Which septic tank is better to install in a private house. Which septic tank is better for a country house with permanent residence

A practical and successful version of the sewerage device on its site - a septic tank - is a type of treatment plant that allows you to clean and dispose of wastewater. How to choose the right septic tank for a private house? The owner of a country dwelling usually, when choosing a design, pays attention to its price and performance. The last factor will determine how effectively the product will cope with its intended purpose. The variety of these treatment facilities on the modern market will make even the most sophisticated consumer in these matters confused. A local installation is included in the sewer system and is used to collect, settle and purify polluted waters from a dwelling. For normal country house they are of the following types:

    Filling type - the structure can be made independently using concrete rings, eurocube, etc.;

    Settling tanks with post-treatment through the ground;

    Installations for deep cleaning.

When choosing the best option for a septic tank, you should also pay attention to the material of its manufacture, the type of soil where it will be installed, the purpose of the dwelling (for stationary or seasonal residence).

  • Types of septic tanks for a country house

    Previously, when the production of plastic septic tanks was not so massive, reinforced concrete structures were more popular, which were assembled in stages. Cleaning systems made of metal were also used. Today, wastewater treatment is most often carried out using ready-made plastic installations. These products are reliable and durable. A high level of sealing ensures the environmental safety of the installations. Depending on the performance characteristics they are classified according to different criteria.

    1. By type of filtration

    2. By material

    3. By shape

    4. By location

        Underground - a more common version of the design, which is buried to a certain depth. At the same time, the landscape of the site is not affected.

        The ground version of the structure is used if the geology of the site does not allow the installation of an underground version due to the high level of groundwater. In this case, the septic tank will spoil the landscape of the site, so it should be mounted away from the viewing angle.

    What to consider when choosing a septic tank

    In order to choose the right and buy a septic tank for a country house or a dwelling located in the private sector, you should take into account the purpose of the premises itself.

    Best option: summary

    To correctly choose a septic tank for a country house, you should take into account all the recommendations and carry out necessary calculations. The current budget also matters, because some types are more expensive, but are not always a viable option for building in specific situation. An optimally selected design model will be a guarantee of environmental safety and cleanliness of the soil, and timely maintenance of the tank and pumping out wastewater (if provided for by the instructions) will extend its service life for a long time. The best way sewer capacity will allow you to build a high-quality sewer system on the site and significantly improve living conditions in a private house.

  • When a residential building is being built, then sewage is planned, as a rule, independent. Previously used for all sewage cesspool, today an autonomous septic tank for a private house has become popular. These are innovative designs for wastewater treatment, which are an air-tight vessel, usually divided into several chambers.

    IN this device domestic wastewater is first settled, then it is processed by special microorganisms, and then the wastewater is filtered. A huge selection of bio cleaners poses pressing questions for consumers, which is the best septic tank for giving with periodic rest, and which utilizer is more suitable for a permanent home? Buy a ready-made unit or make a cleaner yourself? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

    The principle of operation of modern utilizers

    Bioseptics are a local installation, which is a system of an autonomous sewer system of a private house. This treatment plant is installed in those areas where it is impossible to connect to the central sewer, that is, near country houses non-permanent residence and country houses.

    It is advisable to equip a deep cleaning station next to a river or pond.

    To choose the best bio septic tank, you need to understand the principle of operation of this design, which will help you pay attention to the appropriate parameters when choosing a tank. So let's see how this design works:

    1. Wastewater flows through sewer pipes into the first chamber, where it settles. Heavy impurities settle to the bottom, while light fractions and fats remain at the top.
    2. Then, after the primary settling, the effluents enter the second section, in which the process of purification from organic matter continues with the involvement of bio-bacteria.
    3. In the third chamber, wastewater is finally settled and purified. After that, they go down to the filtration field, and fall into the ground, where the liquid is filtered and completely cleaned of impurities.

    When answering the question of which septic tank to choose for a house of permanent or temporary residence, experts advise paying attention to utilizers that are equipped with a deep biological filter. Autonomous purification stations of this type carry out complete water purification, freeing from the need to build filtration fields.

    What are the types of septic tanks?

    There are many varieties of local septic tanks that can be used to clean the drains of a private house: from the most simple structures handmade to offline installations, which allow you to clean wastewater up to almost 100%.

