Do-it-yourself cutting disk machine for metal. Homemade cutting machine with an electric motor

For a long time I wanted to build myself a workshop abrasive - metal cutting machine. Cutting metal with a grinder is not always convenient. The grinder does an excellent job of cutting sheet steel, but it takes a long time and not always convenient to cut off the corner and profile pipes with the grinder. It is necessary to make markings on all sides and cut off the workpiece on one side. Cutting is done on the ground in a bent position of the body, holding the workpiece with the foot. The back gets tired and sparks fly in all directions. And it is even more difficult and longer to cut a round pipe evenly. It is more convenient to do this cutting machine for metal when there is no need to bend down, and the workpiece is securely and securely fixed in the machine. It is very convenient to make or on such a machine. The machine was made from "what was at hand." I tell and show you what I did, and you make your own corrections and make the machine even better from “what is at hand” with you. I do not consider it expedient to describe in detail the entire manufacturing process, I will only focus on important (in my opinion) points.

The manufacturing process must be carried out in the following order:

  1. Making a shaft on which the cutting disc and drive pulley will be installed. Assembling the entire assembly and installing it on a pendulum (I call the pendulum the upper, movable part of the machine on which the cutting disc and engine are installed).
  2. Engine installation. Connecting the motor to the cutting disc shaft with a drive belt.
  3. Manufacture of protective covers for the cutting disc and drive belt.
  4. Manufacture of the pendulum shaft
  5. Manufacturing of a machine frame with a device for clamping the workpiece, a spark arrester, preparation for the installation of electricians ...
  6. Installing the pendulum on the frame.
  7. Wiring.
  8. Test run. Adjustment and debugging.

I made the machine in a different sequence and faced constant alterations and adjustments, because of which the process dragged on. If I now decided to make a machine, I would do everything in this order.

Before I started making a cutting machine, I studied the experience of other people, from which I realized that:

  • the motor must be installed at least 3 kW. if the cutting disc is 400 mm.
  • disk revolutions must be at least 3000 per minute.
  • on the shaft, it is more convenient to place the disc on the right, and the drive pulleys on the left, this will not allow the nut for fastening the cutting disc to turn away during operation.
  • cutting disc shaft bearings fit both 205 and 204 (I used 205)

I installed a 3-phase engine, as I have 380V in the workshop. If you have a voltage of 220 V. in this case, you will have to install starting capacitors, there is a lot of information on how to do this on the Internet.

Below are photos of the manufacturing process.

The protective cover lifts up to replace the used disc with a new one. To do this, unscrew only one M8 bolt from above.

The ability to adjust the tilt of the rocker with the help of metal plates. I did not install bearings on this shaft, but simply drilled holes for lubrication on top and drowned them with M6 bolts.

I borrowed the vise for clamping the workpiece from an old factory-made cut-off machine, but I had to redo it a bit. With this vise, the clamping screw nut can be split into two halves, which is very convenient when installing and removing the workpiece.

You can not do the return mechanism, just change the alignment of the rocker shaft.

Spark arrester. 97 percent of all sparks fall into a removable container.
By means of a stop bolt (from below) it is possible to regulate the maximum angle of inclination.

How to calculate the required pulley diameter.

We will proceed from the fact that the cutting disc should rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm. The disks are marked with information about the maximum allowable rotation speed of 4400 rpm. So you yourself decide at what speed your disk will rotate, the main thing is that it should not exceed 4400 rpm.

To calculate the pulley diameters, you need to know:

  • engine speed
  • revolutions of the cutting disc shaft

Calculation example:

Our engine rotates at a speed 1500 rpm

The cutting disc must rotate at a speed 3000 rpm

We have a pulley for a cutting disc shaft with a diameter 65 mm.

What should be the shaft on the engine?

  1. we consider the length of the perimeter of the existing shaft: number Pi (3.14) multiply by the diameter. 3.14 x 65mm = 204.1mm (shaft perimeter length).
  2. The resulting number is multiplied by the desired shaft speed: 204.1 mm x 3000 rpm = 612,300 mm/min.
  3. we divide what happened by the engine speed: 612 300 mm/min / 1500 rpm = 408.2 mm (motor pulley perimeter)
  4. Divide the result by Pi: 408.2mm / 3.14 = 130mm we need a pulley of this size in order to spin the cut-off shaft at a speed of 3000 rpm.
  • Do you have other pulley diameters available?
  • you only have the right pulley for the engine and you need to match the pulley to the cut-off wheel shaft
  • You don't have pulleys yet and you plan to buy or make them.

How to calculate the length of the drive belt?

The calculation will require the following data:

  • drive pulley radius
  • driven pulley radius
  • distance between the centers of the pulleys.

Calculation example.

