Transplanting peonies to another place: how to properly dig and plant old bushes in the summer. Best time to plant peonies

We tell you how to transplant peonies to another place so that they bloom. And also when it is better and you can transplant peonies in spring or autumn. We name the approximate dates of transplantation according to different regions, find out when they bloom and how to care for the first year.

How to transplant a peony to another place?

The transplant scheme differs from planting in that the bush must first be dug up and divided into parts. Further actions are identical: preparation of the landing pit, soil mixture, compliance with the rules of planting and further care.

We remind you that you can transplant a flower for the first time no earlier than 4-5 years after planting. Such delenki will grow and bloom better. And if the bush began to bloom worse and get sick more often, after 10-12 years of growth in one place, then it is recommended to move it to a new place.

How to dig up peonies?

  1. The roots of the plant are able to penetrate up to 80-90 cm in depth, while they are quite tender.
  2. Therefore, you need to dig carefully, and better with a pitchfork. At a distance of 40-50 cm (about 40 cm - a 4-5-year-old specimen, the older it is, the greater the distance), dig around the bush for about two bayonets, loosen it and try to get it out of the ground with two shovels.
  3. Gently wash the rhizomes from the ground with a stream of water.
  4. Cut off the aerial part at a height of 4-6 cm, and put it in the shade for 3-4 hours so that the roots soften a little.

Digging a bush for further division into divisions

How to divide a peony bush?

It is not so easy to divide a bush into “dividings”: the roots are tightly intertwined, and finding suitable pieces of rhizomes (size, buds and adventitious roots) is not always easy.

  1. With a knife, cut the rhizome into 8-12 cm pieces, on which there will be 3-4 buds and 3-4 adventitious roots (length at least 5, diameter 0.8-0.9 cm). It is better if there are three kidneys, and a maximum of five (large "delenki" with a large number kidney transplantation is not recommended).
    If the bush is very old, then a wedge can be driven into the middle of the rhizome, which will split it into a couple of pieces and then act according to the situation.
  2. Carefully inspect each division and, if found, cut off rotten and small roots.
  3. Treat the cuts and the entire bush with preparations with copper (Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride, etc.) and sprinkle the cuts with charcoal powder. Leave the seedlings for a day outside in a shady place.
  4. To prevent the appearance of root rot, place the roots before planting for 1-2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 2.5-3 liters of water).
  5. For convenience, attach a label to each division with the characteristics of the variety and bush.

Peony delenki ready for transplant


  • If you share a large rhizome, then you need to remove very old parts (usually they are hollow and rotten), and wash the cuts with potassium permanganate and sprinkle with a fungicide (copper sulfate, potassium sulfur or modern preparations - see the article about - the head of the remedy).
  • If a part of the root with one single bud suddenly broke off from your favorite flower, then do not despair. All the same, transplant and take care of the delenka. In most cases, the seedling will survive and be just as beautiful, only the bush itself develops more slowly.
    Moreover, try to germinate just pieces of the root. After all, buds can hatch on it in 1-2 years. To do this, dig it in and water it periodically.
  • A delenka with many buds and a small number of thick storage roots will develop poorly due to a lack of nutrients. And if it's the other way around, it's going to be bad. root system.
  • A delenka with 1-2 buds and a piece of rhizome blooms a year later due to slow development, but in the end a healthy and developed bush will grow. They are best grown in separate beds.


Before transplanting a peony to a new place, moisten its roots in a solution with a growth stimulator ("Heteroauxin", "Rooter", "Succinic acid").

After wetting, the seedling is dried for 5-10 minutes.

Features of suction roots

Each bush has several thousand suction roots, which are almost invisible to the naked eye (a little thicker than a web) and go vertically down to a great depth. It is for them that they dig such deep planting pits, make a top dressing layer and drainage, if they are located close ground water.

Many growers mistake the white short roots for suction roots, but they are the annual continuation of the thick storage roots that appear in late September.

Therefore, it is advised to plant peonies and harvest delenki from the end of August to the end of September, before they appear.

How to transplant peonies to bloom? Location, soil, distance, depth

In order for peonies to bloom, you need to transplant them correctly. For their growth and development, the following factors must be taken into account: place, soil, timing, planting hole, distance, planting depth and the seedling itself.


When transplanting to another place, you need to choose one that can provide them comfortable conditions for development and flowering. It should be without drafts, and be illuminated by the sun for a long time.

Ideally, the sun should hit the flower for 4-5 hours in the morning, while a little shade in the midday heat will prolong flowering. It is optimal to choose the east side.

Bad choice

  • If there is water in there. Even 1-2 times a year in spring or autumn for a couple of days.
  • Shady place. Grassy and tree-like peonies are contraindicated in shade even 2-3 hours a day.
  • Close to trees (3 m), shrubs (1.5-2 m) and buildings (1.5-2 m). Large shrubs and trees “take away” nutrients from the flowers, and the materials of the house emit heat and create an imbalance in temperatures.


The optimal level of acidity is pH 6.2-6.8.

Herbaceous and tree peonies prefer well-drained and loamy soil.


Low-growing varieties when planting in a row - 70-80 cm, in other situations - 90-110 cm, and for vigorous and tree peonies- 1.3-1.8 meters. The distance between the bushes plays a significant role, so it is better to take a small margin than to reduce the interval.


Correct planting depth: 3-4 cm (heavy soil) and 5-7 cm (light soil). It is under these conditions that the rhizome does not suffer from heat or cold. By the way, a deeper planting is fraught with a lack of flowering.

Peony planting depth adjustment

How to plant peonies? Instruction

  1. Pit. The dimensions of the landing pit for tree-like peonies and tall grassy ones: width - 50-60 and depth - 70-80 cm. Low-growing grassy ones: width - 40-50, and depth - 60-70 cm.
  2. Feed layer. Fill 65-70% of the volume of the pit with nutrient mixture. Ingredients: peat, soddy soil, sand (except for sandy soils) and humus in equal parts + 300-350 g of bone meal or wood ash, 100-180 grams of superphosphate, 100-150 grams of potassium sulfate and a tablespoon of iron sulfate.
  3. Upper layer. From above we fall asleep ordinary earth, at least 15-20 cm layer, and plant the rhizome at the desired depth.
  4. Then gently compact the soil with your hands and pour 8-10 liters of water, and to save moisture, sprinkle wood ash over the surface.
  5. For the winter, the peony needs to be spudded or sprinkled with a 10-14 cm layer of peat.


DRAINAGE. When raising groundwater close to the roots and to reduce their level in the aisle, you need to dig drainage pit, completely fill with crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks. At the same time, keep the root neck of the plant above the aisle.

Many transplant articles write about creating drainage at the bottom of the planting pit, but for herbaceous peonies there is no need, but for tree-like ones it is possible. Drainage is required in places with high level groundwater, where they are planted on high ridges.

FERTILIZERS. When planting a flower, fertilizer is vital. They will help you develop well and be strong. Phosphate fertilizers are also added so that brown spots do not form on the leaves over time.

When top dressing after transplantation, phosphorus often forms insoluble compounds and settles at a shallow depth. Better to use organic phosphate fertilizers(bone meal) than mineral (superphosphate) as they gradually decompose and nourish the flower for a long time.

It is useful to add rotted weeds from clay soil to the bottom layer of top dressing. It is clay soil that retains nutrients, unlike sand, peat or podzol.

TOP. The top layer of the planting pit (not less than 15-20 cm) should not contain fertilizers, therefore, they are covered with ordinary loose soil from above so that the roots stretch down and oxygen enters them.

Diagram of a pit for planting a peony


  • It is better to dig a hole and prepare it 15-30 days before planting. During this time, the earth will sag, and then you will immediately plant peonies at the desired depth.
  • For better flower survival, dip the roots into a paste-like clay solution with "Heteroauxin" and two tablets blue vitriol for 3-4 minutes. Then dry for 5-10 minutes, and plant in the ground. You can also use just growth stimulants without clay.
  • If the pH is below 6.5, then add 100 grams of slaked lime, and if below 6.0, then 200 grams per bush.
  • Attention! Gently touch the roots as they are quite fragile.
  • Read more about the principles of landing in a special article - the link at the bottom of the page.

How to make compost for planting?

On a site that is well warmed by the sun, make a narrow pile of weeds. This will allow air to enter and aerobic bacteria to develop. If there is no rain, then water the compost so that earthworms crawl.

Only when laying a planting hole, add mineral and organic fertilizers to the compost.

When is the best time to transplant peonies to another place? Spring or autumn?

Most experts recommend transplanting them from mid-August to mid-September. The main thing is to have time to transplant 30-40 days before the onset of frost. By autumn, the root system develops at the bush, it becomes stronger and is at rest.

Timing of transplanting peonies in the fall

Transplant peonies from mid-August or in the fall, depending on your climate zone.

  • Siberia, Urals - from August 20-25 to September 15-20.
  • Northwest, Moscow region, middle lane– from August 20-25 to September 20-25.
  • South of Russia and Ukraine - from September 1st to September 30th.

Unlike planting, the deadline for transplanting is the end of September, until the suction roots have formed.

Is it possible to transplant peonies in the spring?

We know that experts strongly recommend repotting peonies in the fall, when they are at rest and tolerate root manipulation better. But many flower growers want to transplant in the spring. And then the question arises, what to do?

