Auspicious days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers. Alpinia - bright foliage and magnificent inflorescences Moon for June for the gardener

The first month of summer is the time to study the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and gardener in order to know when to sow seeds, plant seedlings in open ground, transplant plants, inoculate, pinch trees and shrubs in the garden and vegetable garden. Also, learn when to feed crops and control pests, as well as water, weed, and till.

  1. What not to forget to do in June?
  2. Auspicious landing days and calendar for June 2017
  3. Tricks of gardeners and gardeners

What not to forget to do in June?

With the onset of summer for many gardeners, especially those living in the southern regions and in the Kuban, the hot season has long come, but in the Urals and Siberia, the Moscow region - the summer cottage season is only gaining momentum. If in the south early strawberries are already being collected, then in other regions of the country they are just preparing for the appearance delicious berries, so do not forget to feed garden strawberry during flowering and fruiting with a solution of a mullein, diluted 1:10, to increase the ovaries - spray with a solution boric acid(1.5 g / 10 l).

To prevent shedding of ovaries in currants and gooseberries in June, adjust watering. also in middle lane frosts are not excluded until June 7-10, then you can save currants and gooseberries by smoking and spraying. For smoke, leaf debris, straw manure, plant residues of last year, etc. are well suited. First, put dry material, then heavier and more dense. The pile is compacted and covered with a small layer of earth and set on fire. Smoke begins when the air temperature drops below -1 ° C.

In early June, according to the lunar calendar, it is recommended to plant seedlings of the following flowers in open ground - petunia, ageratum, amaranth, marigolds, dahlias, allspice tobacco, etc. In addition, seedlings of sweet peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. are planted in the greenhouse. Zucchini, pumpkins, squash, cabbage lettuce are planted in open ground after June 10.

June is a great month for mulching plants, since stable warm weather sets in in most regions, which means it's time to cover the surface of the earth around the plants. You should not do this earlier, so as not to interfere with the delay in the penetration of heat to the plant roots. As mulch, you can use organic material(sawdust, pine needles, hay, humus) and inorganic (gravel, pebbles, cardboard, newspapers, paper).

Auspicious landing days and calendar for June 2017

To do everything right, please note unfavorable days in June 2017, the next ones are 13-14, 24, it was at this time that the heavenly body was not the most the best way acts on sowing, planting, and gardening affairs in general, so it is better to take a day off and postpone all work to a more favorable time. Favorable (best) days for planting peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and other crops in June 2017, as well as sowing and transplanting, are as follows:

From 23 to 25 - days are unfavorable for garden work, including planting and transplanting fruit trees, shrubs, the following are considered the best (favorable) according to the calendar of the gardener and the gardener:

According to the lunar calendar of the gardener and the gardener for June 2017, the best terms for the introduction of organic fertilizers are 10-12, 15-16, 20-21, mineral - 5-7, 25. Plowing, cultivation, hilling and loosening is recommended to be carried out at 13-14, 17-19, 22-23, but it is not advisable to lay compost in June. Pruning of branches and shoots is carried out from June 13 to 22, 2017, spraying and pest control can be performed on 18-19, 22-23. Watering the plants on the following days - 5-7, 15-16, 24-25, inoculating - 5-7, 25, thinning seedlings and weeding - 18-19, 22-23.

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and the gardener

Tricks of gardeners and gardeners

To save carrots from carrot flies, before starting weeding or thinning, pour the solution: 1 tbsp. ground red (black) pepper, 10 l of water, 5-10 gr liquid soap, consuming 1 liter of finished liquid for one square meter area. The smell, which is formed as a result of weeding, just attracts harmful insects, and watering the soil with a solution, the aroma of carrots during cultivation will not be so pronounced. Also sprinkle ash between rows after weeding.

To protect tomatoes from late blight from folk remedies use garlic - 200 g of garlic must be passed through a meat grinder, diluted in a bucket of water and add 1 g of potassium permanganate. Spend 2.5 liters per 1 m² of plantings.

Fighting aphids on eggplants and peppers during fruiting - pour 250 grams of wood ash or the same amount of tobacco dust into a bucket, pour boiling water over it and leave for 24 hours. Before spraying, the solution is mixed well and 30-35 ml of liquid soap is added. Processing is best done in the morning.

