Medicinal properties of medicinal plants. Contraindications when taking medicinal plants How it is impossible to relate to medicinal plants signs

Pavlenko Liza Shevtsova Polina

Purpose of the study:

1. Find out which plants are medicinal.

2. Are there medicinal plants in our area?

3. What medicinal properties do they have?

4. Rules for collection and use.

Research objectives:

1. Reveal the effect of medicinal plants on human health

Encourage teenage children to take good care of medicinal plants.



Topic. Medicinal plants in human life.

Purpose of the study:

1. Find out which plants are medicinal.

2. Are there medicinal plants in our area?

3. What medicinal properties do they have?

4. Rules for collection and use.

Research objectives:

  1. Reveal the effect of medicinal plants on human health
  2. Encourage teenage children to take good care of medicinal plants. (slide 2)

Research hypothesis :

  1. Some plants may have healing powers. (slide 3)


  1. Medicinal plants.

Research methods.

  1. Analysis
  2. Comparison.
  3. Observation.
  1. Introduction

The plant world is rich and varied. Many of them are very helpful. They provide people with food, are a source of oxygen. It is as if nature has programmed everything that people need into the plant world. For a long time, they knew the healing properties of plants. My grandmother, a great nature lover, knows many herbs that are medicinal. She uses some of them in the treatment of various diseases. When I have a slight cough or when I have a sore throat, she makes me a decoction of herbs. We wanted to know more about medicinal plants, so the topic of our research work arose.They began their work with the theoretical part, reading popular science and fiction literature about medicinal plants. First, we got acquainted with the history of their application in ancient times. (slide 4)

  1. The history of the use of medicinal plants.

As you know, the healing properties of plants have been known to man since ancient times. Getting food for himself, primitive man practically knew the properties of individual plants. The medicinal properties of certain plants were often reported by animals that instinctively found plants for their health. It has been established that among the remains of clay products archaeologists find special dishes in which medicinal herbs were ground and cooked. Some information about medicinal plants is found in the first written sources - clay tablets found in Assyria, with an indication of what diseases and in what form they should be used.Since ancient times, medicine has been a sacrament, so doctors very meticulously chose their disciples. The collection, preparation of medicines and treatment were accompanied by magical techniques and spells. Already an outstanding ancient Greek physician and thinker Hippocrates described 236 plants that were used in medicine at that time. Among them henbane, elderberry, mint, almond and others.

Hippocrates believed that biologically active, organic and mineral substances are optimally combined in the juices of medicinal plants. Therefore, he recommended using plants in the form in which nature created them.

In ancient Russia, great attention was paid to the use of medicinal plants. Only women had the right to practice medicine in Russia. With the formation of Kievan Rus, the profession of "healers" appears

Even kings and princes have long been interested in the cultivation and use of medicinal plants. At the beginning of the 17th century, under Alexei Mikhailovich, the Pharmaceutical Order was created, which supplied the courtyard and the army with herbs. By order of Peter the Great, pharmacies and so-called pharmaceutical gardens were created in all major cities. (slide 5)

Much has changed since then, but interest in medicinal herbs has not faded away - on the contrary, now it is especially great. Nowadays, people are increasingly resorting to the help of phototherapy - treatment with medicinal plants, and to folk remedies. Juices, decoctions, infusions taken internally, external lotions and rinsing help the sick body to cope with

many ailments, get rid of suffering.

3. Medicinal plants of our region.

The natural plant resources of the Rostov region are rich and varied. (slide 6). We found out that there are over 90 types of medicinal plants in the Rostov region. Our village is located in the steppe zone. In the steppes, you can find medicinal herbs: valerian, thyme, St. John's wort, oregano. Sandy massifs covered with feather grass, fescue and other plants are widespread on the river terraces in the region. Among them, a valuable medicinal plant - sandy cmin is of great interest. In the floodplain meadows, you can find elecampane, meadowsweet, marshmallow, and a series.

It is difficult to meet a person who does not see and does not know medicinal plants, for example, plantain, dandelion, but little is known about which diseases they help. The result of our research work will be the collected collection of medicinal herbs from our region.

Plantain (slide 7)

There are about 250 plantain species that are found in our area. Plantain grows mainly along roads, which is why this plant got its name. One of the most effective and common folk healers. Plantain leaves and seeds stop blood and heal wounds. Plantain leaf juice is more recommended for the treatment of patients with chronic colitis and acute gastrointestinal diseases. The drug is administered orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. June-early July is the best time to harvest plantain.

Dandelion . (slide 8)

Dandelion has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Eyes were washed with milky juice in case of a disease. Theophrastus recommended dandelion for freckles and age spots. It is believed that the Latin name for dandelion originated from the Greek words to heal and eye disease. Medicine uses dandelion root as a medicinal raw material. Dandelion root is used in various preparations for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is eaten. In the Rostov region it grows like a weed along roads, in parks, crops, meadows and steppe slopes everywhere.

Pharmacy chamomile (slide 9)

As a medicinal plant, it was used by the doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome, and in the ancient world it was highly valued. Hippocrates and Dioscorides used pharmacy chamomile for diseases of the liver, kidneys and headache.

St. John's wort,

As a medicinal plant, it has been known for a long time. In domestic medicine, a decoction is used - for diseases of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases. Leaves - heal wounds. St. John's wort preparations improve venous circulation and blood supply to some internal organs.

