How to grow a beautiful monster with large leaves. How to plant a monster at home: reproduction of a tropical liana

Monstera - large showy plant with dissected leaves. It serves as an excellent decoration for both home and office interiors. In today's article, you will learn how to properly care for a monster at home.

Since the monstera blooms with a small nondescript flower-cob, this plant is kept mainly for the beauty of the leaves. Moreover, each type of monstera has its own characteristics.

Monstera is delicious or attractive

The most popular home view... Up to 12 m high without pruning. Stems are cylindrical, up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves are long, cordate, arranged on long petioles. In tropical climates, this plant is grown to produce edible berries.

Monstera Borziga

A more compact and graceful subspecies native to Mexico. The diameter of the leaves is about 30 cm.

Monstera Adansona

Large variety, without formation, reaches 8 m in height. The length of the leaves is up to 50 cm, they are egg-shaped. This species blooms extremely rarely. Homeland - rainforests from Brazil to Costa Rica.

Quite an original plant. Monstera perforated is distinguished by asymmetrical ovoid leaves of light green color, expanding towards the petiole. There are holes inside the leaf plate, which makes it look lacy. The length of the cobs reaches 10 cm.

Monstera oblique or uneven

View with relatively small (up to 25 cm) perforated leaves. They have an elliptical shape, taper downward, and are located on short petioles. Arranged asymmetrically on the stem. The length of the ears is up to 4 cm. Homeland is Brazil and Guiana.

Monstera variegated or marble

This species looks unusual due to beige spots covering the leaves and stem. Naturally grows in India and South America.

Monstera pointed

A relatively low variety, reaching a height of 3 m. There are no cuts on the pointed leaves, so the plant does not look as decorative as the previous species.

Necessary microclimate

Care room monster primarily involves the creation of the correct microclimate. Let's find out what conditions are needed for this plant.


The light should be quite bright, but diffused. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves, and in the shade, cuts will not form on them and the plant will lose its decorative effect. The flower feels best near western or eastern windows. In winter, growing monstera involves additional lighting.


In the warm season, the optimum temperature is + 23 ... + 25 ° C, in winter - from +16 to +18 ° C.

At temperatures below +15 ° C, development stops. Ultimately admissible temperature equals +10 ° C. In general, the higher the room temperature (within reasonable limits), the faster development occurs. Monstera can withstand sharp temperature changes well, but drafts are destructive for it.


The plant loves humid air, so it should not be placed next to heating devices. It is recommended to regularly spray the leaves with a spray bottle and wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge. Interestingly, before the rain, the monstera "cries": drops of moisture appear on the edges of the leaves.

Care features

Now let's look at how to care for a room monster, as well as how to form this flower as well.

Watering and feeding

Caring for monsters at home involves abundant watering from early spring to late fall. This should be done every 1-2 days - so that upper layer the soil had time to dry out. In damp, cloudy weather, its frequency should be reduced. In winter, the plant should be watered 3-4 times less often, while not allowing the soil to dry out completely.

Excess moisture provokes root rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves, as well as the loss of decorativeness. Water should be settled or boiled, at room temperature.

Top dressing is an important part of grooming. They are carried out from March-April to August-September, on average, 2 times a month or once every 20 days, depending on the state of the plant. For monstera, both universal fertilizer complexes and those intended for deciduous plants are suitable. From organic dressings leaf humus can be used (applied in the form of mulch).

In winter, the amount of dressing is reduced to 1 time per month. It is advisable to alternate root and foliar feeding.

Transplant and rejuvenation

Up to 4 years old, the plant needs an annual transplant. They do this around mid-April. Older plants are transplanted less frequently, every 3-4 years. At the same time, in the period between transplants, it is necessary to replace the top layer of the soil so that it does not deplete.

Let's take a quick look at how to transplant to a monster.

The pot needs to be selected 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Too large a capacity should not be purchased: moisture will stagnate in the soil that is not covered by roots, which can cause disease. A drainage layer of about 4 cm (for example, expanded clay) is placed at the bottom of the pot. The soil can be purchased ready-made, specialized, or made independently from peat, sand, humus and turf.

The roots will be the least affected if transplanted to the monster using the transshipment method. To do this, it is well watered in an old pot, and after a day it is carefully removed along with the soil and placed in a new container. The empty space is covered with fresh soil. A week after transplanting, the vine is not watered and kept in partial shade.

If the lower part of the plant begins to lose leaves, it needs rejuvenation. To do this, in the spring you need to cut off about 30 cm of the tops. This stimulates the growth of side shoots and makes the flower more attractive. A new plant can be grown from the cut off part: put it in water, and when the roots grow, transplant it into the ground.

