Combined houses made of stone and wood. Projects of combined brick and timber houses - solidity and environmental friendliness under one roof

building combined houses answers current trends. People are trying to make their housing reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Buildings made of stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and are becoming increasingly popular among private developers. What you need to know before drawing up a project, what are the pros and cons of houses of this type, experts say.

Combined houses: what is it

This type of building is not know-how. Back in the days Kievan Rus noticed that such houses are durable, light, resist fire more and better protect heat. With the development of technology, there are more variations in the combination of materials for combined houses. However, the stone remains closest to the ideal.

Two-part houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The basement level is built from durable stone who is not afraid of fires, strong wind, precipitation, groundwater and abundant sun. In addition, the stone base of the house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is assembled from wood. The beam helps to increase the energy efficiency of the building, gives comfort, beauty and convenience. It can be of several types, depending on the purpose:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable

  1. Glued. One element consists of many thin glued softwood lamellas.
  2. Unprofiled. Ordinary timber, obtained after processing the log at the sawmill. The cheapest option to build.
  3. profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. It has clear set parameters.

Among the projects of composite private dwellings, the style of a chalet is in demand - Swiss shepherd's houses with characteristic very prominent overhangs of cornices. The cottage got its shape for a reason. It allows you to maximize the conversion of sunlight into thermal energy. Second wooden floor such a house is .

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is due to the large preponderance positive characteristics over the negative ones. This type of building is actually quite practical. Its advantages:

  • lightweight construction, reduced pressure on the foundation (compared to a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with a close occurrence of groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of construction using modern eco-materials that are safe for the environment;
  • wide selection design solutions together with high aesthetics;

  • profitability;
  • higher fire safety (in comparison with buildings only made of wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • the function of the second floor-thermos: in the heat it will be cool there, in the cold - warmer.

Attention! Environmental friendliness of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that living in a wooden entourage improves sleep, normalizes the condition nervous system and prevents the development of respiratory diseases (if the timber is made of coniferous species).

The disadvantages of two-part houses are not so many:

  • wood serves less than stone;
  • the physical and technological properties of stone and wood are extremely different, because of this, after operation at severe frost or in the heat there may be difficulty;
  • even in combination with a non-combustible neighbor, the timber remains a flammable material.

The stone is not as light as foam blocks or expanded clay building materials. Such a house should be further strengthened from subsidence with a high foundation. Nevertheless, combined housing is an option for those who cannot afford a two-story cottage. Also, architects recommend this type of building when, due to a heavy load, the foundation of a 2-story brick or stone house can burst or cause distortion. In fact, the usual foundation for a 1-story house is enough for the building.

The design approach in the arrangement of rooms can be anything, but usually fits into the natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not additionally veneered - the more natural the texture looks, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber can be decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions when, with the help of modern facing materials both floors lead to a single style of decoration. But in this case, do not forget about different characteristics materials. On one in a few years, the lining will still look good, on the other it will no longer hold.

When drawing up a project, the size of the dwelling does not matter. In the photo you can see cottages that are completely different in size and design. The condition of the soil is also unimportant. The main thing is that the earth should not be a swamp and be able to withstand a one-story stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main period will be spent on pouring, drying the foundation and raising stone walls. A lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishing. At least at first you can live with naked wooden walls while you decorate the lower floor. Even before picking up a spatula or cladding panels, conduct communications. They are advised to be located only on the 1st floor.

Attention! The combination in a 2-storey building is quite in demand. combined house premises for business and living. Downstairs, the owners are equipping a commercial space, and upstairs they live by themselves, making a separate exit and communications.

The combination of materials in housing construction opens wide opportunities for its styling. You can make a house for every taste. In order not to be disappointed with the result, work only with experienced builders.

The original projects of combined houses are conquering everything every day. large quantity fans. And this is natural. Combination various materials makes it possible to arrange in an individual style. The practice of such construction shows that the use of this technology significantly reduces.

original project combined house

The main feature that distinguishes the combined Vacation home from others, is that the first floor is made of more durable materials, and the following floors are made of lighter ones. So, for example, for the foundation of a building they successfully use:

  • blocks of various composition, including foam concrete, aerated concrete, wood concrete, poroterm and others;
  • house made of natural stone.

