Painted floor. How to paint a wooden floor

There is nothing difficult about painting the floor. If you wish, you can do everything yourself. However, the process is almost the same for both wood floors and cement and concrete surfaces. Minor differences are present only in the preparation process and at the initial stages of the main work.

To obtain high-quality coverage, you need to do everything exactly according to the instructions. Work begins with surface cleaning and selection suitable paint... It is recommended to immediately focus on high-quality and durable compounds, especially if you plan to finish a cement or concrete base.

Work should be done in normal humidity and temperature range. Information about this is given in the instructions for the paint, be sure to study it before use.

  1. If condensation appears on the outside of the plastic, work will have to be done to reduce air humidity. For this, you can use special dehumidifiers.
  2. In the event that condensation is present on inside"Probe", excess moisture is present in the concrete itself. To solve this problem, it is worth leaving one or more heaters and a bag of salt in the room, which will absorb excess moisture.
  3. Perhaps the reason high humidity in the room are dilapidated heating pipelines. In this case, repairing the coolant or cleaning the pipes and gutters of the water supply system cannot be avoided.

The standard temperature range for floor painting is between 5-33 degrees. However, it is imperative to additionally clarify the permissible indicators in the instructions for the selected paint.

Old paint is usually easy to remove grinder... You can do it manually with ordinary sandpaper, but it takes too long.

Move furniture and appliances out of the room... Vacuum the floor thoroughly and remove any contamination if present. Use a degreasing agent if necessary.

Clean the floor. For this you need a brush, detergent and pure water... Any contamination will lead to the fact that the quality of adhesion of the paint to the surface will significantly deteriorate. Wait until the floor is completely dry.

Get rid of cracks and other damage... This is easily done with a spatula and special repair kits, which are sold at any hardware and hardware store.

This will reduce the time spent on painting and save you unnecessary work in the future.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the coloring composition. On the market today, there is a large selection of various substances that are excellent for painting floors. Your attention is invited short review each of the more popular options.

Most often, floors in residential premises are painted with epoxy or alkyd compounds.... Epoxy paint needs preliminary preparation, while alkyd paint is ready for use right away. However, before applying alkyd paints floors must be pre-treated with a primer. Before applying the epoxy, the surface is not primed.

Also for finishing floors are widely used special soil mixtures. There is a sense in their use when it is necessary to finish a floor that is too neglected with many defects.

When choosing a paint, you must, first of all, take into account the characteristics of a particular room. For example, for the kitchen better fit moisture resistant composition with increased resistance to mechanical damage. In ordinary living rooms most commonly used formulations water based.

To make it easier to make a choice, you need to consider the main features of the paints used for flooring. So epoxies are time-tested. They are characterized by a long service life and high strength. Such paints normally tolerate various aggressive external influences.

Virtually does not change its external properties over time. Suitable for closed and open spaces, so that it can even be used to paint the floor on a non-glazed balcony. Such a composition can be applied even to insufficiently dried concrete. The paint is two-component, so before using it you will need to spend some time preparing the composition.

Be sure to take into account the fact that it will be very difficult to change the color of the surface treated with epoxy paint in the future.

Acrylic compounds are made using acrylic resin and various kinds of polymers. This paint is excellent for finishing concrete surfaces. On the finished coating, a special protective film that reduces harm from influences of various nature.

The resulting film is characterized by moisture resistant properties, so it can be safely used on the balcony, in the kitchen, bathroom and other similar premises. The paint is easy to work with, it can be applied using any tool designed for this. One layer is enough, but if you wish, you can apply two. The paint dries completely on average in 10-14 hours, specific information is given on the packaging of the product, be sure to check this moment before using.

Quite often, high-quality materials are used for flooring. polyurethane enamels... Usually, such compositions consist of 2 components, but this in no way affects the quality of the product. Enamels are well suited for concrete floors, they perfectly tolerate all kinds of atmospheric influences, they are characterized by high environmental friendliness and economy, they are not afraid of damage, they allow you to obtain a glossy and generally attractive surface.

Polyurethane enamel is used for temperature conditions from +5 to + 30-35 degrees. Due to the fact that the composition is two-component, you must first mix the first component thoroughly, and only then add the second to it.

If in question about a concrete field, it is recommended to paint in 2 passes.

