing materials to Wall.
  3. Perhaps (most often, when polycarbonate is used) there is no lathing at all, only a light metal frame is assembled.

Porch decoration

The final stage of construction is finishing the porch. It is performed in order to complete the design and, in some cases, to protect materials from negative influences.

Consider the most common finishing options various elements and porch designs:

  • Coloration- protects wooden and metal structures. For concrete, it is used for decorative purposes.
  • Plastering- first of all levels the surface of masonry or concrete for subsequent painting. A special solution with special decorative qualities can be used. The plaster is not suitable for surfaces on which people move.
  • Siding decoration and similar materials are used for decorative purposes. Only the side surfaces and porch fences are finished with it (as in the case of plaster).

  • Tiling- primarily used for staircases and landings. They use ceramics, natural stone and many other materials. The tile protects materials from abrasion, makes it easier to clean the porch.

That's all we wanted to tell you about how to build a porch to your house. Of course, we didn't give much detailed instructions but it all depends on specific situation and your choice. We will be glad if at least helped helpful tips and tips. Let the entrance to your home be beautiful and convenient!

It's no secret that building a porch in the country is not the best simple task, given that it must necessarily fit into the general appearance of the building, and also be truly functional.

In most cases, it is the originally designed porch that can become an unusual visiting card for the house.

There are a huge number of different options for the final stage in building a house. Everything primarily depends on how you see a truly beautiful porch for yourself and what budget you have.

It should be noted that if you are interested in how to make a porch with your own hands, then it is quite simple and all that is needed for this is to read this article and perhaps use some of the builders' advice.

What is a porch?

In fact, a constructive porch built in a private house is the simplest site. open type with a staircase, which is done right in front of the entrance to the building. At the same time, the porch can be of the most varied shape, with or without an additional canopy.

If we talk about the structure itself, which can be chosen for the porch and the design that determines the majority, then they can be conditionally divided into three main types: simple, attached or built-in.

The porch of the latter type is almost always designed at the stage of building a house.

Porch of the most popular simple type- This is a platform that has additional steps and a canopy above them.

During the construction of this type of porch, the most difficult thing is to fill the necessary foundation, which will be needed anyway, even if it is a light structure and you have planned to make a porch of wood yourself.

The attached porch is very similar in appearance to the beautiful built-in porch, but at the same time it is very often rebuilt and modified in various ways.

Foundation - foundation

An important point that you should definitely pay attention to when laying the foundation is that its depth during construction work must necessarily coincide with the depth of the foundation itself for the entire building. Otherwise, after the soil has settled, it is quite possible that deformation will occur completely at the entire porch structure.

If, after the settlement of the soil, the structure is shifted towards the house, then the destruction will begin from the foundation of the porch. Cosmetic repair in this case, it will not be possible to get by and you will have to build a porch from the very beginning.

It is imperative that during the construction of the foundation, special attention should be paid to the waterproofing of the foundation being erected.

Varieties of the porch for the future home

First of all, before starting the construction of the porch, it is imperative to decide which material you like best. Most often it is either concrete, or expensive metal, or stone, classic brick, or wood that is affordable.

Deciding to make a porch to a house of wood, many simply hope that this is the easiest and affordable option, in fact, not even suspecting about a large number of nuances.

It is a photo of a porch made of wood that can be found without problems in various magazines more than others. This is due to the fact that wood is considered by many to be a traditional material.

All that is needed when building such a porch is the minimum building skills, a circular saw as well as a construction square.

If possible, it is best to use either larch or any conifers as a material. They differ good performance strength, and also quite easily independently processed.


After specially made impregnation, the material will definitely not be inferior, for example, to material from any other solid rock.

Above the porch, you should definitely take care of the visor. This will not only allow you to protect the steps of the stairs and its platforms from various precipitations, but also allow you to design a wooden porch in an interesting way in a short time without serious financial investments.

Photos of a wide variety of awnings can also be found on the Internet and in magazines dedicated to the construction of various country houses.

Do-it-yourself photo of the porch
