Why appeared the waviness of the leaves in tulips. Mushroom diseases of Tulipov

Have you ever seen in amateur gardens large, healthy tulips? Probably very, very rare. Although these joyful and bright first spring flowers love everything. With enthusiasm, people acquire the bulbs and plant in their gardens in the hope that now they certainly be luxurious than the spring. And in fact, tulips differ from other bully, for example, daffodils and hyacinths, the fact that they feel great middle lane Russia. But over the years, and sometimes for the next year after planting the bulbs become smaller, and then they disappear at all. Surely it happened and you. There are many reasons for this. Let's try to figure out the most common mistakes in the cultivation of tulips.

Immediately eliminate such a coarse violation of technology as the outstanding sputum of bulbs. To better understand what is the case, consider briefly morphology and biology of this plant. You acquire the bulbs in August - September. By this time, flower kidney is already fully formed in a large bulb. It is located in the center of the bulbs on the top of the Donets. It is closely surrounded by 4-5 juicy, white scales, also sitting on the bottom. The structure of the bulb will be clearly visible if you cut it along in half. But it usually happens to be a pity to ruin the tulip, so do the same with the bulb of the usual on Luka - The structure of them is similar.


Tulip bulb outside is dressed in a tight brown scaled. And under it there are juicy scales, containing a supply of nutrients, sufficient to drive the stem with leaves and blooming. It is based on the distillation (obtaining flowers) onion in bulk in winter-spring time. Tulip onion one-year tulip, although the plant itself is considered a perennial. The fact is that there are kidneys between the scales of the bulbs, which develop during the growth of stem and flowering and by the end of the vegetation turn into new bulbs, in the amount of 1-5 pieces. They are sitting in the nest, dressed by the shell of a completely exhausted maternal bulb. The largest of these new bulbs is called replacing, and others - the label - the bulbs of the second or third parsing, even smaller than children.

If the nest of new bulbs remains in the ground, they will lack all - nutrition, water, air. This is the same as the unwritten shoots of other cultures - of which the full plants will never grow up. But the tulip is all hypertrophy. I will explain why.

Tulip - ephemeroid with a very short period of vegetation. After all, we land the bulbs at the end of September, in October they are rooted (roots grow up to 20 cm), in May bloom, and in June, they are already drying out. And for these four months, the bulb must be rooted in such a way as to transfer winter frosts, in the spring to form a stem with leaves and flower or flowers, as well as give a whole nest of new bulbs, and replacing in good conditions Not inferior to the size of the maternal bulb, and often surpasses it. Now we can conclude that, leaving the tulips in unquestioned, will not be able to restore their original qualities.

In addition to the annual pullout, the tulips for the same reasons need to have capital training. The plant should have enough power to pass such a stormy development cycle and growth. Along with the quality of the landing material, the preparation of the Earth will determine the success of culture. The plot must be selected on a warm slope or smooth surface, in the sun or in a light half (scattered trees shade), groundwater There should be no closer 60 cm from the surface. The land of tulips love medium or light-coded, with a neutral reaction, very high fertility and a depth-treated at least 35 cm. In Holland, the legislature of bulbous crops - under the tulips to their landing, under the predecessor, up to 50 kg of manure per 1 m2 are made. This dose is recommended for skinny lands, and on average 25 kg. organic fertilizers. On heavy, clay lands and in raw places, plant tulips are not recommended.

The land is prepared in spring in the year of planting or in the fall of the previous year. In addition to organic fertilizers (this may also be a humus or compost) make lime - 200-400 g and simple superphosphate - 100 g per 1 m2. Apply a double stepper, and half of the fertilizers and all the superphosphate are mixed with the lower layer of the Earth, and the second half - with the top. In severe lands, sand is added to 20 kg per 1 m2. In the summer, the plot can be taken by annual colors or green vegetables, but it is necessary to free it a month before the landing, at the end of August. Swimming, scattering pre-calmagnezia - 100 g per 1 m2.

The best time to landing tulips in the middle lane of Russia - from September 20 to September 30. It is important to withstand the landing depth - above the bulb two more heights of the bulbs. For large, it will be 10-12 cm from the Donets. And the distance between the bulbs is at least two of their diameters - 7-8 cm. Small bulbs and baby are planted smaller and densely. Under the bottom, sand is poured with a layer of 3 cm, they also fall asleep the bulb with his head so that there are fewer mushroom diseases.

Before boarding the most careful way, inspect the bulbs. The skin should be clean, without spots, and the bulb itself is solid and heavy. With suspicious, remove the skin and, if spots are spots on the white surface, destroy the bulb. Healthy Bulbs for Prevention Treat 0.2% Fundazole for 30 minutes, dry and disembark.

In order to obtain large flowers, the bulbs-extra diameter of more than 4 cm and the 1st parsing, a diameter of 3.6-4 cm - for the class of Darwin hybrids, in other classes, including lily, terry, fringe, parrot, bulbs By nature, smaller.

Landing care is also important, although it is insignificant with good land preparation. If the autumn is dry, then the planting is necessarily watered, and so that the moisture is impregnated with the land to the depth of the roots - 35 cm. Then mulch the weathered peat layer 3 cm. In mid-October, 15 g of ammonium nitrates per 1 m2 are brought better growth roots. With the onset of frosts cover with a spruce vegetable - from mice and in case of a slightly monitory winter. The bulbs in the fall not only rooted, but they form a sprout, which almost reaches the surface of the Earth. That is why in spring so early, almost straight from under the snow appear tubes of tulips. In the harsh winter, flower kid can be damaged.

In the spring, the husknik is removed and immediately feed the landing of ammonium nitrate in the same dose as in the fall. After 10 days, it is again feeding the same associate with the addition of potassium sulfate - 20 g, and after another two weeks - one potassium sulfate is also 20 g per 1 m2. Tulips also give 3-4 deep irrigation, and watered before the early wishes of the above-ground part, approximately two weeks after the end of flowering. It is at this time that the growth of new bulbs continues. The blurred flowers necessarily complate. This reception is called decapitation. For the bouquet of tulips are cut with one or two leaves, otherwise good Lukovitz will not work.

Dumping the bulbs at the time of yellowing the aboveground part, without waiting for complete drying. Otherwise, the nest will crumble and a part of the bulbs will remain in the ground. These bulbs every year will deepen into the ground, it will be difficult to dig them. The dug bulbs dried under a canopy or in the barn 3-4 days, then purified and stored in a well-ventilated room (for example, in the attic) at a temperature of 20 ° C to mid-August, and then at 17 c before landing, constantly controlling their condition.

