Exterior decoration of the house with vinyl siding. Instructions for decorating a house with siding

Technology such as siding a wooden house has been around for several centuries. The ancestors are considered the first settlers of North America, who in fact invented a curtain facade that protected the main walls from the effects of precipitation and the sun. In addition to its protective properties, such cladding has another attractive property - it is easy to repair. And if necessary or at the request of the owner, it will not be difficult to replace it with a new one. Now there are other materials that have further expanded the possibilities of siding to design and protect the walls of the house.

In addition to decorating the facade, sading is used to insulate the walls of the house.

Siding as a facade panel: materials and types

Initially, the siding looked like ordinary boards, stuffed over the crate with an overlap so that the edge of the top hangs over the bottom. Now this type of decoration is used as a tribute to tradition or to get a facade in the "retro" style. In the modern version, most types of siding use a locking system for joining panels according to the "groove-thorn" principle, but the functions of the cladding have not changed - precipitation, flowing down it, should not penetrate inside, therefore the groove is on top and the spike is on the bottom.

There are no restrictions on siding materials for cladding a wooden house. And although one of the main advantages of wood is considered "breathing" properties, the hinged facade system with a ventilated gap does not interfere with natural gas exchange through the walls between the room and the street.

Types of siding for cladding a house are distinguished by the material used for the panels: wood, composite based on wood, fiber cement, metal and vinyl.

Wood siding

Like-and-like applies to homes as well. Therefore, many wood house owners use panels from the same material.

Scheme of finishing a house from a bar with siding "under the lining"

Modern wood siding for exterior home decoration has the following classification:

    Facade board with a regular end or "with a quarter"... With the usual end, the board is mounted in the traditional way - overlapping with overhang. There are two ways to mount a board with a quarter - "herringbone" and in one level ("ship board"), but so that a quarter of the top panel lies on the bottom.

    Lining "American"... Has a complex profile that borrows the herringbone-style outer surface from siding. Two types of connection of panels to each other: with "quarter", "thorn-groove".

    Imitation timber and block house... Special types of front paneling with increased thickness (although there are interior, thinner, modifications). In terms of the appearance of the cladding, these materials do not belong to siding, but there are no fundamental differences in the location of the groove and the spike on the facade, in the functions and fastening to the crate.

Note! Many types of modern siding (not made of wood) have similar options for the front surface of the panel. And besides the “herringbone” characteristic of traditional siding, there is a “ship board” and a “block house”.

Siding panels can simulate any material

Conifers are usually used for the manufacture of facade wooden siding: pine and larch. You can also find offers for the sale of cedar facade boards. The cost is greatly influenced by the type of wood, grade, manufacturer (including country of origin), panel thickness and the presence of protective treatment at the production stage.

The most inexpensive option is a domestic planed board made of AB or A pine with a thickness of 20 mm, a square meter of which costs 300-350 rubles. The cost of a board with a quarter is not fundamentally different.

An imitation of a pine timber of grade A with a thickness of 20 mm costs about 20% more than a board, and for larch with the same parameters you have to pay three times more - 1100-1200 rubles / m2. You can reduce costs and choose an imitation of B grade timber, which will cost 800-850 rubles / m2. There is also grade C, but it is not for finishing a house - it is used for outbuildings or an inexpensive house in the village.

The "C" grade board is clearly not suitable for finishing work

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

The most expensive types of wood finishes are facade boards with heat treatment and coating of oil or varnish. For comparison, pine planken made in Europe (from Russian raw materials) will cost from 1200 rubles / m2, from larch - from 1400 rubles / m2.

There is also a more expensive segment of the facade board. It is made from hard hardwood or exotic woods with heat treatment and a protective coating. Prices in this category of goods start at 4000 rubles / m2.

The second floor of chalet houses is often made from heat-treated boards.

The advantages and disadvantages of wood siding are controversial.

