Photos of trees with names. How to determine the trees of the middle strip of Russia? Large trees of the middle strip of Russia

Deciduous trees in Moscow

During the design of the household territory, adult trees are especially pleased. But it is not always possible to preserve the available plants, and sometimes the desired trees are simply not on the plot. Then you can pick up suitable adult seedlings that will immediately look attractively and complement the design of the site. There are different types and varieties deciduous trees in Moscowwhich ways to create a cozy shadow area.

Popular types of deciduous specimens

Mainers are adult trees with a developed crown, root system. Their height is different, depending on the variety of the plant itself. Larger individuals are selected for large sections, creating the necessary comfort and shadow.

For small territories, preferred small instances. There are also blooming, fruitless individuals. Choosing beautiful large breeds of trees, It is worth paying attention to these instances:

  1. Birch - a tree preferring bright, sunny plots, but well-guided with exposure low temperatures. They are very unpretentious, there are many varieties, where Karelian, middle, mellular trees are most popular.
  2. Elm is distinguished by an unusual crown, thin branches, dark leaves, by the autumn, acquires a brown-golden hue. Well coped with frosts, grow almost on any kind of soil. Excellent option for single landings.
  3. Oak - presented different varietiesused in horticulture. Special care Not required, the tree is unpretentious. It occurs red, pyramidal, black grade.
  4. Rowan is distinguished by small, openwork leaves. Trees are especially beautiful in the autumn period when they take yellow-red shades. These are small individuals with subtle trunks, compact crown. Fruits are medicinal.
  5. Maple - Beautiful and most common elevary trees seedlings in Moscow. Please look at lush foliage from the beginning of the spring and to the end of autumn, when the leaves take yellow, red, brown shade. It grows almost on any plots, although preferably fertile, well-lit soil.
  6. Lipa is a tree, which is common in the gardens and in areas where large and necrotic rocks are planted mainly. It grows on shaded territories, withstands frost.

Breed of deciduous trees

In groups deciduous trees, titles Incoming instances often may differ depending on the breed. For example, linden can be represented by a small-collar, large-scale rock, and birch is a warthog, paper, bush, hound, fluffy, with different names.

Such instances may differ in the size of the foliage, the form of the crown, certain requirements for the selection of places for landing, other indicators. All this must be considered if you want buy deciduous treesthat will decorate the territory.

In terms of species composition of the forest moderate climate Heavily losing tropical. Trees. middle strip Russia is not many and seemingly known to everyone. But it is not. Of course, everyone without difficulty finds out the birch, pine tree or spruce, but not all sorts of devils from maple or can describe what Lipa looks like. It should also be noted that some trees dominate in forests, and in the cities - others. In this article, we will talk primarily about forest species.

Middle Stripe Trees: Names

The most common coniferous tree of the Eastern European Plain is pine. A little less popular spruce. Sometimes there are white fir and larch falling. But the dominant position belongs to deciduous. They grow faster than coniferous, and easier adapt to changes ambientThanks to which they are coming out even in big cities. According to research conducted on the territory of the Central Russian hill, the predominant indigenous species are linden carcarid and ash ash. Of course, birch and aspen are found everywhere. On the shores of forest rivers, various types of Yves and black alder are growing. In the shady places there is a rough elm (he is a mountain Ilm). The characteristic trees of the middle strip of Russia are various maples, and ordinary Rowan., and forest apple tree. In cities are widespread decorative forms apple trees, black and white poplar meets horse chestnut.

Clean ordinary

One of the most impressive in our forests: it reaches a supest height. In the ash, the straight trunk; Cora gray-greenish. The tree prefers wet, but not wetlands, so often grows along the streams and rivers. Young ash unlike adults to light is not demanding. In winter, the tree is easy to determine on large black kidneys. Krone ash - highly planted, openwork, beautiful form. He has very recognizable leaflets - long (up to 35 cm), unparallers.

In general, the middle strip of Russia is the most affordable material for identification. Analyzing their shape, determine the view relatively easy.