  1. First you need to apply a uniform layer of small thickness, making sure that no smudges or spills form.
  2. The second layer is applied no later than a day after the initial treatment.

Among the disadvantages of the composition in question, it is worth noting the long drying time. Depending on the brand and other issues, this will take up to 2 weeks. The paint stops sticking on average after two days. In the first week, she acquires maximum resistance to mechanical stress, and she needs another week to gain resistance to chemical damage.

In the absence of suitable paint and unwillingness to buy it, you can get by with the usual polyurethane primer... It is quite capable of performing the functions of the main and only floor covering. Also, such primers are excellent for processing before finishing painting.

Available for sale mixtures on polyurethane and epoxy base.

Polyurethane based primer fills even the smallest pores in the floor, dedusting the treated surface and making it more durable. It is characterized by high adhesion to floor and paint. Excellent impact tolerance detergents, fats, various chemical components and even gasoline.

A polyurethane-based primer is best used in combination with polyurethane paint. It is possible to paint over the primer at least 12 hours after its application. This primer is very simple and incredibly easy to use. Its use allows you to reduce consumption topcoat and achieve a higher adhesion to the finishing layer.

Epoxy primers recommended for use in combination with epoxy paint. This composition is widely used as a stand alone coating. The primer closes the pores in the floor, helps to remove dust and harden the surface. The composition is waterproof and moisture resistant, its use allows you to increase the adhesion of the paint to the floor, as well as to achieve a higher resistance to chemical and mechanical stress.

Requires preliminary grinding and thorough cleaning of the surface from any contamination. The finished composition loses its original properties within an average of 30 minutes, so it is strictly not recommended to delay its application.

Step-by-step instructions for staining

After choosing the paint suitable for your case and completing the obligatory preliminary preparation surface, select the tool to work with. You can work with traditional brushes or rollers, or make it easier for yourself by choosing a full-fledged sprayer to achieve your goal. In addition, prepare adhesive tape, a container for preparing paint and individual protective equipment.

When choosing a tool for applying paint, be guided, first of all, by the features of the composition used. One coat of paint applied with a modern spray gun will have quality characteristics not inferior to a three-layer paint coating applied by brush or roller.

The sprayer saves time on work and directly finishing material... However, the spray can not be used everywhere. For example, to paint corners and all sorts of hard-to-reach areas, you will have to use a simple brush.

For the application of acrylic-based enamels and dyes, wide rollers with a small nap are used. Velor or conventional facade tools allow you to quickly and evenly apply the paint used. For more convenience, the roller can be attached to a sufficiently long handle.

The corners are painted over with narrow brushes. All work comes down to the uniform application of the paint and varnish composition. If necessary, the floor is pre-primed. It is recommended to start painting from the wall opposite to the exit from the room. Otherwise, you risk creating a "trap" and unnecessary work for yourself.

In the case of a concrete floor, you can start painting after at least 5-7 days after the completion of pouring it.

The paint should be applied with strokes in different directions, and then rubbed over the floor surface. The layers should not be very dry. Better to apply 2-3 thin coats than one thick one. This will dry the finish faster and will look better overall. A new layer can only be applied after the previous one has dried. This usually takes about 24 hours.

Video - How to paint the floor?

Drying the floor after painting

After applying the last coat of paint, you need to wait until it is completely dry. Optimal conditions for drying are the temperature in the region of +20 degrees and humidity at the level of 75-80%. It is not recommended to exert any mechanical stress on the surface within 3-4 days after the completion of paintwork. The recommended period may vary in accordance with the temperature and humidity conditions in the room.

Also, the drying time of the paint strongly depends on the conditions in which the paint composition was. For example, if freshly poured concrete was painted, it will take much longer to dry. In such a situation, polymerization will be completed in about 5-7 days, after reaching maximum values chemical and mechanical resistance. It is important to allow the paint to dry completely so that it can gain maximum durability.

Thus, with the help of paint, you can not only transform the appearance of the floor, but also improve its quality and performance characteristics... However, a positive result and a long service life of the coating can be expected only if each stage is correctly and consistently performed. Focus on the proposed instructions and you will succeed. Happy work!

The correct selection of tools and materials for painting wooden floors in residential premises, especially the preparation of old and new coatings for the application of coloring compositions, technological rules of work.

