Beautiful flowering shrubs for Siberia. Wild shrubs: types and names

The nature of our planet is extremely diverse. Every continent, part of the world, country, region, region and city can boast of beautiful representatives of flora, which not only decorate the entire surrounding space, but also contribute to the purification of the air.

Various life forms of plants, including such as wild shrubs, play an important role in nature and human life. It is about them that will be discussed in the article.

Wild plants

It is customary to call those plants that live in natural conditions and are not cultivated by humans. They inhabit fields and meadows, steppes and savannas, deserts and forests. These include:

  • trees;
  • shrubs;
  • shrubs;
  • shrubs;
  • herbs;
  • lianas;
  • palm trees.

That is, all existing life forms of plants. Specifically, wild shrubs make up the bulk of the undergrowth, thickets, the outskirts of meadows and fields, roadsides, and urban landscape. It is these forms that are used to create hedges in front of residential buildings, retail outlets and other structures.

Wild trees, shrubs, grasses - this is an integral beautiful part It is they who, at the entrance to our country, speak of its beauty, stateliness and splendor.

Shrubs of Russia

Wild shrubs our region is distinguished by a large species diversity... They are common in all bands and latitudes, form deciduous and partly line hills and mountain ranges. Also among them there are many representatives that a person uses in decorative purposes for garden plots. Certain types of berries are actively used for food and are valued for their vitamin components. Even dosage forms wild shrubs of Russia have.

The most common species growing in the wild are:

  • spirea;
  • hawthorn;
  • snowberry;
  • forest viburnum;
  • marsh rosemary;
  • common barberry;
  • warty euonymus;
  • daphne;
  • common honeysuckle;
  • tree caragana;
  • marsh cranberry;
  • common hazel;
  • common raspberries;
  • bladderworm;
  • Hungarian Russian;
  • lilac;
  • rose hip;
  • chubushnik and others.

Wild shrubs of our region are very beautiful, diverse in their role in nature and significance for humans. There are a number of such species that people seek to plant and propagate on their land plots for different purposes: decorative, nutritious, landscape design. These representatives include the following wild trees and shrubs: bird cherry, blueberry, apple, ash, dog rose, thuja, pine, spruce, currant, plum, lilac, mountain ash, broom, nightshade, alder, sea buckthorn, juniper, raspberry, pear, hazel , viburnum, barberry, grapes, linden, lemongrass, gooseberry, buckthorn, maple, honeysuckle, oak and others.

Rose hip

Perhaps one of the most valuable shrubs in both wild and cultivated form. Plant height - up to 2 m, branches are red-brown, shiny, covered with curved thorns. The flowers are pink, bright. This plant belongs to the Rosaceae family. The leaves are rounded, collected in several pieces on one petiole. The edge is finely cut. Rose hips are bright orange, elliptical or round in shape.

Since ancient times, this plant has been considered a healing source of important substances and vitamins. Avicenna also called rosehip a remedy for liver diseases. Today this plant is valued not only for its medicinal properties but also for beautiful appearance and unpretentiousness to living conditions. Delicate crimson roses leave no one indifferent. Flowering lasts from mid-May to late June.

For the manufacture of medicines, all parts of the plant are used, except for the leaves: fruits, roots, stems and flowers. The most valuable substances in the composition of the plant are carotenoids, vitamins of group B and PP, flavonoids, organic acids, essential oils.


Wild shrubs of the Spirea genus include about 90 species. Some of them have long been domesticated by people and are very widely used for landscape design plots.

This plant is from 2 meters or more in height. The color of flowers, leaves, their shape and size - it all depends on the specific species. Most often, there are white-flowered or pink-flowered forms, less often with a purple corolla.

The types of spirea average, the most common in nature in Russia, are beautiful wild-growing shrubs, the photos of which can be seen below.

The following representatives are also very popular:

  • Japanese.
  • Thunberg.
  • Nippon.
  • Oak-leaved.
  • Gorodchaty.
  • Wangutta.
  • Arguta.
  • Gray.

Spectacular, strewn with fragrant bright inflorescences bushes can leave few people indifferent, this explains the popularity of the plant. Practically no medicinal value.

Shrubs of the Moscow region: names

This group includes not only domesticated wild-growing shrubs of the Moscow region also widely populate local biotopes. The most common among the cultural forms that fill summer cottages and garden plots, are fruit and berry species.

  1. Grapes of various varieties.
  2. Quince and assorted plums.
  3. Blueberry.
  4. Honeysuckle.
  5. Gooseberry.
  6. Raspberries.
  7. Rowan.
  8. Currant.
  9. Yoshta.
  10. Blackberry.

Among the wild organisms of this group, one can distinguish such as euonymus, wolfberry, male dogwood, bubblegum, maple, lilac, weigela Middendorf, elderberry, broom, derain, rhododendron, forsythia, sucker, peony, mountain ash, roses, almonds, hawthorn, willow, barberry and others.

Most of the names given are generic. This means that each plant has a varied number of varieties. Therefore, the total number of shrub forms in the Moscow region is quite serious. This is of great benefit, since plants purify and renew the air, and contribute to the normalization of its composition.

European spindle tree

Both wild and cultural shrub plant... In some regions of our country, it is cultivated as an industrial facility, since the roots of euonymus contain gutta-percha.

Such wild shrubs are up to 3 meters high and higher. The leaves are large enough (up to 10 cm), oval in shape. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, so they become clearly visible. The corolla is pink and white. After flowering, fruits are formed, red or dark pink. They are poisonous, but they are used as medicinal products.

The decorative value of euonymus lies in its fruits and beautiful dense leaves. Effective hedges are well built from it, so it is used in landscape design.


Low plants, height up to 1.5 meters. Distributed in Siberia, Western and Eastern. Such wild shrubs give very bright fruits. The plants were named because of them. It is a juicy, bright red drupe that looks like a berry. However, they cannot be eaten, since they are not too, but poisonous.

The flowers are pale pink, sessile. They emit a very pleasant aroma due to the contained essential oils, therefore, attracts many insects. The leaves of the wolfberry are medium-sized, rounded or slightly pointed, pubescent.

In medicine, the berries of this plant, as well as parts of the bark, are used. The main diseases for which drugs on wolfberry help are gout, rheumatism, paralysis.

Wild shrubs of the Urals

The flora of the Urals, Urals, Siberia and the Far East is very similar in the species composition of shrub forms. So, common species in these territories are such as quince, barberry, elderberry, weigela, wolfberry, turf, gorse, honeysuckle, willow and other plants.

All of them form a general view of the nature of fields and meadows, woodlands. Plants such as wild shrubs and trees make the picture of the natural habitat of animals and people complete, rich, beautiful and varied.

You can give a short list of those species of the Urals, which are the main ones for these places. These are wild shrubs, the names of which are given below.

  1. Kalina.
  2. Cotoneaster of different types.
  3. Clematis.
  4. Siberian prince.
  5. Mahonia is holly.
  6. Fragrant raspberries.
  7. Bittersweet nightshade.
  8. Russian broom.
  9. Different types of rhododendrons.
  10. Roses of all kinds.
  11. Spireas.
  12. Lilacs.
  13. Chubushnik and others.

This, of course, is far from full list, however, it includes the most widespread species of the Urals. Most of them are a food source for forest animals, humans. Also, many are medicinal forms of plants.


The most common type of this shrub in the Urals is the common barberry. Plant height - up to 2 meters. The stems are abundantly equipped with thorns, the leaves are densely entwined with the branches, have a very beautiful dark purple color. This creates a very effective contrast with yellow-orange flowers and bright red fruits. Therefore, barberry is readily used by people as a garden shrub.

Cotoneaster brilliant

A widespread plant in the Urals. Often found as in natural nature, and in the gardens, on summer cottages... Received such fame for its attractive appearance: tall bushes (up to 3 meters) with a spreading crown, interesting in the shape of leaves.

The main advantage is frost resistance and drought resistance. It got its name from the corresponding surface of the leaves. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, small, white or pinkish. The fruits are bright red, not poisonous. They are a source of food for many birds and animals.

For decorative purposes, types of cotoneaster are used to create hedges with beautiful clusters of hanging fruits, black or red.

Common lilac

This plant is only one species from many related to common family Lilacs of the Olive family. This shrub is famous not only in the Urals, but also practically throughout the entire territory of our country.

Beautiful fragrant inflorescences, consisting of many brushes of small delicate flowers, attract not only pollinating insects, but also animals, birds, and people. The color of the corollas is different: from snow-white to lilac-pink. Used for decorative and medicinal purposes.

Japanese quince or Japanese Henomeles. A beautifully flowering shrub up to 130 cm high. Budding begins late on May 4-5, flowering occurs on average on May 26 and lasts about a month. The fragrant fruits ripen in the second half of September. Chaenomeles is a Japanese rather fast-growing shrub; the plants enter the fruiting period already at the age of three. Fruits usually ripen by mid - late October, mature ones have a bright yellow color and reach a diameter of 8 cm. But with sufficient early maturity, Japanese quince grows rather slowly, the growth of its shoots usually does not exceed 5 cm. The plant is demanding for light. Japanese quince not only fruit plant, it is successfully used to create hedges (tolerates haircut well), suitable for group and single plantings.

Actinidia kolomikta

Liana shrub. In our conditions, an adult plant reaches 4.5-5 m. It blooms in June. The flowers are white, fragrant, 1–1.5 cm in diameter. The fruits ripen in late August and early September. They are consumed fresh and processed. It is a plant in semi-shady habitats on humus-rich soils. Hardy enough, but in the first three years requires shelter for the winter.

Aralia Manchurian

Aralia Manchurian or thorn-tree, or devil's tree. A small shrub up to 4 m high, with a straight trunk, covered with numerous large thorns. Leaves 1 cm or more long. The flowers are small, white or cream, collected in umbrellas, which form large branched inflorescences at the top of the trunk. In inflorescences up to 50-70 thousand flowers. Fruits 3-5 mm in diameter, blue-black, berry-like, with five “bones” flattened from the sides. Fruiting is steady, annual. An adult plant is capable of producing up to 60 thousand fruits. The average weight of one fruit is 50 mg. Blooms in July - August; fruits ripen in the second half of September. Medicinal raw materials are the roots, bark and leaves of aralia. The plant is undemanding to growing conditions. Aralia is propagated by root shoots, seeds, and segments of roots.


An unpretentious rhizome perennial for shady and semi-shady places, moisture-demanding, in arid and lighted places, the inflorescences become smaller. Transferring the transplant at any time. In one place, without losing decorativeness, it grows for 4-5 years. The foliage is decorative all season from the moment of regrowth to frost. Color from white to cherry. In flower beds, in mixborders and rock gardens, they go well with daylilies, irises, phloxes, peonies, tulips, roses, functions, lilies and other perennials.

Astra New English

Astra Novobelgiskaya

Rhizome perennial growing in the form of a back-pyramidal bush. Stems from 50 cm to 150 cm tall. Dense-leaved bushes. Ligulate flowers are numerous, most often purple. Under good soil conditions, this species blooms very profusely and for a long time from September. Bears fruit. The most popular and richest in varieties. Demanding on soil moisture and fertility (it is recommended to add compost annually in autumn or spring after cutting the stems). Aster is planted in sunny places with protection from cold winds. Plants are hardy. The soil should be cultivated to a depth of 20-25 cm. Since the aster grows rapidly, having a long rhizome, it is transplanted after 3-4 years. In addition to dividing the bush, it can be propagated by seeds and green cuttings, but these methods are more laborious and less effective.

Badan thick-leaved

Badan thick-leaved - forms rosettes of leaves, up to 40 cm high. Blooming in May with pink medium-sized flowers, collected in an inflorescence at the top of a bare peduncle. Flowering is not abundant. Drought-resistant, shade-tolerant. Decorative throughout the season. Propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings.

