Girlish grapes in the apartment in winter. Preparing seeds or seedlings

Balcony multi-storey building can be turned into a cozy place to relax. To do this is quite simple, for example, planting girlish grapes. Moreover, this decoration is suitable for both open and closed balconies... In length, such vines can reach 8-12 m. How to grow grapes on the balcony?

Wild grapes are notable for their vibrant leaves, which can be green, burgundy, red and yellow color as well as dark blue berries. In nature, such vines grow in the lower layer of the forest. They usually use taller, upright trees as supports.

Maiden grapes refers to moderate shade-loving plants... Thanks to this, the culture can be successfully grown on balconies oriented to the east, west and north sides. It should be remembered that it is recommended to grow vines in a mild climate and on a balcony not obscured by buildings and trees. On the south side, grape growing can be problematic as it needs to be watered abundantly every day.

The flowering period of the culture falls on June – July. Berries appear in late summer / early autumn. Favorable climatic conditions favor fruiting until October.

Required tools and materials

To grow wild grapes on the balcony, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a small clay, plastic or cardboard pot for growing planting material;
  • plastic wrap to shelter seedlings from the cold;
  • organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • shovel;
  • garter rope;
  • frame, posts or pegs made of wood, metal or plastic;
  • gardening scissors;
  • watering can;
  • deep wooden container, with a volume of 60 to 350 liters;
  • priming;
  • expanded clay or crushed stone of the middle fraction for the device of drainage.

The process of growing grapes

Growing grapes on the balcony takes place in several stages:

  • preparation of planting material;
  • growing a plant in a temporary container;
  • transplanting grapes into a permanent container;
  • preparation of the bush for wintering.

Preparation of planting material

from seedlings, cuttings and seeds. Usually, the first method is used, since a feature of this plant is its excellent vegetative qualities. To get a seedling, it is enough to separate the young shoot from the plant stem and root it. For these purposes, you can use a small container of wet sand. After that, the container is covered plastic wrap and leave in this form until roots appear at the cutting. A slightly lit place is suitable for growing grapes, since the leaves will dry out with constant exposure to sunlight.

The time for planting a plant on the balcony depends on the climate. It can vary from March to November. If the grapes are planted in the fall, then you need to take care of the plant's insulation. In most regions, plants are transplanted into temporary pots in spring and transplanted into a permanent large container in summer or autumn.

Seat preparation

Most suitable soil for grapes, leafy ground is considered. The soil should be moderately nutritious and loose. Water should not stagnate in it.

For temporary cultivation, you will need any container. A drainage layer should be provided at the bottom of the container. For these purposes, you can take expanded clay or crushed stone of the middle fraction.

Planting plants in a permanent pot

Usually the grapes grown on the balcony are planted in a permanent container in the summer. For planting, you will need a shovel, soil, expanded clay and a container big size... Plant wild grapes in new pot recommended to the same depth at which it was planted in the previous container. The seedling must be watered before planting. In a new pot planting material should be placed at a slight slope.

Plant care

Grape care consists in abundant watering and pruning of overgrown lateral shoots. It should be remembered that all branches should be cut back to healthy wood. Also, for normal growth, experts advise regularly making organic and mineral supplements.

If it is planned to grow grapes vertically on the balcony, then it is necessary to build supports or install arches to which it will cling. Vines can also grow downward.

When growing girlish grapes, it must be remembered that you cannot add additives to dry soil. This can lead to a high content of one or another mineral in the roots. Also, this method of feeding leads to the fact that the applied fertilizers will not be absorbed. That is why it is recommended to apply each mineral at a certain stage of the growing season.

Fertilization scheme for growing grapes on the balcony:

  1. The first, most important, top dressing is recommended after the buds have blossomed and the grapes are preparing to set the ovaries. This usually happens in early March. First you need to water the ground. Only after this should a complex of trace elements be added. At this stage Special attention it is recommended to give nitrogen-containing fertilizers, since the growth of foliage, which is necessary for the plant in spring, depends on them.
  2. The next dressing is done in summer. For these purposes, fertilizers are used, which include all minerals and trace elements. Supplements should be added once a month. As a result of the introduction of complex fertilization, not only the grapes themselves are strengthened, but also the ovaries.
  3. After the bunches become standard size, it is necessary to completely remove fertilizers containing nitrogen. It is better to give preference to phosphorus and potassium supplements. Thanks to them, the berries will ripen well.
  4. During the ripening period of the berries, it is recommended to refuse feeding with the three main minerals. It is only recommended to spray the grapes with special mixtures of trace elements intended for ripening berries. In addition, in order to prevent cracking of the fruit, it is necessary to minimize the number of waterings.
  5. After harvesting, one more top dressing must be done. It is necessary for the maturation of wood for the next year. For these purposes, mixtures are suitable, which include potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Thus, a general mineral background is created, which is necessary for wintering and the first days after the grapes wake up from winter sleep.

