The majestic representative of the flower kingdom is the loosestrife. To thicken the carpet

It is believed that the loosestrife, or lysimachia, got its Latin version of the name by the name of Lysimachus, one of the commanders under Alexander the Great. The version of the origin of the second name is the Old Russian name of willow - “willow”, the foliage of which is so similar to the green of the flower. The article will talk about the proper care of loosestrife, as well as its popular varieties.

The best representatives of lysimachia

The loosestrife belongs to the Primrose family and can be perennial, biennial and annual, depending on the species: the genus has more than a hundred of them. Also, the species differ in the type of stem, shade of inflorescences, etc.

The ampel variety of loosestrife is distinguished by high decorative properties: long (up to 1.5 meters) hanging shoots with small bright yellow flowers will become wonderful decoration verandas. Flowering period - from June to the first frost.

Herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 0.3 - 0.5 m. Distinctive features: dark, burgundy-colored leaves of a wide-lanceolate shape and many small lemon-yellow flowers. The plant is quite aggressive and grows very fast; decorative all summer.

Very tall bush up to 2 m in height. Stem erect, pubescent, slightly branched above. The ovate or lanceolate leaves are grouped in 3-4 pieces. Inflorescences are a dense panicle of bright yellow flowers. correct form. The common loosestrife is very attractive to bees.

Perennial high (50-60 cm) plant with a long branched root, which actively spreads the flower throughout the territory due to shoots. Characteristic features of this variety: pubescent and straight stem with sessile broad leaves; flowers of rich lemon color are collected at the top of the plant. Flowering occurs at the end of June - August.

The variety is extremely similar to the point loosestrife: herbaceous perennial up to 0.5 meters high with broadly lanceolate leaves and yellow flowers at the very top. The flowering periods also coincide.

This is an ornamental variety. coined loosestrife. The variety is a creeping plant with long stems (30 cm) and small round leaves, decorated with a yellowish pattern - thanks to him the species got its name.

A variety of stunning beauty boasts a tall stem, large lanceolate leaves, turn purple in autumn, and inflorescences in the form of spikes with small white flowers in the form of stars.

Monetary loosestrife (meadow tea) and its varieties Aurea, Golden Elow

A creeping wildflower that loves moisture. It is a green carpet of small leaves of juicy green color with cup-shaped golden flowers scattered over it. Bred varieties Aurea and golden yellow- These are ampelous herbaceous plants with excellent decorative properties, their leaves have a light green color.

Features of growing lysimachia from seeds

Lysimachia is bred vegetatively, by cuttings and seeds, and the first method is more popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness. However, for those who are not afraid of difficulties and still decided to grow loosestrife from scratch, several recommendations can be made:

  • Before planting seeds, they must be “hardened” (or stratified): place future sprouts for a couple of months on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Best time to start such a procedure - spring. Attention! Before autumn sowing there is no need for stratification: the seeds will harden already in the soil;
  • Seeds for seedlings are sown on a moist substrate. To prepare the mixture, you will need an equal amount of sand and peat;
  • After sowing lysimachia, the substrate is covered with glass or a film - so the seeds will germinate faster, usually this happens after two weeks. Optimal room temperature- 15 degrees above zero. Young seedlings need quite a lot of light;
  • After the young sprouts get a little stronger, you can dive. Cups, boxes, cut boxes, etc. will do.
  • The loosestrife grown from seeds will only be able to bloom for 2 or 3 years of its life.

How to plant loosestrife (video)

Rules and terms for planting loosestrife in open ground

Before planting a plant, you need to choose the right area. The fact is that lysimachia will feel good almost anywhere, but in moist soil with a high content of nutrients loosestrife will grow much faster. In no case should you try to grow lysimachia on loam or poorly drained land: the result will definitely disappoint the owner of the flower garden. Besides, the illumination of the area should also be taken into account: most species like shade or partial shade, but there are also sun lovers, such as purple loosestrife. Meadow tea will grow well in heavy shade.

If it was decided to plant lysimachia in the fall, then in September the seeds are sown on the beds without any pre-training: next spring they will come up in small groups. This method is the most preferred.

Another option - plant seedlings divorced in spring in the ground in June. When planting, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the seedlings is about 50 cm. You need to pay attention to the condition of the soil: it is best to plant in open ground in well-fertilized soil - compost or manure will do an excellent job with this task.

As for the planting technique, there is nothing unusual here: a hole is dug, a rhizome is placed in it, which is then covered with clods of earth and compacted. The final stage is abundant watering and loosening.

