Nut cedar. How to plant a cedar at home from a nut

Then you can try to grow a wonderful tree from seeds. A little effort - and you can get a wonderful seedling. Our article will tell you in detail how to plant a cedar from a nut. Follow all the recommendations, and the result will definitely be.

First option

There are several different ways of how to grow a cedar from a nut. In any case, seed stratification is required - this means that they need to be kept at a low temperature for several months. If you are going to grow a cedar from a nut at home, then you need to imitate natural conditions where this tree grows. If you received seeds in late summer or early autumn, then you should simply plant them in loose soil - then you will receive seedlings next spring. Of course, only if planting material qualitative.

How to grow a cedar from a nut? Second option

This method is reminiscent of forcing bulbous tulips).

First you need to prepare the land (or buy ready-made). Ideally, it should be a mixture of sawdust and sand. Place the seeds in the prepared soil, moisten it a little with a spray bottle and put it in the refrigerator (on the lower shelf), where the seeds should spend at least three months. As it dries, the soil needs to be slightly moistened, but not much. After three months, the seeds are removed from the refrigerator (it is better if this happens in spring) and treated with a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. They must spend two days in the solution. follows in a prepared mixture of sand and sawdust.

How to grow a cedar from a nut? Accelerated method

If you can’t spend three months trying to apply the fast stratification method.

But in this case it is necessary to strictly observe step by step instructions, only then can you expect results. The quality of the seeds is also very important - it should be clean and ripe pine nuts, with a pleasant smell and no traces of mold or any other suspicious stains. Chew on a few from the batch you plan to sow - you should be able to smell the cedar aroma and see the clean, firm flesh in each nut. Hull the seeds, rinse with warm water (you can rub a little with a soft toothbrush - this will clean them of resin, and moisture from the substrate will be easier to get inside the seed). After preparation - the stage of stratification itself. The seeds are placed in cold water... Its temperature should not be higher than zero degrees. They are kept in this state for three or four days. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water - it should not heat up, otherwise everything will go down the drain. This can be achieved by periodically adding ice cubes, for example. Keep a close eye on the container where your stratification nuts are placed. You will see that some of them will sink to the bottom. This is very important stage... The fact that the nuts sink to the bottom of the container means they are suitable for planting. The substandard ones remain at the top. There will be about half of them. Take out those that have dropped, plant in a prepared soil mixture (its temperature should be equal to fifteen degrees Celsius). Now you know as many as three ways to grow a cedar from a nut.

Today I want to tell you about such a coniferous plant as cedar. Many amateur gardeners want to know how cedar differs from conifers, how to grow it correctly and better, buy a seedling or use a nut, what kind of land is needed, and so on ...

Straightaway I will answer you the first question... Cedar differs from conifers in that, firstly, it is very beautiful, and secondly, it survives cold winters very well. That is, the cedar is not afraid of severe frosts, in addition, it is considered a Siberian plant.

If you think which is better, grow a cedar from a nut or just buy a seedling? To this question, I will answer you this way: we can still grow a nutlet ourselves, investing all our love and a piece of our soul, but if you buy a seedling, then it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, and there are still no guarantees that the seedling will take root on your land. Therefore, it's up to you which method you use. Remember one thing, cedar is not a common plant and in order to grow it from a small nut, you will have to show a little trouble, even if the nut is simply planted like lobelia seeds and watered, then this will not be enough.