When growing grape bushes together with mineral fertilizers, it is advisable to introduce a complex of humic acids, which help the roots of grapes to process and assimilate the minerals introduced. For better ovary and quick maturation, it can be sprayed with hormonal growth stimulants. Such substances are advised to be introduced as follows:

  • when flowering;
  • with the growth of ovaries;
  • when ripe.


In spring and autumn, the girlish grapes on the balcony need additional lighting. Especially additional lighting is needed for vines growing on balconies with a north orientation. Also, the backlight will be needed in the spring for the first two months. After the berries fall off, the foliage no longer needs intense lighting. It is necessary to turn on the backlight in the spring after the leaves come out of the buds, and the vine begins to actively vegetate.

Temperature regime

The stems of most varieties are hardy enough. They can easily withstand frosts of 20-30 degrees. Wherein root system the grapes are very tender. In the natural environment, it goes deep into the soil below the level of soil freezing. Consequently, the ground on the balcony can freeze completely.

Problems can be avoided by placing the bush on a fully glazed balcony. It is also recommended to insulate walls and floors. It is advisable that the temperature on the balcony during the cold season does not drop below zero, but also does not exceed +10 degrees, otherwise the grapes may wake up ahead of time. It is not recommended to bring the tub with the plant into a warm room when cold weather sets in, since it is possible to harm the culture. This is due to the fact that wintering buds do not tolerate changes in temperature and humidity.

Also, in winter, you need to take care that the land with grape bushes does not dry out. For this, experts advise mulching the soil. Also, occasionally it should be moistened with a spray bottle. It is not recommended to cover the bushes growing on the balcony with plastic wrap, as this can harm the grapes.

Common varieties

The following types of wild grapes are suitable for growing on the balcony:

  1. Five-leafed. The foliage of this variety is palmate, has an oval shape. In spring and summer, the leaves are green, in autumn they are bright red. The vine has antennae, thanks to which it can rise. Distinctive feature This variety is that the vine rises and falls along a specific path. The length of the vine can reach 10 m.
  2. Tri-pointed. Characteristic feature of this cultivar are three-lobed leaves. In appearance, the vine resembles ivy. Leaves come in a variety of shapes and colors. Such grapes are unpretentious and grows quickly.

Pests and the fight against them

Aphids can appear on the tips of the grapes growing on the balcony. In order to get rid of it, you will need soapy water to which alcohol is added. The resulting solution must be sprayed on the leaves. You can also treat the foliage surface with laundry soap.

Of course, for the cultivation of such an "exotic" fruit, for most of the fruit, you will need not only desire, but also a minimum of knowledge in the field of agricultural technology. You will also have to find seeds suitable for growing. For a windowsill or balcony, varieties such as Taiga, Laura, Northern, Russian Concord. The "favorites" of children are growing up well and growing up - Kish-mish, Victoria, Delight(red or black), Chaush and some others. In principle, the importance of the variety turns out to be secondary if the seeds are taken from a strong vine, because the stronger the plant, the more resistance to various diseases and the less requirements for soil preparation and initial cultivation - the seed will do everything by itself with minimal labor costs. But do not forget about pollination, so self-pollinating varieties are suitable for the home, and only experienced gardeners can risk growing "heterosexual" species.

There are very specific requirements for the soil: it should be loose, moist (but not soggy). It is best to prepare the soil with your own hands: clean river sand ignite in a frying pan to destroy microflora, then mix with humus in a 1: 2 ratio. Sawdust should also be attached to the soil, but not together with it, but in a separate bag. Many people use this soil option for cuttings and seedlings: leaf humus, sod land, fine river sand and compost. In such a mixture (proportion 3: 3: 1: 2), the root system of young bushes develops best, but for seeds it is worth using the first option.

A minimum set of equipment is required: a small container from which watering will be carried out, a ripper for the soil (an old unnecessary fork is also suitable), a spray bottle, scissors.

For planting grapes at home, you can use as flower pots, and immediately containers. However, the last in the first three years are not needed and turn out to be unnecessarily cumbersome, and due to the impossibility correct watering such a large amount of soil increases the risk of developing various diseases.

Preparing seeds or seedlings

You can plant a "bush" as cuttings, seedlings, and seeds. Cuttings are the most labor-intensive, but their vitality is high. Seedlings are more convenient, since you do not have to deal with germinating and caring for seeds. On the other hand, seedlings may turn out to be from material that you have not tested, and if they turn out to be unviable, then there is a risk of losing a whole year. The seeds can be harvested on their own, for which you will need ripe and large berries of the desired variety. The seeds from them are washed until they are completely cleared of pulp under a stream of cool, but not cold water. Then they should be laid out on fabrics to remove excess moisture, then placed in bags and put in the refrigerator. Approximately once every 7-10 days, they need to be taken out of the bag, rinsed, excess water removed again and put back into storage in the refrigerator door.