4. Rules for the collection, drying and storage of medicinal plants.

There are many medicinal plants in nature, but different plants have different medicinal parts, some have flowers such as chamomile and marigold, others have leaves, such as nettle or string, and others have roots, like licorice and ginseng.

Why is this happening? From the books, we learned that it is in these places that biologically active substances accumulate, and they also accumulate at different periods of plant development. This determines the period of its procurement. The procurement of medicinal raw materials is a responsible business and requires knowledge and skills. The collection rule must be observed:

1. Adhere to the optimal timing of the procurement of fresh raw materials.

2. Bring collection only in dry weather after dew has dried.

3. Do not collect different types of raw materials in one container.

4. Leave in place at least 20% of unharvested plants for renewal

5. Collect in one place no more often than once every 2 years, and for perennials once every 5-7 years.

6.Do not store freshly harvested plants for more than 1-2 hours

Leaves and grass are harvested during the budding period. Flowers and inflorescences in the beginning of flowering phase and drying is not slow or the flowers turn black. Fruits and seeds are harvested when fully ripe. Seeds are dried in air dryers, and fruits in fire dryers.

The roots of the rhizome are harvested in autumn or spring before the beginning of the growing season of the plants. They are dug up, freed from the above-ground part, washed in running water, large ones are cut lengthwise and sent to dryers in fire dryers for drying.

It should be dried so that direct sunlight, rain or dew does not fall on the raw material, otherwise it will lose its properties.

The regime is observed in fire dryers.

Store dried raw materials in dry, clean rooms protected from direct sunlight and not infested with pests.

It is necessary to remember one very important rule: you cannot harvest herbs, leaves, flowers and rhizomes near enterprises, highways and railways, where there are a lot of harmful emissions. After all, plants tend to absorb and accumulate them, and, getting into the body human, they can only harm him.

5.Sociological survey

We conducted a survey among classmates. "Are there families in our class who are treated with medicinal plants."

As a result of the survey, we found that 84% of the families of our classmates use medicinal plants for diseases.

With a sore throat - 67%; cough - 53%; kidneys - 22%

Some families have shared their recipes.

Isaev family recipe.

Angina, tonsillitis, laryngitis.

1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of black cumin oil,

3 tablespoons of honey.

To mix everything.

Lubricate the tonsils or take 1 teaspoon 3r per day.

The recipe of the Pavlenko family.9 (for kidney disease)

Dog-rose fruit - 20 g, birch leaves - 20 g. Apply 0.3 cups of infusion 3 times a day

6. Research results.

We found out that medicinal plants are a national treasure and wealth. About half of all medicines are made from plants. 70% of heart preparations are made on the basis of medicinal plants. Medicinal plants grow everywhere. True, not everywhere is the same and in the same quantity. You need to know well what plants are found in our area and how many there are. Everyone must learn to seek, collect and protect the gifts of nature. Before collecting plants, it is necessary to study their biological characteristics, the method of collection, drying and storage. This will allow the rational use of raw materials for medicinal purposes. The cultivation of medicinal plants in orchards and vegetable gardens should be used more widely. Perhaps such a garden can be made on the territory of our school. Through our work, we urge all students to take care of nature. Form your own ecological culture, culture of health. After all, a lot depends on you and me on how we treat nature.


  1. A. F Sinyakov. Life stimulants. M-1990
  2. Yu. In Sinadskiy Healing herbs. M - 1991
  3. Zh. Shilova, L. Anischenko. Rostov-on-Don 1991

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Presentation for the research work "Medicinal plants" Completed by: pupils 4 "B" class. Pavlenko Liza Shevtsova Polina Head: Reshetnikova G.A. MBO ZSOSH No. 1

Purpose of the research: 1. What plants are medicinal. 2. Are there medicinal plants in our area? 3. What medicinal properties do they have? 4. Rules for collection and use. Research objectives: 1. To identify the effect of medicinal plants on human health. 2. To encourage adolescent children to take good care of medicinal plants.

Research hypothesis: It is possible that some plants have healing powers. OBJECT OF STUDY. Medicinal plants.

Only women had the right to practice medicine in Russia

By order of Peter the Great, pharmacies and pharmaceutical gardens were created in all major cities.

There are over 90 types of medicinal plants in the Rostov region.

There are about 250 plantain species that are found in our area. Plantain grows mainly along roads, which is why this plant got its name. One of the most effective and common folk healers. Plantain leaves and seeds stop blood and heal wounds. Plantain leaf juice is more recommended for the treatment of patients with chronic colitis and acute gastrointestinal diseases.

Dandelion has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Eyes were washed with milky juice in case of a disease. Theophrastus recommended dandelion for freckles and age spots. It is believed that the Latin name for dandelion originated from the Greek words to heal and eye disease. Medicine uses dandelion root as a medicinal raw material. Dandelion root is used in various preparations for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is eaten. In the Rostov region it grows like a weed along roads, in parks, crops, meadows and steppe slopes everywhere.

Pharmacy chamomile - as a medicinal plant, it was used by the doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome, and in the ancient world it was highly valued. Hippocrates and Dioscorides used pharmacy chamomile for liver, kidney and headache diseases.

St. John's wort, as a medicinal plant, has been known for a long time. In domestic medicine, a decoction is used - for diseases of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases. Leaves - heal wounds. St. John's wort preparations improve venous circulation and blood supply to some internal organs.