Growing a cedar from a nut with your own hands

  • To grow a cedar from a nut, we first need to select the seeds. How it's done? First, the seeds should not have bad smell secondly, they should not be covered with mold. Seeds can remain viable when proper storage up to 8 years old, but best germination is still available in fresh seeds.
  • So that the seedlings are not affected by the fungus, the seeds must be etched for about 2 hours in a weak solution of manganese, and it is better to make it five percent.
  • The seeds need to be trained and they will not germinate right away. This will take at least 5 months. We prepare the seeds: we soak them in water for 3 days, while the water needs to be changed every day. Next, mix the nuts with sand, moisten and put them in a cloth bag. Then we put it in a wooden box, make holes on the sides for the passage of air and put it in the refrigerator. Next, the seeds need to be checked and kept moist. Moreover, if some seeds become moldy, they should be removed and the sand replaced.
  • After 6 months, the nuts will be ready for germination, they will need to be washed well and sown in pots. We make the earth sandy, plant the seeds to a depth of about 1 centimeter. We put the pots in the room and maintain the room temperature. After a month, the seeds will sprout, and we can put them in a bright place, but not in the sun.
  • In summer, the pots can be taken outside so that the plants get used to the sun and air. After a while, the plants can be planted in loose soil. Fertilization is also necessary for cedar, like any apple tree in the garden. Small seedlings tolerate transplanting very well. Be aware that cedars that are 3 years old should only be replanted in the spring. When transplanting, you need to form a root ball and after a year make a circular incision about half a meter. In this case, the deep roots should not be touched, so the cedar grows better. A year later, we transplant again.
  • In the first year of life, the cedar needs shade, so it is better to plant it in the depths of the garden or it is better to shade with something extra. Cedar is very moisture-loving, so you will need to moisturize it, but excess moisture can cause the plant to die.
  • Adult seedlings also need care, they need mulching. It can be made from weeds or fallen needles.

As you can see, it takes a lot of patience to grow a cedar from a nut, as the plant grows very slowly. But when he grows up, he will be the most beautiful in the garden and will delight you, because you raised him with your own hands.

A bright representative of evergreen conifers belongs to the family of the order Pine. Siberian cedar (lat. Pínus sibírica) is also known as "Siberian cedar pine". The culture is widespread in Eastern and Western Siberia. Distinctive feature coniferous tree - massive, multi-tiered crown with large branches. The whorled structure (a special arrangement of branches, in which several leaves depart from each shoot) makes the plant especially attractive. The slowed down development of the culture is caused by a short period of vegetative growth - only 45 days a year. Under favorable conditions, pine can live up to 800 years. An adult representative often reaches about 40 meters in length. There are cases when the diameter Siberian cedar was more than 3 meters. You can not be afraid to grow a bulky, giant tree at home. Breeders have bred no less useful dwarf subspecies of culture.

Low-growing varieties of Siberian cedar have been bred for growing at home.

There are several reasons for growing a coniferous tree at home:

  1. Special decorativeness of evergreen culture.
  2. Nutritious and healthy fruits.
  3. The healing effect of nuts and needles.


The tree has a very branched crown. Therefore, you should choose a free spacious area of ​​the site.

The minimum distance between green areas should be at least six meters. You should step back 3 meters from the foundation of the buildings. Dwarf representatives can be planted a little closer.

Optimal illumination

Siberian cedar pine prefers brightly lit areas. Young representatives can perfectly tolerate semi-shaded areas. The plant is frost-resistant and not demanding on microclimatic conditions.

Watering rules

Siberian pine cedar belongs to moisture-loving crops. V summer season wood absorbs a lot of moisture. Therefore, during the hotter months it is necessary to water the plant regularly as the soil dries out.

In the fall, in preparation for the resting phase, watering should be reduced. You can notice a slowdown in the process of draining the earthen coma.

V winter period dormancy, a plant planted in a container practically does not need watering. The soil mixture in the container may dry out from low level humidity. Trees consume very little moisture from the soil.

Siberian cedar is a moisture-loving culture. But excessive moisture in the soil or stagnant water will destroy the pine tree.

Excessive soil moisture can destroy the plant.

Cedar pine in winter

The absence of a dormant stage leads to a slowdown in growth in the next growing season. Therefore, for several months a year it is necessary to provide the coniferous representative with cooler climatic conditions.

Siberian cedar, planted in a container, can be transferred to a glazed loggia, cellar, veranda or winter Garden... Watering should only be done as needed. With the onset of spring heat, it is necessary to gradually move the flowerpot to a sunny place.

How to properly transplant Siberian cedar

Transplant seedlings with a closed root system for a permanent time should be immediately after the retreat of the morning frosts - in early spring... You can also plant the purchased Siberian cedar in the fall, immediately after the end of the growing season.