In contrast to specialists, there are amateurs who decide on a spring transplant, because they are sure that Mother Nature is full of strength. In addition, in the spring, the suction roots grow well, and the earth is saturated with moisture.

When is the best time to transplant peonies in the spring?

For the success of the spring transplant, it is important to meet the deadlines. It is best to transplant as soon as the snow melts: the earth has a lot of moisture, the sun is not hot yet, and the plant itself has not woken up after hibernation.

Spring transplanting is better done sooner rather than later.


In the first year after transplantation, it is important to water and feed the flower on time. So we will significantly increase the chances of survival and successful wintering of the bush.

If buds appear, then immediately cut them off so that the flower does not waste energy on them and better develops the root system.

Care for peonies after transplantation

In autumn, care after transplantation consists in preparing seedlings for winter: they are covered with a 10-14 cm layer of peat (except acidic soil) or spruce branches. In the spring, the mulch is raked to the sides and standard plant care begins.

Next fall, the bush is also better to cover for the winter.

Read more in the article about planting - the chapter "Care for peonies after planting."

When will peonies bloom after transplantation?

They bloom after transplantation, usually after two years or even 4-5, it depends on the care and variety of the flower. But it is better to let them fully bloom in the third year, as early flowering On the contrary, it will do more good than harm.

In the first year the buds appear, cut them all off. In the second year, leave only one bud, and when it begins to bloom, cut it as short as possible. Then consider the flower for compliance with the variety. In case of incomplete correspondence, also leave one bud for the next year, and so on until complete identity is reached.

Often this happens even in the 4-5th year.

Why don't peonies bloom after transplanting?

The most common reasons for the lack of flowering are: incorrectly selected planting site (little light), incorrect planting depth, proper care(little moisture or nutrients) or improper shelter for the winter.

We wish you a successful transplant and soon flowering!

Dividing and transplanting peonies is the key to a beautiful flower garden in the garden

A peony transplant is used by flower growers not only for dividing and thinning a flower garden, this is one of the ways to “wake up” a plant that does not have flowers if its original place in the flower bed and the conditions turned out to be unsuitable for flowering.

Terms of transplantation and division of pions

It is recommended to transplant peonies when they have faded, stocked up on nutrients for the winter and are preparing for a dormant period. Experienced gardeners advise doing this early autumn, in September. Transplanting peonies in the fall allows the divisions to take root well and give strong shoots next year.

If necessary, you can transplant and divide the peony in the spring, but no later than the moment when the plant showed bright red sprouts no more than 15-20 cm high. That is, before the green branch begins to form - in April or May.

If the flowers were grown at home, or due to diseases in the flower garden, it is necessary to transfer peonies to a new place - a transplant in the summer is allowed, but without a division procedure.

Preparing a place for planting peonies

About a month before the planned transplant, places for new bushes should be prepared. In a sunny, wind-protected place, planting pits are dug at least 60 cm deep.

A layer of drainage material (expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles) is poured at the bottom of the pit, then a nutrient mixture for the development of the plant. You can buy it in specialized stores or prepare it yourself by mixing one bucket of compost, peat, sand, and add a glass of wood ash and 50 grams of superphosphate.

The remaining volume of the pit is filled with garden soil, cleared of weeds and roots. For shrinkage, the substrate should be well shed with water, after which, if necessary, top up the soil.

Reproduction by division and transplantation of a peony bush

Peonies, the transplantation of which is planned with the division of the rhizome, must be older than 5 years. An adult bush is dug at an angle with pitchforks from all sides, the rhizome is carefully removed from the pit and the earth is shaken off it. If the soil is damp and stuck to the roots, it can be rinsed with a hose or watering can. This is necessary so that the kidneys are clearly visible.

The division of the rhizome is performed with a garden knife. They do this in such a way that on each division there are 2-3 rhizomes and 3-4 buds. Slices and broken roots are powdered with crushed coal.

If the gardener's goal is to transplant bushes without dividing, then during the transplantation of peonies, their roots should not be washed. The entire rhizome is carefully transferred to the prepared pit and covered with earth so that the buds are no more than 5 cm deep. After that, the plant should be watered with a bucket of water, in which several crystals of manganese can be dissolved for disinfection.

Planting peonies with delenki and caring for them

The delenka is placed in the center of the planting pit and sprinkled with a layer of earth no more than 5 cm. If the rhizome is deepened, it can rot, and if placed close to the soil level, the buds will dry out. After planting, the plants are watered every three days at the rate of one bucket of 10 liters per plant.

For the winter, the stems of seedlings are cut to 10 cm and covered with spruce branches or compost.

If the timing of transplanting peonies was chosen correctly, then in the first summer the plant will have ovaries of buds. They should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of a flower - for the first two years, young peonies will increase the root mass, so you should not seek flowering from them.


Dividing and transplanting peonies to another place will help you quickly fill flower beds and front gardens with these lush flowers. In addition, this is a great opportunity to exchange various varieties with garden neighbors.

Peonies will bloom well if they are transplanted to another place every 5 years. The best time for this is autumn, as the plant has time to take root before the cold weather. In emergency cases, transplantation can be done in the spring. To do this, there are two methods of planting: in pots and in open ground. The first method is more gentle for delenok.

Site selection, soil preparation and other nuances

In order for the transplant to be successful, you need to carefully prepare for work.

A place

Peonies love open places with sunlight. This allows air to circulate between the bushes and prevent diseases. Light penumbra in the daytime has a beneficial effect on plants, but prolonged exposure to the shade will negatively affect flowering. Peonies may not please with buds.

Place for peonies should be protected from cold winds. But even near buildings they cannot be planted, since the earth is very overheated in this zone. The optimal distance is maintained at 1.5 m.

Flowers lack moisture if planted in the zone of the root system of trees, tall shrubs. The distance from them is chosen the same as from buildings.

Soil preparation

Flowers live in one place for decades, soil preparation affects the decorativeness of peonies.

The composition of garden soil can be any, but better peonies open in loamy, cultivated and drained land (pH - 6-6.5). If there is an excess of clay in the soil, it must be diluted with sand and vice versa. Lime or dolomite flour is added to the soil with an acidic reaction.

Flowers respond positively to moist soil, but they do not tolerate wetlands and stagnant water.

The roots stretch to a fairly large depth. Having reached solid ground, they branch out in a horizontal direction. With a superficial location of the root system, peonies do not receive enough moisture. Deep tillage is especially needed on heavy soils. Improved aeration and drainage. Organic fertilizers in this case are applied to a sufficient depth.

Action algorithm:

  • start soil preparation a few weeks before planting, so that the soil has time to settle (2-4 weeks);
  • the size of the landing pit is 50-70 cm wide and deep. The step between the bushes is 1 meter. If the place is low-lying, increase the depth by 20 cm to add drainage. For large landings, a trench method is used;
  • the bottom is filled with drainage in the form of broken bricks, crushed stone, sand by 20 cm.
  • the next layer (50 cm) is a nutrient mixture: humus, peat, top layer of earth, 200 g of superphosphate per pit and 400 g of bone meal, 100 g of potassium sulfate;
  • cover the remaining space with earth without additives. 10 cm do not fill up to the edges of the pit.

The seat is left for several weeks to shrink.

Preparing a plant for division and transplantation

Peonies are transplanted to another place no earlier than after 4 years. The best time for this is autumn. In emergency cases, when it is necessary to save flowers, for example, from rodents and diseases, they are transplanted in the spring. Flowering is not to be expected this year.

Flowers should be repotted in early spring, before they begin to grow, that is, after the snow melts, as fragile buds can be damaged.

Work algorithm:

Now the delenki are ready for landing in a new place.

Process technology

To transplant peonies to a new place in the spring, you will need to go through the stages of work:

As soon as a sprout reaches 4 cm from the kidney, you should loosen the soil, remove the mulch and sprinkle the root circle with manure with nitrophoska.

Experienced gardeners advise planting delenki in spring in voluminous pots and keeping them in basement. To moisten the soil, lay pieces of ice, melting, they will nourish the soil. In April, take the pots out into the garden and dig into the open ground along with the pot. In September, prepare a pit and transplant using the transshipment method.


After transplanting, the plant needs watering. The earth must not be allowed to dry out. After watering, loosen and mulch the soil. This promotes moisture retention, prevents the growth of weeds. Irrigation should be carried out carefully and prevent moisture from getting on the leaves.

Within two years, the buds are pinched. During this period, the root system develops. After 2 years, you can leave one bud. Only in the third year will peonies bloom in full glory.

It is necessary to disinfect the soil near the bushes. To do this, 2 g of potassium permanganate solution are dissolved in 10 liters of water and evenly distributed over the surface of the soil. The procedure has a positive effect on the growth of roots and buds.

Young shoots of the plant are very fragile, strong wind may damage them. Gardeners equip fences. The height of the structure is not more than 50% of the bush itself. It is not recommended to tie the shoots up to the fence.

For the winter, the ground part should be cut to ground level after the first frost hits.

Warn fungal diseases preventive spraying with antifungal agents or copper chloride will help. Dosage: 20 g of the drug per 5 liters of water. For a good result, carry out prophylaxis twice, in the second half of summer.

