When can young trees be opened after winter. Spring care for fruit trees

Healthy, blooming garden, which brings a rich harvest, largely depends on proper, high-quality care, especially in spring period. The time of awakening of all living things is important and troublesome for gardeners. Perform all work depending on weather conditions and climate zone.

First work in the garden

Work in the garden begins with the release of planting branches from melted snow, if at the end of winter there was an abundance of precipitation. From the spring sun, the snow becomes loose and heavy, it can easily break thin branches. To avoid this, shake it off. If the branches have already sagged and fallen, build supports to support them.

The following advice is relevant for sloped areas. So that the melt water lingers, and the flood does not erode the soil, build shafts of snow across the slope.

Stock up on melt water - it is rich in useful trace elements. To do this, the containers must be filled with snow and added as it melts.

With the advent of spring, not only vegetation wakes up - rodents and pests are ready to become more active. Inspect existing bait poisons, prepare new ones if necessary.

The snow has melted - start cleaning the garden. Collect old leaves and other debris, get rid of weeds if they have appeared.

Whitewashing - protection of horticultural crops

How to whitewash trees

Even before the snow has completely melted and the trees “wake up”, choose a dry day and whitewash.

Before work, prepare trees with damage: clean the trunk with a brush, remove dead bark, at the same time pests that have overwintered and survived in it will be destroyed. Growths, lichens are also cleaned off. Cover all open cracks with garden pitch. Whitewash after the treated areas are completely dry.

Early whitewashing - a double benefit for the tree:

  1. It will prevent burns that may appear on the bark from bright spring rays, so use only White color.
  2. Protects the tree trunk from insect pests.

Which solution to apply is up to you. acrylic paint rains are not terrible - this whitewash is the most resistant. You can use special store solutions and self-prepared ones, with the addition of any adhesive.

How to whitewash fruit trees

The most common is whitewashing with lime:

  • 2.5 kg of lime is diluted per bucket of water;
  • half a liter of copper sulfate;
  • wood glue is added - 200 grams, so that the solution on the tree lasts longer.

Whitewash based on manure and lime:

  • 1 kg of lime and manure;
  • 200 grams of copper sulfate;
  • mix these components in 8 liters of water, leave for about 2 hours.

Clay-based whitewash solution:

  • mix 1 kg of oily clay in 10 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of slaked lime;
  • a shovel of cow dung;
  • 250 grams of copper sulfate.

Leave for 2 hours Whiten young trees with a mixture based on chalk, under such a solution the bark will breathe freely.

Spraying trees and shrubs in the garden

Garden care in the spring is a mandatory prevention of the appearance of pests and the fight against diseases.

When to Treat Trees

Process fruit and berry crops with special preparations at least 3 times:

  • before vegetation (bud swelling);
  • before flowering;
  • 7-10 days after flowering.

How to spray fruit trees

Early spraying of trees with Bordeaux mixture or blue vitriol, urea, (urea) will save plants from many problems. There are other means of processing: chemical, combined, but the above are effective and one of the most budgetary. Which drug to choose, the gardener decides.

  1. Start the first treatment when the temperature has reached 5 °C. During this period, spraying will destroy successfully overwintered pests.
  2. The use of special preparations before flowering will help protect the buds, cope with pest larvae and fungal diseases.
  3. The next treatment is needed to destroy the emerging insects and fruit rot.

Remember that it is not recommended to spray trees during flowering.

tree nutrition

Garden maintenance includes spring top dressing trees, contributing to the nutrition and improvement of soil quality. Everything necessary elements for growth, plants receive at the expense of mineral fertilizers so don't forget about them every year. Organic: compost, peat, manure is enough to use once every 2-3 years. Usually, in the spring, the soil is fed with nitrogen, and in the fall, manure, phosphorus, and potassium are used.

Timing of fertilizer application

Apply the first fertilizer in March. Mineral mixtures dissolve well, they can be sprinkled on the snow. Together with melt water, they are absorbed into the ground and useful material. On a plot with a slope, such top dressing will not be effective: it will be carried away by melt water.

Another option is relevant for all fruit and berry crops: apply 2/3 doses of nitrogen fertilizers when you dig up tree trunks.

Dosage of organic and mineral fertilizers for the garden

Be attentive to the process of fertilizing: fruit-bearing trees will be negatively affected by both a lack and an excess of minerals. For example, the irregularity of such a useful element as nitrogen can affect frost resistance and overall plant growth.

More accurate fertilizer application data is shown in the table.

Table 1. Dose of fertilizer application per fruit tree
Planting yearTrunk circle diameter, mOrganic fertilizers, kgMineral fertilizers, g
2nd 2,0 6 10 10 15
3, 4th 2,5 10 20 20 30
5th, 6th 3,0 15 30 30 45
7th, 8th 3,5 20 60 40 60
9th, 10th 4,0 25 75 50 75
11th, 12th 5,0 40 120 80 150

In addition to mineral fertilizers for top dressing, use organic matter: manure and compost. Decayed manure improves soil properties. Clay in structure becomes less viscous, and light, free-flowing increase their moisture capacity. Organic fertilizers not only have a positive effect on the soil, but also nourish with useful elements.

