Changeable beauties. Hydrangea Misbulataya

Not all types and varieties are suitable for Russian gardens. Plants are divided into leaf fall and evergreen. The latter grow only in regions with a warm climate.

Falls are distinguished large leaves Oval shape with a pointed tip. The edges of foliage are smooth or gear, depending on the type of plant.

Inflorescences are divided into types:

  • with small petals of both floors forming seeds;
  • with 4-5 large petals that are fruitless.

Hydrangea Care includes regular soil moisturizing, fertilizer and triggering of shoots. Better to plant young plants in early springSo that they manage to root and moved the first wintering better. Cuttings lined with autumn may die.

The form of inflorescences varies depending on the type of flower: in the form of a pyramid, ball, hemisphere or flat. Genty inflorescences are located in the center, and in the edges there are sterile flowers. There are varieties that all inflorescences form seeds or vice versa are fruitless.

Hydrangea Misbulataya

Miscellaneous hydrangea came to us from the Far East. It is a shrub, about 150 cm high. This species grows well in the districts of Central Russia, is often used for landscaping and decorating garden sites.

Hydrangea flowers reach sizes in diameter up to 30 cm. Obroat Petals are not big size, after pollination quickly fall. Fancy petals grow up to 3 cm, bloom for a long time, gradually change painting with light beige, to greenish-pink with a reddish tint.

For full growth, the soil must be clay, acid. Alkaline medium leads to diseases.

The plant loves moisture, the earth is moisturized within a radius of 1.5 m from the trunk. Requires regular feeders mineral and.

Hydrangea is planted on areas with good illumination of solar rays, protected from winds.

At the end of February or early March, the bush branches are cut. In order for shoots faster, they cut their tips. So that the plant is fluffy blooming to shorten the shoots as short.

It is impossible to carry out trimming when the kidneys and leaves appear. Pruning during the movement of juices weakens hydrangea, the plant is sick and does not bloom in the current year.

The reproduction of the Miscellaneous Hydrangea

This plant is poorly reproduced to achieve a positive result of growth stimulants.

Miscellaneous hydrangea is multiplied:

  1. Diggers. Make a deepening, branch bend to the ground. Throw into a thick layer of soil so that the top remains on the surface. It is tied up to the vertical support. A year later, the root system and the seedling can be transplanted. This operation is carried out in spring or early autumn.
  2. Stalling. After trimming, branches that have from 3 to 5 knots are taken. Put them for a few days in water solution weak manganese. Before falling into the ground, the lower sections are treated with a growth stimulator. The shoots planted in advance prepared soil, deepening on 2/3 of length. You can crop cuttings from green shoots and land in pots. Capacities are covered polyethylene film To create a greenhouse effect.

The soil for planting cuttings is prepared from a mixture of 2 parts of the peat and 1 part of the sand. Peat poured onto the bottom of the container, and on it sand. The cuttings are inserted so that it does not take the bottom layer.

Pots with lined shoots put in the basement, regularly moisturizes the soil. In the spring, young shoots appear on the cuttings, after that planted on permanent place Growing.

The first three years requires more serious care for hydrangea. Young plants are covered on winter. They gradually harnessed, become resistant to minus temperatures.

If hydrangea is liked, it moves well enough and the spring releases new shoots.


Holy Hortensia tree is North America. The plant is a shrub that achieves height from 1 to 3 m. It is characterized by large inflorescences in the shape of a ball or triangular belt. The color is most often white, but it happens cream, pink, blue, depending on the variety and degree of soil acidity.

Hydrangea tree has many varieties. Their species, characteristics and photos are presented in Table:

Variety Characteristics Photo
Anabel Well tolerate frosty winters. It grows up to 1.5 m high, has cream-white inflorescences and pointed leaves. Flowering period from late July to September.
Sterilis Loves moisture, but water should not be stood in the ground. Requires drainage and regular irrigation device.
Mahova Differs in greenish-white flowers resembling fur fluffy balls.
Pink Pinkushen The inflorescence of the reddish shade in shape, resemble the pyramid.
Bounty Lush inflorescence consists of a variety of small white flowers.
Heers Starberst It has large white inflorescences. The flowering period continues until the first frost. Well tolerate harsh winters.
Incredibl Throughout the period of flowering, the color from greenish to the snow-white.
Grandiflora He loves moisture, poorly tolerant sun. Planting this variety is better in half. Hydrangea flowers are distinguished by a triangular shape.
Strong Anabel It has very lush inflorescences of a spherical shape.
Pink Anabel or Invinsibel Pink lush inflorescences resemble lilac color.

As can be seen in the photo, hydrangea varieties differ in shades, form and size of inflorescences.

Growing a tree hydrangea

Hydrangea tree is growing well on shady areas with sublibious sour soil. For group landing of hydrangea hydrogen, space is placed so that around each bush remains 2 m of free space.

Plant breeds:

  1. Dividing bush. You need to be careful not to damage the entire bush. The soil moisturizes. 15 cm from the stems dug up the ground with a pitchfork. Shrub tilt without removing from the planting hole. Cut off part of the shoots together with the root using a sharp knife or endowed shovel.
  2. Stalling. Cropped cutlets put into water with a weak solution of mangalls for several days. Then planted into a well-fertilized ground and watered.

When planting hydrangea to the ground, the lower 2 sheets are broken, and the upper shoots are cut into 2/3. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and the plant will be faster.

For a faster adaptation, a small greenhouse made of metal or wooden rods, which stretch the dense polyethylene film.

The hydrangea hydrangea trimming is performed in autumn and in the spring, all sections of the sections are treated with a solution of manganese, and on top covered with wax.

At the permanent place of growth, hydrangea is planted on the third year.

With caution, nitrate fertilizers are used, with a large content of them in the soil, the stem is weakened, the resistance of the plant is reduced to the effects of minus temperatures, leads to diseases of the shrub.

Cherry Hydrangea

An interesting variety of shrubs is hydrangea cherry. It is characterized by the fact that it does not have a trunk, refers to varieties of Liana. Popted when placing landscape design.

