Table of mineral salts. mineral salts

Salt of life, salt of the earth... probably, it is about mineral salts! They are vital - it is no coincidence that each of us represents almost the entire periodic system Mendeleev! In the heat when loss important elements significant, it should be ensured that they are received regularly.

We need mineral salts no less than water and the main components of nutrition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). After all, they are participants in metabolic processes, catalysts for many biochemical reactions in the cell, structural elements of bones and muscles.


Magnesium has been called the feel-good mineral and has been shown to protect the body from the negative effects of stress. Also, he plays important role in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and is responsible for many important functions of the body: it conducts conduction through the fibers of the nervous system, regulates the lumen of blood vessels, as well as intestinal function. By the way, there is practically no excess of magnesium in the body - it is easily excreted through the kidneys, intestines and skin. The daily need for magnesium is 0.3-0.4 grams, and here are its main suppliers: legumes, brown rice, bran bread, oatmeal - one of the most useful cereals, nuts.


One of the main mineral players is sodium, which is involved in the regulation of water levels in the body and affects the functioning of the brain and nerves. The daily requirement is 1-2 grams. This amount is contained, for example, in a 100-gram slice of black bread or a piece of pickled herring.

Basically, we get sodium from table salt, but busting with it is undesirable (it provokes fluid retention and swelling), as well as its complete exclusion (this leads to increased excretion of water and insufficient formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach).


Potassium maintains the normal excitability of the nervous and muscular systems, regulates the activity of the heart muscle, ensures the supply of glucose to the brain, and is responsible for concentration. The need for potassium salts is about 4 grams per day. A sufficient amount of them is found in potatoes, legumes, cabbage, fish, poultry, bananas.


Everyone knows about the importance of Calcium - this microelement is responsible for the stability of the cell membranes of the brain and nerve cells, ensures the normal development of bone tissue and tooth enamel. Calcium metabolism in the body is regulated by hormones and vitamin D (therefore, moderate insolation is welcome).

Calcium is found in high concentrations in dairy products, and here it is presented in an optimal ratio with phosphorus (1:2), another important mineral.

The daily calcium requirement is 1.2 grams.

Eat or drink?

Food products are ready to help fill the deficiency of mineral salts. But what if the appetite fails - for example, in the heat, when there is no desire to dine at all? Mineral water may be an alternative. It's delicious - a pleasant, cool, moderately salty liquid is perfectly refreshing. And useful - the mineral balance in the body returns to normal, providing excellent health and performance. Maintain water-salt balance mineral water both pleasant and helpful.

What is the best mineral water?

Optimal for replenishment, mild in taste, with an average level of mineralization - Kuyalnik water. It was used as early as the time of Catherine the Great, as an excellent medicinal and table drink. Enriched with limestone minerals (through which it travels over 300 km), chemically stable and crystal clear (from surface water the source is protected by 12-meter layers of clay), poured directly at the place of extraction (and therefore retained all its beneficial features) - what more could you want?

It is essential for people with low acidity gastric juice: this problem often leads to dysbacteriosis, and he, in turn, to osteoporosis - due to insufficient absorption of important minerals. And also "Kuyalnik" is actively used for chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, enterocolitis, biliary dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis or irritable bowel syndrome.

However, this water will bring exceptional benefits to an absolutely healthy person - it is recommended to maintain the salt balance in the body and prevent the effects of dehydration (especially in summer). And it can be used every day.

Listen to the thirsty body and satisfy its needs not just with water - with healthy water! Moreover, we obviously have something to work on in this matter: according to statistics, a Russian on average drinks 39.2 liters of mineral water per year, while a Pole - 120, and an Italian - 300. Let's catch up with Europe!

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Mineral salts are among the essential components of food, and their absence leads to the death of the body. Mineral substances are actively involved in the life of the body, in the normalization of the functions of its most important systems. Their role in hematopoiesis is known (iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel), as well as their participation in the formation and regeneration of body tissues, especially bone, where
phosphorus and calcium are the main structural elements. Minerals play an important role in the development and growth of teeth. Fluorine, for example, makes dental tissue especially strong. One of the most important functions of minerals is to maintain the necessary acid-base balance in the body. Entering into the composition of protein fractions, mineral substances impart to them the properties of living protoplasm. Mineral salts are involved in the function of endocrine and enzyme systems, their role in the normalization of water metabolism is invaluable.

At present, it can be considered that a person needs to be provided with at least 20 minerals. Satisfaction of the need for them is carried out at the expense of food and water.

