How to choose a septic tank for a summer residence and which one is better? A septic tank for a home with permanent and non-permanent residence: what is the difference and how to choose? Septic tanks review comparison.

For comfort in a country house or in the countryside, you will need a water supply and sewerage connection.

The best option for autonomous waste collection was a septic tank.

The home owner is faced with the problem of choosing the best, from the many options offered on the market, such treatment facilities.

What are they

Compact sewage treatment plants serving the needs of one house are divided according to several criteria:

  • The way of working;
  • Materials used;
  • Form, location and type of installation.

Varieties by way of work

For a summer cottage or a private house, septic tanks are suitable: from the simplest, accumulative to fully functional, carrying out high-quality complete wastewater treatment.

Cesspool or storage tanks

In fact, such a septic tank is an improved cesspool.

It is a sealed container, the only function of which is to accumulate waste water from the house.

They are divided into fractions in the chamber.- heavy waste sinks to the bottom, light waste, such as fats and oils, accumulates on the surface.

The advantage of this type of autonomous structures is the simplicity of the device.

The main disadvantage storage septic tank - the need for its regular cleaning, for which specialized sewage equipment is involved.

The cesspool option is suitable for a house in which the volume of regular drains is small, for example, for a summer residence, with 2-3 people living and limited water consumption.

The main requirements for a cesspool septic tank- sufficient volume, tightness and high strength of the storage tank.

Their implementation will reduce the frequency of cleaning and protect the surrounding space from the ingress of waste accumulated during operation.

Sedimentation tank with soil wastewater treatment

Overflow septic tanks are an excellent option for a home where the daily glass size is small, but people live and use the water supply all the time.

In such structures, in addition to the accumulation of waste, they are partially processed and cleaned.

Removing accumulations for such an installation it is required much less often - as a rule, overflow septic tanks need the services of sewers no more than once every 2-3 years.

Principle of operation

Overflow septic tanks are two-chamber. The first chamber, which receives waste water from the house, acts as a sump.

After partial separation into fractions, water with a minimum content of solid inclusions coming, including from under, flows into the second chamber - the treatment chamber.

It uses aerobic bacteria to process pollutants that can decompose organic matter.

The degree of water purification as a result of their work reaches 60-70%.

Such water is used for irrigation or is discharged into natural reservoirs, passing along the way additional purification in soil filtration fields.

They are layers of rocks with high water permeability (gravel or crushed stone with the addition of sand, etc.), removing pollution by the principle of mechanical (mesh) filters.

The advantages of such a septic tank:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • a significant time interval between cleaning tanks, by reducing the accumulation of dry residue;
  • processing of a significant part of the waste contained in the effluent.

Deep biological processing of waste

Such structures are full-fledged wastewater treatment plants.

They process significant volumes and are suitable for a large private house with permanent residence.

At the same time, biochemical septic tanks purify water by almost 100%.

The design uses three cameras:

  • for the separation of substances contained in the wastewater (read how to connect the washing machine to the sewage system) by fractions;
  • biological purification using aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (to ensure the activity of bacteria, additional equipment is used - aerators);
  • disinfection using chemical reagents.

The advantages of three-chamber septic tanks:

  • 100% degree of wastewater treatment;
  • lack of unpleasant odors when using such installations;
  • no restrictions for installation by type of soil and groundwater level;
  • minimum costs for installation and time for commissioning - the stations are supplied fully equipped;
  • minimal human involvement in the work, since the system is unattended.

For septic tanks with this degree of purification, the frequency of replacement of chambers or selection of dry residue from them is once every 5-8 years, due to its minimum accumulation.

The main disadvantage of such treatment facilities is the high price (how to make a grease trap for the sewage system with your own hands is written in the article).

Important! If the mode of living in the house involves long breaks, for example, at the summer cottage there are no people in the house during the winter season, septic tanks with biological filters are not installed.

The limitation is due to the fact that without a regular supply of nutrient medium, the cultures of bacteria processing organic waste will die.

What are the criteria for choosing a treatment plant

Choosing a septic tank for construction or installation of a finished product requires taking into account several important factors.


The ability to process the entire volume of wastewater generated in the house (productivity) is the main technical indicator of a treatment plant.

It depends on the number of people living in the house, and the level of use of plumbing fixtures.

Naturally, in a country house, where 2-3 people live in the summer, and the main consumers of water are a washbasin and a shower, the volume of wastewater will be much less than in a comfortable cottage intended for permanent residence of a family, with:

  • swimming pool,
  • several bathrooms (),
  • with, washing machine and dishwasher.

In practice, in terms of performance, septic tanks are chosen based on:

  • with a daily volume of wastewater of less than 1 cubic meter, a single-chamber storage septic tank is sufficient;
  • if the discharge volume is in the range from 1 to 10 cubic meters per day, a two-chamber septic tank with soil filtration is installed;
  • with volumes exceeding 10 cubic meters / day, the best option would be a three-chamber deep cleaning septic tank.

For your information!

When installing a storage septic tank in the country (read about the laying of external engineering networks and communications on the page), you should take care of its regular cleaning.

If the volume of drains turns out to be significant, you will have to call the sewer truck often.

Cost-wise, this can be more expensive than installing a more advanced two- or three-chamber model.

Important! SNiP establish the minimum required size of the septic tank chambers. It should be able to accommodate the amount of waste water generated in the home over a period of 3 days.

The type of soil on the site and the depth of the groundwater

This factor matters only if the choice is made in favor of a septic tank with additional purification of water in the filtration fields.

Soils are suitable for its installation. with a high coefficient of water permeability. On heavy clay soils, the organization of natural filtration is difficult.

In this case, you will have to excavate part of the soil, replacing it with a mixture of crushed stone and sand. Carrying out these works will require time and investment.

Septic tank for biological and chemical treatment will be more profitable.

Comment! For the organization of a storage septic tank, the type of soil affects only the labor intensity of work on site preparation and construction of a structure.

Sort by material of manufacture

For autonomous sewage treatment plants, septic tanks are built on the spot or they are purchased industrially.

The first include brick septic tanks, monolithic or prefabricated reinforced concrete, scrap materials.

More expensive, but, undoubtedly, an absolutely reliable option will be a ready-made septic tank.

The range of manufacturers includes stations with polymer or fiberglass housings.

Advantages of purchased products:

  • a wide choice in terms of performance - from mini-septic tanks, sufficient for a house for 1-2 people, to semi-industrial installations capable of processing wastewater from a small village;
  • absolute reliability and tightness;
  • delivery of ready-to-use devices, thereby reducing the time for commissioning the installation;
  • complete set with all necessary equipment and cleaning means.