Essential tools for painting a wooden floor

Today, you can paint the floor in a room using varnish and paint. At the same time, it is important to correctly choose not only the compositions for finishing, but also the tools. After all, if you do not pay due attention to this issue, then all the flaws in the work will be visible, as well as stains, irregularities, and gaps.

In our work we need the following tools:

  • Roller... It significantly speeds up the application process paintwork on the floor. In addition, it distributes paint in even layers without pronounced transitions. For finishing wooden floors, it is best to opt for a roller with a long handle. This will greatly facilitate the process of applying paint and save you from awkward positions. The floor roller should have a medium bristle length.
  • Brush... This tool is necessary for painting over corners, baseboards and places where it is inconvenient to use a roller.
  • Special tray... Of course, you can save money and choose any available container for pouring paint, but this will increase the consumption of material. The tray has a special design, in which there is a slope to avoid ink settling on the edges of the container and a ribbed surface for removing excess product from the roller or brush.
  • Masking tape... It will be necessary in the case of drawing a pattern on the floor surface or in the presence of places that do not need painting. The adhesive tape has a strong waterproof base, which completely excludes the penetration of water, paint or varnish under it.
  • Various spatulas... This tool is needed to remove old paint or varnish from the floor, when filling cracks and gaps between the planks.
  • Chisel... With this tool you can expand genital slit, remove unnecessary knots, loose chips and other irregularities.
  • Parquet scraper... You cannot cope without it if you are dealing with old parquet or varnished floors. It will allow you to process a large surface quickly and with high quality and get a smooth, even coating.
  • Construction hairdryer... The need for this tool will appear when working with a floor on which several layers of paint are applied. With it, you can easily cleanse it large area for a short time.

Selection of materials for painting wood floor

After you have decided on the tool, you need to choose necessary materials... When painting wooden floors, you will definitely need a putty to seal cracks and cracks, drying oil, paint, a solvent to dilute it and clean your hands upon completion of work. Let's dwell on each material in more detail.

Wood floor putty

There are several varieties of putty for woodworking. When choosing it, start from those characteristics that you need to get at the end of the work.

Consider the types of putties for a wooden floor:

  1. Oil and oil-chalk putties... They fit well, are easy to use and have a long service life. However, they take a very long time to dry. Therefore, the period for painting floors when using them is increased in comparison with other materials.
  2. Acrylic fillers ... Today they are considered the most convenient to work with. They look good, do not crack in the future when the board is deformed, they are suitable for sealing small indentations in the floor, they dry quickly.
  3. Homemade putty. This kind material is easy to prepare at home. This will require wood glue and small sawdust. This filler is well suited for preparing floors for varnishing. It does not crack over time, dries quickly, and is easy to apply.

Wood floor paint

The quality of the paint has a huge impact on the condition and appearance of your future coating. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it not only according to the price and recommendations of the sellers, but also based on the humidity of the room, the presence of external mechanical impact on the floor, the condition and type of wood planks.

Oil paint is considered the most inexpensive, resistant to constant stress, has a long service life. Among the disadvantages of this paint, it is worth noting bad smell and the need for prolonged drying of the room. Acrylic is easy to apply, dries quickly, but has a significant cost.

After you have chosen the paint, you need to calculate it the right amount... For this, there is an instruction on the bank itself. Based on it and the number of squares of your floor, you can easily calculate the required volume.

Standard for one square meter the floor is used from 200 to 250 grams of paint. This amount of composition is lost when the coating is applied in one layer. When painting in two, you need to double the calculated amount.

Wood floor varnishes

Varnishes are used when covering parquet or restoring an old natural wood floor, if it has beautiful drawing... For these purposes, the following compositions can be used:
  • Alkyd based varnish... This material has different shades, is easy to apply, transfers high humidity and external influences. It works great for all types of wood. However, this type of varnish dries for a long time (at least a day). When applied in large quantities, it can wrinkle and spoil the appearance of the floor.
  • Acrylic based varnish... This type is easy to apply, eliminates creaking between parquet floorboards, dries quickly, and has a low cost. However, it has a number of serious disadvantages, including a short service life, discoloration in direct sunlight, and low resistance to mechanical stress.
Payment the required amount this material is produced in the same way as paint.

