Pansies are about planting and caring for seeds and seedlings. Pansies: planting and caring for a spring flower

Touching and gentle, pansies (viola) are familiar to almost everyone. They are grown in summer cottages, gardens and parks. There are many varieties of viola, each with its own charming flower color. They are loved by gardeners for their beauty, tenderness and unpretentiousness. Even a novice florist will be able to grow pansies from seeds and decorate a flower bed with them in their area.

Pansies: description

Biennial or perennial bushes in height can reach from fifteen to thirty centimeters... They have branched and rather thin triangular hollow stems, sessile or petiolate, alternate rounded-heart-shaped leaves of small size, lobular root system and very beautiful single flowers with multi-colored petals. The buds are located in the axils of the leaves on long pedicels. They can be monochrome or multi-colored. In tricolor and bicolor viols, the eye has a contrasting color in relation to the petals.

Planted last year herbaceous plant bloom will begin in April as soon as the snow melts. Bloom will continue all summer long... Young bushes are compact, over time they grow and multiply by self-seeding.

Pansies: growing from seed

Despite the fact that the plant is, in regions with cold winters, it is most often grown as an annual... Therefore, in order to get a blooming flower bed from viols in the spring, it is necessary to grow seedlings.

When are pansies planted? Viola should be sown three months before planting. into open ground. Seedlings are planted on the beds only after the last frosts have passed. Two-year-old species of pansies are sown in July immediately on flower beds.

Growing seedlings

Viola seeds are soaked in a growth promoter before planting... Seedling containers are filled with soil mixture for violets, or soil is prepared from the following components:

The planting material is placed on the soil surface and sprinkled with a nutrient mixture. The distance between the seeds should be about one centimeter. The soil is moistened with a sprayer and covered with a film. Seedling containers are placed in a warm place with an air temperature within +22 degrees. Planting care consists in daily ventilation of the soil and keeping it moist.

Seedlings will appear in about seven to fourteen days. Some varieties can take up to three to four weeks to germinate. After the seedlings appear, the boxes are placed in a well-lit place where direct sunlight does not fall. It is not recommended to remove the film immediately. First, young plants are opened for a few minutes a day. The duration of airing increases every day. After about two weeks, the film is removed completely.

When growing seedlings it is necessary to monitor soil moisture... Viola does not like drying out of the soil, so watering should be regular. However, seedlings cannot be poured either. You can water it only after the top layer of the soil dries out.

Often gardeners are interested in the question - Do I need to dive seedlings of pansies? In this case, it all depends on how often the seeds were sown. If the distance between the bushes is from two or more centimeters, then they can be grown in boxes before planting in open ground. At a shorter distance, the seedlings dive.

When the plants have two or three true leaves, they are seated in separate pots or in a larger container. To prevent the seedlings from collapsing, they are buried to the cotyledon leaves. To form a lush bush, when six true leaves appear, the top of the plants is pinched.

About two weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, they need to start hardening. To do this, you can take out the seedling containers open balcony or a site.

Landing in open ground

For pansies choose well lit area... However, it is not recommended to plant them on open area which the sun illuminates throughout the day. From direct sunlight, the flowering of viols will end by mid-summer. Therefore, it is better to have a shadow on the flowers for part of the day. But you should not plant flowering plants in the shade either. From a lack of light, the color of the flowers will fade, and the inflorescences will become small.

Soil for pansies should be loose and fertile. In plants growing on poor soils, flowers become shallow and pale, varietal qualities appear worse.

The distance between the plantings of compact bushes should be twenty centimeters. Branching varieties are planted from each other with a distance of thirty centimeters.

In the first decade of July they sow biennial pansy seeds... A bed with breathable light soil is prepared for them. If the soil is heavy, then it can be mixed with peat, sand or perlite. Compost or humus is applied as fertilizer.

V open ground the seeds germinate faster, so the seedlings will appear in a week. Caring for them consists in timely watering and removing weeds.