If facade materials were used for the exterior decoration of the house, which underwent careful selection at the level of raw materials, drying and deep protective treatment (with antiseptics, varnish, oil), then the resistance to moisture and decay in wooden siding is high. And siding made of heat-treated wood with a protective coating is practically invulnerable to these influences.

Resistance to mechanical stress depends on the thickness of the panel, and it is never small for a facade board (from 18 mm and above). Heat treatment of wood slightly reduces its hardness, but wall cladding is not a floor covering.

The only drawback is flammability. Even the treatment with fire retardants does not translate wood into the “non-combustible” category, but reduces the likelihood of ignition by local contact with an open fire.

Video description

The fact that even boards impregnated with fire retardants burn can be clearly seen in the following video:

Video description

Plus, a comparison of several flame retardants:

WPC siding

Siding for home decoration made of wood-polymer composition is not the only area of ​​application of this material. It is used to make decking, which competes with the coating of exotic wood species, characterized by high strength, resistance to moisture and decay.

House cladding made of WPC does not require protective treatment, does not burn, practically does not fade in the sun, does not swell or warp - that is, it does not have the disadvantages of natural wood. And the service life, according to the manufacturers, will be at least 25 years.

Despite the use of inexpensive materials (woodworking waste and plastic) as raw materials, the cost of WPC siding is not a "low-budget" cladding. If we compare it with a wooden one, then the price from a domestic manufacturer is approximately the same as that of an imitation of a larch timber of grade A, "Prima" or "Extra" - from 1200 rubles / m 2. Siding from a European manufacturer (more precisely, a European brand with production in China) costs almost twice as much.

Raw materials for creating WPC siding in various colors

Fiber cement siding

This is another type of artificial facade board in the truest sense of the word.

In terms of composition, it is a lightweight concrete made from a mixture of cement, cellulose fibers, dyes and additives. In most cases, the shape is a board with a natural wood texture, but there are other solutions. Including at the coverage level. Therefore, the properties and cost of this siding depend on the manufacturer.

Uncoated fiber cement siding

This type was created as a replacement for traditional siding, so the installation method is classic - from bottom to top, herringbone with the top board hanging over the bottom.

Fiber cement board is easy to cut and drill. Due to micro-reinforcement at the composition level, the sheathing strength is quite high. And coloring with pigments in volume (for the entire depth of the board) gives high resistance to the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation.

Video description

In our video we will talk about Japanese facades. Let's take a closer look at what errors occur during the installation process:

As in the case of WPC, fiber cement siding is completely devoid of the disadvantages of natural wood, does not require a protective paint and is easy to maintain. But it is not cheap either - the price depends on the manufacturer and the series. The largest representation on the market belongs to the Eternit company, the cost of which starts at 1400 rubles / m2.

Herringbone Fiber Cement Panels

Fiber Cement Coated Siding

Recently, new types of siding for finishing a house outside have appeared on the market of finishing materials - fiber cement panels with a protective coating and a multilayer structure. The authors of this novelty are Japanese manufacturers of facade systems. Each company has its own recipe, but the properties and cost are equal. And all versions have a UV absorber layer that improves burnout resistance.

The simplest option is acrylic paint with the addition of silicone copolymers as a protective layer. Estimated cost - about 1,500 rubles / m2.

Slightly more expensive - painted fiber cement siding with the addition of a hydrophilic layer. This is a kind of sorbent that absorbs moisture from the air, which creates a microscopic film of water with a self-cleaning property - dirt is easily washed off by rain. Price - around 2000 rubles / m2.

One step up is ceramic siding with a hydrophilic layer. The core of these panels is still fiber cement, but with a ceramic coating and a high degree of protection of pigments from destruction by UV exposure. Price - from 2500 rubles / m2.

House finished with fiber cement ceramic siding

And at the very top of the fiber cement siding hierarchy are panels with a protective layer of photoceramics. In addition to blocking ultraviolet radiation and the ability to self-purify, there is a function of disinfection and air purification. When light hits them, photocatalysts kill some of the bacteria that are on the surface. Price - from 4000 rubles / m2.