Support and formation

Liana care also includes crown formation. First of all, this is done by tying the plant to a support. To do this, you can use a sturdy bamboo stick wrapped in sphagnum moss, a rigid mesh tube, or a vertically stretched cord. You need to tie the plant to the support with a string, but not too tight so as not to damage the stem.

If the monstera has become too long, you can trim the top off.

Diseases and pests

If you improperly care for the plant, in particular, allow overflow, all the leaves may turn yellow. In this case, you need to water the plant less often, and if necessary, transplant. In winter, yellowing and leaf fall may be due to dry air.

Thinning and darkening of leaves to Brown color indicates that the roots have little room in the pot.

Of the pests, the plant can attack the scale insect: growth is inhibited, the leaves turn yellow, and sticky secretions appear on them. If there are few pests, they can be removed with cotton wool dipped in soap or alcohol solution.

Due to the appearance of the mealybug, the leaves dry out and deform.

Excessively dry indoor air provokes the appearance spider mite(the leaves turn yellow, a cobweb is visible on the lower part) and thrips (the tops of the leaves become gray-brown).

In the event of the appearance of any of the pests, the plant must be treated with insecticides.

Video "Growing monstera from seeds"

In this video, you will learn how to properly grow a house monster from seeds.

The South American liana monstera has long become a popular attribute of the interior not only of offices, halls of public institutions and private houses, but also living rooms in ordinary apartments... The plant requires a lot of space and strong support, which sometimes complicates caring for a monster at home. For an adult liana, you have to allocate almost an entire wall, and in a well-lit room.

General information

At the moment, about 50 species of monstera have been discovered in nature, but for home growing commonly purchased Monstera deliciosa (gourmet). There is a room monstera and other varieties: marble (variegated), delicosis (with oval holes in a sheet plate), Borziga.

When buying a spectacular plant with carved leaves, not everyone knows how much space it will need in a very short time. The more favorable the conditions are, the faster the monstera will develop without losing its decorative effect.

Liana feels good at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, is not demanding on humidity, prefers diffused sunlight. With a lack of lighting, the leaves of the monstera become smaller, become solid (like a water lily), the section disappears.

The stems reach several meters in length, the plant is quite heavy, so at home it is often problematic to build a stable vertical support. In most cases, the vine is attached to the wall: it is tied with a soft cord to screws or nails.

Under natural conditions, monstera blooms (flowers - cobs, fruits - berries). However, flowers almost never appear in apartments, occasionally in spacious rooms with suitable humidity and lighting.

Truth and myths about the monster

Some are afraid of the monstera because of the numerous myths about its harmful effect on humans: supposedly, the liana draws out energy, causes headaches. Monstera, like any other plant, breathes oxygen. However, in the daytime in sunlight, its production significantly exceeds consumption. In addition, liana actively absorbs formaldehyde released from furniture from the air, floor coverings... At night, the plant takes up quite a bit of oxygen, although in a cramped, unventilated room, the loss can seem noticeable. You should not place the monster in the bedroom to avoid health problems.

As for energy, according to the advice of Feng Shui experts, vines should be rounded when tying. In this case, their influence on the atmosphere of the room and the state of the person will be positive.

Monstera can harm humans and animals, but only when its juice comes into contact with mucous membranes or when it enters the digestive tract. The following symptoms are characteristic:

  • swelling of the pharynx and mouth;
  • loss of voice;
  • violation of the swallowing reflex.

If there are small children or animals in the house, they should be protected from vines.

Requirements for soil, planting containers, transfer regime

Optimal soil composition for monstera:

  • 3 parts of peat;
  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part sand.

You can add 1 part of garden soil. It is better to purchase ready-made soil mixtures ("Gardens of Auriki", "Seliger-Agro"), so as not to risk the health of the plant.

For a young monstera (1-3 years old), a 2-3 liter pot is enough, and then you will have to pick up a larger container - 7-10 liters. On sale there are decorative buckets for 15-20 liters - this will be comfortable for an adult plant. At the bottom, at least 1.5-2 cm (depending on the volume of the pot) of fine gravel or expanded clay for drainage must be poured.

Until the age of 3 years, the monster is recommended to be transplanted annually. This is done to stimulate the development of the root system and intensive nutrition.

If you immediately plant a young monster in a large container, then until the entire volume of soil is mastered by the roots, there is a great risk of rotting.

After 5 years, the vine needs replanting every 4 years, but for stable development, an annual replacement of the topsoil will be required.

Watering the monstera should be regular, carried out when the top layer dries about 2 cm. winter time once every 10 days is enough, provided that the tub with the plant is located far from the heater and does not stand on a heated floor.

