What to do if the wall of a brick house gets wet? Wet wall in the apartment what to do: professional advice Why does the corner in the room inside the house get wet.

Hello! Bought in autumn a private house, brick, walls with a well covered with expanded clay. Now the temperature on the street has dropped - 17, it began to get wet in the corners, they looked in the attic, everything was covered with slag, what should I do?

Galina, Kalachinsk.

Hello, Galina from Kalachinsk!

To answer your question, you should carefully examine the house and identify the root cause of the appearance of dampness.

Most likely, your sellers - home owners have encountered this problem, it would be good to ask them about it, if, of course, it is possible.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of dampness. This is the penetration of moisture from the bottom of the walls, right down to the foundation due to insufficient waterproofing, or even the complete absence of it. / Between the surface of the base / plinth and the bottom row brickwork there should be a layer of roofing material or its analogs. /

These are leaks of rain moisture with its accumulation in expanded clay backfill. And leaks can be both through brickwork along loose seams, and from the roof of the house.

The option of insufficient thickness of the walls of the house is far from excluded, which leads to their freezing and the formation of condensation with the appearance of water inside the premises of the house. / The so-called dew point. /

There may be other reasons as well. But the above are usually the most likely.

What to do? The question is complex and depends on the identified reasons, first of all.

If moisture penetrates through the bottom of the walls, an attempt should be made, which implies installation between the walls and the adjacent soil of waterproofing. In practice, this most often looks like digging a small trench of possible depth in this place (about 30 centimeters) and installing a pair of layers of roofing material vertically, or better glass insulation. A good effect is given by smearing the vertical surfaces of the base of the walls with a primer, bituminous mastic... Starting from the very bottom (from under the surface of the earth and with a rise above it by several tens of centimeters.) This is done with a material heated to the maximum possible state (so that the same mastic in a metal container begins to bubble from high temperature).

This minimizes the possibility of ground moisture entering the bottom of the walls.

Other questions about condensation in rooms.

Despite all its advantages, a brick house can sometimes present a very nasty surprises... When all construction and Finishing work completed, and the family celebrated a housewarming, a few months later, it turns out that the wall is freezing in brick house, and the owner, in confusion, hastily begins to look for reasons and ways to remedy the situation.

Advice. In the first year after construction, when the walls have not yet had time to completely dry out, the house will almost certainly freeze through.
But some actions to eliminate this deficiency should be taken only after a year or two, when the shrinkage and subsidence of the foundation ends.

The main reasons for freezing corners and walls in a brick house

The main reason is, of course, the laws of nature, or rather, incorrect construction calculations, where these factors were taken into account incorrectly or with an error. Violation of the rules for bandaging brickwork also largely affects the fact that damp corners appear in a brick house, as well as the thickness of the brickwork itself that is insufficient for a given climatic region.

In this context, special attention should be paid to the corners, which are structurally cold bridges. Of course, even at the stage of construction of their thermal insulation it was necessary to pay due attention. But even if they were insulated, it is not a fact that this was done professionally and with appropriate insulating materials.

It is in corner masonry that incorrect dressing of the seams can play the most the main role in the occurrence of this problem.

Some ways to eliminate the manifestations of freezing

You should not immediately take measures to insulate the room - simple insulation, especially with inside will have practically no effect, but only shift the dew point, and moisture will condense elsewhere.

For example, cold air will come into contact with a warm indoor environment. And this will significantly worsen the situation.

Advice. The problem is revealed, as a rule, in the cold season, but it must be solved in the warm season, when it is possible to dry the house as a whole well and problem areas in particular.

The most optimal option:

  • sealing seams;
  • facade insulation;
  • thermal insulation of the foundation.

Although thermal insulation of the facade is unlikely to be possible if the facade is tiled. In this case, the only way out is to carry out internal insulation work.

Although the effect of them is much lower, but if performed correctly, this will solve the problem associated with freezing of corners and walls.

Insulation and insulation of problem walls and corners inside the house

If the problem appeared in the house after the completion of all the finishing work, most likely, you will have to do the repairs again, since cosmetic measures will not give a result.