Attention! Septic tanks with housings of their polymers or fiberglass reinforced plastic require protection against floating when the level of groundwater rises and destruction under pressure of soil masses or displacement of soil layers.

For this purpose, purchased stations are installed in concrete pits, and they are anchored - the containers are fastened to the walls and bottom of the pit with nylon belts.

Installation options

Both purchased installations and septic tanks of our own production are performed in vertical and horizontal versions.

Vertical structures are designed for buried installation.

This is their problem - on heavy soils or with the proximity of groundwater to the surface, installation work turns out to be laborious and require the use of special equipment and special techniques to ensure reliability and environmental safety.

Horizontal septic tanks usually surface-mountable.

To ensure the required performance (volume of effluent), such structures occupy a significant area, which creates additional problems for limited land tenure spaces (for example, in summer cottages).

How to understand which septic tank is best for a house with permanent, year-round living? Watch the video and get answers to your questions about efficient collection and recycling equipment for household waste.

Owners of private houses often face the problem of wastewater disposal due to the lack of a centralized sewage system outside the city. For a long time, the only way out was to dig a cesspool, but using it is quite inconvenient and costly. Now they are mainly trying to mount an autonomous wastewater treatment unit - septic tanks for summer cottages, but still which septic tank is better to choose for specific conditions often remains a difficult question.

Together with the technical specialists of the EcoDom company, in this article we will analyze in detail the question of which septic tank is right for you and discuss the best options based on the tasks that it should solve.

A cesspool or storage septic tank will have to be cleaned regularly Source

What are septic tanks, and what they are

Some people mistakenly call a septic tank a complete set of treatment equipment. In fact, this is only a part of the treatment plant, which acts as a storage and primary filter for wastewater containing a large amount of biomaterials that require disposal.

There are quite a few varieties of septic tanks, and each of them has its own pros and cons. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to take into account what kind of soil the country house is on, the amount of water consumed and, of course, the budget that can be allocated for the purchase and installation.

Video description

Briefly about septic tanks in the video:

Also, at the initial stage, it is necessary to decide on the type of device - to purchase a non-volatile septic tank or in which a forced supply of drains is organized (volatile). The former are, by and large, ordinary tanks for surface (within 60%) mechanical wastewater treatment, and the latter are equipped with a pump and a set of additional filters, after which industrial water is obtained at the outlet, purified by 95-98%.

Septic tanks with a full cleaning cycle and a storage well for industrial water Source

You can correctly decide which septic tank to choose - for year-round living or capable of working effectively even with periodic flows of waste water, you can do it yourself, since there is enough information. Many turn to the help of the Internet for such requests as the rating of septic tanks for a country house in 2017, to get acquainted with the various ratings of septic tanks. But if there are doubts about the correctness of the choice, then the best option would be to turn to professionals. They will take into account all the nuances and select the appropriate option, tailored to the solution of specific tasks.

Cleaning steps

Wastewater goes through several stages of purification in a septic tank:

    Accumulation and settling stage. This stage consists in collecting waste in a special container, where they are separated into fractions, by settling at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Solid particles in the form of a sediment fall to the bottom, fatty deposits float to the surface, and vapors (carbon dioxide and methane) are discharged through the ventilation to the outside. At this stage, there is a partial stratification of wastewater, which is then sent to the next tank;

    Secondary filtration stage. Its goal is to cleanse the mixture to about 75%. At this stage, the solution is purified using a separate filter consisting of a sorbent layer of about 20 centimeters. In some septic tanks, for correct operation, the sorbent has to be flushed and reactivated annually;

Stages of wastewater treatment in septic tanks Source

Solid deposits that have settled in the containers are pumped out or removed mechanically.

Operating principle

Technically, two types of waste disposal are used: anaerobic (without air access) and aerobic (decomposition with the participation of bacteria, which need oxygen for life).

The anaerobic mechanism of action is possessed by septic tanks, which perform the functions of a storage or settling tank. Such purification systems, without the installation of additional equipment, carry out only the primary clarification of wastewater and require their frequent pumping out by a sewage machine.

Important! According to sanitary standards, the discharge of liquid from anaerobic septic tanks into the soil is prohibited.

This option is suitable for rarely visited summer cottages or private houses with a small number of residents. The cost of such a structure is low, the installation does not require much effort, and its operation does not require a constant flow of wastewater into the chambers.

How an anaerobic septic tank works Source

Often, colonies of active bacteria are added to such septic tanks, which help filter wastewater better than with conventional anaerobic purification.

The aerobic mechanism of action is carried out by local biological treatment stations. Colonies of aerobic bacteria settle in such septic tanks, which effectively purify wastewater.

Unlike anaerobic crops, they multiply rapidly, have a wide variety of species, and are also more tenacious and active. Recycling is much faster and the outlet water is practically non-toxic.

For the normal functioning of these septic tanks, the installation of aerators is required, which will supply the oxygen necessary for the vital activity of bacteria. Also, the aerobic systems must constantly work - if within 2-3 weeks there is no new effluent entering the chamber, the bacteria will die and their cultures will have to be planted again.

Obviously, the best septic tank for a country house is an aerobic one. But it all depends on the budget, since this type of treatment plant is more expensive.

Scheme of aerobic septic tank operation Source

What materials are septic tanks made of

An important aspect when buying a septic tank is the choice of the material from which it is made. Most often, when ordering a ready-made septic tank, it is made from polymer materials.

In addition, the following materials are used for the manufacture of a local cleaning system:

    Metal constructions. They are rarely used due to susceptibility to corrosion, general impracticality and inconvenience of use;

    Concrete. Monolithic structures are used as reservoirs. This option requires a lot of money and time; It is mainly used in the construction of septic tanks with your own hands;

    Fiberglass structures are the most suitable and frequently used material.

Also, septic tanks can be made from scrap materials (barrels, tires) on their own, but this option is only suitable for small country houses.

Homemade small septic tanks for summer cottages - made of tires and concrete rings Source

You can save money on the purchase of a purification plant by placing an order at the manufacturing plant. The most expensive on the market are septic tanks with additional equipment for complete biological wastewater treatment.

Volatile and non-volatile septic tanks

According to the degree of their autonomy, the purification systems are divided into:

    Non-volatile (autonomous) septic tanks are sedimentation tanks for the accumulation and clarification of wastewater. Such installations require periodic pumping of waste by a sewage machine. They have a low degree of purification and require additional soil filtration, for which it is necessary to allocate a piece of land. The positive aspects include low cost and independence from electricity;

    Volatile septic tanks are the exact opposite of non-volatile structures. Thanks to the design and additional equipment, wastewater in such systems undergoes a full cycle of processing and purification, which eliminates the need for maintenance. The disadvantages include the cost of installation, as well as dependence on electricity. During the absence of power supply, the degree of purification of sewage water decreases, and the septic tank serves as a sump.