When buying several cans of paint or varnish, pay attention to the batch number. It should be the same. This is due to the fact that the composition can have different tones even when choosing the same color.

Preparatory work before painting a wooden floor

Preparing a wooden floor for painting or varnishing is mandatory. It doesn't matter if yours is old flooring or they just laid him down. Of course, an old floor that has been painted over and over will take a little more effort and time than a new one to prepare.

Preparing the old floor for painting is about returning the wood to a practically new condition. This is both material and time-consuming.

Let's consider how to prepare a wooden floor for painting:

  1. At the first stage, we remove the old skirting boards. Then we clean the resulting space from debris and old putty.
  2. Now you need to carefully examine the condition of the nails with which the floorboards are attached to the logs. They can fall out, deteriorate or stick out of the canvas. If necessary, the nails are replaced with new ones. The protruding ones need to be drowned in the tree so that they do not interfere with further work.
  3. We will definitely examine the condition of the floorboards. If there is a need for replacement (crack, rot), this must be done before painting the old wood floor.
  4. We proceed to remove paint from the surface. The grinder will help with this. It will easily remove old paint and various irregularities. If you are dealing with several layers, then you need to use construction hairdryer... The tool will pick up the paint, and then you can easily remove it with a special scraper.
  5. We subject the surface obtained after cleaning to a thorough revision and assessment. If you find significant bumps or bumps, then you will need a sander to remove them. If the floor has cracks or crevices, then it is necessary to carefully seal everything up with a putty and clean the resulting surfaces.
  6. All debris that forms during the work must be carefully removed. You will not be able to do such an operation manually with a broom. Therefore, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner, preferably a construction one.

    After that, you need to treat the floor with linseed oil or primer. You need to do this two times. This is due to the fact that the first layer is completely absorbed into the wood. But the second creates the surface necessary for painting.

    Instructions for applying paint to wood floors

    Even if you decide to paint on the floor, you still have to do the first coat of paint in one color. Therefore, first you need to prepare the entire tool and the main coloring composition.

    Stir the paint thoroughly in a jar before starting the application. This will help get rid of possible clots. If the concentration of the composition is very thick, it must be diluted special means.

    In order not to stain clothes and hands, we change into work clothes, hide our hair under a cap or kerchief. We put on gloves on our hands.

    Now you can get to work, following the technology of painting a wooden floor:

    • Pour a small amount of paint into the prepared tray.
    • Having dipped a brush, we begin to paint over the places where the skirting boards were installed. And so along the entire perimeter of the room.
    • Now, using a roller, we start painting the entire room. It is recommended that you start at the front corner and end at the doors.
    • After the first layer of paint has dried well, it is necessary to install the skirting boards and fill up the cracks well.
    • When the applied putty has frozen, the resulting surface is thoroughly cleaned and cleaned of the resulting debris.
    • If your walls are painted, you need to stick masking tape along the line of the baseboards. This will prevent paint from spilling onto the wall.
    • With a brush, carefully paint over the skirting boards twice. After your skirting board is dry, apply a second coat of paint to the floor. If you are planning a drawing, markup is done and a different tone is worn in two layers.
    • When your floor is completely dry, the surface should be washed with soapy water. Thus, you get rid of the stickiness that is inherent in freshly painted surfaces.
    The application of varnish to the floor surface is carried out in exactly the same way.

    How to paint a wooden floor with paint - watch the video:

    There is nothing complicated in the process of painting a wooden floor. And if you show your imagination, you can make the flooring not only beautiful, but also original. Indeed, today the Internet offers a huge number of options for painting a wooden floor.

In order for the floor material made of wood to serve for a long time, retaining its freshness and beauty, it must be protected from water, pollution, etc. For this, a whole range of paints and varnishes and construction chemicals are used. Without knowing the features of these compounds, you will not be able to properly paint the wooden floor in the house.

Paints and varnishes for woodwork

All available surfaces are trimmed with wood: floor, walls, ceiling, furniture and even lamps. Manufacturing giants such as Henkel, Caparol, Tikkurila and others do not in vain separate protective agents depending on the application. So, for ceiling and wall structures vapor permeability of the material and resistance to shattering are important, for floor - high resistance to abrasion and shock loads.