Feeding transplanted flowers

In the first two years, the plant after transplantation does not need root feeding. But for better root formation, experienced gardeners use foliar top dressing:

  1. Prepare a working solution: carbamide - 40 g, a bucket of water. ready mix spray the bushes after the appearance of green mass.
  2. Two weeks later, 1 tablet with trace elements is added to the working solution and sprayed.
  3. The third top dressing is carried out with 2 tablets of trace elements.

In the third year of life, peonies need organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

The first top dressing is required in the spring, when shoots are actively growing. 15 g of saltpeter are dissolved in water (1 bucket) and applied in the evening to the soil.

During the formation of buds, foliar top dressing with mineral fertilizers is carried out. Add 5 g of potassium salt and superphosphate to a bucket of water.

For root dressing in May, a mullein solution is used. A bucket of manure is poured with water (6 buckets), left to ferment for 10 days. Stir once a day. Before use, dilute with water and water around the bush.

Re-treatment is carried out during flowering with mineral fertilizers.

After flowering, fertilizers are needed to increase frost resistance and bud growth. Top dressing is carried out after 2 weeks with a solution of mullein.

Contrary to all the recommendations for transplanting peonies, experienced gardeners prove that peonies can be transplanted not only in autumn, but also in spring. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements: the choice of location, soil, the right one - and then luxurious flowers will decorate your garden.

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When to transplant peonies and how to do it, this article will tell. Follow the recommendations, and your favorite flowers will easily survive the rejuvenation procedure.

Any grower knows that a peony is an unpretentious plant, and under normal conditions, it does not require a transplant for up to ten years. However, if you want to rejuvenate, and at the same time propagate the old bush, you should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to do it correctly. The wrong time for work can deprive you of the opportunity to admire the delicate lush peony flowers for a long time, and mistakes during transplantation, typical for inexperienced gardeners, can completely destroy a noble plant. To prevent this from happening, follow the recommendations below.

When can peonies be transplanted?

Best time when peonies can be transplanted - the so-called velvet season, the border of summer and autumn. But if you didn't manage to do it in time, wait until spring.

As mentioned above, the most favorable period for transplanting peonies is the end of August and the beginning of September while it's still warm and it's not raining. In this case, the plant will survive the “moving to a new place of residence” most painlessly, and will bloom the next summer. During the winter, the root will get used to the new soil, and as soon as the snow melts, it will actively germinate and absorb moisture.

You can also transplant peonies in the spring - but then the bush will hurt all summer, and it is unlikely that flowers will appear on it. It will have to be handled with special care; in this case, it is not recommended to separate the rhizome for propagation. In fact, a spring transplant is justified only in one case - when the plant is threatened by something more dangerous than the difficulty of adapting to new soil. For example, if you notice that its roots are gnawed by mice or moles.

In late spring and summer, when it is already hot, peonies cannot be transplanted. At this time, there are still no suction roots on the rhizome (they appear later, just at the end of August), but there are already fragile buds that will release new shoots next year. The state of the plant can be compared to pregnancy: in summer, organic processes are more focused on preparing for the next generation of peonies, and not on maintaining and strengthening the old bush. That is, the peony is almost 100% likely to die in the new soil, since it simply cannot eat: the rhizome during transplantation is at least minimal, but suffers - and will not be able to recover quickly in the summer.

A few words about how to properly transplant peonies without damaging the rhizome. For beginner growers, this information will certainly be useful.

When to transplant peonies, figured out - now let's talk about how it's done. In fact, the process is simple: if you have at least minimal experience in breeding perennials, you will not have any difficulties. First of all, we prepare the pits in advance (about two weeks before the transplant), in depth and in diameter - about half a meter, at a distance of about a meter from each other. If you want to create artificial drainage, dig deeper than 15-20 centimeters, cover the bottom with sand or small pebbles. The pit should be watered several times so that the soil settles better.

The soil surrounding the freshly transplanted rhizome should be "fatty", well fertilized. Prepare it, too, in advance by mixing black soil with ash, manure, humus, peat, sand - in equal proportions. You can also add a little iron sulfate, urea and double superphosphate. Before planting, we fall asleep all this in a hole almost to the top and mix it with garden soil.

We cut off the stems, leaving a palm-length “tail” - now we will take out the rhizome from the old place. How to properly transplant peonies without damaging its underground part? This is quite difficult, especially if the bush is more than eight years old. Better to use a pitchfork than a shovel- the latter will simply chop the roots, which we do not need at all. Dig in the bush carefully, at a significant distance from the stem: if you feel an obstacle, retreat even further and try again. They removed the rhizome - wash it and inspect it. If you notice traces of decay somewhere, this place must be carefully removed with a clean knife and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. In general, any sections are disinfected, as well as the tool with which they are produced. Not superfluous measure will also be to process the entire rhizome, for a few minutes lowering it into a container with a weak aqueous solution manganese, and then dried.

The rhizomes of peonies transplanted in the spring are not washed or disinfected. Also, it is worth recalling that they are not recommended to be separated. From a root dug out in the fall, two or more separate plants can be made. Count the buds: if there are more than six, the peony is suitable for reproduction. How many pions you get in the end depends on the age of the bush - but always adhere to the following rule: Each division must have at least three buds.. Cut the delenki from the common rhizome with a sharp disinfected knife, checking for rot on the cut. Found - remove it and treat the "wound" with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Each division is placed in a separate hole so that the kidneys are at a depth of 3-5 cm from the surface. If the root is deeper, such a peony will not bloom, if it is higher, it will freeze in winter. Cover it with earth and compact it with your hands, then water it generously. That's it, now we are waiting for the peony to take root and grow - if you did everything right, it will delight you for many years to come.

You may be interested in other articles on floriculture:

1. Everything (planting, pinching, transplanting, etc.)

2. In the article about, you can learn about what to do if they have faded.

3. you will learn about orchid propagation methods, as well as how to implement each of them

Peony lovers sometimes complain about the problem of their poor flowering. Very often this is due to their improper fit or transplant. If the process occurred with the execution of all necessary conditions, then this beautiful flower can delight its owners with abundant flowering in one place for 10-20 years. Therefore, peony transplantation requires special care and knowledge of the matter.

Peony transplant

Opinions of experts about the ideal time of year for transplantation differ. Some believe that the ideal time for this is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, others prefer spring.

Let's take a look at each.

    Transplant in late summer - early autumn. It is at this time that the strongest heat subsides, it rains periodically, all the flowers finish their flowering and massively overgrow with roots. During this period, the plant is much more likely to take root and already please others with its flowering next spring.

    Transplanting peonies in the spring. In April-May, these beautiful plants also grow roots. This time of the year is a little inconvenient because the weather in spring is often unstable, and gardeners have a lot of work on their plots.

Let's describe the process of transplantation:

1. We dig up a bush. This can be done with:

  • shovels,
  • other convenient device (even scrap).

Everything will depend on the quality of the soil in your area and the size of the plant itself.

2. We clean the root of the plant from debris and earth. We do this gently, trying not to break off the roots.

3. Cut off the stems.

4. If you want to propagate a peony, it is enough to divide its rhizome. But in this case, the plant must be at least three years old, and at least 10 buds on the root. Before cutting the rhizome, it is imperative to disinfect the knife. We make an incision from top to bottom. We leave at least 3 buds on the new root, otherwise the peony will not bloom for a long time.

5. Peony roots are planted in a pre-selected place. We place the rhizome to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters. We prepare a pit for planting in advance (two weeks in advance). Usually a hole of half a meter is enough. We add the base for the peony to it:

  • superphosphate - 100 grams,
  • bone meal - 400 grams,
  • wood ash - 400 grams.

All components must be well mixed.

If the roots of the plant break off during transplantation

With all due diligence, many amateur gardeners admit that it is extremely difficult to avoid breaking off the roots of a flower. If this still happened - do not be discouraged. Fragments of peony roots can be planted in loose, nutritious soil, in which in the future an additional bush of this beautiful plant will be obtained.

In order for these fragments to be accepted, it is necessary:

  • pre-treat sections of broken roots with crushed charcoal or growth biostimulants;
  • a bed with such plants in the summer should be carefully and regularly watered, in no case allowing it to dry out;
  • by the end of summer, carefully transplant new plants to the allocated permanent place.

peonies care

And finally, your plant has taken root, which means that the transplant was successful. However, in order for the flower to be healthy and delight you with flowering, you must be able to take good care of it.

It should be done infrequently; by volume - up to 3 buckets for each adult bush. Water should reach the depth at which the roots lie. It is especially important to water the plant in spring: it is during this period that buds are laid in it, and the flowering process takes place. Also, regular watering is necessary at the end of summer, when flower buds are laid.

2. Land cultivation.

The soil ideal for peonies is loamy, well dug up. It should not be damp or waterlogged. After each watering, the earth must be loosened. So in it:

  • moisture is retained
  • its aeration improves (the level of oxygen content rises),
  • the growth of weeds slows down, which in turn take away useful nutrients from the plant and can lead to the development of the disease.

By itself, the peony is little susceptible to the negative effects of various pests and diseases. Therefore, the cultivation of peonies is considered quite simple against the background of the opportunity to acquire the beauty and divine aroma of this garden culture.

It belongs to an extremely unpretentious variety of plants, it can normally grow in the same place for a whole decade. However, sometimes it is required to rejuvenate the bush or propagate it, and in such a situation there is only one way out - transplanting the peony to a new place.

