Characteristics of the food industry. Food and catering industry

>> Food and light industry

§ 30. Food and light industry

The third link in the agro-industrial complex is the food and light industries.

Food industry. The main purpose of the food industry is food production. Almost all food consumed by people undergoes industrial processing. Therefore, the role of food industry is constantly increasing. Its development makes it possible to sustainably provide people with food throughout the year. Food concentrates, canned food, frozen vegetables and fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and long-term storage. Without their production, the development of territories with complex natural conditions, unfavorable for Agriculture, would be impossible. All this is especially important for Russia, where the production of many types of agricultural products is seasonal.
The food industry is closely related to agriculture. The industries included in its composition are divided into two groups according to the nature of the raw materials used (Fig. 57).

The food industry is found almost everywhere where people permanently live. This is facilitated by the variety of raw materials used and the widespread consumption of food products. Nevertheless, there are certain regularities in the location of the food industry.

Branches of the first group gravitate towards the areas of production of agricultural raw materials. When receiving many types of products, the weight of the feedstock is greatly reduced. This is due either to its dehydration (drying fruits, tea), or to the occurrence of significant waste during processing. For example, to obtain 1 ton of sugar, you need to process 7 tons of sugar beets. In addition, many agricultural products deteriorate during prolonged transportation(milk, fruit, etc.). Therefore, raw materials need to be processed as soon as possible and transported at a distance of no more than 50-60 km. But at the same time, it is still necessary that the amount of raw materials received from the surrounding territory correspond to the capacity of the equipment installed at the processing plants. The excess of raw materials leads to its losses, the lack - to the downtime of expensive equipment. Thus, the geography of the industries under consideration depends not only on the availability of raw materials in certain areas, but also on the size of the raw material base.

A special place among the industries of the first group is occupied by the fishing industry. It includes the extraction of fish, seafood, sea animals and their processing.

90% of the fish catch falls on the marine fishery (10% - on the river and lake). Over the past 25 years, the fish catch has decreased from 5 to 3.5 million tons. Marine fishing is carried out by a fleet of special vessels (trawlers, seiners), the number of which is constantly decreasing. In addition, fishing areas are increasingly moving away from the coast. Stocks of fish in the 200-mile economic zone Russia is unable to meet its needs. About 70% of fish and seafood comes from the Far East, 3/4 of them goes abroad. Therefore, Russia is increasing its fish catch in the zones of foreign countries with which it has relevant agreements. At the same time, most of the fish processing enterprises are located on land (Pacific Coast, Murmansk, Kaliningrad).

Branches of the second group food industry gravitate toward consumers of finished products. The raw materials they use have already been recycled. It is more profitable to transport it than finished products(for example, only 40 tons of pasta fit in a sixty-ton car, but it can be fully loaded with flour used for their production). Enterprises of this group are created directly in cities and large rural settlements.

? Give examples of such enterprises that exist in your locality.

Some branches of the food industry are equally focused on raw materials and consumers. Meat-packing plants located in Siberia, the Volga region, in the European South produce canned meat and freeze meat. Meat products are also produced in consumption areas. The same duality characterizes the location of the dairy and flour-grinding industries.

Although food products are produced in all regions of the country, clear leaders can be distinguished among them: Central region O / b) "Uralsky, Volga, North Caucasus(1/10 each).

Light industry. The geographical problems of the development of light industry are associated with some of its features. Firstly, light industry products directly affect the standard of living of people, but they are also widely used in other industries: chemical, electrical engineering, aerospace, etc. Secondly, this is a labor-intensive industry in which women are predominantly employed (75% of all working). Thirdly, light industry enterprises are usually small in size and do not require a lot of energy and water.

The correct location of light industry enterprises allows us to solve a number of important tasks: 1) satisfy the material needs of people, taking into account the characteristics of demand for separate parts country; 2) to expand the scope of women's labor, which is especially important in areas of heavy industry; 3) build industrial enterprises in areas that do not have large energy, water and other resources.

According to the peculiarities of location, all branches of light industry can be grouped into three groups (Fig. 58).

One of the main industries is the textile industry. It uses mainly agricultural raw materials. But the ever-widening use of synthetic dyes and chemical fibers reduces the cost and speed up the production of fabrics and weakens the dependence of light industry on agriculture. With the addition of chemical fibers, most of the cotton, silk, woolen, and linen fabrics are made.