Valentina Kravchenko, expert

How to properly fertilize plants

Do not feed young plants, start this useful process from the second year of the trees' life.

When applying fertilizer, consider the following factors:

  • plants better absorb the liquid form of fertilizers;
  • do not fertilize near the trunk: the roots that absorb nutrients are located along the perimeter of the branches;
  • apply fertilizer in the evening or on a cloudy day;
  • so that the roots do not get burned, first moisten the soil, only then apply liquid fertilizers;
  • keep the earth near the tree in a loose state, so the plant "breathes" better;
  • after applying dry fertilizer, water the near-stem area along with top dressing.

Pruning - effective sanitary cleaning

Trees and shrubs that are not pruned during their growth look worse, age faster, and their yield decreases.

When to prune fruit trees

Finish all pruning work before the buds begin to swell. Before performing the procedure, wait until the temperature column drops to minus 5 °C, and night frosts to minus 10 °C will not return.

During pruning, material is also collected for subsequent grafting of fruit trees. Selected shoots are cut, grafted immediately or stored in a dark, cool place until sap flow occurs.

The Basics of Successful Pruning of Garden Plants

  • start pruning before the start of sap flow;
  • first of all, free the tree from shoots damaged during cold weather, this is an extra burden that only hinders the development of the plant;
  • remove dry and broken branches;
  • cover the cuts with garden pitch if branches with a diameter of more than 15 cm are cut;
  • first cultivate fruit-bearing plants, and young growth 10-15 days later.

Care and planting seedlings

Inspection and treatment of trees in spring

If the frosts have receded, remove the heaters from the stems. Inspect the trees to see if they are intact, if rodents have reached them.

If there is an injury, heal the tree:

  1. Clean the bark spoiled by mice and treat with iron sulphate (for this, a 5% solution is taken), then cover with garden pitch.
  2. The tree that the hares have reached receives more serious damage. In this case, "bridge" vaccinations are used.

Planting seedlings in spring

Planting work in the garden in the spring, start as soon as the snow recedes, 2 weeks before the growing season. Until the trees “woke up”, planting will be more efficient.

  • Check the soil so that it is not frozen; seedlings will not survive in such soil.
  • Dip the roots of the tree in a clay mash, this will increase the adhesion of the bottom of the tree to the ground.
  • Prepare pits for new plants in the fall, then you can fill them with fertilizers.
  • If fertilizers were not applied before winter, then at the bottom of the pit where you plant the tree, fill in the rotted manure. Apply a nitrogen-based fertilizer some time after planting.

Well-conducted spring care will affect how trees and shrubs will be prepared for the new season. A responsible approach to work in the garden will ensure a high result - a well-groomed, beautiful, healthy, fruitful garden.

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Protecting plants from freezing

Typically, such processing of fruit trees stretches over several years, approximately one or two years. If, nevertheless, this is not done, then the pruned tree with a high degree of probability may begin to release a large amount of gum (resin), which will adversely affect its development. If a little new branches have grown over the past year, then it is more correct to prune the tree only to the side branches. Useful video:

Rodents - pests of sleeping plants


Garden care in spring: spring work

By following these rules for the care of fruit trees, you can ensure a long-term supply of vitamins for the winter, as well as a healthy and beautiful garden on the site.​

tree pruning

During the first 4 - 5 years, fertilizers are applied to the near-stem circle (its diameter should be expanded as trees or shrubs grow). If the trees are planted in rows, then over time, you need to fertilize the entire planting strip to the aisle. If the trees are planted separately, then top dressing is carried out according to the projection of the crown (the length of the shadow from the crown at noon will show the approximate arial of the root system. Another option is relevant for all fruit and berry crops: apply 2/3 doses of nitrogen fertilizers when you dig up the trunk circles.

250 grams of copper sulfate.

Protects the tree trunk from insect pests.

After the snow melts and stable warm weather is established, the fallen leaves are removed and burned.

​Garden care in early spring includes many works. One of the most important activities is vaccination. fruit crops, which is performed before the kidneys swell.

Frost crackles outside. The ground is covered with snow. It seems that the trees and shrubs do not need to be taken care of. But that's not the case at all. At any time of the year, plants require attention. Garden care in early spring involves a lot of very important works. Their implementation affects the future harvest and the full development of horticultural crops. But before that, the plants should overwinter. At this time, there are many moments that should not be missed.​

Experienced gardeners strongly advise against cutting a lot of branches from cherries.

tree grafting

How to take care of a garden
The basis of fertilizing fruit trees is organic fertilizers. As a rule, well-packed or composted manure is used; in autumn it is introduced into the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm or over the entire area of ​​cultivation under the trees, sometimes along the diameter of the crowns under each tree. Lighter soils are fertilized annually or every other year, heavy soils are fertilized every 3-4 years. Large doses of fertilizers are applied under weakly growing trees. Instead of manure applied in autumn, often in spring, compost can be used. Dry bird droppings are also used (100-200 g per 1 m2).