Rules for the collection, drying and storage of medicinal plants 1. Adhere to the optimal timing of the procurement of fresh raw materials. 2. Bring collection only in dry weather after dew has dried. 3. Do not collect different types of raw materials in one container. 4. Leave in place at least 20% of unharvested plants for renewal 5. Collect in one place no more often than once every 2 years, and perennial 1 every 5-7 years. 6. Do not store freshly harvested plants for more than 1-2 hours. 7. Dry it so that direct sunlight, rain or dew does not fall on the raw material, otherwise it will lose its properties. 8.The regime is observed in fire dryers.

As a result of the survey, we found that 84% of the families of our classmates use medicinal plants for diseases. With a sore throat - 67%; cough - 53%; kidneys - 22% Recipe of the Isaev family (with angina, tonsillitis, laryngitis). 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of black cumin oil, 3 tablespoons of honey. To mix everything. Lubricate the tonsils or take 1 teaspoon 3r per day. The recipe of the Pavlenko family. 9 (for kidney disease) Rose hips - 20 g, birch leaves - 20 g. Apply 0.3 glasses of infusion 3 times a day for the Isaev family: Sociological survey

Medicinal plants are national property and wealth.

Internet resources ? id = 5829 ua / zaniatia / priroda / rastenia / oduvanchik.html

If the dose is increased, then a very strong and prolonged vomiting is manifested. There are also contraindications for use, since the plant is very poisonous.

  • is a poisonous species. When using, strictly follow the indicated doses.
  • (roots) - contraindications for high gastric secretion.
  • (agave). Contraindications for cystitis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the gallbladder and liver. When taking medications, blood rushes to the small pelvis.
  • ... It is not recommended to use in case of high nervous excitability, hypertension and insomnia.
  • refers to poisonous plants. An exact dosage is required.


  • poisonous. Take strictly in the indicated doses so that the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract does not become inflamed.
  • requires an exact dosage, as it is poisonous.
  • , anise ordinary - the use of raw materials can lead to contact dermatitis and photodermatitis.
  • - refers to especially poisonous plants.
  • warty. It is not recommended to take it for a long time. It is used as a diuretic only under medical supervision, as it irritates the kidneys.
  • (sandy cmin) - contraindications to long-term use in hypertension, as it increases blood pressure.
  • ... To use inside only in precisely specified doses, as the plant is poisonous.


  • , roots. Do not use too much or for too long. In this case, symptoms such as nausea, headache appear, and cardiac activity worsens.
  • ... Use very carefully, as there are active elements with a cyanic component.
  • ... Poisonous. Only the attending physician should make an appointment.
  • (birch tree). Malaise, diarrhea, and vomiting may occur if too large a dose is used.


  • ,. Contraindications to use for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis, since the plant has a blood-clotting property.
  • (fruit). The juice contains a large amount of acids, so it should be drunk after diluting with water. Otherwise, tooth enamel and stomach may suffer. Pomegranate bark in large quantities causes seizures, weakness, dizziness and negatively affects visual acuity.
  • ... Poisonous. Do not prescribe in large doses.


  • ... Contraindications to the use of a decoction and tincture for kidney disease and pregnancy.
  • ... Do not use for a long time, as this can lead to hemorrhages, paralysis of the central nervous system, headaches, drowsiness, vomiting and nausea.
  • ... Use with caution, as poisoning occurs, resembling the negative effects of nicotine.
  • ... Not for internal use. The plant is poisonous.
  • ... Observe the dosage, the plant is poisonous.
  • ... It has abortifacient properties and should therefore not be taken during pregnancy.
  • medicinal. It should be taken very carefully, as the plant is poisonous.


  • (root) - recommended for use during the cold season. Long-term use leads to heart pain, headaches, insomnia, increased heart rate, etc.
  • Is a poisonous plant that is used very carefully.
  • ... Irritates the digestive tract and may cause nausea and vomiting.


  • ... With long-term use, it increases blood pressure due to constriction of blood vessels. The plant is poisonous.
  • (berry). Some people suffer from allergies when consuming this berry. In this case, you should not use it because of the risk of urticaria.
  • ... It is important to observe the dosage, the plant is poisonous.


  • ... Contraindications to ingestion for kidney disease and gout, since there are a large number of purines.
  • ... Taking too many drugs can lead to colic in the abdomen.
  • ... Should only be prescribed by a doctor, as it is poisonous. May cause miscarriage, therefore, should not be used during pregnancy.
  • ... When used, the dosage must be observed, since the plant is poisonous.
  • ... Use very carefully, as the plant is very poisonous.
  • (immortelle). Use with caution in the presence of thrombophlebitis. It is a strong blood clotting agent, so long-term use with high blood pressure is not recommended.
  • ... It should not be consumed without a medical referral. The drugs are dangerous for people with high blood clotting, there are contraindications for atherosclerosis and hypertension. Also, nettle preparations should not be used for bleeding due to polyps, cysts and other tumors of the appendages of the uterus and itself.
  • burning. Because of the tincture, if taken orally, dangerous gastrointestinal disturbances can occur.
  • ... Contraindications: kidney and liver disease and glaucoma. Pyrozolidine alkaloids have a carcinogenic effect on the body, with an overdose, the heartbeat increases, and the mouth feels dry.
  • Rhomboleus (flat-leaved). The plant alkaloids are carcinogenic.
  • (bark). It is a poisonous plant, if not observed safety rules can cause vomiting and nausea. The bark is used, which is heated for one hour at 100 ° C or stored for a year in a dry room.
  • ... Should be used with caution because the plant is poisonous. ...
  • ... It is necessary to take inside very carefully, as the plant is poisonous.
  • ... Contraindications: high blood coagulability, as it is an active blood clotting substance.
  • ... Requires careful use due to its toxicity. The roots are the most poisonous in the plant.