Note! Quite often, all four types in the IM catalogs are presented as "ceramic" siding.

A feature of ceramic siding is a wide variety of colors and textures. In addition to imitation of a wooden board, there are panels “like a stone”, “like a brick”, “like a decorative plaster”.

Both parts of the house are finished with fiber cement siding

Vinyl and metal siding

Metal and vinyl siding for outdoor decoration are different in materials, but similar in profile and decorative possibilities types of siding. The proximity is so close that the installation technologies are largely similar - you also need to take into account the thermal expansion of the panels when fastening to the battens and joining with additional profiles. They also have almost the same assortment of colors and textures.

By the type of profile, one- and two-break panels are distinguished. By the appearance of the front surface - a ship board, a herringbone and a house block.

The cost of standard "wall" panels is slightly different. But in both cases, you can find domestically produced panels within 300 rubles / m 2. And imported siding from Europe will cost from 800 rubles / m2.

In addition, vinyl panels have a tighter design:

    basement siding, which is often used for cladding the entire facade (costs from 500 rubles / m2 to 1500 rubles / m2);

    foamed PVC siding with good sound and heat insulation properties (price about 1000 rubles / m2).

Video description

See the following video clearly about siding:


Siding as panels for the exterior of the house is chosen as part of the curtain wall system, which allows solving the problem of protecting walls, insulating the house and decorative finishing in a complex. But it is most attractive because of the widest range of materials, texture and cost.

Siding is one of the most inexpensive and practical materials for decorating the facade of a house. The installation of such a cladding is quite simple; even a novice builder can master the installation. The material is strong and durable, not afraid of rain, frost, wind and sun. It will protect the walls of the house from mechanical damage and prevent their premature destruction.

Another argument in favor of the material in question is the designer's freedom of imagination. Wall cladding can be done in a variety of colors and textures. There are a huge number of options, some of them are designed to imitate natural stone, brick, wood of a wide variety of species.

Types of cladding siding

Siding is a special cladding panel. Outdoor cladding products are usually in the form of lamellas, but sometimes larger varieties are found. These elements are produced in the form of fairly large panels.

The siding itself can be made from different materials:

  1. Plastic. Made on the basis of vinyl or acrylic polymer. Facade decoration with this type of material is the most affordable option. The material is not subject to decay, resistant to moisture. In this case, the plastic does not crack and does not support combustion. The disadvantages of this type of siding finish include low impact strength.

  2. Metal. Galvanized iron or aluminum panels are absolutely fireproof. They are also characterized by high strength. But there are several disadvantages that can cause inconvenience during installation and operation. These disadvantages include increased weight, instability of steel to corrosion. To prevent damage, it is better to choose models made of aluminum, but their price will be significantly higher.

  3. Tree. The material is called “planken” and is very expensive. Wood is capricious and requires special attention and care during operation. But the advantages of such a cladding of houses include an attractive appearance, good thermal insulation and sound insulation performance.

  4. Fiber cement. A relatively new species that is only gaining popularity. The material belongs to the group of non-flammable, not susceptible to the appearance of mold and mildew. Also, among the positive characteristics, moisture resistance, strength and durability can be distinguished. Special fasteners are provided for mounting.

Exterior decoration of a house with siding is not difficult, but painstaking. Considering the cost of the services of professional workers, it will be much easier to do this work yourself. To do this, you just need to study the technology and carefully review the recommendations of the manufacturer of a particular finishing material.

Material calculation and preparation

The technology for decorating a house with siding is almost the same for all types. To clad a house, you will need to prepare some tools for work:

  • a universal hacksaw with small teeth;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • construction plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Complete list of required tools

The work is easier to carry out together. They start by calculating the material. This is necessary in order to immediately purchase the required amount and avoid additional transport and time costs in the process of work.

