Choosing a good soil for an orchid: which one has the most correct composition and which is better, do it at home or buy a ready-made one? Let's talk about the soil for orchids. Is it possible to cook with your own hands and which bark is better to use

Tell me what kind of soil is needed for an orchid? Colleagues at work gave a flower a couple of years ago. During this time, the orchid has grown greatly, the roots literally spread across the windowsill, and the bush itself will soon fall out of the pot. I came to the conclusion that I need to transplant it into a large bowl. This is my first orchid, and at home, except for a universal substrate, there is nothing. I heard that such a soil is not suitable for these flowers, so what to plant it in?

Orchids, like other epiphytic plants, receive nutrition from aerial roots. They "take root" by them, clinging to the support-tree in nature. These flowers do not need the earth as such; it serves more so that the bush does not fall over and firmly takes an upright position. But at the same time, an orchid growing at home needs to eat something and take useful substances from somewhere. For indoor specimens, special mixtures are created that absorb and give up water well, and will also nourish them. In order for a capricious epiphyte to feel good and bloom regularly, it is important to know what kind of soil is needed for an orchid. Many growers prepare the soil on their own, including for these plants. Knowing what to mix with what, it will not be difficult to do this.

When choosing or mixing soil, it is also important to consider which group your orchid belongs to. Although epiphytic flowers are most often grown in apartments, there are also terrestrial orchids. For them, the composition of the soil mixture will be somewhat different.

Substrate composition for epiphytic orchids

Phalaenopsis and dendrobiums require, first of all, reliable support in a pot. Growing on twigs, these orchids thrive in pine bark pots. It absorbs moisture and fertilizers well when watering, then gradually releasing them to the roots of the flower, besides, it allows air to pass through. Such plants do not need earth, moreover, they will die in it, “suffocate”.

Instead of pine bark, you can use oak or birch bark.

The bark is the main component of the soil mixture for epiphytes, and you can keep moisture in it longer by adding a little moss and charcoal. The latter, moreover, will cleanse the soil from harmful bacteria.

What kind of soil is needed for a terrestrial orchid?

Since in nature such flowers do not grow on a tree, but in the ground, the substrate in the pot must also contain it. In this case, it is he who acts as the main component of the mixture, and the bark is already a secondary, additional, “ingredient”. The soil should be light, but nutritious, with the addition of organic ingredients. The ground orchid will take food from the soil, so you need to make it saturated with trace elements.

Lovely orchids are unique plants that differ in many ways from traditional indoor flowers. In ordinary soil, they “refuse” to grow, therefore, special mixtures and substrates are selected for them.

Phalaenopsis orchid soil

In epiphytic plants, to which most phalaenopsis species belong, the roots perform a variety of functions. And this is not only the absorption of nutrients and moisture, but also attachment to substrates, as well as participation, along with orchid leaves, in the process of photosynthesis.

ON A NOTE! The containers in which the phalaenopsis grow must be transparent.

The roots are basic and adventitious (aerial). In orchids, the roots are covered with a special substance - velamen. Velamen is based on dead cells and air, which is a kind of "sponge". Thanks to this coating, root system Phelanopsis can accumulate moisture, which is consumed during periods of drought. That is why the roots of orchids cannot be in a wet state for a long time, they necessarily require air and drying.

It is difficult to create such conditions with ordinary earthen mixtures, therefore, soils with high air permeability, loose, are used for orchids. Various components can be selected for them, the main thing is that they all meet certain requirements.

What soil is best for Phalaenopsis orchids

Even experienced florists When faced with the cultivation of orchids for the first time, they often make mistakes in preparing the soil. Even the highest quality earthen mixtures are not suitable for these plants, but special compositions are needed.

The requirements for the soil for growing phalaenopsis are as follows:

  • it should not contain garden land;
  • the soil should have a loose structure with excellent permeability;
  • the plant should be located in the ground freely, at the same time, it should be firmly held in an upright position.

In nature, most phalaenopsis grow on the trunks of tropical trees, receiving nutrients from the air due to aerial roots. For successful cultivation in city apartments, orchids need to provide appropriate conditions and, above all, prepare high-quality soil.

