Mixing colors experiences with children. Experiment with coloring flowers in different colors

Is it easy to mix colors? Of course yes! When you mix red and yellow, you get orange, and when you mix blue and yellow, you get green. Everything seems very simple, because in practice we have done this many times. Mixing the colors is easy, but is it possible to separate? Let's do simple color experiments together.

It turns out that this is possible. In order to find out what colors it consists of, for example, black or purple you can use the scientific method called chromatography. Chromatography was discovered by the Russian scientist Mikhail Semenovich Tsvet. It turned out to be a funny coincidence: the scientist studied colors and his last name is Tsvet.

The essence of the method is that water dissolves various substances and paints in different ways. Molecules of some substances "swim" faster than others. Chromatography is used for various purposes. Blood analysis is done with its help, and crimes are solved, new medicines are invented, water is purified, and even smells are cut. Chromatography "can do" a lot of useful things. Today we will do a simple napkin experiment that will demonstrate this scientific method. For you today color experiments for kids. With flowers will be in: yes: another time.

What is black made of?

To answer this question, we need:

Please note that the napkin, on which the ring was drawn with a black felt-tip pen, did not turn black, but appeared on it different colors. The same can be said about a napkin with a purple ring.

It turns out that using the chromatography method, we were able to see what colors black, purple, brown and other complex colors consist of. I would like to point out that markers different manufacturers may behave differently and may produce different colors.

From our simple experience you can see that black is not just black, but a mixture different colors.

After experimenting with napkins, we decided to do something similar on the fabric.

Chromatography on tissue

We did a series of tests and found that felt-tip pens make it easy and fun to create unique and amazing patterns on fabric. It fascinates when from chaotic points is formed unusual pattern! Creating a simple pattern with dots and lines of different colors is easy. We experimented with pieces of white fabric and regular felt-tip pens. But if we had waterproof felt-tip pens, then we would definitely decorate our T-shirts. So how did we do it?

For experiments used:

I haven't figured out what's wrong with these yet. patterns can be made. If you have any ideas, be sure to write. Such beauty cannot be wasted. Since we have an even bigger white sheet, I'm sure the chromatography experiments won't end there!

Successful experiments! Science is fun!

Experiments around the world with plants. Let's prove that... We will find out which environment is the most favorable and much more ... I advise you to create an observation diary in which you will record or sketch your observations ...

Experiments on the topic "Plant and Environment"

With and without water

Target: highlight factors external environment necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat).

Equipment: two identical plants (balsam), water.

Experience progress: Find out why plants cannot live without water ( the plant will wither, the leaves will dry up, there is water in the leaves); what happens if one plant is watered and the other is not ( without watering, the plant will dry out, turn yellow, the leaves and stem will lose their elasticity, etc.)?

You will draw the results of monitoring the state of plants depending on watering within one week. Doing output….. Yes, plants cannot live without water.

In the light and in the dark

Target: to determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Equipment : a bow, a box made of durable cardboard, two containers with earth.

Experience progress: Let's find out, by growing onions, whether light is needed for plant life. We close part of the onion with a cap made of thick dark cardboard. We sketch the result of the experiment after 7-10 days ( the bow under the cap became light). We remove the cap. After 7-10 days, we draw the result again ( the onion turns green in the light - it means photosynthesis (nutrition) occurs in it).

In the heat and in the cold

Target: highlight favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants.

Equipment : winter or spring tree branches, coltsfoot rhizome with part of the soil, flowers from a flower bed with part of the soil (in autumn); model of plant dependence on heat.

Experience progress: Why are there no leaves on the branches outside? ( it's cold outside, the trees are "sleeping"). I propose to bring branches into the room. Watching kidney changes kidneys increase in size, burst), the appearance of leaves, their growth, compared with branches on the street (branches without leaves), sketch.

Output: Plants need warmth to live and grow.

And how soon to see the first spring flowers? ( bring them indoors to keep them warm). Dig up the coltsfoot rhizome with part of the soil, move it indoors, watch the time the flowers appear indoors and outside ( Indoors, flowers appear in 4-5 days, outdoors in one to two weeks.). Output: cold - plants grow slowly, warm - grow quickly.

How to prolong summer for flowers? ( contribute flowering plants from the flower bed to the room, digging up the roots of plants with a large clod of earth in order not to damage them). Watch the colors change indoors and in the flower bed ( in the flower bed the flowers withered, froze, died; indoors - continue to bloom).

Who is better?

Target: highlight favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, justify the dependence of plants on the soil.

Equipment : two identical cuttings, a container of water, a pot of soil, plant care items.

Experience progress: Determine if plants can live long without soil? ( can not); where do they grow better - in water or in soil?

Place geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, earth. Watch them until the first new leaf appears;

Output: in a plant in the soil, the first leaf appears faster, the plant is gaining strength better; in water the plant is weaker.

How faster?

Target: highlight favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, justify the dependence of plants on the soil.

Equipment: twigs of birch or poplar (in spring), water with mineral fertilizers and without them.

Experience progress: Determine if the plants need fertilizer and select different care for plants: one - water plain water, another - water with fertilizers.

For convenience, label containers with different symbols. Watch until the first leaves appear, watch the growth (in fertilized soil, the plant is stronger, grows faster).

Output: in rich, fertilized soil, the plant is stronger, grows better.

Where is the best place to grow?

Target: establish the need for soil for plant life, the effect of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, highlight soils that are different in composition.

Equipment: tradescantia cuttings, chernozem, clay with sand

Experience progress: Choose the soil for planting plants (chernozem, a mixture of sand and clay). Plant two identical Tradescantia cuttings in different soil. Observe the growth of cuttings with the same care for 2-3 weeks ( in clay the plant does not grow, in the black soil - the plant is fine). Transplant the cutting from the sand-clay mixture into the black soil. After two weeks, note the result of the experiment ( plants grow well).

Why do flowers wither in autumn?

Target: to establish the dependence of plant growth on temperature, the amount of moisture.

