Do-it-yourself installation for obtaining the yutkin effect. Yutkin effect, water hammer or pressure of one hundred thousand atmospheres from a short electrical pulse

The Yutkin effect has been known to mankind for more than seventy years. It is very effective method convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Its author was our compatriot, a talented inventor Lev Aleksandrovich Yutkin, who worked on problems of electrodynamics in the 1930s-1940s. By the way, in addition to the mentioned effect, it went down in history thanks to more than a hundred proposed innovations. Thanks to his most famous invention, he received the nickname "Russian Tesla".

Effect mechanics

The Yutkin electrohydroimpact effect, or, as it is also briefly called, EGE, is essentially a powerful water hammer with a local pressure exceeding hundreds of thousands of atmospheres. Such a blow occurs when a discharge passes through water. Actually, this is why the Yutkin effect is sometimes called simply water hammer among the people. To obtain an EGE, you must submit alternating current from the network to Here, the voltage increases to several kilovolts. After that electricity, rectified by diodes, is fed to the prepared capacitor, where it accumulates to the required amount.

After this procedure, between the electrodes,
placed in water, a high-voltage breakdown occurs, which generates an electrohydraulic shock. The latter manifests itself in the form of a loud pop and a local increase in pressure at this point up to several tens of thousands of atmospheres.

Possibility of practical use of the discovery

In addition to the local pressure of tens of thousands of atmospheres, which is manifested during the procedure, there is also whole line the most interesting properties that accompany the Yutkin effect. The circuit of the electronic unit, of course, must take into account the extremely high arising temperature and powerful energy so that the structure simply does not melt. And interesting properties of the effect offer, for example, the following possibilities:

L. A. Yutkin

When creating a specially formed pulsed high-voltage electric discharge inside the liquid volume, ultra-high pressures develop in the zone of the latter, which can be widely used for practical purposes - for the first time in 1950 L.A. Yutkin formulated the proposed by him new way transformations electrical energy into mechanical, called the electrohydraulic effect (EGE) by the author.

From the first days of its discovery, the electrohydraulic effect has been and remains constant source birth of many progressive technological processes, which are now widely used all over the world. This determines its enduring significance and the ever-growing interest shown in it in the most diverse branches of science, technology and the national economy.

During the last 30 years of his life, L. A. Yutkin worked actively and fruitfully in the field of electrohydraulics. During this period, he developed theoretical basis phenomena, methods of process control have been identified that significantly expand the capabilities and ensure high efficiency of electrohydraulic processing of materials, more than 200 methods and devices have been proposed practical application EGE, 140 copyright certificates for inventions were received, 50 publications on electrohydraulics were published. Under his leadership, the basic designs of industrial plants for various purposes were developed, prospecting work was carried out, devices and technological processes were prepared for implementation and partially introduced, which make it possible to effectively use the electrohydraulic effect in many areas of the national economy.

Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in June 1982, determining the value scientific activities L.A. Yutkina, noted that his invention of a method for producing high and ultrahigh pressures (a.s. 105011, USSR) formed the basis for a new industrial method for transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy, a new electro-hydraulic method for processing materials and the practical use of EGE (a. p. 121053,

THE USSR). L. A. Yutkin was a leading expert in the development of the theory of EGE. Posthumously L.A. Yutkin was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR for 1981,

The book reflects the main results of the scientific, inventive and engineering activities of L. A. Yutkin. Most of the materials are published for the first time. The book has been prepared for publication by the main co-author and successor of L. I. Goltsova.

The limited volume of the book did not allow to fully describe all the main developments of the author.

Today, according to the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology, the introduction of various electrohydraulic machines and technological processes brings our country tens of millions of rubles in savings annually. However, widespread practical development of electrohydraulics is only just beginning. The publication of the book will undoubtedly help accelerate the introduction of the electrohydraulic effect in all sectors of the national economy.

All comments and suggestions, please send to the address: 191065, Leningrad, st. Dzerzhinsky, 10, Leningrad Region publishing house "Mechanical Engineering".