    Treatment plants are classified according to different criteria:

    • by the number of wells: one-, two- and three-chamber septic tanks;
    • according to the material of manufacture: steel, reinforced concrete products, plastic and fiberglass;
    • on design features: volatile and non-volatile.

    Also, bio cleaners are classified into three types, depending on the set of implemented functions:

    1. Cumulative. Such a utilizer consists of one chamber or two communicating wells. Effluent in a sealed vessel is divided into liquid and solid fractions, then the organic matter is split, and the liquid is settled. So that the tanks do not overflow, the waste is periodically pumped out (1-2 times a year). This type a septic tank will do for a country house where they rest only on weekends.
    2. Settler with a compartment for soil purification. This purifier is divided into several infiltrators - chambers without a bottom, which act as filtration fields. Inside the aeration areas there is bio-activated sludge, which accelerates the decay of sewage. This type of septic tank is suitable for a seasonal residential building, for example, from May to October. Cleaning is necessary once every 2-3 years.
    3. Station for deep purification of sewage masses. This is a tank with three chambers, in which sewage decomposes in stages. First, solids settle, then the liquid with organic suspensions is biorecycled. Top Models septic tanks of this type are equipped with a compressor. Installation is expensive but effective. Ideal for a private permanent home. Pumping out will be required no earlier than after 5 years.

    In order for the closed sewer system to work more actively, it is recommended to equip an anaerobic septic tank for it, which implies the settlement of special bacteria in the primary treatment chamber. These microorganisms feed on organic matter and do not need oxygen. This measure will accelerate the disinfection and dissolution of waste.

    If you remove from the post-treatment chamber ventilation pipe or connect air compressor, then you get another aerobic septic tank. To do this, it is necessary to add special microorganisms to it, which process organic matter with access to oxygen.

    Biological decomposition of sewage by one or another type of microorganisms makes it possible to purify waste to the state of process water.

    What to look for when choosing?

    To solve the problem of which bio septic tanks are better to choose for a private house, it is necessary to consider the problem from several positions:

    First, you need to decide whether to make a sump yourself or purchase a ready-made tank. In the first case, the structure is built of brick, concrete rings or auto tires. However, such a cleaner is only acceptable for a house with seasonal or periodic residence. For long and safe use, it is better to choose a factory model, even the cheapest one, since the purchased version complies with all environmental and sanitary standards.

    At the same time, it is not advisable to purchase the most expensive treatment plants, which allow you to drain purified water directly into a reservoir, for private use, but for several households it is not so expensive. For individual use, it is better to choose a two-capacity utilizer. The first compartment collects sewage and performs their primary purification, and the second one filters the liquid and drains it into the ground, and not into water bodies.

    Secondly, it is necessary to choose the material for the manufacture of the tank. This criterion affects the service life of the vessel. So, for the manufacture of cleaning stations use:

    1. ZHB rings. High-quality reinforced concrete rings are not subject to corrosion for a long time, have a large margin of safety, but their installation requires the involvement of special equipment.
    2. Plastic. Reservoirs made of various polymers are light in weight and low in price. However, this design is very unstable, and during installation the vessel must be kept upright at all times. In addition, plastic is damaged by rodents and frost.
    3. Metal. Septic tanks made of this material have the greatest strength, as well as affordable cost. However, the metal is easily corroded, so the tank must be waterproofed, both inside and out. In addition, the installation of a metal sump is impossible without special equipment.
    4. Fiberglass. The most durable and practical recyclers are made from this material, since they are chemically neutral, as well as other positive qualities: strength, lightness, resistance to temperature fluctuations.

    Thirdly, you need to consider the type of soil on the site. Recommendations for specific conditions:

    • for sandy soil, it is better to install a utilizer with a biological treatment function, as a result of which the water immediately merges into the sand. The filtration field is recommended to be placed higher;
    • in clay soil, in addition to bacterial purification, wastewater must overcome the sand filter. Then the purified liquid is poured directly onto the ground;
    • in case of high deposit line surface water, most optimal solution there will be a polymer tank with a bio-cleaning function. In this case, the septic tank must be weighted or securely fixed.

    How to choose the volume and size of the wastewater purifier?

    The capacity of the effluent utilizer is calculated based on the average daily rate sewage sewage per person (bath or shower, toilet bowl, sink - about 200 liters), the number of people living in the house and a three-day supply. If the family consists of four people, then the required volume of the septic tank is calculated using the following formula:

    200*4 people*3 days = 2400 liters

    If guests often come to a country cottage, then the result is increased by 2/3:

    2400 * 1.66 \u003d 3900 liters.

