Small hydrangea shelter for the winter. When to Remove Winter Shelter

15.07.2017 41 019

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter so that the plant can comfortably winter?

Not everyone knows how to cover a hydrangea for the winter in order to save the plant from bitter frosts in the northern regions and harmful dampness in a warm climate. How to cover and when to insulate - important points which are worth remembering. In addition, in central Russia, the Moscow region, Leningrad region, in the Urals and Siberia, V Krasnodar Territory and in the Kuban, Ukraine and Belarus there are their own characteristics ...

Hydrangea shelter for the winter - timing

Preparation of hydrangea for winter begins long before the onset of the first frost - even mid-summer is excluded nitrogen fertilizers, in September, watering stops, pruning is performed, by the first frosts the bush is wrapped up until spring.

Young, not yet hardened plants, varieties brought from nurseries and new ones require special attention. large-flowered species. The tree and paniculate hydrangea is more hardy, but it also needs shelter for the winter if it grows in a harsh climate. Balls of flowers in this species bloom on shoots that grow in spring, so winter freezing is not so bad. The large-leaved representative blooms on last year's shoots, therefore, it requires more thorough warming.

Before you cover the hydrangea for the winter, you need to cut everything in mid-September lower leaves, which contributes to the stiffening of young shoots. for the winter should be done correctly so as not to destroy the bush. Before the first frost, remove the remaining foliage, inflorescences and young shoots. Some gardeners advise leaving inflorescences, but they can break branches under the weight of snow, and non-lignified shoots will freeze in the cold.

Before warming hydrangeas for the winter, you need to understand which variety grows on the site. For instance, panicled beauty withstands temperatures down to -35 ° C, therefore, even on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, in Siberia, only trunk circle hydrangeas. A large-leaved bush needs warming even in warm regions. In outskirts of Moscow, middle lane In Russia, hydrangeas are covered for the winter by the end of October, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad region - in early to mid-October. There is no exact wrapping calendar, therefore, when to cover a hydrangea for the winter depends on weather conditions. It is important to have time to carry out the entire process of preparing for the onset of the first frost.

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter - technology

How to cover hydrangeas? You can wrap a flower with any material - the choice is not limited. The bush is very thermophilic, so there is not much flooring for it. The advantage is that the hydrangea is not afraid of diaper rash and practically does not get sick. Even if you find mold on the branches in the spring, just wipe it off with a damp cloth soaked in potassium permanganate. The bush is quite sprawling and high, so certain difficulties arise during warming. Consider the most popular options for how to cover hydrangea for the winter.

Wrapping with a cylinder of roofing material- this method is suitable for tall, spreading species, for example, sheltering a pink large-leaved hydrangea. The bushes are pruned, cutting off all the small branches and removing all the foliage, tie it with a rope, forming a sheaf. They wrap the bush with roofing felt so that the distance between the branches and the material is at least 10 cm, and in height - half a meter higher. Cover the structure with dry foliage, being careful not to damage the branches. Reliable way shelters of an old hydrangea for the winter.

Warming with spruce branches- a method used for small bushes. The essence of the method is that the branches are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches. The bush is spudded, spruce branches are poured around the trunk, hydrangea branches cut and stripped of foliage are bent down, again covered with spruce branches. If the bush is sprawling, the branches are divided into parts, tied with a rope and bent to the ground in parts. The learned hydrangea hill is covered with any material - tarpaulin, film, lutrasil, spunbond, roofing material, etc. It is necessary to leave holes for free air ventilation so that the plant does not suffocate. The edges are fixed with stakes or stones.

Shelter large-leaved hydrangea for the winter with wooden boxes- pour a couple of buckets of soil into the root area, lay out in a circle wooden boxes, bend the branches of the bush to them and secure. Cover the branches with agrospan, on top - with a film. Fix the structure with stones. In winter, the structure must be insulated with snow thrown from above. In the spring, do not rush to undress the bush - first remove the film, leaving a fabric cape. When the threat of night frost has passed, the plant can be completely freed from shelter.

