Neva luxury boiler error 03 what to do. Heating systems for country and country houses

Gas water heater Neva Lux from domestic manufacturer is a technically complex product. The entire cycle of work from turning on the column to heating the water is controlled by automatic equipment, which malfunctions over time. For a better understanding of the malfunction, the company's engineer placed an indicator window on the front panel, in which one or another error code is displayed during an emergency stop. Let's consider them in more detail.

ATTENTION! Operations on maintenance repair of gas water heaters associated with the disassembly of its gas or water communications must be carried out by qualified craftsmen. Self repair can give the opposite effect to the raft prior to purchasing a new apparatus.

Error E0 - lack of gas

Reason # 1. NSTurn off the gas at the descent to the column or light gas stove... Lack of gas in the pipeline due to work on the pipeline. The servo motor (block with solenoid valves) is out of order.

This error cannot be eliminated on your own. You will need the help of a service worker. Contact a specialized service center for repair.

Error E1 - no flame

Ignition clicks for about a minute the burner does not ignite. The electronic control unit does not see the presence of a flame and the column goes into emergency mode.

Reason # 1. The presence of air in communications... Didle time of the column, or after its installation, the operation of the ignition burner will occur only after air has been removed. The system should be purged by constantly turning on the column. Since the ignition lasts no more than a minute, after completion you should reopen the water tap until the ignition occurs.

Reason # 2. Lack of gas in the cylinders or the valve on the lowering to the dispenser is closed... NSOpen the shut-off valve fully. Check gas cylinders with liquefied gas. Replace them if necessary.

Reason number 3. There is no contact between the unit and the flame sensor... It is necessary to carry out maintenance of the contacts coming out of the electronic unit, if necessary, clean them, press them to good connection worn out to replace.

Reason number 4. Flame presence sensor outside the flame zone... Adjust the position of the flame detector so that its electrode is in the gas combustion zone. Make sure that the electrode does not touch other metal components. Clean the electrode from carbon deposits.

Reason number 5. The gap between the ignition plug and the igniter is broken... From constant heating and cooling, the pilot burner nozzle is deformed, which increases the gap to the spark plug. Every two years, or with a regulated maintenance, the gap should be adjusted 4 ... 5 mm.

Error E3 - breakdown of automation

Triggering solenoid valves occurs before the signal from the water flow sensor appears.

Reason # 1. Breakage or malfunction of solenoid valves... Call the wizard for diagnostics.

Reason # 2. Electronic control unit defective... Invite the master to the house.

Error E4 - premature inclusion

The flame detector gives a signal about the presence of a flame until the signal from the water flow sensor appears.

Reason # 1. You are trying to turn on the speaker using a different power source (matches).

Reason # 2. The electronic control unit is out of order.

Error E5 - no signal from the flow sensor

There is no signal coming from the water flow sensor (open circuit).

Reason # 1. The circuit is open between the electronic unit and the water flow sensor... Use a tester to check the circuit and also check the sensor for an open.

Error E7 - lack of gas

The column goes out after turning on. Failed ignition attempt. Process: the pilot ignites, then the main burner, then everything goes out and the process is repeated again.

Reasons # 1. Low gas pressure... Open the gas cock at the lowering to the column. Invite a specialist to your home to measure the gas pressure in the system and further configure the column. You should also purge and clean the gas filter.

Reason # 2. The flame ionisation sensor is not in the range of the main burner fire... Adjust the sensor. Install the electrode so that the main burner fire flushes from both sides. Carbon deposits may have formed on the sensor, which makes heating weak - clean and adjust the sensor.

Reason number 3. The mechanism in the water unit is stuck... Increased salt deposition on moving machinery leads to seizing and stopping. A stuck rod of the water unit leads to a permanent short circuit of the flow sensor. In this case, it is necessary to dismantle the water part and carry out preventive work: lubrication of the rod, replacement of rubber gaskets.

Error E8 - no traction

The column turns off after 2..5 minutes of work. Restarting becomes possible only after cooling down - 2..3 minutes.

Reason # 1. Lack of draft in the chimney... Clean the chimney.

Reason # 2. Soot on the heat exchanger... Increased accumulation of soot on the heat exchanger, which obstructs the passage carbon monoxide into the chimney. To fix the problem, the column should be serviced.

Reason number 3. The traction sensor is faulty... The traction sensor works for rupture. Over time, the sensor becomes very sensitive to vibrations and can turn off the column during heating. Therefore, with this error, the sensor will be checked for operability.

Error 99 - short circuit

Numbers 99 blink on the display for a while, then the column turns off with an error message LO.