It is necessary to carry out the following work:

  • remove wallpaper, plaster;
  • to expand the seams;
  • treat seams and walls with antifungal compounds;
  • the next serious operation is how to dry a brick house, that is, dry the walls and the room itself... For this it is best to use heat guns, but household heating devices can also come in handy;
  • re-fill seams, voids or cracks that appear polyurethane foam, liquid formulations foam, you can use the so-called "warm" types of plasters, which contain particles of expanded polystyrene, which has high thermal insulation properties;
  • cleaning the treated seams and surfaces and preparing them for plastering work;
  • execution of plaster, most often several layers are required, for the first, again, you can use the same "warm" plasters, but you can also use the usual, but with the addition of hydrophobic additives, the instruction sets out in detail how to use them;
  • in addition, you can apply a layer of liquid insulation with excellent adhesion characteristics... Outwardly, it resembles paint, applied with a roller or brush. In addition to the main function, it has both antifungal and anti-corrosion characteristics, which allows processing with this material, for example, anchors for fastening ventilated facades, significantly leveling the effect of "cold bridges".

Application of non-standard architectural and design techniques

There is an architectural way to avoid the formation of the so-called geometric "cold bridges" - the device of beveled or rounded corners of the building. But not everywhere, for obvious reasons, this method can be applied. However, arrange pilasters or other decorative elements on the front part is quite possible.

If a corner in a brick house gets wet, for the same purpose it is possible with the device tiered ceiling make a special box or niche in which to mount the backlight.

In working mode, this is an excellent heating device in order to warm up the air, and thereby move the dew point from the room into the interior of the wall or even closer to its front part. Similarly, you can arrange a vertical version of such a design.

Correct insulation of the facade - warmth and comfort in a brick house

The main thermal insulation work should be carried out to protect the facade. And then, only if the house is not tiled or the owner is ready to change its appearance.

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a study of the seams and dressings of brickwork for consistency. In the presence of defects, sometimes they are embroidered with further filling with heat-insulating types of plasters.

One of the most effective ways- the device of a ventilated facade is suitable for almost any latitude, except that its use in conditions of very harsh winters is sometimes questioned, although it also shows a rather high efficiency in this case.

Various thermal panels, in particular, polystyrene, have good thermal insulation and operational properties, and at the same time their price is quite affordable.

If facade work have not yet been carried out and the house is being prepared for finishing, even if there are still no problems with freezing and the wall does not get wet brick house, it is still required to carry out the appropriate thermal insulation works so that later this does not turn into a problem and additional costs.

Freezing due to cracks, the reasons for their appearance

Owners brick houses such a problem as the appearance of various cracks - vertical, horizontal, oblique, cobweb, etc. can also lie in wait. All this is the result of mistakes and miscalculations of the construction itself.

Depending on how the wall of a brick house cracked and the type of cracks, the main front of measures is determined that should stop their further appearance.

Existing cracks must be processed, since without carrying out the appropriate work, the process of destruction of the house will, albeit at different rates, occur.

The reasons for the appearance of cracks can be the following:

  • natural shrinkage at home, the process takes 1-2 years;
  • high load on the floors, due, for example, to a heavy roof;
  • deformation of load-bearing beams;
  • deformation of the foundation for various reasons, one of them may be high level ground waters and their uneven freezing / thawing or insufficient depth of laying,
  • as well as the influence of many other factors.

How to read cracks correctly

Most often, cracks are evidence of the so-called "house shrinkage". Considering total weight buildings made of brick, it is quite natural, but this is not always the reason. Violation of construction technology often more affects their appearance.

For example:

  1. The appearance of clear vertical cracks is evidence of problems with the foundation:
    • insufficient depth for this structure;
    • the adverse effect of heaving or moving soils on it.
  2. Oblique cracks appear as a result of several reasons:
    • subsidence of soils, due to their heterogeneity;
    • houses directed in a certain direction indicate a possible, albeit outwardly not yet noticeable, subsidence of a particular corner of the house;
    • multidirectional evidence, as a rule, of a plurality of places of subsidence of the ground.
  3. Horizontally oriented cracks appear, most often, due to a violation of the brickwork technology and especially due to the quality of the banding of the rows.
    Their main manifestations:
    • bending of window, door, beam floors;
    • the critical moment is the extrusion of some of the floors, but in this case the insufficient strength of the floor itself is to blame.
  4. Horizontal arcuate cracks result from:
    • large weight of floors;
    • inappropriate to such ceilings of the wall and (or) foundation.
  5. Vertical cracks can appear in the masonry itself, as a rule, at the junctions of two buildings. The reason for them is the absence expansion joint... Their device in such cases is necessary in order to avoid the consequences of the different shrinkage rates of the two combined buildings.
  6. Cracks can also appear from some other reasons not related to the construction process, for example, the lack of an ebb for rain or other ingress of water on the wall, into the micropores of the brickwork. This is especially dangerous in winter time or during thaws, since at subzero temperatures, frozen water works like a wedge, destroying the masonry. This type of cracks is quite well recognized by the characteristic "path".

