How to make a deep cleaning station himself. Wastewater cleaning in a private house: Septic or Los? Sewage and wastewater treatment in a private country house

The cesspool is the easiest, but not too successful an autonomous sewage option at a private house. Modern technologies offer more convenient solutions, such as local industrial purification stations.

A skilled builder is quite able to make septicch with their own hands without pumping. What options of septic sobs are popular among owners of private houses and what will be required for their facilities - all this we will consider in our article.

And also give an example of the assembly of the septica of concrete rings and compare the ready-made solutions offered by the market, with homemade.

Septures are called sewage facilities that are almost completely recycled wastewaters, decomposing them into safe components.

All work on the transformation of waste human life is assigned to microorganisms. Multiple sewer masses aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are gradually processed into water and active il.

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If the device is insulated and correctly canned, it is not terrible or winter frosts or spring floods. It will not pop up and does not crack, even if part of its content will freeze.

It is important, of course, to correctly install the device. In the process of recycling, the Bacteria Effectively eliminate the smell characteristic of the sewage.

The resulting water, of course, is not suitable for drinking, cooking, washing or other household needs. With a high degree of cleaning, it can be used for watering plants on the site.

Often water is removed through a filtration well or a filtration field. Water gradually enters the ground, passing through the cleaning system, the sand layer and rubble.

Il, which settles at the bottom of hermetic capacitance, of course, does not go anywhere. It accumulates, as a result of which the total amount of septicism decreases slightly. When the amount of deposits becomes critical, the device should be cleaned using a special pump.

The septic cleaning is performed significantly less frequently than pumping a cesspool, and this process is usually not accompanied by a maliciousness, because IL has a completely neutral smell.

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Outside, septic tip the layer of waterproofing. Some masters recommend missing not only joints, but completely all the capacity of the device

The trench for the sewer pipe, leading from the house to the septic, without pumping and smell, is placed with a slight bias. At the junction of the septica and pipes in the thickness of the concrete, a hole of suitable sizes are done.

In the same way, plugs are installed and pipes that combine individual parts of the septic. All connectivity septic places with pipes need to be seen and coated with a layer of waterproofing.

At the bottom of the last septic septic department, instead of a cement mortar, a gravel-sand filter is placed. First fall asleep and smash the sand, and then the layer of gravel.

The use of a suitable fraction for these purposes is also allowed. The thickness of the filtration layer should be approximately 30-40 cm.

As the upper overlap of the septic, made of concrete rings, use a special round plate of a suitable size with a hermetic lid

After all septic branches are ready, you need to cover them with round concrete slabs that can be purchased from concrete rings with concrete rings.

In such lids there are holes with hermetic concrete lids. It remains to perform the backstage of the kittlers, and the septic tank can be considered ready for operation.

Other options for homemade septic

In addition to concrete rings, other materials can be used to create a septica. We will consider the most popular materials and options for the manufacture of septics.

Option # 1 - Septic tank from the Eurocuba

Earlier, Eurocube has already been mentioned - hermetic plastic container.

Establish such a septicity is relatively not difficult, but the low physical weight of the plastic should be taken into account. During the spring flood, groundwater can simply push the lightweight container to the surface.

For weighting of such a septic, the bottom of the pit should be laid with a concrete slab with metal loops. To these loops, the container is fixed with a metal cable. Sometimes such a septic toss is pulled by a heavy object that is fixed in the upper part of the device.

Option # 2 - Monolithic Concrete Design

Concrete septic tank can be done with the help of fill. In this case, it is not necessary to make several pita, you can do one building a large size and a rectangular configuration.

First concrete the bottom, then the formwork is installed and the walls are poured. For the separation of a large container into several sections, concrete walls are made inside.

To pour a concrete septicity with a solution, you will need to build a wooden formwork, in which openings immediately make holes for overflow tubes

Septic typical can be made with their own hands from concrete blocks or bricks, but the laying should be as sealed as possible.

Another option is to make. However, such a material cannot provide sufficient tightness to protect the soil from non-recycled drain.

With the help of tires, you can only make an option permeable cesspool. The term of such a device is substantially limited, unlike capital septicism, which, with proper maintenance, can serve as decades.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video contains a detailed option for creating a two-chamber septica:

Of course, the homemade septicch does not always provide the same high degree of purification as modern Los. But still these structures are functioning very successfully with relatively low costs of their installation and maintenance.

