The better to paint eurolining indoors. Painting lining

Clapboard trim is considered one of the most beautiful and convenient ways decoration of premises. You can use it both in the country and in the city apartment. However, over time, the wood darkens and looks worse. To save beautiful texture tree inside the house, you should think about painting the lining in advance.

We paint the lining inside the premises - why do it

The lining is a thin wooden board used for cladding rooms from the inside and outside: doors, ceilings, walls. One of the main advantages is that the material is made of wood, since the tree belongs to the category of environmentally friendly building materials, easy to process and quite cheap. Among other things, clapboard lining allows you to create a special atmosphere and warm comfort in the House. One can also single out positive traits linings like:

  • ease of installation and installation,
  • durability,
  • visual smoothing of surface defects,
  • increase in sound and thermal insulation.

As you can see, the material retains all the basic properties of wood. Including some problems. For example, a tree is prone to rotting even inside a house or apartment. However, it is very easy to avoid this if you paint the lining. Proper operation and care will allow you to enjoy appearance beautifully laid out boards for a very long time.

Thus, in no case should one neglect such important point as protection wooden planks. Properly selected paint and varnish composition prevents negative consequences from contact with dust, moisture. In addition, mechanical damage and other defects will not be so noticeable. Another possible use of paints is to change the natural shade, if over time you become a little tired of it. Or vice versa, varnishing can contribute to the intensive release of the wood structure of the material and the texture of the pattern.

Despite the fact that the lining is considered quite strong, reliable and durable material, direct impact sunlight may cause discoloration. A layer of paint or varnish will protect the wood panels from sunlight, keeping the natural color for many decades to come.

Lining indoors - how to choose the right paint

Paint for lining today is present on construction market in great abundance. Each owner of an apartment or a private house will be able to choose best option for yourself, based on the intended purpose of the mixture, its cost, as well as the quality and manufacturer.

The main task of paints and varnishes is to protect against:

  • Mechanical factors (dirt, scratches)
  • Gribkov
  • insects
  • Aggressive chemical substances, fire
  • Sunlight, liquid

Based on their purpose, two large groups of protective agents are distinguished: varnishes and paints with decorative properties and compositions that perform exclusively protective functions. It is imperative to protect the tree from destruction, insects, fungi, bacteria, and if this is the only thing you want, then purchase colorless primers and impregnations. After they dry, there will be no trace of the use of paint or varnish.

Important: several thin coats of paint last longer and better than one thick coat.

If you have various ideas how to diversify and decorate the interior in a room, you can safely use decorative solutions. They not only protect the tree from all the above problems, but are also able to change the original shades of the lining. Due to the fact that the use of such compositions radically changes the interior in the apartment, you should choose very carefully and meticulously.

Range decorative paints for wooden boards is very large, here are just some of the most popular:

  • Acrylic paint. Ecologically safe material, distinguishing feature which lies in the high drying rate even with low temperatures. When painting, it does not spread on the wall, besides, unpleasant odors are completely absent. However, the cost of the composition is quite high compared to other competitors.
  • Oil paint. Relatively cheap paint, which is in great demand. Among its advantages are high level moisture resistance, durability. But the use of the mixture is associated with the appearance of specific odors, which leads to the need for constant ventilation of the rooms. The paint loses its external qualities after 7-8 years, so over time the coating needs to be updated.
  • Decorative glaze. Excellent option. If you have not decided how to paint the lining inside the house, you can safely opt for glaze. It is one of the best in terms of price-quality ratio, protects the boards from all sorts of problems, and also remarkably emphasizes the texture of the pattern of the impregnated wood.
  • Alkyd varnishes. Another very good option. The peculiarity of the use of varnish is the need for a completely dry surface before starting work. Otherwise, such unpleasant effects as peeling and gradual destruction of the paint layer will be observed.
  • Acrylic scuba. Durable and reliable mixtures that leave the wood structure visible. Subject to such a processing process as tinting. The only significant drawback is the poor resistance to mechanical damage, due to which it is categorically not recommended to cover the panels on the floor.
  • Wood stains. Specialists rarely use this composition, unlike ordinary people. The advantage is the price, but you can only use the paint on boards that do not contain any damage. This is due to the fact that stains only change the shade of the lining, but do not paint over wooden surface.
  • Opaque enamels. They are able to completely change and paint over the structure of the panels. To do this, dry the lining and apply enamel in several layers, at least three. For this reason, it is required to purchase enamels in large volumes than all other decorative compositions.