    The optimal depth of the septic tank is from 1.3 to 3.5 m.

    Depending on the final result of the required cubic capacity, according to the table, a tank model is selected:

    In this case, the depth of groundwater is important. For single chamber model, ground water should be below the bottom of the tank. For a two-chamber version, they must pass 1 m below the bottom of the last stage (filter). If groundwater is at a depth of more than one and a half meters, equip filtration fields for a three-chamber tank is technically difficult, especially on impermeable clay soils.

    Tips for choosing a cottage with occasional residence

    If household members visit the dwelling on weekends, and enjoy a minimum plumbing equipment, then a multi-section septic tank is not needed. Summer residents, as a rule, prefer low-performance, inexpensive, single-chamber utilizers. Unlike a cesspool, crushed stone and sandy layers-filters are poured into such drives, which provide 50% purification.

    Experts recommend that it is better to choose a compact two-section mini-septic tank with settling and infiltration chambers. If the volume of drained sewage does not exceed the passport norms, then such a design perfectly fulfills the functions assigned to it.

    Before choosing a small storage septic tank for a country house, you should familiarize yourself with its features:

    • mini-septic tanks are sold complete with activated sludge, which is populated with anaerobic biomaterial;
    • after the processing of organic waste, the water settles and is purified in the well, after which it enters the soil;
    • storage septic tanks are made of reinforced polymer, which is resistant to temperature extremes;
    • compact containers are easy to transport on a regular car, and they will not cause trouble with unloading;
    • You can install such a utilizer alone, but it is better to do it together.

    Recommendations for selection for a permanent residence

    For the average family that permanently resides in country house, the best option would be a sump with two or three sections, which is a combination of a one- or two-chamber drive and a septic tank-filter. The first two containers (settlers) are airtight, and the third one is without a bottom; a layer of sand and gravel is poured into it, which additionally filter the liquid before descending into the soil.

    If the utilizer is filled, then it is pumped out by special sewage services, bio components and filters of the septic tank must be changed every 3-5 years. The multi-chamber sump purifies sewage up to 95%.

    Which unit to choose for a house with permanent residence so that the drains are as clean as possible, and pumping out as rarely as possible?

    A good option in the presence of a high boundary for the passage of groundwater would be a multi-chamber utilizer with a biofilter. This factory. The model, manufactured in an industrial way, consists of 4 sections:

    • sump;
    • an anaerobic chamber for the decomposition of large waste;
    • separator with a filter with bacteria;
    • aerobic septic tank (similar to the drainage field).

    The best choice would be a septic tank with drainage field, which combines several wells and a filtration zone. Such a complex requires an area of ​​​​not 30 m2. At the same time, the minimum distance between the sump and the house is also at least 30 m.

    Rating of septic tanks for a country house

    It is enough to go to a specialized store and see the variety of septic tanks that it offers, and the consumer will face the problem of choosing the best option. Therefore, we invite you to study the ranking of the best non-volatile and volatile wastewater purifiers, which is compiled in accordance with expert opinion, analysis of sales volume and customer reviews.

    TOP 3 non-volatile septic tanks:

    Such tanks work without electricity and are suitable, first of all, for country houses with non-permanent residence.

    1. Tank. A simple septic tank that works on the principle of pre-treatment of wastewater by settling, biodegradation and subsequent distribution of treated water into the ground. This unit is made of durable polymer with stiffeners, which contributes to resistance to increased loads in summer and winter periods. Approximate service life is about 50 years. Periodic cleaning is carried out every 3-4 years and pumping out to a third of the capacity once a year.
    2. Triton. This utilizer is equipped with three chambers that implement the process of removing fractions from the liquid, as well as the anaerobic decomposition of biomaterial, followed by the supply of purified waste water to the filtration site. There are models from 2 to 40 m3. When installing, it requires weighting for secure fixation. Service life 45-50 years. Annual cleaning required.
    3. BARS-Bio. The optimal choice, both for periodic and permanent residence in a private house with the possibility of creating a filtration field. In such a unit, the waste masses pass through three chambers and two biofilters that do not require maintenance. Provides a high degree of sewage treatment, which reduces the cost of reconstruction of drainage fields. Service life - more than 50 years. Requires cleaning every 5 years.

