We make circles near the trunks. Decoration of the near-stem circle Flowerbeds young trees in a residential

The trunk circle is a piece of soil cultivated near the trunks of any trees. It is needed for oxygen, water and fertilizers to reach the roots of the plant, it has a diameter greater than the diameter of the crown, because the roots are located outside its territory. Processing must be thorough, this should be remembered by any experienced gardener. In a garden where trees have just been planted, such a circle is processed over time: the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. Many experienced gardeners cover it with turf. And modern gardeners prefer mulching near-stem circles, and peat or other decorative materials are used as mulch.

sawdust near the trunk

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Many experienced gardeners are wondering how to keep the soil under fruit trees, for example, an apple tree? Some believe that this area needs to be dug up. Others say that vegetation should be planted. There are many opinions. And in order to make a choice, let's find out the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

What are the benefits of digging:

  1. Remove pests. Most pests overwinter in the ground and, if in autumn period dig up with the turnover of the layer, then many larvae will die from frost.
  2. There will be an additional area for planting plants. The plot under fruit trees, for example, apple trees, is suitable for growing shade-tolerant flowers or vegetable crops.

Brick when decorating a tree trunk

And among the shortcomings should be noted:

  1. Beneficial insects disappear.
  2. Roots can be damaged. The fact is that most plantings have many small roots that absorb moisture from the soil and nutrients, they are located at a depth of approximately 35 centimeters. By digging the soil onto the bayonet with a shovel, more than 50% of these roots are injured or destroyed.
  3. Frost resistance decreases. dug up soil in winter period freezes much deeper than intact. Frost can kill the roots, thus, the tree itself will die.
  4. Soil quality deteriorates.

If we arrange grass lawns, then we will have the following advantages:

  1. Soil quality will improve over time. On the untouched territory, planting roots and earthworms form a special soil structure - loose. As a result, the soil and liquid flow better.
  2. Plants will be fed. Grasses that die off in the autumn decompose over time, and this is a nutrient for trees.
  3. The vegetation under the tree forms an additional type of protection for the roots from the weather. And the heat of the ground does not evaporate so instantly. This is very important point if you have snowless winter periods.
  4. Rooted in summer period do not heat up. The grass serves as an excellent protection for them from the scorching sun.
  5. There will be no need to do extra work: digging the territory and weeding.

Using a container under the barrel

And what do we have from the shortcomings:

  1. The pests are likely to survive. In untouched soil, they will perfectly be able to overwinter, and in spring period vegetation will need to be treated with chemicals. However, if the site is taken care of all the time and disease prevention is carried out, then this is not a particular problem. In addition, living creatures that are useful for plants also survive in the soil.
  2. Loss of a useful plot, for example, for a vegetable garden. But you can plant not vegetables and greens at the table, but flowers, for example, you can plant any bulbous flower under the trees.

We draw a conclusion from the foregoing: the option when grass is planted around the plants has much greater advantages. So you should arrange a meadow under your plantings. Try this option.

Trunk circle decor

On any personal plot you can see - large plantings that take up a lot of space on the territory. Besides important rule- This is tree care, which includes pruning, regular watering and top dressing.

To date, there are many ways to design this area.

Use of natural materials

The circles around the trees are the area around it, which is slightly larger than the diameter of the crown. In gardens where fruit trees grow, in some cases this area is constantly dug up, while the territory is freed from pests. This, of course, becomes a relief for watering, although outwardly it is not very attractive. Therefore, basically the circles are made smaller - about a meter in diameter and apply some kind of design. The most environmentally friendly way to decorate is to use natural materials, such as shredded bark.


Sawdust is also a popular way, however, they need to be taken old. They are perfect for conifers and shrubs, because with such top dressing they grow well. The soil under mulching dries out less, it partially restrains the reproduction of pests. In order for the mulch to remain separate from the soil and pests to spread less, it is better to first lay black spunbond on the ground, and pour mulching materials in the next layer. As a limiter, logs or pebbles can be used. For example, the use of coconut fiber as a mulch today has received wide use. Because coconut fiber mulch looks beautiful, in addition, useful fertilizers for plants can be obtained from coconut fiber.