Soil composition for Phalaenopsis orchids

The main components of the soil for beautiful orchids include:

  • bark of trees;
  • conventional coal produced by combustion wood firewood;
  • sphagnum moss.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

For the base of the phalaenopsis substrate, the bark of pine, larch, birch is suitable. Oak bark is considered one of the best, since it contains many useful and necessary nutrients for the successful growth of an orchid. In such a soil, you can reduce the number of phalaenopsis dressings.

You can buy bark in specialized flower shops; it is also quite possible to prepare it yourself. Bark is used only from felled trees, while the material must be clean, without wood-boring insects.

IMPORTANT! Do not use bark from rotten and diseased trees.

After collecting the bark, it must be cleaned of resinous substances, and then boiled. Usually it is recommended to carry out this procedure twice, and then dry it and use it to compose the soil.

Moss is also collected in the forest, and it is advisable to use sphagnum for growing orchids. This greenish white peat moss absorbs all excess moisture and also provides the plant with nutrition. Sphagnum has a bactericidal effect, creates a sterile environment, protects plant roots from infections, pests, which is very important for phalaenopsis.

Charcoal Is an excellent absorbent and antiseptic. To get it, just burn a few birch logs.

ON A NOTE! You cannot use coal from fires, as foreign objects (paper, plastic) can get there. Such charcoal is not suitable for substrates.

One of the "classic" soil components for orchid plants is the roots of a plant such as a fern. They are also rich in nutrients, besides this, they are durable and very water-absorbing. For phalaenopsis, which are always quite difficult to tolerate any transplants, it is advisable to always add fern roots to the substrate.

In addition to the main components, they add to the substrates for phalaenopsis:

  • various moisture-absorbing materials (pieces of foam rubber, vermiculite, perlite);
  • polystyrene (in granules, as well as in plates);
  • expanded clay;
  • fallen leaves;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Sometimes growers add shells walnuts, small pine cones, sod land, terracotta clay. Some materials are purchased in stores, others are procured independently.

So, you can buy peat, you can take upper layers of peat in forest bogs. Usually a small amount is added to such mixtures dolomite flour, allowing you to neutralize the acidity of the mixture.

Leaves of birch, aspen, beech are suitable for additives to substrates. Foliage is an excellent addition to the substrate. oak trees... Leaves of beech, oak provide in the structure of the substrate the creation of a microflora comfortable for the phalaenopsis root system.

Elements such as perlite or vermiculite are added as baking powder, but with the help of expanded clay and polystyrene, they arrange drainage in pots.

ON A NOTE! Expanded clay may contain lime, dolomite. With prolonged interaction with water, these elements lead to salting of the substrate. And this is also the reason for replacing the old substrate with a new one after a certain period of use.

Many growers use coconut chips and coconut chips to prepare substrates. These materials are characterized by high moisture holding capacity and inertness. The crumb is added to the substrate in an amount of no more than 10-15%, chips usually make up up to 50% of the mixture.

Formulation options, given the variety of components, can be very different. You can take some kind of mixture as a basis, and therefore, after observing the plants, adjust the additives.

A common substrate is based on bark (5 parts are taken), sphagnum (2 parts), with the addition of a small amount of charcoal and leaves.

For phalaenopsis, the following composition is also suitable:

  • sod land;
  • sphagnum;
  • peat (upper layers);
  • pine needles;
  • polystyrene (granules).

The components are mixed, and expanded clay or foam plastic is used for the drainage layer in pieces.

All materials are processed before use. The prepared dry bark is soaked for three to four hours in water, the moss is also soaked in water for a day.

ON A NOTE! For arranging the drainage layer, fine crushed stone, nut shells, pieces of broken brick are used.

If sand is used for the substrate (it is advisable to take white river or quartz sand), then it is also boiled for 10 minutes. Many growers experiment, composing their substrates, while focusing on the state of the orchids. An indicator that the soil for phalaenopsis will be chosen correctly beautiful view plants and, of course, regular flowering.

Soil selection rules

Nowadays, orchid soil can always be purchased at specialized stores. Substrates are offered both in Russian and foreign production, but in all cases it is necessary to carefully study the description of the compositions.

The soil should be loose, of high quality, so if a hardened piece is offered in a bag, it is better to refuse it.

The package must have detailed description composition with a listing of all components. It is also obligatory to note that this substrate is intended for epiphytic orchids.

