Plant food from grass: methods of preparation of various types. Solubility of mineral fertilizers and the rules for their application

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Good growth the plant is provided with the necessary nutritious food, and it is impossible without phosphorus and its components. The earth does not have the amount of phosphorus necessary for planting, therefore it is so important to add phosphate additives in order to grow tasty, juicy, healthy vegetables, fruits, flowers and berries on your loved ones summer cottages... The most popular and effective fertilizer containing phosphorus is superphosphate.

What is superphosphate and the effects of its plant

As a mineral fertilizer, it contains the most valuable elements, phosphorus and nitrogen. His chemical formula It has whole line, invaluable trace elements for each plant, such as potassium, which is also included in its composition of calcium (a neutralizer of acid in the soil), magnesium (has a special value for potato plantations), sulfur (nourishing the soil where legumes, cereals, and oil crops are grown) other.

The composition of this widely demanded additive includes natural minerals, their origin, these are mineralized bones of dead animals, slags from steel production. It is obtained through numerous chemical reactions, and is available in powder or granular form.

Powdered superphosphate fertilizer, which is more convenient for applying to the soil, it instantly dissolves in it, begins to interact with the root systems of plants, nourishing them and enriching them with minerals. And for a bookmark compost pit, better fit granular version.

Superphosphate applications and formulations

Simple superphosphate (powder) is a white powder with a light gray tint, and contains about 20% phosphorus oxide. Powder from moisture tends to clump and cake, therefore, it is advisable to store it in a dry place. This type of additives has a narrower application in relation to new products, although it is still not replaceable in the vastness of agricultural land, since it is quite cheap.

Simple superphosphate (granular) is obtained from monophosphate, by granulation, already contains greater percentage phosphorus oxide is about 50%, and 30% calcium sulfate is added to it. Granules are easy to store and use. Provides the plants with the necessary diet.

Double superphosphate is a high concentration compound. Easily and instantly dissolves in water, economical. It has found great use in household plots and in farms.

There is also a composition with potassium and sulfur sulfate. Well soluble in water.

Molybdenum, boric and other types.

In order to calculate the correct dose of application, not to harm the soil and plants, you need to clearly understand for what specific task you are taking it. It is important to read the instructions for using superphosphate and only then start feeding.

Superphosphate, broad spectrum fertilizer

  • Accelerates the development of roots and tubers, as well as the growth of cultivated plants.
  • It has a positive effect on the formation of ovaries, prolongs flowering and fruiting.
  • Restores disturbed metabolism.
  • It protects against many diseases.
  • It inhibits oxidation processes in the soil.
  • Improves taste fruit plants, increases productivity.

Signs of phosphorus deficiency in crops

Often, we observe certain changes on vegetables, the leaves suddenly become either "rusty" or blue, a purple bloom may appear on the back of the leaf, this is a lack of phosphorus. So it is necessary to immediately correct the situation by applying fertilizer.

How to apply superphosphate

  • By scattering over the surface.
  • Can be inserted into holes or rows before planting.
  • Dig up the soil by applying fertilizer.
  • By the method of liquid dressing.
  • Apply in the compost pit tab.

Fertilizer dissolution can be applied on different types soil. The effect is best achieved on neutral and alkaline. If the soil is too acidic, lime or ash treatment is necessary. The process of soil deoxidation usually takes place within a month, then you can safely add mineral additives. Usually, the soil is deacidified in the fall, after harvesting, or during the autumn digging of the earth, in this case, by the spring it will be ready to accept phosphate fertilizers. It is impossible to add superphosphate in the fall at the same time as deoxidation, a reaction occurs, as a result of which one neutralizes the other, since these chemicals have one base.

In early spring, potassium superphosphate will be an excellent help for the soil. Scatter it under the bushes, fruit trees, slightly loosen the soil, after the spring rains, all the important nutrients will reach the root system of the plants, and they will receive an excellent "treat".