Also, the reason for the cracks can be judged by their appearance:

  • expansion from below - the overlap renders high blood pressure on the wall;
  • expansion at the top of the crack - the foundation of the house settles from the corresponding side.

Possible ways to eliminate cracks

Before choosing a method of how to eliminate and seal cracks, it is necessary to conduct a test aimed at determining the present state of the structure, for the presence of an ongoing or already stopped process.

For this, special control marks are used: the date of their installation is recorded on a paper tape and monitoring is carried out for several months. If the tapes do not break, then the process of shrinkage or other processes has stopped, and most likely new cracks will not appear.

And if on the contrary, you will have to find the reason for their appearance in order to develop an appropriate work plan.

If the crack no longer has a tendency to expand or increase, it is sealed with heat-insulating material and plastered. For a tiled façade, it may be necessary to partially re-lay the bricks to restore the aesthetic appearance at home.

And if the tape broke, then by the time during which it happened, as well as by the type and direction of the break, a preliminary cause is determined with a subsequent more thorough study of all factors.

The way to solve the problem will most likely be one of the following:

  • the use of metal conductors to fasten the masonry of the wall;
  • re-laying part of the wall, if technically possible;
  • lengthening method can be applied load-bearing wall or strengthen the internal ones, which will give additional strength and immobility to the structure;
  • partial alteration with the implementation of measures to strengthen the foundation is the most difficult and costly way, to do everything with your own hands, it will not work here, you will also need advice and help from specialists. In addition, you may need to use special equipment.

Why is it cold in a brick house and what to do

Subjective perception aside, the cold house problem is not so uncommon. Often, the reason is not immediately discovered and it does not work out - and the heating works in the house properly, and the temperature on the thermometer is appropriate, but there is no comfort.

Apartment owners are often faced with such a problem as a wet wall in the apartment. Especially often, trouble arises in winter period, when the temperature difference outside and inside the room is very large and condensation begins to settle on the walls of the building. Automatic the question arises of what to do with a wet wall in the apartment and how to get rid of this problem. If we neglect the correction of the situation and leave everything as it is, then it is quite possible that black mold subsequently forms on the walls, which is extremely dangerous to human health, provokes respiratory diseases and causes serious complications.

In this article, readers will be able to find out why the walls in the apartment are wet and if the wall in the apartment is damp, what to do and what actions to take first.

The reasons why the walls in the apartment are damp

Before proceeding with the solution of the problem, one should answer the question of why the walls in the apartment are getting wet and at what stage the damage is. If the degree of moistening of the wall is very large, then you will need to take radical solution, and, without delay, correct the situation as quickly as possible.

The first sign that indicates that the walls are getting wet in the apartment is that its surface becomes wet, the wallpaper begins to peel off and the plaster begins to peel off, and at the final stage the wall is covered with a layer of black mold. If such a phenomenon occurs, then it is extremely important to first determine why the walls in the apartment are damp. In the future, this will allow you to choose correct method correcting the situation, including necessary fixtures and the materials to be used. As the main reasons why the walls in the apartment get very wet, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Insufficient wall insulation or low waterproofing often leads to the fact that the walls in the apartment get wet. As a rule, this is observed in older houses and in apartments located on the highest or lowest floors. It should be noted that wet walls in the apartment on top floor or at first they appear in the autumn-spring period, and not in winter, as in other cases.
  2. Indoors or at the location of the dwelling is observed high humidity... If it comes O brick building, then a large amount of moisture rises from the basement, as a result of which a wet and ugly wall appears in the apartment.
  3. Insufficient ventilation can also be the reason why the wall in the apartment becomes damp. For the same reason, the windows in the room fog up.
  4. Quite often the wall damp corner apartment what to do in such a situation worries many owners. This is due precisely to inconvenient location living space and the fact that the walls of such a dwelling are exposed to negative factors much more than in other apartments.
  5. The premises were recently renovated. This reason, explaining why the walls in the apartment are damp, is the only one in which such a consequence is considered natural. As a rule, during the repair, a large number of materials are used that contain water and after the necessary work is completed, moisture remains in the walls, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. In such a situation, you should not worry and worry about what to do when the walls in the apartment get wet, but it is better to wait a little time and the moisture will dry out by itself.

What to do if the wall in the apartment gets wet?

Having figured out why the wall in the apartment gets wet, we found out that there can be several reasons for the occurrence and development of such a situation. Accordingly, in order to answer the question of what to do if the wall in the apartment is damp, it is possible only if the cause of the problem is precisely determined.

