How to get cockroaches out of an apartment at home: the best ways. Rules for the effective removal of cockroaches, how to withdraw and forget Is it possible to remove cockroaches forever

Getting rid of cockroaches is not as difficult as preventing their further appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the prevention of repeated relapses. When solving the problem of how to get cockroaches out of an apartment, it must be considered not on the scale of one dwelling, but of the whole house. An effective way to remove will be only the simultaneous disposal of all nurseries.

To permanently remove cockroaches, it is necessary to negotiate with neighbors on joint deliverance. Least - bypass all neighboring apartments. But the best effect will be only when it is possible to agree with the owners of apartments throughout the house. It is necessary to decide together how the “household” floor will be treated from insects, if there is one in the house.

With a significant infection of apartments, it is necessary to jointly determine what means are best to poison cockroaches.

Need to follow simple rules:

Insects at home: how to remove moths in an apartment

Although these are fairly simple methods of struggle, homeowners with "sharing" rarely used. As a result, they need to constantly look for ways how and how to get cockroaches out forever: folk remedies or purchased insecticides.

Destruction by modern drugs

You can get rid of cockroaches in different ways, each of them takes a certain time, and also requires a different approach.

Insecticides in aerosols

The most effective and famous aerosols:

The disadvantages of these funds can be considered high cost, the need to leave the premises for all residents (be sure to remove children and pets from the house, as they can be severely poisoned by poisonous drugs), as well as the sufficient laboriousness of the process.

Using aerosol insecticides, you need to treat the favorite locations of cockroaches, spray the drug in the air, close the room for several hours and leave the apartment. After returning home, the apartment must be well ventilated, cleaned, and wet cleaned.

Powder, pencils, gels

These are the same insecticides, but are made in a different form. They last a little longer, but when used at home, there is no need to leave the home.

The most effective means are as follows:

  • pencil - Masha;
  • dusty - Clean house, Feverfew;
  • gels - Raptor, Brownie, Globol, Sturm.

These products can not only help to quickly remove insects at home, but are absolutely safe for people and pets. Most importantly, these drugs are quite inexpensive, you can immediately buy the necessary amount to disinfect all rooms.

How to poison bedbugs in an apartment on your own

Each of the drugs must be applied in different ways, they also work in different ways. The effect of their use can be seen just a few days later.

If it is necessary to process the inner surface of a microwave oven, refrigerator and other household appliances, then you need to pay attention to pencils and gels. By applying a strip of the drug, you can see that after a while the insects in the device will stop appearing.

Traps for insects

Traps can be of three types:

Traps are suitable only in cases where there are few insects or their appearance is seasonal. Cockroaches gather at the smell of the bait, but inside the trap glued to a special substance and they die. There are also traps where the bait contains poison in its composition. The manufacturers of these products assure that a poisoned cockroach will be able to get to its relatives and poison the bulk of them. The method is quite simple, inexpensive, but effective only with a small population of insects.

It should be noted that some traps are used only to get rid of ordinary Prussians. Therefore, when there are American or black species in the house, it is necessary to resort to other methods of struggle.

Call for experts for pest control

Today, in large cities, special services poison insects in the apartment. This option is quite expensive, because exterminators are called only in extreme cases, with a significant infestation of the house with insects. Professional services use more strong and toxic insecticides. As a result, cockroaches disappear completely and very quickly, but it is much more difficult to wash an apartment after specialized treatment. It is also necessary to observe the safety of homeowners, since the products used by the exterminator are highly toxic.

One of the advantages of this method is that you don’t need to think about how to get cockroaches out of your apartment at home, as the service completely destroys them, giving a guarantee for a certain time.

How to get rid of moths in the house forever

Disadvantages of calling specialists - high cost ( from 1500 rubles for a one-room apartment), as well as the need for a long absence of not only the owners of the apartment, but also their pets: you need to leave the home after treatment for at least a day.

Folk recipes

This method of struggle is not so effective, however, when there are a small number of cockroaches, it may well help. Professionals advise using folk remedies in combination with industrial chemicals.

