Mansard roofs of private houses: types, options, device. Roof project - features of modern structures and options for their application (85 photos) Roofs for private houses different types of construction

  • What kind of roof to choose for the house.
  • How and why the roof bursts open the walls and destroys the house.
  • To prevent the roof from being blown away by the wind

Rafter system - the base of the roof

The basis of the roof structure is rafter system. The rafter system sets the shape of the roof of a private house and takes up loads. The durability of the house, as well as the future costs of repairing and operating a new house, depends on the correct choice and device of the rafter system.

The loads that act on the roof truss system are divided into constant and variable. Constants are loads from the weight of all elements of the roof (rafter system, roof, drainage system, etc.). Variables - include loads from the weight of people and snow on the roof, as well as wind load.

Snow and wind loads are determined by maps of snow and wind loads, which are given in building codes. For example, on the map of Russia, the boundaries of areas with standard values ​​of wind or snow load are indicated. Find your construction site on the map, define the area and the standard snow or wind load of the construction site.

The main elements of the roof truss system of a private house

The main elements of the truss system of a private house, using the example of a hipped roof, are shown in the figure:

Rafter leg(rafter) creates the slope of the roof and is the support for the roof. Forces act on the rafter that tend to deform it in two directions - bend it in an arc and turn it into a horizontal position.

Tightening connects the lower ends of opposite rafters together. Prevents the ends of the rafters from spreading to the sides. The forces acting on the tightening tend to stretch it.

Mauerlat- timber fixed to the outer walls of the house. The lower ends of the rafters rest on the Mauerlat. Mauerlat connects the lower ends of adjacent rafters, evenly transfers the load of the roof to the outer walls of the house.

Run ridge - a bar on which the upper ends of the rafters rest. The ridge girder connects the upper ends of the rafters.

Rack supports the girder and accommodates vertical loads that tend to compress the strut. The racks are supported on the internal load-bearing wall of the house (as shown) or on sill- timber laid on this wall. The rack must necessarily rest on the supporting structure - inner wall or an attic floor designed for roof loads.

Brace prevents the rafters from bending. Experiencing compression deformation.

Wind beam- a board that connects the rafters to the roof slope. The board is attached to the rafters from the attic side at an angle, from the ridge to the Mauerlat. The wind beam increases the resistance of the rafter system to wind and other loads directed along the roof ridge.

Filly- a board or block attached to the rafter leg to create an overhang of the roof.

Sprengel- timber laid in the corners of the house on the adjacent sides of the Mauerlat. A stand is supported on the sprengel, supporting the diagonal rafter.

Narodnik- a shortened rafter, the upper end of which rests on a diagonal rafter.

The above elements of the rafter system in one combination or another are present in the design of various types of rafter systems.

Diagrams of roof truss systems of a private house

There are several schematic diagrams of truss systems. In private housing construction, two schematic diagrams of the rafter system are usually used - with hanging rafters and with layered rafters.

The choice of a particular scheme depends on many factors.- the size and shape of the house, the presence of internal load-bearing walls, the desire to arrange an attic under the roof of the house, the choice of the shape of the roof for aesthetic reasons. In some cases, a combination of different rafter systems is also used on the roof of one house.

Each schematic diagram of the rafter system has several design solutions.

Roof rafter system with hanging rafters

The scheme got its name because the upper ends of the rafters do not have special support(racks), which transfers the load to the load-bearing element of the building. The upper ends of the rafters seem to hang in the air, leaning only on each other. Load bearing capacity the rafters are provided only by the tightening expansion. Rafters are subjected to deformation in this scheme in several directions. Under load the rafter squeezes, arches and turns in a horizontal position.

Rigel in the left figure it works in both tension and compression, depending on the size and distribution of the load along the roof slopes.

Suspension(headstock) in the right figure is under tensile strain.

The rafter system with hanging rafters has


  • Does not require an intermediate support in the form of a device in the house of internal load-bearing walls or ceilings, designed for roof loads.
  • Tightens can be used as load-bearing beams attic floor.

and limitations:

  • The parts of the rafter system are more stressed than in other systems. With the same roof size, you have to use parts of a larger section or increase the number of rafters. All this increases the consumption of lumber, and hence the cost of building a roof.
  • Not applicable for small slope angles, less than 30 degrees. At small angles, the stress in the details of the rafter system, and hence their size, increases significantly.
  • The rafter frame with hanging rafters has less rigidity, due to the fact that the position of the rafters is interdependent. For example, deformation under the action of the load of the rafters on one ramp leads to a significant change in the position of the rafters and the other ramp. The roof "walks" and loosens, especially when the slopes are unevenly loaded. First of all, the roofing suffers from this.
  • In the case of an uneven load on one of the slopes (snow, wind), the roof with hanging rafters exerts significant lateral pressure on the walls of the house towards the less loaded slope.

The rafter system with hanging rafters in private housing construction is recommended to be used to bridge spans up to 6 m. The disadvantages of the system in this case are less pronounced.