You can calculate the amount of material approximately. To do this, calculate the area of ​​the outer walls, basement and cornices. To calculate the required number of panels, the result must be divided by the area of ​​one element. In order to think over the location of the joints and more accurately calculate the quantity, it is worth making a sketch of the outer walls of the building. It is recommended to add 5-10% to the received amount of siding for trimming and various unforeseen expenses.

Calculation of the surface area for cladding

Wall decoration begins with surface preparation. It includes the following steps:

  • cleaning from dirt and dust;
  • removal of plants, dried lime;
  • removal of worn-out plaster and other finishing materials;
  • dismantling of drainpipes, window sills, various decorative elements that may interfere with the work process.

Frame installation

If the house is built of bricks or lightweight concrete, it is recommended to use a lathing made of a light metal profile. For a timber or framed building, it is wise to choose a timber frame.

Wooden crate is made of 50x50 mm slats. They can be attached to the wall with nails or screws. When installing wall siding, the crate is placed vertically. When finishing the basement, both vertical and horizontal frames can be used.

Frame slats are installed in 30-40 cm increments, as well as around openings. There should not be a rail at the very bottom

First of all, the installation of the corner frame elements is performed. Their evenness is checked using a building level. To secure the frame racks, it is worth using nails with an anti-corrosion coating (zinc, aluminum). The distance between the frame slats depends on the type of siding. For metal panels it will be 40 cm, and for vinyl panels - 30 cm.But this information should be checked with the manufacturer.

Are you planning to insulate the facade?

In order for the house to retain the ability to breathe, it is recommended to choose mineral wool. This is especially true for wooden buildings. The thickness of the heat insulator is selected depending on the climatic region.

Thermal insulation of a house with mineral wool implies the presence of a ventilation layer between the wool and the siding. If the height of the lathing is not enough to provide a gap of 1-3 cm, then a counter lattice is provided.

Installation of insulation with a counter-grill to create a ventilation gap

On top of the insulation using a construction stapler, a hydro-windproof film is attached. Wall cladding will breathe well if modern vapor diffusion windproof membranes are used. You should be careful with insulation, since the wrong choice of materials at this stage can lead to problems with room temperature and ventilation.

How to work with siding

Finishing begins with the installation of the starter profile. It is attached to the crate with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. The second step is to install the corner pieces and the connecting profile (if required). Door and window openings must be edged with a special j-profile.

Installation of starting and corner profiles

The installation of the first siding panel is performed on the starter bar. It snaps into place and is fixed with self-tapping screws (or nails). The assembly of the cladding begins from the bottom up. The panels are fixed to each other using a tongue-and-groove system.

Attention! When installing plastic, wood or fiber cement panels, rigid fixation is not allowed. After correct installation, the element can be moved to the sides. Rigid fixation is used only when installing metal siding.

Installation of ordinary, connecting and end elements

When working with plastic, a gap of a couple of millimeters should be left between the trim and the head of the nail or screw. Tight attachment can damage the material with changes in humidity and temperature (plastic expands).

Facade decoration with siding is quite simple. Plastic elements have special elongated holes for fastening. Nails or screws are placed in the middle.

To complete your home with siding, you need to install a finishing strip at the top of the wall. The last panel is inserted into this strip from below and snaps into place.

For the final completion of the finishing, it is necessary to install all facade elements (cornices, window sills, pipes, etc.) in their place.

The house finished with siding is reliably protected from any weather phenomena!

The exterior cladding of the house solves several problems - improving the design of the facade, protecting the walls from atmospheric phenomena and warming. The value of any finishing material lies in the combination of several factors - durability, availability, decorative properties, ease of installation and maintenance. Such conditions are met by finishing the house with siding. Therefore, this is one of the most popular technologies, especially when you consider that there are several types of facade panels, united by a common name.

