Which septic tank is better - features of choosing a septic tank for home and garden. Choosing a septic tank for a summer residence: which is better, device, characteristics, reviews Types of septic tanks for country houses

Building Vacation home or cottage, everyone strives to make them as comfortable as possible. Therefore, suburban housing is equipped with sanitary and household appliances to be connected to the sewer. But wastewater must be diverted somewhere, provided that, as a rule, there is no central sewage system outside the city. Therefore, the question of which septic tank is better for a summer residence or a private cottage is relevant.

Rest outside the city attracts many. However, the lack of necessary amenities can greatly overshadow country life. Indeed, few people will like the need to wash in a basin and visit the toilet located at the far end of the site.

In order not to sacrifice comfort, many undertake to equip country houses and cottages. local systems sewerage. And at the same time, it becomes necessary to choose and install a septic tank - which better fit in each specific case? Each developer must resolve this issue in advance.

Selection according to the principle of operation

First of all, let's figure out what septic tanks are by type of work. In principle, three types of treatment plants are used today:

  • Drives;
  • Settling tanks with anaerobic biological treatment;
  • Systems deep cleaning based on aerobic processes.


If equipment is chosen for a small country house in which it is not planned to live permanently, then a storage septic tank will be the most practical option. Such installations do not process effluents, but only accumulate them. As the capacity accumulates, cleaning is carried out using sewage equipment. Pros of the option:

  • Cheapness and ease of installation;
  • Complete environmental safety.

Cons of this solution:

  • The need to pump out effluent as the tank is filled;
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor at the time of pumping.

Advice! The drive is a good option for a septic tank for giving with a small flow of water. If the house is not permanently inhabited, and water is used sparingly, then pumping will have to be done once a month or even once for the entire summer season (the frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the drive).

Settling tanks with anaerobic type of wastewater treatment

Considering the types of septic tanks, it should be noted that sedimentation tanks with anaerobic cleaning processes are a practical option for arranging a local sewage system for a private cottage. In such septic tanks, two types of natural cleaning are used:

  • Mechanical settling, which makes it possible to separate undissolved inclusions having a density different from water;
  • Anaerobic biological decomposition of organic matter produced by the action of microorganisms.

In such septic tanks, only primary clarification of water occurs, it is cleaned by about 60%. Therefore, it is necessary to build installations for soil post-treatment - aeration fields, filtration trenches and wells. Pros of this option:

  • The convenience of use. A septic tank put into operation does not require constant attention;
  • Low operating costs. Maintenance and pumping of sediment from the septic tank is carried out no more than once a year;
  • Multivariance. You can purchase ready-to-install models of industrial production, or you can build septic tank chambers yourself, for example, from iron concrete rings;
  • Complete autonomy. Septic tanks do not need electricity.

Advice! The question may arise which is better - reinforced concrete rings for self assembly chambers or a ready-made septic tank? Here the choice depends on the budget allocated for the construction of sewers, and the planned labor costs. If the budget allows, it is easier to order the installation of a finished septic tank. The self-construction option will be cheaper, but will require more labor.

Cons of septic tanks:

  • The operation of this type of septic tank is highly dependent on geological conditions - the ability of the soil to absorb water, the level to which soil water rises. For example, if the groundwater in a private household rises high, then the likelihood of a septic tank flooding increases when its chambers are not airtight enough (lined with bricks or stacked of rings). And if there is clay soil on the site, additional difficulties arise with the device for soil purification.

Systems with aerobic cleaning method

Choosing the best option a septic tank for a private cottage, many stop at modern local bio-cleaning stations. In such stations, full cycle water processing.

At the outlet of the installation, there is technically pure water, which can be discharged into a ditch or sent to a storage well for further use for household purposes (watering, washing paths, etc.). Pros of this option:

  • High purification efficiency, which eliminates the need for construction of plants for soil post-treatment;
  • Lack of smell and noise in the course of work;
  • Possibility of installation under any geological conditions.
  • High cost of stations;
  • The need to connect the power supply;
  • Higher chance of breakage. In simple settling tanks, there are simply no parts that could break, and biotreatment stations are equipped with compressors, airlifts, and automation systems, so they are more likely to fail.

Choice by performance

Even the best septic tank for a private home will not work effectively if the installation performance is not chosen correctly. The performance and volume of the septic tank chambers depend on the water consumption in the house. The more equipment in the house connected to the sewer and the people who use it, the more productive the model is needed for the construction of the sewer.