Velvet Amur

Amur velvet or cork tree. At home, it reaches 26 m in height, the trunk is 50 (70) cm in diameter, straight or somewhat curved, with a tent-shaped crown. Possesses significant cold resistance and shade tolerance. Can be used as park groups and alleys. The Amur velvet tree begins to bloom at the 18-20th year of life. Blooms in June - early July, about 10 days. The flowers are small (up to 0.8 cm in diameter), inconspicuous, yellowish-green, unisexual, collected in paniculate brushes, up to 12 cm long. Pollination is carried out by insects. The fruits ripen in September and are spherical black, slightly shiny drupes, usually with 5 seeds, inedible, with a pungent specific odor, up to 1 cm in diameter. Fruiting is annual. The tree bears up to 10 kg of fruit.

Common barberry, common purple

Shrub 1.5 - 2 m tall. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Bears fruit. Used to create hedges. Obovate elongated (up to 4 cm) leaves are dark green above, grayish below. Flowers in drooping racemes up to 6 cm long are brilliant yellow. Blooms in May-June. Fruits are oblong in shape and up to 1.2 cm long can be from pink through all shades of red to black-red and black. Ripen in September-October. It tolerates a haircut well, it is not picky about soil conditions. Photophilous, although it endures a thin shadow. Remarkable for him decorative form: purple-leaved - with dark purple leaves, the shrub is especially beautiful during flowering and fruiting. The more sun this shrub receives, the more intensely its leaves turn purple. In dense shade, the leaves turn partially green.


Periwinkle or vinca (Vinca) is a creeping ground cover plant. Periwinkles quickly grow in breadth, forming whole cushions of bright juicy greenery. The periwinkle flower consists of five petals of an original shape. Periwinkles bloom en masse in early to mid-spring, and then single flowers can be seen on plants throughout the season. Periwinkles easily take root from any node of the stem and take root everywhere along the path of their distribution. Although the periwinkle blooms more actively in the sun, it is of great interest as a shade-tolerant plant that can thrive in almost any difficult area of ​​the garden (except in the driest areas).

Warty euonymus

Height - 2.5m. Its trunks and cylindrical branches are densely covered with brown cork warts. It blooms in May with brown-reddish flowers, while the fruits appear in late July - early August. Begins to bear fruit late - from 6-7 years of age. Leaves are colored only in the warmest summer periods... Leaf fall begins after frost, some of the leaves freeze on the branches.

Hawthorn Caucasian

Shrub 2-3 m high, less often up to 5 m. Branches are dark brown, with gray spots... Spines are absent, or there are axillary and leafy spines 0.5-2.5 cm long. Leaves are broad-ovate, dull, rich green above, slightly lighter below. Fruits are short-ellipsoidal, 10-13 mm in diameter, dark purple, quite ripe - black-purple with light dots and yellow flesh. Seed usually 2. Flowering in May. Fruiting in October.

Hawthorn blood red

Blood-red hawthorn, shrub, up to 3 meters tall, Rosaceae family. The shoots of the plant have long, sharp thorns from 2.5 to 5 cm long. The inflorescences are large, numerous, corymbose. The flowers are white, small, with purple anthers and five petals. Fruits are spherical, up to 1 cm in diameter, coral-red, with 1-5 seeds inside. Blossoms in May - June; fruits ripen at the end of August.

Hawthorn pinnately incised

Forms a tree up to 6 m in height with a compressed crown. It has beautifully dissected leaves and large dark cherry fruits. Blooms from June 5 to June 15. Recommended for garden and park groups and hedges.

Cornflower mountain

Rhizome perennial. The size of the plant depends on the growing conditions and ranges from 30 to 90 cm. It blooms in June - July. Stems are ribbed with white uneven pubescence. Baskets with a diameter of 6-8 cm, painted blue. Fruits are achenes with caps. The plant is unpretentious, but fattens and blooms poorly on rich soil. Prefers sunny areas. It grows rather quickly. The mountain cornflower propagates by seeds, rhizome suckers and cuttings. It is used in group and single plantings, for cutting and in rock gardens.


Perennial plant that forms compact bushes up to 120 cm tall, with large, broadly triangular in outline, gray-green leaves. The flowers are small, lavender, collected in a loose, large corymbose panicle up to 20 cm long. Blooms in June - July 30-35 days. The fruit is a leaflet. Seeds are oblong, large. Winter-hardy without shelter. Often weed. Feels great on cool moist rich soils in dim sun or partial shade. It is in partial shade that flowering lasts longer, foliage long time retains decorative effect. The unpretentiousness, decorativeness of flowers and foliage make this large perennial indispensable for waterlogged areas, the banks of reservoirs, shady gardens.

Weigela early

Weigela early is a sprawling, densely leafy shrub up to 2 m tall. Its bark is gray, light brown on the branches, its young shoots are reddish. The leaves of this species are elliptical or oblong-ovate, shortly pointed or sharp, serrate-toothed along the edge and pubescent on both sides. In spring, as well as in summer, the leaves are bright green, in autumn they are brown-yellow. Early weigela flowers, 3 on drooping peduncles, pubescent, bright pink; blooms for 30 days. Early autumn color of weigela leaves is noticeable at the end of September.

Maiden grapes

A climbing liana with reddish young, then green and perennial shoots, often with aerial roots. Rises along the support with antennae. It has beautiful, finger-complex, five-leafed leaves on long petioles. Does not require pruning shoots and shelter for the winter. Maiden grapes- vigorous liana, shade-tolerant, undemanding to soil fertility. On rich and humid chernozems, it grows very rapidly, and its leaf does not color in autumn, in more poor growth conditions it acquires a beautiful autumn color.

Small-leaved elm

The tree is 12-15 m high, with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter. The crown is dense, hip-shaped. Twigs are thin, pubescent, trunk diameter up to 0.5 m. Lives over 100 years. The bark is dark gray, finely fractured. Shoots are thin, glabrous, shiny, yellowish-brown or grayish. Leaf buds are small, ovate, flower buds are spherical, 2 times larger than leaf buds, brown, shiny, with grayish hairs. The pinnate elm begins to bear fruit at the age of 5–7 years.

Carnation herb

It has a soddy bush up to 25 cm high with creeping shoots. Stem leaves are linear-lanceolate, up to 2.5 cm long. Flowers are single, up to 1.0 cm in diameter, petals are bright red. This plant blooms in early summer for about 40 - 45 days. Growing a herb carnation is not particularly difficult. The main thing that she needs is a sunny place, as well as light fertile soil with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction. The plant normally tolerates drought and, conversely, does not tolerate excess moisture. One of the lovely low curb studs.


Perennial plant up to 55 centimeters high. Gaillardia flowers are bright, in red and yellow tones, up to 12 centimeters in diameter. Prefers well-lit sunny areas. For Gaillardia, cultivation is preferred on dry, light soils. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. Used to decorate group flower plantings, borders and for cutting. Watering is moderate, regular, but stagnation of water is unacceptable. Once a month, it is desirable to feed with full mineral fertilizer. For the winter, light shelter with peat is desirable. Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and seeds.


Rhizome perennial herbaceous plants up to 50 cm tall. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, five to nine lobed, serrated. Numerous peduncles grow and bloom at different times within two months. The flowers are small, scarlet, collected in a paniculate inflorescence up to 20 cm long. The fruit is a capsule containing 20,000 seeds.

Hydrangea paniculata

In our gardens, it is one of the best ornamental plants that can be grown in the form of a bush, single or multi-stemmed tree 2-5 meters high. It can grow in one place for more than 40 years. The shoots are brown, woody quickly, which contributes to the high cold resistance of the plant. Leaves panicle hydrangea more oblong than that of a tree hydrangea, also oppositely located. The buds appear in late June, but bloom very slowly, and the main flowering occurs in August and September. The inflorescences are pyramidal in shape, consisting of a mixture of fertile and sterile flowers, first greenish, and then white or creamy. By autumn, in the sun, the inflorescences of paniculate hydrangea turn pink, turn brick, pale purple and turn slightly green again. This is a very unpretentious species, stable in the Northwest conditions, which can withstand even very severe winters without shelter.

This shrub is 1 to 3 meters high and comes from North America. The leaves are opposite, rather large, green above and bluish below. Flat or spherical inflorescences with a diameter of 10-20 cm are formed on the tops of annual shoots. The flowers are greenish at first, and in full dissolution are white or cream. Spherical hydrangea is unpretentious, shade-tolerant, winter-hardy enough. Although her annual shoots do not fully ripen by autumn and freeze over in winter, after spring pruning, the bush quickly recovers and can bloom in the same year. In our conditions, the spherical hydrangea blooms earlier than other species, even in July and blooms until late autumn.

Ussuri pear

Wild species. The tree is 10-15 m high. The crown is dense, wide; leaves from above are glossy; flowers are white, 3-4 cm in diameter. Fruits on short legs, elongated, round, oval, 1.5–6.7 cm long, green, yellow, sometimes with a red blush, ripen in September. The pulp is white, yellow, pink, contains stony cells, and has good taste. They are used fresh and processed; darken during storage. Photophilous, drought-resistant, not demanding on the soil, frost-resistant.

Derain white-bordered

Shrub up to 3 m tall, with thin flexible, mostly coral-red branches. Leaves with creamy white edging, broadly ovate, somewhat wrinkled, up to 10-12 cm long, in autumn they turn purple-red. The flowers are small, white, collected in numerous corymbose inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. It blooms very profusely in early summer and again in early autumn. Berry-like fruits, white with a bluish tinge. Very winter-hardy, heat-resistant, photophilous. Grows in a variety of soils.

Derain yellow-bordered

Nice ornamental shrub with reddish-burgundy branches and yellow-green leaves. Prefers sunny locations. Excellent haircut. Dense crown shape. The growth rate is high. The leaves are dark green, bluish-white below. The flowers are small, white, collected in numerous corymbose inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter. It blooms very profusely in the first half of summer and again in early autumn. Fruits are spherical, berry-shaped, white with a bluish tinge. She has a good haircut. Drought-resistant. Shade tolerant. Undemanding to the soil. Frost resistant.

English oak

A large, spreading tree up to 40 m high. Oak is picky about soil fertility, grows well on moist, deep gray forest loams. Vegetation begins on average on May 12, flowering from May 25 to May 29, maturation and fall of acorns occurs from September 10 to 30. In autumn, the leaves turn dark yellow, some of them fall off in the first ten days of October, some freeze and are cut off by the wind.

Tenacious creeping

Grows rapidly, reaching 20 cm in height. It blooms in May, the flowers are purple-blue. The leaves of the creeping tenacious are semi-evergreen, oval, bronze-green, dense. Most often used in landscaping. Soil composition - any, location - any, in accordance with your design ideas. You should only avoid planting the tenacious in open sunny areas, because in hot summers variegated varieties can be damaged by burns from the midday sun. Caring for adult plants is reduced to single watering in the event of an extremely dry summer.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

A curly shrub vine up to 5 m long. Young shoots are bare, light green, on old branches the bark is light brown, exfoliating in longitudinal stripes. Leaves broadly elliptical, pleasant bluish-green color, light bluish below. Flowers are collected in original capitate inflorescences, densely located in the axils of the leaves of the upper part of the shoots. At the same time, the uppermost leaves, growing together in pairs at the bases, create single disc-shaped formations with tight-fitting flowers, and then orange berry-like fruits. The color of the flowers simultaneously contains white, yellowish, purple, red-violet colors. Inside they are creamy white. Honeysuckle blooms from early June to 20-25 days. On quiet summer evenings, a pleasant spicy aroma flows around the abundantly flowering bushes.

Maak's honeysuckle

Ornamental shrub, up to 3.2 meters high. Blooms from May 24 to June 19. During flowering, Maack's honeysuckle is extremely decorative. Abundant snow-white flowers are arranged on the shoots above the leaves in regular rows, giving the impression that the bush is covered with snow. Fruits are small, orange-red, transparent, ripen late (September 1-20).

Purple willow On On

It differs in a small size of a semi-rounded bush, thinner, numerous shoots than the main species, and small leaves of a silvery-green color. Shrub up to 1.5 m in height, up to 1.5 - 2 m in diameter. The crown is widely spread, semicircular. Shoots are thinner than that of the main species, glabrous, brown with a reddish tinge and a bluish bloom. Blooms in March-April before the foliage bloom or almost simultaneously with them. Flowering is not very decorative. Winter hardiness is high. Photophilous. Grows on soils of different fertility. Reaches the best development on wet and fertile soils... Endures prolonged flooding. Drought-resistant. To obtain ornamental plants, it is recommended to plant in lighted places, in shaded ones - the crown stretches and thins. Tolerates pruning well.