The ideal age for replanting pine is about 5 years. The trunk height is no more than one meter. The stem diameter is about two centimeters. When planting, there is a chance to save root system in integrity.

It is much more difficult with large representatives of conifers. An adult cedar is usually transplanted in winter. In the cold season, you can dig up a large earthen lump and save most of the rhizome. As a rule, the cedar root system is severely damaged.

The ideal age for replanting pine is 5 years.

During the recovery period, the plant releases a component that attracts pests. If the culture is severely weakened, bark beetles can penetrate under the bark and lay the larvae. It will not be possible to save the pine tree. Therefore, replanting an overgrown cedar is extremely risky.

Before planting, you should:

  1. Weed and thoroughly cultivate the soil around the planting area.
  2. Dig a hole suitable size... It is necessary to focus on the size of the root system with an earthy clod. The depth of the fossa should exceed the size of the cedar roots by 40%.
  3. The bottom of the hole must be carefully loosened.
  4. Lay out the drainage in a thick layer (about 15 cm). As a material, you can use crushed stone, gravel, shells, bottle corks.
  5. The ideal composition of the soil mixture is a greenhouse land with peat and leaf humus. Organic ingredients can be added. Pine forest bedding is ideal.
  6. For the subsequent tying of the seedling, a wooden support should be driven into the hole.

How to trim properly

For the natural formation of a dense, even crown, the plant should provide free growth on open area. Coniferous plant unpretentious. Therefore, additional intervention in the development process is not required. It is enough to periodically clean the coniferous from damaged and dead branches.

If the plant is used as an element garden design, you can give the crown an appropriate shape. Pruning plants under the age of five is not recommended. The best time years for pruning - in early spring.

It is advisable to use a sharp garden pruner. The instrument should be thoroughly disinfected with alcohol. The affected areas must be treated with a healing component (var).

Cedar pine is an excellent representative of the flora for creating dwarf miniatures.

Amazing miniature of Siberian pine.

With the help of oriental techniques, you can create a skillful bonsai. The pliability, gracefulness of the trunk and shoots contributes to the design of a reduced exact copy of a coniferous tree.

Features of planting a tree can be found in the video:

Cedar pine in the open field

For growing outdoors, it is enough to provide a minimum of conditions:

  • open area;
  • uniform sunlight;
  • loamy and loose soil;
  • absence groundwater... Often, young conifers develop well on the site, and adults die. The main reason is that the root system is damaged by the accumulation of fluid in top layer soil.

Siberian cedar is a very resistant crop. The plant is not afraid of severe frosts.

Siberian pine is a frost-resistant plant.

For the winter period, you do not need to cover the plant with mulch and protective material. In open soil, cedar does not need regular feeding and pruning.

Planting cedar at home

Flower pot

The coniferous plant has a large and branched root system. Therefore, the choice of the container should be taken seriously. For young cedars, it is advisable to choose small containers with drain holes and side openings for air circulation.

The kit must include a tray for collecting excess liquid. As the root system and crown develops, a larger container must be used.

Perfect soil

Cedar pine prefers loose and fertile soil. For cultivation, it is not recommended to use mixtures containing peat. A multicomponent fossil causes root rot.

To protect the plant from pests, a little oxidizing agents should be added to the soil. You can use a natural solution citric acid and coniferous needles.

Top dressing of cedar

During planting, a growth biostimulator should be added to the soil. The perfect combination components are contained in the drug "Kornevin".

The plant does not require regular feeding. It is advisable not to experiment with chemicals... Preparations for indoor crops can harm conifers. Especially for the cultivation of cedar, products with a natural composition are bred.

To feed the cedar, you should use a special biohumus.

Biohumus "Kedronic", made from waste of pine nuts, is ideal for cedar wood. The fertilizer also contains Siberian soil. The drug can not only be applied to the soil, but also sprayed on cedar needles. It has a particularly effective effect after the appearance of yellowness on the leaves.