There are many varieties that differ in the form of leaves, color and high. Landing and care for Hydnesia Cherchekova in the Moscow region is carried out according to general rules. The plant loves a wet acidic soil, poorly tolerates the sun rays, so it is better to plant it in a half.

The most sought-after hydrangea varieties, their photos and characteristics are presented in Table:

Variety Characteristics Photo
Petioral The tallest hydrangea with glossy green leaves. It can step up to 25 m in height. In the absence of support, it is hardened on the ground, and reaching the elevation creates the similarity of the bush. Inflorescences with a diameter of 20 cm, light cream, shields. It looks beautiful in the form of a living hedge.
Cordifolia Dwarf variety, shoots are capable of reaching a height of 1, 5 m. In the year it grows by 10 cm. The inflorescences of the white shade have a melting form. In the center there are smaller flowers, and at the edges are larger. Color is characterized by a pronounced honey aroma.
Curly Liana Reaches a height of 3 m. White inflorescences have the shape of umbrellas. Blossom starts from the beginning of June. It is used for gardening arbors, low walls, balconies.
Miranda Reaches a height of 10 m. It is distinguished by wide leaves, with pointed tips decorated with yellowish or cream edge. In the center of the leaves are the pale white bodies. White flowers have a sweet smell.

Liana can steamed on the ground or envelop vertical surfaces. It is used for the design of the arches, fences, facades of country houses.

Place for disembarkation is chosen very carefully, after a few years to tear off the shoots from the support, according to which they are stealing, it will be very difficult.

The optimal soil for cherry hydrangea consists of mixed in equal proportions:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • derdy earth.

Like the above-described varieties, the cherry hydrangea is multiplied with cuttings and discharges.

So that the plant does not penetrate and do not fully worry, it is covered by the winter. Well-rooted plants are pretty well tolerated cold, but on the windy side can fit. In this case, the flowering will not be so lush. To correct the situation, damaged shoots are cut at the end of winter or early spring.

The root system of the plant is not able to focate independently, therefore it is required to fertilize the ground with mineral and organic compositions 4 times a year. For acidification of the soil, the mulching layer of overcoating leaves, bark of trees, needles, sawdust are poured.

The effect of the composition of the soil on the colors of hydrangea

The shade of inflorescence depends on the level of soil acidity. Pink color prevails in plants growing on low acidity soil, the higher the pH, the more blue tint is present in inflorescences.

If you add alum or iron salts to the soil 2 times a month, the inflorescences will change the shade into bluish or blue.

To achieve a change in hydrangea color, you need to increase the pH of up to 6.5. In acidity, less pH 6, a lack of iron is formed in the soil.

Hortensia is grown to decorate houses, parks. This plant is indispensable when landscape design. Decorative shrub exudes the wondrous honey fragrance and pleases the surrounding lush large flowers. The care of hydrangea is not complicated, grow a beautiful bush under the power even a newcomer gardener.

About popular types of hydrangea - video

If you put in your garden of Hydrangea, that never regret it and be sure to fall in love with this plant , Regardless of the type and variety. Hydrangea whole summer will delight you with its unique charm, bringing calm and touching beauty to the garden.
The botanical name of the shrub - Hydrans - know, perhaps, only specialists. Meanwhile, translated from Greek, it means a "vessel with water" and indicates a very important quality of the plant - increased moisture. In Japan, the hydrangea is called "Water Thank you." In the spring and summer, its leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, and if there is little water in the soil, the bush will immediately be sick and will recover with great difficulty. Those who are going to grow Hydrangea in their garden, we must remember about it. And it is definitely worth putting it, because even one bush of hydrangea is able to completely transform the garden, add French charm to it and a classic note.
Hydrangea ( Hydrangea.) refers to the family of hydrangea ( HydrangeAceae.) and includes, according to various sources, from 35 to 70 species. There are straight and curly, leaf fall and evergreen, frost-resistant and thermal-loving, dwarf and tree hydrangeas. Widely cultivated types of moderate belt refer to deciduous plants.

Collenium conditionsi
Often from flowerflowers can be heard of complaints about the fact that already the year Hortensia is blooming. There may be several reasons. It is important to know everything and take into account.
FirstWhat is important for the flowering of hydrangea is balanced nutrition. If you are from great love to overlapping the plant by organica, flowering this year you do not wait. Remember, it is better to subdist than to reconcile: nitrogen can be made only in spring and in moderate doses, and then - only potash-phosphoric feeding.
Second - Hydrangea blooms on last year's gains, as a rule, from the upper kidneys. Namely they are usually damaged by frosts. Therefore, the shelter for the winter is necessarily.
Third - Hydrangea loves scattered sunlight, easy to put up with a native, grows even under the crown walnut. In sunny places, it also takes on, but blooming in this case will be short, the petals will quickly burn, and the decorative effect will be lost.
And some more important aspects. So that Hydrangea felt comfortable in our gardens, she needs a loose, acidic soil rich in humus and nutrient substances. Hydrangea loves freedom and prefers spacious, bright or souvenrous places. And, of course, it must be ensured good irrigationAnd the soil is climbing the crust of coniferous plants or the upper peat.

Pruning hydrangea
Pruning is an important part of the care of hydrangea. All hydrangea varieties react very well on trimming, because It contributes to abundant flowering. Proper trimming Hydrangea is to remove old inflorescences before the first pair of strong and healthy kidney. To avoid unnecessary thickening of hydrangea, in adult plants are also cut into a root of several old, weak or too tightly located branches every year.

For abundant flowering tree and miscellaneous hydrangea Annual spring trimming is recommended, which should be carried out in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. If you be late with this, then hydrangea develops poorly and sometimes it may not even bloom at all.
On the contrary g.orthorza Sadovaya Almost not subject to pruning. The bushes should only be rejuvenated - every fourth branch is cut off from a rapid bush every year, or damaged branches are trimmed. If trim branches (this typical error Beginner gardeners), then you can have lush green hortensia bushes, but without flowering. Exceptions are only the newest groups of varieties - Forever& E.ver® I. You.& Me.®, which bloom on shoots of this year due to faster aging branches.
Pruning hydrangea late in autumn It assumes the cut of all the preserved inflorescences on the bush, this is done so that the branches are not broken by the burden of snow in the winter. Figure on the right - hydrangea garden 'Mariesii Perfecta'.