This is not the whole list of what can be used to paint the lining inside the house. When choosing, you should take into account your own capabilities and wishes. The choice of paint is carried out for each specific case separately. Important is the type of wood that was used for the production of boards, the level of humidity in the room. So, the paint for lining must necessarily be hypoallergenic if it is impregnated interior spaces. Naturally, the cost of such a composition is somewhat higher, but you won’t have to overpay if you need a solution for outdoor work.

We process the lining on our own - a step-by-step scheme

Having decided on the paint and varnish compositions, you can proceed directly to painting.

The whole process can be conditionally divided into four main stages:

  1. 1. Cleaning the wooden surface. Before painting the lining, it is necessary to prepare it, including bleaching and cleaning. For these purposes, hair or steel brushes are used, which gently clean the boards from dirt. To get rid of fungal formations and deep stains, you will need to purchase special bleaching products. Ultimately, the board should have a perfectly dry, smooth and clean surface.
  2. 2. Primer. The smallest pores of the tree must be filled with a primer so that the paint does not sag when it dries and lay down evenly. You can prime the tree with a sprayer or a regular roller.
  3. 3. Impregnation of the surface. Antiseptic solutions help to avoid the appearance of fungi and mold, as well as prevent rotting of the boards. It is necessary to impregnate the lining on both sides, not sparing the solution. After that, let the material dry, which will take about two days.
  4. 4. Painting. We will use paint brushes, a roller or an airbrush as tools. It is recommended to choose small brushes or rollers, up to 5 cm in length. In addition, the roller should be with a short nap. The movements during painting are continuous, along the wooden panel. Layers should be even and thin, no need to repeatedly drive in the same place. It is better to apply several layers, in which case the result will be much better. A new layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried.

After processing, the lining will serve for a very long time, without changing its natural shade and not collapsing under the influence of external factors.

Clapboard decoration inside the house has not lost popularity for many years. Wood facing material looks expensive and elegant, fits into almost any interior. But sometimes, in order for the skin to blend better with the decor, it needs to be given a certain shade. Look at the photo of the interiors - painting the lining inside the house to get an idea of ​​​​what kind of result awaits you. If you find such design decision attractive and suitable for your home, you can proceed directly to painting. But first you need to decide how to paint the lining inside the house.

Why paint the lining

Some owners initially mount the lining, then to paint it in their favorite color. But the rest prefer naturalness and generally refuse coverage. What does it threaten? As you know, wood is a natural, therefore sensitive material. Installed outside or inside the house, over time it ages, loses original view, and also suffers from negative influences - humidity, temperature. If you do not protect the wood with a coating, after 5 years it will darken, and due to moisture it can deform and even crack.

What if you are still a fan of the look of natural wood? It is not necessary to take bright paint for lining for internal works. You can purchase clear varnishes or special blends. Manufacturers offer different types varnishes, which differ in composition and cost. Each of them has certain properties, which determine the scope and effectiveness of their application. Let's figure out which one is suitable for lining.

Acrylic, alkyd and oil formulations

Acrylic compositions are environmentally friendly and safe, do not have a specific smell, they are very easy to apply. It is used both inside the house and outside. Such a coating will retain its original properties for a long time. The main disadvantage is that the duration of drying reaches a day. If this is important for you, you can look at two-component water-based varnishes - the coating will dry faster, and the surface will gain additional protection from mechanical stress. After looking at the photo of the interiors of painting the lining inside the house with such a composition, you can see that the wood retains its natural look. At the same time, it is well protected from negative factors.

Alkyd varnishes are made from alkyd resins and organic components. You can apply the substance to any accessible way. The main properties of the coating - the varnish is durable and does not allow moisture to pass through. Complete drying time - up to three days. You can speed up the process by mixing the varnish with a special agent - a hardener.

Oil varnishes are created from components such as resins, oils plant origin and organic solvents. They have good protective qualities. When the varnish dries (the duration depends on external circumstances), a strong film is formed that is not afraid of humidity, temperature fluctuations and mechanical damage. Varnishes have tint properties - the coating can take on a color from yellow to brown. Before painting the lining inside the house with paint, consider this option - suddenly such a shade, close to natural, will suit you better.

Polyurethane, epoxy and nitro varnishes

Polyurethane compounds are perhaps the most popular among modern builders. They are cheaper compared to the rest, which does not prevent them from being of high quality. Such coatings are very durable, dry quickly, are not afraid of weather, chemical and mechanical influences. They cover not only lining and furniture, but also musical instruments and decorative items from wood. The downside of this coverage is bad smell and the presence of toxic components.