Linden Candidant (Meltsolet)

It is quite high (up to 35 meters) wood. Growing on the plains and in the foothills, often on cliffs, slopes. It is good to take root in cities and therefore is often used as an allery plant. Linden straight trunk with wrinkled grayish bark. In trees that grow in glades, powerful egg-shaped crowns. Lipa is a honey tree. It blooms late, in the middle of summer. Small white and yellow flowers have a pronounced sweet scent and attract bees. In addition, they are a drug.

Flowers are collected in a beam, at the base of which is located long sheet - Flat. Linden fruits are round nuts. Leaves - round-heart-shaped, slightly resembling tops. The deciduous trees of the middle strip of Russia, as a rule, are not particularly durable, but the heartset linden can live to 800 years.

Black (sticky) alder

This tree has nothing against high humidity. It is found in the valleys of rivers and even on the swamps. Olha grows up to 30 meters. She has a dark, with deep "wrinkles", wood - reddish-yellow. The leaves are rounded, with a notch opposite the cutting. Olha blooms in the middle of spring, just during the flood. Male trees have flowers in long yellow-purple earrings. Women's inflorescences are shaped solid cones.

Black Olha loves light and it useful plant. Its wood is suitable for use in high humidity.

Cheerful oak

The trees of the middle strip of Russia are medicinal, their individual parts are often used in medicine. It is not an exception and oak with its dark and very coarse, but healing bark. This high tree grows both on the hills and in the valleys. He has noded branches and easily recognizable leaves, which are called peristopal, as they consist of several pairs of surprised blades.

Oaks bloom at the end of spring. Fruits are bright brown and yellow acorders (2-3 pieces on a long pet.). Oaks live long, their wood is firm and is not susceptible to rot. For this reason, expensive furniture "on the century" makes it.

Elm Shersha (Mountain Ilm)

Due to the abundance of longitudinal cracks on his crust. Ilma height is 30 meters, while the plant is very slim, with a long sturdy barrel and a relatively wide crown. The trees of the middle strip of Russia are distinguished by unpretentiousness: for example, the rough elm gives an abundant piggy both in the damp shorts and in the mountains, clinging to the height of 1000 meters above sea level and rooting on the stony circles. Elm is demanding not so much to the ambient temperature as the soil fertility. He has big, coarse and not very symmetrical oblong leaves with a bouquake edge.

Rough elm appreciates the half-day, so on open spaces You will not meet him. It blooms very early; Purple-red flowers are collected in dense small bundles. By the summer, rod fruits ripen and fall. They are superposed nuts, surrounded by two fragile wide blades.

Poplar and aspen

Almost everyone can identify these plants, the determinant of the trees of the middle strip of Russia here is unlikely to be needed. But still, speaking of the most common plants with us, you can not get around these species. By the way, do not everyone know that the second name of Osin is a trembling poplar. This tree is very undemandingly to soil, but loves the sun. Aspen rapidly captures fresh cuts and seeks, but it does not exceed 90-100 years old. The barrel is long and smooth, with gray-green crust. Crown is small, rare and located high. The leaves are almost round, with an uneven edge. The slightest twinge of the wind makes them tremble, which is due to the special structure of the pet. On top dark green, bottom - gray. In the fall, they acquire a saturated burgundy color.

More known as a "cultural" tree. Its more often can be found in the cities along the highway or on the rustic streets than in the forests. Topol appreciates the sun and moisture. Under favorable conditions, the tree grows up to 40 meters. Cora gray, rough, with longitudinal cracks. Crown extensive. Leaves - heart-shaped.


So, the article briefly describes the trees of the middle strip of Russia, the names of which everyone is well known. See photos, practice a little - and distinguish one plant from the other will not be difficult. Fortunately, as already noted, the forest flora of a moderate climate is not so numerous.

Wide areas of natural vegetation and soils of Russia are closely related to the climatic zones of the country. In the Far North, where the cold summer, and the soil is poor on nutrients Prevails: Mosses, lichens and low shrubs. The soil freezes at a large depth and only the surface layer pulls off in the summer allowing plants to grow. Forests occupy about 45 percent of Russia's territory, for the most part in Siberia. The total area of \u200b\u200ball forests is about 25 percent of. The forest area of \u200b\u200bRussia can be divided into a large northern part - coniferous, or taiga, and a much smaller southern region - coniferous-deciduous forests.

