How to make a grid for gabions. DIY gabions

Many owners of private houses use gabions as elements of landscape design. Thanks to such structures, you can quickly and effectively ennoble the territory. These elements of decoration of the site have high strength, resistance, of which the most different elements for registration of the territory. And the simplicity of the technology allows you to make gabions with your own hands, you just need to clearly know the step-by-step instructions.

With the help of a gabion, you can decorate a garden or patio your house

General description and design device

Gabions are volumetric structures made of metal mesh. In appearance, they resemble cells of different sizes, but in decorative purposes their curly versions began to be used. Various stones or other materials are poured into these nets, which give the structure an interesting and attractive look.

Since gabions are constantly in the open air, they are affected by various unfavorable weather conditions, it is best to make them from steel wire double twist with a diameter of 2 to 8 mm. And it is also desirable that the wire has anti-corrosion protection made of polyvinyl chloride, zinc or galfan coating.

Thick metal wire is used as a frame for the gabion.

Most often, a mesh with a hexagonal mesh is taken for the frame, but if you wish, you can use it with square or rectangular ones. The following materials are usually used to fill such a structure:

  • crushed stone;
  • granite;
  • pebbles;
  • cobblestone;
  • sandstone;
  • basalt;
  • slate.

If during the filling of the structure large materials voids have formed, then they can be filled with fine gravel. In principle, there are no special requirements for the material in terms of color, appearance and shape, the only thing is that it should be about 40% larger than the mesh cell.

The internal volume of the gabion is filled with stone or crushed stone

Scope of application

Initially, gabions played the role of fortification structures on the battlefields. At that time, they were made from wicker baskets and filled with ordinary earth. Such structures had high reliability, well protected from bullets and quickly assembled.

Nowadays, gabions are widely used as:

  • decorative fences;
  • reinforcements for bridge supports;
  • framing for flower beds and lawns;
  • protective wind barrier;
  • support walls to strengthen hangars;
  • organization of embankments;
  • design of places of rest;
  • retaining walls for overhanging plants.

V landscape design such products are often used to add respectability and chic to a suburban area. They don't require special care and cost the owners inexpensively, especially if you make gabions from the mesh with your own hands.

This video describes in detail how to assemble a gabion with your own hands:

Step-by-step instruction

If initially gabions had only a rectangular shape, now they began to use completely different types of this product. The classic version are box structures. They are mainly used for the construction of protective supports, steps and hedges. This version of the product is also called Jumbo, and it is the largest. And also there are cylindrical, flat and artistic designs.

Products of a cylindrical shape are otherwise called gabion bags. They are used for decorative purposes., and with the help of them, foundations located under water are equipped. Flat structures are called Reno mattresses. They are most often used for leveling uneven surfaces, strengthening sites on the slopes or banks of ponds. Artistic designs can be most different shapes... Basically, they perform only a decorative role.

Before you start making gabions from a welded mesh with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • staples;
  • metal spirals:
  • metal mesh;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • plumb line;
  • shovel;
  • material for filling the structure;
  • geotextile;
  • wire stapler;
  • steel pins.

On sale you can find ready-made frame parts for creating such products, but they do not always correspond the right size... Therefore, it is better and cheaper to make gabion structures with your own hands. Even the smallest structure will weigh quite impressively, so it should be assembled immediately on site.

In construction stores, ready-made frames for the construction of gabions are sold

First of all, you need to prepare the base. Depending on the dimensions of the product, such work is performed in different ways. For example, for small structures it will be enough to remove upper layer earth or just tamp it well. But for oversized products, sand pillows with a thickness of about 20 cm should be made.

In order for the finished building not to overgrow with grass, you need to make a small groove around its perimeter, about 15 cm deep. After that, it should be covered with a geotextile fabric or an ordinary black film, and one edge should be bent under the future structure.

Metal mesh gabions must be cut according to a previously prepared drawing, but for this, the dimensions must be accurately calculated. Once everything is ready, you can start the installation process. First fits Bottom part structures, and after that the sides are already attached to it with the help of wire or staples. All ends of the wire must be twisted well or secured with pliers.

In long boxes, additional transverse panels should be installed - they will protect the building from bursting. Such panels are also braided with wire with side walls and a bottom. If the structure, on the contrary, is high, then all its internal corners should be fastened with reinforcement bars.

