Change of crowns in the walls of logs. How to change crowns in a wooden house

The lower crown is the “weak link” in the design of the bath log house. It is most susceptible to moisture, so it rots easily, spreading rot to the top logs. And this leads to a gradual distortion and destruction of the entire structure. Therefore, at the first signs of rotting of the lower rims of the log house, a decision should be made: either rebuild the bathhouse, or replace the rotten logs - completely or partially. The latter option is associated with the least time and material costs, therefore it is used most often. About the methods and nuances of replacing the lower rims of a bathhouse, read on.

Method #1. Replacing the lower rims with parts

There are situations when the logs in the log house are partially damaged and do not need to be completely replaced. In this case, it is enough to remove the rotten area by putting in its place a “patch” made of wood, brick or other materials.

The technology of partial replacement of the lower rims is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The area of ​​the affected area is freed from the outer skin (siding, lining, etc.).
  2. Determine the boundaries of rotten wood, mark them with a chisel or knife.
  3. Retreat from the intended boundaries of 40 cm in both directions and install screeds. They are necessary so as not to damage the structure during the removal of rotten wood tissue. For screeds, bars 40 mm thick, 2-3 crowns high, are used. They are fixed on both sides of the wall, on the sides of the damaged area (only 4 bars). Ties are required if it is intended to remove a significant part of the crown at a time. With small replacements, they are rarely used.
  4. Cut out the rotten part of the log with an electric or chainsaw. First, a through cut is made on one side of the damaged area, then on the other. The sawn part is removed. For a tighter fit, inserts along the edges of the opening make cuts about 20 cm wide.
  5. The opened lower part of the second crown is cleaned, leveled to a flat state (with a chisel). Treat it and the side walls of the resulting opening with an antiseptic.
  6. Roofing material is laid on the foundation in 2 - 3 layers.
  7. An insert is made to cover the opening. A part is cut out of a log of the same diameter as that of the repaired logs. In length, it should be 1 - 2 mm less than the size of the opening. The insert is treated with an antiseptic.
  8. Install the insert in the opening, if necessary, hammer it with a sledgehammer.
  9. The gaps between the frame and the insert are carefully caulked with moss, tow, and jute.

Using this method, you can replace not only damaged logs, but the entire lower crown. To do this, parts are gradually cut off from the crown, replacing them with new ones. The process is quite painstaking, but it allows you to do without raising the log house on jacks.

You can also replace the lower crown with brickwork. In this case, parts of the damaged log are sequentially cut out, and a brick is laid on the mortar in the resulting openings. Gradually, brickwork will replace the entire lower crown.

Method #2. Complete replacement of lower rims

A complete replacement of the crowns can be performed not only in the manner described above (with the gradual removal of all parts of the damaged log). The new crown will be more durable if it is made from whole logs, and not from pieces. To do this, the walls of the log house are raised with the help of jacks, the damaged lower crowns are removed, and new logs are installed instead.

This method involves the displacement of the entire structure of the bath log house, therefore, it requires preparation.

Preparatory work before raising the log house

  • Window panes and frames, door frames are removed so that they do not crack during the raising of the log house.
  • All heavy furniture is taken out of the bathhouse, ideally the log house should remain empty.
  • If the floor logs are cut into the lower crown, then they are dismantled. In structures where the logs are laid above the lower crown, the floor can not be touched.
  • The chimney is separated from the ceiling and roof. Otherwise, in the process of raising the log house, they may be damaged by a heavy chimney pipe.
  • Those log crowns that will not change are fixed and fixed. To do this, at a distance of 50 cm from the corners of the log house, on each wall, boards (bars) 40 mm thick are vertically nailed. The bottom edges of the boards should end at the level of the end of the logs of the crown that cannot be replaced (second from the bottom). The upper edges are fixed on the logs of the uppermost crown. Boards are nailed both on the outer walls and on the inner ones (along the entire frame - 16 boards, 4 on each wall). From below and from above, each board is fixed with through dowels. Such fixation is necessary so that the walls of the log house do not lead when they are raised on jacks.

Once all the preparatory work is completed, the walls can be raised and proceed to the repair of the lower crown.