If a finished model is purchased, then the passport, as a rule, indicates how many people the model is designed to serve. During construction makeshift installations you have to do a simple calculation.

It is necessary that the drains be in the septic tank for at least three days, otherwise the liquid will not have time to settle well, and the quality of cleaning will decrease. Thus, it is necessary to choose the volume of the sump chambers in such a way that they can accommodate the amount of wastewater generated in the house over three days.

It is not difficult to calculate the three-day water consumption. If the house has a standard set of plumbing (as in a city apartment), then for each person living there is approximately 200 liters of water per day and, accordingly, 600 liters for three days.

Advice! In the event that a bathhouse with a swimming pool is being built in the house, or several jacuzzis are planned to be installed, then the water consumption will naturally be greater.

To determine the volume of cameras, it is enough to multiply the number of people living in the house by 600 and add 10-15% of the reserve for unforeseen cases like the arrival of guests.

The choice of septic tank material

If you plan to purchase a ready-made septic tank, then its body will most likely be made of polypropylene or other polymer material. With self-construction of cameras, variations are possible. Consider, homemade septic tanks- what are the options for materials for construction:

  • Metal containers. This is the most impractical option. The fact is that the metal is quickly destroyed under the action of effluents, and the installation becomes unusable;
  • Concrete structures. When choosing this option, two solutions are possible - the construction of a prefabricated structure from rings or the construction of a monolithic septic tank. The first option is simpler in execution, provided that lifting equipment is used, but it is not airtight enough. With highly located soil waters, such a septic tank is very unreliable. Monolithic structures completely sealed, but their construction takes time and serious labor;

Advice! To prolong the service life of a metal container, it is necessary to treat it inside and out with anti-corrosion compounds. However, in this case, the installation will last no longer than 5-6 years.

  • Fiberglass and plastic. These materials are best suited for the construction of a septic tank. They are durable and lightweight, not subject to corrosion, so they last a long time. For self construction a septic tank will need to purchase ready-made containers of the required volume, for example, eurocubes are often used.

Choice by cost

  • Practically free septic tanks. These are structures built independently from improvised material, for example, old tires or plastic barrels. This option may be suitable for small country houses, in which water consumption is minimal or for baths. Such septic tanks have low productivity, and when constructing chambers from tires, they also lack tightness;
  • Cheap septic tanks. These are installations made of brick or reinforced concrete. Relatively inexpensive installations for industrial production of small productivity;
  • Septic tanks produced by industry have an average price, with a capacity of more than a cubic meter of wastewater per day;
  • The most expensive in terms of price are complete biotreatment systems.

So, when choosing a treatment plant, it is necessary to take into account local conditions: water consumption, geological conditions, financial capabilities of the owners. Helping you decide which septic tank is best for you country house feedback from the owners of the installations, who, on their own experience, found out all the shortcomings and advantages of the models used.

Septic tanks are of two types. A "regular" septic tank is a simple storage device, which works primarily as a sump. Plus - absolute simplicity, but the degree of purification is low. Therefore, the discharged effluents must either be filtered additionally, or regularly call the sewers with their tank, and each call is money.

Therefore, more complex septic tanks are much more profitable in the long run ( systems autonomous sewerage) , giving activated sludge and water with sufficient a high degree cleaning - almost one hundred percent. In such septic tanks, aerobic bacteria usually do their job, which is helped by an aerator that forcibly blows air through the tank. Something like in an aquarium, only the "fish" there are microscopic and eat completely tasteless. The same aeration units, only much more powerful, are also used at Vodokanals as the main stage in the operation of sewage treatment plants. At the same time, anaerobic bacteria “work” in septic tanks, which do not even need to be populated - they get there straight from you. Therefore, a large primary clarifier is not only useful for mechanical cleaning.

But you can do without aeration, at the same time getting rid of the compressor: it’s cheaper and more reliable, at first glance. Can be used biofilter- this is either a mesh or a cassette with porous granules. Here, at the same time, sludge is sifted out and bacteria “live”. One pass of the drain through the filter is not particularly effective, so recirculation is used with a special pump. Even if you accidentally pour something vigorously chemical into the sewer and arrange a total Holocaust for microscopic coprofiles, at least mechanical cleaning will be preserved. A septic tank on a biofilter can be made quite compact. The disadvantage is obvious - the filter inevitably becomes dirty and requires maintenance, while it is enough to pump out sludge from the aerator from time to time. Without additional air saturation in the biofilter, only anaerobic bacteria can “work” normally.