  • ... Contraindications: kidney disease.
  • May. Contraindications to taking drugs: acute myocardium, strong organic changes in blood vessels and heart, endocarditis and pronounced cardiosclerosis. The plant is poisonous.
  • ... (Maral root). Contraindications: fundus diseases and high blood pressure. Take only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • ... Contraindications: Serious cardiac dysfunction, insomnia, high blood pressure, overexcitation and nervous agitation. Should only be used under medical supervision.
  • ... Contraindications: for kidney disease and liver disease, as well as for heart disease.
  • Common toadflax. When used internally, you need to monitor the dose, since the plant is poisonous.
  • Flax-seed. Contraindications: hepatitis and cholecystitis. Experts advise not to take it for too long.
  • ... Contraindications: pregnancy due to the risk of abortion, as it can cause hyperemia of the pelvic organs.


  • Self-seeding poppy (wild). Poisonous in high doses.
  • , crapp. Increases the acidity of gastric juice, irritates the gastric mucosa. Contraindications: ulcer, hyperacidity and hyperacid gastritis, chronic and acute glomerulo-nephritis.
  • ... Contraindications: acute renal inflammation and pregnancy. Should be taken in precise dosage.
  • Euphorbia of any variety. It must be used very carefully as it is very poisonous.
  • , vegetable garden. Negatively affects the work of the heart. Do not use for ingestion the upper elements of root crops and green roots, which are located above the surface of the earth.
  • (kelp). Contraindications: kidney disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, furunculosis, urticaria, hemorrhagic diathesis, pregnancy.
  • Common soapwort. It should be taken orally with great care, as the plant is poisonous. You should not arbitrarily increase the dose or take it uncontrollably.
  • and forest. Contraindications: obstacle to childbirth. This does not apply to garden mint (cultivated), which does not have such dangerous properties.


  • Digitalis purple. It is used as a particularly effective cardiac medicine. However, constant supervision of a specialist and caution are required, since the plant is very poisonous.


  • ... Contraindications: Do not take in arbitrary dosage! Doctor's supervision and caution are necessary, since the plant is poisonous.
  • Mistletoe. Since it is a poisonous plant, it must be prescribed with great care.
  • ,. Contraindications: the possibility of headaches due to an overdose of hazelnut and walnut kernels. Unpleasant consequences can be caused by the use of other types of nuts. Pain in the anterior part of the head can occur even due to a small overdose, since spasm of the cerebral vessels appears in this part of the head. Should be taken in small quantities. Consume in small quantities and avoid uncontrolled use.
  • ... Contraindications: Too high a dose can lead to blistering and inflammation of the skin. The plant is poisonous. Avoid uncontrolled use. Consult your doctor before use.


  • ... The plant is especially poisonous. Contraindications: heart failure, kidney and liver diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, acute gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, anemia, severe exhaustion, active phase of tuberculosis. Medical advice is required before use.
  • Bittersweet nightshade,. Use with caution due to toxicity. It is best to ingest it under the supervision of a specialist.
  • ... Contraindications: high blood clotting.
  • ... Contraindications: Due to the high dosage, such dangerous symptoms as nephritis and diarrhea with blood become possible. Poisonous plant. Consume with great care.
  • ... Poisonous. Use only in precise doses.
  • ... Contraindications: a large dose can lead to poisoning, muscle aches. Should be used with great care, in no case should the indicated dose be exceeded! Poisoning can occur when the plant is consumed in too much. Because of this, the patient suffers from severe muscle aches, causing pain. If you eat meat from birds or animals that have consumed the seeds of the plant, symptoms of intoxication may appear. Poisoning usually lasts three to ten days. After that, all symptoms go away by themselves.
  • ... The plant is extremely poisonous! Use with extreme caution and only in precise doses. It is recommended that you consult a doctor and supervise a specialist while using this plant.
  • Ivy. Causes poisoning, as the plant is poisonous. Contraindications: Excessive sensitivity to the plant can cause dermatitis in some people. The fruits are especially dangerous, as they have a higher toxicity.
  • (silver). Take in the exact dosage and with great care, as the plant is poisonous. Should not be taken for a long time. Contraindications: pregnancy, peptic ulcer disease. With long-term use, it causes hallucinations, seizures and mental disorders.
  • ... Use under the supervision of a specialist and with great care, as the plant is poisonous.
  • ... When consumed, you need to take more liquid inside, since a lot of water is excreted from the body.
  • (dream-grass). Especially poisonous. Use only in the indicated doses.


  • (Golden root). Apply in precise dosage. Contraindications: with an increase in the dose, headaches, increased irritability, and other problems with the nervous system appear. Do not prescribe in case of hypotension that occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with symptoms of nervous diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  • ... Contraindications: nephrolithiasis with oczal stones, gout, hemorrhoids.
  • ... Contraindications: liver and heart disease, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rhododendron is golden. Contraindications: kidney disease, as the drugs negatively affect the urinary tract. The plant is poisonous. Poisoning in case of an overdose leads to pain in the digestive tract, a decrease in blood pressure, a feeling of intoxication, and vomiting.
  • Ruta fragrant. Poisonous plant. A fresh plant is especially dangerous. Take in precise dosage.