With cuttings, everything is somewhat more complicated: they should be bought in the fall, when the crop is pruned. The purchased cuttings are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10-20 seconds, after which they are sprinkled with coniferous sawdust (which are previously scalded with boiling water and cooled to room temperature), placed in a bag and tied in several places with thread. The cuttings should stick out from the package no more than 5 cm, but not less than 3. Then the package is placed in the refrigerator on a shelf with a temperature of 0 ... + 2 g. C. Once every 1.5 months they get out of the bag, the sawdust is changed, the blackened cuttings are thrown away.

Saplings are the easiest option, since it is enough to just purchase them by the time of planting and plant them in pre-prepared soil. But their obvious shortcomings have already been mentioned above.

We plant grapes in the apartment - the first steps

Before planting future bushes, preparatory work should be done. With seeds - get them out of storage. By about mid-February, their skin will burst, which indicates that they are ready for germination. It should be produced as follows: remove the seeds from the bag, sprinkle gently on a damp cloth and place in a warm place for about four days. Care should be taken to keep the fabric wet, which may require the addition of water. By the fourth day, the first rudiments of the roots should be cut through, respectively, it is time to plant the seeds in pots. For each seed, a 3-5 liter pot containing drainage is allocated.

Cuttings are prepared in this way: around the twentieth of February, the bark of the cuttings is cut at the base. If greenery is visible under the bark, then everything is in order - the stalk is alive. If the color varies from black or gray to beige, then there is nothing to plant. The selected material is sent for further preparation: the cutting is cut into short twigs, each of which should have 2-3 buds. The upper cut is straight, 20-30 mm from the kidney, the lower one is oblique, 10-20 mm from the kidneys. The resulting rods are soaked in melt water (snow should be taken clean, preferably collected away from roads) for two days.

The container is placed on the windowsill, and some natural growth stimulants, primarily honey or sodium humate, can be added to the water. Drying before planting - important element... It takes no more than a quarter to half an hour, it is made on a dry cloth. Do not wipe the cuttings, just spread them out.

Rooting can be done in water, not in the ground, as well as in sawdust. However, the last method is quite radical and with the slightest mistakes can ruin the future vine. In water, the root sprouts like this: cotton wool is placed in a glass container, into which a charcoal and two granules of potassium permanganate are added.

A stalk is placed in the cotton wool, after which water is poured to a level that completely hides it. The neck of the container is tightly covered with polyethylene and the resulting original greenhouse is placed on the sill of the southern window. The water will have to be refilled periodically, and if a strong twig appears, then it will have to be carefully removed, otherwise all the forces will go into it, and not into the roots. Transplanting into the ground is carried out with a root length of 5-10mm.

The seedlings are immediately ready for planting. They are transferred neatly, from the pot in which they are purchased, they should be removed so as not to damage the delicate root system.

Vine care

Growing grapes at home in the first year of the vine's life will require a lot of labor in order not to destroy the plant. First of all, it is worth considering that the grapes are light-loving enough, and they should be placed on the south side, but the pot itself will have to be shaded. Frequent watering with settled water, if the batteries are "fried", the air in the house is dry, or the summer is unusually hot, then the watering intensity can reach up to twice a day. But do not flood the plant, as young roots can rot.

It is worth bringing in once every three weeks nitrogen fertilizers until the first fruiting (early summer), however, with the appearance of bunches, it is worth changing the selected top dressing to a complex one, and using it twice a month. With the end of this period, you should switch to nitrogen again. Considering that grapes at home can bear fruit twice a year, then complex fertilizers will also be applied. After feeding, the soil is gently loosened. Loosening is also done between waterings, every five to seven days.

Regardless of the climate, you should resort to highlighting the bushes, for which fluorescent lamps are placed above them. LB-20 or analogs are best suited, since the intensity of the light flux and light temperature is sufficient for both confident growth and good fruiting.

Vine growth is limited: someone at two meters, someone at one. The optimal limit is 1.5 meters. In order to properly limit the growth of the vine, it is worth choosing the strongest shoot, cutting off its tip by 2-3 buds, and simply cutting off the rest. But this should be done only after the foliage has fallen off and the plant goes into "hibernation".

Each year, the grapes will require more and more soil and therefore will have to be transplanted into ever larger containers, but as much as possible required size(for a 3-year or more bush) - 500x500x500. Every year the volume of humus decreases, and the volume of land increases. But you don't have to get rid of the sand, since it will be the only optimal soil loosening agent.

The bush should be formed from the very first shoots - this is necessary to increase the yield. Correct formation consists in pinching emerging branches, especially fruiting ones, and timely removal of excess ones. Pinching is carried out over the leaf, the fifth in a row from the brush. Each shoot should have no more than one brush - this should be carefully monitored, otherwise you risk getting small and not sweet berries. The vine is pruned so that a replacement shoot can appear nearby. With this alternation (shoot-vine-shoot-vine), the bush will be the most fruitful and viable.