Having first become interested in spark electric discharges in water in 1933, the author later devoted himself entirely to solving the problem of obtaining an effective water hammer with the help of an electric discharge. At the end of the 1930s, the author basically formulated the principle of obtaining so-called ultra-long discharges, which is cardinal for all electrohydraulics. In 1948, the opportunity arose to study the problem thoroughly, and this led to the patenting of the first and fundamental invention in the field of electrohydraulics - "A method for obtaining high and ultrahigh pressures", that is, a method for obtaining an electrohydraulic effect.

But electrohydraulics was not born out of nothing and has its predecessors. Experiments with spark discharges in liquids were carried out by scientists back in the 18th century. So, in 1766, the American naturalist T. Lane, in his letter addressed to B. Franklin, containing a description of the device and operation of the electrometer invented by him, as proof that his device really measures the amount, and not some special qualities of electricity, wrote that nm were staged various experiments with discharges containing different amounts of electricity, and these discharges were carried out by him not only in air, but also in water and other liquids [11].

From the description of the experiments and the operation of the device invented by Lane, it can be understood that in his experiments spark discharges did arise in water several millimeters long with a rather steep front and therefore high mechanical efficiency. Lane's experiments are striking in their simplicity and "freshness of thought. However, the true meaning and great value the phenomena observed in experiments remained completely unnoticed and incomprehensible neither by T. Lane himself, nor B. "Franklin, nor D. Priestley, who repeated Lane's experiments in 1769, nor by many other scientists who knew about their work. Lane and D. Priestley were first remembered only 200 years later - after the publication of our first works, when the whole of electrohydraulics as a science was practically already formed.

In the literature on electrohydraulics, other works are sometimes mentioned that deserve the highest praise, but are not directly related to electrohydraulics. One of such works was the article by GI Pokrovsky and VA Yampolsky "Electrohydrodynamic analogy of cumulations". However, the name itself - it speaks of a complete dissimilarity with the content and meaning of the author's works. The book by G. I. Pokrovsky, published in 1962, emphasizes our priority on the discovery of the electrohydraulic effect. Also mentioned was IV Fedorov's invention "Method and device for disinfection and sterilization using high-frequency currents." However, this work lacks those basic features, which underlie the implementation of the electrohydraulic effect - shortening the front and duration of the electric pulse. In I.V. Fedorov's scheme, there is no forming spark gap - an impulse sharpener, which allows you to go to voltages much higher than the breakdown voltage for the working gap, and therefore the device invented by I.V. Fedorov is actually a spark source of sound and cannot be a source of obtaining electrohydraulic effect.

The work of the predecessors of electrohydraulics ended in 1948 with the publication of an article by F. "Fryungel" Towards the mechanical efficiency of a spark in liquids. practical conclusion and having determined the mechanical efficiency of the discharge found by him in 1%, F. Fryungel then for a long time moved away from studying such discharges, again taking up them only after the publication of the author's works.

There are many reasons why many researchers have passed by the enormous practical possibilities of the new physical phenomenon. Their common failure is obviously based on the lack of an inventive, practical view of the phenomena under study, as well as the absence of a social need for the use of ultra-high hydraulic pressures.

Paying tribute to the research of our predecessors, one cannot but admit that "from Lane to Frungel, science knew only the phenomenon of an electric discharge in a liquid as such, without any indication that a millimeter discharge in a liquid is the prototype of a new industrial method of energy into mechanical and can be widely used in various fields of science and technology.

Further work of the author made it possible to expand and deepen the theoretical understanding of the nature of the electrohydraulic effect, to determine a number of methods and techniques that ensure high efficiency of machines and mechanisms operating on this principle, to propose more than two hundred methods and devices for applying the electrohydraulic effect, many of which have already been implemented in practice.

According to published data, hundreds of installations for electro-hydraulic processing of metals of various purposes are already operating abroad, where electro-hydraulic stamping has received the greatest development. In the USSR, installations for electrohydraulic cleaning of castings are most widely used. Dozens of electro-hydraulic installations for cleaning castings, mass-produced at the experimental plant of the Design Bureau of Electrohydraulics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Nikolaev) and at the Amurlitmash plant (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), come into operation every year. A number of such plants are exported. Licenses for the manufacture and supply of electro-hydraulic units to Sweden, Spain, Hungary, and Japan were sold. More than 140 electrohydraulic presses, dozens of electrohydraulic installations for expanding tubes of heat exchangers, electrohydraulic crushers of various modifications, electrohydraulic installations for breaking oversized objects, etc. are also operating in various industries of the USSR.