Superphosphate - fertilizer, instructions for use

Introduced into the soil, this "magic" composition has a long term of the nutritive process. The plant is in no hurry, and takes the necessary dose for nutrition, in small portions, gradually "digesting" the phosphorus. Therefore, do not rush to add the next portion, an overdose can adversely affect the culture. Double superphosphate should be used in smaller quantities, since it is concentrated.

Simple superphosphate can be applied in spring and autumn. The norm, 50 grams per 1sq.m, is done by scattering over the site. On especially poor lands, it is worth increasing the supplement by 30%.

  • for a young seedling of any of the fruit bushes and trees, add 500 grams to the soil.
  • for an already tall and mature tree 50 grams,
  • for digging a greenhouse, make 90 grams per 1 sq. m.,
  • for one dose for potatoes, use 20 grams per 1 sq. m.,
  • for all vegetables at one time, take 70 grams per 1 sq.m.

The binary contains more nitrogen (15%) and phosphorus (50%). It can easily dissolve in soil and water. For him, there are the main dates for the introduction of double superphosphate: early spring, after thawing and warming up the earth, and autumn, after harvesting. Spring introduction fertilizers are considered to be the main one, since the soil is still wet after the snow melts and under the influence of spring rains, therefore, its easily soluble composition immediately begins to work. Double superphosphate will be many times more useful if a potassium mixture is added to the ground along with it.

  • for seedlings, leafy greens and young vegetables, take 40 grams per 1 sq. m.,
  • under potatoes, add 4 grams of fertilizer to the hole,
  • for root crops, you need to take 20 grams per 1 sq.m.,
  • for vegetables in greenhouses, 80 grams per 1 sq.m.

Fertilizer solution

Why do you need to dilute it in water? When all its elements are dissolved in water, it is absorbed faster by the roots, which means that the process of delivery to the plant will accelerate, and the absorption of nutrition will immediately begin. For this reason, late spring and summer feeding of vegetables, flowers and berry bushes is so popular.

How to dissolve superphosphate in water

  • To quickly dissolve phosphorus, the water should be boiled.
  • take 20 tablespoons granular superphosphate and pour 3 liters of boiling water,
  • the resulting solution, it is considered basic, should be left somewhere closer to the heat,
  • for the preparation of the basic nutritional mixture, dilute, in 10 liters of water, 150 ml of the basic mixture,
  • Add to ready solution half a liter of wood ash and 20 ml of nitrogen mixture in liquid form,
  • then, vegetables, tomatoes during flowering, etc. are poured with a cooked chatterbox.

Superphosphate fertilizer: instructions for use

Phosphorus remains and nourishes the plants for several months, and nitrogen is instantly taken up by the plant culture and assimilated. This so-called superphosphate extract is the most the best feeding for vegetables, flowers, bushes and fruit plants in your area.

There is also a way to dissolve a mineral supplement in water using live bacteria. For this method, Humate or phytosporin liquids are used, this mixture is composted, keeping it for a day, and sometimes stirring. This fertilizer is also good for ornamental plantings.

Superphosphate, fertilizer with instructions for use, individual portions for various vegetables. The timing of feeding is also different, so follow the rules for using it, as written.

It is inconceivable to imagine modern household farming without the use of chemical fertilizers as additional soil nutrition. Many gardeners, nevertheless, abandon chemistry, and try to replace it with environmentally friendly feeding, in the form of infusions from fermented herbs, with the addition of modern humated additives. But, this is not enough to preserve soil fertility. The advantages of superphosphate, which includes components that are essential for the nutrition of vegetables, are obvious, it is long-lasting, universal in composition, economical and not expensive. The use of this fertilizer will help you grow a wonderful harvest on your site.

Urea is a fertilizer that has a beneficial effect on many garden plants... After feeding with this preparation, the crops begin to actively increase the green mass, therefore it is especially valuable for tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, and strawberries. Also, after the introduction of urea, decorative and fruit trees and shrubs, they improve appearance, the fruiting of the latter increases.