Rafter system with layered rafters

In a rafter system with layered rafters the upper end of each rafter leg rests on the girder, which through the racks transfers the load to the internal load-bearing wall of the building. Thanks to the support at the upper end, the rafter frame does not create space(pressure on the walls in a horizontal plane in opposite directions) at the lower ends of the rafters.

In a system with layered rafters, tightening is not needed to compensate for the expansion. Details of the rafter system and load-bearing walls houses are less loaded.

When arranging an attic it is convenient to lean such a roof on the attic walls (continued outer wall above the ceiling) with a height of 1-1.5 m. The rafter system with layered rafters has


  • Versatility - suitable for roofs with a span of up to 16 m., For installation on light walls (frame, wooden), for roofs with a low slope angle.
  • A roof with layered rafters has less weight, lumber consumption, and is easier to install than the same roof with hanging rafters.
  • Less sensitive to uneven load on the slopes - less deformation and the action of lateral forces on the walls of the house.

and limitations:

  • Requires additional support - a load-bearing wall inside the house or a ceiling designed for the roof load.

Rafter system for the attic device

The figure shows the rafter system for. In this rafter system both hanging rafters and layered ones are used.

Rafter systems based on the above schematic diagrams have many design solutions. For example, an interior load-bearing wall does not need to be centered on the roof. Instead of one ridge run, or in addition to it, rafters on long slopes are additionally supported by girders placed in the gap between the ridge and the Mauerlat.

Roof trusses

Roof trusses
- have a more complex configuration of parts located in the same plane. The calculation and optimization of the truss truss is carried out using a computer program. The trusses are usually made in the factory with precise adherence to the dimensions of the parts from well-dried wood.

The trusses are designed so that only the vertical load is transferred to the outer walls. A roof using trusses is lighter. The lower chord of the truss is usually made horizontal so that it performs the role of the attic floor beams.

Roof trusses allow you to overlap large spans without intermediate supports... In private housing construction, it is beneficial to use them instead of a rafter system with hanging rafters with a span length of more than 6 m., as well as at small angles of inclination of the slopes (less than 30 degrees), including for single-pitched roofs.

Lack of roof truss one is the high cost of the product.

Roof truss system design

The structure of the roof system of the house must be tested for strength by specialists. When calculating the strength, take into account, in addition to loads, the slope angle of the slopes and the shape of the roof, as well as the type of rafter system and the safety factor.

The rafter system consists of many elements. Each element is acted upon by forces that are different in magnitude and direction. The rafter system as a whole and its individual parts are subjected to loads directed vertically, horizontally and tending to rotate the part.

When designing a rafter system take into account whether there will be an attic or an attic on the roof, the presence of windows in the roof or gables, the conditions for supporting the rafters on the walls, the shape of the house plan and other factors.

It is better and more correct to build a roof of a house according to a project carried out by a specialist - designer. Building simple species roofs can be assigned to an experienced technician who does not have the qualifications of a designer.

The roof truss system of a private house must meet the following requirements:

  • strong and tough- changes in the shape or dimensions of the roof under the action of loads should not exceed the permissible values.
  • The roof should be easy to less load the walls and foundation of the house with its weight.
  • Rafter system should not transfer the order(horizontal force) on the walls of the house.
  • The rafter system must be durable... Replacing or repairing a rafter system is an expensive pleasure.

To fulfill the first two requirements, the rafter system is made of separate linear elements assembled in a triangle-shaped structure. A separate flat triangle of the rafter system, of two rafters and related parts, called a truss or truss.

Roof frames or trusses installed on the walls parallel to each other at a certain distance and form the roof truss system.

In a roof system designed by a specialist, it is impossible to on their own make changes. Adding or excluding any part will lead to redistribution of loads to other nodes of the system. Even changing the number of nails to connect parts, can lead to the destruction of the house. For example, an increase in the number of nails with which a rafter is nailed can lead to an unacceptable gap on the walls. Read about it below.

Try to make the rafter system symmetrical. The symmetrical arrangement of rafter legs, racks, struts, will evenly distribute the loads along the roof slopes, which will increase the stability of the roof and walls of the house.

To remove moisture from wooden roof parts and condensation, the attic space must be ventilated with the help of vents. In mansard roofs, ventilated gaps are arranged for this.

To protect against moisture, Mauerlat and others wooden parts rafter system separated from the masonry walls by waterproofing. If this is not done, the tree will quickly rot.

The rafter system for a private house is made of wood. Sometimes, for example, in frame houses with a metal frame, metal profiles are also used for the manufacture of the rafter system.

How and why the roof expands and destroys the walls of the house

Under the influence of loads, the lower ends of the rafters tend to part to the sides. Forces acting on the lower ends of the rafters and directed horizontally in opposite directions, is called a thrust.

The spacing of the rafters is so great that the walls do not stand up, they bend, the walls and rafters crack, the roof sags in places as a result - the house collapses. Such a picture can often be seen if the construction of the roof was carried out by not skillful builders, and, moreover, without a project.

Why is the spread on the walls?

Indeed, above, in the article it is written that in a rafter system with hanging rafters, the thrust is compensated by a tightening, and in a scheme with layered rafters, the thrust does not arise at all. These statements are correct if we consider the diagrams of rafter systems on paper.