Boreal forests

Taiga is located south of the tundra and takes 40 percent of the European part of the country, and also covers the significant territories of Siberia and the Far East of Russia. Most of this region reigns. Despite the fact that the taiga area mainly consists of coniferous rocks, in some areas, petty trees, such as birch, poplar, aspen and Iva add diversity. At the extreme north-west of the European part of Russia, pine is dominated in the taiga, although fir, birch and other trees are often found.

To the east to the western slope of the Urals, pine is still growing, but the fir predominates, and in some areas there are practically pure birch forests. West Siberian Plain consists mainly of different species Pines, and along the southern outskirts of the forest dominates birch. For the most part of the medium-grained plateau and the mountains of the Far Eastern region, the main forest-forming rock is larch. Taiga zone trees are usually small and widely scattered. In some areas where the soil is scarce to nutrients, there are no trees at all, but only swamp herbs and bushes form float cover.

Mixed forests

The zone of mixed forests in the central part of the Eastern European Plain from St. Petersburg in the north to the border with Ukraine in the south is characterized by the presence of both coniferous and wide trees. Evergreen coniferous trees prevail in the north, while deciduous trees are common in the south. The main largest breeds include oak, beech, maple and ram.

A similar forest cover prevails in the southern part of the Far East of Russia, according to the Valley of the River Middle Amur and south along the valley of the Ussuri River. The basis of the soil cover of the zone of mixed forests make up gray-brown forest soils. They are not so barren as the soil taiga, and with proper agricultural processing, can be very productive. In the south, the narrow zone of forest-steppe separates the mixed forest from the steppes.

Forest-steppe and steppe

Although currently a significant territory of the forest-steppe rake, it has natural meadow vegetation with scattered groves of trees. On average, about 150 km wide, this zone extends to the east through the valleys of the Middle Volga and the Southern Urals in the southern parts of the West Siberian Plain. Separate areas of forest-steppe are also found in the southern interguric basins of Eastern Siberia. Mixture of herbs with a small propagation of trees in sheltered valleys is the natural vegetation of the Russian steppe - a large area that includes the Western half of the North Caucasian Plain and the sushi belt, stretching east through the South Valga Valley, Southern Urals and Western regions of Siberia. As in the case of the forest-steppe zone, almost all the steps of the country are cultivated.

List of plants of Russia

Below is a list of some trees, shrubs, herbs with a description and photos characterizing vegetable world Russia.

Bereza fluffy

Fluffy birch - kind of deciduous trees, occurring throughout the entire territory of Northern Europe and the northern part of Asia, growing north than any other broad-sided trees on the planet. Frequently confused with a relative species - birch-wound, but fluffy birch prefers more wet areas, grows well on heavy and poorly drained soils; Young trees are also easy to confuse with birch dwarf.

Grab ordinary

Grab ordinary, also known as European or Caucasian Grab, native for Western and Central Asia, as well as Eastern and Southern Europe, kind of deciduous trees. Prefers a warm climate, and is found only at an altitude of up to 600 meters above sea level. Grows in mixed forests along with oak, and in some areas with a beech.

Cheerful oak

Wide-widespread tree in the European part of Russia from the beech family. It is the dominant tree of trees in the southern regions of the forest and forest-steppe zones. This is a great deciduous tree, reaching 40 meters in height and 4-12 meters in the trunk circle.

Spruce Siberian

Spruce Siberian - coniferous tree native to Siberia kind of ate growing from Ural Mountains To the east to the Magadan region, as well as from the Arctic line of the forest to the Altai mountains in the north-west of Mongolia.

Willow Belaya

Waway White is the kind of willow, found in Europe, Western and Central Asia. The name comes from a white shade of the bottom of the leaves. These are medium or large deciduous trees growing up to 10-30 meters in height, with a barrel diameter of about 1 meter. The bark is gray-brown, deeply fractured on old trees.