12/16/17 Nadezhda Galynskaya

- This year my tulips are sick. Many plants in germination give twisted shoots, the leaves are yellow and die away. And buds dry out.
- This is a common disease, causes his Mushroom Botritis, who amazes most of the grades of tulips. When the bulb is amazed, the stem and flowers are twisted, yellowing, the buds dry, and the bulb is rotting in the soil. On the affected leaves and stems, spioning is formed, and disputes infect buds and flowers of healthy tulips. Then infection can penetrate young bulbs (especially when high humidity). Therefore, patients twisted tulips and affected flowers are broken and removed from the site. The plants are then sprayed with copper-containing fungicides or topsin. After the fish, the bulbs carefully look at the bulbs and are selected by rotting and with specks. Before boarding the soil in the grooves of the bordeaux liquid or topcin.

Tulips, curved flowers
- Some tulips came out weak curved flowers, and others have only one leaflet without a bloomon. Maybe this viral disease and all the bulbs should be destroyed.
- Tulips slightly frozen: sometimes it happens with a honest winter. Clean the tulips as usual, be sure to adopt with a complete complex fertilizer after flowering, then before the yellowing of the leaves, feed the potash-phosphoric fertilizers.

11/04/13 Nadezhda Galynskaya

From the first fewers of October, the tulips, daffodils and other plants are embroidered. Hyacinths planted at the end of the month. And in November it is not too late to do this, but choose early varieties.

Use only completely healthy and largethe bulbs of the first parsing. For landing, drawers or pots of at least 10 cm depth and any neutral substrate: loose soil, non-acid peat, river sand, sawdust, and even better mixture thereof. In an acidic peat and sawdust, lime is made at the rate of 100 g per bucket, and in fresh sawdust - 10 g of ammonium sulfate on the bucket.

The distance between the bulbs is 1-1.5 cm, or disembodied close. It is easier to care when only one grade in each container. Then blooming in the vase comes at the same time.

With the bulbs of the tulip remove a dark shell. The tops of the tulip bulbs should be at the surface level of the substrate.

The bulbs of hyacinths in the soil plunge 1/2 or 2/3 parts, and the peak of the bulbs should be at the level of the edges of the pot.

The planting is watered and installed in an indiscriminate room without daylight lighting with air temperature not higher plus 9-10 degrees for 2 weeks. Air humidity should be high, 75-80%. In the future, they are watered 1-2 times a week. Then the tanks with the bulbs for the distillation (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, as well as meltelukovic) withstand 2-3 months at a temperature of 4-8 degrees.

Or pots with planted bulbs can be picked up in the garden, covering peat, sand, fallen leaves, and even put on the bottom shelf of the home refrigerator.

W. different varieties and tulip groups rooting and germination are from 16 to 22 weeks, Narcissov has 11-15 weeks.

Quite suitable for pastures others garden plants - Host, Astilba, Primula, Frost, Annemon, Lily of Lily, Peony, Lilies. Well-developed copies of listed plants, one or more, are planted into the vasons with a lore of the earth and contain December - January in the basement. Then they are transferred to the room where new leaves will develop in about a month and floral stems will appear.

25.04.11 Nadezhda Galynskaya

Tulips early grades cut off at the first signs of bouton staining, and late varieties - With full bayon staining. In order for the full-fledged replacement bulb formed, when cutting a flower, leave 2-3 sheets from the ground.

The trimming of daffodil flowers can be started immediately after the covering sheet breaks and reveals the petals, but the length of the color saw will be less. The flowers are clouded or cut at the ground level without prejudice to the quality of the bulbs.

The inflorescences of hyacinths are cut by a very sharp knife at the ground level at a time when two thirds of the flowers bloomed on the flowers. Pruting the inflorescences of hyacinths slightly weakens the development of the bulbs and the flowers on them for the next year will be more weak.

11.03.10 Nadezhda Galynskaya

Tulip, leaves yellow, buds dry

- This year my tulips are sick. Many plants in germination give twisted shoots, the leaves are yellow and die away. And buds dry out.

- This is a common disease, causes his Mushroom Botritis, who amazes most of the grades of tulips. When the bulb is amazed, the stem and flowers are twisted, yellowing, the buds dry, and the bulb is rotting in the soil. On the affected leaves and stems, spioning is formed, and disputes infect buds and flowers of healthy tulips. Then infection can penetrate young bulbs (especially with high humidity).

Therefore, patients twisted tulips and affected flowers are broken and removed from the site. The plants are then sprayed with copper-containing fungicides or topsin.

After the fish, the bulbs carefully look at the bulbs and are selected by rotting and with specks. Before boarding the soil in the grooves of the bordeaux liquid or topcin.

11.03.10 Nadezhda Galynskaya

- Some tulips came out weak curved flowers, and others have only one leaflet without a bloomon. Maybe this is a viral disease and all the bulbs to destroy.

- Tulips slightly frozen: sometimes it happens with a honest winter. Clean the tulips as usual, be sure to adopt with a complete complex fertilizer after flowering, then before the yellowing of the leaves, feed the potash-phosphoric fertilizers.

11/24/09 Nadezhda Galynskaya

Plants accompany the person in all cases of life. AND special attention Did you pay beautiful colors. The ancient cultural monuments show that at the dawn of history, a person used flowers for various purposes: in some cases, like medicinal plants, in others to obtain aesthetic pleasure (irises, valley, daisies, violets).

Flowers are depicted on the coat of arms of new cities and countries in monetary signs and on the side of the painters of the whole world.

Very often in ancient manuscripts, documents and cultural monuments we meet tulip flower. The most ancient mention of it is found in the old persian fasteners of the XI century. For the first time began to cultivate tulips in Persia. It is believed that their name occurred from the Persian word Tuli Ban - Turban, and given to him for the similarity of the flower with an oriental headdress. The removal of varieties and the selection of these bulbous plants first began to engage in Turkey. Where and now every year in cities spend the colorful holidays of tulips carnivals.

Researchers believe that Europe tulips were brought in 1554 From Constantinople Austrian diplomat and transferred to the Vienna Garden medicinal plants. And in Holland, the tulips fall only in 15 years. The climatic and soil conditions of the country were very favorable for them. At the beginning of the 17th century, the breeding of tulips becomes fashionable hobbies and serve as one of the confirmation of the strength of the public situation, since only very wealthy people could afford it is an expensive at that time. Over the years, it took such a scope, which entered the story called "Tulip". The excitement reached its cycle in 1634-1637, when prices for new varieties were fabulous amounts.

The bulbs of rare varieties were equated by weight for the cost precious metals. In 1637, the Government of Holland issues a decree to establish solid prices for tulip bulbs. It stopped speculating with flowers. In Amsterdam, tourists and today guides show big house In the center of the city, which was bought in just 3 bulbs, as evidenced by the preserved before this day.

The flower of the tulip in the 17th century becomes the commodity stigma of many entrepreneurs. Today, on the brand form of Holland, you can meet its image.