In the reality all parts of the rafter systems are deformed under the action of loads, that is, they change their size and position in space - they shorten, lengthen, bend, turn.

To deformations from the action of loads are added fluctuations in the size of parts with changes in humidity and temperature. In the connection points also there is some mobility of elements rafter system.

Let us imagine that in a system with hanging rafters, the tightening, for some of the indicated reasons, lengthened and ceased to take on the effort of the tension. As a result, the spacer will begin to spread to the walls.

In a system with layered rafters, the same will happen, if, for example, the rack collapses. The top end of the rafters will lose support. The rafters will start to work like hanging rafters. All the thrust load will begin to be transferred to the walls. In addition, the load on the rafters will also increase, which not designed for hanging rafters.

There are two options here. Or the walls won't hold- under the action of the thrust, they will disperse to the sides, allowing the rafters to turn slightly and again lean on the rack. Or the rafter will collapse, the rafter will crack, unable to withstand the non-rated load.

Easily deformed by thrust wooden walls from a bar, logs, as well as frame.

In the construction literature, you can find the statement that walls made of stone materials can withstand a large thrust load. But in modern private housing construction, thanks to the use of heaters, thickness stone walls decreased significantly. For masonry walls, lighter and lighter fragile materials, for example, aerated concrete.

Protection of stone walls of a modern private house from damage by expansion no less relevant than for wooden ones.

Many developers choose to do most of the work themselves. This approach often saves a lot. This applies, for example, to roof construction work. In this case, it is necessary to decide on the design of the future roof, of which there are several options and each of them has its own characteristics. We will talk about how to build a roof of a private house further.

  1. The most budgetary option is considered to be a pitched roof, which is most often installed in a house where one of the walls is higher than the other. It is rarely used for the construction of private buildings.
  2. Gable design option. Most often erected. It consists of two rectangles that are connected by their upper sides. As a result, between the slopes, the roof of a private house receives two frontal planes of a triangular shape. In this case, the size of the building affects the area of ​​the slopes. This form of roofs of private houses is popular in many respects because it is easy to do it yourself. Unlike a pitched roof, an attic already appears here, which everyone uses at their own discretion. Its purpose needs to be thought out even at the planning and drawing stage.
  3. Sometimes, during the construction of private houses, hipped roof... This design consists of four triangles connected to each other at one point. Moreover, these parts do not have to be the same.
  4. If you plan to equip the attic as a living space, then a hip or Danish roof is used. This type of roof consists of two trapezoidal slope planes and gable triangles. This is a rather complex structure, but if you adhere to the drawings, then you can build it yourself. It is often much more profitable to make the roof of a private house with your own hands.
  5. There are also multi-pitched and gable roofs, which can be attributed to the same type. The complexity and installation process are almost identical. The device of the roof and its rafter system is a lot of compounds of complex shapes. At the same time, various inserts and additions are used in the design.

These are the main types of roofs for private houses. The photos below are presented as an example.

Preparatory work

  1. An important step, in addition to planning the roof structure, is the choice roofing material... Much depends on this. For example, what kind of rafter system will be used in the end.
  2. It should also be borne in mind that the material exerts a certain pressure on the roof. Therefore, the rafters must be equipped so that they can withstand the required load. In addition, consideration should be given to how the roofing elements will be attached. Using the calculation, you can determine whether an additional structure is needed that strengthens the rafter system.
  3. For the correct calculation, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future roof. It is important that it is legible. It must show the joints of the rafters and elements designed to strengthen the structure of the roofs of private houses.
  4. If the roof is planned to be tiled, then the dimensions of the rafter system, base and walls should be calculated first, taking into account the weight of the material itself.
  5. In order to make a truss structure, it is recommended to take coniferous wood as a basis. Moreover, its moisture content should not exceed 20%. In addition, it should be treated with an antiseptic.
  6. Take care of the availability of materials for hydro and vapor barrier. You will need insulation, nails, screws and screws.

How to cover the roof of a private house

Today, there is a fairly rich assortment of roofing materials on the market. Therefore, it is rather difficult to make a choice. Be guided by the following rules:

  1. The weight of the material must be maximum 250 kg / m2.
  2. Ease of installation is important. Obviously, the less effort you need to put into the installation, the lower the costs will be.
  3. Please note that the selected material is flame retardant.
  4. Also, it must be sufficiently durable and environmentally friendly.
  5. The roofing material must be aesthetically pleasing.

Today, cement-sand and ceramic roof tiles, as well as metal tiles. They combine good warmth and soundproofing. At the same time, they allow you to create a sufficiently strong and reliable design rafters. Slate, polymer-bitumen and bituminous materials are gradually losing popularity. They are not as reliable because of their flammability.


To work, you need the following tools:

  1. Kromkogibs.
  2. Saw.
  3. Axe.
  4. Ticks.
  5. Small power screwdriver.
  6. Kerner.
  7. Mallet.
  8. Roulette.
  9. Compass.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Large scissors.
  12. Electric saw.
  13. Electric planer.
  14. Building level.
  15. Metal square.
  16. Electric drill with drills.