When erecting septica, it is important to adhere to the technical norms to prevent groundwater pollution.

Do you use homemade septic without pumping? Tell us what type of building you preferred and whether your family has enough of its volume? How often do you do clean and what measures do you take to prepare your septica by winter?

Leave your comments under our article - your experience of the homemade septica will be useful to many owners of private houses and cottages.

Country sewage is a convenient and modern solution, so local cleansing systems are increasingly installed in cottages and in private villages. Such systems are able to provide high-quality and efficient cleaning of the drains by decomposition of the organic substances contained in them. Thus, problems are solved regarding the disposal of these compounds.

If a biological cleaning station is installed for the cottage, you can forever forget about the issue of disposal of waste and export of assessing agents.

The device of the autonomous sewage system in its house does not require special efforts, while the result of the work justifies the costs. As a result, the usual country construction turns into a comfortable country housing designed for year-round stay.

On the one hand, the owner of the country house must track the operation of the autonomous sewage system, ensuring its serviceability. On the other hand, if we clean the wastewater and make the sewer in the country with your own hands from the bar, then you can be calm that everything is in order.

Device of a biological sewage cleaning station for home

To one of the main advantages of such systems should include independence from the general sewer system, which often brings. It is also worth noting that the price of such a solution is quite acceptable.

There are many important advantages of mounting an autonomous sewer system:

  • the risk of pollution and poisoning of the Earth on the site is excluded;
  • the environment is not contaminated, namely groundwater and reservoirs;
  • comfortable stay in the house.

Features of biological wastewater treatment

As a rule, biological purification occurs with the participation of bacteria divided into two groups:

  • due to aerobones, the transformation of ammonia into nitrates and nitrites;
  • due to the anaerobov, the release of nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide in a gaseous form is carried out.

Biological purification is the most convenient and safe way to clean domestic water in the sewer system. There are various types of stations whose work is based on the vital activity of aerobic bacteria, the question is how to make a toilet in the cottage with sewage can be solved quickly and simply. Thus, organic compounds in wastewater decompose into simple components.

It should be noted that the biological method of cleaning wastewater is considered the most versatile, since the local sewage system can be installed on any country site. There is also no need to connect to a centralized sewer system.

You can install such systems for the country house of the country type, cafes, hotels, restaurants and other institutions. Due to the biological wastewater treatment, the destruction of organic impurities is ensured, so water becomes clean and transparent. The advantages should also include the absence of a water utilization problem and reducing the risk of re-pollution.

Autonomous sewer systems are used to effectively purify household wastewater. This is perhaps the most successful solution to such a country house problem.

Biological stations are able to qualitatively clean the drains without accumulation, which is happening in the case of using conventional septic. If such a station is installed in the house, then it disappears the need to call an arrangement machine.

Autonomous sewage has compact sizes and can be installed on any soil.

Principle of operation of a biological cleaning station

Station of deep biological purification or septic tank?

The station consists of 4 sections in which there is a phased purification of wastewater due to the active sludge and oxygen. In this case, purification is carried out up to 98%. The resulting water can be fully used for watering or for technical needs.

Such a biological purification station is characterized by compactness and simplicity of installation, which is an indisputable plus for independent work. In addition, no further pumping of depreciation is not required. Despite this, the station needs regular maintenance, which is washing sections using a high pressure washing, in addition it will be necessary to restart the unit. This can be done independently or contact the service. An important condition is the gentle handling station during its operation.

Installation of a station deep biological wastewater treatment

Such treatment facilities are advisable to use on objects where permanent accommodation is planned.

Advantages of the system:

  • Compact dimensions - a deep biological cleaning station does not occupy a lot of free space.
  • Simple installation - especially this is important for independent work.
  • No pumping need if the service is performed in a timely manner.
  • No need to install the cooking system.


  • Station is volatile, so it does not work without electricity.
  • Requires regular service.
  • For washing the unit you need to use special detergents that can be bought in the store.
  • If no one lives in the house in the house, there will be preservation equipment and its subsequent launch.

Comparative table cleaning methods

Septica device

The device is a polyethylene container consisting of three sections directly in which wastewater is cleaned to 90%. Such septic tanks do not need to be confused with simple accumulative capacitors. This device carries out wastewater, directing water into special systems for final cleansing. Such water can be used as a technical fluid, for watering the soil or for a drinking source device.

