How to grow any mushrooms on your site: from forest mushrooms to champignons. How to grow mushrooms in a garden plot Growing mushrooms in a garden

Everyone likes the gifts of the forest, it’s a pity that you can taste fresh mushrooms and mushrooms only at the end of summer and autumn. Growing mushrooms in the garden and in the basement will help solve this problem. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows, you can create a forest corner in the country: plant birches,. Move the mycelium under the trees, and you can pick mushrooms right on the porch of your house. The season is over, but you still want forest delicacies? Grow mushrooms and mushrooms in your basement or greenhouse and they'll be on your table all year round.

At the cottage, mushrooms are always at hand

Inveterate mushroom pickers do not understand what interest it is to grow boletus and porcini on their own garden plot. Hiking in the forest brings tremendous pleasure: a walk in the fresh air, communication with nature. Picking mushrooms can be compared to an exciting game: you have to guess where the most delicious species are hiding. It is impossible to guess in advance whether you will be able to return home with a full basket or you will have to bashfully show your family a few crumpled russula. There is no need to give up hiking in a dense forest or a cheerful birch grove, only now you can go there not out of necessity to provide your family with food, but for your own pleasure.

What are the other benefits of growing mushrooms in the country? You can be sure of the quality of the products. Many small firms prefer not to spend money on waste disposal, but slowly throw it into the nearest forest. Appetizing boletus can grow where a whole tank of toxic chemicals has recently been poured or even a decommissioned X-ray emitter is buried. Mushrooms absorb everything harmful substances, and from the forest you can bring a whole basket of dangerous poison.

Growing mushrooms in a greenhouse or on a plot offers many advantages.

  • No one but you will harvest the harvest, you can safely wait until the mushrooms reach the desired size.
  • You will always have exactly the look you need at hand.
  • If mushrooms are needed urgently, their search will not take much time.
  • You can use a warm room for growing and harvest in any season.

First experience

It is advisable to start with the simplest and most unpretentious mushrooms, so that the first unsuccessful experience does not discourage the desire to engage in this exciting business. It is better to start with oyster mushrooms, it can be grown both in the summer in the garden, and in the winter in the greenhouse, or find another suitable premises. It is better to buy a mushroom picker from reliable suppliers. In the forest, you can take the wrong kind of mycelium or bring home an infested substrate.

V natural conditions oyster mushrooms grow on decaying wood: fallen trees, branches, stumps. Their favorite species are birch and poplar. Prepare logs 30 cm long and 15 cm wide, keep the chocks in water for 2 days, and then make holes or cuts 10 cm deep in them. Place the wet mycelium in the slot. planting material should not dry out, otherwise it will not take root.

Place logs on moist soil. Fill the lower part with earth or overlay with moss. Make sure the wood is constantly moistened. The cultivation of mushrooms will continue for several years until the chock turns into dust from rot. In this way, you can harvest oyster mushrooms all year round in a greenhouse.

Planting mushrooms in the country

The most convenient time for planting mushrooms is the end of summer. In order for the mycelium to take root well, at least 1.5 months must pass before frost. There are several ways to plant mushrooms on the site.

For the preparation of planting material, you can:

  • buy mycelium;
  • dig a mycelium in the forest;
  • transfer to the site a piece of rotting wood, permeated with mycelium;
  • sow seeds.

The easiest way is to acquire mycelium. Along with the mycelium, you will receive planting and care instructions. In this case, there is a guarantee that it will be oyster mushrooms or champignons that will be planted, and not grebes. Do not take planting material from random sellers so as not to bring various infections to the site or to the basement. Purchase mycelium from companies that specialize in growing mushrooms.

The second simple method is to dig up a mycelium in a place where mushrooms of your chosen species grow. It should be noted that each species loves its own tree. They took mycelium in a birch grove - which means that they should be planted under a birch; dug in a coniferous forest - carry it under the tree. If mushrooms are covering a rotting stump or fallen trunk, you can chop off a piece of the tree and place it in your garden or greenhouse. Please note that when transferring forest mycelium, you can plant toadstools and fly agaric in the country along with edible mushrooms or introduce spores of microorganisms dangerous to plants.

Reproduction of mushrooms by seeds

The technology of growing mushrooms from spores has several options. The advantage of this method is that you will know exactly which species will grow on the site. Depending on the conditions, you can use:

  • dried hats;
  • fresh hats;
  • water solution.

For the first method, collect old mushrooms in the forest and dry their hats. Do not put them in an oven or other hot place, the high temperature will kill the spores. Grind the raw materials into powder and sprinkle them on the prepared moistened substrate in the garden or in the greenhouse. Top with rotten hay. You can not dry it, but immediately spread the caps of fresh mushrooms broken into pieces on the spot. After a few days, remove the scattered fragments.

For growing porcini mushrooms, it is better to use the third method. This view is very capricious, it is necessary that the same trees grow on the site as in the forest where you collected planting material. Conifers and earth strewn with fallen needles are best suited. Dial old mushrooms, the pulp of which has already acquired green tint. Use the material no later than 10 hours after collection. It is impossible to freeze hats for long-term storage: the seeds will not germinate.

Type a bucket of river water, pour a little potassium permanganate and 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar. Place the caps in the solution and knead them with your hands to make a homogeneous gruel. Remove the top layer of earth around the tree and water the area with the substrate that has been infused for about an hour. Cover with the removed soil and water the tree trunk well. Pour over the wood on all sides, use about 5 buckets of water.

If the land is contaminated with pathogens, it can be disinfected before planting. Use one of the following recipes.

  1. In 1 liter of boiling water pour 100 g. When the solution is infused and cooled, spill the earth.
  2. Take 30 g of oak bark and boil it for 1 hour in 1 liter of water. From time to time top up the evaporated volume of liquid.

When watering, add EM preparations to the water. They contribute to the rapid decomposition plant residues and create a favorable environment for the growth of fungi.

Planting mycelium

Mushrooms grow in a humid environment, among rotting leaves and twigs. In the garden, you need to create similar conditions for them. Choose the most shady place where the sun's rays do not fall. Lay a layer of straw or sawdust on the ground, water well. When the substrate is compacted, put the mycelium on it and cover it with wet rotten hay. If the weather is dry, plantings need to be moistened. Do not water the area, but only spray it with water from a hose through a spray bottle.