Roof design

Today, a new roof project is created using a special software... If you have little experience in this matter, then you can turn to professional architects, many of whom will be able to offer you ready-made roof projects for private houses. Everyone decides for himself which option to use.

When designing and building the roof of a private house on your own, you need to know its structure and what materials are best used in this or that case. After all, it is important to understand what each element of the roof is for. Without knowledge of the structure of the roof of a private house good project will not work. So, the main structural elements are:

  1. Roof or outside of the roof.
  2. Lathing.
  3. Rafters.
  4. Mauerlat - special beams laid around the perimeter. The entire rafter system rests on them.
  5. Diagonal ligaments - with the help of them, the rafters and Mauerlats are connected.
  6. Ridge girder - all the rafters are attached to it.
  7. Internal supports are needed so that the roof load is evenly distributed over the entire structure of the house.

All elements are connected with each other using special pins, which are called ruffs. In addition, support niches can be cut under the rafters, which are connected with a special steel wire 6 mm thick.

For the construction of the truss system, wood is most often used. This material is more readily available. Although, there are also metal structures.

For rafters, you can use a bar with a cross section from 40 to 150 millimeters to 100 to 250 millimeters. The choice of material dimensions depends on the pitch of the rafters, the design loads and the structure itself. The section of the rafters should be selected depending on their length.

The slope of the roof depends on the type of roof. The necessary information can be found in a special table. Or use the recommendations given in the article "".

When designing a roof, you need to know the following rules:

  1. The design wind load is 35 kilograms per square meter... If the slope of the rafters is more than 30 degrees, then an additional structure will be needed to increase the resistance.
  2. The calculated load of the snow layer on the rafters depends on the slope of the slope. So, if it is less than 60 degrees, then this figure is at least 180 kilograms per cubic meter. If the angle of inclination is greater, then the load is usually not taken into account.
  3. To strengthen the structure, you can use metal elements. In this case, to protect them from moisture, decay and condensation, they are treated with special compounds.

Construction of the rafter system

Its construction consists of:

  1. Rafter legs, supports. They function as stiffeners.
  2. Mauerlat.
  3. Ridge bar.
  4. Lathing - insulation and roofing are attached to it.
  5. Braces.
  6. Roofing layer with hydro and thermal insulation. Fits on top.
  7. Basic roof covering.

Work order:

  1. First of all, you should make a reinforced concrete frame that will run on top of the walls of the house. It is needed in order to strengthen masonry... It will also help to align the horizontal mark of the walls of the building. In addition, you need to calculate its load on the roof of the house.
  2. Galvanized studs must be inserted into the reinforcement cage. With the help of them, the Mauerlat will be attached to the base of the reinforced belt. It is needed as the base of the rafter system. Usually it is made from a bar with a section of 150 by 150 millimeters or 200 by 200 millimeters. It is important that the length of the studs is selected taking into account the protrusion from the Mauerlat by a couple of centimeters. Cross section used planks are calculated depending on:
  • From how much the roofing layer weighs.
  • From the maximum load that the rafter system can withstand.

The power of the Mauerlat also depends on these indicators. All this needs to be reflected in the drawing. Next, lay the waterproofing. To do this, you can use roofing material, placed in two layers. The Mauerlat will need to be secured with studs. To avoid corrosion, it is recommended to use galvanized nuts for them. For accurate alignment of the structure, a building level is required.

Installation of rafters

Everything necessary elements for rafters should be shown in the drawing. Rafters can be boards with a section of 150 by 50 millimeters. The design and weight of the material depends on the type of roof to be installed. So, for a hip roof, diagonal rafters and rafters are usually mounted (needed to maintain diagonal supports on both sides). They rest against the Mauerlat with their lower end. In this case, the upper parts should be placed on the skate. In some cases, they rest on the opposite rafter. The result is construction trusses. They can be connected to each other using a ridge bar.

To calculate the step of the rafter legs and their number, you need to do the following:

  1. Take the total length of the ramp and get the product of this value with the selected distance.
  2. Then add 1 to this result and round to the nearest integer. As a result, it will turn out the right amount rafters.
  3. To calculate the step, you need to divide the length of the roof slope by the previously obtained value.

Calculation example:

  • The length of the roof slope is 15 meters.
  • The step size is 0.5 meters.
  • For the ramp, you will need rafters - 31 pcs. (15 / 0.5 + 1 = 31)
  • Step length = 15/31 = 0.48

You should also correctly calculate the dimensions of the rafter leg. The following rule applies here - the longer it is, the smaller the step between them. Keep in mind that too long a structure will be unstable. To reduce the load, you can use the support legs.

Gable roofs have building systems in the form of a set of triangles, connected at the top by a longitudinal beam. Rafters are fastened different ways... For example, by inserting or using metal corners and iron brackets.

Roof insulation

After roof structure completed, the roof can be insulated. This work should be carried out before laying the roofing material. The choice of insulation is carried out at the design stage. Thermal insulation is important for the roof because it protects the structure from temperature extremes, and this directly affects the durability of the materials. In addition, with proper thermal insulation, water vapor will only be generated closer to the outer edge of the roof.