To strengthen the finished building, you can also additionally use reinforcement. In this case, it is welded together, and then attached to the mesh. All welded seams should be treated with anti-corrosive agents. The upper side of the gabion must be left open, since through it it will be filled with stones or other material. The final stitching of the structure is carried out only after the complete filling of the entire volume and upon completion installation works.

The appearance of the gabion depends only on your imagination; with the help of stones of different colors, you can create interesting patterns

It is possible to lay small stones of the same size in bulk, but always in several stages with the compaction of each layer. If materials of different sizes are used for filling, then the large ones creep in on the sides, and the small ones fall asleep in the middle.

In the process of work, you can combine materials different colors, size and type, thanks to which the finished composition will look even more interesting and original. If there is not enough material to fill the finished structure, then you can go for a trick. To do this, the stones should be laid out close to the grid, and the space in the middle can be filled construction waste or just rubble. The main thing is that the inside is not visible from under the stones.

To make such buildings, you do not need any specific skills or experience. The main thing is to stick to general recommendations and strictly observe the parameters in the developed drawing.

The advantages of gabions

Mesh gabions in landscape design are effectively used for territory zoning. With the help of such structures, you can, for example, highlight a recreation area or a playground. Moreover, even to create tall and large buildings, you do not need to use specialized construction equipment, but you can quickly and simply do everything yourself.

Such products are highly durable and throughput... If gabions were collected from quality materials and in compliance with all the basic rules, then they will serve for many years. And also these structures have high water permeability, which does not create conditions for stagnant water.

Seasonal soil displacements are not terrible for such buildings. In this case, they can only slightly deform. Over time, various plants begin to grow between the stones in the net, but thanks to this, the structures only become stronger and more reliable. They also don't require additional service and care.

If you install a tabletop on top of a rectangular gabion, you can get a durable garden table, which does not need to be brought under the roof for the winter. Also, from these buildings, you can easily make a gazebo, a terrace, containers for plants and even a fireplace.

Per recent times gabions are becoming more and more popular with owners country houses... This is all due to the fact that such constructions combine reliability, practicality and visual appeal. And thanks to various materials, which are used to fill the structure, you can create interesting and unusual compositions.

For many years, the main function of gabions was that they were used to increase the strength of redoubts in military development. Nowadays, with their help, they form the coastal part of rivers and lakes, strengthen the slopes and make retaining walls. Recently, gabions are increasingly used in landscape design. For example, fences, flower beds, low fences, etc. are made of them. This article will describe step by step instructions on how to make gabions with your own hands, but first we will consider the advantages and features of these designs. Also, the article will talk about the materials with which you can fill the inner space of gabions.

The high demand for gabions is due to a number of their advantages:

  1. Naturalness of the structure... As for the fence made of gabions, it will be in harmony with the landscape and environment... Such a product is monolithic, and therefore reliable.
  2. High strength... Gabion successfully copes with heavy loads. This fact allows them to strengthen the banks of reservoirs.
  3. Availability and ease of construction... A fence made of gabions is 60% cheaper than its counterpart made of brick and reinforced concrete. For its construction, you do not need lifting equipment and any special knowledge.
  4. High level of noise absorption.
  5. Environmental Safety.
  6. Durability.

If you are faced with the choice of material for making a fence, then you should think about gabions. It is generally accepted that the fence should be made of brickwork, corrugated board, metal, wooden picket fence or reinforced concrete. Each of these designs has a number of disadvantages.

If you are a connoisseur original ideas, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with gabions as a material for making fences. These are a kind of bulk fences that preserve the natural attractiveness of the internal filler, for example, stone or wood. Such fences go well with decorative flowers and lawns.

If stone structures need to be connected cement-sand mortar, then gabions do not require this, since the stones are held by an inconspicuous frame.

A gabion fence can have different sizes, thickness and height. Individual elements can be installed tightly or at some distance from each other. Before buying or self-production gabion, it is important to define it functional purpose and surrounding landscape elements. Paths paved of the same stone, artificial ponds and bridges, as well as flower beds from pergons will look good.

Gabions also go well with hedges. Fences filled with blue-gray or pink marble, as well as white limestone look spectacular. With a competent approach, even the most ordinary stones of large sizes can become an exquisite decoration of a personal plot.