We have two pulleys with a diameter 65mm and 130mm, respectively, their radii 32.5mm and 65mm. The distance between their centers is variable (in order to tension the drive belt), for an example of calculation, let's take the length between the centers 500mm.

We consider half the circumference of each pulley in millimeters and add to the resulting number two distances from their centers (as the belt runs from one pulley to another and back to the first).

32.5mm x 3.14 (pi) = 102.05mm (half circumference of the first pulley)

65mm x 3.14 = 204.1mm (circumference of the second pulley)

102.05 + 204.1 + 500 + 500 = 1306 mm (required drive belt length).

For a more accurate calculation, you need to takeminimum and maximum the length of the distance between the centers, choose something in the middle that suits you.

It is quite a useful tool with which you can solve a wide range of problems. This equipment allows you to cut tiles, stone and metal, as well as grind surfaces. But if you have a stationary machine available, it will become much easier to perform these works. You can make such a device yourself in your garage.

Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade machine

If you often work with an angle grinder, then you have already felt its weaknesses. Oddly enough, they are expressed in dignity - mobility. The operator does not always have the opportunity to fix the parts during cutting, and the slightest vibration can cause the destruction of the abrasive disc, which quite often causes injuries.

Mobile equipment is difficult to control with perpendicular cuts. This is true if you take into account the thickness of the disk and compare it with the mark and material. Using an angle grinder is not easy to cut several parts that should have the same dimensions. This applies to twigs and small pipes, after cutting which the parts also have to be trimmed. In addition, your hands will be busy, which leads to rapid fatigue and a decrease in concentration. This should be taken into account for the reason that the angle grinder is one of the dangerous tools.

Why you should use the machine

Kickback when working with this device is a rejection of equipment when the grinding disc is jammed in the product. The danger of this outcome lies in the concomitant destruction of the circle. At impressive speeds, fragments of abrasive can injure the operator.

A kickback can also occur at the end of the cut, when the elements are connected by a small jumper. In this case, it is recommended to stop the tool before completing the cutting of the workpiece. The circle is removed, and the part is cut off on the reverse side. A stationary machine that you can make from improvised materials solves all of these problems. It can also provide additional security.

Making a machine from corners and a metal pipe

If you are faced with the question of how to make a cutting machine from a grinder, then you can perform a fairly simple design by spending a minimum of money on it. It will only take a few hours. The device will be a long metal pipe, which will act as a frame and a handle.

If you want to make a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands on wood, you need to weld a metal bar to one of the ends, which will be located across. Two holes should be made in it, which will serve to fix the grinder. The pipe is fixed on the same side to a small piece of the corner on the movable shaft. The corner is fixed to the desktop or attached to the floor in the working room.

When making a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands, on the opposite side you will need to install a spring that will ensure that the structure returns to its original position. On this we can assume that the machine is ready. It will only need to properly fix the angle grinder.

When making a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands, you must remember that this option is one of the simplest. It is suitable for those who prefer to work with metal. If you need precision in your work, then the design should be made more stable.

Machine with bed

Before you make a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands, you should consider whether it needs a bed. To do this, prepare:

  • profile pipe;
  • corner;
  • welding machine;
  • Metal sheet;
  • drill;
  • channel;
  • identical bearings;
  • pipe;
  • spring;
  • pedal;
  • relay.

Metal will be needed for the platform. If you want to make a lighter version, then you should take care of the presence of chipboard. When choosing a pipe, you should be guided by the fact that it will have a small diameter. If you are not used to working with welding, then you can replace the manipulations with the device by installing strong bolts. This option will allow you to disassemble the machine, if necessary.

You must approach the manufacture of equipment from a piece of parts that will make up the frame. In order for expensive material not to be spoiled, it is better to draw up a drawing. Each model of angle grinder will need its own scheme, because the tools may differ. In some devices, you can remove the handle, while in the case of others, you will have to install a stand for the grinder. For different disk sizes, you will need a frame with certain parameters.

Making a simple frame

If you want to make a simple cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands, then you need to focus on the frame. Its simple design will consist of two frames that are mounted on a common axis. The bottom frame is fixed on the platform. The latter can be made of chipboard or metal.

If the grinder is quite large, then it is better to use metal. The frame to which the angle grinder will be screwed must rotate vertically according to the pendulum principle. To fix the starting position, you need a spring. A mount is fixed to the lower frame, including a movable clamp and a pressure bracket.

Supplementing the machine with a ruler

How to make a cutting machine from a grinder - this question remains relevant in the circles of home craftsmen. It is important to provide measuring units in such equipment. They allow you to cut workpieces with high accuracy up to 1 mm. In this case, it is better to use a movable ruler with a limiter. It is welded to the tube. With its help, the exact size is set. Fastening is carried out by a face screw.