Freezing the premises

The method is quite original, but at the same time quite effective, especially in the northern regions of the country.

The mechanism of operation is quite simple: you need to turn off the heating system, heaters, open the windows and let the house “freeze” thoroughly. If the temperature outside is below -15, then it will take 4-5 hours to completely get rid of not only cockroaches directly, but also all laid eggs and larvae. For greater efficiency, it is desirable do not come home around 7-12 o'clock.

The advantages of this method are the ability to destroy cockroaches for free and quickly, as well as safety for people and animals.

But there are also disadvantages: if the apartment is heated, then this method can damage radiators, pipes, electric heaters. For natural reasons, this folk method is available only in winter.

Boric acid

  • Mix the same amount of boric acid, flour and sugar, pour water, knead the dough. Make balls, spread around the house.
  • Take the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, mix with warm mashed potatoes, add 45 gr. boric acid. Mix well, make balls, spread around the house. This product is completely safe for people and pets.
  • In some cases, it is recommended to sprinkle boric acid powder on the areas in the apartment where cockroaches are most often located: baseboards, sink, around ventilation, trash can.
  • Sometimes acid dissolved in water and left near a dry sink can help. When using this method, the most important thing is to drain the rest of the water sources by making the insects drink the poison.

If you try to give an unambiguous answer to the question “how to get cockroaches out of the apartment forever?”, then in most cases it will sound something like this: your own way of life. Cockroaches will never settle en masse where they have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, nowhere to hide and breed. Only cleanliness, keeping the home in good condition and preventive measures can give an almost 100% guarantee with the prefix "forever". A visit by a professional team of exterminators to the house will undoubtedly speed up the resolution of the issue with cockroaches, no matter how difficult it may be, but if the residents continue to store garbage for several days, leave crumbs on the table and on the floor and simply litter the apartment, then even the toughest and most effective measures will only bring temporary relief.

Of course, there are different life situations. Many people justify the refusal of professional exterminators due to their high cost, but this argument does not stand up to scrutiny if we delve into the issue in more detail. Prices for processing an apartment, as a rule, start from 1-1.5 thousand rubles and increase in proportion to the area and number of rooms. If from year to year you endlessly try how you can get cockroaches out at home, then the amount of your expenses may exceed the cost of a one-time processing by experts several times. The crisis, alas, also affected the cost of drugs against cockroaches, since many of them are imported. For example, one of the most merciless remedies for domestic insects - Tetrix costs about 2 thousand rubles. Get insecticide will cost an average of 700-800 rubles. Each can of Raid aerosol is 250-300 rubles, but you will have to buy it several times a year. Add here special traps, gels and powders that are laid out in secluded places, and you will understand that saving on professional processing is illusory in most cases.

If you are looking for how to quickly remove cockroaches, there is no better way than calling the sanitary and epidemiological station. This will save you a lot of money, time and possibly even save you from subsequent health problems, since accidental mistakes in handling potent chemicals can have negative and extremely unpleasant consequences for the body.

If there are still few cockroaches in the apartment, but you still see them with a certain frequency, then hoping that these meetings will stop by themselves is very naive. The good news is that at this stage it is quite possible to deal with them on your own. When choosing how to remove cockroaches in an apartment if there are few of them, first of all, pay attention to traps with chemicals, gels and aerosols. Modern cockroach traps can work not only due to the poisonous bait located inside, but also due to electricity. Such devices are plugged directly into the outlet, attract insects with a smell and kill with a discharge of current. The gels act in much the same way as poison traps, only they do not have a protective plastic box on the outside and are applied directly to the surface to be treated. With the help of sprays, you can independently spray the most critical areas in the apartment. This is especially convenient if you go to your country house for the weekend and can leave your home in a mothballed form for at least a couple of days. Whatever you decide to use, effectively removing cockroaches with their low numbers will in any case be easier than in advanced cases.

Alexander Maryanov

A colleague from work advised me to contact the Moscow City Sanitary Service Dez Group. At first I was afraid that there would be some bad consequences of such a harsh chemical treatment, but in my situation there was no other way out. As a result, I was afraid in vain, no one had any side effects, no one inhaled, with the exception of cockroaches, apparently, because I did not see them anymore.