Reason # 1. Closed the water temperature sensor(makes sure that the heat exchanger does not overheat). The error can be eliminated only by replacing the sensor and its wires.

Error H1 - insufficient heating

The column does not heat the water to the specified temperature.

Reason # 1. Set heat at high pressure. The column cannot cope with heating the amount of water that passes through the column. Reduce head.

Reason # 2 ... Burner clogged with dust. If you notice that the gas is burning orange and the flame is sluggish and elongated, it is time to clean the burner. If you neglect cleaning, then given error will appear constantly. The efficiency of the column will be halved. A lot of soot will appear.

What does error 01 mean, how to troubleshoot the repair of Neva Lux?

Double-circuit gas boilers Neva Lux 8624, 8230, 8224 are wall-mounted apparatus with forced circulation of the heat carrier (water or antifreeze). Repair and maintenance of Neva Lux boilers is carried out according to the service instructions by a specialized service organization, which is also engaged in installation, commissioning and service work with the delivery, replacement of faulty parts with new spare parts. heating equipment Neva Lux.

So, with error 01, the flame does not ignite in the combustion chamber or the ignition starts, but it turns out to be unsuccessful - the Neva boiler does not work. Concisely, in this case, one or several reasons for error 01 may be present at the same time. Consider all the causes of the emergency and give a full volume of recommendations for repair gas boiler Neva Lux when error 01 occurs. Technical information presented to service engineers organizations for the repair of gas equipment.

Error 01 in the electronic control board is often found when repairing gas boilers from various manufacturers of electrical heating equipment with electronic control... The first common malfunction, the lack of ignition, is the incorrect operation of the entire chain of volatile and mechanical actions, starting from the pilot and ending with the main one. gas burner... Similar issues at the time of error 01 are related to wall-mounted boilers Visman Vitopend 100, Baksi, Kiturami, Electrolux, Ariston, Immergaz, Neva Lux 8224 and other models from various manufacturers. During an external examination of the gas appliance, it is necessary to make sure that all the manufacturer's recommendations for installing a gas boiler are followed: electricity, electronics, gas, chimney, air flow, correct installation of the Neva Lux boiler according to wiring diagram and the rules of the gas industry.

Repair of the gas boiler Neva Lux with error 01 information begins with checking the gas supply to the heating boiler fittings. Next, we check all RTs for operating condition, observing the contact ability of the relay. Gas modulator valve diagnostics, static and dynamic pressure... By default, the elements of ignition, ionization are subject to inspection and maintenance. In this case, the gaps with respect to the burner section along two electrodes must be observed. Eliminate distortions and mechanical damage interfering correct settings boiler. Diagnostics of the ignition transformer unit (coil), if there is no power to the ignition electrode.

During the repair of the Neva Lux boiler, which runs on liquefied gas, it is necessary to prepare documents for the last refueling of the gas tank (technical data of the fuel), a contract for those. maintenance of the gas boiler and call a service technician for diagnostics and repair of gas. apparatus.

Timely, constant maintenance of gas boilers Neva Lux gives uninterrupted operation of equipment, warmth and comfort in your homes. By carrying out scheduled repairs, the necessary replacement of spare parts, you extend the life of the Neva Lux boilers and make the right investment.

Neva heating equipment is one of the most popular among users. The technique of this brand adapted to Russian realities, it works stably at reduced pressure in the line. But this does not mean that the operation is complete without breakdowns. Errors of the "Neva Lux" boiler will indicate malfunctions in the system, and their significance will help restore the operation of equipment.

Features of operation of boilers "Neva"

Gas boiler "Neva" is presented in wall and floor version... Single-circuit devices can heat an area of ​​180 m² and are characterized by low energy consumption. They operate on main and liquefied fuel. Since the combustion chamber is water cooled, connection to an external thermostat is possible. The organization of the chimney is carried out to the main shaft or to the turbo nozzle.

Double-circuit units are represented by the Neva Lux models. The design includes two heat exchangers for heating and hot water supply (DHW). For example, a bithermal radiator is built into the Neva Lux 7224 model. This is a tube in a tube, where water is simultaneously heated for two circuits.

Instrument control is mechanical and electronic. Special sensors monitor the operation of the boiler, in case of malfunctions, they send a signal to the control module. Then the display shows a fault code. To find out its meaning, you can look at the instructions.

Neva technique error codes

We will list the main malfunctions of the device, as well as indicate options for eliminating the problem.