Before starting work, you should consider a photo of cutting machines from a grinder. With your own hands in this case, you can make any model. But each of them must have a foot pedal. This node will ensure the convenience of work. It can be replaced by a button with switching through a 12 V low-voltage relay. The voltage to the angle grinder will be supplied through it.

This uncomplicated design frees the operator's hands for precise cuts without the need for a vise. Accurate measurements can save you time. This tool can be used instead of a cut-off saw for metal, and if necessary, you can disconnect the angle grinder, returning it to a mobile state.

Security measures

If you decide to make a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands, you must remember about safety. If the option is stationary, it is important to consider the direction of the tool and the position of the casing, which should cover the area where the operator is located. If you have a machine, you may find it necessary to attach a wood saw blade to your angle grinder. No matter how strong the desire, it is absolutely impossible to do this.

Wood is a heterogeneous material that may have knots or nails. The grinder works at a high speed, which exceeds the speed of a standard sawmill. This pretty quickly disables the saw blade.

Comparing grinding and abrasive discs with saw blades, you can understand that the latter have sharp teeth. For the sake of a quick cut, it's not worth risking your health. After installing the equipment and a new drive, the grinder should be checked for a minute by starting the device at idle. The circle must not collide with obstacles or touch the casing.

Making a machine from a profile pipe based on a lever mechanism

You can make a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands using a profile pipe. For construction, blanks should be cut. Profile pipes are perfect for the frame. A metal profile will act as a cantilever mount. In addition to this node, you must prepare a steel bar and a metal tire.

If the design will have a supporting platform, then you will need to cut sheet 4 mm steel in size. To the lever, which has the form of a profile pipe, a transverse axis in the form of a shaft for a swivel should be welded. When attaching the shaft to the mobile mechanism, you must maintain perpendicularity.

A U-shaped bracket is prepared from a steel tire, in the sides of which holes for bolts are made. With the help of mechanical fasteners, the gearbox housing of the angle grinder will be fixed.

Before starting work, you must study the intricacies of the drawing of a cutting machine from a grinder; in this case, with your own hands, you can make equipment in just a few hours. Using a steel bar, an envelope collar should be made, which will act as a stepladder.

To fix the body of the device to the mobile mechanisms, a clamping bar is made. It is a metal plate, the width of which exceeds the corresponding values ​​​​of the clamp by 20 mm. Holes are provided on the edges of the pressure plate, where the threaded ends of the stepladder will enter. Fastening is carried out with nuts with a suitable thread.


Quite often, do-it-yourself drawings of a cutting machine from a grinder are prepared. You, too, can follow the example of many home craftsmen. But if you are unable to complete the scheme yourself, you can use the one presented in the article. If you want to simplify the process of cutting samples and not work manually, then it is better to install the grinder on the machine, making the equipment stationary. This will allow you to cut blanks with the same linear dimensions.

Having prepared drawings for a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands, you can get to work. This approach is advisable if you do not want to purchase an industrial production unit. The reluctance of consumers to buy factory models is due to their high cost, which starts from 22,000 rubles.

It is much easier, safer and more comfortable to perform the process of cutting metal and metal structures using machine tools than using hand tools and tools. But not every amateur can make a quality machine.

This is the reason why many prefer to design such mechanisms with their own hands, using what is in everyday life, for example, saws or grinders.

Why are cutting machines needed?

Summer cottages always require minor repairs: to replace a greenhouse rack that has dilapidated from time to time, to make a fence for a land plot of metal, to repair a garden wheelbarrow or cart - cutting metal at a right angle or with a bevel is always needed. It is easier and more efficient to make blanks for any metal products using the machine tool.

With the help of cutting machines, you can cut any materials: steel, cast iron, copper. Cutting is done at 45º and 90º angles. You can make products from pipes of all diameters with your own hands. As a rule, cutting mechanisms are used for cutting semi-finished products into fixed lengths.

Metal equipment can also be used for processing other materials, while eliminating the operation of the cutter. The machine, made by one's own hands, is compact, it is possible to install it under a canopy, and in winter, rearrange it in the working room.

You need a flat and hard surface with lighting. A similar corner can be found on the site of any structure. All-welded and collapsible equipment designs are used. In order to reduce manufacturing costs, the device can be periodically given to neighbors for temporary use.

Cutting machine device

Any work that is associated with metal or wood requires a cutting process, for which special cutting equipment is used. The application of this device is incredibly extensive: from everyday needs and life, to large plants and factories.

It should be noted that machines of this type are mechanisms that will allow you to perform transverse cutting of metal.

Cutting machines can cut parts from any type of metal: from copper and PVC profiles, to large steel billets. Semi-finished products can be cut at right and sharp angles. Using a cutting machine, it is possible to cut pipes of large and medium diameters.