The fabric manufacturing process consists of several stages. It is rational to place primary processing enterprises of raw materials closer to its sources, since processing waste reaches 80% for flax, and 50% for wool - 50% of the original weight. Wool washing factories were built in the North Caucasus, flax processing factories - in the North-West of Russia. The final, finishing stages are especially important. It is on them that the demand for fabrics from the population depends. These stages gravitate toward centers of high artistic culture, with a cadre of skilled artists (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

Textile industry products are used in the clothing industry, which has enterprises in almost every major city.

Questions and tasks

1. What are the factors for the placement of food and light industry.
2. What factors influence the territorial organization of the third link in the agro-industrial complex?
3. Using the map of the atlas, determine the main areas for the location of enterprises for the primary processing of wool and flax. How does their geography correlate with the geography of the respective branches of agriculture?
4. Think about how the geography of the food industry will change with the expansion of the production of new generation food products: frozen bread, main and dessert dishes, etc.

Attention! Problem!

1. The consumption of some foodstuffs in Russia has declined sharply (Table 30) for many reasons. Russia moved from a state of partial food dependence to practical loss food independence.

2. For a long time, the domestic light industry developed in a closed economy, which negatively affected both its equipment and the quality of its products. The products of the Russian light industry, as a rule, are uncompetitive due to low quality and high cost. In this regard, and also because of the decline in the standard of living and effective demand of the population, the production of the main types of light industry products has sharply decreased.

3. In the light industry of Russia there are serious problems with a supply of raw materials. At the expense of own resources, the need for wool and flax fiber, artificial fibers, leather and fur raw materials can be satisfied by 90-95%. However, the quality of a significant part of domestic raw materials is low. Russia imports all cotton it consumes, 50% synthetic fibers and 25% man-made threads.

Geography of Russia. population and economy. Grade 9: textbook. for general education institutions / V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. - 17th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 285 p.: ill., maps.

Calendar-thematic planning in geography, video on geography online, Geography at school download

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Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law

Department of Marketing

Individual work from the discipline "Regional Economics"

On the topic of: " Kharchova promislovist »


Student MEK-1-07

Kovriga Elizabeth


Litvinenko O.G.

Dnipropetrovsk 2007


Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ...3

1.Structure of the industry………………………………………………………...6

2. Current state food industry…………………………...10

3. Location of industry enterprises………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. An example of an enterprise operating in modern conditions……..14

5.Main directions of development of the food industry……………….…16

Conclusions................................................. ................................................. ......nineteen

Bibliography................................................ ......................................21


The food industry is one of the most promising and rapidly developing industries. Today, manufacturers must produce a wide range of products and create new products, taking into account the ever-increasing demands of consumers. To survive in the global market, it is necessary to develop production and reduce costs by improving business efficiency.

The food industry is one of the largest industries National economy. Its main task is to meet the needs of people in food products. High Quality and a varied range. The solution to this problem is carried out mainly on the basis of increased production efficiency, accelerating scientific and technological progress, increasing labor productivity, possibly lowering prices for raw materials, increasing the rate of capital turnover, improving labor and production. In the mass production of food products, the technological process plays a decisive role.

The modern food industry that produces food products should be characterized by a sufficiently high level of technology, technology and production organization, the presence of large specialized enterprises and production associations. There must be improvement food production, which by itself provides for the introduction of high-performance equipment, production lines, expanding the range and improving the quality of food products, and the production of food products that are in high demand. The range of food products should be updated as a result of expanding the range and improving the quality of the raw materials themselves.

The technology of modern food production is becoming more and more mechanical, its efficiency primarily depends on the equipment used, which is increasingly modernized. The food and processing industry remains the largest and most vital sector of the economy. In conditions market economy the efficiency of the food industry is achieved due to the high specialization of production and the improvement of its management. The deepening of specialization requires not only providing production with technologies using modern achievements of scientific and technological progress, but also monitoring the quality of raw materials and finished products.

So what is the role of the food industry? Main role. It is due to the fact that it makes a significant contribution to the creation of the material and technical base of all social production, and also produces most of the material assets intended to meet the needs of the population. We can say with confidence that providing the population with quality food is one of the main areas of social economic development any state. In Ukraine, of course, there are all prospects and opportunities for creating a highly developed food industry that can satisfy domestic food needs and provide significant cash receipts from its sale on the world market. Before writing this work, I identified the main tasks: to highlight the structures of the food industry, to show the current level of development of this industry, to characterize the territorial organization of the industry by economic regions.