The most efficient, of course, septic tanks, where cleaning goes through biofilters, and aeration of accumulated effluents occurs. But such a septic tank will simultaneously combine the disadvantages of both systems.

As for performance, the first thing to consider is waste volume- It is generally accepted that one person per day drains up to 200 liters of water into the sewer. That is, in theory, a family of 4 people needs a septic tank that “digests” up to 0.8 cubic meters per day. But in practice, of course, smaller models, up to 600 liters, also work great. Do not forget to take into account such a parameter as maximum salvo discharge volume- this is the volume of liquid that can be "assimilated" by the septic tank without disrupting performance in one "sip".

During the construction of a country house or cottage, first of all, they design a water supply and sewerage system. Especially if there are no centralized communications nearby. And in this project important role occupied by the extraction and cleaning system Wastewater, for which it is necessary to choose the best septic tank for giving from all types offered by the modern market.

The reservoir is a reservoir in which all wastewater from all plumbing points of the house is collected and undergoes biological treatment, followed by drainage of the liquid into the soil or its pumping out using assinization equipment.

In order to understand which of the tanks to install on a particular suburban area, it is worthwhile to conduct a thorough analysis of all types of equipment, understand the principle of their operation and evaluate the feasibility of installing one or another type of treatment system for private sewer.

We analyze the varieties of septic tanks in our material and find out which of the tanks is the best.

The modern plumbing industry offers the consumer septic tanks, which can be classified according to several criteria. First, we will analyze the treatment systems according to the method and principle of operation, after a thorough analysis. There are such types of septic tanks:

  • storage tanks;
  • Septic tanks operating on the principle of soil filtration;
  • Tanks with a system of deep bio-cleaning.

More details about each type of equipment below.

Septic tank accumulative

This type of private sewer equipment is a durable sealed reservoir for collecting all domestic wastewater from the site. In principle, such a capacity resembles a standard cesspool, with the only difference that the storage septic tank does not have walls in the form of soil. In this case, when installing a treatment system, the tank is simply buried in the ground to the required depth.

The principle of operation of such a treatment system is that the effluents are collected in containers where the natural decay of effluents occurs. That is, their larger and heavier particles settle to the bottom of the tank, and light water and fatty films rise up.

Such a structure requires periodic cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Important: when conducting an analysis, choosing and installing a storage septic tank, you should carefully select the container according to the volume and material of manufacture. In the first case, the volume should allow a certain amount of wastewater to accumulate freely for a specific period, so that you do not often have to call in special equipment to remove them from the tank. As for the material, it must be strong enough so that the soil does not crush it during operation. To this end, a thorough analysis is also recommended.

Most often, the device of such a septic tank is used in summer cottages or country-type houses, in which they do not live permanently, but for seasons.

Septic tank with soil filtration

These types of septic tanks are used in those houses where it is supposed permanent residence households and where the number of drains will be the same constant. This type of equipment requires less frequent cleaning using special equipment.

The principle of operation and the device of such a treatment plant are quite simple and are as follows:

  • Effluent from the entire house flows down the pipeline into the first chamber of the reservoir, where it flows into light water and heavy solid inclusions. First through special drainage hole goes into the second chamber of the septic tank, and the remaining heavy debris settles to the bottom of the first drive. In the second chamber, water undergoes bacteriological post-treatment and then is sent through the connector to filtration fields the third chamber, from where it freely seeps into the soil.

Important: in order for the bacteriological decomposition of wastewater in such a treatment plant to be faster, it is better to use special aerobic-type bacteria that will not only process the wastewater, but also eliminate their unpleasant odors from the septic tank.

After analyzing the septic tanks, it was possible to identify the following advantages of this type of equipment:

  • High speed and quality of domestic waste water treatment;
  • Pretty simple tank maintenance;
  • No need for frequent use of sewage equipment.

Important: it is forbidden to build and operate these types of septic tanks in areas with clay soil or in areas where groundwater is high. In this case, all drains, instead of draining into the soil, will simply wash away the area.

Septic tanks with deep biological wastewater treatment

These types of septic tanks are widely used in almost all areas and at any facility. Main Feature Such a device is a high-quality wastewater treatment to the state of water that is safe for the environment. Residual organic matter can be discharged from such a treatment plant directly into the ground or even water bodies. This is evidenced by a qualitative analysis of water taken for a sample from a septic tank of this type.