For example, if a wall in a renovated apartment is damp, no special manipulations are required. It is enough to ventilate the apartment well and keep the windows open for a while. In case of repair work in winter, it is worth providing warmth in the apartment so that the moisture remaining after the repair evaporates. If the heating is good, then there are enough batteries for this purpose, but if they do not cope, then you will need to turn on the heater.

In case of problems with ventilation, if the wall in the apartment is damp, only an experienced master will tell you what to do, although at the initial stage you can cope with difficult situation on one's own. It is enough to remove objects that interfere with high-quality ventilation air. For example, if moisture accumulates on small area behind the curtains, it is quite possible to raise or remove the curtain altogether, and move the furniture aside. In this case, if the wall in the apartment gets wet, such actions can quickly cope with the problem. In general, the problem of what to do when the walls are damp in the apartment in the absence of good ventilation is solved in a complex way. You will need to check everything ventilation holes inside the apartment and ventilate the room more often. Additionally, it is worth putting an extractor hood in the kitchen so that excess moisture is drawn out.

As we have already noted, the reason why the wall in the apartment gets wet may lie in the absence high-quality waterproofing... This problem is already more serious and difficult to cope with. There can be only one solution - to insulate the wall surface sufficiently. As a rule, if the walls get wet in the apartment, then the seams with outside buildings fell into disrepair. What to do when the walls get wet in the apartment? in this case, only a specialist will tell you. This will require serious intervention, since it will not be possible to solve the problem with ordinary ventilation.

What to do if wet walls appear in the apartment in winter? This issue is of concern to many home owners who are faced with such a problem. Moreover, if you take independent actions in this case, you can only worsen the situation. Many do not have the opportunity to perform additional insulation with outside buildings and, laying insulation from the inside, only worsen the situation by shifting the dew point. As a result, a wet wall in an apartment in winter will become even wetter, and later on, moisture will begin to collect in a puddle under the insulation. It is extremely important to understand here, even if the owner of the apartment is an experienced climber and builder, you should not do the insulation work yourself, but best of all, trust experienced craftsmen and who will do all the work with the highest quality.

For a more complete idea of ​​what to do when the wall in the apartment gets wet, it is worth deciding what tools and materials are needed to carry out such work, as well as what technologies are most suitable for solving the problem.

Tools required for work

If the walls in the apartment are damp what to do, we try to figure it out in this article. Several options for correcting the situation have already been proposed, however, it would be most correct to contact specialists who can certainly eliminate the problem. If, nevertheless, it is possible to produce renovation work to eliminate the reason why the walls are wet in the apartment, then it is worth preparing in advance necessary tools... The list of mandatory ones includes the following names:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • stapler and staples;
  • construction thread or twine;
  • trowel;
  • spatulas.

On this, the list is not complete. It is likely that other devices and tools will be required to carry out special work. Here, each contractor determines the toolkit independently, taking into account the specifics of eliminating the problem. In addition to tools, you need to take care of buying special materials that are presented on construction market... Next, we will consider some of the nuances of insulation and waterproofing.

How is thermal insulation carried out in rooms where the wall is damp

As an answer to the question of what to do when the walls in the apartment get wet, we can propose to strengthen the existing thermal insulation. This will eliminate the penetration of moisture and cold outside and will give greatest effect... It is important that the insulation is carried out both outside and inside.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to carry out such work on your own. This option is suitable for detached buildings, ground floors, as well as buildings where there is no need to rise to a significant height to complete the decoration.

It is imperative to choose the right thermal insulation materials, which are presented in the construction market in large numbers. To carry out the work, it is best to choose trusted manufacturers who pay attention to high quality characteristics materials. Here it is important to remember that even if wet walls appear in the apartment on the top floor, then the area should be insulated from the outside, not from the inside.

When it comes to apartment building, then it is almost impossible to insulate the walls in this case, so you will have to limit yourself to the interior decoration of the walls, which when correct execution works will give a guaranteed high-quality result. In this case, it is worth paying attention to two important parameters:

  • when the wall in the apartment gets wet, you must first determine the water absorption coefficient of the material used. The speed and degree of moisture removal from the apartment depends on this indicator. The lower the indicator, the better the water-repellent properties of the material will be. This will make it possible to eliminate such a problem as a wet wall in an apartment in winter;
  • to determine what to do when the walls get wet in the apartment, it is worth insulating the walls, but at the same time take into account the thickness of the layer acquired for finishing the material. Here it is important to make such a density at which there will be a sufficient thermal conductivity coefficient. If the coefficient is small, then the layer will need to be made thin.