According to the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, only for the period from 1971 to 1975. the actual economic effect from the use of the electrohydraulic effect in national economy The USSR amounted to 23 million rubles. The introduction of various electro-hydraulic technologies and equipment has the widest prospects in the future.

Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow.

Abstracts of the report at the XI International Conference "New Ideas in Earth Sciences"
April 2013


Authors of the report
A.A. Nasyrov, V.N. Pocheevsky, S.V. Pichugin, I.L. Pavlenko, V.S. Shobyrev

For more than seventy years, mankind has known an extremely effective way of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, using the Yutkin electrohydroimpact effect (EGE) method. But as always, the effect is not applied in everyday life, there is nothing about it and its author in Wikipedia, and official science does not like to recall either the effect itself or even less about its author Lev Yutkin with his more than a hundred inventions. It's all to blame, as always, in excess of the efficiency and efficiency of several thousand percent, which, as we know from official science and physics textbooks, cannot be!

The very same electrohydraulic effect of Yutkin, or in short EGE, is a powerful water hammer with a local pressure above one hundred thousand atmospheres, which occurs when a high voltage spark discharge passes through a water gap.
That is why in the "people" this effect is called simply water hammer, although in fairness it should be noted that scientific concept water hammer is far from this phenomenon and has nothing
in common with Yutkin's EGE. LET'S EXPLAIN !!!

With a spark discharge in water, the temperature at the point where the streamer starts rises to 40 thousand degrees.
Oxygen, hydrogen and other gases are burned to form vacuum bubbles.
Arises cavitation effect- avalanche compression of vacuum bubbles.
The pressure arising at this stage, according to scientists, can reach more than 300 thousand atmospheres.
Unsurprisingly, there are no materials that can resist cavitation by an electric spark in water.

The water collider is analogous to the android collider. In the KV installation, the same processes take place, only in water.
During cavitation, a huge pressure arises, more than 300 THOUSAND atmospheres, the atoms of the molecules of substances collide and new substances are born.

Application of the "KV" unit in everyday life.


A pulsed high-voltage voltage is applied to the electrodes, when lightning occurs, we get the effect of cavitation with simultaneous disinfection of peat pulp and obtaining humic fertilizers.

Productivity - 1 liter of concentrate per minute, from which 100 liters of humic fertilizers can be prepared.

add 80 liters of water, leave for three days and 100 liters of humic fertilizers are ready!

You will receive "MIRACLE - WATER" if you water and spray the plants with this water, they stop hurting and the yield increases significantly.

The Yutkin effect inhibits pathogenic microflora and activates the activity of beneficial soil fauna.

Processing fruits and vegetables with "MIRACLE - WATER" increases their shelf life several times!


Video from the program of 1 channel TV "Test purchase"

With the help of the "KV" installation, you can make cold preservation of milk, juices, vegetables and fruits without boiling water, while all the vitamins in the products are preserved and they are stored for a long time without changing their taste.

After pasteurization of the wine with the Yutkin effect, pour the wine into bottles and seal it from the air!

With the help of "MIRACLE - WATER", ponds and lakes are effectively restored, the water becomes clear within a week, the fish stops getting sick and the microflora in the whole lake is restored!

- "MIRACLE - WATER" is a powerful barrier for viruses!

Consuming "LIVING WATER" in medicinal purposes, You will live a long time, as the body is cleansed at the cellular level and life cycle cells increases.

The whole body is cleansed of pathogenic bacteria, and immunity is increased.

Colloidal gold - enhances medicinal properties medicinal herbs!

Using the Yutkin effect in the KV-4 installation, you can get colloidal gold with particles less than 10 nanometers, you can read about the miraculous property of colloidal gold on the Internet!

In this installation, using the effect of cavitation, it is possible to obtain stable combustible mixtures such as "diesel fuel + water", "fuel oil + water", etc.!