Equipment: pot with an adult plant; a curved glass tube inserted into a rubber tube 3 cm long, corresponding to the diameter of the plant stem; transparent container.

Experience progress: Before watering, measure the water temperature ( warm water), pour the stump remaining from the stem, on which a rubber tube is first put on with a glass tube inserted into it and fixed. Watch the water flow out of the glass tube. Cool the water with snow, measure the temperature ( got colder), pour - water does not enter the tube.

Output: In autumn, the flowers wither, although there is a lot of water, since the roots do not absorb cold water.

What then?

Target: to systematize knowledge about the development cycles of all plants.

Equipment: seeds of herbs, vegetables, flowers, plant care items.

Experience progress: What do the seeds turn into? Grow plants throughout the summer, recording any changes as they develop. After collecting the fruits, compare your sketches, make general scheme for all plants using symbols, reflecting the main stages of plant development: seed-sprout - mature plant- flower - fruit.

What is in the soil?

Target: to establish the dependence of the factors of inanimate nature on living (soil fertility from rotting plants).

Equipment: a lump of earth, a metal (from a thin plate) plate, a spirit lamp, the remains of dry leaves, a magnifying glass, tweezers.

Experience progress: Consider forest soil and soil from the site. Use a magnifying glass to determine where the soil is ( there is a lot of humus in the forest). Find out what soil plants grow best on, why? ( there are more plants in the forest, more food for them in the soil).

Together with an adult (!) burn the forest soil in a metal plate, pay attention to the smell when burned. Try burning a dry leaf. Determine what makes the soil rich? ( there are a lot of rotted leaves in the soil of the forest). Discuss the composition of the city's soil. How do you know if she's rich? Examine it with a magnifying glass, burn it on a plate.

What is under our feet?

Target: bring children to the understanding that the soil has a different composition.

Equipment: soil, magnifying glass, spirit lamp, metal plate, glass, transparent container (glass), spoon or stirring stick.

Experience progress: Examine the soil, find the remains of plants in it. Have an adult heat the soil in a metal dish over a spirit lamp while holding the glass over the soil. Find out why the glass is fogged up? ( there is water in the soil). Continue to heat the soil, try to determine by the smell of smoke what is in the soil? ( nutrients: leaves, parts of insects). Then heat the soil until the smoke disappears. Find out what color it is. ( light), what is missing from it? ( moisture, organic matter ). Pour the soil into a glass of water, mix. After sedimentation of soil particles in water, consider the sediment ( sand, clay). Why doesn't anything grow in the forest at the place of fires? ( all nutrients burn out, the soil becomes poor).

Where is longer?

Target: find out the reason for the conservation of moisture in the soil.

Equipment : pots with plants.

Experience progress: Water the soil in two equal-sized pots with equal amounts of water, put one pot in the sun, the other in the shade. Explain why the soil is dry in one pot and wet in the other ( water evaporates in the sun, but not in the shade). Solve the problem: it rained over the meadow and the forest; where will the ground stay wet longer and why? ( in the forest, the ground will remain wet longer than in the meadow, since there is more shade, less sun).

Is there enough light?

Target: to identify the reason that there are few plants in the water.

Equipment: flashlight, transparent container with water.

Experience progress: Pay attention to indoor plants located near the window. Where do plants grow best - near a window or away from it, why? ( those plants that are closer to the window - they get more light). Consider plants in an aquarium (pond), determine whether plants will grow at great depths of water bodies? ( No, light does not pass well through water.). For proof, highlight the water with a flashlight, specify where the plants are better? ( closer to the surface of the water).

Where do plants get water faster?

Target: identify the ability of different soils to pass water.

Equipment: funnels, glass rods, a transparent container, water, cotton wool, soil from the forest and from the path.

Experience progress: Consider soils: determine where is forest and where is urban. Put cotton wool at the bottom of the funnel, then the soil to be studied, put the funnel on the container. Measure the same amount of water for both soils. Slowly pour water over a glass rod into the center of the funnel until water appears in the container. Compare the amount of liquid. Water passes through the forest soil faster and is better absorbed.

Output: plants get drunk faster in the forest than in the city.

Is water good or bad?

Target: select algae from a variety of plants.

Equipment: aquarium, elodea, duckweed, leaf houseplant.

Experience progress: Consider algae, highlight their features and varieties ( grow entirely in water, on the surface of the water, in the water column and on land). Try to change the habitat of the plant: lower the begonia leaf into the water, raise the elodea to the surface, lower the duckweed into the water. Watch what happens? ( elodea dries, begonia rots, duckweed folds the leaf).

thrifty plants

Target: Find plants that can grow in the desert, savannah.

Equipment: Plants: ficus, sansevera, violet, dieffenbachia, magnifier, plastic bags.

Experience progress: Prove that there are plants that can live in the desert or savannah. Choose plants on your own that, in your opinion, should evaporate little water, have long roots, and accumulate moisture. Perform an experiment: put a plastic bag on a leaf, observe the appearance of moisture inside it, compare the behavior of plants. Output: the leaves of these plants evaporate little moisture.

Why less?

Target: Set the dependence of the amount of evaporated moisture on the size of the leaves.


Experience progress: Find out which of the plants can live in the jungle, forest zone, savannah.

Perhaps you think that plants with large leaves that take a lot of water can live in the jungle; in the forest - ordinary plants; in the savanna - plants that accumulate moisture. Ok, let's prove it.

Pour the same amount of water into the flasks, place the plants there, mark the water level; After a day or two, note the change in water level. Output: plants with large leaves absorb more water and evaporate more moisture - they can grow in the jungle, where there is a lot of water in the soil, high humidity and hot.

What are the roots of tundra plants?

Target: understand the relationship between the structure of the roots and the characteristics of the soil in the tundra.

Equipment: sprouted beans, damp cloth, thermometer, cotton wool in a tall transparent container.

Experience progress: What are the features of the soil in the tundra ... Yes, permafrost. Find out what the roots need to be so that the plants can live in the permafrost. Place the sprouted beans on a thick layer of damp cotton wool, cover with a damp cloth, put on a cold windowsill, observe for a week the growth of the roots, their direction. Output: in the tundra, the roots grow sideways, parallel to the ground.

