Does lilac bloom in winter? Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases.

In the 60s and 70s, lilacs were widely used in floriculture for distillation. With the development of industrial floriculture and the development of carnation culture, interest in lilacs is weakening. Abroad, lilac cut remains popular in cut crops - in the Netherlands alone, its sales volume is more than 10 million pieces.

For distillation, varieties of common lilac have long been used, which is due to biological features and highly decorative inflorescences. Lilac has a very short dormant period, in the open field begins to vegetate in April. The laying and formation of flower buds occurs in her in the year preceding flowering, on annual shoots in the axils of 1-4 pairs of the upper, most large leaves. The laying of flower buds coincides with the period of the end of flowering, the browning of shoots and the end of their growth in length. The differentiation of the inflorescence in the bud begins at the end of June and proceeds especially intensively in July - August, which coincides with the period of growth of shoots in thickness.


For distillation, terry and non-terry varieties are used. But they must have a short dormant period, early flowering, bloom profusely, be highly decorative and have a long flowering period. For early forcing, varieties with white flowers are preferable, since dark-colored ones turn very pale with a lack of light.

Distilled lilac varieties include: with white simple flowers - Vestalka, Madame Floren Stepman, Marie Legrey; with white double flowers- Madame Casimir Perrier, Madame Lemoine; with lilac-pink simple flowers - Buffon, Marshal Foch; with reddish-lilac simple flowers - Hugo de Vries; with pale pink-lilac double flowers - Madame Antoine Buchner; with light purple flowers with a blue tint - Michel Buchner; with pink double flowers with a lilac tint - Comte Kerkhove; with purple-red, purple double flowers inside - Katerina Havemeyer; with purple simple flowers - Ludwig Shpet, Karl X, Congo.

Of the varieties of domestic selection, Bogdan Khmelnitsky is spectacular with terry, when blooming pink, at the time of full bloom, pinkish-lilac flowers.

Distilled lilacs may bloom as early as November. The sale of cut lilacs is virtually unlimited, but the farms constantly experience a shortage of products prepared for forcing. planting material.

For distillation, plants propagated by budding, grafting or green cuttings are used. Three-, four-year-old seedlings grafted by cuttings are suitable, propagated by budding - four-, five-year-old, and grown from cuttings - five-, six-year-old plants (for grafted, the age of the grafted part of the plant is indicated).

Due to the lack of lilac seedlings, plants with a 1-2-year-old crown are often used for forcing. Propagated by budding and grafting by cuttings, they have 1-2 and 1-5 flower buds, respectively, against 40-50 in four-year-old seedlings.

Lilac distillation is carried out in three main ways.

First way. Plants dug out in autumn with a clod of earth are transported to a greenhouse in winter and dug directly into the ground. Planting material is grown on clay soils where the seedlings hold a ball well. The reaction of the soil can be from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (pH from 5 to 8). The field from which plants are dug out for forcing is kept clean and loose during the growing season.

In early spring when the soil is still damp, lilacs are fed with a complete mixture of mineral fertilizers. Then, prior to the start of the growing season, a molding pruning of the crown is carried out: annual shoots are cut, leaving 4-5 pairs of well-made buds. 2-3-year-old plants are cut into 3-4 pairs of buds. Lateral, underdeveloped and thickening crown branches are cut into a ring, while removing fatty shoots. Weak shoots that appeared later are cut off with a hand in a mitten. Delayed pruning will delay the growth of shoots and the formation of flower buds. The soil must be watered, its drying out is unacceptable, especially in May - June, when shoots grow intensively and flower buds form.

"Leon Gambetta"

In the second half of summer (late July - early August), when the growth of shoots in length ends and apical shoots form, the plants are dug in with a lump. At the same time, the roots are cut from below, the lump is lifted and left in place. The shovel is placed not vertically, but somewhat obliquely to the soil. These works are carried out after heavy rains, and in dry weather, the day before the start of work, the site is plentifully watered. Dig in bushes that have at least 5-6 long flowering shoots with well-formed buds. The diameter of the lump is 35-40, the height is 25-30 cm.

After 2-3 days, undermined bushes are watered abundantly. In dry weather, in order to prevent the leaves from wilting, the plants are watered.

Late in the autumn, during leaf fall, the bushes are transported to a special area located near the greenhouses, while ensuring the complete safety of the shoots, buds and earth coma.