  • ... Contraindications: do not take fresh juice, as there is a strong convulsion of the blood vessels. You can drink the juice after 2-3 hours, when the volatile fractions that harm the body evaporate.
  • ... Use with caution, the plant is poisonous.
  • ... Contraindications: too long-term use, especially after using carbenoxelone, leads to edema due to the retention of internal fluids, an increase in blood pressure, problems with the genital area, such as the complete disappearance of hair growth or a decrease in the amount of hair, the appearance of gynecomastia, and a decrease in libido.
  • Sopotynia (uterine horns). Especially poisonous. Consume under the supervision of a physician and in the exact dosage indicated.


  • Tartar prickly, or ordinary. Contraindications: high blood pressure.
  • ... Poisonous plant, apply in precise dosage. Contraindications: kidney inflammation, especially acute.


  • Ephedra two-spike. The plant is poisonous. Contraindications: atherosclerosis, hypertension, insomnia, dangerous organic heart disease. In this case, it should be used inside very carefully.


  • ... Poisonous plant, use very carefully.
  • Fraxinella. Skin contact with the plant results in particularly dangerous skin lesions that resemble burns. They are hard to heal and painful. Inhalation of the vapors of the essential oil of this plant leads to intoxication.
  • Fragrant woodruff. The plant is poisonous. Contraindications: overdose can lead to vomiting, headache and even death. Use very carefully.

It is widely believed among Russians that the use of plants with medicinal properties is completely safe. Unfortunately, it is not. Making preparations from medicinal herbs at home, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the concentration of active ingredients. When taking such funds, small violations of the accuracy of the dosage are inevitable. In addition, many plants that are considered completely harmless, in fact, are not. They contain substances that, if used carelessly, can cause serious harm to health.

Lemon balm preparations are an effective sedative. They help reduce anxiety, increase performance, improve memory and concentration. Lemon balm broth has a pleasant taste and lemon aroma, so many people add dried leaves and stems to regular tea.

Uncontrolled use of lemon balm is fraught with serious health problems. The fragrant herb contains a toxic substance - citral. With regular consumption, it provokes the development of headaches, the appearance of dizziness, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the temporo-frontal region, drowsiness and lethargy. Unpleasant phenomena, as a rule, appear after two to three weeks of daily intake of lemon balm preparations.


Chamomile herbs and flowers contain components that produce a powerful antiseptic effect. The plant is used as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and antispasmodic agent.

However, chamomile also has properties that are hazardous to health. For example, it causes relaxation of smooth muscles, so chamomile preparations should not be taken by pregnant women and women suffering from severe monthly blood loss. One of the substances in the composition of chamomile inhibits the absorption of iron compounds from the digestive tract into the blood, and prolonged use of plant preparations can provoke the development of iron deficiency anemia.


Mint is one of the most popular medicinal herbs. It has an antispasmodic effect, lowers blood pressure, helps with painful menstruation and intestinal colic. Menthol, which is rich in mint, is used to flavor food, perfumery and cosmetic products and household chemicals.

Many people like to drink mint tea, not knowing that excessive consumption of it negatively affects their well-being. An excess amount of menthol depresses the respiratory center and reduces the intensity of heart contractions, which poses a danger to patients with bradycardia and bronchial asthma. Men, too, should be careful not to get carried away with mint tea: two to three glasses of the fragrant drink a day can cause erectile dysfunction.


St. John's wort has a sedative and anti-spastic effect, as well as powerful anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Violation of the doctor's recommended regimen of taking St. John's wort preparations is dangerous. Long-term (more than a month) consumption often ends in digestive problems: there is an obsessive feeling of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the liver, and constipation. Too high doses provoke the development of weakness and drowsiness, reduce the ability to concentrate. There is evidence that the use of St. John's wort preparations adversely affects the state of the male reproductive system.

St. John's wort contains substances that increase the sensitivity of human skin to ultraviolet radiation, therefore, when taking its decoction or infusion, direct sunlight should be avoided.

In addition, the plant is incompatible with many drugs, and therefore such combinations must be approved by the attending physician.


Wormwood is an ancient remedy for improving digestion and increasing appetite. The drugs in which it is included suppress pain syndrome, help with diseases of the female genital area.

In high doses, wormwood acts as a hallucinogen. It causes delusional visions, and sometimes even seizures similar to epileptic ones. No wonder absinthe, which is an alcoholic tincture of this herb, is prohibited from producing and selling in many countries.


Widespread edible and medicinal plant. It has a choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and antitussive effect, it is used to treat many diseases, as well as a remedy that strengthens hair and enhances its growth.

However, nettle increases the tone of smooth muscles, therefore it is extremely dangerous for pregnant women and people with malignant tumors of the reproductive organs.


The preparations made from the leaves of coltsfoot are known for their powerful expectorant effect: they relieve almost all types of coughs.

Mother-and-stepmother is not recommended to be used in the treatment of patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases: she can increase blood pressure. The alkaloids contained in the grass, with prolonged use, provoke stagnation of blood in the liver, which is fraught with the development of a number of complications.


One of the plants that have a tonic and immunostimulating effect. Ginseng preparations normalize metabolism, help with hypotension, obesity, the initial stages of diabetes mellitus, strengthen eyesight, and improve male reproductive health.

However, taking ginseng can adversely affect the condition of hypertensive patients, as well as people suffering from heart rhythm disturbances, epilepsy, insomnia, and increased excitability. The product is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Substances, which are rich in ginseng, reduce the viscosity of the blood. It is incompatible with most medications.