Features and secrets of loosestrife care

If we evaluate the laboriousness of the process of caring for lysimachia as a whole, then we can say that this is a rather unpretentious plant. Evidence of this is the general belief that if you do not touch the plant even for ten years, it will still bloom and multiply. However, for its active growth and long flowering several general rules must be followed.

  • Watering. Since the flower prefers to grow in well-moistened soil, it rarely requires additional watering, except during periods of drought. It should be noted that the plant is frost-resistant and adapted to almost any temperature.
  • Top dressing. The loosestrife is in great need of fertilizers only in the autumn, when frosts are coming. Usually, good way- saturate the soil with humus accumulated over the summer. When it is necessary to stimulate fast growth on soil that is not very suitable for the plant, you can fertilize regularly. The ideal schedule is 2 times a month from May to July.
  • "Containment". Lysimachia is an aggressor plant, the proximity to which can adversely affect other crops. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to take measures to limit the territory of distribution of loosestrife in breadth. First, you need to physically prevent creeping shoots: either plant the flower in a bucket, container or pot, or make a small metal or slate fence around it. Secondly, the cultivation of lysimachia involves repeated division and transplantation of the plant, because every year 4-6 more appear in place of one stem. You can transplant young shoots every three years. in early spring or in the middle of autumn.

Features of growing loosestrife (video)

  • Pruning. After the loosestrife has completely faded, the stems should be cut so as to completely cut off the dried parts of the plant. This procedure can provoke re-blooming. Before the onset of winter cold, lysimachia must be completely cut off at the root and covered with compost; it is not necessary to cover the flower for the winter. In one place, lysimachia can grow up to 10 years.
  • Diseases and pests. In addition to frost resistance and unpretentiousness, lysimachia has another remarkable property - this plant very rarely gets sick and is attacked by pests. Sometimes you can see gnawed leaves - this is a sign that the plant was attacked by weevils. In this case, you need to go hunting after sunset and collect all the pests directly from the leaves of the loosestrife. The second enemy of lysimachia is aphids, which are easy to fight with Antitlin or Biotlin.

Lysimachia in landscape design

Despite the fact that for ornamental plantings far from all varieties are used, lysimachia, due to its bright green foliage and beautiful sunny inflorescences, takes pride of place among its neighbors. Usually this species is used in conjunction with other crops as a "carpet" that beautifully covers the unsightly surface of the soil. Consider concrete examples:

  • Species such as spotted loosestrife, common, lily of the valley are perfect for decorating the shore of a reservoir on the site. The ampel variety of the spot loosestrife "Aurea" looks great in containers;
  • Lysimachia moneta (meadow tea) is actively used to decorate rock gardens and rockeries, as it can cover walls and stones;
  • Tall varieties of loosestrife are indispensable in shady flower beds near trees and near landscaped reservoirs, decorated in a natural style;

Ideal neighbors for lysimachia are bluebells, astilbe, volzhanka, fern and other shade-loving perennials that prefer moist soil. Loosestrife species with purple or variegated leaves, can be combined with bergenia, rogersia and hostas, as well as cereals, rushes and sedges - this will create an original contrast. Other interesting combinations include the following pairs: dotted or ciliated loosestrife and knotweed; meadow tea and ornamental grass; lily of the valley loosestrife and monarda or cuff.

Summing up, we can conclude that loosestrife is an excellent option for landscaping a site, which has deservedly gained popularity among gardeners. There are many reasons for this: lysimachia does not require special care and at the same time has a high degree decorative, resistant to any temperature and combined with other cultures. In addition, almost all varieties of loosestrife, especially common loosestrife, have medicinal properties, so growing it on your site means replenishing your first-aid kit with another folk diuretic and tonic.

Loosestrife in landscape design (video)

This cute and, most importantly, unpretentious plant will decorate any garden or pond and also has useful properties, so every gardener will surely be pleased to breed such a modest flower.

One day, enjoying the beauty of the world around her, the girl noticed a majestic flower - loosestrife. After some thought, she wrote short poem about this plant. In it, the girl compared the flower with the royal symbol of power - the scepter and called him the ruler of the power of flowers. This is how this sophisticated flower appears before us.

The loosestrife belongs to the genus of perennial plants belonging to the Primrose family. Some of its representatives live one or two seasons. The plant got its name because of the shape of the leaves, which are very similar to willow leaves (as all types of willow trees were called in ancient times). According to another version, the loosestrife got its name in memory of the outstanding commander of Alexander the Great - Lysimachus. For a long time it was believed that it was he who discovered this majestic plant. So it really is or not, but the loosestrife really resembles a colorful royal scepter.