The composition should not contain dust, moldy pieces. The basis of the substrates is crushed bark (size 2-3 cm), charcoal, fiber, fern roots. If there are still many small fragments in the prepared soil, it is recommended to carefully sift the composition through a coarse sieve.

Soil preparation rules

It was already noted above that phalaenopsis are very sensitive to moisture, so the soil for them should dry out in 2-3 days. It is not allowed to use dense soils, since the roots of the orchid will not receive the required large quantities air.

In addition, in such compositions, the roots of phalaenopsis very quickly begin to rot, the plant gets sick, and then dies altogether.

In ready-made store substrates, you can add some specific components, taking into account general terms and Conditions color content (humidity, temperature).

When preparing soil for plants with your own hands, as well as using some components to add to ready-made compositions, you need to remember the main thing: all materials must be washed, dried (some are boiled or doused hot water), crushed to required sizes... For storage, they are dried, stored in dry rooms in special tissue bags or bags. Before use, the required components are soaked in water.

DIY phalaenopsis orchid substrate

Phalaenopsis are not such whimsical and capricious orchids, it is no coincidence that they are most often grown in apartments. But this does not mean that any soil will suit them. What compositions can you make yourself?

  1. Take charcoal and oak bark (proportion 1: 5), mix. This soil is suitable for phalaenopsis growing in flowerpots. "Plus" of the composition: does not accumulate moisture destructive for this type of orchid, provides excellent air circulation.
  2. Another common composition: bark, white sphagnum moss, birch charcoal (ratio 5: 2: 1). This soil is used in pots, various baskets, blocks.
  3. In rooms with higher humidity, a different substrate is used: bark (preferably pine or larch), foam, bark balsa wood(proportion 4: 3: 2).
  4. Sometimes they make up the soil for phalaenopsis only from pebbles, expanded clay (as drainage) and gravel. But such a composition is only good for summer period, as the roots of the orchid can be cool in winter. Therefore, it is still advisable to add crushed bark to such a substrate.
  5. When growing phalaenopsis on a block (for example, a piece of bark), a small amount of moss is also used, which is fixed to the block. Then the plant is carefully fastened, its roots are covered with moss, and the composition is ready. Usually on such blocks, orchids grow with their leaves down or to the side, that is, in the same way as in natural conditions.

Instead of bark, for a block (especially young phalaenopsis) it is convenient to use foam sheets.

As you know, replacing the soil for a flower is a kind of stress. For this reason orchid transplant is performed every 3 years with soil replacement(read about when is the best time to transplant an orchid at home, and from you will find out if this procedure can be performed in the autumn). So during this period, the soil is greatly depleted, it loses valuable properties:

  • The balance of mineral salts is disturbed.
  • The substrate ages and decomposes.
  • The supply of micronutrients is running out.
  • Air permeability decreases.
  • The acidity level rises.

ATTENTION: Compaction of the soil leads to a violation of the drainage process, and stagnant moisture can adversely affect the root system. For the full development of exotic, carry out a complete replacement of the substrate.

General criteria for the selection of potting soil for indoor orchids the same... The soil must have the following qualities:

Representatives of orchids, which are grown at home, are divided into two groups: epiphytic and terrestrial. They differ not only in name, appearance, but also a growing environment. Accordingly, the substrate for plants has a number of differences.

Epiphytic orchids include varieties:

  • dendrobium;
  • cattleya;
  • lycasts;
  • phalaenopsis;
  • cambria;
  • zygopetalum;
  • masdevallia.

For such plants, the soil is important mainly to maintain an upright position, and then only to feed and obtain life-giving moisture. Hence, epiphytes do not need land, it is enough without a soil substrate... The mixtures have variations: 1 part charcoal and 5 parts bark. Or sphagnum moss, ash and bark chips in a ratio of 2: 1: 5.

Terrestrial orchids: cymbidium and pafiopedilum, which require increased nutrition. The following soil composition is suitable for them:

  • pine bark;
  • wood ash;
  • peat.

ADVICE: You can also prepare a substrate from ready-made orchid soil by adding moss and some deciduous soil.