Inert materials

Often, in order to arrange on a personal plot, they use an inert material - coarse or fine gravel or pebbles. On the appearance such inert materials look very impressive, you can see for yourself. They are eternal because they do not rot. They are laid under a tree, they do not scatter and retain liquid, while also preventing the growth of pests. Around the trunk, many gardeners also make limiters from plastic borders or stones. A very beautiful border around a tree trunk can be obtained if it is decorated with a large white color pebbles and colored glass.

Lawn near trees

In some embodiments, it can be arranged in such a way that the lawn adjoins immediately to the trunk. This is best done in cases where large trees are already growing in the garden area, the diameter of the planting trunks is about 18 centimeters.

In some parks, this decor method is used: if they grow on paths, turf is laid near them at a low height, limiting the raised borders.

Decor with plants

They look spectacular and beautiful if decorated with decorative leafy plant varieties. Basically, the ground is shaded under the trees, in this embodiment great solution there will be a shade-tolerant plant, for example, a variety of hostas, ferns and so on. Plants can be planted freely or planted in low modules of stones or bricks.

Compositions from hostas near the trunks look very attractive. They can also be used to create a beautiful picture, complementing it with juicy palettes. In the spring, when there are still no leaves on the tree and there is a lot of light, this role is played by plants such as crocus or dwarf anemone. In summer, based on the degree of shade, other plant varieties are chosen. With strong shading, a plant such as creeping tenacious or ever-flowering begonia is used. In places with a lot of light, it is better to plant lilies or other annuals.

In some cases, small compositions can be enclosed in low stone borders.

Owners of small plots often have a problem - where to place a flower bed? All places are already occupied, even the cornices and the porch, where flowers are placed in containers. Solution: arrange a flower bed under a tree.

However, not all trees are suitable for placing a flower garden under them. Conifers with a dense and dense crown are not suitable because of the shade. Trees over 6-7 meters high have a powerful, strongly overgrown root system in the surface layers of the soil and will take water and nutrients from the flowers. It is better to choose small fruit trees, oaks or others with a scattered crown.

So that the plants do not stay in the roots, it is better to slightly raise the flower bed by 20 cm.

It is better to choose for such flower beds shade-tolerant and plants that bloom early (tulips, hyacinths, etc.)

How to arrange a flower bed under a tree

We mark the perimeter of the flower garden and dig a groove along the edge. We remove the sod with the roots of herbaceous plants.

We lay a metal fence around the perimeter of the flower bed (sold in gardening stores) or stones.

We pour a layer sawdust(mulch). it keeps weeds from growing.

4) Add a layer of soil (10-15 cm)

We plant plants and water them well.

tree flower options

1. Most often, flower beds under a tree are made in the form of circles and flat. But you can arrange a flower bed in the form of a "hat" by making a mound. Here is one option that can be placed under a small tree that lets in a lot of sun.

2. Creeping phlox mixed with tulips is very decorative. In combination with stones, a real rockery is obtained.

3. Grow well under trees pansies, petunia and nasturtium. They create a dense bright fluffy carpet.

Now the place under the tree will become one of the most beloved parts of the garden. Set up a bench or hammock nearby and enjoy.

Many owners of suburban areas dream of having a garden surrounded by greenery and fragrant flowers. But for the successful implementation of the idea and the creation of a picturesque artistic image, every centimeter of the earth has to be used. As practice shows experienced gardeners lush and elegant flower beds can be equipped not only in open areas, but also used for this purpose and near-trunk circles of trees.

It is rare to find a summer cottage or a suburban area where fruit trees would not grow. But these plants with spreading crowns and well-branched root systems take up a lot of space on the site. How to rationally use the near-trunk area under the trees to make the garden more elegant and attractive, but at the same time not harm the plants?

Flowerbeds and plant compositions are best broken under mature trees. After all, fragile young seedlings in the garden are more vulnerable

Young seedlings need careful care. Their trunk circles must be left open, as they are needed for fertilization and watering. The opinion that the roots of trees grow, going straight down into the ground, is erroneous. Some of them are located in the upper layers of the soil, deepening only 40-50 cm. This point should be taken into account when choosing a place for a flower bed so that the roots of neighboring plants do not harm each other in the struggle for life-giving moisture and nutrients.

For example: birch, Walnut and horse chestnut have a strong superficial root system. Any plants in the near-trunk circles of these trees feel uncomfortable. But the apple tree, hawthorn and mountain ash have a tap root system. They are happy to let ferns, ornamental grasses and flowers under their crown, allowing them to turn bare trunk circles into picturesque flower beds.