Epoxy varnishes have high quality, resist atmospheric influences, protect the material from mechanical damage. They consist of epoxy resins and organic solvents. They are used for work different kind. The price of varnishes is quite high.

Nitro-varnishes are the most affordable option. They are made by their many components, including colloxylin, resins, organic elements and plasticizers. They dry very quickly. They are used only for internal work, since the wear resistance of such compounds is very low. Another disadvantage is toxicity.

Types of paints

Basically, several types of paint are used for lining for interior work: acrylate, oil, water-based.

Acrylate coating fits well on a wooden surface and reliably protects it from adverse influences. It is non-toxic and does not have a strong odor, which is very important for indoor work. The paint dries quickly, it can be applied at any temperature and humidity - the effect will not get worse. But you will have to pay a lot for such advantages.

Oil paints are quickly absorbed into the wooden surface, protect it from moisture, and dry quickly enough. Among the shortcomings - an unpleasant smell. It is worth considering that such a coating will lose its primary luster and brightness in a few years, and it will have to be repainted.

Painting wooden lining water-based paint - good decision, since the water emulsion is non-toxic, does not smell, has good protective properties and has a variety of color palette. It is worth considering that the most effective painting of wooden lining with water-based paint is possible if the temperature in the room is kept at +5 degrees.

See photo ideas on how to paint the lining inside the house on the website to create your own original design.

You need to start by cleaning the lining and removing old layers of coating. So, how to remove paint from lining without damaging it? Safe for wood, but not for human health, a method using special chemical solutions. When using such toxic agents, take care of protection - respirators, gloves, special suits - and do not forget to ventilate the room well. After cleaning, the surface must be degreased, for example, with white spirit. Mechanically - removal using a spatula, brush or scraper - you can damage the lining, so you need to be as careful as possible. For the best effect, dilute baking soda in water (ratio 1 to 10) and wipe the surface.

Another urgent problem is how to paint a varnished lining. First, the varnish layer must dry completely. Secondly, it is better to take paint on the same basis as the varnish, for example, for alkyd varnish alkyd paint. So the paint on the varnish on the lining will get the best adhesive qualities.

Do not forget to look at the site for photos of interiors - painting the lining inside the house, which will inspire you to create your own unique masterpieces.

Lining like finishing material often used in interior decoration. It perfectly masks irregularities, cracks and other surface defects, it is also excellent decorative material, has soundproofing properties and does not require complex maintenance. To protect natural and environmentally friendly material from the effects of adverse factors, it is necessary to use paint for lining inside the house. It prevents the penetration of moisture into the material, protects it from exposure to high temperatures, the appearance of cracks and delamination of wood fibers.

To give the wood an original color or make its shade deeper and more pronounced, as well as emphasize the unique texture of the material, you can use special paintwork materials. For these purposes, paint materials for wood and interior work are suitable. They come in several types and have their own characteristics, so the question: what paint is better to paint the lining inside the house should be familiarized in more detail.

enamel coatings

For processing wood panels, alkyd-based enamel can be used, which has a number of the following advantageous characteristics:

  • forms a durable film with waterproof properties, resistant to temperature fluctuations, mechanical stress and the influence of aggressive chemicals and abrasive substances;
  • differs in a variety of colors and shades;
  • suitable for holding painting work indoors and on facades;
  • domestic manufacturers can produce material on order in limited quantities.

What kind of paint the lining inside the house is better to paint, everyone chooses on their own, based, among other things, on the budget laid down for the work. But you should know that inexpensive alkyd enamel has bad smell, is applied in two coats to create a more consistent and evenly finished surface and differs long period drying up to 24 hours.

Acrylic paints

If we talk about what other paint to paint the lining inside the house, it is worth considering a material such as acrylic enamel, which has the following properties:

  • non-toxic, completely safe when working with it;
  • impervious to moisture, inert to household chemicals, moisture, etc.;
  • easy to use - for painting acrylic paint, you only need to dilute it with water and rinse the tools with it and remove the stains formed in the process;
  • characterized by a short drying period, taking a maximum of several hours;
  • does not have a strong and unpleasant odor.

Acrylic enamel does not have a special resistance to abrasion, but it retains its luster and color longer, creates an elastic and non-cracking layer, and also allows the wood to “breathe”.