Diseases of the cedar and the main pests

Bark beetles

Most often, cedar trees are affected by an ordinary engraver. Mass attacks of conifers begin at the end of May. It's easy enough to spot pests. Beetles gnaw small holes on the bark.

Cedar will produce resin for independent struggle with pests. Inaction will result in females entering the stem. After the larvae have been deposited, it is almost impossible to save the tree.

As a preventive measure, you can use systemic insecticides, inject biological agents into the trunk, and promptly cleanse the culture of affected areas.

Mass attacks by bark beetles can destroy a pine tree.

Pine Hermes

At the initial stage, you can mechanical method collect and destroy all affected areas. If the insect population has covered the whole plant, it is necessary to treat the soil with "Aktara" and spray "Decis" or "Iskra" on the cedar. Spraying should be repeated after a month. You will need to continue the procedure until the pests are completely eliminated.

Pine is also affected by scale insects, moths and aphids. For treatment, systemic insecticides should be used.

On the healthy plant pests rarely appear. Therefore, you should purchase in advance biological products to strengthen the immunity of the coniferous tree.

Pine needles rust

A common disease in warm and humid climates. Yellow marks appear on the tree. After a while, the blister points form white bloom... Fungal cells infect all parts of the tree. At the initial stage of infection, the needles will acquire yellow tint and will begin to fall.

Typically, infection occurs from sow thistle and coltsfoot. It is necessary to destroy all plants in the area that contribute to the spread of fungal spores. The affected branches must be removed and destroyed. Cleansing the tree will help prevent further spread.

Tar crayfish or seryanka

Spore-infested areas should be cleaned immediately. For prevention, it is necessary to cleanse the plant from dry branches and stems with cancerous ulcers. Inaction attracts many pests. A weakened pine tree can die from insect damage.

Allergic manifestations

Pine nuts - very useful product... People with individual intolerance may experience an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.

It is rather difficult to determine the relationship with the cedar fruit. The reaction to peeled nuts can only appear after two days. The first sign is the appearance of a metallic taste.

Fruits are not the only things that can trigger a reaction. The so-called wood allergy affects the upper respiratory tract. Redness and itching appear on the skin and mucous membranes. After the onset of characteristic symptoms, direct contact with the crop should be avoided.

Breeding options

There are several ways to grow a pine tree. To breed coniferous cedar, you need to purchase seeds or seedlings in a garden nursery.

Planting cedars from seeds

Long-term growing method. The planting material must be treated with potassium permanganate. A mixture of coarse sand should be used as a soil. Nuts must be placed in holes and sprinkled with a small layer of sawdust. To stimulate growth, you can place the container with seeds in a cold room.

Moisten the soil periodically.

Germination of Siberian cedar seeds.

After the first shoots appear, you can transfer the container to warm room... After strengthening the sprouts, young cedar trees should be dived into separate containers.

You can experiment and sow treated seeds in open soil. But this is very risky. Often the planting material does not germinate.

Growing cedar with seedlings

It is preferable to buy seedlings with a closed root system. The ideal age for planting material is three-year-old trees. The average size of a pine tree should be from thirty centimeters to three meters, depending on the subspecies.

Flowering and fruiting of cedar pine

Cedar trees do not produce inflorescences. Nuts are formed as seeds.

It will be possible to taste the nuts from your cedar only after 60 years.

Adult crops begin to bear fruit only at the age of 60 years. You can pinch a tree to speed up the process. The ripening process of cones takes place in the fall. As it forms, most of the fruit falls to the ground.

How to choose Siberian cedar

Planting material should be purchased from nurseries specializing in conifers. Cedar seedlings Siberian height 15-25 cm can be purchased at a price of 50 rubles. Grown seedlings in a container with a closed root system are sold on average for 1,500 rubles. Seeds of Siberian cedar "Shepard" are in catalogs of online stores. The cost of one package is 42 rubles.

Cedar is one of the most beautiful conifers. The duration of its life is 450-500 years, and the cedar pine reaches maturity by 80-85 years. This long-liver pleases not only with its sprawling long needles, but also with delicious pine nuts, rich in vitamins, microelements, fats and protein.