Experiments on the topic "Sheet"

Can a plant breathe?

Target: identify the plant's need for air, respiration; understand how the process of respiration occurs in plants.

Equipment: indoor plant, cocktail tubes, vaseline, magnifying glass.

Experience progress: Do plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe? You know that when breathing, air must enter and exit the plant, the process of breathing is the same as in humans. So let's start the experiment on ourselves. Try breathing through a tube first. Then cover the opening of the tube with Vaseline. Now try to breathe through this tube. Yes, Vaseline is breathable.

We hypothesize that plants have very small holes in their leaves through which they breathe. To check this, lubricate one or both sides of the leaf with Vaseline, observe the leaves daily for a week. Do it in a week output:the leaves “breathe” with their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline from the underside died.

How do plants breathe?

Target: determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.

Equipment: a transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stalk, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass

Experience progress: Find out if air passes through the leaves into the plant. How can we detect air? consider a cut of the stem through a magnifying glass ( there are holes), immerse the stem in water ( observe the release of bubbles from the stem). And we will conduct another experiment “Through the leaf” in the following sequence:

  1. pour water into a bottle, leaving it empty by 2-3 cm;
  2. insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water; tightly cover the opening of the bottle with plasticine, like a cork;
  3. here, make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, fix the straw with plasticine;
  4. expel the air from the bottle - draw air through the straw.

Air bubbles will begin to emerge from the submerged end of the stem. Output: air passes through the leaf into the stem, as the release of air bubbles into the water is visible.

Target: to establish that the plant releases oxygen during photosynthesis.

Equipment: a large glass container with an airtight lid, a plant cutting in water or a small pot with a plant, a splinter, matches.

Experience progress: Why is it so easy to breathe in the forest?…. Yes, of course, plants give off the oxygen necessary for human respiration. We will prove the assumption by experience: place a pot with a plant (or a cutting) inside a tall transparent container with a sealed lid. Put in warm bright place. After 1-2 days, answer the question: how to find out if oxygen has accumulated in the jar? ( oxygen burns, so you can bring a burning match there). Watch for a bright flash of the flame of a splinter brought into the container immediately after removing the lid. Conclusion: animals and humans need plants for respiration.

Do all leaves carry out photosynthesis?

Target: Prove that photosynthesis occurs in all leaves.

Equipment: boiling water, a begonia leaf (the reverse side is painted burgundy), a white container.

Experience progress: Let's find out if photosynthesis occurs in leaves that are not colored green (in begonias, the reverse side of the leaf is colored burgundy). Place the sheet in boiling water, after 5-7 minutes examine it, draw the result. ( The leaf turns green and the water changes color). Output: photosynthesis takes place in the leaf.


Target: indicate the presence of phototropism in plants.

Phototropism (from Greek light and turn) - a change in the direction of growth of plant organs, depending on the direction of the incident light.

Equipment : a cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: a potato tuber in one corner, a hole in the opposite.

Experience progress: Place the tuber in the box, close it, putting it in a warm, but not hot place, with a hole towards the light source. Open the box after the potato sprouts emerge from the hole. Consider their direction, color ( sprouts are pale, white, twisted in search of light in one direction). Leave the box open, continue to observe the color change and the direction of the sprouts for a week ( sprouts are now stretching into different sides they turned green).

In pursuit of the light

Target: establish how the plant moves in the direction of the light source.

Equipment: two identical plants (balsam, coleus).

Experience progress: Notice that the leaves of the plants are turned in the same direction. Set the plant to the window. Pay attention to the direction of the surface of the leaves ( in all directions). After three days, notice that all the leaves have reached for the light. Turn the plant 180 degrees. Mark the direction of the leaves. Watch for another three days, note the change in the direction of the leaves ( they turned back to the light). Draw the results.

Does photosynthesis take place in the dark?

Target: prove that photosynthesis in plants occurs only in the light.

Equipment: indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, sansevier), adhesive plaster.

Experience progress: Riddle: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet ( part of the sheet will be lighter). Let's change the experience: cover a part of the sheet with a plaster, put the plant to a light source for a week. Remove the patch after a week. Output: Without light, photosynthesis does not occur in plants.

factory supply

Target: to determine that the plant can provide itself with food.

Equipment: plant pot inside a glass jar with a wide mouth, airtight lid.

Experience progress: Inside a transparent large container, place a cutting of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant. Water the soil. Close the container tightly with a lid, put in a warm, bright place. Observe the plant for a month. Find out why it didn't die the plant continues to grow: drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear).Output: The plant feeds itself.

Evaporation of moisture from plant leaves

Target: check where the water disappears from the leaves.

Equipment: plant, plastic bag, thread.

Experience progress: Consider the plant, how does water move from the soil to the leaves? ( from roots to stems, then to leaves); where does it disappear to, why does the plant need to be watered? ( water evaporates from the leaves). We will check the assumption by putting a plastic bag on the leaflet and fixing it. Put the plant in a warm bright place. Note that the inside of the bag is “fogged up”. After a few hours, remove the bag in which you will find water. Where did she come from? ( evaporated from the leaf surface), why is water not visible on the rest of the leaves? ( water evaporated into the surrounding air).

Why less?

Target: establish the dependence of the amount of evaporated water on the size of the leaves.

Equipment: glass flasks, dieffenbachia and coleus cuttings.

Experience progress: Cut the cuttings for further landing, place them in the flasks. Pour the same amount of water. After a day or two, check the water level in each flask. Why is it not the same? ( a plant with large leaves absorbs and evaporates more water).

thrifty plants

Target: to establish the relationship between the structure of the surface of the leaves (density, pubescence) and their need for water.

Equipment: ficus, sansevera, dieffenbachia, violet, balsam, plastic bags, magnifying glass.