For the construction of the top of the building, as a rule, apply:

Another direction in the construction of houses of the combined type is the use of alternative decoration of the building, completely built from a homogeneous material, with decorative details. It could be like individual elements, and a combined facade. In some cases, the use literally masks the original building material used during installation.

Benefits of combining materials

The construction of combined houses, based on the principle of combining different materials, has obvious benefits.

Origins of combined buildings

The combination of materials in the construction of residential buildings has been used for more than one century, both in European countries and in Russia. It is traditionally believed that this method of construction is based on the chalet style, which came into modernity from the Alpine mountains.

The massive stone foundation of residential buildings in those places was due to necessity, since a house on a mountain slope had to withstand snow and storm flows.

At the same time, living quarters built of wood were protected from the weather by wide roof awnings, and they are considered the main difference. In Russia, wood was also popular mainly among merchants and artisans.

The project of a combined cottage made of stone and timber

As a rule, the first floors were adapted for shops and workshops, and wooden second the floor was furnished for living. Despite the high cost of construction, this method of erecting buildings was justified, since the wooden floor removed from the ground was protected from flooding and fire, and, therefore, had a longer service life.

In modern design, combined houses made in the style of a chalet differ not only in the stone base and wide roof canopies, but also.

Respectable brick and wood houses

There are many people who want to realize the project of their own combined brick and wood house. Brickwork has traditionally been considered an indicator of wealth and respectability of the owner.

Finished project respectable house of brick and wood

In the combined construction of houses and cottages, both silicate and ceramic bricks are successfully used to construct the first floor of a combined house. The superstructure of the brick base of the house can be made of any type of wood.

A combined house made of bricks and glued laminated timber is considered a classic option, since it has an attractive appearance, is easy to install and does not shrink, and also has high thermal insulation properties.

An alternative option, of course, is lined with decorative wood paneling, for example, a block house.

The project of a combined house made of wood and brick

It should be noted that the manufacture of a wooden superstructure significantly reduces the cost of construction, since the price of the wooden components of the second floor is significantly lower than the additional brick for customization. However, the technology for arranging such houses allows the construction of the entire building from the main material, and only the facade of the house is decorated with wood details.

In some cases, it applies combined finish when, together with the decoration of the facade, additional wooden elements, such as the , .

Economic projects of houses from foam blocks and wood

For economical developers, projects of houses using block materials will be especially interesting. Due to its affordable price and due to the simple construction, combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are very popular. And also as a material for the construction of the first floor, blocks of other cellular concrete compositions are successfully used, in particular, which has characteristics similar to foam concrete.

A house built of blocks and wood has all the advantages of combined buildings, but there are additional advantages:

When carrying out work on the installation of the second floor on a block base, it must be taken into account that pouring a concrete reinforcing belt is a prerequisite for reliable fastening wooden structures. The frame, consisting of a timber structure, or the timber itself, is already connected to the armored belt with steel anchors. The wooden floor can be made of any type of wood, but the most budgetary solution would be wooden frame with good insulation and trimmed with decorative panels.

The main advantage of combined projects is the combination of different wall materials from which they are taken. best performance and properties. Simply put, these houses are more comfortable to live in than completely stone houses, and more reliable than completely wooden houses.

The lower, stone floor usually has a garage, a boiler room, a swimming pool or sauna, a kitchen, a pantry and a laundry room. Thus, these rooms are not exposed to moisture and fire. However, concrete lacks a comfortable feeling of warmth and naturalness. This minus is solved by building a combined project, in which the second floor is designed from a wooden wall material giving a cozy and healthy atmosphere. The upper, wooden floor is a living area with bedrooms, a nursery, an office for work. As you know, the tree "breathes" because it has pores and allows air to pass through. Resting and sleeping in a tree is much more pleasant and easier than in concrete.

The basis of a combined house is usually made:

  • brick
  • building blocks (gas blocks, foam block, wood concrete, kerakam, expanded clay block)
  • monolith
  • a natural stone

The second and subsequent floors are designed from:

  • timber - ordinary, glued, profiled
  • log - planed or rounded
  • frame technology with wood-like cladding
  • from sip panels - also with wood grain finish

An excursion into the history of combined projects

The combination of stone and wood has been used in the construction of houses for a very long time, both in Russia and abroad. Initially the basis for this method construction served as a chalet style, common among the inhabitants of the mountainous Alps. A stone base was necessary for firm fit houses on the slopes of the mountains, and to resist snow and wind. The residential top was built of wood, had wide roof overhangs to protect against rain, which is currently " calling card» of this architectural style.