In settling tanks with a bio-treatment system, complex wastewater treatment is used:

  • Simple settling of water;
  • Its bacteriological purification;
  • And chemical processing.

The principle of operation and the device of such a treatment plant are as follows:

  • First, all domestic wastewater enters the first chamber of the tank, where it is divided into water and larger fecal inclusions. After that, the clarified water is transported to the second chamber, where aerobic or anaerobic bacteria are used.

Important: in order for aerobic bacteria to work more efficiently, a special compressor that pumps oxygen is installed in the second chamber of the septic tank.

After the organic masses acquire a structure of simple composition, they are transported to the third chamber, in which chemical post-treatment of water is carried out. Now the effluent is ready to be discharged into the ground or a reservoir.

According to the analysis of all three types of containers, this one has the following advantages:

  • High quality wastewater treatment and treatment;
  • The possibility of using such treatment facilities on soils of any type;
  • Absence of sharp unpleasant odors from the waste tank;
  • Ease of installation of equipment and its operation (the septic tank works independently without the need for constant monitoring of it);
  • The presence of a small amount of final sediment, which allows you to clean the tank quite rarely (1 time in 5-8 years).

Important: a septic tank with a deep purification system requires connection to the electricity network, which entails the need additional costs for payment utilities. But, after comparing all three types of septic tanks, we can safely say that such expenses will pay off with a vengeance in the absence of the need to use sewage equipment with enviable regularity.

Septic tanks by type of material

All purification tanks can also be divided into categories and according to the type of material used for their manufacture. Since the use of certain types of containers is relevant for one type of soil and may not be suitable for another at all. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze all the capacities offered by the market.

So, we compare septic tanks by type of material. Reservoirs are:

  • Brick cleaning systems;
  • Concrete tanks;
  • Metal tanks;
  • Plastic containers.

Brick septic tank

The most standard type of treatment tank in a country or suburban area. The popularity of such containers is due to the ability to use waste building materials, which saves the family budget.

When building a septic tank from brick, it is necessary to observe the tightness of its walls, since building stone can create cracks and gaps when laying. To avoid this, you can use a sealant or penetrating mastic.

Important: in addition to saving money from the family budget, such a treatment plant is quite profitable in terms of its construction. There is no need for sophisticated technology or professional skill. Masonry can be done in one brick with your own hands.

Concrete tanks

A feature of the construction of tanks made of concrete is the need to dig a pit. If the septic tank is very large, then you will have to use sophisticated equipment.

Two types of treatment facilities can be built from concrete:

  • Monolithic;
  • Made.

In the first case, a pit is dug and poured reinforced concrete into the installed formwork. In the second case, the septic tank is assembled from concrete rings. They are mounted one by one.

Important: for a container made of reinforced concrete rings, it is necessary to monitor the tightness of the joints.

Metal septic tanks

Most rare view wastewater treatment tanks. The analysis shows that such containers have rather negative features than positive ones. And the most important of them is metal corrosion, which one day will lead to depressurization of the cleaning system.

PVC septic tanks

Comparison of septic tanks from different materials definitely speaks in favor of plastic. Such containers are made of sand-reinforced polymers by hot extrusion (extrusion under high pressure). The result is a strong container that can withstand high mechanical stresses in compression and tension. Especially if the tanks have special stiffeners.

The features of such tanks are entirely positive:

  • Strength and durability;
  • Resistance to aggressive environments;
  • Environmental friendliness of materials;
  • Excellent 100% tightness of the treatment system;
  • Light weight.

The last advantage can also play the role of a disadvantage. So, plastic containers for a septic tank are at risk of being thrown out of the ground under the influence of temperature changes and ground water. To prevent this from happening, they (PVC tanks) are installed in special pits with subsequent concreting. And you can use a special anchor system for their installation.

There are also septic tanks from any materials at hand. But this type of equipment is not professional and is used most often on small dachas, where the owners come periodically to harvest or harvest for the winter. In this case, simple barrels can be used, car tires etc.

Construction of septic tanks

According to the type of construction, septic tanks are distinguished as one-, two- and three-chamber. The latter are performed if it is planned to install a treatment plant with a biological post-treatment system.

Two-chamber - these are tanks for a sewage treatment plant with a soil cleaning system. Single-chamber septic tanks are accumulators.