Only taking into account all these points can you achieve a significant decrease in humidity in the apartment and return the wall to its original appearance. To answer the question why there are wet walls in the apartment and what to do if the wall gets wet in the apartment, it is enough to study the theoretical aspects of this issue and turn to a specialist for practical advice.

How to insulate the foundation if the wall in the apartment is damp?

What to do if the walls in the apartment are wet in winter and the apartment is located on the first floor of the house? In fact, the problem can be solved quite easily here. You only need to insulate the foundation. This action is especially important for those who are interested in giving their homes increased sound insulation. This will solve not only the problem of a wet wall in the apartment in winter, but also save you from noise and unpleasant sounds.

Here it is worth giving preference to materials that have a high coefficient of noise absorption, since this will save the time of repair and installation of sound insulation. The flammability class of the materials is extremely important in order to exclude the possibility of sudden ignition. The best option can become a material of class G1, since thermal insulation, even during combustion, does not provoke the appearance of an open flame source. It is worth highlighting several of the most common insulation and soundproofing materials at the same time. The list of the most famous includes such as:

  • mineral wool is a very common material that has a low cost and excellent specifications... When the walls get wet in the apartment, an experienced master will be able to advise what to do, and most likely, he will say that, despite good performance indicators, mineral wool for insulation is not the best a good choice... The thing is that the material has a high coefficient of water absorption;
  • Styrofoam is an excellent choice if you do not know what to do if the wall gets wet in the apartment. The material will fit for internal and exterior decoration, while it practically does not absorb moisture. The disadvantage is the low steam permeability. This prevents air from circulating freely. In addition, when ignited, the foam begins to release toxins;
  • "Warm" plaster, which is used to insulate walls from the inside and outside. The use of such material is especially relevant if wet walls have appeared in an apartment on the top floor. This is due to the fact that the material is not a traditional insulation and does not absorb moisture. In addition, such plaster has excellent sound insulation performance. As a disadvantage, the excessive severity of the coating can be noted. The material is not suitable for private houses, since it needs a reinforced foundation;
  • cork insulation is used when interior decoration... If you have no idea what to do when the wall in the apartment gets wet, then you should pay attention to this particular material, which has a low thermal conductivity, but at the same time has a low weight. The disadvantage of the coating is considered to be increased flammability.

Surface insulation scheme if the wall gets wet in the apartment

Many apartment owners are interested in the question of where to go if there is a wet wall in the apartment and what to do in such cases. In fact, there can be only one solution - to visit a construction company that provides such services. This will have several advantages at once. On the one hand, you will decide what to do when the wall in the apartment gets wet, and on the other hand, you will get a high-quality work that will not require alteration in the future. It is also important that the master has an idea of ​​what to do if the wall in the apartment is wet, which means that he will do everything necessary work strictly according to technology. For example, you can give the following algorithm for finishing a section of a wall.

  1. The working site is prepared, namely, it is cleaned of dust and debris, after which a leveling plaster and a primer are applied to it. Basis for holding further work ready and now you need to glue the foam on it, and then fix it with special dowels.
  2. Each sheet needs to be processed adhesive composition, and then, press against the prepared surface and press well. It is best to arrange the sheets in a checkerboard pattern, thereby enhancing the strength of the structure.
  3. Fastening with dowels is performed around the perimeter, while holes in the material will have to be drilled.
  4. After gluing and fixing the sheets, the finished finish is covered with a reinforcing mesh and general construction plastered. The walls are decorated with paint and a layer of decorative plaster is applied to it.

Most simple option insulation of walls, which determines what to do when the wall in the apartment is damp, is the insulation of the surface from the outside using a special "warm" plaster. The material is applied to plaster mesh, and then, decorated.

Insulation of walls from the inside, if the wall in the apartment gets damp

This option remains the only one when the homeowner does not know what to do, when the wall in a corner apartment becomes very damp and where to turn if the apartment has a wet wall. In fact, if there is no way to insulate the structure from the outside, then it is important to think over the procedure for insulating the walls from the inside. Experts recommend using any of the above materials in this case, however, choosing a heater is worth taking into account individual sizes walls, as well as from the financial capabilities of the owners of the premises. From this point of view, foam plastic is still not worth using, since it can easily ignite and thereby threaten the lives of residents.

The whole process of warming takes place in several stages. Each of their stages is extremely important for the overall result, since it allows you to complete the finishing with the highest quality and with the expectation of long-term operation in the future. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. The walls should be pre-prepared by removing dirt and old wallpaper.
  2. Impregnate the surface with a primer.
  3. Assemble the frame from a metal profile or wooden bars. The fastening step should be 40-60 cm.
  4. The insulation is placed in the cells, if necessary, the sheets can be cut.
  5. In the future, plasterboard covering and plastering are carried out.