Feeding fruit trees in autumn is the most best option. The soil before fertilizing should be carefully loosened, without digging into the depths. Organics are applied to a depth of 15 - 20 cm along with phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Be attentive to the process of fertilizing: fruit-bearing trees will be negatively affected by both a lack and an excess of minerals. For example, the irregularity of such a useful element as nitrogen can affect frost resistance and overall plant growth.

Planting trees and shrubs

Leave for 2 hours Whiten young trees with a mixture based on chalk, under such a solution the bark will breathe freely.

Preventive actions

Choose which solution to apply. Acrylic paint is not afraid of rain - this whitewash is the most resistant. You can use special store-bought solutions and self-prepared ones, with the addition of any adhesive.

A detailed account of the main gardening work required in the spring. Tips for pruning, feeding, planting fruit and berry trees and others necessary work at this time of the year.​

There are several such ways. Among them, grafting with cuttings into a split or behind the bark is popular and often used. They are prepared at the beginning winter period, before the onset severe frosts. Shoots of annual growths are suitable for grafting. The cuttings used for this event have three or four buds. As a rule, stone fruits will be the first, and then pome crops. For young trees, the grafting zone is no more than two meters above the soil surface, and for shoots - one and a half meters from the trunk. Branch cut diameter:​

In early December, attention is paid to young trees and shrubs.

Pruning dry branches in spring

​At the same time as organic fertilizers mineral and chemical fertilizers should also be applied to the soil. If green manure plants are also grown under the trees, the dose of manure or compost can be reduced by half.​

Before the onset of spring, the trunks of fruit trees are rubbed milk of lime. In addition, the white color reflects the sun's rays, which helps to avoid overheating during intense sunlight and a sharp drop in temperature at night, especially below zero.​


Garden care in spring: basic steps, techniques, videos, photos

Nitrogen fertilizers are best applied in parts in spring and in the first half of summer. Their introduction in the second half of summer can cause a second wave of shoot growth or delay the growth of the latter and the maturation of wood. Such trees will not have time to prepare for winter, and even with slight frosts, the unripe shoots of trees will freeze slightly, which can cause the death of trees.

​More accurate fertilizer application data is shown in the table.​

Garden care in the spring is a mandatory prevention of pests and disease control.

First work in the garden

2.5 kg of lime is diluted per bucket of water;

Spring work in the garden - prevention of plant diseases and a guarantee of a good harvest

- for stone fruits - 3 cm;

In order for them to winter well, you should follow the warming trunk circles plants. As a heater, you can use snow, which is distributed under the trees, around the bush and compacted. It will protect against frost and rodents. Throughout the winter, the hilling of plants with snow continues.

In the first days of April, the entire strapping is removed from the boles of trees. After they are carefully whitened with lime. For this purpose, it can be used as a water-dispersion or water-based paint, and mortar. The main thing is that the trunk and the beginning of the branches turn out white, the coating does not wash off for a long time and allows the bark to “breathe” freely. To do this, substances such as PVA or casein glue are added to the main component of the mixture, so that the whitewashing of fruit trees in the spring is more durable. You can also use green or laundry soap, milk or clay. All these tools ensure reliable adhesion of the solution to the base.​

Whitewashing - protection of horticultural crops

How to whitewash trees

​Fruit Trees Post Series:​

One tree at the age of 2-3 years requires 12-15 kg of fertilizer; every year the dose of fertilizers increases, i.e. for an eight-year-old tree, it requires 40-50 kg, and older trees with a crown diameter of 6 m consume 120-160 kg of fertilizer.​

The moisture-proof bowl around the tree is covered in spring with dry soil, compost, peat or plant residues, this prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture.

  1. Doses of fertilizers depend on the fertility and composition of the soil in your area.
  2. Caring for fruit trees in the fall is the key to a long and comfortable life of fruit plants for many years to come. Therefore, garden care should begin from the very beginning of its laying and throughout the life of the plants.

Process fruit and berry crops with special preparations at least 3 times:

How to whitewash fruit trees

  • Half a liter of copper sulfate;
  • A healthy, blooming garden that brings a rich harvest largely depends on proper, high-quality care, especially in the spring. The time of awakening of all living things is important and troublesome for gardeners. Perform all work depending on weather conditions and climate zone.​
  • - for pome crops- 5-6 cm

Garden care in winter and spring provides for various activities. And each of them has its own deadlines. In winter, attention is paid to protecting trees from rodents. Mice and hares can damage the bark of trees. Annual and biennial crops are especially affected. The tree trunk is protected in autumn. He is wrapped around various materials. At the end of winter, drugs are used that will scare away rodents. They are placed around trees.

  • In spring, trees need “medical” help more than ever.
  • Part 1 - Sea buckthorn
  • Mineral fertilizers are used taking into account the reaction of the soil, the age and fruitfulness of the tree. In autumn, when plowing the soil, phosphorus and potash fertilizers so that these substances are already absorbed during the growing season. With the onset of spring, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied. You can also use combined fertilizers in autumn and spring, which gives a tangible effect. During the growing season, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied additionally, and they are applied shallowly into the soil.