Spherical willow

A tree with a broad-pyramidal crown forming a spherical shape. Leaves are grayish green. Blooms in April-May. Unpretentious - grows on any soil, loves abundant watering, especially in the year of planting, tolerates partial shade, lends itself well to cutting. The spherical willow is able to keep the shape of a ball without additional haircut. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Irga spiky

Shrub, no more than 5 m high with a dense oval crown formed by numerous shoots. Leaves are ovoid, orange-red in autumn. Fragrant flowers, white or pinkish, in short, dense, woolly, erect racemes stand out beautifully against the background of greenery. Fruits are roundish up to 0.9 cm in diameter, reddish-black with a bluish bloom, sweet, edible. Winter hardiness. Photophilous. It grows quickly, relatively drought, smoke and gas resistant, tolerates haircut well. Easily propagated by seeds, layering, root suckers, dividing the bush, cuttings. As an ornamental plant, it is suitable for durable hedges, single and group plantings, along the edges of parks and forest parks. Can be used to anchor soils.

Iris water

Has a creeping, slightly branched rhizome. Basal leaves are green, broadly linear, up to 120 cm long. Peduncle branched, 70–90 cm high. Lateral branches 3–4, each with 2–3 flowers. The flowers are large, golden yellow. Blooms in June - July. The airovid iris grows successfully both on the shores of water bodies with immersion in water by 30–40 cm, and on wet, and sometimes even on drying out soils. However, if the decrease in humidity occurs during the flowering period, its decorative effect is sharply reduced.

Iris hybrid

A common feature of all representatives of the species is the presence of scattered or collected in a longitudinal strip (beard) of hairs on the outer lobes of the perianth. Plants are distinguished by an exceptional variety of flower colors, varying in height from 40 to 100 cm and more. They need fairly fertile, light or medium-textured neutral soils. On soils rich in organic matter, plants develop a powerful vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.


A perennial plant with a complex root system, creeping leaves grow from the root, forming a rosette. The saxifrage blooms from May to August with a crimson color. The flowers have five petals, collected in paniculate or umbellate inflorescences symmetrical about the center. In September, the fruit is formed - a box with many seeds. Its powerful root system is capable of destroying the structure of stones. Saxifrage is grown in rocky gardens as ornamental plant, it tolerates harsh winter temperatures well, moist soils and areas in the shade are suitable for it.

Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar pine - evergreen coniferous trees with a spreading, pyramidal or umbrella-shaped (in old trees) crown. The trunk of the cedar is straight, reaches a diameter of 1.8 m and a height of 40 m.The needles are three-tetrahedral, prickly, bluish-green (gray), silver-gray, on shortened shoots collected in bundles (30-40 needles each), on growth needles - single ... It is generally accepted that the Siberian cedar lives up to 800 years. The age of 400 years is common for old stone pine forests, although stone pine forests aged 200-250 years are more common. The growing season is very short (40-45 days a year). For this reason, it is classified as a slow-growing breed. The tree belongs to shade-tolerant species. A dioecious plant, that is, male and female cones are located on the same tree. Pollination takes place with the help of the wind. Mature cones are large, elongated, ovoid, first purple and then brown, 5-8 centimeters wide, up to 13 centimeters long. Cones ripen within 14-15 months. Each cone contains from 30 to 150 seeds - pine nuts. The seeds are large, 10-14 mm long and 6-10 mm wide. From one tree, you can get up to 12 kilograms of "nuts" per season.

Far Eastern cedar

Far Eastern cedar pine distributed in the mountains of northeastern China and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, in Japan, in the south of Primorsky Krai. It lives less than the Siberian by an average of 100-250 years, but the needles are longer (up to 5 centimeters). The wood of the Far Eastern cedar has a pronounced balsamic smell. Cedar cones Far Eastern cedar 16-24 centimeters, that is, about 2 times more than the Siberian. In the bump Siberian cedar from 75 to 180 seeds, and in the cone of the Far East from 112 to 157 seeds. Siberian pine pine nuts are dark brown. Far East - light brown. Both those and others have a triangular shape. But, despite the advantage of the Far Eastern cedar in the size of cones and the number of seeds in them, the seed kernels of the Siberian cedar are larger and the shell is thinner than that of its Far Eastern namesake, which makes it a more interesting crop for harvesting and processing. A distinctive feature of the Siberian cedar nut is its taste. The fact is that the Far Eastern pine nut has a peculiar taste, and, given that the kernels of its seeds are smaller, the obtained taste sensations are an order of magnitude inferior to the taste sensations obtained from the use of Siberian pine nuts.

Kirkazon Manchurian

Aristolochia Manchu - unusual plant climbing up trees and bushes, winding counterclockwise around the support. Liana forms a dense, solid and beautiful leaf mosaic and reaches 20 meters in height. All parts of the vine have a camphor or wormwood scent. Leaves are round-cordate, strictly symmetrical, large (up to 30 cm long), green or light green, thin and soft to the touch. Young leaves are pubescent, while old ones are covered with sparse and short hairs. Leaves bloom in the second half of April. They begin to turn yellow in autumn, turn brown in October and fall en masse at the first frost. Kirkazon Manchu needs: constant watering, a place protected from the wind, fertile, moist and drained soil. Poorly tolerates dry air, which can be compensated for by daily irrigation of plants. Liana grows poorly in deep shade. Aristolochia perfectly tolerates any pruning.

Siberian Clematis

Wild hop, Siberian prince, liana. Due to the high production of nectar, there are always a lot of flying animals near this plant, especially bees. Height up to 3 m. Flowering period: July-August, sometimes again in autumn. Flowers are large, bell-shaped, 3-4 cm, with fine hairs, white or yellowish. Features: pleasant, delicate aroma, produces a lot of nectar. It tolerates partial shade, open places. In such places, the flowering period increases. Winter-hardy.

Ginnal's maple

Ginnala maple, or riverine small tree or large shrub from the maple family with a wide, spreading crown, with gray, smooth bark, reddish or brown shoots, reaches a height of up to 5 m, has graceful, deep-lobed leaves up to 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, dark green above, glabrous, shiny, below - light green with sparse hairs. Serrated-toothed along the edge. In autumn, the leaves take on beautiful fiery red, carmine tones and are planted in autumn or spring. With a single planting, the distance between plants is 2-4 m, and in a hedge - 1.5-2 m.

Tatar maple

A tree that often takes the form of a shrub. Shoots are dark gray, smooth, leaves are ovoid, whole or weakly three-lobed. In autumn, this bush becomes especially decorative due to the yellow or red color of the leaves. Blooms in late May. Honey plant. In the middle of summer, for three weeks, lionfish seeds, which at the beginning of ripening have a red color, also adorn the plant. Tatar maple bears fruit since 8 years of age. The fruits ripen in September and turn brown. Undemanding to soil, drought-resistant. Photophilous and winter-hardy. This maple grows rather slowly. It tolerates a haircut well. Used in single and group plantings, as well as in hedges. The Tatar maple is propagated by seeds (sown immediately after harvesting in autumn or spring, but in the latter case, stratification is required).

Norway maple

Grows in fertile soils. The tree is up to 30 m high. Winter-hardy, but in severe winters there may be freezing. Very shade-tolerant. Demanding on soil fertility and sufficient moisture. Does not tolerate stagnant water and salinity. Withstands heavy pruning, making it suitable for hedging.


It is unpretentious and frost-resistant. The leaves of the plant wither for the winter. He is sun-loving, moisture-loving, and at the same time drought-resistant, he prefers sandy loam soils. In the garden, the most favorable conditions for its growth are formed on light, highly fertile, moisture-absorbing soils. To limit it from spreading, the spikelet is planted in a sufficiently deep dish - at least 30 cm, the edges of which rise slightly above the soil level. The walls must be impenetrable, otherwise the plant will quickly find a gap. Based on design experience, the most suitable vessel diameter is between 10 and 30cm. Growing, the spikelet completely fills the volume allotted to it with roots, while it is not oppressed by the constrained growth conditions, and can grow without transplanting, fertilizing itself as long as you like. Grooming is primarily about watering. In early spring, last year's leaves are cut shortly, and a handful of complex granules are poured into the foot of the bush. mineral fertilizer, which gradually dissolves in the soil over the season.

Lily of the valley

Herbaceous perennial up to 30 cm tall. Prized primarily for the beauty of small bell-shaped flowers, collected in a drooping racemose inflorescence and possessing a strong aroma. Prefers rich soil. Lily of the valley is a frost-resistant plant, winter shelter does not require. Without a transplant, lilies of the valley can grow in one place for up to 10 years. Lily of the valley flowers are among the first to bloom in spring - from mid-May. Duration of flowering - up to three weeks. When growing lilies of the valley in dense shade, the number of flowers may be reduced.

Erect cinquefoil

A perennial plant of the Rosaceae family with a tuberous, woody rhizome 10-20 cm high. Stems are erect or ascending, thin, well leafy, slightly short-haired. Leaflets appressed hairy on both sides, less often glabrous. Flowers on long, thin pedicels, solitary, about 1 cm in diameter. Petals slightly longer than sepals, notched. Blooms in June-July. For medicinal purposes, rhizomes, grass (stems, leaves, flowers), leaves are used. Potentilla rhizomes are harvested in September-October or in April-May at the beginning of the growth of basal leaves. After collecting, the rhizomes are cleaned, then dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C or in the open air. Grass and leaves are harvested during flowering.

Common hazel

It grows as a large shrub 2.5-8 m high. The branches are covered with brown bark with characteristic white lenticels. Young shoots are gray, pubescent. The kidneys are rounded, laterally compressed. Over the years, it gives a lot of growth. Hazel is a monoecious plant, although the flowers are dioecious, blooms in April before the leaves open. Stamen catkins are drooping, about 5 cm long, and pistillate flowers are enclosed in flower buds with crimson stigmas, open simultaneously with flowering catkins. Pollinated by the wind. The fruit is a brownish-yellow nut located in a green bell-shaped plyus. Each seed may contain up to 30 nuts, but more often there are 2-4. Begins fruiting in the 7-8th years. Ripening of nuts occurs in the 2nd decade of July in the early forms or in September - in the later ones. Lives up to 80 years. Propagated by seeds, suckers and cuttings.

Red-leaved hazel

Deciduous shrub. The height of an adult plant is 2 - 5 meters. Annual growth is 0.5 meters. Life expectancy is 25 - 30 years. Growing fast. Frost resistant. Shade-tolerant. Loves moderate moisture. Grows in poor soils. Spreading shape, spherical. The foliage is young red, adult green. Blossoms early, foliage falls early. It blooms in April and May, with earrings. The trunk is smooth light brown. Decorative with young leaves.


An unpretentious, winter-hardy rhizome plant, 60-100 cm high, with spreading linear leaves. It has numerous, rather thick roots with thickenings. The flowers are large, similar to the flowers of lilies. Modern varieties have flowers of various colors. Daylilies are planted at a distance of 50x50 cm. The bushes grow rapidly, they must be divided already for 3-4 years. With a long-term cultivation of daylily in one place, the bushes rise up, the divisions become smaller, the abundance of flowering decreases. Care consists in regular loosening, removing weeds, watering, feeding. Daylilies look beautiful along the edges of reservoirs, in group plantings on the lawn, near shrubs.

Schisandra chinensis

A woody liana, reaching 12-15 m in length in favorable conditions. The bark is reddish brown, the leaves are rather large, when rubbed, the leaves and other parts of the plant give off a lemon scent. Cross-pollinated plants, there must be at least 2 plants on the site for fruiting. It blooms in late May - early June, flowers are white, waxy, fragrant, up to 2 cm. In autumn, forms red fruits, collected in an aciniform raceme.


Linden reaches a height of 25-30 m, it is a tree with a dense, ovoid, high crown. Linden has a soft, light, uniform wood structure, white or reddish-white in color. The bark of trunks and thick branches is dark, covered with cracks. Young twigs are glabrous and thin, reddish-brown or olive-brown, buds are ovoid, obtuse, brown. Linden grows in various soils, but prefers fresh, loose and rich in humus. The best soils for her are fertile loams and sandy loams. Fallen leaves quickly rot, returning to the earth organic matter and chosen by the roots over the summer mineral salts... Temporarily can tolerate high standing groundwater in conditions of flowing and semi-flowing humidification. Shade-tolerant, can grow even under the canopy of spruce and fir. It is not damaged by frost and frost.