    TOP 3 volatile septic tanks:

    These devices require a constant connection to electricity and oxygen supply to microorganisms, so they are better suited for cottages with permanent residence. These are real deep sewage treatment plants with a high degree of efficiency.

    1. Tver. This design provides complex wastewater treatment through a multi-chamber system for receiving and treating large volumes using various bioadditives and reagents. This septic tank is suitable for installation in any soil, even in peat with an aggressive environment. The durable plastic tank resists corrosion, providing a service life of up to 60 years. Cleansing - every 3-4 years.
    2. Leader. The unit of six chambers provides complex purification of waste masses without the use of special bioactivators. Allows you to organize an ecological drain to any place (well, ditch, pond) due to the complete cleaning of sewage using anaerobic bacteria, a polymer line that imitates algae, aeration tanks, activated sludge, alkaline environment. The service life is 55-60 years. Pumping - once every 5 years.
    3. Ecopan. Another multi-chamber device made of airtight plastic. Available in two versions: for normal soils or for high-passing groundwater. The two-layer design of the septic tank prevents the destructive effect of any soil. Completely environmentally friendly, provides a high degree of wastewater treatment. Service life - up to 50 years. Requires cleaning every 3-5 years.

    All listed models autonomous septic tanks for private houses have adequately proven themselves in the field of wastewater treatment, have a well-thought-out design with a large margin of safety. Therefore, you just have to choose the required volume.

    When planning the construction of a country house, along with the drafting of the building itself, it is necessary to design engineering systems, including water disposal and wastewater treatment systems. To do this, you need to find out what types of septic tanks are used today so that you can choose the most suitable option.

    Previously, the installation of an outdoor shower and a "birdhouse" toilet was considered the pinnacle of landscaping a summer residence. These days, more and more homeowners are opting to equip their homes with a complete set of plumbing fixtures.

    And in this case, it is necessary to build a local drainage system. A septic tank is usually used to dispose of private household wastewater. Consider what types of this equipment exist and what features they have.


    Septic tanks that can be included in local systems sewers can be classified according to several criteria:

    • according to the cleaning method;
    • according to the material of the case;
    • by installation method.

    Varieties according to the principle of work

    For private households, the following types of septic tanks can be used:

    • storage tanks;
    • settling tanks with soil filtration;
    • installations with forced aeration, providing deep biological treatment.

    Consider the features of each option

    storage tanks

    This is the simplest type of equipment, it is a volumetric sealed tank used to collect and store wastewater. It works on the same principle as the cesspool, the difference is environmental Safety drive. After all, the drive, unlike cesspools, excludes the ingress of contaminated liquid into the ground.

    As you fill storage capacity, it will need to be cleaned. This work is carried out using sewage machines. The contents of the container are pumped out by the pump into the tank installed on the vehicle and transported for disposal in the prescribed manner.

    This option for organizing the disposal of wastewater can be recommended for summer cottages, provided that the volume of wastewater is small. Otherwise, you will need to clean the drive frequently, which will incur additional costs.

    Settling tanks

    This option is universal, it is recommended for a small summer cottage or for a spacious country cottage. The difference in this case will be only in the volume of sedimentation tanks and the area of ​​devices for post-treatment. The greater the daily volume of effluents, the more capacious the sedimentation tanks should be. To provide best quality cleaning, multi-stage settling is organized.

    Advice! For an ordinary private house, it is recommended to purchase or build a two or three-chamber septic tank. In such an installation, two chambers act as a sump, and in the latter, additional cleaning is carried out using biofilters.

    The treatment plant works like this:

    • the first section of the installation, as a rule, is made the most voluminous. Here there is an accumulation of effluents and their primary settling;
    • water enters the second section, which has already been freed from most of the large inclusions, here the liquid settles additionally, already smaller undissolved particles settle to the bottom, which did not have time to precipitate in the first section;
    • then water enters the compartment with a biofilter, if it is available in the design of the treatment plant, and then it is fed into the installation soil filtration, where it is finally cleared;

    • sediment at the bottom of the settling tanks is gradually compacted. The bacteria contained in the effluents initiate methane fermentation processes, due to which the sludge partially decomposes and decreases in volume. Due to this, it is not necessary to pump out the sediment frequently, it is enough to perform this operation annually.

    Advice! If the settling tanks are not cleaned in a timely manner, the sediment will begin to thicken, gradually reducing the volume of the chambers. A decrease in the volume of sedimentation tanks will lead to a deterioration in the quality of cleaning.

    Pros of this option:

    • simplicity of the device, reliability;
    • sufficiently high efficiency;
    • inexpensive and easy maintenance.
    • Substantial volume of containers. In order for the water to settle well, it is necessary that the water has been in the sump for at least 72 hours. Therefore, with a large flow of water, it is necessary to use large-capacity tanks.
    • The need to build devices for soil filtration. This increases construction costs. It is especially difficult to have if there is clay or a high GWL on the site.

    Deep biorefining

    A modern septic tank is no longer just a sump, but a station that provides complete cleaning in the shortest possible time. Due to this, the plants are compact in size, and there is no need to build devices for soil aftertreatment. Principle of operation:

    • the first stage of processing is to settling the liquid;
    • but in the second section, additional equipment is installed - an aerator. Through the openings of this device, air is supplied to the medium to be cleaned, which ensures the creation of conditions for the flow of biological aerobic processes;
    • then the liquid settles again and is sent to the outlet.

    Advice! To ensure the highest level of cleaning, you can install additional block disinfection of water using ultraviolet light.

    Pros of the option:

    • high quality wastewater treatment;
    • compactness, choosing a place to install a biotreatment station on a site near a country house is much easier than allocating space for installing sedimentation tanks and fields for filtration;
    • the complete absence of odors, so residents and guests of the country house will not feel discomfort.

    • high installation cost;
    • the need to connect electricity.


    Special requirements are imposed on materials for the manufacture of septic tanks, namely:

    • resistance to corrosion;
    • strength;
    • tightness.

    When equipped local sewerage country house, most often used the following options septic tanks:

    • Brick. Previously, this was the most popular option, since bricks can be laid out of tanks of any size and shape. Moreover, the work of the wave can be done independently, without the involvement of construction equipment. This is important if the owners of a private house decide to manage the construction on their own. The disadvantages of this option are the insufficient tightness of brick tanks and the need for additional waterproofing work.

    • Plastic. Currently, plastic septic tanks are the most used type of treatment plants recommended for use in autonomous sewage systems of a private house. Such installations can be bought ready-made, or assembled independently, using ready-made plastic containers of the required volume. plastic models have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - they are too light and can float with a seasonal rise in groundwater.
    • Reinforced concrete. Reliable, heavy-duty construction. They can be prefabricated (from prefabricated reinforced concrete parts) or monolithic. The latter are more airtight, as they do not have seams, but prefabricated structures can be assembled much faster. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation, as well as the need for special equipment.

    Advice! Metal tanks in the construction of sewerage systems of a private country house are practically not used. Due to the susceptibility of metal to corrosion, a metal septic tank will be short-lived, and the use of stainless steel will make the treatment plant prohibitively expensive.

    Installation method

    According to the location of the sections, all treatment plants are divided into horizontally and vertically oriented. Vertical type treatment plants are the preferred option for a private house, as they require much less space during installation.

    However, this option can only be used at low GWL. If the level of soil water location is high, then you have to choose horizontal version. In this case, the depth of the tank will be small, but the area for installing a septic tank will require a significant amount. In addition, according to the method of installation, underground and surface are distinguished. The latter option is chosen if local conditions do not allow installation in the ground.

    What to consider when choosing?

    To make the right choice of treatment plant, you need to consider the following factors:

    • daily amount of effluents;
    • frequency of use (permanent, seasonal or occasional residence);
    • features of the geology of the site;
    • construction budget.

    So, for a summer residence used for periodic rest, an inexpensive drive is also quite suitable, and for a country house it is better to use more productive models - sedimentation tanks or bio-treatment stations.

    So there are different types septic tanks, so for any operating conditions you can choose the most optimal option. A properly selected and installed septic tank will last a long time, providing enough high efficiency disposal of sewage wastewater.

    Not so easy to get suitable septic tank for a country house - what to choose depends on many factors, so it is important to determine the main priorities and criteria for evaluating the compared models. Of course, the advice of professionals and the help of neighbors can be of great help, but it should be remembered that the choice in each case is individual. It depends, first of all, on the needs of the residents of the house and the conditions at a particular facility. The right choice will ensure maximum comfort and avoid problems during the operation and maintenance of an autonomous sewer system.

    When figuring out which septic tank to choose for a country house, it should be understood that it is important not only to compare models with each other, but also to correlate their characteristics with specific conditions.

    Take into account the following features:

    • climatic conditions,
    • structure, density and other features of the soil on the site,
    • mode of operation, which is determined by the nature of residence in the house (permanent, seasonal, periodic),
    • average daily volume of wastewater (this parameter can be calculated for more complex scheme, taking into account the type and number of plumbing fixtures and washing equipment, but more often they use a simplified scheme, considering that the average daily water consumption of one person is about 200 liters).

    Models of utilizers and their features

    Any septic tank for the sewerage of a country house has its own characteristics.


    Accumulators are the cheapest and simplest utilizers at the construction stage. It is advisable to choose them in the case when the house is not used too often or if the owners are ready to use the services of vacuum cleaners often.

    Factory septic tanks with additional stages of post-treatment

    Factory non-volatile septic tanks for a country house (for example, Tank, Triton, etc.) for effective work are supplied with infiltrators or soil post-treatment systems for them can be arranged independently. In the tanks of such products, sedimentation and partial purification of wastewater take place, and the final biological decomposition of impurities with the help of bacteria is carried out in the soil. Many people know that to install such septic tanks areas with high groundwater are not suitable, however, there is one more nuance - the filtration fields cannot always be in one place, and their transfer is a rather laborious matter, associated with a large amount of work. earthworks. The choice of a septic tank for a country house should take into account all the features of operation.

    Tip: Instead of filtration fields, it is possible to use a drainage well with a filtering bottom.

    Self-made septic tanks

    Self-construction of a septic tank takes time and effort, but this is largely justified by the cost-effectiveness of the option. Building a septic tank is much cheaper than buying a factory model.

    Settling tanks connected in series, poured concrete or, as well as other materials, provide stepwise clarification of effluents and can be quite effective when right choice volume and type of construction, as well as subject to the recommendations of specialists during the construction phase.

    Deep Cleaning Stations

    Local deep cleaning stations for wastewater can only be purchased. Settling of impurities in such models is combined with the decomposition of organic inclusions under the influence of and anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The advantages of such facilities are high degree cleaning and minimum requirements to service – VOCs work in automatic mode. However, it should be remembered that deep cleaning stations volatile and need to be connected to the mains supply. In addition, for many owners country houses a deterrent to purchase is the high cost of VOCs.

    Soil features

    Before determining which septic tank is best for a country house, study in detail the geological conditions on your site. In addition to the type of soil, the level of occurrence of surface waters, as well as the height of their rise, for example, during a flood, is important.

    Models for light soils

    If the soil in the country or household territory a country house is sandy or with a high content of sand (sandy loam), any type of septic tank can be chosen for arranging an autonomous sewage system. In particular, models with soil purification systems are effective under these conditions, since light soils pass and filter water well.

    On light soils, both expensive bio-treatment stations and simple budget drives work well.

    The photo shows an example of the arrangement of filtration fields on the site

    Models for heavy soils

    The high content of clay, which allows water to pass through only in a dry state, and, being saturated with moisture, becomes a waterproofing agent, imposes certain restrictions when choosing a treatment plant. If the soil on the site is clayey or loamy, and you are looking for the best septic tank for a country house, the rating will be topped by hermetic storage tanks and local treatment stations (VOCs). In this case, it is irrational to install a model with soil post-treatment. Theoretically, this is possible, but for the normal functioning of the device, you will have to perform a huge amount of earthwork - remove clay soil, replacing it with rubble or sand.

    Models for sites with high groundwater levels

    A high level of groundwater or a significant rise in a flood can create certain problems in the operation of an autonomous sewer. To avoid them, it is important to choose the right type of utilizer. Models that provide for the filtration of wastewater through the soil will not work in this case - the impurities present in them will enter the groundwater.

    Acceptable options are:

    • sealed storage,
    • VOCs, which provide for the forced removal of the purified liquid,
    • septic tanks with a post-treatment system located on the surface of the soil.

    Obviously, under any conditions, you can find the optimally suitable septic tank for a country house - decide for yourself what to choose.

    Performance of treatment facilities

    For trouble-free operation of the septic tank and prevention of overcrowding of tanks, it is important to choose the right model performance. This parameter, in turn, is related to the volume of cameras and their number.

    It has already been indicated above that the average daily volume of fluid intake is about 200 liters per person. The septic tank, according to accepted norms and rules, must contain the amount of drains for three days, so this figure should be tripled and multiplied by the number of residents. The result obtained will be the required performance of the utilizer, but experts do not recommend choosing “at a minimum”, you should make a small margin - 10-15% of the calculated volume, which is a kind of insurance and a way to reduce the risk of overfilling tanks.

    Having decided on the volume of the product, you can solve the issue of the number of cameras.

    • Single-chamber models are suitable for a minimum amount of wastewater (average daily volume is less than a cubic meter).
    • If the daily volume of effluents is no more than ten cubic meters, a two-chamber septic tank will be the best option.
    • Three-chamber models will ensure trouble-free waste disposal, even if a family of 4 lives permanently in the house, they are designed to process wastewater in a volume of more than 10 cubic meters per day.


    Many manufacturers produce different kinds septic tanks for a country house. Availability in model lines products with different parameters allows for each home to make a rational choice. At the same time, there are features characteristic of each brand.

    All parameters affect the cost of the utilizer, including:

    • septic volume,
    • the number of tanks connected in series (chambers, cleaning stages),
    • wastewater treatment technology,
    • Availability additional equipment(float level gauges, automatic control systems, filters, drainage pumps, airlifts, compressors),
    • case material,
    • company manufacturer.

    You can learn from another article as a system of soil post-treatment.

    If you decide to use it as a sewer, then our article will help in their selection and installation.

    About Features independent device outdoor toilet here.

    Popular Models

    In order to make it easier to navigate in the variety of models, we offer short review septic tanks for a country house of the most famous manufacturers.


    Non-volatile septic tanks, one of the advantages of which is the presence of a monolithic body, which excludes the possibility of waste entering the groundwater. To increase the strength of the body are supplied with stiffeners. In the range of septic tanks of this brand there are compact models for small dacha(capacity - 600 l / day) and high-performance (from 1200 l / day) products designed for permanent residence of a family of 5-6 people.


    Triton septic tanks are compact single-chamber models of the "mini" class (Triton-Mini, Triton-Micro) and models for a large number of drains (from 1000 l / day) with three series-connected chambers (Triton-T). All structures are characterized by increased strength, capable of withstanding loads from soil pressure.


    Models of this brand are energy-dependent (they belong to deep biological treatment plants - they clean wastewater by 98%), but differ from their counterparts in low power consumption. Reviews of septic tanks for a country house brand "Topas" prove their reliability. In addition, users note a large selection of products that differ in technical specifications(productivity, degree of deepening sewer pipe, method of waste disposal, etc.).

    Varieties autonomous sewers there are many. But what is the best septic tank for a summer residence or a country house for a particular family is often not clear to choose. Each type of VOC has its own advantages. Plus, there are a huge number of factory models with their own distinctive advantages. However, setting something to personal plot necessary. Without a treatment plant, there is no need to talk about comfortable living outside the city.

    Description and principle of operation of septic tanks

    The septic tank is designed for the accumulation and partial or complete processing of sewage from the house. Such structures are placed in dachas for temporary stay and near cottages, where a family of several people lives all year round. Accordingly, the type and performance of the treatment plant is selected based on the number of residents and the intensity of their use of the internal sewage system.

    When sewage enters the septic tank, these waters are settled (clarified), and then drained into the ground or pumped out by sewers. This is how an ordinary cesspool with anaerobic bacteria works. If a cottage is being improved, then such a simple cesspool is ideal for it.

    In more advanced biological stations with deep cleaning aerobic microorganisms are used, which, with the help of a compressor, are fed into the septic tank with an additional volume of air. So they eat organic matter much faster.

    Choosing the type of septic tank

    All variations of septic tanks are divided into:




    In the first case treatment plant is the simplest design sealed reservoir for the accumulation of effluents. For their subsequent pumping, a sewage machine is then used.

    Storage tank "Rostok"

    Two-chamber septic tank "Tank"

    The third option is full-fledged stations that process sewage by 95-99%. At the outlet of them, the water has technical condition, which allows it to be used for watering the garden in the country or washing the car in the garage near the house.

    Autonomous cleaning station "Topas"

    Accumulators and most of the anaerobic septic tanks are non-volatile structures. They do not have pumps and compressors, all water flows inside occur by gravity. They do not require electricity to operate. If the water supply for a country house is organized from a well or centrally, then this option is just perfect for a cottage.

    Aerobic septic tanks are stations that depend on uninterrupted power supply. They have better effluent treatment rates. But the aerators pumping air into the chamber with activated sludge need constant power from the electrical network.

    For summer cottages, it is best to choose a septic tank of the first or second type. Such VOCs are cheaper to manufacture, easier to maintain and do not depend on the power supply. But for full-fledged private houses outside the city, it is worth choosing an aerobic station. A large family of effluents produces a lot; a cesspool or an anaerobic plant will not be able to cope with significant daily volumes.

    For the manufacture of septic tanks are used:

    1. Reinforced concrete.

    by the most the best septic tanks for dachas, factory anaerobic models with a polyethylene body are considered. They effectively clean drains, take up little space and do not need electricity. Plus, you can put them right next to country house. Moreover, it does not matter if the screw or pile-strip foundation is used for its construction.

    Moisture from such VOC will not have a special effect on this base. Such a septic tank is airtight, and the infiltrator or drainage well it is possible to take away from the building far away. In a similar situation, when building a house, it is even allowed to use gas silicate blocks, which really do not like high humidity.

    The choice of performance and volume of the septic tank

    Septic tanks for summer cottages and cottages are selected based on calculations of water consumption by people living in the house. If it is known how much waste flows into the sewer per day, then it will not be difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another structure. For all factory-made models, the passport indicates their total volume, salvo discharge and daily productivity.

    With a complete calculation of the cubic capacity of wastewater discharged into the sewer, according to all the rules, it is necessary to take into account all plumbing fixtures in a residential building. Each of them has its own average rate of water discharge per day. For example, about 0.1 is drained from the toilet into the septic tank, 0.15–0.2 from the sink in the kitchen or bath, and about 0.14 l / day from the shower. It is necessary to add up the consumption of all plumbing installed in the dwelling - this will be the total volume of wastewater per person.

    Model range "Termite" for various volumes

    Such accurate calculations are often made only by designers. To simplify the calculations, it is customary to lay a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 liters per person per day. A septic tank for a summer residence is usually calculated according to the minimum bar, and for a house with permanent residence - according to the maximum.

    After determining the daily volume, it is multiplied by 3 (three days). It is within three days that sewage in the septic tank is completely processed. Based on this received figure, it will be possible to choose which station, specifically in terms of volume, is better to install on your site.

    Choosing a manufacturer of septic tanks for a summer residence

    It is impossible to say unequivocally which septic tanks for summer cottages should be purchased here and now right in the store. The range of ready-made stations from the factory is extensive. Some come out cheaper at the price of VOCs, the latter are easier to install, and still others are optimally suited in terms of volume for a particular situation.

    From domestic manufacturers Stations from:

      GK "TOPOL-ECO" - various models"Topas".

      "Triton Plastic" - "Tank", "MikrobMini" and "BioTank".

      PC "Multplast" - "Termite" and "Ergobox".

      "SBM-Group" - "Unilos" with modifications "Astra", "Cedar" and "Mega".

    Septic tanks for dachas of these manufacturers occupy the lion's share of the Russian VOC market. Owners often refer to their products as their own. best choice. The range of these factories includes both anaerobic non-volatile models and more efficient aerobic models with pumps. Among them there are modifications not only for standard soils, but also for areas with high GWL.

    Of the foreign manufacturers, only Finnish Uponor is worth mentioning. If the dacha is located in the North-West of the Russian Federation and preference is given to imports, then better than a septic tank will be difficult to find. This company offers several solutions for a different number of people living in a cottage. There are plenty to choose from. Here, as - the market has domestic products and imported. The choice is at the discretion of the buyer.

    Which septic tank to choose for a summer residence or a house?

    A septic tank for a summer residence can be made independently of brick, iron barrel or concrete rings. This is the most cheap option. But it is much easier to take a ready-made treatment plant from the factory, which only needs to be installed in a pre-dug pit. And if you have money and want European quality, then you can order a cleaning station made in Finland. The choice is extensive, it all depends on the excellent preferences of the owner of the cottage.

    The appearance of the septic tank at the cottage