Irina Fomina

They dreamed of getting rid of cockroaches for a long time! We didn’t have to do anything ourselves, we arrived, the specialists did everything quickly, they told us what to do so that the cockroaches would not return. Very happy to live without cockroaches now! Thanks!

To remove cockroaches - at first glance, this seems to be a very difficult task. Cockroaches in an apartment cause a lot of unpleasant emotions precisely because they multiply very quickly, and they are difficult to eliminate. But proven home and specialized methods allow you to remove insects faster.

Where do cockroaches appear in the apartment

Contrary to stereotypes, cockroaches can appear not only in an untidy, dirty home, but also in a clean, tidy apartment. There are several main reasons for their appearance.

Thus, cockroaches can accidentally get into absolutely any apartment. But at the same time, it depends on the owners themselves how quickly and abundantly the insects breed around the house and how easy it will be to remove them.

Important! In general, insects can start up in absolutely any apartment, but it will be easier to remove them from a clean and neatly tidy home than from a room in which unsanitary conditions reign.

Methods for removing cockroaches from the house

If the colony of cockroaches is not too large and has appeared quite recently, then for a start you can try home remedies for solving the problem. It is likely that folk methods will be enough.

How to quickly remove cockroaches from an apartment with a low temperature

Cockroaches love heat, so in the winter season you can get them out by freezing the room. The advantage of the method is that it is practically not necessary to apply any effort. All that needs to be done is to open the windows at a negative temperature outside the window and leave the apartment for 3-4 hours so that the room gets cold enough.

Also, electrical appliances can suffer from a sharp drop in temperature, especially if some of them remain on.

How to independently remove cockroaches with plaster

Gypsum powder can be used as a poison. The treatment of the apartment is carried out as follows - gypsum is mixed with flour, cereals or sugar, and then placed in a place accessible to cockroaches.

Together with the edible product, the insect will inevitably eat gypsum, and when it enters the cockroach's stomach, it will get wet and harden. This cruel method is quite effective, but only cockroaches that have tried the prepared mixture die when using it.

Advice! Using this method, you can remove cockroaches from the refrigerator, but you must first remove the food from it, and then thoroughly wash the unit from the inside.

How to remove cockroaches with boric acid

Boric acid is a deadly poison for insects and helps to expel them - this method of struggle has long proven its effectiveness. The recipe for removing cockroaches with boric acid looks like this:

  • yolks are removed from raw eggs and mixed with boron powder to a thick slurry;
  • small balls are rolled from the resulting slurry and allowed to dry a little;
  • balls are laid out in those places where cockroaches appear most often.

Tempted by the smell of edible yolk, cockroaches will try poison with it, after which they will inevitably die. However, if you try to remove cockroaches in this way, it can take a lot of time - up to a month.

Attention! When laying out boric acid balls around the house, it is very important to ensure that they do not accidentally get into food intended for people. If there are animals or small children in the house, the way to remove insects will have to be completely abandoned, it will turn out to be too risky.

How to remove cockroaches from an apartment forever with ammonia

You can remove black cockroaches from the apartment with the help of ammonia. In this case, the goal is not to poison the cockroaches, but to scare them away from their usual place and force them to leave the apartment.

The fact is that insects have a very developed sense of smell, with the help of which they find the smallest remnants of food. If you properly treat the favorite places of cockroaches with ammonia, the pungent smell will confuse them and also cause irritation of the respiratory tract.

The processing of the premises is carried out as follows:

  • 1 small spoon of ammonia is diluted in a liter of water;
  • in the resulting solution, moisten a rag and sponges;
  • carry out a full-fledged wet cleaning - you need to wipe the floors, window sills, baseboards, doorways and furniture.

It is necessary to carry out the treatment with gloves and a protective mask, and after the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room. After that, the pungent ammonia smell will become imperceptible to people, but it will remain strong for insects and help to expel them.