Dry leaves for sheltering a young hydrangea- the first winter in the life of a bush is the most difficult, and even frost-resistant varieties. The plant is still young and not hardened by frost, so warming must be approached with all responsibility. The seedling is covered with fallen leaves, spruce branches are laid on top and covered with polyethylene. When snow falls, the structure is additionally insulated with snowdrifts thrown on top. Alternatively, a wooden or iron cage is built around the bush, covered with leaves and covered with foil.

Tricks of gardeners to save a plant

On a note: to change the color of the inflorescences, you can use dyes that are sold in flower shops. To get the result, the bush is watered 1-2 times a week, depending on the intensity of the desired color. In addition to dyes, aluminum sulfate is used, it will color the flowers blue, manganese will help to get pink hydrangea, peat infusion also changes the color of the balls.

  • Winter-hardy hydrangeas are usually not covered, but in particularly cold regions they are reinsured by wrapping the trunk with burlap and the root zone with spruce branches, peat or foliage. behind which is not complex, nevertheless, requires attention in the fall
  • Paniculata bushes suffer greatly from snowfall due to the fragility of the shoots. To protect the bush, the branches are tied and attached to wooden supports, pruning of inflorescences in these varieties is required.
  • Serrated, large-leaved and other heat-loving varieties can simply be wrapped around the sides until the first frost, leaving the top open for free air circulation, and cover with foil during the first frost
  • If at autumn pruning save flower buds, the bush will bloom much earlier
  • At what temperature should hydrangeas be covered? It is necessary to wrap the hydrangea before the night temperature drops below 0 ° C and provided that no thaw is expected. Gotta watch the weather forecast
  • When the upper branches are frozen for some reason, spring pruning will help to revive them.

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter, how to insulate it and whether it is worth doing it at all is the choice of every gardener. In warm latitudes, the bush will easily survive the winter, in colder latitudes it can freeze slightly, but will quickly recover after spring pruning. The exception will be young flowers and plants transplanted from nurseries and greenhouses, in the first winter they just need warming. Every year, the hydrangea becomes more enduring, adapting to climate, soil and weather conditions. Give your bush maximum attention in the first years of life, and it will delight you for many years.

Not everyone knows how to cover a hydrangea for the winter in order to save the plant from bitter frosts in the northern regions and harmful dampness in a warm climate. How to cover and when to insulate are important points to remember. In addition, in central Russia, the Moscow region, the Leningrad region, the Urals and Siberia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Kuban, Ukraine and Belarus have their own characteristics
There is an opinion that hydrangea is a capricious plant that requires a thorough shelter for the winter to preserve flower buds. This is only partly true, because applies only to the large-leaved variety. Other species (tree-like and paniculate) winter well without shelter in central Russia. If you don’t know what type the hydrangea growing on your site belongs to, why it doesn’t bloom or blooms insufficiently, how to prepare it for winter, then in this article you may find answers.

Preparation of hydrangeas for wintering

Hydrangeas begin to prepare for winter from September. True, they do not need complex care or special events at all, and such preparation will not take much effort. You just need to remember to stop some procedures in time and carry out others:

  • Hydrangeas are pruned in early spring, but this does not mean at all that plants do not need attention on the eve of the coldest season. It is better to carry out sanitary cleaning for hydrangeas - remove dry or damaged shoots by treating the sections with garden pitch or a special protective compound.
  • Under the bushes, all dry leaves are collected, immediately destroying them. At the large-leaved hydrangea, in early September, it is necessary to remove all the leaves from the lower half of the bush. Thus, lignification of shoots is stimulated and their frost resistance increases. Before the arrival of frost, all leaves on hydrangeas are removed, leaving only the apical ones to protect the flower buds.
  • Pruning inflorescences before winter is not such an easy question. Dry caps of hydrangeas decorate the garden, look great under the snow and are surprisingly touching even when dry. Therefore, if you have no other reason to cut and if the hydrangeas are not completely covered for the winter (that is, they do not belong to the large-leaved and Sargent variety, the bushes are older than 2 years), then do not remove the inflorescences before winter, but leave them for decoration winter garden. In large-leaved hydrangea, all inflorescences are removed before the onset of frost.
  • From the middle of summer, only phosphate-potassium top dressing is carried out for hydrangeas.
  • From mid-September, watering is stopped for all hydrangeas; water-charging watering before wintering is not carried out for these shrubs. If possible, large-leaved hydrangeas are protected from excessive moisture by installing a frame with a film over the bushes, which will prevent water from falling under the bushes during rains.