Polymer emulsions

Another option that should be considered in the topic: what paint to paint the wall paneling indoors is represented by emulsions on water based. This group of materials includes useful material like wax, linseed oil or oil mixture, antiseptics, latex polymers, so this paint has the following properties:

  • prevents the appearance and reproduction in the wood of putrefactive bacteria, harmful insects, fungus;
  • creates a "breathable", but moisture-resistant film;
  • preserves the texture and pattern of wood;
  • available in white or transparent base, which can be tinted with any color, presented in more than 2000 shades;
  • absolutely safe to apply and use.

Features of applying a decorative protective coating

When working with wooden panels, simply choosing a paint for painting the lining inside the house and the appropriate tools is not enough, it is also necessary to carry out preparatory work on surface treatment. It should be noted that they can take too long, as they consist of the following steps:

  • cleaning panels from dust, dirt, removing old paint;
  • surface grinding by special means or, more economically, pumice stone;
  • priming wood, treating it with an antiseptic. These works are not mandatory, but when they are carried out, the subsequently applied layer of paint will last better and longer, and the life of the material itself will increase significantly;
  • lining coloring.

There are also certain features in how to properly paint the lining inside the house. Thus, the application of a protective layer is recommended to be carried out in three passes. Initially, you should create the first thin layer using an airbrush, brush or roller. Next, you need to wait for it to dry and apply the second ball and let it dry. When forming the third last layer, it is necessary to distribute the paint with movements from top to bottom, then traces of the tools used will not be visible on the lining.

There are a few more nuances that it is advisable to take into account regarding how to paint the lining inside the house correctly. So, before starting work, the paintwork material must be thoroughly mixed and only then applied. It is better to make sure that the selected color or shade is correct, for this you should make a test smear in a less conspicuous place. When using a brush protective layer turns out to be the most efficient. But you need to try to create a thin layer on the surface.

The application of a primer can affect the color of the paintwork material, so it is also recommended to add the selected color to it. Carefully and thoroughly process the ends of the lining several times with the means used. It is not recommended to carry out painting in rooms with high temperature air, as in such conditions the paint will dry very quickly. If there are clots and films in the container with the coloring agent, then they can be transferred to the surface to be treated, so you need to collect material on the tool through a filter, which can be a cut of nylon. You can see how to beautifully paint the lining inside the house in the photo presented on the Internet resource.

Color selection

Choosing the right color that would look harmonious in the interior of the room is no less important than choosing the right paint for lining inside the house. So, you should remember the basic rule - strong contrast transitions should be avoided. Wooden panels, as a rule, act as a common background, so they should differ from other coatings (floor, ceiling) by at least a few tones. Let us consider in more detail for lining inside the house, what colors of paint are best used.

If we talk about visual perception, then a range of warm colors is suitable for decorating living rooms and kitchens. the best way. So for decorating these rooms, you can choose light colors- beige, brown, peach, and on our website there are a variety of photos of painting the lining inside the house.

To decorate bedrooms, you can use shades of honey, pink or baked milk; in creating an interior in a children's room, it is preferable to use bright and saturated colors, but tones of violet, deep blue, scarlet and black should be present in a limited way, as they irritate the eyes. The office and the hall can be finished in green, gray and blue tones, but they should be diluted with lighter and brighter transitions. This article presents photos of the design of painting the lining inside the house, as well as options for how traditional decoration can be advantageously and radically changed with an interesting color, creating unusual and spectacular transitions.

The neutral and universal color is white. It visually enlarges the space, makes the room brighter and more comfortable. white paint for lining inside the house, it is especially important to use it for decorating ceilings; also, defective areas do not look so noticeable on a surface painted in this tone, and due to good performance properties, such a coating wears out for a long time.

As can be seen from the photos of painting the lining inside the house presented on the Internet resource, the tone created on the surface of the wood is uniform and saturated. It is not difficult to achieve such a result - it is enough to adhere to the basic rules and recommendations, and then the work will be done quickly and without any problems.

Everyone who used in the lining of his house or bath wooden material, for example, lining, had to make a decision on the advisability of painting it in different colors or coatings with a certain composition.

If the decision was made that the distillation coating should be, then the next difficulty is the definition of a specific means for painting. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the proposed materials and the subtleties of their application in more detail.

Why is it painted?

First of all, what comes to mind for those who have a question about the need to paint the wall paneling indoors - is it worth doing this at all? All available pros and cons of such an event will help clarify the situation.