You can plant mushrooms on rotting logs and stumps. Drill holes in them and place the mycelium inside. Make sure that the wood is always wet, if the weather is dry, spray the stump with water. To grow mushrooms in this way, you need to be well versed in tree species. If you collected mycelium from aspen, then the log in which you place it must be aspen. The advantage of this method is that for the winter you can take the chock off the street and put it in the basement or greenhouse and harvest it in any season.

There are very capricious mushrooms, such as butterflies, which hardly take root in a new place. If you are not afraid to wait for the harvest for several years, find a clearing where the species of your choice grows. Dig up some young trees with a large clod of earth to capture some of the mycelium. Plant trees on suburban area, and in a few years you can harvest.

Growing mushrooms in winter

If you want to harvest all year round, choose a warm room for mushrooms. On an industrial scale, special equipment for growing mushrooms is used for this purpose, you can adapt the container. In a heated greenhouse, place a box, fill it with compost and plant mycelium.

To grow any species, the following conditions are needed:

  • humidity not lower than 85%;
  • the temperature is about + 27⁰ while the mycelium takes root, and + 16⁰ for the growth of mushrooms;
  • ventilation;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • soft water for irrigation.

If the room is dry, periodically spray all structures with water. Fine damp sawdust and open containers of water help to maintain moisture well. At the same time, do not forget that mushrooms need Fresh air, ventilate the greenhouse daily.

Of great importance right choice substrate. To get a rich harvest in a greenhouse, you need to give the plants the right nutrition. Mushrooms are very fussy, each species prefers its own composition.

  • Mushrooms grow well in a mixture of horse manure and grass or straw.
  • Oyster mushrooms will like chopped hay, sawdust, buckwheat husks, or a mixture of these components.
  • For porcini mushrooms, you need to take the soil with fallen leaves and twigs from under the tree where they took the mycelium. Add manure and sawdust and let it brew for a week.


Growing mushrooms in a summer cottage is a very interesting activity. If the area allows, plant several fir trees, birches, oaks and arrange a mushroom meadow there, which can also serve as a place for picnics. Planting material is best purchased at specialized centers. You can dig up a mycelium in the forest, but at the same time there is a danger that poisonous mushrooms will also begin to grow in your dacha.

If you want to enjoy oyster mushrooms, champignons or porcini mushrooms at any time of the year, organize a plantation in a greenhouse or basement. The container can be placed in any warm room if the landings are protected from bright light. If you create plants right conditions your garden will run smoothly. Soups, stir-fries and stews made from fresh mushrooms are not a fairy tale in any season, make a little effort, and you will have this product in abundance both in summer and in winter.

Do you like picking mushrooms, but is it too far to go to real mushroom places? You can try sowing mushrooms in the country. There are several ways to breed them - transplanting mycelium, growing from mycelium. We will talk about how to sow mushrooms the most in a simple way- with the help of mushroom seedlings.

First you need to prepare the seedlings themselves. This is done as follows: we take the caps of overripe mushrooms, finely chop them or grind them in a meat grinder, put them in a bottle of water.

In order for fungal spores to wake up, they must be affected by an aggressive environment. We create it by adding dry yeast in powder to the water - a couple of spoons will be enough.

For five days we do not touch this bottle, in which something happens, then we open it. The pulp of mushrooms that has settled to the bottom is not useful. But the water itself, which has already been properly “infused”, is poured into a separate bowl. This will be our seed solution.

This solution is very concentrated (in one mushroom there are a billion spores, no less), so it must be diluted in a certain proportion. Attention! For a 200-liter barrel of water we take 1 glass of mushroom infusion.

It is very good if those types of trees grow on the site that this mushroom “loves” and near which it usually grows in the forest. If we made seedlings of boletus, we pour it near birches. If we made seedlings of white fungus, then, ideally, we need to water the ground next to the oak with it. Well, or some other suitable tree. The earth must first be dug up and properly fertilized with compost. After watering the ground with mushroom seedlings, it is best to sprinkle this place with leaves.

If you do not have suitable forest trees in your country house, mushrooms can still grow. Try to plant them next to wooden buildings from the shadow side. White mushrooms should be sown away from fruit trees- such a neighborhood porcini does not approve.

There is no dacha - you can sow mushrooms somewhere else, for example, in a neighboring forest. There since the right trees there will be no problems, but there is a high probability that someone else will pick your mushrooms.

Growing mushrooms in the country is a rather exotic activity that can improve your well-being by an order of magnitude.

Mushrooms can be called a unique product. However, we use them infrequently, as they grow seasonally and in a fairly short period of time.

Everyone can grow mushrooms in the country. This activity is quite exciting and interesting. In addition to this, mushrooms will always be available and will be able to appear on your table whenever you want.

Growing mushrooms in the country has many advantages.

Growing mushrooms today offers many benefits. Firstly, it becomes possible to provide yourself, your family, relatives and friends with this product for all year round. Secondly, such cultivation allows you to improve your financial income well.

V last years a large number of enterprises on a regular basis buy mushrooms from private traders. This fact is a guarantee that by starting such cultivation, you are guaranteed not to lose anything. Moreover, this case does not require significant financial investments. So, if you have time and a sincere desire, then it is worth a try.

Some ways to grow mushrooms in the country

First of all, it is worth understanding what methods exist for growing mushrooms on own dacha. The most common way is to use the developed mycelium available.

If you have been picking mushrooms in the forest at least once, you might have noticed that mushrooms mainly grow near trees, where they penetrate the soil with their mycelium. This means that it is enough to take this mycelium and transfer it to your dacha. This method is the easiest, and therefore the most popular.

The mushroom picker can be carried with a piece of wood

How to properly transfer the mycelium? First of all, you should take a part of the mycelium and very carefully transport it to your dacha. Do not try to dig out the mycelium in full. Indeed, in this case, mushrooms will stop growing in this place.

In order for the mycelium transported by you to your summer cottage to bear fruit, certain conditions must be created. Such preparation implies the choice of the territory that should be prepared for the cultivation of certain varieties of mushrooms.