The progress of work on the replacement of the lower crown of the log house

If the log house is on a strip foundation, proceed as follows:

  1. The ligation of the log house consists of two logs (upper and lower), connected in a corner joint. First of all, it is determined which logs in the replaced crown are the top ones. Jacks will be installed under them. Here, retreating 0.7 - 1 m from the corner of the house, an opening 40 cm wide is knocked out in the foundation. Opposite the opening, a part of the log of the lower crown is cut out. The total height of the resulting niche should allow you to install a jack there.
  2. On two opposite walls, two such niches are cut out, at an equal distance from the corners.
  3. Jacks are installed, from 2 to 4 pieces. The available amount will allow you to either immediately raise the entire frame, or - each wall in turn. Less distortion can be achieved if all walls are raised at the same time - when installing 4 jacks under two opposite walls (2 pcs. on each).
  4. With the help of jacks resting on the upper logs of the dressing of the crown, the log house is raised by 7–10 cm.
  5. The lower dressing logs are released and removed. Under the opened lower logs of the second crown, temporary supports are installed (logs, concrete blocks, bricks, boards, etc.).
  6. The jacks are lowered. Together with them, the upper logs of the repaired crown are lowered. They are also removed. Instead, new logs are installed and immediately pressed with jacks.
  7. Temporary supports under the lower logs of the second crown are removed. New logs are laid on the foundation (the lower ones are in dressing).
  8. The jacks are lowered slowly and synchronously, laying the upper dressing logs on the lower ones. The gaps between the new logs and the second crown are sealed with tow, moss or jute (caulking is performed).

This completes the replacement of the lower crown.

If the log house is on a columnar foundation, the replacement is easier:

  1. Between the columns of the foundation, on which the upper logs of the strapping of the lower crown rest, jacks are installed. 2 pcs. on the wall. In this case, the jack must be installed on a solid foundation, for example, on a shield made of boards (dimensions about 50x50 cm). The head of the jack rod should rest on the log through the metal plate.
  2. The jacks are raised. Next, perform the same steps to replace the lower crown as in the presence of a strip foundation. That is, the difference in replacing the crowns of log cabins with strip and column foundations is only in the way the jacks are installed. The strip foundation for this must be partially destroyed. The columnar foundation does not need to be destroyed. By its design, it is "intermittent", so there is enough space between the posts for installing jacks.

See the diagrams below for more details.

Prevention of decay of the lower crowns: protective measures

You can replace the old logs in the crown, but after 2-3 years you will find them rotting again. To prevent this from happening, the lower crowns must be properly waterproofed and protected from decay. Protective measures can be the following:

  • Production of lower crowns from larch, which is little susceptible to decay. Larch boards can be used instead of solid logs. They should be placed under the lower crown. So between the crown and the foundation, a protective layer will be formed that is not affected by fungi. A good alternative to larch is oak logs and boards.
  • Covering logs with antiseptic. You can use any water repellent, for example, the antiseptic "Pinotex", "Sadolin", "Senezh Ognebio", etc. Another popular "folk" antiseptic is machine processing. Its disadvantage is a sharp, long-lasting, odor.
  • Coating with a water repellent bath basement.
  • The use of several layers of roofing material (2-3) for waterproofing the joint between the crown and the foundation.
  • Protection of the lower rims from external moisture with the help of visors (for example, from galvanized strips).

Such simple methods will help you eliminate the cause of rotting and prevent the need to repeatedly replace the lower rims of the bath.

Consumption ecology. Manor: Repair of the most vulnerable part of a wooden house - the lower rims - is a very laborious work. Usually it requires the involvement of specialized teams with the appropriate equipment, but in some cases it can be done by hand. It all depends on the type of foundation and the extent of damage to the wood of the lower crowns of the house.

Repair of the most vulnerable part of a wooden house - the lower rims - is a very time-consuming work. Usually it requires the involvement of specialized teams with the appropriate equipment, but in some cases it can be done by hand. It all depends on the type of foundation and the extent of damage to the wood of the lower crowns of the house.

Types of repair of the lower rims of the house

Consider the types of repairs, as well as the technology of work in each of the possible options.

Repair without raising the house:

  • with the replacement of the lower crown section;
  • complete replacement of the lower rims with fragments of logs;
  • replacing the lower crown with brickwork.

Repair with raising the house:

  • replacement of the crowns of a house with a pile (columnar) foundation;
  • replacement of the crowns of a house with a strip foundation.