During the growing season, especially during dry periods, fruit trees are carefully and plentifully watered. Watering often, but little by little, is useless. Moisture does not reach the roots, lingering in the surface layer of the earth, on which a crust then forms. To retain moisture around the tree, even before it begins to bloom, it is useful to lay peat, straw manure or grass in a layer of 5-10 cm.

  • In the first year after planting, the trees are watered 4-5 times per season at the rate of 20-30 liters per tree with each watering. In subsequent years, watering can be less frequent, as needed, and the amount of water can be increased by 10 - 20 liters per each year of the tree's life.
  • ​Content:​
  • Before vegetation (swelling of the kidneys);
  • Joiner's glue is added - 200 grams, so that the solution on the tree lasts longer.

Work in the garden begins with the release of planting branches from melted snow, if there was an abundance of precipitation at the end of winter. From the spring sun, the snow becomes loose and heavy, it can easily break thin branches. To avoid this, shake it off. If the branches have already sagged and fallen, build supports to support them.​

Spraying trees and shrubs in the garden

All operations are performed on the day of vaccination. The junctions of the cutting with the tree branch are wrapped with insulating tape, which can be removed three or four weeks after the operation or left until next spring.

When to Treat Trees

With the onset of March, a hot time for gardeners begins. This is a responsible period. With the beginning of snow melting and with the first streams, work on home gardens or summer cottages. How to organize garden care in spring? What to do in the first days of March? During this period, the snow becomes loose. It gradually melts, and accelerate this process not necessary. The exception is snowdrifts, which completely cover the bushes. So that the snow does not damage the branches when melting, it is raked, freeing the plants.

  • After cold weather, wounds often appear on their bark due to the destructive effects of rodents, cold winds and frosts. And these wounds need to be treated in time. To this end, they are rubbed down to healthy wood with commercial garden putty based on nigrol (gear oil). Then disinfection is carried out using copper sulphate at the rate of 300 g of the main component per 10 liters of water. Next, another layer is applied - garden pitch. If it is required to repair the hollows that have appeared in the trees, then they should be well cleaned of dust, filled with gravel and poured with a cement-based mortar. Effective spring care for fruit trees involves this procedure.
  • ​Part 2 - Tree Pruning​

How to spray fruit trees

In the year when the soil is fertilized with a full volume of compost or manure, the dose of mineral fertilizers is reduced by half. If the trees grow too vigorously, and the shoots do not mature well, the amount of nitrogen fertilizers applied is reduced, and more phosphorus and sulfur fertilizers are added. If previous crops are grown under the trees, the amount of fertilizer applied should be increased according to their needs.​

  1. Crown care during the period when productive and lean years alternate and the growth of annual shoots decreases. Moderate rejuvenation: a) pruning branches that bend in a semicircle; 6) pruning thick branches
  2. The first spring watering is carried out before the tree blooms, during flowering or immediately after it.
  3. ​1.5 More on the topic:​

7-10 days after flowering.

tree nutrition

Whitewash based on manure and lime:

Timing of fertilizer application

The following advice is relevant for sloped areas. So that the melt water lingers, and the flood does not erode the soil, build shafts of snow across the slope.

Garden care in early spring is not only about ensuring the beautiful growth of planted plants. At this time, young trees and shrubs can be planted. This event is carried out before bud break. In the spring, planting material of crops is planted that has insufficient winter-hardy qualities. After planting, they provide constant soil moisture.

Dosage of organic and mineral fertilizers for the garden

The main condition for this event is the air temperature. Do not work if it is cold outside. In the event that the thermometer recorded readings below minus ten degrees Celsius, trees should not be cut. Features of climatic zones make their own adjustments to the care of the garden in the spring.

Effective protection of trees is not complete without such a procedure as spraying from various kinds of pests. It should be planned for early spring, but carried out at an outdoor temperature of at least + 5 ° C. The first time after winter, plum, apple and pear trees are sprayed in mid-March, before buds appear on the branches.


Caring for fruit trees in the fall.

To feed weakly growing trees, it is allowed to use liquid fertilizers during the growing season. Useful, for example, fermented bird or rabbit droppings, diluted in 10 parts of water. You can also use a solution of complete fertilizers that dissolve well in water. These liquid fertilizers are poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep around the circumference of the crown. After the liquid is absorbed into the soil, the grooves are leveled.

  • If a tree does not bloom in spring, it must be dug out of the ground, shortened roots and for several days (preferably in the cellar) lower the roots into water or cover them with damp earth. Only after it turns green can it be planted again in the ground.

young garden care

The second - before the June fall of the ovaries,


By starting to properly care for a young garden, you can provide your trees and shrubs with optimal conditions for growth and fruiting, and provide yourself with a cozy cellar with an abundance of vitamins for the winter. The main work on caring for fruit trees is done in the fall, however, some attention should be paid to fruit plants during the summer season.