Terms of shelter of hydrangeas for the winter

Preparation of hydrangeas for winter begins long before the onset of the first frosts - even in the middle of summer, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded, watering stops in September, pruning is done, and by the first frosts the bush is wrapped up until spring.
Young, not yet hardened plants, varieties brought from nurseries and new, large-flowered species require special attention. The tree and paniculate hydrangea is more hardy, but it also needs shelter for the winter if it grows in a harsh climate. Balls of flowers in this species bloom on shoots that grow in spring, so winter freezing is not so bad. The large-leaved representative blooms on last year's shoots, therefore, it requires more thorough warming.
Before you cover the hydrangea for the winter, it is necessary to cut off all the lower leaves in mid-September, which contributes to the stiffness of young shoots. Pruning hydrangeas for the winter must be done correctly so as not to destroy the bush. Before the first frost, remove the remaining foliage, inflorescences and young shoots. Some gardeners advise leaving inflorescences, but they can break branches under the weight of snow, and non-lignified shoots will freeze in the cold.
Before warming hydrangeas for the winter, you need to understand which variety grows on the site. For example, panicled beauty can withstand temperatures down to -35 ° C, therefore, even on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, in Siberia, only the trunk circle of hydrangea is covered for the winter. A large-leaved bush needs warming even in warm regions. In the Moscow region, Central Russia, hydrangea is covered for the winter by the end of October, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad region - in early to mid-October. There is no exact wrapping calendar, therefore, when to cover a hydrangea for the winter depends on weather conditions. It is important to have time to carry out the entire process of preparing for the onset of the first frost.

Ways to shelter hydrangeas for the winter

There are two ways to cover hydrangeas, but first you need to find out which variety you have planted in the garden. If you have paniculate and tree-like varieties, then you do not need to cover them. If you are worried about your plant, then for the sake of safety, you can spud the bushes well in the fall, also scatter dry leaves near the trunk circle or put spruce branches. But all these instructions are only suitable for adult plants.
As for the seedlings, they, of course, will need to be completely covered for the winter, as well as large-leaved hydrangea.
The procedure for the first method should be as follows:

  1. Before you begin to cover the plants, you will need to remove thin and crossing shoots, as well as collect any fallen leaves.
  2. Divide the bush, but it is worth considering what direction the shoots of the plant have, then tie to the ground and secure. Since the shoots of hydrangeas are flexible, they usually do not break.
  3. Next, you should cover the plant with lutrasil or other material, but it must be non-woven.

Sprinkle dry leaves on top and wrap a bag of sugar in cling film to prevent it from getting wet. At the end, you should throw on a part of the old carpet. This completes the cover of the first option.
The second cover looks like this:

  1. You should fill in about 3 buckets of garden soil at the base of the prepared bush and in the place where the roots of the plant are located.
  2. You should put small wooden boxes next to the plant and lay the hydrangea shoots on them, you will also need to secure them with the help of a slot in the stands.
  3. At the end, you need to cover the plant with several layers of material (agrospan), and cover it with a film on top. Remember that it is best not to rush to open the hydrangea, it can be harmed by return frosts. The opening time of the hydrangea depends on the region in which you live. On average, the disclosure of hydrangea occurs at the end of April or the beginning of May.

Tricks gardeners to save hydrangeas

How to cover a hydrangea for the winter, how to insulate it and whether it is worth doing it at all is the choice of every gardener. In warm latitudes, the bush will easily survive the winter, in colder latitudes it can freeze slightly, but will quickly recover after spring pruning. The exception will be young flowers and plants transplanted from nurseries and greenhouses, in the first winter they just need warming. Every year, the hydrangea becomes more enduring, adapting to climate, soil and weather conditions. Give your bush maximum attention in the first years of life, and it will delight you for many years.