Experienced flower growers unequivocally answer this question - no. Orchids' habitat is loose, light soil ... The root system should be freely blown with air and participate in the process of photosynthesis. And in the ground, it will be compressed, as if under the weight of a stone. In such conditions exotic flower it is quite difficult to grow and most likely death awaits him.

Can regular soil be used? Soil for exotic plants you can buy ready-made, cook it yourself, or purchase individual components, and choose the proportions yourself. Garden shops have a wide variety of orchid potting mixes. When buying a substrate, you should pay attention to:

Unfortunately, even in trusted stores, you can buy a low-quality product. To avoid this, prepare your own orchid substrate. All ingredients of the substrate do not have to be collected with your own hands, which are sold separately in specialized stores. Thus, the substrate can be easily assembled by yourself by mixing the components in the required quantities... Quite good production of natural material from the manufacturer "Sady Auriki".

How to make the mixture yourself?

In order to save Money, as well as for complete confidence in the quality, the soil is prepared individually. The main composition of the substrate contains:

  1. Pine bark... It is a basic ingredient that can be easily found in the pine forest, on felled trees. The bark should be crushed to 2-3 cm.
  2. Sphagnum moss... Collected in the forests, in the lowlands, after the snow has completely melted. Moss has bactericidal properties. Used fresh and dry.
  3. Fern roots that contain many nutrients... Add to the mixture dry.
  4. charcoal easy to find in the ashes. The ash is needed the same size as the other ingredients.
  5. Expanded clay, inexpensive and light material... Granules are great for drainage.

Use options for preparing a substrate with the addition of coarse sand, granular clay, cork material, perlite, polystyrene, sheet earth, peat, humus.

Watch a video about collecting materials for orchid substrate:

With soil replacement? A detailed description of the transplant process will eliminate fuss and unnecessary mistakes. It is important to follow the sequence:

Watch the video about correct transplant orchids:

Many people want to decorate their home with beautiful orchids that can bloom. all year round... This is a tropical flower that grows in nature with little or no soil, sticking to other trees or rocks. Its roots require ventilation and sunlight, which is very different from European flower crops... Growing a beautiful variety of this flower - Phalaenopsis - at home is possible by planting it in a special soil for orchids, which is called a substrate and should mimic the natural growing environment of this species.

What soil is needed for an orchid

Growing tropical crops requires an understanding of their epiphytic nature. They receive nutrients from slowly decaying plant residues, moisture from the atmosphere, energy from the sun. It is desirable to create favorable conditions for their growth and flowering at home. The first step is the correct selection of the substrate and correct placement orchid roots in a pot. The choice of components should be based on an understanding of the need for ventilation of the roots and the presence of inclusions that can accumulate and retain moisture for a long time.


When creating a substrate, it is unacceptable to use elements capable of forming compressed lumps. This will disrupt ventilation and lead to rotting of the root system. Chunks of pine or oak bark are ideal local soil ingredients. It absorbs moisture well and has antiseptic properties of sphagnum. If necessary to raise the pH of the substrate, it is advisable to add charcoal. It is possible to use porous inorganic materials when creating the base of the soil. The filler can be coconut fiber or chips.

Ready-made soil for orchids

When buying ready-made substrates, carefully read their composition, probe the bags or view the contents in order to determine the size of all components. Mixtures containing small elements, earth, dry leaves, peat or moss should be avoided. Given the presence of a large number of pine plantations in our country, pine bark for orchids is easily harvested with your own hands. Collect from the forest or remove the upper light layer from the trunks.

You can buy a ready-made substrate for orchids in specialized stores or hardware supermarkets in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. Active Internet users can find out the composition, how much the components are on sale and the finished substrate in online stores, where you can choose a product from a photo, order a product for a promotion, sale, discount, make a bargain purchase. Delivery of all goods is carried out by courier services, but it is better to send cheap goods by regular mail.

One of best fillers the substrate is pine bark for orchids. Its size should correspond to the size of the plant, be able to hold the stem and bud of the flower. Pine grows in abundance in our country, so there is always an opportunity to choose the size you need:

  • model name: Small pine bark;
  • price: 240 rubles;
  • characteristics: the size of the pieces is 1-2 cm, the volume is 50 liters;
  • pluses: Angarsk pine;
  • cons: not marked.