The specified types of repair of the lower rims are arranged in order of increasing complexity of production. Replacement without raising the house can be done independently, without the involvement of outside help. Raising a house requires the synchronized efforts of at least two people working with jacks to avoid tilting and destroying the house, or sliding it off the foundation.

Preparing your home for crown replacement

The first stage of replacement is to strengthen the structure of the log house. Even if it is not planned to raise the house with jacks, it will be useful to strengthen the structure. For strengthening, a wooden beam with a thickness of at least 40 mm is used, located vertically along the outer and inner surface of the wall.

The lower edge of the timber should be located at the level of the crown that cannot be replaced, the upper edge - at the level of the upper crown of the log house. Screed bars are attached to the wall with nails. At the upper and lower points, they are fixed with a screed (dowels of at least 10 mm) through a through hole drilled in the wall (log). Screeds are located at a distance of 300-400 mm from the edge of the section of the crown to be replaced, or in all inter-window spaces of the wall.

Scheme for replacing a section of a log

First, the affected area of ​​the wood is determined. Visually it is difficult to understand how widespread the rot has spread. In order to accurately determine the damage, either a chisel is used, with which a log is chiseled from the side of the visible area of ​​​​the lesion, or a drill bit for wood, with which holes are drilled using an electric drill.

The state of the wood is determined by the state and color of the chips. Having decided on the area to be replaced, they retreat 200 mm to the sides of its borders, and a section of the lower crown is cut using a chain saw or electric saw. After that, waterproofing is laid on the foundation in two layers.

Replacing part of the crown. 1. Damaged area. 2. Cut out area with a margin of at least 10 cm from the identified damage. 3. Insert

In the unaffected areas of the lower crown, cuts are cut with a saw for more reliable fixation of the insert element. The lower part of the second crown is treated with an antiseptic. An insert is sawn from a log of the appropriate diameter, its length should be 10–20 mm shorter than the sawn section.

The length of the cut should correspond to that on the undamaged sections of the lower crown. After that, the insert is installed (hammered with a sledgehammer) into the opening and the existing slots are caulked with moss or other available material.

Thus, it is possible to gradually replace the entire perimeter of the rotten crown. The replacement starts from the corners from the lower log of the log dressing.

Alternatively, it is possible to replace the damaged area not with wooden inserts, but with brickwork.

Replacing a log house on a columnar (pile) foundation

This is an easier option since it does not require the destruction of the foundation. The distance between the piles or foundation posts is usually sufficient for the installation of jacks. To prevent the log house from deforming and sliding off the posts, it is desirable to lift the house synchronously from all four corners of a simple rectangular log house. Only in extreme cases is it possible to lift only one side of the house.

The jacks are brought under the upper log of the log dressing. A support is placed under the jack to prevent falling into the ground (wooden shield at least 500x500 mm). The jack rod should not rest directly on the log, but have a metal gasket-plate. After lifting with jacks, the lower dressing log is released from the load and can be replaced. Temporary supports made of logs or bricks are installed on it and jacks are lowered.

Simultaneously with the jacks, the upper logs of the log dressing will also be lowered. They are also replaced and immediately jacked up. After that, temporary supports are removed from the lower dressing logs and the jacks are lowered. The frame falls into place.

Replacing the crowns of a log house on a strip foundation

This work is the most difficult, because it requires either partial destruction of the foundation to form niches for installing jacks, or the use of a lever system for raising the corners of the house.

The replacement of the crowns, as in the case of a columnar foundation, begins with the replacement of the lower logs of the ligation of the log house. To do this, niches are shuffled in the foundation at a distance of 200–300 mm from the corners of the house under the upper dressing logs. After installing the jacks, the replacement procedure is similar to that described above.

When using a lever system, the destruction of the foundation is not required. The initial stage is to sample half the thickness of the upper log of the log dressing at 1000–1500 mm from its edge from all four corners of the log house.

After that, a metal channel or rail is laid in the formed niche, and with the help of a jack the corner of the house is raised. As it rises between the foundation and the channel (rail), wooden wedges are driven in until the lower dressing log is released from the load. It is removed and replaced with temporary supports.

Next, wedges are knocked out between the channel and the foundation and taken out. The upper dressing log is released and can be replaced with a new one. After that, the channel or rail is re-installed and the house is also raised using wedges. Temporary supports are removed and new lower logs of the log dressing are laid. Lowering the jacks and knocking out the wedges, they lower the log house onto the lower dressing log. The log fell into place.