If you have no idea what to think of when the wall in the apartment gets wet, we recommend that you turn to experienced craftsmen, who will complete all the finishing work in the shortest possible time and save you from this problem.

The problem of wet walls in the house must be taken very seriously, and if you run it, the consequences can be dire.

If the fogging of the walls has already developed into the formation of mold, then ordinary scraping is not enough here, since after a short period of time it will grow on the wall again, no matter what you process it. Here it is necessary to look for other solutions, namely, to get rid of moisture in the walls.

In order to find a solution to the problem, it is necessary to determine its source, and in a specific case, to find the reason why the walls in the house are sweating and getting wet.

Another important aspect, in order to localize the formed spot of moisture on the wall and prevent it from growing, a few primitive measures can help. First, you need to remove all obstacles to air circulation in that place (curtains, rags, etc.), and then put a heater with a fan directed at the spot (at least just a fan), this way you will slightly improve the situation.

What makes the walls in the house wet and how to deal with it

First, you need to determine the source of moisture. There may be several options, we will consider each separately.

1. Freezing of the outer wall of a house or apartment

This option most likely refers to old houses, because earlier about good insulation only dreamed of during construction. Or, when building a house, they saved a lot on insulation, relying on a large number of batteries.

Signs: The house is constantly cold and damp in winter. The walls inside the room are very cold. A lot of energy is spent on heating in winter.

Why is this happening: At severe frosts, the dew point in the wall moves closer to the room, and if the heating is insufficient, the wall starts to sweat. In this case, we need to move the dew point closer to the street.

How to fix: In this case, you have two options, the first is to heat the room harder, but this is additional cash costs with dubious benefits, and second, it is necessary to insulate the walls of the house from the outside. To do this, you can try to insulate the walls with expanded polystyrene, for example. Under these circumstances, thermal insulation of the wall from the inside of the house will not help, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. In this case, we will move the dew point even closer to the room. The moisture on the wall itself under the insulation will become even more, and it will gradually turn into puddles on the floor. Only external wall insulation can help here. With external insulation, we will shift the dew point in the direction we need, as can be seen in the diagram. It is not very cheap, but reliable. And naturally watch out for ventilation. Wet walls cannot be avoided without ventilation.

2. The wall gets wet due to insufficient waterproofing

This option, in most cases, applies to those who live on the top or first floors of houses. If the wall is wet at the bottom, then moisture can get from the street through the basement, through the floor, basement, if there is insufficient waterproofing in those places. If the wall in the house gets wet or sweats upstairs, most likely, moisture enters through the roof that is poorly insulated from water.

Signs: The largest spots on the walls are in autumn, in wet weather, or in spring, when the snow begins to melt. If the room is well heated, then when negative temperatures, wet stains will dry slowly.

Why is this happening: With a poor-quality roof, water will always find a loophole and get into the interior of the room. And how does it rise to the top with poor waterproofing of the floor? The fact is that whether it is concrete, brick or building block, all these materials have a very bad property - to absorb moisture. A plinth, for example, can lift moisture from the ground by almost a meter. That is why waterproofing between the wall of the house and the basement is so important.

How to fix: In this case, you have only one way out. Find a place through which water enters the wall, and make the waterproofing better, or insulate the basement outside, if it's in it. Looking at the house from the street will yield more results than looking for a solution from the inside. And of course, ventilation or frequent airing of the room in many cases will reduce the likelihood of problems with wet walls.

3. Poor ventilation of the room or part of it

This is a very common occurrence when the ventilation in the house is not sufficiently calculated, or does not work well. Even if she is normal, there are still corners in the house in which she "does not work", and they start to sweat over time.

Signs: At common problem with ventilation, strong fogging of the windows is possible. With local - the wall in the house gets wet behind the curtain, or behind some objects that prevent air recirculation near the wall, and the rest of the walls are completely dry.

Why is this happening: With insufficient ventilation, no matter what you do, moisture will accumulate on the walls. In fact, there is enough moisture in the room for this, even if the air seems to be dry.

How to fix: With a general problem with ventilation, it is necessary to solve it. There should be circulation in the house. In case of a local problem in certain places, remove objects that interfere with circulation.

4. Recently renovated

If everything was fine before the renovation, and immediately after the renovation the walls in the house suddenly get wet, then there is nothing terrible here and this is a common phenomenon.