It is also worth remembering that immediately after the completion of fruiting, the plant goes into a state of dormancy, respectively, it will have to be transferred from the south side to the north, to the coolest place.

Girlish grapes on household plots and has been cultivated in gardens since the 17th century. With its help, hedges are created, fences, walls of outbuildings and houses, terraces and gazebos are decorated. In nature, wild grapes grow in North America and Asia. Gardeners love the plant for its excellent decorative qualities, frost resistance, unpretentious care, easy reproduction and resistance to various diseases.

Girlish grapes - description

For landscape designers and gardeners, the attractiveness of decorative grapes is that its branches, 15 to 20 meters long, are strewn with beautiful large, finger-like, complex leaves. In summer they are dark green, and by autumn they turn bright purple. Long shoots with the help of antennae cling to the supports and during the season are able to twist and decorate a fence, a gazebo or a wall of a house.

In the axils or opposite to the leaves in summer, hanging corymbose inflorescences with greenish corollas are formed on the liana. After flowering, dark blue berries begin to ripen. They are not edible, but they look very nice among the purple foliage.

Types and varieties of maiden grapes

In culture, three types of lianas are grown, each of which differs in the length of the shoots, the color of the foliage, the peculiarity of cultivation and care.

Maiden grape five-leafed or virginian

A large liana with shoots up to 20 meters long is shade-tolerant and rapid growth... In nature, it grows in moist soils and in the forests of North America. You can recognize the plant by its reddish young shoots, green old stems, tendrils with many branches and finger-like complex dark green leaves, the reverse side of which has a lighter bluish tint. Each leaf blade consists of petiolate ovate or oblong leaflets with a pointed apex.

In summer, apical umbrella-shaped inflorescences are formed on the shoots, which can consist of 3-6 flowers. In autumn, between the leaves, you can see the black-gray fruits with a bluish bloom.

This type of ornamental grape is most often grown in gardens because of its winter hardiness. It is recommended to cover it only when grown in areas of Siberia and colder regions. The plant is resistant to pests and diseases and can easily grow in urban environments.

Popular varieties:

Maiden grapes are tri-pointed or ivy

The liana with beautiful bright purple in spring and bright red, bronze or golden yellow leaves in autumn grows in the southwest of Primorye, on the Korean Peninsula, China and Japan. Its leaf plates can be up to twenty centimeters across. They can be cordate, lobed, rounded, trilobate, or triangular. Among the smooth, as if varnished foliage, you can see oblong clusters of inflorescences with flowers that do not represent any decorative effect. After flowering, black-lilac berries with a bluish bloom are formed.

When grown in the garden, this species of wild grape is most often seen on the fence, camps of houses or gazebos. V middle lane In Russia, it freezes out in winter, therefore it is used to decorate sites in warmer regions with winter frosts down to -15 degrees.

Common decorative varieties and forms:

Girlish grapes attached

The liana, which is not frost-resistant, has shoots up to three meters long. It has shiny dark green leaves, the underside of which is lighter and matte. Finger-complex, beautiful leaf plates consist of three to five elliptical or ovoid leaflets. They have a sharp tip and a wedge-shaped base. On vertical surfaces, the shoots are kept with the help of underdeveloped antennae with suction cups.

Girlish grapes from seeds

Planting maiden grapes can be carried out different ways... If such a vine is already growing on your site, then its reproduction will not be difficult. However, in order to get a new plant, you can grow it from the purchased seeds of a new favorite variety.

When and where to plant maiden grapes?

Ornamental liana seeds are planted immediately in open ground... This can be done both in spring and autumn. But in any case, the planting material should be prepared.

Before spring planting, it is necessary to stratify (cool) the seeds:

  1. Two months before planting in open ground (around February), the planting material is wrapped in gauze and kept in cold water until it swells.
  2. A container with wet sand is prepared, in which the swollen seeds are placed.
  3. The container with planting material is kept for two months at an air temperature within +5 degrees. You can use the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.
  4. Two days before planting, the seeds are soaked in water at room temperature, previously wrapped in a gauze napkin.

In order not to bother with the stratification of seeds, you can plant maiden grapes immediately on the site in the fall in late September or early October. In winter, the planting material will undergo natural stratification. In this case, the seeds will only need to be held in cold water for a few days. room temperature... When they swell, you can start planting grapes.

Choosing a landing site

The choice of site depends on the type of plant. Some varieties of wild grapes like partial shade or even shade, while others prefer well-lit areas, otherwise their leaves will lose their decorative effect. With a lack of light, the leaves of the creeper will remain green in the fall. They only turn purple or red in good lighting conditions.