Despite the technology of replacing the lower rims of wooden log cabins, which has been worked out over the centuries, this work still remains very laborious and requires great physical strength. It is impossible to do it alone. But the point is not only in physical activity, but also in the need to synchronize the rise of the log house at the same time in 2 or 4 points. And with a complex structure of the log house - in an even greater number of points. However, replacing only the lower rims is a much less time consuming process than a complete bulkhead of the entire log house. published

Many construction organizations, having trained personnel and the necessary equipment, offer services for replacing the lower rims of wooden houses. But if you get acquainted with their approximate prices, it becomes clear that this will result in a “tidy” sum. Based on the calculation for 1 running meter, the dismantling / installation of timber - from 1,600 rubles, logs - from 2,300 (depending on the complexity of the work, the location of the structure and the section of lumber).

It is easy to calculate that the owners of a small wooden house 6 x 6 will have to pay specialists at least 60,000 (including related costs). At the same time, as practice shows, quality is often guaranteed only in words.

If you delve into the meaning of all technological operations, then the conclusion is unequivocal - with the competent organization of work, in most cases it is quite possible to replace the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands. Let's figure out how to do it right, what options are available and what should be considered.

Diagnose (carefully) the lower crown. Moreover, one should not be limited only to a detailed study of the identified place damaged by rot, mold. Inspection must be carried out around the entire perimeter of a wooden house. Only such a scrupulous approach to business will allow us to determine with maximum accuracy the scope of the work to be done and its complexity. So, draw up a specific plan and correlate it with your own capabilities. In some cases, doing everything with your own hands will not work. Therefore, assistants (how many do you need?) And some technical means will be needed.

How to identify defective places?

It is necessary to tap each element of the lower crown. This can be done with a carpenter's hammer, an ax butt. A deaf sound is a clear sign that the log (beam) needs to be replaced, since inside it is no longer a dense core, but dust. Therefore, it will not last long. A chisel will help you get a clearer idea of ​​the degree of damage to the element of the lower crown. It is enough to make only a partial sample of wood, and everything will become clear.

At the same time, the lumber laid in the next row is inspected, since it is likely that the rot has spread higher.

The foundation of a wooden house should also not be ignored. As a rule, this tape is mainly shallow. Any, even a small crack in it, indicates that the deformation of the base is occurring. Has this process ended or continues, how intensively does it proceed? To get answers to such questions, you need to stick paper strips on the cracks. A re-examination of these places (after some time) will allow us to conclude on the need and timing of foundation repairs. If the defects in it are significant, it makes sense to combine this work with the replacement of the lower crown.

The amount of work to be done depends on the extent of the damage. A good homeowner inspects their home regularly, and identifying damage early makes repairs much easier. If this is not given due attention, then outside help, as a rule, cannot be dispensed with. We will consider all possible options for replacing the lower crown of the log house with our own hands, and the reader will decide for himself what exactly, in relation to local specifics, he needs to do.

The main ways to replace the crowns of the log house

In separate areas

“Spot” (local) repair is the easiest and least expensive way to repair damage in the lower crown. A good owner will definitely not need the services of specialists. Moreover, it is not necessary to have experience in such work - only accuracy and attentiveness are needed.

But one nuance is worth considering. Since it will be necessary to replace a certain part of the lower row of the log house, to make cuts in the lumber, the number of joints of the blanks increases. If measures are not taken to ensure their high-quality compaction, the heat loss of a wooden house will increase.

Technique 1. The areas of wood affected by the fungus, wood-boring insects are cut out.

The main task of the master:

  • perform high-quality cleaning of the bare area;
  • remove all dust from the ends of the beam (log);
  • treat these segments with appropriate preparations (antiseptic + flame retardant);
  • to make exactly the same wooden part according to the dimensions of the resulting opening;
  • put it in place and fix it qualitatively. What - depends on the specifics of the work (staples, nails, fasteners in the form of plates, corners, and so on).

Method 2. It is implemented if the dimensions of the defective element of the lower crown are significant. After removing the damaged wood, brickwork is erected on this site.

This technique does not provide sufficient strength, stability of the entire structure of a wooden house. Therefore, they are practiced only in individual cases, and, as a rule, only for a certain time, when it becomes possible to carry out more serious repairs.

