Proper soil is the basis of anthurium health! Tips for buying and preparing soil with your own hands. Choosing the right soil for anthurium Flower male happiness where it should stand

Flower male happiness: how to care for it to bloom? This question worries many flower growers. In fact, a marvelous indoor pet does not require special efforts care. And its beauty compensates for all costs.

The plant male happiness has another, more official and common name - anthurium. In addition, some people, fascinated by the wondrous beauty of the plant, call it "flamingo flower" and "fiery tongue." The last name perfectly reflects the appearance of a beautiful flower. Red inflorescences-cobs in the shape of hearts give the plant a special originality. BUT glossy surface, as if covered with wax - a special gloss and luxury.

In its natural environment, the plant lives in the warm climate of South America. Despite the fact that the flower is used to basking in the sun, it also feels good on the windowsills. middle lane Russia. The question of whether anthurium is whimsical, or male happiness, and whether it is possible to keep it at home, worries many beginner flower growers. And experienced plant lovers know that it is not only possible, but necessary, to acquire an unusual green pet. According to legend, he brings happiness to the house. In addition, it does not require complex care.

According to the legend, the flower has male dignity interesting story origin. The indigenous inhabitants of South America are sure that the plant is a beautiful girl who has been bewitched. They decided to marry the young beauty to the leader of an Indian tribe, who was famous for his cruel character. But she loved another person with all her heart, and in order not to become the wife of an evil tyrant, she decided to commit suicide. The girl, dressed in a ceremonial wedding attire, fearlessly jumped into the flames of the fire. However, the gods took pity on her and did not allow her to die. Instead, they turned the beauty into a beautiful flower with red buds. Their shade completely repeated the color of the bride's dress.

plant description

The plant male joy is very beautiful and unusual. In our country, red flowers are predominantly common, but there are other varieties in the wild. In total, more than 28 species are known to science. In addition, scientists have managed to bring out about 77 unusual hybrids.

The main feature of the green pet - original flowers. They are white, orange or yellow cobs framed with red "veils". Their shade can vary from pink to deep burgundy. In shape, the outer garment of the flower resembles a heart. The leaves of the indoor flower male happiness are quite long, often reaching 40 cm. They have a rich green tint and arrow-shaped or heart-shaped.

Anthurium blooms are not uncommon. As a rule, a green pet pleases flower growers with lush buds for 7-8 months a year. A pet can bloom non-stop from March to November inclusive. With proper care, it grows up to 0.8 m and reaches 0.5 m in diameter.

Features of plant care

Even a beginner can cope with caring for a green pet. The main thing is to keep a few simple rules.

  1. The male power flower is a pampered inhabitant of a tropical climate. In this regard, he needs abundant, but infrequent moisture. To make your pet feel as comfortable as possible, in summer season it needs to be watered once every 3-4 days. It is important to ensure that water does not stagnate in the pan. Otherwise, the risk of root festering is high: first, the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, then the plant dies. In winter, watering should be reduced. Moisten the soil should be no more than 1 time per week. Additionally, the flower can be sprayed and bathed under a warm shower. To remove dust and dirt, you need to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.
  2. In order for the male anthurium flower to grow strong, strong and healthy, care should be taken to fertilize. They are especially needed during active growth. The green pet is a big fan of mineral and organic dressings. It is recommended to make them 1 time in 2 weeks.
  3. Even the most good care at home will not bring desired result if you do not take care of choosing the right place to place the plant. The flower is a warm climate lover. He feels great in rooms with a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. In winter, this figure may be slightly less. However, it is important to ensure that the temperature does not fall below +18°C. When choosing a plant location, it is important to avoid drafts. And here is the access fresh air extremely necessary.
  4. An important role is played by competent organization lighting. The best option is scattered sunlight. But the direct rays of the sun can injure delicate leaves and cause irreparable harm to a green pet. To make the tropical guest feel as comfortable as possible, in summer period it is recommended to place the pot on windowsills facing west or east. In winter, you should move your pet to the south window. With a lack of lighting indoor flower grows much slower and stops blooming. Often there is a deformation of the leaves.