Although spectacular perennials that can transform any corner of the garden are not entirely advisable to plant under the crowns of trees, among the variety of magnificent plants you can always choose flowers that feel great in a little shading.

When creating flower beds around trees, you should follow the same principles as when arranging flower beds on open area. The only difference is to carefully choose plants that will be comfortable in conditions of lack of moisture and light, and also carefully (with minimal damage to the root system of the tree) till the soil before planting flowers.

What should be considered first?

When thinking over the place for arranging a flower garden, it is important to imagine how the plants planted under the tree will look like in a couple of years. When choosing flowers, one should take into account the characteristics of the soil composition on which they prefer to grow, their resistance to temperature changes, lack of moisture.

At the site of the arrangement of the future flower garden, with the help of a small spatula, we clean the soil from small roots penetrating the soil, debris and stones. The roots of the trees should not be touched. But it is necessary to determine their density in advance by digging with a shovel in several places of the future flower garden, going deep into the bayonet. If each time the shovel rests on an extensive network of roots, it is better to look for another place for a flower bed. A variant of digging the roots is possible, in which the "interfering" branches are moved apart to the sides, creating small "pockets" for planting flowers. If, when arranging a flower garden, partial pruning of the tree roots is indispensable, then when performing work, one should be guided by the principle that no more than 10 percent of the entire root system can be “chopped off”. After pruning the root, you will also have to shorten the crown of the tree, reducing it by the same amount.

The bottom of the dug holes, intended for arranging the planting pits of flower beds, is lined with non-woven material or a fine mesh. This will prevent the penetration and interlacing of the roots of plants and somewhat slow down their growth.

Drainage is an important point when arranging a flower garden. So that the water does not stagnate in the flower garden, we line the bottom of the "pockets" with a ten-centimeter "pillow" of gravel, pebbles or sand.

Empty spaces between bushes flowering plants can be decorated with sawdust, wood chips or shredded bark

We fill the prepared holes halfway with a fertile soil mixture, the third part of which is the earth dug out when creating the planting pits. We plant plants in the holes so that the root neck of each is 2-3 cm above ground level. We tamp the soil and water it.

If moisture-saturated soils prevail on the site, then when decorating a flower garden, preference should be given to moisture-loving plants

What plants to choose for compositions?

Most caris-flowering perennials prefer sunny, fertile areas. But placing a flower garden under a tree, such conditions are unrealistic to achieve. Even if the tree has a transparent sparse crown, only part of the sunlight will fall on the flowers planted under it.

Therefore, when choosing plants, preference should be given to shade-tolerant and shade-loving flowers. Ideal for decorating a flower garden under a tree dwarf varieties conifers, bulbous and annuals.

Material on choosing the best shade-loving perennials for the garden will also be useful:

picky annuals and coniferous plants in nature, they grow in forests and therefore are accustomed to constantly fighting for moisture and sunlight

In conditions of partial shading, perennials such as hosta, lily of the valley, anemone, foxglove, ivy, and lysimachia will feel comfortable.

Making the near-trunk circle of a tree, you can solve two problems at once: to achieve decorative effect and protect fruit trees from the encroachment of harmful insects. Nasturtium is able to protect cherry and apple trees from apple sucker and blood aphids. Marigolds and chamomiles perfectly repel aphids and nematodes, and lilies of the valley protect stone fruit crops from fruit rot.

Because on household plots fruit trees predominate, the crowns of which create a rather dense shadow, planting early flowering plants will be an excellent option for decorating near-trunk circles ornamental plants

In early spring, bare tree branches will not interfere with the penetration of light into the flower bed, allowing primroses to please the eye even before the leaves bloom on the crown.

Ready-made schemes for arranging flower beds

There are many options for creating spectacular plant compositions on the near-stem circle. These can be multi-level round flower beds, the outer edge of which is decorated with undersized plants, and the inner space is filled with taller flowers.

When decorating near-trunk circles of trees placed along a building or fence, which are visible only from one side, semicircular and asymmetric flower beds are more suitable.

Look interesting flower arrangements, designed in the form of improvised slopes equipped with retaining walls around tree trunks

When arranging multi-tiered compositions, it should be borne in mind that the trunk circle fruit trees you can fall asleep to a height of no more than 10-12 cm. Backfilling the root neck of a tree with soil can lead to rotting of the trunk.