When the territory is chosen, then it is necessary to lay a special moisturizing layer on it, a substrate on which mushrooms will grow in the near future. Straw, sawdust can be used as a substrate.

Thanks to them, it is possible to create conditions for the development of mycelium, similar to those of relatives. Mycelium must be placed at the landing site and covered with straw. Two to three weeks after these steps, you will be able to get the first harvest.

An equally common way to grow mushrooms in the country can be called the transfer of an old tree or chock infected with mycelium from the forest. This method also does not require much effort, but it is still worth paying attention to it.

A possible problem is that when using this method, you can transfer to the summer cottage not only the mycelium of edible mushrooms, but also conditionally edible, as well as poisonous ones. After transporting a tree containing a mycelium from a forest, you need to place it in a place prepared for this purpose.

The mushroom picker can be moved along with the old stump

In addition, it is worth monitoring the conditions for the growth of mushrooms. It is necessary to make them as favorable as possible.

If your site already has a chock or tree in a rotten state, then they can also be used to grow mushrooms. First you need a drill to make holes in the tree, into which you can later put the mycelium. Then it remains only to regularly and carefully water the tree and harvest the mushroom crop on time.

A similar action can be carried out with old stumps (subject to their availability). However, this option is more complicated. It is necessary to ensure that the tree from which the mycelium will be taken, and the tree in which it will be laid, have the same breed. If this condition is not met, mushrooms will not grow in most cases.

Mushrooms can be grown from spores

There is also a way to grow mushrooms using spores. There are a lot of options in this scenario. For example, you can use dried caps of old mushrooms. For this purpose, you need to prepare the site, crumble the caps and evenly scatter them.

Next, you should moisten the soil and wait for the harvest. It also happens that mushrooms begin to grow from spores of fresh mushrooms. In this case, the soil should be prepared and moistened, and then pieces of mushroom caps should be spread over its entire area. After a few days, these hats must be removed.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country

White mushroom is rightfully considered the king of mushrooms and is valued by many mushroom pickers. However, growing this type of mushroom is not very profitable, and therefore only amateurs are engaged in such cultivation.

The main problem in growing white mushrooms is that their symbiosis with forest trees complicated enough. Their mycelium literally grows together with the roots. Due to this, mycorrhiza is formed. Despite the fact that the mycelium of white mushrooms may well grow in the absence of trees, such conditions are not acceptable for mushrooms. They cannot grow in them.

Before you start growing porcini mushrooms in your summer cottage, you should create optimal conditions for their growth. Such conditions that will allow the formation of mycorrhiza. For such purposes, areas on which deciduous or coniferous trees grow are well suited. The best option will be the use of young groves, plantations or natural areas of the forest. However, other conditions apply as well.

White mushroom - the king of mushrooms

The cultivation method is not too complicated. First, overripe porcini mushrooms need to be poured with rainwater (just like that) and kept for 24 hours. After that, it is necessary to strain this composition, as a result of which you will get water, which you need to pour over the areas you have chosen for growing mushrooms.

Now the pieces of mycelium that were dug out in advance will need to be transferred to the chosen place. The mushroom pickers will need to be placed in small recesses, after which they should be moistened and covered with grass bedding. Under the condition of wet weather, the mycelium will need to be moistened only at the time of its landing in the ground. If rains are rare, then the landing site will periodically have to be sprayed with water. This does not require watering. It is very important.

On a litter loosened under the trees, it is necessary to lay out the hats of recently ripened mushrooms. After three to four days, the litter should be moistened, after removing the mushroom caps. It is worth noting that you can also plant pieces of hats in a dried form, however, in this situation, you will need to place them already under the litter.

If you wish, you can plant only that part of the mushroom that is located under the hat. In this case, the tubular part should be initially separated and crushed. The resulting pieces should have a size of about two centimeters.

A plot with coniferous land is perfect for growing porcini mushrooms

Provided quality performance Thanks to all the operations and the weather favorable for the growth of mushrooms, next year you will have an insignificant crop of porcini mushrooms. At the same time, it is even possible that the crop will be expressed in one or two porcini mushrooms. However, this is an acceptable result. Next year's harvest will be more significant.

If the above method seems too complicated for you, then you can go the other way of growing porcini mushrooms. To begin with, you will need hats from old mushrooms that are already decaying and have a greenish tint on the bend. Wormholes are not a hindrance. The main thing is that the species of trees on your site and the trees under which you will collect the mushrooms you need for growing should match.

When the hats are collected, you need to put them in a bucket and fill it with ordinary river water. If there is none nearby, then tap water will do, but it is necessary that it settles before pouring the contents of the bucket into it.

In addition, it is recommended to add potassium permanganate and sugar in a small amount to the bucket (one cube is enough). Next, stretch the hats. You need to do this manually until you get a homogeneous mass, reminiscent of sour cream in its consistency.

Mushrooms can be grown from old hats

Before planting, it will take this mass to infuse for at least an hour. Sowing is best done in late summer - early autumn. If the weather is favorable, the sowing period can be extended.

There is one more important point. Before you start growing mushrooms, you will need to remove the top layer of soil around the selected tree. Moreover, the removal process must be carried out carefully. Can't be destroyed root system trees.

After the top layer of soil is removed, you will need to pour half a bucket of the mixture on the roots of the tree and return the removed layer to its original place. Watering will be the next step. Each tree requires five buckets of water for itself. It is the trunk of the tree that should be watered, evenly on each side.

Such a landing will give a result not earlier than in a year. If there is no rain next summer, then the mushroom place will require additional watering. The volume is similar - five buckets of water per tree.

In practice, one such mycelium allows you to get one bucket of porcini mushrooms per season as a crop, which, of course, is an excellent result.

Growing champignons in the country

Champignon is a fairly popular mushroom. As practice shows, it can be grown in the country without any problems. In addition, there are many ways to grow it, for every taste.

Growing champignons in a container is quite expensive.

You can use the container method. Its essence lies in the fact that special wooden containers are used for growing, pre-treated by special means preventing the growth of fungi.

The main disadvantage similar system is the relatively high cost of the components. This point is especially relevant when assessing the cost of equipment used for loading and unloading compost into containers and for covering with special soil. The containers themselves are also expensive.