Clane Polyeva

Native for large part of Europe, British Isles, South-West Asia (from Turkey to the Caucasus) and North Africa (in the Atlask Mountains), the view of the trees from the Sapinda family. Also successfully cultivated outside their natural range in the United States and Western Australia in areas with suitable climate. Russia is most common in the middle lane of the European part of the country.

it fall tree, reaching 15-25 meters in height, with a barrel of up to 1 meter in diameter and finely refined, fine bark.

Larch Siberian

Larch Siberian - a frost-resistant coniferous tree growing in the western part of Russia, from the Finnish border to the east to the Valley of the Yenisei in the central part of Siberia, where hybridizes with the larch of Gmlin; The hybrid is known as the larch of Chekanovsky.

Larch Siberian reaches 20-50 meters in height, with a barrel with a diameter of up to 1 meter. Crown conic in young trees, and acquires oval-rounded uniform as it grows.

Juniper ordinary

Juniper Ordinary - View coniferous trees With the largest geographical range among wood plants with circumpolar distribution throughout the subarctic belt, from the Arctic south to 30 ° Northern latitude in North America, Europe and Asia. Relic populations can be found in the Atlas Mountains of Africa. On the territory of Russia, to meet in the forests and forest-stepperes of the European part of the country, as well as in the Western and less frequent eastern regions of Siberia.

Juniper ordinary is a small evergreen tree or shrub of a very volatile form and up to 16 meters high.

Olha Seraia

Alder gray is one of the types of aldh of alder with a wide range in the cold regions of the northern hemisphere.

The size of the trees varies from a small to medium, with maximum height About 15-20 meters, smooth gray bark (even old copies), and a lifetime of no more than 60-100 years.


Osina - kind of deciduous trees, common in moderate and cool regions of Europe and Asia, from Iceland and British islands east to Kamchatka, in the north inside the polar circle in Scandinavia and Russia, South and Central Spain, Turkey, Tien Shan, North Korea and Northern Japan.

This is a high deciduous tree growing up to 40 meters in height, with a barrel diameter of more than 1 meter. The bark is pale greenish-gray, smooth on young trees with dark gray diamond levies, becomes dark gray and fascinated on old ones.

Pine Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar pine is a type of pine, growing in Siberia from 58 ° Eastern longitude in the Urals up to 126 ° Eastern longitude in the south of the Republic of Sakha, as well as from 68 ° Northern latitude in the lower valley of Yenisei south to 45 ° Northern latitude in the central part of Mongolia.

In the north of its range, it grows at low altitudes, as a rule, 100-200 meters, whereas closer to the south, it is found at an altitude of 1000-2400 meters above sea level. Siberian cedar pine is a slow-growing tree, with a maximum height of 30-40 meters, and a barrel diameter is about 1.5 meters. Life expectancy is 800-850 years.

Fir Siberian

Siberian fir - a coniferous evergreen tree growing in a taiga to the east of the Volga River and south of 67 ° 40 "northern latitude in Siberia, through Turkestan, Northeast Xinjiang, Mongolia and Heilongjiang.

Prefers a cold climate, wet soils in the mountains or river basins at the heights of 1900-2400 meters above sea level. Fir Siberian is a very shadowed frost-resistant tree, which grows at temperatures up to -50 ° C. Rarely lives more than 200 years due to susceptibility to the wood fungus.

Mountain ash

Rowan Ordinary - Wood or shrub plant From the family of pink. The range extends from Madeira and Iceland to Russia and North China.

Rowan is found in the form of a tree or shrub, which reach from 5 to 15 meters in height. The crown has rounded or wrong shape, and the trunk is thin and cylindrical up to 40 cm in diameter.

Barbaris ordinary

This leafy shrub can reach up to 4 meters in height. Small oval leaves, 2-5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, with a toothed edge; They grow in beams from 2 to 5 sheets. Flowers are yellow, 4-6 mm in diameter, flourished on a long brush in the end of spring. Subnegous red berries 7-10 mm long and 3-5 mm wide ripen at the end of summer or in the fall; They are edible, but very sour and rich in vitamin C.