If the water from the septica is additionally not cleaned, there may be unpleasant consequences. The device remains a precipitate, which must be returned, approximately once a year. From some point of view of septics are cheaper than biological cleaning stations, but do not forget about the need to use the cooking system. Installation of such an aggregate is relatively more complicated, as an anchorage is required. Despite this, this system can be used for country houses, where year-round accommodation is not provided.


  • No electricity needed for work.
  • Do not buy and use special detergents.
  • The device can be used both at the cottage and for the house where people live constantly.
  • No service, filtration composition in the cooking system is required once in 15 years.
  • Available cost, even if you consider the acquisition of the cooking system.


  • The need for cookie systems.
  • Installation of septica is more complicated.
  • Periodic pumping is needed.
  • Such a septic tank in the country can be installed for any home or cottage.

Use of septicism for giving

Principle of operation of biological cleaning stations

Stations where the sewage biocosity is carried out, the SBR reactors are called. They include intermittent aeration of the colonies of active il. As a result of such actions, ammonium is converted into nitrogen, while phosphateumulating bacteria contribute to the removal of phosphorus from the effluent.

Inside the case made of foamed polypropylene, the station is located:

  • automatic control unit;
  • compressor;
  • 4 chambers, namely, a reception chamber, a tank-aerotenk, a camera to stabilize active yals and a secondary sump.

Steps of wastewater treatment at aeration stations:

  • Wastewater separation occurs on the fraction in the receiving chamber.
  • Then the wastewater is saturated with oxygen. Stocks are pumped due to the operation of erlifed pumps, in other words, air bubbles affect water, and biomass damage does not occur.
  • When biomass in the aerotane, they turn into a weighted active il, on the cereals of which the main purification is carried out.
  • After that, the spent sludge enters the camera, where the stabilization of active yals occurs.
  • In the secondary sump, the cleaned waste was released from particles that are in suspension.
  • When the process of cleansing stocks is completed, the estones are removed in the water or simply on the relief of the site.
  • After passing all the processes, IL becomes safe and can well be used as biofuel or good fertilizer for plants in the country.

Installation process of biological cleaning stations

The advantages of installing equipment should include the absence of the need to use special techniques. So, you should follow a definite sequence:

  • first, the pit is done;
  • if there is a high level of groundwater location, it will be necessary to form a loading plate. In the case of unexwrapped soils, the station will have to be installed on the rammed platform;
  • the station is immersed in the pit;
  • kotlovan layerly fall asleep with sand and exercise it to the ramp;
  • input and output sewer pipes are mounted;
  • supply electrical cable;
  • the layout of the site is performed, while only the hatch will be visible on the surface.


In the process of installation of the biological station, such features are required:

  • bioreactor should be mounted at a short distance from the house, while the station is fully or partially immersed under the ground;
  • for installation, concrete rings are not used, so construction work costs are significantly reduced;
  • the station is usually installed on a concrete slab;
  • the edge of the bioreactor is sprinkled with sand and after that land;
  • if the equipment has a small power, the timer and compressor will be located near the reactor in the technological well. If necessary, the control unit can be installed on the external side of the bioreactor;
  • with the help of special houshes, air ducts and cables are protected;
  • if there is no possibility to organize the flow of water into the equipment with a self-shot, then you need to install a pumping station.

Installation of a biological cleaning station

Pulling off excess IL, check erlifers, compressor membranes, aerators, as well as change faulty parts and clean the walls of the bioreactor only specialists. Such processes are required at least 1-2 times a year.

Biological sewage for a country house is a modern environmentally friendly wastewater treatment option.

Everyone is trying to improve living conditions in a country house to the maximum. Why, for example, do not arrange a separate recreation area in the country - a kind of paradise with a bathhouse, sun loungers, a gazebo for pleasant conversations, a sports field and, of course, with a mangal, or a barbecue (who likes how more). "And what's new?", "You ask. Do not hurry with conclusions. The main surprise is ahead. So, thanks to the ability to bring all the necessary communications to the area of \u200b\u200brecreation, you can take guests in your paradise at any time. But, if the water supply of water and lighting to any place on your site is already a completely common thing for any "self-relocine", then the autonomous sewage system of a private house sometimes still causes a number of questions. In this article we will tell you how to organize an autonomous sewer area on the basis of a deep biological cleaning station.

If you have gathered to independently sum up and have already made a choice in favor of the autonomous sewerage of a private house on the basis of a deep biological cleaning station, then the following procedure should be strictly observed:

  • Calofully, or with a specialist, choose a place to remove purified water.
  • Choose an option for a water lead: with forced or with self-emission.
  • Select model and manufacturer station. And here without competent advice from experts can not do.