Option #1 - spring kaleidoscope

To arrange such a flower garden in the fall, the near-trunk area around the tree should be cleaned of small stones and weed roots. You can enrich the soil by applying compost and organic fertilizers.

Variegated composition of flowers blooming one after another in early spring, will fill the area that is just waking up from hibernation with bright colors

The bulbous ones look spectacular in small groups: they sparkle in the sun's rays like scatterings of multi-colored kaleidoscope glass. Daffodils, crocuses and in groups, placing them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. In the foreground of the flower garden, small corydalis tubers are planted - a herbaceous plant that got its name from the bizarre shape of the flower. The empty places between the bulbous meadows are filled with bushes creeping along the ground periwinkle.

In order to protect the bulbs from frost and provide them with conditions for growth and full flowering in early spring, it is better to cover them with spruce branches or foliage before a cold snap.

Option #2 - Primrose Contrast

It is not at all necessary to give the flower garden an even round shape. A worthy frame for contrasting flowering clearings will be decorative tiles, with which the flower garden can be given any shape.

A colorful spring composition that successfully combines miniature scillas of pale blue hues and spectacular irises of saturated yellow flowers, will bring a bright contrast to the site

Narcissus bulbs and blueberries are also planted in autumn, placed in small groups around the tree trunk. After the flowering of daffodils, pretty herbaceous “bushes” remain in their place, collected from elongated smooth leaves, which remain decorative until mid-summer.

Option #3 - solar paints

Early spring eratis, decorated with tiny golden yellow flowers, shows the greatest decorative effect only in the sun. Fortunately, in early spring, the crowns of trees do not give a thick shadow, making it possible for these unusually beautiful herbaceous plants express yourself in all your glory.

The elegant composition of spring primroses is also based on color contrast, in which blue and purple crocuses stand out against the background of pale yellow spring flowers.

When arranging a flower garden, they first think over the pattern of the composition. Corms of crocuses are planted along the outlined contours, and the rhizomes of winter vernis are planted as a background. After the spring flowering of crocuses, wilted flowers are not removed, thereby allowing the plants to multiply with the help of seeds.

With the help of flowers, even empty places under a tree can be turned into picturesque and pleasant corners of the garden for relaxation. Spectacular flower arrangements framing near-trunk circles will decorate the garden with delicate colors and fill it with charm.

In order for trees to grow quickly, be strong and tall, they need care. This applies to both decorative and fruit species. If earlier trunk circles around trees were left in the form of open areas of soil that were dug up and fertilized in autumn and spring or covered with mulch, then in our time everything large quantity summer residents plant flowers, spicy and vegetable crops on them or sow lawns.

This not only beautifies the garden and benefits the trees themselves, but also saves land area in favor of other types of plants.

To dig or not to dig?

For many gardeners, the vital question is how to properly care for fruit trees and when to dig around them, whether to do it at all, or is it better to sow this area with grass. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of digging, the following can be distinguished:

  • There will be fewer pests or they will disappear altogether.
  • Since the near-stem circle of fruit trees expands as they grow, this makes it possible to use this land for good, for example, to set up a flower garden.

Since there are more disadvantages to digging the earth around trees, many summer residents have abandoned this practice. This is caused by:

  • When digging up the soil in the fall, not only pests are destroyed, but also beneficial microorganisms. For example, aerobic bacteria living on the surface require oxygen. When digging upper layer The ground turns over and they are underground. Deprived of oxygen, they die, and since it is aerobic bacteria that supply the plants with the main nutrients, the trees are thereby deprived of vital elements.
  • When digging, there is always a risk of damaging the roots. This is especially true for those that are closer to the surface and receive the necessary nutrition from it.
  • Autumn digging reduces the frost resistance of trees, as the ground becomes open to the cold.

Each summer resident decides for himself how to take care of his garden, but more and more people are inclined to believe that the soil around the trees is an area that can be used properly and beneficially both for the plant and for themselves.