When is the best time to transplant peonies?

The following is information on when is the best time to perform this procedure:

  1. End of summer and early September are the most successful time for transplantation, since during this period the weather is still warm, and there is still no heavy rainfall. If this procedure is carried out at this time and in accordance with all the rules, then the bush will begin to bloom next year, because during the winter the peony root system will have time to get used to the characteristics of the soil in a new place and will continue to develop, actively absorbing moisture.
  2. In the spring, you can also transplanting a plant, but in this case, the peony, most likely, will not bloom this summer, since it will need a certain period of adaptation. Until complete adaptation to a new place comes, the plant will be weakened and prone to various diseases. Most often, spring transplantation is carried out only in cases where the peony is in real danger, for example, if its root system is damaged by rodents.
  3. The last weeks of spring and most of the summer- this is the period when peony transplantation is strictly prohibited. At this time, the rhizome does not yet have time to acquire special suction roots, but it already has small and very fragile buds that are very easy to damage when replanting a bush. If this happens, then the peony will simply die, as it will not be able to eat in a new place.

Transplant rules

It is important not only to choose the right period for transplanting a peony, but also to correctly carry out this process. Its main features and rules that must be observed are listed below:

After all the described steps are completed, the most difficult will be left behind. It remains only to transfer the peony to the dug and prepared pits in order to plant it in a new place, and then wait until it takes root and begins to bloom.

Peonies have faded: what to do?

Many novice flower growers are wondering what they need to do with peonies after they have already faded, and many immediately begin to cut them completely, which is a gross mistake, since buds are laid during this period, which will contribute to the flowering of the bush for the next season.

Instead, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Wait 10-14 days after flowering is complete and feed the bush. Mixtures, the main components of which are phosphorus and potassium, are best suited during this period.
  2. Make only a partial cut, after which the lower part of the peduncle with several leaves should be preserved.


Despite the fact that peonies are forbidden to be completely cut off immediately after the end of the flowering period, they need to be carried out this procedure in the fall, this is part of the preparation of the plant for the winter cold.

Pruning must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The most successful period for cutting a bush is the end of October. or the first days of November, just shortly before the onset of cold weather. In some regions, the pruning time may differ from the indicated due to the peculiarities of the local climatic regime.
  2. Trimming before the specified time is unacceptable, since this will significantly weaken the peony, as a result of which it will be susceptible to various diseases and may die or stop blooming in the next season.
  3. Pruning must be complete, flush with the ground so that even very small stumps from the stems do not remain.
  4. If precipitation is not expected, then the area near the rhizome must be additionally watered.
  5. Do not leave in the place where the bush grows, cut leaves or stems, because they will begin to rot over time and can cause peony disease.
  6. After cutting the bush, you can additionally feed the soil, it is best to use a small amount of wood resin and bone meal for these purposes.

It must be remembered that pruning peonies in the autumn is very important, if it is not carried out in a timely manner and transferred to the spring months, then this process will be much more difficult to implement, since the shoots will become softer, which will complicate the work of the pruner.


Caring for peonies is quite easy and will not cause much trouble even for beginner gardeners. It consists in the following:

Flowering after transplant

Sometimes, after a transplant, a peony suddenly stops blooming, there may be several reasons for this problem:

  1. Wrong place for planting a bush. Sunny places or where partial shade reigns, as well as small hills are considered the most favorable. If the bush does not receive sunlight at all, then it is guaranteed not to bloom.
  2. An incorrectly determined planting depth is one of the most common causes. To determine the optimal parameter, it is necessary to find a kidney on the root and bury it to a depth equal to 3-4 fingers from this point. If the root is buried even deeper, then the peony will not die, but it will begin to bloom much later.
  3. When transplanting, the root was divided, and the divisions were too small. In such a situation, the peony will still begin to bloom, but only after a few years, since it needs a certain amount of time to develop.
  4. Too frequent bush transplant which takes a significant amount of power from him. This procedure should be carried out no more than once every 5 years.

Experienced flower growers know that a peony can survive in one area for about 10 years. In case of need for its reproduction, peonies are transplanted in the fall to another place. A feature of the plant is its unpretentiousness, but at the same time, the transplantation procedure has some rules, certain deadlines for dividing and planting bushes. Careful attention to such criteria will ensure a successful outcome of the process and the lush flowering of newly transplanted flowers.

Terms of transplanting garden peonies

Basket with peonies

Favorable transplant time is autumn. Plant experts recommend dividing and transplanting in September. It is by this time that rains begin to fall, favorable conditions for rooting are formed. Transplanting in October in harsher regions can already be dangerous, as the first frosts are likely at this time of year. The plant needs 2-3 weeks to root.

Transplanting peonies in the spring is also possible, but many gardeners do not recommend doing this, since the weather conditions during this period are changeable. If there is a need for a spring transplant, then April-May is considered the best time for dividing the bushes. It should not be late spring or summer, because at this moment there are no suction roots on the peony stem, the plant cannot quickly take root.

There is some controversy over when better in autumn Or transplant peonies in the spring. Most gardeners lean towards the autumn version and highlight the following advantages of planting in September:

  • 100% possibility of rooting shoots due to autumn rains and reduced heat;
  • first bloom next summer.

During a spring transplant, various diseases are likely to appear in the peony and the inability to form a peduncle is likely, since the plant will take root and adapt to a new place all summer. , bulbous, coniferous is also desirable in the fall.

Reproduction methods

There are several methods of reproduction:

  1. Propagation by division of the root is the most priority method among gardeners. It is possible to divide a peony bush using root division at a plant age of 5 years. The procedure must be carried out no later than mid-September. Dug out rhizomes should be placed in the shade for 4-6 hours, and then divided into parts with a knife. Each sample must contain at least 3 kidneys. The delenki are cleaned of rot and excess roots are removed, leaving 2-3 and shortening them to 12 cm. planting material treated in a fungicide, sprinkled with charcoal slices and placed in the shade. A day later, the seedlings are ready for planting.
  2. Propagation by root cuttings is an equally popular method among summer residents. root cuttings with the presence of 1-2 buds are the remaining material from the division of the roots. Such roots are planted in flower beds with fertile and loose soil, using a 15 by 15 scheme. It is worth clarifying that with this method of transplantation, no more than 80% of the cuttings take root, so this method should not be used as a priority.

Landing features are described in the video.

In addition to the main methods, there are more complex ones used by professional gardeners:

  • propagation by vertical layering;
  • stem cuttings;
  • propagation by seeds.

Technology of transplanting to a new place

Before proceeding to the process, it should be clarified that the plant does not like such procedures. A transplant to another place must be carried out if the bush has dried or yellowed leaves. Sometimes a flower can fruitfully grow in one place for 10 years or more.

Recently, this flower has become especially popular, many summer residents in the Moscow region, in the Urals, in Siberia are engaged in the cultivation of these perennial plants. At the same time, transplantation is an important part of the reproduction of the culture, since the further growth and flowering of the plant depends on the correct conduct of such an operation.

How to transplant peonies so that they quickly take root? The technology of work will be as follows:

Transplanting peonies in the autumn involves phased implementation a few easy steps. It is worth noting that it is necessary to perform actions responsibly. It is especially necessary to carefully consider the process of dividing the roots for further reproduction. In this case, the flowers will take root perfectly and will delight with beauty already in the next summer period.

Sooner or later, every grower faces the task of transplanting a peony bush, and then one cannot do without certain knowledge and a competent approach to business. And even those who already consider themselves a plant care expert do not always know how to transplant peonies correctly, because a peony, like any other garden flower, has its own transplant secrets. Therefore, about everything in order.

When is the best time to transplant peonies in autumn or spring?

Unambiguously and unconditionally, autumn is considered the best time for transplanting peonies, and the later the better. A signal that the peony has gained strength for wintering and strengthened the recovery buds is the yellowness of the leaves. In other words, when you notice the first yellow leaves on the bush, and this is most often August, September (October in some warm regions), you can safely proceed to transplanting peonies to another place, or extracting and dividing the roots to propagate the bush.

Of course, there are situations when it is necessary to plant or transplant a peony bush to another place in the spring ... In this case, be prepared that the plant may get slightly sick or not want to bloom this season. Although if you treat the transplant process correctly, prepare the planting hole well and apply combined fertilizers saturated with nitrogen, and then take proper care of the flower, it may reciprocate and please you with its flowering and unique aroma.

Transplanting peonies in the spring to another place

If you just want to "relocate" a peony bush to a new place, without dividing the bush for reproduction - no problem! Basic advice about how to properly transplant peonies in the spring so that they take root well in a new place: take a rhizome of a peony, without dividing or disturbing it, transfer it to a new place along with an earthen clod. Thus, the bush will practically not feel stress and may even please you with flowering.

But it is better to leave the division of the bush in the fall, it is then that the plant actively gives all its strength to the kidneys, and the roots can be divided without prejudice to the flower.

How to plant a peony bush: dividing a bush for reproduction and transplanting

Surely you know that peonies are propagated vegetatively: stem and root cuttings, dividing the bush, renewal buds and layering. Less commonly, peonies are grown from seeds, but, as a rule, breeders go this way, for whom the task is to develop a new flower variety. In practice, gardeners most often propagate peonies dividing the bush, we'll talk about this.