The surface of the site is lined with a 3-4 cm layer of sawdust or leaves. Plants are installed vertically, close - lump to whom, then every 2-3 rows they are covered with a 20-30-cm layer of sawdust or dry leaves. In winter, plants are additionally insulated with snow, distributing it evenly throughout the site. Plants must be protected from mice and crows, the latter sometimes peck out buds.

Lilac distillation is carried out in bright greenhouses provided with a heat source.

Plants are planted in batches, 3-4 times during the winter and are timed to coincide with certain dates. The total duration of the distillation period is 25-30 days. Thus, for forcing lilacs for the New Year, plants are planted from November 30 to December 3. The soil should be light in texture, filled with organic and mineral fertilizers.

"Ludwig Schlett"

Lilacs are installed in rows across the greenhouse in grooves, the depth of which is approximately half the height of the lilac clod. Approximately 7-9 bushes of 4 years of age are placed per 1 m 2. The clods of the first row are covered with earth removed during the construction of the groove for the next row, etc. The soil around the clods is slightly compacted. The greenhouse maintains a temperature of 10-12 °C. After filling the greenhouse with plants, the windows and doors are tightly closed. Plants and soil are watered abundantly warm water(30 ° C), paths, walls, pipes are sprayed to increase air humidity.

After 2-3 days, the temperature in the greenhouse is raised to 30-35 °C. Plants are sprayed 5-6 times a day through a sprayer with warm water. On the 5-6th day after the application, the lilac begins to grow, on the 12th day leaves appear and shoots and inflorescences separate, young roots begin to grow.

At this time, vegetative shoots are plucked from plants, left only under the inflorescence with 1-2 pairs of leaves from the base of 1-2 upper vegetative shoots, the top of which is pinched.

As soon as the buds begin to bloom, spray only the lower part of the bushes and the soil. Spraying is reduced to 2-3, continue to moisten the paths and walls of greenhouses.

The air temperature is reduced to 25-27 °C. On the 15-16th day, individual flowers bloom, on the 20-22nd, mass flowering occurs. The upper shoots bloom 2-3 days earlier than the side shoots. By this time, the temperature is reduced to 12-15 ° C and maintained within such limits until the end of the cutting of flowers, after which the soil of the greenhouses is plentifully watered, the green shoots and leaves on the bushes are cut off. Plants are carefully transferred to storage, a dark or semi-dark room with a temperature of 4-5 ° C and a relative humidity of 60-70%, so as not to destroy the lump.

At proper storage and good agricultural practices, after three years, the plants can again be used for re-forcing.

For storage, the bushes are laid horizontally, in stacks, in clods towards the middle, and with branches outward. Each row of clods during laying is sprinkled with moistened peat chips or sawdust. The top row is covered with leaves, sawdust or plastic wrap. During storage, the room is periodically ventilated, and in case of severe dryness, the floor, walls, etc. are sprayed.

Bushes are planted in early spring open ground for growing.

The second way. Lilac distillation is carried out on the spot. In mild climatic conditions, over the area where lilac grows, special shelters are made of greenhouse frames or plastic film for the winter.

The experience of the Republican Experimental Demonstration Farm of Flower and ornamental plants(Kyiv), where for many years lilacs have been grown on permanent place without transplantation in the soil of inter-greenhouse spaces under film cover (Appendix 2). Heating in the greenhouses is complex-stationary: lateral along the perimeter of the greenhouses and calorific as an additional one to maintain the required temperature.

For the annual production of lilac cuts, two plots are prepared, then one of them is used for forcing, on the second - the plants are prepared for the next year.

The soil is well seasoned with fertilizers: organic (rotted manure and peat - 20-30 kg / m 2) and mineral ( granular superphosphate 30-40 g/m2).

Lilacs are planted in early spring according to the scheme 50×50, 50×70 and 70×100 cm, depending on the age of the plants, for which formed seedlings are used. Before planting, they are pruned: the main skeletal shoots are shortened to 3-5 pairs of buds, weak and extra shoots are cut out. The roots are slightly trimmed. Feed with complete, mineral fertilizer at the rate of 50 g / m 2 every 3-4 weeks. During the laying of flower buds, the dose nitrogen fertilizers reduce and in August stop feeding.

For prevention against fungal diseases copper preparations are used - copper oxychloride and cineb (50 g per 10 l), 1% Bordeaux liquid, etc.

Before the start of distillation, the greenhouse with lilacs is covered with a film. Distillation begins 25-30 days before the planned flowering period. The temperature is maintained within 22-28 °C.