With partial dismantling of the foundation

This method can not always be implemented. For example, if the base of a wooden house is block (there are also such options), then this technique is not applicable - a reinforced concrete monolith is not disassembled. It also does not require large expenses or professional skills, but the disadvantage, like the first method, is a decrease in the strength of the building. But if in the lower crown of a wooden house not some small section of a log or beam is rotten, but the entire sample needs to be replaced, then this is a good option for prompt repairs.

What to do

  • Excavate part of the foundation along the lumber to be replaced. The task is to provide free access to the rotten part of the lower crown.
  • Remove the fasteners connecting it with the entire structure.
  • Replace the beam (log), securely fix and insulate the joints.

Dismantling the wall of a wooden house

The method is quite complicated, but at the same time one of the most effective. The expediency of this technique is explained by the fact that rot quickly spreads up the log house. And if the log of the lower crown is affected by it, then, as a rule, it is necessary to replace the remaining elements located in the overlying rows. You cannot cope with such work alone, it will require both time and material investments, but the result is worth it.

The strength of the structure largely depends on the quality of the corner joints of a wooden house. When dismantling one wall, these "connections" are destroyed. Therefore, the rest will have to be further strengthened. It is unlikely that you will be able to solve this problem on your own. Therefore, even if all the work is done by one's own hands, one cannot do without the advice of a professional. Otherwise, there is a risk that the log house will simply “spread” along the log, especially if it has been standing for many years.

With the rise of a wooden house with a jack

As a rule, it is this technique that is mainly implemented in the private sector. Despite the fact that this method of replacing the lower crown takes a lot of time, and you can’t do without assistants, there are certain advantages. For example, it becomes possible to check the quality of waterproofing and, if necessary, update it.

Operating procedure:

  • Inspection of building corners. Here it is desirable to invite a specialist to assess the strength of the joints. It is possible that a support frame will have to be brought under a wooden house before lifting it.
  • In places with detected defects, wood is sampled with a saw. The dimensions of the openings are determined based on the convenience of installing jacks and further work. The optimal number of lifts is specified on the spot, taking into account the design features of a wooden house and the length of the damaged section of the lower crown. The main thing here is the synchronism of the actions of all the workers involved in the repair, otherwise the log house will not be skewed with all the consequences.

If the bottom row is replaced completely, along the entire wall of a wooden house, then the extreme details are installed first (from the corners to the nearest jack), and then the rest, intermediate ones.

  • Fitting of all samples, their reliable fastening between themselves and the rest of the structure.
  • Sealing (insulation) of all joints.
  • Lowering the jack rods and removing them from the installation site.
  • Sealing openings with pre-prepared samples (trimming of timber or logs of the appropriate section).

The maintenance-free service life of the restored lower crown largely depends on the correct choice of wood species. Given that this particular part of the house is most susceptible to moisture penetration, it is advisable to purchase a beam (or log) from larch to replace its structural elements, even if other wood was used in the construction of the log house. The peculiarity of this tree is that by absorbing liquid, it only gains strength, and over time becomes strong as a stone.

When choosing wood for replacement, you need to pay attention to the following points: the degree of drying, grade, and also the price. No one will trade at a loss. Too low cost - an occasion for certain reflections. Considering the role of the lower crown in the construction of a wooden house, it is hardly reasonable to save on lumber. If purchased, then from a reliable supplier with an impeccable reputation in the construction market.

It is not worth using such a material, popular in the private sector, as roofing material, for arranging cut-off waterproofing. Whatever manufacturers and advertisers say, even its highest quality variety, the "euro", in such conditions will not last more than 5 - 6 years. And the usual (cheap) modification of 270 rubles / roll will not stand up and will rot 3 times.

The choice of the most acceptable way to replace the lower crown depends not only on the capabilities of the owner and his skills. A number of other factors should also be taken into account, the neglect of which can subsequently significantly complicate the work:

  • the presence of outbuildings that have a common roof with a wooden house. In this case, the possibility of using a jack or lifting the entire structure is in question, and requires careful calculations and a number of preparatory measures;
  • house location. It should be determined whether there is enough free space along its walls, whether it will be convenient to work by implementing a specific technique for replacing the lower crown;
  • features of laying communications routes, type of heating unit. For example, if this is not a boiler, but a brick oven, then lifting the building with a jack or crane is hardly possible. First of all, not because of the total mass of a wooden house, but because of the likelihood of destruction of the masonry and chimney.