External description of a stately flower

More than 100 are found in the natural environment. various kinds of this plant. Most of them grow in the Northern Hemisphere, although some species have been found in the south of the American continent and in Africa. More than 70 varieties of the stately flower grow in China. Many species of loosestrife can be found in Russia, the Caucasus and even Siberia. As you can see, the flower conquered many expanses of the inhabited earth. Having considered short description loosestrife, you can get to know him better. And someday this flower will become king in your favorite summer cottage.

The plant has erect shoots, on which green leaves are arranged in the next order. The shape of the plate is lanceolate or oval. Charming buds are located along the green shoot, and there are such shades:

They are collected in inflorescences resembling an ear or flower brushes. On some specimens, there are single buds or several in leaf axils.
loosestrife refers to creeping herbaceous plants with erect stems. From the side it looks like a miniature flowering shrub.

Features of planting plants and proper care

A majestic flower can be planted and propagated in a summer cottage by sowing seeds and vegetatively. The planting of loosestrife shown in the photo and caring for it require implementation simple rules. First of all, it is important to choose the right place. Almost all varieties of plants love penumbra or shaded areas of the garden.

Purple loosestrife thrives on open area therefore, when planting a flower, this fact should be taken into account.

The next stage is fertile loose soil. It can be fertilized with compost or humus. It is desirable that it be sufficiently saturated with moisture. A suitable option if groundwater lies nearby. Some loosestrife species are planted directly into the water, where they thrive.

Leaving and planting loosestrife in open ground is carried out in the usual way. First, dig a small hole. Then, the roots of the plant are carefully placed in it and covered with earth. Upper layer soils are compacted and watered abundantly.

In order for the plants to receive enough light, air and nutrients from the soil, the distance between them must be at least 50 cm.

When the plant takes root well in the front garden, it starts up a large number of shoots.
After some time, loosestrife grows and occupies almost the entire area of ​​​​the site. Therefore, it must be transplanted in time. Although it can freely grow in one place for a whole decade, the flower should be planted in the second year. The best time for this is early spring or late autumn.

You can also plant loosestrife with the help of seeds. If sowing is carried out in warm time years, they must first be held for 2 months in the cold. harvested seeds put in the refrigerator where vegetables are stored for the specified period. After that, they are sown. During autumn planting, the seeds do not need preliminary cold aging. Winter frosts will do it natural way. And in the spring, friendly young shoots will appear from the soil.

Planting loosestrife by sowing seeds can also be done indoors. On the moistened surface of the soil, consisting of and sand, sown planting material. Cover the boxes with glass or film, and then put in a bright room. Optimum temperature should be at least 15 degrees. After 2 weeks, green shoots will appear on the surface of the soil. After another week or two, they dive into separate pots, where they gain strength. After that, the flowers are planted in the front garden.

In order for plants to gradually get used to outdoor temperature the room must be regularly ventilated. Thanks to this, young shoots are hardened and feel great after planting in open ground.

You can also propagate loosestrife by dividing the bush. The plant extracted from the soil is divided into several parts. The main thing is that each of them should have developed roots. Such plants will bloom next season.

A photo of a coined loosestrife, the care and planting of which is carried out by dividing the cuttings, causes unprecedented delight. The process begins by placing the cuttings in vessels of water. Being in the liquid, they release the roots. After that, they are planted in a shady place. suburban area into moist soil. Over time, the bushes will bloom to the delight of the household.

Often for decoration, loosestrife is irreplaceable plant. It is used in the formation of flower front gardens, as a background plant. Used to decorate coastal areas of domestic ponds and borders. The loosestrife fits perfectly into the alpine hill, making it an original creation of human hands. Sometimes the plant is simply planted as a separate standing flower to draw attention to the main landscape design. Creeping varieties are used for hanging planters and high flower beds.

high flower beds

Making a home pond with a loosestrife

Monetary loosestrife on an elevated flower bed

Composition: loosestrife at the curb

Monetary loosestrife on the shore of a domestic pond

Among the lush kingdom of flowers

Popular types of proud flower

For some summer residents, the proud "owner of the flower power" - loosestrife, is one of the favorites of landscape design. Especially the plant is valued for its abundance different varieties, which freely grow on the territory of Russia. Looking closely at the stately flower, you can see the many shapes and shades that are inherent in different varieties.

Common loosestrife

This pretty plant has a tall straight stem. It is not covered with bark and does not have any branches. From the horizontal winding rhizome upright shoots rise in large numbers. Most often, flowers reach 50 cm, and some giants grow up to a meter in height. Throughout the stem of the common loosestrife, whorled foliage grows from top to bottom. It is narrow in shape with pointed tips. The lower leaves are painted light green, the upper ones are more saturated with greenery. Some specimens are distinguished by a scarlet tint of leaves.