At the end of August, grown and matured seedlings are transplanted into a flower bed. For the bushes, holes are made with a distance of twenty to twenty-five centimeters from each other. Before the onset of cold weather, the plants should grow well, they should not bloom. Only in this case, two-year-old pansies will bloom already in early spring next year and will bloom magnificently all summer.

Pansy Care

Plants are unpretentious, so caring for them will not take much time.

Watering and feeding

Viola roots reach about fifteen centimeters in length, so they cannot extract moisture from the depths of the soil on their own. Plants need to be watered in a timely manner. especially during hot months. Strong drying of the soil must not be allowed. You can water not abundantly, but regularly. The main thing is that the small roots are saturated with water.

If the summer is hot and dry, then in the evenings viola leaves can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Water should not get on the inflorescences. When watering and spraying, the water is used settled. Cold plants should not be watered.

Pansies for abundant and long flowering additional feeding required:

  1. During the active growing season, before the formation of buds, the first feeding with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen is carried out.
  2. During flowering, plants are fed with phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Do not use fresh mullein to fertilize viols.... It is best to buy ready-made mineral fertilizers for violets. Feeding can also be done dry. cow dung or bird droppings, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, nitrophos.

Additional care

After watering and removing weeds once a week is recommended loosen soil around the bushes... Such a procedure is needed as a prevention of fungal diseases and for better oxygen penetration to the roots.

To make the bushes beautiful and lush, crooked and elongated shoots are regularly pinched. Will help prolong flowering timely removal of faded buds... Plants that dry up and have faded in early summer can be pruned to stimulate their growth and new wave flowering.

Collecting seeds and preparing for winter

If you do not remove dried buds, then in their place are formed seed pods... When they turn yellow, they should be plucked. Otherwise, the box will burst and the seeds will spill to the ground. Harvested Seeds the next year can be used for planting. They retain their germination capacity for three years.

In regions with not very cold winters, pansies are left in the open field. To protect them from freezing, the bushes are covered with dried foliage, spruce branches, sawdust or a special material - lutrasil. From above, the shelter is covered with snow.

In regions with frosty winters, viols are dug up and grown at home or in a greenhouse until spring.

To get more planting material from several bushes, pansies can be grafted... For this, apical cuttings are used, which are cut off from already rooted and matured plants. Each stalk should have two or three knots.

Several cuttings are planted in the ground to a depth of one centimeter. The garden bed for them is chosen on an area where there is no direct sunlight. Caring for cuttings consists of regular watering. Rooting will occur in about seven to ten days. After that, young plants can be transplanted into a flower bed. They should bloom this year.

Hot and dry weather favors the appearance on plants. These pests settle in colonies, multiply rapidly and feed on the sap of leaves and stems. As a result, at first the leaves turn yellow and fall, and then the whole bush dies. Aphids are also a carrier of many viral diseases. The pest must be disposed of immediately after detection. Insecticidal preparations will help with this. Plants should be sprayed with Cypermethrin, Intavir, Actellic or Decis.

Viola roots can be affected by small worms called root root nematodes. Their larvae eat the roots, as a result of which the plant stops blooming and developing. You can destroy pests with the help of Lindane, BI-58, Phosphamide, Ragon or other insecticides. Since the preparations do not destroy the eggs of the nematode, the treatment is carried out several times.

Viola diseases

Unfavorable weather conditions, inaccuracies in care, infected planting material or soil can cause damage to plants by various fungal diseases.

Common diseases of pansies:

Proper care and timely feeding help to strengthen the immunity of plants and increase their defenses.

Beautiful and delicate pansies can be used to decorate flower beds, borders, alpine slides, lawns. Viols will look beautiful in flowerpots placed around the site. They can be used to decorate balconies and loggias. Plants are unpretentious, so caring for them does not take much time. And the bloom of pansies can be admired from early spring until autumn.

Some of the most memorable colors familiar to us from childhood are Pansies growing on lawns and sunny meadows, the progenitor of which is the familiar forest violet. They loved to pick unpretentious flowers in childhood, grew up with them, were happy and sad.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the beautiful tricolor violet has become one of the most desired and beloved plants in summer cottages, in city parks, in flower beds. Thanks to the selection, Vittrock's viola has become larger, the flowers are brighter, but, as before, they talk about the tricolor violet with a slight sadness, calling it Pansies.