Experience progress: Why do ficus, violet and some other plants do not require a lot of water? Let's conduct an experiment: put on leaves different plants plastic bags, fasten tightly, observe the appearance of moisture in them, compare the amount of moisture during evaporation from the leaves of different plants (diffenbachia and ficus, violet and balsam).

Output: Violet often does not need to be watered: pubescent leaves do not give up, retain moisture; dense ficus leaves also evaporate less moisture than leaves of the same size, but loose.

What do you feel?

Target: find out what happens to the plant when water evaporates from the leaves.

Equipment: sponge soaked in water.

Experience progress: Jump a little... What do you feel when you jump? ( hot); when it's hot, what happens? ( sweat comes out, then it disappears, evaporates). Imagine that the hand is a leaf from which water evaporates; Soak a sponge in water and run it over the inside of your forearm. What are the feelings? ( felt cool). What happens to leaves when water evaporates from them? ( they cool).

What changed?

Target: prove that when water evaporates from the leaves, they cool.

Equipment: thermometers, two pieces of cloth, water.

Experience progress: Examine the thermometer, note the readings. Wrap the thermometer in a damp cloth and put it in a warm place. After 5-10 minutes, check why the temperature has dropped? ( cooling occurs when water evaporates from the tissue).

Many - few

Target: to reveal the dependence of the amount of evaporated liquid on the size of the leaves.

Equipment: three plants: one - with large leaves, the second - with ordinary leaves, the third - a cactus; cellophane bags, threads.

Experience progress: Why do plants with large leaves need to be watered more often than those with small leaves? Choose three plants with different sized leaves. Let's do an experiment. Put the bags on the leaves, fasten, observe the changes during the day; compare the amount of liquid evaporated. Make a conclusion ( how larger leaves, the more they evaporate moisture and the more often they need to be watered).

Experiments on the topic "Root"

Do roots need air?

Target: identify the cause of the plant's need for loosening; prove that the plant breathes with all organs.

Equipment : a container with water, the soil is compacted and loose, two transparent containers with bean sprouts, a spray bottle, vegetable oil, two identical plants in pots.

Experience progress: Why does one plant grow better than another? Consider and determine that in one pot the soil is dense, in the other - loose. Why is dense soil worse? Let's prove it. Immerse identical lumps in water ( water passes worse, there is little air, since less air bubbles are released from the dense earth). Check if the roots need air: for this, place three identical bean sprouts in transparent containers with water. In one container with a spray gun, inject air to the roots, leave the second unchanged, in the third - pour a thin layer on the surface of the water vegetable oil, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. Watch the seedlings change ( grows well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third - the plant dies), do findings about the need for air for the roots, we sketch the result. Plants need loose soil to grow so that the roots have access to air..

Target: find out where the root growth is directed during seed germination.

Equipment: glass, filter paper, pea seeds.

Experience progress: Take a glass, a strip of filter paper and roll a cylinder out of it. Insert the cylinder into the glass so that it rests against the walls of the glass. Using a needle, place a few swollen peas between the wall of the glass and the paper cylinder at the same height. Then pour some water into the bottom of the glass and put it in a warm place. After a while, observe the appearance of roots. Where are the tips of the roots directed? Why is this happening?

Burrowing spine

Target: Prove that roots always grow down.

Equipment: flower pot, sand or sawdust, sunflower seeds.

Experience progress: Place a few sunflower seeds soaked overnight in a flower pot on wet sand or sawdust. Cover them with a piece of gauze or filter paper. Watch the roots appear and grow. Draw your own conclusions.

Why does the root change its direction?

Target: show that the root can change direction of growth.

Equipment: tin can, gauze, pea seeds

Experience progress: In a small sieve or low tin can, whose bottom has been removed and covered with gauze, put a dozen swollen peas, cover them with a 2-3 cm layer of wet sawdust or earth on top and place them over a bowl of water. As soon as the roots penetrate through the holes in the gauze, place the sieve at an angle to the wall. After a few hours, you will see that the tips of the roots are bent towards the gauze. On day 2-3, all the roots will grow, pressed against the gauze. How do you explain it? ( The tip of the root is very sensitive to moisture, therefore, once in dry air, it bends towards the gauze, where wet sawdust is located.).

What are roots for?

Target: to prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of the roots.

Equipment: stalk of geranium or balsam with roots, a container of water, closed with a lid with a slot for the stalk.

Experience progress: Consider cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the plant needs roots ( roots anchor the plant to the ground), whether they absorb water. Let's conduct an experiment: place the plant in a transparent container, mark the water level, tightly close the container with a lid with a slot for the cutting. Determine what happened to the water after a few days? ( water became scarce). Yes, after 7-8 days the water became less. Output: roots are taking up water.

How to see the movement of water through the roots?

Target: prove that plant roots absorb water, clarify the function of plant roots, establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment: stalk of balsam with roots, water with food coloring.

Experience progress: Consider cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, specify the functions of the roots ( they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). And what else can take roots from the earth? Consider food dry dye - "nutrition", add it to water, stir. What should happen if the roots can take in more than just water? ( the roots should be painted in a different color). After a few days, write down the results of the experiment in your observation diary. What will happen to the plant if substances harmful to it are found in the ground? ( the plant will die, taking harmful substances with the water).

living piece

Target: establish that the root crops have a supply of nutrients for the plant.

Equipment: flat container, root crops: carrots, radishes, beets, activity algorithm

Experience progress: Do root crops have a supply of nutrients? Take a root crop, determine its name. Then place the root crop in a warm, bright place, watch the appearance of greenery, draw ( the root crop provides nourishment for the leaves that emerge). Cut the root crop to half the height, place in a flat container with water, put in a warm, bright place. Observe the growth of greenery, draw the result of observation. Continue observing until the greens begin to wither. Now consider the root crop ( it became soft, lethargic, tasteless, there is little liquid in it).

Where do the roots go?

Target: establish a connection between the modifications of plant parts and the functions they perform and environmental factors.