Proper care of the plant is the key to its beauty and health. Observe simple recommendations, and the green pet will always delight with its blooming appearance.

Reproduction methods

There are several methods for plant propagation. Each grower chooses the one that is most convenient for him.

  1. Cuttings are one of the simplest and most common methods. To use it, you need to cut off mother plant the top is about 15-20 cm long. It is desirable that there are several leaves on it. The cutting is rooted in a temporary pot with vermiculite. The optimal depth is about 5 cm. In about a month, roots will appear on the young seedling. After that, they can be transplanted to permanent place residence.
  2. The male flower is often propagated by dividing the daughter stems. For this, the strongest side shoots carefully separated from the mother bush and planted in a separate container.
  3. Much less often, the flower, which is the talisman of men, is propagated using seeds. The method is less popular due to the duration and complexity. However, some experienced gardeners still resort to it.

To obtain seeds from anthurium, pollination should be carried out. Periodically it is necessary to transfer pollen from one plant to another. For convenience, you can use a cotton swab. If you correctly perform all the manipulations, after a while a fruit will appear on the bush. It is necessary to wait for its full maturation and, with the utmost care, remove it with tweezers. On average, seeds take about 8 months to mature. After this time, they are removed from the fetus and thoroughly washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds should be sown in loose soil. In order for seedlings to appear as quickly as possible, it is recommended to create mini-greenhouses by covering the containers with film or glass. Young plants will appear in about 2-3 weeks. After 2 leaves grow on the seedlings, you need to pick. When the plants become large, they are transplanted into larger containers.

How to transplant a plant?

Spring - optimal time for transplanting anthurium. To make the plant feel comfortable, it is recommended to choose a wide, low pot equipped with a good drainage system. You should not choose too large a capacity, as this may adversely affect flowering.

The soil can be prepared independently. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to mix in equal proportions light soddy soil, fibrous deciduous soil and marsh moss particles. The result is a soil that is as close as possible to what is found in the homeland of the plant. It is better if the substrate is loose. In this case, it will be possible to ensure the flow of air to the roots.

Fragile roots and leaves are easily injured, so you need to transplant with the utmost care. In the process, it is necessary to ensure that the rosette of leaves remains on the surface, while the roots must be covered with soil. If, in the process of intensive growth, the roots appeared outside, they can be covered with moistened moss. In the future, you need to make sure that it is constantly wet.

Male happiness is not among the fast-growing flowers, so it does not need frequent transplants. It is recommended to transfer the plant to new pot no more than once every 2 years. With more frequent transplants, the root system and foliage grow profusely, and the process of bud formation slows down. If you just bought a new bush in the store, do not rush to immediately move it to a new pot. Before you transplant a green pet, you need to give him a little time to adapt to the changed living conditions.

Signs and superstitions

The flower of male happiness has signs and superstitions that our distant ancestors believed in. For example, many people believe that a beautiful flower helps men quickly restore their spiritual strength, find harmony and self-confidence. A green pet is also useful for those who suffer from heart disease. It helps to forget about ailments for a long time.

Signs and superstitions are also associated with the ability of anthurium to improve the financial situation of its owners. To attract money into the house, you need to have several copies at once and take good care of them. Beautiful and healthy bushes, surrounded by care, help to attract monetary energy into the home.

Has anthurium magical properties to eliminate problems in the relationship between loving people. It is believed that a green pet bestows mutual understanding, stability and harmony. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to additionally have a spathiphyllum in the house. A female and male flower, "working" in a duet, will help to achieve an excellent result. At the same time, it is desirable that each spouse independently care for his plant.

The most powerful properties are flowers that are received as a gift, and not bought. It is customary to give green pets to male representatives. However, women often receive such a gift. It helps to find a soul mate and find happiness in your personal life.