Pansies growing seedlings from seeds video

This unpretentious plant propagates by cuttings and seeds. To get sunrises from seeds, they need to be planted in the second half of February.

  • After sowing the seeds, the seedlings are germinated for two to three weeks, after which they carefully dive. Many people prefer to simply put it in separate cups and plant it in the ground by transshipment.
  • Can be used vegetative way, it consists in germinating cuttings from violet bushes planted in the open field in June - July. Having pinched off a green shoot with several nodes from the mother bush, it should be buried in the ground, after having abundantly watered the ground. Usually, with this method, cuttings give roots after three to four weeks.

A variety of shapes and colors of violets, constant flowering and unpretentious cultivation finds its admirers in every home where there is at least a little space for land.

Features of growing violet tricolor Pansies

Many people ask unexpected questions about the reproduction of the tricolor violet. Sometimes in neighboring areas, where the climatic conditions are the same, in some housewives Pansies grow, practically not requiring any care, in others, after flowering, they do not leave any offspring with them. In neighboring flower beds, violets can grow densely, and wither in others, in some places the seeds germinate themselves, and in some even artificial crops do not grow. Let's figure out what's the matter.

Taking care of pansies is a snap

Wild violets grow on the edges of forest clearings in sunny places, but not in too humus-rich soil. Therefore, these conditions are genetically suitable for cultivation and in horticultural conditions.

Places for landing should be selected appropriate natural conditions: sufficiently lit areas, without over-fertilization with humus. You can plant flowers by digging up virgin soil, and adding into it the purchased earthen mixture, rich in mineral fertilizers.

How to plant pansies

Also, this area can be enriched with complex nitrogenous - phosphorus mineral compositions... Do not forget about potash fertilizers... It is best to purchase complex fertilizers specially prepared for flowers, following the recommendations for application indicated on the package.

But with organic matter, you need to be more careful: you should not carry fresh manure into the soil, or other fresh afterbirth.

Watering pansies

How to grow pansies

  • Watering tricolor violets should be done in moderation. Excessive moisture can cause roots to rot under the top layer of the earth. Any hot summer Pansies can easily endure when watering once every two to three days.
  • After watering, the topsoil should be loosened to break up the dry crust formed after watering, preventing moisture evaporation through the resulting cracks.
  • If there is not enough moisture, this will immediately affect the brightness of the color of the petals: Vittrock's zviola will look pale, the greens will spread on the ground, trying to retain moisture, covering the ground with the entire area of ​​leaves.

Violet tricolor Pansy description

Violet Wittrock Pansies pansies photo of flowers

Viola Vittroka is unpretentious in cultivation. Violet tricolor grows from 17 to 27 cm. Flowers bloom from 3 to 5 cm. There are varieties that reach up to 7 cm and even more. At the very beginning, the plant grows in bushes, but after that they grow, occupying all the space provided by the flower bed. They can reproduce both by root stepchildren and by self-seeding. The good news in flowers is that they start in April and continue to delight the owners all summer long until almost autumn.

Violet tricolor though unpretentious plant, but still requires some maintenance, for example, watering and weeding. You can grow pansies both on the site and on the balconies in outdoor flower beds or in any containers that can be filled with earth at least a little.

In nature, violets are found only in blue or bluish colors.

But the breeders have done a great job on the varieties. There are a large number of different colors and petal colors. They may be:

  • white;
  • blue and dark blue;
  • yellow;
  • red; or with a different palette of colors.

In the center of each such flower there is a small island of a contrasting color in relation to the main shade, somewhat similar to an open eye, and possibly Pansies, because they are blue.

Officially, the plant was named - Vittrock's violet, or also Violla. Depending on the varieties, they can be annual, biennial, there are varieties of perennial violets.