Specialist Council:
(General Director of Domostroev, Vitaly Timofeevich Tokarev)
Of course, it is necessary to choose from proven over the main producers of deep biological cleaning stations, which have appropriate documents that guarantee the reliability of these stations, namely: the necessary certificates of compliance with hygienic standards and sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. If you find it difficult to give any preference to someone, refer to the specialists. Experts will also help determine the model of the station, its manufacturer and at the same time choose the necessary equipment. In addition, you will be prompted if there are doubts whether the place is chosen for the future station correctly. As a rule, the most optimal solution is to make the sewage route without turns, so as not to install the revision wells. Without auditing wells, it will be very problematic to clean the blockage in the pipes with turns.

The wrong choice between manual and work of special equipment can be poured into a larger problem.

So that this does not happen, you need to know in what cases to give preference for one or another.

In what situations it is possible to prepare a pit only manually:

1. When entry into the site for special equipment is impossible.
2. When a real threat of a violation of the already formed landscape appears during the work.

A completely different knee, when the wheel excavator can freely drive up and work directly at the installation site. If the weather and soil are favorable for rapidly developing a pit, then the work of the excavator will take no more than 20-25 minutes. But it is ideal. In practice, such a development occupies much more time. Much depends on the amount of sand in the soil and height of the groundwater level. With a large number and the other (such a soil is called "floating"), the time of work can delay up to several hours and the installation of formwork may be required. With a large number of water saturated drum or clay, the work may take the entire working day.

Sequence of work


We define the range of our tasks, the number and complexity of which largely depends on the selected place to install the biological cleaning station. In our example, it is quite traditional - near the bath, specifically - two meters from the main ditch. Little distance, according to the rules of SNiP, is not recommended. Now we plan to exit the sewer pipe. And here we will not surprise anyone. The route will start at home. Its length, according to our calculations, 23 meters to the installation site. The distance is decent, we exceeded the norm to 15 meters and, according to the rules, without an additional revision well, it is still not to do.

We have no opportunity to use the special equipment, since too narrow passing to the house, and I don't want to spoil the design landscape. So we will work manually. The area will require power in the amount of three, and better five people.

We order in advance and bring sand, which will be needed to create a sandy pillow in both pitched and under pipes (for three or four people 3-5 sand cubes, it is approximately all depends on the conditions of installation of the station).

We were lucky, a sandy soil was on the site, bringing the sand is not necessary.

Materials for mounting an autonomous station

  • sewer pipes for outdoor work
  • insulation
  • taps
  • electrocabel
  • corrugation
  • watching wells

Unload models needed in a vertical position.
Mounting itself is carried out in three stages

Poam size under the station (take the average number - for 5 people) 1.5 × 1.5 m wide, and 2.3 m in depth. To prevent the walls in the walls of the pit due to the high level of groundwater (this is common), we make a formwork. In this case, the width of the pit increases somewhere 0.3 m. That's what we will do. Copier a yam of 1.8 per 1.8 m, taking into account the width of the formwork.

Throughout the work, do not forget to do the depths of the depth of the pit. If the groundwater is nevertheless penetrated inside the formwork, you must use the drainage pump.

As soon as the last centimeter is diverted, immediately begin the descent of the station so that the pit has not been subjected to an attack of groundwater with sand.

Station descent

In the boiler, we descend on the ropes. Help will be needed from all those present on the site. This procedure does not tolerate fuss.

Then, all station compartments fill with water. In parallel, align the station's housing and sprinkle, tamping the sand so that the station does not sleep with the soil. Septic is falling asleep, like water, along the top level of the station.

I fall asleep, but not to the end, since there is still a connection of highways - input and output.

Copier Side Trench

For sewer pipes (diameter 110 mm), digging a trench of 0.5-0.6 m wide, in order to feel the stability of its feet when mounting. It will be impossible to arrange a high-quality sand pillow. At the entrance to the station, we leave 0.6 m to the depth of the supply pipe. Thus, the trench is digging along the entire length of a depth of 0.2 to 0.7 m with a small (3 percent) uniform bias to the station along the entire length. Then the bottom of the trench is aligned with sand.

We fall asleep the sand pillow along the entire length under the slope of 3 cm per meter. Compact, checking the level. Then, only a portion of the pipeline is laid out and on the wall of the receiving chamber, we mark the position of the line of the highway.