“Male happiness” is popularly called the anthurium plant, because it is customary for us to give this flower to the male half of humanity. After all, it is believed that the flowers of this plant embody strength, courage, freedom and passion for a woman. Although sometimes you can hear other names for this plant, for example, “damn tongue”, “flamingo flower” or “pig tail”. Yet they are not very common, most often anthurium is still called "male happiness." There is even a belief that in a man's house where anthurium grows, happiness and luck always reign (in the photo - this house is probably very happy!). Well, in order for this flower to be blooming and healthy, it is enough to know how to care for it.

The birthplace of the flower "male happiness" is South America. The local population considers Anthurium to be an enchanted girl, about whom an ancient legend says. According to this tale, one day the leader of an Indian tribe, who had a cruel character, decided to marry the most beautiful girl in the village, who did not want this because she loved another guy. In order not to become the wife of a cruel tyrant, the proud beauty decided to commit suicide by jumping into the fire. Since she was prepared for the wedding ceremony, the girl was already wearing a ceremonial attire. But a miracle happened: the gods did not let the girl die, but turned her into gorgeous red flowers (exactly the same as the bride's wedding dress - in the photo) - anthurium!

Description of the flower "male happiness"

Currently, approximately 28 species of this plant are known. In addition to this, more than 77 hybrids of this flower were bred by gardeners.

The leaves of the plant, painted in dark green, can reach a length of up to 40 cm and have a heart-shaped or arrow-shaped shape. The flower looks like an ear of white, yellow or Pink colour, surrounded by a luxurious shiny coverlet, the color of which can vary from dark red to white (sometimes spotted). The shape of the bedspread resembles a stylized shape of a human heart.

Anthurium blooms continuously for 7-8 months (from March to November). At the same time, some flowers delight the eye with their beauty only for 1-1.5 months. If the flower is properly looked after, then the plant can reach up to 0.8 m in height and up to 0.5 m in diameter!

We can grow flowers "male happiness" only in room conditions. We will not say that the plant is undemanding, on the contrary, it is very capricious and requires special care.

How to properly care for anthurium?

Despite the fact that South America is the birthplace of the plant, anthurium during the flowering period does not tolerate not only direct sunlight, but also any bright lighting. If, for example, in the summer time the flowers are not removed in time to a shaded place, then the leaves can get sunburn, which will appear first in yellowing, and then the tips of the leaves will simply dry out. In order to save the plant from death, you need to remove it from the sun in a shaded place.

IN winter period the plant opposite should be placed in a well-lit place in order for it to gain strength before future flowering.

During this period, "male happiness" may even turn yellow if it feels a lack of sunlight.

The humidity of the air where the anthurium is contained must be large enough, but the temperature should not be very high (from +18 to +20 C and not higher). The flower loves moisture very much, therefore its daily irrigation from a spray bottle is advised, especially if the tips of the leaves dry. However, flowers, unlike anthurium leaves, do not like excessive moisture. Therefore, make sure that all drops of water fall only on the foliage of the plant, otherwise your luxurious flowers will become stained and fall off. It will not be superfluous in a room where "male happiness" is contained, especially during heating season, install a humidifier.

But watering the plant does not need to be done too often (in winter it is advised to water the flower once a week, and in summer - once every 4 days), and it should not be plentiful. Otherwise, this can lead to rotting of the roots of the anthurium, which is expressed in the blackening of the foliage on it. If you stop watering the plant and dry the soil, then the anthurium can still be saved, but this must be done immediately, as soon as the tips of the leaves on it begin to dry or begin to turn black!

Keep in mind that these indoor plants do not tolerate hard water, which, moreover, was freshly drawn from a faucet. Before watering, the water must certainly be defended, otherwise the leaves dry, and the color may not appear.

In order for the plant to grow strong and beautiful, it must be properly fed. mineral fertilizers. This should be done every month from the onset of spring until the end of autumn.

How to independently transplant and propagate anthurium at home?

If you decide to transplant a flower into another pot, then it is best to do this in the spring. At the same time, even the anthurium that has already bloomed can be transplanted at this time. Having taken out the plant along with a clod of earth on the roots, it is not necessary to remove this soil, but on the contrary, together with it, the flower must be carefully moved to a new pot with fresh earth, which is a mixture of:

  • rotted foliage;
  • sod land;
  • moss pieces.