  • Early spraying of trees with Bordeaux liquid or blue vitriol, urea, (urea) will save plants from many problems. There are other means of processing: chemical, combined, but the above are effective and one of the most budgetary. Which drug to choose, the gardener decides.
  • 1 kg of lime and manure;

When to prune fruit plants

Stock up on melt water - it is rich in useful trace elements. To do this, the containers need to be filled with snow and added as it melts.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs

One of the important agricultural practices is the control of pests and diseases. Garden care in early spring is the most right time years for this. Chemical treatment of plants will require practical skills and knowledge from gardeners. Without plant protection, it is impossible to grow a healthy and high-grade crop.​

  • Competent pruning is carried out before the buds swell. It is performed on sunny days at zero air temperature.

Spraying fruit trees


Lime is applied to the soil in accordance with its reaction. It is especially necessary for stone fruits; berry crops are less demanding in this respect. It should not be overlooked that calcium fertilizers and manure, as well as superphosphate and chemical nitrogenous fertilizers, should not be introduced at the same time.​

During the growing season, especially after rain (before the formation of a dried earth crust), the soil around the tree must be finely loosened several times. It is necessary to loosen in May-July, when shoots and fruits are mainly formed. In August and September, the soil is not disturbed, which ensures better ripening and coloring of the fruit.


Third, if the summer was dry and watering is necessary - 2 to 3 weeks before the fruits of summer varieties of apples and pears ripen.

  1. The main function of pruning fruit trees is the formation of the future crown, its shape and location of skeletal branches. In this case, certain conditions must be observed.​
  2. ​Start the first treatment when the temperature has reached 5 °C. During this period, spraying will destroy successfully overwintered pests.
  3. 200 grams of copper sulfate;

With the advent of spring, not only vegetation wakes up - rodents and pests are ready to become more active. Inspect existing bait poisons, prepare new ones if necessary.​

Protection of fruit trees from pests and diseases

Spraying fruit and berry crops can be divided into three stages:

  1. Fruit-bearing trees are cut first, the flower buds of which are ahead of leaf awakening. This action includes the removal of:
  2. ​Part 22 - For garden fertilizer - Urea

In case of an acute lack of nutrients, when their intake from the soil is somehow limited (waterlogged soil, damaged roots), spraying the leaves with a nutrient solution can be recommended. 400 g of ammonium nitrate with limestone or 500-600 g of urea, 500-600 g of potassium bisulfate and an extract of 3-4 kg of superphosphate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The most favorable for such spraying is the period after flowering. With a clear lack of nutrients, spraying is repeated one or two more times in 10-14 days. As necessary, such spraying is combined with spraying against diseases and pests of trees.


Caring for fruit trees throughout the year

In autumn, the earth is dug up around the tree to a depth of no more than 10 cm, and between rows - up to 15 cm. Digging around the tree is carried out only with a shovel pitchfork, which does not damage the roots so much. Even better than loosening, a shallow trench. In summer, loosening the ground is generally not recommended. After the soil dries up in the spring, it is treated with the reverse side of the rake (also in order to reduce moisture loss from evaporation).

The terms of watering fruit trees fall in September - for the autumn growth of roots, and later, winter, for charging the soil with moisture.

The main - skeletal branches should depart from the trunk at an angle of 45 - 60 degrees. So correct pruning fruit trees involves the removal of extra branches that do not meet this condition.​

The use of special preparations before flowering will help protect the buds, cope with pest larvae and fungal diseases.

Mix the indicated components in 8 liters of water, leave for about 2 hours.

The snow has melted - start cleaning the garden. Collect old leaves and other debris, get rid of weeds if they appear.​

Before the swelling of the kidneys;

- damaged, frozen shoots;

This is due to the fact that it is here that most often various animals hide during the winter. harmful organisms. It is useful for a gardener who has not yet gained experience to know how the trees are properly sprayed, in the sense of what kind of work needs to be done and how to apply the solution to the surface of the trunk.

​Part 23 - Caring for fruit trees throughout the year​

Protection from diseases and pests

​Deep rejuvenation of the crowns of old trees a) cut angle at the apple tree; 6) in a pear; c) apple tree after pruning. 1 - a branch going to the side at the end of a shortened branch; 2 - a small, horizontally running fruit-bearing branch on the upper branch; 3 - a thinner branch, obliquely going towards the lower branch

Protecting the garden from pests and diseases must be carried out regularly by all existing methods - agrotechnical, biological and chemical.

In each tier of the crown, skeletal branches should be evenly spaced around the trunk. If there are two branches, the divergence angle between them is 180 degrees, and if there are three branches, then it is 120.​

The following treatment is needed to destroy insects and fruit rot that have appeared.

Clay-based whitewash solution:

Even before the snow has completely melted and the trees “wake up”, choose a dry day and whitewash.

before flowering;

- branches growing inside the crown;

When spraying fruit trees, special attention is paid to places on the trunk where cracks are visible.

Planting seedlings, grafting, etc.

The best protection is prevention. If fruit plants create good conditions and take care of them accordingly, they will not cause much trouble to the gardener.