The pump and aerator are mandatory components of a volatile septic tank Source

Criteria for choosing a purification system for a country house

Before choosing a suitable septic tank, the following aspects must be considered:

    The number of people living in the house - the power of the entire device depends on this;

    The material from which the septic tank is made - determines its durability and resistance to aggressive influences;

    The relief of the area where the installation of the structure will be carried out and the height of the groundwater;

    The complexity of the installation of a sewage treatment system - septic tanks with a filtration field are in the lead at the cost of installation, and biological treatment plants are most profitable in this regard - their capacity simply needs to be buried in the ground;

    Own budget.

On our website you can find contacts of companies specializing in septic tanks and autonomous sewers for country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Video description

About septic tanks without pumping out on video:

Popular factory-assembled septic tanks

To make it easier to decide on a suitable device, the following is an overview of septic tanks for a country house:

Sprout mini

A simple and reliable option for private houses. The capacity of about 200 liters per day is enough for the stable operation of the sewage system when two people live in the house.

Septic tank "Rostok-Mini" in the context of the Source

It is completely made of polymer material without the use of metal inserts and has a capacity of 1000 liters. The one-piece construction of the purification system allows for complete tightness. Installation of this model of a septic tank will not cause difficulties, since it weighs less than 3 kilograms and has the shape of a cylinder. This design prevents groundwater from pushing it out of the soil while pumping out the contents. As for the cost, it is about 25,000 rubles;


This model of the purification system is very popular in the Russian market. It can be attributed to the premium types of septic tanks. Such structures are made of polymer materials and have good performance indicators, since the throughput is 1 cubic meter per day. Astra performs high-level wastewater treatment, thanks to the presence of anaerobic and aerobic filters. The option is designed for country houses, where no more than 5 people live. The disadvantages of such a purification system include its cost, which reaches about 80,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Astra" Source


It is a high-quality non-volatile septic tank made of polymer materials, which is quite popular among domestic buyers. It possesses performance and throughput indicators similar to the Astra model. This purification system is equipped with a compressor that ensures the movement of wastewater through the system, as well as a special pump unit that flushes the channels in an automatic mode. The disadvantages include frequent failure of additional equipment. The purchase price of such a septic tank is about 90,000 rubles;

Installation of septic tank "Bioxy" Source

This purification system is designed for servicing no more than 4 people. It is made of polymeric sheet materials. With an average performance, it is able to pass through itself about 200 liters of wastewater per day. This septic tank has a four-chamber structure, which gives it a high degree of filtration. Installation is carried out in places where the groundwater level is at around 2 meters and deeper. However, the range allows you to choose the right option for any area. The combination of price and quality allows the BCS sewerage system to compete with other models on the market. Its cost is 20,000 rubles;

The scheme of the septic tank "DKS" Source


The septic tank has a compact size, stable and reliable design. The body is made of special polyethylene. A high degree of wastewater treatment is achieved thanks to four chamber structures, each of which undergoes a certain processing process. A wide range of models allows you to serve 2-16 people daily, depending on the design. This septic tank requires cleaning the system once a year. The throughput capacity is 400-3000 liters per day, and the productivity is 0.2-3.6 cubic meters / day, it all depends on the chosen model. Cost - from 75,000 - 200,000 rubles;

Delivery of septic tank "Leader" Source


This septic tank is endowed with a specific appearance, and its outer shell has a ribbed structure, which contributes to better fixation in the soil after installing a country septic tank. The "Tank" type sewage treatment system is a three-chamber system of blocks and modules. Such a station does not need to pump out waste with a sewage machine, as it is completely autonomous. Due to its low cost and long service life, the septic tank is in great demand. The installation of the system is done manually and does not require pouring the foundation of the excavation with concrete. Designed for both seasonal use in summer cottages and permanent operation of country houses. Price - 40-80 thousand rubles;

The septic tank "Tank" has a specific recognizable shape Source


It is made of durable polymeric materials, which allows to reduce the weight of the entire structure, and stiffeners add reliability to it. A feature of this septic tank is the horizontal position of the tanks. The device has a high degree of wastewater treatment and is equipped with additional equipment that requires an electrical connection. Doesn't need constant care. Such a septic tank is suitable for any type of soil. Disadvantages include high cost and dependence on electricity. The price is 70,000 - 140,000 rubles;

Installed septic tank "Tver" Source


One of the leaders in the market of cleaning systems from the EcoDom company. It is distinguished by a high degree of purification (98%) due to a special four-chamber design, as well as the use of microorganism colonies as filters. The septic tank has compact dimensions and a rectangular body, which makes it easy to install. Installation can be carried out in any type of soil. The structure does not require frequent maintenance and waste pumping with a sewer truck. The range of models is wide and can satisfy the needs of both country houses and summer cottages, and large enterprises. The cost is 80,000 - 300,000 rubles;

What is needed for the installation of a septic tank "Topas" Source


In the manufacture, polymer materials are used that are resistant to temperature changes. Septic tanks of this type have a long service life, high productivity and throughput (up to 3300 liters per day). The capacity of the system reservoirs is up to 5200 liters. The disadvantage of such installations is dependence on electricity. Suitable for use in large country houses and industrial buildings. The price for the Topol septic tank is 70,000 - 170,000 rubles;

Two-unit septic tank "Topol" Source


It is made of a double layer of polymer material that is not susceptible to corrosion and decay products. This septic tank has a wide range of models. It is distinguished by a long service life, a high degree of sewage treatment and low cost. Requires cleaning every 1-2 years. Disadvantages: Requires installation of additional equipment and frequent replacement of filters. Ideal for a small holiday home. Prices vary depending on the model: 30,000 - 85,000 rubles;

Three-chamber septic tank "Triton" Source


Made of special durable polyethylene. Septic tanks of this type have a high efficiency of wastewater treatment. The volume of the models can vary from 1500 to 4800 liters. Suitable for seasonal use by a small group of people and permanent residence in a country house. It has a reliable and durable cylindrical construction. Such a cleaning system consists of 2-3 chambers. The lineup is represented by designs with different performance and throughput, which allows you to choose the right option for any need. Ecoline costs 55,000 rubles;

Double-hull septic tank "Ecoline" Source

Elgad C 1400

The best mini model, ideal for seasonal use in summer cottages. It is compact in size and stable in design. The capacity of this sewerage system is 1400 liters. This septic tank is designed for service up to 3 people. The body is made of polymer material, and its inner part is covered with a layer of anti-corrosion agent. Despite the tightness and integrity of the structure, such a cleaning system does not retain unpleasant odors well. The cost is about 35,000 rubles.