Although urea is a very useful fertilizer, however, in order not to harm the crops, it is necessary to apply top dressing in dosage, trying not to exceed certain norms. The point is that for vegetable crops and berries have their own recommended amount of fertilization, trees and shrubs have their own. Moreover, the norms change depending on the stage of plant development, the method of feeding (root or foliar).

How to properly dilute urea for feeding

The proportions of the dilution of urea in water depend on the method of introducing the composition, and a less concentrated solution is suitable for the root one (50-70 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water), and the foliar one is more saturated (100 grams of the drug per bucket of water).

Now with regard to the amount of top dressing. For watering vegetable crops (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic), as well as berries, in particular, strawberries, during the period of active growth and flowering of seedlings, it is advisable to use from 700 to 1200 ml of the composition per plant, for trees and shrubs - from three to five liters (depending on the size and age of the crops).

For greater efficiency, feeding can be repeated after a week or two. The fact is that urea has one significant drawback - the fertilizer does not stay in the soil for a long time, and the plants manage to assimilate no more than half of it. nutrients.

V. Starovoitenko Moscow region

One can only partially agree with the question and at the same time the statement.

Nitrogen fertilizers include ammonium nitrate, urea (carbamide) and ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate).

All of them dissolve well in water, are quickly absorbed by plants, but do not bind to the soil, as a result of which they are quickly washed out of it.

Nitrogen fertilizers help acidify the soil.

From phosphate fertilizers superphosphates (simple and double) dissolve well in water, precipitate is somewhat worse. When preparing a liquid fertilizer, mixing it with water, a suspension (cloudy liquid) is obtained. Phosphorite and bone meal are hardly soluble, are slowly absorbed by plants, are well bound by the soil, therefore they are slowly washed out of it.

Superphosphates increase the acidity of the soil solution, phosphorite and bone meal reduce it.

Potash fertilizers -. potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium salt, potassium nitrate, potassium carbonate are readily soluble in water, but due to the presence of impurities, not a solution is formed, but a suspension.

Potassium magnesium is partially dissolved in water with the formation of a precipitate. Everything potash fertilizers are slowly absorbed by the plant, are well bound by the soil, therefore they are slowly washed out of it. It should be borne in mind that potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium salt, potassium carbonate (potash) acidify the soil, while potassium-magnesia and wood ash alkalize.

Complex fertilizers - ammophos, ammophoska, nitrophoska, nitroammofosk - easily dissolve in water, but due to the presence of impurities in phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, they form a mixture of solution with suspension (turbid solution).

They are quickly absorbed by the plant after being introduced into the soil, do not bind to the soil, as a result of which they are quickly washed out of it. Complex fertilizers contribute to the partial acidification of the soil.

From all that has been said, it follows that complex and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in spring and in spring-summer dressings to ensure active plant growth.

Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied in autumn or early spring and as top dressing during the summer.

They provide the laying of flower buds, good flowering, ripening of fruits, increase the resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions and infections.

© A. MIKHEEV, candidate of agricultural sciences sciences

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  • Young plants grown in greenhouses are called seedlings. This means that the growth is covered with a greenhouse, a greenhouse, a nursery. They create a special, gentle microclimate.

    However, protection from winds, cold weather, hail is not enough. We also need fertilizer for seedlings... But, what, why, in what quantities and how to feed it? We will devote this article to these questions.

    Features and dosage of fertilizers for seedlings

    Fertilizers for seedlings are not a separate category. Shoots are suitable for most mixtures for mature plants. Simply, the dosage is reduced by 2 times.

    If the grower recommends the same amount for both young and adult plants, the top dressing is probably empty. That is, not nutrients are placed in the container, but cheap raw materials that resemble them, but not effective.

    By purchasing liquid fertilizer for seedlings, you should follow the instructions. There is no average dosage. Most loose dressings are diluted in a proportion of 7-10 grams per liter of water.

    For seedlings, respectively, 3.5-5 grams are taken. Why dissolve? The liquid is better absorbed by young shoots, they do not have to spend energy on stretching nutrients from the soil.