When picking up pine bark, sift out pieces with resin, wood particles, sunburned, dark areas. For adult orchids, parts of the top layer with pieces of bark of at least 2 cm are well suited:

  • model name: Medium pine bark;
  • price: 250 rubles;
  • characteristics: size - 2-6 cm, volume - 50 l;
  • pluses: good breathability;
  • cons: not marked.


For the first planting or transplant, ready-made purchased soil with correct proportions components. The presented soil is used for planting in pots with a volume of 1-1.5 liters of phalaenopsis, dendrobium, cattleya, cymbidium with mandatory drainage:

  • model name: Substrate Orchid;
  • price: 69 rubles;
  • characteristics: peat, sphagnum moss, pine bark and needles, charcoal, double superphosphate, potassium sulfate, micronutrient fertilizers, soil PH 4.0-5.0, weight - 375 g;
  • pluses: balanced soil for phalaenopsis;
  • cons: drainage is not included in the package.

When transplanting epiphytic orchids, it is important to maintain the ventilation of the soil and add trace elements that cause re-flowering. The special substrate Seramis (Germany) has a loose, porous structure with optimal root ventilation and water balance:

  • model name: Seramis Substrate;
  • price: 590 rubles;
  • characteristics: clay granules, bark, trace elements, acidity pH - 5.7, shelf life is not limited, volume - 2.5 l;
  • pluses: an optimal set of trace elements;
  • cons: expensive.


Our climatic conditions require the use of a special soil for exotic plants. High quality Pokon primer has a ventilated, oxygen-rich structure, the right orchids nutrients:

  • model name: Pokon primer;
  • price: 335 rubles;
  • characteristics: tree bark, high-moor peat, granulated, loose, low-lying, lime, NPK fertilizer 14:16:18, pH acidity - 5.2-6.2, shelf life - at least 3 years, package 5 l;
  • pluses: high acidity;
  • cons: high cost.

To grow phalaenopsis, cattleya, cymbidium, miltoniopsis, dendrobium, papiopedilum and other epiphytes, nutritious soil is needed for orchids. The presented soil will be able to provoke flowering or give a healthy look to plants:

  • Model name: Soil Flower Happiness Orchid Specialized;
  • price: 46 rubles;
  • characteristics: larch bark, coal, horse peat, expanded clay drainage, volume - 1 l;
  • pros: sold in a plastic bucket;
  • cons: not marked.

DIY orchid soil

Make up a substrate for orchids with your own hands, knowing the basic necessary components, simply. The main components are moisture-absorbing elements - sphagnum, charcoal, bark, inorganic porous materials. The thicker the roots of the flowers, the larger it is necessary to select the filler elements. A competent approach to creating a high-quality soil mixture includes three stages:

  • selection the best way components compatible with each other;
  • establishing the proportions of each of the components;
  • correct soil preparation process.


There are several options for the composition of the soil. The need for additives to the main substrate additional elements occurs when there are problems in the development of a flower. The main criterion for soil selection, irrigation and everything comprehensive care behind the orchids is the opening of the buds. If the flower begins to fade, a brown bloom appears at the bottom of the stem, the addition of expanded clay or coal will be required. When curling leaves or drying air branches, it is necessary to add moisture-absorbing organic matter.

General list possible soil components include:

  • pine bark or cones;
  • minerals - perlite or vermiculite;
  • peat bog moss sphagnum;
  • deciduous humus or leafy ground;
  • polystyrene;
  • fern roots;
  • coir;
  • expanded clay;
  • charcoal.


There are classical proportions of the substrate and their modifications, which are used in the correction of growth defects or plant treatment. The soil for the phalaenopsis orchid should not be compacted, it should dry out over a period of at least 3 days. The lower the humidity in the room, the more you need the content of moisture-consuming components. It is advisable to choose a pot close to the roots of the plant, it is necessary to provide holes for draining excess water, try to avoid its stagnation in the pots.

There are several main options for proportions and cases of their use:

  1. Charcoal and pine bark 1: 5. This orchid soil composition is used for pots and greenhouse cultivation. Such a soil has a reduced moisture holding capacity and excellent air circulation.
  2. Charcoal, crushed dry moss, pine chips 1: 2: 5. Such orchid soil is better for flowers grown in baskets, pots for rooms with normal humidity.
  3. Pine bark, peat, charcoal, deciduous humus 1: 1: 1: 3. This proportion is used to feed the Phalaenopsis orchid.
  4. If necessary to fertilize the soil, apply AVA granules, compost from oak, beech, aspen, birch leaves, nut shells, mahogany sawdust. For pest control, it is recommended to add a spoonful of cinnamon to the soil.