Meadowsweet or meadowsweet. It is a perennial rosaceous herb belonging to the Pink family. The meadowsweet reaches a relatively large size, has a powerful rhizome and an erect stem with pinnate or finger-like leaves. Abundant flowering occurs in early summer. Flowers meadowsweet pinkish, collected in paniculate inflorescences with a double perianth. The calyx of a flower consists of five to six petals. Fruits appear in July-August in the form of many roots. Meadowsweet is hygrophilous, resistant to cold.

Daurian moonseed

Perennial vine. Stems are smooth, herbaceous, up to 3 m in height, partially die off every year. The leaves are alternate, on long petioles, very beautiful. The leaf blade is 5-10 cm long, broad-heart-ovate, 3-5-lobed with a triangular sharp apex. The rhizome is vertical, not thick. Flowers are unisexual, dioecious, small greenish-white in small racemes, inconspicuous. Equally good, it grows both in open sunny places and in partial shade. Where the air is dry and moisture is insufficient, it should be planted in semi-shade. Grows well on moist loamy soils.


Magonia is an evergreen shrub from the barberry family. Magonia is prized for its dense, shiny leaves, fragrant clusters of yellow flowers and edible dark purple berries, which are sour in taste. Mahonia berries are green at first, but as they ripen, they acquire a rich dark purple color with a bluish bloom.

Manchurian nut

Tree up to 23-25 ​​m tall. Frost resistant. Demanding on the richness of the soil, its moisture content and good aeration. Growing fast. It is quite suitable for cultivation in forest cultures and for field protection belts. It can be used for wide alleys, garden groups in combination with other species and for single plantings on lawns.

Bean almond

Small shrub up to 1.5 meters high. An adult plant forms a dense spherical crown. A feature of this beautiful plant is that its bright pink flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm bloom simultaneously with the leaves and abundantly decorate the bush. Although flowering does not last long, only 7-10 days in mid-May, you will not pass by a flowering almond bush - this miracle of nature - indifferently. In autumn, when the leaves fly around, they remain hanging on the branches of this almond, decorating the bushes, the fruits of the drupe are fluffy balls. These fruit twigs can be used for winter bouquets. Almond is photophilous, loves light fertile soils, it suffers from podoprevanie, therefore it is better to grow it in elevated areas. In summer, the almond plant resembles a willow with its leaves and can serve as an excellent background for perennials flowering at this time. Therefore, it is best to plant almonds in a small group. Since this plant tolerates pruning well, it can also be used to create a green hedge.

Myrikaria foxtail

The shoots of myrikaria foxtail are erect, absolutely even, without the slightest bends and branches (there are side branches only at the top of the bush), silvery-gray, shiny, as if varnished. Along the entire length, the shoots are densely covered with buds, from which in the spring a gray-gray foliage-like foliage appears. In the second decade of May, myrikaria blooms with dense mauve brushes up to 15 cm long. A versatile plant. Excellent tolerance high level groundwater, short-term flooding. On the other hand, it is extremely drought tolerant. Even temperatures under + 40 ° C with normal watering are not scary to her. Mirikaria is extremely winter-hardy, and in frosts below -40 ° C, without additional shelters and even bending branches to the ground, the plant does not freeze. Still, it is better to plant myrikaria in a corner protected from the northerly winds. And, of course, such a beauty needs fertile soil, but that's all - no additional fertilizing is required.


A plant from the family of the bastard. The people call the young "stone rose". This plant really bears some resemblance to a rose. Only now its fleshy leaves are greenish, and the rounded rosettes are tightly pressed to the ground. Only peduncles rise above the carpet of adult specimens of rejuvenation. Blooms rejuvenated with small star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers, but it is not valued for flowering. The rosettes themselves, consisting of numerous fleshy leaves, look much more decorative. This plant is versatile. He needs very little: just a sunny place and a complete lack of watering. And it grows best on poor sandy soils. There is no need to feed the plant, it is even harmful for it.

Cypress spurge

Height up to 35 cm. Forms shoots. The leaves are beautiful - a bright green "herringbone". Blossoming in May - June with abundant bright yellow flowers. Secondary bloom - in August. Unpretentious, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant.


Winter-hardy, durable, photophilous, demanding on soil moisture, but do not tolerate waterlogging. Spring planting not desirable because roots and buds start to grow early. In addition, small feeding roots do not have time to develop before the onset of hot, dry weather, and bushes can die from a lack of moisture and nutrition. Best time for planting - August 10-20. Peonies are planted at a distance of 70 x 70 cm. It is very important to maintain the correct depth when planting. The buds should be located 3-4 cm below the soil surface. It is impossible to deeply deepen the peonies: in this case, they do not bloom, although they grow well, with shallow planting, the buds freeze and dry out. In the year of planting, it is recommended to cover them with needles, a leaf, well-decomposed humus. In subsequent years, carry out snow retention. Do not cover peonies with manure, straw, mats - this can cause fungal diseases and plant decay. Care consists in regular loosening, removing weeds, watering, feeding.


Perennial flower. The leaves are whole, form a basal rosette. The flowers are five-membered, correct shape, of various colors and shades, single or collected in racemose or umbellate inflorescences at the ends of leafless stems. The plant requires a lot of bright light, but it should be shaded from direct sunlight. It tolerates partial shade normally. Watering is moderate, abundant during flowering (it is necessary to maintain uniform soil moisture), as the top layer of the substrate dries up.

Bubble tree Darts Gold

A wonderful shrub that retains its yellow color throughout the season. Great for creating low hedges and contrasting groups. Crown diameter of an adult plant: 1.5 m. Height of an adult plant: 1.5 m. Sprawling bush with drooping branches forming a dense, hemispherical crown. Leaves 3-5 lobed. In the spring - yellow with orange tint, brighter, in summer - yellow, in autumn - golden. Numerous flowers, white or slightly pinkish, collected in scutes (up to 5 cm), flowering from early to mid June (2-3 weeks). Fruits are prefabricated (swollen leaflets), reddish. Prefers sunny places, tolerates partial shade and shade, losing only the color intensity. Not picky about the soil, but prefers loamy acidic. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. It tolerates urban pollution well. It is frost-hardy, but young shoots can freeze slightly.

Bubbles Diabolo

A spreading shrub, up to 2.5 m high, has a beautiful spreading crown with large leaves maroon color, similar to currant leaves. The bright colors of the leaves, depending on the light, it varies from bluish purple to carmine red. In the shade, the leaves take on dark shades, turn red in the sun. Such a rare color immediately made this, previously very modest ornamental shrub, one of the favorites among ornamental deciduous plants. Most often used in landscaping for living free-growing or sheared hedges. Very dressed up during the flowering period, in early summer, thanks to the numerous caps of white, slightly pink flowers. It is unpretentious, frost-resistant, resistant to gas pollution.

Rhodiola Wet

Rhodiola rosea

Perennial herbaceous plant... The rhizome is thick, with thin adventitious roots, brownish, the color of bronze or ancient gilding with a peculiar mother-of-pearl shine. The weight of a perennial rhizome can reach 500-800 g or more. Stems are numerous (up to 10-15 pcs.), Less often solitary, erect, unbranched, usually 10-40 cm high. Leaves are sessile, oblong-ovate, elliptical or almost lanceolate, pointed, serrate-toothed in the upper part along the edge. The inflorescence is corymbose, multi-flowered. Flowers are unisexual, sepals are yellow-green, petals are yellow. In male flowers, stamens are longer than petals. The fruits are erect greenish leaflets. Rhodiola rosea blooms in June - July, fruits ripen in July - August.

Rose wrinkled

Wrinkled rose or rugosa rose. Sprawling shrub up to 2.5 m tall. It has large, fragrant flowers of various colors, from 6 to 12 cm in diameter. Flowers are single or 3-8 in inflorescences. They bloom all summer, especially plentifully in June, often repeatedly, so buds, flowers and ripe fruits can be observed on the bush. Flowering both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of previous years. Leaves are strongly wrinkled, with gray-green pubescence on the underside, up to 22 cm long, 5-9 leaflets. Spines are reddish, curved downward, numerous. The fruits are large, orange-red, fleshy, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Unpretentious, winter-hardy and disease resistant.

The most thorny rose

Terry form. Appeared in our region since time immemorial, has run wild and practically, naturalized. It blooms profusely with medium-sized whitish double (or not) flowers. Gardeners affectionately call her "rose". And nothing else.

Park rose

Park roses do not require painstaking care, they do not need to be insulated for the winter, they tolerate frost well. The only thing that needs to be carefully monitored is the pruning; damaged unnecessary shoots must be cut out, and excess shoots must be removed. From time to time it is necessary to rejuvenate previously planted roses, old shrubs. Park roses grow on almost any soil. Florists love them for a large number of beautiful fragrant flowers, the whole bush is strewn with flowers, this bush blooms for a long time, and at the end of fruiting it gives fruits, which are decorative in themselves, look great on the bush, but these fruits also give vitamins C and P.

Rhododendron Ledebour

Semi-evergreen, densely leafy shrub with thin branches directed upwards up to 3.5 m in height.Crown diameter up to 1.3 m.It grows rather quickly, the annual growth is 6-8 cm.Regular deep watering is required, at least during the dry period 2-3 times a week. Formative pruning to make the crown dense and compact can be done in May, but it delays growth and flowering. High winter hardiness. The decorative season is from spring to autumn. Blooms in late April-May from 3 weeks to a month, annually, but not always abundantly, can bloom again in autumn. The size of the flower (inflorescence) is up to 4.5 cm, the fruits are small boxes, up to 1 cm long. Bears fruit in September.

Low-growing chamomile

Perennial. The bush is compact, 30-35 cm high. The inflorescences are large, with snow-white petals and a yellow center. Flowering begins from July to September. In one place, without division and transplant, it grows for 3-4 years. Used to create bouquets and decoration garden beds, balcony boxes.


The flowers of the garden chamomile are large, two-row, with a diameter of 8-10 cm, the plant height is 80-100 cm. Chamomile blooms from the end of May, photophilous, tolerates heat well, loves moist soil, a second flowering is possible in autumn. Loves organic fertilizers, responds to them with large baskets of inflorescences. Looks great in bouquets. Propagated by dividing the bush in spring or autumn period or by sowing seeds. The plant is unpretentious, grows well, easily transfers transplants from place to place, the rhizome easily takes root.

Rowan Moravian

The variety is high-yielding, vigorous. Leaves are pinnate, thin, narrow-lanceolate. It is distinguished by relatively large (one and a half grams) and rather delicate fruits of a dark red (crimson) color. Their taste is almost sweet, slightly sour, without bitterness. The fruits are located on complex, very large shields, larger than those of other varieties. Mountain ash among fruit species is one of the first in terms of winter hardiness. It tolerates frosts down to -50 ° С. The plant is unpretentious, high-yielding and simply beautiful, especially during the period when the brushes are ripe. Grows in open shaded places, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, almost not damaged by pests and diseases, tolerates transplantation well. Cultivars mountain ash is self-fertile, requires cross-pollination.

Rowan titan

It is characterized by increased winter hardiness, abundant and annual fruiting. It reproduces well by green cuttings and leaf blades. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown of medium density, branches and shoots are straight, brown, dull. Medium-sized fruits - 1.2 g, burgundy, sweet and sour taste. The fruits contain up to 40 mg /% vitamin C. Ripening time: September-October.

Rowan Siberian

The tree is up to 10 m high. The bark on the trunks is red-brown, with sloughing gray epithelium, smooth, young shoots are pubescent. The buds are glabrous or slightly pubescent. Leaves 11-24 cm in length, compound, pinnate, with 9-15 oblong, sharp-serrate leaflets along the edge, alternate on elongated shoots, on shortened bunches. Inflorescence up to 15 cm in diameter, 50-90 flowers. The flowers are small, white or greenish, with a five-part calyx and five rounded petals, strong odor. The fruits are orange-red, sour-tart, edible.