Diseases and pests
Diseases and pests of hydrangea is almost not amazed. However, in alkaline soils, they may experience a deficit of iron and magnesium, which are vital for the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves. The newly formed leaves can be almost white. In the old days, gardeners were recommended to bury iron objects near pink hydrangea (nails, horseshoes, cans), which should increase the content of iron in the ground and eliminate the manifestation of the deficit. In modern arsenal there are more effective methods, for example, treatment of iron chelates or acidification of soil with iron sulfate.
In our latitudes, the following types are of the greatest practical interest: hydrangea (Nydrangea Arborescens.), hydrangea hydrangea (Nydrangea macrophylla), hydrangea Misbulataya (Nydrangea Raniculata.) I. hydrangea crested (Hydrangea Petiolaris.).

Garden Hydrangea 'You & Me' Perfection Hydrangea Garden 'Forever & Ever'® Peppermint Hydrangea Tree-like' Annabelle '

Hydrangea (Hydrangea Arborescens)
Hydrangea Tree - fast growing shrub From 1 to 3 m high, with a rounded crown and with a bit lowered shoots. The top face of the leaf of the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe tree is green, the bottom - sly. White flowers are collected in palate inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. Fruit box - up to 3 mm magnitude. It blooms abundantly from three years. Flowering long, from the first half of July to October. Hydrangea tree is demanding of soil and its moisturization.
This type of hydrangea has excellent frost resistance - up to -30 ° C. In the case of single frozen branches, they are easily restored and abundantly bloom in the very first year.
In the design of the garden, tree hydrangea is an architectural and exclusively spectacular plant. It is perfectly combined with roses, clematis and lilies. Surprisingly looks good in wood-shrub compositions and in living unformed hedges.
Hydrangea AnnaBelle
Hydrangea Arborescens.AnnaBelle
Hydrangea AnnaBelle - Very spectacular beautiful shrub shrub, with huge, up to 20-25 cm, white inflorescences. It has long, from July to October, blossom. A feature of the variety AnnaBelle It is the right, hemispherical form of inflorescences and a color change: when there is a pale green, and then white.
Requirement for illumination - halftime, however hydrangea AnnaBelle May grow at sunny places, as well as in the shade, with multiple lighting. It is distinguished by winter hardiness, rapid growth, demandingness to the soil and its moisturity. Better than other species transfers the presence of lime in the soil.
An adult bush has an almost right spherical shape. The height and diameter of the crown of an adult plant - up to 2.5 m, although often the height of this variety is up to 1.5-2 m. Crown is wide and spread, very beautiful. The leaves are rounded, 8-15 cm, from the top side bright green, with the bottom - lighter. Autumn coloring green leaves.

Hydrangea Large, or Sadovaya (Hydrangea Acrophyla)
Hydrangees are a wet soil plants. Depending on the species, they are more or less dependent on the constant presence of moisture in the ground. Most demanding on wet soil and shading garden hydrangea ( Hydrangea. Macrophyl.l.a.).
In natural conditions, this is a plant - perennial shrub up to 1 m high, which very plentifully blooms with large spherical inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. At the beginning of flowering, this species has a pale green color, and then it takes on white, blue, pink, lilac, red and purple colors. Garden hydrangea is not enough frost-resistant and often freezes in the climate of Ukraine, with the exception of the south of the country and Transcarpathia. If we carry out the insulation of the plant for the winter with the help of agrofiber, then the hydrangea garden will always delight you abundant and long flowering.
Hydrangea Sadovaya 'You & Me'® ToGether

Finding breeders steel groups of varieties You.& Me.® (frost resistance - up to -20 ° C), having two wonderful qualities - a two-color flower in inflorescences and the ability to bloom at the first year branches already in August of the first year due to a faster thread aging process. This sensation is also a group of varieties. Forever& E.ver®, which also blooms on the first year branches.
This means that even if the entire above-ground part of the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthese two unique clusters will get out, on the new shoots rising in the spring in August there will be excellent, huge crimson-pink inflorescences.
Hydrangea is wonderful, hardy shrubs, which, of course, should be included in the list of ten best blooming plants in the world. Many of us remember the hydrangea growing in grandmother's gardens, and think about them as old-fashioned plants. Those old varieties really had one drawback - were usually too high and debt. However, in recent years, breeders have developed several excellent new varieties that are more compact and suitable for small gardens.
One of those dwarf varieties - Hortensia Blauer Zwerg. (sometimes sold as 'Lavblau.). Its height is about 0.8-1 m. Flowers spherical, in diameter - 12-17 cm, cover the entire bush. Coloring flowers - from pink to bright blue, flowering time - June-July. Flowers on the shoots of last year. Figure on the right - hydrangea garden 'Wim'sred'.

Hydrangea Sadovaya '' Blauer Zwerg '
Garden Hydrangea 'Freudenstein'
Hortensia Sadovaya Freudenstein. one of the tried varieties. Its height is about 1.2-1.5 m. The foliage is brilliant, dark green all season. Flowers spherical, in diameter 12-17 cm, completely covered the bush. Coloring flowers - from bright pink on alkaline soil to purple-purple on sour. Flowering time - July-August, often and longer. Flowers on the shoots of last year. (Photo number 13)
Hydrangea hydrangea Gerda Steiniger. - The height is about 0.9-1.2 m. The foliage is brilliant, dark green all season. This variety is very popular due to huge spherical inflorescences, changing their color during the summer. Coloring flowers - from saturated-pink on alkaline soil to blue and purple on sour. Flowering time: July - before the start of autumn. Also blooms on the shoots of last year.