Transplant technique

Monstera is transplanted by the transshipment method. To do this, the earthen lump must first be dried so that it easily moves away from the walls of the container. Some recommend abundant watering before transplanting, but in this case, the soil will stick to the walls of the pot along with the roots, which will inevitably lead to damage.

When transplanting a large liana, it is completely or partially removed from the mounts, neatly laid out on the floor. The pot is tossed to one side on a pre-laid piece of polyethylene. You need to grab the monster by the stems at the base and gently pull it out of the container. Previously, you can lightly knock on the walls of the pot, then the dried earthen lump will come out without problems along with the roots. It is more convenient to transplant the monstera with an assistant who at this time will slightly shake the tub.

When the earth clod is released, it is carefully transferred to a new container filled with drainage (at least 1.5 cm) and soil (at least 4 cm). On the sides, soil is poured, gradually compacted. After planting the vines, the soil is shed with an emphasis on the perimeter. You should not strive for water seepage into the sump, it is enough to wet the lateral areas to activate the roots.

Young monsters, with regular transplants, do not experience an urgent need for feeding until about 5 years old. Additional food is needed for adult vines to maintain decorativeness.

They feed the monster during the active growing season - twice a month from March to October. You can apply complex fertilizers for decorative foliage: "Gumisol", "Uniflor",. Some recommend periodic watering of the vine with onion peel infusion, which provides not only nutrition, but also disinfection of the soil. As an organic fertilizer, the topsoil can be mulched with deciduous humus.

Foliar top dressing of lianas consists in spraying with a solution of urea (preparation "Urea-K6").

The monstera aerial root system can also help provide the plant with nutrition and moisture. To do this, the longest are sent to the soil of the pot, and the shorter ones are carefully collected in bunches and lowered into tied containers with water. Such a measure will help prevent the withering of the monstera if the air is too dry (in hot weather for a long time), if there is no one to water the plant during the absence of the owners.


An important component of caring for a monster is the regular cleaning of the leaf plate from dust. When polluted, photosynthesis and gas exchange are disrupted, which negatively affects the state of the vine.

Wipe monstera leaves with a damp, well-wrung out cotton cloth or a microporous rubber cloth. From an ordinary sponge, stains often remain.

To improve appearance creeper leaves and give them shine, you can use special plant aerosols (for example, Perfect Plant). But it is believed that they clog the stomata of the leaf and interfere with respiration. A good effect will be also when wiped with a mixture of water and milk (1: 1). Some growers advise banana peels (inner side) as a “polishing sponge”.

Disease protection

Vines at home are also susceptible to pests and various diseases, which will certainly affect their appearance.

The loss of decorative properties of monstera can be provoked by external conditions:

  • leaves turn yellow due to excessive moisture;
  • the trunk is exposed due to insufficient lighting;
  • the edges of the leaf plate turn brown and dry due to low air humidity;
  • the leaves of the creeper become whole, the stem twists when there is a lack of nutrition;
  • excess sunlight causes the leaf to turn yellow.

Monstera leaves sometimes begin to "cry" - droplets of juice form on the tips. The process in nature is called guttation (little light, a lot of moisture). If drops appear, then the soil must be dried, otherwise it may acidify.

Major pests

Pests on the monster can appear due to too dry or humid air... Often they are brought in from purchased or garden land, by the wind from the street or from a neighbor's balcony.

  • Shield

The ivy scale insect is a hard-to-kill insect that can completely destroy even an adult monster. It affects leaves, aerial roots and shoots. After laying the eggs, the females die, and offspring develops under the dense small shield with which they are attached to the plant. Wandering larvae very quickly move from one plant to another.

A sooty fungus willingly settles on the secretions of the scale insects, which is why all the affected parts of the monstera are covered with a black sticky bloom.

  • Spider mite

Due to the invasion of the spider mite colony, the leaves of the monstera dry and turn yellow. On the reverse side of the sheet plate, you can see small dots and cobwebs. With a small degree of defeat, the monster is washed with a strong solution laundry soap... If the measure is unsuccessful, then use chemicals: "Akarin", "Apollo", "Fitoverm".

  • Mealybug

If young leaves and shoots of monstera began to deform and dry, then the culprit may be a mealybug ("hairy louse"). Its presence can be determined by tiny white lumps (like cotton wool) located at the bottom of the sheet plate or in its mouths - this is a clutch of eggs. The insect itself is very mobile, well distinguishable with the naked eye.

At the initial stage, wiping the monstera with alcohol or soap solution can help. If the worm continues to multiply, then spraying with the preparations "Aktelik", "Fozalon", "Intavir" is used.