For outdoor gasket, we use specially red-colored pipes. Even before the laying, do not forget to wear heat insulation on pipes, which greatly simplifies the entire installation of the route.

1. Cut the cooked crown hole in the wall of the receiving chamber.
2. Hermetically pecking the docking seam with the help of polypropylene solder. Its applied a special nozzle of the construction dryer.

Now you can install on our long track, on the prescription of SNiP, the revision passage of the well. Important note: The well must be made of special materials that are not scary of temperature differences, ultraviolet and soil pressure.

The exit of the sewer tube from the house is nothing but a vertical "riser", which is necessarily insulated to the height of the basement. The connection of the vertical and horizontal part of the riser is used by the tee in the case of cloth cleaning.

When we laid the entire track, we make a locking overflow to prevent violations of the liner of the pipes, its shift towards the septica. Then we put the electrical cable (in the protective corrugation) of black.

Now we need a device of the discharge trench to the drainage ditch. It will be not far from the station. We plan a device for self-taping purified drain, so the pipes in the insulation are laid down to the ditch. Diva literally two meter steps, so the pipes use a diameter of 110 mm.

It should be borne in mind that the stations from the cleaning station are warm year-round. Considering this fact, in the process of laying under the roadway, double-wall corrugated pipes are used, mainly bugs. And not only in this case.

Pressure polyethylene pipes (PND) with a cross section of 25 mm are used, and stacked with a control angle for a compulsory lead. In the winter season, it is recommended to be routed along the entire length of the highway, with additional thermal insulation, heating self-regulating cable.

Copy the trench under the weekend line and make sweeping of the trench bottom for the sand pillow under the pipe (with a bias of 2-3 cm per 1 m).

The pipe in the insulation is placed on the sand. Then connects with the station with a pipe with a diameter of 11 cm.

We finish the installation of the output system into a deep wastewater.

The penultimate stage is an electrical cable to start through a sealed input on the cable wall and connect to the control unit (we do it according to the scheme). Next, connect the lamp, as well as the float, alarm. Such a system is necessary to increase the reliability of all autonomous sewage. Thus, you will always be aware of the work of the station around the clock.

If we consider the situation with forced emissions, then two electrical apparers are mounted inside the station - this is a compressor and drainage pump, sometimes the warming cable is connected.

It must be remembered:

1. The compressor is secured by a clamp to the air duct and the power cable connects to the outlet located inside the station.
2. In the container for purified, the drainage pump is installed and the cable is connected to the outlet. 3) The output highway is connected to the pump, sometimes with a heating cable.

For the summer, the cable can be turned off, for the sake of saving electricity, we recommend not to exclude such an opportunity.

The end of the electrocable, headed into the house, wash on the shield (on a separate machine). Not bad in the house install voltage stabilizer. It will secure electrical appliances from voltage jumps.

So we reached the victorious end - a preliminary start. We connect all the elements of our system, check the efficiency of all erlifed pumps, switching the phases. We also check the work of the drain pump and the heating cable. In case of forced emissions, it must be uninterrupted.

Now it's time to start a full backfill of the station and all trenches that can be easily masked under the lawn with flowers. And the station to lay a beautiful pattern of stones. Yes, and do not forget, for the use of the case, go through the station maintenance instruction.

Any developer with an improvement of a country house sooner or later is puzzled by how to arrange a local sewer system. Modern technologies will solve this issue in several ways, among which the cleaning station, septic typical of concrete rings and so on. But to select the optimal option, a comprehensive solution is necessary.

Wastewater treatment methods

It is necessary to know that it is possible to purify wastewater in two ways: anaerobic and aerobic.

The first method is used in various types of septic plates - ranging from simple overflow septic stems from concrete rings and ending with local sewage treatment facilities. The second method of purification is used in autonomous sewage systems - deep biological cleaning stations.

The first method is used in various types of septic plates - ranging from simple overflow septic stems from concrete rings and ending with local sewage treatment facilities. The second method of purification is used in autonomous sewage systems - deep biological cleaning stations.

Septic of concrete rings

This kind of local sewage treatment plant, working on an anaerobic principle, despite its simplicity and lowestly in a thoughtful approach. These features can be this type of septic.