In the Netherlands there is a park created in 1949, where they grow, collect the tulips, and represent visitors. In this park, Rubens created a portrait of his wife against the background of living tulips. Hardly somewhere there is still such a garden.
The passion for the tulips did not go around France. During the reign of Louis 14, the costumes of the courts were decorated with tulips of the most expensive varieties. Jewelry imitating the flower shape has been made. Tableware, decorative vases, products of cabineties, cast iron casting of palace fences - all manufactures in the form of this beautiful flower.

Tulips got to Russia from Holland at the beginning of the 17th century. They were only available to wealthy people. At the end of the 19th century, industrial breeding of these bulbous on the Caucasus coast begins.

Over time, the stormy passions subsided, but interest in this culture does not fade. Now in our country Tulips Popular spring culture. And thanks to collectors, some ancient varieties have survived to this day.

11.04.09 Nadezhda Galynskaya

Finding wild forest tulip in Belarus caused surprise among botany specialists, and only a thorough study of the history of the settlement of this wonderful plant in Central and Eastern Europe explained this almost incredible fact. Lukovichny since a long time attracted a person's attention. They served him a source of food, medicinal substances and ... poisons. Apparently, it is for these purposes that they began to be breeded. However, no less attracted people and amazing beauty These plants. Tulip used extremely popular. He was devoted to poems and myths, perpetuated in bas-reliefs and frescoes, depicted in oriental carpets and robes in the ornaments. In the ancient times, Europe has not yet been known large-flowered tulips. The era of the great geographic discoveries turned everything: the flow of new plants hurried to the continent. Fashion for one was replaced by the cooking enthusiasm to others. And the tulips also entered the fashion. It is enough to recall the "tulip", which covered in the middle of the XVII century Holland, and then Europe. The Motherland of the Tulip of Forest - Spruce Forests of Southern Italy and the Balkan Peninsula. In the middle of Europe, he fell during the middle-aged knightly cult of tulips, when various types of their species have been breeding everywhere and bring new varieties, especially seeking to obtain the so-called "black tulip". In the culture, he was introduced in 1568. Widely used in selection. This species turned out to be very unpretentious and easily sick. From the places of cultivation, he settled through the valleys of rivers, where they found suitable conditions for itself in wide (oak, beech) forests with rich humid soil. Later from the Central Europe, he got along with the planting material of the artistic wood and shrub plants In some seats of Eastern Europe, where it also was well enough.

- Beautiful, elegant plant with quite large, up to 6 cm, yellow nice smelling, unlike garden Forms, flowers. Out of the bulbs come out one thin reprehensive coloring, which ends with one or very rarely two flowers. Petals elongated, pointed. The flower is widely disclosed on the sun, and in cloudy weather and at night his petals are tightly closed. Flowering plants in the thickets of a few, the floral arrows are formed not every year and far from all instances. Most plants from the bulbs grow only leaves. On each plant at 2 - 4 very narrow, grooved sheet, long 20 - 25 cm, 1 - 2 cm wide. Tulip forest cross-pollinated plant, anthers ripen before pestles, thereby preventing self-pollution. In Belarus, it rarely blooms and breeds mostly vegetatively, forming rather dense thickets in gravity. The plant belongs to the spring ephemeroids - in the summer of its leaves and blooms dry, in the soil, small oblong bulbs are saved, covered with dense dark scales. Each year, the maternal bulb is replaced by a new one, moreover, long horizontal and vertical collishes are formed. Due to what, obviously, the development of new terrifications occurs.

In Belarus, Forest Tulip is known only in 2 points: in the vicinity of the village of Olshevo, Mohalsky district, where he was naturalized in the valley of the River Strachi; And in the vicinity of the city of Brest (near the Brest Fortress) - in the Valley of the Mukhavets River. Like many bulbous plants Tulip forests due to the presence of special retractor roots is capable of self-breaking into the underlying horizons of wet loose soils. This interesting biological device is used to regulate the age composition and rejuvenation of natural thickets of forest tulip, and, therefore, for more active resettlement due to energetic vegetative reproduction. Self-performance of the bulbs and the rejuvenation of thickets is the reason that the Tulip of the Forest in the conditions of Belarus blooms extremely rarely. This is to some extent saves it from full extermination. However, many plants die due to the negligent relationship of ignorant people to everything that surrounds them.

Tulip Forest Having High Decorative Qualities, Meritates a wider introduction of it in culture. It is especially suitable for growing parks and squares in cities and villages. Tested in areas of protected plants in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In order to achieve stable flowering in culture, it is necessary, as shown experiments, digging the largest bulbs in summer period, dry and plant late in autumn For a small depth of a good fertilized loose soil.

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A little about tulips

Before boarding the most careful way, inspect the bulbs. The skin should be clean, without spots, and the bulb itself is solid and heavy. With suspicious, remove the skin and, if spots are spots on the white surface, destroy the bulb. Healthy Bulbs for Prevention Treat 0.2% Fundazole for 30 minutes, dry and disembark.

Tulip classification

Have you ever seen in amateur gardens large, healthy tulips? Probably very, very rare. Although these joyful and bright first spring flowers love everything. With enthusiasm, people acquire the bulbs and plant in their gardens in the hope that now they certainly be luxurious than the spring. And in fact, tulips differ from other bully, such as daffodils and hyacinths, the fact that they feel great in the middle strip of Russia. But over the years, and sometimes for the next year after planting the bulbs become smaller, and then they disappear at all. Surely it happened and you. There are many reasons for this. Let's try to figure out the most common mistakes in the cultivation of tulips.

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The same, the next year I'll get up

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Stored planting material in paper bags, in dark cool place. You can simply put them in the cellar or basement. In the autumn they are planted on the beds described above.

Planting tulips in the garden. Where to plant?

So how to plant tulips? First of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for them. In the garden, tulips usually grown on the same place for a very long time. Flowers are quite unpretentious, so even in this case will please you with abundant bloom every year. Soil they love neutral. In the event that you have an acidic tulips on your site, you can still grow beautiful tulips. It is only necessary to neutralize the soil with ordinary lime.

In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, tulips are beginning to grow in the gardens - unusually graceful flowers. This wonderful plant, in addition to beauty, there is another dignity - simplicity in cultivation. In order to get a flowerbed on the countryside with red, yellow, white or motley colors, not necessarily to lose too much time and apply a lot of effort. However, certain rules for growing this plant still exist. Let's consider in more detail how to plant tulips and how to care for them.

Preparation of soil

In order to obtain large flowers, the Extra bulbs with a diameter of more than 4 cm and the 1st parsing, a diameter of 3.6-4 cm - for the Darwin class of the hybrids, in other classes, including lily, terry, fringe, parrot, The bulbs are smaller in nature.