In our country, stone and wood houses were quite popular with merchants, wealthy artisans and kulaks. The lower stone floors were used by merchants as warehouses and shops, and by artisans as workshops. The second wooden floor was used as residential. Such combined houses were cheaper than completely stone ones, and were more durable than completely wooden ones, due to the elevation of the wooden part above the ground, it was protected from flooding and less prone to fires. Solid benefit!

Design features of combined houses

As previously stated, main feature combined projects is a symbiosis of the strength of the stone of the ground floor and the lightness of the wood of the upper floors. Of course, without good foundation this is indispensable, however, its load will be less, in the case of designing and building two floors from stone at once. And since the foundation is usually 25% of the total price of the house, you can save quite a decent amount on it. Unlike blocks, the wood on the second floor will not require a global finish, except for priming and painting, so you can save even at this stage.

Combined houses do not require a long time to shrink. These houses can be occupied immediately after graduation. base construction- finished only the lower, stone floor. Wooden part, as in conventional wooden houses, will shrink up to 1.5-2 years, so it is not recommended to finish and immediately move in.

Savings on the construction of combined projects can also be obtained on thermal insulation, because, unlike a completely stone house, a combined one requires less thermal insulation. It is also not required to treat the entire house with an antiseptic, unlike a completely wooden house.

The tree is removed from the ground, and therefore from the effects of moisture. From stone building materials you can safely build such premises as a boiler room, a bathroom - even with a sauna, even with a pool, a living room with a fireplace. As a result, the customer of the combined project for a small price will receive a competent, technologically advanced building, the materials of which are used exactly for their own purposes.

A pleasant and unusual appearance is guaranteed if you choose a combined house project. A log or beam looks aesthetically pleasing and soundly, and the finishing of the first floor from artificial stone or plaster will give appearance respectability. The specialists of our company can decorate the facades either as a whole, or by preserving an unforgettable combination of wood and stone!

A private, beautiful spacious house, built by oneself, attracts many. But it's one thing to dream about own house, and it is completely different to build a structure from the foundation to the roof. Today, residential buildings made of stone and wood are very popular.

The chalet style is gaining momentum and becoming a fashionable trend in construction. Designers offer a variety of projects for combined houses related to the elite, middle and economy class. In most cases, future owners of private housing are interested in inexpensive projects of combined houses made of stone and wood.

In addition to the low cost, combined chalet houses made of stone and wood attract with a lot of advantages. Among these, it should be noted:

  • Structural durability.
  • High level of wear resistance, strength.
  • Fire safety.

Plus, wood structures are distinguished by comfort and heat retention. And in combination with brickwork, such a structure looks beautiful, soundly. So that the used materials are not wasted, the masters recommend to think in advance in which version they will be used. The most popular is the project of a combined chalet-style house.

Not good choices

Projects of combined houses are different. Reviews of the masters say that not all of them are successful. For example, the option in which the first is built brick building, and then lined with wood clapboard, can eventually lead to damage to materials. Let's not forget that brick and wood have different coefficients of thermal expansion. If brickwork veneer with wood correctly, then a sufficient distance must be left between the materials. But over time, insects and rodents can start in this space.

The reverse is also possible, in which wooden structure lined with bricks. But from the rearrangement of the sequence of materials used, the essence does not change. Between the layers of materials, mold, fungus, and bark beetles can form.

Best projects

Reviews about turnkey combined stone and wood houses claim that the most optimal combination of materials is floor-by-floor, as shown in the photo. For example, a project of such a structure might look like this:

  • The first floor is a brick building, which houses utility rooms- kitchen, dining room, boiler room, guest room with a fireplace.
  • The second floor is wooden. There is a bedroom, a nursery, guest rooms. The gentle aroma of wood will promote relaxation and peace.

Reviews of the masters claim that in order to create an ideal combined house project, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and wishes of the customer. In any case, the master must warn the future owner that it is better to place engineering Communication on the first floor. Considering the lightness of wood, it is not necessary to build the first floor from this material. The supporting walls must be made of stone so that the house as a whole is strong and reliable.