Chief Engineer Companies "Artesium" Dmitry Zadrotsky:

- Although a similar type of cleaning facility on the site is often built on its own, a number of features of this type of septica should be taken into account:

  • The septic cleansing in this form takes place by overflow of wastewater from the chamber to the chamber. And therefore, there are 3 chamber septic tanks from concrete rings.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the diameter of the rings. This depends on the volume of septic. The greater the number of people living, the more we need the volume of septicism and the number of cameras.
  • If there is a high level of groundwater, then in order to avoid seeping of contaminated waters in the soil, the best sealing septic is required.
  • For better cleansing of drain, you can use special bacteria, and for the drainage of the drain, it is recommended to arrange the filtering field.

The disadvantages of this type of septica include:

  • Complexity of installation and a large volume of earthworks;
  • Unlike plastic septic, it does not ensure complete tightness of the joints of the rings;
  • The need to use for installation of septicity of special equipment and lifting crane.

In this septicch, you can dump the toilet paper, personal hygiene products and produce a drainage of a washing machine, but the reset from the dishwasher is no longer desirable, because Fat deposition on the walls of the trunk tube is formed. It is impossible to use water for watering, and it is necessary to periodically cause an asserenitator machine to pump the septic.

Local sewage treatment

To understand what processes occur in this type of septicism, the management partner of the company will help us "Triton plastic"(Moscow) Manufacturer of Septics" TANK» Vladimir Pivovarov:

- P the rinjip of the septic shutters: wastewater from home devices. Self-sector is sent through pipelines to the first septica chamber, where their natural separation is passed on the lungs - fats, oily substances, organic waste and severe components. Heavy fractions are lowered to the bottom and over time turn into il, lungs together with water come to the second chamber for inflexible processing by anaerobic bacteria, and then, if there is, and in the third chamber.

And the final purification of the effluent is already performed in the filtration fields, selected on the basis of the absorbent characteristics of the soil on the site and the depth of the groundwater during the installation.

The organic Il, which accumulated in the receiving chamber of the septicity as a result of the processing of heavy fractions from wastewater, is periodically utilized by pumping through the sleeve of the assessing machine.

It should be noted that for such a type of septica requires mandatory filtering devices. Since the water after the septic is cleaned by about 60-70% and it requires its fingering to reset into the ground.

After the process of additional purification, water is purified almost to 99%. However, it is not recommended to use data streams for watering or other needs.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

- during seasonal accommodation, pumping is required once every 1-3 years, depending on the number of people living and the intensity of use. This can be estimated, visually opening the hatch cover in septic to the winter period. With constant accommodation, pumping 1 time per year or with the addition of bacteria times 5-8 years.

In the conditions of seasonal accommodation, it is necessary only once a year to pump a sediment from the septica when it is conservation for the winter period.

And with constant accommodation, using the backfill of special bacteria for intensive decomposition of the sediment, approximately once a month, the pumping is required significantly less frequently, only once every 5-8 years.

Septict can be used for any types of soils, including non-filtering and high groundwater levels.

The main advantages of this type of sewage treatment facilities include:

  • Long service life - more than 50 years;
  • Ease of operation and non-volatility;
  • The possibility of processing in moderate quantities of organic substances that fall into a septic tank along with drains (detergents, paper or cigarette);
  • Durable finned surface of the septica, and its manufacture of extremely durable plastic, increases the resistance to the effects of aggressive chemicals and seasonal temperature difference.

Dead Biological Cleaning Station

We understand what advantages contains the biological treatment station and how the waste is cleared.

Expert company "SBM groups" Producing autonomous systems of local sewage "Junulos"Beschenko Maxim .

- The principle of action of a deep biological purification station is based on the method of continuous cultivation of microorganisms, which occurs under the action of oxygen or as it is also called aeration method. And the purification of stocks is due to the active sludge of the resulting bacteria and microscopic animals.

Active IL is a weighted active biomass that carries out the process of wastewater treatment in the aerotane. The large community of microorganisms formed during biological cleaning is intensively oxidized organic matter.

Due to the organic substances that are in the wastewater and excess oxygen entering the installation, these bacteria begin to grow violently and then glued in flakes, after which they highlight enzymes, mineralizing organic pollution. If you get a sump IL with flakes in the weekend, separating from purified water.

Biological purification station allows the use of purified water for watering. And the active IL, which formed in the aerotane, is very similar to the river and is a valuable fertilizer. So it does not have to call an assession machine.