Flowerbeds and beds around trees

In light of the above, gardeners prefer to use trunk circles and sow them either with herbs, or flowers, or healthy vegetables and spices. This gives its advantages:

  • Gradually, the untouched soil is enriched by the plants growing on it, which, having outlived their time, become a natural top dressing for the tree.
  • It is especially useful to sow near-stem circles for additional warming of the root system. The roots of the "neighbors" create a kind of pillow that prevents frost from penetrating into the ground.
  • In summer, a lawn or flower garden protects the roots from the sun, and the tree needs less watering.
  • Trunk circles of trees filled with vegetation do not need digging and special weeding, which not only saves you from unnecessary work, but also helps to preserve the fertile layer of the earth.

Considering all the benefits, more and more summer residents are using the soil around trees to plant beautiful or useful plants.

Important to know: Plants don't always go well with each other. Before you plant something, you need to make sure that the "neighborhood" will be mutually beneficial. This is especially important for fruit trees, since their harvest can be significantly reduced by satellites that will act depressingly on them.

Types of tree trunks and their care

Making and caring for the soil around the tree begins with its planting. So, when he is 2-3 years old, he is 2 m, by the age of six he reaches 3 m, and by 10-12 - 3.5-4 m. Along with the growth of the crown, its trunk circle grows, the design of which, as the tree grows older, can change.

Soil care depends on how the soil looks around the seedling:

  • If the land remains under black fallow, then it needs regular weeding and light loosening after each rain or watering. In the presence of heavy soil, autumn digging should be carried out annually, while on loam this can be done every 2-3 years.
  • Mulching, although the best way retaining moisture, improving soil quality and protecting against cold, is nevertheless considered by many gardeners a waste of land. Mulching methods are described below.

  • Decorated trunk circles are gaining more and more popularity, as they simplify their care and allow you to create beautiful flower beds, lawns or mini-gardens.

It is important to know: if plants are planted around a tree, then it should be taken into account that its trunk should already be quite high (from 75 cm), and the branches should be raised above the ground.

Materials for decorating trunk circles

Long gone are the days when the design of the near-trunk circle of a tree consisted only of mulching or “bare” soil. Today, landscape designers use natural and artificial materials, flower and herb seeds.

Summer residents do not lag behind them and ennoble their gardens:

  • decorative stone;
  • gravel and pebbles;
  • glass;
  • synthetic fiber fabrics, such as agril;
  • lawns;
  • beds with spices;
  • healing herbs.

Important to know: The soil around trees is a usable area when used properly. What is permissible on large landscaped lawns does not make sense on a plot of 6 acres, where every meter of land counts.

Stone decoration

The use of small pebbles or gravel to decorate tree trunks is especially popular with summer residents who cannot devote much time to their garden. These "helpers" are capable of:

  • retain moisture;
  • protect roots from hot sunlight and severe frosts;
  • do not let weeds grow;
  • keep pests out.

Such decor of the trunk circle frees the gardener from weeding, loosening and digging the earth. Stones are a natural material that is durable, does not scatter from gusts of wind and looks spectacular.


In regions where rain is rare and frost is not, summer residents use dry manure, straw, peat or leaves with reeds as mulch. There are reasons for this:

  • this is a natural fertilizer that is dug up in the spring and gives the roots additional nutrition;
  • such mulch warms the soil;
  • retains moisture well.

It is important to know: such mulching should be done not only 10-15 cm from the trunk, as many gardeners do, but throughout the trunk circle.

However, in warmer regions, an increasing number of summer residents prefer not only to mulch the near-stem circle of fruit trees, but also to decorate it. Pine cones, for example, are perfect for this. They look beautiful, keep heat well, pass and retain moisture, are not blown away by the wind and do not give weeds a chance to grow through such a barrier.

In any case, the choice of which natural material to use for mulching is up to the summer resident, based on weather conditions and the needs of the tree itself.

Lawn around trees

A beautifully manicured lawn always looks spectacular. It is no exception when it covers the trunk circle of an apple tree, for example, or other fruit trees. Such a luxury can afford the owners of large plots. As the grass grows, it is cut with a lawn mower and removed. As practice has shown, a lawn in tree trunks is beautiful decoration, which provides the tree with additional care:

  • protects from the sun;
  • protects from cold;
  • retains moisture well;
  • grass roots themselves loosen the soil, and it breathes.

Important to know: the lawn requires constant care, otherwise the garden will look overgrown and abandoned. Trees also need regular spring dressing, which is best applied directly under the roots.