Before forcing, excess dried shoots are cut out. After thawing the soil, the plants are fed, the soil is loosened, and the shoots are removed at the base of the bush. With the beginning of flowering, the temperature is reduced.

"Madame Antoine Buechner"

Before opening the film, leafy shoots are cut to sleeping buds, excess and small shoots are cut out. Airing begins early in the spring. At soil temperatures above 6 ° C, the film is removed completely. If the bushes have outgrown, they are rejuvenated, cut into old wood with dormant buds.

After forcing the next year, the lilac hibernates without shelter. Preparation of lilacs for cultivation is carried out in the same way as in the first year after planting. In the spring, annual shoots are cut into 3-5 pairs of buds, weak and superfluous are cut out, and top dressing is carried out.

With the age of the plants, the quality of the cut improves, the shoots and brushes of flowers become larger. Inflorescences reach 30-40 cm in length.

The third way. Plants are planted in pots, kept for one growing season in open ground, and then planted in a greenhouse. Flowering plants are sold as a whole.

A year before forcing, seedlings with formed flower buds are planted in pottery pots. During summer planting, plants 4-6 are used, during spring - 2-3 years of age.

The last technique in the 60s was widely used by Kharkov flower growers. Its essence is as follows: a grown one-year-old seedling is cut off in early spring at a height of 30-35 cm. 5-6 pairs of upper shoots are formed, all weak and lower ones are cut off in early July, leaving 2 pairs lower leaves. In the first half of August, these shoots are cut into a ring. During the entire growing season, plants are cared for: loosening, weeding, etc. In autumn, seedlings are dug up and dug in a protected area. In early spring, as soon as the soil thaws, lilacs are planted from a pin in 18-centimeter pots. The root system is cut off, but they try to keep small roots. Annuals side shoots seedlings in vigorous varieties are cut into 6-8 pairs of eyes, in the rest - by 4-6, with less developed shoots they are cut into 6-8 pairs of buds, with well-developed ones - by 4-6.

"Taras Bulba"

The pots are filled with an earthen mixture (chernozem, humus, sand in a ratio of 4:1:1). For 1 m 3 of the land mixture, 3 kg of ammonium sulfate, 4 - superphosphate, 2 kg of potassium salt are added. The soil is compacted, in pots leave a place to retain water during irrigation. Planted plants are watered with water at room temperature.

Pots are installed on a leveled area, protected from cold and northern winds. As needed, lilacs in pots are regularly watered. It is more expedient to carry out watering with water heated to 20 ° C, then root system warms up better and supplies the awakening kidneys nutrients.

After 10-15 days, lilac pots are planted in ridges according to the 35 × 35 cm scheme. The edge of the buried pot should be at the level of the soil. After planting, the ridges are mulched with a 3-5 cm layer of humus or semi-rotted manure.

Caring for lilac pots dug into the ridges consists in regular watering. At the same time, both excessive drying and waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed, since in any case one-year growth is inhibited. With the onset of hot, dry weather, a double spraying is carried out in the morning and afternoon hours.

In early November, lilac pots are dug out of the ridges and placed in storage with a temperature of +2 to -2 ° C. You can dig pots in an inclined position (up to 30-40 °) in a deep greenhouse, covering them with a layer (15-20 cm) of humus or leaves, and so store until forcing.

The production experience of T. A. Zykova on forcing lilacs in pots of the Republican Experimental Demonstration Farm of Flower and Ornamental Plants deserves to be disseminated.

Annual formed seedlings are planted in the greenhouse area for 2 years. The same batch of seedlings is planted the next year in order to obtain annual planting material for forcing.

After 2 years, in early spring, the plants are dug up, and their place is taken by a new batch of annual seedlings.

Three-year-old seedlings are planted in 25-30 cm pots. All weak and superfluous shoots are cut out, the main skeletal branches are cut low, above the largest buds. After planting, the pots are placed close to each other in greenhouses or ridges in the greenhouse area. To protect against drying out, the ridges around are spudded with earth, leaves, sawdust. During the growing season, they water, spray, feed (since July they limit nitrogen). In summer, at the end of June - July, small shoots are pruned, leaving large ones on which flower buds are laid. Over the summer, the plants should give a good increase and lay flower buds. In August, fertilization is stopped.

"Madame Lemoine"

For the winter, the ridges are well covered with leaves, sawdust or other material to protect the root system from freezing. In winter, rodent control is carried out, as mice can damage the bark.