There is one more important factor - the area of ​​operation. That is, outside or indoors. Mixtures for outdoor use have a more complex composition, since they must withstand serious climatic changes: multiple frosts, prevent capillary suction, especially at the ends, and so on. But since we are interested in the processing of a wooden floor in the room, then we will also talk about paintwork materials for interior work.

So, household protective coatings for solid wood floors, panel boards, parquet or engineered boards, they are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Parquet varnishes;
  2. Oils and waxes for wood flooring.

Let's consider each series separately.

They are film-forming compositions with decorative and protective properties. Compositions of enamels, as a rule, are complex, contain many basic and additional components, additives, additives. The properties and quality of the material depend mainly on basics and the degree of its purification.

There are three types:

  • Mineral oils- modified varnish of various brands or refined products. Oil paint is dense, heavy, with a strong chemical odor, easily exfoliates and mixes back. Compositions, as a rule, are not transparent and can withstand several freezing cycles. Enamel works best with metal, but can be applied over concrete or wood structures. Perfectly fits on metal, suitable for concrete and wood. It is allowed to use paint in heated and unheated rooms with mandatory forced ventilation.
  • Solvents- complex compounds obtained in the process of oil refining (acetone, ethyl acetate, etc.) As a result of mixing a chemical and ether cellulose resins, well-known nitrocellulose enamel paints and others are obtained. They have a strong toxic odor and high thixotropy. They dry quickly enough, forming a dense film that is resistant to abrasion. It is not recommended to paint wooden floors in residential premises with these compounds, since the smell completely disappears after 1-3 months.
  • Polymer resins- high molecular weight synthetic compounds (alkyd, acrylic, polyurethane). They are used for the production of paints of the same name, and industrial water without impurities is most often used as solvents, less often acetone and other components. Water enamels have a faint smell, are easily mixed, special additives are added for frost resistance. The film is quite dense, but thin, since the compositions have good spreadability. Because of this, paints are applied in at least 2 layers. Acrylic compositions are recommended for use inside heated premises, but polyurethane and alkyd enamels can also be used in unheated houses.

Safe water based acrylic or polyurethane paints should not be applied over old solvent based enamels due to unpredictable chemical reaction components.

All enamels are tinted, that is, they are either dyed in a certain color during production, or the buyer can add pigments at home.

Use a metal trowel or airless spray to create a thin enamel film on the floor surface. A thicker layer is formed with a roller or brush.

Parquet varnishes

They are classified as compound solutions, including:

  • Film-forming resins or bituminous components;
  • Organic or synthetic solvents;
  • Additives and additives (plasticizers, curing inhibitors and promoters, pigments and much more.

After application, varnish mixtures polymerize, resulting in a transparent or slightly dull film that does not hide the structure of the tree, but, on the contrary, emphasizes it, gives depth and texture. Especially impressive are tinting compositions that allow you to get a rich red merbau, chocolate wenge, etc. from ordinary beech or pine.

They form a transparent or translucent film with a tinted effect on the surface, emphasizing the texture of wood, highlighting its beauty and aesthetics. For the convenience of customers, most manufacturers provide sellers with special stands with colors, which show the shade of wood under a colored varnish in 2 or 3 layers. Pine is most often used as bars, therefore, when choosing, one must take into account the breed for which the composition is selected.

Parquet varnishes are produced only on the basis of various synthetic resins - alkyd, urethane-alkyd, polyurethane, acrylic, acrylic-polyurethane, etc. The film is distinguished by good abrasion and water resistance, therefore this type of composition is used both in everyday life and for commercial-sports coatings.

Recall that oil and cellulose ethers are classified as furniture. For the floor, this type of varnish is used very rarely due to its low resistance to abrasion and shock loads, changes in temperature and humidity.

Varnishes also vary in gloss (% luminous flux reflection): from high-gloss to deep matt. The easiest way to determine what you need is by samples at the paint stand - almost all manufacturers provide sellers with similar accessories.

Oils and waxes for wood floors

Compositions of natural and synthetic fat-containing components are in high demand among buyers. Designed for rubbing into the surface of the wood, while not creating a film, but simply clogging the pores. The floor gets a kind of barrier that prevents wood from getting dirty, swelling from contact with water, and when using hard waxes - rapid abrasion and loss of color. The surface is smooth, warm, pleasant to the touch - for these qualities many buyers choose oil-wax mixtures.