Coated wood:

Without cover:

  • If the cladding material was used not too expensive, then you can periodically replace it, because wood processing products are not cheap.
  • Those who like the color of old wood may not resort to using wood finishes.

Means for processing

As for the funds themselves, which are used to process the lining inside the premises, they have division into types depending on the functions performed and the available properties:

  1. Protective action
  2. Compositions necessary to preserve the integrity of the wood structure, which is violated by insects, fungi, decay processes, and also prevent drying. Usually it is a primer or impregnation.

Features to consider when choosing decorative coating:

  • Color.
  • This feature of paint or varnish is selected depending on the interior of the room. Interior design can be selected from a photo on the Internet.

    Using the pigmentation of the product, you can make the zoning of the room or visually expand the space by using light colors in the painting.

    And you can choose a composition without pigment, which emphasize the wood texture.

  • Compound.
  • For many, the components are very important composition of chemicals, namely the absence of those that are harmful to the body.

    All paints or varnishes that have the prefix "bio" do not pose a danger to humans. They are used for indoor coverage.

  • Manufacturer.
  • It is worth paying attention to such a criterion in order not to overpay "for the brand". There are many options for paints and varnishes produced in the Russian Federation, which are not inferior in quality to European ones.

How to process the lining?

Another nuance that cannot be circumvented, determined in the means for painting the lining inside the room - this is the place to paint. In order not to be mistaken in the parameters of the selected processing agent, you should know the features of the choice for rooms of different types.

Bath or steam room

Due to the fact that the temperature regime in this room is always elevated, painting its walls should be abandoned.

It is only necessary to treat the walls with a composition that will provide protection to the lining. Such means include wax varnishes. It is also worth knowing that the application in the sauna itself of the substance should be carried out in a single layer, in the dressing room it can be processed in two or three layers.


Given that open space balcony or veranda is exposed to various factors environment, then it should be initially applied to the lining primer, then paint or varnish.

Inside the house

The first requirement for the chosen means for processing in such a place is the degree of environmental friendliness, you should choose the most environmentally friendly means.

The processing process itself depends on the chosen means, but it is desirable to carry out in several layers, especially if it is paint or pigmented varnish.

Interior Design Examples with painted lining:

Coloring steps:

  1. Application of any paintwork carried out under conditions temperature regime within 5-30 degrees above zero.
  2. This parameter can be changed by the manufacturer, which will be indicated on the packaging. If the temperature is lower than the specified one, then this promises freezing of the composition, and if it is too high, then the applied coating may dry out in uneven fragments.

  3. Movement during painting should be from top to bottom.
  4. It is desirable to dilute the paint before application to a more liquid consistency, like milk.
  5. This will allow you to apply thin layers paint, will significantly save time, effort and paint consumption, as well as speed up drying.

  6. The part of the lining that does not need to be painted is recommended to be pasted over with masking tape.
  7. Those places that are located near the adhesive tape are best painted over using fine brush using the minimum amount of funds. So you can be sure that the composition will not fall under the adhesive tape and the surface to be painted will be even at the edges.

    Painting lining with wax and oil - watch the video:

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

What and why is the lining painted?

The lining may need to be painted, varnished or other compounds for several reasons, which determine the choice of a particular tool:

  • The tree needs protection, which can be different. For example, for lining on a balcony, you need to think about enhanced protection against UV rays that cause photoaging (greying of wood). Some compounds make the lining more fire and moisture resistant, protect against pests.

Often used as material for interior decoration pine is used. If left untreated, the wood may darken over time.

  • It is necessary to preserve the color of the tree and make the drawing more expressive.
  • It is required to change the color of the lining, but at the same time preserve the structure of the wood.
  • The interior of the room does not involve the use of natural wood color.

For staining or other processing of lining, you can use the following tools:

  • protective compositions. They can be designed for different purposes. To process the lining on the balcony, especially located on the sunny side, it is better to use the composition for outdoor work. For the ceiling and walls in the room, a tool for interior work is suitable.

Important! When choosing protective agent carefully read the information on the package. Some compounds color the tree pink and green color, which can only be painted over with very dark tinting or opaque paint.

  • Stains (compositions for toning). They give the lining a certain shade, while maintaining the wood texture. By applying different quantity layers, you can adjust the intensity of staining.
  • Lucky. Scuba diving is best suited for lining - water-based compositions that allow you to maintain the vapor permeability of the material and protect the surface from the absorption of contaminants. Varnishes can be glossy, matte, semi-matte, contain bactericidal additives and UV filters, they can be added with color to change the shade of wood.
  • Paints. They can have a very different composition, designed to completely paint wood by creating a dense film on the surface.
  • Wax compounds. They can be solid, liquid, water, provide excellent protection, retain a pronounced structure of the tree.