How to get large cockroaches out of the apartment with kerosene

A good remedy for getting black cockroaches out of the house is kerosene, which is deadly poisonous to most insects. You need to apply it like this:

  • kerosene is mixed with olive oil and shampoo in a ratio of 2:1:3;
  • the resulting mixture is filled with a spray gun;
  • spray the solution on surfaces, furniture and floors in the apartment, paying special attention to the treatment of hard-to-reach corners.

If none of the home methods helped, or there is simply no desire to prepare solutions and poisonous mixtures, you can use ready-made specialized products. Some of them are particularly effective.

Ammonia is the most effective, but not the only smell that irritates cockroaches. To force the insects to leave, you can also use cedar and fir essential oils, eucalyptus oil and lavender, wormwood and bay leaf, elderberry branches.

Preventive actions

  • seal all cracks and cracks in walls, window frames and door jambs;
  • pull nets over windows and vents;
  • monitor the health of plumbing - cockroaches often appear in houses with leaking taps and toilets, because they have access to water at any time;
  • throw out the trash in a timely manner;
  • wash dishes immediately, without leaving them to sour for a long time in the sink;
  • do not scatter food remnants and crumbs around the apartment - ideally, you should only eat in the kitchen.

It is also necessary to carry out a full-fledged wet cleaning twice a week, it will help to clean the room from random unnoticed crumbs, stains and food debris.


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How to get cockroaches out of the apartment? There are many recommendations, but not everyone manages to get rid of these vile insects right away. Nevertheless, the fight against them must be started without delay, because cockroaches multiply quickly, and over time it will be more and more difficult to get rid of them.

There are many types of cockroaches, but only certain of them can live in an apartment: most often they are red and black.

Consider the features of each type.


This type of cockroach is the most common, you can meet them in any residential area, because these insects are not picky about living conditions. Among the people, red cockroaches are also called Prussians.

Most often found:

Red cockroaches feed on fresh and spoiled foods. They are distinguished by extraordinary dexterity: they can be found everywhere in the refrigerator, in the bread box, and even in closed food containers. They multiply quickly, so the fight against them can drag on for a long time. An interesting feature of red cockroaches is their rapid adaptation to new living conditions, which also plays into the hands of those who want to get rid of them.

Red cockroaches are attracted to a constant source of food, which can always be found in the room where people live. Of course, you can hide all the food in containers, leave nothing on the table, remove the trash can outside the apartment. But insects can find some sugar behind a cabinet that was once spilled and this delicacy will last them for a long time. In the worst case, they will not disdain to refresh themselves with a bar of soap. The main thing that will contribute to the presence of cockroaches in the apartment is water. So if you have faulty pipes that leak water, any fight against them will be useless.


Representatives of this species are a real disaster for people. They enter apartments through sewer drains, from a garbage chute or from basements. In summer, black cockroaches live on the streets, finding secluded places for themselves. And with the onset of cold weather, they begin to move into living quarters. However, insects do not rise above the fifth floor, so it is necessary to be careful
be residents of the lower floors.

Black cockroaches feed on the same food as people, but if food is not available, they will manage completely and, having had enough of scraps from the trash can. The greatest danger to humans lies in their way of life. For a long time, being in garbage cans, black cockroaches collect a lot of bacteria and infections on their paws. One can imagine how much infection these insects carry into our apartments, crawling on dining tables, dishes, beds, etc.

In general, black and red cockroaches are very similar to each other. They differ in the speed of reproduction (for redheads faster), in appearance. Also, black cockroaches have a specific unpleasant odor that remains after them.

How to remove cockroaches from an apartment forever at home

To permanently get rid of vile insects, you must start with the "minimum" program. It includes a complete general cleaning of the apartment. If this is not done, it is pointless to start the fight with chemicals or other drugs.

Here are some practical tips:

With your kitchen and other rooms in order, you can start using simple tools that are easy to use at home. One such remedy is common arsenic, which is a poisonous substance. However, it can only be used if there are no children or pets in the apartment. Another easy-to-use method is ammonia, which needs to be washed floors. Of course, its smell is strong, it can be unpleasant for a person, so you have to leave the apartment for a couple of days. If cockroaches have just begun to appear, then washing the floors a couple of times will scare away the insects.