Plants are brought into the greenhouse in batches. It is better to start distillation from the beginning of January, because only very early varieties with white flowers - Marie Legre, Madame Floren Stepman. Before forcing, pruning is carried out - small, superfluous, non-flowering shoots are removed. After thawing the coma, the temperature in the greenhouses is maintained within 20-30 ° C, the plants are sprayed with warm water. Flowering time depends on temperature.

For better development of the flower brush during the growth period, fast-growing vegetative shoots are removed or pinched.

With early distillation, various methods are used to awaken flower buds: thermal baths, for which lilac branches are placed for 9-12 hours in water with a temperature of 25-28 °; spraying with warm water (35-40 ° C) 4-5 times a day. Thermal baths are used for distillation of pot culture. For plants with a clod of earth, frequent spraying of bushes with warm water is used. It should be noted that it is better to replace spraying with high temperature (35-40 ° C) in a special chamber, where the plants are kept until inflorescences 2-3 cm long develop from flower buds.

The duration of forcing is reduced by 18-20 days when plants are treated with water vapor low pressure with a temperature of 35-40 ° C for 18-24 hours. This method is economical and reliable and can be widely used in greenhouses that use exhaust steam from industrial enterprises;

smoke treatment is a very simple technique. After a 24-hour smoke treatment, the buds awaken on the second day, and flowering begins on the 17th.

Good results were given by smoke treatments with spraying with warm water;

Freezing is widely used in the Netherlands. Plants are frozen for four weeks - from mid-October to mid-November - at minus 2-3°C and air humidity of 90-95%.

In our farms, freezing technology was used; developed by A. N. Gromov, according to which plants are frozen for 10 days at minus 4-6 ° C. Then they are taken out to a cool semi-dark room, where they are slowly thawed for about 2 days, after which the distillation is carried out in the usual way.


In the practice of world floriculture, especially in the GDR, the forcing of cut branches is widespread. Inflorescences are inferior in quality to those obtained by forcing plants with a lump. But this method is much more economical. The area is occupied only 3-4 weeks, 100 flowering branches are obtained from 1 m2. mother plants can be used annually for 20-25 years.

This method has been known to Kiev flower growers since the 70s, but, having received inferior inflorescences with short panicles during preliminary tests, they were skeptical about it and from further work refused him.

Many years of experience of flower growers in the GDR showed that the forcing of cut branches is very promising and deserves to be introduced into industrial floriculture. Can be used in amateur floriculture.

The technology for forcing cut branches is described in detail by 3. S. Luneva, N. L. Mikhailov, E. A. Sudakova, for which it is recommended to use lilac varieties - Madame Floren Stepman and Marie Legre.

The mother liquor is laid in sunny, wind-protected areas with fertile soil and fixed irrigation system. For planting, annual occulants grafted on vigorous rootstocks are used. Planting scheme 2 × 0.5 m. Seedlings are formed in the 2nd year. The height of the trunk is 30-60 cm.

During the season, work is carried out to care for plants, including fertilizing with liquid mineral fertilizers in accordance with the results of agrochemical analyzes. Especially it is necessary to monitor the availability of moisture during the period of intensive growth of shoots.

The results of distillation largely depend on the state of the mother liquor. The mass of the shoot intended for distillation must be at least 200 g. To stop growth, the mother liquors are treated with tour preparations (chlorocholine chloride).

2 years after planting, 1-2 shoots are cut, then their number gradually increases and reaches 10 shoots from the bush by the sixth and subsequent years.

"Michelle Buechner"

For early forcing use traditional ways. For December, freezing is used at minus 2-5 ° C in November for four weeks. For freezing, shoots up to 80 cm long, tied in 50 pieces, are packed in 0.6 × 1.2 m film bags. After freezing, the shoots are provided with conditions for slow thawing, after which they are completely immersed in cold water(20-25 ° C) for 8 hours - white and for 12 hours - colored varieties. Such immersion in cold water compensates for the loss of water by shoots during freezing, reduces the forcing period by 2-3 days and improves the quality of the inflorescences. Update the slice at some distance from the node. To increase the length of the inflorescences, all extra buds are broken out. Distillation is carried out in enameled, glass or plastic vessels covered with a 2 × 2 cm wire mesh, for which boil-offs and buckets are used. 50 shoots are placed in one bucket. The temperature during early distillation in the first week is maintained at 25 ° C during the day; in the second - 20-22 ° C during the day and 18 ° C - at night; in the third and until the end of distillation 18 ° C during the day and 15 ° C at night. At later periods of distillation, the temperature is reduced. Drafts and strong solar radiation adversely affect distillation. Relative air humidity 95%. Shoots should be constantly wet until the buds open.