Summer residents are advised to water the cucumbers after each harvest with a solution of brilliant green (10 drops / 10 l) in order to protect the plants from root rot. The remedy not only heals, but also serves as a good prevention. From false powdery mildew the composition will help - a bucket of water, 10 ml of brilliant green, 1.5 liters of whey (milk), 1 tbsp. urea.


Many are sure that our life in outer space, where everything is interconnected, is influenced by astronomical bodies. The well-being and behavior of most people, the outcome major events, the ebb-tide of ocean waters and favorable days for landing determines the lunar rhythm. This on the moon - you will get a double harvest of plants, as the Russian peasants used to say.

Sublunary plant world

The full lunar cycle, lasting an average of 29.5 days, represents 8 phases of the illumination of the Moon by the Sun:

  1. new moon (the moon is not visible);
  2. young (crescent, horns are directed to the left, connecting them with an imaginary straight line, we get the letter "p");
  3. 1st quarter of the Moon (quarter is illuminated);
  4. arriving;
  5. full moon phase;
  6. decreasing;
  7. II quarter of the moon;
  8. the aging moon (thin crescent with horns to the right, looks like the letter "c").

Each phase has its own effect on the plants. How the lunar rhythm affects has long been established. Confucius said: "Since we live in the sublunar world, we need a lunar calendar." But many even today doubt this knowledge. Few people use the lunar calendar.

Good to know

American scientist Clark Timmens confirmed the influence of the moon by experimenting with vegetables.

Astrologers say: on the day of the new moon, the plants are at rest and the juices fill the roots. On the days of the waxing moon, sap flows from the roots to the fruits that develop above the ground. At full moon, maximum accumulation is reached nutrients in fruits, color and aroma of flowers thicken. With an aging moon, sap flow is directed from top to bottom to the roots, there is an accumulation of nutrients in tubers and root crops.
According to the lunar calendar, there are three rules for gardeners.

  1. and new moon - prohibited days for all sowing and planting work.
  2. Root plants should be planted on the waning moon.
  3. For lush flowers good harvest fruits, vegetables, giving edible tops (fruits above the surface of the earth), the best in the lunar calendar will be the increasing phase.

Following these rules, farmers just need to take into account the new moon, full moon, waxing and waning moon.

Planetary impact

The moon is constantly under the influence of one of the 12 zodiac signs. And this influence on plants is transmitted through various energies (force magnetic field, light pulses, other influences, including unexplored ones).
Astrologers determine the favorable days for planting according to the lunar calendar, depending on what sign of the zodiac the night star is under. Productive lunar days- those when the Moon is in interaction with the "fertile" constellations.

Infertile signs for plants: earthy - Virgo (wet and cold), fiery - Sagittarius (male, moderately dry and warm).
Unfavorable (sterile) signs: fiery - Aries (dry, moderately hot), Leo (hottest, arid); airy - Aquarius (dry, cold), Gemini (dry, warm).
Fire signs (fruits) are unfavorable for sowing and planting plants.

If, according to the lunar calendar, the moon is today under barren signs, postpone sowing seeds of vegetables, flowers and transplanting seedlings. During this period, there is little benefit - both for plants and for the gardener. You can do other gardening business.
Lunar sowing calendar for May 2017

Prohibited days in May:

    • 11 (full moon - the beginning of the phase at 00:42; hereinafter, Moscow time is indicated);

25 (new moon - starts at 22:45).

Lunar seed calendar for June 2017

Prohibited days in June:

  • 9 (full moon - comes at 16:11);
  • 24 (new moon - phase starts at 05:33).

When sowing according to the lunar calendar, use specialized publications that indicate the exact time:

  • the transition of the moon to the full moon;
  • transition to the new moon;

Planting is not recommended 12 hours before and after this time.

Lunar days

The Old Russian calendar "Lunnik" determined the days for vegetables, flowers, when what can be sown. The first lunar day begins with a new moon. 1,2,6 are considered favorable, from 8 to 12, 20, 21, 23, 24th, from 26th to 28th lunar day... The 27th day is especially favorable for flowers. You cannot sow and plant on the 3rd, 5th, 15th, 16th, 29th lunar day.