Flowers are most often given folk names; their origin is associated with beautiful romantic legends. In this sense, the tricolor violet was no exception. The appearance and shape of the flower really evokes an association, as if someone's gaze is closely following the path and joyfully greets visitors to the garden. Probably, this is how legends about the girl Anyuta are born, faithfully waiting for her lover on the road.
There are many signs associated with these flowers. In Russia, it has long been believed that picking flowers means rain. Pansies were depicted on the coat of arms of the historical region, Izhora - near Karelia, which existed at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The tricolor violet has other names: Ivan da Marya, also associated with a beautiful legend of faithful love, and the name "moths" says that the bright petals really resemble the fluttering of carefree butterflies.
Popular rumor ascribes magical love spells to pansies. But it is known for sure that all parts of the plant are absolutely recognized by official medicine as a valuable medicinal raw material for obtaining insulin and other glycosides that normalize the endocrine system. In folk medicine, the plant is used to prepare cough infusions, diuretics. In this article, we will tell you when to plant pansies on seedlings, how to care for them, what varieties are, and how to prevent flower diseases.

The botanical description of the violet is less poetic and is of interest to gardeners who are interested in breeding and growing it on personal plot as an early perennial plant.
Viola is a biennial plant. In nature, it is distributed throughout the European part of the continent, as well as in the regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. In the south, it is found up to the southernmost borders of Russia, in the Ukraine and Moldova. In the wild, the viola grows like a weed, it is hardy even in the harsh subarctic conditions. Cultivated hybrids require care and transplantation, since at the age of two the flowers of the plant become small and inconspicuous.
But natural properties - endurance and undemandingness, allow you to grow interesting hybrids and use everything possible ways breeding pansies in the open field and as an annual balcony decoration at home. Pansies, subject to simple rules of care, transform garden plots in areas with a cold climate.

Pansies: agricultural technology for growing from seeds

It would seem that there is nothing difficult and impracticable in agricultural cultivation. But on garden beds, Alpine hills do not want to see small wild flowers, but beautiful cultivars with large inflorescences and the rarest colors.
Pansy fans love to admire delicate flowers growing in flowerpots, boxes and just in pots, on the balcony. Thanks to the efforts of modern breeders, such an opportunity exists - for this it is enough to familiarize yourself with the simple agricultural technology of growing tricolor violets, choose the variety you like and the method of cultivation.


The stem of the plant reaches a height of 10-15 cm to 30 cm, less often, in giant hybrids - up to 45 cm. Usually, several straight or curly stems depart from the root, depending on the care of the plants and their variety. Stems are bare or slightly pubescent with small villi, ribbed triangular in shape.
The root system is fibrous: numerous lateral roots encircle the taproot rather tightly.

The lower leaves are large, ovoid with long petioles, and the upper ones are oblong, sessile. Just like the stems of a plant, the leaves can be covered with villi, depending on the type of flower. Long stipules are located between the upper leaves and the stem, from which peduncles appear.
The flower consists of a brush, on which there are 3-4 paired bracts. The flower cups do not fall off after flowering - seeds ripen in them, which you can then collect yourself.
The corolla consists of 5 petals, where, as a rule, the lower, unpaired petal differs in shape and color. The two pairs of upper paired leaves are larger. In the center of the corolla there is a pistil and five stamens with anthers tightly pressed against it. When the fruit ripens - "boxes with seeds", it is tightly held by the sepals.


The unpretentiousness of pansies growing in the "wild" allowed breeders to breed hybrids that propagate by cuttings, are planted in seedlings, as well as seeds.

Pansies: growing from seed outdoors

Sowing seeds can be done at different times, depending on the desired flowering time.
V Middle lane and in the south, cultivation of "pansies" from seeds in the open field begins in the middle or in the second half of September, when the weather is still warm, so that the seedlings have time to germinate and grow stronger before the onset of cold weather. At winter crops it is advisable to cover them if winters with little snow cover and severe frosts prevail in the region. Sowing in these areas at an earlier date is undesirable, since the seedlings may outgrow, and this will delay their flowering in spring, and the flowers will be smaller.
In the northern regions, you need to sow pansies in early August or no later than early September. Here, a natural snow cover will serve as a shelter for young seedlings, but in early spring, with severe frosts, it is necessary to carry out snow retention so that before a stable positive temperature the flowers do not die during night frosts.
Sowing seeds in open ground in May-June will decorate the garden with flowering plants in August-September.