The main task when dividing a peony bush is to keep as many roots as possible, so the process of digging up an adult flower must be done as carefully as possible.

First, you need to dig a groove around the plant, dig a bush from below and then, using two shovels, holding it by the leaves, carefully remove it from the ground. When digging, it must be taken into account that the root system of pions goes not only deep into the ground, but is also quite extensively distributed over the surface.

The bushes are placed on a flat area with a drain, and the earth is immediately washed from a hose, a watering can, without moving the plants. Since the roots of the peony are quite fragile and brittle roots, and if handled carelessly, they can be severely damaged, therefore, after preliminary washing of the root system, the dug bushes are dried for 6-8 hours like this. This is necessary so that the root is slightly wilted and not so fragile, then it will be easier to divide.

Shoots with leaves are cut off at the level of 7-8 cm from the base visible on the surface and proceed to the division of the bush. It is necessary not only to cut the roots, they just need to be properly separated in those places where jumpers form. In a well-developed 3 - 4-year-old bush, this can be easily done. The division of the peony bush is done with a sharp tool (knife), making neat deep cuts on top of the root. It is advisable to treat the sections on the roots with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, then sprinkle them with crushed coal or wood ash, ideally then dip the roots into a clay mash. Such measures increase the resistance of the plant to diseases.

Usually such a bush is divided into 7 - 8 parts. Ideally, each planting unit (delenka) should have at least 2-3 buds on the root collar, and the root length should be at least 15 cm. two roots. Delenki with 1 regenerating bud can also be planted, but you need to wait longer for them to bloom.

That's all, now we move to the open ground.

Many flower growers are engaged in growing peonies. These graceful garden flowers with large, bright flowers and decorative dark green foliage are given to many as a gift from grandmothers and neighbors. They can be purchased from a catalog via the Internet, at the bazaar or in any flower shop. Proper transplantation of peonies in the fall is one of the main conditions for caring for this beautiful plant.

How to transplant garden peonies?

All varieties of peonies belong to the group of perennial plants. Flowers that grow in the wild can grow in the same place for several decades. Based wild species new cultivated hybrid forms were bred. So, this group of perennials needs a transplant, which is carried out in five to ten years.

In the process of transplantation, the root system of peonies is divided into parts and seated separately in a new place. For these purposes, plants of five years of age are used.

Experienced flower growers recommend repotting these flowers at least once every three to four years. Peonies have an overdeveloped root system, which is actively growing. Therefore, in the process of transplantation, it is easier to cope with the roots of young plants than those that have reached the age of ten. In addition, flowering will not be as lush, and flower buds will become small and lose their decorative effect.

When can peonies be transplanted? This procedure is carried out in the fall - in September-October. First, the bush is dug over the entire diameter at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from the roots, then loosened with a pitchfork and removed from the ground.

The roots of the plants are gently shaken off the remnants of the soil and washed under a weak stream of water so as not to damage the fragile buds formed on the roots.

In the process of transplanting in the fall, the entire aerial part of the plant is cut off completely, leaving small stumps 2-3 centimeters long from the rhizome.

After that, the plant is kept on fresh air until the water drains from the roots. During this time, the roots will become sluggish and elastic. The old lignified roots are cut off, leaving the ends fifteen centimeters long. The cut is made at an oblique angle.

Before proceeding with the division procedure, the root system must be carefully examined for signs of disease and rot.

All damaged parts must be removed, and the cut points are treated with charcoal powder.

A massive, old root system can be divided with a wedge. It is driven right in the center of the bush to break the rhizome into several parts.

Very often, old roots rot from the inside. All rotten parts are cleaned and washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with a fungicide.

After division, each part should have a piece of the root neck, several eyes and roots. The division is carried out in such a way that all parts are approximately the same. Too large delenki can take root and get sick for a long time after transplantation, and small parts can die altogether.

How to plant peonies in a new place?

Peonies are transplanted according to the same principle as their planting - in the fall. A week before transplanting, it is necessary to dig holes measuring 50x50x50 cm with a distance of about one meter from each other.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of each landing pit. As a drain for these colors will suit broken brick, coarse sand or crushed stone with a layer of at least twenty-five centimeters.

A nutrient mixture is laid on top of the drainage with a twenty-centimeter layer. To do this, mix one hundred grams of lime, the same amount of potassium sulfate, two hundred grams of superphosphate and three hundred grams of wood ash with compost or humus. Fill the planting hole to the top with garden soil mixed with compost. In a week, the soil will sag, and then the delenki can be planted in a permanent habitat, sprinkling good layer earth and lightly tamping.

Autumn transplant

To get beautiful, lush-flowering bushes, planting in the fall is done in such a way that the upper eye is underground at a depth of two to three centimeters.

Do not panic if the transplanted flowers have not released flower buds. In the first year of life, this is a natural process, as plants need time to adapt.

Spring transplant

There are times when transplanting peonies in the spring is more productive than in the fall. For example, if the site is flooded with melt water. As you know, peonies do not like an excess of moisture. In this case, an immediate transplant of flowers is needed, otherwise they will simply rot and die.

  • Spring transplantation of peonies is carried out before the start of the growing season. Later planting can injure the root system and tubers of the plant.
  • Transplanting in the spring is carried out according to the same principle as planting plants in a new place in the fall.
  • Peonies transplanted in the spring lag behind in growth and development from those plants that were transplanted in the fall. But when there is no choice, you have to put up with it.
  • survival rate spring peonies high enough if the plants provide timely and competent care.

Peonies are very beautiful garden flowers. They require minimal care and attention. Thanks to these properties, they are readily grown everywhere, creating colorful and unusual compositions from these large flowers.

How to transplant peonies in the fall so that in the spring they will delight with abundant flowering

Decoration of any garden, flower bed or personal plot are flowers. People try to diversify their beautiful plants. The most common flowers in our country are peonies. They come in different colors: pink, white, red, burgundy. Therefore, a real gardener should know how to transplant peonies in the fall. After all, proper care of the plant is the key to beautiful and abundant flowering.

Amulet from evil spirits

The birthplace of a lush and bright flower is China. In this country, peonies have always been and remain held in high esteem. Since ancient times, they have been considered noble flowers. Peonies are a symbol of masculinity and love, they also protect the house from evil spirits, and people from various ailments. A bouquet of these flowers can be safely presented to a dear person for any celebration. Peonies symbolize glory and the achievement of goals.

The Greeks also greatly respected this flower. For them, peonies had a special meaning. Translated from Greek paionios - "healing, or healing." People added their root to drink, they believed that such a miraculous potion could cleanse the body of evil spirits.

Preparing peonies for planting

Each person tries to plant plants that will delight him for more than one year. Peonies are just perennial flowers. Before planting peonies in the fall, it is important to prepare the soil. The abundance of flowering will depend on this.

  • First, you need to dig up the ground where the plant is planned to be planted.
  • Secondly, the soil should be fertilized: peonies consume potassium, magnesium and nitrogen. It is important not to forget about this when preparing the soil. The flower is simply vital for these trace elements.
  • Thirdly, weeds should not grow on the site - peonies do not accept their neighborhood.
  • Fourthly, the soil must be well loosened so that it passes the liquid as much as possible.
  • Fifth, it is important to constantly and regularly weed the ground.

Also for peonies, a new place plays a big role. Flowers can not stand a constant stay in one area. After some time (4-5 years) they should be transplanted to another place.

Peonies, planting in the fall of which is the most suitable for the plant, do not like fresh manure. It is best to apply peat fertilizer directly into the hole. A landing hole must be dug deep, approximately 0.5 meters.

Peonies, planted in the autumn of which will be done incorrectly, will not please their owner with abundant flowering. All steps must be strictly followed. Only then will the plant give lush and bright flowers. It is worth remembering which cultures will favor the lush growth of peonies subsequently planted in their place. It's all beans.

peonies care

Now we need to consider the following questions: “How to transplant peonies in the fall?” and "How to take care of them?". The first and most important rule in care is regular weeding and loosening. After heavy rain or watering, you need to cultivate the soil. As weeds appear, they must be carefully weeded out, as excess grass takes away nutritious minerals, water and promotes the spread of diseases that will injure peonies. Autumn care for these flowers is very important. Their flowering next year will depend on it.

You need to loosen the earth somewhere with a depth of fifteen centimeters. Avoid the formation of a rough crust on the soil. The first three years of growth, it is in loosening and removing weeds that the basis of caring for peonies lies. Subsequently, it is necessary to cut the buds on the stems, leaving only one or two central ones. This approach will help ensure that the flowers become large.

Plant propagation

So, how to transplant peonies in the fall so that they bloom as profusely as possible in the spring? These noble flowers need to be propagated from August to November. It is better to choose non-hot weather (would be nice cloudy). The abundance of their flowering in spring will depend on how to transplant peonies in the fall.

First you need to fill the bush of the plant well with water and carefully dig it with a sharp shovel. It is worth pulling out carefully so as not to damage the roots of the peony. Then you need to put them on a flat surface and inspect for diseases. With a well-sharpened knife, the roots are cut, damaged ones are removed. It is worth dividing so that 4-5 living buds remain on each part.

