Inorganic fiber and method for its production. Fibers of the past, present and future

INORGANIC FIBERS are obtained on the basis of chemical elements (boron, metals), oxides (SiO 2, Al 2 O 3, ZrO 2), carbides (SiC, B 4 C), nitrides (AlN), mixtures of these compounds (for example, various oxides or carbides), as well as based on natural (basalt, etc.) or artificial (silicate glass, see Glass fiber) silicates. The structure of most inorganic fibers is polycrystalline, silicate fibers are amorphous. In terms of properties, whiskers of analogous compounds are close to inorganic fibers.

Oxide, silicate, inorganic metal fibers are obtained mainly by forcing the melt through spinnerets, by blowing the melt with hot gases, or by stretching in a centrifugal field. Inorganic carbide and oxide fibers - by extrusion of finely dispersed oxides plasticized with polymers or fusible silicates, followed by sintering of particles of these compounds or heat treatment of organic (usually hydrated cellulose) fibers containing salts and other metal compounds. Carbide fibers are also obtained by reduction of oxide fibers with carbon; boron and carbide - by gas-phase deposition on a substrate (tungsten or carbon filaments, film strips). To improve the performance properties of inorganic fibers, they are modified by gas-phase deposition of surface (barrier) layers of more resistant substances.

High-melting inorganic fibers (the operating temperature of many inorganic fibers is up to 1500 ° C), non-hygroscopic, stable in many aggressive environments; in an oxidizing environment, oxide fibers are the most stable, and carbide fibers are to a lesser extent. The strength of inorganic fibers is from 1-1.3 GPa (SiC, B 4 C) to 4-6 GPa (B, SiO 2), the elastic modulus is from 70-90 GPa (SiO 2, basalt) to 400-480 GPa (B, ZrO2, SiC). Carbide fibers have semiconductor properties.

Inorganic fibers and threads based on them are used as reinforcing components in composite materials having an organic (polymer), ceramic or metal matrix; as high-temperature heat-insulating materials. Filters for aggressive liquids and hot gases are made from quartz, oxide and metal fibers. Electrically conductive metal and silicon carbide fibers and threads are used in electrical engineering.

Lit .: Konkin A. A. Carbon and other heat-resistant fibrous materials. M., 1974; Kats S. M. High-temperature heat-insulating materials. M., 1981; Fillers for polymeric composite materials. M., 1981; Budnitsky GA Reinforcing fibers for composite materials // Chemical fibers. 1990. No. 2; Tsirlin AM Continuous inorganic fibers for composite materials. M., 1992.

The 19th century was marked by important discoveries in science and technology. A sharp technical boom affected almost all areas of production, many processes were automated and moved to a qualitatively new level. The technical revolution did not bypass the textile industry either - in 1890, a fiber made using chemical reactions was first obtained in France. The history of chemical fibers began with this event.

Types, classification and properties of chemical fibers

According to the classification, all fibers are divided into two main groups: organic and inorganic. Organic fibers include artificial and synthetic fibers. The difference between them is that artificial ones are created from natural materials (polymers), but with the help of chemical reactions. Synthetic fibers use synthetic polymers as raw materials, while the processes for obtaining fabrics are not fundamentally different. Inorganic fibers include a group of mineral fibers that are obtained from inorganic raw materials.

Hydrated cellulose, cellulose acetate and protein polymers are used as raw materials for artificial fibers, and carbochain and heterochain polymers are used for synthetic fibers.

Due to the fact that chemical processes are used in the production of chemical fibers, the properties of the fibers, primarily mechanical, can be changed using different parameters of the production process.

The main distinguishing properties of chemical fibers, in comparison with natural ones, are:

  • high strength;
  • the ability to stretch;
  • tensile strength and long-term loads of different strengths;
  • resistance to light, moisture, bacteria;
  • crease resistance.

Some special types are resistant to high temperatures and aggressive environments.

GOST chemical threads

According to the All-Russian GOST, the classification of chemical fibers is quite complicated.

Artificial fibers and threads, according to GOST, are divided into:

  • artificial fibers;
  • artificial threads for cord fabric;
  • artificial threads for technical products;
  • technical threads for twine;
  • artificial textile threads.

Synthetic fibers and threads, in turn, consist of the following groups: synthetic fibers, synthetic threads for cord fabric, for technical products, film and textile synthetic threads.