Home decoration with siding is a successful combination of tradition and modernity Source holds.ru

Types of siding and their features

Siding was invented by American settlers. It was exclusively wooden and consisted of ordinary boards, which were mounted horizontally with an overlap in such a way that the upper ones hung over the lower ones. Now only there are several types of materials, and there are even more decorative forms.

Wood siding

In the classical interpretation, it is an edged board, which is attached to the crate. Nowadays, the cladding of the facade of the house with wooden siding is often called in honor of the motherland of the technology "American". And in its usual form, a house sheathed in this way looks soundly, albeit somewhat rustic.

This is what the classic American upholstery looks like Source hi.aviarydecor.com

Fans of rustic style will surely like the slightly rough look of the facade made of unedged board - it gives the house a unique flavor, despite the modern "filling" of the wall cake made of insulation and a protective membrane.

Brutal style for a wooden house Source pinterest.cl

This method of fastening, which ensures the impermeability of the cladding to wind and precipitation, gave an impetus to the appearance of a profiled facade board. It greatly facilitates the installation process, since the geometry itself sets the exact pitch, and the inner side is mounted to the crate with a continuous deck.

The beveled profile of the board with a tenon will make installation easier and faster Source notperfect.ru

Even better in this respect for finishing the facade of a wooden house with siding is "American" lining. To the beveled profile and the protruding edge of the front part, a spike was added on the upper end and a groove on the lower one, which ensure complete tightness of the cladding and protect the facade from direct penetration of cold air in winter and hot air in summer.

Heat treatment of the front board "American" significantly increases its service life Source parki48.ru

Fiber cement siding

This type of siding for home decoration is an artificial stone in composition. But unlike its closest "relatives" among the facade panels (the surface of which is made to look like slate, limestone or brick), it imitates wooden boarding. And in terms of decorative abilities it is in no way inferior to the best examples of natural analogues.

Fiber cement panel is not inferior in "beauty" to wood siding, but significantly surpasses it in terms of service life Source 2gis.ru

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Installation takes place according to the traditional scheme - with self-tapping screws in the upper part, so that the protruding edge of the overhanging panel covers the attachment points. And the inner side, in contrast to the classic siding, is located on the crate with a continuous flooring, like a profiled facade board. Although from the front side, the cladding resembles a traditional herringbone installation.

Although it is a relative of concrete, the fastening is no more difficult than that of wood. Source fibro-saiding.ru

In terms of durability and operational properties, fiber cement siding is one of the best in its class - it belongs to non-combustible materials, painted in the mass practically does not fade in the sun, is absolutely resistant to high humidity and fluctuations in its level, does not change its geometry when the temperature drops or rises.

Wood-polymer siding

This material is made from recycled wood and polymer and is usually referred to by the abbreviation WPC, where "k" is a composite. Initially, the technology itself was planned as a way of recycling wood waste and obtaining boards (panels) for outdoor use - terraces, facades, small architectural forms in landscape design

WPC has the same "specialization" as wood, but much more durable Source notperfect.ru

It turned out that the cost of manufacturing was higher than that of similar products from natural raw materials of conifers (including larch). But given the long guaranteed service life (from 25 years) without burnout, cracking and warping, such siding will pay for itself in the long term. Moreover, it does not need to be treated with antiseptics, fire retardants and paintwork.

There are different types of structure of WPC profiles for cladding a house with siding. They differ in the thickness of the front part, the shape of the "lock", the number and location of stiffeners. But they have one thing in common - an imitation of a high-quality wooden board.

Perfect surface quality is achieved already at the manufacturing stage Source woodexotic.ru

And although by the type of the front surface of the cladding and the method of joining the panels are more like clapboard or imitation of timber, they are still called "siding".

Metal siding

There are two types of metal from which the facade panels "for siding" are made: aluminum and steel. It is quite clear that the second option is popular for private housing construction because of its higher strength.