Rowan leaf

The snow has not yet melted, but the buds of the mountain ash are already bursting and the first foliage decorates the site. The shrub reaches 2 m in height. The leaves are feathery, reminiscent of rowan leaves. Erect pyramidal inflorescences are composed of small, creamy white flowers with a strong aroma. It blooms in early July, depending on the weather, from 25 to 40 days. At the end of flowering, the inflorescences should be removed, as they give the bush a sloppy look. The rowan leaf takes root well even with blossoming foliage and recovers after pruning. Due to the abundance of root suckers, rowan leaf quickly fills the space, forming whole arrays. Root offspring are used as planting material... Winter-hardy, little drought-resistant, needs watering. Valuable for its unpretentiousness, it easily takes root during transplantation.


Photophilous, put up with only a slight shade. In low light conditions, they stop blooming and stretch out strongly, losing their appearance so that it is impossible to recognize them. Drought tolerant. In one place without a transplant, they can grow up to 5 years. All sedums are unpretentious, develop well on any cultivated soil with the introduction of a small amount of humus or compost soil. All sedums are susceptible to overgrowth or prolapse in the garden. After 3-6 years, they must be divided or redrawn to maintain even carpets. When leaving, it is necessary to provide for frequent and very careful weeding, since sedums are completely uncompetitive with respect to weeds. Reproduction: seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.

White sedum

It has an external resemblance to caustic sedum (the difference appears during flowering). The plant does not exceed 10-15 cm in height. The leaves are green, papillary, elongated. In the fall, the leaves turn red. The buds are light pink, the flowers are white, collected in large paniculate inflorescences. Aged plants do not bloom well. The sedum white has various garden forms, including purple-leaved ones. Purple sedums retain their typical coloration only on dry, poor soils.

Sedum prominent

Perennial plant up to 50 cm tall with tuberous, thickened roots and erect stems. Leaves are sessile, large, oval or spatulate, bluish-green 3-4 in whorls, glabrous, serrated along the edge. The flowers are pinkish-lilac or purple-carmine up to 1 cm in diameter, collected in semi-umbrellas up to 15 cm in diameter. Blooms in September-October 35-40 days.

Hybrid sedum

Perennial plant up to 12 cm tall with creeping and ascending, juicy, dark green shoots. The leaves are thinner than most species, the marginal teeth are often reddened, elliptical, fleshy. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in corymbose inflorescences. Blooms in August. Winter-hardy.

Caustic sedum

Perennial plant up to 10 cm tall, forming ground cover sod up to 20 cm in diameter. Stems are branched, rounded. Leaves are fleshy, dark green, arranged in regular order, glabrous, oblong, up to 0.6 cm long. They are not dumped in the fall, but remain for the winter. The flowers are golden yellow up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in semi-umbellate inflorescences. Blooms profusely from early June for 40-50 days. Bears fruit. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds.

Sedum Emperor

Forms bushes 30-40 cm high with dark purple foliage. It blooms in late summer and early autumn with purple umbellate inflorescences.

Stone sedum

Unpretentious, irreplaceable in decorative floriculture, perennial. The flowers are small, of a beautiful yellow color, and are readily visited by bees. Sedum is used to decorate borders, carpet beds, to create solid carpets and ribbons. Decorative before and after flowering. Plant height 5 cm. Flower diameter 0.5 cm.

Kamchatka sedum

Erect or slightly lodging shoots form a dense carpet of soil up to 15-20 centimeters high. The color of the leaves and stems is dark green. Leaves are alternate, oblong, serrated along the edge. Blooms profusely in June with yellow flowers, collected in large shields. Leaves and stems die off for the winter, at the end of April shoots grow from underground buds of renewal.

Carl sedum

One of the brightest varieties of stonecrop prominent. Its carmine-pink inflorescences appear in August. The plant can live both in an open sunny place and in a light shade, but in this case the flowering will not be so abundant. Height 35 cm, footprint 35 sq. cm.

Sedum false white

A low-growing ground cover plant up to 10 centimeters high. Shoots are creeping, slightly raised, fragile, densely leafy. The leaves are small, oblong, up to 10 mm long, greenish-gray, overwintering. It blooms with small white flowers collected in a panicle in late June - early July.

Sedum false red

Stonecrop flowers are false crimson, collected in inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter. Height flowering plant 15-20 cm. Leaves can withstand cold. Sedum false one of the most popular species in culture.

Sedum matron

Matrona variety - thick straight stems 30-50 cm high form a compact cylindrical bush. Stem leaves, fleshy, broadly oval, slightly concave, opposite. Leaves and stems are light green, bluish. Stems are wide (up to 15 cm in diameter).

Reclined sedum

Forms shoots lying on the ground 10-15 cm long, green, juicy in appearance. The leaves are small, linear subulate, silvery-green, grayish-green, sometimes with a reddish tint. Blooms in July for 2-3 weeks. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in corymbose inflorescences of medium size. The stems are rather brittle. The plant takes root easily where it touches the soil.

Sedum Eversa

Perennial plant with erect, rooting stems. Young stems are red-brown in color, which changes to gray-brown in winter. The stems are lignified and therefore it can rather be attributed to low shrubs rather than herbaceous plants. Stonecrop Evers blooms profusely. Small flowers Pink colour, collected in dense, corymbose inflorescences. Flowering occurs in July - August and lasts 40-45 days. Winters stably, without shelter. This sedum is a deciduous plant. It grows well, forming rather dense clumps.


The place for planting lilacs should be sufficiently lit, inaccessible to strong winds. Low, swampy and flooded in autumn and in early spring places. Even a short stagnation of water causes the death of young roots. The soil should be moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, and high in humus. Slightly acidic and neutral soils with a low groundwater table are preferred. Winter hardiness.

Amur lilac

Grows as a large shrub, up to 10 m tall. The bark of old trunks is dark gray, sometimes dark brown, with frequent white lenticels. Young shoots are red-brown, resembling cherry shoots. Leaves 5-11 cm long, somewhat reminiscent of the shape of common lilac leaves, when blooming are greenish-purple, in summer dark green, with a lighter underside, in autumn they are painted in orange-yellow or purple tones. Small, white or slightly creamy flowers with a honey smell, on short pedicels, collected in large, wide, paniculate inflorescences, up to 25 cm long. Blooms 2 weeks later than Hungarian lilac and 3 weeks later than common lilac. Abundant flowering lasts about 20 days. Shoot-forming ability is average. It blooms and bears fruit from 9-12 years old. Resistant to dust and air pollution. It tolerates city conditions well. Frost resistant.

Lilac Hungarian

Tall shrub, 3-4 m tall. Shoots are densely branched, directed upwards. Broadly elliptic, dark green, shiny, bare leaves up to 12 cm long, with delicate cilia along the edge, bluish-green on the underside, sometimes pubescent along the midrib. The flowers are long-tubular, small, lilac, with a weak aroma, in narrow, divided into tiers, rare panicles. By the layering of the inflorescences, it easily differs from the species close to it. Blooms 2 weeks later than common lilac. Blooms profusely within 20-25 days.

Lilac india

Shrub 2.5 m high. Medium-sized. The buds are dark purple. The flowers are deep purple with a reddish tint, simple. Blooms in medium terms.

Lilac Beauty of Moscow

The buds are large pink-lilac, the flowers are pinkish-white with a pearlescent shade, large, 2.5 cm in diameter, double, in shape they resemble the flowers of polyanthus roses. Inflorescences of 1-2 pairs of large, up to 25 cm long, pyramidal, openwork panicles. Blooms for a long time. The variety is rare in beauty and originality.

Lilac Madame Lemoine

Lemoine variety. The bush is high up to 3-3.5 meters high. Differs in vertical growth of shoots. White, large double fragrant flowers are collected in pyramidal, dense inflorescences. Late flowering variety, flowers in June-July. The flowering is profuse and long lasting.

Common lilac

Large shrub or tree up to 6 m tall, with heart-shaped, dense, dark green, bare leaves up to 12 cm long, on petioles up to 3 cm. Fragrant flowers are collected in large, pyramidal inflorescences up to 20 cm long. The flowers are simple, purple, of various shades. Comes into bloom at the age of four.


Shrub up to 1.5 m in height, erect with thin branches. High drought tolerance. Very unpretentious, fast-growing shrub, smoke-resistant. Decorative, with dense clusters of snow-white oval berries. At proper care does not lose its decorative effect for many years.


All spireas are undemanding to the soil, light-requiring, frost-resistant, many types of smoke and gas-resistant, tolerate city conditions well. Easily reproduce by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering, shoots and seeds. They grow quickly, bloom in the third year. They are extremely unpretentious, nevertheless, they respond with gratitude to attention and care. The soil is fertilized in early spring after pruning, and in mid-June it is necessary to feed the plants themselves. Trunk circles in order to avoid the appearance of weeds, mulch with a layer of 6-8 cm. As mulch, use small shavings, semi-rotten foliage.

Spirea Bumald

A compact shrub with a height of 75 cm to 1 m per period. Differs in dark purple-red color of fluffy inflorescences.

Spirea willow

Willow spirea is a shrub up to 2 m tall with upright twig-like shoots. Leaves are elongated lanceolate, up to 10 cm in length, dark green above, lighter below. Spirea flowers are pink or whitish-pink in narrow apical pyramidal or almost cylindrical panicles, up to 12 cm long. The flowering period of willow spirea is from June to September.

Spirea Nipponskaya

The shrub has a height of 1.0-1.5 m. Flowers are yellowish-white in dense hemispherical scutes. Mass bloom in June. Blooms for 15 days.

Spirea Japanese

A beautiful shrub with young tomentose shoots, later glabrous, up to 1-1.5 m tall; oblong-ovate leaves, green above, bluish below, when blooming with a reddish tinge, in autumn - a spectacular varied color. Blooms throughout the summer with pink-red flowers, collected in complex, corymbose-paniculate inflorescences, completing annual shoots.


Tarragon height can vary from 40 to 150 cm. It has a few bare erect stems of yellow-brown color. The leaves on the stems are oblong, pointed. Flowers are collected in "panicles" pale yellow color... The fruit of the tarragon is an oblong achene that does not have a tuft. Woody rhizome. People usually use young shoots with leaves. Tarragon blooms in August-September, and fruit ripens in October.

Poplar silver

Poplar is silvery or white. Grows best in light, well-drained soils. Photophilous. Fully winter-hardy, tolerates flooding. A tree with a broadly spreading crown, up to 30 m high. The bark is gray-green, smooth, with deep cracks in old age. Young shoots are white-felt. Leaves are dense, from oval to palmate-lobed, with large teeth, dark green above, shiny, pubescent below, white-tomentose. In autumn, the leaves turn lemon yellow. Very decorative with silvery foliage. It blooms in early May for about 3 days at the same time as the leaves open. Box fruits ripen in early June. It has a deep root system, which gives abundant root suckers, often at a considerable distance from the mother tree. Can tolerate dry conditions, but grows rapidly only on fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

Phlox paniculata

Perennial plant with a height (from 25 to 150 cm), differs in a variety of colors (in their colors not only yellow), the shape and size of the inflorescences. At the end of the first season Bottom part stems, and then underground part plants become lignified, by the age of 4 this process is aggravated. Until the same time, an increase in the number of growing stems occurs, it is imperative to divide the plants before this time, otherwise they will bloom worse and, in general, look oppressed. High winter hardiness, does not require shelter.

Phlox subulate

Plant height about 15 - 17 cm. Forms dense evergreen rugs. Reclining stems with very short internodes are completely covered with tightly set small, narrow, sharp and hard leaves up to 2 cm long. The stems end with peduncles bearing one or two flowers each. Flowers with a diameter of about 25 mm, pink, white, lilac colors of various tones, collected in 5-7 small inflorescences, sometimes solitary. Corolla with spread apart, notched at the edges of the petals. It blooms from mid-May to the end of the first decade of June, secondarily and less abundantly in August-September. Winter-hardy. Subulate phloxes are good because from early spring to frost their sods remain emerald green, even under the snow retaining their greenery. And during flowering, in late May-early June, carpets subulate phlox completely covered with flowers of various shades.