Bowls Bowl

The low shrub is about 50 cm (rarely up to 120 cm) height with evergreen leaves 12-50 mm long and 2-12 mm width. Flowers are small, with a five-blade white wedge, and emit strong smellTo attract bees and other pollinator insects. It has a wide geographic range in Russia, which covers tundra, forest zone, Siberia and the Far East.

Lilac ordinary

Ordinary lilac - a flowering shrub plant from the Maslin family, originally from the Balkan Peninsula, where it grows in the wild on rocky hills. The view is widely cultivated as decorative plant And it was naturalized in other regions of Europe (including Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy), as well as for the most part of North America.

This is a large leaf falling shrub or a small multi-toll tree, grows up to 6-7 meters, producing secondary shoots from the base or root system, which for decades can grow up to a small colonial agent. The bark of gray or gray brown, smooth on young stems, and longitudinally furried on old stems. The leaves are simple, 4-12 cm long and 3-8 cm wide, from light green to the sizogue color, from oval to the heart-shaped shape, with cigarette housing and pointed riding. Flowers, as a rule, vary from lilac to pinkish-purple, sometimes white. The fruit is a dry, smooth, brown capsule, 1-2 cm long, split into two parts for seed release.

Calina ordinary

Valina ordinary is a leafy shrub plant reaching 4-5 meters in height. The leaves are opposite, three-blade, 5-10 cm long and width, with rounded base and large gear edges; Externally similar to the leaves of some types of maple, but differ in a slightly wrinkled surface. Flowers in the early summer and pollinated insects. Spherical bright red fruits (7-10 mm in diameter) contain one seed. Seeds are spread by birds and other animals.

Mack Polar

One of the northernmost plants in the world. Stem hard, hardy and covered with black hairs, flowers with gentle yellow or white petals. Flowers are constantly rotated to the sun, repeating his movement through the sky, and attracting insects. The Arctic poppy grows in the meadows, mountains and dry ruses. They flourish among the stones that absorb solar heat and provide shelter for the root system.

Neprug djobiva

Nettle is easily recognizable, unfortunately, often an easily sensible plant, stems and leaves of which are covered with burning hairs. it effective method Avoid the fate to be eaten, and also makes nettle to an important refuge for the caterpillars and many other insects. In addition to the nettle of downtown, the nettle is widespread in Russia.

Violet tricolor

Tricolor violet, also known as pansies - annual, sometimes perennial plantsgrowing in Europe and moderate areas of Asia. Also was introduced in North America, where widespread. This is the progenitor of cultivated violet, and therefore sometimes it is called wild violet.

Ryabik chess

Markchik chess - a perennial herbaceous plant, having a rather unusual, as for field colors. Prefers raw, lowland meadows and pastures of Europe and West Asia. Flourishes on soils that never exposed intensive agricultureAnd currently meets less and less.


Source - Rod Perennial herbatous plantsThere are about 2 thousand species. Russia meets from 300 to 400 species, which grow in various climatic conditions, landscapes and habitats throughout the country.

Types of trees are not reading, and all this diversity performs the main function on our planet - cares about cleansing air from carbon dioxide. A photo of trees varieties, as well as the names of the trees, are widely represented both in special and cognitive literature. Here you can not only get acquainted with such information, but also learn a lot of interesting facts about green plantations.

Trees. different species It's not so difficult to distinguish from each other, if you know what crowns and leaves they have. But if the crowns of trees are sometimes formed by people, then the form of leaves from representatives of one species is unchanged. However, different types of trees leaves are so different that scientists have come up with special names for them.

Leaves having one sheet plate falling in the fall entirely, called simple. They are solid, like birch and apple tree, and blade, like Maple. Complex leaves are tremendous, like clovers and strawberries, or fingerhead, like. The unparallest-winding leaves are also considered complex, in which several leaves are fixed on a pet, ending with one leaf, like acacia, as well as parseristic, in which the petiole ends with two leaves.