Unlike cesspools, the biological cleaning station does not accumulate impurities, and ensures their biochemical decomposition on simple, safe compounds - technical water and stabilized active IL, therefore, there is no bad smell. Therefore, the biological cleaning station can be installed near the house, on a distance from 2 meters, and purified water can be immediately removed to the terrain without using soil cooking systems.

We understand with the features of exploitation of a similar system.

Beschenko Maxim:

- Despite the reliability of the system, there are a number of rules that need to be adhere to the effective operation of the deep cleaning station, namely: in the sewer, it is forbidden to discharge waste from construction, chemicals, polymeric materials, petroleum products and other biologically not decomposed compounds. And when the electricity is disconnected, it is necessary to reduce water consumption, since it is possible to overflow the receiving chamber of the biological cleaning station and enter the crude flow into the environment. It is also necessary to produce timely across the active ral.

By submitting the result, it can be noted that the station of biological cleaning has the following main advantages:

  • The degree of purification in modern aerial installations exceeds 95%, and purified water can be sent to water bodies, without the device of additional filtration fields;
  • Biological cleaning station is easy to transport. Also, when installing the station, it is not necessary to carry out large-scale earthworks or install it on a concrete base and annex it;
  • The mechanical properties of the housing made of foamed polypropylene allow you to install the station in any, the most "heavy" soil even with a very high level of groundwater;
  • The durability of the biological treatment station, its absolute tightness, environmental safety, corrosion resistance, as well as to the effects of aggressive acids and alkalis, allows to exploit a deep biological cleaning station for at least 50 years.

Where does the choice of autonomous sewage begins

In order to choose a local sewage treatment plant, the consumer must first be answered by several simple questions:

  • How many people will stay in the house constantly;
  • What type of accommodation will be in your home - seasonal or constant;
  • How many plumbing devices forms drains;
  • Land area;
  • Features of the soil in which the sewage treatment will be installed.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

Knowing that the city value of water consumption is 200 liters per day per person, each consumer can pick up the required volume of the local selection for its home.

An important influence is the location of the septica on the site, soil characteristics and the factor where the purified waste will be reset. Depending on this, the septic installation circuit is selected and the corresponding additional equipment. So for the classic installation scheme with low groundwater levels, infiltrates, drainage pipes or well are required, according to how the filtering fields will be organized.

Vladimir Pivovarov:

- Gardeners need to remember that the planting of trees is closer than 3 meters from the septica location is not allowed, especially those trees who have a very powerful root system. And if there are already wells or water wells on the site, the installation of the filtering platform of the septica should be carried out at a distance of more than 15 meters from them.

Summing up, we can say that, armed with the necessary knowledge, and most importantly, clearly imagining the possibilities and features of a particular treatment plant, any developer will be able to choose the most optimal system. sewage and tsankosis of sewage wastewatering.

When the country cottage is located in the area that does not have a message with the central sewer system, the only way to ensure the collection and cleansing of wastewater is a country sewer with their own hands. In general, in matters of landscaping of country houses, the problem of sewage equipment is most acute, because water can be delivered from well or well, heating will appear with the acquisition of a heating boiler, but the waste disposal is not so easy to dispose.

Wastewater treatment methods

Today there are many progressive drainage technologies that do not cause damage to the environment. Here are the main types of sewerage for the country house:

  • station of deep biological cleaning.

Despite the differences in the design and principles of operation, the device of the country sewage canalization of any kind is made in strict accordance with SanPine 2.2.1 / The construction of the sewage is necessarily preceded by the planning stage, the result of which should be decorated on paper a circuit of a country sewage.

Village Yama

The cesspool is the simplest autonomous sewer of the country house. Elementary installation, low cost is its advantages. But the operational maintenance of the pit will be in a penny. Regardless of its volume, the pit will regularly fill in drains to pump which they need to invite assertizers. In addition to the high price for the services of these specialists, on your site, a unpleasant smell will be guaranteed during evidence of pumping.

Calculation of the volume of cesspool

When building a cesspool, it is necessary to calculate, what should be its volume. At the same time repel from the fact that the frequency of purification of the pit is no more than two times a year. Next, the number of people, constantly or temporarily living in a country house, is taken, and is multiplied by a figure from 3 to 4 (so much cubic meters of drama produces each person every month). Through such simple calculations, the required volume of the cesspool is calculated.

Building a cesspool

The organization of sewage begins with the choice of space for the future cesspool. It should be located at a distance of 12 meters from home and 1 m from the fence.