Garden Hydrangea 'Freudenstein'

'Mariesii Perfecta. (previously known as 'Blue Wave. ) - Well known and popular French variety, which is considered a perfect and classic sample of hydrangea. It is a small, 1-1.5 m, leafy shrub with glossy, light green leaves. From the beginning of the summer, it is covered with a large number of umbrella infraces, evenly distributed over Krone. Each inflorescence is painted in colors from pale-lilac blue to light pink, depending on the acidity of the soil.

Hortensia Sadovaya 'SIBILLA. (Synonym 'Masja. ). The German grade of garden hydrangea, distinguished later than others, flowering timing. The bush is compact, up to 1.0-1.5 m high, with dark green shiny foliage. Inflorescences of spherical, large, diameter of 15-30 cm, color - from purple to dark pink depending on the soil reaction, by the end of summer can become greenish-pink. Figure on the right - hydrangea garden 'sibilla'.

Hydrangea Misbulataya (Hydrangea. p. aniculata)
Miscellaneous hydrangea is a shrub with a rounded thick crown, elliptical or egg-shaped leaves up to 12 cm long. From above, the leaves are lowered weakly, from below - much stronger, especially in the veils. Flowers in long wide-bridal leafy panicles - up to 25 cm long, honeycomb. It blooms long - from mid-June to October. The durability of the plant can be envied - there are mention of 60-year-old bushes in the literature.
The most common varieties of the buggy hydrangea in Ukraine - Mathilda., Kyushu., Uniqueare characterized not only by large flowers and long-lasting flowering, but also by the presence of a pleasant fragrance.
Grade Hydrangea Mistelstea Wim's Red Immediately became world sensation: it has a very large inflorescence - up to 30-35 cm long, with a charming aroma of honey. But this is not all of its dotability. This grade of hydrangea inflorescences until the end of July have white colorIn August, they acquire a pink shade, and since September is burgunduous red. The flowering period is very long - from mid-June to October. (Photo number 20)
Today on the green market also presents new Mestelsaya hydrangea varieties for Ukraine - Vanille Fraise ® , Bobo. ® and Silver Dollar. .
Socuagement Vanille Fraise® Have a beautiful I. tender combination Tones - from white to deep pink at the same time on a bush in summer. At the end of the summer, a juicy pink-raspberry color is acquired.
Hydrangea Misbulataya Grandiflora.
Hydrangea Paniculata.Grandiflora.

All well-known and very popular variety. With all the diversity of hydrangea varieties, many gardeners prefer the old and proven variety 'Grandiflora.. It is grown in the form of a strain or bush with a rounded thick crown. Without trimming, the plant can reach 10 m in height. Typically, the height of the plant is about 3 m, with the same crown width.
It has abundant and long blossoms. Any annual escape from hydrangea is usually ends with infloretia, and it is a lot of shoots. Flowers in blooming cream-white, in full bloom pure-white, then pink, autumn - greenish-red, are collected in wide-bridal inflorescences up to 30 cm long. Flowers 2-3 months since July. Flowering is very abundant - branches can fall to the ground under the weight of inflorescence.
Withstand very coldyEven if it comes out, it is soon restored. Grow this variety is better at open sunny places, although it can grow in half.
Use for mixboraders, creating arrays, in single and group landings, can be planted in beautifully blooming hedges. This bush will decorate the gazebo, it will be good to look at the input zone; Beautiful plant for thematic, for example, "white" gardens.
Hydrangea Misbulataya Unique
Hydrangea Paniculata.Unique

Spectacular large shrub is valued for the huge cone-shaped metels of cream-white flowers appearing in the middle of summer. White flowers, with pink flows, are collected in large inflorescence up to 25 cm in size, they have a pleasant fragrance. Perfectly suitable for summer cut and winter bouquets. Blossom abundant and long.
Altystrika is about 3 m, and the same diameter of the crown. Leaves are green in summer and autumn, large, 10-14 cm long. It grows very quickly, frosty, demanding of fertility, moisture and soil acidity. Optimal conditions - Weakness, fertile, wet, drained soils. Better development It reaches on solar or feverish sections. May grow in the shade. For more abundant flowering, the annual spring trimming of shoots on 2/3 lengths is recommended.
One of the few shrubs blooming from the second half of the summer to a deep autumn, when a little blooming plants remain. Perfectly feels in the conditions of the city.
In landscaping, it is used to create a scene, a back plan in compositions, can form beautiful freely growing living hedges. This variety can also be used for single landings on the lawn, to decorate large open spaces, as an element of tall scale mixtures.
Hydrangea Misbulataya Kyushu.
Hydrangea Paniculata.Kyushu.
It has a large number of spectacular white inflorescences up to 30 cm in size, with a strong and pleasant smell. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences are white, but gradually become pink. The bloom is very long - from mid-July and to frosts. The branches of this grade of hydrangea can be used for bouquets, summer and winter.
Variety Kyushu. -Stavnik height up to 2-3 m and with the same diameter of the crown, which has a fan-shaped form. The leaves are dark green, glossy, on this basis it is easy to distinguish between other varieties. It grows very quickly, frosty - up to -25 ° C, demanding of fertility, humidity and soil acidity. Optimal conditions - weakness, fertile, wet, drained soils. Best Development reaches on solar or sexualized sections. For more abundant flowering, the annual spring trimming of shoots on 2/3 lengths is recommended.
It is valued for long-term flowering, fast and active growth, stability in urban conditions. Like I. Unique used for landings on open spaces, creating powerful, tall mixboraders or freely growing hedges.