The method of growing champignons in the country, called the regimental (or Dutch) system of growing these mushrooms, stands apart. The main disadvantage of this method is an excellent opportunity for pests to spread through the shelves. Water flows through the tiers, taking pests and diseases with it.

Mushrooms can also be grown in beds that can be placed underground. The best places for this method of growing are mines, poultry houses, unused vegetable stores. With this method, pre-prepared compost should be laid on the floor or on a polyethylene film.

This method is not popular due to a number of disadvantages in its use. These include the following factors: manual formation beds, a significant likelihood of subsequent contamination of the compost, the inconvenience of growing rooms.

Growing champignons in the garden has its own difficulties

When growing champignons directly in the country (in the selected area, or in basement) it would be optimal to use a bag system. This option allows you to expand the options for the use of premises and conditions for growing mushrooms.

In addition, in terms of financial costs, this method is much less demanding than the previously indicated methods. The advantage of the bag system is convenient pest control. In case of infection, it is enough to throw out the contaminated bag.

The rest of the bags will not be affected by this problem. The main negative point of this method is the abundance of manual labor. It will be necessary to fill the bags with compost, carry them, apply a cover soil.


Growing mushrooms in the country is an activity that requires a quality approach and investment of effort and financial resources. However, this does not make it less exciting and profitable.

: salted milk mushrooms, fried chanterelles, soup with dried porcini ... Mushroom "quiet hunting" is a special pleasure, but even more pleasant when mushrooms grow right on your site. In this article, we will talk about proven methods for growing any mushrooms at home - from unpretentious oyster mushrooms to capricious porcini and boletus.

How to grow oyster mushrooms

FORUMHOUSE user _ JG_ infected poplar, aspen, birch and maple near the house with grain mycelium of oyster mushroom. In the first year best harvest received from maple and aspen, the worst - from birch. home growing oyster mushrooms, in his experience, has the following feature:


The yield will be proportionally larger due to the high density of wood ( more lignin, which feeds on the mycelium). The peak of the harvest is in the 2nd year, so I'll look at the results.

Before infecting the stump with oyster mushroom mycelium, experts advise to prepare: steam the wood to kill all pathogenic flora and fauna. To a greater extent, this applies to old stumps and dry logs. If you infect stumps and chocks of freshly cut trees (literally: cut down a tree and immediately infected), then, according to the experience of FORUMYOUSE users, in nine cases out of ten the result of this process will be successful. That's how it does _JG_:

  • chocks are taken no longer than a meter, diameter - from 20 centimeters;
  • a dozen hollows are drilled in a chock;
  • the holes are clogged with mycelium and covered with plasticine on top;
  • after the chock is evenly covered with aerial mycelium over the entire surface of the cuts (a white film, similar to mold), it is ready for planting;
  • the chock is planted in the garden in the most shaded and humid place, in the heat the hemp is watered, that's all the care. In the first year, a bucket of mushrooms gives 4-5 stumps, in the second year a bucket can be collected already from one or two stumps.

If we are talking about very small proportions, like “I want to try to grow oyster mushrooms at home, in a bag on the balcony”, you don’t need to be smart with stumps. the optimal substrate would be the straw of any cereal or a bag of husks from sunflower seeds. Experts say that there may be fewer mushrooms on a homogeneous substrate than on a multi-component one, but it's easier to adapt to the technology.

Everyone who grew oyster mushrooms notes that homemade mushrooms are tastier than store-bought ones - the taste depends on the quality of the substrate. More about how to grow oyster mushrooms: they taste better on stumps than on straw or sunflower seed husks. Some people don't like the mustard flavor that these mushrooms have, which can be eliminated by frying them until the moisture has evaporated before cooking.

Garry he grew oyster mushrooms on short poplar logs and soaked them in a barrel of water for three days before infection with mycelium. After such a water treatment, he put hemp one on top of the other, it turned out three meter pyramids, three chocks in each. To prevent the pyramids from falling apart, sticks were hammered along the edges.

The pyramids were installed in the dampest part of the site, under the brambles behind the barn. Garry he came to the dacha only on weekends, therefore, in order to avoid drying out, each pyramid was wrapped in a film, and near it, at the foot of the pyramid, they put a jar of water. The film was shot in wet weather. In the fall, the film was filmed completely. These pyramids bore fruit for five years, of which three years were abundant.

Forest mushrooms on the site

Everyone probably had to grind dried mushrooms with their hands and scatter them over the area, in the hope that mushrooms reproduce by spores. Sometimes the result, indeed, was, and several mushrooms grew. But in general, porcini and other "noble" mushrooms are bred in the home in three ways. The main thing is to create conditions on the site that are as close to natural as possible, and for planting material, you can use the mycelium, and hats, and the legs of overripe cut mushrooms, and chopped dried mushrooms. plant mushrooms better in autumn- it greatly increases the likelihood good harvest.

The first way: mushrooms under the leaves

For this method, it is ideal if there is a small grove (5-7 trees together) of birches, aspens, oaks, hazels, pines or fir trees on the site. In autumn, in this grove, leaves and branches should be raked into a pile and pieces of mushroom caps should be planted under them.

The second way: mushrooms in pockets

  • take mature mushrooms of a week old;
  • separate the tubular part with spores;
  • chop it into pieces up to two centimeters in size;
  • dry for a couple of hours in the sun under a gauze awning - do not skip this step;
  • at this time, make pockets in the turf;
  • put two or three pieces of mushroom in each pocket.

You can go to pick mushrooms in this place in the second or third year.

The third way: mushrooms in the nutrient mixture

  • We prepare a nutrient mixture: we collect fallen oak leaves, rotten oak wood, horse manure (clean, without bedding). The proportions are: 90% leaves, 5% wood, 5% manure.
  • We lay out all the components in layers on a flat area: sprinkle a layer of leaves 20 cm high with wood and manure, pour it with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate. We do the same for the second, third and subsequent layers.
  • Leave the mixture for a week or 10 days. During this period of time, it should warm up to 25-40 degrees. Then we shovel it to a homogeneous mass.
  • We are preparing a recess for laying the mixture. In a shaded area, we remove a layer of earth up to 2 m wide and up to 30 cm deep.
  • We put the finished nutrient mixture in the recess with a layer of 10-12 cm, on top of 6-8 cm of earth from the garden, we also make subsequent layers. The total height of all layers should not exceed half a meter. In the center, the mushroom bed should be slightly higher than at the edges: this will ensure the flow of water and help avoid waterlogging.