Hosta is valuable primarily for its charming leaves, which are narrow, round or heart-shaped, from 5 to 38 cm in length. Shiny and matte, smooth and textured, hosta leaves also differ in color: from dark blue-green to light, almost creamy. Hosta varieties with edged or painted leaves are very popular. Hosta grows strongly and is of great interest as a ground cover plant. One host can span a full meter wide. The average height of the hosta is 50-80 cm. The bell-shaped flowers of the hosta (white, lilac or pinkish) rise above the plant on tall peduncles and create an exquisite sight during the mass flowering of the hosta in mid-summer. Hosts prefer a semi-shaded location with wind protection. It is in such ideal conditions that the color and pattern on the leaves of the hosta appear in their in the best possible way... Some yellow-spotted host varieties look better in bright sunlight, but in others it can cause leaf burns. Root system an adult hosta quite allows the plant to do without water for a long time if necessary. This quality makes the hostu a fairly drought tolerant plant. Hosts are also very cold-resistant. Hosts are not very fond of anxiety and will willingly grow in one place for decades. However, the division of the hostas plantations is recommended every 5 years, since the hosts grow strongly, densely filling the space allotted to it.

Bird cherry in memory of Salamatov

The tree is large, 6-7 m high, with a drooping, broad-pyramidal crown of medium density, densely leafy. Fruit weighing 0.9-1.0 g, skin color when fully ripe is black, solid; the flesh is greenish-yellow, with dark veins, tender, the juice is red; peduncle 0.9 cm long, slender. The fruits are one-dimensional, attractive. The pulp is juicy. Sweet and sour taste with astringency, good - 4.5 points. A variety of universal use. Fruits are suitable for drying, production of compotes and juice. Flowering in medium terms, in Novosibirsk - at the end of the 3rd decade of May. Ripening is medium-early, amicable, in the middle of the 3rd decade of July. It starts bearing fruit 3-4 years after planting with a two-year-old seedling. The trunk has a lifespan of about 40 years. Productivity 18-25 kg per tree. Drought resistance and heat resistance are average. Resistance to coccomycosis, clasterosporium and moniliosis is high. Weakly affected by aphids, slimy sawfly and cherry elephant, strongly affected by bird cherry elephant and hawthorn.

Bird cherry Late joy

A tree about 8 m high with a narrow pyramidal crown, densely leafy. Fruit weighing 0.6-0.7 g, skin color when fully ripe is dark brown, almost black, solid; the flesh is greenish-yellow, with burgundy veins, tender, the juice is red; peduncle 0.8 cm long, slender. The fruits are one-dimensional, attractive. The pulp is juicy. Sweet and sour taste with astringency, good, score 4.8. A variety of universal use. The fruits are suitable for drying, production of compotes and juice. Flowering in mid-late periods, in Novosibirsk - at the end of the 3rd decade of May. Ripening is medium late, in early August. It starts bearing fruit 3-4 years after planting with a two-year-old seedling. The trunk has a lifespan of about 30 years. Productivity 22-25 kg per tree. The tree, shoots and generative buds are highly resistant to winter frost. Drought resistance and heat resistance are average. Resistance to coccomycosis, clasterosporium and moniliosis is high.

Bird cherry Sakhalin

Self-fertile, mid-season, high-yielding variety. The tree is 7 m high, with a dense, wide-pyramidal crown. The fruit weighing 0.6-0.7 g is round; skin color is black, solid; the pulp is green, juicy with burgundy veins, tender, burgundy juice. The fruits are one-dimensional, attractive. Sweet and sour taste with astringency, good, score 4.3. The separation from the peduncle is easy. A variety of universal use. It starts bearing fruit 3-4 years after planting. Productivity 12-20 kg per tree. Location: sun, partial shade. Grows on fertile soils of excess and flowing moisture. Highly winter-resistant. Drought resistance and heat resistance are average. Resistance to coccomycosis, clasterosporium and moniliosis is high.


Or false jasmine. Multi-stemmed, densely leafed deciduous shrubs from 1 to 4 m tall, with an ovoid spreading crown. Shoots with cracking and flaking bark. Leaves are simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, entire or sparsely toothed, pubescent on the underside. The leaves are dull green, in the fall in most species they are painted in lemon-yellow tones. Flowers of 4-5 petals, up to 5 cm in diameter, creamy white, with a strong aroma, pollinated by insects. Inflorescences are terminal, racemose, of several flowers. Fruit is a rectangular box with small seeds


Or mulberry. Height 16-35 m, spherical crown, broadly ovate, very dense. The bark is brown, fissured. Leaves with early decaying stipules, ovate, lobed or crenate along the edge, glabrous or pubescent. The fruit is a false complex juicy drupe, mulberry, 1 to 5 cm long, dark purple, almost black. The fruits are sweet or sweet and sour (10% sugar or more), they are used for food in fresh and dried form, as well as for the preparation of wines. Mulberry is drought-resistant, relatively undemanding to soil, salt-resistant, does not tolerate waterlogging. Mulberries are propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.


Shepherdia is a multi-stemmed spreading plant 2-4 m high, with inclined intertwining branches. Leaves are dense, oblong, silvery on both sides. Just like sea buckthorn, Shepherdia is dioecious: on some plants only male flowers, on others - only women. Flower buds form on annual shoots and continuation shoots. Flowers are collected in inflorescences. Cross pollination. The plant blooms in late March-early April before the leaves open. Begins fruiting at the age of 2-3 years, annually. Fruits (0.5 cm) are red, juicy, sweet and sour. Shepherdia is undemanding to soil and growing conditions, photophilous, frost and drought resistant. Shepherdia is propagated by seeds, cuttings, root suckers, which are formed at a distance of 1-2 m from the tree. At 10-12 years old, Shepherdia gives 7-10 kg of crop per bush. Shepherdia berries contain sugars, acids, carotene, catechins, vitamin C, tannins. Its fruits are used fresh and for the preparation of jams, compotes, sauces, jellies, oils, medicinal preparations, and dried.

Rose hip

View of a wild rose. Usually upright shrubs. Stems and branches are usually thorny. The leaves are mostly pinnate, with paired stipules, falling off. Flowers are not double, single, pink. Rose hips are valuable vitamin-bearing plants, some species accumulate a large amount of vitamin C in fruits in combination with other vitamins. Rosehips are eaten fresh, dry and canned.


A sparsely branched shrub with erect stems reaching a height of two to seven meters. The average height ranges from three to five meters. The plant has a highly branched root system, located mostly in the upper soil layer. Eleutherococcus reproduces by root and rhizome offspring. The branches of Eleutherococcus resemble woody ones due to the light gray or grayish brown bark covering them. Young shoots differ from old ones by the presence of many thin needle-like thorns, densely placed on the branch and directed downward, slightly obliquely. The thorns are very thin and slightly bent at the ends, and therefore they easily cling and are poorly removed from the skin if the plant is carelessly handled during the collection and harvesting of raw materials. The leaves of the plant are also distinguished by their originality. Eleutherococcus leaves are placed on fifteen-centimeter petioles and have a very unusual color and shape. Eleutherococcus is a flowering plant, flowering time is the second half of July - early August. The flowers of Eleutherococcus are small and are located on long thin pedicels. They are collected at the top of the branches in globular umbellate inflorescences with a strong, persistent and very peculiar aroma. The individuality of these flowers lies in the fact that, depending on the "sex", they have a different color, which is quite rare in nature. So, unisexual and staminate, in other words, male, flowers are painted in a pale purple color, and pistillate, female, are most often yellowish. After sometimes flowering, the time for fruit ripening comes. In Eleutherococcus, it occurs in September - October, and the fruits are formed only on the upper, largest, umbrella. Ripe berry-like black fruits are slightly oblong or rounded in shape, slightly gleaming in the light of the sun's rays because of their shiny surface. Their size varies from seven to ten centimeters. At the time of ripening, the pulp of the berries is juicy, yellowish-green in color, with a weak, but pleasant smell and burning taste. Hence one of the names - "wild pepper". Gradually, the pulp of the berries dries out and becomes crumbly. Its flattened bones, and there are usually up to five of them in one berry, are spread around by fruit-eating birds. Abundant fruiting is observed in Eleutherococcus only once every two years, but its fruits remain on the bushes for a very long time, sometimes even before the first snow falls. The most favorable for the development of Eleutherococcus are considered to be moist and well-warmed by the sun slopes of the southern exposures, that is, places with especially increased moisture conditions.


Perennial rhizome herbaceous plant with a height of 30 to 120 cm. Stems are straight, rigidly pubescent. Leaves are simple, oval-lanceolate. The flowers are large, often fragrant, yellow, collected in long racemose inflorescences, rarely single or in two. Opened in the evening and at night, during the day - only in cloudy weather. Bloom from June to September. The fruit is a polyspermous capsule. There are about 3000 seeds in 1 g. Winter and drought tolerant. Grow well in full sun. In the shade, their flowers are open during the day. The soil is light, well-drained, neutral, fresh, rich in nutrients.

Ornamental apple tree


Ground cover plant 10-15 cm high, ideal for sunny locations. Densely intertwined stems form a dense carpet of a silvery-white shade, which is given to it by small lanceolate pubescent leaves. In June, numerous white flowers make the plant even more expressive. Growing in all directions with underground shoots and easily rooting stems, it quickly fills the space allotted to it, not sparing small plants and resignedly yielding to larger and stronger ones. Withstands repeated haircuts, which is used to obtain re-flowering.


Lamb is a perennial plant with recumbent, strongly branching stems rooting at the nodes; flowering stems are erect. Plants, when growing, rapidly occupy the territory, forming thick carpet... Often used as ground cover plants and for plots of land that need to be planted in a short time. Lambes are valued for their unpretentiousness and high decorativeness from early spring to frost.

Shrubs differ from trees in that they do not have a well-defined main trunk. Forest shrubs are well adapted to life under the canopy of trees, they are quite shade-tolerant. Almost all of our shrubs have juicy, brightly colored fruits that are not always edible for humans. But for birds it is the most common food. By eating the fruits, the birds contribute to the spread of seeds. The largest group of shrubs belongs to the Rosaceae family: bird cherry, common mountain ash, blood-red hawthorn, wild rose. All these shrubs with edible fruits are also medicinal. From the same family, the black cotoneaster is also found. The common viburnum grows from the honeysuckle family, and the gooseberries are represented by red and black currants.

The forest is a very complex plant community. On the example of a mixed forest, the elements of the forest are clearly visible. It contains a wide variety of plants - from large trees to small mosses. In a forest plant community, several tiers of plants can usually be distinguished. The upper tier is formed by trees, below there is a tier of shrubs, then grass-shrub vegetation and moss-lichen cover. Main elements of layered vegetation:

The stand (tree layer) can be represented by several layers. I tier of light-loving species with loose openwork crowns - pine and birch; Stage II of shade-tolerant spruce with a dense dense crown, which grows well under the canopy of the stand and tolerates a lack of lighting.

Coniferous forests are subdivided into dark coniferous and light coniferous, depending on the dominant species. Dark coniferous forests are formed by spruce, fir and Siberian cedar. Light coniferous forests - pine and larch. All these conifers, except for larch, retain their needles. all year round... Larch needles are tender, falling for the winter.

The spruce forest is a very special, peculiar plant community. This forest is gloomy, shady, wet. Spruce creates very strong shading, and under its canopy they can be loose, delicate, they let in a lot of light. Under the canopy of the pine in different soil there are only fairly shade-tolerant plants. There are usually few shrubs in the spruce forest, on the soil is a solid green carpet of mosses, against which a few taiga grasses and shrubs grow.

The pine forest is a completely different plant community. The crowns of pines are comparatively dominated by various plants. But they largely repeat spruce forests.