The simplest profile is a ship board Source zaborprofil.ru

The technology for the production of steel siding for the facade of a house is the same as that of a profiled sheet or metal shingles - it is a cold-rolled galvanized thin sheet with a protective and decorative coating. And the profile, which has several stiffening ribs, which imitate some kind of wooden sheathing panel, is responsible for the strength to mechanical stress. Therefore, statements that indicate that metal siding is more in demand for cladding commercial or civil buildings than for residential buildings are incorrect.

There are three profile options:

  • Herringbone is a classic siding.
  • Ship board - lining or timber.
  • Block house - rounded log.

Photo of finishing the facade of a private house with metal siding (block house) is popular for a rustic style Source 2gis.ru

Vinyl siding

This is one of the most popular types of facade decoration. The main reason is the affordable price. In addition, polymer panels have sufficient strength (provided that the lathing is correctly executed), simple installation and no less simple maintenance, high resistance to any atmospheric influences, a large palette of colors and textures, and quite an attractive appearance. And in terms of durability, it surpasses any facade board made of natural wood (even taking into account its heat treatment).

Vinyl siding, although it belongs to the "economy option", but can look very attractive Source liversal.com

Of course, the decorative properties of vinyl siding for the facade of the house is lower than that of natural, composite or fiber cement. But this is if we talk about the imitation of wood sheathing - like metal panels, its artificial origin is obvious. And he copies a cladding made of stone or brick quite convincingly.

One of the options for decorating a house with siding is vinyl panels for a stone Source pinterest.co.uk

Vinyl siding novelties include the products of the famous company Vinylit Fassaden GmbH. She has a series of a special type of facade panels, which differs from the standard ones not only by the type of profile, but also by the decorative design - imitation of decorative pebble plaster.

A novelty in our market - siding with the effect of decorative plaster Source okostroy.ru

The cost, as well as the appearance, of such a cladding no longer belongs to the economy class - on average, a "board" with an area of ​​1 m2 costs almost 2000 rubles. And the explanation is simple - to some extent this siding can be called a composite material made of polymer and natural stone chips, which is literally "recessed" in the front of the panel.

When is the best time to install siding

Facade cladding is a dry building technology. The only stage when mortars can be used is to prepare the surface for installation.

If the brick wall does not have cracks and crumbling areas, then it can be simply treated with an antiseptic primer before sheathing. And this is necessary only if the climate is humid, the house is surrounded by trees (or stands on the leeward side of the hill) and there is a high risk of fungus or mold on a mineral basis in conditions of poor ventilation of the facade.

If it is necessary to sheathe a wooden house, then an antiseptic treatment is required.

Therefore, when they say that the installation of siding can be carried out at any time of the year, they are a little cunning - for the preparatory stage, a positive air temperature is often required (the average daily should be at least + 5 ° C).

Video description

For possible mistakes when installing siding, see the video:

Siding installation

Each type of facade panel and each profile has its own installation technology.

Several prerequisites can be called general:

  • cladding is carried out according to the technology of a hinged ventilated facade with simultaneous wall insulation;

Insulation for siding is an obligatory layer of the facade "pie" for our climate Source dekoriko.ru

  • it is necessary to calculate the materials as accurately as possible so that there are no large leftovers left during "busting" and there is no need to buy it if there is a shortage (colored panels from different batches may not have the same shades);
  • there must be a precisely verified zero level at the starting bar or the first panel from the bottom - it is she who is responsible for the "simplicity" and correctness of the sheathing of the entire wall;
  • if the panels have a connecting groove, it should be at the bottom so that moisture does not collect in it;
  • all openings and corner joints must be decorated with appropriate profiles.

Video description

How the work with siding is done, see the video:


Siding is a versatile facade panel. They are able to reproduce the texture of all building materials and are suitable for any home, and the decorative possibilities are limited only by the construction budget. Therefore, if you settled on the option of finishing the facade of the house with siding, then it is better to choose the appropriate color with a designer who will help you choose the best option for your home.