  • Priming oil stains quick drying. Available in water-soluble, alcohol, solvent-based. Some products may contain fungicidal, water-repellent and other additives. Due to the liquid structure, they are easily and evenly applied.
  • Decorative with tinted effect... They are formed on the basis of natural plant waxes and oils with the addition of pigments that give the wood various shades, from classic natural to exotic.
  • Decorative and protective compositions... These are multicomponent compounds with a denser, more wear-resistant structure. They produce matte and glossy oils, waxes and complex oils (oils with hard waxes). Suitable for finishing wood and cork floors, penetrate deeply into the wood - up to 5 mm. Advantages - hypoallergenic and the ability to repaint in any tone.

The main disadvantage of fat-containing compositions is that they wear off over time - in 1-3 years. Therefore, the surface needs frequent treatment and renewal of protection.

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Wooden floor is environmentally friendly and the most suitable flooring for country houses, contributing to the maintenance of an optimal microclimate inside the premises. Compared to others, it is the most durable, durable and relatively inexpensive material... But such floors need protection. If they are not exposed special processing, then the wood will start to rot, harmful microorganisms and deformation will appear. In this article we will look at what to paint in the country, reviews of paints and varnishes and some expert advice.

Floor coverings in the country

Today, in specialized stores and on the market, you can find many different coatings for These paints and varnishes are able to extend the service life of wood, protect it from moisture, abrasion and mechanical damage... The room acquires comfort and coziness, and the design becomes laconic and complete. So, let's find out how to paint a wooden floor in an unheated dacha?

The choice of material for painting the floor

To protect the wood from moisture and to give it a finished look, owners should figure out what is the best way to paint their wood floor in their country house.

After all right choice paint and varnish is of considerable importance for staining. First of all, you should pay attention to the wood species, consider all possible ways preliminary surface preparation, conditions and service life, as well as compatibility with previously used coating.

So, how to paint the wooden floor in the country?

By outward appearance all paints and varnishes are divided into 2 types:

  • Transparent (varnishes and various impregnations).
  • Opaque. This type includes paints based on solvents (polyurethane, perchlorovinyl, alkyd, acrylic, oil) and water-based. The most popular of these are alkyd, polyurethane and acrylic paints, as they provide a quality finish and are easy to use.

Protective impregnations

Before painting a new wooden floor in the country, it must be pre-treated with special compounds that are sold in all hardware stores.

  • Fire retardant solutions.

They are applied to enhance fire safety, significantly increasing the ignition temperature wood material, and to give it the ability to self-extinguish. Such impregnations are often used in public and industrial buildings.

  • Alcohol or water based biocides and antiseptic preparations.

These products protect the wood from the growth and development of microorganisms and various putrefactive bacteria, insects, thereby increasing the durability of the floors. Such impregnations can be deep and superficial. At home, as a rule, only superficial products are used. Application is done by brush or spray on cleaned wood. Surface impregnation is used in places where it is required to preserve the natural structure of wood and its aesthetic appearance. The tree is covered with a special composition that has fire and bioprotective qualities and protects against mold and fungus infection, prevents rotting, increases the life of floors, compared to painted with ordinary varnishes and paints.

Deep impregnation is carried out in an industrial environment using special baths and an autoclave, where a solution of biocides and fire retardants is "injected" into the wood under pressure, filling the entire possible volume.

  • Oil impregnation.

They are made most often from wood and linseed oil with modifying additives based on artificial or natural resins. The products are used for toning, protecting and strengthening wooden floors. The oil is able to be absorbed into the wood much deeper than the varnish, the surface is strengthened, acquires moisture resistance and shine. It is better to choose oils without solvents, natural, not drying very quickly. If you have not yet decided how to paint the wooden floor in the country, then we advise you to stop your choice on the oil coating. Exactly this optimal solution for unheated premises and places with high traffic. Before impregnation, the surface should be cleaned and dried well.

Finishing protective and decorative coatings

In order to be able to get the most objective answer to the question of how to paint a wooden floor in the country, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the surface of the board, the presence of knots, irregularities and other defects, as well as the color and general style interior design and, of course, the personal preferences and tastes of the homeowners.