Equipment: two plants in pots with a tray

Experience progress: Water two plants differently: cyperus - in the pan, geranium - under the spine. After a while, notice that cyperus roots have appeared in the pan. Then examine the geranium and find out why the geranium did not have roots in the pan? ( roots did not appear, as they are attracted by water; geraniums have moisture in a pot, not in a pan).

unusual roots

Target: reveal the relationship high humidity air with the appearance of aerial roots in plants.

Equipment: Scindapsus, a transparent container with a tight lid with water at the bottom, a grill.

Experience progress: Why are there plants with aerial roots in the jungle? Examine the scindapsus plant, find the buds - future aerial roots, place the cutting on the wire rack in a container of water, close the lid tightly. Watch for a month for the appearance of "fog", and then drops on the lid inside the container ( like in the jungle). Consider the emerging aerial roots, compare with other plants.

Experiments for classes on the topic "Stem"

In which direction does the stem grow?

Target: find out the characteristics of the growth of stems.

Equipment: bar, needles, glass jar, pea seeds

Experience progress: 2-3 pea seedlings with a stem and the first two leaves attached to a wooden block. After a few hours, you will see that the stalk has curved upwards. Output: the stem, like the root, has a directed growth.

Movement of the growing organs of a plant

Target: find out the dependence of plant growth on light.

Equipment: 2 flower pots, grains of oats, rye, wheat, 2 cardboard boxes.

Experience progress: In two small flower pots filled with wet sawdust, sow two dozen seeds. cover one pot carton box, close the other pot with the same box with a round hole on one of the walls. In the next lesson, remove the boxes from the pots. You will notice that the oat sprouts that were covered in the cardboard box with the hole will lean towards the hole; in another pot, the seedlings will not lean.

Is it possible to grow a plant with two stems from one seed?

Target: to introduce students to the artificial production of a two-stem plant.

Equipment: flower pot, pea seeds.

Experience progress: Take a few peas and sow them in a box of earth or in a small flower pot. When seedlings appear, use a sharp razor or scissors to cut off their stems at the very surface of the soil. After a few days, two new stalks will appear, from which two stalks of peas will develop.

New shoots emerge from the axils of the cotyledons. This can be checked by carefully removing the seedlings from the soil. The artificial production of two-stemmed plants also has practical significance. For example, you can get a two-headed cabbage, which will give a larger yield than a single-headed one.

How does the stem grow?

Target: observation of stem growth.

Equipment: brush, ink, pea or bean sprout

Experience progress: Stem growth can be observed using marks. With a brush or a needle, put marks on the stalk of sprouted peas or beans at the same distance from each other. Track after what time, on which part of the stem the marks will move apart.

What part of the stem carries water from the roots to the leaves?

Target: to prove that the water in the stem moves through the wood.

Equipment: stem cut, red ink.

Experience progress: Put a sprig of a houseplant of fuchsia or tradescantia in a jar of water, lightly tint the water with red ink or ordinary blue, or food coloring (paint for Easter eggs). After a few days, you will see that the veins of the leaves turn pink or blue. Then cut along a piece of twig and see which part of it is stained. What conclusion will you draw from this experience?

Like the stems

Target: show the process of water passing through the stems.

Equipment : cocktail tubes, mineral (or boiled) water, water container.

Experience progress: Examine the tube. The tube can conduct water, as it has holes in it, like in stems. Having immersed one end of the tube in water, try to easily draw air into yourself from the other end of the tube; watch the water move up.

thrifty stems

Target: reveal how stems (trunks) can accumulate moisture and retain it for a long time.

Equipment: sponges, unpainted wooden bars, a magnifying glass, low containers of water, a deep container of water

Experience progress: Examine the bars different breeds wood through a magnifying glass, tell us about their different degrees of absorption ( in some plants, the stem can absorb water in the same way as a sponge). Pour the same amount of water into different containers. Lower the bars in the first, sponges in the second, leave for five minutes. Where will more water be absorbed? ( in a sponge - it has more space for water). We observe the release of bubbles. We check the bars and sponges in the container. Why is there no water in the second container ( all absorbed into the sponge). Raise the sponge, water drips from it. Explain where the water will last longer? ( in a sponge, since there is more water in it). Check the assumptions before the bar dries (1-2 hours).

Experiments on the topic "Seeds"

Do the seeds absorb a lot of water?

Target: find out how much moisture is absorbed by germinating seeds.

Equipment: Measuring cylinder or glass, pea seeds, gauze

Experience progress: Pour 200 ml of water into a 250 ml measuring cylinder, then put the pea seeds in a gauze bag, tie with a thread so that the end of it is 15-20 cm long, and carefully lower the bag into the cylinder with water. To prevent water from evaporating from the cylinder, it is necessary to tie it on top with oiled paper. The next day, you need to remove the paper and remove the bag with swollen peas from the cylinder by the end of the thread. Let the water drain from the bag into the cylinder. How much water is left in the cylinder? How much water did the seeds absorb?

Is the pressure force of the swelling seeds great?

Target: find out the strength of the swelling seeds.

Equipment: cloth bag, flask, pea seeds.

Experience progress: Pour pea seeds into a small bag, tie it tightly and lower it into a glass or jar of water. The next day you will find that the pouch could not withstand the pressure of the seeds - it burst. Why did this happen? …. This suggests that the strength of the swelling seeds is great.

What weight can the swelling seeds lift?

Target: find out the strength of the swelling seeds.

Equipment: tin can, weight, peas.

Experience progress: Pour one third of the pea seeds into a tall tin can with holes in the bottom; put it in a pot of water so that the seeds are in the water. Place a circle of tin on top of the seeds and place a weight or any other weight on top. Watch the weight that swollen pea seeds can lift. Record the results in a diary of observations.

Do germinating seeds breathe?

Target: prove that germinating seeds secrete carbon dioxide.

Equipment: glass jar or bottle, pea seeds, splinter, matches.

Experience progress: In a tall bottle with a narrow neck, pour the "pecked" pea seeds and tightly close the cork. Until the next session, guess what gas the seeds could give off and how to prove it? Open the bottle and prove the presence of carbon dioxide in it using a burning splinter ( the torch will go out, because carbon dioxide suppresses combustion).