To enrich the soil with humus, various plants can be grown under fruit trees. Field peas, fodder vetch, white mustard, buckwheat, phacelia, white clover, multi-flowered chaff, annual ryegrass, etc. are most suitable for this purpose, and lupine on sandy soils.

Set up pest traps

If you planted a seedling in early spring, then pruning fruit trees in the fall will greatly facilitate the further formation of the crown of plants. Autumn seedlings can be cut in the same autumn in a year. Optimal conditions for cutting fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs - the period of sleep, that is, when the plant has not yet awakened in early spring or has already reduced its vital activity late autumn. At this time, the plant tolerates pruning injuries more easily.
Remember that it is not recommended to spray trees during flowering.

Mix 1 kg of oily clay in 10 liters of water;

Before work, prepare trees with damage: clean the trunk with a brush, remove dead bark, at the same time pests that have overwintered and survived in it will be destroyed. Growths, lichens are also cleaned off. Cover all open cracks with garden pitch. Whitewash after the treated areas have completely dried.
A week after flowering.

- branches that interfere with the development of the crown.
First of all, with the onset of spring, it is necessary to ensure proper spring care for fruit trees. To do this, cleaning their trunk with a brush will help. Only then can lime mortar be used. By the way, it must be fresh, which means that you need to cook it on the same day. Otherwise, it will not act on insects as it should, and will not harm them, and burns may remain on the tree itself. To treat the garden from pests, you can also use Bordeaux mixture, iron sulfate, as well as preparations such as Hom and Topaz.
Pruning features include fruit trees in the spring, a few of them should be highlighted. So, in a newly planted pear, it is always necessary during this period to remove branches that, being too close to the trunk, create sharp corner. This must be done in order to ensure the growth of seedlings, which is possible only at an obtuse angle from the trunk. When cutting branches, it is important to evenly distribute them around the entire circumference.
And if you also provide for everything in order to attract birds as your helpers, then worries will be completely reduced. To do this, it is enough to install bird feeders in the garden for the winter, replenish the feeders with food, and put titmouses and birdhouses for some useful birds so that the birds take the chicks directly to the site. Birds will repay their owners with kindness - they will do useful work: the destruction of pests.
Sowing material is applied from early July to early August in moist soil. Plants are planted only in spring. In winter, this planting material protects the soil from severe freezing and helps to better retain snow. It is not recommended to grow green manure plants in areas with rainfall below 500 mm, as well as in young fruit plantations.​
Spray with vitriol before flowering and a month before fruit ripening.

spring care behind fruit trees: photo and video

  1. Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers begins from the second - third year after planting, if the necessary doses of nutrients were initially added to the planting pit

    Spring pruning of trees and crown formation

    ​Garden care includes spring feeding of trees to help nourish and improve soil quality. All the necessary elements for plant growth are obtained through mineral fertilizers, so do not forget about them every year. Organic: compost, peat, manure is enough to use once every 2-3 years. Usually, in the spring, the soil is fed with nitrogen, and in the fall, manure, phosphorus, and potassium are used.

We have already written about how to properly cover trees in the fall to protect them from rodents and the spring sun. But now spring has come, and many gardeners are wondering: when to open the trees?

In this case, it all depends on the material with which the trees were covered. If the trees are covered with coniferous spruce branches or agrotex, then one should not rush here. After all, spruce branches are a breathable material, and you can safely leave it until the beginning of May.

The same applies to nonwovens. They are also very breathable and you can take your time getting them out of the trees.

But if dense, air-tight materials such as roofing material or films were used to shelter the trees, then it is worth opening the trees as early as possible in order to avoid underheating the bark of a young tree.

Why is it necessary? For example, roofing material is strongly heated by the sun, which causes an acceleration of tree vegetation. At the same time, frosts at night can adversely affect the tissues of the tree bark.

But even with "breathing" shelter materials, you should not tighten it, because if you miss the formation of buds on a tree, you can damage them later.

So, we conclude: if the trees were covered with "non-breathing", that is, dense covering materials that do not allow air to pass through, you need to open the trees in early April. If, however, "breathable" covering materials, such as coniferous spruce branches or agrotex, were used as a covering material, then you can not rush to remove these materials. However, it is worth removing them before bud break.

After the end of winter, the trees in the garden need careful care, otherwise you can be left without a crop in the season.

Garden resuscitation for plants

Do not rush with pruning, wait until the flower buds begin to wake up. Then the difference between living and affected branches will be best seen. All branches with frost holes are cut to living tissue, and the trunk and base of skeletal branches are urgently whitened so that the situation is not aggravated by burns from the hot spring sun. Before that, all the affected areas in the places of the discharge of the bark are cleaned to living tissue and treated with a 1% solution of ferrous sulfate (100 g per 10 l of water), and then covered with a mixture of clay and mullein.

Frozen trees after winter require good care: provide them with timely watering, top dressing, pest protection and, if necessary, update. Moreover, it is important to fertilize not at the root, but along the leaf with solutions of microfertilizers such as Crystallon, Plantafol, Master or a solution of ammonium nitrate (3-4 g per 1 liter of water). The interval between them is a decade. The multiplicity of dressings - 3-4 times per summer. Thanks to this, the garden will recover faster.