  • Winter-hardy hydrangeas are usually not covered, but in particularly cold regions they are reinsured by wrapping the trunk with burlap and the root zone with spruce branches, peat or foliage. Hydrangea, planting and caring for which is not difficult, nevertheless, requires attention in the fall.
  • Paniculata bushes suffer greatly from snowfall due to the fragility of the shoots. To protect the bush, the branches are tied and attached to wooden supports; pruning of inflorescences in these varieties is required.
  • Serrated, large-leaved and other heat-loving varieties can simply be wrapped around the sides until the first frost, leaving the top open for free air circulation, and cover with a film during the first frost.
  • If you keep flower buds during autumn pruning, the bush will bloom much earlier.
  • At what temperature should hydrangeas be covered? It is necessary to wrap the hydrangea before the night temperature drops below 0 ° C and provided that no thaw is expected. You need to follow the weather forecast.
  • When the upper branches are frozen for some reason, spring pruning will help to revive them.

Proper Protection garden plants v winter period guarantees their safety during severe cold weather. It will help to cover the flowers from frost, ensure the safety of the roots and stem. It is necessary to carry out such procedures both in flowerbeds near a private house and in the country.

Having correctly protected the hydrangea in winter, you can not worry about its flowering in spring and summer. When selecting best method it is important to take into account both the variety of flowers and the place of growth (for example, in Siberia, maximum plant protection is required).

You can find out how to hold a shelter for the winter in this article.

How to properly protect flowers from the cold: choosing the best method for different varieties

The choice of the correct method of protection for the variety of hydrangea is mandatory, since it allows you to create for the plant optimal conditions wintering.

With insufficient shelter, the flowers will simply die. If excessive, rotting of the roots or stem may begin, which in the future will cause illness and death of the plant.

1. For panicled varieties

Panicle hydrangea needs to be protected with special attention. This large flower is quite unpretentious and endures a strong drop in temperature, frost.

The only weak "link" of the flower can be considered the root system. The lack of shelter can lead to its freezing and subsequent death.

Therefore, for panicled hydrangea, the option with the protection of ordinary garden soil is perfect. She needs to cover the area around the stem and its lower part (just pour a hill).

2. For tree variety

Modern hydrangea tree-like with large lush flowers requires good hilling of the earth and protection of both the root and the stem.

High-quality shelter should be carried out for plants growing in especially cold regions.

3. For a large-leaved variety

Large-leaved hydrangea bushes must necessarily hide in the winter. This variety is the most gentle and very poorly tolerates frost, severe cold.

Therefore, in order to prepare for wintering, it must be cut off (remove leaves, inflorescences), and then covered. Otherwise, for large-leaved hydrangea, even a slight decrease in temperature will be fatal and it will disappear.

In addition to wintering conditions, the rules for opening flowers in spring must also be taken into account. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only with a stable increase in temperature. If in the near future weather forecasters predict strong drops and night frosts, you should wait a bit with cleaning the shelter.

Temperature fluctuations will have a bad effect on the plant and can lead to poor germination of shoots.

Important! Be sure to cover the large-leaved hydrangea for the winter-spring period in the northern cold regions. After all, warming in such areas usually occurs quite late.

Rules for protecting young flowers: getting ready for the first wintering

Many novice gardeners are interested in whether it is necessary to cover young plants for the first wintering, or can only hilling be enough.

Proper protection of flowers with dry leaves, twigs and earth is a must.

Weak sprouts are highly susceptible to negative external influences so they need proper protection.

Work should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform sheet removal.
  2. Trim the stems so that about 6-10 cm remain.
  3. Build a fence around the stems (from branches, metal mesh or an old wooden box).
  4. Fill the inner space with dry healthy leaves.
  5. Close the created protection with waterproof non-woven materials.

Peat will also help prepare for winter in the garden.