Each group includes one or more subspecies. Each subspecies has its own code in the catalog.

Technology of obtaining, production of chemical fibers

The production of chemical fibers has great advantages over natural fibers:

  • firstly, their production does not depend on the season;
  • secondly, the production process itself, although quite complicated, is much less laborious;
  • thirdly, it is an opportunity to obtain a fiber with pre-set parameters.

From a technological point of view, these processes are complex and always consist of several stages. First, the raw material is obtained, then it is converted into a special spinning solution, then the fibers are formed and finished.

Various techniques are used to form fibers:

  • use of wet, dry or dry-wet mortar;
  • application of metal foil cutting;
  • drawing from a melt or dispersion;
  • drawing;
  • flattening;
  • gel molding.

Application of chemical fibers

Chemical fibers have a very wide application in many industries. Their main advantage is relatively low cost and long service life. Fabrics made from chemical fibers are actively used for tailoring special clothes, in the automotive industry - for strengthening tires. In the technique of various kinds, non-woven materials made of synthetic or mineral fibers are more often used.

Textile chemical fibers

Gaseous products of oil and coal refining are used as raw materials for the production of textile fibers of chemical origin (in particular, for the production of synthetic fibers). Thus, fibers are synthesized that differ in composition, properties and combustion method.

Among the most popular:

  • polyester fibers (lavsan, krimplen);
  • polyamide fibers (nylon, nylon);
  • polyacrylonitrile fibers (nitron, acrylic);
  • elastane fiber (lycra, dorlastan).

Among the artificial fibers, the most common are viscose and acetate. Viscose fibers are obtained from cellulose - mainly spruce. Through chemical processes, this fiber can be given a visual resemblance to natural silk, wool or cotton. Acetate fiber is made from waste from cotton production, so they absorb moisture well.

Chemical fiber nonwovens

Nonwoven materials can be obtained from both natural and chemical fibers. Often non-woven materials are produced from recycled materials and waste from other industries.

The fibrous base, prepared by mechanical, aerodynamic, hydraulic, electrostatic or fiber-forming methods, is fastened.

The main stage in the production of nonwoven materials is the stage of bonding the fibrous base, obtained by one of the following methods:

  1. Chemical or adhesive (adhesive)- the formed web is impregnated, coated or irrigated with a binder component in the form of an aqueous solution, the application of which can be continuous or fragmented.
  2. Thermal- this method uses the thermoplastic properties of some synthetic fibers. Sometimes the fibers that make up the nonwoven material are used, but in most cases, a small amount of fibers with a low melting point (bicomponent) is deliberately added to the nonwoven material at the spinning stage.

Chemical fiber industry facilities

Since chemical production covers several areas of industry, all chemical industry facilities are divided into 5 classes depending on the raw materials and applications:

  • organic matter;
  • inorganic substances;
  • organic synthesis materials;
  • pure substances and chemicals;
  • pharmaceutical and medical group.

According to the type of purpose, chemical fiber industry facilities are divided into main, general factory and auxiliary.

For the manufacture of textile materials, a wide variety of fibers are used, which should be classified according to origin, chemical composition and other characteristics.

Depending on the origin, textile fibers are divided into natural and chemical. Chemical, in turn, are divided into artificial and synthetic. Man-made fibers are obtained from natural fiber-forming polymers, such as cellulose. These include viscose, copper-ammonia, acetate, protein fibers. Synthetic fibers are obtained by synthesis from low molecular weight compounds. The raw materials, as a rule, are products of oil refining, coal. Synthetic fibers include polyamide, polyester, polyacrylonitrile, polyurethane, polyvinyl alcohol, etc. Synthetic fibers are widely used, their balance in the overall production of textile fibers is increasing. The classification of textile organic fibers is shown in fig. 3.

Synthetic fibers and threads are also divided into heterochain and carbochain. Fibers and threads are called carbon chain, which are obtained from polymers that have only carbon atoms in the main chain of macromolecules (polyacrylonitrile, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol, polyolefin, carbon).