Does respiration produce heat?

Target: to prove that the seeds emit heat during respiration.

Equipment: half-liter bottle with cork, pea seeds, thermometer.

Experience progress: Take a half-liter bottle, fill it with slightly pecked rye, wheat or pea seeds and plug it with a cork, insert a chemical thermometer through the cork hole to measure the water temperature. Then wrap the bottle tightly with newsprint and put it in a small box to avoid heat loss. After a while, you will observe an increase in the temperature inside the bottle by several degrees. Explain the reason for the increase in temperature of the seeds ....


Target: find out which organ comes out of the seed first.

Equipment: beans (peas, beans), wet tissue (paper napkins), transparent containers, a sketch using plant structure symbols, an algorithm of activity.

Experience progress: Select any of the proposed seeds, create conditions for germination (warm place). In a transparent container, place a damp paper towel tightly against the walls. Place soaked beans (peas, beans) between the napkin and the walls; Moisten the cloth constantly. Observe the changes taking place daily for 10-12 days: the root will first appear from the bean, then the stems; the roots will grow, the upper shoot will increase.

Experiments on the topic "Plant reproduction"

Such different flowers

Target: to establish the features of pollination of plants with the help of wind, to detect pollen on flowers.

Equipment: earrings of flowering birch, aspen, flowers of coltsfoot, dandelion; magnifying glass, cotton ball.

Experience progress: Look at the flowers, describe them. Find out where the flower might have pollen and use a cotton ball to find it. Examine flowering birch catkins (these are also flowers) through a magnifying glass, try to find similarities with meadow flowers ( there is pollen). Why do bees fly to flowers, do plants need it? ( bees fly for nectar and pollinate the plant).

How do bees carry pollen?

Target: to identify how the process of pollination occurs in plants.

Equipment: cotton balls, dye powder in two colors, flower layouts, insect collection, magnifying glass

Experience progress: Examine the structure of the limbs and bodies of insects through a magnifying glass ( hairy, covered with hairs). Imagine that cotton balls are insects. Imitating the movement of insects, touch the balls to the flowers. After touching, "pollen" remains on them. So how can insects help plants pollinate? ( pollen sticks to the limbs and bodies of insects).

Pollination with wind

Target: to establish the features of the process of pollination of plants with the help of wind.

Equipment: two linen bags with flour, a paper fan or fan, birch catkins.

Experience progress: What are the flowers of a birch, willow, why don't insects fly to them? ( they are very small, not attractive to insects; when they bloom, there are few insects). Perform the experiment: shake the bags filled with flour - "pollen". Find out what it takes to get pollen from one plant to another ( plants must grow close or someone must transfer pollen to them). Use a fan or fan for "pollination".

Why do fruits need wings?


Equipment: lionfish fruits, berries; fan or fan.

Experience progress: Consider fruits, berries and lionfish. What helps winged seeds to disperse? Watch the "flight" of lionfish. Now try to remove the "wings" from them. Repeat the experiment using a fan or fan. Why do maple seeds grow far from their native tree ( the wind helps the "wings" to carry the seeds over long distances).

Why does a dandelion need "parachutes"?

Target: to reveal the relationship between the structure of fruits and the way they are distributed.

Equipment: dandelion seeds, magnifier, fan or fan.

Experience progress: Why do dandelions have so many seeds? Consider a plant with ripe seeds, compare dandelion seeds with others by weight, watch the flight, the fall of seeds without "parachutes", draw a conclusion ( the seeds are very small, the wind helps the "parachutes" to fly far).

Why does the burdock need hooks?

Target: to reveal the relationship between the structure of fruits and the way they are distributed.

Equipment: burdock fruits, pieces of fur, fabrics, a magnifying glass, fruit plates.

Experience progress: Who will help the burdock to scatter its seeds? Break the fruits, find the seeds, examine them through a magnifying glass. Ask if the wind can help them? ( the fruits are heavy, there are no wings and "parachutes", so the wind will not carry them away). Determine if animals want to eat them? ( the fruits are hard, prickly, tasteless, the box is hard). Use pieces of fur and cloth to demonstrate how seeds are dispersed ( fruits with thorns cling to fur, fabric).

According to materials http://gorsun.org.ru/.

Card file of experiments with color

Color exists independently of our consciousness and is reflected in it through visual sensations. Colour serves as a powerful stimulantemotional and intellectual development of children.

A sense of the beauty of color and, in general, a taste for color can and must be nurtured. At an early stage of acquaintance with color, it is important to keep the children's sense of surprise, delight, celebration, so that the learning process takes place in a more interesting and memorable form. And given that in preschool age children are not assiduous, often switch their attention from one type of activity to another, then experimentation is the most effective method work in this project, since it is much easier for children to explain this or that phenomenon not with the help of facts from literature or our life observations, but through a clear example.

Experiment 1: Getting a new color

During this experiment, you can observe the process of obtaining a new color by mixing two colors: yellow and blue.

It will take : Three glasses, food coloring, two napkins

Stroke: take three glasses: in the first pour water and add blue dye, in the second - water and yellow dye. Place the third (empty glass) between the glasses with dyes. Now take two napkins, roll them up and lower them into the glasses so that one end of them is in the glass with the dye, and the other is in the empty glass. We begin to watch how the colored water, soaking into the napkins, will go into an empty glass and mix. After a certain time, we notice that green-colored water began to appear in an empty glass. Thanks to this experiment, children will be interested in the process of mixing paints.

Experience 2. Painted flowers

You will need: flowers with white petals, water containers, a knife, water, food coloring.

Stroke: containers need to be filled with water and a certain dye is added to each. One flower should be set aside, and the rest should be cut off the stems with a sharp knife. This must be done in warm water, obliquely at an angle of 45 degrees, by 2 cm. When moving flowers in containers with dyes, you need to pinch the cut with your finger so that they do not form air locks. After placing the flowers in containers with dyes, you need to take the postponed flowers. Cut its stem lengthwise into two parts to the center. Place one part of the stem in a red container, and the other in a blue or green container. Result: water will rise up the stems and color the petals in different colors. This will happen in about a day. Let's talk? Examine each part of the flower to see how the water rose. Are the stem and leaves painted? How long will the color last?

