Make an autonomous sewage system with your own hands. Do-it-yourself autonomous sewerage: we equip the sewerage system for a private house step by step

The device of an autonomous sewage system is a complex technical problem. Before starting construction, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of water consumption and drainage for the future. For this, the norms of water consumption per person have been developed and they give an idea of ​​the amount of wastewater and their treatment. An error in counting the number of people will lead to an increase in the cost of maintaining the sewage system. Improper drainage will lead to pollution drinking water neighbors and tense relations with the sanitary and epidemiological station. Drainage is a big financial cost and any alteration of sewage pipelines is associated with financial losses. Before the device of an autonomous sewage system, take into account:

  • minimum air temperatures in winter to determine the depth of pipes and septic tanks;
  • soil structure;
  • depth of groundwater;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • dimensions land plot;
  • relief of the land.

It is necessary to design an autonomous sewerage system with a performance margin of 10-15%. Technical calculations are trusted by design organizations.

What an autonomous sewage system consists of

The simplest sewage system is a concrete cesspool arranged in clay soils with the pumping out of sewage by a sewer. The pit is arranged in a suitable place, providing the entrance of the sewer. Such a drainage system is made in the country or in a country house, where the owners come to the entrance.

For houses with big amount sewage drainage autonomous sewage system will have the following options:

  • storage tanks made of metal or plastic;
  • storage tanks with filtration wells;
  • storage tanks with filtration fields;
  • biological treatment systems.

The choice of the type of autonomous sewage system depends on the amount of household wastewater and geological structure soils. The device of filtration wells or filtration fields is limited by the presence of an artesian well in the nearest territory. They fall under the protection of the Law in Russian Federation"About subsoil" and have security zone in which the construction of such structures is prohibited.

Installation of storage tanks

For the device of such a sewage system, you must choose appropriate place and decide on the construction method. There are two options for the device of storage tanks:

  • make a container of reinforced concrete;
  • buy ready-made.

Before starting construction, an estimate of the costs is made. Perhaps the purchase of a ready-made storage tank will be cheaper. Correct device a storage tank for sewage waste with waterproofing will make it impossible for sewage to penetrate into groundwater. All storage tanks must be installed below the level of soil freezing, have good thermal insulation and a warm frost protection cover on top.

The advantages of such a waste disposal system:

  • ease of installation;
  • non-scarce materials;
  • no electricity needed;

The disadvantage of this method is the constant costs of the sewer.

Tips: Installation of septic tanks is regulated sanitary standards and it cannot be installed closer to the water supply than 30 meters.

In addition to reinforced concrete for the construction of wells, you can use stone, brick, concrete blocks followed by plastering from the inside and waterproofing device. The place must be chosen so that an excavator can drive up to the well to perform earthworks.

Installation of storage tanks with filtration fields

If the house is home to a large number of people, frequent calls to a flush truck can be expensive. Therefore, it makes sense to drain the sewage system into storage tanks and redirect them to filtration fields. Such a system is made for a large volume of sewage. She demands large area land and large financial investments. To do this, you need to large volume earthworks. If there is a possibility of uniting with neighbors, then such a system is made common for several houses. Such cooperation reduces the cost of construction treatment facilities.

Types of storage tanks for sewage

Modern storage tanks are made of plastic. They have many advantages:

  • durable;
  • durable;
  • lungs;
  • do not rot;
  • do not rust.

They do not require heavy lifting cranes during installation. They don't need waterproofing. The industry produces the most different forms and volume. The disadvantage of such tanks is the high price. All of them must be equipped with sensors for the filling of tanks to avoid overflow of sewage.

Internal sewerage systems

Internal sewerage is used to divert sewage from the house to treatment facilities or storage tanks. Design, construction and calculation internal sewerage regulated building codes and rules SNIP 2.04.01.-85. All systems have vertical and horizontal sections. There can be several vertical sections (risers). The horizontal sections of the sewer pipes divert the drains to the risers. All risers must have an exit to the roof and a minimum diameter of 100 mm. Horizontal sections should be designed and installed with a slope. Best material for sewer pipes, it is plastic. They are lightweight, strong, durable, inexpensive. All slopes for internal sewerage are summarized in the table:

Tips: Internal sewer pipes should have a slope of at least 30 mm per meter of pipe.

External sewerage systems

External sewer networks can be made of various materials:

  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • asbestos cement;

These pipes lead to external storage systems or underground filtration fields. They are laid below the level of soil freezing with appropriate slopes. When arranging outdoor sewerage systems it is necessary to provide a well near the house in case of clogging of the sewer. Pipes are laid below the level of soil freezing. If this is not possible, then they are insulated with polyurethane foam from freezing.

Types of autonomous wastewater treatment systems

Autonomous systems are the real treatment facilities in miniature. They have two methods of waste processing:

  • soil filtration method;
  • deep biological treatment.

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages.

Soil filtration method

Septic tanks with soil filtration have a simple sewage treatment mechanism. The septic tanks with filtration are divided into several chambers with partitions. Solid waste, passing through the chambers, settles on the bottom and decomposes under the influence of anaerobic bacteria. This method of cleaning allows you to clean the wastewater by 65-70%. After that, partially treated wastewater goes either into the soil to the fields of underground filtration, or into filtration wells. Then they are cleaned by bacteria in the soil.


  • relatively low cost;
  • durability;
  • low maintenance costs;
  • works without power supply.

    These systems do not require skilled workers for maintenance and once installed, they function. long time without repair.

    The disadvantages of such a treatment system are the ingress of untreated wastewater into groundwater.

Biological wastewater treatment

This cleaning system is produced as a monoblock with necessary equipment: pump, compressor for air supply, electronic control unit. Waste is processed in this unit with the help of anaerobic bacteria. To accelerate the cleaning of wastewater in the aeration tank, the compressor feeds uncompressed air. Cleaning takes place in several stages. The settled sludge is pumped into a sump and periodically removed. The advantages of this method:

  • almost complete wastewater treatment;
  • compact placement;
  • no flusher needed;

The disadvantages of such treatment facilities are the constant consumption of electricity, the cost of Maintenance a purification unit by a specialized organization, constant financial costs for the maintenance of a wastewater treatment plant. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the ingress of aggressive chemicals into the cleaning system:

  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • chlorine-containing disinfectants;
  • means for cleaning sewer pipelines;
  • potassium permanganate and similar substances.

They will kill bacteria that process waste and then you need to pump out sewerage septic tank, rinse it and start cleaning again. Although biological wastewater treatment is expensive, it performs its function better than any other known wastewater treatment system.

The best solution is to install a septic tank. An autonomous sewerage system using a septic tank does not require complex and expensive maintenance, is reliable in operation and, importantly, can be assembled by hand.

Types of septic tanks

There are several models of septic tanks suitable for a separate house or several houses at once. So that you can better navigate the types of autonomous drainage and wastewater treatment, I will tell you about several design options for septic tanks.

Small single chamber septic tank

This option is suitable for a home with permanent residence 1-2 people and with little water consumption.

Small septic tank 2-3-chamber

The effluent goes first to large capacity... Here solids are settled and processed. As a result, sludge is formed, which must be pumped out twice a year.

In a small container, separated by a partition, substances that are not retained in the large container are deposited. The contents of this reservoir should also be removed. Water from a small septic tank must be discharged into the ground drainage system or through a filter well.

I must say right away that these septic tanks are expensive, so it is advisable to install them for a group of nearby houses. In a multi-chamber septic tank, wastewater flows from chamber to chamber for ten days, while the waste decomposes under the influence of bacteria, the purified water is poured into a reservoir or returned for reuse.

What to make a septic tank

The cost and complexity of installation depends on the choice of material for a septic tank. A septic tank with your own hands for a private house can be built from the following materials:

Reinforced concrete

The prefabricated structure is suitable for a single chamber version. Reinforced concrete septic tank waterproof, so it will last a long time, will not suffer from corrosion.

Another advantage of such a septic tank is simple and quick installation.


The advantage of this type of septic tank is that you buy a ready-to-install module. A plastic container is reliable and durable, but it costs more than a brick or concrete one.

If the groundwater runs high in your area, the walls may not withstand the pressure, and the joints will rupture.

Preventing such complications allows the concreting of the pit or the device of reinforced concrete floors.

Monolithic concrete

For a two-chamber septic tank, you can use monolithic concrete is a reliable and not too expensive material. However, concrete construction requires professional skills.


You can also build a septic tank out of bricks yourself. The device differs from the usual masonry only in the presence of a waterproofing layer.

You are building a sewage system for a long time, so do not try to save money on it - these costs are justified.

Septic tank device

I propose to consider the device of a septic tank in a private house with your own hands using an example plastic options taking into account their parameters and specific conditions. A plastic septic tank is an impermeable reservoir of two chambers (the simplest option).

Principle of operation

  • The drains flow through the pipes into the first chamber. Heavy fractions settle, and fat and other impurities float up. Primary water clarification takes place.
  • The water is poured into the second chamber with bacteria, where settling and cleaning continues.
  • Complete wastewater treatment is completed in a biofilter, after which the water is discharged into a filter well or returned to the house for reuse.

How to calculate the volume of effluent

When choosing a septic tank model, take into account the volume of drains, since the number of chambers and their capacity depend on this. The chamber must be able to accommodate three-day drains, therefore:

  • With a daily volume of wastewater up to 1 cubic meter, one chamber is sufficient.
  • A two-chamber septic tank can handle 10 cubic meters.
  • For large volumes, a three-chamber model is required.

Installation and operation of a septic tank

When buying a septic tank, you will definitely receive instructions for its installation and operating rules. Specialized firms, as soon as they call, will select and install. But this is not about us, we will do everything ourselves!

1. Preparation of the pit

The dimensions of the pit depend on the parameters of the purchased model of the septic tank, as well as on the soil on the site. At the bottom, in any case, you need to lay a layer of sand of 150 mm, a foundation or a concrete slab.

2. Installation of a septic tank.

The structure must be carefully lowered to the bottom of the pit and filled with water. After that, sand is poured into the voids on the sides.

3. Post-treatment

If additional treatment is provided for filtration fields, they should be located at a distance of more than 50 meters from the water source, 30 meters from the reservoir and 5 meters from the housing.

4. Pipe laying

Trenches are dug at a depth of 50 cm, the bottom is covered with sand and pipes are laid. A layer of sand and soil is poured on top. When using aeration fields, the trenches must be deeper.

5. Prevention

Maintenance of an autonomous sewage system is reduced to the annual cleaning of the tank. The installation of knowingly high-quality equipment is a prerequisite for a comfortable life in your own home.

If you order the installation of a septic tank to specialists, the installation price will be from 20 to 60 thousand rubles, which means that installing a septic tank with your own hands is a profitable business.

To clearly understand the processes, see the sewerage scheme in a private house with your own hands in the photo below:

Also watch the video on how to make a sewage system with your own hands in a private house on the page below.

To date, do-it-yourself autonomous sewage is performed using plastic pipes and fittings. In private homes and country houses where there is no centralized sewerage system, the arrangement of the local system is the only one possible option feel all the benefits of civilization.

The predominant use of plastic is due to the obvious advantages that this material provides. After all, it does not corrode and is as convenient as possible during installation.

Autonomous sewerage: device and principle of operation

For the first time, faced with the need to install a sewage system in a country house, a number of questions may arise regarding the design and installation of the system. First of all, you need to find out what an autonomous sewage system is.

Autonomous sewerage is the local network water treatment communications, which has an independent pipeline and individual treatment facilities.

The autonomous sewerage device includes the following components:

  1. Internal network of plumbing fixtures and pipes.
  2. External piping.
  3. Treatment facilities (septic tank).
  4. Compressor (optional). You can choose more modern modifications of a septic tank that initially use a compressor, or add it to an existing purification system.

The principle of operation of an autonomous sewage system is to drain the processed water and waste through the internal pipes to the outside, where they enter the septic tank through a well-functioning system. In the septic tank, a three-stage wastewater treatment takes place, and then they are sent to further soil purification in a filtering well or an absorbing trench. To speed up the process of decomposition of wastewater, it is recommended to supply oxygen to the septic tank. This can be achieved by installing a compressor.

The final stage sewer cleaning The following diagram demonstrates well:

If a compressor is installed, the flow of oxygen into the internal chambers of the sump promotes aerobic and anaerobic processes for the complete decomposition of organic impurities. Wastewater treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

Which sewerage system to choose

Exists different ways arrangement of an autonomous sewerage system. It is not so easy to determine which drainage network better fit for your home.

Do right choice a detailed classification will help:

The main advantages of septic tanks with mechanical cleaning

The use of a wastewater treatment system using septic tanks is widely used in country houses and summer cottages due to the following advantages:

  • The septic tank does not require maintenance;
  • The device operates at any time of the year;
  • Work interruptions are allowed;
  • The installation does not require an electrical connection.

Suburban low-rise buildings need to organize wastewater treatment. Autonomous sewerage in a private house - modern way solving the problem in the absence of a centralized system.

Types of sewerage systems

The careful selection of sanitary ware for the home and its elegant integration into the interior of bathrooms, toilets and kitchens must be complemented by thoughtful wastewater disposal. In the absence of a centralized sewerage system, this problem requires the selection of an option, taking into account the requirements for each specific case.

Before choosing the most suitable option for organizing wastewater in a particular case, you must familiarize yourself with all possible methods. There are several ways to dispose of wastewater (fecal and industrial water).


This accumulation system is considered the simplest for a private house. Her required size determined by the number of people living. Most often, this option is chosen for a suburban building that is not used for permanent residence.

A special reservoir is used as a storage tank, which is pumped out by the sewage service. A container is made of concrete, steel, or a ready-made one is purchased from plastic. In case of poor-quality installation, in addition to sewage, surface waters, as well as depressurization occur.

The size is determined based on the water consumption of the residents of the building. For example, for a family of 3 people, a cesspool with a volume of 10 m³ will need to be cleaned about once every half a month.

To remove drains and clean the tank, it is necessary to call special vehicles. Depending on the volume of the wastewater tank and the intensity of its use, the pumping frequency can reach 2-4 times a month. The organization of the accumulation system is considered the cheapest, but its maintenance with the involvement of sewage equipment is expensive.

Advantages of the accumulative home autonomous sewage system:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • democratic cost of materials;
  • primitive construction;
  • no dependence on electricity.

Cons of the system:

  • an unpleasant odor is likely;
  • the need to turn to the services of sewers, which is not cheap;
  • when soil is clogged, it becomes necessary to organize a new storage system.

When organizing a cesspool, it is necessary to foresee in advance the possibility of access to the tank of a sewer truck.

Septic tank with mechanical cleaning

This method is one of the most popular. The advantages of this method are:

  • rare cleaning - about once a year;
  • no electricity supply required;
  • uncomplicated organization system;
  • relative ease of installation.

The principle of the device using multiple cameras:

    1. Through the system of sewer pipes, wastewater enters the tank and settles.
    2. After partial settling, the effluent flows into an adjacent tank and settles again.
    3. Transfer of liquid to the tank for additional treatment. At this stage, the screening of those contaminants that did not settle in the previous containers take place.

The disadvantages include the low quality of cleaning (about 60%) and the need for subsequent post-treatment. For high-quality wastewater treatment, you will need drainage wells, drainage blocks or filtration fields.

The option is selected taking into account:

  • soil composition;
  • the passage of groundwater;
  • terrain.

The disadvantages of the system include:

  • not enough high degree cleaning;
  • possible unpleasant odor

Septic tanks with biological treatment

It - modern method cleaning with high efficiency recognized as one of the best eco-friendly options today. There are several options for autonomous sewage systems in a private house, which are based on the principle of biological treatment.

The most popular and reliable systems include: Topas, Tank and others that provide high level filtration of effluents. Their operation is distinguished by noiselessness, and the units themselves combine ergonomics and reliability while respecting the environment.

Features of the organization:

  1. The presence of a compressor and a supply of electricity is mandatory, since in its absence the system does not work.
  2. Efficiency is the main asset.
  3. Long service life - tens of years.
  4. No pollution to the environment.
  5. Lack of unpleasant odor.
  6. High degree of wastewater treatment.
  7. Feasibility of installation such a system depends on the intensity of use by the system. On a rare visit country house costs can be unreasonably high.

Deep biological treatment plants are several sealed containers... Multilevel cleaning is achieved using a series of chambers and aeration. Each camera in the system has its own function.

The principle of operation of an autonomous sewage system of a private house by the method of deep biological treatment:

Camera number

Principle of operation


1. Wastewater inflow, their fractional separation (heavy particles precipitate) This is the largest container in size
2. With a special jet pump or the use of another device, wastewater is fed into the chamber, where anaerobic microorganisms act on organic compounds In this container, an active decomposition phase is carried out, during which intensive biological processes of oxidation of organic pollutants occur.
3. Secondary treatment (aeration) The chamber is a sump in which the next stage of post-treatment takes place
4. Removal of purified water Final removal of liquid from the purification complex

At correct installation wastewater treatment by this method reaches almost 100%.

When choosing autonomous system it is advisable to lay the sewage system in compliance with the following requirements:

  • autonomy of work (without the need for constant monitoring);
  • efficiency of functioning;
  • calculation of the peak load of the treatment system (maximum possible discharge) to prevent overflow;
  • SNiP standards;
  • the installation of the system should take into account the number of people living in the house, which affects the frequency of use of plumbing.

In addition to the listed points, additional physical and geographic parameters are necessarily taken into account. A significant difference in how the autonomous sewerage system of a private house works is in the actual purification of runoff water, and not in their accumulation.

Sewerage depth

In cases where the sewage system in the house was installed before the treatment plant, the depth of the withdrawal must be taken into account sewer pipe from the foundation. This limitation affects the further organization of the treatment plant, and affects the cost.


This parameter should correspond to the load of the wastewater intake, namely the calculation of the volume of liquid that passes over a certain period of time, taking into account the size of the tank. Real throughput must meet the technical specifications.

Manufacturing material

The properties of the material used to manufacture the treatment system impose requirements on the process of operation, installation and subsequent maintenance.

In the process of organizing a treatment plant (depending on the system), the following materials can be involved:

  • metal;
  • concrete;
  • fiberglass.

Power supply and its paramount importance

For a local wastewater treatment plant that requires an electrical connection, uninterrupted power supply is very important. In the latest generation systems, there are sensors, compressors, and other elements, the operation of which is dependent on the power supply.

Geographic conditions: what to look for

When installing the system, the terrain (natural slopes), the presence, type of soil, the passage of groundwater must be taken into account. Depending on the type of soil, the installation of the system can be complicated, which ultimately will affect the cost of the work. Ground water, their depth, affect the complexity of the installation of the treatment system and the likelihood of flooding the site.

If there is no experience in organizing such structures, the work should be entrusted to professional craftsmen.

It is necessary to install an autonomous sewage system taking into account the following requirements:

  • no closer than 5 meters from the building.
  • at least 30 meters from the source of drinking water.

Costing principles

The cost of installing a wastewater treatment system depends on many factors:

  • type of treatment plant;
  • septic tanks;
  • site features (size, soil composition);
  • complexity and scope of work;
  • material consumption.

For an accurate calculation of the estimate, it is necessary to call a specialist to the place.

Construction stages

The device of an autonomous sewage system takes place in compliance with certain stages:

  1. Design, selection of the best option.
  2. Digging a pit.
  3. Installation of the system in the pit.
  4. Summing up and joining.
  5. Filling the pit.
  6. Testing the complex.
  7. Launch.

Depending on the characteristics of the site, the expected load of the system and the area, you can choose suitable system, capable of creating comfort for the residents of the house. A good organization of drainage for a cottage is an autonomous sewage system in a private house using biological purification methods. These systems are reliable, environmentally friendly and highly efficient.

Installation of an autonomous sewage system in a private house - video

The article provides step-by-step instruction for the installation of an autonomous sewage system at the site of a country house. You will learn how to choose the right place for the system and how to discharge the water. You will find detailed installation instructions and a table with the calculation of the price of an autonomous sewage system.

Modern human requirements for housing include not only electricity and water supply, but also effective disposal from waste. Household waste they are taken out by special companies, but the wastewater has to be disposed of locally.

System parts

In order to get an idea of ​​the installation stages, we will find out what the parts of an autonomous sewage system are. Many years earlier, they used cesspools and sedimentation tanks - water seeped from them directly into the soil through special holes. This approach does not withstand modern environmental requirements, therefore, autonomous underground wastewater treatment systems were created.

Automatic cleaning systems. These are volatile systems that are installed and maintained by the specialists of the manufacturing company. Have a rather complicated internal organization, but they consist of one block, in which the sediment compartment, bioseptic and equipment for aeration and pumping (pump, compressor, fittings) are located. They work discreetly and efficiently.

Septic tank. Tank, or a system of tanks in which waste water settles. Purified water is drained off according to the gravity overflow principle. Such structures can be created independently and maintained on their own. The advantage of septic tanks is the possibility of phased modernization.

Septic tank equipment. These are pumps, sewage pumps (fecal pumps), aerators, filling sensors, alarms, automatic shut-off valves. According to the installation principle, the equipment is:

  1. Internal (concealed) installation - elements and devices are located inside the tanks or in capsules or caissons next to them. Only automation controls are brought into the room. Such a system is convenient in that it does not take up space in the room, but its control, repair and maintenance are difficult. It is used when working on a large area (at a distance from the building).
  2. Outdoor installation. Maximum amount nodes and devices were taken out into the premises of the house (boiler room, nodal). Only containers, pipes and sensors remain underground. Convenient repair, maintenance, control. Problems - takes up space, power loss of external pumps (in comparison with submersible ones), noise.

Drop point. The choice of the principle for the removal of treated water is selected based on local realities:

  1. Storm sewage.
  2. Ditch, gutter.
  3. External discharge (if the water is suitable for irrigation).
  4. Drainage field.

The quality of the purified water is checked in the laboratory of the SES, where you can also get a certificate of the quality of water allowed for external discharge (irrigation).

Choosing a location on the site

This conclusion is drawn from the basic requirements of different systems.

Factory autonomous cleaning system It has detailed instructions and written installation recommendations. These documents state that the device can be located 1.8 meters from the foundation of the building. Hence the conclusion - such systems are perfect for compact and even urban areas.

Homemade septic tanks and prefabricated systems are more cumbersome, so they will require a larger pit. When constructing treatment facilities on the basis of conventional tanks (with the subsequent installation of equipment), it is not possible to do with one barrel. It takes two and sometimes three containers. Consider this, as well as the length and slope of the highways when choosing a location.

Drainage field will allow the utilization of coarse water (one tank), but will require significant excavation work. However, during operation, its presence and operation will be invisible.


Based reference information and the realities of the site, you have decided on the choice of the system and it's time to start installation.

Assumed baseline data:

  1. A prefabricated system based on three underground plastic tanks of the Triton-N 1500 type (price 330 USD). The first is a sedimentary septic tank (sump), the second is a bioseptic (bioreactor) with an aerator, and the third is a purified water storage tank.
  2. Optional equipment- filling sensor, compressor, pump. Location - outdoor.
  3. Water is used in summer for irrigation, in winter it is discharged into the drainage field.

The containers can be located either in a chain or in a concentrated manner. After determining the location of the septic tank, excavate a pit, the dimensions of which in the plan will exceed the dimensions of the structure by 300 mm on each side. Freezing of the soil in this case does not matter, since the containers will be insulated.

  1. Excavate a pit with a depth equal to the height of the tank plus 400 mm (the tanks will be completely underground).

Important! The inlet level of the first tank must be below the level of the house spout. Difference - based on the norm of 20 mm per 1 m of the line length.

  1. Lay a layer of sand of 100 mm at the bottom of the pit and tamp it by hand.
  2. Install tanks and tie them plastic pipe(50-75 mm) on the tops.

Attention! The clean water intake pipe must be submerged 200 mm in water.

  1. Remove the sewer from the house along the trench and connect it to the sump.
  2. Connect the inlet of the aerator (armored hose) and bring it together with the inlet pipe into the house.
  3. Connect the drain pipe at the level of 1/3 of the storage tank height and lead it out into the house (for the subsequent connection of the pump).
  4. Seal all connections carefully. Insulate pipes with materials based on foamed polyethylene (Merilon, Energoflex, Penopol). Cover the tanks with 100 mm M35 foam.
  5. Install revision aeration pipes and covers for them.
  6. Install shut-off valves for switching summer and winter regimes reset. Connect the treated water outlet to the irrigation system.
  7. Fill the pit sinuses with sand, spilling water every 30-40 mm of thickness.
  8. Decorate the landscape over the septic tank.

In practice, such a system does not require intervention in underground part decades. The addition of bacteria to the aerator and the evacuation of the sump can be done through inspection pipes.

Drainage field or absorbent pad

This structure is a system of pipes with holes laid on drainage material - crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay. It should be located 300 mm below the level of soil freezing. A vegetable garden or a garden with small trees may be located above it.


To determine the size of the field, it is necessary to calculate the diameter and length of the pipes that can accommodate a single maximum discharge (V). With reasonable water management, this figure is approximately 100 liters per person. Suppose there are four tenants and V = 400 liters (0.4 m 3).

With a pipe diameter of 150 mm, the cross-sectional area will be equal to:

  • S = Pr 2 = 3.14 x 0.0752 = 0.017 m 2

From the known volume, we calculate the length of the pipe:

  • L = V / S = 0.4 / 0.017 = 23.5 lin. m

Add 10% of the stock 23.5 + 10% = 27.35 and accept total length pipes 28 m.

  • 28/4 = 7 m, a total of 4 segments of 7 m

When using other diameters, other parameters will change proportionally. Drainage pipes should be tied at one end into a common branch pipe and connected to the "winter" outlet. The free ends of the pipes must protrude outward and communicate with the atmosphere.

Along the length, exactly at the bottom of the pipe, make holes Ø 20 mm with a step of 250 mm and lay these holes down on a cushion of rubble at least 400 mm thick. The structure should be covered with sand up to the top of the pipes.

Table. Water purification system cost

Name Unit rev. Qty Unit price, cu e. Cost, USD e.
Septic tank "Triton-N" 1500 PCS 3 330 990
Surface pump "Agidel-M" PCS 1 40 40
Compressor Sturm MC8864 PCS 1 50 50
Sewer pipe KGEM single-socket (150) pog. m 40 5 80
Insulation (materials) - - - 50
Sealing connections (materials) - - - 20
Hoses, cables, fasteners, connections, etc. - - - 50
Total 1280
The cost of a factory autonomous system of similar action from 1800 USD e.

After a complete set of such a system (with a pump and a compressor) and the launch of bacteria into the bioreactor, the output indicators will not be inferior to the factory models. Moreover, the cost own design will be 40% lower.