Then you need to lower the planting material into the prepared holes. The kidneys are left on the surface of the soil and fall asleep fertile soil(the mound should be five centimeters high). After these steps, the peony bush should be well watered. Before the onset of cold weather, it is worth feeding somewhere else two or three times with water, this will help the plant take root better. Peonies, transplanted in autumn according to all the rules, will surely bloom profusely in spring. You also need to know that if the plant multiplied at a rather late time (for example, in November), then it is better to cover it with foliage, peat or compost. This is done for a more comfortable and safe wintering of the flower.

Peony pests

Each flower is subject to various diseases, some more, some less. Peonies belong to the second. They are not very susceptible to disease. This is a big plus for the plant.

The most common disease of peonies is leaf mosaic and gray rot. You can rarely see rust. The peony buds themselves are eaten by bronze beetles, they should be picked by hand every morning.

From the diseases listed above, the plants are sprayed. You can use one percent Bordeaux liquid or other copper-containing preparations. It is best to spray in the spring, before the buds form. Subsequently, after 10 days, repeat it again. Also, sometimes there is a need to process bushes from harmful ants or beetles.

Already in the middle of autumn (in October), peonies need to be cut to ground level. Remove the stems, and pour the rest in the soil with water.

Feeding and watering

If properly cared for, then in the spring beautiful and lush peonies will bloom in a flower bed or in the garden. Transplanting in the fall is a very important aspect. During this period, the plant takes root as much as possible and is more likely to please with abundant flowering in the spring.

Peonies in the summer, especially in extreme heat, need to be watered regularly. It is best to do this not on the leaves, but under the root.

When the flowers are just planted, then in the first year they should not be fertilized. The soil is rich in minerals. Already in the second and third year of life, peonies need to be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. For example, urea or crystallin, a solution of mullein or a pinch of boron.

If you carry out proper care and transplantation of peonies, then every year large and bright flowers will be full of large and bright flowers in the flower bed.

Terms of transplantation of peonies, photo, video

Peonies are very capricious and demanding flowers. They require not only strong soil and frequent care, but transplanting from a dysfunctional period can lead to an early death of the bush. But if the bush is transplanted correctly, provided with the necessary care, under normal conditions it can live for more than 10 years.

Transplanting peonies in autumn

Lush and delicate peony bushes are best replanted in late summer or early autumn. It is in the “velvet” season that it does not rain so often, the sun does not burn so much, it is warm enough, and the roots of the bush sprout new buds.

Planting and transplanting peony bushes should begin from late August to mid-September. Planting during this period, the flower will take root, and the bushes are guaranteed to bloom magnificently in the spring and will delight the gardener's eye.

For transplanting peony bushes in autumn, it is recommended to choose a sunny place that is protected from the wind. Also, it is not advised to replant peonies near the house, since the heat that the house contains and radiates will contribute to excessive overheating of the soil, and, consequently, the flower.

Peonies do not like too damp or swampy areas, as groundwater and other waters contribute to the decay of the roots of the bush. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a peony in garden soil located on the beds that are above all.

Clay beds are best fertilized with peat or organic fertilizers. The landing pit for peony bushes should be at least 70 centimeters deep and wide, the distance between the landing pits should vary up to a meter. This arrangement helps the air to circulate better, supplying the nutrients necessary for growth.

Transplanting peonies in the spring

Peonies can be transplanted not only in the autumn, but also in the spring. The best spring time for transplanting peony bushes, April or May is considered. The problem is that this time of year is unpredictable with its weather conditions. It may be that winter may start late, and the soil will not completely freeze through. And when the snow melts, all the flowers that bloom in spring quickly begin the vegetative process.

The transplant can then be started, but the actions must be quick, coordinated and accurate. Gardeners advise replanting a peony bush, which has the largest clod of earth. Dividing, washing or shaking off the roots from the ground is not recommended. It must immediately be placed in a hole with loose nutrient soil.

It is strictly forbidden to use fresh humus and other mineral and nutrients. It is best to take already rotted compost, mix it with the soil and plant the bush in place, after digging it up. It is recommended to pick the first crumpled peony buds that appear.

Unfortunately, in the spring, the roots of peonies are very fragile and break. Therefore, no matter how carefully the work on transplanting bushes is carried out, fragments of large roots will remain. In order for the roots not to become infected and not to hurt, they need to be treated with charcoal powder. Also, you can use biogrowth stimulants, peonies love them very much.

It happens that the bush does not like the soil in a new place, and it does not take root well on it. To do this, it is necessary to re-transplant it to a place permanent for growth, but already at the beginning of autumn, having previously prepared a landing hole for it. The roots will take root already there, healing and giving rise to new buds.

The best and most convenient time for transplanting peonies is the end of August and the beginning of September, when the roots of the bush can easily take root and develop. To do this, it is first recommended to prepare planting holes with fertilizer for peonies in advance, watering and caring for them until they take root.

Video: Peony transplant

Spring transplantation of peonies: if you can’t, but really want to ...

Peonies are recommended to be transplanted and divided in the fall. In the spring they are not advised to touch. And in general, in the first three or four years after planting, it is considered extremely undesirable to disturb the plants: the less the peony is transplanted, the better it grows. But, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule, and there are situations when recommendations have to be violated.

That's what happened to me with peonies. First, of the four bushes found in the new garden, three were hopelessly overgrown with weeds. In autumn, these unfortunates were generally not visible in the grass; I saw two bushes when I was trying to tidy up a little along the path, and I generally stumbled on the third one only in the spring.

Trying to weed is completely pointless. Moreover, they were planted in a lowland, where after the snow melted there was water, and peonies categorically do not like spring flooding. In a word, I hardly pulled one bush out of the tight embrace of nettles and goutweed, and decided to replant three.

Secondly, since last year I have had purchased rhizomes of varietal peonies. Which, by the way, are usually sold also in the spring, and not in the fall. So, last spring I bought them, planted them, and by autumn I started moving. They dug up something (violating one of the rules: do not disturb in the first three years), but there was nowhere to plant: where the place was intended for them, construction was still going on. So they spent the winter in my basement.

In the spring, my peonies began to grow long before the soil thawed. Even though the basement is dark and cold, it did not stop them. So there was nowhere to postpone the landing ...

In general, if there is a need to transplant peonies in the spring, it is advisable to do this as early as possible. The later the root tubers are dug up, the more traumatic the procedure will be for the plant.

Sometimes, when digging up, parts of the bush are separated, especially if the rhizome is large and branched. It is recommended that the delenka has at least 2-3 buds. This, of course, is optimal, but it happened to me to plant very small delenki with a single kidney. Yes, they take longer to develop, but they survive. Therefore, if suddenly such a piece breaks off, you just need to plant it very carefully and take good care of it - over time, a large bush will also grow out of it.

In general, with regard to technology, the spring planting of peonies is not much different from the autumn. Since the peony will grow in one place for a long time, you need to take care of its nutrition. Unfortunately, my compost is not yet ready, so I applied GUMI-Spring organic-mineral fertilizer to each planting hole, which is intended just for spring planting and feeding them. The fertilizer was sprinkled with soil so as not to burn the rhizomes, and the root tubers were carefully placed in the pit.

Two points are important here. First: such a planting depth is considered optimal so that the buds are buried 5 cm into the soil on heavy soils and 7 cm on light soils. If the rhizomes are deeply deepened, the peony may develop poorly and not bloom. If planted too small - suffer from the cold in winter.

Second: the ground after planting needs to be compacted, but this should be done very carefully. In no case do they trample it down with their feet - it is so easy to damage the kidneys. We carefully press the soil around the plant, then water it well, and if the soil has sagged, add more.

It is believed that peonies planted in spring are a year behind those transplanted in autumn. But when the situation forces you, you just have to put up with it. And with good care (timely watering, fertilizing, weeding), there are no problems with the survival rate of spring plantings of peonies.


Thank you Marin for sharing your experience.) I also had a need to transplant a peony, but I didn’t know how to do it correctly in order to minimally injure the plant - I already know :)

Marina, Nekrasovskoe


And for me, to confess, such a need arose for the first time, but I hope the transplantation will be painless for peonies. :)

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

I am sure of it!)) In fact, it is not difficult and, as Lyudmila rightly noted, it is not critical for the plant. By the way, Lyudmila's comment finally convinced me that the peony is an unpretentious plant. Are there many other garden beauties ready to grow even from a small piece of rhizome ?!

Lyudmila, Kyiv

I completely agree with you: there are no hopeless situations. And peonies can also be transplanted in the spring. Not critical. Would it really be better if the peony completely died down in unbearable conditions before the fall?! Just in case, I want to remind you that if you divide a large rhizome, you need to remove very old parts of the root. They are usually already rotten and hollow. When transplanting, it is not recommended to plant large delenki, with a large number of buds. 3 is optimal, 5 is maximum.

We have a botanical garden in Kyiv. There is a well-known peony breeder V.F. Gorobets in the botanical garden. So he once told us that very often they germinate and even just a piece of peony root. The buds sprout on it in about a year. sometimes two. So do not rush to throw away the roots if they suddenly break off by accident. Dig them in a place where they will surely get to drink and eat. There is a chance that a flower will hatch out of them :)

By the way, do you know that the flowering of the peony is affected by its watering in the summer of the year before last? So do not conclude that watering a peony is useless if the next year he did not react to it in any way. Wait another year ;)

I also want to add that a plant with young white vegetative roots, which you urgently need to transplant from place to place, should not be in contact with these roots with open air for more than 4 minutes. Then these roots may die. therefore, if you need to transplant a plant, water it well, prepare a new planting hole, which is also spilled with water and then quickly dig the plant and lower it back into the ground, quickly cover it with earth and water it.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Lyudmila, thank you very much for the useful additions! I didn't know you could sprout roots. One broke off during transplantation - I was going to throw it away, because the kidneys are not visible on it. Now I’ll plant it too)) Fortunately, all this happened today, so the spine is completely fresh.