Septic tank "Elgad S 1400" and its modifications Source

This is not a complete rating of septic tanks for the home - there are still quite a few models of such devices, both domestic and foreign, but in general, their design, principle of operation and price do not differ from those listed.

Video description

A few more words about the choice of a septic tank in the video:


Depending on the budget, you can make a purification system yourself from available tools, or order a ready-made version from sales representatives or the manufacturer. The option of studying the ratings of the best septic tanks for a country house is not always the right choice, since you need to take into account all the features of your site and the requirements for it.

A properly selected and correctly installed septic tank will create the conditions necessary for a comfortable stay in a country house.

When a residential building is being built, then the sewage system is planned, as a rule, independent. Previously, a cesspool was used for all sewage, today an autonomous septic tank for a private house has become popular. These are innovative designs for wastewater treatment, which are an air and watertight vessel, usually divided into several chambers.

In this device, domestic wastewater is first settled, then special microorganisms process them, and then the wastewater is filtered. A huge selection of bio-purifiers poses urgent questions for consumers, which is the best septic tank for a summer cottage with periodic rest, and which utilizer is more suitable for a permanent home? Buy a ready-made unit or make a cleaner yourself? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Bioseptics is a local installation, which is a system of an autonomous sewage system in a private house. This treatment plant is installed in those areas where it is impossible to connect to the central sewerage system, that is, in summer cottages of non-permanent residence and suburban residential buildings.

It is advisable to equip a deep cleaning station next to a river or pond.

To choose the best bio septic tank, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of this design, which will help pay attention to the appropriate parameters when choosing a tank. Therefore, consider how this design works:

  1. Wastewater flows through the sewer pipes into the first chamber, where it settles. Heavy impurities settle at the bottom, while light fractions and fats remain at the top.
  2. Then, the effluent after the primary sedimentation goes to the second section, in which the process of purification from organic matter continues with the involvement of bio bacteria.
  3. In the third chamber, wastewater is finally settled and purified. After that, they go down to the filtration field, and fall into the ground, where the liquid is filtered and completely cleaned of impurities.

When answering the question of which septic tank to choose for a permanent or temporary residence, experts advise paying attention to utilizers that are equipped with a deep biological filter. Autonomous treatment plants of this type carry out complete water purification, eliminating the need for the construction of filtration fields.

What are the types of septic tanks?

There are many varieties of local septic tanks that can be used to treat the wastewater of a private house: from the simplest self-made structures to stand-alone installations that can treat wastewater to almost 100%.

Treatment stations are systematized according to different criteria:

  • by the number of wells: one-, two- and three-chamber septic tanks;
  • by material of manufacture: steel, reinforced concrete products, plastic and fiberglass;
  • by design features: volatile and non-volatile.

Also, bio cleaners are classified into three types, depending on the set of functions implemented:

  1. Cumulative. Such a heat exchanger consists of one chamber or two communicating wells. The effluent in a sealed vessel is separated into liquid and dense fractions, then the organic matter is split, and the liquid is settled. To prevent the reservoirs from overfilling, the waste is periodically pumped out (1-2 times a year). This type of septic tank is suitable for a country house, where they rest only on weekends.
  2. Sediment tank with a soil post-treatment compartment. This purifier is divided into several infiltrators - chambers without a bottom, which act as filtration fields. Bioactive sludge is located inside the aeration pads, which accelerates the decay of sewage. This type of septic tank is suitable for a seasonal residential building, for example, from May to October. Cleaning is required once every 2-3 years.
  3. Station for deep purification of waste masses. This is a reservoir with three chambers, in which sewage is decomposed in stages. First, solids settle, then the liquid with organic suspensions undergoes bioprocessing. The best models of this type of septic tank are equipped with a compressor. The installation is expensive but effective. Ideal for a private permanent residence. Pumping will be required no earlier than after 5 years.

In order for the closed sewer system to work more actively, it is recommended to equip an anaerobic septic tank, which implies the settlement of special bacteria in the primary purification chamber. These microorganisms feed on organic matter and do not need oxygen. This measure will speed up the disinfection and dissolution of waste.

If you remove the ventilation pipe from the post-treatment chamber or connect an air compressor, then you get another aerobic septic tank. To do this, you need to add special microorganisms to it that process organic matter when oxygen is available.

Biological decomposition of sewage by this or that type of microorganisms allows to purify waste to the state of industrial water.

What to look for when choosing?

To solve the problem of which bio septic tanks are better to choose for a private house, it is necessary to consider the problem from several positions:

First, you need to decide whether to make a sump yourself or purchase a ready-made tank. In the first case, the structure is built from bricks, concrete rings or tires. However, such a purifier is only valid for seasonal or intermittent homes. For a long and safe use, it is better to choose a factory model, even the cheapest one, since the purchased option meets all environmental and sanitary standards.

At the same time, the most expensive treatment plants, which allow the purified water to be drained directly into the reservoir, are not advisable to purchase for private use, but for several farms it is not so expensive. For individual use, it is better to choose a two-volume heat exchanger. The first compartment collects sewage and performs their primary cleaning, and the second one filters the liquid and releases it into the ground, and not into water bodies.

Secondly, it is necessary to choose the material for the manufacture of the tank. This criterion affects the life of the vessel. So, for the manufacture of cleaning stations they use:

  1. RC rings. High-quality reinforced concrete rings do not corrode for a long time, have a large margin of safety, but their installation requires the involvement of special equipment.
  2. Plastic. Tanks made of various polymers are lightweight and inexpensive. However, this design is very unstable and the vessel must be held vertically at all times during installation. In addition, the plastic is damaged by rodents and frost.
  3. Metal. Septic tanks made of this material have the greatest strength, as well as affordable cost. However, the metal is easily corroded, so the tank must be waterproofed, both inside and outside. In addition, the installation of a metal sump is impossible without special equipment.
  4. Fiberglass. The most durable and practical utilizers are made from this material, since they have chemical neutrality, as well as other positive qualities: strength, lightness, resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Thirdly, you need to take into account the type of soil on the site. Recommendations for specific conditions:

  • for sandy soil, it is better to install a utilizer with a biological treatment function, as a result of which the water is immediately drained into the sand. It is recommended to place the filtration field higher;
  • in clay soil, in addition to bacterial purification, wastewater must pass through a sand filter. Then the purified liquid is poured directly onto the ground;
  • in the case of a high line of surface water deposits, the most optimal solution would be a polymer reservoir with a bio-cleaning function. In this case, the septic tank must be heavier or securely fixed.

How to choose the volume and size of the wastewater purifier?