A tropical plant, the leaves of which contain more than forty biologically active substances. Ginkgo preparations reduce blood viscosity, increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, have a tonic and rejuvenating effect. They are used for atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbances, bronchial asthma, memory loss, vision and hearing loss. Ginkgo biloba is considered indispensable in the prevention of acute vascular disorders (strokes and myocardial infarctions).

Ginkgo preparations should not be taken together with a number of medications (the combination with anticoagulants and anticonvulsants is especially dangerous). If the dosage is exceeded, they can provoke bleeding. Ginkgo should not be consumed during pregnancy and in preparation for surgery.

Medicinal plants include plants that are used to obtain drugs used in medicine for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. Plants of this group have substances that have medicinal properties. As a rule, they are concentrated in separate parts and tissues of a particular plant. Therefore, it is necessary to know which parts of medicinal plants should be used for treatment or for prophylaxis, as well as to know the medicinal properties of medicinal plants.

Classification of medicinal plants

These plants can be classified according to many characteristics, such as area of ​​application, efficiency, areola distribution. Let us first consider the classification of medicinal plants according to the parts used:

Solid - these include fruits, roots, seeds, shoots, as well as bark;
The soft parts of the plant are herbal inflorescences, flowers, leaves, buds and, in fact, the herbs themselves.

Also of great importance are the components that are included in the physicochemical composition of the plant, because they determine the main medicinal properties and methods of preparation of the drug:

The mucus of plants is used as an enveloping agent. They create a protective film for the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi and other respiratory tract. Means are prepared from mucous plants within 2-3 hours, soaking them in cold water.
Bitterness increases the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result, stimulates the appetite and helps the absorption of food. Bitterness tends to dissolve in alcohol, ordinary water and other organic solvents.
Pectin substances are best preserved in the form of a decoction, which must be kept warm for a little less than an hour. Such a decoction will have an absorbent, anti-inflammatory effect.
Tannins will help against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Also used for alcohol poisoning or poisoning with heavy metal salts. The resulting broth from plants with tannins is immediately filtered hot, which retains all the medicinal properties.
The infusion of plants with essential oils is filtered only after complete cooling and is used as a diuretic, choleretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory agent.

Where to find miraculous plants? The Internet offers many recipes for traditional medicine, but very often, for the preparation of dosage forms, either very rare plants or plants that do not grow near the place of residence are needed. Therefore, we will consider the most popular and accessible to everyone medicinal plants that can be easily found in the country, in the yard or in nature.

We offer you a list of the most common medicinal plants:

  • Silver acacia;
  • Aloe tree-like;
  • Warty birch;
  • White willow;
  • Walnut;
  • Ginseng;
  • Forest strawberries;
  • Blooming Sally;
  • Calendula;
  • Horse chestnut;
  • Norway maple;
  • Stinging nettle;
  • Burdock;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Melissa officinalis;
  • Peppermint;
  • Black nightshade;
  • Fern is male;
  • Curly parsley;
  • Annual sunflower;
  • Mountain ash;
  • Common lilac;
  • Scots pine;
  • Black poplar;
  • Fragrant dill;
  • Horsetail;
  • Sowing garlic;
  • Black mulberry;
  • Horse sorrel.

Rosehip ordinary

Parts used: fruits, roots, leaves.

Properties: concentration of numerous vitamins, choleretic, astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, laxative.

Dosage forms: extracts, tablets, oils and decoctions.

For urolithiasis, for diseases of the digestive tract and liver, an infusion is prepared: it is necessary for 3 tbsp. tablespoons of berries 1 liter of boiling water, after cooking, drink three times a day, preferably half a glass regularly. A miraculous broth is prepared from 2 tablespoons of rosehip root in 350 ml of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and later infused. We recommend drinking one glass 3 times a day regularly during the week.

With a disorder of the stomach 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rosehip leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. It should be consumed during the day as needed.

The choleretic agent is a decoction of berries: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of berries in two cups of boiling water, boil over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then insist for a whole day and strain. Drink half a glass before each meal.

Black mulberry

Parts used: roots (in early spring), leaves and bark (during flowering), fruits.

Properties: stimulation of blood circulation, blood-purifying, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory properties.

Dosage forms: infusion, broth, ointment.

In case of hypertension, bronchial disease, for example, bronchial asthma, an infusion is made: 200 ml of boiling water is poured in 18 g of chopped ripe berries, insisted for 4 hours and filtered. Drink approximately 50 ml before meals.

With heart disease and diabetes, you need to eat a glass of fruit per day.

The infusion of the leaves is an excellent antipyretic agent. You need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of leaves from a mulberry with 300 ml of boiling water, insist and strain. After preparation, drink a glass a day.

For bruises, an ointment is used. Bark powder in the amount of 2 tablespoons must be poured with vegetable oil (1.5 cups). Lubricate bruises, cuts, wounds.

Mountain ash

Parts used: fruits, young branches, flowers.

Properties: laxative, hemostatic, choleretic, diuretic.

Dosage forms: infusion, broth, tea, gruel.

In case of hepatitis, with stones in the kidneys and in the bladder, hemorrhoids, an infusion is recommended: for 200 ml of boiling water, 15 g of rowan fruits. Take one spoonful 3 times a day. Or you can make an infusion of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of rowan flowers, brewing them in 400 ml of boiling water. After 5 minutes of boiling, strain and take regularly 200 ml a day 4 times.