For growing “male happiness”, a not very deep, but rather wide pot is suitable, since a lot of space is needed for a branched root system of a flower. However, don't over-choose a pot. big size, guided by the principle, the more the better, as this can cause the complete absence of inflorescences on your anthurium. A layer of drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot, because, as mentioned above, the roots of the plant do not like excessive moisture, which leads to their decay and death of the entire plant.

If you want to propagate "Male Happiness" on your own, then this is done by dividing one bush into several parts (2-3). Given that after three years the plant begins to shed its leaves, it can and should be divided into parts at each transplant, in other words, annually. So you not only keep the plant young, but also propagate it.
Thus, by properly caring for anthurium, you will always have not only very beautiful flower, but also with its correct reproduction - gifts for the strong half of humanity for all occasions. After all, not a single man has refused to receive “happiness” as a gift!

A collection of green pets will be decorated with a flower of male happiness; caring for it at home requires special care. Its large bright bract has the shape of a human heart of snow-white, pink, crimson or yellow color, in the center is decorated with a long cob.

Flower male happiness - how to care?

Indoor flowers, male happiness, when cared for at home, bloom in March and delight with flowering for 7-8 months. With proper care, they can grow up to 0.8 cm in height and reach 0.5 cm in diameter. Flower male happiness - competent care at home:

  1. At the time of flowering, avoid bright lighting and direct rays. In summer, the bush should stand in a shady place without drafts. In winter, on the contrary, the flower needs excellent lighting in order to gain strength - it is placed on a sunny windowsill.
  2. The ideal temperature of the content is + 18-20 ° С.
  3. The flower loves moisture, it is recommended to moisten it daily with a spray bottle so that water droplets fall only on the leaves.

What is the name of the flower of male happiness?

The people called "male happiness" a flower. It is customary to present it as a gift to the strong half of humanity. According to beliefs, this culture embodies courage, freedom, love for a woman. Anthurium or indoor flower male happiness has other names - "damn tongue", "pig's tail", "flamingo flower". But these names did not take root very well. Anthurium is often called "male happiness", there is even a belief that luck reigns steadily in a man's home, where he grows;

How to water a flower for male happiness?

When caring for a flower, male happiness does not need to be watered too often. In winter, it is moistened once a week, in summer - once every 4 days. Watering should not be generous, without stagnant moisture, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the rhizome, which will manifest itself as blackening of the foliage. If you stop watering the plant and dry the soil, then it can still be saved. But this should be done immediately, as soon as the ends of the leaves of the flower began to turn black. This indoor culture does not tolerate hard water, only collected from a faucet - it must be defended, otherwise flowering may not come.

How to transplant a flower male happiness?

A flower of male happiness at home is produced in the spring every 1-2 years. To do this, you need a low wide flowerpot with drainage holes, since the root system of the culture is very branched. A flowerpot is selected according to the plant and should not be large, otherwise this will not have a good effect on flowering. Anthurium transplantation at home is a complex operation, it must be carried out with jewelry so as not to break the delicate roots and leaves. Care - transshipment rules:

  1. It is placed at the bottom of the pot so that the roots do not rot when waterlogged.
  2. When transshipping, the old plant, along with a clod of earth, is sent to a new pot and sprinkled with soil.

Flower male happiness - what kind of soil is needed?

Anthurium, when cared for at home, is suitable as a substrate for a composition of rough hardwood fibrous air land turf and particles of marsh moss, bark, wood ash. This composition retains moisture well and is close to natural. The root system needs air, so the soil for a flower of male happiness must be loose. In order to transship, it is not necessary to prepare the mixture yourself; you can purchase land for orchids in a specialized store.

Flower male happiness - how to propagate?