The capacity of the waste heat exchanger is calculated based on the average daily rate of sewage waste per person (bath or shower, toilet bowl, sink - about 200 liters), the number of people living in the house and a three-day supply. If the family consists of four people, then the required volume of the septic tank is calculated using the following formula:

200 * 4 people * 3 days = 2400 liters

If guests often come to a country cottage, then the result is increased by 2/3:

2400 * 1.66 = 3900 liters.

The optimum septic tank depth is from 1.3 to 3.5 m.

Depending on the final result of the required cubic capacity, according to the table, a reservoir model is selected:

In this case, the depth of groundwater is important. For a single chamber model, the groundwater must be below the bottom of the tank. For a two-chamber version, they must pass 1 m below the bottom of the last stage (filter). If the subsoil waters are at a depth of more than one and a half meters, it is technically difficult to equip filtration fields for a three-chamber reservoir, especially on waterproof clay soils.

Tips for choosing a summer cottage with periodic residence

If households visit the home on weekends and use a minimum of plumbing equipment, then a multi-section septic tank is not needed. Summer residents, as a rule, prefer low-performance, inexpensive, single-chamber heat exchangers. Unlike a cesspool, crushed stone and sand filter layers are poured into such accumulators, which provide 50% purification.

Experts recommend it is better to choose a compact two-section mini-septic tank with sedimentation and infiltration chambers. If the volume of drained sewage does not exceed the passport standards, then such a structure perfectly fulfills the functions assigned to it.

Before choosing a small storage septic tank for a country house, you should familiarize yourself with its features:

  • mini-septic tanks are sold complete with activated sludge, which is populated with anaerobic biomaterial;
  • after processing organic waste, water is settled and purified in a well, after which it enters the ground;
  • storage septic tanks are made of reinforced polymer that is resistant to temperature extremes;
  • compact containers are easy to transport on a regular car, and they will not cause hassle with unloading;
  • you can install such a heat exchanger alone, but it will be better done together.

Recommendations for the selection for a home with permanent residence

For an average family that permanently lives in a country house, the best option would be a sump with two to three sections, which is a combination of a one- or two-chamber storage tank and a septic tank filter. The first two containers (sedimentation tanks) are sealed, and the third is without a bottom, a layer of sand and gravel is poured into it, which additionally filter the liquid before lowering into the soil.

If the utilizer is filled, then it is pumped out by special sewer services, bio components and septic tank filters must be changed every 3-5 years. The multi-chamber sump purifies sewage up to 95%.

Which unit to choose for a home with permanent residence, so that the drains are as clean as possible, and pumping out, as rarely as possible?

A good option in the presence of a high boundary of the passage of groundwater would be a multi-chamber heat exchanger with a biofilter. This is the factory one. The industrially manufactured model consists of 4 sections:

  • sump;
  • anaerobic digestion chamber for large waste;
  • a separator with a filter with bacteria;
  • aerobic septic tank (analogue of a drainage field).

The best choice would be a septic tank with a drainage field, which combines several wells and a filtration zone. Such a complex requires an area of ​​not 30 m2. At the same time, the minimum distance between the sump and the house is also at least 30 m.

Rating of septic tanks for a country house

It is enough to go to a specialized store and see the variety of septic tanks that are offered there, and the consumer will be faced with the problem of choosing the best option. Therefore, we invite you to study the rating of the best non-volatile and volatile wastewater purifiers, which is compiled in accordance with expert opinion, analysis of sales and customer reviews.

TOP 3 non-volatile septic tanks:

Such containers work without electricity and are suitable, first of all, for country houses with non-permanent residence.

  1. Tank. A simple septic tank that works on the principle of preliminary wastewater treatment by sedimentation, biodegradation and subsequent distribution of the treated water into the ground. This unit is made of a durable polymer with stiffening ribs, which contributes to resistance to increased loads in summer and winter. The approximate service life is about 50 years. Periodic cleaning is carried out every 3-4 years and pumping out to a third of the container once a year.
  2. Triton. This utilizer is equipped with three chambers that implement the process of removing fractions from the liquid, as well as the anaerobic decomposition of bio material, followed by the supply of purified waste water to the filtration platform. There are models from 2 to 40 m3. When installing, requires weighting for secure fixation. Service life 45-50 years. Annual cleaning required.
  3. BARS-Bio. The optimal choice for both periodic and permanent residence in a private house with the possibility of creating a filtration field. In such a unit, the waste masses pass through three chambers and two biofilters, which do not require maintenance. Provides a high degree of sewage treatment, which reduces the cost of reconstruction of drainage fields. Service life - over 50 years. Requires cleaning every 5 years.

TOP 3 volatile septic tanks:

These devices require a constant connection to electricity and the supply of oxygen to microorganisms, so they are better suited for cottages with permanent residence. These are real stations for deep purification of sewage with a high degree of efficiency.

  1. Tver. This design carries out a comprehensive purification of effluents through a multi-chamber system for receiving and purifying large volumes with the use of various bioadditives and reagents. This septic tank is suitable for installation in any soil, even in peat with an aggressive environment. The robust plastic reservoir does not corrode, providing a lifespan of up to 60 years. Cleansing - every 3-4 years.
  2. Leader. The unit of six chambers provides comprehensive purification of waste masses without the use of special bioactivators. Allows you to organize an ecological discharge to any place (well, ditch, pond) due to the complete purification of sewage using anaerobic bacteria, polymer line imitating algae, aeration tanks, activated sludge, alkaline environment. The service life is 55-60 years. Pumping out - every 5 years.
  3. Ecopan. Another multi-chamber device made of airtight plastic. Available in two versions: for normal soils or for high flowing groundwater. The two-layer construction of the septic tank prevents the destructive effects of any soil. Completely environmentally friendly, provides a high degree of wastewater treatment. Service life - up to 50 years. Requires cleansing every 3-5 years.

All of the listed models of autonomous septic tanks for private houses have proven themselves worthy in the field of wastewater treatment, have a deliberate design with a large margin of safety. Therefore, you just have to choose the required volume.

Septic tank for a private house how to choose

In the absence of the possibility of connecting to a centralized sewage main, the owners of country houses have to take care of the arrangement of local waste treatment systems. Septic tanks can help with this without affecting the environment. There are many types of such devices. Therefore, those who decided to install a local sewage system in their area have a question about which device is better to choose.

Types of septic tanks

The main classification of systems for the disposal of sewage from a private house is based on the principle of operation.

    Storage tanks are the simplest option. They are sealed tanks. Sewage enters and accumulates in these containers, which must be pumped out, periodically calling the sewer truck.