Pansies: growing flowers by seedlings

To grow hybrids that are more demanding on weather conditions, in regions with a cold climate, where spring does not come until mid-May, and summer heat leaves already at the beginning or in mid-August, it is possible to admire the pansies grown at home, in a seedling way ... In the spring, when the snow melts, warm weather sets in and the earth warms up, it remains to plant seedlings in open ground. Alternatively, you can grow pansies in flowerpots so that in summer period move them to the garden. This method of growing will not cause any particular problems for flower growers.
Seedlings of pansy flowers can be grown in two ways: peat pots or in boxes.

Sowing in peat pots

Small pots are filled with potting mix to one third of the volume.
Seeds are sown, 3-5 pieces each, sprinkled with soil on top, no more than 1 cm.
Then the pots are transferred to a container (pallet), covered with foil and placed in a warm place until the first pair of true leaves appears. Seedlings appear within 10-14 days.
Every day, seedlings must be opened and left to ventilate, monitor soil moisture.
Seedlings dive twice in seedling containers, with an interval of 5-7 days.
It is recommended to plant seedlings in the ground at night temperatures not lower than 18 ºС.

Sowing in seedling boxes

  • Prepared boxes are filled with potting soil.
  • At a distance of 2 cm, grooves are made, 0.5-1.0 cm deep. Seeds are sown and sprinkled with earth.
  • The soil is regularly moistened by irrigation before the first pick, as needed.
  • After picking, the grown plants are transplanted into more spacious containers or separate pots, choosing the strongest shoots. Watering and loosening is carried out as needed.
  • As in the first case, the boxes are stored at room temperature, under the film, daily ventilating and moistening the soil if necessary.
    When forcing seedlings, you need to ensure sufficient and uniform lighting after emergence. In addition, during the period of distillation of pansies, it is advisable to feed them with complex mixtures. It is advisable to carry out top dressing and preventive treatment with fungicides at least once every two weeks.

When planting flowers of different varieties in open ground, in order to preserve the variety, be sure to follow the zoning rules, since as a result of cross-pollination next year, you may not see your favorite type of pansies in your garden.

Pansies: growing by cuttings

Pansy flowers in the second year of life, if they remain in the same place in the garden, become smaller. Such plantings need an update: so that next year the flowering is plentiful, the plantings are thinned out, leaving one main stem with unblown ovaries, and the bushes cut in May, with two or three nodes, are planted in the ground. The cuttings are watered abundantly using biostimulants, which will accelerate root development. In dry summers, it is better to carry out cuttings under a film, since during this period it is important to maintain moisture in the upper layer of the soil. The seedlings will delight you with flowering at the beginning of autumn. In addition, this planting method rejuvenates the flowers.

Care features

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will make flowering regular, long and abundant. Usually all flowers prefer the conditions in which they grow in nature. Pansies in their natural environment are found at the edge of the forest, in non-greasy but fertile soil with a neutral level of acidity. Sandy soils lead to shredding of flowers with insufficient feeding.
Pansies need moderate and regular watering, which is best done in the evening. After watering - obligatory loosening of the soil to improve aeration. Excess moisture is detrimental to the roots of a tricolor violet. Lack of moisture leads to the fact that the stems begin to creep along the ground, stretching and turning into creepers with small flowers. With insufficient watering, flowering also stops.
To stimulate the growth of the vegetative mass, nitrogen must be added to the soil before planting the plants, and for the formation of buds and lush flowering - phosphorus and potassium. Mineral dressing should be applied strictly according to the norm, remembering that their overabundance is just as destructive for flowers as a deficiency.
It is categorically impossible to plant viola in soil fertilized with fresh manure. It is not only a source of nitrogen and organic matter but also a breeding ground for infections.
Pests and diseases

There are a lot of bacteria, viruses and pathogenic fungi that infect pansies in the soil, water and air. Diseases to which, without exception, all garden plants are susceptible:

  • Powdery mildew
  • False powdery mildew
  • Fusarium of roots and leaves
  • Bronze of leaves
  • Spotting

In addition to infectious diseases, violets suffer from aphids, rootworm nematodes, and spider mites. Do not mind eating delicate slug leaves. But worst of all, insects are the main carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, to protect flowers, it is often necessary to simultaneously apply both fungicidal and insecticides to solve the problem comprehensively.
One thing is important to learn Golden Rule that will help protect garden plants from many troubles: unfortunately, the gardeners themselves are to blame for many diseases of their favorite flowers, because any violations of agrotechnical requirements lead to the weakening of plants, and they become defenseless in the environment of bacteria and viruses, insect pests.
The best treatment for the disease is proper care... For example:
Watering cold water causes stress on the plant, leads to mechanical damage roots, which shrink from a sharp drop in soil and water temperatures. Further, microcracks form in the roots into which viruses and bacteria living in upper layers soil. Gradually, harmful microorganisms increase their numbers, feeding on the intercellular juices of the flower, and when one plant dies, harmful and invisible inhabitants of gardens and vegetable gardens are thrown onto everything that grows and blooms nearby.

Pansies: choosing the best varieties for a flower bed

Diversity colors flower stuns with a riot of colors, and, of course, gives scope for creating landscape compositions: rabatok, borders, alpine hills. But that's not all! Small and medium, large and giant flowers are additional finishing touches for flower bed decoration, allowing you to play with shapes and sizes, creating volume and wavy lines.
Low-growing viola "tricolor" with large flowers (5-8 cm) is suitable for framing garden paths... Viola Vittroca, with giant flowers reaching 10 centimeters in diameter, can become the center of a violet composition. All together, flowers different sizes can form the basis for a flower bed of continuous flowering, from early spring to late autumn, if you follow the calendar, plant seedlings first, then sow seeds, and in the middle of summer renew the flower bed with seedlings from cut cuttings.
Whichever type of tricolor violet is chosen to decorate the garden, do not forget to pay attention to the cultivation of a living flower carpet. If you loosen the soil in a timely manner, water the flower bed and cut off withering plants, then the flower bed will always be updated, look fresh and delight with an abundance of flowers.
Finally, before you buy pansy seeds, draw a landscape plan, indicating step by step what variety and color you want to place. The drawing needs to be transferred to the site, counted required amount seeds, and only then go shopping.
Of the four hundred types of viola bred by breeders, no less than ten will definitely like. This will be enough to bring the idea to life.

Pansies Victorian Blend

Belongs to the Rococo cultivar. The bush grows 18-25 cm in length, the diameter of the flowers reaches 5.5 cm. The variety is distinguished by dense and abundant flowering. The flowers are characterized by variegated, bright shades and strongly wavy petals. The flowering period begins in late April and ends in August. Usually they are used to decorate flower beds or borders, and are also used for planting in groups in flower beds.
The plant is highly resistant to frost. Grows well in loose, fertile soils and loves the sun, but can grow in partial shade. Sowing of seeds is carried out in June, and in late August - early September, seedlings are planted in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Dynamite Pansies

Large-flowered frost-resistant variety The pansy is one of the first to bloom among other varieties. Differs in compact appearance... It has bright one-color petals, it comes in different shades. The biennial plant blooms both in spring and autumn, and the diameter of the flowers reaches 8 cm. It is not whimsical and blooms in the year of sowing with early planting. Flowers of this variety are often found in gardens, flowerpots and pots.
Seedlings are sown from February to August. The first shoots appear in 7-10 days, provided they are stored under a transparent film or glass and the temperature is maintained at 18-20 degrees. When the seeds germinate, glass is removed from them and grown in bright places, protected from direct sunlight. Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out at a distance of 20-25 cm.
In open ground, seeds are sown from mid-spring to late summer. The plant should grow in a cool place.