Hydrangea crested (Hydrangea Petiolaris)
The hydrangea is still called the climbing or plenty. The birthplace of this wonderful hydrangea is Sakhalin and Japan. This species, unfortunately, is not yet very widespread in our gardens. But this is almost the only liana with large flowers and long blossom, which can grow in a half and at the same time perfectly bloom. This is a liananized shrub, which has a lot of air roots and suckers, with the help of which, attaching to the crust of trees and other surfaces, climbs to a height of up to 25 m. In the absence of hydrangea support, the hydrangea is griming on the ground. Blood-cream inflorescences, very large, up to 20 cm in diameter, fragrant, beautiful moon. Young seedlings for the first years are increasing the above-ground part very slowly, and it is difficult to believe how giant hydrangea can become over time. But after three years, the plant is rapidly increasing its branches. The hydrangea is not very demanding of the soil fertility, prefers wet loams, but does not like water stagnation and overvoltage.
Pleetish hydrangea in vertical landscaping is necessarily cut off to ensure a balanced growth of branches in different directions - vertically and horizontally. To do this, it is necessary to observe the correct ratio of vertical growth and branching plants. This is usually achieved by quite intense trimming of fast-growing plants. At the same time, it is necessary to direct and tie the stems to close the wall area, and trim the growing shoots from them to stimulate the formation of side shoots.

Varieties and types of hydrangea in modern world Very varied. Passing by hydrangea, it is impossible not to evaluate its beauty, tenderness, grace and luxury. It is customary to take this shrub most popular in the environment of flowers lovers. I wonder why? It is quite easy to explain it: it blooms for a long time, not capricious in care, and he has a lot of varieties that everyone can choose a variety to yourself.

If the gardener wants his garden to decorate hydrangea, it is necessary to ensure everything the necessary conditions existence, I. correct care. On how to do it, and will be told in this article.

Garden hydrangea must be surrounded by comprehensive complex care. First you need to decide: in which corner of the site to put it, so that it was comfortable. This is an important factor on which it depends on how hydrangea will feel and look. It is a pity, but not always the place is chosen for this plant correct.

Types of hydrangea

Statistical data on the types of this plant are contradictory. 30-85 types of hydrangea are derived. This plant attracts attention to bright green leaves of large size, as well as the fact that he has large blurred inflorescences in the form of a ball.

Inflorescences are unusual in their structure. The center is decorated with small fruit flowers, which, over time, form a box with seeds. At the edges of the inflorescences are decorated, large in size, fruitless flowers. Also at the edges - several enlarged cups.

Hydrangees that do not require increased attention when careing is considered:

  • tree;
  • miscelred;
  • large.

In this regard, it is these species that are widely demanded by gardeners, in contrast to other species. Russian flowerflowers have already been successfully bred, rarely common varieties of hydrangea, as a tuberous and dabutant. You need to read more with them.

Miscellaneous hydrangea

In the wild, this plant can grow both in the form of shrubs and in the form of compact trees, growing up to 8, and even up to 10 m. The plant can be a resident of Japan, China.

The Far East of the Russian Federation is the region you can meet Hydrangea. Roots, in its diameter, much larger than the diameter of the crown, despite the location of the roots close to the surface of the soil. The form in the leaves oval, and the leaf plates can reach from 10 to 12 cm in length.

Burned inflorescences that have a cone shape and a largely wide foundation are the most attractive for gardeners. Inflorescences can reach a height of 25 cm, and more. Meethers consist of 2 types of flowers. Large, 25-30 mm are fruitless flowers. Usually, they have 4 petals. Interestingly, color during the whole season can be changed. For example, it was green or white, and became a pink or other color. It all depends on the variety.

The properties of flowers, which are called the flutters - to lose their snow-white petals. They are very small. They please their bloom when they reach the age of 4 or 5 years.

The first flowers can reveal, only when the third decade of June came. With the onset of the first frosts (usually, by the beginning of October), beautiful hydrangea inflorescences may die. In addition to its decorative function, hydrangea flowers are used as plants - honeycomb. In those places where there were flowers, the appearance of fruits - boxes with small seeds.

Video - Overview: Top 10 most beautiful varieties of hydrangea hydraulic

Benefits of growing hydrangea

  • In places where there is a lot of shadows, she feels great.
  • It has a rapid growth.
  • Withstand low temperatures.
  • Grow this plant as a strambet tree or like a shrub.
  • It has a large number of beautiful varieties and species.

Popular varieties with descriptions and photos

Belgian biologists gave the world Bobo variety. This hydrangea has gained great popularity, since its growth is 70 cm, no more. Gardener is easy to determine the place for this plant on the site. Bobo is a representative of the varieties that ripen early. May blossom can delight eyes attractive external species Hydrangea flowers, which have a soft pink shade. The bush visually quite tightly looks, is distinguished by a bright saturated greens.

Hydrangea Miscellaneous grade Bobo - Very demander for trimming

In the height of the vanilla frame, the Frais can be wrapped up to 1.5 meters. Nevertheless, it is considered one of the most popular. Lovers of this plant emphasize what the density and size of inflorescences growing in the form of a pyramid. Interestingly, the inflorescence is always 2 shades: white top, and light pink bottom. Externally, you can compare with a type of cupcake called "Horn".

Hydrangea Miscellaneous Vanilla Freiz - fast-growing shrub, withstand low temperatures

Wims Red is a high shrub that reaches one and a half meters in the growth. The variety was widely known due to the shade of flowers. During the flowering period, the inflorescences may amaze the flower of the game of paints. So, initially a snow-white shade gradually becomes bright red, burgundy. Since the variety is frost-resistant, absolutely any region of the Russian Federation will be suitable for its cultivation. But, if it is Siberia or the Far East, it will be necessary to further cover the bushes for the winter.

Wims Red is a relatively new hydrangea grade, long blooming bush.

To the plants that give their beauty in the late period, the Hortensia of Grandiflower is assigned. Its very often, gardeners living in the warm regions of the Russian Federation prefer to plant on their sites. Distinctive trait This species is the change of shades of inflorescences 4-5 times during the season. The beginning of flowering is marked with a cream-white tint of flowers, which then get a snow-white color. By the end of the season, the cone-like inflorescence will delight the eyes of the Red - Green Tint.