As for the relevance of this topic, we can say that a powerful branch of the food industry should be created in Ukraine to ensure the normal life of its population, renew and maintain its health, and develop exports of domestic products. It follows from this that the development of the food industry should become one of the priority areas. economic policy our country. And the end result of the activities of the entire agro-industrial complex will provide a significant increase in its efficiency, and will also become a reliable source of replenishment of the state budget and significant cash receipts in the "purse" of our country.

1.Structure of the industry

The main part of the food industry belongs to the processing industries. However, there are also enterprises that are included in the extractive industries of this industry: this is the extraction of fish, salt, some types of wild food plants. Used in the food industry various ways processing of food raw materials. They must ensure the safety of food consumption for human health, improve their taste and commercial qualities, nutritional and biological value, which, if almost the most important link in this chain. Indeed, in their natural form, many food products are not acceptable for consumption: they either contain components that are harmful to health, or are poorly absorbed by our body. (For example, beans can contain highly toxic cyanides, the natural components of legumes (soy) are unusual species sugars (stachylose), which cause increased gas formation in the intestines, and inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, which sharply reduce the digestibility of protein from these products.

Such shortcomings can be eliminated by heat treatment, such as cooking. However, heat treatment, being an extremely important way of preparing food raw materials, can also have a negative impact on the biological value. finished product. Thus, foods containing proteins and reducing sugars are exceptionally sensitive to high temperature, under the action of which there is an active combination of reducing sugars with certain amino acids, such as lysine. This leads to a sharp decrease in the usefulness of the product for humans). Traditional technologies food production does not always ensure the absolute safety of ready-to-eat products. So, it has been established by statistics and certainly deep analysis that with the traditional salting of meat products using saltpeter, in some cases a toxically significant amount of nitrosamines (strong carcinogens) is formed in them. And making wine at home is associated with the accumulation of methyl alcohol in it (up to 3%). When it changes technological processing significant improvement in food quality can be achieved. For example, by special processing milk can significantly increase its shelf life (up to 1 month or more) and resistance to thermal effects, inactivate or remove lactose from it, due to the presence of which a part of the population does not tolerate milk.

With the help of special techniques (bacterial fermentation), methanol can be removed from alcoholic beverages; enrich the oil with vitamins and prevent its rapid burning, reduce its calorie content. When smoking food special methods it is possible to remove components with carcinogenic properties from the smoke, but retain those that form the special taste of smoked products and ensure their shelf life. When processing raw materials at food industry enterprises, a number of sequential operations are usually used, which form the basis of the technology. For example, when grinding wheat, as a result of a number of mechanical factors, flour and bran are obtained. For getting vegetable oils apply their extraction from grains of sunflower, cotton, olives, using special solvents or a pressing method. The primary crude (unrefined) oil is then subjected to purification using alkaline solutions, adsorbents or by evaporation (refining process). Manufacture of products such as sausages, mayonnaise, margarine, bread, and other products complex composition involves basically mixing several ingredients, taken in strictly defined ratios. At the same time, finished food forms can be obtained both as a result of mechanical mixing of ingredients, and due to certain chemical reactions, certain substances are involved in the formation of color, taste, smell, aroma of food; they also have another important specific property - bactericidal action.

An important place in food production belongs to processes based on bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of food raw materials. The former include processes that occur, for example, when salting cabbage, making wine, making feta cheese, cheeses, beer, etc. The second are those processes that occur in food raw materials due to their own enzymes, for example, during the maturation of meat, minced meat, as well as when chemically pure enzymes are used artificially introduced into food raw materials. Also, one of the important methods of processing food raw materials in the food industry is canning. Such methods of processing food raw materials are also widely introduced, such as sterilizing filtration (used in the production of beer, wine, fruit juices), tenderization (application electric current for softening meat and accelerating its maturation), the use of ultra-high frequency currents for fast heat treatment, industrial frequency currents to speed up some processes in sausage production.

Structure of the food industry

The food industry is one of the oldest industries. It includes all enterprises responsible for the processing of agricultural products and food production.

The food industry includes more than twenty branches of a smaller rank, consisting of several sub-sectors. The structure of the meat and dairy industry includes the meat industry, sausage production, dairy, butter and cheese, industries, the production of meat and dairy canned food.

Sugar, baking, confectionery, oil and fat, pasta, yeast, starch, salt, alcohol, wine, liquor and brewing industries are combined into the food and flavor industry. This also includes the production of canned fruits and vegetables and food concentrates.