At the very top of the erect stem are paniculate inflorescences. Each of them is decorated with pretty flowers located close to each other. The buds consist of five individual delicate petals that surround the corolla with the ovary and stamens. As a rule, the inflorescences are colored yellow, although orange, burgundy and snow-white options are also found. The plant blooms in summer, after which balls with a large number of seeds appear instead of buds.

Common loosestrife has medicinal properties. Tinctures or decoctions from it are used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is often used as an astringent and choleretic natural substance.

Monetary loosestrife (monetary)

The plant belongs to the family of perennial herbs. It has creeping horizontal stems about 80 cm long. Nodules appear on them, on which small roots grow. Thanks to them, the plant successfully grows throughout the territory. He loves fertile soil and shady places. In nature, it is found in the shade of low shrubs, in wet meadows or on the outskirts of swampy areas.

The leaves of the loosestrife are opposite, slightly rounded in shape. Their edges are solid, green in color. The buds grow in the axils of the leaf plate. They are usually large and solitary. The color is golden yellow, the calyx is funnel-shaped, the petals do not connect to each other. The flowering period is mid-summer.

The monetized loosestrife loves shaded areas of the garden and fertile soil. By fulfilling only these two requirements, one can already achieve success in growing this plant.

Spotted loosestrife

The flower of this variety is distinguished by a brown rhizome, which has several branches. From them under the ground shoots depart. Thanks to this, the plant grows wonderfully throughout the front garden.

The erect stalk of loosestrife has a delicate edge. Unlike other species, there are several branches on the shoots. Along each of them are wide lanceolate leaves lemon or yellow buds are placed in large numbers along a dense stem.

loosestrife lily of the valley

The name of the plant hints at the fact that outwardly it resembles lilies of the valley. And indeed it is. The loosestrife lily of the valley has a stable dense stem, on which next leaves are located from top to bottom. From below they are slightly bluish, and from above they are dotted with small dots. During flowering, the plant puts on spike-shaped buds, consisting of many small flowers. They are painted in a snow-white color and sit at the very top of the stem. A flower grows up to 45 cm and fits beautifully into any landscape design.


This variety of loosestrife is often called lily of the valley, for the similarity of its underground rhizome with it. It has the same pinkish-white color, but is slightly thicker than that of the lily of the valley. The loosestrife has an upright stem (about 20 cm in height), covered with foliage on all sides. The inflorescence is collected in a dense spike, filled with many white buds. It blooms in mid-summer and pleases the eye for 3 weeks.

loosestrife cletroides

This type of plant is also classified as a lily-of-the-valley variety of loosestrife. The flower grows to a height of up to 80 cm. Opposite rounded leaves grow on its high dense shoots. Cletroides loosestrife blooms with snow-white spike-shaped buds. From a distance, it resembles the original green bushes in the bride's white attire. They are used to decorate a personal plot: they are planted as living borders on, in alpine slides and off the coast of artificial pools.

Purple loosestrife (ciliate)

This perennial plant forms miniature bushes with erect stems. All of them are covered with smooth lanceolate leaves of wine-red color. Purple loosestrife is famous for its original inflorescences, which are located on the tops of slender shoots. The buds are collected in small bunches that shine with lemon color in the sun. The flower loves open light areas with moist fertile soil.

Often, the ciliary loosestrife grows up to 45 cm in height, which gives it a majestic appearance. The plant begins to bloom at the end of August and can continue until mid-September. It is not afraid of harsh winters, as it is considered a frost-resistant variety. In its natural environment, it is found in wet meadows near water bodies.

I especially want to highlight the original variety of the ciliated species - loosestrife firecracker. It is able to grow up to a meter high, which looks pretty nice against the background of other greenery. The erect shoots are alternately covered with lanceolate leaves pointed at the tips. Inflorescences appear in the axils of the leaf plates at the top of the shoot. Bell buds are bright yellow and bloom in early autumn. Bloom until October. Frost-resistant. Feel comfortable outdoors household territory garden.

loosestrife beaujolais

This delightful perennial grows up to a meter high and has unusual inflorescences. They are dark red in color and are collected in dense spikes. Beaujolais loosestrife has silver-green lanceolate leaves slightly corrugated along the edges. They are wonderfully combined with dark buds that appear during flowering. The plant prefers fertile soils that retain moisture for a long time. They are widely used for decoration. summer cottages. Planted to mark the territory instead of curbs.

Verbeinik Alexander

Majestic herbaceous perennial grows from 40 to 50 cm in height. On its erect stems are sessile broadly lanceolate leaves. Along the entire shoot, in the middle of summer, many delicate flowers appear. They are collected in small bouquets and shine brightly with lemon color against the background of dense greenery of the plant. Verbeinik Alexander feels luxuriously on fertile land, where there is a lot of air and light. He is especially comfortable in combined plantings of flowers near water bodies.
Often loosestrife is used to create mixborders that bloom continuously until late autumn. Just in such an environment, he looks like the ruler of the kingdom of flowers.