Seedlings will be pieces of mycelium that we bring from the forest. For this we:

  • we go into the forest, we find a white mushroom;
  • with a shovel or a sharp knife, cut out a rectangle of earth around the mushroom: side length - 20-30 cm, height - 10-15 cm;
  • cut the rectangle into 5-10 identical pieces and plant them in the holes prepared in the mushroom bed; at the bottom of the hole above a piece of wood there should be a layer of earth 5-7 cm high;
  • the pits should be staggered, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other;
  • beds with mushroom seedlings are moderately moistened and covered with leaves to maintain a constant level of humidity.

Hope Afan grows boletus on his plot in a nutrient mixture of starch and gelatin.

Mixture recipe: 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of starch, a bag of gelatin, 5 old boletus. Chop the boletus, combine with the rest of the ingredients, leave for three days. Pour 3 liters of the mixture on a young (this is an important point) birch.

Mushrooms from the box

Most types of mushroom growing technologies are designed for large volumes that are not suitable even for an amateur mini-farm. It is necessary to properly prepare and pasteurize compost, grow mycelium, a room with the appropriate temperature, lighting, more suitable air humidity and other conditions. Many online stores sell mini-gardens for growing mushrooms. You can buy, grow quickly, enjoy yourself and please your children. This is nothing more than a toy, it will not work to collect kilograms of crops, but it is very interesting. Such a mini-garden grew in Katya2013.


Since I spend most of my time at work, mushrooms grew in the office. The key is humidity and temperature regime withstand and follow the instructions, then there will be a result, as in the photo.

Technology self-cultivation mushrooms by the efforts of enthusiasts brought to perfection. Many amateurs have long become professionals and earn a living mushroom growing. If you approach the matter wisely, the resulting crop will be enough not only for your family, but will also remain for sale. This is very profitable business, but if you are a beginner, you should first practice in small areas with easy-to-cultivate species.

Mushroom cultivation is possible in basements and in open ground. In both cases, vegetative material and a special substrate are used for planting, and certain climatic conditions are created.

This article gives advice to beginners on where and how to grow mushrooms on your own. personal plot or in the cellar.

How to grow mushrooms: propagation methods

To grow mushrooms yourself, you can use several breeding methods: from a mycelium dug out in the forest, from mycelium (purchased, specially grown mycelium), from pieces of mature mushroom caps with spores.

Mushroom transplant. With this method of growing mushrooms in open ground a mycelium is planted on the site, dug out in the forest at a distance of 20-30 cm from healthy mushrooms, together with a layer of earth 10-15 cm thick. It is placed on a prepared place near a tree growing in the garden. The landing area should be moist and shaded. Preferably trees of the same species as in the forest. Previously, within a radius of 50 cm from the trunk, the top layer of soil 30-40 cm thick is removed. The bottom of the "bed" is covered with compost, fallen leaves and sprinkled with earth. Then a forest layer with a mycelium is laid on top. It is watered and sprinkled with fallen leaves. In dry weather, carry out drip irrigation"beds".

Planting mycelium. To grow mushrooms in a country house, a mixture containing a mycelium that is ready for planting is needed there. It is sold in packs. It does not contain foreign impurities and microorganisms, it germinates well, and grown mushrooms are less susceptible to disease. For planting mycelium, it is also necessary to prepare a place in advance. When planting in open ground, a tree is selected and the top layer of soil 50 cm thick is removed within a radius of 50-60 cm around its trunk. with the remnants of the soil mycelium and ram it. Cover the bed with earth, water and sprinkle with fallen leaves on top. You can pour ready-made purchased soil for growing mushrooms at the bottom.

For most gardeners, as practice shows, it is profitable to grow mushrooms that do not require special care(oyster mushrooms, champignons and shiitake). They grow well on a substrate with plant waste and mineral additives, and also give repeated crops for a long time. V indoors or a greenhouse, the harvest of these mushrooms can be obtained all year round.

To grow boletus mushrooms in a summer cottage, they should be planted under trees of the same species as in the wild. If the mushrooms selected for propagation grew, for example, under an oak, then planting material from them under a birch or spruce will not be effective. This is due to the close interweaving of the mycelium with the roots of trees for coexistence.

It is possible to grow mushrooms in the basement of the house: for this, the mycelium is planted in plastic bags with a substrate and place them in a dark cool place, since many fruiting bodies do not need light to grow.

Planting parts of mushroom caps. The easiest way to propagate is to plant caps of mature mushrooms containing spores broken into pieces or passed through a meat grinder in open ground. Before growing mushrooms in a garden plot in this way, they are poured with water for a day. Under the tree, they dig up the soil and add land from the forest to it. Then the bed is watered with mushroom infusion and pieces of mushrooms are laid out on it, sprinkled with fallen leaves on top.

In what ways you can grow mushrooms in the country, is described in this video:

Growing champignon mushrooms in a summer cottage

Mushrooms grow where the land is rich in organic matter, so special substrates based on plant components are used for their cultivation.

Growing champignon mushrooms in a garden in a country house is possible if the temperature environment has been in positive values ​​for more than six months. Shelters are used to protect the mycelium from freezing. Compost is chosen as a substrate. You can grow mushrooms in greenhouses located in such a way that there is protection from direct sunlight. To do this, they are adjacent to the buildings on the north side. Mushrooms also grow well in rooms (basements, cellars) with special equipment (seven-rack system).

To grow these mushrooms on the site, you need to prepare a special compost. For this, the following raw materials are used: 100 kg of straw from wheat or rye, 75-100 kg of manure or 35-50 kg of bird droppings, 2.5-3 kg of urea. With a smaller amount of raw materials, compost cannot be prepared, since it will not warm up and begin to overheat. It is laid on concrete pad dimensions 2 x 1.5 m or 2.5 x 2 m, under a canopy. No contact allowed compost heap with earth or rainwater to protect it from spores of harmful fungi. First, the raw materials are laid on the site in layers. Straw is crushed, stacked, alternating with fertilizers and manure, the top layer should also consist of straw. Then the pile is watered with water (350-450 l). After 3-5 days, when enzymatic processes are already starting in it, everything is mixed. From the mentioned amount of raw materials, 200250 kg of compost is obtained. It is enough to create a garden bed with an area of ​​2.5-3 m2.