Immediately eliminate such a coarse violation of technology as the outstanding sputum of bulbs. To better understand what is the case, consider briefly morphology and biology of this plant. You acquire the bulbs in August - September. By this time, flower kidney is already fully formed in a large bulb. It is located in the center of the bulbs on the top of the Donets. It is closely surrounded by 4-5 juicy, white scales, also sitting on the bottom. The structure of the bulb will be clearly visible if you cut it along in half. But it usually happens to be a pity to ruin the tulip, so you do the same with the bulb of the usual onion bow - the structure of them is similar.

Preparation of Grokery

The most important value at the first stage of distillation (when storing bulbs) has temperature mode. By changing the temperature in one direction or another, you can control the development of tulips and to some extent the timing of their blooming. The temperature effect on the bulbs during their storage consists of two stages: the first - exposure to high temperatures, the second - lowered.

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In what specifically the period should be the onion of the bulbs in the fall?

The blurred bulbs of tulips continue to moisten to moderately. After final fading and drying the leaf of the bulbs, you need to take out and clean from the ground. For secondary distances, tulips bulbs are not suitable.

Disembarking on bulbs in bed

Cool tulip bulbs

Before planting pots, in

Mulching soil

Now it's too late. And the next year is the most ordinary urea after the appearance of sprouts.

How to plant tulips in spring

Next, let's look at how to plant tulips in a pot. It is better to use for them not a pot, but a flame or container. So they will look aesthetically. When growing in room conditions, as well as in the garden, it is important for tulips to arrange good drainage.​

How to care for tulips in the garden

Soil does not have to be very nutritious. It is important that it is loose. Best of all, sandy soils are suitable for growing tulips. Be sure to arrange a good drainage. The exemplary composition of the soil should be like this: the turf, sand, humus in proportion 1 * 1 * 1. If the primer in your site is heavy, you must add peat and sand to it.

Tulip - a long-term grassy bulbous plant with a fairly wide distribution area. It is believed that for the first time these flowers began to be breeding in Holland. However, this is not at all. The first tulips were grown in the Gardens of Persia. This is stated by their name. Agree that the word "tulip" is very similar to the word "turban". The flower bud really resembles this oriental headdress. Before you begin to find out how to plant tulips, we will deal with what kind of varieties there are, and how to choose a variety in one way or another.

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How to plant tulips in pots

The storage mode of the bulbs prepared for the surveillance is slightly different from the storage mode of the bulbs that will disembark in open sad. Significant storage mode differs only for those bulbs that are intended for early and late distances.

). Most likely, varieties were unsuccessful for certain periods of distances or disrupted the duration of the bulbs. Also, this problem may occur if no shutter speed of bulbs cooling, not compliance with the temperature regimes of storage and rooting. High temperature during pasture can also cause the formation of blind buds. This can happen in the event that in the room where the tulips onion was kept and rooted were fruit, vegetables or cut flowers.

To get tulips flowers to a specific holiday, the most important thing is to calculate the timing of work. For


Why do tulips short legs? What can help, feed them?

Lyudmila Filatova


Anna _

Home Conditions

Ekaterina Bender

Maybe they are still cold, I also sit on a short leg, though I have half there, so they bloom later.

irina Kirina.

Make a few holes in the bottom of the plane and put in it broken shards or a small crushed stone. Pour on top of the loose land. You can use the same mixture as in the garden - sand, earth, humus in proportion 1 * 1 * 1. The bulbs neatly put on Earth quite tightly, but with such a frequency so that they do not touch each other. To sprinkle their land in such a way that the tops are visible on the surface.


Let's see how to put tulips in the fall. Of course, it is necessary to carefully prepare a bed for them. The land on the garden should be cooled and dispel (approximately 5 cm in depth). If many weeds grow on the selected area, it is better to plant tulips in the wells or grooves. Of course, all the roots of weeding plants should be tried to remove. The width and length of the bed can be any.

Pasha Horo

All tulips are divided into two large groups:


Landing care is also important, although it is insignificant with good land preparation. If the autumn is dry, then the planting is necessarily watered, and so that the moisture is impregnated with the land to the depth of the roots of the roots - 35 cm. Then the weathered peat layer 3 cm. In mid-October 15 g of ammonium nitrates per 1 m2 for better root growth. With the onset of frosts cover with a spruce vegetable - from mice and in case of a slightly monitory winter. The bulbs in the fall not only rooted, but they form a sprout, which almost reaches the surface of the Earth. That is why in spring so early, almost straight from under the snow appear tubes of tulips. In the harsh winter, flower kid can be damaged.

elena Kurilova

Tulip bulb outside is dressed in a tight brown scaled. And under it there are juicy scales, containing a supply of nutrients, sufficient to drive the stem with leaves and blooming. This is based on the distillation (obtaining flowers) on bulbs in the winter-spring time. Tulip onion one-year tulip, although the plant itself is considered a perennial. The fact is that there are kidneys between the scales of the bulbs, which develop during the growth of stem and flowering and by the end of the vegetation turn into new bulbs, in the amount of 1-5 pieces. They are sitting in the nest, dressed by the shell of a completely exhausted maternal bulb. The largest of these new bulbs is called replacing, and others - the label - the bulbs of the second or third parsing, even smaller than children.


After squeezing the bulbs, which is carried out in ordinary for tulips, they are stored at a temperature of 20-23 ° C for a month. Such a temperature is considered optimal for the formation of flower routines in the bulb. Then, during the month (August), the temperature is maintained about 20 s, and in September it decreases to 16-17 ° C. Such storage temperatures approximately correspond to the average temperatures during these months, so during storage does not require any special equipment to maintain a specified mode in the repository. Minor deviations from the indicated temperatures of significant influence on plants do not provide. However, with significant temperature deviations in any direction, the processes of bookmarking the flower rigs in the bulb slow down or occur anomalies in the form of "blind" buds.

tatyana Savchenko Siberia

3. The tulips in the tulips are, but above the upper leaves they seemed to be siled, the flowers hung, visible watery spots. This, most likely, occurred due to lack of calcium in the substrate when trampling tulip bulbs. Same signs when the tulips are distilled off in an acidic peat, especially at high temperature.

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Tulips pastures for the new year

Winter surveillance of tulips by March 8, the new year. Tulips Tracking and storage of bulbs, landing, cooling period - rasteniya.dp.ua

Winter trampling tulips

1.5-2 monthsStore in the refrigerator in gauze bags, on a glazed loggia or where the temperature is maintained at 5-9 ° C. Tulips - blooming bulbous plantsHow to put tulips in the fall, in the spring and in the pots you now know. As you can see, it's not so complicated, as it may seem at first glance. Tulips bulbs can be purchased in a specialized store. In the event that the tulips in your garden are already available, you can take planting material from the bed. Pulling the daughter of the bulbs follows the flowers completely blond, and the foliage will yellow. This is usually happening at the end of June, early July. Tulips - a very productive plant. Therefore, there are enough bulbs for the new flower beds. For the same reason, you should not buy in the store too large the amount of planting material. Especially since it is usually expensive. With a stable color.