Photo instruction

This photo tutorial shows how to make a simple gabion fence:

Traditionally, gabion nets are filled with quartz, granite, sandstone, pebbles, quartzite or broken brick. If you decide to fill the gabion with such material, then it is worth considering the following points:

  1. Stone size can range from 7 to 40 cm. The material should be homogeneous and dense. It is important that the diameter of the mesh cells is less than the diameter of the stones, otherwise they will fall out of the structure.
  2. The shape of the stones also matters. They should be rectangular, sloping or round. The use of shallow forms is unacceptable.
  3. By strength stones should not have an indicator less than 1000 kgf / cm 2.
  4. Aesthetics- the filler must be attractive. It is important that it is in harmony with nature.
  5. Frost resistance... The stones must be appropriate for the climatic conditions of the area in which the gabion will be installed.
  6. If it comes about filling the gabion with granite, it is important to consider degree his radioactivity.

It is not necessary to use stone as a filler. Of extraordinary materials, they are often used:

  • wooden cuts;
  • glass;
  • pieces of pipes;
  • firewood;
  • paving stones;
  • broken tiles;
  • crushed concrete.

Below will be given step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of gabions, which will help you do all the work yourself.

So, to make box gabions, you will need:

  • galvanized mesh-netting with PVC coating, which will prevent metal corrosion;
  • reinforcing bars Ø 6–8 mm used for the manufacture of stiffeners and gabion frame;
  • flexible galvanized wire Ø 3 mm, used for attaching the mesh to the frame;
  • filler - stones or other materials listed above that exceed the dimensions of the mesh cells.

The first step is to weld the gabion frame from 4 long and 8 short reinforcing rods. On the sides and in the plane of the bottom of the frame, weld several vertical and horizontal rows, thus giving the frame the appearance of a lattice box.

Prepare the soil before installing the frame. First, dig a trench under the gabion 15 cm deep. Then make a sand and gravel cushion. So that the weed does not germinate and spoil the gabion, and in order to avoid direct metal contact with the ground, it is necessary to waterproof the base.

The frame of the cage can already be moved to the place of permanent deployment. Now the gabion needs to be covered with a netting, fastening it to the reinforcing bars with wire. After that, the gabion should be filled with filler. It is worth noting that the gabion from the chain-link mesh looks very attractive. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to its purchased counterpart.

The finished structure will serve you for many years, but it still depends on aggressiveness. external environment... Over the course of 5-10 years masonry becomes so dense that the strength of the lattice does not play so much important role... But if you want the structure to continue to be attractive, then it is better to replace the layer of worn-out mesh in a timely manner.

So, based on the information provided, it is not difficult to make a gabion yourself, and this pleasure will cost you inexpensively. However, it is worth noting that purchased gabions are more durable, and you will have to spend much less time to install them.


You can learn more about how gabions are made by watching the video:


Gabions are supporting and decorative structures made of strong metal mesh, filled with stones. From military fortifications, gabions have turned into structures for landscape design. Since the 16th century, such products have been used to build defensive fortifications for guns and trenches. In the 19th century, builders became interested in gabions - with their help they strengthened steep slopes and areas with unstable soil, erected supports for bridges and dams, and strengthened river beds. Modern landscape designers use gabions to equip fences, terraces and create small architectural forms.

Interesting! Properly made gabions are not inferior in strength to a concrete slab! The main thing is to find the right materials.

Mesh and stone for gabions

The basis of the gabion is a strong galvanized or PVC wire, its thickness varies from 2 to 6 mm. Welded or mesh blocks are fastened together with brackets or clamps. If the structure is massive, special cables are used to give it stability. The cell structure can be different: polygonal, square, diamond-shaped.

Important! The chain-link familiar to summer residents is not suitable for the production of gabion. It does not hold its shape well and bends under the weight of stones, which means it will not last long.

Various stones are used as filling the gabion - basalt, granite, quartzite, cobblestone and others. For small architectural forms will fit pebbles, crushed stone, sandstone. There are no special requirements for the shape or appearance, but the size of the stone should be 25-50% larger than the cell size.

The main types of gabions for summer cottages

  • Cylindrical. Fairly flexible but durable. Suitable for strengthening riverbeds, slopes prone to landslides, construction of retaining walls.

  • Rectangular. Fences are often made of them, street benches, arches and other elements.

  • Mattress-mattress. Gabions with a flat surface, most often low. They can serve as the basis for a foundation or other structure.

  • Free form. This group includes small architectural forms - vases, sculptures, columns, flower beds.