In the photo of species of trees shown below, you can see the leaves of both varieties:

What birch? Brief description and features of birch

Speaking about what kinds of trees are, it is standing with birch - the symbol of Russia. Birch is considered one of the most common trees of the northern hemisphere. In total there are about 60 types of birch.

In the photo of this type of trees (the name of which comes from the ancient Indo-European word "Bergos", meaning "glowing, tolery") it is clearly seen that the bark bark is really white. Many songs, poems and legends are devoted to this beauty, because it is part of the culture of Slavs, Scandinavians, Finno-Ugric peoples and North American Indians.

Short description Birch: The height is up to 30-45 m with a trunk girth of 120-150 cm, but there are shrubs, and dwarf trees. Birch feature - white color The bark with which it is obliged to be a white resinous substance of betuline, filling the cell cavity. The outer part of the cortex - berson is easily peeling. But the old bark trees at the bottom of the trunk are dark and covered with cracks. Lives Birch 100-120 years, but individual trees live and up to 400!

Birch flowers are collected in inflorescences - firewalls, which are known to everyone called "Earrings". The fruit of birch is a small, almost imperceptible nuts, and its seeds are very lungs - in 1g. They are about 5,000.

Speaking about what birch, one description is not enough. It is important to tell about her valuable qualities. Birch has long served people. It gives wood, bark, birch juice, healing kidneys and leaves. Beresta is distinguished by special strength due to the resinous substances that are contained in it. In Russia 1000 years ago on Bestet wrote and painted. In Novgorod and other cities, archaeologists found hundreds of Old Russian manuscripts. And today on Bester create beautiful pictures.

Birch light and rapidly growing. She overtakes other trees, does not give them to develop and even knocks down pine cones with their long and thin branches. However, young spruces get along well with birch - they are not afraid of the shadows, and the branches of the firs are directed down, so the birch branches are "not frightened". Birchs are breeding simply - their extremely light seeds are spread over a distance of about 100 m from the maternal tree.

Chestnut tree: What are the fruits in Chestnut, interesting facts

Chestnuts decorate the streets of many cities. In the spring, they sparkle with white-pink inflorescences similar to candles, and closer to autumn give glossy brown fruits, beautiful, but inedible. However, there is one chestnut with edible fruits, which grows south. Both wood, although they are called the same, far from relatives - they relate to different families. And even the leaves they have different shapes.

Chestnut refers to the beech family. Some species, especially sown chestnut, has long been cultivated as fruit trees, their wood is used. it beautiful tree with a spherical crown planted in the parks. Chestnuts are sensitive to drought, so sometimes they are bred over beer and wine cakes so that they receive enough moisture.

What a fruit of chestnut is clearly visible in the photo. The fruits of chestnut sowing and related species are nuts in barbed peel. They are very difficult to keep in their hands. But but the nuts themselves are very useful. In southern countries, chestnut fruits eat raw, bake and fry, and also make powder from them, which is added to the flour.

Why did Kashtan named Konsky? The habitual chestnut, known in Europe from the XVI century, is not at all chestnut. It belongs to the family of sopindov, and not beech. There are several versions, why he was called Konsky. According to one of them, flour from its fruits, inedible to humans, fed and treated horses. According to another version, the color of its fruit resembles the color of the slotted horse.

The fruits of wood, horse chestnuts are a three-skilled box concluded in a hipged peel. It opens through the sash. These large brilliant fruits are inedible. But the flour, obtained from them, is used to produce not only individual medicines, but also glue, which in the old days was used for book bakes.

An interesting fact about Chestnos is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. An amazing specimen of a tree, which has been more than 3,000 years old, grows on Sicily Island, on the slope of the Etna volcano. He was named "Chestnut Hundreds of Horses" thanks to an old legend, according to which more than 600 years ago a hundred knights, without joining horses, could hide under it from rain. In 1780, the girth of his barrel was 57.9 m. This chestnut was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records as the worst tree. True, over time he splits, and today it has not one trunk, but a few, but they all grow from one common root.