Principles of placement of food industry enterprises

The peculiarity of the food industry is that, on the one hand, the proximity of the raw material base (perishable raw materials) should be taken into account, and on the other hand, the proximity of the consumer (products have a limited shelf life). In addition, the entire population, regardless of place of residence, occupation, needs food.

Therefore, the food industry is located more or less evenly, according to the distribution of the population. The larger the settlement, the more food industry enterprises will be developed in it.

A separate place is occupied by the fishing industry. Its enterprises are located in the port cities of the sea coast and on the major rivers of Russia. In addition, part of the production is located on modern factory ships as part of fishing fleets in the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. They process raw materials (fish) and produce products (canned fish) on site.

Geography of the food industry in Russia

Sugar production focuses on sugar beet crops and is located in the Central Black Earth region, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the south of the Central region, the south of Siberia and the Far East. In the south of these regions, developing oilseed processing - sunflower, mustard, flax, hemp.

Meat processing plants located in almost all major cities country. Large sausage production is located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Orel, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude. Butter and dairy the Volga-Vyatka region, the Urals and the North Caucasus are famous for their products.

Flour-grinding and baking industry developed in all regions of the country. But a significant part of the production comes from areas specializing in the cultivation of wheat - Kuban, Stavropol, Rostov region, Volga region, Central Chernozem region, Altai Territory. V Lately the network of mini-bakeries is expanding. This brings production closer to the consumer, improves the quality of service for the population of the country. Pasta production developed in major regional centers. Also located there are confectionery enterprises . Large factories for candy production located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Orenburg, Krasnoyarsk.

In the southern regions of the country, on the basis of horticulture, a fruit and vegetable canning industry, wine production .

Importance of the food industry

The food industry is designed to meet the needs of the population in high-quality food. It contributes to the processing of agricultural products, their preservation (preservation), ensuring receipt in the diet important substances- vitamins, fats, trace elements. Recently, food industry enterprises are located farther north, focusing not only on the consumer, but also on new raw material bases - greenhouse production of agricultural products. With the development of the chemicalization of the food industry, the lines of storage of products are increasing, and the quality of their processing is improving. But today the main task of the industry is the maximum preservation of all useful components in food products, the production of environmentally friendly food products.

food industry- set of food production in ready-made or in the form of semi-finished products, as well as tobacco products, soaps and detergents. In the system of the agro-industrial complex, the food industry is closely connected with agriculture as a supplier of raw materials and with trade. Part of the branches of the food industry gravitates towards raw material areas, the other part towards consumption areas.

Branches of the food industry

    Soft drinks industry

    wine industry

    confectionery industry

    canning industry

    pasta industry

    Fat and oil industry

    Butter and cheese industry

    Dairy industry

    Flour and cereal industry

    Meat industry

    brewing industry

    Fruit and vegetable industry

    poultry industry

    Fish industry

    sugar industry

    salt industry

    Alcohol industry

    tobacco industry

    bakery industry

31. Transport complex, its structure. The main types of transport.

Transport is an important branch of the unified national economic complex of the country, a special sphere of material production. Its purpose is the carriage of goods by passengers. Unlike industry and agriculture, it does not produce finished goods, but adds value to them. At the same time, the process of material production, as it were, continues, but already in the sphere of circulation with its final completion. A product of any kind is considered fully produced, ready for consumption, only when it is delivered to the consumer.

Transport - a set of means of communication, vehicles of all types, technical devices and structures on the routes of communication, providing the process of accommodating people and goods for various purposes.

Transport is classified according to belonging and space environments into groups shown in fig. 2.

In addition, land transport includes: road, rail, pipeline, pack, horse-drawn, etc. Water transport includes sea and river transport. These modes of transport form the Unified Transport System (ETC).

A" vehicles include: cars, rolling stock, ships, aircraft, pipelines, etc.

32. Features of the economy of the economic regions of the Russian Federation.

33. The main characteristic of the Northwestern Federal District.

The northwestern federal district (NWFD) is located in the north and northwest of the European part of Russia and includes 11 subjects of the Russian Federation: republics Karelia and Komi, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Kaliningrad areas, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, town Saint Petersburg. The center of the district is the federal city of St. Petersburg.