Qualitative thermal insulation material must have the following characteristics:

  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Resistant to temperature changes.
  3. Slow process of heat exchange with the external environment.
  4. Resistance to various mechanical loads.
  5. Low flammability.
  6. Environmental friendliness.
  7. Lack of emission of harmful substances.
  8. Density is not more than 250 kilograms per square meter.

Today, as thermal insulation is often used mineral wool... In addition, it is worth paying attention to a material such as foamed glass.

To ensure reliable protection of thermal insulation from moisture, you should outside rafters to lay a layer of waterproofing. On top of the plank, it is necessary to fill the crate. The roof will be laid on them. In addition, they are used for fixing waterproofing.

Private house roof projects: photos

The roof not only protects the house from external influences, but also emphasizes the individuality of the house in terms of architecture. It is worth noting that the types of roofs are diverse, a lot depends on their characteristics. First of all, the comfort of the residents of the house depends. The roof must be both visually attractive and reliable. Today architects offer a huge assortment of structures, one or another type is chosen depending on the location of the house, the volume of the building, overall design structures.

Main functions

Naturally, the purpose of any roof is to protect the structure from external influences. The structure is the main element of any building. It must withstand various loads, and also look attractive. An architectural element must be impeccable, it must emphasize general style buildings.

It should be noted that modern roofs are high-quality materials, the latest technical solutions, which should improve the characteristics that affect the reliability of the structure. Of course, the types of roofs are varied, each owner selects one or another option, taking into account numerous factors. And, of course, for today beautiful roofs of private houses in the photo, which you will find in the article, allow home owners to present their housing not only reliable, but also visually attractive. It is worth noting that roof types are distinguished by design and by external features. At the same time, you can see what kind of roofs of private houses are in the photo, but you should really learn more about the characteristics.

There are types of roofs that are considered the most popular:

  • flat;
  • pitched.

The angle of inclination also determines what matters. If the slope is more than twelve degrees, then the structure is pitched and it also has subspecies. Knowing the types of roofs for a private house and their features, it will be much easier to choose the most suitable option.

Flat roof

It should be noted that given view rarely used. And there is a reason for that. Flat pavements are more expensive. A durable reinforced concrete pavement is not cheap, and without it, the structure will not withstand, for example, snow loads. Moreover, if we talk about the service life, then the structure of this type will last longer. This roof design is very practical, because on a flat surface you can organize sports ground, terrace, gorgeous garden. Popular types of roofs for a private house include flat design.


Roofs with a slope of more than twelve degrees are considered pitched. It is worth noting that the varieties of roofs of private houses, photos of which are presented by architects, simply amaze with their diversity. By the way, pricing depends on the shape of the roof of private houses - in the photo you can see the clear difference between them. Consider roof options for a pitched-type private house.

Single slope

Previously, it was believed that this type is only suitable for outbuildings in the yard. However, for example, in Germany and Scandinavia, many houses of this kind are being built now. This option is considered budgetary. In turn, the pitched roofs of private houses, the photos of which are below, look great.

It is worth noting that the use of this particular subspecies in the design allows you to create interiors of amazing beauty. The installation of stained glass windows is a priority. Of course, relevant this decision in the design of the room, if there really is a picturesque landscape outside the window.


This roof subspecies is more in demand.

Design features:

  1. Consists of two equal slopes, they are supported by load-bearing walls.
  2. It resembles a triangle in shape.
  3. A classic solution for many.

The magnificent gable roofs of private houses in the photo attract many fans of interesting and practical solutions... By the way, the gable roofs of one-story private houses in the photo are quite often present even in children's books. Often, a chimney and a neat column of smoke complement the composition. And no wonder, because gable construction Is simple a budget option... That is why he is so popular.

With an attic

The attic stands out kind of air gap between the living space and the outside. A house with an attic has many advantages. For example, if the roof needs to be repaired, the attic has access to the structure for carrying out necessary work.

The roof option with an attic is now common in modern cottage construction. In this case, the cost of work increases, but price policy does not affect demand in this case. After all, the use of roofs with an attic is quite common.

Mansard roof

Nowadays roofs are really called mansard different forms... But at the same time they are united by a common feature - the shape of the slope itself is made broken in order to increase the height of the attic ceilings. It is worth noting that the mansard roofs of private houses in the photo look fabulous and are popular with amateurs original solutions.

Thanks to this type of roof, you can arrange a full-fledged room in the attic. Looking through the shapes of roofs for houses with an attic photo, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to these magnificent buildings.

It should be noted that installation mansard structure complex, unlike roofs with a straight slope. Therefore, the work costs more. But at the same time, the height of the attic floor will increase, which means that the owner of such a house will receive one more full-fledged room. Types of attic roofs of private houses, the photos of which delight many, so if the budget allows, no one refuses an additional room. The money spent pays off due to the area received.

Gorgeous views of the roofs of private houses with an attic, a photo of which nowadays very many encourages to really fall in love with this type of construction. The building looks amazing.