The main advantages of gabions

  • Flexibility. The wire base allows you to give designs the desired shape and embody your own design ideas in life.
  • Strength. Gabion is not subject to deformation, resistant to ground movements. Subject to the use of high-quality materials, the structure will serve for decades.
  • Profitability. No expensive materials are used for the construction.
  • Water permeability. Since the gabion is primarily a protective structure, it does not impede the movement of water.
  • Various shapes and sizes. Valuable quality for landscape design, you can even make non-standard objects.
  • Ease of installation. No special equipment or a team of builders is required, one person can cope with this task. By the way, you don't need to care for gabions either.

What can be done from gabions in the country?

Support wall. Actually, the original purpose of this element. Helps to protect the site from landslides, to strengthen the soil and the base of the house. In order for the wall to fulfill the task assigned to it, it is important to correctly calculate its dimensions: take into account the mass, wind intensity, and soil quality. When erecting structures with a height of more than 1 meter, you will need strip foundation.

A fence made of gabions. Such a fence is original, easy to install and durable. A fence made of gabions is mounted on a point foundation, no more than 50 cm deep.If desired, gabions are combined with boards, concrete slabs, brickwork, vertical gardening.

Facade decoration. The gabion facade does not need to be painted, putty and constantly repaired. The structure is anchored and has good sound absorption.

Hearths and fireplaces... Gabion can become the basis of an outdoor hearth or a garden fireplace with an open firebox.

Practical furniture. Coffee table from a gabion net with stones and wood or glass top will become a decoration of the garden! It can be paired with wonderful benches or ottomans. And so as not to sit rigidly, provide for removable pillows.

Curbs and flower beds. Life hack: to make gabions look more interesting, you can fill them not only with stones, but also with wood, glass blocks and etc! They perform exclusively a decorative function, therefore the requirements for the loads are minimal.

Artificial reservoirs and fountains. Gabion mesh is very flexible, so you are not limited in the choice of sizes and shapes.

Columns, vases, sculptures. They can be used both as an independent decorative element and as stands for flower pots or kitchen utensils.

Gabions are combined with natural and artificial materials and will become a decoration of your summer cottage!

The material for the creation of which are stones that are not fastened with a solution. This design is called gabions. If desired, it is very easy to build such a fence of stones. Gabions are used in the construction of windbreaks, hedges. Using such structures, you can strengthen the shores of lakes and ponds, create original elements decor in the garden. In order to understand how to lay gabions with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the functions, types of structures, and the material used for their manufacture.

What functions do stone structures perform?

Gabion structures are successfully used in construction. Among the main functions it is worth highlighting:

  • Protection of the site from the winds.
  • Strengthening the coastline of various water bodies.
  • Using gabions, you can regulate the river bed and organize the embankment.
  • Creation of hedges in areas of any size.
  • Protection against convergence of large masses of snow.
  • Use for decorative purposes.

The advantages of gabions

The wide range of applications of gabions indicates the advantages of the design:

  • During the installation of the frame, the gabions are adhered with galvanized wire, which makes it possible to talk about the strength of the structure that can withstand heavy loads.
  • In the process of absorption of various sediments by gabions, they do not undergo destruction. During erosional erosion, the base of the structure is slightly deformed, while remaining strong.
  • During the installation of the structure, there is no need for construction equipment and the creation drainage device... It is enough to purchase stones. Moreover, they do not need special processing... Therefore, this method of strengthening significantly saves money.

Given the shape of gabions, they are divided into box-shaped and cylindrical. Sometimes you can find flat rectangular products, the thickness of which reaches 30 cm. This type of structure is used to strengthen the coastline, in the construction of retaining walls.

Cylindrical structures are used to create underwater foundations from box gabions.

Making gabions

To complete the work, you will need step-by-step instructions for the construction of a structure. Before proceeding with the construction of gabions, it is necessary to choose a place for construction. The preparation stage includes soil compaction.

Preparation of materials

It will not be superfluous to make a foundation with a pillow. This uses crushed stone and sand. You will also need a metal mesh. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the load level so that the structure does not collapse in the future.

An excellent option would be a PVC-coated mesh or stainless steel mesh.

The color of the stone depends on individual preferences and ideas. The size of the material must match the mesh of the mesh. When choosing stones, it is worth considering their density and frost resistance. Especially you need to pay attention to these parameters if the structure will be under the influence of water. Most often used:

  • granite;
  • diorite;
  • quartzite;
  • basalt.

Sandstone, which is frost-resistant, is no less popular.