Pulling tulips - selection and storage of bulbs

In the spring, the husknik is removed and immediately feed the landing of ammonium nitrate in the same dose as in the fall. After 10 days, it is again feeding the same associate with the addition of potassium sulfate - 20 g, and after another two weeks - one potassium sulfate is also 20 g per 1 m2. Tulips also give 3-4 deep irrigation, and watered before the early wishes of the above-ground part, approximately two weeks after the end of flowering. It is at this time that the growth of new bulbs continues. The blurred flowers necessarily complate. This reception is called decapitation. For the bouquet of tulips, cut off with one or two leaves, otherwise good bulbs will not work. Nest

The complexity of the surveillance to the new year is that by the time the cooling of the bulbs in them should be fully formed all parts of the future flower. In the middle strip, the flower is fully formed by the middle of August, and during cool and rainy summer it may move for another month. ​4.​ You need to approximately on September 3, placing the bulbs refrigerator; November 12 - to plant a substrate and again for cooling, December 3 - to transfer to the windowsill.. During this time, long sprouts usually appear. If you extend the term of the content in the cold of the tulips in the room can be very stretched. Before boarding the pots, it is necessary to remove the casing with a bulb. So the bulbs of tulips are much faster rooted, and you will be sure that inside they are not amazed by any diseases.

Tulips reversal - landing

With single colorful flowers and broad leaves.

Firstly, it depends on the grade of tulips, there are burgundy tulips, the legs are short, and if your tulips are usual, then adopt their universal complex fertilizer of Kemira, take spring-summer. Autumn planting of bulbs in the ground is carried out at the end of September. Sometimes tulips are planted in early November. It is necessary for the time of the onset of the first frosts they managed to root well. It is important not to miss the landing date. Otherwise, the roots will not have time to strengthen, and the landing material will die. These flowers can be monophonic, two-color and mixed.Dumping the bulbs at the time of yellowing the aboveground part, without waiting for complete drying. Otherwise, the nest will crumble and a part of the bulbs will remain in the ground. These bulbs every year will deepen into the ground, it will be difficult to dig them. The dug bulbs dried under a canopy or in the barn 3-4 days, then purified and stored in a well-ventilated room (for example, in the attic) at a temperature of 20 ° C to mid-August, and then at 17 c before landing, constantly controlling their condition. If the nest of new bulbs remains in the ground, they will lack all - nutrition, water, air. This is the same as the unwritten shoots of other cultures - of which the full plants will never grow up. But the tulip is all hypertrophy. I will explain why. To speed up the bookmarks of all the organs of the flower and begin cooling the bulbs in the planned time, there are two ways: agrotechnical and physico-chemical. The agrotechnical way is that tulips are grown under the film and conduct the decament of flowers. This method allows you to speed up the process of laying all the organs of the future flower for 2-3 weeks. The second way lies in the early spray of bulbs. The bulbs dig out as soon as yellowish spots will appear on their crooked scales. Then the bulbs are maintained during the week at a temperature of +34 ° C. This temperature also contributes to the acceleration of the bookmark process in the bulb of the organs of the future flower.

Tulips bloom, but the flowers are formed stretched, thin, weak

Tulip Casting - Cooling Period

Thugs of tulipsLukovitsa Tulipov Winter trampling tulipsThey lack nitrogen little light and water

So how to plant tulips in the fall? If the soil is soft, the depth of embezzlement of the bulbs should be three of their heights. In severe soil, planting material is plugged into two heights of the bulbs. In this case, the flowers in the spring will quickly warm and not freeze in winter. The distance between the plants should be sufficient for all of them enough sunlight. The planting material is planted in a step of about two diameters of the bulbs - this is if it is at least 8 cm. The bulbs are smaller planting more often. Drop-colored. L. KitaevTulip - ephemeroid with a very short period of vegetation. After all, we land the bulbs at the end of September, in October they are rooted (roots grow up to 20 cm), in May bloom, and in June, they are already drying out. And for these four months, the bulb must be rooted in such a way as to move winter frosts, in the spring to form a stem with leaves and flower or flowers, as well as give a whole nest of new bulbs, and replacing in good conditions is not inferior to the size of the maternal bulb, and often exceeds her. Now we can conclude that, leaving the tulips in unquestioned, will not be able to restore their original qualities.

The bulbs prepared in this way from mid-August and until the landing are stored in the lower part of the usual home refrigerator. The purpose of such training is to delay the development of the incidents of the leaves in the Bulletin and, at the expense of this, it is possible to make functions to form floral organs faster in it.

Penigrovka for trampling

. This usually happens if there is too high air temperature, above + 20 ° C, and insufficient lighting. Thugs for tulips by March 8Different varieties require a different period of cooling duration -

Planted in flower pots

Pulling tulips by March 8, the new year, another holiday

It makes it possible for some time for some time in the role of indoor plants. Variety suchThe surface of the bed should turn out as smoother as possible. There is no presence on its surface any pits. The fact is that in the spring it will definitely begin to accumulate melt water. And this can lead to spontaneous bulbs.

These are flaming, perovid and striped tulips. Very interesting is the fact that such a color is caused by nothing else like a virus. Series of Communication "Growing Flowers 2":Spot