Using the Yutkin effect, coal can be crushed, mixed with water and waste oil - to heat a house.

Having made water treatment for heating with the help of the "KV" installation, scale will cease to form in the pipes, and the heat transfer of water will increase.

Using the Yutkin effect, it is possible to obtain water from the air (Water under enormous pressure turns into mist, electrifies - it cools during movement and attracts water from the air. Tests are underway on cheap desalination sea ​​water by this method!)

video from the TV program

Tests of the "KV - 1" installation

November 2013 - MOSCOW.

During the tests of the "KV-1" installation, I noticed that the adjacent capacitors with the connected capacitor are charged as the connected one.


A pulse is supplied to the capacitor D.C. 24 kV, frequency 30 kHz, current 30 mA.

In capacitors, the charge occurs in the dielectric.
If a constant high-voltage pulse current with a high frequency is applied to the capacitor (1,2), then a constant pulsed electric field arises around the capacitor, which charges the adjacent capacitors (3,4) in this electric field... (Electrophoric machine effect),
by connecting such a capacitor to the circuit as shown in the figure, a soft (extended) discharge is obtained with a small capacitor capacity.

The power consumption is 150 watts, but the effect of cavitation is tens of kilowatts, which theoretically can be used in various mechanical devices!

Electrohydroimpact installation "KV - 2"
with an electrophore capacitor.

Tests March 2014 - MOSCOW.

(watch the video)

Electrohydroimpact installation "KV - 3"
with high voltage choke.

Tests January 2015 - MOSCOW.

(watch the video)

Electrohydroimpact installation "KV - 4"
with the effect of one turn.

Tests August 2016 - MOSCOW.

(watch the video)

On the Internet, the cost of an installation with the Yutkin effect starts from 200,000 rubles !!!

But!!! You can do the installation of the KV-4 with your own hands by making a donation

Electrohydroimpact installation "KV - 5"
with two air arresters.

Tests January 2017 - MOSCOW.

(watch the video)

You can do the installation of the KV-5 with your own hands by making a donation
for further developments in the amount of 5,000 rubles!
On the details you will spend about 10,000 rubles and a day of time for assembling and setting up the installation.

Electrohydroimpact installation "KV - 6"
for laboratory tests.

Tests July 2018 - MOSCOW.

(watch the video)

You can do the installation of the KV-6 with your own hands by making a donation
for further developments in the amount of 3,000 rubles!

You will spend no more than 3,000 rubles for parts and a day of time for assembling and setting up the installation.

Vitaly Semyannikov

Andrey Vladimirovich Ivanov - Barnaul

Vasiliev Yu.E. - Moscow

Myachin Alexander Ivanovich - Ivanovo

Viktor Ivanovich Kashchenko - Evpatoria. Crimea

Derbenev Andrey Vasilievich - Yekaterinburg

Stanislav Vitalievich Bodin - Moscow

Andrey Khokhlov - Tver region Kimry

Oleg McRite - Orangeville Canada

Yuri Yakovlev - Yakutsk

Alexander Kagarmanov - Yekaterinburg

Alen Kucharavy - USA

RIMANTAS LIACAS - city of Klaipeda

Zukhurov Parviz Islomovich - Stavropol

Oleg Ananchenko - Volgograd region.

Simonov Nikolay Viktorovich - Severodvinsk

David Tomadze - Georgia.

Gilin Victor Fedorovich - Perm

Gilin Sergey Fedorovich - Perm

Igor Naumets - Moscow

Novotorzentsev Alexey Ivanovich - Kurgan

Andrey Shemshuk - Moscow

Alexander Goberman - Chicago

Evgeny Orlin - Vologda

Valery Palekh - Belarus,
Minsk region

Gennady VORONIN - Vologda region

Igor Pavlenko - Omsk

Radislav Latypov - Ufa

Vyacheslav Gladyshev - Arkhangelsk

Alexander Nasyrov - Moscow

Sergey Pichugin - Moscow

Valentin Shobyrev - Moscow

Evgeny Shevelev - Nizhny Tagil

Victor Zhuravlev - Saint Petersburg

Vladimir Khokhlov - Barnaul

Ermakov Maxim - Vladimir

Vasily Davydenko - Kiev

Gershgorin Igor - Israel

Vyacheslav Safronov - Khakassia. Abakan city

Lubomir - Slovakia. Bratislava

Rafikov Radik - Ufa

Baev Sergey - Nizhny Novgorod.