  • abacus, sisal

From cellulose:




    acetate, diacetate


    zein, casein


From natural rubber:




    polyamide (kapron, anid, enanth)

    polyester (lavsan, terylene, dacron)

    polyurethane (spandex, lycra, viren)

Carbon chain:

    polyacrylonitrile (nitron, orlon, curtel)

    polyvinyl chloride (chlorine, soviden)

    polyvinyl alcohol (vinol)

    polyolefin (polyethylene, polypropylene)

    synthetic rubber (rubber)

Rice. 3. Classification of organic textile fibers

Heterochain fibers are formed from polymers, in the main molecular chain of which, in addition to carbon atoms, there are atoms of other elements - O, N, S (polyamide, polyester, polyurethane).

Most artificial fibers are products of cellulose processing (viscose, polynose, copper-ammonia - hydrated cellulose; acetate, diacetate - cellulose acetate). In a small volume, artificial protein fibers (zein, casein, collagen) are produced from fibrillar proteins of milk, skin, and plants.

In the above classification (see Fig. 3), fibers and threads are classified as organic. They are mostly used for the production of household textiles. In organic fibers, the main chain macromolecules contain carbon, oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen atoms. In addition to organic, there are inorganic fibers whose main chain macromolecules contain inorganic atoms (magnesium, aluminum, copper, silver, etc.). Asbestos fibers are classified as natural inorganic, fiberglass and metal, made of steel, copper, bronze, aluminum, nickel, gold, silver in various ways (alunite, lurex) are chemical inorganic.

In addition to those already listed, there are fibers from natural inorganic compounds. They are divided into natural and chemical.

Asbestos, a fine-fibrous silicate mineral, belongs to natural inorganic fibers. Asbestos fibers are fire-resistant (the melting point of asbestos reaches 1500 ° C), alkali- and acid-resistant, non-heat-conducting.

The elementary fibers of asbestos are combined into technical fibers, which serve as the basis for threads used for technical purposes and in the development of fabrics for special clothing that can withstand high temperatures and open fire.

Chemical inorganic fibers are divided into glass fibers (silicon) and metal-containing.

Silicon fibers, or glass fibers, are made from molten glass in the form of elementary fibers with a diameter of 3-100 microns and very long lengths. In addition to them, staple fiberglass is produced with a diameter of 0.1-20 microns and a length of 10-500 mm. Fiberglass is non-combustible, chemically resistant, has electrical, heat and sound insulation properties. It is used for the manufacture of tapes, fabrics, nets, non-woven fabrics, fibrous canvases, cotton wool for technical needs in various sectors of the country's economy.

Metallic artificial fibers are produced in the form of threads by gradually drawing (drawing) a metal wire. This is how copper, steel, silver, gold threads are obtained. Aluminum filaments are made by cutting a flat aluminum strip (foil) into thin strips. Metal threads can be given different colors by applying colored varnishes to them. To give greater strength to metal threads, they are wrapped with threads of silk or cotton. When the threads are covered with a thin protective synthetic film, transparent or colored, combined metal threads are obtained - metlon, lurex, alunit.

The following types of metal threads are produced: rounded metal thread; flat thread in the form of a ribbon - flattened; twisted thread - tinsel; flattened, twisted with silk or cotton thread - stranded.

In addition to metallic ones, metallized threads are produced, which are narrow ribbons of films with a metallic coating. Unlike metallic threads, metallized threads are more elastic and fusible.

Metallic and metallized threads are used for the production of fabrics and knitwear for evening dresses, gold embroidery, as well as for decorative finishing of fabrics, knitwear and piece goods.

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General information about fibers. Fiber classification. Main properties of fibers and their dimensional characteristics

In the production of garments, a wide variety of materials are used: fabrics, knitwear, non-woven materials, natural and artificial .. knowledge of the structure of these materials, the ability to determine their properties, to understand .. the largest volume in the garment industry is products made of textile materials ..

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All topics in this section:

Lecture 1
Introduction. Fibrous materials 1. Aims and objectives of the course "Materials Science of Sewing Production". 2. General information about

cotton fiber
Cotton is the name given to the fibers that cover the seeds of the annual cotton plant. Cotton is a heat-loving plant that consumes a large amount of moisture. Grows in hot areas. Izv

Natural fibers of animal origin
The main substance that makes up natural fibers of animal origin (wool and silk) are animal proteins synthesized in nature - keratin and fibroin. Difference in molecular structure

Natural silk
Natural silk is called the thin continuous threads secreted by the glands of silkworm caterpillars during the curling of the cocoon before pupation. The main industrial value is domesticated mulberry silk.