The daily requirement for some minerals in adults is as follows:

Calcium - 800-100 mg
Iron - 2 mg
Phosphorus -1600-2000 mg
Mel - 2 mg
Magnesium - 500-600 mg
Iodine - 100-150 mg
Potassium - 2-3 mg
Sodium -4-6 mg
Zinc -12-16 mg
Chlorine - 4-6 mg
Manganese - 4 mg
Sulfur - 1 mg
Aluminum - 12-13 mg
Fluorine -0.8-1.6 mg

Some food products have the ability to selectively concentrate in their composition a significant amount of sometimes rare minerals. Yes, known large quantities silicon in cereals, iodine in marine plants, copper and zinc in oysters, cadmium in scallops, etc.

Acid-base balance. The human body maintains the acid-base balance necessary for its normal functioning. It is distinguished by constancy, however, the nature of nutrition and the predominance of acidic or alkaline compounds in it can affect the shifts in the acid-base balance. In human nutrition, the predominance of acidic substances is most often noted, as a result of which this balance can shift towards acidity, which is undesirable.
There is evidence that acid shifts in the body contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.

Sources of acidic minerals are foods such as meat, fish, eggs, bread, cereals, bakery products and others that contain a significant amount of sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. Foods rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium (or sodium)! are sources of alkaline substances. These include milk and dairy products (except cheeses), potatoes, vegetables and fruits, berries. It would seem that vegetables, fruits and berries, due to their sour taste, should be sources of acidic substances. In fact, as a result of transformations in the body, they serve as suppliers of alkaline substances. Organic acids of vegetables, fruits and berries contain a large amount of alkaline and alkaline earth salts, which are retained in the body.
People's diet middle age it is desirable to strengthen products with alkaline environment. This can be achieved by increasing specific gravity in the nutrition of milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. To the main minerals that it needs; organism, include calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Calcium. The importance of calcium in baby food is well known. One might think that for adults the role of calcium is small, and more than that it is harmful in old age due to the danger of its deposition in the vessels.
However, adults also need calcium; there is evidence that in old age the need for calcium even increases. Calcium salts are constant integral part blood, cell and tissue juices; they strengthen the body's defense mechanisms and play an important role in maintaining normal neuromuscular excitability. Calcium salts are involved in the processes of blood clotting, calcium deficiency affects the function of the heart muscle. Of particular importance is calcium in the formation, growth and development of the bones of the skeleton.

Calcium is widely present in many foods, however, it is difficult to digest. The best sources of digestible calcium are milk and dairy products. 0.5 l of milk or 100 g of cheese is guaranteed to satisfy the daily need for calcium. Calcium from cereals and bread products is poorly absorbed due to its unfavorable ratio in these products with phosphorus and magnesium, and also due to the presence of inositol-phosphoric acid in cereals, which forms indigestible compounds with phosphorus. The same indigestible compounds form with calcium and oxalic acid; therefore, calcium in foods rich in oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach, etc.) is practically (not used in the body.

Meat and fish contain little calcium and cannot be considered as any significant source of it. Milk alone is an excellent source of absorbable calcium, but it can increase the calcium absorption of other foods. Therefore, milk should be an indispensable component of any diet.

Between doses reach 7 or more hours. As a result, the stomach is overfilled, its walls are excessively stretched, the mobility and mixing of food are limited in it, and the processing of its juices worsens. Nutrients become less available for processing by enzymes. Food stays in the stomach for a long time, and the work of the digestive glands becomes long and intense. Such nutrition ultimately leads to the development of dysfunction of the gastric glands and indigestion. Elderly people often have impaired functional abilities digestive system, and such an excessive load leads to even more pronounced violations.

Of exceptional importance is the regularity of eating, that is, eating always at the same time. At the same time, a conditioned reflex is developed for the release of the most active gastric juice, rich in enzymes, at a set time. Incoming food meets in the stomach prepared soil for vigorous, active digestion. Quite a different thing happens with disordered eating. In these cases, there is no conditioned reflex, there is no preliminary release of juice, and the introduced food enters the stomach, which is not prepared for the processes of digestion.

If the time of eating is not observed for a long time, then digestion processes are inevitably disturbed, often leading to the development of stomach diseases.

It can be said without exaggeration that one of common causes gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is precisely non-compliance with the diet, disorderly eating with long breaks between these methods.
Eating too much before bed is very harmful. The fact is that the digestive organs need rest, and such a period of rest is night sleep. Long-term continuous work of the glands of the digestive apparatus leads to a decrease in the digestive power of gastric juice and disruption of its normal separation.

The digestive glands should have 6-10 hours of rest daily. Late dinners deprive the secretory apparatus of rest, which leads to overstrain and exhaustion of the digestive glands.
Dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Immediately before bedtime, lactic acid foods or fruits (a glass of curdled milk, an apple) are recommended.

The distribution of the daily food ration for individual meals is differentiated, depending on the nature labor activity and daily routine.