Cedar can be grown from a nut

You can also meet cedars on summer cottages, and on the territory country houses... Most often they are planted with annual seedlings, but not many people know how to grow a cedar from a nut at home.

Planting material

Growing cedar from a nut is not an easy task, since there are no high-quality planting raw materials on sale. The nuts that you can buy in the store are absolutely not suitable for growing cedar at home. Most often they are shelled and fried. Not many people decide to sprout seeds on their own, because it is much easier to buy a one-year-old seedling and plant it in the ground.

Buying pine nuts from your hands is also not the best good idea... The seeds retain their germination for 1 year, in the second year it decreases by 50%, and after that the seed will not germinate at all.

In addition to the shelf life of nuts, its conditions can also be violated, which negatively affects the planting material.

To grow cedar from seeds at home, you have to collect pine nuts yourself. This can be done in places where cedar pine grows at the end of October, November. At this time, the collection of ripe cones begins. Seeds or buds with seeds that have fallen to the ground can be taken, but they can be damaged by mold or rodents, and there is a high probability that this will be last year's harvest.

It is better to pick the cone directly from the tree, but this is not easy because of the height of the cedar pines. Pickers use long sticks with mallets at the ends, knocking the buds off the very tops. These seeds have a higher chance of germinating.

To collect seeds, it is best to pick the cone from the tree yourself.

Preparing seeds for germination

To plant seeds, you need to remove them from the bud. This is done quite simply. The cone is placed close heating appliances or quickly burned with flames from all sides. Under the influence of temperature, the scales open up, releasing seeds. On an industrial scale, special devices are used that crush the pine cone without damaging the pine nuts.

After removing the seeds, you need to take care of their disinfection. To prevent many fungal diseases, pine nuts are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours before planting.

Planting seeds

An important point in the cultivation of cedar from seeds is stratification - the creation of conditions as close as possible to natural ones. In the forest, pine nuts, falling into the ground in November-December, winter under the snow and germinate only in spring. It's pretty easy to create something like this at home:

  1. After soaking in potassium permanganate, pine nuts are planted in a specially prepared substrate to a depth of 1–2 cm. Too deep planting prevents seeds from germinating.
  2. The seeds planted in a container are watered so that the whole earth is wet, but not sour from excess moisture. Otherwise, the nuts will start to rot.
  3. 5-7 cm of snow is laid on the surface of the substrate. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 3 months. If the weather conditions do not allow immediately covering the plantings with snow, then this can be done later.
  4. Once a month or as the soil dries up, the nuts are watered room temperature... It is advisable to use melted snow.

After 3 months of stratification, the container with the cedars planted in it is taken out of the refrigerator and placed on the south window. Most often, the first shoots appear as early as the second week.

Cedar sprouts well on the south window

Seed planting substrate

The quality and composition of the soil play an important role in the cultivation of cedar at home. Seeds should be germinated in a mixture:

Sand and gravel are calcined before planting. This prevents the development of many diseases, kills mold spores. Sometimes cedar seeds are germinated in a mixture of coniferous sawdust and fertile soil... Such a composition is very similar to the soil of a cedar forest, but it dries up quickly enough, so you need to carefully monitor the watering of the sprouted nuts.

Before planting nuts, the soil should be calcined

Transplanting seedlings

When the cedar sprouts have reached 3 cm, they must be planted in separate containers, where they will grow for the first year. The main thing when transplanting is to carefully handle the delicate roots so as not to damage them.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, you can buy it at the store or use pine cones. The second option is better, because it brings the growing conditions closer to natural ones. The substrate is made from river sand, fertile soil and coniferous sawdust.

A month after transplanting, you can start hardening the seedlings. First, they arrange airing, and after a while they take it out into the street.

You cannot leave a young tree under the scorching sun, but the shade does not suit it either. You need to put the cedar pot in a place with a diffused shadow - under another tree or canopy.

For the first 10 years, cedar pine grows very slowly, but at good care will grow sharply. It is better to plant a seedling in the ground up to three years. Such a tree is well accepted and easily tolerates winter.