Before designing a flower garden, one should take into account the property of this variety to grow rapidly. Otherwise, loosestrife will force out weak plants, which will violate the overall harmony of the flower bed.

No chance for pests

It is not for nothing that loosestrife is called the ruler of flower power, because the plant almost never gets sick. It surrenders only to living pests: aphids and weevils. You can cope with the invasion of such ill-wishers as aphids using special preparations.
Weevils impersonate affected leaves. If you find merged specimens, it is advisable to immediately start collecting them. Lost time will lead to the appearance of beetle larvae, which imperceptibly undermine a healthy plant.

Giving an objective assessment of the stately flower, it can be noted that it does not require special care. Easily adapts to new territory. It looks pretty good in landscape design. It has many beneficial properties that improve our health. Among them can be noted astringent, tonic and choleretic effect. Growing such a flower in a suburban area brings only positive emotions. It might be worth trying and enjoying its flowery grandeur.

Video about planting a perennial loosestrife

The loosestrife is a perennial plant. It received this name due to its external similarity with willow leaves. Ease of planting and unpretentious care - that's what gardeners love him for. Great for group plantings. The plant is in perfect harmony in various combinations of landscape design, they are decorated with alpine slides, rockeries and even borders.

Verbeinik: main views and photos

The place of origin of loosestrife is considered to be Eurasia, Africa and America. Loosestrife flowers have beneficial properties and extraordinary beauty. Experts divide this plant into a large number of species, depending on whether they grow in the wild or adapted to certain conditions. natural areas. The loosestrife has become widespread in folk medicine. AT middle lane about 10 species of this perennial plant have taken root in our vast country.

Varieties and types of loosestrife are very diverse

Experts identify more than 100 different types of loosestrife. Many of them came to our flower growers from China. In landscape design, only certain varieties of this plant are used.

Landing loosestrife

Despite the fact that loosestrife is attributed to undemanding plants, when planting a perennial, attention should be paid to some nuances.

Advice. The soil on which the plant is planned to be planted must be very moist. This is one of the main conditions for planting loosestrife. Moisture plays an important role in plant development.

As for the choice of landing site, it is preferable to choose shaded areas on open ground. All varieties reproduce well and grow. Once every two or three years experienced gardeners recommend planting loosestrife. This is done by dividing the root into smaller parts.

Choose a place with a close occurrence for planting loosestrife ground water

When planting a perennial plant, it is important to follow certain rules.

  1. Choose the right place to land. It is better to carry out all manipulations with the plant in the autumn or early summer. The loosestrife usually grows in open ground.
  2. During transplantation, loosestrife should not have young shoots.
  3. It prefers loose soil with close access to groundwater. Meanwhile, the soil must have good drainage. Therefore, gravel should be added under the top layer.
  4. It is undesirable to plant a perennial on clay soils.

plant care

Care for loosestrife and its cultivation will not be difficult. It grows and reproduces well in open ground without human intervention. But if you want the loosestrife to play with all possible colors, then you will have to take a little care of it.

Make sure the plant has good drainage when planting.

The loosestrife should not be watered often, as it grows in damp areas. Watering is necessary during prolonged absence of rain or drought.

Advice. After the flowering of the plant, it must be cut, leaving only the lower parts without dry stems. It is important to care for loosestrife before winter period, it consists in the complete cutting of the plant. Shelter plants for the winter is not required. The soil around it should be dug in and humus added. In general, plant care is episodic.

Fertilizer and top dressing loosestrife

For loosestrife, fertilizer is not a primary condition for growing and reproduction. It grows wonderfully in any area. The exception is very poor soils. In this case, you will have to use special fertilizers.

There is no need to feed loosestrife

It is necessary to apply them only in the period from May to July, not more than 1 time in 2 weeks. The result will meet your expectations. The plant will begin to actively develop and grow in width.

Propagation of a perennial plant

The loosestrife grows very quickly. Nevertheless, without a transplant, it can grow for more than 10 years. The main thing is to periodically update the fertile soil layer.

Comparison different types loosestrife

Reproduction of loosestrife occurs in two ways.

  1. With the help of seeds. Sowing is best done in autumn. After 2-3 years, the seedlings will bloom for the first time.
  2. Vegetatively. Reproduction in this case occurs due to the division of the root and cuttings. Flowering usually occurs in the 2nd year.

Attention! The best known breeding method for loosestrife in the middle latitudes of our country is division. In a year, he will delight with his flowering.