    The best fertilizers for seedlings chelated. They are based on metal-based complex compounds. They are associated with atoms, ions, or molecules that have multiple donor centers.

    Usually, these are amino acids. Only in conjunction with them, plants are able to assimilate most vitamins and minerals. The human body, by the way, is no exception. Chelated fertilizers are absorbed better and faster.

    In the soil, the mixtures do not pass into compounds that are hardly soluble in water. As a result, the seedlings grow quickly, do not get sick and, in the future, bear fruit well.

    It is worth avoiding sulfate dressings. They are the worst absorbed by seedlings and can even harm. To determine the presence of sulfates in the fertilizer, you can find the inscriptions with "SO 4" on the packaging. Sometimes, manufacturers indicate: - "Sulfate".

    But, more often than not, there are no special instructions. All trace elements are the same. These are boron, magnesium, iron, zinc, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus necessary for plants. But, in the form of sulfates, with the same "tail" of SO 4, they are ineffective in the care of seedlings.

    Fertilizer classification does not end with chelates and sulfates. There are many types of dressings. They are divided not only by composition, but also by the form of release, origin. Details in the next chapter.

    Fertilizers for seedlings

    Let's start with universal and specialized fertilizers. For pepper seedlings, for example, you cannot take fresh manure. It burns the roots. They are tender overgrown with peppers. Therefore, if manure is, then only rotted and only in solution.

    It turns out that the feeding is specialized, that is, it is not suitable for all plants. By the way, fertilizers for tomato seedlings should reduce the acidity of the soil. Therefore, many gardeners buy superphosphate. However, something else will do. fertilizer for tomato seedlings with magnesium.

    Tomatoes are classified as vegetables. In summer cottages, as a rule, several of them are grown. Therefore, they purchase non-specialized fertilizers for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, for example, but universal.

    These mixtures are used with equal success for all crops, not only vegetables, but also fruit and green ones. The most available is wood ash - a simple and cheap mineral complex. Useful for all plants.

    Now, about the origin of dressings. There are inorganic, organic and organomineral, that is, combined. The decay products of living tissues contain humic acids. They will strengthen root system seedlings, will have a beneficial effect on her immunity, accelerate growth.

    However, feeding only from minerals is more easily absorbed by young shoots. What fertilizer for seedlings to choose, it is worth deciding based on the characteristics of the culture. If she already has strong roots and stable immunity, it is better to purchase instant complexes of mineral salts.

    The manure mentioned above is a purely organic fertilizer, like bird droppings. Without an additional complex of minerals, top dressing can bring surprises. The concentration of useful elements, the quality of the mixture depend on the nutrition and health of the animals.

    Manure can be either too vigorous or poorly nutritious for plants. Moreover, purely organic fertilizers can become a source of infection of seedlings.

    In the first chapter, it was mentioned that seedlings absorb solutions best. However, top dressing is released not only in the form of liquid. You can dilute tablets, granules, powders in water. This is the division of fertilizers according to the form of implementation. What is the division of prices? We will devote the next chapter to the question of the cost of fertilizing.

    Fertilizer prices for seedlings

    At home you can get it wood ash, droppings of birds and cows. For subsistence farmers, these feeds will cost nothing. As for the purchased mixtures, the price range is great.

    The requests of the sellers depend on the ambitions of the company, the form of production of the mixture, and its mass. Although, a solid weight of top dressing does not always mean that the cost is high. Take for example "Strong" for seedlings. Fertilizer costs about 50-90 rubles, despite the volume of only a quarter of a liter.

    About 5 of these bottles will come out of the dry form of the same top dressing. At the same time, a 50-gram package of "Krepysh" costs 30-40 rubles. It turns out that it is more profitable to purchase dry mixes, despite their small volume.

    Fertilizers for vegetable seedlings, fruits, berries, green crops are expensive if released abroad. Imported goods are purchased for dollars.

    The ruble price is formed accordingly. In the context of the devaluation of the domestic currency, imported and Russian fertilizers can be the same in composition, but differ strikingly in cost.

    Fertilizers for seedlings - reviews