A three-year-old seedling can already be planted in the ground

Young tree care

If it was possible to plant a cedar in the country and the tree took root, then all the requirements for growing pine were carefully observed. Now you can start caring for the seedling. Remember the following guidelines:

  1. For full development forest trees enter into symbiosis with myceliums. This useful neighborhood will help the cedar grown in the country to grow stronger. To do this, take 5 handfuls of forest litter and pre-crushed caps of ripe forest mushrooms, soak it all in a bucket of warm water. After a day, the cedar is watered with the resulting mixture.
  2. It is impossible to loosen the ground around the tree, since the roots are located very close to the surface, there is a possibility of damage.
  3. The soil around the seedling is mulched to retain moisture and control weeds. Shredded pine or other coniferous cones, sawdust, pine nut shells are used as mulch.
  4. Water the plant as the soil dries out, but the cedar reacts painfully to waterlogging and may die. Every year in the spring and autumn, you need to apply fertilizer for conifers. If you take good care of the cedar for the first 10 years of its life, then it will actively grow and bear fruit well.

Cedar is evergreen conifer tree... It personifies strength, health, beauty, longevity and purity. Cedar cultivation is a noble business, but extremely laborious. Of course, the easiest way is to buy ready-made seedlings, because after planting they practically do not require maintenance, except for regular soil moisture. But it is much better to grow a cedar from a nut - this way you will be next to your tree from the first minutes, and when after many years it will spread its rich crown above the ground, the pleasure will be incomparable.

How to grow a cedar from a nut at home?
  1. Nuts bought at the grocery store or at the market are not suitable for growing cedar, as they are prepared for consumption by boiling in boiling salted water. Your best bet is to find a smooth, pleasant-smelling cedar cone with no signs of mold or staleness.
  2. Remove the nuts from the bump and rinse warm water... Additionally, you can rub the shell with a toothbrush or sponge - this will wash off the resin, which blocks moisture from accessing the core itself.
  3. After you have cleaned the nuts from excess resin, it is necessary to stratify, that is, keep them in cold (about 0 ° C) water for three days, changing the water once a day. After this time, you will notice that some of the seeds have risen to the surface of the water, and some have sunk to the bottom. Floating nuts are empty or of poor quality, even if correct fit they will not sprout, but drowned seeds can and should be planted in the ground.
  4. After three days, drain the water and mix the nuts with peat, forest soil or coarse washed sand, then slightly moisten the mixture and place it in wooden box with holes for air or a perforated pot for flowers. After all the manipulations, the container with nuts can be removed in the dark cool place- now the seeds should lie for several months (from 3 to 6 to simulate natural winter) at a temperature of about + 4 ° C. Take out the seeds every couple of weeks and moisten the soil. Try to choose the time so that the planting of the seeds falls on March-April.
  5. After a long preparation of the seeds, you can finally start planting. It is better to use natural forest soil, but in the absence of such, you can buy in flower shop special soil for conifers. The volume of the pot should be small, about 200 grams, and the planting depth is about 2 cm. Seeds can be sprinkled on top with needles or sawdust. Protect the sown seeds from high temperatures and bright sun: it is better to put the pot with the future tree in a shaded place with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. And, of course, the soil should be periodically moistened, while at the same time avoiding "flooding" of the seeds.
  6. Best to drop off maximum amount seeds, because only 10-15% of them will sprout. Depending on the quality of the seeds, the first shoots will sprout in 2-3 months and will be barely noticeable - up to five years, the cedar grows very slowly, and the growth is up to 6-7 cm. By the third year of life, the sprout can reach 15 cm, and after five to six years, it can be planted in an open space.
  7. Cedar likes well-drained stony or loamy soils. Therefore, it is advisable to mix the soil in the place where the cedar is supposed to be planted with sand and gravel.
There is one more interesting nuance: they say that before planting pine nuts, you need to hold them in your mouth for a few minutes - so the future tree will absorb your energy and information about you, and only then will it really grow into your truly grateful cedar. Of course, this moment is very similar to superstition, but in the first years of life, the cedar definitely needs your love and care.