Small-leaved forests are forests of light-loving deciduous species with a small leaf blade - aspen and birch. Birch is found almost throughout the entire territory of our country. Such a wide distribution of it is explained by the fact that it is very unpretentious in relation to the climate. Birch is also undemanding to soil conditions. Birch is called the pioneer tree. She very quickly captures any free piece of land - abandoned arable land, fires, slopes near the roads, clearings. And all because the tree bears fruit annually and abundantly, and the smallest winged fruits are easily carried by the wind over a considerable distance. Birch is very light-requiring and does not tolerate shading at all. Therefore, usually in the forest, sooner or later, other trees, especially spruce, displace it. Birch is one of our most beautiful trees. If you injure the trunk of a birch in early spring, birch sap oozes out of it drop by drop. The economic use of birch is wide and varied: the manufacture of furniture and skis, coal, tar and, of course, firewood. Aspen is also widespread. This tree is relatively unpretentious to climatic conditions, but does not tolerate dry and too poor soil. In autumn, the crowns of aspens are very elegant: the leaves are painted in different colors - from yellow to gum-red. Aspen is a dioecious plant: on some trees there are only staminate inflorescences (male); on others, the earrings are composed of many small pistillate flowers. Aspen seeds are very small and quickly lose their germination. Therefore, aspen in the forest reproduces almost exclusively in a vegetative way - by root suckers. Up to ten or more root suckers can form on one root. Some of them are 30-35 meters away from the mother tree. In a deciduous forest, the ground cover is richer. There are many flowering plants: swimsuit, geranium, anemone, buttercup, cornflower, skerda, gravilat, bell, bedstraw; a lot of medicinal: lungwort, agrimony, burnet, horsetail, bullock, wintergreen; you can also find poisonous: raven eye, kupena, hellebore. On the example of a deciduous forest, the elements of the forest are very well traced: I tier - deciduous trees- aspen, birch; Tier II - spruce; undergrowth - pine, spruce; undergrowth - berry bushes, willow, alder; VNP - herbs, including medicinal and poisonous plants; litter - plant litter (fox, needles, twigs) of varying degrees of decomposition.

Almost all types of trees and shrubs growing in Siberia can be found on the ecological path. From conifers - this is Siberian spruce, common pine, from deciduous - warty birch, trembling poplar (aspen). Variety of shrubs: blood-red hawthorn, red elderberry, red dogwood, common honeysuckle, several types of willows (goat, gray, basket), common viburnum, black cotoneaster, common juniper, Siberian mountain ash, red and black currants, willow spiraea, bird cherry , wild rose.

Scots pine (Pinussilvestris).

The crown of a pine is ovoid-rounded, and in trees growing free, for example, at the edge, the crown is low and spreading. It reaches a height of 30-40 meters and more, with a diameter of up to 100 cm. The needles are gray-green, convex from above, flat from below, rigid, pointed, up to 8 cm long and up to 2 mm wide. The lifespan of needles is 2-3 years. On the branches of a pine, the needles are arranged in pairs. This arrangement of needles is a characteristic feature of this tree species. The needles remain connected in pairs, not only during life, but also after withering away. It is not a single needles that fall, but a completely shortened shoot. Mass fall of dry pine needles occurs in September. And shortly before that, in August, a peculiar variegation is clearly visible in the crowns of pines: some of the needles are green, and some are yellow. If you look closely, it is not difficult to notice that the green needles are located at the ends of the branches, i.e. on shoots of this year and last year, and yellow on older shoots, which are already three years old. Bark on different parts of the tree of varying thickness and different color: in the lower part of the trunk, it is usually thicker and coarser, furrowed, reddish-brown, almost gray; in the middle and upper parts of the trunk and on large branches of the crown - yellowish-red, exfoliating in thin plates. Male spikelets are yellow or reddish, crowded on short stalks at the base of young shoots of the current year. Female cones are oval in shape, reddish during flowering. Pollination occurs in the spring with the assistance of the wind, and fertilization occurs next summer. The pine tree produces huge amounts of pollen. Whole clouds of it are carried by the wind in the pine forest when the trees are "dusty". If it rains at this time, pollen floats on the surface of the puddles in the form of an abundant yellow powder. Pine's extraordinary extravagance in terms of pollen is understandable. Only an insignificant percentage of it falls on the so-called female cones and produces pollination. The rest of the mass perishes. Pine pollen is carried far away by the wind due to special devices that improve its "aeronautical" properties. On the sides of each speck of dust there are two voluminous bags filled with air. They reduce specific gravity pollen and thus increase the flight range. Pine cones ripen in the fall, and the seeds from them begin to spill out in the spring of next year. Pine seeds look like spruce seeds. It is easy to distinguish them by the way the seed is attached to the winglet. In a pine tree, the seed is squeezed between the two processes of the winglet, as if covered with tweezers from the sides. In the spruce, the seed lies in the recess of the winglet, like a plum in a tablespoon. Pine seedlings are small plants with a stem shorter than a match and no thicker than an ordinary sewing needle. At the top of the stem is a bunch of very thin cotyledon needles radiating in all directions. Young pines several meters high have a peculiar appearance. The lateral branches of such trees extend from the main trunk in regular tiers-whorls. The tree has, as it were, floors made of branches. Another whorl is added every year. Consequently, how many tiers of branches a pine tree has, so many years old it is. Knowing this feature of pine growth, it is easy to determine the age of a young tree.

Pine is a fast growing species. The maximum growth in height on the best soils occurs at the age of 15-20 years, on the worst - at 25 years. At the age of 40-50 years, the growth in height slows down, and then stops altogether. The tree grows in diameter throughout its life. Pine lives up to 300-350 years, rarely up to 400 years or more. Scots pine is not demanding for the climate. It can withstand severe droughts and high dryness of air and soil. Pine has a flexible root system that develops in accordance with the nature and structure of the soil. In conditions with insufficient water supply, pine develops a superficial, highly developed root system and an underdeveloped taproot. On fresh, well-drained, deep sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils, pine usually develops a powerful root system with a taproot extending into the soil by 1.5-2m or more. Pine is very demanding for light and in this respect is second only to larch. The pine tree has a loose, openwork crown that lets in a lot of light, so the pine forest is always light. The area of ​​Scots pine in the country is huge. It grows over vast areas of the European and Asian parts of the country and extends to the north almost to the border of arboreal vegetation.

It is difficult to overestimate the national economic, aesthetic, sanitary, hygienic and recreational value of the pine and the plantations it forms. All parts of the pine tree, from buds, needles and ending with stumps and roots, are very valuable raw materials for woodworking, pulp and paper, wood chemical, medical and other industries. Pine wood has been used by man since time immemorial. It is widely used in civil and industrial construction, in the construction of railways and highways, bridges, telegraph and telephone lines, in the mining industry, in the carpentry and furniture production, in sawmilling, etc. Commercial pine wood has unlimited demand in the international market ... Waste from logging and sawmilling is a valuable raw material for the wood chemical industry. Methyl and ethyl alcohols, resins, turpentine, phenols, rosin, carbon dioxide, fodder yeast, crystalline glucose and other products are obtained from them. Resin is obtained by tapping, and turpentine and rosin are obtained from the latter. Pine also has medicinal value. In medicine, pine buds are widely used, collected in the spring before they bloom. Pine needles are rich in vitamin C and carotene. Pine seeds contain a lot of fatty oil. Pine is of great importance for protecting soil from erosion, improving climatic conditions and water regime of the territory. It is widely used in the creation of shelter belts, strengthening of moving sands, afforestation of river banks and gully-ravine systems; it is used for landscaping cities, workers' settlements. In pine forests, a large amount of mushrooms, berries and a very important wood-chemical raw material - resin is harvested.

Pine wood is shiny, soft, resinous, difficult to bend, pricks easily. Pine forests supply huge amounts of oxygen to the atmosphere and absorb carbon dioxide. They have high phytoncidal properties.

Siberian spruce -Piceaobovata

Siberian spruce differs from common spruce in smaller (5-8 cm long) ovoid-cylindrical cones, and takes up more space. The tree is up to 30-35m high and up to 1.2m in diameter. The crown is dense, pyramidal, pointed. The trunk is straight and in the stands, half-de-limbed. The bark is thin, smooth at a young age, brownish, later rough, scaly or furrowed. The needles are tetrahedral, pointed, 10-25mm long and 2-3mm wide, shiny, dark green, stays on the branches for 5-7 years. Spruce blooms simultaneously with bird cherry, in spring. Her flowering is noticeable, colorful. At the ends of the branches in the upper part of the crown, bright red thimble-sized female cones appear, sticking up. Male bumps are smaller than female ones, they are red or greenish-yellow in color. The crowns of some spruces during the flowering period are decorated with many bright red male cones, which stand out beautifully among the green needles. The spruce is very abundant. Powdered pollen spreads far around, settles on various objects. Ripening of cones occurs in September-October, the year of spruce flowering. Loss of seeds from cones begins in March-April and continues until autumn. Spruce seeds give rise to tiny seedlings that are very similar to pine seedlings. In the forest, spruce seedlings are quite rare, because weak root young plant often unable to break through a thick layer of dry fallen needles. But there are many seedlings on rotten deadwood, on stumps. To dramatically increase the number of spruce seedlings under the forest canopy, foresters use a special technique - stripping off the litter. When growing in open places, the spruce begins to bear fruit from 15, in stands from 25-30 years. Spruce propagates by seed, but can layering and propagate vegetatively. The root system of spruce is mostly superficial, the taproot is undeveloped or absent, and the tree is often windy. Spruce is much more demanding on soils than pine and develops best on fresh loamy and sandy loamy soils, as well as on humus soils with running water along forest streams and rivers. Spruce is demanding not only on soil moisture, but also on its fertility. This tree does not grow in extremely nutrient-poor upland (sphagnum) bogs and barren sands. The shade tolerance of the spruce is well known. The spruce is very sensitive to late spring frosts, they destroy its young, just appeared, not yet strong shoots.

An interesting "secret" of the spruce is its ability to react to changes in the weather. Below the crowns on the trunks there are long and thin dead branches devoid of needles, which change their position depending on the change in humidity. If the weather is wet, rainy, the branches are arranged horizontally or even slightly curved upward, like sabers. But when there is no rain for a long time, the branches droop and bend in the opposite direction.

Spruce can live up to 250-300 years, some trees - up to 500 years.

Spruce wood is light, soft, whitish or grayish-red, widely used in construction, in paper and pulp production, in joinery and furniture, in the manufacture of musical instruments, mine racks, railway sleepers, poles, goes to various crafts and firewood. Spruce accounts for most of the world's paper production. In our age of rapid progress of civilization, the need for paper is extremely great and a huge amount is needed. Statisticians have calculated: in one year, in all countries of the world, they produce so much paper that, if you could make one whole sheet of ordinary thickness from it, it will have fantastic dimensions - you can wrap the entire globe in it like a head of cheese! Spruce bark is rich in tannins and is used as a cheap tanning agent. When tapping spruce plantations, a resin is obtained containing up to 17% turpentine and 75% rosin used in medicine and technology.

Warty birch -Betulaverricosa.

Birch is the most popular tree in our country and, perhaps, the most beautiful. In the wild, it is found almost throughout the territory of our country. The tree is up to 30m high and up to 80cm in diameter. The crown is branched, but not dense. Branching in birch is sympodial. The bark is white, smooth, deeply fissured, black on older trees below. Birch bark is a protective cover of a tree. It consists of many dead empty cells that are tightly glued to each other with a special substance. Breathing is carried out through special vents in birch bark - lentils, which are closed for the winter. The cells of birch bark contain a special dye - betulin. The buds are bare, sticky. Leaves are triangular-rhombic or rhombic, double-toothed, up to 7cm long and up to 5cm wide. Young shoots are naked, with resinous wart glands. The first spring phase of birch development is the beginning of sap flow. About a month after the start of sap flow, two other important phenological phases can be observed - the appearance of the first leaves on the birch (greening) and flowering (dusting). After 2.5 months, birch seeds ripen and begin to scatter. Autumn coloring (yellowing) of leaves and leaf fall occur earlier in northern latitudes, gradually moving southward. Leaf fall ends in October. Birch begins to bear fruit early, abundantly and annually. Frequent and abundant fruiting, the ease of spreading seeds over considerable distances, rapid growth contribute to the successful settlement of birch in areas free from other vegetation and the formation of clean birch forests. The wood of warty birch has high physical and mechanical properties and is widely used in the national economy. It is the main raw material for the plywood industry. Especially appreciated in the furniture industry.

Fluffy birchBetulapubescens.