Folk omens

Are considered bad (rotten) 1st and 3rd weeks of the month, 2nd and 4th weeks - good, favorable not only for sowing garden crops and colors, but also for all new things.

From the days of the week, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are the best for planting all vegetables, flowers, trees. But if you plant cucumbers on Wednesdays and Fridays, they will be bitter.

The flora calendar served as a reference point for planting in May and June. The oak is blossoming -. Aspen, violets are blooming - it's time to sow, carrots, onions,. There are earrings on a maple tree - sow beets. Viburnum flower petals fall - you can sow beans, cucumbers on the beds. Daffodils have blossomed - sow lettuce, radish, flower seeds (phlox, daisies) into the ground. Blooming peony flowers (end of May, June) - sow pumpkin, cucumbers, beans.

Russian Farmer's Calendar

May and June until church calendar days are called saints. The Orthodox people, honoring the memory of the martyrs, using the centuries-old observations of their ancestors, knew on what day what work could be done.

The month of May. From 6 to 21 - the height of spring. May has come - ripen in the garden: lay the foundations for growth, fruiting, flowering plants in time. May ends, and the pre-flight begins on the 22nd. Summer begins on June 11.

In May, by numbers, you can sow:

  • 2 (Ivan) - sow the beds with carrots;
  • 5 - Onions, planted, early peas;
  • 6 (Yegoriy Veshniy) - you can sow cabbage in the nursery, beets in the beds, continue sowing carrots;
  • 7 (Yevsey) - otsei oats, planting early potatoes;
  • 9 (Glafira-pea) - planting late peas;
  • 10 (Semyon) -;
  • 12 (martyrs) - sow dill, mustard, basil, coriander (nectar-bearing plants that attract bumblebees, bees);
  • 15 (Sowers Boris and Gleb) - it's time to transplant seedlings into greenhouses;
  • 18 (Arina-seedling) - plant cabbage on ridges, cucumbers (under cover);
  • 20 (Ivan Brazhnik) - sowing late carrots;
  • 22 (Nikola Veshny) -; onions, late peas;
  • 24 (Mokey) - transferred the seedlings of cucumbers to the ridges;
  • A special day in May - the 23rd (Simon Zilot) - the peasants on this day honored the land as a birthday girl, did not plow or sow.

In June, from 1 to 3 and 5, cucumbers were planted. They did not sow, did not plow on June 4 (Basilisk) - they waited out this day so that the grain fields would not be clogged with cornflowers. Beans (a culture valued by the peasants) can be planted on the 12th (Isaac) and 13th (Eremey). The last one is on the 25th (Peter's day). You cannot plant cucumbers on Akulina (in June it is the 26th) - they will be crooked.

Orthodox calendar

In 2017, believers celebrate twelve holidays:

  • May, 25th - the Ascension of the Lord;
  • June, 4 numbers - Trinity,
  • June, 5th - Spirits Day.

Refrain from planting during these holidays.

You can check in practice whether or not the days of planting flowers, garden crops, fruit trees according to the lunar and church calendar or folk signs... As Plato said, whoever is not convinced himself cannot be convinced.

in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground and a table for planting seeds of various crops. When is the best time to plant and transplant plants, when to do gardening work in the garden. What vegetables are best to plant in June 2017, and what days are the most suitable for this. When is the best time to feed the plants, weed and water.

The first summer month has come. June, as a rule, saves summer residents from the cold, so you can safely plant vegetables, herbs and flowers. During this period, you need to especially monitor weed pests. June is great for a transplant indoor plants and flowers.

Auspicious days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

New moon - prohibited period for summer residents, do not touch root system plants, do not be vaccinated, and indeed, it is best to refrain from sowing and transplanting.

Waxing Crescent - an excellent time for thinning plants, replanting, planting, trimming whiskers, etc.

Full moon - Plants are very vulnerable during this period, so you should not test them for strength. Relax and clean up country house or home.

Waning moon - due to high blood pressure in the underground part of the plants, it is recommended to start planting root crops and pruning shrubs and trees.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

The lunar sowing calendar appeared a long time ago. Man has always tried to prepare in advance for the new season. People have noticed that the moon affects the processes taking place in nature. As an example, these are the ebb and flow, the impact on biorhythms in the human body and planting crops.