Diseases and pests

Another positive side of loosestrife is its resistance to diseases and pests. The only negative point can be aphids. But modern chemicals will help to cope with this pest.


Rarely loosestrife is affected by weevils. Eaten leaves signal the presence of this pest. Beetle larvae undermine root system. They are active at night, so they should be collected after sunset.

Loosestrife: combination and variations

Perennial loosestrife - an excellent option for decorating a garden or plot. But in order to give the composition more originality, gardeners dilute these plants with combinations of others.

An interesting combination of loosestrife is obtained with bluebells and ferns. Pointed and ciliary loosestrife harmonizes with bergenia, mountaineer and varieties of astilba. Monetary loosestrife found an original combination with hosts and decorative grass. The loosestrife is ideally combined with the monarda, buzulnik and cuff.

The use of loosestrife in landscape design

Most species of loosestrife are used for landscaping and landscape design. More often it can be found in flower beds and gardens. Original appearance, unpretentiousness and ease of planting and care are the reasons why this perennial has gained such prevalence.

Verbeinik in landscape design

In landscape design, some varieties of plants are used to produce mixborders. Ideal for decoration alpine slides and rockeries.

In conclusion, giving an assessment to the loosestrife, it should be noted not only such positive sides plants like ease of care, beauty and quick adaptation, but also a number of useful properties. The loosestrife has many medicinal properties: astringent, diuretic and tonic effect. Its cultivation is a pleasure.

The loosestrife is not only beautiful, but also useful!

Care for loosestrife: video

Types and varieties of loosestrife: photo

Plant loosestrife (lat. Lysimachia)- a genus of herbaceous perennials, annuals and biennials of the Primrose family. The plant is called loosestrife for the similarity of its leaves with willow leaves - this is how all types of willow were called in Russia. The scientific name of the plant was given in honor of Lysimachus, one of the commanders of Alexander the Great, who later became the ruler of Thrace and the king of Macedonia. For a long time, it was erroneously believed that it was he who opened the loosestrife. The genus consists of more than a hundred species. Most species of loosestrife grow in the Northern Hemisphere, in particular in North America and in East Asia- more than seventy species of loosestrife grow in China. Some species grow in South America and South Africa. There is a loosestrife in the Caucasus, in the European part of Russia and in Central Asia.

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Planting and caring for loosestrife (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in June or before winter in September.
  • Bloom: from the end of June for 6-7 weeks, sometimes longer.
  • Lighting: partial shade or shade, but some species need bright light.
  • The soil: fertile and loose, fertilized with rotted manure or compost, with a high groundwater table.
  • Watering: only during periods of prolonged rainfall.
  • Top dressing: are not provided, only at the end of autumn the site is fertilized with humus.
  • Limitation: this aggressive plant must be limited: dig sheets of slate, plastic or metal around the perimeter of the site.
  • Reproduction: seeds, cuttings, basal offspring and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: aphid.
  • Diseases: resistant to all infections.

Read more about growing loosestrife below.

Loose flower - description

Loosestrife grass is represented by annual, perennial and biennial plants with erect or creeping stems, simple, alternate, entire, whorled or opposite leaves. The loosestrife blooms with white, yellow or pinkish flowers, single axillary or collected in spicate or corymbose panicles. The loosestrife fruit is a spherical or ovoid capsule. The loosestrife is related to plants such as cyclamen, milkweed, ambilanthus, and primrose.

The loosestrife is an unpretentious plant and, despite its unsightly appearance, is in demand in gardening: loosestrife blooms are abundant and long lasting. Planting and caring for loosestrife will not seem laborious to you. This article will describe the planting and care of the common loosestrife, since this is the basic species of the genus, especially since planting and caring for the coined loosestrife or planting and caring for the spotted loosestrife, as well as planting and caring for the lily of the valley loosestrife, have much in common with growing common loosestrife.

Planting loosestrife in open ground

When to plant loosestrife in open ground

Loosestrife can be propagated by seeds and vegetative methods. Loosestrife seeds are sown in the ground in June or September, before winter.

Almost all types of loosestrife grow best in the shade or partial shade, and the coined loosestrife, although it prefers the shade of trees, feels great in the sun. And only purple loosestrife prefers open sunny places.

How to plant loosestrife

The loosestrife needs fertile loose and moist areas with close groundwater, and species such as monetized loosestrife, racemose loosestrife and common loosestrife can be planted simply in a reservoir to a depth of 10 cm. The composition of the soil for loosestrife does not matter, he does not like only clay soils. Planting loosestrife is carried out in soil fertilized with well-rotted manure or compost.