When using jacks in the process of replacing the lower crown, one should focus on mechanisms with a lifting capacity of at least 2.5 tons.

There are a number of other ways, but they are not suitable for do-it-yourself implementation, therefore they are not mentioned in the article. The above methods are quite enough to choose the most suitable for self-replacement of the lower crown. And most importantly - this work is recommended to be done only in warm, dry weather! Otherwise, there will be a lot of problems later. Therefore, when planning the repair of the lower row of a wooden house, one should be guided by the weather forecast.

For each owner of a building built from natural eco-friendly wood, sooner or later the question arises of repairing the most important structural elements of the structure. Or rather, about replacing the lower rims of wooden houses. This task, frankly, is not an easy one, however, if you have certain theoretical knowledge of the rules for such repairs and the necessary tools, you can replace the lower crown with your own hands, which will significantly save your finances. In this article, we will focus on how to personally replace the crown, spoiled by time.

Repair of rotten sections of the crowns of the building without raising the house itself

It often happens that the log of the lower crown of a wooden building, located closest to the ground, is not completely rotten - only a certain area can be affected by damage. This means that repairs can only be made in certain areas, without changing the crown completely. In this case, it will be much easier to do the work with your own hands. This is especially true in cases where raising the house can cause serious problems. For example, a strip foundation under a log house that has been raised to make repairs is at risk of being destroyed. During "local" work, only the damaged section of the log is changed.

Repair of the lower rims is carried out as follows:

  • Step 1. Determine which area is damaged. We take a chisel and find out how much the tree has rotted. We clear the wood on both sides of the damaged area. Quite often, the use of a chisel makes it possible to understand that the area is damaged much more than it can be seen during the first examination with the naked eye.
  • Step 2. From the edges of the damaged area, we indent 40 centimeters on both sides. We put couplers, the height of which coincides with the size in height of two or three crowns.
  • Step 3 We take boards-"magpies" and nail to the log house, such manipulations should be done from the inside and outside. In the first crown, which is pulled together, and in the last we drill holes. We put special tie-pins (they must pass through, and their diameter is 12 mm or more).
  • Step 4 We take a chainsaw and carefully, but carefully, cut out the damaged part. In the crown, which needed repair and replacement of rotten sections, we create cuts, the width of which is 2 cm. Such cuts are required in order to firmly connect the log with a new element that will be inserted later.
  • Step 5 We make an insert using a log of the same diameter. The length of the insert is exactly the same as the length of the cut section. On the insert, do not forget to make reciprocal cuts.
  • Step 6 In place of the section that we had previously cut out, we insert a new element. Having placed a bar, we finish the insert well in place with a sledgehammer.
  • Step 7 In places of cuttings, we make three holes through and through from different sides, then we drive in dowels, which will further give us the opportunity to firmly connect the insert and the old log. All cracks must be caulked with tow; moss or jute are also often used for this purpose.

Thus, you can repair several areas. Corner joints can also be repaired in this way. However, such measures can be resorted to only in extreme cases, if it is impossible to raise the house, since the strength of the structure after repair is somewhat reduced.

We sort out the crowns of a residential wooden building

Do-it-yourself log cabin bulkhead is the most complex, lengthy, time-consuming replacement option. Each crown, sequentially, is disassembled, the logs are examined for damage, and, if necessary, are replaced with new ones. However, this method should not be chosen for the wooden house that you are currently using. You can replace logs in this way if you are repairing a bathhouse or an old residential building where you do not currently live. The bulkhead is also relevant in cases where it is necessary to replace the logs under the roof of the building: here they also often receive a negative effect of moisture.

Brickwork as a way to repair

It will be possible to bring red brick masonry under a wooden residential building in two ways: both by first raising the log house, and without raising it. It all depends on what foundation your house is placed on, as well as on the age of the building and on your financial capabilities.

If the old building stands directly on the ground, without a foundation, it will be easier to replace the crown with brickwork, it is not necessary to raise the house. The same option is also possible if a columnar foundation was used for the construction.

The work is carried out as follows: the affected areas are cut out on the lower crown, a brick foundation is made, the surface of which is brought under the logs located on top and less damaged. First, rotten corner joints are cut off, a reliable support is made. As for the height of the masonry, it can be different. You can replace the bottom brick or several rows of crowns.