Pulling tulips - failures and mistakes

The substrate for planting bulbs can serve as any moisture and air-permeable material with a neutral reaction. It may be pure river sand (it uses Dutch flowerflowers), a mixture of sand and peat, pure peat, vermiculite, perlite or a mixture of sand with garden earth. Even sawdust can be used as a substrate for pastures, but they are poorly held by moisture, so during the rooting period will be required frequent watering. In addition, the substitution substrate should have a neutral reaction (pH - 6.5-7), so sawdust and peat must be mounted. Gardening ground is in its pure form, without any breakdowns, it is also not desirable to use, since it is strongly compacted at irrigation. The most optimal for the surveillance is the substrate of the following: 2 parts of the garden land, 1 part of a well-fledged manure or compost and 1 part of river sand. It is useful to add to this mixture. woodwood. Earth from greenhouses, greenhouses, as well as poorly overwhelmed no longer use - this is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The cooked substrate on 2/3 is poured into the tanks (pots, boxes, plates) and slightly seal. The bulbs lay down on the surface of the soil at a distance of 0.5-1 minutes from each other, while slightly pressing their dons into the soil. Then the bulbs fall asleep over the top of the prepared substrate or clean sand to the edges of the tank. It is important that a homogeneous planting material lasted in one container - to ensure its simultaneous flowering. After planting the bulbs are abundantly watered. It is advisable to pour them with a solution of 0.2% calcium nitrate (20 g per 10 liters of water). If after irrigating the tops of the bulbs, the soil of the village was exposed, the substrate must be sucked. It is important that the bulbs be a small layer of soil, otherwise there may be bulbs from the ground with their rooting. After that, the tanks with the bulbs are transferred to the basement, cellar or other room with a temperature of from 0 to 10 ° C (the temperature is 5-9 ° C). Until the middle of December, the bulbs need to water the liaison and maintain air humidity at least 75-80% in the room. The rooting and germination of tulips, depending on the variety, continues from 16 to 22 weeks. By the end of December, the temperature in the room where the bulbs are stored, reduced to + 2-4 ° C and support it. Such a decrease in temperature will prevent the stretching of sprouts in tulips. During the distillation of the bulbs, the tulips bloom only at the expense of their internal reserves that are exhausted. Such bulbs of tulips will not soon bloom again. But if they are sorry to throw them, then you can cut the blooming plants from the weighted plants and, continuing to moisten, wait for the yellowing of the leaves. Then the bulbs of tulips need to dig up, hold a couple of weeks at a temperature of 24 ° C, then a month - at 17-20 ° C and at a temperature of 14-15 ° C - before landing in an open ground. Such a mode will allow to keep the bulbs of tulips before landing. In the open soil of tulips bulbs can be planted in September-October.

: October 25 - in the refrigerator; January 25 - in the soil and again in the refrigerator; February 15 - on the windowsill. From 16 to 22 weeksIn September - October Tulips in winterAnd something this year has the same "disease".

The soil on the bed with planted tulips in the winter must be kept to cover something. Pull the soil with a thick layer of manure or peat. You can also use a straw or fallen foliage. Try as best to protect the bulbs from frosts. Otherwise, they can freeze. If you use for mulching a straw, it will need it in early spring Remove. Since it is distinguished by a light shade, its layer will reflect the sun's rays and interfere with the heating of the soil.

In addition, tulips are classified on garden and hybrid. The first usually bloom in April-May, the second in March Mae. There are varieties specifically derived both for planting in the garden and for growing in room conditions. Next, consider how to properly plant tulips of the other variety. Part 1 - Gladiolus. Unconventional planting wayIn addition to the annual pullout, the tulips for the same reasons need to have capital training. The plant should have enough power to pass such a stormy development cycle and growth. Along with the quality of the landing material, the preparation of the Earth will determine the success of culture. The site must be chosen on a warm slope or smooth surface, in the sun or in a light fellow (scattered trees shade), groundwater should not be closer 60 cm from the surface. The land of tulips love medium or light-coded, with a neutral reaction, very high fertility and a depth-treated at least 35 cm. In Holland, the legislature of bulbous crops - under the tulips to their landing, under the predecessor, up to 50 kg of manure per 1 m2 are made. This dose is recommended for skinny lands, and on average, 25 kg of organic fertilizers is relying. On heavy, clay lands and in raw places, plant tulips are not recommended.

What to do with the bulbs after the surveillance

As a rule, tulips are transferred to the heated room for a distance for 3 weeks before flowering. But it should be taken into account - the earlier the surveillance is carried out, the more time it must pass from the moment of the transfer of tulips from the cold room into warm, and vice versa. Typically, by the time of the transfer of plants into the warm room, the tulips sprouts reach a height of 5- 8 cm. The containers with rooted bulbs are transferred to the room with a temperature of 12-15 ° C, while the lighting in the first 3-4 days should be weak. If the tulips sprouts are not enough, they are covered with dark paper caps that regularly remove and ventilate plants. After 3-4 days, the temperature is raised to 16-18 ° C and give complete lighting, while the plants are desirable to further highlight for 3-5 hours a day, and with a lack of the sun, it is simply necessary, otherwise the tulips will be very pulled out. When the tulips buds are painted, the temperature is slightly reduced (up to 14-15 ° C), which will extend the period of flowering plants, the flowers will be stronger, and the flowers are more brightly painted. Daily plants are poured and from time to time spend the Calcium Selutyra. The feeders have a positive effect on the decorativeness of the tulips and increase the number of colors. Capacity S. blooming plants It is advisable not to keep in the sun, as it reduces flowering duration.


Tracking tulips at home

Spring flowers on the window when winter rages winter, perceived as real magic. But this is the case when everyone can become a wizard if it is stuck in advance with everything necessary and will do a simple preparatory work. For distortion at home, low tulips are good (T. Kaufmann, T. Greig).

1. Lukovitsa Tulipov

. So, for example, triumph tulips require a cooling period from 16 to 19, darvine hybrid tulips - from 19 to 22 weeks, but at the Christmas Marvel variety, simple early, cooling period 13 weeks. This means that Christmas Marvel tulips can be expelled even for the new year.

Selection of varieties for pastures

. They plant them in pots are pretty tight, but so that they do not touch each other.

Preparation of bulbs for pasture

Very spectacular in glazed or simple clay pots. Their blossomed flowers again and again please their caring owners.

Hmm ... one I know for sure .... people with the mind of potatoes exist !!! \u003d))

How to plant tulips in the fall, we figured out. What to do if you are late with the landing date? It is not necessary to despair. Although it is undesirable, you can plant tulips and spring. The beds in this case are prepared in the same way as in the fall. Landing is made by the same scheme. However, you should be aware that your tulips placed in the spring will bloom, only next season.

Although this is not a binding rule, the specialists still recommend landing tulips in the fall, and not in the spring, like most other colors. The fact is that how well the bulbs will feel in the ground, directly connected with its temperature. Tulips are planted in a soil breathed to about +9. It is at this temperature that the flower itself begins to develop in the bulb. He germinates in the spring. Therefore, in this article, will mostly talk about how to plant tulips in autumn.

Part 2 - Place Tulips in the Garden

The land is prepared in spring in the year of planting or in the fall of the previous year. In addition to organic fertilizers (this may also be a humus or compost) make lime - 200-400 g and simple superphosphate - 100 g per 1 m2. Apply a double stepper, and half of the fertilizers and all the superphosphate are mixed with the lower layer of the Earth, and the second half - with the top. In severe lands, sand is added to 20 kg per 1 m2. In the summer, the plot can be taken by annual colors or green vegetables, but it is necessary to free it a month before the landing, at the end of August. Swimming, scattering pre-calmagnezia - 100 g per 1 m2.