According to the installation method

All septic tanks can be divided into vertical and horizontal according to the method of mounting the cameras. So, in the first case, the tanks are installed with their bottoms in the ground and look like a simple barrel with hatches in the upper part. With this method of installation, the treatment system goes deep and occupies less space Location on.

If the septic tank is installed vertically according to the type of tank, then here, on the contrary, the depth of occurrence will be less than the occupied area.

Important: vertical treatment structures are used where the groundwater level is high enough.

In addition, it is worth noting that septic tanks are surface and underground. The former are also used on those soils that are washed big amount groundwater located close to the surface of the earth.

Underground - are installed in all other cases.

Which of the types of septic tanks to choose for a summer house or a country house, and which options are right for your site, must be decided depending on the following parameters:

  • Quantity and volume of sewage on the site;
  • Frequency of residence or stay on it;
  • Soil characteristics of your site.

Remember, a properly selected and installed septic tank will effective tool for cleaning and drainage of all domestic wastewater.

These data confirm the need to define personal criteria when looking for the best septic tank for a summer residence. In addition to the above information, you should pay attention to the following data:

  • Real volume of drains (normal/maximum).
  • The possibility of careful maintenance, ensuring uninterrupted power supply.
  • Proposed method of installation (independent / with the help of specialists).
  • Ground water level.
  • The thickness of the earth layer above the hull and the corresponding loads.
  • Ease of passage of equipment for the extraction of accumulated effluents.

Important! The best septic tank performs its functions without unnecessary difficulties and high operating costs. For an accurate assessment, all significant factors are analyzed in combination.

Regardless of the specific form (drawing with dimensions, or a set of documentation in accordance with GOST), the materials must contain information not only about the septic tank. They indicate the number and parameters of straight pipes and other fittings, hoses and hatches for. Electric actuators are equipped with overheating and surge protection devices. Submersible supplement with convenient lifting devices for inspection and repair.

After a thorough study of all the nuances of the project, they make the necessary adjustments to the equipment requirements. Make an accurate list of the main components of the system and add-ons, building materials, tools. This work will help clarify the amount of future financial and labor costs.

Related article:

The article tells how to make . Description of building requirements supplemented with overviews effective technologies and finished models with characteristics and prices. This information will help to implement the project quickly, with reasonable costs.

The current rating of the best septic tanks for a country house

To determine which better septic tank to give, the current rating is supplemented by consumer reviews. Useful data on warranty, operating instructions.


A significant advantage of this brand is the specialized production of various treatment facilities:

Model Productivity, (m3 per day) / Permissible volume of one-time discharge (m3) price, rub. Notes

0,8/125 95 x 97 x 2.5/21578500-86500 Compact system with one compressor.

Topas 4 PR
0,8/175 88 x 97 x 260/22595200-108900 Equipped with two compressors for active aeration of the compartment with aerobic microorganisms.

Topas 8 Long OL
3/1025 230 x120 x310/715251000-268800 Installation to meet large needs (up to 15 users). Such equipment is suitable for equipping large real estate objects.

Topol-Eco TOPAS-S 8 Pr
1,3/- 110900-115300 Equipment for deep cleaning with five working chambers. Energy independent execution.

For your information! On the official website, you can buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer. The price in the price list is not increased by the profit of intermediaries, so you can count on quite reasonable offers.

According to a separate request, the company creates complex-type treatment facilities, specialized sets:

  • In the line "Toplos" modifications are presented:
    • "Aqua" - for cleaning liquid from open reservoirs;
    • "KM" - container type installation;
    • "FL" - equipment for the detention of organic matter.
  • Cleaning of fatty impurities will be performed by Toppolium.
  • The Toprain kit is designed to equip gas stations and car workshops.

With the help of the above products and other products of this company, it is possible to solve specific tasks at a reasonable cost. When selling, the price with a turnkey installation includes delivery and installation. This data will help clarify the amount of real investment.


Treatment facilities under this trademark are produced by Triton Plastic. This company currently offers the following range country septic tanks Tank. The price in the table is as of August 2017:

Model series "Tank" Productivity, (cubic meters per day) Length x Width x Height (cm) / Weight (kg) The price of one / three products, rub.