Dmitry Syrkin - Moscow region.

Kashirsky Igor - Moscow.

Alexey Kislyuk - Krasny Sulin, Rostov Region

Gizatullin Nail - Almetyevsk.

Kim Yuri Vasilievich - Kazakhstan.

Anatoly Khobot - Ukraine.

Kyanan Babayev - Baku.

Alexey Malkov - Pervouralsk.

Luzin Vladislav Yurievich

Andrey Chevola - Krasnodar.

Ilsur Galiev - Orenburg.

Lazutkin Georgy - Armavir.

Roman Zhdanov - Moscow.

Smirnov Fedor Nikolaevich. - Moscow.

Borsch Nikolay Vitalievich - Moscow.

Sergei Khodun - Kiev.

Smirnov Yuri Nikolaevich - Moscow.

Andrey Erlich - Werl, Germany.

Nikolay Ponyatov - Samara region, Novokuibyshevsk

Alexey Elavin - Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region

Sergey Smirnov - Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region

Eduard Savin - Ecuador.

Dualet Orynbaev - Kazakhstan.

Marynkin Igor Alexandrovich - Moscow.

Balashov Konstantin Igorevich - Belgorod.

Kazakov Eduard Vladislavovich - Krasnodar

Vladimir Dobroskokin - Krasnodar

Kutepov Sergey Vasilievich - Khimki

Andrey Temnikov - Maykop

Igor Khvaschevsky - Belarus,
Smorgon district

Igor Leiko - Dnepropetrovsk

Vladimir Gomonenko - Kursk region

Vladimir Anakin - Almaty

Slashchinin Yuri Ivanovich - Sergiev-Posad

Mubariz Ismayilov - Baku

Victor Nasonov - Voronezh

Zhirnov Vladimir - Cheboksary

Medeltsev Vladimir - Krasnoyarsk

Maxim Morozov - Bryansk

Sergey Semashko - Novosibirsk

Konstantin Rumyantsev - St. Petersburg

Bahodirov Abduvali - Tashkent

Nikolay Marinyuk - Ukraine

Alexander Nikolaev - Maykop

Igor Titarenko - Bratsk

Vorobiev Alexander - Ulan-Ude

Victor Pleshakov - Smolensk region

Andrey Tereshkin - Arctic, Yakutsk.

Sergey Poddubny - Odessa.

Boris Emelev - Norilsk.

Alexander Ugryumov - Hungary.

Denis Mironov - Blagoveshchensk.

Shibanov Vitaly - Krasnodar Territory.

Daraev Alexey Andreevich - Moscow.

Fedorov Maxim - Sevastopol.

Roshchupkin Yuri Vyacheslavovich -

Installation "AZOT" on the Yutkin effect.
KV-7 plus powerful "OZONATOR"

Ozonated air is supplied to the electrodes, when lightning occurs, we obtain the effect of cavitation with simultaneous disinfection of water from pathogenic bacteria and obtaining nitrogen fertilizers.
The power consumption of the installation is 70 watts.
Productivity - 1 liter of concentrate per minute, from which 100 liters of nitrogen fertilizers can be prepared.

It's easy to do:

Dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 20 liters of water, after 3 days, nitrogen-fixing bacteria will begin to settle,
add 80 liters of water, leave for three days and 100 liters of nitrogen fertilizers are ready!
This amount of fertilizer is enough for spraying 0.5 hectares of crops.

If you add peat to the water at the rate of 5 to 1, you get a full-fledged complex fertilizer for all types of plants!


Providing financial assistance for the further development of the household installation "KV".
You become a co-author of the invention.
In the future, you will receive reports (diagrams and drawings upon request from the mail of a co-author) on the work done to improve the "KV" installation, according to which you can create an industrial "KV" installation.

The issue price is 15,000 rubles.