Also, the site must be protected from cold and strong winds.

How to plant girlish grapes?

It is recommended to plant liana in loamy soil with a slightly alkaline, slightly acidic or neutral reaction. Landing sites should be located near the fence, shed, gazebo, walls of houses. It is not recommended to plant the vine near wires, sewers and water pipes.

Before sowing seeds, the soil is dug up and leveled with a rake. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. The distance between them should be from 50 to 100 cm. The plantings are watered and supports are immediately installed so as not to injure the plant roots in the future.

Caring for girlish grapes after planting

If the seeds were planted in the fall, then friendly shoots will appear in the spring. After spring planting the first Sents will appear in about a month. They are regularly watered as the soil dries up. Especially the moisture content of the soil must be monitored during dry and hot periods.

When the shoots begin to grow, the plants are fertilized with nitrophos, which for one square meter the site will need 45 grams. Experienced gardeners recommend using fertilizer Kemira Universal or any other means, the use of which will stimulate the growth of green mass. It is recommended to apply fertilizers in the morning or in the evening.

So that the soil does not dry out, and less weeds grow around the plants, trunk circles it is recommended to cover with mulch in a layer of 6 cm. Peat, humus or compost can be used as mulch. In autumn, the soil is dug up together with mulch, thereby feeding the plants and preparing them for winter. Pour a new layer of mulch on top.

Adult plant care

Watering maiden grapes per season are carried three or four times. Up to 10 liters of water is poured under each bush. If it rains regularly, the plants are watered after the topsoil dries out.

Top dressing are carried out throughout the season. At the beginning of summer, nitrophoska is used, and in the middle of the season - complex mineral fertilizers. A good top dressing is mulch, which is described above. Fertilizers are applied to the soil after rain or watering.

Loosen and weed the soil also necessary after watering. Sometimes wild grapes can bare their roots. In this case, they need to be covered with earth.

Preparing for winter will only be needed if intolerant severe frosts varieties or winter is expected to be snowless and cold. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. Cover the trunks with mulch and cover them with spruce branches.
  2. Remove and lay the whips on the spruce branches.
  3. Cover the shoots with spruce branches.

Maiden grapes - pruning

To prevent your decorative vines from turning into sloppy thickets, as soon as the shoots begin to actively grow, you will need to form the main skeleton of the grapes. To do this, you should use a special pruner. Having chosen the main shoots, they need to be tied to a support, and the remaining branches should be cut off over a healthy bud.

After such a procedure, in spring and autumn, it will only be necessary to cut out dried, broken, diseased and excess shoots. You should also limit the growth of those shoots that you leave, so that they do not grow too high.

Propagation of wild grapes

We wrote above about the propagation of grapes by seeds. But if you have a decorative liana growing on your site, it can be propagated quite easily by cuttings, root suckers and layering.

Propagation of girlish grapes by cuttings in autumn

When to plant grape cuttings? Planting seedlings is best done in September. They should already have well-developed roots. To do this, cuttings are cut from healthy shoots in spring or summer, on which there should be from three to five buds. For grafting, it is recommended to choose lignified shoots.

A stalk about 30 cm long is cut two centimeters below the leaf. Then stepsons and antennae are removed on it, after which the segment is placed in a container with water.

In the fall, cuttings with roots are planted on a site in pre-prepared holes, the depth of which depends on the size of the root system. The bottom of the pit is first filled with drainage with a layer of 20 cm. You can use crushed stone, brick, broken brick. A nutritious soil mixture consisting of sand, compost and leafy soil is poured onto the drainage. A cutting is placed on the soil layer and covered with the same soil mixture. It is necessary to make sure that its root collar is flush with the ground. The planted plants are watered abundantly with water and supports are immediately installed near them. The distance between seedlings should be from one and a half to two meters.

Reproduction by root suckers

This is a simple method of propagation of wild grapes, for which root suckers formed near the main plant are used. They are carefully dug up and planted for growing on a temporary bed. When planting, the root collar is left at the same level. After about a year or two, the grown young plants are planted in a permanent place.

For propagation of grapes, you can use the shoot by simply digging it into the ground. Previously, a groove should be dug near the plant, then laid in it and attached in several places with hairpins or wire the shoot. The branch is covered with earth, leaving only about 20 cm of the top on the surface. During the season, the cuttings are watered. When roots appear on it and shoots begin to grow, the layers are separated from the mother bush. A branch with roots is divided into several parts, each of which must have a young shoot and roots. Young plants are planted for growing on a temporary bed.

How to plant wild grapes along the fence?

Decorative liana with its beautiful leaves is able to decorate even an old fence or cover a plot from neighbors if the fence consists of a mesh. Therefore, many gardeners grow wild grapes on the fence. This planting and caring for a girl's grapes has its own nuances:

Maiden grapes are a real decoration of the garden. At the same time, planting and leaving it does not take much time and effort from gardeners. The fiery red foliage in autumn, decorating gazebos or other buildings, looks especially stunning. It retains its color until frost.