The most important mechanism of the apparatus, its "soul", is an electric motor and a working body - a cutting wheel, which are connected to each other by means of gear or belt drives. Each of these types has its own merits. For example, belt inherent easy running, resistant to various types of loads, less noisy. It can be mounted even on a massive cutting machine.

The gear train is oversized, and due to this feature it is suitable for a miniature home-made cutting unit. Therefore, in the process of buying a cutting mechanism, you need to look at the type of gear used.

Almost any type of machine is equipped with abrasive wheels, but sometimes there are mechanisms on which a carbide disc is installed. Moreover, all such metal saws are equipped with a vice that securely fixes the product or semi-finished product.

Video: homemade cutting machine from a grinder.

Homemade cutting machine for metal: manufacturing instructions

The machine, which is made by one's own hands, has an undeniable advantage: it is made to the requirements of a particular master and products planned for further production. For work you will need:

  • 24th corner;
  • 10th channel;
  • pipes;
  • welder;
  • rolling bearings;
  • electric drive;
  • capacity for mounting the electrical circuit;
  • start toggle switch;
  • starting circuit;
  • winding;
  • drill.

Assembly progress:

  1. From the corner No. 24 and using the angle grinder, cut the blanks onto the frame with your own hands, its dimensions are 400x600x1200 mm;
  2. Using a welding machine, workpieces are welded together;
  3. Channel No. 10 is welded as a guide, which at the same time will give strength to the entire structure.
  4. Using screws, two vertical supports are fixed to the channel;
  5. Using pipes, make a frame 400x600 mm for subsequent mounting of the electric drive and shaft at the required angle;
  6. On the "tail" part of the frame there is a plate with a fixed electric motor. It is advisable to use an asynchronous motor, as it is unpretentious. Depending on the future purpose, you can give preference to the motor, the power of which will be in the range of 1.5 ... 3 kW and perform “powering” from a three-phase network. If it is possible to use only a 1-phase network, select a motor 1/3 more power than the calculated value, it is connected using capacitors;
  7. Using a lathe, make a shaft and flanges, a pulley and supports. The flange must protrude 30.32 mm.
  8. Install the support bearings and pulley;
  9. The installation of the box with the wiring diagram is carried out directly in the lower area of ​​the frame.
  10. A 12 mm shaft is attached between the racks, on which the sleeve is put on. The distance between the shaft and the sleeve must be kept as small as possible and a sliding fit must be ensured.
  11. A rocker arm from the 10th channel (L = 800 mm) is welded onto the bushing using a welding machine, the ratio of the arms of the rocker arm is 1 to 3. Its stroke is limited by a chain.
  12. An electric motor is installed on the area of ​​the short section of the rocker, and a cutting mechanism is installed on the long component.
  13. A belt drive is laid from the electric motor to the shaft.

The price of a capacitance for an electrical circuit made by oneself will be slightly lower compared to that purchased at a hardware store. To extend power to the equipment, a three-pole circuit breaker is needed, from which power is drawn to the electric motor, an emergency stop button and a starting circuit.

The emergency button is connected directly, the electric motor is connected using a box and an automatic machine. This will ensure complete safety and electrical protection of the equipment you have made.

Based on the foregoing, making a cutting mechanism with your own hands is not only cheaper, but also more practical, since in the process of its manufacture you yourself adjust its parameters and adjust it for its future work.

Also, having done such a procedure once, you can repair such equipment without any problems. Moreover, if necessary, you can earn money by making cutting equipment with your own hands.

Video: do-it-yourself homemade cutting machine for metal.

From this article you can learn how to make a cutting machine for metal with your own hands at home using the simplest materials. It details all the stages of creating structures based on a cutting disc or grinder: preparation of materials and tools, calculation formulas, detailed step-by-step instructions, as well as related information with useful tips.

A do-it-yourself cutting machine for metal will allow you to get equipment that is ideally suited to the needs of the owner

Disc cutting machines are tools based on a special platform or frame made of metal. The machine itself is equipped with parts that ensure reliable fixation of the material in a certain position at the required angle in the process of cutting it.

As a cutting element in such designs, a disk made of high-speed steel is used. It is also called carbide. It can also be used for cutting metal with a coated abrasive material. The cutting element is driven by an electric motor with a belt or gear transmission.

Note! In low-power versions of the tool, it is allowed to use a cutting element mounted directly on the shaft of an electric motor. In other cases, such use of the disc can be dangerous.

Disc machines have three different feeds of the cutting component:

  • lower;
  • pendulum;
  • frontal.

By the number of cutting elements, machines are:

  • single-head - the device package includes only one cutting disc, therefore, if it is necessary to replace the operation, the cutting edge is readjusted in accordance with the new task;
  • two-head - the design makes it possible to work with two tools at once, thereby increasing efficiency. In such machines, one head is in a fixed position and remains stable, the second head can move. Two-head designs can carry out work automatically.