For forcing use rain, snow or boiled water. Hard water cannot be used. The nutrient solution is used according to the recipe developed by Ruprecht (GDR): aluminum-potassium alum KAl (SO 4) 2 - 0.08%; potassium chloride - 0.03; sodium chloride - 0.02; sugar - 5 in the first week and 3% in the next. The solution is changed daily. Before replacement, the vessels are washed, the shoots are washed with water.

The nutrient solution is prepared in advance, while making sure that all components are dissolved, and used when the temperature of the solution is equal to the ambient temperature.

The solution is changed weekly, the vessels are washed before replacement, the shoots are washed with water. Subject to the implementation of technology and all requirements, success will be ensured.

You do not believe that lilacs bloom in December in winter as well as in the time set for her by nature?! In vain ... and all because many flower growers have long been interested in forcing flowers. Forcing is a procedure that causes a plant to bloom at an inopportune time. So with a certain approach, you can get a bouquet of flowers grown with your own hands even in the middle of a fierce winter. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to carry out some complex manipulations, create an artificial climate with a controlled temperature in a separate room and shoulder other difficulties. The extraction itself is not a difficult process. Here, for example, I will now tell you how you can get blooming in winter lilac.

To date, there are 2 methods winter distillation lilacs: bush or separate branches. However, the first method is more suitable for professionals who make a living from floriculture, since forcing lilacs by a bush requires creating special conditions and spending a lot of time. preparatory work. Therefore, we will not focus on this method. Moreover, the second method - with separate branches, requires only patience from the grower for daily care, and the result will be almost the same.

So, the first stage is the preparation of lilac branches. Here it is very important to choose the right material for distillation. It should be only strong branches on which large buds are formed. Second important condition- Sufficient length of the branch. Indeed, in the process of forcing, in order to improve nutritional conditions, it will be necessary to cut off the lower part daily, shortening it by about 1 cm. At the same time, the whole process takes from 25 to 30 days, and after you remove almost 30 cm of the branch, it should not turn into a small stub, retaining its presentation. So the branch cut for distillation should be at least 50-60 cm long.

If, immediately after cutting, the branches are brought into a warm room, then as a result of a sharp temperature drop, there is a significant risk of thermal shock, from which the plant buds may not recover in the future. To avoid such a scenario, you need to keep the cut branches for about 6 hours in a container filled with snow and cold water, which should completely cover the kidneys.

Further, the lower parts of the branches are prepared accordingly. Their cut should be oblique, since in this case the absorption area increases, thereby improving the supply of nutrients to the kidneys. The optimal angle at which the cut is made is considered to be an angle of 30 degrees.

On this preparatory stage ends and you can proceed directly to forcing. To do this, the branches are placed in a container with a special nutrient solution. It is prepared simply: 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid and 1.5-2 teaspoons of sugar are dissolved in water for each liter of water.

This solution should be changed daily, since the branches, deprived of proper nutrition from the roots, quickly absorb the microelements contained in the solution, so if you do not update the nutrient medium every day, the forcing process will best case significantly slow down, or even stop altogether.

Another important condition for success is maintaining the necessary temperature regime. For the first 15 days of lilac, it is necessary to provide a temperature in the range of 15-20 degrees, and in the future it should not exceed 15 degrees, but also should not fall to too low values.

You can judge how successful the forcing is by changing the state of the cut branches. If everything goes well, then by the end of the first week the buds on the branches will swell strongly, after which they will begin to open. During this period, it is very important to prevent the branches from drying out, since the formation of fresh greenery requires a large amount of moisture from them. It is best to maintain the required level of humidity by spraying green branches daily with a spray bottle.

The formation of leaflets that has begun will continue for 10-15 days, and noticeable changes in the state of young foliage should be observed almost daily. About 20 days after the lilac has been placed in the nutrient solution, the first flowers will begin to appear on the branches. From now on, the lilac blossoms! The floral aroma will not be as saturated as with natural flowering, and the colors will not be as bright, but the fact of lilac blooming in December, when a fierce winter is hosting the window, can bring joy in itself. This is a real fairy tale! And who would not want to receive a sprig of lilac as a gift in winter?! Yes, perhaps there is no such woman.