The maiden grape is a liana with juicy leaves of a brightly colored color. They are yellow, and red, and green, but the berries themselves are dark blue. Plants have a length of up to 12 m. They grow on balconies, being often an ornamental plant. Moreover, this plant can also decorate the fences and walls of houses and summer cottages.

Maiden grapes, aka wild, is a fairly popular plant, often serving as decorative paraphernalia. Green leaves in summer, burgundy in autumn. As for the flowers, they are not very attractive, but the berries are inedible.

Grapes (lat. Parthenocissus - "virgin ivy") have seeds that are formed without pollination.

It reproduces well by cuttings, seeds and layering. But you need to know, if you decide to cultivate girlish grapes on the balcony, growing them from seeds will not be an easy task.

Grapes bloom in June-July, and as for the berries, they can be seen in late August / early September. If the climate is favorable, then the fruits can be observed until October.

If you are wondering if it is possible to grow grapes on the balcony, the answer is definitely yes! Girlish grapes will be the perfect decoration for both indoor and.

The grapes feel great in the shade and semi-dark place. The earth must be enriched organic matter, humus. Plants should not be planted close to each other. Best with a distance of 3 meters.

To grow wild grapes, you need to purchase small containers made of clay, plastic or cardboard in order to plant grape shoots there. Prepare plastic wrap to protect containers from cold and wind, fertilizer, shovel, garter rope, pegs or poles (plastic or wood), garden shears, and a watering can.

Saplings of wild grapes

Technological process

When buying wild grape seedlings, look at the plant roots and the grafting of the seedlings. If the plant has weak roots, it is not worth wrapping them in a plastic bag, the roots should be in a pot.

It is better to plant grape plants in a slightly sunny place, preferably in partial shade, since the sun will negatively affect the leaves, and subsequently this will lead to its drying out. If the plant is under the sun for half a day, then this optimal solution so that in the fall, the beauty of the foliage will delight you. The soil should be humus-rich and moist enough. When planting grapes on the balcony, it should be remembered that in winter period care must be taken to protect the containers.

We plant grapes

Maiden grapes should be planted in the spring in a container, from which the plant can be transplanted in summer and autumn. Do not forget about feeding with humus or compost.

Also, you should not forget when planting wild grapes on the balcony about the active moistening of the earth, and in order for moisture to persist during a hot period, sprinkle it with tree bark.

In autumn, the plant propagates by cuttings, which are planted in containers and covered with foil.

Important! Before planting the cutting on open ground, all leaves should be cut off from it.


If aphids appear on the tips of the plants, they can be washed with soapy water with the addition of alcohol, or the leaves can be treated using laundry soap.

We take care of plants

Wild grape seedlings are planted at any time. For planting, you need to take a shovel and plant the plant at the same depth in a new larger pot as it was in the previous container. Before planting a seedling, it must be watered in a pot, and placed in a new container at an angle. The seedling is pruned throughout the season except winter. Remember that the branches are pruned back to normal, healthy wood.

Growing girlish grapes on the balcony

Well, make a ring around the plant for more convenient watering, and fix the wire next to it so that the grapes hold well.

Maiden grape varieties

Let's talk about the varieties of maiden grapes. There are several of them and each has its own characteristics.

Five leaf grapes... The leaves of these plants are palmate, and the shape of the leaves is oval. They are green in summer and spring, and bright red in autumn. Due to the presence of tendrils in grapes, the plant, clinging to the surface, rises up. This plant differs in that it both rises along a certain trajectory upwards and descends along it. The height of such grapes can reach 10 meters.

Triangular grapes

This species has three-lobed leaves, and it itself resembles ivy. Tri-pointed grape is the most popular variety, unlike its five-pointed fellow, but the leaves different shape and colors.

These two types of plants will become wonderful decoration not only balconies, but also private houses, fences. They are not used for harvesting purposes, but more as an ornamental plant. They are absolutely unpretentious and grow very quickly. It is good that the sun sometimes hits the leaves, and the earth is fertilized and moistened. If the grapes are in the shade all the time, then in the fall you should not expect a bright color from the leaves.

Also, some use maiden grapes as a decoration for flower beds, arbors, arches.

Parthenocissus and its types

Wild five-leaf grape has another name - parthenocissus. It comes from China, therefore the climate of Russia, Asia and America will be ideal for a plant. By creating a certain temperature, grapes can be grown in other climates.

Parthenocissus Henry

This type of plant has tetrahedral leaves, which are bright green in spring and burgundy in autumn. The flowers of this plant species are almost invisible. They are small, green, almost invisible among the foliage.

In autumn, the berries begin to ripen. They of blue color, small and juicy.