Dragono tree drazena and his photo

The ancient Indian legend tells that once on the island of Socotra in the Arabian Sea, a dragon lived, who hunted the elephants and drank their blood. Once the dragon was not lucky: the elephant crushed him, and where their blood was mixed, the tree was grew, which was called "DRACEEN", that is, "dragonhip". Now the dragon is also called "Dragon Tree". And the origins of legends can be found in the plant itself. If you cut his barrel, from there is a resin, which quickly freezes and becomes red. This resin is called the Dragon Blood.

Sinnobar Drazena or Dragono tree growing on Sokotra, it looks like a giant fancy umbrella. Crown young tree - This is a hat from linear-shaped, pointed leaves.

As can be seen in the photo of the drazes (Dragon Tree), additional branches are located on the trunk, each of which ends with a dense beam of such leaves.

The relative of the drazes of Sinnobarskaya - Dragon dragon - grows on the Canary Islands. Like all of her relatives, she starts fruit only in 30-40 years old, and the growing centuries can grow. But Dragon Tree has no one-year rings, and therefore it is not easy to determine its real age. Guangchi, indigenous inhabitants of the Canary Islands, considered the Dragon Tree sacred, and his resin was used for embalming. Nowadays, sharp, leathery leaves are used as a material for brushes.

What tree drops a bark? Eucalyptus and his homeland

Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia, are considered to be the homeland eucalyptus, where they are more than hundreds of species. These are shrubs, and high. This is one of the few trees, which drops the bark, not the leaves. In the fall, their surface thin coral red bark pops up, exposing the lower green layer, which gradually acquires red. In some eucalyptus, the bark is smooth and comes off long ribbons, and others are covered with scales and persists on the trunk and thick branches. The wood of these trees is unusual: depending on their species, it can be white, yellow or red.

Real Eucalyptus Forests Australia

Relic eucalyptus forests of Australia - the usual spectacle on the green continent. These trees are light-headed and grow both in dry and in wet places. They are famous for their wood, bark and gum - a sugar substance that is distinguished from the trunk and is used to prepare various drugs.

Australian tea treefrom which healing oil is mined, in fact it is a relative of the eucalyptus and has nothing to do with chinese Camelliawhose leaves make tea.

As a home, eucalyptuses were chosen by Koala, or the sophisticated bears. These animals are not relatives of real bears. All their lives of Koala are carried out on eucalyptus trees, feed on with leaves, shredding them, chew and retain in grinding bags. When they eat, you should not break their calm, otherwise these "bear" can get angry and put into deal with their sharp claws and teeth.

Rainbow Eucalyptus in a wild form grows on a set of tropical islands. He is interested in his bark, which, with age, does not just change the color, and in adult trees cast all the colors of the rainbow.

On the expanses of African savanna, mighty baobabs grow. This type of trees received its scientific name - the Arado-Nia Palca-in honor of the French scientist Michel Aradon and thanks to five or seven-plated leaves. The tree is famous for its sizes - the height of the baobab can reach 40 m, and the thick trunk in diameter is about 10 m. And it is believed that this giant is able to exist within 5,000 years. Baobabs are growing not only in Africa, but also in Madagascar, and in Australia.

Baobab's trunk is capable, like a sponge, store water reserves. His long roots absorb moisture deep underground - this allows the tree to survive in the drought season.

Baobab flowers reach 20 cm in diameter. And they bloom only one night, and pollinate them the bats. And the next morning the flowers are withering, acquiring a rotten smell, and fall out.

Baobab's fruits are something similar to Tsykina - they have a lot of seeds, pulp inside and rigid peel outside. They are helpful and calories. They love monkeys, so Baobab has another name - a monkey bread.

During the drought period, the Baobabs are reset the leaves, but in the rainy season they are again bangible with green crowns. An interesting fact about Baobaba - the inhabitants of Africa not only eat their fruits, but also use leaves for break and for the treatment of malaria. In addition, from the Lubyan layer, which is under the crust, get fiber and make robust ropes and threads. In Senegal, there is even a proverb: "helpless, like an elephant bound by rope from Baobab." Baobab is considered to be a sacred tree in Africa.

In the trunk of Baobab, huge hollows are often formed. In Africa, they are used as water tanks. And in one Australian town in Dupel Baobab, which has a barrel with a diameter of 6 m, arranged a prison.