Flowers of this series reach 5 cm in diameter and grow close to each other, growing well. They are undemanding, hardy and very hardy. They tolerate rain better than others and often harmoniously complement others. spring plants... Blooms more effectively when grown in cool places.
It is planted in open ground until mid-summer. Seedlings are harvested from January to February. The plant grows best in bright areas and loves moisture. To make the flowering stronger, the wilting flowers are removed.

Blueberries with cream

Plants grow to a height of 15 cm.Abundant flowering and compactness, together with the original color of a predominantly dark purple hue with edging white make the series especially effective. It can often be seen on borders and flower beds, as well as in flower beds. The variety begins to bloom in mid-spring, and the last period falls at the end of autumn. The variety is frost-resistant and easy to grow. Grows in fertile, loose soils. Loves the sun, but can grow in partial shade.

Viola aurora

The variety has branched, compact bushes, growing up to 20-25 cm. The average size of flowers (5-7 cm) with abundant flowering complements the beautiful coloration. Along the edge of the corrugated petals, the main background is complemented by an original edging, the width of which changes based on temperature conditions. The coloration can vary in intensity, creating a vivid play of colors. The variety series is used for border and group plantings in open soil or to decorate garden vases or balconies.
When sown on seedlings in early March, flowering begins in the same year. Landing in the ground is carried out even before the end of the frost. For flowering next year, planting on permanent place spend in the first two months of summer. Grows well in moderately moist, fertile, drained soils. Loves sunny places or partial shade.

Viola ampelous Waterfall

Golden flowers reach 5 cm in diameter, forming a ball with a dense continuous flowering... Hanging shoots of the cascading variety grow up to 30 cm. The plant loves moisture and sun. It tolerates frost well. The first flowers bloom in May. The flowering period ends in September. When sown from February to March, it begins to bloom in the same year. Landing in a permanent place is carried out in the last days of April or at the beginning of May, keeping a distance of 20 cm. Looks great on balconies in hanging pots.

Viola Williams Velor

Flowers 3-4 cm in diameter grow tightly to each other, creating a lush ball. Compact bushes grow up to 20 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter. Perennial abundantly flowering plant bright shades compares favorably with other varieties in the peculiarities of cultivation. It is unpretentious and tolerates bad weather conditions well. It is grown in groups on curbs or alpine hills, as well as in balcony flowerpots.
Grown in full sun or partial shade in well-drained soils. Sowing seedlings begins in February and ends in April, and at the end of May, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. When planting seedlings, it blooms from mid-summer until the first frost. When planted by sowing seeds, flowering begins the next year. Flowering period early March - late November. The variety should be fertilized only with complex mineral fertilizers and covered for the winter. To extend the flowering period, you need to remove the wilted flowers.

Viola Wittrock Alpensee

The bushes of this variety grow up to 15 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is approximately 5.5-6.5 cm. The plant is unpretentious in growing, loves the sun and moisture. Has good frost resistance. When planted in seedlings, it begins to bloom in the same year. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February March. Sowing in a permanent place is carried out in the first two months of summer, while flowering occurs the next year. The flowering period is from late spring to early autumn. It is planted in garden vases, balcony boxes or on flower beds and beddings.

Empire style

Very large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Ornamental plant it is distinguished by its exceptional showiness. It has a bright, eye-catching color. Grown in the sun or semi-dark places. Loves moist, drained and fertile soil. Needs moderate watering during dry times to maintain flower size. The most big flowers grow while maintaining a temperature of 15 degrees.
Sowing seeds is carried out from January to February, and in May they are transplanted into open ground. For flowering next year, sowing is carried out at the beginning of summer, and planting in a permanent place at the end.

Russian beauty

Sowing seeds for seedlings in early March, seedlings appear in a week. A pick in the phase of two true leaves. In open ground, seedlings are planted in April-May. When sown in open ground in June-July it blooms the next year.
The variety has large flowers with a diameter of 7-9 cm. Low, compact bushes grow up to 15 cm. The plant belongs to the early flowering varieties. Can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Unpretentious in cultivation. It grows well in small volumes of land and has a high frost resistance. Suitable for decorating borders and flower beds, as well as for planting in balcony boxes and garden containers.