Henry also perfectly tolerates cool temperatures - 10-12 degrees. Well, as far as lighting is concerned, there should be good lighting here.

Watch out for moderate humidity in the flowerpot. Watering must be abundant in warm time year, in autumn - in moderation, in winter - not necessary.

Henry grapes are propagated by cuttings.

As for pruning, it should only be done between spring and autumn.

Parthenocissus attached

This plant from North America is often used for arches, fences, balconies, and railings. Due to the presence of antennae, on which there are no suckers, the plant is attached to surfaces.

Reproduction of parthenocissus is carried out using seeds, cuttings and layering.

Berries black and blue, ripen in the middle of summer. The leaves are dark green in color, light below, and shine on the side.

Five-leafed parthenocissus

Liana from North America, 15-20 m high, is attached to surfaces using antennae with suction cups. Ripening in September, the berries are dark blue with four seeds. Grapes perfectly tolerate polluted city air.

Tri-pointed parthenocissus

This type of plant does not tolerate any shade or bright sun. That is, when planting grapes on the balcony, observe a temperate climate, watering should be constant, since dry soil is destructive for them, but the air temperature should be above 10 degrees.

Moreover, this type of plant is rare species listed in the Red Book. His home area is the Far East. In our climate, it will be difficult for such a plant to take root due to the cold winter, as it may die.

The grapes have a blue-black bloom and ripen closer to September. Grapes propagated vegetatively, has many decorative forms... As for the leaves, they are quite large in shape, rough, dark green in color with shine at the corners.

All species of Parthenocissus are unpretentious and do not tolerate shade and bright sun well. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to temperate climate, observe constant soil moisture, but the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees. Therefore, so that the plant does not freeze, it must be covered with foil. In winter, plants do not need to be watered.

Decorating with wild grapes open balcony

Since spring, the grapes are pruned and used for propagation using cuttings.

Important! In the early period of growth, it is necessary to fertilize the plant; in the old period, the wood is coarse and thick.

If you want to please yourself and those around you with the beauty of an open balcony, you can safely use parthenocissus as ornamental plants... Moreover, in autumn you can also enjoy the taste of berries.

Thanks to the cultivation of such a plant on the balcony, you will ideally shade the apartment from the summer heat of the street. For lovers of romance, you can equip a balcony in a fairly romantic atmosphere with a table, sofa, lamps.

Lighting requirements

Thanks to the fact that you now know all the subtleties and rules of how to grow wild grapes on the balcony, it remains to figure it out now.

Ideally, the grapes you plan to plant will grow on a balcony that faces south or southwest. Otherwise, the northeastern side will play into your hands, and the resulting kilometers of thin lashes will not be able to tie a single bunch.

Also good for grapes if you have, that is, if the glazing is made from ceiling to floor, as this will allow even more natural light to illuminate the plants. You can also install reflectors on the side walls, for example, made of durable foil, so that from the inside the light falls on the vine, but not on the street. The foil material can be paved somewhat concavely inward so that the light does not scatter over the balcony and beyond, but clearly copes with its function - a reflector to the plant. It is also advised to fix the foil on the windows, but this will only bring twilight to the room adjacent to the balcony of the room.

As for the spring and autumn seasons, the grapes will need additional lighting, especially if the balcony is located in the northern part of the apartment. To do this, you need to install lamps with daylight.

Important! The grapes will need lighting for two months in the spring and one in the fall.

After you harvest, the leaf will not need additional lighting, since it will no longer produce the nutrients needed for the fruit. Also in October or November, as you remove the last fruits, you can safely turn off the additional lighting.

It is worth turning on the lighting in spring no earlier than the leaf itself does not come out of the bud and does not begin to grow.

Growing girlish grapes on the balcony with your own hands

The balcony is part of the apartment, even if it is located outside it. That is why decorating this room is so important. This will speak of the accuracy and hard work of the hostess. And what else can be a better decoration than bright greenery and flowers? Growing various plants on the balcony is a favorite pastime of many. Today we will tell you how you can grow girlish grapes on the balcony. After reading this article, you will understand that such an activity is not difficult and not costly.

Which variety to choose

Maiden grapes are a fairly common plant. It is used to decorate fences, house facades, hedges and, of course, balconies and loggias. This plant is a liana, up to fifteen meters long. The leaves of maiden grapes can be of different colors. On the liana, you can see red and yellow, green and dark blue leaves and branches. It looks nice and effective.

There are two varieties of maiden grapes:

  • tri-pointed;
  • five-leafed.

The first grade is the most common. These grapes look a little like plush and have three-lobed leaves, different sizes and colors. The five-leafed maiden grape has green leaves all summer and spring, only in the fall the color changes to bright red. The leaves themselves are oval five-pointed. The length of the vine reaches 10 meters. The plant, clinging to the antennae for the smallest protrusions and cracks, is able to climb high on a wall or roof.