The purpose of the national program "REVIVAL OF THE SPRINGS OF RUSSIA" is to create from available parts household installation "KV" to restore the ecology of the Earth, and facilitate the work of farmers.
For the most part, the co-authors make the "KV" attitude to create, not destroy.

Everyone chooses rights and obligations for himself!

Many details for the "KV" installation have to be done by yourself in at home,
since our industry does not produce them!

Those wishing to make a "KV - 1" installation at home from available materials,
can download FREE detailed technical documentation in photos
for the manufacture of household equipment "KV - 1"

Donation for the documentation for the manufacture of "KV - 4" (5,000 rubles.)

Donation for the documentation for the manufacture of "KV - 5" (5,000 rubles.)

Donation for documentation for the manufacture of "KV - 6" (3,000 rubles.)

Donation for documentation for the manufacture of "KV - 7" (8,000 rubles.)

Become a co-author and receive documentation for "KV - 4", "KV - 5", "KV - 6", "KV - 7" (15,000 rubles.)
You will receive the OZONATOR manufacturing technology as a gift!
In the future, you will receive a new technical information on demand to the E-mail of the co-author!

Within 24 hours, after a notification letter to E-mail: [email protected]

Account number: 4276380050142798


Your money will go
for the further development of the KV electrohydro-shock installation.

Interregional program "REVIVAL OF THE SPRINGS OF RUSSIA"- is FOLK!
We work only on private donations from citizens and do not accept funding from commercial government and political organizations.



Vladimir Nikolaevich Pocheevsky Tel: 8-965-289-96-76

The author of the ISIP Show channel presents the theme of the Yutkin Electrohydroeffect experiment. Its essence is that when a high voltage discharge passes through a liquid, we have several physical phenomena: from evaporation to electrolysis. As a result, we get an instant increase in pressure and a noticeable water hammer. Let's test the effect in practice by creating an installation for this with our own hands. At the end of the publication, the second homemade installation to study this phenomenon. It was developed by another author.

By the way, in the offered capacities it is quite enough to crush stones. In Germany, on this principle, even equipment for the production of crushed stone is produced. The Yutkin effect is widely used in medicine and technology. Unfortunately, the charlatans also liked the Yutkin effect. Therefore, he is credited with anything: from free electricity to cold nuclear fusion. Up to that, they do not believe that the Yutkin effect can turn water into something that cures all diseases more trenchantly than urine therapy.

But this is not why we are gathered here. Let's put together the setup and run a few experiments with our own with my own hands... The main unit of the demonstration device is a capacitor bank. The capacitors were purchased at a local flea market. The next in turn are arresters: air and underwater. They will be made on two pieces of breadboard with wire.

First, we solder the capacitors together, in parallel. Let's make two blocks of four. Soldered, now we have two capacitor banks. This is done for this reason: there are two capacitor banks, 4 kV 0.4 μF each. Now you can turn them on, both in parallel, by short-circuiting these two pins, or in series. In the first case, we will have 0.8 μF for 4 kV, and in the second case, 8 kV 0.2 μF.

In this experiment to reproduce the Yutkin effect, we will turn them on in parallel, so now we will short-circuit the two leads using a piece of copper wire. By the way, the same piece of copper wire will be one of the terminals of the arrester. Therefore, we will bend it with the letter G and solder it onto our board. Please note that the ends of the arresters must be sharpened, sharpened on the needle. We will do this a little later with a file. Now we will solder them to the base.

In the same way we prepare the second lead of the arrester. That's it, the spark gap is almost ready, all that remains is to sharpen these two electrodes. Now we connect the spark gap with the capacitors with this wire, and we also carry out the parallel connection of the capacitors. Next, we make a second spark gap, take another piece of wire, but we do not immediately remove the insulation from it with our own hands. We remove 4 centimeters of insulation on each side, align it and wrap it around a blank of a suitable diameter.

Continued from 5 minutes on the video about the Yutkin effect.

Another construction, which consists of 6 parts.