If you need to build a gabion above the surface of the water, it is important to choose a stone that is 30% larger than the cell in size. For underwater structures, stones exceeding the mesh size by 50% are suitable.

Preparation and installation of the frame

The mesh is cut to size and sewn, adhering to the intended shape. For this purpose, welding or strong wire is suitable, the ends of which are inserted into the stone filler. If the gabion is long, you need to take care of the partitions. The construction should be completed gradually. Today on the market gabions can be purchased disassembled, therefore it will be very easy to transport them.

Stone laying

  • Once the structures are in place and linked to adjacent sections, they can be filled with stones.
  • Bricks, flat pebbles and large stones are laid by hand.
  • Small stones can be emptied and compacted.
  • If the mesh reaches a height of 0.5 m, stones are laid on its third, then the front and back wall strong wire.
  • Another layer of stones is laid.
  • Repeat the procedure for bonding the two walls.
  • Lay down last layer stones.

It is worth remembering that flat gabions can be filled immediately. In the case of filling the gabions in layers, the lower one must be covered with a stone 5 cm higher than the container, taking into account the shrinkage.

For the strength of the structure, it can be reinforced with rods, which are installed inside the frame half a meter apart.

How to build a fence

In a natural landscape, a gabion fence will be an ideal protection that will last a long time without much maintenance. A feature of the construction of a structure is considered that more space is needed for its construction than for a conventional fence.

Install stone wall directly on the ground, no foundation. For its reliable fixation, it is necessary to install steel posts at regular intervals.

  • First of all, you need to dig holes for the posts. The depth of the holes depends on the height of the future fence.
  • The pillars are placed in pits with pre-poured concrete, which must be carefully compacted. In this case, it is important to install the pillars evenly. The plane of the fence depends on this.
  • It is necessary to give time for the concrete to harden (three days).
  • A wire frame is fixed around the fence, in which the stone will be laid. The work is carried out using nuts, clamps and washers. For a low gabion, you can make a frame from a chain-link mesh.

  • After installing the mesh, do not forget to treat the wire with anti-corrosion agents.
  • When laying out stones, it is advisable to interlock the mesh with tension brackets. Fill the frame evenly. In this case, it is advisable to use multi-colored stones and materials of a rare breed. The main thing that appearance the fence did not knock out of general style plot.

Fences look very original, in which stones alternate with layers fertile soil, with unpretentious plants planted in it.

As you can see, many people can make a gabion, but in order for it to serve as long as possible, it is important to adhere to the recommendations set out in the article.


Watch a short animated video that shows the step-by-step process of creating gabions:

In this video you can see a variety of gabion designs:


Gabion is a large metal cage made of twisted wire. Such a design is very easy to manufacture and place on the territory of its site. This design is not expensive, and at the same time, it is reliable in use. You don't need to take extra care of her.

The advantages of gabions

If we compare gabions with other similar designs, it becomes clear that gabions have great advantages. Their advantages include:

  • high strength, since it is able to withstand heavy loads;
  • each mesh structure can be attached to the other, for this you only need galvanized wire, as a result, you can get a monolithic structure;
  • they combine well with the rest of the landscape, so over time, the effectiveness of such a structure will only grow;
  • low cost of use and installation;
  • ease of installation due to the low weight of the product.

Gabions have many advantages, thanks to which they received wide use in various fields and areas.

Varieties of gabions

Depending on the species, the following gabions are distinguished:

  • box-shaped;
  • cylindrical;
  • flat.

It follows that frame form will look like a cylinder, a flat figure or a box shape, it must be made from a mesh or from a welded structure.

In a welded structure, the rods, which are laid perpendicular to each other, are welded at the intersections. Welded boxes have a rectangular shape, in order to connect the walls they make a wire spiral.

The mesh construction is created by attaching a steel mesh to a rigid frame. Each cell of such a grid is hexagonal.

How to make gabions with your own hands

Before proceeding with the manufacture of gabions, you should take care of the availability next material which you will definitely need:

  • metal mesh, the thickness of which should be from 0.2 to 0.8 cm, depending on the parameters of the product. In this case, it is worth considering the peculiarities of operation;
  • fittings. With the help of it, the frame is strengthened and stiffened;
  • metal wire staples and spirals. These materials are used to hold structural parts together;
  • geofabric. This material is required to create reverse filtration and to reduce the consumption of sand or other fill material during installation.