Experience 3: "Color Chromatography"

Mixing the colors is easy, but is it possible to separate? Let's try to decompose the colors into components.

It will take : napkin, felt-tip pens, glass of water

move : two centimeters from the edge, draw a strip with a felt-tip pen. We lower the edge of the napkin 1 cm into the water so that the water does not directly wet the mark from the felt-tip pen. We take out the paper and hang it vertically.

Explanation: As water rises up the paper, it carries the ink with it. But different paint particles move at different speeds, and therefore visually the paint is decomposed into its constituent components. Thus, we can find out with which colors a particular shade is obtained. This method is called chromatography and is widely used in industry and scientific laboratories to break down substances into their constituents. It turns out that using the chromatography method, you can see what colors black, purple, brown and other complex colors consist of.

Experience 4: "Chromatography on tissue"

Felt pens make it easy and fun to create unique and amazing patterns on fabric.

It will take : a glass, a syringe with water, felt-tip pens, pieces of white cloth, rubber bands.

move : put the fabric on the glass, secure it with rubber bands. Draw patterns from the dots with multi-colored felt-tip pens. In the center of the picture, drop a few drops of water from a syringe, you can use a pipette. Watching the colors explode before our eyes. Remarkable transformations are taking place. After a few minutes, you can remove and dry the fabric. We love and enjoy the results.

Experience number 5. lava lamp

It will take : Two glasses, two effervescent aspirins, sunflower oil, two kinds of juice.

move : The glasses are about 2/3 filled with juice. Then sunflower oil is added so that three centimeters remain to the edge of the glass. An aspirin tablet is thrown into each glass. Result: the contents of the glasses will begin to hiss, boil, foam will rise. Let's talk? What reaction does aspirin cause? Why? Do layers of juice and oil mix?

Experience number 6. colored drops

It will take : a container with water, mixing containers, BF glue, toothpicks, acrylic paints.

move : BF glue is squeezed out into the container. A specific dye is added to each container. And then alternately placed in the water. Result: Colored droplets are attracted to each other, forming multi-colored islands. Let's talk? Liquids of the same density attract while liquids of different densities repel each other.

Experience 5: "Rain clouds"

Children will love this simple game of explaining how it rains (schematically, of course): first the water accumulates in the clouds and then falls on the ground.

It will take : shaving foam, glass of water, colored water, pipette.
Stroke: Pour about 2/3 of the water into the jar. Squeeze the foam right on top of the water to make it look like a cumulus cloud. Now drop the colored water onto the foam with a pipette (or rather entrust it to the child). And now it remains only to watch how the colored water passes through the cloud and continues its journey to the bottom of the glass.

Experiment 6: Waves in a bottle

It will take : sunflower oil, water, bottle, food coloring.

move : water is poured into the bottle (a little more than half) and mixed with dye. Then ¼ cup vegetable oil is added. The bottle is carefully twisted and placed on its side so that the oil rises to the surface. We begin to swing the bottle back and forth, thereby forming waves. Result: waves form on an oily surface, like on the sea. Let's talk? The density of oil is less than the density of water. Therefore, it is on the surface. The waves are upper layer water moving due to the direction of the wind. The lower layers of water remain motionless.

Experiment 7: Colored ice
It will take : Colored ice cubes, glass, vegetable oil

Stroke: you need to dip a few cubes of colored ice into a jar of vegetable or baby oil. As the ice melts, its colored droplets will sink to the bottom of the jar. The experience is very spectacular.

Experiment 8: Color in milk

You will need: milk, food coloring, cotton swab, dishwashing detergent.

Stroke: a little food coloring is poured into the milk. After a short wait, the milk begins to move. Patterns, stripes, swirling lines are obtained. You can add a different color, blow on milk. Then the cotton swab is dipped in dishwashing detergent and lowered into the center of the plate. Dyes begin to move more intensively, mix, forming circles. Result: various patterns, spirals, circles, spots are formed in the plate. Let's talk? Milk is made up of fat molecules. When the agent appears, the molecules are broken, which leads to their rapid movement. Therefore, dyes are mixed.

Experience 9: Sweet and colorful

You will need: sugar, multi-colored food paints, 5 glass cups, a tablespoon, a syringe

move : added to each glass different amount spoons of sugar. One spoon in the first glass, two in the second, and so on. The fifth glass remains empty. In the glasses, put in order, pour 3 tablespoons of water and mix. Then a few drops of one paint are added to each glass and mixed. The first is red, the second is yellow, the third is green, and the fourth is blue. Into a clean glass clear water start adding the contents of the glasses, starting with red, then yellow and in order. It must be added very carefully. Result: 4 multi-colored layers are formed in the glass. Let's talk? Large quantity sugar increases the density of water. Therefore, this layer will be the lowest in the glass. The least sugar is in the red liquid, so it will be on top.

Experiment 10: Ice and salt

You will need: ice, tray, salt, gouache

Stroke: lay out the ice on a tray, then sprinkle it with salt and look. Literally before our eyes, the surface becomes not smooth, but ribbed. Grains of salt burn through the ice. We almost forgot about colors! To enhance the effect, we paint the ice with ordinary gouache, and the paint begins to flow inside the ice. That's very beautiful!

Experience 11: Rainbow

You will need: a sheet of white paper, a mirror, a flashlight, a container of water

Stroke: a mirror is placed at the bottom of the container. The light of the flashlight is directed to the mirror. The light from it must be caught on paper. Result: A rainbow will be visible on paper. Let's talk? Light is the source of color. There are no paints and felt-tip pens to color the water, a sheet or a flashlight, but suddenly a rainbow appears. This is the spectrum of colors. What colors do you know?