  • Thrips

Thrips, small oblong black insects (like tiny black sticks), cause a lot of problems for the monstera. On outside of the leaf plate, streaks and dots of a silvery color appear, which gradually merge, leading to the drying out of the leaf. An effective measure is the treatment of monstera with Fitoverm, Karate, Agrovertin, Karbofos.

How to propagate a monster: planting cuttings and seeds

Breeding monstera is not difficult. Many growers willingly distribute already strong rooted cuttings. They can be easily obtained by cutting off the top with excessive growth of the vines, as well as when the short aerial roots of the upper part of the monstera are immersed in water (white layers grow from them). When adventitious roots appear, a part of the stem with a pair of leaves is cut off and planted in a prepared substrate.

Gloves should be worn when grafting to protect the skin from monstera juice.

In the root zone, vines often grow new shoots. They can be separated, dipped in a rooting stimulator and buried in moist, nutritious soil. From above, the seedling is covered with a transparent bag or jar to maintain temperature and humidity. When will appear new sprout, the shelter can be removed.

It is also possible to plant monstera with seeds, but it is extremely rare to get them on your own. The method is also problematic due to the rapid loss of germination and prolonged pecking.

Vine seeds are germinated before planting: wrapped in wet soft tissue or placed in moist sphagnum moss. The temperature should be around 25 ° C. Monstera seeds germinate for a long time - 1-2 months. After pecking, they are seated in cups, not too deep.

Growing a monstera is not difficult if the plant has enough space and lighting. Some are confused by the need for periodic transplants, but practice shows that an adult liana can grow in one container for years. It is important to provide her with good nutrition and hydration - this is the main care.

Monstera grows quickly, so with its help you can decorate the interior of the room in an original and useful way. To preserve decorativeness, it is enough to periodically wipe the leaves and spray the plant. The monstera will respond to the attention paid with lush greenery, will regularly disinfect the air and cheer up, despite all the myths about its dangers.

Monstera is a rather large plant, which features dissected leaves and peculiar aerial roots. It comes from the tropical forests of the South American continent, but it can be found even in Asia. The flower takes root well in apartments and houses, and because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, it is very popular.

To grow it properly, you need to know how to care for a monster at home. This will be discussed in this article, and the presented photo will give an idea of ​​this luxurious plant.

Features of an exotic flower

There are quite a few different myths associated with this plant, which make some growers doubt whether it is worth purchasing. But you should know that monstera has a large number useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body and the microclimate of the room. In the afternoon, her large leaves give off a lot of oxygen and promote the evaporation of moisture, thereby humidifying the air. In addition, this tropical plant is good at absorbing harmful electromagnetic waves, absorbs vapors of formaldehyde and ionizes the air in the room.

On the energetic level, monstera helps people to accept any important decisions... It puts thoughts in order, absorbs chaotic vibrations and has the most beneficial effect on nervous system, bringing the state of mind into harmony. Develops intellectual abilities and strengthens human immunity. Thanks to this, monstera is indispensable in the office and study, living room and library. It helps you calm down, focus and tune in to work.

The only place you shouldn't place it is the bedroom. At night by the plant the process of photosynthesis is not carried out, therefore, it begins to absorb a large amount of oxygen, and this is unacceptable for a bedroom.

Monstera: home care

This plant is easy to grow and propagate at home. In order for it to grow healthy, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the flower.

Lighting and space

In nature, monstera loves shady, but sufficiently lit places. The scorching sun can burn its leaf plate, and too deep a shadow does not allow the flower to grow, even stopping its development completely. From this he will not die, he will lose his beauty and attractiveness. At insufficient lighting foliage loses its decorative effect, acquiring a solid green color.

Monstera grows very quickly and grows strongly. It can reach a height of 5 meters, so it is necessary to find a room for it so that it is not cramped. The plant does not like when it is moved from place to place, it can even stop its growth.

Temperature regime

Caring for a flower involves adherence to the temperature regime, which should be within from +10 to +24 degrees... Monstera tolerates sudden temperature changes quite easily. High rates contribute to its intensive development, the main thing is that the air is sufficiently humidified. Too much low temperature air leads to the fact that the monstera stops its growth and will remain at rest until the degrees rise to a certain mark.

Watering and feeding

Caring for a flower also involves watering and feeding it. The plant prefers humid tropical air. Since its leaves are capable of evaporating a lot of moisture, they need to be moistened regularly. To do this, wipe the sheet plates with a damp cloth, and so that they glossy surface glittered, a little milk was added to the water.

During the growth of the flower, it should be water hard enough so that the earth does not dry out. At rest, this process should be minimized.

In order for the monstera to grow well at home and not lose its decorative effect, it should periodically be fed with fertilizers consisting of organic and mineral substances. In summer, feeding is carried out once a week, and in winter - once every 2 - 3 weeks.