From natural fertilizers for the preparation of compost, cow, pig manure and bird droppings are preferred. The latter is always used in smaller quantities, since during its decomposition a lot of heat is released. To reduce the acidity of the compost, lime is added to the raw material, dolomite flour or gypsum (7-8 kg). If use chicken manure or pig manure, then the amount of the additive is increased by 1.5-2 times.

Growing oyster mushrooms in the basement of the house and in the garden

As practice shows, oyster mushrooms can be grown both in the garden and in the basement. They grow on woody substrate different kind. They are planted on tree stumps, on wood (bark, sawdust, shavings) and plant waste. Agriculture(sunflower husk, straw, corn stalks) in plastic bags. The substrate from wood waste must necessarily smell like fresh wood, be light in color (white, yellow), contain no more than 30% moisture. More suitable for growing sawdust deciduous trees. Sunflower husk as a substrate must also meet certain criteria. The smell of fresh sunflower should come from it, the presence of impurities is not allowed. Humidity should also not exceed 30%.

To fill bags measuring 35 x 75 cm, 2.5 buckets of substrate are needed. Organic additives are used to increase its nutritional value. Information about them is attached to the mycelium purchased for planting. With the help of recommended organic additives, the yield is increased by up to 30%, and the time to harvest is reduced. Dry fertilizers are added when preparing the substrate, and liquid fertilizers are added before sowing the mycelium.

For growing champignons, use only a substrate with a high content organic matter, since these mushrooms practically do not absorb the mineral components. Mineral raw materials are added to the substrate only to reduce acidity in order to create optimal conditions for mushroom growth and a good harvest.

Before growing mushrooms in the basement or in the garden, the finished substrate after adding organic fertilizers or slaked lime in an amount of 1-2% of the total mass must be pasteurized. It is laid out in bags, which are completely filled with water heated to a temperature of 65-70 ° C for 3 hours. Then they are taken out of the container and left for 8-10 hours to drain water. During this time, the temperature of the substrate drops to 20-25°C and you can start sowing the mycelium. The prepared substrate is moist, crumbly and does not stick to the hands.

Growing these mushrooms in a personal plot is possible on stumps and logs with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 50 cm. Before sowing the mycelium, they are drilled on the sides and moistened or soaked in water for 7 days, which is changed daily.

Watch the video "Growing oyster mushrooms in the country", which shows all the main agricultural practices:

How to grow honey mushrooms in the garden

For breeding mushrooms use stumps, logs, tree branches, as well as wood waste. Summer mushrooms are planted on open area, and winter ones are grown indoors. On the site for planting mushrooms, a shaded place is chosen or the beds are covered with hay, straw to protect from the sun.

It is best to grow these mushrooms in a summer cottage on the stumps of trees such as birch, spruce, aspen, pine, as well as pear, apple, alder, poplar. Spruce and pine stumps are less suitable for growing these mushrooms. But even those that are more suitable must meet certain criteria. The wood must be dense, with high humidity, with no signs of damage by tinder fungi. If it is wet enough, then it has dark color, and from a small part chipped off for checking, the release of moisture is determined by touch. The condition of the wood must be checked, because sometimes the moisture content of the surface layers does not correspond to the moisture content of the deep ones, for example, due to recent rain or condensation due to the large difference in ambient temperature between day and night.

Mushroom mushroom grows well on wood with uniform moisture, therefore, for reliability, it is watered 1-2 days before sowing. Do this in small portions, repeatedly, so that the water does not drain, but is absorbed. Chumps and wood trimmings are pre-soaked in water for 1-2 days. Stumps from recently cut trees do not need to be prepared for sowing with mycelium.

Growing morel mushrooms in the garden

The cultivation of morel mushrooms in the garden plot is carried out according to German and french technology. The German way is breeding under apple and birch trees, among the grass under the trees. The French way means cultivation in greenhouses, in beds with drainage.

In the first case, mushrooms can be harvested from one place for several years. It is important to keep the landing site in the shade

In greenhouses, a mixture of 6 parts garden soil, 3 parts sawdust and 1 part ash is used as a substrate for breeding morels.

When sowing mushrooms in a small garden bed, under trees and in a greenhouse, you can use a mixture of 6 parts of a universal soil intended for growing indoor plants, 3 parts sawdust, 1 part ash and fallen leaves.

Growing porcini mushrooms and shiitake in the garden in the country

To grow porcini mushrooms in the garden in the country, you need to plant a mycelium under young oaks, birches, spruces and pines. As a substrate, horse manure, oak dust (5% each) and fallen oak leaves are used, which are poured onto the prepared place in several layers 20 cm thick. Each of them is alternated with layers of manure and dust, and also watered with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate . After 7-10 days the temperature of the substrate rises to 35-40°C. To obtain a homogeneous mass, it is shoveled.

Details on the cultivation of porcini mushrooms are described in this video:

Before growing shiitake mushrooms in the garden, you need to prepare tree stumps (oak, beech, chestnut, birch, elm, willow, maple, aspen, poplar) and a substrate based on sawdust from trees of the same species. Coniferous trees unsuitable for cultivation of this culture. Grains and cereals are added to the substrate to increase nutritional value. The following mixtures are used for growing mushrooms: 40 kg of sawdust, 3 kg of wheat or rice bran, 1 kg of sugar; 40 kg sawdust, 1 kg rice bran.

The substrate is soaked in boiling water, and then dried a little, treated thermally. To do this, it is poured with boiling water in a container with a lid and covered with a warming layer for 8-12 hours.

How to grow mushrooms in a summer cottage: the right fit

When growing mushrooms in the garden, you can use different ways landing. They differ depending on the place and method of cultivation, as well as the type of planting material.