Modern paints and varnishes for the finishing of floor coverings are of several types, and each owner of the cottage, at his discretion, will be able to choose the most suitable option.


Matte, glossy, tinted or clearcoats are excellent for opening even tongue-and-groove floors or parquet boards, after mechanical grinding or scraping the surface. Such a coating lasts 2-3 years.

A lightly tinted or clear lacquer enhances the natural texture of wood and gives it a touch, but such coatings are not very durable and can easily be damaged by heels, furniture or other hard objects.

How to paint a wooden floor in the country: the choice of paint

Today there are a huge number of various floor paints with different compositions.

The most popular are those that are attractive to buyers for the variety of colors and shades, ease of application, durability, reliability and low cost. Typically, the coating lasts at least 4 years.

They are environmentally friendly, do not contain organic solvents, have good water resistance, do not lose color over time and fit perfectly on the surface.

Well suited for rooms with high humidity, and perfectly protects the floor from water.

Painting wooden floors

After you have made a choice of how to paint the wooden floor in the country, you can get to work. In order to do this quickly and efficiently, it is recommended to adhere to some tips and try to follow the order of work. Painting is carried out in stages.

  1. Before painting wooden floors in the country (photo attached), they must be cleaned of debris, dirt, dust and grease, washed with a damp cloth and dried.
  2. Remove and close up all protruding knots from the front side, grind, fill up existing cracks and crevices.
  3. After the filler has dried, sand the surface.

3 ways of coloring

1. A primer or drying oil is first applied to the wood, after which the coating is dried for 3 days. Next, 1 layer of paint is applied, and after it dries, a second one is applied.

2. As in the first method, the floor is prepared for painting, only using oil putty to match the paint. After it dries, the floor is treated with fine sandpaper and again putty and leveled with sandpaper. Coloring is carried out in 2 or 3 layers.

3. First, the floors are covered with linseed oil, dried, putty in several layers, covered with a primer and painted in 3 layers.

Despite the fact that today there are quite a lot of modern floor coverings, for wooden house building wooden floors are traditional. Such floors look organic in country cottage, and in a private house made of timber, and in a small country house... But over time, the flooring wears out, the paint fades and wears off. An old wooden floor with peeling paint is not a pleasant sight. This kind of flooring will ruin the look of any interior. The most common, but far from the easiest, way to renovate the flooring is by painting the wooden floor. The better to paint a wooden floor, how to paint it correctly so that it long time stayed like new? We will try to answer these questions.

Before painting, the floor boards must be prepared, and this will require different materials, and first of all putty.

The filler is necessary to seal cracks and crevices in both the old and newly installed floors. How to putty the floor from the boards? There are two types of wood floor putty:

  1. Oil. Its main advantage is reliability and a very long service life. However, the oil composition also has a drawback - long drying time.
  2. Acrylic. After drying, the putty remains elastic and does not form cracks. The tool can be used not only for filling gaps, it is also suitable for leveling the floor for painting, if there are small indentations in it.

Before painting the floor, it also needs to be primed. The primer promotes better adhesion of the paint to the wooden floor and provides protection against the appearance of unwanted inhabitants in it: microorganisms and insects. If a plywood floor requires painting, then in order to avoid the formation of foci of mold on it, as well as to protect it from temperature extremes, it must be treated with linseed oil.

For floor in wooden house topcoats can be used, which form a monolithic coating that completely hides the natural wood structure. The floor takes on most of the stress, both mechanical and physical, and this factor must be taken into account when choosing a paint. To determine: with what coloring agent to paint the floors, you need to make sure that the chosen paint is really intended for the floor, is durable and can withstand intense loads.

The following dyes are suitable for painting the floor:

  1. Oil. They are considered one of the most durable and wear-resistant coatings.
  2. Polyurethane. Differ high degree reliability and durability, and also dry very quickly.
  3. Acrylic. Consist of ingredients dissolved in aqueous solution making them safe and environmentally friendly. They practically do not have any smell, they have excellent performance characteristics.
  4. Alkyd. They have high covering characteristics, provide good adhesion to the surface.

How to paint a wooden floor in a house to preserve the structure of the wood? In this case, it is best to varnish the wood floor. It creates a transparent or tinted film on the floor that completely preserves the wood grain. it decorative coating not only looks impressive, demonstrating a woody texture under the varnish film, but also performs protective function, protecting the floor from various negative factors.