Among the flower flows there is an opinion that the bulbs used for the surveillance are not suitable for further cultivation and easier to throw them. But if you wish, they can be fed. When the low-spirited varieties of tulips (with short blooms), flowers from plants are usually cut off without leaving leaves on the bulb. In this case, after 3 weeks after cutting, the bulbs dig up. If, after cutting flowers on the bulb, the leaves were left (when growing varieties with long bloomrs, for example, from the Hybrid Darwin class), then they continue to water and hold with maximum lighting before the yellowing of the leaves. In this case, some varieties can be obtained rather large replacement bulbs and a large baby.

Landing and rooting of bulbs

Bulb plants at rest form in the bulbs of future plants. Under the influence of certain factors, the plant exit from the state of rest and bloom in a non-concerned time. Technologies developed by specialists make it possible to receive flowers in scheduled time; Adjusting the temperature mode, you can speed up or slow down the flowering. The withdrawal of the plant from the state of rest, ensuring its growth and flowering with the help of special techniques is called the tramp. There are an early surveillance, to the new year, medium, in January-February, and late, in March-April.

Tracking mode

At the time of the banner for the trampling, only one sheet was formed, the bloomon is absent. This means that non-circular, small, young or light bulbs, who have been underdeveloped or there were no flower kidney have been selected to disturbate tulips.

Forming bulbs after distortion

But, since the necessary information about the bulbs does not always manage to receive in a timely manner, so as not to stay without tulips by March 8, the new year, the birthday or another holiday, for the surveillance it is better to use three - four different varieties.

Pots for pasture tulips

Pulling tulips,


Why do the tulips smack?

Yeah with us, too, at the cottage of the Polyvin Tulips on the short leg. Already all the same will be filled soon, so that only the next year the soil is better prepare.

How to plant tulips under winter and spring, we figured out. Now we will deal with how to care for them. Attention These wonderful flowers require minimal. However, to care for them during the season, of course, it will be necessary. In the spring, as soon as the tulips proceed, you should thoroughly break the soil on the garden. Water tulips as needed. It should be ensured that the soil under the plants do not swam. Also, it is not necessary to overcoat it. Otherwise, the bulbs can start refusing.

For landing in the garden in the open ground, the varieties of darwin and different kinds of hybrids are lyiliece. This is enough high plants. Houses, in pots, grow low grades - ordinary early, terry T. Hybrida, T. Kaufmanniana, etc. However, most of the grades of tulips are universal and can grow both in pots and in the open soil. It is important not only to know how to plant the bulbs of tulips, but and where exactly they are better to plant.

Part 3 - How to plant and store gladiolus

The best time to landing tulips in the middle lane of Russia - from September 20 to September 30. It is important to withstand the landing depth - above the bulb two more heights of the bulbs. For large, it will be 10-12 cm from the Donets. And the distance between the bulbs is at least two of their diameters - 7-8 cm. Small bulbs and baby are planted smaller and densely. Under the bottom, sand is poured with a layer of 3 cm, they also fall asleep the bulb with his head so that there are fewer mushroom diseases.

After the flashes, the bulbs are dried for 2 weeks at a temperature of 24 ° C, then a month at 17-20 ° C and further before the landing in the ground - at a temperature of 14-15 ° C. This storage mode allows you to keep the bulbs before landing in a normal state (they do not dry and do not touch prematurely into growth).

The entire cycle of workout works can be divided into three stages: 1. Storage of bulbs after digging out of open soil. 2. Rooting (under reduced temperatures). 3. Actually pasture (growing tulips in a heated room until the moment of flowering).

The transfer of a flower pot with the bulbs of tulips from the refrigerator to the windowsill has its name - an intersection for an extraction.

You need to pick up a diameter of 11 cm and plant 3 bulbs in them. Then completely fall asleep the bulbs with the soil, pour and, if the soil falls, plunder still. The substrate height must be at least 15 cm.

It is assumed to use only specially grown bulbs, which immediately after digging are stored in compliance with temperatures.
Feel your tulips by any ordinary complex fertilizer, but consider what special varieties are low.

In order to get abundant blossomTulips should also fertilize. These plants speak very well on the organic. Therefore, in order to saturate soil with nutrients, you should use manure. Of course, you can only take well overworked. During the season, the tulips must be recalled periodically.

Most often, the tulips are planted on the flower beds in fairly sunny places. Very often these wonderful flowers are grown on alpine Gorki in containers. Middle height and tall tulips are best grown in places well protected from wind. The first is usually used as decoration for the site itself. The second is grown on bouquets under the cut.
Part 4 - Why do not bloom.


In the open soil of the bulbs after the surveillance planted into ordinary for tulips. The bulbs, used for early distillation, to grow inexpediently, as they do not form large replacement bulbs and give little large kids. Moving such bulbs need not one year before they bloom.

For distortion to the new year, only those varieties can be used, the cooling period of which lasts at least 16 weeks, that is, - rational. For distortion in the average time (February-March) most of the reasons are suitable. For tramplinking for April, you can use any traying varieties.

Tulips formed pale, straw colors buds

Tulip care
For distortion of the bulbs of tulips, the breathable and moisture-sensitive substrate with a neutral reaction is suitable, for example, a mixture of sand with garden earth, a clean peat, a mixture of sand and peat, vermiculite.
Heavy dense
Tulips should be filtered with nitrogen, you can be kemira, can be complex fertilizer. But usually nitrogen is added in the spring, and when the buds and potassium are added to nitrogen, and the flower height also depends on the variety. In addition, the flower stem stretches
According to the rules, dig bulbs of tulips for the winter needed. However, many experienced gardeners Do this not every year. In the first year after the start of growing, in the event that you need an additional planting material for breeding some variety, dig bulbs, of course, will have to. Next, you can dig up in a year. If this is not done, it will be impossible to get large spectacular buds. Bulb the bulbs of tulips for bookmarking storage after the leaves will yellow. Next, they should be dried and sorted by varieties and sizes. For landing the next year, large subsidiaries are usually used.
The question of how to plant tulips (and daffodils, by the way, too) comes down to how to make a club. Best before the strip of tulips used as decoration for the site, plant some flowers blooming later. The fact is that after a bunching, they look too attractive. Even pretty, pretty wide leaflets begin to shrink in the middle of summer. In the first row in front of the tulips, velets, salvia or petunia can be planted. The flowering time of these plants is just for that period when tulips flow there. Why dries apple tree

Very often in the process of growing tulips, questions arise, doubts. We tried to give answers to some of them. For example: "Why are tulip buds are" blind "? Why do flowers smallese? What are the causes of disease? How to carry out feeding?

Why are the "blind" buds?

If the tulips buds turned out "blind" - pale, yellowish or not at all revealed and opal, the reasons may be much. Most likely, you incorrectly chosen or not on time. For example, the bulbs dug up late, and they gave early, and vice versa.