Experience 12: Rainbow Orange

You will need: 2 oranges, food coloring and jellies in sachets.

move : first, cut the oranges in half, peel the pulp, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the peel. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp, pour the resulting juice into glasses and add food coloring. Then boil this colorful juice and add jelly. Cool the resulting mixture a little, pour into orange halves and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. When everything hardens, take out the orange halves with jelly filling and cut into slices with a knife. It turned out such multi-colored slices, they look bright, colorful and unusual.

Experience 13: Colored ice cubes

You will need: different containers: cups, plates, gouache, cups of water, thread

Stroke: invite the children to paint over the water with gouache in pre-prepared cups. Pour into different forms(you can use plates of children's dishes, candy molds, egg containers and other small containers). Spread a thread folded in half into each filled form, drown the ends in water.

Refrigerate on a cutting board or tray.
When the water freezes, take it out of the containers. We do this carefully, as thin ice is fragile and can break. And if you drop it, the ice will break into small pieces of ice from the impact.
We examine colored ice - cold, smooth, slippery, took the form of a container
Why are the strings holding on? (frozen)
Offer to decorate the site with colored ice.

Experimentwith coloring of flowers in different colors. Having made this experiment, we can conclude about the movement of water in plants. The kids will love this experiment.

For this experiment we need:

White flowers (roses, carnations),
- food coloring in different colors
- knife.

We act in this way:
1. Fill the containers (where we will put the flowers) with water.
2. Add food coloring of the same color to each of them.
3. Set aside one flower, and cut the stems of the rest of the flowers. Scissors are not suitable for this purpose - only a sharp knife. You need to cut the stem obliquely by 2 centimeters at an angle of 45 degrees in warm water. When moving flowers from water to containers with dyes, try to do it as quickly as possible, holding the cut with your finger, because. upon contact with air, air plugs are formed in the micropores of the stem, preventing water from passing freely along the stem.
4. Place one flower in each dye container.
5. Now take the flower that you put aside. Cut (split) its stem lengthwise from the center into two parts. Repeat with it the procedure described in point 3. After that, mark one part of the stem in a container with dye, for example, of blue color, and the other part of the stem into a container with a dye of another color (for example, red).
6. Wait until the colored water rises up the stems of the plants and colors their petals in different colors. This will happen in about 24 hours. At the end of the experiment, don't forget to examine every part of the flower (stem, leaves, petals) to see the path of the water.

Experience Explanation:

Water enters the plant from the soil through the root hairs and young parts of the roots and is carried through the vessels throughout its aerial part. With moving water, minerals absorbed by the root are carried throughout the plant. The flowers that we use in the experiment are devoid of roots. However, the plant does not lose the ability to absorb water. This is possible due to the process of transpiration - the evaporation of water by the plant. The main organ of transpiration is the leaf. As a result of the loss of water during transpiration, the sucking force in the leaf cells increases. Transpiration saves the plant from overheating. In addition, transpiration is involved in creating a continuous flow of water with dissolved minerals and organic compounds from the root system to the above-ground organs of the plant.

Plants have two types of vessels. Vessels-tubules, which are xylem, transfer water and nutrients from the bottom up - from the roots to the leaves. The nutrients formed in the leaves during photosynthesis travel from top to bottom to the roots through other vessels - the phloem. Xylem is located along the edge of the stem, and phloem is at its center. Such a system is a bit like the circulatory system of animals. The structure of this system is similar in all plants - from huge trees to a modest flower.

Do your kids love mixing colors? Our Dasha is very! She also loves experiences. And I thought, what if we combine these two classes. Let's have a color experiment day.

Experience 1: "Mixing colors". This is a very simple activity, suitable even for toddlers.

We will need: any paints (watercolor, gouache, finger) and a sheet of paper.

On the sheet we apply paint of one color, for example, blue. We wash the brush and add yellow. What happened?

Trying to mix colors in different proportions. What happens if we take a lot of blue and a little bit of yellow? What if it's the other way around? And if we add more white or black?

By the way, you can mix not only the primary colors: blue with red; red with yellow; yellow with blue.

Let's try mixing red with green, or orange and blue. Or we mix not two, but three colors.

And you can also come up with names for the resulting colors.

So what colors did you get? And this is how we used to mix colors

Experience 2: "Getting a new color". In general, this is the same first experience, only for more "advanced" researchers.

We will need: three glasses, paint, two napkins.

Pour water and blue paint into the first glass, leave the second glass empty, and pour water and yellow paint into the third glass. We put an empty glass between the "colored" glasses. We fold the napkins and lower one end into a “colored” glass, the other into an empty one. We start observing.

We used jars of puree. At the beginning of the experiment, tinted water began to rise along the napkins, but we did not get the desired effect. We decided to take smaller glasses and everything worked out here. Now we want to try to mix several colors in a circle.

Experience 3: "Color Chromatography"

Mixing colors is easy, but is it possible, on the contrary, to separate? Let's try!

We will need: a glass of water, a napkin, felt-tip pens.

On a napkin, stepping back from the edge, draw a strip with a felt-tip pen. We lower the edge of the napkin into a glass of water, so as not to wet the strip from the felt-tip pen. We take out a napkin and hang it vertically.

We observe what is happening.

This experience is more successful. It is interesting to observe how the water, rising along the napkin, “dragged” the paint behind it. Along the way, the paint was decomposed into several colors. The photo is not very visible. Our green has decomposed from yellow to blue. In blue, we saw pink, and lilac, and green. In brown, a blue stripe suddenly appeared.

Dasha liked this activity the most. For a long time she herself drew stripes on napkins, wetted them and watched what happened.

Experience 4: "Chromatography on tissue"

Let's do the previous experience, only on the fabric.

We will need: felt-tip pens, pieces of white cloth, rubber bands, a glass, a pipette.

We fix a piece of fabric on the glass with an elastic band. With felt-tip pens we put dots in a circle. Drop water into the center with a pipette.

We observe what is happening.

We not only drew points, but also segments in a circle. We made a second circle at some distance.

What experiences with color do you know? Share suggestions and results.