To fight hypertension and atherosclerosis, fresh juice and rowan fruits are useful. 50 ml of juice should be drunk for prophylaxis three times a day.

With urolithiasis, take a little gruel throughout the day, which is made from 500 g of mountain ash, pounded with 50 g of sugar.


Parts used: leaves, as well as fruits of different ripeness.

Properties: normalizes gastric secretion, lowers blood pressure, strengthens muscles; fortifying, vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and anthelmintic agent.

Dosage forms: infusion, broth.

For quick healing of wounds, lotions with a decoction of leaves are used. And for rinsing the throat, an infusion is made: for 30 minutes, insist 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped leaves, filled with a glass of boiling water, then strain. 1 teaspoon can be given to children three times a day. Also, this remedy is effective in the treatment of scrofula and rickets.

In the treatment of stomach ulcers (gastritis) and duodenal ulcers, walnut shells infused with alcohol are recommended.

For ulcers and diarrhea, an infusion of young nuts of milk ripeness is effective. Within 15 days at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, 30 nuts are insisted per 1 liter of 70º alcohol. Then, after straining, we advise you to take constantly one teaspoon.

Horse sorrel

Parts used: root, leaves, seeds.

Properties: antihelminthic, choleretic, laxative.

Dosage forms: decoction, powder, infusion, ointment.

When treating burns, ulcers, scabies, wounds, crushed leaves are applied gently to small wounds, skin ulcers, and so on. The leaves contain a lot of oxalic acid, which is contraindicated for people with urinary tract diseases and kidney failure.

For indigestion, take 1/3 cup of broth three times before meals a day. The broth is cooked for 1 hour from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped root and herbs in 1500 ml of water.

Powder from sorrel roots acts as a fixing agent in small doses, and in large doses it has a laxative effect. The powder is made from a dry root and is taken at 0.25 g three times a day as a fixative or 0.5 g twice as a laxative.

For skin diseases, crushed sorrel root is used together with sour milk.

For hypertension, a tincture helps: one part of the roots to 4 parts of alcohol (40%). Take 10 ml of the tincture three times a day.


Parts used: grass.

Properties: bactericidal, diuretic, tonic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dosage forms: infusion, broth.

With inflammation of the bladder and hemorrhoidal bleeding, with atherosclerosis and diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and liver, its preparations are used.

The infusion is prepared very easily: 1 tbsp. We recommend pouring a spoonful of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, insist thoroughly for 30 minutes. We recommend drinking ¼ glass three times a day. Outwardly, it is used for compresses for skin diseases, as well as against baldness.

Rinse your mouth with a decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs in one glass of plain water, boil the broth for about half an hour.

For washes and compresses, an infusion is made. Horsetail herb is infused during the day, usually 50 g of grass per 600 ml of boiled water, but cold.

Celandine large

Parts used: grass, roots, fresh juice.

Properties: laxative, diuretic; antispasmodic property.

Dosage forms: infusion, broth, juice.

Cholagogue effect is possessed by infusions of celandine, ½ teaspoon of crushed leaves and roots of celandine is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and filtered. Take half a glass a day three times.

A special collection is used for liver disease and frequent constipation: ½ tbsp. tablespoons of herbs and roots of celandine, horsetail leaves, hawthorn flowers and chamomile herbs, add one tablespoon of mint, rue herb, buckthorn bark and butterbur leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the resulting mixture is immediately poured with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink early in the morning and after dinner in the evening for half a glass.

For rinsing, use the infusion, pouring 2 tbsp. tablespoons of celandine 200 ml of boiling water.

Let's summarize:

Nature is a real healer, because it is in nature that you can find medicinal herbs that will help to overcome the disease. Medicinal plants have a wide range of applications in folk practice, and sometimes dosage forms made from natural materials can compete even with some artificial medicines.

First of all, when making a prescription product, you need to understand what properties it should have, and depending on this, add certain ingredients, having studied the properties. We also recommend that you strictly follow the instructions of the recipe, because the purpose of all funds is to preserve the most important value in life - health.

A huge number of recipes for remedies, which include many plants that you do not know. It is enough to use proven, simple recipes for dosage forms that are prepared using one or two plants. For example, for the above recipes, you can easily find plants in your country garden, in your garden, in the yard or in nature.

Love and take care of nature! In return, you will have a strong body for many years!

Medicinal plants on your site - video

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Author's text
Katalin ©

Castor oil plant, Ricinus commúnis. Medicinal, ornamental, but highly poisonous plant: all parts of the plant contain the deadly poison ricin. Nevertheless, the useful castor oil (which, by the way, has not only laxative properties) is obtained from castor bean seeds. Photo

The topic that I put in the title is serious, but at the same time simple: here you don't need to be independent, you just need to KNOW what properties this or that plant has.

You also need to know that it is forbidden pluck a plant without making sure of its name and species. It is forbidden without such knowledge to work with him at home, and even more so to apply the results of such experiments on himself and on people.

I rarely use the word "no" in relation to plants or culinary ingredients, but toxicity is such a case because you can seriously harm yourself and others. There are no useless plants, but there are plants that only professionals and healers with extensive practical experience should work with. In doing so, they also need to be aware of the responsibility they are taking on and the risks they expose to those they want to help.

There are many books and even separate encyclopedias dedicated to poisonous plants.