Advice from a professional:To avoid unpleasant consequences, mount the septic tank and other sewage facilities at a distance of 30 m from water intake wells.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. The pit of the desired volume is digging. This can be done manually or by excavator. Walls of deepening are aligned.

  1. At the bottom of the pit on a height of 7-10 cm, the reinforced grid is laid out, fastened by stoles. It is better to use a mesh with the sides of a cell of 20 x 30 cm, made of a metal rod with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The grid rise above the bottom is necessary in order for the subsequent pouring of the concrete screed, it did not stick to the ground. To do this, you can put on the grid of stones or bricks.
  2. Concrete screed with a layer of 20-25 cm. The time will be waited until its final drying (at least a week).
  3. At this point, the internal sewers of the country house is built. Then laying and summing up sewer pipes to the pit (external part of the system).
  4. When the floor cesspool is ready, taken for the walls. They can be performed from concrete ("") or bricks (""). In the first case, a removable formwork is built 30-50 cm in height with a reinforced grid inside. Concrete is poured into the formwork, time is given for burning. After the bottom of the bottom of the walls, the formwork rises to fill the next batch of concrete - and so until the height is achieved. In the case of a device of brick walls, a staggered laying is used to improve the penetration of the effluent into the soil.

Advice from a professional:Performing a wall of a cesspool or septula from concrete using a removable formwork, make sure that there are no cracks and other damage after its removal. Otherwise, the service life is reduced, and harm to the environment is significantly increasing.

As a rule, the sewage system for a country house is based on long-term operation, therefore it is not recommended to use slag blocks as a material for walls. From constant interaction with water, they are destroyed at high speed.

The cesspool must necessarily cover. You can use the finished plate of concrete, equipped with a hatch, and you can make it yourself. On the perimeter of the pit on the upper boundary of the walls, extensions are arranged in the ground, in which the unedged board is installed. The reinforced lattice is stacked on top of it, the design is poured with concrete.

Advice from a professional:You can use a barrel with the desired volume as a cesspool (""), which you need to bury into the soil. To extend the service life of such a design, cover the barrel of bitumen mastic.


Principle of operation

A more environmentally friendly and efficient solution is a septic tank for the sewering of a country house. Collecting drains, it performs excellent cleaning and lightening of liquids, and solid organic inclusions processes with anaerobic bacteria.

In the assortment of specialized stores, you can find ready-made septic tanks that you only need to be transported to the place of installation and assemble. Although it is possible to install sewage in a country house and do it yourself.

In order for the anaerobic bacteria to have time to perform their tasks effectively, wastewater must certainly stand in one chamber and then pull the next one. For a country cottage, the optimal is considered to be the presence of three cameras in the septic. The fact is that two containers are not enough for high-quality wastewater treatment, and install 4 or more and more cost.

By and large, a septic tank is a cesspool, divided by partitions, in which the holes for flowing wastewater are equipped. The bottom and walls of the septic are equipped with waterproofing to prevent the feces in the solard.

Mounting process

An independent installation of the septic is identical to the cesspool device, the difference is to build two additional walls that will be separated by a pit on 3 parts.

The process consists of three stages:

  1. It is satisfied with the required volume, the walls are aligned.
  2. The bottom is reinforced and poured with a concrete tie, which must completely dry.
  3. Through the removable formwork, side concrete walls are built. Then the septicine area is divided into 3 the same parts, the formwork is built and 2 walls are poured. Upon reaching ½ height of the inner walls, overflows are constructed. They are made of a pipe segment, which is installed with a slope and poured concrete. Between the first and second capacities, the height of the installation of the overflow should be slightly higher than between the second and third.

Deep biological cleaning stations

Those who purchased such modern sewer equipment for their country cottage, as a station of biological treatment of wastewater, you can not worry about possible environmental pollution. It is impossible to construction of the sewage of this type, but the independent installation of the finished system is quite accessible. When the station performance is up to 1.5 m 3, the attraction of lifting machines will not be required.

The deep cleaning station is made from polymeric materials, in connection with which weighs a little. In the dug manual, it can be omitted, calling for help friends. It is important to have a sewer installation so that the pipe supposed to it does not have bends.

For the area with a high level of groundwater, the system can be installed on the ground surface or organize a partial recess. But then it is necessary to provide a station with a mechanism for compulsory transportation.

The effective system of accumulating and cleaning wastewater and waste is one of the main aspects of a comfortable life outside the city. Therefore, the local sewage for the country house is so important and significant.