Photo 2. Maiden grapes, tri-pointed

Photo 3. Five-leafed maiden grape

Photo 4. Maiden five-leaf grapes in autumn

What you need to grow girlish grapes

If you decide to acquire a girlish grape to decorate your balcony, then you need to know that its cultivation requires partial shade or full shade. This plant does not like a lot of sun, therefore, on a balcony located on the sunny side, such grapes may not take root. The plants themselves need to be planted not too close to each other, it is better that there is three meters of free space between them.

To start growing maiden grapes, it is worth preparing some tools and materials. You will need:

  • a glass for planting seedlings (it can be made of paper, plastic or clay);
  • film (to protect the shoots from cold and wind);
  • fertilizer for better growth grapes;
  • pegs or sticks (to direct the growth of the plant in the right direction);
  • rope net (maiden grapes are a liana, it is easier for her to weave);
  • garden tools(pruning shears, shovel and watering can).

Planting maiden grapes

When buying seedlings, pay attention to the roots of the plant. Grapes with weak roots wrapped in polyethylene are not worth buying, since such a plant is unlikely to take root. Better to spend money on grapes in a pot, even if it will cost a little more, but there are more guarantees. Also make sure the plant is grafted.

The plant grows best on the penumbra side. The most the best place will be where the sun is only half a day. In this case, the grapes will always delight you with their gorgeous crown. Maiden grapes love humus-rich soils. Initially, the cuttings are planted in a small container, and from there the already matured plant can be transplanted to the desired location.

Photo 4. Girlish grapes on the balcony

Planting young seedlings is best done in spring. This is done in a small hole, because the root system is not yet so developed. Adult plant can be transplanted practically all year round... For this, a pit is made at least fifty centimeters deep and the same width and length. Drainage in the form of small stones fits into it. After placing the plant in the hole, everything is filled up fertile soil and watered.

Plant care

Growing maiden grapes will not require much effort and significant financial costs from you. The plant itself is quite picky and will only require periodic watering, feeding and cutting. So that maiden grapes always have beautiful decorative view, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, otherwise it will begin to dry out and will cease to be a decoration of your balcony. In this case, the surface of the soil must be ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of mold.

In order for the vine to grow well, the soil needs to be fed. In the spring or early summer, nitroammofosk is introduced. This fertilizer requires 40 to 50 grams per square meter. If you are growing a plant in small containers, then pour this amount of fertilizer evenly under each bush. When the plant goes into active growth, it needs to be reinforced. organic fertilizer... It is advisable to use a special preparation Kemira Lux or Universal. It needs to be used 200 grams for each vine.

Photo 5. Fertilizer for feeding grapes

In addition, other activities are needed that are common for gardeners and truck farmers. In order for the roots of the plant to breathe, it is necessary to periodically loosen the ground. But this must be done carefully (especially near the exit of the trunk from the soil) so as not to damage the roots. Naturally, it is necessary to get rid of weeds, they will take nutrients from the soil.

In order for the plant to grow in the right direction and cover the surface you want, it must be guided. This is initially done with pegs. By tying the young trunk to sticks driven into the soil, you direct its growth in the right direction. Then, when the crown is more or less formed, the ropes are pulled. The liana will trail along them. To keep appearance girlish grapes in proper form, it is required to periodically trim dry and sluggish leaves. In the same way, you can shape the crown itself, making it more beautiful.

Propagation of grapes

Girly grapes can easily multiply at home. The most common method is considered to be propagation with the help of stem branches. But it is of little use when growing a plant on a balcony. The essence of this method is that the stem up to 2 meters long is buried in the ground. Then, when the cuttings are rooted, they can be replanted. As you can see, more space is required here, which is not available on the balcony.

The most acceptable way is propagation with wood cuttings. In spring or early summer, small cuttings from an adult branch are cut. They should have mature leaves. Such cuttings are placed in a glass of water and, after a while, young roots will appear, then the plant will be ready for planting.

Photo 6. Reproduction of grapes by wood cuttings

There is another way - reproduction using seeds. But this is done extremely rarely, due to the hassle of such an occupation. At the beginning of autumn, ripe fruits are harvested (these are still grapes, although decorative). They are peeled, and the resulting seeds are immediately planted in the ground to a depth of 1 centimeter. You will have to wait for shoots for a long time, constantly watering the soil and pulling out weeds. Only at the end of June next year will the first shoots appear. As you can see, this method is time consuming, which is why it is rarely used.

Growing such a vine does not require much effort and financial costs from you. It is enough to buy one stalk, small containers for soil and the soil itself. Planting and leaving is pretty straightforward. Also, the reproduction of this plant will not cause much difficulty. After spending a little of your free time, you will get beautiful decoration for your balcony. But you can decorate with such a plant summer cottage, and the fence, and other buildings and structures. The grapes will look beautiful and attractive everywhere.