Pansies are scientifically called the violet Vitrokka. They are grown in summer cottages, decorating flower beds, and also on balconies. The plant is unpretentious: it can be transplanted even during the flowering period and planted in early spring, as soon as the snow disappears. Pansies bloom early and bloom profusely. If everything is done correctly, then their variegated flowers will delight the eye from spring to late autumn.

Pansies: growing

There are 2 main ways of cultivating pansies: growing from seeds and grafting. Seeds can be planted in 2 ways: in open ground and in boxes. When the plant has faded, a fruit with seeds remains on it, which is used for further sowing. The seeds can be harvested when the capsule turns pale yellow or turns white. The seed will ripen during drying. It can be stored for 3 years. Sowing pansies depends on the desired flowering period. To receive good flowering sowing in early spring in late June - early July of the previous year.

Seeds are planted in nurseries or well-cultivated beds in loose rows. They sprout 1 - 2 weeks after planting, and after 2 - 3 weeks you can see the emergence of shoots. The sprouts dive, and at the end of August they are planted in the place of the intended flowering at a distance of 25 cm from each other. If you want to get flowers in the same year, it is recommended to sow seeds in boxes. Then the seedlings are transplanted into a flower garden.

Sowing seeds of pansies in boxes is carried out in February, scattering them over the surface of the moistened soil. Do not forget to sprinkle them with a thin layer of earth. The boxes are placed in a dark place, maintaining a temperature of 15 - 20 degrees. They need to be covered with glass, and periodically ventilated and moisten the soil. When the seeds sprout, the temperature should be lowered to 10 degrees and the box with sprouts should be placed in sunlight. You can dive flower seedlings in about 10 - 20 days. It is advised to plant in open ground in May.

If you have chosen to grow a plant using cuttings, it must be done immediately in the open field in May - June. The final green shoots with 2 - 3 nodes are cut from the bush. They are planted in a shaded area tightly to each other to a depth of 5 mm. Water the soil well and spray the cuttings with water. The roots appear in a month. If cuttings are made in spring, pansies will bloom in summer or early autumn, and if closer to autumn, then in the spring of next year. Cutting rejuvenates the plant by preventing the bushes from overgrowing. From 1 large bush, you can get 10 cuttings.

Pansies: proper care

Today, about 400 species and several hundred varieties of pansies are known. Winter varieties bloom very early. Luxurious flowers of the Swiss large-flowered group are plant varieties with a flower diameter of up to 10 cm. Their color is with large spots, a border around the edge and stripes of different tones.

The color palette is quite rich - these are yellow, orange, wine red, deep black, blue, blue and purple colors.

Main varieties: Rhine Gold, Bride, Flame, Sun Kiss, Black King, Love Duet.

This plant is not whimsical to care for. Pansies are quite shade-tolerant, but if grown in partial shade, the flowering will not be as abundant, but more prolonged. Fertile and moist loamy soil is recommended for planting pansies. Make sure that the melt water does not stagnate, otherwise it can lead to rotting of the root system of the plant and its death.

You need to water the flower 2 - 3 times a week. On hot and dry days - every day. It is necessary to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers, which include phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and other microelements. You need to fertilize the violet both before budding and during flowering. Seedlings can be fed with superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20-40 g per 1 m²). Pansies should not be fertilized with fresh manure.

In order for the plant to bloom for a long time, remove faded flowers and dry leaves in time. Be sure to weed the beds where the pansies grow, removing the weeds. Remember to loosen the ground.

With regard to diseases and pests, aphids, scoops, spotting, powdery mildew, blackleg, root and stem rot are common. You may face these problems if you violate the agricultural techniques of planting, growing and caring for pansies. You can fight pests and diseases with special preparations that are sold in shops for gardeners.

Pansies are very beautiful and unpretentious flowers that will decorate any summer cottage. You can transform stony crust and small flower beds with them. Pansies look beautiful in hanging pots that decorate balconies, verandas and terraces. Follow the planting rules and do not forget to care for the plant so that it lush bloom lasted until late autumn.