Storage tanks for sewerage

Septic tank with post-treatment

Biological wastewater treatment

Compressor for septic tank HIBLOW HP-150

Note! It is necessary to choose a place on the site for the placement of septic tanks that carry out aerobic or anaerobic wastewater treatment, taking into account sanitary rules.

There are ready-made versions of various companies on the market, but with certain skills, you can make them yourself, for example, from concrete rings. The material, along with the design and other important parameters, is one of the factors that are taken into account when choosing a septic tank.

Online calculator for the required volume of a septic tank based on the number of inhabitants and the mode of water use

What should be considered when choosing a waste disposal device?

Before buying a septic tank, you need to answer a few questions.

  1. How many people will live in the house, what sanitary equipment will be installed? These factors determine the performance and volume of the septic tank.
  2. What are the features of the soil?
  3. What is the planned budget?
  4. Is it possible to connect to electricity?
  5. Can you make a septic tank yourself or do you prefer to buy a ready-made device?

How many people will live in the house

This parameter affects performance. To determine it, you need to multiply the number of inhabitants by 200 liters, because that is how much wastewater per day, according to the standard, is formed by one person.

Wastewaters stay in treatment plants for about three days. Therefore, the productivity must be tripled in order to obtain the required volume of the station. It is also necessary to take into account the possibility of the arrival of guests, as well as decide whether the house will have such sanitary equipment as a bath, a dishwasher and a washing machine.

The number of residents affects the type of building chosen and the design features.

If the house is planned to live in a small family only in the summer, then the drive will be enough. To service a house with year-round living, it is worth choosing a cleaning station.

The number of users determines the number of septic tanks with soil filtration. So, for a house in which 3 people will live, a single-chamber septic tank is enough. If more than 1 but less than 10 m3 of wastewater will be generated per day, then it is recommended to install a device from two tanks.

Aeration stations work best with large volumes.

Features of natural conditions

The depth of passage of the primer and the type of soil determine whether it is possible to equip a stage of soil filtration, which will work effectively only on sandy loam and sand and low GWL.

Groundwater table

It is possible to install additional treatment on loam and clay, but these works will require a lot of time, money and physical costs.

The design features of septic tanks depend on the depth of soil freezing. The large mouth allows the device to be recessed. Among the finished products, there are options for installation in soil with a deep-lying point of zero temperatures.

Septic tank with sealed chambers

If you need to install a drive on highly freezing soils, then you should give preference to vertical containers. But in areas with a nearby primer, it is better to mount horizontal storage tanks.

Installation diagram of a vertical septic tank

With a significant amount of wastewater and unsuitable natural conditions, it is better to choose a biological treatment station. True, their cost will be higher.

The cost of installing a local sewage system

The amount of money that the owner of the house can allocate for the arrangement of the sewer system remains one of the main parameters for choosing a septic tank.

The most expensive are ready-made plastic treatment devices, especially those in which aeration wastewater treatment is carried out. There are models produced in Russia and have proven themselves among users: "Topas", "Astra". You can also purchase European septic tanks, for example, Uponor. On average, biological treatment stations cost 80-100 thousand rubles.

If natural conditions allow, then you can opt for ready-made septic tanks with soil post-treatment. Among such devices, the most popular are the Tank treatment plants, which cost about 35-50 thousand rubles, excluding the additional stage. An oxygen-free septic tank can also be equipped from scrap materials, for example, from eurocubes, especially if you purchase used containers, which cost about 4-5 thousand rubles.

Septic tank design from eurocubes

The cheapest option is storage tanks.

The price of the finished product is also influenced by what it is made of.

  1. Concrete rings are a traditional and inexpensive material for septic tanks. But to install them, you need to hire lifting equipment, which is not cheap.
  2. Ready-made plastic septic tanks are also often used, they are more expensive, but they can be released into the pit by 1-2 people. In addition, you can make a tank from a thick-walled large-diameter pipe or use eurocubes.

Note! Plastic products float under groundwater pressure, so they must be installed on a concrete base to which the container should be attached.

Septic tank for a private house how to choose
Find out how to choose a septic tank for a private home. Types of septic tanks, performance and other characteristics of the treatment plant, site parameters. Photo

To save yourself from the need to inhale odors from cesspools, it makes sense to buy a septic tank for a private house, having previously studied its features and giving preference to a specific variety. The device will save the residents of the house from any troubles. With the permanent residence of a large number of people on the territory of a private house, the drainage pit simply will not cope with the task at hand and it will need an assistant, which a septic tank can become.

What is a septic tank

Private houses or country cottages differ from ordinary apartments in that there is no central sewerage system and the use of a special device will be required to remove domestic water. A septic tank is a sealed container in which liquid waste accumulates. The biological treatment function is available for some models, but they cannot be ranked as full-fledged treatment facilities.

What is it needed for

Owners of country houses, when arranging sewerage systems, must ensure that sewage is cleaned taking into account sanitary standards and soil characteristics. A reliable option would be a septic tank, also called a sump, whose function is to accumulate and purify waste leaving the room. He allows impurities to pass through himself, not allowing them to penetrate the soil. Before making a septic tank in a private house, it is worth understanding its structure and operation.


When building a cottage, it is necessary to pay special attention to the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system, since there is no central one for the project. The device of a septic tank in a private house allows you to solve problems with the removal of household waste and their cleaning. The work is carried out in three stages:

  • Sewage drains leaving a private house are collected in sealed plastic containers of a local treatment plant.
  • Inside the septic tank, the particles are separated into heavy and light particles. The former settle at the bottom of the well, and the latter enter the next compartment.
  • Aerobic cleaning is not always possible, therefore anaerobic cleaning often occurs. The sewage is filtered, and the generated methane is discharged through the exhaust pipe.

Types of septic tanks for a private house

Local treatment facilities are divided into two large groups - old and new. The first group is represented by brick septic tanks and reinforced concrete structures. These types for private houses are used less often due to time, power and material costs. However, concrete structures are considered to be more durable. The new ones include ready-made plastic septic tanks for the home, which have several more subspecies. Of the undoubted advantages, one can single out the cheapness, practicality of plastic, and the lightness of the product.


Manufacturers of septic tanks installed in private houses understand that it is impossible to do without a sewerage system, therefore they offer a wide choice. The use of special tanks is often the solution to the problem. A storage septic tank is a container where domestic water flows through pipes, which are pumped out as it is filled. Calculations of the volume of liquid must be done independently and, based on this, order a storage tank of the required size. This option has a number of features:

  • The installation of drainage wells is not required, which has a positive effect on the cost of the system.
  • The tank itself for a private house will not be cheap, despite the simplicity of the device.
  • The owner of the house can independently decide where the septic tank will be installed. However, you need to think over everything so that the entrance of the sewer truck is unhindered.
  • The cost of pumping waste will be expensive, therefore, if your household water accumulates quickly, then a storage single-chamber septic tank is not your option!