Anthurium reproduces in the following ways:

  1. Flower male happiness - reproduction by stems with a leaf. This method is the simplest and can be used with every transplant to renew the plant. Several side shoots with roots and foliage are separated from the mother bush and planted in a prepared container with suitable soil.
  2. cuttings. To propagate male happiness, twigs 15-20 cm long are taken and planted in separate temporary containers with vermiculite to a depth of 5 cm. After a month, the cuttings become overgrown with roots and you can plant them in a prepared flowerpot with soil.
  3. Seeds. To form seeds cotton pad produce pollination of inflorescences. The ripened fruit is removed with tweezers, it ripens for 8 months. Seeds are removed, washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sown on a layer of perlite. They are pressed into the substrate with the bottom of the jar, the container is covered with a film. Shoots appear after a few weeks. A young sprout with a pair of leaves dive into a mixture of leafy soil, charcoal, mullein and peat, taken in equal proportions. As they grow, they move to more spacious vessels.

A flower of male happiness - how to care for it to bloom?

Often anthurium blooms almost all year round resting only during the winter months. If a problem arose: why the flower of male happiness does not bloom, it means that some care recommendations were not taken into account when cultivating the plant. The main tips to provide the bush with lush budding:

  1. Male happiness needs to be transplanted regularly, at least once every 2 years.
  2. During transplantation, shoots are best planted by dividing the bush.
  3. A flowerpot for a culture is selected in accordance with the size of its root system.
  4. It is important to choose the right soil - with humus, particles of moss, charcoal, bark, so that the roots of the plant are well supplied with oxygen.
  5. Competent watering and mineral supplements are a must.
  6. Faded buds must be cut off with sharp scissors at the base.
  7. Both a lack and an excess of sunlight does not allow male happiness to bloom. It is important to observe the lighting conditions of the flower: in summer - shading in the sun, in winter - additional illumination.
  8. Top dressing in the form of liquid fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus for flowering crops - “”, “Ovary, “Bud” will help Anthurium bloom. You can add acidity to the soil by adding pine needles to the pot. Calcium in the composition of the fertilizer should not be.

How to feed a flower male happiness?

In order for the plant to please with lush foliage and bright flowering, it needs additional nourishment. Feeding the flower of male happiness is carried out during the period of active growth - in spring and summer. For this, mineral and organic feeds with a low content of calcium and nitrogen are used. This should be done once every two weeks, periodically alternating the solutions with each other. You can buy food at flower shop designed for this species, use according to the instructions. From September to February, the dormant period begins at the flower, at this time the recharge is stopped.

The flower of male happiness dies - what to do?

Although the plant is finicky, it rarely gets sick. A flower of male happiness, which is not properly cared for at home, may bloom a little, the foliage becomes covered with dark spots, the tips of the plates dry. Yellowness on the green is an indicator that the pet receives little light. The darkening of the plates indicates that the culture is cold. Often, the flower begins to die with problems with the roots or in too hard soil. How to reanimate a flower male happiness:

  1. Carefully remove the bush from the pot, cut off the rotten and dead roots (brown or yellow), leaving light and fleshy roots.
  2. The flower should be planted in new soil mixed with charcoal, moss and bark.
  3. Dried leaves need to be cut off, regularly spray the ground part of the bush with a biogrowth stimulator, for example, Kendal.
  4. During the resuscitation period, it is necessary to pamper the pet with mineral supplements.

Unusual and very beautiful is the houseplant anthurium. Many are concerned about the issue of growing a flower and the signs associated with it. In order for home anthurium to please the eye and bring good luck, you need to provide it with care and proper care.

Anthurium Male happiness

This flower is native to the tropics. The following popular species are grown at home:

  1. Scherzera has leaves in the form of ellipses of a dark green hue. Flowers with yellow or orange curled spadix and red spathe.
  2. Anthurium Dakota - a bush of medium height with large leaves and bright scarlet flowers with yellow or white cobs.
  3. Crystal is used as decorative foliage. Anthurium leaves in the process of development change shade from brown-bronze to dark green.
  4. Anthurium Andre is large - up to 200 cm in height. The leaves are heart-shaped. The real decoration of the flower are bright inflorescences with a coverlet of green, brown or red shades.