Hip roof

It consists of two triangular ramps. In turn, the slopes are called hips. It is worth noting that the structure is quite complex, so the construction of such a roof should be trusted only by professionals. By the way, it is very resistant to external influences ( strong winds, precipitation), debris and dust is very quickly blown off its slopes.


If the future home owner is attracted by interesting design solutions, a hipped roof can be considered as an option. By the way, this species is considered a variety hip construction.

Design features:

  1. All slopes are straight triangles.
  2. The roof is intended for square or polygonal structures.
  3. The design is symmetrical.

Interesting roof options for private houses in the photo include and tent structures.

Complex shapes

Attracts fans of original solutions and complex shapes . These types of roofs are rare, however, those who really want to draw attention to the structure, preference is given to complex structures. Look complex roofs private houses in the photo are unusual, so fans of exclusive solutions choose this option. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Broken line (attic type)

The design has a large angle of inclination, which allows you to increase the area of ​​the attic. The original broken roofs of private houses in the photo look really interesting, so they cannot leave indifferent fans. non-standard solutions.


It is rarely used for arranging a private house. Often, rounded shapes decorate verandas. The coating looks stylish, but it is mainly used for the decoration of various buildings.


The design has a cylindrical shape. It is worth noting that the load-bearing elements of such roofs are made of curved metal or shaped beams from laminated veneer lumber. The price for such an original roof is too high, so this type of complex shape is rarely used.

"Salt shaker"

Has an asymmetrical shape. Design features:

  • two slopes;
  • one slope is longer than the other.

The "salt shaker" appeared thanks to thrifty Americans who tried to find a way to reduce taxes on their homes.

Today, the types of roofs for the roof of a private house are varied, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, while it is worth considering some factors in order to make the really right choice.

Which option to choose

The most popular are pitched roofs. They are quite common and have a number of undeniable advantages. What is the reason for such an active demand for this particular type of roof?

Firstly, the design is really reliable and durable. It is worth noting that she becomes an excellent defender of the house from various external influences.

Secondly, the service life of the structure is quite long, therefore, giving preference to this option, it is possible to for a long time forget about roof problems.

Thirdly, appearance the designs are magnificent, the architects offer really diverse options to the attention of buyers.

And, fourthly, you can make an attic or attic under the roof.

Of course, the appearance of such a roof is already considered a classic; it will not work to surprise with the originality of the design. Many strive for originality, so they prefer more complex forms... It is worth noting that you will need to pay much more for individuality. The more complex the design, the more expensive its cost will be.

Tastes are individual, budget for construction works is also different. However, the main thing is that today you can really choose from a wide range of options optimal solution.

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The roof is an architectural extension of the house that completes it. Not only the appearance of the building depends on it, but also the comfortable living in the house. It protects us from adverse weather conditions.

In this article I will talk about what the roofs of private houses are, their characteristics and types. We will also consider two options - an attic and an attic.

Roof types

Depending on the angle of inclination, they can be pitched or flat. Flat ones are not very popular, since due to the lack of a good slope, large masses of snow accumulate, which must be constantly removed. Water stagnation often occurs, leading to leakage. Whatever this happens is worth doing.

By design features they can be divided into 2 types:

  • Attic (shared with the main room)
  1. Insulated
  2. Cold
  • Loft (combined with the main room)
  1. Not ventilated by atmospheric air
  2. Partially ventilated
  3. Ventilated

Varieties in shape

Single-pitched - the rafter system is fully supported by external load-bearing walls of different heights. This look will give originality to a private house. They are more often used in backyard buildings - construction, verandas, terraces, etc. In the construction of residential buildings, such a structure is rarely used.

Gable is the most popular of all types. It is based on 2 slopes (slopes) resting on two walls of the same height. The gable roof is also called gable roof. Forceps (pediments) - the part between two slopes, most often triangular in shape.

Hip - used for square buildings or an equilateral polygon. All slopes are isosceles triangles that converge at one point.

Hip - like the hip has four slopes. Two slopes of the hip roof are trapezoidal, and two smaller ones are triangular. These triangular slopes located on the side of the pediments are called hips.

Its varieties include - half-hip. With a truncated slope and located above the trapezoidal slopes.

Multi-gable, it is the end one - one of the most complex, in terms of design, types. When installing it, a large number of ends are used ( inner corner at the junction of the slopes) and outer ribs, which greatly complicate roofing.

The attic is a kind of gable, but unlike it, it increases the volume and area of ​​the attic. Broken structure slightly complicates roofing work, it is used quite often.

Flat - rarely used in private housing construction. Its use is advisable if you plan to create a terrace or a recreation area on the roof.

Dome-shaped and steeple-shaped - are used very rarely, since they carry a certain vintage style... Provides overlap for buildings with a circular outline.

Attic roof or attic floor- it is from these two options that the future owner of a private house has to choose.

Attic roof

Differs in simplicity of construction, and therefore the possibility of construction with your own hands. Most often they are found with two gables (foreheads), which are made of the same material as the building itself (for example, brick).
The slope depends primarily on the roofing material used.