Aerial Root Care

A feature of this plant is its aerial roots, which are necessary for its additional nutrition and hydration. Since they do not look very attractive, they are collected and tied to a trunk or wrapped in wet moss. When watering a flower, the roots should also be moistened. Thanks to this additional nutrition, the plant begins to grow well.

Transplant and rejuvenation

Up to 4 years of age, the monster is recommended to be transplanted every year, with an older flower, this process is carried out once every 2 - 3 years using a larger pot each time. Its roots are quite powerful, requiring a lot of space, so the container should be wide and deep. The cramped space leads to his death.

The 1/3 pot is covered with high-quality drainage, and for the soil use a mixture of the following components:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand.

You can also use ready-made potting mix.

Since the monstera flower, the photo of which can be seen in this article, begins to lose its former attractiveness with age and sheds all the leaves from the lower part of the trunk, it is necessary to rejuvenate it. To do this, in the spring, the top of the plant is cut off with a length of about 30 cm, which gives an impetus to the growth of lateral shoots. The top is lowered into the water so that it gives roots. As soon as the container is completely filled with them, it is transplanted into a pot, and in further care carry out as for an ordinary flower.

Breeding monstera

Propagate this plant at home in three ways:

  • Seeds. To do this, they are sown in the soil and left in a bright and warm room. In a month, they should already sprout. After 2 years, the flower has about 9 leaves.
  • Cuttings. For this purpose, take stem or lateral processes, plant the cutting in a pot and cover with glass. It is recommended to water it twice a day. After the flower grows roots, it is transplanted into a larger container.
  • Air layering. This breeding method is considered the simplest. For this, a layer with a leaf and an aerial root is taken, which is planted as an independent plant.

Diseases and pests

Most often this flower is at home. the following pests are affected:

The main diseases of monstera are associated with excessive humidification of the air and wrong temperature conditions... If the leaves begin to dry out, this indicates a lack of fertilizer or moisture. Strongly moistened soil can ruin the roots of the plant, and the leaves begin to turn yellow. In insufficient light, leaf plates begin to develop poorly and become small.

Thus, we found out what the monstera is, the photo of which can be seen in the article. It is quite easy to propagate it at home, as well as caring for it. As a result proper care the flower becomes luxurious, delighting the owner with its gorgeous leaves.

Caring for a monster at home

Tropical jungle South America struck the first explorers not even with flocks of hummingbirds, variegated nature and amazing animals, but with fantastic lianas. "It's just a monster," they said. So this name remained fixed to him forever. Monstera is a large and heavy vine that twists around a large tree. Under natural conditions, it reaches 50 m in length. The carved leaves are up to a meter wide. The researchers were shocked by the roots of monstrous length, which sprouted through the bodies of people. this gave rise to the legend that the vine hunts people. In fact, the plant grew through the bodies of those who died in the jungle.

But even in indoor conditions, the monstera looks very impressive. It is distinguished by huge fans of dissected leaves and long cords of air roots. Interesting not only the appearance, but also its internal plant. The lateral veins are equipped with special organs that are capable of releasing water droplets at high humidity. The breeding of monstera deserves special attention.

Plant varieties

The first thing that comes to mind is planting a plant with seeds. But flowering and fruit formation is noted in only one of the varieties. This is the largest member of the family, which most often decorates the halls of organizations and apartments. Its name is Attractive or Delicacy.

Monstera can also bloom in your home, giving a fragrant fruit that tastes like pineapple. But it will take a whole year to wait for ripening. After that, it will still take time to grow a young plant from it. It turns out to be too long and difficult. Reproduction of monsters of other species in this way is completely questioned, since they do not form a blanket flower and fruits.

Planting seeds

If you become the proud owner of such a valuable material, then you can try to grow a young plant, observing it from the very first leaf. To do this, you need to build a small greenhouse, filling it with a mixture of sand and peat in equal amounts. It is necessary to germinate seeds at a temperature of +25 degrees, under a film. Every few days it is required to ventilate the greenhouse and moisten the soil.

Seedlings can be expected in three to four weeks. In seedlings, the first leaves are not dissected, whole. Only after the fifth month will real, adult leaves grow. Now you can pick the seedlings. For the time being, they can remain in the common greenhouse. Seed propagation of monstera is not quick. Root system seedlings develop only after two years. By this time, the plant has developed 5 ordinary leaves and 2-4 carved, adults.

Can now be transplanted into separate pots for permanent place residence. Reproduction of a monstera in this way takes a lot of time, but you immediately get a small plantation of young plants.