Keep in mind that the loss of some of the branches has upset the balance between the above-ground part and the roots of your sweet cherry or apricot. And plant juices nutrients rush to the former points of growth. And there are, for example, already five instead of ten. All this can cause excessive growth of green shoots.

Therefore, it is better to feed with fertilizers in a concentration less than a third than recommended by the manufacturer on the package.

Determine the degree of damage to the fruit buds

If in pears and apple trees it is immediately clear which ringworms have suffered the most, then with stone fruits they act differently. To do this, cut bouquet branches and annual shoots with different parts crowns, put in water and kept for two weeks in a room. The next step is to make longitudinal and transverse sections of each of the kidneys. If they are healthy, their central part will be green. But brown spot in the center - a signal that the peephole is dead. The death of growth buds is quite replenishable due to the awakening of dormant buds. If the flower eyes are damaged, then you can say goodbye to the harvest this year.

If the tissues of the shoots on the cut are dark, and the buds are brown in the center, do not rush with pruning. It is possible only after the awakening of the plants, which need to be strongly rejuvenated by removing all the dead and affected parts, with the transfer of branches to healthy side branches.

Skeletal branches are waiting for shortening by 3-5 years old wood. Such a strong pruning stimulates the appearance of tops, with the help of which the crown is restored. After such a rescue pruning, gardeners advise tying the trunk and main branches with burlap to prevent them from drying out. But it is better not to cut off the single growth this year, as this retards the growth of the foliage that feeds the plant. When working with trees, do not let!

Grafting with a bridge will save the tree

If the bark is damaged along the ring, the tree will die, since with damage to the vessels, the upward outflow of photosynthesis products through the vessels of the bast is irreversibly disrupted. And here, no care for the tree after the winter will help. If the variety is very valuable, only full recovery conducting system. This can only be achieved by a bridge, when several annual branches are grafted using the “over the bark” method, connecting the tissues above and below the injury site.

To do this, you need to hurry and cut the cuttings from the crown of the tree before the buds open. They should be 20 cm longer than the damaged area. Before grafting (it is done in May, when the bark is well behind the wood), they are stored in the refrigerator.

If the plant is young and its stem is not thicker than 2.5-3 cm, then two bridges grafted from different sides will be enough to save it.

In the event that the trunk is thick, up to a dozen cuttings are engrafted into it.

First, above and below the site of damage, the bark must be cleaned of dead parts. Then they retreat 2 cm above and below the frost ring and make T-shaped cuts for each branch. At the ends that will be adjacent to the trunk, make oblique cuts 2-3 cm in length. Then the ends of the cuttings are inserted into the cuts and secured with electrical tape. For reliability, you can fix it with carnations. Open areas should be thickly lubricated with var, wrap the grafting sites with a film or wrap with a common ring of electrical tape. The main thing is not to let the grafted bridges germinate. If this happens, the young shoots immediately break out. Everything open areas covered with garden var. By autumn, the cuttings will fully take root.

Tree rejuvenation with complete crown replacement

Beware of the broom on the trunk! This is especially true for strongly growing plums, apricots, sweet cherries, cherry plums and tree-like cherries. This measure is also suitable for tall old apple trees. In the spring, the trunk must be cut at a meter height from the ground. Keep in mind that the rougher the bark, the less likely it is to awaken dormant buds. Therefore, try to find at least one weak shoot and cut 2 centimeters higher above it. Sometimes it happens that after such cardinal pruning from the place of the cut immediately shoots more than a dozen tops. And here it is important not to blunder: leave 1-3 of the strongest ones, bend it, tying it to the pegs with a rope, and remove the rest to the base.
Otherwise, you are threatened with becoming the owner of a curly broom on a trunk.

With the help of pinching and shaping them, you can grow new skeletal branches that will produce a crop next year. The right thing to do with them is this: cut off their ends at a height of 60 cm, forcing them to branch, and in August stretch the overgrown side branches to the sides. If you miss the moment, spinning tops can reach more than two meters in length in a season.

Next year, you need to do green pruning, tweezing and bending back the branches of the second tier.

As soon as spring begins to smell in the air, I want to go out into the garden and do something useful, like clean up.

It hurts the eyes, not too aesthetic shelter under which the plants survived the winter. Hands reach out to get rid of them. How to "undress" the plants, so as not to make mistakes?

Alas, the universal recipe for gardeners does not exist. This is a risky business, a mistake can lead to the death of the plant. If you open early, the plants will freeze, if you are late, they will warm up.

Much depends on the weather, the climatic features of your area and the microclimate of your site, the type of shelter, the types of sheltered plants.

So let's take a closer look at the material of the site question: When to remove shelters from plants in spring?

General rules for getting rid of plants from shelters

First of all, the strategy and tactics of getting rid of shelters depends on the purpose for which we covered the plants in late autumn. Shelters serve two different purposes, although often both at the same time - to protect against winter cold, sunburn and physiological dehydration.