The most risky way to deal with cockroaches at home is freezing. It is known that these insects are afraid of frost and if you lower the temperature in the room to 8 degrees below zero for a day, then they will all die. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to do this, and for pipes this method can be dangerous.

Folk remedies

The most popular folk remedy that is used to fight cockroaches is boric acid. You can buy it at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive, which makes this substance in demand. The impact of boric acid on the body of insects is strong even in small doses. Once in the body of a cockroach, it provokes paralysis and rapid death.

To force an insect to eat this poison, you can use the following recipes:

  • add dry acid (in powder form) to several boiled yolks;
  • mix equal amounts of sugar, flour and boric acid.

From the resulting mixture we form small balls and lay them out in places where the largest accumulation of cockroaches is noticed and around the perimeter of the entire kitchen. In addition to such baits, boric acid can be used by simply adding the powder to water.

You can leave it near the sink overnight, and wipe the sink itself dry. From hopelessness, insects will have to drink poison. Another effective folk remedy for fighting cockroaches is borax. It is necessary to use it according to the same principle as boric acid - to make baits and lay them out along the paths of cockroaches and around the entire perimeter of the kitchen.

It should be borne in mind that both boric acid and borax do not pose a threat to humans. However, if there are children or animals in the apartment who can accidentally eat these substances, it is better to avoid using such folk remedies.

Folk traps from cockroaches are also popular. Such traps are made very simply, but many say that they have become an effective tool that allowed them to fight cockroaches successfully.

Here are some simple options for making:

  1. We take a half-liter jar, drip honey on the bottom. Lubricate the neck from the inside with a thick strip of sunflower oil. Cockroaches will immediately find a delicacy in the form of honey and crawl to it, but they will not be able to get out of the jar.
  2. We take a piece of cardboard, glue double-sided tape around the edges, drip honey on it. Insects will crawl for a treat and their paws will stick. Of course, large individuals or especially tenacious ones will still be able to get out, but most of the insects will remain on the adhesive tape.

Purchasable funds

Modern purchased cockroach remedies allow you to get rid of insects in a short time and forever.

Consider the fixed assets, which can be purchased in specialized stores:

Is it possible to permanently get rid of cockroaches in the apartment?

Unfortunately, getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment once and for all is simply impossible. Even if you bring and maintain perfect cleanliness in all rooms and use purchased or folk remedies for prevention purposes, this does not give a guarantee. Be sure to be next to you
there is an apartment in which the conditions are different. That is why experts recommend negotiating with neighbors to poison cockroaches at the same time. It is good if a struggle is carried out simultaneously in the whole house, then it can give a lasting result.

Considering how dangerous and unpleasant the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment or house can be, it is important to know and follow preventive measures to prevent the settlement of insects. This is especially important for those premises where there were cockroaches before and the fight against them was successful. No one is immune from the return of insects.

The main rules of prevention include:

Compliance with these simple preventive measures will prevent the appearance of not only cockroaches, but also many other insects.

Cockroaches in an apartment are a problem that is not customary to talk about openly. It is believed that "whiskered" insects appear only where people live who do not keep cleanliness, arranging real dumps at home. In practice, everything is not at all like that, cockroaches can appear in old and new houses, both in clean kitchens and in new, recently renovated bathrooms. It is important to quickly understand how to get rid of cockroaches, to highlight several insect control options in order to find the best one.

Article structure

How to kill cockroaches

If the problem has already come to the house, and at least one cockroach has been seen in the apartment, you should not hesitate. It is important to quickly start a war against insects so that they do not have time to multiply, and the number of cockroaches that inhabited the kitchen, corridors, rooms did not grow exponentially. Today, many ways have been invented to get cockroaches out of an apartment, from folk methods to strong chemicals that kill insects.

Boric acid

Cockroaches, in addition to being disgusting with their appearance, are dangerous for humans as carriers of infection. They multiply rapidly once they find a source of water. Boric acid is a quick, inexpensive and one of the most effective ways to control insects. The powder can be bought at a pharmacy, it costs less than 50 rubles, and only 50-150 grams of acid is required to process an average-sized apartment. Often the invasion of cockroaches happens suddenly, which is why it is useful to keep some boric acid in the apartment.