The easiest way

If you are not a professional florist, then you hardly want to spend a lot of time to transplant a seedling from a plant at the request of one of your friends. But if a lateral shoot began to grow from the base of the stem, then this is the easiest way to get a new plant in the shortest possible time.

The procedure is quite simple, side shoots separated from mother plant, the sections are dried and powdered with charcoal. Reproduction of monstera at home is recommended before summer. The ideal time is early April or May. The prepared shoot must be planted in a pot with a drainage layer at the bottom, as well as light and nutritious soil. It is required to cover the pot with a plastic bag and put it in a bright, warm place for rooting. If necessary, the substrate is moistened, and the greenhouse is ventilated. Rooting is very fast. You will know about its successful completion when the plant releases new leaves.

Propagation by cuttings

Monsters - vines are quite tenacious, so even a novice florist can easily propagate his plant. Today we are considering different ways, among which you can choose the most suitable one. With the help of cuttings, you can plant a young plant without special efforts:

Rooting in water

If you want to use the leaf propagation method for monstera, then it is best to follow this technology. Rooting a leaf devoid of aerial roots in the ground is fraught with some difficulties. It can rot or get infected by soil bacteria. In water, it most often gives roots faster, after which it can be transplanted into the ground.

The cut leaf should also be treated with charcoal to prevent decay. After that, it can be put in water and covered with plastic wrap. After about two weeks, you will see the first roots. The plant is now ready to be transplanted into the ground.

Creeper rejuvenation

If the plant has become bald as a result of violations in the care, or it has become very elongated, then it makes sense to carry out such a procedure. The outcome will depend on the state of the vine and your plans for it. Surely you have heard about the reproduction of monstera So, by itself, this root has a slightly different structure, but it helps to maintain the strength of the plant during rooting.

  • It is necessary to select the outlet that you will unplug. It could also be the top of the plant.
  • All roots that remain on it after transplanting must be wrapped in moist peat and periodically moistened. When they are covered with new roots along their entire length, you can trim and plant in the ground.

What to do with the rest of the vine

Having lost the top, the plant will not die, but will begin to give side shoots, or build up a new green mass. In both cases, this is a favorable outcome for the grower. Monstera flower propagation can get pretty profitable business, so you can decide to cut maximum amount cuttings.

To do this, the trunk of the monstera is cut in such a way that there are one or two internodes on each piece. These cuttings are laid out on wet ground, slightly deepened, but not digged in. Now your goal is to provide them with light and warmth, as well as an adequate level of humidity. After a while, you can wait for the first buds and roots.

Soil and pot

The success of reproduction will depend on how correctly you select the soil. Caring for a monstera at home is not too difficult, but if the soil in the pot is too dense and heavy, then all your efforts will be in vain. Can buy ready mix for ornamental foliage plants, where a little coconut fiber is added. If this is not possible, make the mixture yourself.

To do this, you need to take three parts of sod land and one part each of leafy land, peat, sand and humus. The result is a loose, nutritious mixture that retains moisture well. Pot for young plant you can take a small one. And as you grow, pay attention to the new one being broader. Because aerial roots will descend from each internode.


The breeding efficiency of the monstera also depends on the right conditions. Home care involves regular moistening of the soil and air, spraying the leaves. Do not forget that this plant is a visitor from tropical forests, where there is constant humidity. Overdrying the earth is unacceptable. But the plant also does not like overflow, therefore they do good drainage... Water only warm water... From spring to autumn, you can do this every day, and in winter - as the top layer dries.

The air humidity should be at least 60%, so cover the pot with peat and spray regularly. The hotter it is in the room, the more often you need to carry out water treatments.

Fertilizers and feeding

A large liana needs abundant nutrition. From March to September, the plant needs to be fed with a complex mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. This should be done every 2-3 weeks. By the way, the dosage in the instructions is usually very large, feel free to reduce it by half. Overfeeding the plant is also useless. For adult plants, humus or mullein can be added to the topsoil in summer. But in the winter, you do not need to feed the plant.


A strong vine grows very quickly. Under favorable conditions in the first four years, it will need to be replanted annually. Each time the pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. After the age of five adult plant it is more difficult to transplant, and the procedure can be performed every 3-4 years. But each year it is required to renew the topsoil in those years when the transplant was not performed.

With a young plant, no problems are foreseen. It is necessary to shake the plant out of the old pot, inspect and, trying not to disturb the earthen lump, rearrange it in new pot sprinkled with fresh soil. Usually, this procedure is followed by the appearance of lateral processes, that is, the reproduction of the monstera.

The care and transplantation of plants that have reached the age of five becomes more difficult. Now the pot needs to be taken for growth, about two buckets larger than the previous one. Be sure to install a support in a new pot, and then, together with assistants, transfer the vine to it and add fresh soil. Water well and leave for a day. If the soil subsides, it can be added.