The heart of Yutkin's setup is a capacitor. It can be made at home. It is very easy to do. Foil, film, sock and ball. The ball presses on the foil. The head of the installation is a shaping arrester. It is also easy to make. Ignition coil from the car. Electronic transformer, it can be purchased at any store. We rewind the winding and get 24 kilovolts. We connect this device to a capacitor through a diode to a forming spark gap. The latter is removed from the microwave. We connect the cavitator, which is in the water. Spring water. We include. Please note: the water begins to cloudy. Minerals in the water are crushed. The water changes from hard to soft. After drinking a glass of such water, you will feel inner warmth.

Yutkin effect, water hammer or pressure of one hundred thousand atmospheres from a short electrical pulse

Prominent Soviet physicist and inventor Lev Aleksandrovich Yutkin was born on August 5, 1911 in the city of Belozersk, Vologda Region. He entered the university only in 1930, after two years of forced labor at a factory as a turner "because of class insecurity." In his fourth year at the university, in 1933, Lev Yutkin received the first serious results in the electrohydraulic effect. Soon after its discovery, in the same 33rd year, it was planted under Article 58 (treason). Accusation of trying to blow up the bridge with his EGE! The opinion was formed that Yutkin invented his EGE only in 1950, since it was in this year that the effect was patented, but this is not so! The vast majority of studies on the electrohydraulic effect were carried out and completed by him back in the 30s and, according to him, he formed a complete theory of the electrohydrodynamic effect back in 1938.

The author himself has repeatedly modernized and improved his developments, for example, the same schematic diagram was ultimately implemented using two arresters, which, according to its creator, greatly increased the steepness of the pulse edges and made the circuit much more efficient and easier to configure.

In addition to the appearance of local pressure of several tens of thousands of atmospheres, which the author successfully used, for example, for crushing stone boulders into small pieces or for pressing metals, this effect is also accompanied by several other useful and surprising properties. If you try to highlight all the amazing properties of EGE, you get something like the following:

Local pressure increase up to several tens of thousands of atmospheres. Due to the incompressibility of water and, as a consequence, the spread of this pressure throughout the water volume, this property can be used for crushing and grinding rock, metal pressing and stamping, as well as for conversion into other types of mechanical energy, for example, into torque through the use of crank mechanisms of a special design.

More detailed technical information on this effect and other discoveries and inventions of the author can be found in the proposed book.

EGE Yutkin and its application in industry 1986 edition

This topic is actively discussed on our forum!

And to help practitioners, we offer an excellent resource where you can find diagrams for connecting transformer windings, designations of the beginnings and ends of transformer windings, groups of winding connections and much more practically useful information on electrical engineering.

Ingenious is simple. Yutkin effect - logbook 2006 Subaru Outback Bagira on DRIVE2

Ev Yutkin is an outstanding Soviet inventor who has more than a hundred inventions, including the Yutkin effect or the electrohydraulic effect (EGE)

For more than seventy years, mankind has known an ultra-efficient way of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, through the Yutkin electrohydraulic effect (EGE). But, as always, the effect is not applied in everyday life, there is nothing about it and its author in Wikipedia, and official science does not like to recall either the effect itself, much less about its author Lev Yutkin with his more than a hundred inventions ... The fault is, as always, of super-efficiency and an efficiency of several thousand percent, which, as we know from official science and physics textbooks, cannot be!

The very same electrohydraulic effect of Yutkin, or in short EGE, is a powerful water hammer with a local pressure above one hundred thousand atmospheres, which occurs when a high voltage spark discharge passes through a water gap. That is why in the "people" this effect is simply called a water hammer, although in fairness it should be noted that the scientific meaning of a water hammer is far from this phenomenon and has nothing to do with Yutkin's EGE.

To obtain EGE, alternating current from the network is fed to a step-up transformer, where the voltage increases to several kilovolts. Further, the electric current is rectified by diodes and fed to a capacitor, where the voltage is accumulated up to desired value... After that, a high-voltage breakdown occurs between the electrodes placed in the water, which gives rise to an electrohydraulic shock, which manifests itself in the form of a loud pop with a local pressure increase of several tens of thousands of atmospheres.

One of the most serious practical values ​​and advantages of this effect is its 100% repeatability and ease of implementation even at home, without the use of expensive laboratory equipment and materials.