Raising a house using jacks is a more expensive option. Using a screw jack or a hydraulic device, you can raise the house in order to make a thorough repair of the wooden elements of the log house and subsequent masonry. The house rises in the corners, then it is leveled, a temporary support is mounted under the corners. Then the foundation of the building is cleaned, leveled and brickwork is built up.

In order to raise a log house erected on a strip foundation with a jack, the base will have to be partially destroyed. More precisely, it will be necessary to hollow out a niche in it with a width of about 0.4 meters, and the height of the niche will be such that a jack can fit. At the same time, they retreat a meter from the corner of the house. You can raise the whole house, and only one side. After the work is completed, the foundation is repaired. There is also a more modern way to raise a house - this is the use of special metal channels.

We raise the log house - we repair the crown

  • Step 1. Preparatory measures before starting to lift the log house, we remove the doors with frames, windows with sashes and frames. In the course of lifting, they are likely to be damaged. We take heavy objects out of the house, especially furniture.
  • Step 2 We disassemble the floor, make support under the logs, separate the logs and crowns.
  • Step 3 Before lifting, we separate the chimney of the furnace (if any in the house) from the roof.
  • Step 4 We raise the house with a jack in the manner described earlier.
  • Step 5 We put a new log into the wall in this way: the short parts are placed in the corners, the longest is located in the gap between the jacks. The material must be processed with modern antiseptic compounds.
  • Step 6 The log cabin is lowered, the jacks are removed, and the openings left from them are filled with pieces of logs that fit perfectly in size. Joints with the help of tow or other high-quality sealing materials are carefully sealed.

It is important to emphasize that the quality of protection of a wooden house depends not only on the materials you use for antiseptic impregnation, but also on the waterproofing of the foundation, equipped in accordance with all the rules. Using high-quality materials for these purposes, you will significantly extend the life of your log house.

Video about lifting the house with your own hands:

Replacing a crown in a wooden house - all the details from professionals

Wooden houses of venerable age, which have stood for more than half a century, require reconstruction, which involves the replacement of crowns. The destruction of the lower part of the building is caused by a completely missing or poor waterproofing between the lower logs and the foundation plinth. If you have plans to replace the lower crown of a wooden house with your own hands, we recommend that you stay with us.

Repair of a wooden house and replacement of crowns is required already 40-50 years after the construction of the structure

About causes and consequences

Houses that were built more than 50 years ago, in most cases, have a blockage that covers part of the lower crown from drafts.

This design prevents ventilation, and the lower crowns are destroyed to a powdery state.

Repair of the lower rims of a wooden house is more often required where the wood has not received proper protection from moisture.

  1. The main and worst enemy of a wooden house is moisture, which can occur due to the combination of a pile (columnar) foundation and backfill. Over time, this design sags very strongly, and the walls begin to freeze through.
  2. The destruction of the plaster of the strip foundation, erected from brick or rubble, contributes to the accumulation of moisture, destroys the wood and foundation material.
  3. The extrusion or subsidence of a tape-type foundation with heaving soil contributes to the formation of gaps at the point of contact between the foundation and the overlay crown. As a result, atmospheric precipitation gets there.

The above reasons require elimination, otherwise the newly erected crown of the house will suffer the same fate.

Replacing part of the crown without raising the house

Before changing the lower crowns in a wooden house, determine the extent of the damage, it may only be necessary to partially repair them

Often there is a need to replace only part of the log of the lower crown.

In this case, the entire crown remains intact, and the work is carried out without raising the house.

  1. Determine the damaged area by eye; how far the rot has spread can be found out with a chisel. Clear 40 cm on both sides of the damage.
  2. Install extensions, the height of which will be equal to the height of 2-3 crowns.
  3. Nail boards 4 cm thick from the inside and outside of the log house. Drill holes in the two tightening crowns (first and last). After that, you can insert tie-studs with a diameter of 12 mm.
  4. Cut out the damaged part with a chainsaw and remove.
  5. In the replaced crown, make cuts 200 mm wide. Thanks to them, a reliable connection of the new and old part will be ensured.
  6. Make a log insert of the same diameter. Be sure to make reciprocal cuts on it.
  7. Insert a part in place of the sawn section and drive it in with a sledgehammer and a block placed under it.
  8. At the cutting points, make three through holes on each side, drive pins into them. This will help quickly, and most importantly, securely fasten the insert and the old log.
  9. At the end of the gap, caulk with jute, moss or tow.