When choosing a varnish, it is imperative to take into account which tree species the product is intended for. For example, for a pine floor, choose a lacquer that is marked "for softwood". Such varnishes have increased protective characteristics that protect the pine board from deformation.

For soft conifers, you can also use special oil impregnation followed by a layer of wax. However, if these means were used, then in the future, neither paint nor varnish can be applied.

Preparation is necessary for any surface: both a newly laid covering, and a floor that has already served its owners fairly. But if it is supposed to paint the old wooden floor, the work will be more laborious. It is necessary to bring the boards to a satisfactory condition so that they can be painted.

The preparation of the old floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Removing old paint. If the remaining layer of the old coating is thin, it can simply be sanded with a sander. If the floor has been painted repeatedly, then you can remove the old painted layers in one of two ways. In the first case, the boards are heated with a construction hairdryer, old paint becomes soft and rises, and then it remains only to remove it with a spatula. The second method - a special wash is applied to the painted floor, the area is covered with a film, after the onset of the reaction, the paint is also easily removed with a spatula.
  2. Leveling the floor. If there are rotten boards, they will have to be replaced. All speakers metal mounts(nail heads) are driven in such a way that they are recessed. The protruding sections are cut off with a chisel. Next, the surface is processed with a scraper, and hard-to-reach places- manual cycles. Floor leveling is completed by sanding with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. Putty. Large and small cracks, cracks and holes between the boards are filled with a filler compound. It is more convenient to putty a wooden floor with two spatulas. One collects the product from a can, and the other putty is applied and leveled on the surface. After the composition has completely hardened, it is necessary to sand the entire floor again.
  4. Surface priming. Before processing with a primer, remove wood chips from the floor, the remaining sanding field. The primer is best applied with a roller that distributes the product evenly over the entire surface. It is necessary to wait until the soil is completely dry, and then apply another layer.

If the coating is new, the preparation of the wooden floor for painting is greatly simplified. When new planks are laid, they are immediately adjusted to each other, so there is no need to putty. In this case, work begins with the sanding stage, and then the surface is covered with two layers of primer. After the soil has dried, you can start painting the floor.

  1. The paint is well mixed before work. This must be done for a better and more even application of the composition. It is best to immediately pour part of the solution into a small tray, from which you can draw paint with a roller or brush. This makes it much more convenient to paint wooden floors.
  2. First, the areas along the walls are painted with a wide brush, where the baseboards will be mounted in the future. After that, the surface of the entire floor is painted over with a roller.
  3. As soon as the paint dries, the skirting boards are installed. The joints between them are sealed with putty, after it dries, the plinths are sanded. Then two layers of paint are applied alternately on them.
  4. Next, the entire floor area is re-painted.

Floor varnishing is carried out in the same sequence as painting, but it is required to apply at least three coats of varnish. To improve the aesthetic characteristics, each layer (except for the finishing layer) is sanded after complete drying.

Wood floor painting options

The floor can be painted in one color or several different shades can be selected. You can get ideas for painting the floor by looking at the pictures that show the different options:

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Self-staining errors

Some people think that painting a wooden floor with your own hands is not difficult work, and it is quite possible to do it yourself. However, despite its apparent simplicity, painting a wooden floor requires a serious approach and the presence of certain knowledge.

Usually, even at the stage of surface preparation, many make mistakes, which then affect the quality of the painting:

  • work is carried out in violation of technology,
  • gaps are left between the boards,
  • only one coat of primer is applied.

To get an even and beautiful decorative coating, it is necessary to sand the surface well. For this job you need special devices and professional grinding technology, which, due to the high cost, is not available to most home craftsmen. As a result, grinding is performed with improvised means. All this leads to the fact that the coating is not of high quality and durable.

Professional painting services

Experienced specialists of the "Master Srubov" company will perform any amount of painting and varnishing the floor with high quality and in a short time. We will make a standard one-color painting, as well as fulfill any of your wishes for decorative design floor. After the work of our professional craftsmen, your old wood floor will be miraculously transformed into a new floor covering. We work only under a contract and provide a guarantee for all types of work. To complete the application, visit the page.