Combined house stone wood turnkey economy class, can be built from concrete monolithic foundation, ceramic brick and pine wood. Since the house is two-story, stairs inside the building are a must.

An excellent choice is wooden stairs inside the house and monolithic stairs outside. A great addition to the building is the attic on the second floor, which has decorative trim similar in color to the decoration of the walls of the first floor.

Economy class projects of combined houses made of stone and wood in the style of a chalet must include a spacious terrace. This building element is hallmark such housing. Another obligatory element successful project in the style of a chalet, is the presence of a flat roof with a wide wingspan. Thanks to this solution, the wood part of the structure is protected from moisture and precipitation.

The construction of combined houses meets modern trends. People are trying to make their housing reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Buildings made of stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and are becoming increasingly popular among private developers. What you need to know before drawing up a project, what are the pros and cons of houses of this type, experts say.

Combined houses: what is it

This type of building is not know-how. Even in the times of Kievan Rus, they noticed that such houses are durable, light, resist fire more and better protect heat. With the development of technology, there are more variations in the combination of materials for combined houses. However, stone and timber remain closest to the ideal.

Two-part houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The basement level is built of durable stone, which is not afraid of fires, strong winds, precipitation, groundwater and abundant sun. In addition, the stone base of the house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is assembled from wood. The beam helps to increase the energy efficiency of the building, gives comfort, beauty and convenience. It can be of several types, depending on the purpose:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable

  1. Glued. One element consists of many thin glued softwood lamellas.
  2. Unprofiled. An ordinary bar obtained after processing a log at a sawmill. The cheapest option to build.
  3. profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. It has clear set parameters.

Among the projects of composite private dwellings, the style of a chalet is in demand - Swiss shepherd's houses with characteristic very prominent overhangs of cornices. The cottage got its shape for a reason. It allows you to maximize the conversion of sunlight into thermal energy. The second wooden floor of such a house is attic.

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is explained by a large preponderance of positive characteristics over negative ones. This type of building is actually quite practical. Its advantages:

  • lightweight construction, reduced pressure on the foundation (compared to a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with a close occurrence of groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of construction using modern eco-materials that are safe for the environment;
  • a wide range of design solutions along with high aesthetics;

  • profitability;
  • higher fire safety (in comparison with buildings only made of wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • the function of the second floor-thermos: in the heat it will be cool there, in the cold - warmer.

Attention! Environmental friendliness of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that living in a wooden entourage improves sleep, normalizes the state of the nervous system and prevents the development of respiratory diseases (if the timber is made of coniferous species).

The disadvantages of two-part houses are not so many:

  • wood serves less than stone;
  • stone and wood have extremely different physical and technological properties, because of this, after operation in severe frost or heat, difficulties may arise;
  • even in combination with a non-combustible neighbor, the timber remains a flammable material.

The stone is not as light as foam blocks or expanded clay building materials. Such a house should be further strengthened from subsidence with a high foundation. Nevertheless, combined housing is an option for those who cannot afford a two-story cottage. Also, architects recommend this type of building when, due to a heavy load, the foundation of a 2-story brick or stone house can burst or cause distortion. In fact, the usual foundation for a 1-story house is enough for the building.

The design approach in the arrangement of rooms can be anything, but usually fits into the natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not additionally veneered - the more natural the texture looks, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber can be decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions, when with the help of modern facing materials both floors lead to a single design style. But in this case, do not forget about the different characteristics of the materials. On one in a few years, the lining will still look good, on the other it will no longer hold.

When drawing up a project, the size of the dwelling does not matter. In the photo you can see cottages that are completely different in size and design. The condition of the soil is also unimportant. The main thing is that the earth should not be a swamp and be able to withstand a one-story stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main period will be spent on pouring, drying the foundation and raising the stone walls. A lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishing. At least for the first time, you can live with bare wooden walls while you decorate the lower floor. Even before picking up a spatula or facing panels, conduct communications. They are advised to be located only on the 1st floor.

Attention! The combination of premises for business and life in a 2-storey combined house is quite in demand. Downstairs, the owners are equipping a commercial space, and upstairs they live by themselves, making a separate exit and communications.

The combination of materials in housing construction opens up wide possibilities for its style design. You can make a house for every taste. In order not to be disappointed with the result, work only with experienced builders.