When using it, it is necessary to perform pruning according to the same instructions, and then completely fill in the remaining pieces of the stems. Next, cover the formed tubercle with dry branches (you can use fruit trees or spruce). And from above from moisture to close with waterproof materials.

It is correct to cover the hydrangea for the winter period using this method, completely covering the tubercle from moisture: this will prevent the accumulation of water in the peat and the decay of plants.

Important! You need to use only dry peat. A wet layer will cause the stem to rot, and preparing the hydrangea for winter will have the opposite effect - the death of flowers.

For plants that have survived the first winter well, you can use similar methods of protection. But at the same time, strong pruning of young flowers will not be carried out. Since fragile shoots need good insulation, for the winter, second-year hydrangea is recommended to be protected according to the instructions described. This will help preserve the stems and root of the flower, and ensure its normal growth during warm periods.

Note! When studying information on how to cover hydrangea for the winter, the period of plant protection should also be taken into account. Young sprouts need to be cut and warmed in October-November, as soon as the temperature drops to about 5 degrees.

How to properly prepare flowers for wintering in cold regions?

Even the most resistant varieties of flowers need proper insulation for the winter. After all, some regions of Russia have such a harsh climate that frosts can reach -35 degrees or more.

Therefore, the initial preparation for the winter of hydrangeas should begin with a study of forecasts for the next 3 months.

If the climatic conditions in the region are stable and the gardener knows that it will be very cold, you should not hesitate, but proceed to protect the flower beds using one of the methods described.

Method 1. Accurate stacking of stems

Place low wooden boxes near the stems (you can use pieces of a pallet). Carefully lay the stems on the stand and secure. Cover with dry leaves and cover with non-woven material.

Method 2. Effective protection of young shoots (2-3 years old)

You can carefully lay young plants without stands and pillows. It is necessary to pour garden soil near the stem, fasten the stems themselves together, bend them to the ground and fix them with pebbles.

If a broad-leaved hydrangea is wrapped in this way, then a couple more layers of non-woven fabrics can be additionally laid. They will let air through, but at the same time they will additionally warm the plants.

Method 3. Simple protection of flowers for the winter

Lay pillows of dry leaves near the stems, put plants on them and press down with stones.

These methods can be applied to any northern regions. You can use them in the Urals, where severe winters are often observed.

For warm areas with a mild climate, such measures will be redundant even for young annual flowers.

By the way, read our article.

Secrets of gardeners: original ways to protect flowers in winter

  • Some gardeners recommend not trimming leaves and flowers before wintering.

The lack of such preparation makes it possible to use less insulating shelters in the following years. Flowers over time will be able to adapt to new conditions and therefore become resistant to cold.

But if garden hydrangea grows in an area with a lot of rainfall in winter, then you need to build a “cap” for it from branches or a box. This will eliminate the risk of breaking off the stems under the weight of snow.

  • An interesting option for wintering plants in pots. This method is used by gardeners who grow hydrangeas in the Moscow region.

Experts recommend that young shoots (adult plants are not recommended to be transplanted into pots and even buckets) are carefully dug out when it gets cold, placed in a prepared pot with peat or ordinary garden soil. Then it remains only to rearrange it in a barn or another household. extension.

Additionally, you can cover with non-woven material for insulation.
After the onset of spring, hydrangea in a pot can be planted. The next year, you need to carry out shelter on the site.

Large plants will no longer be able to carry out such wintering. When digging up large shrubs, you can seriously damage the root, which will lead to the death of the flower. Therefore, for perennial hydrangeas, one of the wintering methods described above should be used.

Video on how to prepare hydrangea for winter:

It's so beautiful flowering plant how, it will delight the eye for many years if you know how to cover it for the winter. After all, being brought to us from southern countries, she was never able to adapt to a rather harsh climate. Preserving a shrub in winter is not too difficult, but you need to prepare for this in advance.

In what month to cover the hydrangea for the winter?