Making a disk cutting machine for metal with your own hands: procedure

In the manufacture of a machine designed to work with metal, the actions are performed in the following order:

  1. Protective covers are being prepared that will be installed on the drive belt, as well as the cutting disc.
  2. The motor is installed. A drive belt acts as a connecting piece between the shaft of the cutting element and the engine.
  3. A shaft is being made on which the drive pulley will be fixed, and a cutting disc will also be installed. The assembly is subject to assembly and subsequent installation on the pendulum. In this case, the movable upper part of the structure acts as a pendulum, where the cutting element and the motor are located.
  4. A shaft is being made for attaching the pendulum.
  5. A frame is being made to install the machine. The spark arrester and the workpiece will be fixed on it.
  6. The pendulum is mounted on the frame.
  7. Electrical wiring is being installed.
  8. A trial run of the tool and equipment adjustment is carried out.

As a cutting element, a disk made of high-speed steel is used, or a circle coated in the form of an abrasive material.

Calculation of a pulley for a homemade cutting machine for metal

The calculation of the pulley diameter is carried out taking into account the rotational speed of the disk and other parameters. If we assume that the motor power is at least 300 W, the rotational speed of the disk will be at least 3000 rpm, and its size in diameter will be 40 cm.

Useful advice! In the process of cutting metal, the nut in the disc fixation area can be turned away. To avoid this, it is recommended to place the drive pulleys on the left side, and the disk itself on the shaft on the right.

Typically, discs are marked by the manufacturer, who puts on the product the maximum allowable rotational speed. In this case, the indicator is 4400 rpm. Therefore, it is allowed to select any speed within the range of 3000-4400 rpm.

Data for calculations:

  • rotational speed of the motor - 1500 rpm;
  • the diameter of the pulley intended for installation on the shaft is 6.5 cm;
  • rotational speed of the disk - 3000 rpm.

The calculation is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Set the length of the shaft around the perimeter. To do this, the number π, which is equal to 3.14, is multiplied by the size of the diameter: 3.14 x 6.5 = 20.41 cm (shaft length around the perimeter).
  2. The resulting value is multiplied by the required number of revolutions: 20.41 x 3000 rpm. = 61230 cm/min.
  3. The result must be divided by the number of engine revolutions: 61230 cm / min / 1500 rpm. = 40.82 cm (motor pulley length around the perimeter).
  4. The resulting value is divided by the number π: 40.82 cm / 3.14 \u003d 13 cm (required pulley size).

Calculation of the length of the belt for a homemade cutting machine for metal with your own hands

To perform these calculations, you will need the following data:

  • drive pulley parameters (radius);
  • the distance separating the center points of the pulleys;
  • driven pulley parameters (radius).

Having 2 pulleys with dimensional parameters of 13 cm and 6.5 cm, you can make the necessary calculations. Since the distance between the centers of these elements can be changed (because it is necessary to bring the belt into a state of tension), a 50 cm long segment will be taken as an example.

First pulley (circumference):

3.14 (pi number) x 3.25 cm = 10.20 cm

Second pulley (circumference):

3.14 (pi number) x 6.5 cm = 20.41 cm

Drive belt (required length):

20.41 cm + 10.20 cm + 50 cm x 2 = 13.06 cm

Useful advice! To get a more accurate result, you should make calculations with the maximum and minimum distance between the center points of the pulleys and choose an average value.

To independently make the design of the machine for working with metal, you should prepare the necessary tools.

Mandatory set of tools and materials includes:

  • welding machine;
  • metal corner (steel);
  • channel and chain;
  • button to turn on / off;
  • bearings;
  • shaft and electric motor;
  • electric drill;
  • sheet steel to create a working surface;
  • a box for placing the electrical components of the machine.

The principles of creating a machine for cutting metal

The manufacturing scheme for a home-made machine is subject to certain principles, they must be taken into account before getting down to business:

  • it is very important to choose the right gear and carry out its installation. The safety of the torque and its correct transmission from the engine to the cutting element (disk) depend on this component;
  • must be provided for. This tool contributes to more comfortable work, and also increases the degree of its safety;

  • selection of the optimal cutting angle. The allowable range is within 45-90°. In most cases, experts prefer cutting at right angles;
  • the diameter of the cutting disc is selected taking into account what materials the master will work with on this machine in the future. The larger the diameter of the cutting element, the easier it will be to cope with cutting thick metal;
  • when designing and drawing up drawings, such indicators as the dimensions of the future machine and its weight must be taken into account. These values ​​are directly affected by the materials from which the equipment will be made. The layout of parts also matters.

Note! When drawing up drawings, special attention should be paid to vibration mounts that are installed on the legs.