Planting near-stem circles with forbs

The lawn is not suitable for owners of the cherished six acres, therefore best way out- this is to create a cultural turf, for which the seeds of forbs are used. It is better to sow perennial grasses, for example, a cereal mixture of meadow fescue (up to 60%) and meadow grass meadow (40%).

As the grass grows, it must be cut and piled under the trees, as this is the best natural fertilizer, which frees the gardener from additional organic dressings. Such turfing serves as a natural "carpet" that preserves the roots of trees from the scorching sun, severe frosts and drought.

flower garden

Before you start creating a flower garden, spice beds or medicinal herbs, you should find out which plants of the near-stem circles will bring the maximum benefit to the tree. For example, the following flowers are combined with an apple tree:

  • daisies;
  • daffodils;
  • lungwort;
  • pansies;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • bells;
  • nasturtium;
  • periwinkle.

They will not only decorate the near-trunk circle, but also have a beneficial effect on the productivity of the tree. Among spices and vegetable crops, the apple tree gets along well with:

  • dill;
  • radish;
  • feather onions;
  • lettuce;
  • sorrel;
  • basil.

Today, the cultivation of near-stem circles of trees is a widespread practice, and not a tribute to fashion. When the land can not only be properly used, ennobled and beautified, but also without special efforts improve its composition, this is a chance to make your site perfect.

Connoisseurs of natural harmony strive to turn a place in the shade of a fragrant linden, mighty oak or compact chestnut tree into a cozy corner of relaxation and solitude.

For some gardeners optimal solution will put an ordinary bench under the tree, while others are looking for original ideas.

In any case, a lawn under a tree can not only perform an aesthetic function, but also carry a functional load, serving as a place for a family tea party, an evening conversation with friends, or lonely thought.

Create a flower bed under a tree

A flower bed around a tree looks spectacular, and for inexperienced inhabitants, such an idea seems simple and easy to implement. However, when creating it, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the type of tree and ornamental plants growing under it. There are species that do not tolerate any vegetation in the zone of the near-trunk circle. Such individual farmers include birch, willow, spruce, walnut, larch, maple, irga, thuja and pine.

These tree species have a shallow root system and will overwhelm any closely growing plant, competing for nutrients and moisture. It is better to arrange the trunk circles of this group of trees in some other way than to create a flower garden doomed to death. Lawn grass will grow well under such trees.

However, with a strong desire in such cases, it is possible to create some elevation from the soil mixture in the form of a podium, the design of such a flower garden will be discussed in more detail below. Hazel and chestnut produce substances that are toxic to other plants.

Apple, pear, mountain ash, linden, oak, poplar, ash and fir easily let grassy neighbors under their crown, allowing you to create luxurious compositions.

Regardless of the type of tree, when planning and arranging a flower garden, you will need to take into account some more features of such a design project. Flower plants are selected only shade-tolerant and resistant to uneven moisture. These plants include all types of hosta, most groundcovers, dwarf conifers, some perennials (bergenia, periwinkle, Volzhanka, lily of the valley, saxifrage, lungwort, snowdrop, ferns, foxglove, violet, raven, slipper, Goryanka, anemone) and bulbous.

Usually flowering shade-loving plants occurs in early spring, when the crown still lets in enough sunlight. Although the main decoration of the shady flower bed is decorative foliage.

Before planting flowers around a tree, you need to properly prepare the place. First, the top layer of soil is removed. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the root system of the tree. In some cases, planting is carried out in "pockets" between thick root branches. The bottom of the dug hole should be lined with non-woven material to protect the root system and restrain its growth.

Next, be sure to lay out a drainage layer of pebbles, broken bricks or crushed stone 10 cm thick. The removed soil is replaced with a nutrient mixture of compost, soddy soil and peat with complex mineral fertilizers. In the presence of rhizomes of weeds, it is recommended to carefully select them. Seedlings are planted in moist soil. Free areas are mulched with sawdust or wood chips. Complex flower beds of plants with different habits are made according to the principle: the higher, the closer to the trunk.

The shape of the flower bed can be either round or asymmetrical. So that the soil does not spill out and is not washed out during irrigation, the border of the flower garden must be marked using decorative stones or a border made of wood or plastic. The arrangement of flowers in a flower bed does not have to follow any scheme; chaotic compositions look interesting and natural.