The loosestrife is planted, like any other plant: the root system is placed in the hole, after which it is covered with soil, the surface of the site is compacted and watered. The distance between loosestrife bushes should be at least half a meter.

loosestrife care

How to grow loosestrife

Planting and caring for loosestrife in the open field does not require much effort. Growing in moist soils, the plant frees you from the need to moisten the soil. Watering the plant will have to be only during a period of prolonged lack of rain.

Care for loosestrife does not provide for top dressing during the growing season, and only at the end of autumn it is necessary to fertilize the soil with humus.

The loosestrife is an aggressor plant, especially species such as speckled, ciliated and racemose loosestrife. If you do not dig around the bushes of the plant limiters in the form of sheets of slate, plastic or metal, it will spread throughout the garden. When the loosestrife has finished flowering, remove the withered inflorescences, and in the autumn cut off the stems of the erect loosestrife.

loosestrife flowering

Each type of loosestrife has its own flowering time, and flowers have their own degree of decorativeness, and we will tell you about how and when this or that loosestrife blooms in the section on plant species and varieties.

Loosestrife transplant

Growing loosestrife involves a timely transplant of the plant. In one place, loosestrife in the garden can grow up to 10 years, but two years after planting you will have a developed bush with many children that just need to be planted. Transplant in early spring or autumn after leaf fall.

Pests and diseases of loosestrife

The loosestrife is surprisingly resistant to all such problems. The only trouble that can happen to him is an aphid attack, but in this case, you can always purchase the appropriate drug in the store - for example, Biotlin or Antitlin.

Reproduction of loosestrife

As already mentioned, loosestrife reproduces by seeds and vegetatively - by dividing the bush, cuttings and basal offspring. But experience shows that vegetative methods of propagation of loosestrife are more reliable than seed ones, especially since loosestrife from seeds blooms only 2-3 years after germination. The loosestrife seeds before sowing in late May or early June must be stratified for one and a half to two months in the vegetable box of the refrigerator. Before the autumn sowing, it is not necessary to treat the seeds with cold - they will undergo natural stratification in the winter soil, and in the spring you will see friendly shoots. You can use seedlings seed way: stratified seeds are sown on the surface of a moist substrate consisting of sand and peat, covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 15 ºC in a bright place. After ten to fourteen days, seedlings will appear, and when they get stronger, they dive into separate containers and, after hardening procedures, are planted in June in open ground, observing an interval between seedlings of 50 cm.

In early spring or autumn, during transplantation, loosestrife can be propagated by dividing the bush. The loosestrife is dug up, the children are separated, then the bush itself is divided into parts so that each division has developed roots and shoots, after which all parts are seated. All these plants will bloom next year. Care for seated parts, as for an adult plant.

Monetary loosestrife is propagated most often by cuttings 10-20 cm long. Cuttings are carried out during autumn pruning or in spring. The lower cut cuttings are lowered into the water, and after roots form on them, the cuttings are planted in loose, moist soil in a shady area.

Perennial loosestrife after flowering

We already wrote that after flowering, the wilted loosestrife inflorescences are removed, and in the fall, the stems are also cut off from upright species, after which humus or compost is added to the plants. All types of loosestrife hibernate without shelter - they perfectly tolerate the winter cold.

Types and varieties of loosestrife

We offer you a description of the most famous loosestrife species in the culture and their best varieties.

- herbaceous perennial, common in nature in meadows, near swamps, along the banks of reservoirs and in forests of Eurasia and North Africa. It has a creeping rhizome and an erect stem 50 to 100 cm high. Yellow bell-shaped flowers with a red-brown spot at the base of the corolla, collected in terminal panicles, open in June-August. This species of loosestrife is a honey plant. It is not afraid of waterlogging and can grow directly in water at a depth of up to 10 cm.

grows in Europe near rivers and reservoirs, rising from the foothills to the subalpine belt. This is a perennial up to 30 cm high with large wide leaves and single yellow flowers on long pedicels. Flowering of this species begins in May and lasts about two months.

or kizlyak grows along the banks of reservoirs and in shallow water. It has a creeping rhizome and straight strong stems up to 60 cm high. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, often planted. small yellow flowers, seeming fluffy due to protruding stamens, are collected in dense apical axillary inflorescences up to 3 cm long. Flowering of this species begins in late May or early June.

grows in the forests of Western and Central Europe. It has a long rhizome, at the end of which is a whorl of 4-6 underground shoots, pubescent erect stems with sessile broadly lanceolate leaves and lemon-yellow flowers located on a slightly branched top of the stem. Flowering begins in late June or early July and lasts about a month. This species of loosestrife prefers well-lit places. The best varieties of spotted loosestrife:

  • loosestrife Alexander- a variety with green leaves with a white border around the edge;
  • Golden Alexander- loosestrife with a gold border around the edge of green leaves.