"In modern literature, poisonous plants are considered to be those that produce toxic substances (phytotoxins), even in small quantities causing death and damage to humans and animals." (BN Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibragimov. "Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR"). This applies not only to wild plants, but also to garden and indoor plants. True, in relation to the last two categories, such information is sometimes kept silent for various reasons, incl. unknowingly.

An approximate list of highly poisonous, poisonous and conditionally poisonous plants will be given further in Part 2 according to the book NI Mazneva "Big encyclopedia of highly effective medicinal plants", M., 2007. Note that different researchers can give their own classifications ("certainly poisonous", "highly poisonous", "highly toxic", etc.), but the essence of this does not change.

Descriptions of other poisonous (toxic) plants can be found in the relevant literature. For example:

Altmann H. Poisonous Plants. Poisonous animals. M., 2004 - translated book by a German author; should be of interest to parents, gardeners and indoor plant lovers.

Astakhova V. Riddles of poisonous plants. M., 1977.

Brovkina E.T., Sivoglazov V.I., Zamyatina N.G., Sergeeva M.N. Dangerous animals and poisonous plants. M., 2002

Krechetovich L.M. Poisonous plants, their benefits and harms. M.-L., 1931

Nikitin A.A., Pankova I.A. Anatomical atlas of useful and some poisonous plants. L., 1982.

Orlov B.N., Gelashvili D.B., Ibragimov A.K. Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR. M., 1990

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medicinal, Essential Oil and Poisonous Plants. M., 1951

Poisonous and harmful plants of Siberia. M., 2009

Useful information can also be obtained from other books and encyclopedias published in different countries, incl. from scientific articles posted on the relevant resources on the Internet.

Castor bean seeds. Photo www.lebensmittelhygiene.vetmed.uni-leipz

If we divide such plants into three categories, then I do not work with highly poisonous and poisonous plants and I do not give advice on them, but sometimes I resort to the help of several plants that are conditionally poisonous in Maznev's list (for example, I work with a fragrant violet, I use it on kitchen saffron and nutmeg, the toxicity of which has been known since antiquity). I also appreciate the castor oil they get from poisonous seeds of castor bean plant.

When working with such plants, you need to understand one very important point: the plant is classified as poisonous, regardless of the organ in which toxic substances are concentrated. You just need to know that scientists describe this plant in this way, and you need to try to learn more about it.

There are plants, the toxicity of which is manifested only under certain conditions, so, say, they can be eaten. For example, poppy seeds, mustard seeds, the same nutmeg or saffron. But due to the fact that we can eat them, the plant does not cease to be poisonous (toxic): we just need to know how and when we can consume parts of it without harm to health.

Therefore, when I, for example, say that bird cherry, lilac, field horsetail or robinia (white acacia) are poisonous (toxic) plants, then there are reasons why they are classified this way. And these reasons do not depend on whether our mothers and grandmothers used homemade lilac tincture. And you need to understand these reasons, or just take them for an axiom, if you really want to use these plants for culinary or medicinal-cosmetic purposes.

A classic example is the same castor oil plant, the deadly poisonous seeds of which can be neutralized. At the same time, castor oil obtained from them does not cease to be a drug that can be used internally only in a certain dose and after consulting a doctor. This, for example, is well known to Ayurvedic specialists.

This point is very often overlooked by many modern "plant researchers", incl. "compilers" of various modern paper brochures and books, because it is elementary don't know about the serious and most complete properties of plants that people are offered to use. That is why I immediately said that in this case you just need TO KNOW, and as a consequence - to understand.

Just as the study of mathematics begins with memorizing numbers and the multiplication table, so when working with plants, you need to start with the basics and axioms, namely, with theory, with the study of their properties. And for this, as I have already said many times, you need to use not a single book (sometimes with dubious or outdated data), but study entire shelves of libraries in order to get a complete picture, as well as regularly take walks around your native land and talk with various specialists ...

Dieffenbachia maculata, a poisonous houseplant. Photo

Not all of us have the opportunity to have certain knowledge right from birth, and not all of us have the opportunity to personally consult and even learn from herbalists, healers and professional herbalists. Therefore, study plants in their natural habitat and "love the book - the source of knowledge" :)

I just wrote about books and scientific papers in a general article about nature and plants (see the very first link above). She also said that in different states, even at the official level, they may relate differently to the same plant, not to mention the different names of this very plant. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to those experiences that are described by unknown authors in their "tabloid brochures", and to what foreign-language bloggers talk about on the Internet. For example, the same plant, but grown on a different soil, in different climatic conditions, not always suitable for us, because it may belong to a different botanical species or differ in chemical composition. Sometimes even minor differences are important if you need to use not general, but specific properties of a plant.

And you also need to understand this: if it is written somewhere that this poisonous plant is used in folk or official medicine, i.e. if it is described in the State Pharmacopoeia and is sold in pharmacies, this does not mean at all that you can work with it in our kitchen, incl. as we please, regardless of the existing recommendations. Especially if we have never worked with it before, we do not know how to do it, in what proportions and with what it can be combined so as not to harm anyone.

I'm not talking about the internal use of such drugs! But poisoning with such plants can also occur at the stage of their collection or further work with them (see below, Part 2)

There are a lot of subtleties in working with plants, even if we use them as a spice in the kitchen, so I, for example, do not strive to carry out any large-scale plant preparations or work with dubious recipes and preparations prepared by someone on the knee. In other cases, I go to doctors, incl. Ayurvedic, to professional herbalists, I use pharmaceutical herbal preparations, even simple activated charcoal and the same