Champignon. The substrate after pasteurization is poured into prepared containers (boxes that are placed on racks) with a layer of 25-30 cm (100 kg of compost per 1 m2) or 10-15 kg are poured into perforated bags, filling them 30 cm high. rammed so that it is elastic when pressed. For planting, use grain mycelium or compost mycelium. The first material is stored at a temperature of 0-4 ° C for up to 6 months and the consumption rate per 1 m2 is 350-400 g, and the second has a lower yield, but at a temperature of 0 ° C it is stored for up to 1 year and it is consumed at 500 g per 1 m2 .

When planting with a pointed peg, a part of the substrate is raised and a handful of grain mycelium or a small amount of compost mycelium (a piece the size of egg). The substrate is returned back and slightly pressed with the palm of your hand. Planting material is laid in a checkerboard pattern with an interval between pits of 20-25 cm. Sometimes the grain mycelium is evenly scattered over the bed, taking into account the norm, and then sprinkled with compost from above with a layer 4-5 cm thick. From above, cover the container or bed with moisture-absorbing material (paper, burlap ) and lightly watered from a watering can. It is important to moisten the soil, but water should not be allowed to penetrate the planting material. The temperature inside the soil is maintained at the level of 27-28°C, indoors - not lower than 20-22°C. Do not overheat the room, otherwise the substrate and mycelium will dry out. After 8-12 days, a mycelium appears in the form of white threads on the surface of the substrate. It is sprinkled with earth with a layer of 3-4 cm (40-50 kg per 1 m2).

How to grow champignon mushrooms is shown in these photos:

Oyster mushrooms. To grow these mushrooms on the site or in the basement, mycelium is used. Work with him is carried out only with clean hands in sterile gloves. Before planting, it is placed in the refrigerator for 3.5 hours, then warmed to room temperature. Landing is more convenient with an assistant. One holds the plastic bag, and the second pours the substrate and mycelium into it so that voids do not form. For 9 kg of substrate, 190 g of mycelium is enough.

Then the bag is tied up and kept in a pre-disinfected room for 27 hours. After that, 11 cuts 6 cm long are made on the bag on each side. For the appearance of fungal primordia, illumination of 100-200 lux (lux) is required for 12 hours a day. In the future, it is increased to 600-800 lux for the same time.

At a temperature of 16-22°C, the mycelium begins to grow and after 1.5 days white spots appear on the substrate. Do not allow the temperature in the bag to rise to 29°C or more. Wherever you grow these mushrooms, you need to maintain the temperature at 25 ° C. The room must be ventilated periodically. 14-16 days after planting, mushrooms appear from the slots in the bag. The first 18-25 days the room is not ventilated to increase concentration carbon dioxide and air humidity. Lighting is used with an intensity of 5 W per 1 m2.

Honey mushrooms. Planting material is collected in the forest. Hats of mature mushrooms with a diameter of 8-12 cm, after separation from the legs, are poured with rain or warm spring water for 12-24 hours. Then they are kneaded in water with hands, and the resulting mass is filtered. On the stumps, with the help of a chisel and a hammer, 5-10 recesses of 4 cm with a diameter of 2 cm are made. They are placed on the side surface in a checkerboard pattern. The resulting liquid is poured over the stumps from above. You can not only pour liquid with spores into the recesses (it is convenient to carry out this procedure with a rubber pear or a large syringe), but also lay the remaining mushroom mass. To grow these mushrooms in the garden, the holes on the stumps are covered with moss or moistened sawdust. Its upper part is left open. For 1 stump, 0.5-1 l of seed liquid is consumed. Harvest is obtained only after 2 years. The best time for landing falls on May-August.

Mushrooms. The first planting method is carried out as follows, in a specially designated place, the top layer of soil 50 cm thick is removed and the depression is filled with a substrate. The central part of the bed is made elevated to prevent stagnant water. Layers of earth with mycelium before planting with a knife are divided into 5-10 parts.

As shown in the photo, when growing these mushrooms, the resulting pieces are laid out in planting holes, which are made at intervals of 30 cm:

The depth should be such as to cover the mycelium with a layer of earth 5-7 cm. Then the beds are watered and covered with fallen leaves and branches to keep the earth moist. Mushrooms will appear next year.

In the second method, the caps of mature mushrooms are poured in a bowl with cold water for 2-3 hours. Then they are crushed, 200 g of sugar are added and left for 1 hour. Then the water with the mushroom mass is poured onto the prepared soil and covered with the removed soil. Harvest will appear next year.

If the mushroom is not cut, but pulled out of the ground, then the lower part of the leg can also be planted.

Morels. With the German method of cultivation, first prepare a place for planting, fill it with a substrate and water it with water. It is convenient to take care of the beds with a width of no more than 1.2 m. Then, pieces of mushroom caps pre-filled with water are laid out on the bed and covered with previously removed soil (a layer of 1.5 cm). The bed is watered with the water remaining from the mushrooms and sprinkled with fallen leaves or straw. Optimal time for planting - spring, but you can spend it in the summer. Harvest the following year.

Before growing these mushrooms in the country according to French technology, you need to loosen and mulch the soil in the beds in the fall with waste fruit crops left after processing the crop, especially apple pomace. From above, they are additionally covered with fallen leaves.

Shiitake. In the first method of planting, the substrate is pasteurized and slightly dried. If, when squeezed in a fist, water only comes out of it, but does not drip, then it is ready for use. 3-7 kg of moistened substrate are placed in plastic bags. Using a stick with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of 80-100 cm, a channel is made in it, which is filled with grain mycelium with a volume of 4-5% of the total mass. With this planting, the mycelium in the substrate grows rapidly. The contents of the bag are covered with cotton wool on top and tightly tied.

In the second method of cultivation, chumps 1.5 m long are used with holes drilled on the side with a diameter of 2 mm and a depth of 6 cm. Grain mycelium is laid in them and then covered with garden pitch to a depth of 1 cm. Before planting, the wood is moistened and protected from drying out.

Mushroom care when grown in a garden plot

To obtain a regular good harvest and for the growth of mushrooms, certain conditions must be created.

Mushrooms are a relatively unpretentious culture, but they need watering and maintaining certain climatic conditions.