Mineral salts, like vitamins, must be in our food, as they are necessary for the life and activity of our body.

The main groups of minerals.

1. Sodium. One of the main alkaline elements in the body. Thanks to him, lime and magnesium are retained in blood solutions and tissues. Lack of sodium causes hardening of the walls of the arteries, stagnation of blood in the capillary vessels, gallstones, urinary, hepatic, jaundice. Then sodium is removed from the tissues to the lungs carbon dioxide, with a lack of sodium, heart disease appears, and diabetics and obese people suffocate. Then sodium is a source of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. Only thanks to sodium, iron can capture oxygen from the air.

2. Iron. It is the most desired element to oxidize our blood, it promotes the formation of red globules (hemoglobin) in it. Lack of iron in the body creates acute anemia, reduced vitality, apathy, pale sickness. The storage place for iron in the body is the liver.
Most iron is found in spinach, lettuce, strawberries, asparagus, onions, pumpkins and watermelons.

3. Potassium. It is an alkali metal necessary for the building of muscles. In the body, it is needed for the liver and spleen, as well as
for the intestines, which helps to digest fats and starches.
Therefore, foods rich in potassium are useful for constipation. It is also useful in case of poor blood circulation, weakening of activity.
heart, with various inflammations and diseases of the skin, with congestion of blood to the head.

A lack of potassium creates flabbiness and inflexibility of the muscles, lowers mental vitality. Most of all it is found in raw vegetables, in sour fruits, especially lemons, cranberries and barberries, and also in bran, nuts, almonds and chestnuts.
And, since calcium is necessary for the work of the heart muscles and for blood clotting. It is the main source of blood supply with alkaline salts, which is extremely important, since the blood is normally alkaline, and if the alkaline balance is disturbed, then death occurs. All our glands, which secrete hormones for blood, cells and tissues, must always have enough calcium, otherwise the body ages prematurely. Children and adolescents require 3-4 times more calcium than adults for the formation of bones, teeth, tissues.

4. Calcium. During illness, especially high temperature, as well as with overwork and big troubles, a lot of calcium is thrown out of the body. This is immediately reflected in the work of the whole organism: super-acidity of the blood appears, the liver weakens, losing its activity necessary for the destruction of poisonous substances that enter it from the blood, tonsils begin to become inflamed, stones appear in gallbladder, staggering and crumbling teeth, the body is covered with a rash (mainly the hands).
The introduction of one pure calcium into the body does not bring much benefit; it must be introduced along the way in the form of food containing alkali in itself. organic compound, it is necessary to give egg yolks, yellow turnips, rutabaga, beans, olives, lentils, almonds, wine berries, cauliflower, bran, whey.

5. Phosphorus. Bone development can be delayed due to a lack of phosphorus, despite the sufficiency of calcium, since phosphorus is a stimulus for growth and activity in the body. Phosphorus is still needed for brain work, as it is part of the brain substance; therefore, brain fatigue with increased brain work is associated with a decrease in phosphorus. On the other hand, its disproportionate amount in the body causes various tumors.
Phosphorus is especially rich in fish liver, also egg yolk, cheese, bread bran, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, nuts, almonds, lentils and dried peas.

6. Sulfur. It is found in all cells and tissues of the human body.
Organisms: in a component of hair, nails, muscles, bile, gases, in urine. Is an antiseptic
intestines, moderates excessive oxidation of phosphorus, preserves the strength of the nerves. A lack of sulfur leads to irritable activity, tumors, and painful phenomena on the skin. There is a lot of sulfur in horseradish, turnips, cabbage, egg white, bran, walnuts and Chinese nuts, in ripe rye and wheat.

7. Silicon. It goes to the construction of muscles, nerves, skin, hair and nails. Its deficiency causes hair loss, brittle nails, and contributes to diabetes. Most silicon is found in the skin of fresh fruits and in the bran of cereals. In addition, a little in cucumbers, asparagus, head lettuce, parsley, beets and strawberries.

9. Fluorine. It is found in humans in the spinal bones and teeth and less in the muscles, brain and blood. It is part of the enamel of the teeth: without
fluorine enamel cracks, teeth rot. The bones of the skeleton without fluoride also get sick. Fluoride is found in all cereal grains, nuts, beans, peas, egg whites, fruits and green vegetables. Incidentally, fluorine is a necessary substance in the protoplasm of plants; therefore, plants do not bloom in soil devoid of fluorine.

10. Iodine. In organisms, it is located in the thyroid gland and is a metabolic regulator. Lack of iodine leads to the formation of goiter and weakens the immune system, that is, the body's resistance to all kinds of diseases, reduces the body's physical strength.
Most iodine is found in seaweed (algae). Then it is found in turnips, rutabaga, beets, lettuce, tomatoes, as well as sea crayfish, chilims, oysters, crabs, herrings and lobsters.