0,6 120 x 100 x 170/8522700/17000

0,8 180 x 120 x 170/13032800/27500

1 203 x 120 x 185/14037900/32500

1,2 220 x 120 x 200/15044700/39500

1,8 360 x 100 x 170/22859000/54000

For your information! If you choose a septic tank, owner reviews should be studied with a duration of operating experience of at least several seasons. This will allow you to obtain objective information, take into account in economic calculations recurring additional costs.

The manufacturer gives the following advantages of products in this series:

  • Their design is well developed in practice, taking into account the opinions of real users.
  • This equipment performs its functions without power consumption and associated operating costs.
  • It can be installed in any soil.
  • We allow installation without concreting the base and rigidly attaching to it using anchoring.
  • Good tightness is useful when high level ground water.

Important! In official instructions, the company notes the need to remove bottom sediments during seasonal living (in autumn, before preparing the dacha for winter). If the property is used constantly, such a procedure is needed no more than once every 5 years or less. For the decomposition of sediments, special sets of microorganisms are used.

The prices indicated for the Tank septic tank are for the capital and the Moscow region. Discounts are provided not only for the number of purchased products. They are valid when ordering professional installation (+12400 rubles).


The same manufacturer produces other polymer products. Under the Triton brand, the following series are presented on the domestic market:

  • "N" - storage tanks for waste volume from 1000 to 27000 liters, costing 24800-426000 rubles.
  • "T" - traditional in design septic tanks of three separate chambers.
  • "P" - tanks for fire fighting systems.
  • "K" - caissons
  • "PM" - fat retention devices for installation under.
Model of the Triton-T series Tank volume, liters Tank diameter x length, cm Approximate number of users
1 1000 120 x 1172
1,5 1500 120 x 1623
2,5 2500 120 x 2525
5 5000 120 x 47210
10 10000 150 x 60020
12 12000 200 x 405
30 30000 200 x 980

This kit is suitable for installation in the country. The wall thickness of these products is from 10 to 15 mm, which provides good resistance to mechanical stress. Technical data are shown in the table:

Name Tank volume, liters Length x Width x Height in cm Weight, kg
septic tank750 125 x 820 x 17085
infiltration device400 180 x 800 x 40020

Such a set is not difficult to transport and install yourself. As standard, the manufacturer includes a neck and caps. It is not necessary to purchase an infiltrator. Instead, you can apply , a filtering field.


Septic tanks under this brand are created by Multiplast. This company produces products from polymers using vacuum and rotational forming technologies. The presence of our own design departments allows us to respond in a timely manner to market requirements. Equipped with modern equipment, production ensures cost minimization and excellent quality. It is acceptable to manufacture solid-cast containers with a volume of up to 10 thousand liters.

The manufacturer emphasizes that only primary raw materials, high-quality polymers are used for the manufacture of cases. One-piece casting and radial end lugs help maintain structural integrity even under heavy loads. Specifications products are checked by a series of special hydrodynamic tests.

Model series "Termite" Productivity, cbm per day Tank volume, liters Length x Width x Height, cm Weight, kg Notes

Drive 1.2
0,4 1200 134 x 116 x 156.580 storage capacity.

Pro 1.2
0,4 1200 134 x 116 x 156.580 The most compact septic tank with additional soil cleaning. Wall thickness - up to 20 mm.
Transformer 1.5S0,6 1500 200 x 80 x 200110 This equipment can be converted into a cleaning station with forced air supply. Proprietary Aeration Kit Offered

Pro 2.5
1 2500 200 x 115.5 200.5135 Suitable for a family of 5.

Transformer 2.5PR
1 2500 205 x 105 x 211155 Such a septic tank can be used.

For your information! When buying a turnkey Termite septic tank, the price includes installation work. But you need to make sure that these services are available for a specific region. Otherwise, you will have to organize the installation of equipment on your own.


The current production line includes two series of classic septic tanks:

These are complete cleaning stations, which differ in the following characteristics:

  • Polymer foam walls (polypropylene) create a layer of insulation that prevents the harmful effects of changes in outside temperature.
  • For forced air supply, membrane technology is used here, which helps to extend the life of the aerator to 10 years or more.
  • Removal of excess silt (it is used as a fertilizer) is carried out using a standard airlift.

You can purchase a suitable station, taking into account the required distance from. The following restrictions apply when constructing a route:

Modification Outlet depth in cm for different systems drains Maximum inlet depth, cm
Gravity Forced
"Standard"45 15 60
"Midi"60 30 90

The price of a Unilos Astra 5 septic tank (76-83 thousand rubles) cannot be called too high, given the good consumer characteristics. This equipment provides a full satisfaction of all needs for draining for a family of 4-5 people. It retains functionality during salvo discharges up to 250 liters. Electricity consumption does not exceed 60 W per hour.