B. Chemical fibers
The idea of ​​creating chemical fibers found its embodiment at the end of the 19th century. thanks to the development of chemistry. The prototype of the process of obtaining chemical fibers was the formation of a silkworm thread

artificial fibers
Artificial fibers include fibers made from cellulose and its derivatives. These are viscose, triacetate, acetate fibers and their modifications. Viscose fiber is made from cellulose

Synthetic fibers
polyamide fibers. Capron fiber, which is used most widely, is obtained from coal and oil processing products. Under the microscope, polyamide fibers are

Types of textile threads
The basic element of a fabric or knitted fabric is a thread. According to the structure, textile threads are divided into yarn, complex threads and monofilaments. These threads are called primary

Basic spinning processes
The fibrous mass of natural fibers after collection and primary processing enters the spinning mill. Here, a continuous strong thread is produced from relatively short fibers - yarn. This p

Fabric is a textile fabric formed by weaving two mutually perpendicular systems of threads on a loom. The process of fabric formation is called weaving.

Fabric finishing
The fabrics removed from the loom are called rough fabrics or rough. They contain various impurities and impurities, have an ugly appearance and are unsuitable for the manufacture of garments.

Cotton fabrics
During cleaning and preparation, cotton fabrics are subjected to acceptance and sorting, singeing, desizing, bleaching (bleaching), mercerization, and napping. Cleaning and

linen fabrics
Cleaning and preparation of linen fabrics is usually carried out in the same way as in cotton production, but more carefully, repeating the operations several times. This is due to the fact that linen

Woolen fabrics
Woolen fabrics are divided into combed (stone) and cloth. They differ from each other in appearance. Combed fabrics are thin, with a clear pattern of weaving. Cloth - more thick

Natural silk
Cleaning and preparation of natural silk is carried out in the following order: acceptance and sorting, singeing, boiling, bleaching, revitalization of bleached fabrics. When at

Chemical fiber fabrics
Fabrics made from artificial and synthetic fibers do not have natural impurities. They can contain mainly easily washed off substances, such as dressing, soap, mineral oil, etc.

Fibrous composition of fabrics
For the manufacture of clothing, fabrics made from natural (wool, silk, cotton, linen), artificial (viscose, polynose, acetate, copper-ammonia, etc.), synthetic (lavsa

Methods for determining the fibrous composition of tissues
Organoleptic is a method in which the fibrous composition of tissues is established using the sense organs - sight, smell, touch. Evaluate the appearance of the fabric, its touch, creasing

Weaving of fabrics
The location of the warp and weft threads relative to each other, their relationship determine the structure of the fabric. It should be emphasized that the structure of fabrics is influenced by: the type and structure of the warp and weft threads of the fabric

Fabric finishing
Finishing, which gives a marketable appearance to fabrics, affects its properties such as thickness, stiffness, drape, wrinkle, breathability, water resistance, sheen, shrinkage, fire resistance

Fabric Density
Density is an essential indicator of the structure of tissues. Weight, wear resistance, air permeability, heat-shielding properties, stiffness, and drapeability of fabrics depend on density. Each of

Phases of tissue structure
When weaving, the warp and weft threads mutually bend each other, as a result of which they are arranged in waves. the degree of bending of the warp and weft threads depends on their thickness and stiffness, type of p

Fabric surface structure
Depending on the structure of the front side, the fabrics are divided into smooth, pile, pile and felted. Smooth fabrics are those that have a clear weave pattern (coarse calico, chintz, satin). In the process of

Fabric properties
Plan: Geometric properties Mechanical properties Physical properties Technological properties Fabrics made from threads and yarns of various

Geometric properties
These include the length of the fabric, its width, thickness and mass. The length of the fabric is determined by measuring it in the direction of the warp threads. When laying the fabric before cutting, the length of the piece

Mechanical properties
During the operation of clothing, as well as during the processing of fabrics, they are subjected to various mechanical stresses. Under these influences, tissues stretch, bend, and experience friction.

Physical properties
The physical properties of tissues are divided into hygienic, heat-shielding, optical and electrical. Hygienic is considered to be the properties of tissues that significantly affect whom

Fabric wear resistance
The wear resistance of fabrics is characterized by their ability to withstand destructive factors. In the process of using garments, they are affected by light, sun, moisture, stretching, compression, torsion.