In the same way, everything blooms in winter. For example, you can drive out not only lilac, but also bird cherry. This is a winning option. It blooms just as well in winter as the lilac, believe me! At the same time, her flowers also attract many with their beauty and incredibly rich aroma. Still a bird cherry in December! Well, this is only in the botanical garden, and then you will see it in the greenhouse, otherwise at home ...

Forcing shrubs can be divided into groups according to flowering time: early (December-January) - Japanese quince, acacia, wisteria, golden rain, viburnum, lilac and forsythia; mid-early (February-March) - weigela, spirea, etc .; late (April-May) - hydrangea, action, garden jasmine, clematis.

The success of forcing shrubs depends on the ability to trim them.

Shrubs are pruned, taking into account on which shoots they form flower buds. In this regard, three groups of shrubs are distinguished.

1. Shrubs whose flower buds sit directly on last year's (annual) shoots: Japanese quince, acacia, wisteria, golden rain, lilac, plum, forsythia, apple tree, etc. In this case, pruning consists of removing extra and weak shoots.

2. Shrubs whose flowers sit on short shoots growing from last year's wood: hawthorn, deutsia, weigela, viburnum, clematis, spirea, philadelphus, etc. To improve the quality of flowers, shrubs of this group need to shorten the shoots before flowering.

3. Shrubs, the flowers of which appear at the ends of long young shoots, need short pruning for 2-3 eyes. Such plants include hydrangea and roses (hybrid tea, remontant, etc.). 55

For distillation, mainly shrubs with falling leaves (lilac, jasmine, action, for-position, etc.) are used.

In addition, it is necessary to choose plants with a short dormant period, the so-called "early" or "race" varieties.

For example, the lilac variety M. Legrey (flowers are pure white, fragrant, about 2 cm in diameter, collected in wide-conical inflorescences 25 cm long) ends the dormant period at the end of November. When distilled, it blooms in a month.

In other varieties, the dormant period ends much later - in March.

Forcing is more difficult to carry out in the first half of winter and much easier in the second, when lighting and solar heating increase, and the dormant period of plants is nearing its end.

Branches cut in autumn are stored until distillation at low temperatures - in refrigerators, in hermetically sealed plastic bags. By keeping in refrigerators, the growth of lilacs and others can be delayed until the required moment. flowering shrubs.

There are a number of methods that can significantly reduce the duration of distillation, for example, exposure to steam, ether, fertilizers, etc.

For this purpose, electric illumination with fluorescent lamps is used for 12 hours day and night. Illumination goes well with carbon dioxide fertilizer (2 times a day at the rate of 1-1.5 liters per 0.5 m 3). Forcing plants can be fumigated with smoke for 20-30 minutes, placing them in a closed box, where they are left after the procedure for 2-3 days. This method is applied to shrubs with planted flower buds.

Watering with warm water (30 °C) in the last decades before flowering accelerates the opening of buds, increases the size of the flowers and the brightness of their color.

A purely mechanical effect on the kidneys also has a good effect - a slight crushing or scratching (the results of such a procedure will be noticeable after 3-4 days).

In early spring, the forcing of branches that have flower buds set in autumn is more successful in water with nutrient salts.

When the buds begin to swell at the forcing branches, sugar can be added to the water, at the rate of 30 g per 1 liter of boiled water (increasing the sugar concentration to 5% reduces the forcing time, but reduces the quality of the flowers), or a special nutrient solution to accelerate the development of leaves and flower kidneys.

0.2% solution of complete mineral fertilizer v boiled water;

Solution according to the method of Professor Rupprecht: 3% sugar; 0.8% potassium alum; 0.03% potassium chloride; 0.02% sodium chloride. The solution is changed once a week with the renewal of the branch cut;

When distilling birch, 1% sugar or 0.01% is added to the water. citric acid(or streptomycin).

If the branches are cut in mid-December, it is recommended to add a few drops to the water ammonia.

For distillation, only glass or enameled containers are used, the water in them is changed once every few days, cutting the branches by 1-2 cm.

The temperature of the room where distillation is carried out should be: in December 26-28 ° C, in January 22-23 G C, in February 16-18 ° C. At night, the temperature can be reduced by several degrees.

It is not necessary to place vessels with branches near central heating radiators or household electric heaters. Before the appearance of flower buds, 57

Rice. Quince Fig. Lilac

also avoid direct sunlight. For this purpose, you can cover the branches with a cap made of opaque paper.