So, we focus on the weather and proceed to “undress” the plants, when the night frosts weaken, the snow completely melts and a positive temperature is established. In the middle lane, this happens around the beginning - middle of April, the air temperature at this time is set at around 5 -10 ° C.

Removing shelters is a big stress for plants. To reduce it, we accustom the plants in advance to the fact that they will have to “walk” without clothes, we begin to harden them - to ventilate the shelters at a positive daytime air temperature, and in case of a cold snap we close again.

Airing helps to reduce humidity, but it will not replace drainage - if the plants are in a puddle, you will have to take a shovel and make grooves to drain the melt water. Excess moisture is the main spring danger. Plants can die from dampness, and a humid environment is favorable for the development of infections.

Shelters are removed gradually, layer by layer, stretching the procedure for several days. It is better to choose a cloudy day without precipitation and wind, or to remove shelters from the plant in the evening - this way we will smooth out fluctuations in illumination, and it will be easier for plants to adapt.

For work, we need gloves (when working with roses, it is better to use special ones - dense ones), a wheelbarrow, a pitchfork, a rake (regular and fan). Some plants may need "first aid" - so we keep pruners and garden pitch or similar compounds on hand.

If the sun

The dangerous period for evergreens is March and early April. At this time, the sun shines brightly in spring, and the snow reflects the sun's rays, many times increasing their negative impact.

Most evergreens are not as afraid of frost as spring sunburn. Many conifers, rhododendrons, mahonia and evergreen perennials fall into this group.

Properly chosen landing site (with natural shading from aggressive midday rays and competent agricultural technology significantly reduce the risk of damage.

It should be remembered that susceptibility to sunburn depends to a large extent on the variety, often the most beautiful varieties more vulnerable. Some species and varieties burn especially badly, for example, gray spruce (Picea glauca) "Conica".

Sunburn is not always immediately noticeable - the plants are vigorous and green, and after a while their outfit acquires a characteristic grayish-brown color and begins to crumble. Wrapped plants receive little light, so you can not remove the shelter abruptly - the plants must rebuild the physiological processes, and this takes time.

On the first day, we untie the top of the shelter, and then remove layer by layer (ideally one layer per day). Even when you have "stripped" the plants completely, make a screen on the south side for a few days to shade from the sun's rays in the middle of the day.

With early removal of shelter, evergreens also suffer from physiological drought: the roots are in cold soil and are still sleeping, and the ground part heated by the sun has already woken up and begun to evaporate moisture. To help the plants, we shade them and water them. warm water(about 50 ° C) so that the roots "earn".

If frost

Roses, clematis and other heat-loving plants, most of which are unstable in a particular climatic zone, shelter from the winter cold. Roses suffer more from damp than from frost. Therefore, take care of the removal of excess melt water, and when a positive air temperature is established, ventilate the shelter, if necessary (if you have a frame air dry shelter, open it from the ends).

After removing the shelter, it is necessary to shade the queen of flowers to avoid sunburn. We do not raise climbing and standard roses and clematis immediately, but when the soil finally thaws.

We rake the soil from the root collar at the very last turn, when the buds begin to swell (after about two weeks) - hilling will protect the root collar of roses in case of an unexpected return of cold weather.

We do this very carefully so as not to damage the awakened kidneys - with a small hoe, a shovel, or just hands in tight gloves. At the same time, we carry out the final spring pruning.

First aid to plants

Immediately after the final removal of shelters, we carry out sanitary pruning of plants. Damaged shoots - frozen, propped up, eaten by rodents, affected by fungi, dry and broken - are cut into a ring or into a kidney to healthy tissue (you can not cut in the middle of the internode - the area to the underlying kidney will still die and can become a hotbed of infection).

We burn the cut parts of plants. We cover thick sections and frost holes (cracks in the bark) with garden pitch or similar compounds.

Pruning clematis should be done with extreme caution - they have very fragile shoots. If you have not cut them since the fall or have forgotten what kind of pruning a particular variety needs, wait until the buds swell and remove all unnecessary.

It is also useful to carry out preventive treatment with fungicides, this is especially true for roses.

What to do next

What to do next depends on the material of the shelter. Reusable shelters (burlap, kraft paper, straw mats, reed rugs, boxes, designer "houses") dry well in the sun and put away until autumn.

Non-woven materials (lutrasil, spunbond and their analogues) can be used to shade open plants and save them from recurrent frosts that can damage buds and young shoots.

The foliage that we used for shelter, most likely, has already begun to rot. So let it rot, but in compost bin| treat it with bacterial preparations to speed up the process).

Part of the foliage can be left near the plants, embedded in the soil. If you used the shoots of herbaceous plants for shelter, then we send them to the fire along with the bald spruce branches. In this case, do not forget about safety precautions - dry shoots are put into the fire in small portions - they instantly flare up and scatter even from a weak breeze.

If you do not have a specially equipped fire pit, then it is good to adapt old barrel, and use the resulting ash as fertilizer.

Conclusion: - After reading the article, we hope you got an answer to the question: When to remove shelters from plants in spring?