Should be considered:

  • snow load (the roof should not bend under the weight of the snow);
  • rainwater (water should drain, not seep inside);
  • price.

When choosing this option, attention should be paid to durability. roofing, the possibility of holding renovation works without replacing the entire roof, heat and sound insulation properties and an attractive appearance. Last but not least are the characteristics of ease of installation, as well as availability.

When choosing an attic roof for your home, you should immediately decide whether your attic will be used. The composition of the upper attic floor, which can be reinforced concrete or wooden, depends on this.

The second common option is the attic floor

Here, the enclosing structures of the roof act as external walls. The attic gives originality and individuality to the house, but at the same time the exploited area of ​​the attic decreases, the labor intensity and cost of work on its construction, insulation and interior decoration increase.

Since the attic roof has a break, it will be necessary to install additional supporting wooden pillars, but you can benefit from this: attach plywood to these wooden pillars - pillars, install light doors and, with a slight movement of your hand, the space under the sloped part turns into magnificent spacious wardrobes.

No less carefully you will have to choose one for yourself from several options for roofing material. Best of all, natural or cement-sand tiles look.

Although it requires strengthening the rafter system, its appearance alone gives a unique noble style(even with a simple attic with two gables-parapets, in which the windows of the interior of this floor are located).

When choosing a roof, pay attention to a few key points:

  • the heavier the roofing material, the stronger the rafter system should be (by increasing the number of rafters), as well as the walls and foundation;
  • roofing materials that belong to the category of elite materials (for example, tiles) can be quite affordable for people with an average income;
  • if you decide to save money and make the entire roof yourself, first you should practice on the roof of some on the territory of your site, which will avoid unpleasant surprises when working at your own home;
  • the more the structure has kinks, the more likely you will have to resort to the services of professional roofers.

So, first you should evaluate your capabilities (not only financial ones), decide on the type of roof and proceed to the construction.

Watch the roof construction video.

How to determine exactly what type of roof your future home should be without drowning in the ocean of variety of options offered by today's construction market?

What type of roofs to choose for a private house?

Any child knows that every house begins with a foundation, and is crowned with a roof, and even the most absent-minded person has noticed at least once in his life that the types of roofs of houses are very different. A superficial idea of ​​the purpose of various forms of roofing is that the roofs are so different just "for beauty". In fact, the appearance of the roof is only one (and not the most important) factor that determines the shape of the roof of each particular building.

Numerous types of roofs of private houses appeared in the process of engineering and design solutions the main tasks with which a modern roof is designed to cope as best as possible:

  • protection from precipitation
  • effective self-cleaning
  • organization of the attic space
  • durable operation
  • ease of repair
  • economy and environmental friendliness

It is not difficult to understand what these or those types of roofs of houses are, since they are all carefully sorted and cataloged. Do not forget, however, that this cataloging is somewhat arbitrary, and in practice, the features of each house are always ready to bring adjustment by their own personality to the generally accepted standards.

To help you navigate in choosing the shape of the roof for your future home, we will consider here all the most common types of roofs, photos of which you will find right there, next to the descriptions.

Flat roofs

Roofs with a flat surface are rarely used in the construction of private houses. The snow load at such a roof is higher, in comparison with the pitched one, as is the price of each mistake during the arrangement roofing cake: one small unevenness, and now the place for the accumulation of moisture is ready, for example. Such a roof cannot be called economical either: rafters, monolithic ceilings - everything must be very durable and of very high quality. The presence of an attic is not considered at all. A flat roof is usually made only where it is planned to be used later as a terrace for the upper floor. In this regard, they are, of course, irreplaceable. But if you are not going to build a roof-terrace, then while we are talking about a private residential building - from flat roof it would be wiser to refuse.

Rolled roofs

We will dwell on them in much more detail. The angle of inclination of the roof immediately determines many of its future characteristics. It is the ratio of angles and slopes, their location in relation to each other, and creates all the diversity that we will describe below.


They are so named because they only have one ramp. The main advantage of such roofs is their low price, ease of construction and operation, lightness and airiness, both in fact and in terms of appearance.


The mono-pitch canopy is an achievement of modern minimalism in construction, it gives the house a somewhat futuristic look. To cope with the installation of a lean-to canopy is possible even for a person who has not done this before, if he follows a simple technology. Mono-pitched canopy roof resists wind well due to a small (as a rule) slope, perfectly self-cleaning, saves you money on quantity building materials... Not so long ago it was believed that the scope of such roofs is primarily determined by the need for economy and the priority of functionality over appearance. Therefore, they could be found more often at business buildings and government agencies, hospitals, industrial complexes, and similar structures. But today, Australia's residents, known for their boldness in terms of fashion legislation, are confidently setting a new trend in the use of canopies in the construction of private homes.

Shed roof

The so-called "sawtooth" roofs are used where extreme strength and reliability is required. Such roofs are designed to provide the possibility of suspension on bearing structures lifting industrial equipment. For this reason, shed mono-pitched roofs are extremely rare to be seen sheltering someone's private house.