Crowded loosestrife (Lysimachia congestiflora)

originally from China. This is a yellow loosestrife - this is how it looks because of the abundance of golden yellow flowers with a red stroke at the base of the petals. The foliage of the plant is juicy and dense, bright green in color. This species became known not so long ago - in 1992. The best varieties of this species:

  • Lissy- loosestrife with yellow spherical inflorescences and green leaves;
  • Outback Sunset- variegated variety with a yellow stripe along dark green leaves and yellow flowers;
  • Persian rug- a variety with red veins on dark green leaves of small size and yellow flowers;
  • Persian chocolate- loosestrife with purple foliage that does not die off in autumn, and golden yellow flowers.

or loosestrife grows in the south of Primorsky Krai. It has a pinkish-white rhizome, like a lily of the valley, but somewhat thicker, erect, pubescent and leafy stem up to 20 cm high and small snow-white flowers collected in a dense spike-shaped inflorescence up to 20 cm long. Flowering begins at the end of June and lasts 2-3 weeks. This species has been cultivated since the end of the last century. The most famous varieties:

  • Lady Jane- a plant with a height of 60 to 90 cm, blooming at the end of summer;
  • Geisha- a variegated variety with a creamy border around the edge of the leaves.

or loosestrife coin, or meadow loosestrife, or moneywort - a species widespread in Europe, Japan and North America, growing in floodplain meadows, in shady groves, along the banks of rivers, reservoirs and on the outskirts of swamps. This is a ground cover loosestrife, a perennial with a recumbent stem up to 30 cm long and opposite oval short-leaved leaves up to 2.5 cm long. The flowers of plants of this species are axillary, solitary, yellow, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. The beginning of flowering depends on the light, but on in sunny areas, it begins at the end of May or June. Monetary loosestrife forms a cover not only on a horizontal surface, but also on steep slopes. One of the most famous varieties of the species is Aurea loosestrife - less winter-hardy than the main species, with yellowish-green leaves.

Purple loosestrife (Lysimachia purpurea)

or loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata), grows naturally in North America. This is an erect perennial up to 45 cm high with paired broad-lanceolate wine-red leaves. The flowers of this species are axillary, apical, small, yellow-lemon, collected in a loose inflorescence. Flowering begins in August. Purple loosestrife prefers open sunny places.

Black and purple loosestrife (Lysimachia atropurpurea)

originally from Greece. This is a perennial 45-90 cm high with stunningly beautiful spike-shaped inflorescences, consisting of many flowers of dark wine, almost black color. The edges of green leaves are decorated with light corrugation, which is especially noticeable in young plants. This loosestrife blooms at the end of July. The most famous variety is Beaujolais, with dark purple flowers.

grows naturally in Southwestern Europe. This is a frost-resistant perennial up to 90 cm high, which actively grows in breadth. By the end of summer, flowers appear on plants, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Cultivated since the 19th century.

Among perennial medicinal plants loosestrife stands out. It attracts many gardeners because it is easy and simple to care for and propagate. The plant is ideal for landscaping in the garden.

There are many types of loosestrife, and each requires some care, even if it is not difficult.

plant description

The loosestrife belongs to the primrose family, a genus of herbaceous perennial, biennial and annual plants. Eurasia is considered the homeland of most species, as well as America and Africa. The flowers of this plant have unusual beauty and useful properties. It is divided into a large number of types. Specialists divide them depending on adaptation to certain natural areas or distribution in the wild.

There are about 100 species of this plant, most of which came to Europe from China. Despite the large number of species, only a few are used in landscape design.

It has a long and branching rhizome, and the stem is erect or creeping. Whorled, alternate or opposite leaves grow on the stems. Flowers at loosestrife can be of several colors:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

On the branches, they are located in several pieces in the axils of the leaves or singly. In some species, flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences. After flowering, the plant has a fruit - a box with seeds.

Landing Rules

Perennials require special attention when planting, despite the fact that many of them are considered unpretentious in care. It is best to choose a place in partial shade in open areas. All varieties of this popular plant grow and reproduce well. Experienced flower growers it is recommended to plant loosestrife at least once every 2-3 years.

The soil where the seedling is planned to be planted must be well moistened. Soil moisture is very important during planting for further development plants.

When landing, the following rules must be observed:

  • choose a good place for good development and growth;
  • planted in early summer or autumn;
  • at the time of planting, the seedling should not have young shoots;
  • choose loose soil with a close location of groundwater;
  • ensure good drainage;
  • do not plant on clay soils.