If you have no doubts about whether it is necessary to cover paniculate hydrangea for the winter, already at the end of September you can start preparing shelter for this shrub. To begin with, you should cut off all the leaves, but leave the top slightly pubescent and do not remove the upper inflorescences.

Thanks to such actions, the shoots will soon become woody, which will allow them to better survive the winter, and the apical bud will not freeze out thanks to good cover from dried buds. After about a month, you can already proceed to the final warming.

For those who do not know at what temperature to cover the hydrangea for the winter, you should focus not on the calendar, but on the readings of the outdoor thermometer. When the temperature approaches zero or drops a little lower by a couple of degrees, this is a signal for a caring gardener. The following materials should be prepared for insulation:

  • spunbond (lutrasil);
  • thick cellophane film;
  • sawdust or dry leaves;
  • rigid wire for the frame or flexible pipes.

The time when it is necessary to cover the hydrangea for the winter, as well as the type of shelter, depend on the region. For example, in the south it is high enough to spud hydrangea bushes and this will be enough for them. But in the western, central and eastern regions Shelter must be done thoroughly, because the temperature in winter here sometimes drops to minus 15 ° C-25 ° C. Even if such a decrease is short-lived, it will destroy the branches of the plant.

How to cover a young hydrangea for the winter?

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work:

  1. Shrub branches should be laid radially, that is, in a circle if the bush is large, or twist everything into one loose bundle if the bush is small. No violent actions are allowed, otherwise the integrity of the shoots can be damaged.
  2. Directly on the ground, as a layer between it and the branches, lay corrugated cardboard or spruce branches from spruce for better cushioning.
  3. The shoots are wrapped in several layers of spunbond or lutrasil, after which they are laid on a spruce branch.
  4. From above, you can again cover the bush with spruce branches or thick cellophane. The fallen snow will make a real lair out of such a shelter, in which the frosts will be nothing to the shrubs.
  5. If the shrub is upright and it’s impossible to lay the branches on the ground, they are wrapped with spunbond, tape and a rigid wire frame is built around.
  6. The frame is wrapped with a fine mesh, and leaf litter is poured into the middle, which will prevent the plant from freezing, and at the same time it will breathe.

When the shrub is at least 3 years old, the shelter can no longer be done so carefully, and over time, only spud the hydrangea. After all, over the years, wood becomes denser, and root system so strong that it allows the hydrangea to survive the winter cold on its own.

Gardeners and landscapers appreciate the hydrangea bush because of its beautiful and large flowers. The size and quality of flowers depends on how well the plant is cared for. The main guarantee of their formation is the proper protection of their kidneys in winter.

How to prepare for winter

Preparing for winter is the key not only to the beautiful flowering of hydrangea, but also to its survival in general. The first step is to cut off all the lower leaves from the shoots. This will help them stiffen up, making the underside of the bush more resistant to cold. It is important to exclude nitrogen fertilizers before winter, start adding leaf humus under the rhizome of the plant. Will benefit from potash and phosphorus bait. Each variety of plant has its own characteristics when sheltering for the winter.

Tree hydrangeas do not need much shelter. They perfectly tolerate even the most severe cold. This is due to the fact that this variety has a tall, strong and completely stiff trunk. It gives her the ability to resist frost and quickly recover from them. In winter, it is only recommended to cut the leaves of the tree-like bush, and the inflorescences can be left to decorate the winter garden. Hydrangea Sargent and large-leaved need careful shelter for the winter. In order for them to survive the winter, you need to have time to completely insulate them before the arrival of the first frost. After cutting off all the foliage and inflorescences, the shoots of the plant should be lowered to the ground and tied to a well-fixed peg. Next, you need to cover the rhizome and trunks with foliage, earth, wrap them with non-woven material with holes. Such actions will help keep the plant warm and ensure its beautiful flowering from early spring to late summer.

Did you know?In science, hydrangea is called "hydrangea", which literally translates as "a vessel with water."