The NWFD occupies an advantageous geopolitical position - it borders on Finland, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, has access to the Baltic, White, Barents, Kara Seas. The area of ​​the district is 1677.9 thousand square meters. kilometers - 10.5% of the territory of Russia. 14484.5 thousand people live in the Northwestern Federal District, of which 11844.6 thousand people (81.8%) live in urban areas. The region has the highest rate of urbanization among the federal districts: more than 80% of the inhabitants are urban, while a significant part is concentrated in the largest St. Petersburg agglomeration in the country. The average population density in the district is 8.6 people per 1 sq. km. kilometer. The national composition is heterogeneous: most of the population is Russian, among other nations, Komi, Karelians, Saami, and Nenets predominate. The significant size of the district determines the diversity of its natural conditions. A flat and slightly hilly relief prevails, turning to the east into the mountainous zone of the Northern, Subpolar and Polar Urals. In the north of the district, within the Kola Peninsula, there are low-mountain massifs of the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras. The territory of the Okrug is located in zones of mixed forests, taiga, forest-tundra, and tundra (in areas adjacent to the coast of the Arctic Ocean and on the Arctic islands). The district's water resources are significant, accounting for almost half of the resources of the European part of the country. The largest rivers are the Northern Dvina with its tributaries the Vychegda and Sukhona, as well as the Pechora. There are exceptionally many lakes, especially in the northwestern part of the district. Here are the largest lakes in Europe - Ladoga and Onega. About 50% of the forest resources of the European part of Russia are concentrated in the district, and conifers occupy most of the forested area, mainly in the Arkhangelsk region, the Komi and Karelia republics. The specialization of the economy of the district is territorially sharply differentiated. Thus, the north and northeast of the NWFD currently retains the role of a large industrial region specializing in the extraction and processing of various natural resources. It is distinguished by the production of phosphate raw materials, cellulose, paper, cardboard, fibreboard, the export of wood, the extraction of iron ore, oil, coal, fish, the production of iron, steel, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. Everything greater value in the new geopolitical conditions, it acquires the maritime transport of the region and the main ice-free port of Murmansk. At the same time, the south-west of the district acts as a large industrial region, specializing in the production of science-intensive products, primarily complex and precision engineering, the production of chemical and forestry products, and consumer goods. The presence of a developed port economy determines the export-import functions of the area on the Baltic Sea. The region ranks second among the federal districts (after the Central) in terms of attracted foreign investment, fourth in terms of taxes and fees to the federal budget, and fifth in terms of GRP and industrial production. Cash income The population of the district is at the average Russian level. The city of St. Petersburg occupies a leading position in the economy of the district, providing 39% of its GRP, 31% of industrial production, 49% of taxes and fees to the federal budget. The four most developed subjects of the NWFD (St. Petersburg, the Murmansk and Vologda regions and the Komi Republic) concentrate 79% of the district's GRP, 67% of industrial production, and 75% of tax revenues to the federal budget. The leading place in the economic complex of the district belongs to industry, which employs over 23% of the total number of people employed in the economy and about 37% of those working in the main branches of material production. A significant role in the structure of employment is also played by trade and public catering, construction and transport. In the structure of industrial production, on the one hand, a significant place is occupied by raw materials industries: fuel (more than 9% of all industrial products), ferrous metallurgy (almost 13%), forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper (over 11%). On the other hand, various branches of mechanical engineering and metalworking (more than 15%), as well as the food industry (about 17%), have received strong development in large industrial centers.

food industry

food industry

set of industries that produce food. Includes dairy, meat, fish, butter, butter, flour, bakery, sugar, confectionery, canning and other industries. It is closely connected with agriculture and fishing, because it receives raw materials from these industries (milk, meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits), part agro-industrial complex. Some food industry enterprises operate on imported raw materials and are not directly connected with the raw material base; their products do not require immediate consumption and are highly transportable. These are confectionery factories, meat processing plants, etc. The scale of such industries is significant. Others, smaller in scale, are oriented towards raw materials (sugar, canning, butter and cheese factories, etc.) and are close to raw material bases. Still others are consumer-oriented (the bakery industry, the production of semi-finished products, etc.) and are close to the places where products are sold. The modern food industry is characterized by the widest mechanization and automation of production and transport processes, the use of artificial cold and vacuum technology, the latest physical methods (ultrasound, high-frequency heating, etc.), chemical and biological preparations to speed up technological processes, a huge variety of production of new products (eg, baby and diet food). New ways of long-term (up to several weeks) preservation of products (bread, etc.) in airtight containers are promising. New effective, environmentally friendly chemical and biological preservatives have been found. It is possible to deliver almost any product of the industry to anywhere in the world. The food industry includes, in addition to the food industry itself, the production of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages (including the alcoholic beverage industry, winemaking, brewing) and tobacco products.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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