Champignon. 3-5 days after sowing, the air temperature in the room is reduced to 14-15°C. The cover soil is regularly watered with a small amount of water so as not to wet the substrate. The room is often ventilated, excluding drafts, you can use a fan. The boxes are placed on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern, and the bags are placed in 2 rows, with aisles. For the cultivation of champignons, only disinfected premises are used. They are whitewashed with lime with the addition blue vitriol, sprayed with a 4% formalin solution or fumigated with sulfur. All cracks and openings are covered with a mesh to protect against insects, flies are destroyed with chlorophos.

Oyster mushrooms. The bags with the substrate after sowing the mycelium are placed indoors on the shelves so as to provide air access from several sides. The distance between them is made at least 5 cm. The substrate is watered in the usual way or with irrigation of hats 1-2 times a day. The room is regularly ventilated so that the hats have time to dry before the next watering.

Honey mushrooms. In dry, hot weather, stumps with mushrooms are irrigated with water 2-3 times a day or 5 minutes every hour. The optimal time for watering is 12-17 hours, so that the wood and mushroom caps dry out before nightfall. You can cover the mushrooms with breathable material (burlap, agril) or make a canopy from the boards.

Mushrooms. A bed with other mushrooms is periodically watered, preventing the soil from drying out. Preparations containing beneficial microorganisms, for example, Baikal EM-1, are added to the water to improve the growth of the mycelium. In winter, the bed is insulated with fallen leaves, straw, spruce branches.

Premises for growing mushrooms are recommended to be located away from living rooms. During the fruiting period, mushrooms form a large number of spores that are in the air and can cause allergic reactions. In addition, mushrooms are grown in conditions of high humidity, which may be unfavorable for living quarters.

Morels. The beds with mushrooms in the garden plot are regularly watered with water, and for the winter they are covered with fallen leaves and spruce branches. In the spring they are freed from shelter and watered again. On the summer period beds with morels are covered again, but periodically continue to be watered to prevent the mycelium from drying out. The soil is fertilized annually with apple waste and ash.

In greenhouses, mushrooms are regularly watered. In winter, the air temperature in them is reduced. In the spring, after the temperature on the street is established with positive values, the mycelium is fed with Baikal-EM1, or its analogues. After the appearance of mushrooms, the greenhouse is immediately shaded from the bright sun, and as soon as they grow up, they begin to ventilate.

Shiitake. During the period of growth of the mycelium, which usually lasts 20-60 days, less often up to 120 days, the temperature in the room is maintained at 15-17 ° C, there is no need for lighting during this period, but regular ventilation is required. After about 2 months, as soon as the substrate turns white and then brown, it is taken out of the bag in the form of blocks and placed in cold water for 2-3 days. The blocks are then freely placed on racks to allow the mushrooms to grow on all sides. The room maintains a temperature of 18-20 ° C, humidity 85-90%, provide good lighting (120 lux) and regular ventilation to remove gases released by the mycelium. After the appearance of the rudiments of mushrooms, the humidity of the air is reduced to 80%. If this is not done, then the legs of the mushrooms will stretch out, and the caps will develop poorly and be small. The air temperature varies depending on the specific type of mushroom. Among them there are more cold-loving ones that grow well at a temperature of 18 ° C, and in warmer conditions they lose their taste, become brittle.
them, and heat-loving, for which a warmer environment is needed.

In an open area, substrate blocks are installed in the shade and watered daily. Moisture is especially necessary after the appearance of the rudiments of fungi. After 7-14 days, mushrooms grow, which are ready for harvest after the same period.

Mushrooms on wood are grown indoors at a temperature of 13-16 ° C with daily watering and illumination of at least 100 lux. V warm time years, you can grow them on the same substrate in the backyard. The place is chosen protected from three sides from the wind. The western or eastern side of the wood (stumps, logs) is usually left open. You can plant mushrooms in an open low-lying place with high humidity, and around install a fence that protects from the wind, or plant small shrubs. Wood with mycelium is periodically moistened with water. When the ambient temperature rises to 25 ° C, the mycelium begins to grow actively, and the beginnings of fungi appear.

Harvesting mushrooms in the country

For getting maximum yield With best qualities mushrooms are harvested at regular intervals.

Champignon. The first harvest of these mushrooms in the country is carried out 1-1.5 months after sowing, and the next - within 2-4 months. Mushrooms are being harvested protective film intact between the edges of the cap and the stem. They are twisted out of the ground, and the resulting hole is immediately filled up. The second batch of the crop appears a week after the harvest of the first. You can collect up to seven crops per year, of which the first 2-3 mushrooms will be the largest.

Oyster mushrooms. The crop is harvested three times, every 1.5-2 weeks. The first batch is the largest. Mushrooms are cut fused, without waiting for the small ones to grow to the largest ones. They are fragile, so it is recommended to shift them as little as possible and immediately pack them into packaging containers.

Honey mushrooms. The crop is harvested twice a year - in May-June and in autumn. Mushrooms are cut with a knife, and the slices are sprinkled with moistened sawdust. The first two batches of the harvest are more abundant.

Mushrooms. Harvested at the end of summer. Mushrooms are cut with a knife, keeping the mycelium in the ground. Under one tree, you can collect up to a whole bucket of mushrooms.

Morels. In the spring, the warming layer from last year's leaves is removed from the beds, and after 2-3 weeks mushrooms appear on them. When harvesting, they are twisted by the leg or cut with a knife. Morels are fragile, so hats better with hands do not touch.

Shiitake. After the appearance of fruiting bodies, their development to mushrooms occurs in 10-15 days. From each block, two batches of harvest are harvested with an interval of 7-14 days. Mushrooms are cut at different stages of development, but the yield will be greater if this is done as soon as the edges of the caps are slightly bent. After the end of fruiting, the chumps are placed in a woodpile and covered from the light with cotton cloth or straw and polyethylene, and after 1-3 months they are soaked in water and again exposed in an open place or indoors. You can get 2-3 crops per year. Such fruiting has been observed for 5 years. Substrate blocks after harvesting each crop are soaked in water for 1-2 days and dried at a temperature of 10-16°C.

It is better to cut the mushrooms with a sharp knife in order to keep the mycelium in the ground and prevent fresh earth from getting into the container with the collected mushrooms, which usually remains on the stem when picking the mushrooms with your hands.