Assembling a metal frame for a cutting machine

After all the tools are prepared and the drawings are selected, you can go directly to the process of creating the machine. Using, it is necessary to make the frame part of the structure. In accordance with the drawings, which can be compiled independently or found on the network, frame elements are cut out. All of them are interconnected by welding. First you need to check the conformity of the sizes.

A channel is welded to the upper part of the frame - it will become a guide element and will serve as the basis for further installation of the cutting component on the machine. This channel will become a kind of link between the electric motor and the cutting element. After that, vertically arranged racks are fixed on it with bolts.

You will need to weld the design of another frame. Dimensional parameters are selected individually, taking into account the dimensions of the electric motor and its features. When choosing an electric motor for a machine, it is better to pay attention to modifications of the asynchronous type. This type of equipment is characterized by increased reliability and durability.

There is one subtlety when choosing a motor. The more powerful the engine, the smoother the drive will be.

Assembly of the electrical component for the machine

Installation of equipment involves the installation and connection of the working shaft to the electric motor of the machine. The way in which this can be done is not critical. If the drawings contain instructions for performing this procedure, it is better to follow it, since the correct operation and reliability of the tool depends on the quality of the installation.

Useful advice! Some parts that you can’t make yourself can be ordered from a turner. These include flanges for fixing, as well as a pulley.

To fix the motor on a metal frame, it is better to use a bolted connection with nuts. Not far from the engine, it is recommended to place a box where the switch and electrical circuit are located, as well as a remote control for controlling the tool.

The channel, designed to fix the cutting disc, is best placed on a spring. You need to make sure that when you release it, it returns to its original place. To fix the spring, you can take bolts and a clamp.

The electrical component is the most important part of the tool. Be sure to include in the design a chain for starting, as well as a button for emergency shutdown of the machine. It is necessary to achieve such an arrangement of parts in which the electric motor will be connected to electricity through an automatic machine and a box, and not directly. A three-way starting machine will be enough to turn on and fully start the engine. It will also power the off button.

Finally, it is worth taking care of the presence of protective devices that will protect a person in the process of work. To do this, you need to make a protective cover. It will prevent sparks and small metal particles from getting into the eyes.

Making a cutting machine from a grinder with your own hands: drawings, technology

The designs of cutting machines made on the basis of a grinder are of two types (depending on the location of the grinder).

In the first case, a bed is obtained on which the angle grinder is very rigidly fixed. Only the disk rises above the working surface, for which there is a special slot in the table. Such a machine operates on the principle of a circular saw.

Note! In the process of working with such a machine, you have to move the workpiece yourself, because of which the accuracy of work is lost. In addition, this process can be unsafe, so drawings with a hidden type of grinder placement are not in high demand.

The second option assumes that the workpiece remains stationary, and the cutting element moves. Due to the fact that the grinder is located on top of the countertop, cutting parts does not require serious effort.

List of tools and materials for a do-it-yourself cutting machine from a grinder

When making a tool yourself, it should be borne in mind that the accuracy with which it will work depends largely on the stability of the structure. For this reason, the thickness of materials for manufacturing is associated not so much with the requirements for the strength of the machine body, but with the need to ensure the proper level of rigidity.

List of materials:

  • profiled pipe with a square section (2.5x2.5x0.25 cm);
  • sheet steel (sheet thickness 0.4-0.5 cm);
  • profiled pipe with a rectangular section (4x2x0.25 cm);
  • ball bearings - 2 pcs. (No. 203, 204 or 202);
  • calibrated bar no more than 10 cm (thickness is selected taking into account the hole on the inner race of the bearing);
  • metal bar (diameter 0.8-1 cm);
  • fasteners (bolts with nuts, thread M or M8);
  • metal tire (2x0.4 cm).

List of tools:

  • angle grinder;
  • electric drill (can be replaced with a drilling machine);
  • kit ;
  • a set of dies designed to form a metal thread;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • wrenches.

Choosing the right cutting tool for a homemade cutting machine from a grinder

Angle grinder is the main node of the machine for working with metal. Experts do not recommend using a small tool for these purposes, which has a power of no more than 500-600 watts. In such angle grinders, cutting discs have a diameter of no more than 12.5 cm. These limitations are due to the fact that a cutting element with a large diameter is considered universal and very reliable - it is able to cope with cutting thick workpieces.

Useful advice! Instead of welding to fix parts, threaded connections can be used, however, they are less reliable and will not be able to provide the required level of strength.