Svetlana, Russia

And I have a peony, transplanted (also if necessary) in the spring, has not bloomed for the fifth year. They transplanted, one might even say, reloaded, with such a clod of earth that the rhizomes could not be seen! And I water all the time, and feed, but there is no sense. 5-7 leaves 10-15 cm high, that's all I get from it every summer.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Svetlana, maybe they planted it deep? In this case, there are problems with both development and flowering. After all, if there was a large lump of earth, it is difficult to assess the degree of deepening of the kidneys ... No other reasons come to mind ...

Svetlana, Russia

Oh, what about you again? I do not agree! Marina, planted that lump flush with the ground. Who knows what is wrong with him, maybe the variety was especially capricious? Why it was, it is still there ... I don’t know what it will bring this year, but so far there are no flower stalks ...

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

No, Sveta, it’s me, in continuation of what you wrote: “They transplanted ... they moved ...” Well, it seems like a whole team worked on this;)

Well, maybe he doesn't like the soil? I don’t know what to suggest ... I would transplant such a whim in the fall again - already without any ceremonies, freeing the rhizomes from the soil, examining it properly ... By the way, if he has been sitting in place for five years, division can benefit him - like Lyudmila wrote: peonies with a large number of buds should not be transplanted, 5 is the maximum. Since he doesn't want to... :)

Svetlana, Russia

Marina, but as for the soil, here you most likely hit the nail on the head. It grows near the pyramidal poplar, and I read that poplars have a very well-developed surface root system, impoverishing the soil in a diameter of 8-10 meters around the trunk. Peony falls into this zone. Well, I fed him regularly...

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Sveta, here it is, the cause of the problem, most likely. Peonies do not like neighborhoods with trees, no matter how you feed them. So it’s better to plan a transplant so that you don’t suffer.

Svetlana, Russia

Sure, not a problem! I just didn’t want to disturb him, so capricious, once again! Places in bulk, I will land in splendid isolation 3 meters around him.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Look, so as not to get bored, since he is such a picky :))

Faith, Eagle

I have read it and learned a lot. BUT it so happened that around the peonies I “stitched” thuja, they somehow grew very quickly. But the peonies began to bloom even stronger. It seems that they have become shaded. But the hats have become very heavy - you have to tie them harder

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Faith, I think the point here is that peonies and arborvitae are equally demanding on soil moisture. At the same time, thuja are quite unpretentious, and in terms of nutrition, peony should not be serious competition. Judging by good growth Tui, she is good on this site))

As for the shading of the peony ... In fact, its light-loving nature is considered an axiom. But for me, for example, an excellent peony bush grows in such a way that a shadow from the house falls on it in the morning. When she leaves, and the bush remains in the sun. Blooms more and more every year. That is, the question is the degree and duration of shading. According to my observations, the peony reacts more painfully to drought than to slight shading, but this may also depend on the variety ...

Lyudmila, Kyiv

I re-read the post and remembered another interesting detail about the effect of watering on the flowering of the peony. It turns out that the way you watered the peony this year will affect the abundance of flowering not in the next season, but in a season.

Faith, Eagle

Now I need to urgently transplant the peony. There is no way to wait for autumn. Today my peonies finally bloomed, those, by the way, that are more in the sun. I'll wait for them to bloom and repot.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Purchased plants are not going to bloom, but they have not bloomed before - the delenki are small, the bushes still do not have the strength to bloom, although they are growing, they are trying :)) And those whose rhizomes were large, powerful, successfully formed strong, albeit low, bushes and are preparing to please with flowers.

Again, I read that after a transplant (especially in spring), it is better to remove the buds. But is it worth it if the plant is full of energy?

BUT late spring under one of the currant bushes, another candidate for transplantation was found)) My garden is rich in pleasant discoveries and finds :)

Rosa, Russia

Peonies need to be transplanted as it was written 20-40 years ago, look on the internet and get all the necessary information, or in a biology textbook that you procrastinate the truth, you won’t come up with anything new

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

You know, but we are not trying to come up with something new :) We are here, you understand, we communicate, exchange experiences, our impressions - we have a gardening club, not an academic meeting. Of course, whoever finds it more convenient to get all the necessary information somewhere else, including a biology textbook, will do just that - we do not force anyone, we do not force anyone to read and discuss. Moreover, absolute truth does not exist, and the one who claims to possess it greatly flatters himself))

Vera, Biysk

I just didn’t have enough strength for peonies in the fall. Although I knew that I needed to transplant in the fall, I still transferred this procedure to the spring. And how glad I am now that I did not dare to change their apartment for a new one. We had no snow at all until the new year, and the frosts were -20 degrees. If transplanted, they would surely die. And mine all sprouted in the spring. As soon as the first reddish slits appeared, I dug out 2 bushes, divided them and planted them in another place, more sunny, where the snow melts earlier, almost in the sun. Precisely almost, because this place is far from warm, well-heated walls.

I planted peonies along the fence with neighbors.

And for the company she transplanted buzulnik, spirea and astilba. Im chose a place with shade after dinner. Here are the transition work completed. Now I will wait, watch the peonies. And I really liked the recommendations for watering. Maybe my peonies bloomed very luxuriantly just because I always water them very plentifully.

It is a pity that I saw the article and comments after the transplant. I did everything wrong. First I dug holes, prepared them. And then she began to dig up the bushes, divide, wear (I have a fairly long distance), then they waited their turn for fudge. In a word, much more than 4 minutes have passed. I don’t even hope for a miracle that the roots have survived.

Do you think it is necessary to cut the buds, if any appear after all my mistakes?

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Faith, everything that is done is for the better! Sometimes breaking the rules gives better results than following them - I've noticed more than once. Of all my divisions transplanted in the spring, only one died - the largest and probably the oldest part of one of the bushes. And she died in the fall - the already weak leaves began to dry out, and then completely fell off. In the spring, all the rest rose, despite all the weather anomalies - I was very afraid that their spring frosts would “finish off”: there was no more snow on this flowerbed, and the thermometer dropped below -10 degrees. I’m telling this to the fact that, after all, some of my delenki also spent more than 4 minutes in the air. So, I think everything will be fine with you!

As for the buds, it would be better to cut them off, but last summer I myself could not resist the temptation: I really wanted to see what the transplanted peony would be like. One of all bloomed - a small, single flower, but my hand did not rise to remove the bud ...

Vera, Biysk

I have bushes that I transplanted today, they were huge, they bloomed magnificently and powerfully. In the flower garden, they were the largest plants. And now they have giant neighbors. Cherry trees grow behind the fence, however, far away. And they are not as tall as pyramidal poplars. So after all, we do not have the south, but a zone of risky farming.

It remains to wait for a new spring and see what happens from my strategic operation.

Hope, Saratov

Thanks! We have been growing peonies on our site for over 30 years. The mother-in-law did not allow them to be touched, even though they grew anywhere. This year I decided to repot them. Of course, I didn’t do everything according to the rules, the roots were so terrible, all twisted and rotten! If the only problem is that they do not bloom immediately, it does not matter. At least a few will be accepted.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Nadezhda, out of the entire transplanted “company”, only one division completely fell out of me. By the way, the largest one is just in time for the question of what Lyudmila said in her comment: do not plant too large. Here ... And the rest are growing slowly, after another winter they woke up)) So everything is not so scary - I think everything will be fine with your peonies!

Yana Tereshkina, Samarka village

Thanks a lot for the article. I bought peonies and began to worry that it was impossible to plant in the spring. But now I see that there are exceptions to every rule. I want to ask, is it necessary to apply mineral fertilizers or can I limit myself to humus? .. Thank you in advance for your answer.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Yana, in any case, I happened to plant peonies, adding only humus, and they grew normally. It also depends on the soil. If it is already quite fertile - one option, and if it is poor, there are few nutrient reserves in it - perhaps humus alone will not be enough. Therefore, you still need to decide, based on your conditions.

Christina, Russia

Please tell me, a beginner gardener, I bought a peony today, and his two buds have already turned red, i.e. I understand that the awakening has already begun ... And today is only March 6 and I live in Siberia ... What should I do, put it in the refrigerator or already put it in a container? And I’m afraid I bought it very early ... I’ll do something with it ...

Tata, Kaluga

If the buds only turn red, wrap the peony along with the substrate in thick paper and in the refrigerator with vegetables.

Christina, Russia

I read something, someone said that you need to add a little sphagnum. Necessary? I think it's dry there.

Tatiana, Volkhov

Marina, you gave me hope. I bought 6 peonies, dreaming about what beauty I would have. And then I came across a statement - and do not try to plant peonies in the spring - they will die, only experienced flower growers it might work out. And I am an inexperienced florist, the only hope is that hand light. They are stored in my basement, at +3. Tell me how I should be - I'm leaving for my mother, in Moldova for a month, on April 15, and accordingly I can land peonies either before April 15 or after May 15. (Len region, Volkhov). And one more thing - how much distance to leave between the bushes? I plan to plant in a sunny area, against the wall garden house. Thanks!