The moon is a satellite of the Earth, the closest body to the planet, therefore it influences all processes taking place around us. The moon has the greatest influence on water.

The main periods of the moon's movement affecting the life of all living things on the planet: new moon, full moon, periods of the waxing and waning moon. Scientists managed to find out favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants in the garden and in the garden.

The moon acts on water due to the force of gravity.

All plants for the most part consist of water, therefore, asking for help from sowing calendar for 2017, you will find out when the Moon can favorably "attract" plants to itself, increasing growth, and when "push away", leading to illness and even death.

Maximum gravity during a full moon. This is a period of exacerbation of diseases, a change in the work of technology, aggressive outbursts of mood in people.

It is important for the gardener not to plant planting material on this day with a strong energy impact, the plants do not take root well during transplantation.

Minimum activity of the moon during the new moon. A person feels a decrease in activity, plants lose most of the strength necessary for growth, and therefore they almost never become entrenched in the ground.

Sowing lunar calendar 2017 formed by specialists of different directions, and is able to help modern man working in the garden and in the garden, save resources and time, get a large and high-quality harvest.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting

Plants such as wheat, cucumbers, flowers - that is, growing upward, must be planted on auspicious days on the growing moon. And plants with tubers - potatoes, beets, parsley - growing underground, are planted during the waning moon.

Auspicious days of sowing and planting plants in 2017

With the onset of summer in the garden, the number of works only increases, and the landing days of June in 2019 according to the lunar calendar and recommendations for every day will help to correctly plan things. At the beginning of the first decade, you can sow late carrots, for winter storage as well as black radish. In June, seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkins, and beets are transplanted into open ground. From flowers, seedlings of dahlias, gladioli and annual flowers are transplanted.

Regarding other work in the garden at the dacha, it will be necessary to feed raspberries, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins. Pluck out arrows of onions and garlic, spud potatoes, remove weeds.

Watch out for black currants in the garden - small orange spots or large bumps. Then it will be necessary to treat it with Fitosporin or Zircon. If the weather is dry, aphids may appear on the trees. Here it will be necessary to spray them with the "Healthy Garden" preparation.

Strawberries and raspberries can pick up gray mold in wet weather.

Do not forget spider mites appear on cucumbers and black currants in June.

At the beginning of the month, a weevil can crawl onto raspberries with strawberries, then spray the raspberries with phyto-farm.

Planting days

On these June days, it will be good to transplant and plant the following garden crops:

Unfavorable days of June for transplanting and planting

  • 13, 14, 24 number

Auspicious days for working in the garden in June 2019

June 1st The growing moon in the sign of Virgo. On this day, it is good to carry out pest control by spraying. Engage in weeding and thinning.
2 June Rast.l. in zn. Virgo. Keep spraying plants and fighting pests. Thin seedlings. Weed. You can pinch and pinch vegetables.
June 3 Rast.l. in zn. Scales. Today you can only thin out the seedlings and cultivate the land.
June 4th Rast. moon in the sign of Libra. Today is an auspicious day for transplanting seedlings, as well as for thinning, removing weak and diseased plants. Sow tomatoes and cucumbers outdoors.
June 5th Rast. l. in zn. Scales. A good day for watering, replanting, as well as applying mineral fertilizers and vaccinations. Auspicious day for planting strawberries and rooting a mustache.
June 6th Rast.l. in zn. Scorpion. Favorable planting days for potatoes and root crops. It is good to continue watering the plants, apply fertilizer, carry out sowing and weeding.
June 7 Rast.l. in zn. Scorpion. Complete what you started earlier, do not start new business - the day is unfavorable for this. Do not overwork today, be attentive to your health. But today is a good day for planting bulbous flowers, as well as dividing the rhizomes of phlox, irises, peonies, etc. You can make organic fertilizers, feed indoor bulbous flowers. Take up the sowing of turnip seeds, rutabagas, parsley root varieties. Plant onion and Jerusalem artichoke ..
June 8 Rast.l. in the sign of Sagittarius. Nice day to garden - delete root growth, tackle the formation of trees and shrubs. Today, you can carry out top dressing, including by foliar method. Conduct plant pest control.
the 9th of June Full moon. In the sign of Sagittarius. Not a favorable day for planting, transplanting plants. In the afternoon, you can sow seeds of carrots, radishes, turnips, radishes.
June 10th The waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Sow plants that grow quickly and you can not store them, but eat them right away - onions on a feather, head lettuce. Today you can do thinning and weeding. As well as spraying and pest control. In the greenhouse today it will be good to pinch and pinch vegetable crops.
June 11 Decreasing L. in zn. Capricorn. Unfavorable day for planting and sowing. But today you can do pest control, tillage, fertilizing and fertilization.
12 June Descending L. in zn. Capricorn. Today you can do plant transplantation, thinning, removal of weak and diseased plants. A good day for feeding plants in the garden and kindergarten. Destroy weeds. Fight plant pests.
June 13 Departing. l. in zn. Aquarius. Start bookmark compost heaps, for this use plant residues- tops of plants, old leaves. Feed and apply mineral fertilizers in the garden and garden. Water and feed your houseplants in the evening.
June 14 Departing. l. in zn. Aquarius. Thin the seedlings in the garden, loosen the aisles. Spud the potatoes today, weed out the weeds. Continue the fight against plant pests and diseases. In the garden, treat the plants, remove the affected branches, shoots of fruit trees and bushes. Plant some herbs.
June 15th Departing. l. in the sign Aquarius. Auspicious day to start watering young plantings, berry bushes. Treat trees, remove pests from them, remove bad branches.
June 16 Departing. l. in zn. Fishes. Continue what you started on the previous days. Do not start new business. This day is good for completing those started.
June 17 Departing. l. in zn. Fishes. A very good day for processing plants and beds. These are transplanting, thinning, pinching and pinching. seedlings.
June 18 The waning moon in zn. Aries. Get involved in shaping trees and shrubs. Remove root growth. Spray plants and carry out other pest and disease control by treatment with decoctions and herbal infusions.
June 19 Departing. l. in zn. Aries. Unfavorable day for sowing and planting. But today you can do the fight against pests and plant diseases, cultivating the land, feeding, applying fertilizers., Weeding.
June 20 Departing. l. in zn. Taurus. Monitor your health. Reduce physical activity. Submit wood ash in the soil for currants and gooseberries. And fertilize other shrubs.
21st of June Departing. l. in zn. Taurus. Do not replant, sow, do not pick today. But you can thin out, loosen, remove weak and diseased plants.
June, 22 Departing. l. in zn. Twins. This day is considered unfavorable for health. Sow the seeds today spicy herbs and medicinal plants... You can sow seeds of tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower. A good day for planting flowers - petunias, zinnias, marigolds. Apply top dressing and watering. Avoid pruning and thinning.
June 23rd Descending L. in zn. Twins. The day is unfavorable for health. Today you can sow the seeds of spicy and medicinal herbs... Sow tomato seeds, broccoli, cauliflower. Plant flowers - marigolds, petunias, zinnia. Feed and water the plants. Trimming and thinning cannot be done today.
June 24 New Moon... In the sign of Cancer. Today is an auspicious day to plant tomatoes, cauliflower and broccoli. Plant flowers. You can water the plants and feed them.
June 25 Growing L. in zn. Crayfish. Unfavorable day for planting sowing. You can fertilize flowers in open ground and feed the room ones.
June 26 Growing L. in zn. A lion. Today you can: thin out, loosen, remove excess shoots. You can feed indoor flowers. A good day for sowing climbing plants.
27th of June Rast. l. in zn. A lion. A good day for processing plants and beds: thin out, replant, pinch and pinch vegetable seedlings. Auspicious day for landing. Before planting, you will need to fertilize.
June 28 Rast. l. in zn. Virgo. Plant seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, squash today. A good day for transplanting, watering, fertilizing, vaccinating.
June 29 Rast. l. in zn. Virgo. Water and liquid feed today. Harvest fresh herbs, radishes. Go home canning. Don't prune today.
30 June Rast. l. in zn. Scales. Good day for rooting strawberry whiskers. Spud the potatoes. Take care of weeding and loosening the soil.
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