This option is harmless to animals and people, therefore it is suitable if the residents of the apartment are allergic to chemicals. Acid in the form of small paths is laid out in those places of the apartment that lead to the water. As soon as the cockroach touches the boric acid crystals, after a while it dies. In addition, the "infected insect" in contact with relatives also dooms them to death.

The second way is to make a special bait for cockroaches from boric acid. Thinking about how to bring out the hated cockroaches, every third inhabitant of Russia turns to this method. To prepare the trap, raw egg yolks are taken, which are mixed with boric acid until a slurry is formed. Balls are formed from them, which need to be decomposed in places where cockroaches appear. Insects definitely come to explore the "delicacy" and fall into a trap. It is important to clarify that getting rid of cockroaches with boric acid is a method that takes time, about 3-4 weeks.

Poison gels

Ready-made chemicals help kill cockroaches in a few days (up to a week). Gels in syringes with a thin nose make it easy to apply the product on baseboards and in places where a person cannot set other traps. Such funds include gels such as "Raptor", "Global", "Liquidator" and others. Removing cockroaches by this method can last a week.


Special traps for cockroaches look like boxes, inside of which there is a substance that attracts cockroaches, as well as sticky poison. Touching the poison, infected cockroaches quickly kill their relatives. The most famous traps are "Combat", "Raptor", "Raid". When thinking about how to defeat cockroaches, people turn to the listed traps most often.

Velcro traps

Another method of dealing with peddlers of infection is sticky traps. They are boxes with bait, the walls of which are covered with adhesive tape. Curious cockroaches tightly stick to the floor of such a box and die in it. All of them are effective, however, it can take a long time to completely collect all the cockroaches in the house. You can get cockroaches out of the apartment if you have time for pest control.

drugs with fipronil

Fipronil is the active ingredient in many cockroach medications. The poison strikes the cockroach that comes into contact with it and leaves it alive for a while. During this period, the cockroach infects other insects, thereby increasing the affected area. It is important that fipronil acts not only on an adult, but also on offspring, thereby stopping the reproduction of insects, which means that the invasion of cockroaches stops in a natural way.

Folk remedies

Cockroaches attacked apartments both 10 and 30 years ago, when there were not so many different in their strength and effectiveness means on sale. That is why people had to look for simple and cheap ways to deal with insects that can be used today. As practice shows, in order to remove cockroaches, it is not at all necessary to spend several thousand rubles.

Many people have intolerance to strong chemical aerosols, so "folk methods" of dealing with cockroaches can be useful for allergy sufferers. For example, ammonia, kerosene and turpentine have proven themselves well. With these compounds, you can wipe the baseboards - insects will be scared away by a pungent smell, and they will no longer appear in the kitchen. The problem is that the cockroaches will go somewhere, which means that it is additionally better to set up sticky traps. When deciding how to get cockroaches out of any apartment, it is important to work out all the nooks and crannies with special tools.

It is no less effective to treat the floors with a weak solution of ammonia. But even in this case, insects will move from one room to another.

In terms of effectiveness, these products are lower than specially designed chemical compounds, but they are safe for both humans and animals, which in certain situations is more important.

food and poison

The "biological" way of fighting is the preparation of an edible bait with poison. It is laid out in prominent places - on the kitchen floor, tables, in cabinets. Insects take a treat with pleasure, eat it, and then die. In this case, the owners of the apartment will have to spend a lot of time to find all the "corpses" and remove them. If boric acid is used as a poison, you should not be afraid to lay out the bait anywhere, it will be safe for a person. However, if ready-made chemicals are used to control cockroaches, it is important to protect yourself from contact with active substances. When thinking about how to quickly get cockroaches out of an apartment, it is important to consider all methods of struggle, and try the next one if the first one did not give a positive result.