  1. Preparation and manufacture of parts for the frame.
  2. The arrangement of the swivel on the pendulum lever.
  3. Production of a U-shaped bracket with holes for mounting the gearbox of a grinding machine.
  4. Making a U-shaped clamp and a strap that will fix the body of the grinder on the pendulum.
  5. Mounting the U-shaped clamp and the U-shaped bracket to the cutting tool: by welding or threaded connection, all these parts are attached to the cantilever part.
  6. Pressing bearings into bearings.
  7. Double-sided pressing of bearing assemblies onto the shaft. To increase the strength of the connection, you can tin the axis with a thin layer of tin using a soldering iron.
  8. Fixing the pendulum with the supporting nodal parts on the edge of the platform (indentation from the edge 0.5-0.6 cm) using a welding machine.
  9. Installation of the grinder and protective casing.
  10. Mounting the return spring.

After the structure is assembled, it is necessary to perform a test run and check the correct operation of the equipment, as well as the placement of all parts on it. At the final stage, the groove is adjusted to the cutting element, supports are installed to secure the workpieces.

When finishing is completed, the body of the machine must be covered with a thin layer of enamel. Staining will protect the instrument from damage that rust can cause.

Permanent work associated with cutting metals and wood materials requires the use of a cutting machine. With the help of an electric tool, it is possible to quickly and efficiently cut metal structures. The disc cutting machine is used to form blanks for profile pipes, channel bars, rods and other rolled metal parts.

The equipment is used at large manufacturing enterprises; band and hacksaw machines are used for mass work. The complexity of the metal structure of special machines makes it impossible to use in limited places. The cutting machine can be used under any conditions, which makes it popular. A circular saw is responsible for cutting work.

Classification of disc cutting machines

Disc metal cutting machines are divided into 4 main categories. A universal tool applicable to all types of metals is a disk machine of the first category. The disk element of the cutting equipment allows processing metal products in large quantities. The subsequent classes differ in power and productivity, the fourth category cutting machine is used for domestic purposes, it is not equipped with full functionality, like professional equipment.

There are many varieties of industrial, household machines. The main difference is the number of cutting edges, two main types are offered for use:

  1. Single disc element design, low power and efficiency. Single head machines have limited functionality, low cutting speed. They are used when cutting one element, they allow cutting frame profiles or pipes, preparing equipment.
  2. A cutting machine with a design of two cutting elements allows you to process metal in several directions at once. The two-head equipment has a rigidly fixed head, the second rotating cutting element moves. The productivity of the tool is doubled, so this tool is applicable in large-scale production, automated process conditions. When working with a frame profile, one run is enough, which significantly saves time.

Several types of cutting machines are used, they are also divided according to the way the tool is fed. It is necessary to correctly select the equipment in accordance with the requirements for it. Only in this case, it is possible to recoup the costs of cutting metals during subsequent work.

Classification according to the method of feeding the cutting element

There are a large number of machines on sale, before purchasing, it is important to understand how the cutting element feed system works. The cutting element can be fed in the following ways:

  • frontal supply of the cutting disk;
  • a device with the implementation of the lower feed of the cutting element;
  • construction, the basis of which is the work of the pendulum method.

The metal base of the cutting machine can be floor standing or tabletop when used. In the first case, a larger diameter disc is installed, which allows cutting a larger volume of parts. Desktop equipment is more mobile, has a reduced weight.

Varieties of disk machines

In addition to the tool feed, various shapes and designs of cut-off saws have been developed. The most common are abrasive - cutting, as a rule - cutting and cutting saws. The design is selected depending on the specific type of tasks and metals.

Cutting disc machines for metal are used when cutting profiles of various types, non-ferrous metals. The metal structure does not have the characteristics of increased productivity, it is used in small-scale production, with free tasks. It is used with square, channel-rolled metal, depending on the density of the metal, the optimal number of revolutions is selected. The machine is economically located to consumables, this is possible due to the processing of a disk metal structure with increased speed and power of the electric drive.

Abrasive - cutting machine is able to process metals of any profile and thickness. It is used for cutting single blanks at different angles, up to 45 degrees. It is used in preparatory workshops when cutting long-length rolled metal products. Models with dust extraction allow comfortable cutting in confined spaces. Also, more expensive modifications provide for the supply of liquid for cooling the disk element, the design of automatic chamfering.

The cutting of metals supplied by coils is carried out, as a rule, by a cutting-off type of machine tools. Several types of steels are supplied in packaged form or coil:

  • bars of various sections;
  • wire;
  • pipe strips;
  • reinforcing steel.

The implementation of the device is made in such a way that the mechanism captures the beginning of the material, runs it through the rule. The aligned part is automatically cut off, transferred to the tray with finished products. Cutting machines of the correct type, regardless of the purpose and dimensions, are equipped with various unwinders:

  • drive;
  • mechanized;
  • stationary
  • roller effect.

Cutting machines are mainly used in serial production, where high cutting accuracy and a small cut roughness are required. A variety of modifications allows you to choose a disc cutting machine in accordance with the needs and production volumes.