Siding is one of the types of building materials for wall cladding. With its help, you can completely change the appearance of a private house at a low cost, if the house is still solid, but already quite old. In addition, finishing, siding is used outside.

Placed on top of the insulation, it not only hides it, but also improves the entire exterior of the house. It is for this reason that many home owners decide to make such changes to the appearance of their home. And step-by-step instructions for self-cladding of a house with siding will help to do all the work correctly.

A bit of history

This type of cladding was invented by our Pomors. For hunting, strong, light ships were needed. It was in shipbuilding that this type of ship cladding was used. Actually, the very word siding (Siding) is translated as tes. Northern peoples adopted this technology to insulate their homes by sheathing their homes. In addition to insulation, this technology made it possible to accelerate the construction of houses on the northern coast, and was very popular with Russian pioneers.

Nowadays, siding is made from modern building materials:

  • Vinyl;
  • Metal;
  • Cement (fiber cement siding);
  • Wood.

Various types of siding allow you to completely change the appearance of a private house without significant financial costs.

Preparing for sheathing

Preparatory work for cladding a house with siding is not very difficult. The entire building will need to be carefully examined and several measurements taken. If you can see the influx of masonry mortar, you just need to knock them down. Protruding nails are either hammered back or removed altogether. Small protrusions, more than 6 mm in height, are also best eliminated if possible.


When inspecting the house, it is also necessary to identify the unevenness of the walls, basement, corners, window openings and other architectural elements - in general, wherever siding cladding is planned. Such measurements are best taken with a long metal standard rod, cord and tape measure. Deviation from the plane is permissible no more than 12 mm. In local places - no more than 6 mm.

Simply put, if the entire wall is not rectangular, but diamond-shaped, then the difference in diagonals should be no more than 12 mm. The same option, but for a window or door - 6 mm.

The overall unevenness of the entire wall (pediment, cornice, basement) should not exceed 12 mm.
Over time, a building can sag to one side and tilt. The slope of the wall or of the entire building is checked using a plumb line. The deviation from the vertical is allowed no more than 25 mm. If the slope of the entire building is greater than the permissible level, then it is already in a pre-emergency state. If it is not eliminated, then further work on siding is simply meaningless.

Preparatory work

After checking the geometry of the building, a set of preparatory work is required. Plates, plums, gratings, etc. are removed. If cracks are found in the walls, near window and door openings, seal them up either with polyurethane foam, or simply with cement mortar. If you find: bursting plaster, peeling paint, areas covered with mold - such areas should be thoroughly cleaned. Treat wooden walls with any antiseptic.

Tools and materials

Before starting work on cladding a house with siding, make sure of the full set of tools at hand:

  • Electric screwdriver and screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Roulettes (it is easier and more convenient to work with a laser);
  • Construction level;
  • Ladders.

How to cut extras

When facing a building, part of the finishing panels are used in their entirety. But in some places you will have to make extras from the same material. Depending on what material will be used for cladding, siding, a tool for cutting the panels is also selected.

For vinyl

  • Electric jigsaw with fine-toothed blade;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Sharp Cutting Knife;
  • Universal;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Boot knife.

Metal siding

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • scissors for metal;
  • circular electric saw with teeth from Pobedit.

Advice! The use of an angle grinder (grinder) is accompanied by heating of the metal siding at the cut, with damage to the protective top layer.


If you want to do all the cladding work yourself, in order to purchase all the necessary material, you can simply contact a large hardware store. It is enough for the seller to simply describe in detail what area of ​​the walls, the number of windows and doors, etc., and he will calculate and select the necessary set of material for work.