When flower buds bloom, the branches open and immediately create electric lighting for 2-3 hours a day. To get leaves of different shades, some branches can be moved closer to sunlight, while others can be left in the shade.

In mid-March, branches of apple, cherry, currant, lilac, etc. 20) are cut, about 50-60 cm long. The branches are placed in a vase with cold water and kept in a dark, cool room for three days. Then they are exposed to light and the water is changed daily. A month after cutting, the branches bloom.

The soil is made up of a mixture of clay-turf and leaf soil. In summer, the plant is kept outdoors, in a calm place, protected from the midday sun. Until half of the summer, the plants are abundantly watered and fed with liquid mullein. Starting from the second to 58th half of summer, watering is reduced - this makes

the plant will stop growing and form flower buds. Water only when the leaves begin to wilt from lack of moisture.

If during the growth period the plant is not given moisture for several days, that is, if it is dried a little, then it forms more flower buds, which then, with normal watering, can grow and develop well and give strong flower stalks.

Before the autumn frosts tender plants transferred to cool rooms.

To obtain flowering branches for the New Year, they are brought into warm rooms in November - December, watered and sprayed.

After the plants have faded, they are pruned and transplanted into fresh soil. In the spring, as soon as the weather permits, the plants are taken out into the garden and planted in the ground, preferably without dishes. Plants will be suitable for re-forcing in 2-3 years.

The best shrubs for forcing the following.

Rhododendron. For early cultivation apply garden molds. Plants are completely covered with flowers before the leaves bloom.

Golden rain (cyschisus). shrub with fragrant yellow flowers. Blooms in late winter and spring.

Peach. Pink and red terry forms are very beautiful. Suitable for early forcing in January.

Lilac. It is a common shrub. For distillation, lilacs with matured wood and good flower buds are used.

For forcing success, lilac needs a warm location, abundant watering and spraying. She doesn't need light.

The largest lilac shoots are tied with moss, which is kept moist by spraying with warm water. Appearing leafy shoots are pinched. 59

plant forcing

Rice. Rhododendron

When flowers appear, the moss strapping is removed and spraying is stopped.

To prolong flowering, plants must be kept in cool place.

For distillation, lilac grafted on wild animals is most suitable, since it begins to bloom earlier than the root-own plants of the same varieties. Select varieties with the most abundant flowering. The color of the inflorescences and the doubleness of the flowers are not of particular importance, since even

with late distillation, all varieties of common lilac, with the exception of white flowers, largely lose their color intensity. Most often, as already noted, varieties Maria Legrey with white simple flowers are used for distillation, from terry - Madame Casimir Perrier, Antoine Buchner. The best results during forcing are given by strong, well-rooted plants that have already entered the flowering period and have a uniformly branched crown.

The plants selected for distillation are planted in the appropriate size dishes in nutritious clay-soddy soil, fertilized with humus.

In the summer, plants are transferred to sunny places in open ground. Water and fertilize regularly organic fertilizers once every 10 days until mid-August. For the winter, plants dug out with pots can be laid lying in greenhouses on fir branches or dry leaves and cover with insulating material. The lilac harvested in this way can be taken to the room for distillation at any time during the 60th winter.

plant forcing

Apple tree. Of the decorative "types of apple trees for winter flowering in pots, the following are suitable: Malus Scheidekkeri - flowers are pale pink, double; Malus floribunda atropurpurea - with red small flowers.

Forcing branches in winter is available to everyone. Branches, placed in the appropriate water, with their flowers and bright green leaves will enliven the room, becoming the first sign of spring.

It is advisable to cut the branches of flowering shrubs for 6-8 weeks before they bloom in the ground, then many of them bloom when forcing in room conditions 5-12 days after cutting.

Hazel twigs, placed in water, bloom after 7-10 days, larch - after 18 days.

Poplar, alder, aspen quickly bloom and bloom. After 20-30 days at room conditions, the buds of birch, honeysuckle, willow, and blackcurrant open.

Closer to autumn, the time for forcing branches at room conditions is significantly reduced: for example, a spirea cut on April 10 produces openwork leaves in 6 days, blooms wonderfully and gives buds in 7 days elderberry, poplar, birch, larch leaves bloom in 10 days, a few days later yellow acacia leaves appear.