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Tatyana, I think it’s unlikely that peonies will be planted in Volkhov before April 15 ... You probably still have snow, don’t you? And even if it descends before that time, the earth will not thaw yet ... Maybe I'm wrong ... Therefore, if there is not much choice, I would probably postpone planting, even though mid-May is already quite late ... We need to think carefully about how to save planting material : a little warmer in the basement, and the rhizomes will wake up, and in a month in the dark the sprouts will stretch.

Alternatively, if you notice that the buds have already awakened, started to grow, and you don’t have time to plant them in the ground before leaving, I would suggest planting the rhizomes in suitable containers (be sure to do good drainage and drilling more holes in the bottom for water to drain). For now, find them a bright, but cool (not freezing) room, and in the spring, dig right in these containers. And transfer to a permanent place in the fall, when the plants adapt.

Well, if spring in your area is early this year, and the earth thaws before your departure, then of course, the sooner you plant your peonies, the better - until it's hot, while the soil is saturated with moisture, and the plants themselves have not yet woken up, chances for more success.

As for the distance, the “average” is 1 m. Peonies, as you know, can grow in one place for 50 years, and every year the bush increases in diameter, so you need a lot of space. But it is worth looking at the characteristics of the variety (there should be information on the packaging). Like any culture, peonies can be different: some are larger, more sprawling, and some are compact. However, if the place allows, then it is better not to crowd - with a spacious landing, the risk of diseases and all sorts of problems will be less.

Tatiana, Volkhov

Marina, you are right, there is still snow, but I think that in a couple of warm days that are holding on today, it will melt. Still, I doubt such an early disembarkation - after all, there may still be frosts - will they not die? I like the idea of ​​planting in a large pot, followed by transshipment near the ground. There is a bright, unheated room. I'll keep an eye on the weather forecast, maybe it will still be possible to cope before departure. Thanks a lot!

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Tatyana, April frosts in our unstable climate are more than likely ... Peonies, of course, are quite cold-resistant, but there is a risk. I was thinking about this problem when I wrote the previous comment; but the matter is complicated by the fact that your possible planting dates are limited: it would be possible to plant and cover from frost - after all, until mid-May everything will grow, shelter will become superfluous ... Hence the idea of ​​overexposure in containers; since there is a suitable room, it will probably be best solution in your situation.

And if you still plant ... I’ll give you another idea - suddenly it will help :)) This is in case there are neighbors nearby with whom you support a good relationship: after planting, you can prepare a light shelter and ask the neighbors to cover the plants in case of a severe cold snap, and then remove the shelter when it gets warmer. So once in the autumn I urgently broke into a long business trip - it was still too early to cover the roses, and I had to return already in the snow, when it would be too late to do anything. Therefore, I prepared everything, asked the neighbor to throw a spunbond on the arcs when the cold sets in, and calmly left. Good neighbors are a big plus

May any decision you choose be successful, and next spring, I hope we will admire the photos of your peonies :)

Tatiana, Volkhov

Marinochka, I don't need neighbors, my husband stays at home. I'll take my daughter to her grandmother for the summer and come back. And the owner of the house, he still has to water the seedlings of tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage, all kinds of flowers! In general, reluctantly become a gardener.

I hope that by mid-April it will be possible to plant peonies.

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Oh, Tatyana, well, then everything is much simpler. If the earth thaws, feel free to plant. Since there is someone to look after the landings, you can not be afraid of frosts))))

Elena Yukina Guseva-Sakhatskaya, Volgograd

Read and wonder! If you rely on all the advice - now I wouldn’t have anything))) Three years ago I “transferred” (in the full sense of the word) the dacha from one place (having sandy soil) to another, they took a plot - like a football field, naked ( with clay and loam, in some places). In the spring they dug out a vineyard (20 years old, 5 and young), arborvitae, junipers, willows (3 years old and already with catkins) and of course peonies). bottles. Those around me, with experience, looked like they were crazy. I dug up the peonies from the old dacha in pieces, divided the roots with a shovel into as many parts as I needed (white, pink and burgundy) - it was necessary to plant alternating colors. With a shovel, dripped a hole filled with water laid the root, fell asleep ... and until the next week, if the water remained and fell to them. I did not put peonies in the first place among my plantings, (I was worried about the grapes) and sometimes I frankly forgot about them - there was simply no time to stop and think! For the same year, almost all the transplanted stubs bloomed (I won’t lie, some buds did not open), absolutely everyone is alive and well and bloomed the next spring (I noticed that the whites are a little behind in development and flowering. This year I accidentally came across a spine - about ten centimeters , terribly dried up, but judging by the picture - very beautiful, some kind of Chinese apricot (in a garden store from a gutted package). - with root. Today I planted it in a small container with earth, something pink on the spine from three millimeters pecked. Now I will observe. - "you will be killed anyway, consider yourself lucky")))) By the way, I live in Volgograd - and our zone is considered as a zone of risky farming - black winters (i.e. without snow), drought (with wild wind) and heat .so de Lay your own conclusions. By the way, for the first time I hear that peonies need to be covered in the winter.

Forced transplantation of a peony, to a new place of residence (ext +)

Polina Shubina

For the first time I hear that he does not tolerate humus. The pit needs to be prepared according to the full program, at least as under a berry bush - peonies can grow and bloom actively in one place for 20-25 years. So humus, and ash, and superphosphate. Better to share. If the delenki are large - 5-7 eyes and planted fresh (divided - planted) they can try and bloom, but it is advisable to remove the buds - they will take well, grow and delight flowering next year.

[I Am Your Legend]™

I planted them even in the summer, I just planted them in the ground, but it is recommended to plant them on humus, manure, ash. If you do not have this, then it's okay - and it will grow like that. The main thing is to water it, it is necessary to weed and spud - so that the water would hold. Flowers will be next year, my peonies are gaining bud)


Look for information somewhere on special forums or websites. This is a delicate matter - a peony transplant. I did it once, even more than once - I didn’t grow at all in one place, transplanted it, read it as it should, even studied photos and pictures ... As a result, I picked up a good place, BUT the peony was not the one I was waiting for. They sold the usual burgundy color instead of the expected white :-(
And a good pit needs both drainage and fertilizer. All this is necessary, and most importantly - how to properly position the roots and how deep - all this must be observed. Good luck to you. In the photo, my favorite is a pink peony, which has been in one place for 12 years and always makes me happy on my DR in June. I’m afraid to touch him, God forbid, it won’t bloom like that.


If you transplant a large bush, get ready to dig a deep enough hole, its roots are powerful. When we transplanted, half of the roots were damaged, not knowing that they went so wide and deep, I already thought that we started this business in vain, but nothing took root and bloomed the next year.

White Song Corn

I saw how Valya transplanted blooming painlessly and bloomed the next year, and we got sick after transplantation in the form you are talking about. She did not add anything just to the ground


when transplanting, try not to deepen - then they will definitely not bloom if groundwater is close - do not be too lazy to put a whole brick (preferably red) on the bottom of the planting pit under a layer of humus - so that the plant is not drawn into the depth
when transplanting now - remove all buds, if you wait until August, large delenki will be able to bloom next year, all pieces of rhizome, even medium-sized ones, dig in and plant in partial shade (survival rate is good, there will be reserve planting material)
before planting in the planting pit, add humus and superphosphate - then there will be no problems with fertilizer for several years

Lyubov Tsaregorodtseva

It is believed that the best time to transplant peonies is the end of August and September. But what to do when, due to circumstances, these beautiful plants need to be transplanted in the spring? Is it possible to transplant peonies at all at this time, and if possible, how to do this without much damage to them?

Transplantation of peonies is most favorable in the fall, because at this time there is no strong heat anymore, it rains at times, the flowers have finished flowering and their roots begin to grow en masse. Transplanting peonies in the fall means the plant has a better chance of taking root and blooming the following spring.
Transplanting peonies in the spring

However, in addition to the end of summer, the beginning of autumn, the roots of peonies grow in the spring - in April and May. So, in the spring, too, you can transplant. This period is inconvenient because the weather at this time is often unstable, and there is already a lot of work on the sites. So, you need to find the right moment to transplant peonies!

It is best to transplant peonies in the spring, trying to dig it out with as large a clod of earth as possible. If possible, it is better not to divide the bush. Try not to shake the soil from the roots and do not wash them. For transplanting to a new place, prepare a hole that would correspond in size to a bush. Add nutritious, loose soil there. But avoid adding fresh organics! Need rotted compost, manure or complete mineral fertilizer. Do not leave the dug up peony bush in the air for a long time. It is best to plant it in a new place immediately after digging.

In the summer, especially carefully monitor the transplanted plants. The buds that appeared in the first summer after transplantation are best cut off. Water the transplanted bushes regularly.

It happens that large bushes of transplanted peonies do not grow well in a new place. If this happens, then at the end of August, beginning of September, you can choose another seat for them. With such a transplant, you will give an additional incentive to the autumn growth of the suction roots, and correct the mistakes that you may have made when transplanting peonies in the spring. ALL YOU GOOD AND GOOD LUCK!