Aqua Bio

These treatment facilities are capable of processing from 0.7 to 1.5 cubic meters. stocks in 24 hours (5-10 users). The body thickness increased to 25 mm allows it to withstand heavy loads without damage. The manufacturer positions its products as intended for loamy and sandy soils, areas with low level ground water. It offers necks of different heights in 100 mm increments, so choose best option not difficult.

For your information! A few years ago, the manufacturer made a rebranding. Now the products of this series are called "BARS-Bio".


Modification Inlet pipe depth, cm Width x Depth x Height, cm Processing volume per day, cbm Permissible volley discharge, l

80 112 x 106 x 212.50,65 180

80 103 x 100 x 248.51 250

80 192.8 x 112 x 248.52 790

80 300 x 216 x 3008,9 1900

150 LONG
140 400 x 482 x 30024 4600

Drawing installation "Tver 1P"


The production association is the oldest specialized domestic enterprise. The application of the accumulated experience in practice is manifested in good consumer characteristics and reasonable prices. All products of this type are provided with official certificates, a five-year warranty.

Septic tank Ecopan


This manufacturer creates tanks for local cleaning systems from polyethylene low pressure. To strengthen the structure, a special arrangement of power elements was used. The relatively low weight simplifies assembly operations. Four steps provide good level cleaning. To remove precipitation, the equipment is equipped with an airlift.

Model range parameters Units Limit values
Number of usershuman2-15
Schematic diagram of a treatment plant

For your information! The prices of Leader septic tanks, as well as similar products from other manufacturers, should be considered taking into account the specific configuration. In this case we are talking about modern, well-equipped equipment.

Comparison of different models

The prices below for septic tanks for summer cottages will change over time. However, these data are suitable for objective comparative analysis.

Model range parameters Units Limit values
Maximum one-time resetliters400-3000
The number of treated wastewater in 24 hoursm. cub.
Manufacturer/Model Productivity, m3/day Dimensions, cm Weight, kg Price
Triton Plastic/Triton-T 2.5120 x 25248000

Multiplast/ Thermite Transformer 2.5 S
1 205 x 105 x 211145 45000

Unilos/Astra 5
1 103 x 100 x 199.5250 71600

Granite-M/ Poplar
1 103 x 100 x 248.583300

TD "Engineering equipment" / Tver - 1 PN
1 300 x 110 x 167180 112300

Software "Pankom" / Ecopan L5
1 255 x 144 x 164210 97500

Alexis LLC /Leader 1
1 270 x 145 x 165150 105000

For your information! When creating a septic tank for a house with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the total cost of construction and ancillary work, the purchase of compressors and other factory products.

accommodation in own house will be comfortable if the owners provide everything for this the necessary conditions. Few people are already attracted to options with the delivery of buckets of water from a well, with a board toilet on the site. All this is acceptable for dacha conditions with periodic arrivals on weekends, but it looks like a complete anachronism if the family lives in the house permanently. And this means that normal housing should be equipped with water supply and sewerage. Well, if in the village there is the possibility of connecting to the central highways and collectors. But such cases are quite rare, and more often it is necessary to create completely autonomous systems.

How to choose a septic tank - detailed instructions

Water supply is a separate multifaceted topic, and in this case we are interested in the creation of an independent sewerage system. Discharge of untreated wastewater into environment- is strictly prohibited. This means that it is necessary to install special structures or devices for collecting, settling, cleaning, clarifying wastewater. In the practice of private housing construction optimal solution This issue is the use of special containers - septic tanks. Such an element can be built on its own or purchased ready-made. This publication will discuss how to choose a factory-made septic tank, that is, what criteria for evaluating a product should pay special attention to.

What is a septic tank. The principle of its action

Septic tank - essential element autonomous system sewerage or treatment plant. And, although it is not a complete wastewater treatment scheme in itself, its role is extremely important.

The main purpose of any septic tank is the collection of all sewage from a house (a group of houses), their settling and preliminary biological treatment varying degrees depths. The effluents that have passed such a cycle are discharged into ground filtration devices or structures, or are subject to regular pumping using special equipment. In any case, it excludes the ingress of polluted effluents into the environment, representing a chemical and bacteriological hazard to it.