Important! In order for the wax to lay down evenly, the surface of the lining must first be primed.

  • Special oils. They can be transparent and pigmented, protect the wood from dirt and abrasion, and emphasize the structure of the wood. They do not create a film on the surface, like varnishes, but penetrate into upper layer wood. Create an effect matte finish or silky sheen.

Depending on the purpose of application, these agents can be used either alone or in combination with each other. For example, impregnation and paint can be used to protect and obtain a uniform painted surface.

Choosing a paint

If we are talking directly about painting, you will need one of the following types of lining paint:

  1. Oil paint. Penetrates deeply, protects from external influences, suitable for painting lining on the balcony. Disadvantages: takes a long time to dry, fades over time.
  2. Alkyd enamel. Universal paint that creates a dense, most often glossy coating that is resistant to external influences and durable. The disadvantage is a poor choice of shades.
  3. Acrylic water-based paint. It is used more often than others, creates a matte, translucent coating. When applied in a thin layer, it allows to preserve the structure of the tree.

Choose lining color

How to paint the lining, we found out, it's time to decide on a shade of paint. Many of the shortcomings of the room can be advantageously turned in the other direction if you “play with color” a little. Need to expand your space? Choose paint in white or light beige shades. But remember that they are subject rapid pollution. A dark tone, on the contrary, will visually reduce the size of the room.

You can not make the ceiling, walls and floor contrasting in color. In the bedroom, it is best to leave natural wood, and to decorate the office, choose a paint of restrained tones.

Painting lining involves a certain sequence of actions that must be followed.

  1. Cleaning from dirt and dust.
  2. Surface grinding.
  3. Application of antiseptic and primer.
  4. Covering the lining with paint or other selected composition.

Ideally, the lining needs to be painted up to it, painting over each plank separately, it is extremely difficult to apply paint on the ceiling or walls already upholstered with lining with high quality. Painting finished surface allowed only when updating the paint.

Preparing the lining for painting

If the lining is painted for the first time, the front side of the individual boards is polished to smoothness using a sanding machine or sandpaper fixed on a bar.

It is better to take a spatula made of plastic, unlike metal counterparts, it does not leave scratches on the surface.

  • We apply a layer of drying oil, which will perform a protective function.
  • At the end, a primer is applied. It will protect the lining from temperature extremes (if we are talking about an unheated balcony) and fix the already applied putty, in addition, it allows you to achieve more uniform distribution paints.

We paint according to all the rules

After finishing the surface preparation, it's time to figure out how to paint the lining.

  • Depending on the area, both a brush and a roller can be used.
  • Painting the lining with paint or a pigmented agent involves applying the composition in small portions. It is possible to moisten the brush abundantly only when using transparent impregnations and primers.

It is important to mix the paint thoroughly both before and during painting, so that the color will lay down evenly.

  • Movements must be made along the boards, applying the composition with strokes, and then rubbing and shading until a uniform coating is obtained.
  • It is better to apply several thin layers than one thick one.
  • When working with opaque paint or varnish, after the first layer has dried, it is necessary to sand the surface again.
  • Do not start painting a second time when the first layer has not yet dried.

In order not to be mistaken with the final result, you can first paint small plot boards to check what color will turn out in the end.

Structure-preserving painting

How to paint the lining to change the color, but retain a pronounced woody pattern? You can use the brushing technique, which in this case involves processing the lining in several stages:

  1. First, a pigmented oil, wax or azure is applied to the surface.
  2. Then, the selected varnish or paint for lining is taken in a small amount, applied along the entire length of the board and gently shaded.
  3. 10 minutes later with soft tissue lint-free removes most of the oil.

The result of such manipulations will be a bright and expressive wood pattern, emphasized by the pigment remaining in the grooves and depressions. This method is great when using lining in different interiors: Country, Provence and many others.

Rustic interior, it is desirable to create not a dense impenetrable coating when painting, but to preserve the wood structure, achieving the effect of bleached oak. This can be done using various means:

  • Toning (stain) with the appropriate name - " bleached oak”, “Hoarfrost”, etc. To create the desired effect, the agent is applied in several layers, each of which must be very thin.