Grandiflower - especially relevant when making the main stairs

The berry miracle is 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle beyond the fairytale fee is suitable for the windowsill, loggia, balcony, verandas - any place in the house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest after 3 weeks. Wonderful berry fairytale fertile round year, not just in summer, as in the garden. The life of the bushes from 3 years and more, from the second year you can add feeding to the soil.

Diamond Rouge is a variety that reaches 1.5 m high height. Fitting gamma flowers varies from white to calm pink tonesAnd the leaves, with the approach of the autumn season, from bright green color, become bright orange.

Diamond Rouge - a new grade of hydrangea hydrangea. Frost-resistant. It is considered the most beautiful variety.

Not so long ago, Hydranges Limelaight, derived by US scientists, appeared. The flower of Russia met this "Beauty" a few years ago. As the creators assure, the shrub is growing up to 1 m in height. This variety, today, did not buy many admirers, but the beauty of inflorescences cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Hydrangea Miscellaneous Limelaight - has strong shoots, flowers at the end of the flowering period change their blooms on a gentle pink

Vinki Pinki's grade pleases the gardeners with its bloom, starting from the 15th of July, and until the end of September. Cone-shaped inflorescences have 2 color: on top of white, bottom - purple. Since inflorescences do not have too much density, it is possible to consider the beauty of each flower separately. With the onset of the autumn season, the leaves become a bright yellow shade.

Hydrangea Pinky Vinki - frost-resistant grade, flowering period is five months from June to October

Pink Daimond - This variety loved Europeans for the height of the shrub. On average, the bush grows up to 2 meters. Gardeners of Russia prefer this grade hydrangea to plant in those areas whose area is large.

Pink Diamond - a very unpretentious grade of hydrangea

Distinguished by Santa Freiz from other species of her spreading crown. Causes certain difficulties to collect it in the bush, and giving the necessary form. Gardeners of Russia this grade love, as these inflorescences of hydrangea change their shade with gently green to pink.

Sunday Freiz - a bush has symmetric form

Shrub Silver Dollar is quite spread, can reach 1.5 meters in height. Pale - yellow inflorescences have the form of a cone. Since the beginning of flowering, and before its end, gradually yellow Petals becomes snow-white.

Silver Dollar - Misceltering Hydrangea variety is not very worse to the soil, it is allowed to land into the weakly acidic soil.

Late representative is a grade phantom. It will be happy with his bloom, since the 14th and 14th of August, and ending in the first numbers of October. This shrub, with a spreaded crown, can achieve 2 meters in growth. Snow-white flowers have a gentle-lilac tide.

Phantom - one of the most beautiful bushes Among the varieties of hydrangea by swelling. Successfully used in landscape design

Hydrangea Miscellaneous every year is presented in a wide range. A flyer of flowers can pick up liked the variety, and before it is planted, he must familiarize himself with the peculiarities of its cultivation on the site.

Hydrangea Large (or garden)

Hydrangea garden is perennialgrowing in the form of a decorative shrub. Approximately fractures in a height of up to 2 meters. There is no fruit, has straight stems. Color color: purple, blue or white. The shade will depend on the state of hydrangea and the level of soil acidity. Green leaves of ordinary form. This is a fast-growing view that places increased requirements for the composition of the Earth. Limestones can not tolerate. I am glad to bloom, starting from August, and ending November. Very loves the sun rays and warmth. The plant is able to withstand low temperatures (maximum-30 degrees). Widespread in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. With the help of the efforts of agrotechnikov, and the owners of the near Moscow areas were able to grow this type of hydrangea in their gardens. Most often, plant resistant varieties.

Common varieties

Wound a wide fame of such grades of garden hydrangea:

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Well carrying winter, "Expression" variety can bloom, and on the stems of the current year, and also effectively on last year's branches. Visually, flowers can be compared with water lily. Their shade will depend on the acidity of the soil. If alkaline primer, flowers will be pink shade, if sour - lilac-blue shade. Collected flowers in shields. Flowers for quite a long time, starting from the middle of the summer, and before the onset of cold.

Hydrangea Large Expression perfectly tolerate freezing, does not require special care in winter

The Ever Peppermint bush is growing up to 60 cm height, was brought by Japanese breeders. It has a color of 2-colors, depending on the acidity of the soil. Middle in blue or pink colors with white edging.

Hydrangea largest Ever Peppermint from a series of winter-resistant varieties.
Flowers on the shoots of the past and current year in July-October

Red Sensation is a hybrid resulting from the Early Sensation mutation. It grows up to 80cm in height, in width - also. Skeletons are burgundy color.

Red Sensation This variety is often grown at home, in pots on the windowsill or on the balcony

The name of the Endless Summer variety (Translation "Infinite Summer") says a lot. Flowering is equivalent to well as on the branches of last year and on the branches of the current season. Large flowers There are white, or blue.

Endless Summer Frost-resistant grade, blooms to the most frosts


You can call the hydrangea of \u200b\u200ba tree-like magic flower. It can achieve in height growth of 3 m. The leaves are oval. Their length is 20cm. Flowers are very small. They are in luxurious lush inflorescences. It has an average degree of frost resistance, at low temperatures can be frozen. But, with the onset of spring, he can come around, and please the gardeners with his amazing beauty throughout the summer. This form of hydrangea needs to be cropping almost under the root so that the flowers are maintained in proper form. It is desirable to spend it in April, every year. If you care for the rules, the plant until the end of the autumn season will bloom, and give your beauty. This type of hydrangea is very popular in the gardener environment.

The US North is the homeland of hydrangea. Externally, it is a straight bush that has white flowers collected in inflorescences in the form of a hemisphere, growing up to 25 cm. Hydrangea tree is distinguished by rapid growth, and in the care is not capricious. She was noticed was in color lovers back in a distant 18th century, so this luxurious and spectacular flower liked many people.
This species, like other types of hydrangea, is negative about dry, strongly acidic and non-fermentation.

It is necessary to keep in mind!

If you have to buy seedlings of tree hydrangea, then you need to choose those varieties that are best adapted for the future of cultivation.