Note! This method can be used to replace the entire lower crown. However, the prefabricated structure is less durable than a solid crown, so it is recommended to resort to technology as a last resort or use it as a temporary measure.

Replacing the crown with brickwork

Replacing the lower rims of a wooden house with a brick will help to avoid the need to repair the foundation of the structure in the future.

Replacing the crowns of a wooden house with your own hands can be carried out not only with similar wooden elements, but also with brickwork. A rather difficult task can be performed with or without raising the house. The choice of method is determined by the age of the house, its condition and the foundation of the structure. Without lifting the house, the crown is replaced by masonry if the structure is located directly on the ground or on a columnar foundation.

It is recommended to start replacing the crown with corner joints, this will help create a fairly reliable support. The height of the brickwork is determined by the slope of the house. Often the best solution is to replace several crowns on one side and only one on the other.

If the house is based on a strip foundation, it is recommended to raise the structure on screw or hydraulic jacks. First, the corners of the house are raised, under which a temporary support is placed. The surface of the foundation is cleaned, leveled, after which the brickwork is built up.

Advice! Before lifting the house, it is advisable to remove the wooden door frames and frames, which can be damaged in the process.

Replacing the crown on the strip foundation

House uplift

Before you change the crowns in a wooden house, you will have to make a lot of efforts to raise the structure with jacks

To raise the house from the strip foundation, it will be necessary to arrange places for a jack; for this, the foundation is partially dismantled. 70 cm recede from the corner of the house and hollow out a niche with a width of at least 40 cm. Before directly installing the jack, a part of the crown log is cut out so that it rests against the log of the upper crown.

Depending on the extent of destruction and reconstruction, you can raise the whole house or one side of it. For old houses, the latter option is unacceptable, since there is a possibility of the structure being skewed.

Foundation niches in the amount of 2 pcs. on each wall are placed on opposite sides. The log house is raised by 10 cm, the old logs are taken out and replaced with new ones.

Note! This method involves the further reconstruction of the foundation, which loses its integrity and strength.

If the house stands on a columnar foundation, its rise does not require the formation of niches. It is enough to put a solid base under the jack, for example, a concrete block.

Hanging out at home

Replacing rotten crowns of a wooden house with a channel frame

Raising a log house on channels can be called the latest know-how in the matter of reconstructing the foundation of a house. This method is quite costly and is justified only if the house does not have a foundation or the latter needs a complete reconstruction.

On the basis of metal channels, a structure is made, which is wound up under the log house. At the same time, the support points of the structure are moved outside the house, so after replacing the rotten crowns, a solid foundation can be poured.

Complete crown replacement

Photo of a complete replacement of a wooden base

Instructions for conducting

  1. Remove window frames and sashes before lifting the house. The same applies to door frames and doors.
  2. Move heavy furniture out of the house.
  3. Separate the wooden floor from the walls. In a situation where, during laying, it was embedded above the mortgage crown, it can be left untouched. Otherwise, the floor is disassembled, support posts are constructed under the logs.
  4. The chimney of the fireplace or stove is separated from the roof and floors, this will guarantee that when the house is raised, the heavy chimney will not destroy the roofing material.
  5. Logs that cannot be replaced are fastened with boards with a thickness of 40 mm or more.
  1. In logs that need to be replaced, cut out windows into which the log lever will wind up. The role of the latter can be assigned to the channel, log or chopping block.
  2. Install jacks as close as possible to the foundation part from the outside of the house.
  3. Insert a lever into the window, install a concrete block or a stack of boards under the inner end, which will serve as the base.
  4. Raise the lever with a jack, and with it the frame. At this point, place wedges between the hung house and the foundation.
  5. Now you can proceed to the direct replacement of logs. The material is carefully processed so that the parts of the new crown fit snugly together.
  6. Install the upper log on jacks, lay caulking material on top.
  7. Raise the jack with the log so that it is pressed against the top log and remove the temporary props. Similarly, the replacement of the lower log is carried out.

In order for the new foundation of the house not to repeat the fate of the former, think carefully about how to process the lower crowns of a wooden house.


Work on replacing the wooden base of the house is quite complicated and requires not only skill and knowledge of the matter, but also reliable hands of assistants. If you already have all this, we recommend viewing it in this article (see also the article “Wooden houses from foam blocks: technology. Typical projects. Choice of wood. Features of the foam block”).