11. Salt (cooking). It is very necessary for tissues and blood, as well as for the formation of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. Lack of salt in the body leads to weight loss, and its excess is harmful to the heart.

12. Magnesium. It gives the bones and teeth a special hardness and rigidity. In nerves, muscles, lungs, brains, it is also present in small quantities, giving them elasticity and density. Lack of it is reflected in nervous tension.
Magnesium is found in spinach, tomatoes, celery, nuts, figs, and bran.

Mineral salts are necessary components food intake, and their absence can lead to the death of a living organism. They are very actively involved in the activities of all elements of the body, as well as in the normalization of the functioning of its systems. Minerals are necessary for hematopoiesis, the formation of various tissues. For example, calcium and phosphorus are the main structural elements of bone tissue. It is believed that a person needs at least twenty different mineral salts. In our body, they can come with water and food.

Some types of products are characterized by a high concentration of certain minerals, including rare ones. Cereals contain a lot of silicon, and marine plants - iodine.

For our body, a certain acid-gap balance is normal. Its maintenance is the basis of effective life activity. Such a balance should be constant, but with some shifts in nutrition, it can fluctuate in one direction or another.

For human nutrition, a shift towards an acidic character is considered characteristic. This is fraught with the development of various diseases, including atherosclerosis.

Acid minerals include chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur. They are found in fish, meat, bread, eggs, cereals, etc. Potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium are alkaline elements.

They are rich in products such as fruits and vegetables, berries, milk and its derivatives.
The older a person becomes, the more alkaline foods should be present in his diet.

The most essential mineral salts for our body are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Potassium belongs to the alkali metals. It is needed by our body to build muscles, as well as for the spleen and liver. Potassium contributes to the normalization of digestion processes, and in particular actively stimulates the processing of starches and fats.

This explains the benefits of this element for constipation. In addition, it is indispensable for disorders in blood circulation, inflammatory processes on the skin, weakened work of the heart and flushes of blood.

Shows up quickly muscle mass as well as mental disorders. This element is found in acidic fruits, raw vegetables, cranberries and barberries, as well as nuts, bran and almonds.

Calcium is equally necessary at any age. Its salts are part of the blood, as well as interstitial and cellular fluid. It is believed that they are necessary for strengthening the body's defense systems, as well as for the implementation and maintenance of neuromuscular excitability.

The role of calcium salts in their importance for blood clotting, and their lack quickly affects the activity of the heart muscle. This mineral is especially necessary for the bones of the skeleton.

Calcium is present in many foods. But at the same time, it is quite difficult to be absorbed by the body. It is best to consume it with dairy products, for example, half a liter of milk contains its daily rate.

When building a diet, one should take into account the fact that calcium is actively lost by the body during various stressful situations and during illness. This very quickly affects the state of the whole organism. Therefore, if calcium is lost, its intake should be increased.

Phosphorus is essential for stimulating the growth and activity of the body. It affects bone development and is also very important for the brain. A stable supply of this element is necessary with active mental work. But it should be borne in mind that a constant excess of phosphorus can lead to the formation of tumors.

This mineral is found in foods such as fish liver, cheese, yolk, bran, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, almonds, nuts, lentils.

Magnesium is essential for the hardness of teeth and bones. This element is also present in the muscles, nerves, lungs, brain, giving them density and elasticity. Lack of magnesium in the diet has a very quick effect. nervous tension.

It is magnesium salts that are able to protect our body from the negative effects of various stresses, by supporting the work of cell membranes in nervous system. Contained in tomatoes, spinach, nuts, celery, wine berries, bran.

Iron is the main element for blood oxidation. Without it, the formation of hemoglobin - red balls - is impossible. With a lack of this microelement, anemia, apathy, reduced vitality and pale infirmity are observed. In the body, iron is deposited in the liver.

Found in lettuce, spinach, asparagus, strawberries, pumpkin, onions, and watermelon.

Mineral salts are inorganic elements. This means that the human body cannot synthesize them on its own. The task of a person is a competent approach to building his diet.

In this case, the need for a strict balance in the ratio of mineral salts should be taken into account. Their wrong combination or excess can be harmful and have negative consequences.

For example, an excessive amount of calcium in the diet can lead to the formation of calcium-containing kidney stones. Also, this element must be correctly combined with phosphorus and potassium. With an excess of table salt, edema and problems with cardiovascular system. This is because salt retains fluid in the body.

The biological role of mineral salts in the body is great. For their balanced intake, it is necessary to competently approach the preparation of the diet. In this case, it will not be superfluous to consult with nutritionists.