Be sure to stock up on stones. If appearance is the main thing for you, then choose material, different colors or unusual shapes... To do this, you must give free rein to your imagination.

To carry out work on the manufacture and installation of gabions, you need simple tools, many of which you probably already have: pliers or pliers, a stapler for installation, a pry bar, a shovel and an anchor.

Attention ! If reinforcing bars are used in the manufacturing process, then welding must be used, since tying parts with wire is a rather difficult process, which, moreover, cannot guarantee the required rigidity of the frame.

We make the frame

Since the weight of even a small structure will be significant, the manufacture and assembly of the gabion frame must be carried out at the place of its installation.

The gabion manufacturing process takes place in several stages. To begin with, we will prepare the base, if possible, it is better to strengthen it, for example, tamp the soil or remove the top layer of soil. Use sand to make a pillow that is ten to twenty centimeters thick. Everything will depend on the weight and parameters of the gabion.

Attention ! If a fence is being erected from gabions, then at a shallow depth it is necessary to equip a strip foundation. This is especially necessary when gabions are combined with sections made of traditional materials.

To prevent grass and other weeds from overgrowing the gabion net, it is necessary to make a shallow ditch around the entire structure. After that, the ditch should be covered with a geotextile cloth or an ordinary black film, secured by bending one edge under the future structure.

Then you need to cut the mesh in accordance with the previously calculated dimensions and start connecting it.

First of all, it is necessary to install the bottom of the structure, and lay the sides to it and fix them together with a metal wire. The remaining wire must be tightened tightly and secured using pliers.

If your gabion is going to turn out to be quite large or with a disproportionately long one of the sides, you must consider the stiffness diaphragms. One side must be open to fill the structure with stones.

The last stitching should be done after all installation work is completed and the entire volume is completely filled.

After the completion of all work on the manufacture of the structure frame, it must be finally installed and fixed. To ensure the strength and reliability of the structure, not only due to its own weight, the structure should be secured with anchors or homemade stakes. You can also use fittings, the diameter of which should not exceed 1 cm.

When manufacturing a structure that does not consist of one tier, it is possible to assume the possibility of saving material, for example, when building fences. In this case, the gabion mesh of the lower tier can become the bottom for the upper one.

We fill the gabion with stones

After ready-made structures installed and rigidly fixed to each other, you can proceed to the next stage - laying stones. This is not a difficult stage, but it requires compliance with certain rules:

  • you need to start filling when the gabion is in its place;
  • if stones of various sizes are selected for internal filling, then large ones should be laid along the edges, and the center should be filled with smaller stones;
  • if you use small stones of the same size and shape, then they need to be laid in bulk, in several steps, with all parts compacted;
  • with a gabion height of more than 1.5 meters, stones should be laid in several layers, the thickness of each of them should be from 15 to 25 cm.In addition, after the structure is 1/3 full, it will be necessary to make spacers, which will be opposite sides are fastened in order to prevent deformation;

Advice ! If the structure has a height of more than a meter, then this procedure should be done again after a certain interval, for example, after filling two-thirds and three-quarters of the volume

  • if the gabion consists of many levels, then the lower row should be filled with stones, taking into account their shrinkage under the influence of their own weight, as well as under the influence of an external load, therefore, they need to be filled on average 5-7 centimeters above the upper edge of the structure;
  • sometimes it is possible to allow the use of stones that have a smaller fraction than the parameters of the cell, but then, they must be laid in the middle of the structure or at the bottom of the structure, they must first be wrapped in geotextile, which will not create an obstacle for water, seeping through the gabion, but at the same time will not give it wash the filler from the gabion;
  • after completing the installation and filling of the gabion, you need to perform the last action - cover installed structure cover and fix it with a metal wire spiral.

Advice ! In order for the stones not to move and the image does not lose its appearance, perform the actions in several stages. Lay the stones by hand, be sure to compact each layer in the gabion.


Gabions are a good tool for creating cheap and cheerful decor in your personal plot or garden. This kind landscape design is flexible and mobile. And this gives free rein to your imagination.

Your masterpieces will look respectable and beautiful. And most importantly, the manufacture of a gabion can be done with your own hands and with minimal cost... Show a little imagination and imagination, be a designer, create and give joy to your loved ones and those around you. After all, when such beautiful elements of landscape design as gabions delight your eyes, your mood will improve and your soul will be easy.

What is a gabion in landscape design? Designer making lessons