Neva Lux bugs

Malfunction code What does How to repair
e1 / 04 The pressure in the heating system is reduced.
  • Bleed the air from the circuit, increase the pressure.
  • Diagnose the bypass valve. Switch work to heating the area, close the valve to the system. Water must go through the bypass line, otherwise the part is faulty.
  • Flush the pump from clogging, replace if faulty.
  • Repair of the pressure sensor circuit. Inspection of connectors, cables.
  • Check sensor stem for sticking. Switch off the instrument and remove the sensor and stem. If the diaphragm is damaged, install a serviceable element.
  • The flow sensor is out of order. Diagnose and replace.
  • Inspect the 3-way valve motor.
e2 Ignition error. What to do:
  • Unscrew the shut-off valve as far as it will go.
  • Replace LPG cylinder.

Inspect and replace if broken:

  • Spark plug and spark plug wiring.
  • Ionization wires. To do this, remove the wire from the candle - the work should be blocked, and 01 appears on the display. Reconnect the wire, hold down the K6 and Reset buttons.
  • Ignition transformer and its circuit.
  • Gas supply regulator.

Also remove dust from the spark plug by moving it closer to the burner (3 mm). Replace control board

e6 / 03 Problems with traction.
  • Clean out debris and soot from the chimney.
  • Examine the tubes leading to the pressure switch. If they are clogged, clean them of condensation or replace them with new ones.
  • Diagnose the pressure switch and its wiring.
  • Check the fan and its circuit.
e7 The water temperature is above normal. How to proceed:
  • Remove the blockage from the heating system.
  • Make sure the thermostat is working properly, check if it really shows the exact temperature.
  • Open the valve and bleed off excess air.
  • Clean the filter from dirt, debris, rust.
  • Check the location of the bypass.
  • The pump does not start. Carry out repairs.
  • Replace the fuel regulating part.
  • Connect switch S3 on the electronics module correctly.
01 Ignition fails. How to fix the problem:
  • Make sure that the shut-off valves are in good working order, open the gas cock.
  • The spark plug is out of order or clogged. Remove dust from the part. If the spark plug or its wiring is faulty, replace it.
  • Adjust the distance between the spark plug and the burner (3 mm).
  • When the electrode is turned on, a spark hits the combustion chamber. Isolate the breakdown site.
  • Measure the ionization current. Connect a microammeter to the ionization circuit, measure the readings. Normal should be between 3 and 5 microamperes.
  • Inspect the ignition transformer circuit. Repair.
  • Remove soot from the combustion block.
02 The equipment does not work due to overheating.
  • The heating circuit is clogged. Perform cleaning.
  • Install a working thermostat.
  • Bleed air using taps.
  • Clean out debris from the heating filter.
  • Bypass valve not installed correctly. Reconnect the part.
  • The pump is defective, which removes excess air. Run diagnostics.
  • Adjust the gas regulator.
05 The temperature sensor of the circuit is broken. Check the loop from the sensor to the electronic board. Connect a new element.
06 Domestic hot water temperature sensor problems.
07 The fuel regulator coil is out of order.
  • Measure the resistance of the coil with a multimeter. In operating mode, it should be 80 ohms.
  • The contacts between the coil and the electronic circuit are broken. Check the electrical circuit.
99 Electrical problem.
  • Grounding is not organized.
  • Breakdown on the boiler drum.
  • Flip the plug in the outlet

Other problems

Not all breakdowns are indicated by error codes. Some can be identified by signs.

The boiler does not turn on.

  • Check the availability of electricity if the boiler is connected to the mains.
  • The fuse on the electronic board does not work.
  • Circuit board closure due to leakage. Inspect all assemblies and parts for leaks.

The appliance pops on ignition.

  • Ignition power or pressure incorrectly set. Adjust the settings.
  • Clean the chimney, provide adequate ventilation in the room to maintain draft.
  • Clean soot and grime from burner assembly.

If you smell gas in the room, close the shut-off valve. Contact your gas service.

Weak water pressure when opening the mixer.

  • The line pressure has dropped. Wait for recovery or install the pump.
  • Remove dirt and scale from the water filter and heat exchanger parts.

The coolant temperature exceeds the set.

  • Dilute the hot stream with a cold stream, increase the circulation rate.

The standby mode is switched on, the panel does not function, the display shows "-".

  • The reason is the voltage drops in the network. As soon as it is restored, the equipment will resume work. It is recommended to install a stabilizer.

After reviewing the codes of malfunctions, you can proceed with their elimination or contact the service center. Good luck!