If only lime barely, the flower is fine. From the beginning of the summer and until the end of September, there is a gentle boring, which will become a gentle green shade by the end of summer. The flowers are typical for a long time not to wither, hold the shape, save the shade. Very often, these flowers are used to create Iquiban.


  • The tree grade is a shrub plant reaching 3 m in height.
  • This subspecies differ in a rounded crown and saved shoots.
  • It has an interesting feature - the leaves of 2 colors. Leaves from the bottom of the SIZAL color, and at the top - green.
  • Inflorescences have absorbed fruitless flowers and flourling. The first appearance (fruitless) flowers of large size up to 2 cm in diameter. They are few. Pretty flowers set, but they are small, and are in inflorescences in the shape of a shield, a diameter of up to 15 cm.
  • At shrubs fruit, a view of a miniature (up to 3 mm) boxes.
  • When hydrangea reaches the age of 4, it blooms, and it is distinguished by long blossoms (from June to October). After that, in October, fruits ripen.

Resistance to low temperatures made this kind of incredibly popular. Hydrangea can withstand and temperature -30 degrees. If even the shoots were frozen, they will be able to recover, and the next season will delight the eye with an excellent cloud of snow-white colors.

Tree hydrangea varieties with description and photo

Today, tree hydrangea is represented in the widest selection. But in demand are, mostly very attractive and frost-resistant varieties.

The gardeners have the greatest demand for such varieties of tree hydrangea:

The owner of cream flowers collected in inflorescences - balls with a diameter of 20 cm, is Annabel. Usually, the height of this hydrangea is no more than one and a half meters. The volume is impressive - can reach 3 meters. Flowers all three year old months. Under the weight of flowers, stems, over time, lean towards the ground. The feature of the variety to pay attention is that the initial color of foliage does not change until the very onset of the first cold.

The favorite of all gardeners hydrangea The tree Annabel is distinguished by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness.

Grandflower variety was obtained by a selection of Annabel's variety. A feature is very large flowers, as well as beige or lemon color leaves. If proper care is ensured by the plant, the bush in height can grow to one and a half or two meters. All summer, up to September, you can admire blossom.

The highlight of the variety of incredibly is large size flowers in inflorescence. But I like the gardeners this variety by changing the original color of the petals, with time, with a green on white-white. The adult plant bush reaches up to 1.5 - 3 m in height. The stalks of the plant are not strong enough. Therefore, when hydrangea blooms, they are lowered to the ground under the weight of large inflorescences that can be in diameter up to 30 cm.

Incpeedibll rarely grown in Russia, has beautiful round large inflorescences

Sort Invinsibelle - as a "dark horse" among other varieties. The inflorescences of this hydrangea have a dark pink shade, and their form, like lilac branches. But, under the influence of the Sun, the inflorescences are saturated with color, and become a gentle pink color.

Info-dollars the new kind hydrangea, as color coloring flowers becomes more rich

A small variety of pink pink washed, as it grows into width only by one and a half meters, and the bush itself grows only to 1 m 20 cm. Pink-white flowers are collected in inflorescences in the shape of a pyramid. Throughout the color of flowering, the color does not change.

Pink peeking grade blooms from June to September. It has a gentle, barely catchy fragrance.

Distinguishes grade sterilis stability of cuttings to complex conditions ambient, fast growth rates, attractive blossom from mid-summer until mid-autumn. Green petals gradually become snow-white (the same feature of inherent in the hydrangea incentlas). This plant grows up to 2 m in height, and the width of the bush can be 2.5 m.

Sterilis The most popular variety of tree hydrangea

Frost-resistant Kuste Hayes Starberst pleases his bloom from the first days of June, and up to the beginning of the cold. The variety is distinguished from other species that inflorescences created by velvet flowers have the form of the dome. The leaves are rich in bright color, possess an attractive appearance before the onset of frosts. An adult bush has a height of only up to 1 m 20cm. But it is necessary to pay tribute - the stems are very durable in order to withstand the weight of heavy inflorescences.

Hayes Starberst - has large inflorescences that do not form the shape of the balls.

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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Visiting the garden exhibitions, often had to hear such a conversation:

Is it what is your hydrangea?


And ... I already have it.

And not a word about the name of the variety, about the form of inflorescences! Many do not even suspect that there are varieties. If you ask how it looks, answer: "This is so white, with elongated infloresions. Here is a garden hydrangea that is another matter. She has pink, and blue, and two-color varieties ..." It's a shame that the gardeners are so little attention to " White "hydrangea. And the pitcher deserves a special relationship. She has a lot of varieties, and the painting is constantly changing. And in any appearance, it is beautiful.

What is she?

Miscellaneous hydrangea (Hydrangea Paniculata Sieb.) It is a shrub or a small village to 10 m high. Crown is thick, rounded, egg-shaped leaves up to 12 cm long. Flowers in long wide-frame risels up to 25 cm long.

In inflorescence, two types of flowers. The flouring flowers are very small, their petals fall out early. Besle flowers are much larger, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with four white petals. As it blooms, they become pink.

Blossom continues from late June to October. The hydrangea is growing fast, frost-resistant, relatively unpretentious.

Why compare?

Hydrangea has a lot of varieties. They differ in inflorescences, their density, the number of sterile flowers. And, in addition, the difference in shades, both at the beginning of flowering and at the end.

Most gardeners prefer varieties with large, dense inflorescences, in which there are almost no fluttering flowers. They like these snow caps. Compared with these varieties, others seem like "chili, uninteresting."

But, merry, why compare! Take a look at the quality of varieties to a friend. They are all beautiful.

The connoisseurs of hydrangeas are talking about the colors not "chilly", but elegant. They can consider each flower. The charm of these varieties is their airiness, ease. Small flutting flowers resemble lace, and large sterile moths faded on them.

"Motilla" varieties fit well into a natural style, because they do not get out of the overall picture too large, bright colors (photo 4).

Popular varieties

Sometimes in the description of varieties they are divided into moth, green-colorful, pink. The division is very conditional, as well as the name of the groups themselves. It should also be aware that the saturation of the color depends on the conditions of cultivation, in particular on the illumination and acidity of the soil.