Technological properties of fabrics
In the process of production and during the operation of clothing, such properties of fabrics are manifested, which must be taken into account when designing clothing. These properties significantly affect the technological

Gasket materials
5. Adhesive materials. 1. RANGE OF FABRICS According to the type of raw materials, the entire range of fabrics is divided into cotton, linen, wool and silk. The silk ones are

Adhesive materials
A semi-rigid interlining fabric with a dotted polyethylene coating is a cotton fabric (coarse calico or madapolam) coated on one side with high pressure polyethylene powder

The choice of materials for a garment
In the production of garments, a variety of materials are used: fabrics, knitted and non-woven fabrics, duplicated, film materials, natural and artificial fur, natural and artificial

Product quality
In the manufacture of clothing and other garments, fabrics, knitted and non-woven fabrics, film materials, artificial leather and fur are used. The totality of these materials is called an assortment

The quality of clothing materials
to make good clothes, you need to use high quality materials. What is quality? The quality of a product is understood as a combination of properties that characterize the degree of suitability

Grade of materials
All materials at the final stage of production are subject to control. At the same time, the quality level of the material is assessed and the grade of each piece is established. Grade refers to the gradation of product quality.

Fabric grade
Of great importance is the determination of the grade of fabrics. The grade of fabric is determined by a complex method for assessing the level of quality. At the same time, deviations of indicators of physical and mechanical properties from the norms,

Defects in the appearance of tissues
defect Type of defect Description Stage of production at which the defect arises Zaso

), their oxides (Si, Al or Zr), carbides (Si or B), nitrides (Al), etc., as well as from mixtures of these compounds, for example. dec. oxides or carbides. see also Glass fiber, Metal fibers, Asbestos.

Methods of obtaining: molding by a spunbond method from a melt; blowing the melt with hot inert gases or air, as well as in a centrifugal field (this method produces fibers from fusible silicates, for example, quartz and basalt, from metals and certain metal oxides); growing monocrystalline. melt fibers; molding from inorg. polymers with last. heat treatment (obtain oxide fibers); extrusion of plasticized polymers or fusible silicates of fine oxides with the last. their sintering; thermal processing org. (usually cellulose) fibers containing or other Comm. metals (obtain oxide and carbide fibers, and if the process is carried out in a reducing environment - metal); oxide fibers with carbon or the transformation of carbon fibers into carbide; gas-phase on a substrate - on filaments, strips of films (for example, boron and carbide fibers are obtained by deposition on a tungsten or carbon filament).

Mn. types of N. in. modify by applying surface (barrier) layers, Ch. arr. gas-phase deposition, which allows to increase their exploitation. sv-va (eg, with a carbide surface coating).

The majority of N. in. have polycrystalline structure, silicate fibers are usually amorphous. For N. century, received by gas-phase deposition, layer heterog is characteristic. structure, and for fibers obtained by sintering, the presence of a large number of . Fur. St. N. v. are given in the table. The more porous the structure of the fibers (for example, obtained by extrusion with afterbirth, sintering), the lower their density and fur. sv. N. in. stable in many aggressive media, non-hygroscopic. In oxidize. environment max. racks oxide fibers, to a lesser extent, carbide. Carbide fibers have semiconductor properties, their electrical conductivity increases with increasing t-ry.


* Inorg. fibers used for thermal insulation and production of filter materials, have more than low fur. sv.

N. in. and reinforcing threads in constructive materials with org., ceramic. or metallic. matrix. N. in. (except for boron) are used to obtain fibrous or composite-fibrous (with inorganic or org. matrix) high-temperature porous heat insulators. materials; they can be operated for a long time at temperatures up to 1000-1500°C. From quartz and oxide N. to century. produce filters for aggressive liquids and hot gases. Electrically conductive silicon carbide fibers and threads are used in electrical engineering.

Lit.: Konkin A. A., Carbon into other heat-resistant fibrous materials, M., 1974; Kats S. M., High-temperature heat-insulating ma-

materials, M., 1981; Fillers for polymeric composite materials, lane. from English, M., 1981. K. E. Perepelkin.

Chemical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. I. L. Knunyants. 1988 .

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