In chapter Service, maintenance and repair to the question Boiler neva lux 8224. constant error 03. condensate accumulates in the pressure switch tubes. How to fix this problem. given by the author Vladimir the best answer is Need more detailed information about where it is located, the outside temperature, fuel (gas or diesel fuel), winter or summer, etc. And condensate from what (water, gas)?
What can be done to prevent condensate from collecting in the pitot tubes? The Neva Lux 8224 boiler turns off every year in January, showing error 03. Of course, I eliminate the condensate and start the boiler until the next accumulation of condensate, but this problem is pretty boring. Help!

Answer from Yotas Shabanov[guru]
1. Check if the tap is completely closed.
2. If the make-up valve is closed all the way, then
it is possible that the make-up valve is not tight.
Replace the make-up valve.
3. Check if the secondary heat exchanger is leaking.
4. Also check if the sensor is working properly
pressure and connectors of its contacts.
Another option: opening the plug on the right side
above, in order to enter the combustion chamber
got warm air and not
condensation formed in the presostat tubes.

2017-05-17 Evgeny Fomenko

The device and principle of operation of boilers Neva Lux

Gas boilers Neva Lux are presented in two variations - wall-mounted and floor-standing, consider their device using some models as an example. Neva Lux 8618 is a single-circuit heating boiler, wall-mounted installation method, has low level energy consumption, a fairly high efficiency of 91%, power 18 kW. It can heat a room with an area of ​​30 to 180 square meters.

Works on both natural and liquefied gas. It has a small size, it is equipped with a combustion chamber that is cooled with water, it can also be connected to a room thermostat, which is convenient for use. Equipped with a protection device against overheating (boiling), a thermostat against overheating of the gas exhaust device. It can be connected to both the chimney and the turbo nozzle.

Neva Lux 8224 is a double-circuit gas boiler designed to heat a room up to 240 meters2, as well as to heat water for household needs, throughput 14 liters per minute. Its power is 24 kW, it is equipped with closed chamber combustion.

The installation method is wall-mounted, equipped with a built-in 6-liter expansion tank, which makes it possible to connect the boiler to a 70-liter heating circuit. The design provides for two heat exchangers, a copper one for the heating circuit, and the second one, made of stainless steel, for hot water supply.

Powered by natural or liquefied gas, for ease of use it has a display that reflects the current and set temperature in the coolant.

Neva Lux 7224 is a wall-mounted, double-circuit device designed for heating a room with an area of ​​up to 240 m2, the throughput of water for domestic needs is 14 liters per minute. Can work from natural gas and liquefied, coefficient useful action 92%.

Boiler Neva Lux 7224

Equipped with a bithermal heat exchanger, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the final cost of heat. It is equipped with an electronic self-diagnosis system, and a small display is installed on the case to indicate readings.

Neva deluxe 7023 - wall-mounted, designed for heating a room up to 250 meters2, as well as heating service water of 13 liters per minute. It works not only from natural gas, but also from liquefied gas; for ease of operation, you can connect a room controller.

The smoke is removed forcibly, with the help of a built-in fan, air for burning the fire is forced from the street. Equipped with a closed combustion chamber, has a coaxial heat exchanger, expansion tank volume of 6 liters.

Neva Lux 8023 is a double-circuit wall-mounted boiler, which has the ability to provide heat to a room, the area of ​​which does not exceed 240 m2. The circulation of the liquid in the system is forced, with the help of a pump, equipped with a closed combustion chamber.

Fume extraction takes place thanks to an exhaust fan. The power of the device is 23 kW, the presence of two heat exchangers is provided, the heating circuit is of paramount importance, made of high-alloy stainless steel.

Major error codes

Like any other device, it periodically fails, then we will consider in detail the error codes for the Neva Lux gas boiler.

Gas boiler control panel Neva Lux


Error e1. This malfunction indicates a low fluid pressure in the heating circuit.

The reasons may be as follows:


Error e2. Failed ignition, check the following:


Error e6. No cravings. Check possible reasons this malfunction:


Error e7. Excess permissible temperature in the coolant.

What are the possible reasons and what to do, we will consider in more detail:


Error 01. Malfunctions caused by unsuccessful ignition.

Possible reasons:


Error 02. Indicates boiler overheating.

Possible reasons:


Error 03. In order to fix it, check:


Error 04. Low pressure in the heating circuit, you need to check:

  • Too much decreased pressure in heating system , raise it to the recommended level.
  • Perhaps in the system formed airlock , remove it using the vent valve.
  • Broken pressure sensor in the heating circuit. Replace it.
  • The pump is broken, clean it and replace if necessary. Visually inspect all connections and connectors on the control board.