Elephants, unlike monkeys, feed not only by the fruits of Baobab. They gather at the tree, break his branches, tear off the bark, leaves and eat it all. Therefore, it is rare to meet a tree with an intact crown - most often it is partially combined. No wonder Baobab also call the elephant diner.

What are the types of trees: Tula

What are the types of trees that legends are made about? In many countries, it is described about the tree that unites all the universe. Its branches are the symbol of the sky, the trunk - the earthly world, and the roots of the underground world. In one biblical legend speaks of the tree of life, which grew in the midst of the paradise garden. And today there are trees on Earth, about which legends are composed and which sometimes give the old name - "Tree of Life."

Tula tree - the so-called Taxodium Mexican from the cypress family, which grows in the city of Santa Maria del Tula. Its trunk is considered the most thick in the world and has a girth of 36.2 m, and the diameter is 11.62 m. The legend of the local Indians of the Sapoteks says that this tree is about 1400 years ago he planted the priest of the god of the wind eekatel.

On the giant tree trunk, some notice the images of different animals, for which he is called a giving life.

Within 300 years in the tener desert, an acacia, called "Tennel Trenel", grew up in the ten train, and there was nothing in a radius of 400 km around it. Her rightly was considered the most lonely tree on Earth. Feed it deeply located the groundwater. All travelers shouted this tree. But in 1973, a lonely acacia hit a truck with a drunk driver. The remains of Acacia moved to the Niger Niger Museum, and in her place they installed a metal tree.

Wood-long-lived: Pine Mafusail

The oldest single tree on our planet is growing in the US state of California. This is a peppermine pine, which is already about 4900 years. She even has a name - Mafusail, given in honor of the legendary biblical character who lived 969 years.

Now Tourists do not let the Maofusail Pine-long-liver so that they do not disassemble the tree to souvenirs.

In the desert of Bahrain, the island state in the Persian Gulf, there is a lonely acacia, which local residents also call the "Tree of Life." They believe that it was in this place that he was a paradise garden. Today it remains a mystery, as this acacia survives in the sands - because there are no water nearby. The most believable version says that root system The tree stretches very widely and eats from far sources. The tree of life reaches a height of 9.6 m.

Sequoia Tree: Photos and Interesting Facts

Evergreen tree Sequoia is considered to be a national symbol of California. This plant refers to the family of cypress and sometimes called "Red Tree". But the sequirendron - a representative of another kind - got the name "Giant Sequoia". In the wild, these trees grow on the Pacific Coast of North America. Separate sequoia copies reach a height of more than 100 m. An interesting fact about Sequoire - these trees are among the highest on earth, their age is 3,500 years.

Fifteen of the previously preserved before this day have a height of more than 110 m, and the record installed the sequoia called "Hyperion". Its height, measured in 2006, amounted to 115 m. Scientists believe that any tree in principle cannot reach 122-123 m, because the gravity force will not allow woody juices to rise to such height.

Secuateradron "General Sherman" Named so in honor of the Civil War Participant in the United States. This tree is not the highest (only 83.8 m), but on the volume of wood it is the world record holder - 1487 m3. And the age of this giant is 2300-2700 years.

Other pieces of wood sequoia Look in the photo gallery below:

Sequoia National Park, founded in 1890, is known thanks to the Egyvoyadron, which is also called Mamonto Tree for the size and similarity of the giant branches with the Mammoth's Talms. Millions of years of sequiladrons grew throughout the northern hemisphere, today there are only 30 groves, including in the National Park. In addition, there is a museum dedicated to the history of sequoyadron. In the trunk of the secrethedron, the arch was abandoned through which a person could pass.

Giant trees have always sought to give names in honor of outstanding people. The scientific name of the secretandron - "Wellingtonia" is due to the name of the English commander in chief, the winner at Waterloo. And the genus of these trees is named after Sequoia (George Hess) (approx. 1770 - approx. 1843) - the Indian leader of the tribe of the Cherokee, who invented the Cherokee alphabet and founded the first newspaper in this language.