Septic tanks for summer cottages - what is it and how to choose the right model. How to choose a septic tank for a private house: what are the types, principles of operation Choosing a septic tank for a country house comparison

The times when you could just use an outdoor toilet in summer cottages and country houses are long gone. Modern hygiene requirements have grown markedly, and now you need to strictly monitor the safety when handling household waste. Help solve the problem good septic tanks, but in order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to carefully study their nuances.


Connection to centralized sewer systems is not possible everywhere. It is much more practical and reliable to remove sewage and household waste through a septic tank than using a banal cesspool. Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of septic tanks, it should be noted that only one circumstance can cause certain inconveniences. This is the need to pay a certain amount of money even if the device is made by hand.

The principle of operation of the storage device is simple:

  • waste enters the container;
  • as it fills, they call a car with a pump and a sewage tank;
  • for some time, the empty container is again ready to receive waste.

As for the apparatus of the second type, it works fundamentally differently. The simple accumulation of contaminants is replaced by their filtering, absorption and careful neutralization. The complication of the design in this case is fully justified, since it allows the most efficient solution of the problem. When choosing products, it is recommended to take into account how many residents are in the house or can visit it. Also of no small importance is the fact that plumbing equipment and the intensity of his work.

Regardless of the specific performance, a high level of purification must be achieved. Wastewater so that they can be dumped into the ground without the threat of clogging. Usually, the flow of sewage entering through the sewer drain is sent to the source chamber, where it is divided into fractions. This leads to the fact that the largest solid particles settle to the bottom, and a relatively fine suspension reaches the next chamber. Specially selected anaerobic microorganisms deal with them there. As a result of biological action, fermentation occurs, methane begins to be released.

Passages to the compartments of septic tanks are covered with special devices (water locks). Thanks to this solution, the trouble characteristic of simple cesspools and settling tanks is eliminated - the spread of a bad smell everywhere.

The third chamber also plays its role, in which, with the help of a specially designed filter, contaminants that have overcome the first two stages are captured. The filter is already assisted by aerobic bacteria living freely in an oxygen environment. Such a device is typical for any septic tank, whether it is a Russian or imported product.

Completely finished specimens, after delivery to the site, are lowered into a pre-formed pit. Those effluents that have managed to go through three stages of purification are completely safe in chemical and biological terms. You can safely redirect them to the filtration field and into the soil. Compliant with SNiP standards treatment plant successfully operates even in the most severe climatic conditions. He is not afraid of severe frosts and snowstorms, and some versions do not depend on power at all.

If for some reason factory products do not suit you or there is a desire to save money, site owners can make a septic tank themselves.

For this, completely ready-made tanks are supplied, but with the difference that their installation will be carried out not by a team of specialists, but by the owners themselves. It is recommended to choose the strongest materials that successfully tolerate the aggressive action of sewage waste. Before self-installation of septic tanks, drawings should be prepared to eliminate errors and shortcomings. Sometimes 3-6 rings of concrete are enough to complete the task.

How to choose and do it yourself?

When working on autonomous sewerage, there are no trifles, because even the slightest mistakes and shortcomings can lead to serious consequences. It is advisable to consider first the choice of the finished product, and then designing it. with my own hands. In both cases, you need to take into account:

  • how much waste accumulates per day;
  • do they live in the house all year round or only in the warm season;
  • the amount of plumbing used;
  • the presence of groundwater and their location height, chemical properties;
  • the amount that the owners can allocate for the purchase of plumbing equipment;
  • soil characteristics in the area.

Assessing the properties of any septic tank, be it homemade or industrial, it is better to start analyzing them from the performance of the device. This parameter is closely related to the number of working chambers and their dimensions. Minor wastewater flows can also be passed through single-chamber septic tanks with a preliminary cleaning link. Household waste in this case will be cleaned quite effectively. But if the total flow is over 1 cu. m. in 24 hours, we need a more productive model.

In its design, such an apparatus often represents a simple drive, systematically cleaned with one's own hands or when calling a sewage truck. For permanently used houses, such solutions are unacceptable. Active accumulation of waste will provoke significant costs for the services of sewers. Increased work efficiency is typical for biological cleaning complexes.

Anaerobic wastewater treatment methods inevitably generate gases that are dangerous to humans. Therefore, you need to choose only sets with a fan riser. When choosing a suitable solution, you also need to find out:

  • what body material will be optimal;
  • whether it is necessary to place the tank in the soil horizontally or vertically;
  • how many cleaning chambers are required.

Simple installation of concrete sedimentation tanks from blocks of standard dimensions or by pouring concrete into the formwork is available to almost everyone. The use of ready-made elements allows you not to be afraid of problems with the quality of the manufacture of parts, but it increases the cost of construction. For the transportation of concrete rings, powerful transport is needed, and their installation is carried out by special lifting machines. Self-filling is more economical, but it will take noticeably more time. It will be necessary to operate the sump only after the cement mixture has completely set.

Iron concrete rings difficult to seal, their suitability for repair remains in question. Such parts are very bulky and heavy in their execution. But concrete products are more resistant than plastic products to the pressure of soil and soil water.

Don't have to choose budget septic tanks with metal tanks, because the savings will be illusory. It will be necessary to constantly treat the surface of the septic tank with anti-corrosion mixtures.

Metal blocks are preferred where it is required to create geometrically complex systems of overflow pipes. For the installation of metal septic tanks, welding is used. Connections to plastic pipes are made using flange systems, complemented by rubber cuffs. The strength and considerable weight of the steel hulls help to avoid being pushed out by the water circulating in the soil. In many cases, plastic septic tanks are used for a cottage or a simple private house.

Plastic elements can be mounted manually, and the tightness of the connections created with the help of cuffs is fully guaranteed. There is no need for complex protection against various substances.

After installation, plastic tanks are filled with water, this will help equalize the pressure inside and outside.

For your information: the industry produces a number of products that are characterized by increased rigidity. This allows you to bury septic tanks in dry mode.

When choosing a device, it is worth paying attention to how the drain will be organized. The direction of the liquid by gravity implies the need to lay pipes under a slope. Chambers of storage or filtration septic tanks are equipped with stable waterproofing or are made of water-impervious materials. When constructing a cleaning system with your own hands, you need to add overflow pipes to the septic tanks, which transfer water to the filter section. Branch pipes are required to be supplemented with vertical segments continuously immersed in water.

As with self-manufacturing, and when buying a ready-made kit, different methods of final soil cleaning can be used. Widely used:

  • filtration wells with a layer of drainage material at the bottom;
  • tunnel infiltration devices;
  • underground cleansing "fields" where perforated pipes are laid.

Choosing the right approach is not easy, because you have to take into account the required depth of wastewater treatment, the category of soil, the height of the groundwater and their chemical aggressiveness. When one of the chambers is reserved for aerobic microscopic cleaning, it is supplemented with aerators, so you have to take care of a stable power supply. An air pipe is laid between the parts of the septic tanks, which compensates for the uneven pressure in them.

Regardless of the design features, hatches will have to be made for inspection and cleaning of containers.


A septic tank for a summer residence with 2-3 tenants can be made according to the cesspool; this is the most economical type in terms of water consumption. The container must be very durable, and the higher its capacity (within reasonable limits), the more practical the device is.

For permanent residence with a small amount of generated effluents, it is preferable overflow systems. Such equipment performs partial waste treatment, and it will be necessary to empty the tank using special equipment on average once every two or three years. The soil filter fields that supplement such septic tanks are made of rocks that are permeable to water.

The advantages of such a solution are:

  • ease of service manipulations;
  • long intervals from one cleaning to another;
  • increasing the efficiency of waste management.

But septic tanks, which have additional cleaning in the soil, cannot be used in clay soil with insufficient liquid permeability. In addition, such a design is incompatible with the high standing of the first horizon. For a private house, in many cases, more powerful and advanced treatment plants are used. Overall performance is determined by the number of cameras; there is no need to make calculations when choosing a device, the number of residents served is written on the packages.

An autonomous storage (non-volatile) septic tank is always cheaper than one dependent on the mains. It's not just about running costs, it's also about the basic components needed. The lack of an electrical connection allows you not to equip the septic tank with pumps, compressor systems and fittings. But valves and hoses will be used in a particular case.

It is worth considering that if it is necessary to process waste as deeply as possible (for use or as prescribed by the sanitary authorities), you will have to completely abandon non-volatile solutions.

The increased efficiency of devices connected to the electrical network turns into the need to constantly withstand strictly specified conditions.

Volatile devices are best installed on a turnkey basis with the help of specialists. Sewerage for country houses can be common to several buildings. The discharge should be planned in such a way that it is above the soil water horizon. The hatch of the simplest storage system rises 10-15 cm above the soil. To call the pumping machine less often, you should choose a product with a capacity for a month and with a reserve of at least 1/5.

Non-volatile complexes are selected in such a way that the full capacity allows you to absorb the volume of waste in 72 hours and there is still a spare volume of about 30-40%. Normal operation of overflow type devices implies that the liquid fills a maximum of ¾ of the entire reservoir cavity. Active devices are in any case equipped with ventilation systems. In order for the system to work without smell, the outlet must be located at a height of 300-500 cm. The tanks are cleaned from accumulated sludge every few months.

Local cleaning stations help to reduce the intensity of bad odors as much as possible.

Compared to simple septic tanks, such devices are more expensive, since waste treatment is carried out not only by biological and mechanical methods. Be sure to use, in addition to infiltrators, also means of chemical treatment. For non-permanent places, such devices cannot be used. But the level of remaining pollution is a maximum of 5% of the original value.

Clarified water can be used for:

  • irrigation of gardens, kitchen gardens and fields;
  • filling the landscape reservoir;
  • conducting construction and repair work.

When there is no need for such use of treated effluents, they can be poured into natural reservoirs and various ditches. Sewerage facilities can withstand a few hours of power failure, but no more. Therefore, it will be necessary to supplement the treatment plant with backup power systems, even if the energy networks in a particular area work quite reliably.

In any case, the fewer seams in a volatile or autonomous septic tank, the more efficient and stable it works.


  • Polyethylene structures do not have seams at all, therefore cracking and leakage are excluded. Synthetic material does not rot and is not prone to corrosion. Multilayer polyethylene works stably even at frosts of 30 degrees. Fiberglass blocks are considered no less high quality. They are stronger than polyethylene and PVC, but the total cost for them is much higher. Plastic is used mainly for commercial facilities or for several private houses at once. Many fiberglass structures are able to meet the needs of up to 200 residents at the same time.
  • Metal products (almost always steel) usually have two parts. The internal volume of the welded body contains an additional plastic tank. Even the best steel is rarely used on its own, because it can easily lose its seal, and if the outer layer is damaged, corrosion will quickly develop.
  • Combined devices (metal + plastic) can have up to four sectors for sequential treatment of incoming effluents.

  • Depending on the decisions of the designers, the walls are made either inseparable with special holes or with overflow ledges. Brick blocks popular largely because they can be used in their construction used material. At the same time, ensuring the tightness of the walls is a serious problem. Building stone initially has many cracks and gaps. To cover these holes, special sealants or penetrating mastics are usually used. Brick septic tanks are profitable for economic reasons; when working on them, complex machines or professional skills are not needed. Laying in one brick is allowed. A more reliable solution is to choose a structure made of concrete, they are very durable. But there is also a weak point - the need for sophisticated equipment.

  • For the manufacture of a septic tank, it is allowed to use both monolithic and prefabricated concrete. Monolithic elements are required to be poured into the formwork after the preparation of the pit. As with the use of bricks, you need to carefully evaluate the tightness of the joints.

Metal structures are used the least often, because negative qualities almost always outweigh the positives.

Analyzing properties various solutions, most experts prefer plastic septic tanks.

Returning to fiberglass, we can also name its advantages such as:

  • service life up to 50 years;
  • resistance to severe cold and putrefactive processes;
  • immunity to rodent attacks;
  • the ability to pump out all the waste in 60 minutes;
  • the ability to use volley discharges of a significant amount of wastewater;
  • protection against ingress of foreign objects;
  • suitability for conservation for the winter without special preparation.

As for the use of other improvised materials, such steps are not approved by professionals. You can use them only in small cottages, which are visited only occasionally. Barrels, tires, old tanks and the like are used as storage devices of this kind. A surface septic tank should be placed where a lot of soil water is concentrated, and at the very surface of the soil. If these problems are not present, it is recommended to use underground options.


It is important to take into account not only the properties of individual materials, but also the size of septic tanks. When calculating the dimensions, we must not forget that the volume is calculated as the total volume of all constituent parts; it is counted from the bottom to the pipe entry. In the first compartment, the counting is carried out from the lowest point to the overflow device, in the final one - to the place where the liquid is discharged into drainage or filtration facilities. It should be borne in mind that in the initial chambers, the average volume of solid accumulations reaches 1/5 of the height. Therefore, it is subtracted if they want to know only the space where the liquid is located.

According to building codes and regulations, even for miniseptic tanks, the daily volume of water per user is 200 liters or 0.2 m3. The smallest storage is expected to operate without draining for 72 hours, this allows you to compensate for various incidents and problems. When designing or choosing a solution, it should be remembered that water can be discharged into the soil layers after at least 14 days. Only under this condition, anaerobic bacteria and a sump can completely neutralize liquid waste. Formally, it turns out that one person will have to put a tank with a capacity of 2.8 cubic meters. m.

In practice, the situation is different; rarely when the standard consumption of the standard volume of water is reached, sometimes it is half as much. This happens in rarely used houses or among economical people. And the rise in the cost of water resources is forcing more and more to protect them. The problem is that when small septic tanks are found, sanitary authorities can issue orders for the installation of more powerful systems. And they will be completely right even from a purely practical position!

The reason is simple - drains contain many substances that are poorly processed or not absorbed by bacteria at all. Most often, these are heavy fats, and therefore only the intake of a large amount of water allows normal clarification to be achieved. This is important not only to comply with hygiene requirements, but also to keep the equipment safe and sound. If the filter elements and layers are overfilled with substances that are difficult to decompose, they will lose their throughput. You will immediately have to redo the entire storage and filtering infrastructure.

On the other hand, you need to choose the volume of the chamber, focusing on the capacity of the tanks of sewage vehicles. Small cleaning tanks that come to the call can pick up no more than 3.75 cubic meters. m. liquid. It is worth thinking about the depth at which the sludge pump can operate, it does not exceed 3 m. These moments determine the linear parameters of the inlet chamber of the septic tank. In order for sedimentation and microbiological improvement to occur more efficiently, it is recommended to use at least two-chamber complexes whenever possible.

The standardized height of the rings is 90 cm, and with an internal diameter of 1000 mm, their volume is 0.7 m3. If the diameter grows 1.5 times, the volume of the rings already reaches 1.59 m3, and the two-meter structures have a volume of 2.83 cubic meters. m. As for deepening drain pipes at the entrance to the septic tank, it can be quite different. Excessive lowering is undesirable, it is better to strengthen the insulation layer. But there are other considerations, such as the need to hold the pipes firmly enough.

Removing septic tanks from houses by more than 10 m is impractical, and the minimum slope of the pipeline is 3%. This indicator allows you to avoid freezing pipes and reduce the risk of filling them with solid particles. The average depth of the waste pipeline reaches 50 cm (together with the insulation block). As a result, the depth of the overflow between the first and second compartments is 700 mm. The upper insulation is made with XPS plates at least 5 cm thick.

Taking two meter rings, it will be possible to achieve a typical volume of 2.7 m3 with a pair of compartments. If you take concrete products one and a half times larger in size, you can get by with a single-chamber design. But as already mentioned, one should not pursue simplicity here. It should be borne in mind that each pipe introduced into the septic tank must end with fittings pointing down. Tees that open up are also used (this helps to reduce the accumulation of debris).


The color of the septic tank can be very different, but in any case, flashy and annoying shades should be avoided. concrete blocks they look good on their own. It is recommended to use blue, white or black tones - they allow for optimal appearance. Paint for any septic tank must be resistant to harmful wastewater, to damage by moving soils. Any of the most durable and stable composition will be suitable for solving this problem.

Manufacturers and reviews

The production of septic tanks is improving year by year. Modern technologies allow us to solve any task. Leading positions in various ratings are occupied by:

  • "Topaz";
  • "Mole";
  • "Tank";
  • "Triton";
  • "Cedar";
  • Ecoline.

Version "Tank" designed with a combination of mechanical and biological methods for clarification of domestic wastewater. The very first fragment of the septic tank is a sump, the initially purified liquid moves to the next chamber. There, auxiliary settling is carried out and suspended particles precipitate. The third block of the "Tank" contains beneficial microorganisms - this increases efficiency, but also increases the volume of the device.

The Triton brand has such competitive advantages as:

  • low cost;
  • the ability (with the help of infiltrators) to leave only 2% of dirt in the water;
  • acquisition of models with various practical properties;
  • complete exclusion of unpleasant odors;
  • strict adherence to sanitary standards;
  • long period of normal operation.

Problems may be related to the lack of an infiltrator or aeration fields. If there are no such opportunities, the efficiency of the septic tank is insufficient, and with a significant increase in the flow of sewage, it will not cope. Design "Topaz" excellent economy, it works by aeration and the use of microorganisms. In normal mode, it is possible to purify the liquid by 98%. The developers took care of solid tightness and excellent anti-corrosion characteristics.

To install Topaz, you will have to prepare the pit carefully. In a good recess, there are necessarily special stiffeners, this guarantees zero risk of deformation. The first compartment is able to separate solid matter from wastewater, only then is the mixture cleaned with oxygen. Purified water can be used in a wide variety of ways. But Topaz is highly dependent on electrical energy.

Firm "DSK" I tried to make three-chamber products, where two segments become sedimentation tanks, and the third is equipped with a biological filter. Decayed and clarified sewage moves into the soil filter layer.

Company Unilos focused on improving mechanical strength of their products, creating stiffeners on them and using molecular welding. The device of this brand allows you to do without moving parts. The carefully engineered 20mm thick wall easily resists ground pressure. Effluent flows sequentially through the primary clarifier, aerobic plant and secondary clarifier. The release of water from pollutants by 95% allows it to be used for irrigation of agricultural plants. The disadvantages of the system are dependence on the mains and instability in the cold. In addition, these blocks are very expensive.

Septic tanks Ecoline according to the manufacturer, they are the best choice for a country house seasonal operation. At correct installation allowed for regular use. There are only two cameras in the system with no electrical components. The entrance chamber is much larger than the exit chamber, which is responsible for gravitational clarification. Additional purification is carried out in the soil.

The economy of "Ecoline" does not allow us to consider their septic tanks as the best solution. The fact is that the amount of remaining pollution is as much as 40%. In addition, it will not be possible to use such systems in places with an elevated level of groundwater. Without enhanced cleaning by other means, there is a high probability of contamination of soil horizons by microorganisms. Equipment brand "Kedr" certainly requires cleaning with special equipment.

At the inlet, primary filtration is carried out, and the water purified from sediment passes into the second block, where it is clarified deeper. Further, the flow moves up and down, reaching the fixed microflora. The final compartment is responsible for the accumulation of effluents.

Finnish manufacturers Uponor and Green Rock deliver products of superior quality and excellent reliability. The highest characteristics of genuine Scandinavian goods, unlike fakes, do not allow them to be sold cheaply.

There are three main subspecies in the Uponor selection.

  • Products "Sako" differ in partial upholding of sewage and autonomy. A filtration section in the soil must be made without fail, otherwise the surrounding area will be a very unpleasant place.

  • For dachas, you can also put products of the series "Bio"(with enhanced chemical and microbiological water treatment). Perfectionists will be pleased with the products of the Bio Clean category, which are very compact and easy to handle.
  • "Green Rock" supplies only septic tanks with multi-tier cleaning. In all equipment of this brand, the efforts of special reagents and microflora are combined. This technique allows you to deploy local sewage from scratch, and significantly improve the existing one.

The Bio device requires periodically disposing of used filter blocks and special reagents, replacing them with fresh portions. Products of the Sako group do not resist cold well enough. In the most northern regions, it will be necessary either to lay a heater, or to choose equipment that is more stable for winter.

Finnish goods are made using seamless technology. This is much more reliable than the Russian approach, which involves connecting prefabricated parts.

Successful examples and options

In addition to choosing the right brands and models of septic tanks, you need to pay attention to the components that complement the cleaning system. The use of devices with a biofilter (colonies of anaerobic organisms) allows you to do without connecting to the electrical network. Microbes can get the energy they need by breaking down organic matter without oxygen. Carbohydrates and various amino acids contained in sewage are broken down into low-molecular compounds that are safe for the natural environment. An anaerobic biological filter is made as a plastic container, divided into fragments of a certain type.

A biological purifier necessarily contains an inert material with a large specific area, which makes it possible to combine the development of microbial colonies and additional mechanical filtration. Organics breaks down when passing through a biofilter into the simplest soluble substances and silt deposits. The sludge will have to be removed, but in many cases it is used as fertilizer.

Typical fillers:

  • expanded clay;
  • plastic brushes or nets;
  • granular polymers of a strictly defined fraction.

Typically, the distribution of microbes in biological filters is made uniform over the surface, and if they are replenished in a timely manner, it will be possible to ensure stable operation throughout the year. Such filtering does not require any complex technical skills to operate. Systems operate for a long time and odors do not penetrate outside. Security is fully guaranteed.

In addition to organic filtration, septic tanks are often equipped with a grease trap. In gravity sewers, fatty deposits become a serious hazard, increasing the likelihood of blockages and traffic jams. Fat traps must be installed at production facilities and in places where many people live. Private homeowners do not have such regulations, but it is better to protect your system in advance before problems arise. The design and principle of operation are quite simple.

When water penetrates into the inlet pipes, the filling of the first chamber begins. As this fills up, the fat particles rise to the top as they are lighter than water. Further, the fat reaches a special tray, where it gradually accumulates. The liquid released from it moves to another compartment, which provides residual breakdown of fats. For this purpose, the most powerful and effective methods are used, and when the equipment finishes its work, water flows into the sewer.

The first sector is saturated with water-insoluble particles. Therefore, the grease trap will need to be removed, washed and cleaned regularly. Industrial appliances are easier to clean; there are special drain pumps or shut-off valves in the bottom for this purpose. Placing a coarse delay filter in front of the catcher helps reduce the chance of early fouling of the catcher. Traps are most effectively used, if the fat is heated more than water, then it will dissolve in it and float.

Waste separation is sometimes carried out by a physico-chemical method. The bottom line is the use of special reagents that can bind single particles into large collections. Such agglomerates can be more easily removed from the liquid by mechanical filters. But even with sedimentation cleaning in special chambers or settling tanks, chemical pre-treatment helps to improve the result. The flotation method involves the use of special compressors that supply air bubbles to the cleaning chambers.

Fats, in contact with air bubbles, form special films. Bubbles go up. This technique helps best with significant heating of effluents in which the fat is practically dissolved. The mechanical technique consists in the use of special membranes with finely dispersed cells. The pace of work is too low, the filter is rapidly becoming dirty with a powerful intake of fats.

But on the other hand, the overall efficiency of extracting fats will be very high. The solution is suitable for filtering effluents, regardless of their temperature and degree of dissolution. The coalescent approach relies on the ability of fats to contract into certain structures and settle. The emulsified fat in the filter chamber, subjected to gravity and surface tension, collects on the surface. At this point, mechanical devices (manual or automatic) can collect it.

There is another approach - the use of centrifuges. Differences in the molecular weight of water and fats cause an unequal moment of inertia. Therefore, during rotation in the centrifuge, the separation of various substances occurs. The body of any grease trap is sealed, but it can always be disassembled. The device is connected to the inlet and outlet pipes.

The lid is made in a removable or opening version, this allows you to:

  • maintain the system;
  • remove fat;
  • assess the performance of the system.

The housings are divided into at least two segments, which allow you to receive drains, filter them and give out a clean liquid into the sewer. Regardless of the design solution, mechanical filtration, an intake apparatus and a liquid level indicator are used. Manual collection accumulated pollution is practical for a private house, where high performance is still not needed.

Plastic grease traps are used when it is necessary to neutralize a small amount of wastewater, and therefore they are ideal for domestic purposes. Perfect environmental safety and ease of maintenance allow you not to encounter problems.

Casting and molding plastics give a wide range of possible forms. Fastening is made to the pipe itself (in a compact version). For maximum efficiency, stand-alone devices are well suited, they are easy and comfortable to use. In addition, in autonomous devices, the capacity of the dirt compartment is larger. Glass plastic products similar to simple plastic ones in their structural diversity.

The susceptibility to all the main reagents found in everyday life and in drains is very low for fiberglass. The special composition does not affect the lightness, however, the rigidity to mechanical damage is very high. Grease traps made of stainless steel are considered the most durable and stable, effectively counteract chemical and physical destroyers. Such equipment is mainly in demand in the industrial sector, because it tolerates strong heat well. Disadvantage - it is impossible to make a steel fat trap with streamlined contours or with a non-standard configuration; fees for metal appliances are higher than other options.

There is one more question - is it worth choosing a two-chamber or single-chamber septic tank. Not a single such device is able to work on its own; additional cleaning in the ground is required. These are the instructions of building codes and regulations adopted in the Russian Federation. Septic tanks perform mechanical cleaning of sediment, ferment the sediment itself, make it mineral composition suitable for fertilizing farmland. The water will be accurately purified in the necessary way, either in one or in several chambers.

But the handling of sediment is a more subtle matter. In the only section, the sedimentation of suspension occurs inhomogeneously; closer to the inlet, this process is more intense. When the septic tank is divided into several sectors, this allows you to collect the key mass of the substance in the very first compartment. Then clogging of water in subsequent parts will be excluded and the cleaning process will be simplified. In addition, the environmental characteristics of the final flow will be the best.

The more sections, the more gentle will be the operation of the filter well, underground filtration fields and cleaning trenches.

It is almost impossible to clean the soil filtering complexes, you will have to spend a lot of money on their renewal. Therefore, the increase in the complexity of the septic tank has a positive effect on the convenience and comfort of consumers. It is important to consider that the equipment of a septic tank with microbiological cleaning forces the use of only detergents that are safe for microorganisms. In addition, at temperatures of 4 degrees and below, microbial activity is zero, and therefore the cleaning efficiency drops sharply.

When choosing the point where the treatment plant will be installed, a number of sanitary restrictions must be taken into account.

  • You can not bring them closer to 5 m to the bases of a residential building. The gap to the foundations of non-residential buildings and their ground structures is at least 1 m.
  • The distance to a well or replacement well drilled in clayey soil is at least 20 m. If the earth is composed of sandy rocks, this gap increases to 50 m.
  • You can bring the septic tank closer to the road by at most 5 m, and at least 100 cm should remain before any type of fence.

It is very important to prepare the place in such a way that a car with a pump can drive there. As an option, it is practiced to equip the tank with a fecal pump. The extracted sludge can be used as garden and horticultural fertilizer. A capacity of 150-200 liters per occupant allows you to confidently use bathrooms and toilets, washing machine, wash the dishes.

The gap from the cover to the wastewater mirror should be the same as the depth of soil freezing. The entire estimated volume must be placed below this mark. The higher the temperature, the better the sewage will be processed by microbes. geometric shape the septic tank is not of particular importance; it does not reflect in the level of work efficiency and the quality of wastewater treatment. But there is another consideration - round equipment allows you to save structural materials.

When using brick, a round structure will help to use 10-15% less blocks. Rounding allows you to better transfer the load that occurs when the ground moves. It is advisable to make monolithic two-chamber systems in the form of a square or rectangle. Such forms make it easier to obtain formwork where concrete should be poured. Filling elements can be made with your own hands, and this is only a little more expensive than simple brick elements.

When plank boards are placed on both sides, the pits must be made 0.4 - 0.5 m wider than the size of the tank (together with the walls). If it is planned to pour the solution into the gaps of the soil and formwork, digging a pit is carried out according to the external dimensions of the septic tank. When calculating the cost of work, it is necessary to take into account the payment for the removal of the extracted land. Planar reinforcement is quite possible to do. But volumetric reinforcing frames will be completely redundant for a septic tank, they will only complicate installation and increase its cost.

How to make a septic tank in the country with your own hands, see below.

A septic tank is a local sewerage device on the site. There are many varieties of systems and types.

These are simple structures made independently, and treatment plants. This article should help you choose the best septic tank for your private home.

The main purpose is the collection, settling and purification of wastewater. They are used in places where there is no centralized system - in summer cottages, outside the city.

There are several parameters by which this component of the local sewage system is classified:

  • by the number of wells;
  • by material;
  • for constructive solutions.

Based on the number of wells, there are single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber. The material in the manufacture is steel, reinforced concrete, plastic. According to the design, accumulative, with soil post-treatment, with deep filtration are distinguished.


Consists of one chamber or two interconnected wells. Waste that enters a hermetically sealed storage tank is divided into liquid and solid. Organic matter is broken down, and the liquid settles. So that the chambers do not overflow, they should be pumped out periodically.

This option is considered not the most expensive. They are used in summer cottages, where accommodation takes place only during the season or on weekends. In this case, you can clean it once a year.

Important: storage systems should be used with a small amount of wastewater, for example, in summer cottages, otherwise the cost of their maintenance will be high.

In the construction of the structure, concrete rings and plastic containers are used.

With soil treatment

In a house with permanent residence of people and the presence of running water, the best option would be to install an overflow structure. In it, the liquid is not only settled, but also additionally purified.

This type requires pumping less often. It is cleaned with their own hands every two to three years. To increase this period, use special bacteria. As a result of their activities, the amount of denser waste is significantly reduced.

There is only one caveat to using this model - the type of soil. It cannot be built on a site with clay soil and with a high groundwater level.

With biological treatment

The decomposition of waste in such an installation occurs in several stages and by various methods. First, liquid and solid waste fractions are separated. Then the denser ones settle to the bottom, and organic matter is biorecycled.

This model is more of a treatment plant equipped with a compressor. It is quite expensive, but it neutralizes up to 95% of drain masses. Installed in areas located near a reservoir or with a high GWL. During operation, it does not emit any odors.

The principle of operation of the septic tank is based on the connection to the mains. With an unstable power supply, the station will not be able to work.

anaerobic and aerobic

Bacteria are used in some types of modern sedimentation tanks. In the course of their life, they absorb waste and contribute to the natural treatment of wastewater. According to the principle of work, they are:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Aerobic bacteria purify and clarify the liquid by 95-98%. At the outlet of the aerobic system, it meets the requirements accepted for technical water. This liquid can be used to water the soil or fill a reservoir.

An anaerobic septic tank requires constant maintenance. Every two months it is necessary to top up the bioactivator to ensure that the wastewater treatment is at the proper level. The advantages of using this type include the low cost of construction.

How to choose

In parallel with the construction of the house, the sewerage system is also being designed. Previously, this was not particularly taken care of, and all the masses simply merged into cesspools.

Later, they began to be replaced by septic tanks - containers for collecting wastewater from a residential building. To know which sump to choose, you should study all the factors that affect its location on the site.

We take into account the type of soil

The type of soil on the site should be taken into account. Some of them are not suitable for use in clayey rock, others are preferable to put in sandy soil.

In the work should follow a few simple rules:

  • when groundwater is located at a depth of one and a half meters, it is difficult to prepare drainage for a three-section sump;
  • on sandy soil, it is preferable to mount a container with biological treatment. The liquid is directly discharged into the sand, where it is absorbed. Filtration drainage arrange closer to the surface;
  • at a high location of surface waters, a variant with deep biological treatment should be used. It is made heavier with the help of improvised means or fixed.

Clay is an unstable material, which requires additional work in the installation of the sump. At the end of frost, the structure of the clay changes, it thaws and pushes the structure out of the soil. Therefore, a septic tank in clayey rock is equipped with additional metal clamps during installation.

For containers used in clay soils, two filtration fields are arranged. For this, two trenches are brought to the sump. In one are, and in the other - a layer of gravel, the height of which is up to 30 cm.

Seasonality and volume calculation

An important point when choosing the type of sump is the period of residence in the country or in your home. When installing minimum set plumbing is quite suitable for an inexpensive single-chamber storage option.

Despite its simplicity, it is qualitatively different from a cesspool. Sand or gravel is poured to the bottom of the drive. Thus, a filtration layer is formed, which cleans the effluents with a 50% result.

For longer stays, you should purchase a compact two-chamber version. It consists of sections for settling and infiltration of effluents. The use of this type of equipment is effective if the volume of drain masses does not exceed its standard value.

Important: when purchasing a septic tank, carefully consider the choice of its technical characteristics. Special attention should be given to how many tenants it is designed for.

With permanent residence and sufficient funds, it is better to purchase a whole station, consisting of two or three sections. It can be prefabricated or built independently from reinforced concrete rings.

With its device, a one- or two-chamber drive and a filter section are combined. Settling tanks are made airtight, and a filtration septic tank with a drainage bottom made of sand and gravel. The liquid is pumped out with a vacuum cleaner from the storage sections, and the filter is changed every three years. This multi-chamber sump purifies effluents by 90%.

The volume of the device is calculated based on the average daily allowance sewage per person. This figure is 200 liters. Also, when calculating the capacity of the sump, the number of people living in the house and the possibility of accumulating a three-day supply are taken into account. For example, for a family of three, the volume is calculated as follows: 200 * 3 people * 3 days - equal to 1800 liters.

In the event of the arrival of guests, the volume received should be increased by two thirds: 1800 * 1.66 - equal to 3000 liters.

The recommended depth of sedimentation tanks is 1.3-5 meters. Using these data, their cubature is determined and the required type is selected. With a volume of drains up to 1 m3. use a single-chamber version, with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. choose a two-chamber type if the volume of effluents is more than 10 cubic meters. - three-chamber, with a field for drainage.

A sump with a filtration field combines two or three wells. The drainage zone covers an area underground of at least 30 sq. m. The distance from the field to the house is 30 meters.

With a high occurrence in the groundwater area, it is recommended to install a multi-section septic tank with a biofilter. This model includes four sections: a sump, an anaerobic chamber where large waste decomposes, a separator containing a filter with microorganisms, an aerobic septic tank with forced ventilation.

The performance of the proposed wastewater treatment plants meets a variety of requests. On sale there are also small options for serving a family of one or two people, and entire treatment complexes for serving a summer cottage.

Material for manufacturing

Most models of modern multi-chamber devices used in private homes are made from PVC. Often there are products made of stainless steel and fiberglass.

The main advantage of plastic products is their low weight. Their installation does not require the involvement of special construction equipment. On the other hand, this quality is also a disadvantage, since the container may float or be subjected to mechanical action of the soil. To protect the structure, concreting the walls of the pit and securing the septic tank with belts are used.

The choice of material of the product depends on its service life and reliability of work:

  • Reinforced concrete rings used in the construction of sedimentation tanks are not subject to destructive corrosion processes. For their installation, it is necessary to involve special equipment.
  • Metal structures are durable and low cost. But, perhaps, these are the only advantages. Such types require additional waterproofing work. The inner walls are constantly in contact with the active chemical material, which leads to destruction.
  • Fiberglass is a chemically neutral material that is strong, light and resistant to temperature changes.

For your information: fiberglass products are the most practical in use, have a long service life.

For cleaning structures in country houses, factory-made or home-made sedimentation tanks are used.

Do-it-yourself options from improvised materials are only suitable for cottages with seasonal residence of several people. For a house with permanent residence of people, it is better to use a purchased installation, which guarantees a long and safe removal of waste.

The use of a two-chamber device allows for primary wastewater treatment and safe disposal of purified water into the soil.


Trouble-free operation of a septic tank requires its maintenance. These works are carried out on their own or with the involvement of specialists.

Simple two-chamber do-it-yourself structures are serviced by the owners of the houses themselves. These works include pumping out solid fractions and sludge from the settling chamber, replacing microorganisms for the decomposition of organic matter, revision of ventilation and overflow pipes.

Once every three years, the filter layer at the bottom of a leaky chamber should be replaced. This should be carried out, since the bottom is silted, which leads to a deterioration in its operation.

By performing these simple operations, you will extend the operation of the local sewage system for several years.

If your house is served by a multi-chamber treatment plant, then its disassembly, filter cleaning, and membrane replacement should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Local sewerage costs

The cheapest designs are septic tanks or sewers. If you dig a pit yourself, then the financial costs will go only to the purchase of a container for wastewater. The approximate price of septic tanks with a volume of 1.4 to 5.0 thousand liters is 15.0-62.0 thousand rubles.

On device local sewerage the costs include not only the purchase of sedimentation tanks, but also the purchase of pipes, waterproofing, and the purchase of components for.

The cost, consisting of two or three reinforced concrete sedimentation tanks with waterproofing and a cushion of sand and gravel, is about 42.0-47.0 thousand rubles. The price depends on the diameter of the rings, their number, the choice of water purification method.

The installations used for deep biological wastewater treatment have a high cost. Arranged in the form of combined blocks, equipped with biofilters. They are made of reinforced concrete, plastic and metal. Price from 80.0 to 345.0 thousand rubles.

Popular models and principles of operation

  • two-chamber septic tank with a drainage field. It allows you to make drains cleaner and less likely to use the services of a sewer. The drainage area is up to 30 sq. m. underground areas. Distance from home - at least 30 m;
  • multi-section sump with biofilter. Used in the case of permanent residence of a family of 3-4 people in country house and with a high occurrence of groundwater in the area.

The standard model consists of four sections: the sump itself, a chamber for splitting coarse waste with anaerobic waste, a separator with microorganisms, an aerobic septic tank that plays the role of a drainage field.

You can find designs that meet the most diverse requirements of users. It could also be a wastewater treatment plant. Rating:

  • "Triton". Compact in size three-chamber sump for giving.

Available in models, the volume of which is from 2 to 40 cubic meters. Cleaning of coarse waste is carried out twice a year. The service life, subject to the rules, is about 50 years.

During installation, the walls of the pit are concreted to securely fasten the structure.

For small cottages with seasonal residence of one or two people, a two-chamber Triton-mini model is used.

  • "Tank". The septic tank is made of high-strength plastic.

The principle of operation is based on the stage-by-stage purification of wastewater with the help of settling and the use of biofilters. The main advantages include ease of installation, high level of purification, low cost. Cleaning is carried out every five years.

  • "Topas". It is a volatile model, as it runs on electricity.

Effluent is treated in several stages: decomposition of large particles, reduction of the degree of their mineralization, mechanical removal of components. Allows you to clean wastewater by 98%, which is the most the best indicator. Purified water is used to irrigate the soil.

In order to pick correct option, you should find out the requirements of his work and study the conditions of the site. Then compare the characteristics of models offered by different manufacturers.

Useful video

Detailed breakdown:

Everything on the shelves:

It is not so easy to get a suitable septic tank for country house- what to choose depends on many factors, so it is important to determine the main priorities and criteria for evaluating the compared models. Of course, the advice of professionals and the help of neighbors can be of great help, but it should be remembered that the choice in each case is individual. It depends, first of all, on the needs of the residents of the house and the conditions at a particular facility. The right choice will ensure maximum comfort and avoid problems during the operation and maintenance of an autonomous sewer system.

When figuring out which septic tank to choose for a country house, it should be understood that it is important not only to compare models with each other, but also to correlate their characteristics with specific conditions.

Take into account the following features:

  • climatic conditions,
  • structure, density and other features of the soil on the site,
  • mode of operation, which is determined by the nature of residence in the house (permanent, seasonal, periodic),
  • average daily volume of wastewater (this parameter can be calculated according to a more complex scheme, taking into account the type and number of plumbing fixtures and washing equipment, but more often they use a simplified scheme, considering that the average daily water consumption of one person is about 200 liters).

Models of utilizers and their features

Any septic tank for the sewerage of a country house has its own characteristics.


Accumulators are the cheapest and simplest utilizers at the construction stage. It is advisable to choose them in the case when the house is not used too often or if the owners are ready to use the services of vacuum cleaners often.

Factory septic tanks with additional stages of post-treatment

Factory non-volatile septic tanks for a country house (for example, Tank, Triton, etc.) are equipped with infiltrators for efficient operation, or soil purification systems for them can be arranged independently. In the tanks of such products, sedimentation and partial treatment of wastewater take place, and the final biological decomposition of impurities with the help of bacteria is carried out in the soil. Many people know that to install such septic tanks areas with high groundwater are not suitable, however, there is one more nuance - the filtration fields cannot always be in one place, and their transfer is a rather laborious matter, associated with a large amount of excavation work. The choice of a septic tank for a country house should take into account all the features of operation.

Tip: Instead of filtration fields, it is possible to use a drainage well with a filtering bottom.

Self-made septic tanks

Self-construction of a septic tank takes time and effort, but this is largely justified by the cost-effectiveness of the option. Building a septic tank is much cheaper than buying a factory model.

Sequentially connected settling tanks, poured concrete or, as well as other materials, provide stepwise clarification of drains and can be quite effective with the right choice of volume and type of construction, as well as subject to the recommendations of specialists during the construction phase.

Deep Cleaning Stations

Local deep cleaning stations for wastewater can only be purchased. Settling of impurities in such models is combined with the decomposition of organic inclusions under the influence of and anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The advantages of such facilities are a high degree of purification and minimum requirements for maintenance - VOCs operate in automatic mode. However, it should be remembered that deep cleaning stations volatile and need to be connected to the mains supply. In addition, for many vacation home owners, the high cost of VOCs is a deterrent to buying.

Soil features

Before determining which septic tank is best for a country house, study in detail the geological conditions on your site. In addition to the type of soil, the level of occurrence of surface waters, as well as the height of their rise, for example, during a flood, is important.

Models for light soils

If the soil in the country house or the backyard of a country house is sandy or with a high content of sand (sandy loam), any type of septic tank can be chosen for arranging an autonomous sewage system. In particular, models with soil purification systems are effective under these conditions, since light soils pass and filter water well.

On light soils, both expensive bio-treatment stations and simple budget drives work well.

The photo shows an example of the arrangement of filtration fields on the site

Models for heavy soils

The high content of clay, which allows water to pass through only in a dry state, and, being saturated with moisture, becomes a waterproofing agent, imposes certain restrictions when choosing a treatment plant. If the soil on the site is clay or loam, and you are looking for the best septic tank for a country house, the rating will be topped by hermetic storage tanks and local treatment stations (VOCs). In this case, it is irrational to install a model with soil post-treatment. Theoretically, this is possible, but for the normal functioning of the device, a huge amount of earthwork will have to be done - to remove clay soil, replacing it with rubble or sand.

Models for sites with high groundwater levels

A high level of groundwater or a significant rise in a flood can create certain problems in the operation of an autonomous sewer. To avoid them, it is important to choose the right type of utilizer. Models that provide for the filtration of wastewater through the soil will not work in this case - the impurities present in them will enter the groundwater.

Acceptable options are:

  • sealed storage,
  • VOCs, which provide for the forced removal of the purified liquid,
  • septic tanks with a post-treatment system located on the surface of the soil.

Obviously, under any conditions, you can find the optimally suitable septic tank for a country house - decide for yourself what to choose.

Performance of treatment facilities

For trouble-free operation of the septic tank and prevention of overcrowding of tanks, it is important to choose the right model performance. This parameter, in turn, is related to the volume of cameras and their number.

It has already been indicated above that the average daily volume of fluid intake is about 200 liters per person. The septic tank, according to accepted norms and rules, must contain the amount of drains for three days, so this figure should be tripled and multiplied by the number of residents. The result obtained will be the required performance of the utilizer, but experts do not recommend choosing “at a minimum”, you should make a small margin - 10-15% of the calculated volume, which is a kind of insurance and a way to reduce the risk of overfilling tanks.

Having decided on the volume of the product, you can solve the issue of the number of cameras.

  • Single-chamber models are suitable for a minimum amount of wastewater (average daily volume is less than a cubic meter).
  • If the daily volume of effluents is no more than ten cubic meters, a two-chamber septic tank will be the best option.
  • Three-chamber models will ensure trouble-free waste disposal, even if a family of 4 lives permanently in the house, they are designed to process wastewater in the amount of more than 10 cubic meters per day.


Many manufacturers produce various types of septic tanks for a country house. Availability in model lines products with different parameters allows for each home to make a rational choice. At the same time, there are features characteristic of each brand.

All parameters affect the cost of the utilizer, including:

  • septic volume,
  • the number of tanks connected in series (chambers, cleaning stages),
  • wastewater treatment technology,
  • availability of additional equipment (float level gauges, automatic control systems, filters, drainage pumps, airlifts, compressors),
  • case material,
  • company manufacturer.

You can learn from another article as a system of soil post-treatment.

If you decide to use it as a sewer, then our article will help in their selection and installation.

About the features of an independent device outdoor toilet here.

Popular Models

In order to make it easier to navigate the variety of models, we offer a brief overview of septic tanks for a country house of the most famous manufacturers.


Non-volatile septic tanks, one of the advantages of which is the presence of a monolithic body, which excludes the possibility of waste entering the groundwater. To increase the strength of the body are supplied with stiffeners. In the model range of septic tanks of this brand there are compact models for a small cottage (capacity - 600 l / day) and high-performance (from 1200 l / day) products designed for permanent residence of a family of 5-6 people.


Triton septic tanks are compact single-chamber models of the "mini" class (Triton-Mini, Triton-Micro) and models for a large number of drains (from 1000 l / day) with three series-connected chambers (Triton-T). All structures are characterized by increased strength, capable of withstanding loads from soil pressure.


Models of this brand are energy-dependent (they belong to deep biological treatment plants - they clean wastewater by 98%), but differ from their counterparts in low power consumption. Reviews of septic tanks for a country house brand "Topas" prove their reliability. In addition, users note a large selection of products that differ in technical characteristics (performance, degree of deepening of the sewer pipe, method of draining, etc.).

The septic tank has long gained popularity among owners of country houses. This is a much more practical and safe treatment facility than a cesspool, which many summer residents are so accustomed to. The design of septic tanks includes chambers where wastewater is settled, cleaned and recycled. Thus, water becomes safe for the environment. And the principle of operation of septic tanks is that sewer pipes are laid from the house and connected to the device.

A septic tank for a summer residence periodically requires cleaning. Depending on the type of construction, cleaning is carried out every one to five years. A septic tank will be a suitable option for sewerage in a suburban area. Detailed information about installing, conducting and connecting sewers in a private house, you will find the link

Today they produce various types of septic tanks for a country house, which differ in performance and volume, material of manufacture and other parameters. Let's find out the selection rules and consider the rating of septic tanks for a country house.

Types of septic tanks

They produce volatile and autonomous septic tanks, models of horizontal and vertical arrangement, devices that differ in the type of work. In the latter case, accumulative models are distinguished, devices with soil filtration and deep cleaning.

A storage septic tank is the most affordable option, representing an improved cesspool. Wastewater enters the tank and is separated into fractions into storage tanks. The septic tank is cleaned as it fills up.

This model is characterized by availability, easy installation and low cost. However, they are not very user-friendly and require frequent cleaning. The accumulative design is suitable for giving, which is used for seasonal living and housing.

Septic tanks with soil filtration and post-treatment are suitable for those who constantly live outside the city. In such a device, wastewater is cleaned, and not only accumulated and divided into fractions. Structures with post-treatment can be cleaned once every two to three years. By the way, to increase the time between cleanings, special bacteria additives are used for septic tanks.

The design with soil post-treatment consists of two chambers. Such models are characterized by ease of use and maintenance, but they are not suitable for installation in areas with clay soil and elevated groundwater levels.

Septic tanks with deep cleaning purify and disinfect water by 90-100%, therefore, wastewater is disposed of into the ground without the risk of environmental pollution. The system is distinguished by versatility and a high level of wastewater treatment, no odors and easy installation.

A septic tank with deep biological treatment does not require regular cleaning and constant monitoring of the operation of the device. Cleaning is carried out no more than once every five years. This suitable option for a country cottage in which they live permanently. Among the minuses, we note the high cost of equipment and installation, however, during subsequent operation additional costs Hardly ever.

In addition, septic tanks are divided according to the type of material. The equipment is made of plastic, metal, brick and other raw materials. The most affordable and popular are plastic models, which are characterized by high strength and tightness, light weight and installation, corrosion resistance. But when installing such a design, there is a risk that the container will suffer when the soil moves.

Brick septic tanks will not provide proper sealing, so additional waterproofing is required during installation. But reinforced concrete septic tanks will become a reliable device that will last a long time. Experts do not recommend installing metal models, as they are subject to corrosion, which reduces the life.

How to choose the right septic tank for a summer residence

  • If the suburban area is located in warm regions or in middle lane Russia, choose plastic products. For the northern and cold regions, it is better to choose reinforced concrete structures that tolerate frost, temperature extremes and humidity;
  • For year-round living in a country house, a septic tank with deep biological treatment is well suited; for seasonal stays in the country, standard storage models are more often used;
  • Each model is characterized by a certain performance. You can easily calculate the desired performance by multiplying 200 liters by the number of people who permanently live in the house. Where 200 liters is the approximate volume of water that one person uses per day;
  • If the house has two or more bathrooms, then the volume of the tank should be larger. Consider how many people permanently live in the room. So, for a one-story house with one bathroom and with 3-5 people living all year round, a septic tank with a volume of 2-3 m3 is suitable;
  • Examine the characteristics and opinions about the work of the model. Next, we list the best septic tanks for a country house: a rating based on customer and expert reviews.

Top 10 septic tanks for summer cottages

Brand Description Volume (l) Productivity (l/day)
Tank Autonomous durable and reliable plastic septic tank for any type of soil, easy installation and affordable price, will last more than 50 years. Requires cleaning only once every 4-5 years. Suitable for both seasonal and permanent residence 1200; 600;
Triton Autonomous plastic device with a service life of about 50 years, high tightness and reasonable price, easy installation and compact dimensions. The best option for a country house, requires cleaning every 1-2 years 750; 250;
Tver plastic septic tank, simple design, easy installation, suitable for any soil, but depends on electricity, reasonable price. Ideal for country cottages 3000; 750;
Poplar A durable plastic model that can withstand frost down to -30 degrees and will easily last 50 years, works without pumping and smell, depends on electricity. Suitable for large cottages and industrial premises 2500; 650;
Topas Compact and unpretentious device works without pumping, easy installation and service life of about 50 years, simple maintenance 2300; 800;
Ecopan Stable and reliable septic tank, suitable for problematic soil, cleaning with a pump, works autonomously. Service life over 50 years, high resistance to corrosion. Suitable for country houses and small cottages 4200; 500;
aqua bio Simple to set up and easy to maintain country houses and seasonal habitation, hermetic and durable, low price, but not suitable for soil with high water table 2000; 700;
Unilos An efficient plastic septic tank without pumping out, runs on electricity, but a process is provided for operation during power outages 1700; 1000;
Leader Stable and durable design, easily tolerates overload due to contaminated effluents, does not require the use of bio-additives, is powered by electricity 3600; 500;
Yubas Monolithic housing, requires frequent cleaning, easy operation and maximum treatment of the most polluted wastewater, too expensive for small country houses 2400; 1000;

Experts call the Tank the best autonomous septic tank. Among devices that depend on electricity, Topol collected the most positive feedback. But remember that the choice is influenced by the amount of water consumed and the number of bathrooms, the type of residence in a country house and the characteristics of the soil.

Experienced craftsmen will tell MariSrub which septic tank to choose for a summer residence. We will select a durable and airtight model, perform installation reliably and promptly, connect sewerage and other engineering systems in a private house.

Already at the first stages of creating a wooden house project, we carry out the necessary calculations for the installation of each engineering system, including water supply and sewerage, ventilation and electrical wiring, heating. As a result, you get a reliable system that will work for many years without problems!

The best solution to the problem of wastewater disposal in a country house where there is no central sewage system is to install a septic tank. However, finding the right model may not be as easy as expected. A huge range of various designs and modifications offered by modern manufacturers poses the question to the user: what better septic tank for a summer residence? After reviewing the information provided below, you can get a more complete picture of the home sewage system and wastewater treatment system and already consciously begin to choose the design of a treatment plant.

Read in the article:

What is a septic tank: purpose, installation requirements

A septic tank is a sewage treatment plant, the purpose of which is the collection, processing and disposal of sewage. Buying a septic tank for a summer residence means ensuring comfortable use of water resources and a toilet. Household and household sewage in the form of contaminated liquid cannot be simply poured onto the ground or into open tanks. This is always accompanied by unpleasant odors, pollution of the soil and groundwater, which threatens local environmental damage.

Therefore, for the arrangement of sewage in private areas, which include summer cottages, country cottages, estates, estates, special containers were invented for the safe concentration of wastewater in them. Over time, these tanks were upgraded into entire systems and became known as septic tanks, to which a modern person is already accustomed and treats as an integral part of the arrangement of life and comfort.

The appearance of a well-maintained septic tank does not spoil the appearance of the site

The user is currently able to choose between the most simple models storage septic tanks for summer cottages or more complex structures, providing additional filtration and even deep cleaning with subsequent disposal.

Practical advice! It should be remembered, no matter what type of structure the user chooses, its installation must comply with certain requirements provided for by building codes and regulations (SNiP).

They provide a safe distance from the septic tank to some objects:

  • from buildings, residential premises - at least 5 meters;
  • water sources used for drinking - 50 m;
  • water channels (natural and artificial) with running water - 10 m, and stagnant reservoirs - 30 m;
  • highways, highways, roads (including country roads) - more than 5 m;
  • trees - 3 m;
  • gas pipelines, underground laying - 5 m.

Such removal distances are provided in case of damage to the integrity of the tank, in order to prevent harmful effects its contents to the listed objects.

Which septic tank to choose for a summer residence: selection options, classification

Before purchasing and installing a sewer cleaning system, you need to decide which model is most suitable for specific operating conditions. How to choose a septic tank for a summer residence? - this question can be answered by familiarizing yourself with the types of structures, their designs and characteristics.

There are the following types of septic tanks:

  • funded- working on the principle of a cesspool, which is a container for collecting and accumulating household and domestic effluents from a house until it is pumped out using special equipment (a sewage machine);
  • with the system soil filtration(drainage)- providing preliminary treatment and clarification of effluents before they are transferred to the drainage system, where they are finally cleaned and dissolved in the soil layers;
  • using bioremediation- involving the use of various methods that allow for almost complete purification of wastewater and their safe discharge into the soil or water.

In areas with non-permanent residence, it is enough to install a storage tank, which will play the role of a septic tank for a toilet in the country.

If it is planned to live with a family, as well as receive guests, then you need to think about installing a treatment plant with sufficient volume and good performance.

With the exception of accumulative models, the cleaning systems of the country sewerage function through the use of microorganisms - bacteria that process organic impurities of the sewage masses coming from the house, thereby cleaning them to the state of water. These bacteria are:

Depending on the bacteria used, septic tanks are divided into anaerobic and aerobic models, respectively.

Design features and principle of operation of anaerobic septic tanks

This type of treatment plant is a one-, two- or three-chamber tank, hermetically sealed, in which step-by-step processes of decomposition of the organic components of sewage runoff and the removal of the purified product by output to the soil layers take place.

Anaerobic type septic tanks with two chambers are considered the most popular. The flow of sewage occurs in the first chamber, where sedimentation and separation of solid particles is carried out. Then the contents are poured into the second compartment, where they are processed by aerobic microorganisms and cleaned. The clarified liquid is discharged using a discharge pipe and dissolved in the soil through the drainage system.

The vital activity of aerobes and their work on the decomposition of organic impurities in domestic and household wastewater is accompanied by the release of gases: CO 2 - carbon dioxide; CH 4 - methane; NH 3 - ammonia; H 2 S - hydrogen sulfide.

Some of these gases dissolve perfectly in water and are removed with it, and some are removed through a ventilation system that provides for check valve, allowing the release of exhaust gases to the outside, but preventing the access of oxygen inside.

To improve the quality of cleaning, some models provide for the presence of a biofilter - an additional chamber loaded with a special filler that creates favorable conditions for the growth of anaerobic bacteria. As a filler, polymer granules, expanded clay or plastic nets are used.

The main advantages of anaerobic models are:

  • simplicity of design - the absence of complex technical and electrical elements;
  • energy independence - the cleaning process takes place during natural reactions;
  • relatively low cost.

With a lack of beneficial microbes or low efficiency of their "work", you can buy anaerobic bacteria for a septic tank in order to artificially increase their population in septic chambers by "populating".

The device and conditions for the functioning of aerobic septic tanks

Unlike previous models, the principle of operation of aerobic septic tanks is based on increasing the access of oxygen to the septic chamber to maintain the activity of aerobes that cannot exist without it. For this purpose, the designs of such structures provide for the presence of compressors, pumps, aerators (air nozzles through which air enters the tank in the form of a cloud of bubbles).

An aerobic septic tank for a summer residence cannot be called non-volatile, but its main advantages are:

  • high performance with smaller tank volumes;
  • effluent processing speed;
  • high quality cleaning.

The disadvantage is the relatively high price and the inability to maintain efficiency in the absence of electricity.

The building consists of two or three chambers. Sewage flows into a receiving tank, where large and heavy fractions are separated from smaller particles. From the constant access of oxygen supplied through the aerators, the bacteria are in an active state and carry out the processing of organic compounds, cleaning the contents of the chamber. Purified water enters the secondary sump, where it is finally clarified and removed, freeing up space for the newly arriving liquid.

To maintain the stable performance of the cleaning system, it is recommended to add to it special additives containing aerobic bacteria for a septic tank, which can be bought on the free market.

What is a mini septic tank for a summer residence: distinctive features, advantages

Models of mini septic tanks are specially designed for arranging local sewerage in summer cottages. They may well cover the needs of two people with permanent residence, or the whole family with a periodic visit to the plot.

The prefix "mini" implies that the volume of such a structure is only 1m³. In spite of small size and insignificant capacity, the structure is capable of processing up to 200-300 liters of liquid during the day.

The smallest septic tank for giving has a principle of operation based on the same processes as in the models described above: sedimentation, purification from organic matter due to bacteria, clarification and disposal through the drainage system.

The advantages of such models of mini septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping include:

  • durability - the material of manufacture (plastic or polyethylene) is not subject to corrosion and correct operation have a long-term working resource;
  • ease of maintenance - it consists in pumping out the sludge as it accumulates, which occurs extremely rarely;
  • small dimensions - allow the installation of the product even on a small plot of land;
  • availability - the cost of mini installations compares favorably with larger analogues.

Related article:

In the article we will try to figure out how you can do what is required for this, how difficult such work is, how to save money on construction.

Another advantage of the described models is the ease of installation, which, due to their small size and weight, can be made even by one person.

Septic tanks for giving what is the best price: review, comparison, analysis

The modern market is replete with offers of their products from different manufacturers. The differences between the best septic tanks for summer cottages and more mediocre models do not have a pronounced character, they must be sought in detail.

Choosing the right model of a treatment plant is not an easy task.

You can not make a decision based only on the volume of septic chambers, believing that the larger the capacity, the less often it needs to be pumped out. Without a well-functioning drainage system, any septic tank will have to be pumped out frequently. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of installing additional post-treatment systems in case the quality of purification is not high enough. It would be wrong to choose an aerobic septic tank for a site where power outages occur or a mini model for a large country house with permanent residence.

Practical advice! The best septic tank is the one that is suitable for specific operating conditions, has the necessary performance and cost available to the user's purchasing power.

Choosing the best septic tank for a country house: rating of well-known manufacturers, product overview

Majority trademarks present a model range of their products with various modifications in order to interest the widest range of buyers and draw their attention to their products. Manufacturers of septic tanks are no exception.

The user is prompted to read the rating 10 famous brands- manufacturers of treatment facilities for local sewer systems, which for many years have been at the forefront in popularity among customers.

Topas - high cleaning performance

The range of Topas septic tanks has more than 30 items. Users are presented with the most popular models for a summer residence or a country house, designed for a family of several people. These septic tanks are of the aerobic type. Having decided to buy a topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer, the purchase price will depend on the model name and its technical characteristics:


Designed for 5 people

Dimensions - 1.1x1.2x2.5 m

Productivity - 1 m³ / day

Price - 79,900 rubles.

Assumes 8 users

Dimensions - 1.6x1.2x2.5 m

Electricity consumption - 1.5 kW / day

Productivity - 1.5 m³ / day

Price - 99,900 rubles.

Allows up to 10 people

Dimensions - 2.1x1.2x2.5 m

Electricity consumption - 2 kW / day

Productivity - 2 m³ / day

Price - 125,500 rubles.

When ordering the installation of a Topas septic tank, the price with a turnkey installation will be: Topas-5 - 107,000 rubles, Topas-8 - 128,000 rubles, Topas-10 - 155,000 rubles.

"Tank" - reliability corresponds to the name

These systems consist of several chambers in which cleaning processes take place. The characteristics that the Tank septic tank has, the reviews of the owners about its practicality testify to the high quality of workmanship and reliability of the product. The lineup is provided by five models:


Designed for 2-3 people

Dimensions - 1.2x1x1.7 m

Volume - 1.2 m³

Productivity - up to 600 l / day Price - 20,000 rubles, with an infiltrator and installation - 56,700 rubles.

Suitable for up to 4 people

Dimensions - 1.8x1.2x1.9 m

Volume - 2 m³

Productivity - up to 800 l / day Price - 29,200 rubles, with an infiltrator and installation - 71,700 rubles.

For use by 5 residents

Dimensions - 2x1.2x1.95 m

Volume -2.5 m³

Productivity - 1000 l / day Price - 33,700 rubles, with an infiltrator and installation - 79,200 rubles.

For a family of 6 members

Dimensions - 2.2x1.2x 2 m

Volume - 3 m³

Productivity - 1200 l/day

Price - 40,400 rubles, with an infiltrator and installation - 88,000 rubles.

For 9 people

Dimensions - 3.8x1x1.7 m

Volume - 3.6 m³

Productivity 1800 l/day

Price - 52,400 rubles, with an infiltrator and installation - 103,000 rubles.

When ordering the installation of a Tank septic tank, the price may increase depending on the number of mounted infiltrators (there may be 1, 2 or 3 pcs.).

"Termite" - a profitable solution at an affordable price

When compiling a review of Termite septic tanks, the reviews of the owners are extremely positive, noting the energy independence and cost-effectiveness of the product. The ease of maintenance of the structure is also noted. The model range includes six modifications designed for different amount users with different performance. The most popular are:


Number of users - 1-2 people

Dimensions - 1.16x1.16x1.55 m

Volume - 1.2 cubic meters

Productivity - 700 l / day

Price - 26,000 rubles.

Number of users - 3-4 people

Dimensions - 1.39x1.15x1.99 m

Volume - 2 cubes

Productivity - 1000 l / day

Price - 39,000 rubles.

Number of users - 5-6 people

Dimensions - 2.22x1.16x2.05 m

Volume - 3 cubes

Productivity - 1300 l / day

Price - 49,000 rubles.

Number of users - 6-7 people

Dimensions - 2.3x1.15x2.01 m

Volume - 3.5 cubic meters

Productivity - 1500 l / day

Price - 57,000 rubles.

When ordering the turnkey installation of a Termite septic tank, the price of the work will be 18,500, 22,000, 30,000 and 35,000 rubles, respectively.

"Aqua-Bio" - operational parameters and prices

The principle of operation is based on the phased cleaning of sewage in several septic chambers. Due to the large internal volume, the Aqua-Bio septic tank is able to accept a significant volley discharge, as well as for a long time to do without pumping with sewage equipment. The models are reliable and durable, however, the prices for the product cannot be called budget.


Aqua Bio 2000
For a family of 2

Volume - 2000 l.

Productivity - 0.7 m³ / day

Cost - 40 thousand rubles.

Aqua Bio 2500
For a family of 4

Volume - 2500 l.

Productivity - 0.9 m³ / day

Cost - 48 thousand rubles.

Aqua-Bio 3000
For a family of 6 members

Volume - 3000 l.

Productivity - 1.1 m³ / day

Cost - 57 thousand rubles.

Aqua-Bio 3600
For a family of 7 members

Volume - 3600 l.

Productivity - 1.3 m³ / day

Cost - 70 thousand rubles.

Practical advice! The installation of an Aqua-Bio septic tank is not recommended under conditions when the level of the first groundwater carrier is above the two-meter mark. Or it is necessary to use a special technology with the device of a concrete base and fixing the tank to it.

"Tver" - high-level biological treatment

The design of the septic tank provides for the use of a bioreactor and aerotanks, which provides a high degree wastewater treatment. The recycled fluid can be used to irrigate horticultural crops or drained into a simple ditch or roadside ditch. When used correctly, the liquid should not exude any odors.


Tver 0.75
Designed for 3 people

Dimensions - 2.25x0.85x1.67 m

Volume - 0.75 m³

Productivity - 0.7 m³ / day

Price value -70 thousand rubles.

Tver 1 П
Designed for 5 people

Dimensions - 2.5x1.1x1.67

Volume - 1, 1 m³

Productivity - 1 m³ / day

Price value - 100 thousand rubles.

Tver 1.5 P
Designed for 8 people

Dimensions - 3.5x1.1x1.67

Volume - 1.5 m³

Productivity - 1.5 m³ / day

Price value - 130 thousand rubles.

Choosing a septic tank "Tver", you can buy it at a relatively high price, which is fully justified by the high performance, functionality and unpretentiousness of the product.

Unilos - high technologies, excellent results

The Unilos range offers products of different capacities, among which there are stations with a capacity of up to 30 m³ / day. As for models intended for a summer residence or a country house, the following designs should be noted:


Unilos Astra-3
Provides 3 tenants

Dimensions 1.12x0.82x2.03 m

Electricity consumption - 40 W/h

Processing rate - 0.6 m³ / day.

Cost - 66 thousand rubles.

Unilos Astra-5
Provides 5 tenants

Dimensions - 1.12x1.12x2.36 m

Electricity consumption - 60 W/h

Processing rate - 1 m³ / day.

Cost - 79 thousand rubles.

Unilos Astra-10
Provides 8-10 tenants

Dimensions - 2.0x1.16x2.36 m

Electricity consumption - 100 W/h

Processing rate - 2 m³ / day.

Cost - 130 thousand rubles.

The most popular model is the Unios Astra-5 septic tank, the price of which is quite comparable with the price values ​​of similar models from other manufacturers. The use of compressors, aerators and hydraulic pumps in Unios products makes it possible to treat wastewater up to 95-98%, which allows them to be discharged directly onto the ground or a reservoir.

"Leader" - multi-stage sewage treatment

The range of products offered reaches 12 items. For use as a local wastewater treatment system in a country house or a country house, the following models can be considered the most optimal:


Number of residents - 5 people

Compressor power - 40 W / h

Productivity - up to 1.2 cubic meters / day

Cost - 105 thousand rubles

Number of residents - 7 people

Compressor power - 60 W / h

Productivity - up to 1.8 cubic meters / day

Cost - 125 thousand rubles

Number of residents - 9-10 people

Compressor power - 80 W / h

Productivity - up to 2.4 cubic meters / day

Cost - 145 thousand rubles

When choosing a Leader septic tank, its price may seem high, but the performance and practicality of the product can fully justify the costs. The working life of the structure is designed for many years of operation.

"Triton" - a summer version of the cleaning system

In the VOC Triton line, the country options are the Mini and ED modifications, with a volume of 1800 and 2000 liters. These models are containers divided into sections in which stepwise sewage treatment takes place. The technical characteristics of the structures are presented in the table:


For 2-3 permanent residents

Volume - 1.8 cubic meters

Processing rate -0.6 m³ / day.

Price - 30 thousand rubles.

For 3-4 permanent residents

Volume - 2 cubic meters

Processing rate -0.8 m³ / day.

Price - 31.5 thousand rubles.

Triton mini
For 1-2 permanent residents

Volume -0.75 cubic meters

Processing rate - 250 m³ / day.

Price - 25 thousand rubles.

The Triton Mini septic tank is ideal for use in the garden. Its dimensions and simple installation allow even one person to cope with the installation.

"Ecopan" - a local cleaning system for a personal plot

The brand's products have a dual classification: for conditions with low GWL (marking - L) and for use in any conditions (marking - T). Country product options are represented by models 2,3 and 5, respectively:


L-2, T-2
Assumes 2-3 residents

Dimensions - 2.35x1.24x1.44 m

Processing rate - 500 l / day.

Cost - 62,000, 77,000 rubles

L-3, T-3
Assumes 4 residents

Dimensions - 2.5x1.2x1.44 m

Processing rate - 750 l / day.

Cost - 70,000, 84,000 rubles

L-5, T-5
Assumes 5 residents

Dimensions - 2.55x1.44x1.64m

Processing rate - 1000 l / day.

Cost - 90,000, 107,000 rubles

The Ecopan septic tank has a wall thickness of L - 8 mm, T - 19 mm. Some models are marked with the letter "D". It informs that the design involves the presence of an additional chamber for the drainage pump. The cost of such products is slightly higher than those indicated in the table.

"Topol" - an aerobic model of a treatment plant

The main advantage of VOC Poplar is the presence of many modifications that provide for the processing of domestic wastewater, even with up to 40 people living. In relation to summer conditions, the following structures can be called the most effective:


Number of inhabitants - 3 people

Dimensions - 1.12x1.06x2.125 m

Processing - 0.65 cubic meters / day.

Price value - 76500 rubles

Topol-5 long PR
Number of inhabitants - 5 people

Dimensions -1.1x1.1x2.9 m

Processing - 1 cubic meter / day.

Price value -109,000 rubles

Number of inhabitants - 8 people

Dimensions -1.1x1.35x2.525 m

Processing - 1.5 cubic meters / day.

Price value - 99500 rubles