Home flower Male happiness has a sensitive root system, therefore, when transplanting, you need to treat it with care. The stems are thin, tall, ending in leaves. The height of the bush depends on the particular variety. A flower is an ear of a light shade, which is located on a bedspread of pink, white, blue, red or Brown color.

Signs and superstitions

It is customary among the people to give anthurium to men, so it got its name. It is believed that the flower will bring happiness only if the owner does not buy it himself, but receives it as a gift. Flower Male happiness signs and superstitions has the following:

  1. The plant helps to get rid of the owner from bad habits.
  2. Gives the owner masculine strength and longevity.
  3. If young man gave anthurium, then he stops moping, it is easier to cope with problems, depression.
  4. Helps to attract the female gender and arrange personal life.
  5. Together with spathiphyllum in the house of the spouses, this plant contributes to family well-being, the appearance of children.


This plant is considered very whimsical and requires careful treatment. Anthurium care at home requires special care. For example, the plant does not tolerate drafts and quickly burns out under the influence of UV rays. Optimum temperature air - 19 degrees. In winter, care for male happiness at home is complemented by the need to adjust artificial lighting. Without it leaves houseplant turn yellow, dry at the tips. Do not keep a bush next to the batteries central heating.

Not less than important rule for those who are interested in how to care for anthurium at home - maintain air humidity at 60%. A humidifier, a small fountain, an aquarium, or regular spraying of the leaves will help achieve this. Properly watering the bush is also very important, because it starts to hurt and look bad both from a lack of fluid and from an overabundance. In summer, water should be 1 time every week, in winter - 1-2 times a month.

How to care for bloom

Many flower growers are interested in why anthurium does not bloom? To do this, you need to follow the rules of care, timely transplant, fertilize. This will help the plant to actively grow, bloom, look great. How to care for a flower Male happiness to constantly admire the original inflorescences with a red veil:

  • shade the bush as soon as it begins to bloom;
  • protect from drafts;
  • provide artificial light in winter.

How to transplant male happiness at home

Immediately after buying a bush, even if it blooms, you need to transplant it. Without a timely transplant, the leaves will begin to turn black, the flowers will fade. How to transplant male happiness at home:

  1. Carefully pull the bush out of the pot, holding the base of the stems.
  2. Remove soil from roots.
  3. Lay a drainage layer of expanded clay in a prepared pot.
  4. Pour the soil (turf land, deciduous, humus).
  5. Place a flower.
  6. Add soil, lightly tamp it with your hands so that the earth is 2-3 cm higher than the root system.
  7. Water the plant, spray the leaves.

How to seat

When the plant grows significantly, you can propagate it during transplantation. How to plant male happiness at home:

  1. Separate side shoots from the base.
  2. Plant each shoot in a container with fresh soil.
  3. Water, leave the bush to acclimatize.

unusual flower native to South and Central America. Its bright flowers, shaped like a heart, against the background of large bright green leaves, as if covered with wax, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The originality of the plant is given by the shape of the flowers - a narrow cob is surrounded by a bract, painted in white, red, pink or purple. In the people, the flower is known as "male happiness".

It is important to consider that anthurium is a tropical plant and is an epiphyte or semi-epiphyte at home. He needs the appropriate conditions, in particular, a properly selected earth mixture, and what kind of soil is needed for anthurium, we will now tell you.

If you plant it in ordinary soil, the roots will not have anything to "breathe", and the plant will quickly lose its attractiveness, stop blooming and may soon die. That's why right choice land - pledge good growth And . But what mixtures are suitable for this exotic? And how do you properly prepare them?

Purchased, ready land for anthurium

When choosing a substrate for anthurium, it is important to consider where it grows in its natural environment. These are woody thickets where the plant settles in fallen bark, mixed with earth and foliage, in fallen tree trunks. With the help of aerial roots, the anthurium receives water and nutrients.