The device of the disk cutting machine

Metal parts are made of hard steel alloys for more uniform and stable operation. The platform consists of a rigid base made of metal. The cutting machine can be stationary and removable, some types are equipped with a vice for securely fastening the workpiece during cutting.

The disc is made of carbide steel or high-speed cutting elements. Depending on the type of construction, a wheel with an abrasive surface is used, which makes it possible to process chamfers, edges from burrs. The fixed disc metalworking machines use a gear train to provide a secure connection and long-lasting performance.

The belt type of mechanical energy transmission is installed on portable devices in which weight is important. Low-power designs of the fourth category are connected directly to the disk mechanism.

Making a disc cutting machine preparing tools and

If you have a certain plumbing experience and a place to work, it is possible to make any circular saw for metal on your own. A disc cutting machine for metal implies dangerous actions with a cutting element at high speeds. It is important to observe all the design features of the disk device, to make accurate calculations before assembly.

A home-made cutting machine for working with metal is made in the following order:

  • Safety is paramount, therefore, protective covers for cutting elements are being prepared.
  • To power the cutting disc, you must connect the electric motor. The drive is selected depending on the type of machine, it can be a belt or gear drive.
  • The drive pulley is mounted on a pre-prepared drive shaft. A purchased or self-made cutting disc is mounted to the pendulum. In this scenario, the upper part of the installation acts as a pendulum, on which the engine and disk are located.
  • On the frame of the future machine, a place is being prepared for the spark catcher and blanks.
  • After installing the pendulum to the frame, the electric motor wires are installed.
  • At the end of the work, a trial run and debugging of the nodes is carried out.

An electric motor is one of the most important components of a metal disk structure. It is necessary to install the scheme of the cutting machine of the start button, as well as the emergency stop. The engine is placed in such a way as to correctly connect the electrical circuit through the machine. The engine is fixed on the frame; bolts and nuts are the best material for connection. The switch box is located in close proximity to the electrical part of the motor.

Work methodology

The principles of making a machine with your own hands consist of several rules that are taken into account before carrying out any actions. The cutting machine is made from improvised means and materials, so it is important to follow consistently to obtain a quality tool:

  1. The pressure of the cutting element on the metal, the engine torque depends on the correct choice of gear. An overtightened chain or belt can break, blocking metal cutting.
  2. The vice is used to avoid vibrations, provide comfortable work, safe working conditions.
  3. The cutting angle is selected only in necessary cases, the range is from 45 to 90 °. In standard situations, craftsmen prefer cutting metals at right angles.
  4. The diameter of the cutting machine disc is selected depending on the type of metal to be processed. The increased diameter will easily cope with thick-walled parts. Protection should be calculated, work without a casing is unsafe, it can cause injury if the disk is deformed.

The use of an angle grinder as a cutting tool is possible when working with bulky workpieces. The execution of the structure exists in two variations, when the grinder is fixed motionless, as well as by fixing the workpiece. In the first case, accuracy is lost, because the part is not attached to the frame; when manually moving the tool, safety rules must be observed.

How to calculate the required pulley diameter

Drive pulley diameter is calculated according to motor rated power and speed. Positioning on one side can lead to loosening of the nut, so the pulley or tool of the metal cutting machine is located on opposite sides of the structure. The maximum allowable rotation speed is marked by the disc manufacturer in the instruction manual. For example, it is possible to take an engine with a maximum shaft rotation speed of 1500 rpm, the diameter of the pulley attached to the shaft is 6.5 cm. The necessary task is to obtain an output disc rotation speed of about 3000 rpm, for this it is calculated:

  • The length of the shaft along the perimeter is calculated from the formula 3.14 × 6.5, the result is 20.41 cm.
  • The value is multiplied by the required number of revolutions, it turns out 61230 cm.
  • Further, the result is divided by the nominal speed of the electric drive, which is equal to 40.82, which indicates the length of the pulley around the perimeter.
  • The value is divided by the number π, resulting in a pulley diameter of 13 cm.

For the number of revolutions, you can take the maximum allowable value on the cutting disc, in which case it is necessary to select a larger electric drive power.

How to calculate the length of the drive belt

Calculating the length of the belt of a homemade machine comes from the following parameters:

  • radius of the drive pulley fixed on the drive;
  • distance from the center points of the two pulleys;
  • pulley size parameters to the axle.

Calculating the length of the belt is not difficult, it is important to take into account some factors. The cutting machine operates under significant loads, so the degree of belt tension is important, otherwise the drive will slip. A quality product should be selected, in case of a broken belt, damage to the disk or workpiece is possible.


The table for the machine is a frame made of a metal channel. It is possible to make a frame from a corner, the connections are made by welding.

A channel is installed on the frame from the top, its purpose is to guide the parts during the cutting process. The racks are fastened by bolting, if necessary, the channel can be replaced in accordance with the work on the cutting machine.

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