The formation of "blind" buds also contributes to too high temperatures when traded. Or maybe you did not observe the temperature regime of storage and rooting of the bulbs, did not hold the cooling time. Another reason could be that there were cut flowers, fruits or vegetables near the place of storage and rooting of tulips.

If the flowers in the tulips appeared, but they are composed of the upper leaves, and the flowers hung and around the plant are visible watery spots, it means that in the soil during the cultivation of the bulbs there was not enough calcium or you took an acidic peat for distortion, and even at high temperatures.

What diseases exist in tulips and what are their reasons?

If the bulb is covered with a raid, similar to lime, then it is - lime disease. The cause of its occurrence is incomplete maturation of the bulbs and the wrong storage conditions and drying.

If small glass stains appeared on the bulbs, which then acquire a bluish shade (the formation of bulbs), then, it means, in April-May they had too much light.

The bulbs allocate yellowish, sticky fluid - it gommozarising from the overaffect of moisture in the soil at the end of the growing season.

Excessive humidity at the end of the vegetation and exposure to direct sunlight when digging leads to tulips tumors tulip - Brown glances on outdoor scheat.

If during storage it was very humid and the air was stood, a brown peel and wrinkle appears on the bulbs - this cork disease.

If the bulbs of tulips suspended for the trampnia, they gave only one leaf, and the blooming at all appeared at all, it means that you took too small, or young, or light and non-circular bulbs, who have no flower kidney at all, or she was underdeveloped .

If tulips bloom, but on weak, thin, stretched flowers, it means that the air temperature in the room is too high, where the flower is being trampped. Check, probably, it is above + 20 ° C on sunny days, and at night too warm too. Maybe plants not enough lighting.

Why do the tulips smack?

Once a flower garden pleased you with huge blazing tulips, and now only small flowers grow up? So you are inattentive to them and, apparently, pay attention to these beauties only during their flowering.

In vain about tulips need to take care. Find out what is the cause of the miner - incorrect care, viral diseases, your forgetfulness or inaccurability?

Most often the tulips are felt because of them not dug out for several years. After all, there are more and more bulbs in the ground, they lack nutrition, and the flowers begin to degenerate.

Tulips are minced when they are amazed by some viral or fungal diseases; To this leads also bad drying and improper storage, too early or too late digging.

Also needed on time right depth, in wet, distorted soil. Then they will have large flowers in this case, and quite developed replacement bulbs.

And the last - do not cut off the tulip too low, leave the stalk bully to the development of leaves. When landing the bulbs carefully examine the tubers and take into account their age.

How and when to produce tulips feeding?

After planting tulips, the rows are mounted with a well-weathered peat, a humus or a peat-separated layer 4 - 5 cm. If the rains are not falling after landing and the soil has time to dry, irrigated. 7 - 10 days after landingwhen the roots grow intensively grow, the plants feed nitrogen-potash fertilizers At the rate of 15-20 g of ammonia nitrate and potassium sulfate per 1 m². As under, potash fertilizers containing chlorine, do not contribute under the tulips.

10 - 15 days after the first feeding Give the second nitrogen-potash feeding the same doses, which contributes to the development of a powerful root system, which immediately after melting of snow is capable of well supplying plants with nutrients and water.

With insufficient mulching of ridges with tulips, it is better to cover straw, dry sprigs, sweetheart. When used as a mulch, fallen leaves have to experience difficulties when removing them in the spring, since even before the snow becomes, the tulips sprouts penetrate through the leaves. Covering from straw, twigs, napnika is easily removed using forks. Under such insulation shelter during the autumn-winter period, a uniform temperature is maintained, the flower blossoms with a flower are not damaged, even during frosty winter, and bloom, as a rule, is most lush. Insulated shelter is removed in spring after melting of snow. The mulching layer of peat, humoring, peat compounds do not touch.

After melting snow on wet soil give nitric subcord Ammonia Selitra a few days later - Fully feeding mineral fertilizer At the rate of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of super phosphate per 1 m². Fertilizers close in the cultivation of landings. Third and fourth feeding Give only the possibility of making them dissolved. Intervals between feeding 7 - 8 days. On the square meter 7 - 9 g of ammonium nitrate, 20-25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate. At this time, it is better to use well-soluble and quick-free fertilizer forms. The feeders make a wet soil. With a lack of moisture of planting tulips before feeding, they watered. If irrigation can not be provided, refuses from feeding.

The cultivation of tulips requires constant attention: from landing in autumn to sprinkling bulbs after flowering and growing, and their subsequent storage tab. Fulfilling all this and considering our advice, you will get wonderful flower beds flowering tulipsthat will be undoubtedly your pride.

A fungal disease is considered to be called "Botritia". This is one of the most common diseases that almost all varieties of tulips and other bulbous plants may hurt. The second name of this ailment - " gray Gnil" The disease is caused by microscopic fungus belonging to the genus Botritis. This fungus is spread almost everywhere and is able to create life-resistant forms - sclerosy, capable of maintaining activity over the course of several years under any conditions. Gray rot can manifest itself on green plants at the end of the season, in the process of blanks (drying) bulbs or with their winter storage.

Manifestations of Botritia

The most important symptom of this disease is the spottedness of the leaves of flowers, stems, buds, which manifests very intense. At the point of contamination (deployment of disputes), small watery formations appear first, then they increase in size and acquire a brown shade. With high humidity, after the rain, the fog is sputing, the affected areas are fused.

Spots can be various shapes (most often round or oval), sizes. A few days after the appearance of the stains, the tulips leaves are twisted, dry.

The fungus applies from top to bottom, as a result, the struck of the bulbs of colors. At the last stage, a gray rot on the neck of the plant is formed, the stem is chosen and the flower dies.

Most often, the disease amazes in August-September, when the summer heat falls, the daily temperature drops to the values \u200b\u200bof 15 ... 18 degrees and the level of humidity increases.

Measures to combat gray grinding tulips

If the disease has already struck the plants, it is meaningless to fight it. It is necessary to immediately dig and destroy all infected tulips, the Earth must be treated with bordeaux liquid, home or other antifungal drugs. Folding tulips or other bulbous plants in the same site can be possible only after three to four years.

Preventive measures include:

  • Spraying with one-lending Bordeaux liquid during the season of vegetation of colors with a two-week interval. Bordeaux fluid can be replaced with a mixture of green soap (20 grams) and copper Kaper (2 grams) for ten liters of water. You can also use for spraying a semi-profile solution of caption.
  • Processing with a solution of Fundazola (0.2%), followed by a weekly drying of the bulbs of tulips after an early spray.

Storage of bulbs to produce in the most dry room with low temperatures (just above zero). And with a spring landing, carefully examine the planting material, rejected by the affected bulbs.