A tree up to 20m high, with pubescent branches. Leaves are oval or ovoid, 4-6 cm long. Downy birch often grows together with warty birch, occupying the lowest locations with moist or damp soils. Can grow on swampy peat soils. The fluffy birch leaves and blooms almost simultaneously with the warty birch. It is used in the national economy in the same way as warty birch.

The widespread distribution of birch (of its various types) is explained by the fact that it is very unpretentious in relation to the climate. Birch is also undemanding to soil conditions. It can grow on a wide variety of soils - from very dry and poor sands to low-lying swamps, where there is an excess of water and a lot nutrients... The birch is called the pioneer tree. It very quickly captures any free piece of land - abandoned arable land, fires, slopes near roads, etc. Birch is very light-requiring and does not tolerate shading at all. Therefore, usually in the forest, sooner or later, other trees, especially spruce, displace it. The widespread distribution of birch is due to two reasons. First, the fact that its tiny winged fruits are easily carried by the wind and often find themselves very far from the mother tree. Secondly, birch is an unpretentious tree species. It can grow on any soil.

The economic use of this tree is wide and varied. Birch firewood gives a lot of heat and, in this respect, is probably inferior only to oak firewood. Birch is used to make skis, furniture, and various turning products. Painful slugs on birch trunks - mouth guards are of great value. These nodules are widely used for various crafts. Excellent coal is obtained from birch, tar is produced. Birch brooms are also in great demand. Birch bark is a good way to kindle stoves and fires. And our ancestors used birch bark as a writing material - a kind of "northern papyrus". And birch sap is very useful. However, this makes the plant very depleted.

Aspen - trembling poplarPopulustremula.

A dioecious tree up to 35m high and up to 1m in diameter. This tree is the closest relative of poplars, since these trees have similar flowers and fruits in their structure. The Latin name for aspen, translated into Russian, means "trembling poplar". Aspen does indeed have quivering leaves. The crown is ovoid or wide-cylindrical. The bark is greenish-olive, smooth, on old trees in the lower part of the trunk it is dark gray, fissured. The buds are sticky, ovoid, brownish. The leaves on the shortened shoots are round, 3-7 cm long and almost the same width, gray-green, on long, flattened petioles in the upper part, giving the leaves instability, which is why they tremble even in a weak wind. Leaves on elongated shoots and in the overgrowth are triangular-elliptical or ovoid, larger. Flower buds are larger than leaf buds, they are laid in summer. Earrings 4-15cm long and up to 2cm thick, pubescent. Aspen blooms in April - early May before the leaves open. The flowering period is one week. The seeds ripen after an average of 35 days and begin to disperse. The seeds are small, yellowish-gray or black, have silky hairs and are carried by the wind over long distances. Aspen seeds quickly lose their germination after ripening. Therefore, seedlings can only appear if the seeds immediately fall on moist soil. Blooming occurs 20 days after flowering. Autumn leaf coloring of aspen begins in August-September, and leaves fall ends in October. The leaves are colored orange and golden yellow and give the tree a great decorative effect. Aspen begins to bloom from 10-12 years. It blooms and bears fruit annually. Propagated by seeds and suckers. Growth gives only from the stumps of young aspens. The aspen root system is powerful, but superficial, taproot develops only in young aspen. The roots of the aspen go beyond the crown to a distance of 35m. It is very light-requiring, and its plantings are quickly thinned out. Extremely hardy. It grows extremely fast. This is one of the fastest growing domestic poplars. IN better conditions growth by the age of 50 gives up to 400 m3 of wood per 1 ha. Demanding on the soil. Prefers fresh and moist humified loams and sandy loams, as well as gray forest loams. Withstands some soil salinity. Lives up to 150 years, sometimes longer. Aspen is cut at the age of 40-60-80 years, depending on the area of ​​its growth. It is early damaged by various rot, barbel and other pests.

Aspen wood is white, soft, light, prickly, well processed and widely used in the national economy: for the manufacture of matches, cellulose, plywood, barrel riveting, roofing shingles, shovels, toys, various handicrafts, used in construction, for firewood.

Siberian mountain ash -Sorbussibirica.

Deciduous shrub of the apple subfamily. It reaches 15-17m in height and up to 30cm in diameter. Shoots of two types: elongated and shortened. Buds 8-15mm long, with petiolate scales. Leaves are compound, pinnate, toothed. The flowers are five-petal, with complex terminal plates. The fruit is 2-5-nested apples, globular, red, bitter-sour. Rowan fruits ripen in August-September and remain on the bush for a long time. They are the most important food for the upland game - hazel grouse and others, as well as for the fieldfare thrush, which ensure the spread of rowan seeds over long distances. The fruits contain vitamin C. Seeds are oblong, triangular. Abundant rowan harvests are repeated in 1-2 years. Rowan blossoms and bears fruit annually. Rowan propagates by seeds, root suckers and shoots from the stump. Rowan grows on different soils. But it reaches the best development on fresh fertile sandy loam and loamy soils. It is a soil-improving breed due to its abundant and easily mineralized litter. Very hardy and shade-tolerant, it grows even under the canopy of dark coniferous forests. It is durable, lives up to 60 (100) years. In the forests it grows in the undergrowth. It is a valuable forest fruit, ornamental, melliferous, medicinal and tanning plant. Rowan wood is durable, colored, used in furniture and turning industries, is used for handles for hand tools and for various crafts. The bark contains up to 14% tannins.

The hawthorn is blood red -Crataegussanguinea.

A large shrub with long, straight thorns and purple-brown shining shoots. Leaves are shallow, 3-7-lobed with a wedge-shaped base, serrate, glabrous. The flowers are white, in corymbose inflorescences. Blooms in May-June. The flowers are melliferous, with an unpleasant odor. Pollinators are flies, beetles, bees. Fruits are globular or oblong, blood red, shiny. with 3-4 seeds, edible. Ripen at the end of August. Very winter-hardy. Hawthorn propagates by seeds, gives growth from a stump, root suckers, layering. For spring sowing the seeds must be stratified in the fall. Begins to bear fruit from 10-15 years. It is very durable, can live up to 300-400 years or more. It is not very demanding for soils, but it achieves better development on fresh fertile soils. It tolerates haircuts well and is usually used to create dense and impassable hedges and edges. Winter-hardy. Tolerates some shading, but grows best in open areas. It is often used in ornamental gardening to create groups, curtains, alleys and single plantings. Hawthorn wood is hard, flexible, strong, reddish and yellowish in color, used for turning, carving and other crafts.

Viburnum ordinary -Viburnumopulus.

A genus of small shrubs, up to 5 meters tall, with falling, lobed, opposite leaves. Flowers are white, regular, five-membered in corymbose inflorescences, on long peduncles, marginal large, sterile, internal bisexual, smaller. In the inflorescences of viburnum, there are always two types of flowers. Large outer flowers serve to attract pollinating insects and fall to the ground without fruit. But the small internal ones fully fulfill their biological purpose: fruits grow from them by the fall. Viburnum blooms in late May - early June after complete foliage. Drupes are bright red, juicy, bitter, after freezing they become edible, ripen at the end of September and remain on plants for a long time, contain vitamin C. Kalina reproduces by seeds, gives growth from the stump and layering. Shade-tolerant, however, it reaches better development in lightened places and on forest edges. Prefers the banks of rivers and lakes, it also grows on well-moistened loamy soils in mixed and coniferous forests, as well as on shrub thickets. It is bred everywhere in gardens and parks as a very ornamental plant. Especially decorative in bloom. Viburnum without flowers and fruits is unremarkable: its palmate-lobed leaves are a bit like the leaves of grapes, but much smaller. They are located oppositely on the branches. In winter, the branches of the viburnum can be recognized by the characteristic shape of the buds. Each of them has a rounded top and looks like a drop of water. All the buds are tightly pressed to the stem, as if fused with it. The bark, shoots, flowers and fruits of viburnum are used in medicine. The wood is solid, sometimes used for small crafts. Viburnum flowers are melliferous ..

Black cotoneaster -Cotoneastermelanocarpa.

Shrub up to 2 meters high. The leaves of the shrub are simple, alternate, whole-edged, dark green above and whitish-tomentose below. The flowers are small, pink in drooping racemes, with hairy or tomentose peduncles. Fruits are spherical, black, with 2-3 seeds, mealy, black, remaining on the plant for a long time after ripening. Blooms in April-May. The fruits ripen in September-October. Cotoneaster propagates by seeds, layering, can be bred by cuttings. Seeds remain viable for 1-2 years. Not picky about soils, grows on a wide variety of soils. Winter-hardy enough. Decorative and widely used in landscaping. It tolerates haircuts well and forms very dense hedges.

Siberian juniper -Juniperussibirica.

Dioecious shrub, up to 2 meters high, often creeping. Needles are needle-shaped, steam room. The bark is smooth, brown. Cones with a diameter of 5-7 mm, mature brown-black, with a bluish bloom, ripen in the fall in the second year after flowering. In the first summer, the pineberry is green and hard, when ripe, bluish-black, soft, with a gray waxy bloom, almost sessile. Juniper seeds are oblong, brown, triangular, with a hard skin, with resin glands. Seedlings with two cotyledons. Begins to bear fruit from 5-10 years. It is not picky about the soil. However, it develops better on fresh sandy and sandy loam soils of the taiga zone. Juniper is not picky about the climate and is very cold-resistant. It grows relatively slowly. Differs in durability. Propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings. Pine berries contain on average 20-25% sugars (including 30% fruit), about 2% essential oil. Berry syrup is used in Food Industry and medicine. Juniper berry is also used in alcoholic beverage production. Juniper wood with a yellow-brown core and white sapwood is fine-grained. Has a specific smell, reminiscent of the smell of pepper. Juniper wood is particularly resistant to decay and insect damage. The use of juniper wood is local in nature: it is used for small carpentry and turning crafts. Juniper is suitable for hedges as it tolerates cutting well.

Marsh rosemary -Ledumpalustre.

Evergreen shrub up to 1 meter tall. Leaves are linear, alternate, the edges are bent down. Above, the leaves are green, shiny, wrinkled, with small yellowish ones, and below they are covered with red felt. Ledum belongs to the heather family. Ledum blossoms in May-June, bears fruit in August-September. The flowers are white, sometimes reddish, gathered in umbellate inflorescences. The fruit is an oblong capsule drooping on a long stem. The seeds are small, with pterygoid outgrowths at the ends. The branches of the first and second year are rich in volatile essential oils and are used in the perfume industry. The smell of wild rosemary intoxicates and causes headaches. The whole plant is highly poisonous, but in small doses it possesses healing properties... Leaves of wild rosemary are used for medicinal purposes.

All tree species are valuable, as they provide the largest amount of construction and ornamental timber and other forest products.

Conifers are the most important representatives of the gymnosperms subdivision. The value of the conifers growing in our forests is varied. The main use of conifers is in construction, lumber production. In comparison with conifers in our wild-growing dendroflora, the number of angiosperms, their families, genera and species is enormous. The importance of deciduous is extremely high. They provide a wide variety of woods for various industries. National economy, many edible fruits and seeds, tannins and dyes, medicinal and aromatic substances, their leaves serve as food for domestic and wild animals.

All tree and shrub vegetation found on the ecological path also finds wide and varied use among the population and enterprises of the region and the region. In the area, wood is used for building materials, lumber or firewood. But, in general, valuable coniferous round timber is being transported outside the region. Shrubs find a narrower application. The population uses berries for food and as a medicinal raw material.

Used Books:

1. Astakhova V.G. "Treasures in the swamps", Moscow: Lesnaya promyshlennost, 1976, 80s.

2. Grozdova N.B. Library "Wood species" - Birch, Moscow: Timber industry, 1979 - 78p.

3. Petrov V.V. "The world of forest plants", Moscow: Nauka, 1978. –166p.

4. Petrov V.V. " Vegetable world our Motherland ", Moscow," Education ", 1991.-207s

5. Pobedinsky A.V. Pine. Moscow .: Timber industry, 1979 .-- 125p.

6. Rodionova A.S. "Forest botany" Moscow, "Forest industry", 1980. 248s.

7.Shimanyuk A.P. "Dendrology", "Forest Industry", 1974, 264.