In view of this, it is optimal to choose a mixture that would resemble forest floor. The ground should be as good as possible to pass air and water, be light and loose. The soil reaction is slightly acidic (5.5-6.5 pH).

Given this exactingness, the choice of earth mixture should be approached very responsibly. Rarely, but still there are special substrates for anthurium in stores. This will be the best option.

If you couldn’t find one, you can buy a substrate for orchids. Its composition (pine bark, moss, ash, peat) is also suitable for anthurium.

In extreme cases, you can purchase a begonia substrate, but perlite and sphagnum moss should be added to it.

Making a mixture at home

Preparing an earthen mixture for anthurium yourself is best. It should contain components with large particles, hold the plant well, while having maximum moisture and air permeability and minimum density. Should not quickly caking and decomposing.

Be sure to have drainage at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay, small pebbles with moss can be used as it. It should be laid so that it occupies at least 1/3-1/4 of the height of the flowerpot. The presence of drainage will serve in the future as protection against stagnant water in the pot and, accordingly, rotting of the root system.

Possible compositions of earth mixtures for anthurium:

leaf ground used as a leavening agent. Semi-decomposed leaves of linden, maple, fruit trees. It is not recommended to use willow or oak foliage. Leafy ground guarantees the presence of the mixture nutrients, looseness and lightness.

coniferous land consists of rotted needles of spruce or larch. It adds looseness to the mixture, increases acidity, reduces the likelihood of plant damage by fungus and chlorosis.

Each component of the soil has useful properties!

sod land- consists of a layer of earth with mature roots and shoots of young plants. It gives the earth mixture nutritional value, elasticity and porosity.

Peat- you can use dark or brown. Promotes looseness and lightness of the substrate.

Sand– it is optimal to use coarse-grained and well-washed sand from the bottom of a river or sea. Its presence will prevent rotting of the roots and stem and will prevent fungal diseases of anthurium.


The components that are used to prepare the earth mixture must undergo preventive treatment. This is due to the fact that they can contain pests, their larvae and eggs, invisible at first glance.

But over time, they can bring a lot of problems for the anthurium. In addition, the earth may contain fungal spores that cause various plant diseases.

To save yourself and the plant from unnecessary troubles, before planting, the earthen mixture should be subjected to heat treatment.

Land can be cultivated in several ways.:

  • Spread the ground mixture onto a metal baking sheet. The layer should be no more than 5 cm. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 80 degrees for 70-90 minutes;
  • You can work the soil with steam. To do this, a bucket or other large container is put on fire and brought to a boil. Earth is placed on top of the grate, previously wrapped in cloth. The procedure lasts 90 minutes;
  • Pour the earth onto a pallet so that the layer is no more than 7 cm. Set it to frost, not warmer than -7 degrees, and freeze it for 3-4 days;
  • Pour the earth mixture with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (3 grams per 5 liters of boiling water). Wait for the ground to cool down room temperature- and you can start planting or transplanting anthurium;
  • Use biological fungicides, for example, Fitosporin, Fitop, Integral, Trichodermin, Agate. Dosage - according to the instructions. The beneficial bacteria that these preparations contain destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi present in the soil.

It is not necessary to sterilize all the constituent soil mixtures, but only the most “dangerous” ones.: soddy, leafy, coniferous soil, humus. Peat and sphagnum moss are added after the disinfection procedure. So the soil microflora will be restored much faster.

Useful Supplements

The substrate for planting anthurium must contain large, non-decomposing particles. They significantly reduce the density of the soil and increase its ability to pass air and moisture. This serves to prevent root rot.

Broken bricks, pieces of charcoal, perlite, vermiculite, pine bark are used as such additives. These components should make up 15% of the total volume of the earth mixture.

- small pebbles or grains that increase the moisture capacity of the substrate. Vermiculite- crushed mineral, having the form of medium-sized scales.

It gives the soil lightness, flowability and moisture capacity. Charcoal acts as an antiseptic, and also absorbs excess moisture and unpleasant odors.

By choosing the right substrate, you can grow exotic anthurium, which will fill the house with bright colors and positive emotions!