Wolf's bast blooms from mid-April to early or mid-May. The branches of this plant, harvested in the last days of December, bloom in the room 61

Rice. Apple tree

plant forcing

after 7-10 days. The flowers are pink-purple, fragrant, reminiscent of lilacs. Cassandra also blooms quickly, the branches of which bloom in the room not only in winter, but also in autumn.

Late forcing (the third decade of February - the second decade of April) requires less time and gives a better cut.

By January, the period of natural dormancy is already ending at the lilac, therefore, with late distillation, there is no need to cool the shoots in the refrigerator.

Try to have frozen branches thaw as slowly as possible. When they are thawed, place them in cold water. After such a bath, the lilac will bloom 2-3 days faster and the quality of the inflorescences will be noticeably higher. White varieties should be kept in water for 8 hours, colored - 12 hours.

Then pour the nutrient solution into a plastic ten-liter bucket (such a container is perhaps the most convenient). It must be prepared 5-6 hours before use, so that all components have time to dissolve, and the temperature of the liquid is equal to the ambient temperature.

For a nutrient solution, it is better to use melted snow or boiled water. tap water. At least the softer it is, the better. Too hard water is not good at all.

Dissolve in 10 liters of water 0.8 g of potassium alum, 0.3 g of potassium chloride, 0.2 g of sodium chloride
and sugar: 50 g in the first week and 30 g each in the second and third weeks.

True, the corolla of flowers turns brown from excess sugar, this is especially noticeable on white varieties. Therefore, when distilling in January-February, it is better to reduce the “sweetness” of the solution: in the first week - up to 30 g, in the rest - up to 20 g per 10 liters. First, dissolve the sugar separately in boiling water, cool and only then pour into the solution.

Cover the bucket with wire mesh with 2 cm cells and place lilac branches in them. Change the solution every week. The first shift is especially important. At the same time, be sure to rinse the branches.

During the day, lilacs need a temperature of about +18 ° C, and at night +15 ° C, but late distillation can also be carried out in cooler conditions.
In order for the brushes to grow longer, the air humidity must be very high: about 95%. To do this, in the first week before the opening of the kidneys, be sure to spray the shoots with slightly warm water.
And in between sprayings, keep the branches “under the cap” made of polyethylene.

When they bloom, your efforts will be fully rewarded with fragrant clusters of lilacs! And to make the bouquet please longer, add crushed streptocide and aspirin to the vase with the bouquet (0.5 tablets per 3 liters of water) or boric acid(0.3 g per 3 liters of water).

This beautiful bush can bloom for almost any holiday. Getting flowering branches for the next holiday in the same way as flowering branches is called - lilac distillation. This has been known for quite some time. Recommendations for forcing lilacs are found in old pre-revolutionary magazines. The possibility of forcing is determined by the dormant period, which the plant necessarily needs before flowering.

In lilacs, this period is very short, so flowering is easy to adjust to any desired date. Lilac distillation can be produced as a whole bush, and a separate branch. A better result is obtained when forcing a bush. To do this, you need to worry in advance. Even in the fall, after the leaves fall, the bush is dug up, transplanted into a suitable container and placed in a cold room, for example, a basement.

The plant should not freeze. If lilac distillation coincides with Christmas, then the installation should be done in late November - early December. The process will take 3o - 40 days and is controlled by the room temperature. For getting good flowering fertilizer needs to be applied. This is done immediately after digging and planting in a container. After setting the lilac for distillation 3 times a day, you need to spray it with warm water and water it daily and abundantly.

After the first flowers bloom, stop spraying, as this will speed up the flowering. During forcing, you need to ensure that the growth of the leaves does not interfere with the development of the flower. You need to track this even at the stage of the kidneys. If leaf buds develop faster than flower buds, they should be removed. Optimum temperature in the room for forcing lilacs about 20 - 25 gr. The temperature rise should be gradual: the first 3 days - about 10 gr.

Lilac Bonsai.

Forcing lilacs from a separate branch is much easier than from a bush. You just need to calculate when you need to make a prefix in order to get a flowering lilac branch by the desired date. Go and cut a branch from a bush where there are buds with flowers. Let it thaw by gradually raising the temperature. After thawing, lower the branch for 12 hours in a warm +35 gr. water. Under water, cut its tip and place it in a nutrient solution of a complete mineral fertilizer.

Spray the branch should be in 1 - 2 days with warm water. At a temperature of 20 - 23 gr. lilac will bloom in about 27 - 30 days. In the same way, you can drive out branches of bird cherry, but it blooms even faster: after 15 - 18 days.