Orchids - amazing beautiful flowers, but rather capricious in leaving. They require certain conditions of detention. They also need special soil, which can be purchased at flower shop v finished form... But it is quite possible to prepare a substrate suitable for plants with your own hands, although this may turn out to be somewhat troublesome.

What soil is suitable for orchids

In maintenance and care, these flowers are radically different from others. indoor plants... Ordinary garden land is not suitable for them. In such soil, they die quickly enough. We need a special primer for. You can make it yourself by preparing and mixing certain ingredients. But in order for the nutrient medium to be optimal for the plant, you need to know exactly which species the orchid belongs to.

Composition suitable soil for orchids will depend on which of the two groups a particular plant belongs to:

  • flowers that grow in nature on trees - their aerial roots do not require a rich nutrient medium, but the soil should be loose and moisture-permeable;
  • orchids growing in the ground - although their root system is located in the soil, it is quite different in composition from the soil used for planting other indoor flowers.

In indoor floriculture, varieties of orchids growing on trees are more common. The substrate for them can be taken purchased, already completely ready for planting a plant, or partially changed depending on the needs of the flower. But to be sure of the safety of the soil for orchids, you can do it yourself.

What is the composition of the substrate

The basis of the primer for these colors is:

  • Bark - Pine or oak bark is more commonly used. But it can also be taken from larch or aspen. The bark does not need to be cut from the tree, it should be easily detached from the trunk, dry and free from mold. And it is better to remove it from a tree that fell at least a year ago.

Attention! Fresh bark is not used for the substrate, since any disease can be brought along with it.

  • Charcoal - you can get it from the burnt trunk of a birch, oak or beech. And in order to be sure that there are no foreign impurities that can be harmful to the plant, it is better to burn a suitable log on your own.
  • Moss - Sphagnum is best, you can buy it or bring it from the forest.
  • Expanded clay, pumice, pieces of foam - used for drainage when planting an orchid.

Other parts are also used in the preparation of the soil for orchids. Peels of nuts, coconut fibers, hulls of sunflower seeds are added to the substrate - this is a good baking powder of organic origin. You can also add pieces of fern root, digging up a healthy and large enough specimen of this plant in summer.

And to protect the flower from the development of fungal diseases and to loosen the substrate, small pieces of minerals such as perlite or vermiculite are introduced.

When preparing the soil, sand (white river or large quartz), peat and leafy earth are also used, which can be prepared independently during the warm period. They are used for the substrate of certain orchid species. Fallen leaves are also not added for all species.

Advice. Fallen leaves are taken from trees such as oak, aspen, and apple trees. And to protect the substrate from the appearance of mold, it is good to add peach leaves to it.

Processing of soil components

All constituent parts of the substrate, harvested in the forest or in a swamp, must be properly treated before use. All components must be well rinsed in clean water and then dry. The bark and moss must also be boiled or calcined in the oven, then dried, and after a few days, repeat this procedure.

Boiling water is also desirable for other components. And many gardeners advise moss to be additionally treated with insecticides. After such treatments, bark, moss and everything else can be safely used to prepare soil for planting plants.

Soil preparation

The simplest soil recipe can consist of only 5 parts of bark and 1 part of charcoal. But it cannot be called the best option for plants. It will be optimal for most orchids if the soil also includes moss (1 or 2 parts) and expanded clay or crushed pumice for drainage.

Orchid transplant

Other components can be used for the substrate, depending on the needs of the flower, adding them to the soil as needed. It is important that all parts are disinfected, dry well and thoroughly mixed. It is also necessary to disinfect the container for planting the plant.

Orchid cannot be called ordinary indoor flower, because it requires a special approach when growing. The soil for it also needs to be prepared very carefully. And although this procedure is somewhat troublesome, many growers always prefer to independently prepare the substrate. For those who do this for the first time, it is better to first watch the entire preparation process step by step on video or photo.

Orchid substrate: video