Local temperature rise. According to the author and independent researchers of this effect, in the presence of an EGE, the temperature of the liquid increases incommensurably faster than the electricity expended on the EGE, which allows building on this effect highly effective heating devices... This heating property manifests itself in conjunction with the aforementioned property of local pressure increase, which makes it expedient to use both of these properties simultaneously.

Separation of Brown's gas from water. Since this property was discovered not by the author himself, but by his later followers, this property is not so well studied, especially in its quantitative part, but its very presence, as already mentioned earlier, does not cancel the previously described properties and makes it possible to use all three the main properties of the Yutkin electrohydraulic effect at the same time!

The Yutkin Effect or Forgotten Revolutionary Way of Converting Energy - Interesting to Know Community on DRIVE2

Lev Yutkin is an outstanding Soviet inventor who has more than a hundred inventions, including the Yutkin effect or the electrohydraulic effect (EGE)

For more than seventy years, mankind has known an ultra-efficient way of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, through the Yutkin electrohydraulic effect (EGE). But, as always, the effect is not applied in everyday life, there is nothing about it and its author in Wikipedia, and official science does not like to recall either the effect itself, much less about its author Lev Yutkin with his more than a hundred inventions ... The fault is, as always, of super-efficiency and an efficiency of several thousand percent, which, as we know from official science and physics textbooks, cannot be!

Prominent Soviet physicist and inventor Lev Aleksandrovich Yutkin was born on August 5, 1911 in the city of Belozersk, Vologda Region. He entered the university only in 1930, after two years of forced labor at a factory as a turner "because of class insecurity." In his fourth year at the university, in 1933, Lev Yutkin received the first serious results in the electrohydraulic effect. Soon after its discovery, in the same 33rd year, it was planted under Article 58 (treason). Accusation of trying with his EGE to blow up the bridge! The opinion was formed that Yutkin invented his EGE only in 1950, since it was in this year that the effect was patented, but this is not so! The vast majority of studies on the electrohydraulic effect were carried out and completed by him back in the 30s and, according to him, he formed a complete theory of the electrohydrodynamic effect back in 1938.

The very same electrohydraulic effect of Yutkin, or in short EGE, is a powerful water hammer with a local pressure above one hundred thousand atmospheres, which occurs when a high voltage spark discharge passes through a water gap. That is why the “people” call this effect simply a water hammer, although in fairness it should be noted that the scientific meaning of a water hammer is far from this phenomenon and has nothing to do with Yutkin's EGE.

To obtain EGE, alternating current from the network is fed to a step-up transformer, where the voltage increases to several kilovolts. Further, the electric current is rectified by diodes and fed to a capacitor, where the voltage is accumulated to the desired value. After that, a high-voltage breakdown occurs between the electrodes placed in the water, which gives rise to an electrohydraulic shock, which manifests itself in the form of a loud pop with a local pressure increase of several tens of thousands of atmospheres.

One of the most serious practical values ​​and advantages of this effect is its 100% repeatability and ease of implementation even at home, without the use of expensive laboratory equipment and materials.

In addition to the appearance of local pressure of several tens of thousands of atmospheres, which the author successfully used, for example, for crushing stone boulders into small pieces or for pressing metals, this effect is also accompanied by several more useful and surprising properties. If you try to highlight all the amazing properties of EGE, you get something like the following:

Local pressure increase up to several tens of thousands of atmospheres. Due to the incompressibility of water and, as a consequence, the spread of this pressure throughout the water volume, this property can be used for crushing and crushing rock, metal pressing and stamping, as well as for converting into other types of mechanical energy, for example, into torque through the use of a crank connecting rod mechanisms of a special design.

Local temperature rise. According to the author and independent researchers of this effect, in the presence of EGE, the temperature of the liquid increases incommensurably faster than the electricity consumed for the EGE, which makes it possible to build highly efficient heating devices on this effect. This heating property manifests itself in conjunction with the aforementioned property of local pressure increase, which makes it expedient to use both of these properties simultaneously.

Separation of Brown's gas from water. Since this property was discovered not by the author himself, but by his later followers, this property is not so well studied, especially in its quantitative part, but its very presence, as already mentioned earlier, does not cancel the previously described properties and makes it possible to use all three the main properties of the Yutkin electrohydraulic effect at the same time!