Tell your neighbors about the problem

Cockroaches do not appear “just like that”, in order for them to live well in an apartment, special conditions must be created - access to food and water, high humidity, unsanitary conditions. Do not think that cockroaches appear only in dysfunctional houses where extremely unscrupulous people live. A cockroach can be “hooked” along with the purchase of a used sofa or new furniture if insects lived in the store. In this case, the invasion of cockroaches may be unexpected.

However, if a person has not encountered all the stories described above, but cockroaches appeared in his apartment, it is important to competently talk with neighbors in order to understand where the trouble came from and warn people about the coming “war” against insects. They must definitely join it, because everyone wants to live without the threat of insects.

Otherwise, the cockroaches, which they began to poison in one apartment, will "move" to live in a neighboring one, where their presence will not be suspected. If pest control is being carried out in one of the apartments, it is reasonable to invite neighbors to join the processing of the premises. Joint breeding of cockroaches reduces the risk of their reappearance in the house.

Among other reasons for the appearance of cockroaches consider:

  • The formation of places with high humidity;
  • Cracks in the floor and walls;
  • Untimely fight of neighbors with insects.

Cockroaches love to settle in cracks that appear in walls and floors, so they need to be puttyed immediately. In addition, cockroaches can come into a new apartment through an air vent, which must be covered with a fine mesh.

Residents of apartment buildings who have gotten rid of cockroaches in their apartment cannot be 100% sure that they will not encounter insects again. There will definitely be an apartment in the house in which cockroaches will live comfortably, and if its owners do not begin to understand the current situation in time, history will repeat itself. The ideal variant of the struggle is to agree with all the neighbors at the same time to start the fight against insects. So that no apartment is left behind. Bringing out cockroaches together is much easier than fighting alone with a flock crawling from apartment to apartment.

If this is not possible, it is important to protect your apartment from the invasion of mustachioed carriers of the infection. They will periodically appear indoors, but their residence time will be reduced to a minimum.

Residents of houses in which there are cockroaches are advised to use special aerosols that need to be sprayed in places where cockroaches appear most often - at door frames, under cabinets, baseboards. It is important to consider that cockroaches quickly adapt to poisons, which means that aerosols need to be changed periodically.

Which fighting method to choose

In the case when folk methods and formulations for cockroach control sold in stores do not help, the only solution is to call specialists. They work with more complex and stronger poisons that kill insects. During such procedures, residents of the apartment are asked to leave the premises for several days. People and animals may have a strong reaction to chemical compounds. The invasion of cockroaches can be stopped in different ways.

Even if cockroaches have never appeared in the apartment or they managed to be removed, we must not forget about prevention. It is she who will help to reliably protect the apartment and prevent meeting with uninvited guests. All preventive actions are divided into several large categories. You can get cockroaches out quickly enough if you take up the problem in time.

  1. Exclusion of the probability of transition of cockroaches from neighbors. To do this, it is necessary to process all the places where the pipes exit the ceilings between floors with a silicone compound, and put grates with a medium-sized mesh on the ventilation holes;
  2. Do not leave drops of water on the sink in the bathroom and kitchen. Ideally, such surfaces should be wiped daily at night, because cockroaches are attracted to water, which allows them to live and multiply;
  3. All products must be cleaned in closed cabinets, bread bins and a refrigerator. Do not allow crumbs, open plates or pans to remain on the table or cabinet;
  4. Weekly large cleaning of the apartment should become a habit, otherwise dust will accumulate, crumbs accidentally falling from the table. If not removed periodically, they will hide in hard-to-reach corners, and they are favorite places for cockroaches.

As noted above, it is necessary to choose one or another method of dealing with cockroaches based on the situation. It is important to understand why insects appeared in the apartment, in what period they need to be removed. Knowing well how to remove cockroaches, it will be easier to sort out an unpleasant situation. If the owners of the apartment are ready to endure an unpleasant neighborhood, you can kill cockroaches for several weeks. If all residents of the house agree to call specialists, professional pest control will reduce this time to a couple of days, and will give a more reliable result. It is imperative to inform neighbors about the presence of cockroaches in the apartment, because everyone has the right to live in safety and protect their apartment.