Signs: The windows in the house sweat a lot.

Why is this happening: When you make a major repair using plaster, putty or other materials that contain water, the walls begin to absorb this moisture and this cannot be avoided. The repair is over, everything seems to be dry, but the moisture in the wall will remain in any case for some time. In addition to this, if during the renovation you did not ventilate the room enough, a huge amount of moisture will be in the air.

How to fix: During repairs, it is necessary to ventilate the room, and in cold period it is also enough to heat. At the same time, the walls will dry out soon.

Despite where the moisture on your walls came from, you must remember that it is highly undesirable to start this process, and the sooner you find the source of the problem, the easier it will be to fix the consequences.

The problem of dampness of corners and walls often worries both residents of high-rise buildings and owners of private houses. Due to the fact that the corner of the room is damp, the walls begin to darken, the wallpaper peels off, mold appears, the air becomes heavy in the room. Plus, in the cold season, the temperature in the rooms decreases, the windows are less often opened to ventilate the room, there is a lot of precipitation, and the walls themselves are not dried by the sun's rays.

Raw corners and walls are pretty serious problem which should be eliminated immediately. Indoor dampness can cause different diseases and also become a collection point for fungi and mites.

Therefore, the question of why the corners in the house are damp worries many.

Sources of dampness in the corners of rooms are obvious and hidden. Some are easy to find, others will have to be searched. However, all the reasons why the corners in the house are constantly damp are divided into two subcategories - internal (poor ventilation, insufficient heating) and external (increased thermal conductivity of the wall, water penetration from the outside, etc.).

Often dampness appears in the corners of the room in such cases:

  • there is a "leakage" of the wall (water can enter through cracks in the wall from the attic, drainpipes or eaves);
  • the wall freezes (the corners "cry" from the fact that a "cold" bridge has formed due to the increased thermal conductivity of the walls);
  • the heating capacity in the room is insufficient;
  • there is no ventilation or it is ineffective;
  • a fungus has formed on the walls;
  • the foundation of the house is poorly waterproofed;
  • there is a lot of washing and drying in the house;
  • there are no hoods in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • a void has formed in the seams not filled with mortar;
  • the outer walls are too thin;
  • voids have formed in the floor slabs;
  • cooling occurs through metal beams or reinforced concrete structures;
  • there is too much water and moisture in the basements;
  • balcony slabs are poorly embedded in the wall;
  • condensation appears on ventilation pipes due to improper vapor barrier.

Eliminate dampness in corners

Attentive owners will always notice damp corners in time and establish the cause of sputum.

After finding the culprit of the problem, you can start fixing it:

  • If the wall freezes, you need to take measures to insulate it. The most effective is It will not only reduce dampness, but also reduce heat loss. This is done either with mineral wool or foam. However, for apartment owners in high-rise buildings, such insulation is a rather troublesome business. If problems arise with external insulation, you can use the premises.

When applying insulation from the inside, you should make thermal calculations to avoid the appearance of condensation and moistening of the insulation material, as a result of which its insulation properties are lost.

  • To make the correct calculations, the climate, the degree of thermal conductivity of the wall, etc. are taken, therefore, in such cases, expert advice is simply necessary.
  • If the heating system is ineffective, you should use additional sources thermal energy. It can be an electric fireplace, radiator or others, which are recommended to be installed in those places where there is the most dampness.
  • If condensation occurs due to excessive tightness of the room after installation plastic windows the room should be ventilated more often.
  • At insufficient thickness walls, it is recommended, if possible, to revet the building from the outside with an additional ball of brick or apply insulation under the plaster. can slab insulation(, mineral wool), placed on the frame with 5 cm walls to fill it with expanded clay. This construction material absorbs moisture from a damp wall and prevents mold from spreading.
  • You can improve ventilation by installing an additional hood, and even at the bottom of the door when entering a separate room, you can make a slot for air regulation. Ventilation should also be improved in the kitchen, which is most often a source of dampness.
  • If present under the dwelling, moisture can penetrate through microcracks in the floor, as a result of which the walls become damp. To eliminate such a problem, the floor is treated with an anti-fungal agent, a moisture-resistant base is laid on it, and all the cracks are sealed with a sealant.
  • If the cause of the damp corners is the fungus and mold on the plaster that has appeared in the wall, then all the affected areas are treated with antifungal solutions, plaster, if necessary, with a high-quality mixture, and only after that new wallpaper is glued.
  • In case of poor-quality installation, moisture penetrates into the seams, therefore, the joints between the slab and the wall should be sealed so that there are no leaks that lead to damp spots.
  • When capping seams in outer walls care should be taken that the closed and open joints provide air protection, and the latter, moreover, are well protected from moisture.