It is impossible to provide yourself with a comfortable life for permanent residence in a private house without sewage. Bioseptic with the help of special bacteria solves the problem of wastewater treatment, giving a kind of guarantee of soil safety. The process looks like this:

  1. Sewage enters the first chamber of a popular septic tank, undergoing primary treatment there. Large particles and fats are separated and settle at the bottom.
  2. The waste is sent to the second tank of the three-chamber septic tank, where cleaning continues more actively.
  3. The sediment enters the first chamber, and the treated wastewater enters the third, where the final and main stage takes place.
  4. Fully treated water flows through the secondary clarifier into the well.

With post-treatment

Waste that has passed through a septic tank cannot be considered completely clean water that can be dumped into a body of water or soil. Sometimes it is impossible to do without additional soil cleaning. The design of a treatment plant for a private house depends on various parameters: characteristics of wastewater and soil. Soil filtration is more costly, since you will need to install:

  • absorbent trench,
  • sand and gravel filter,
  • filter well,
  • filtering fields.

Home septic tanks

Choices are not easy from the commercially available assortment. Initially, the eye falls on those devices that are cheap:

  • Name: KNS Unipump Sanivort.
  • Price: 11328 rubles.
  • Characteristics: the device pumps out waste water, accumulating it in a tank.
  • Pros: low price.
  • Cons: small capacity.

More serious septic tanks installed in private homes are many times more expensive. However, they are often worth it:

  • Name: EcoProm Rostok.
  • Price: 55,900 rubles.
  • Characteristics: construction containing a biological filter for wastewater treatment.
  • Pros: high degree of purification.
  • Cons: large size.

There are entire autonomous deep biological treatment plants. In a private house, they will be appropriate:

  • Name: Unilos Astra 3.
  • Price: 66,300 rubles.
  • Characteristics: a tank for collecting and filtering sewage, occurring in several stages.
  • Pros: easy to use, perfectly copes with the tasks.
  • Cons: no.

Septic tank installation price

Retail and online stores are full of sales, promotions and discounts. Before you install a septic tank for filtering waste in a private house, you need to purchase it. It is not recommended to order delivery by mail, it is better to use the services of a transport company. You can buy a septic tank for a home, depending on its type, at a price of 12,000 to 70,000 rubles. However, buying is half the battle. Installation costs may vary:

Septic tank for a private house: how to choose, reviews
A septic tank for a private house is a solution to problems with sewerage and getting rid of unpleasant odors of liquid waste. Learn about the types of devices and why you can't do without it.

A practical and successful option for a sewage system on your site - a septic tank - is a type of treatment plant that allows you to clean and dispose of wastewater. How to choose the right septic tank for a private house? The owner of a suburban home usually, when choosing a design, pays attention to its price and performance. The last factor will determine how effectively the product will cope with its purpose. The variety of these treatment facilities in the modern market will make even the most sophisticated consumer confused in these matters. Local installation is included in the sewer system and is used to collect, settle and purify contaminated water from the home. For an ordinary country house, they are of the following types:

Filling type - the structure can be made independently using concrete rings, eurocube, etc.,

Sedimentation tanks with post-treatment through the ground,

Installations for deep cleaning.

When choosing the best option for a septic tank, you should also pay attention to the material of its manufacture, the type of soil where it will be installed, the purpose of the dwelling (for stationary or seasonal residence).

Types of septic tanks for a country house

Earlier, when the production of plastic septic tanks was not so massive, reinforced concrete structures, which were mounted in stages, were more popular. Also used cleaning systems made of metal. Today, wastewater treatment is most often carried out using ready-made plastic plants. These products are reliable and durable. The high level of sealing ensures the environmental safety of the installations. Depending on their performance, they are classified according to different criteria.

By filtration type

The classic storage option is an analogue of a conventional settling pit, into which wastewater flows.

Accumulative model of a septic tank U1250 with a volume of 1250 liters (Cost about 25,000 rubles)

In such tanks, water is stored until it is pumped out by a sewer truck. Storage plants require regular cleaning. Although the cost of such containers is small, the frequent call of machines for cleaning is not a cheap "pleasure". Therefore, such a choice can hardly be called economical.

With soil cleaning - this option settles and cleans wastewater through a special drainage field.

Rostock 1000 model with a volume of 1000 liters (Cost about 25,000 rubles.)

Water is thrown out, and sediment remains in the container itself, which must be removed 2-3 times a year using special equipment. As a result of processing in such a septic tank, the water becomes 60-85% cleaner. Energy independence and ease of use are the advantages of such a structure. But it cannot be installed in areas with high aquiferous soil due to poor cleaning through soil filters.

Septic tank with deep biological treatment - in this case, you can achieve a high level of wastewater treatment (98-99%) and even reuse the liquid for household needs or for watering the garden.

Model Dochista Profi H5 with a volume of 1000 liters (Cost about 65,000 rubles)

In this version, all types of wastewater treatment are used: chemical, biological, mechanical. Such tanks can be installed in any type of soil, they do not rot and can serve for several decades. The disadvantages of biological septic tanks include their energy dependence. Therefore, in areas where the light is often turned off, it will be difficult to achieve the normal operation of the installation.

Scheme of operation of a gravity wastewater treatment system

By material

From reinforced concrete - this option can be chosen for houses where they live off-season, that is, all year round. They serve for a long time, but they need good waterproofing and are rather difficult to install.

Plastic containers can be installed in areas where the water table is high. Plastic septic tanks for a private house are not subject to corrosion and are not afraid of the influence of aggressive environments.

Metal tanks are made of stainless steel. However, in comparison with plastic and concrete counterparts, they are not as durable and practical. In addition, such septic tanks are quite expensive.

A horizontal septic tank is most often chosen for areas where water from the ground rises high in the autumn-spring period.

The horizontal container looks like a cylinder and is made of plastic or stainless steel. Suitable for installing a country house with a large amount of wastewater (10 or more cubic meters).

A septic tank of a vertical type is buried deeper than a horizontal container.

Such products are suitable for installation in a sewerage system with a small volume of wastewater (up to 2 cubic meters). However, such a tank is more sealed than the horizontal version.

Sometimes a combined version of horizontal and vertical septic tanks is used, where each container is responsible for certain wastewater from the bathroom, kitchen or toilet.

By location

Underground is a more common design option that is buried at a certain depth. At the same time, the landscape of the site does not suffer.

The above-ground version of the structure is used if the geology of the site does not allow the installation of an underground option due to the high level of groundwater. In this case, the septic tank will spoil the landscape of the site, so it should be mounted away from the viewing angle.