DIY raised flower bed under a tree

While creating flower bed under unfavorable trees, difficulties may arise due to the many roots penetrating the topsoil in the near-trunk circle. Perennials with deep-penetrating roots cannot be used for the composition, it is much more profitable to plant annuals (ageratum, begonia, amaranth, annual asters, succession, carnation, gazania, lobelia, verbena).

To increase space for root growth flower crops, you can design a raised or multi-tiered flower bed on the site under the tree. To make the side of an asymmetric flower bed, you can use wooden slats and plastic bottles, and for a round one, bricks, old tires and a plastic curb are suitable. Easy and quick to make a square wooden box from boards. It is important that the height of the soil covering the tree trunk does not exceed 10 cm. If the root collar is somewhat raised above the soil level, then the soil can be covered even higher.

You can make a flower bed of logs in an original and low-cost way. To do this, thick branches or the trunk of an old tree are sawn into cylinders 20–30 cm long, which, in turn, are split into halves. In construction stores you can buy ready-made borders. Harvested logs are treated with an antiseptic and dried.

Then the geotextile tape is cut off, to which the logs are attached with staples or nails. Geotextiles will protect the tree from moisture and extend the life of the curb. At the next stage, the finished border is buried in the soil around the tree and fixed with steel rods. After layout nonwoven fabric, drainage and backfilling devices, the flower bed is ready for planting.

Resting place under the tree: bench and table

The trunk circle zone can be not only beautiful, but also useful. A round, hexagonal or square bench around a tree trunk and a table will complement a well-groomed garden without requiring highlighting. separate place. The bench and table can have a different design, differing in style and complexity of execution.

Most often garden furniture suit under birch, chestnut, walnut and willow. The main rule: buildings should not fit snugly against the trunk, be sure to leave room for growth. Wood is more acceptable as a material, but metal and stone are also used.

Of the breeds, it is preferable to choose larch - the record holder for durability and resistance to external influence. Less expensive options: pine, acacia, spruce and cherry.

The most common garden bench design is hexagonal, backless or high backed.

To do simple bench with your own hands, you will need to do the following work:

  • preparation of the material (wide boards for the seat, 12 bars about half a meter long for the legs, 6 planks for the back, small blanks for joining and self-tapping screws);
  • section size determination (largest side = trunk diameter + 15 cm, smallest inner side= length of longest side / 1.75);
  • cutting the parts that make up each of the 6 sections, while the cut angle should be 30º;
  • processing of all parts and places of cuts with an antiseptic, followed by drying;
  • assembly of sections, consisting in fixing the seat slats to meter-long transverse boards;
  • assembling the legs, which consists in fixing the outer and inner legs to a common wide bar using self-tapping screws, as a result, 6 prefabricated elements should be obtained;
  • fastening adjacent sections to the legs, in this case two parts of 3 sections each should be obtained;
  • fastening parts around a tree;
  • installation of back parts;
  • the finished structure is coated with a wax-containing impregnation.

The table around the tree of the simplest design consists of metal frame with bars fixed around the trunk, and a tabletop consisting of several sections. The connection of the frame and the tabletop is carried out by means of wooden planks.

How to arrange a gazebo around a tree?

If the creation of a flower bed and a bench seems too simple and unoriginal, you can think about building something larger, for example, a gazebo or a cozy seating area.

A plot under a tree can be a great place for an open garden gazebo. At the same time, the crown of the tree will serve as a natural canopy from the scorching sun, and if the shade does not seem enough, then you can plant actinidia - a fruit-bearing vine weaving along the branches with large leaves protecting from the sun and light summer rain.

A garden gazebo around a tree serves as a comfortable place not only for outdoor activities and communication, but can also be a great corner for sleeping and reading. Its design can be very different, the design depends on general style garden. A simplified solution is a small wooden deck podium.

If you add a low fence to the raised flooring, you get a fairly simple open gazebo.

For those who want to create more monumental structures and, so to speak, rise above the ground, buildings on high wooden racks can be advised. They look quite impressive, and allow you to enjoy the picturesque view of the site.

All considered design ideas design of the site in the zone of the near-trunk circle can be actively used on any garden plot, adding new details and modifying the proposed appearance of the building. In addition to the options presented, the area around the tree can be decorated with pebbles, sown with grass or mulched with wood chips. In some design styles, this minimalism is the best choice.