We provide rest in winter

Monstera does not have a pronounced dormant period. She does not shed foliage. Only with a decrease in the length of daylight hours and a decrease in temperature does it stop growth. The plant is waiting for a new period of warm days to please you with rapid growth again. She is able to spend the entire winter period at a temperature of +16 degrees, poor watering and lack of fertilizers. It will even be useful. A month's respite is already capable of giving the plant strength for further growth and development. After that, you can use artificial lighting to increase daylight hours and increase the temperature in the room. The plant will quickly start growing.

Instead of a conclusion

Monstera is one of the most interesting vines. With its delicate leaves, it conquers all lovers of wildlife. It takes up a lot of space, so it is a poor choice for tiny apartments. If there is no problem with this, and you really want to decorate your home - try to get planting material one of the described methods and raise a monster at home.

It is a tropical plant from the lianas family. Her genus comes from the Aroids, which includes more than 50 species. Most of the shrub is located in South and Central America. The name of the flower, translated as a monster, was due to the gigantic massive sizes and bizarre forms of growth. When planting an exotic shrub at home, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with breeding methods and problems encountered during care.

Monsters are evergreen type plants. They do not throw off the foliage during the dormant period, constantly delighting with the bizarre appearance of each of the leaf plates. Plants were given the title of lianas because of the stems that "climb" by wriggling along the next placed objects. At the same time, the structure and volume of the vine is quite thick with airy rhizomes located on the outer part. The latter tend to sag with long fingers. The foliage of the plant is represented by interesting, peculiarly shaped leaf plates. Each leaf has a smooth, leathery type, glossy surface.

The size of the plates of the plant is large, with dissected edges.

Each leaf is located opposite its pair, in a checkerboard pattern. The leaf blade is located on a petiole of considerable size. At the base of the junction of the petiole with the rosette, the latter has a vaginal structure. The plant blooms periodically. Its flower looks like a cob, thick and cylindrical in shape. The flower consists of many small-diameter inflorescences, closely spaced to each other.

The buds located at the base are of no interest to pollinating insects. And the upper inflorescences have both male and feminine principles, therefore, cross-pollinated without outside help... Monsters, when planted at home, are quite unpretentious. They take root well and grow quickly. In favorable conditions, they quickly gain power and grow in different sides... The plant is great for creating coziness in residential premises, as well as in office buildings.

Cutting monstera: terms and rules

Monstera breeds different ways... The simplest and easiest method is propagation by cuttings by cutting off a part of the stem. This requires:

  • Cut the stem of the bush so that at least 2 living buds remain on the cuttings obtained.
  • After preparing the plant, the cuttings are planted in the substrate. To do this, you should select a moisture-absorbing soil mixture, loose in structure, saturated with nutrients and substances. In such a situation, you can use the soil for planting seedlings.
  • Planting is required to be done at an angle, so that the lower kidney is practically buried in the ground, connecting to the ground at an angle.
  • It is not required to fill the stem with additional soil; you can resort to slight fixing of the cuttings in the soil substrate with a staple.

After rooting, it is not necessary to water, if the soil has been saturated with moisture in advance, then additional irrigation is not required. Having planted a plant, either plastic cup, or a plastic bag. This is necessary to reproduce the conditions of the greenhouse. In such a climate, the plant will quickly begin to form rhizomes and take root.

Periodically, an impromptu greenhouse is required to open, ventilate, introduce nutrient moisture and monitor the development of a young plant. After the first young leaf appears, you can open the greenhouse. Such a process will mean that the plant has successfully taken root and took root.

The next step in growing a new plant from a cuttings is to transplant a young seedling to a permanent place of residence in a large, extensive flowerpot. Planting works for propagation of monstera by cuttings, it is recommended to choose the spring-summer period.

This type of reproduction exotic plant in other words, it is called the rooting of layers. This method of obtaining a young plant is not the easiest, on the contrary, it is quite laborious and you should work on it to get a new shrub.

But at the same time, the method of propagation by layering is the most reliable, which guarantees the receipt of an original plant with a repetition of the maternal qualities.

In addition, a plant rooted in this way turns out to be strong and healthy, with good immunity. This is due to the fact that it is this type of exotic that reproduces in wildlife.

The most important thing to get started is to choose the right escape. Initially, a shoot is selected, which should contain the maximum possible number of strong and strong aerial rhizomes. It is not removed from the mother bush. It is required to wait until the formation of young roots.