Gable roofs

The classics of construction, these are the roofs that little children draw on their first houses in their life with colored pencils. Not yielding at all gable roof in functionality, it is a little more complicated in terms of construction and more expensive, but it opens up the possibility of arranging an attic space. In the domestic building tradition, you can often find options for the "external" entrance to the attic from the street, the western style of construction tends to the stairs located inside.

The gable roof is simple and reliable, but there are several more complex hybrid forms of it. For example, the so-called half-hip roofs (when the end slopes do not reach the eaves):

or Dutch gable(with small gables):

they are designed to both diversify the appearance of the house and provide more under-roof space. Gable roof hybrid " Dormer"Adds to your attic" dormer», Which serves for lighting, ventilation of the attic space, improves the appearance of your private home.

Roof roof

The same as the previous one, but with broken slopes. The mansard roof looks very respectable and dimensional; wealthy people like to put such roofs on their spacious houses. Due to its pentagonal shape, mansard roof creates a whole additional floor in the under-roof space, where you can safely arrange the room you want. Windows are often made directly on the slopes, and in not too snowy areas sometimes these windows lead straight up, flooding the attic with light and opening a mesmerizing view of the night sky.

The price of such a roof is always high in comparison with a simple gable roof. It grows not only due to the simple complication of the structure and an increase in the amount of materials, the need to strengthen the rafters, but also due to the increased requirements for insulation of this type of roof. Due to the fact that the under-roof space is used as a residential one, the insulation system itself changes, when the insulation materials are mounted not inside the roof, but on the external installed crate. Big square roofs, again, increases the cost of a large amount of insulation, waterproofing, materials for the construction of lathing, coatings.

Despite all these difficulties, mansard roofs have remained popular for many years, and for many, this type of roof is a real dream come true.

Curious European and American polyline mansard roof, in which the lower slope does not go down at a steep angle, but, on the contrary, becomes very gentle and long. Perfect for one-story houses, with a provided veranda, and possibly more than one.

Multi-gable roof

Such types of roofs of private houses, as multi-gable with a valley, are rarely used due to the high complexity of the device and the high price. They resort to them for their beauty and the possibility of arranging several small side attics at once. More often, the builders of hotels resort to end roofs, but they are also sometimes used to cover private houses by lovers of the original and unusual design... Erecting such a roof yourself, without the proper experience, is fraught with a senseless waste of time and effort: the installation of a multi-gable roof should be done by professionals who are versed in their field.

Hip pyramidal roof

Also, such a roof is called "four-pitched", and most often it is used to cover square buildings, this is the case when the type of roof determines the house. Complex construction pyramidal roof, consisting of four identical triangular slopes, however, makes it an attractive solution for those who like houses with the correct square area... The construction of such a roof requires certain skills and knowledge of the technical side of the issue, and better, a lot of practice.

Combination roof

Combining in itself different types roofs, such a roof can become a real masterpiece of architecture. When the decision to use different types of roofs of houses is dictated by practicality, and not by a simple pursuit of originality, then it is the combined roof that can become more economical, and at the same time reliable and functional option... However, the installation and construction of such a roof is associated with the need to take into account many nuances, this is a job only for a real roofing master who is well versed in all the intricacies. different types roofs, and who knows the most important aspects of their competent combination.

Unusual and original options

M-shaped roofs

Another type of rarely used types of roofs of houses, the M-shaped roof, as a rule, is used in special architectural projects... Two houses, standing close, visually have separate roofs, but they are connected by a common valley. The loads on this very valley are very high; large volumes of snow can easily damage it.

Roof "Butterfly"

Agree, it looks very beautiful and unusual. Built on the second floor, such a roof can become beautiful canopy for a balcony, it visually enlarges the structure and looks mysterious, attracting curious glances. Like many beautiful things, "Butterfly" is very impractical in many respects: price, lack of attic space, complexity of construction. And you need to think three times before building such a "snow storage" in our cold regions.

Saltbox Roofs

The salt shaker roof was so named because of its resemblance to the tableware of the same name in the USA in the 17th century. As you can see in the photo, Saltbox is an asymmetrical gable roof, one slope of which is much longer than the other. One type of such a roof can sometimes cause an influx of patriotic feelings from a resident of the United States who knows his history. Many monuments of early colonial architecture have exactly this original roof appearance, which was formed as a result of the gradually expanding house once built. The salt shaker roof, at one time, became an ingenious response of ordinary Americans to the new taxes imposed by the government on the size of houses at that time. "Salt shaker" is an easy way to expand the house by lowering the roof onto the elements to be completed. For the same purpose, this type of roof is often resorted to today. However, Saltbox is also used for other reasons, including as a tribute to tradition or out of sympathy for its appearance.

And all this is just an incomplete list of the most interesting and used types of roofs. In the world of construction and architecture, hundreds of striking examples of artistic and engineering thought can be found, deeply striking the imagination. What type of roof to choose for your private house is a decision that we advise you to make after carefully considering all the options and having thoroughly figured out exactly what benefits a particular type of roof will give you, and what difficulties its construction, operation and possible future repairs will entail.