Grandiflora. It differs from the type of later flowering and large sterile flowers collected in wide-bridal inflorescences up to 30 cm long. Flowers during the dissolution of the creamy, in full bloom, purely, then pink, autumn greenovatoli.

Phantom (Phantom). Inflorescences are white, dense and very large (up to 25 cm). Over time, flowers acquire a light pivalley tint. Stems are durable, do not run from bad weather.

UNIQUE. White flowers, with pink fruit, are collected in large inflorescences up to 25 cm. In inflorescence and sterile, and flouring flowers. Blossom abundant and long, from July to September. Flowers have a pleasant fragrance.

Bobo (Bobo). Dwarf form of hydrangea, up to 70 cm. It looks very impressive. The impression is enhanced by

the invoice is what we look at the plant from above. The inflorescence is abundant, white, then slightly pose.

Pink varieties

Vanilla Fraise. This variety received the highest award at the Innovert competition in 2007. And so far this hydrangea is considered one of the best. She deserved such a high rating for large, lush inflorescences, which have a very beautiful and gentle combination of tones: from white to netorious. In the fall of the inflorescence of this hydrangea acquire a browomaline color. Stems are powerful, tall, but under the severity of inflorescences sometimes dreamed. A bush requires garter.

Pinky Winky (Pinky Winky). Hydrangea variety with large elegant inflorescences. Sterile flowers are very large, yarn, later with a raspberry tint (photo 8).

Pink Diamont (Pink Diamont). Inflorescences up to 30 cm long consist of fluttering and sterile flowers. Flowers first cream, then become darkorosis, almost red.

Green varieties

At the beginning of flowering, greenish tint is inherent in all varieties of hydrangea. But these varieties have green color and is stronger and stays longer.

Lime Light (Lime Light). The most famous variety in this category. Literally name means "Light Light" or "Lightweight Lyme". Later, the flowers become white, and in the fall they pose (photo 8, 6).

Magical Moonlight. Very expressive grade. Inflorescences dense, elongated, white-plained color. Over time, flowers whites.

Magical Candle. White-colored flowers with a greenish tint, in the fall of dispensers, collected in tightly stuffed, large inflorescences.

Motilla varieties

Tardiva (Tardiva). Looking forming shape, blooms in Augustusy. The inflorescences of cone-shaped, openwork, consist of sterile and fruiting flowers. Very effect on the background of a green car (photo 3).

Kyushu (Kyushu). White flowers, with a pleasant smell, are collected in long and broad inflorescences (photo 10). Part of the flowers are sterile, the rest are fruiting. Flowers from mid-July to mid-October.

Floribunda. Popular and very hardy hydrangea with lace belt. Sterile flowers are large, on long flowers.

Presphus (Rgaesoch). The earliest of the blurred hydrangeas. Blossom starts 6 weeks earlier than other varieties. Petals of sterile flowers in small cloths.

Also, the following varieties can be attributed to Motalka: Pink Diamond, Pink Lady, Last Post, Magical Starlight, etc. They are distinguished by the number of sterile flowers (those of the most "moths" lying on the inflorescence).

Some varieties have sterile flowers so large that it is no longer a moth, but real butterflies. And at the WHITE LADY variety on the petals of elegant teeth.

Very original grade Great Star (photo 9). Pouring flowers fluffy due to long stamens, and sterile is very large. Four petals are screwed and reminiscent of the propeller, and the swap "blades" to 7 cm (separate instances up to 10 cm!).

Fragrant hydrangea?

The catalogs indicate that some of the hydrangea varieties have an aroma. In particular, this characteristic is in the description of Matilda varieties, Kiucha, Junik. However, many gardeners argue that they do not feel the smell. They explain this by those who were sold to the fake, or in the catalogs embellish the varieties in order to make it easier to sell them.

In fact, the fragrance of the flower largely depends on the climate and cultivation conditions. So many flowers smell stronger in the sun and in warm weather. Remember how the southern gardens are fragrant. In the shadow, the smell becomes less distinct. In the middle strip of Russia by the end of summer and in the fall, the air is usually cool and very wet. It is likely that this affects the aroma of hydrangea.

And all the same, some varieties are really fragrant, for example, WIM "S Red.

WIM variety "S Red was brought by the breeder WIM Rutten and immediately became world sensation. This variety has a very large complision (up to 35 cm long) with a chant aroma of honey. But this is not all its advantages. The variety is characterized by a very long flowering period. In summer, inflorescences are white, then become pink, and in September, a saturated burglar grade is acquired.

Silver Cap Monomakh ...

All good hydrangea, but sometimes the stems are running away, and the inflorescences are looking down (photo 11). As a rule, this disadvantage has a variety of dense inflorescences. "Motillas" almost do not suffer from him. There are several techniques that will help cope with this problem.

First of all, you need to comply with the requirements of hydrangea. This will allow you to grow healthy plants With durable stems.

Hydrangea loves water very much, and when weak it is developing weak shoots. Soil should always be wet. To reduce evaporation, mulch the soil or squeeze under the crown of the bush soil plants.

The place should be bright, but better reservoir than a direct sun. In the open place, do not forget the hydrangea more often to water.

The soil is loose, fertile, preferably with an acidic reaction. Tight clay must be disappeared. To do this, add sand and sawdust.

If the soil lacks the acidity, the hydrangea is dull leaves, thin stems and minor inflorescences. At the landing of a riding peat or at least mulch them a rolling circle. Zola, lime, chalk and other deoxidizers for hydrangea are contraindicated.

Also, hydrangea needs pruning. Misseling hydrangea can be trimmed in autumn. But experienced gardeners advise to postpone it until spring. In April, before the awakening of the kidneys, the stems are shortened by about 1/3 of length. All weak and thickening shoots cut out. Strong trimming stimulates powerful growth. The less shoots will remain, the more thicker and stronger. Such stems can withstand heavy hats without garter.

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