When to Cover

The preparation of the bush for wintering should begin long before the arrival of cold weather. The best month to start the whole process is September. By this time, the plants will already have faded and will begin to shed their leaves. During October, it is advisable to completely cover them in order to protect the flower buds from low temperatures. When the thermometer is below 0 ° C, the delicate ovaries of flowers are at great risk. Although the plant itself is able to survive at temperatures of -25 ... -35 ° C, in the absence of shelter in such a cold, there will definitely not be inflorescences in spring.

Shelter of the young

Young bushes are especially sensitive to cold weather, as they have not yet fully matured. To provide them with coziness and comfort, it is necessary to create conditions where sudden temperature changes will not be felt, snow will not fall. First thing young plant need to be protected with a lot of dry leaves.

Important! Under the coating should not penetrate cold air or create a draft.

This will help keep the heat at the base of the bush. Next, you need to throw a film or other on the hydrangea nonwoven fabric cut small holes in it. It must be fixed and firmly pressed to the ground so that the wind does not carry it away. For more reliable protection from snow, you can create a small dome or cellophane roof over a young plant.

Paniculata shelter

Paniculata or pink hydrangea is pretty frost-resistant species. It withstands frosts down to -35 ° C in the absence of strong wind. This species in our latitudes requires minimal shelter for the winter. The best option is the hilling of the beginning of the shoots with a mixture of leaves, soil and peat. If your site is often windy, then it is better to tilt the branches to the ground and fix. This will provide protection from the wind and save more heat.

Video: panicle hydrangea shelter for the winter

Important!Up to two years, even panicled hydrangeas need to be wrapped with non-woven material with fixation of bent shoots near the ground.

Shelter large-leaved

Large-leaved hydrangea is most whimsical when we are talking about shelter for the winter. The inflorescences of this plant are large, beautiful and very fragile. To save them during the cold weather, you need to warm the shrub as much as possible. First you need to clean it from all the leaves, cut off the dried inflorescences. Next, insulate the rhizome with a mixture of soil and peat, and then lower the shoots to the ground and fix. Then it is necessary to cover the plant with non-woven material, subsequently pressing it tightly to the ground. Sometimes snow can be poured on top for a better effect.

Video: large-leaved hydrangea shelter for the winter

Shelter tree

Tree hydrangea is a wonderful attribute of any garden. It is unpretentious and easily tolerates frosts down to -30 ° C. The difference of this variety from others is that it has a thicker trunk covered with rough bark. The shoots are much higher than those of the paniculate and large-leaved. In order for the tree-like hydrangea to safely survive the winter and bloom in the spring, you need to properly cover it.

Did you know? Hydrangeas are unique in that they accumulate aluminum from acidic soil. Thanks to this ability, some species acquire a blue color inflorescences.

How exactly to do this depends on weather and temperature conditions. If the temperature in winter does not fall below -15 ... -20 ° C, then the plant can only be covered with earth and leaves. If you often observe cold winds and temperatures below the mentioned range in the area, you should completely cover the bush. Namely: insulate the base of the trunk with leaves, peat and earth, bend the shoots to the ground, cover the hydrangea with non-woven material.

Video: how to properly cover a tree hydrangea for the winter

Shelter methods

In order to shelter plants for the winter, there are many ways. Regarding hydrangeas, the most effective and suitable are sheltering with spruce branches and fixing bent shoots near the ground. They are the ones who provide the most better protection plants from external threats in winter. Lapnik, or spruce forest - fluffy, green fir branches. They are great for warming hydrangeas, as they retain heat well and protect.

They are used as flooring on the base non-woven material. The spruce branches are folded on top in a small layer to strengthen the structure and protect the plant from the oppression of snow. Fixing bent shoots to the ground is also a great way to protect the plant from wind and frost. It is often combined with spruce cover to provide maximum comfort hydrangeas. This method consists in lowering the shoots of the bush to the ground. This must be done gradually so that the plant gets used to this position and does not break. It is best to use a plank with nails or pegs to tie branches to them. Hydrangea is an adornment of any flower bed. And in order for it to bloom more magnificently and brighter, you need to warm it well in winter. Thanks to simple but important actions, you can grow a bush that will delight you with bright flowers throughout the warm season.