Damp corners on the upper floors of the building

In private houses or on the highest floors, the walls are often damp because of the attic.

This happens in such cases:

  • the corners turn gray due to violations in the insulation of the attic, dampness and black spots appear most of all in places where the attic overlap is adjacent to the outer walls;
  • the space of the attic is poorly ventilated (there are few ventilation holes, there is no through ventilation), with well-performed ventilation in the attic, the same temperature is maintained over the entire surface of the roof in the autumn-winter season.

Preventing dampness

Keeping dampness to a minimum and preventing its occurrence in the future will allow compliance with some rules.

  • The laundry must be dried outside living rooms or when the hood is on for air extraction.
  • When cooking, pots and pans should be covered with lids to prevent steam from escaping.
  • In the bathroom, where the concentration of humidity is the highest, as well as in the kitchen, hoods and ventilation openings should be regularly cleaned from excessive debris, and these rooms should also be ventilated daily.
  • In a private house, you can insulate the attic, as well as cover the walls with waterproofing material, preferably with pores.
  • All flammable substances that form a lot of moisture, in particular, paraffin, are rarely used indoors.
  • Ventilate all rooms in the house daily.
  • Errors in heating system eliminate in time.
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity. This household appliance easily cope with the problem of dampness, and its compactness will allow you to transfer the dehumidifier from room to room.

Reducing humidity

If the walls often get wet during indoor areas with increased moisture (bath, bathroom), then the matter is most likely in ventilation system... Therefore, first of all, you should check the ventilation holes for unnecessary objects that may interfere with air circulation.

It is easy to check how clogged the ventilation channels are: we bring the burning candle to the air vent and see how the flame reacts: if it reaches for the grate, then the channels are not clogged and there is a draft. When there is no reaction of the flame to ventilation, additional devices need to be installed in order to establish air circulation.

When the holes are not clogged, and the draft is still weak, then at the bottom of the door you can make additional slots for air intake. If this did not help in ventilation duct mount a forced draft. Such fans are turned on only when there are no people in the room, as they can greatly harm health.

Experts advise installing fans with a built-in humidity controller in the bathroom. When the moisture rises, the fan works automatically, eliminating the air saturated with dampness.

Some nuances of sealing joints

If the tightness of the seams is broken and when cracks appear in the walls, the corners in the room begin to damp. With this state of affairs, there is only one way out: the waterproofing of the joints between the panels must be repaired, and microcracks in the walls must be repaired.

After high-quality sealing, the walls should not pick up moisture. They can become damp and leak only when the technology of sealing the seams is violated.

The main mistakes are applying sealant without preliminary repair or using a low-quality sealant.

It should be borne in mind that if the waterproofing of the joints is done in one apartment, and not in the whole house, then the problem of dampness will not disappear. Moisture will penetrate poorly sealed joints in an apartment on the floor above or on the technical floor, so although more slowly, it will find its way into the desired room.

Foundation waterproofing

It happens that dampness in the house is caused by the fact that the foundation is poorly insulated. With insufficient waterproofing The groundwater when lifted over 1.5 m, they can penetrate walls. In this case, they will get wet, mold will appear under the plinth and in the corners, the plaster will begin to crumble, and the wallpaper will deteriorate. However, if the foundation is correctly made, then it will be able to prevent penetration ground water.

Condensation after installing new windows

It happens that pockets of dampness in the corners of an apartment appear after replacement ordinary windows on plastic. Installed windows are very airtight, they tightly close the openings, as a result of which the ventilation of the room deteriorates. In such cases, you can avoid dampness of the walls if you know what to do.

Ventilation is often sufficient for air exchange in a room. However, if this is not enough, ventilation can be improved by putting on an air vent additional fan... Then the humidity in the room will decrease, and there will be no condensation of moisture on the cold walls, in particular in the corners where the air exchange is reduced.

The problem of damp corners often begins to worry in the cold season. Many at first do not even notice the damp walls, however, when moisture turns into mold, the problem should be taken seriously. Fungi, mites and centipedes multiply from constant dampness in the room, and residents may develop various diseases, shortness of breath, cough, and allergic reactions.

Video: how to get rid of dampness in a house or apartment

The fight against excess moisture in the living space should be started immediately. This process is quite laborious, sometimes it requires money. However, with precise definition the root causes of increased humidity and the right choice effective ways to combat dampness, wet corners can be forgotten forever. And done if necessary new renovation in the apartment will refresh the walls and delight everyone.