The next step is to maintain moisture, which stimulates the formation of real rhizomes, which are strengthened in the soil substrate. This process can be done in the following way:

  1. Aerial rhizomes are lined with a specific sphagnum moss. Which is periodically moistened with nutrient moisture by conventional watering or irrigation from a spray bottle.
  2. For long-term preservation of moisture in the moss, they construct a bundle of moss and a layer placed in it. After that, it is wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film. At the same time, it is recommended that the film is not wrapped very tightly near the moss.
  3. When growing roots, you should check this moment. If you do not follow the instructions, the film will block air access and block the ability to develop young roots normally.
  4. The cuttings, together with the aerial roots, are placed in a plastic container filled with water. In order for the plant to grow rhizomes in liquid, the stem is tied to a support.

Only after the appearance of real roots can a new seedling be disconnected from the mother plant and planted in a separate flowerpot for further development. The cut area must be processed using wood ash or crushed activated carbon.

Getting a young full-fledged specimen can be carried out by rooting a leaf plate. This method is long enough and only experienced or stubborn growers can grow a new seedling for them.
The problem with leaf growing is that the plate can start to rot or wither. You can try this time-consuming method of planting and obtaining a young seedling if a leaf was inadvertently broken off.

Breeding features:

  • To obtain rhizomes, the leaf is placed in a volumetric container (for example, 2-3 liter jar) with water. The liquid should be boiled, cooled. Put a small piece of charcoal on the bottom.
  • Planting is recommended when the leaf has a large number of roots. The duration of the appearance of rhizomes may take 1-2 months or more. Therefore, special hopes for growing a plant in this way should not be pinned.
  • When young rhizomes are formed, it is recommended to plant the monster in loose soil with a high content nutrients... You should not bury the sheet deeply. It is imperative to install a support next to it and tie the stem of a young seedling to it.

For the further cultivation of the plant, comfortable living conditions should be provided. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room +20 .. + 23 С, as well as high humidity... In winter, place away from heating appliances and hot batteries.

Monstera does not have a capricious disposition and does not require special care. After planting a young seedling, the same care recommendations should be followed as for an adult plant:

  • Temperature - monstera is not picky, therefore temperature regime is not very important to her. The higher the degrees in the room, the faster and more intensively the plant grows. The optimum temperature for active growth is +16 .. + 25 C. On winter days, the maximum permissible degrees in the room can reach +10 .. + 13 C. But you should not lower the temperature significantly, the shrub can begin to die.
  • Watering - the introduction of nutrient moisture during the growing season (spring and summer) is required to be saturated, but not excessive. Watering is carried out with soft water, previously settled in room conditions. It is recommended to apply moisture as the soil dries up. In autumn, irrigation is significantly reduced, and in winter it is practically stopped, giving the bush time to rest and gain strength for active growth.
  • Humidity - be sure to irrigate the plant periodically with a spray bottle. Thanks to this procedure, the monstera is saturated with moisture with the help of the leaves and dust that has settled on the leaves can be eliminated.
  • Top dressing - during the growing season, the plant requires nutrients. Fertilization is carried out once every 14 days, while complex fertilizers are used.
  • Light - diffused, but bright enough is required. Direct impact rays of the sun on the shrub can adversely affect the surface of the leaf plates. Burns may occur. The best place to establish a plant is in the eastern or western window sills. If it is not possible to move to the other side and the shrub is located on the south side, then the window should be curtained or covered with gauze.

The room on the north side is also an unfavorable condition - the plant will not have enough light, the foliage of the bush will begin to brighten, the plant will wither. The lack of light is due to the size reduction and loss of the carved shape of the sheet plate.

Like any indoor flower monstera, although it is unpretentious, requires some care. If you do not follow simple requirements, then problems may arise in the cultivation of exotic shrubs. There are the following situations in which you should help the plant to come to a normal state:

  1. When a flowerpot with a monster is installed in a darkened room, the development and growth of the shrub stops.
  2. The emergence brown spots on the surface of leaf plates - are formed as a result of spider mites settling on a flower.
  3. The yellowness of the leaves is found - a lack of nutritional moisture.
  4. The leaf turns yellow and rots - excessive watering, you should reduce the volume.
  5. At the edges, the sheet plates become brown and papery, brittle - high temperature in the room or the proximity of the heater.
  6. Yellow spots on foliage - the south side of the location without specific darkening contributes to the occurrence of burns on the foliage.
  7. Foliage "cries" - abundant watering, excessive application of nutrient moisture. It is recommended to reduce irrigation by allowing the soil to dry out.
  8. The plate ceases to be original form, becomes completely solid, without cuts - lack of nutrients in the soil substrate.

Thus, at home, monstera reproduces in a sufficient number of ways with which you can easily get a new plant. The main thing is to adhere to the rules for selecting a seedling and monitor comfortable conditions during the rooting period.

More information can be found in the video: