Heat supply from autonomous and roof-top boiler installations. Apartment heating

From the deaerator tank 1 by steam feed pumps 5 or centrifugal pumps with an electric drive 6, softened and deaerated water is supplied to the economizer 7 where it is heated by combustion products and sent to the boiler. Softened water is fed to the top of the deaerator column. The water in the deaerator column flows down the trays and is heated by steam due to contact heat exchange. The mains water passes through the sump 15 and is pumped into the heaters and into the heating network 13 by the pump 17.

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District heating from large boiler houses.

Heat sources for this type of heat supply are equipped with steam boilers that generate steam and hot water boilers that heat the network water. Steam boiler houses supply to consumers not only steam, but also hot water as heat carriers. In the latter case, special steam-water heaters are installed in the boiler room.

The principle of operation of a steam boiler room(fig.) is next. Steam from the boiler 8 enters the collecting collector 9, from where it is sent through the pipeline 12 to consumers, to the heating water heaters I and 10, as well as to the auxiliary needs of the boiler house 4 (to the deaerator column 2 and to the feed steam pump 5). Condensate from consumers 19 and from the condensate cooler 10 is collected in the condensation tank 20, from where it is pumped by the condensate pump 21 into the deaerator column. To power the boilers and replenish the losses of condensate, tap water 22 is used, which is preheated in the heater 23, passes through the cation exchange filters 24 and is directed through the pipeline 3 to the column of the deaerator 2 for degassing due to heating to 104 ° C. From the deaerator tank 1 by feed pumps (steam 5 or centrifugal with an electric drive 6) softened and deaerated water is supplied to the economizer 7, where it is heated by combustion products, and sent to the boiler.

Heating water in the deaerator is as follows. Softened water is fed to the top of the deaerator column. Steam for heating it with a pressure of 0.11-0.12 MPa enters from the bottom of the column. The water in the deaerator column flows down the trays and is heated by steam due to contact heat exchange. In this case, the steam is almost completely condensed, and oxygen and carbon dioxide are released from the water, which, together with partially remaining steam (about 3%), are removed into the atmosphere. The supply water is replenished by the make-up pump 18 into the return line 14 through the make-up regulator 16. The supply water passes through the sump 15 and by the pump 17 is supplied to the heaters and to the heating network 13.

The principle of operation of a hot water boiler room with a closed systemheat supply (Fig., a) is as follows. The mains water under pressure created by the pump 10 enters the boiler 7, where it is heated to the required temperature, for example, up to 150 ° C, and is sent to the heating network. To compensate for leaks, chemically purified tap water is supplied from the deaerator tank 4 by a make-up pump 11. Through pipeline 1, tap water is directed to the vapor cooler 2, from where it enters the equipment for chemical cleaning from hardness salts 3. Then it is somewhat heated in the heater 12 and supplied to additional heating to the heater 6, from where it is sent to the column 5 of the vacuum deaerator tank 4.

The water temperature in the deaerator tank is maintained at 60–70 ° C due to the coil located in it. In the column of the deaerator, due to the rarefaction created by the ejector 17, water boils at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, which corresponds to a rarefaction of 0.02-0.035 MPa. The resulting vapor containing oxygen and carbon dioxide from the deaerator column is sucked in by the ejector 17, passes the vapor cooler 2, where it heats the tap water, and is fed into the supply tank 14. The pressure in the ejector creates a special pump 16.

In the supply tank, oxygen and carbon dioxide are released from the water, which are removed to the atmosphere through the air pipesku 15. Water from the supply tank through the pipeline 13 due to the vacuum enters the column 5 of the deaerator 4. Then from the tank 4 by the make-up pump And it is fed into the return line of the heating network in front of the network pump. To heat softened water in the heater 6 and in the tank of the deaerator 4, hot water is used, coming directly from the boilers, which is then sent to the heating network for makeup.

In order to avoid condensation from flue gases on the tail heating surfaces of boilers at a low temperature of return water, the latter, before entering the boilers, is heated to a temperature exceeding the saturation temperature of water vapor in the flue gases. Heating is carried out by mixing hot water from the supply line. For this purpose, a special recirculation pump 8 is installed on the first bulkhead, supplying hot water to the return line. Through the second jumper 9, water from the return line in the same amount enters the supply.

In a hot water boiler room with an open heat supply systemin connection with the analysis of water for hot water supply (Fig., b), it is required to install more powerful equipment for softening and degassing feed water. In order to reduce the installed capacity of the heat treatment and auxiliary equipment, this scheme additionally envisages hot water storage tanks 19 and a transfer pump 18. The storage tanks are filled with a minimum water consumption from the heating network.

Comparing the schemes of steam and hot water boiler rooms, the following conclusion can be drawn.

The steam boiler house provides consumers with both steam with parameters that correspond to almost any technological process, and hot water. To obtain it, additional equipment is installed in the boiler room, in connection with which the pipeline layout becomes more complicated, but the degassing of the feed water is simplified. Steam boiler units are more reliable in operation than hot water ones, since their tail heating surfaces are not subject to flue gas corrosion.

A feature of hot water boilers is the absence of steam, and therefore vacuum deaerators, which are more difficult to operate than conventional atmospheric ones, must be used for degassing the make-up water. However, the communication scheme in these boilers is much simpler than in steam rooms.

Due to the difficulty of preventing condensate from falling on the tail heating surfaces from water vapor in the flue gases, the risk of failure of hot water boilers as a result of corrosion increases.

Electric boiler room diagram.A variant of a hot water boiler room is a boiler room with electric boilers. In areas where there is no fossil fuel, but there is cheap electricity generated by hydraulic stations, for heat supply purposes, in some cases, it is advisable to build electric boiler houses.

The principle of operation of the boiler room is as follows. Tap water entering the boiler room sequentially passes through the vapor cooler, softening equipment and enters the heat exchanger 12, where it is preheated with water coming out of the deaerator tank 4. In addition, additional heating takes place in the heat exchanger. 20 water from the main 21 or, if necessary, in an electric boiler 22. Then the heated water through the pipelines 23 or 24 goes to the deaerator column 5.

For heating water in the deaerator tank 4 there is a coil where hot water flows through the main 21 from the main electric boiler 25. From the deaerator tank 4 the water is heated. giver 12, where he heats softened water, and a make-up pump 26 piped 27 into the return line of the heating network. Into the pipeline 27 chilled water also flows from the coil located in the tank 4, and heater 20. Mains water from the return line 28 mud sump passes 29 and circulation pumps 10 fed to electric boilers 25. In boilers, water is heated to a predetermined temperature and along the line 30 sent to the heating network.

The boiler room with such boilers has a simple scheme, requires minimal capital investments, is characterized by ease of installation and quick commissioning.

Rice. Structural diagram of a steam boiler plant supplying to consumers

steam and hot water

Rice. Structural diagrams of hot water boilers

l - for a closed heat supply system; b - for an open heating system with a hot water storage tank; v - with electric boilers; A - from the vapor heater; B - from the supply tank; B - from HVO

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