What to consider when choosing a septic tank

In order to choose and buy a septic tank for a country house or a dwelling located in the private sector, you should take into account the purpose of the premises itself.

If the house will be used only in a certain season, then a simpler version of a sewage treatment plant will do.

The water consumption per day is also taken into account. Based on this indicator, the required septic tank performance is determined. Water consumption depends on the number of people living in the house.

The characteristics of the soil are also taken into account. It is necessary to determine the possibility of installation on the site. After all, the territory itself must meet sanitary standards: the distance from the septic tank to the residential building is 5 meters, from the septic tank to a well or a well - 30 meters. If the site is small, then it is unlikely to meet all the necessary requirements. In this case, preference should be given to the more expensive option - sewerage with biological treatment.

The location of the septic tank on the site

In the area where the storage tank is installed, entrances for the sewer truck must be provided.

Best option: resume

In order to correctly choose a septic tank for a country house, you should take into account all the recommendations and carry out the necessary calculations. The current budget also matters, because some types are more expensive, but they are not always a viable option for construction in a particular situation. An optimally selected design model will be a guarantor of environmental safety and cleanliness of the soil, and timely maintenance of the tank and pumping out wastewater (if provided by the instructions) will extend its service life for a long time. The best version of the sewerage tank will allow you to build a high-quality sewerage system on the site and significantly improve living conditions in a private house.

Which septic tank to choose for a private house?
How to choose the right septic tank for a private house? The owner of a suburban home usually, when choosing a design, pays attention to its price and performance.

An overview article on how to correctly choose the right septic tank for a private house.

First: proceed from the number of people who will use the septic tank

Each person will need at least two hundred liters a day, that is, if there are five people in a family, then a septic tank for a three-day stay in it must have a volume of at least three cubic meters.

It is also worth considering the volume of the salvo discharge of water, it comes from several sources at once (this is a bath, shower, sinks, toilets). If you incorrectly calculate the water consumption and exceed the flow volume, this will affect the quality of water purification.

Second: Frequency of use

Aeration units such as "Unilos", "Topas", "Astra", "Bioxy" are perfect for year-round operation. If the flow of effluents ceases, then the activity of microorganisms is inhibited.

In order to use a septic tank occasionally, it is necessary to bring additional food into the sewer system, most often it is semolina, pet food, kefir. After receiving top dressing, the activated sludge biocenosis is restored, and the septic tank works as usual.

Third: a method of drainage

There are usually three ways to remove wastewater:

  • Into the ground - this method is suitable if the soil consists of sand or is sandy loam. The effluent flows into a filter well with a crushed stone or gravel bed at the bottom,
  • In the "storm" - this method is suitable if the degree of filtration is close to 98%, since you can get a fine for water pollution. The method is appropriate in the case when there is soil on your site that does not absorb water well, for example, clay, or if you have an excessively high groundwater level,
  • In an intermediate well - the method is suitable for several houses sharing one station. This well is built of concrete, and water does not leave from it, it is discharged onto the relief using a drainage pump.

Dumping water into a common ditch is prohibited due to the fact that aeration stations cannot completely destroy helminth eggs. Therefore, there is a risk of infecting other residents with intestinal diseases.

Fourth: The depth to which the soil freezes in winter

You can find out how much the soil freezes in your area by focusing on SNiP 23-01-99. For example, in the Moscow region, the soil freezes by 1.4 m.

That is, if you plan to use a septic tank in the winter, you need to lay it below the freezing point, otherwise you risk getting an accident.

Fifth: Station cost

The brands "Topas" and "Astra" are similar and have approximately the same price tag. The differences between them relate to the design features (one compressor is installed in the Topas, and two in the Astra), the number of modifications according to the depth of the underwater pipe, and the body material. Bioxy stations provide for the possibility of processing a larger volume of effluent with a similar number of users. Therefore, the price tag for the products of this brand is slightly higher. For a private house, the option is optimal.

Also on the market there is a firm "Tver", which offers a combined type of treatment systems. These septic tanks have a chamber for anaerobic processes. In fact, this is a complex of a septic tank and an aeration plant. These systems are ideal for occasional use, but they are more expensive.

How do sewage treatment plants work?

The compressor delivers fine air bubbles to the aeration tanks, through which oxidation takes place. Then the wastewater is pumped into a biofilter, or an aeration tank, and the remaining organic matter is destroyed in it. If you have an aeration tank, then in it a mixture of water and sludge is sent to a secondary settling tank, where the effluent is divided into water and sludge, and bacteria are involved in the processing of organic matter. Aerobic bacteria are used here. The biofilter, in turn, uses anaerobic bacteria that can exist in an oxygen-free environment, therefore, the supply of oxygen to the chamber is not necessary. The purified water is either removed by gravity or with the help of special mechanisms, the sludge remains.

Overview of installations on the market

Let's consider the most popular settings.

Station "Topas"

Domestic production, one of the first in Russia.

Its work is based on a combination of biological treatment with fine bubble aeration (artificial air supply) for more efficient and faster oxidation of the constituents of domestic wastewater. Biological treatment is the biochemical destruction of organic substances by microorganisms (bacteria). In this type of installation, aerobic bacteria are used, due to which the processes of biochemical destruction of organic substances take place.

The septic tanks of this company have a large number of modifications:

  • Based on the number of people living, modifications have been developed for four, five, six, eight, nine, ten or more people who live in a private house, in a country house, in a cottage,
  • Modifications that take into account the depth of the pipe that removes the drains from the house,
  • Septic tank models can have one or two compressors,
  • Septic tank models can have a drain pump,
  • In addition to modifications for the house, the company has developed septic tanks for a summer cottage village, a camp site, a summer cottage community with a capacity of fifty, seventy, one hundred, one hundred and fifty residents.

You can safely choose the products of this brand, since this is one of the most thought-out companies with many options, and the company's consultants will select the option that suits you, taking into account the characteristics of your site and your needs.

The positive aspects of using an autonomous wastewater treatment plant "Topas" include:

  • A wide product line, you can choose a model based on the number of people living, modifications have been developed for areas with a high groundwater level, as well as a number of interesting solutions,
  • Increased strength of the product, crushing the station by soil is excluded, extrusion is also impossible,
  • Very easy to operate, easy to handle on your own, and there is no need to spend money on maintenance,
  • The station works silently
  • A very high degree of water purification, which allows water to be discharged into water bodies or into a sewer.

Among the disadvantages of "Topas" stations are:

Choosing a septic tank for a private house
The article discusses general approaches to the choice of a septic tank for a private house and summer cottage, as well as provides an overview on the model "Topas", "Tank" and "Unilos".