And in order to control the quality of the goods, you need to know what characteristics the material for cladding a house with siding should correspond to:

  1. Uniform thickness throughout the panel.
  2. Mandatory presence of special markings on the inside of the panel. Such marking carries all the necessary information on the material: color, batch number, date of issue. If there was not enough material for cladding during the work, you can always buy it, focusing on this marking.
  3. There is an anti-hurricane lock on high-quality panels. It is made in the form of a fold on top of the panel and is located above the holes for fastening.
  4. A sure sign that the company takes care of its image is the presence of additional elements and accessories in the kit with materials.
  5. All products must be presented with certificates and warranties. Coverage must have a minimum warranty period of 50 years.
  6. Responsible sellers will certainly attach instructions for installing siding to the purchased product.

Installation of the lathing

First, the markup is done. Straight lines are drawn on the walls of the house, so that a closed contour is obtained. To make the line horizontal, the horizontal level helps. At the corners of the house from the horizontal line, it is necessary to make measurements with a tape measure in order to reveal the minimum distance to the basement. When the minimum distance is set to this level, the twine for the contour is pulled. The starting bar will be mounted on it.

The next step is to install elements of vertical metal guides from the mounting horizon, starting from the corners. The distance between the vertical slats is 35-45 cm. Additional guides are made near windows and doors. The main condition is that they should not intersect anywhere.

This is necessary so that air constantly circulates under the siding, preventing the formation of mold.
For brick and concrete walls, the guides are made from a special profile. For log walls, slats with a section of 60x40 mm, treated with an antiseptic solution, are used.

Waterproofing and insulation

If the installation of the lathing is carried out on wooden and aerated concrete walls, the installation of waterproofing is mandatory.

The walls are insulated with a minelike at the request of the owner of the house, but a moisture-windproof membrane must be installed in any case. If there is no insulation, the film is attached to the wall of the house. If there is a layer of insulation, the waterproofing layer is attached on top of it. Since the gap for ventilation between the insulation panels and the siding is required, a crate is constructed on top of the insulation layer.


Now that there is insulation and the lathing is ready, it is time to install siding accessories, such as:

  • external and internal elements at the corners of the structure;
  • strips for openings of windows and doors;
  • ebb tides on the basement of the building and windows.

The plinth drain is fixed at the intended level under the lower siding strip so that the upper edge runs along the line. Corner elements are fixed rigidly on self-tapping screws at the very top of the outermost hole. The screws that follow it are screwed into the middle of the slot in 50 cm increments.

Advice! If the profile is not enough, it can be extended with another, overlapping with the previous one with an overlap of five centimeters.

Window framing begins with the installation of the ebb. It protrudes beyond the window opening by 8-10 cm on both sides. Side window strips are installed on this ledge. From below, the ebb is held by a j-profile. After installing the siding, the window decoration is completed with the installation of platbands.

The process of edging a doorway is almost the same as for a window.

Installation of panels

The process of installing siding panels is somewhat similar to the LEGO constructor. Each element is connected to the other in turn. The first row from the bottom is attached to the first (starting) bar with light pressure until the bottom clicks. From above, through the slots, they are fastened with self-tapping screws in the center, so that the siding moves in them without visible effort. Fastening is carried out from the center to the edges of the building, in increments of 40 cm.

All subsequent panels are attached in the same way, rising from the foundation to the roof. The topmost row ends with a finishing plank.

Basic installation rules

  1. It is imperative to avoid rigid attachment of siding panels. It should be remembered that the material itself has the property of shrinking in the cold and expanding in summer. Therefore, the screw is screwed into the center of the hole so that there is a 1 mm gap between the screw head and the plate.
  2. Maintain a 10 mm gap between the planks and rails. This will protect the siding from damage when expanding in hot weather.
  3. Facing a house with siding can be done in any weather, but it should be borne in mind that in frost the material becomes fragile and therefore requires more careful handling during installation.

Watch the video:

I have the following problem. The house is old, and you just need to insulate the corner room, in winter it is cold, damp and mold is on the walls. There is not enough money to cover the whole house, so we decided to start from this very place. This is an extension, and not very high quality. Deviation from the plane, about 20 mm. So far we have decided that the horizontal cladding will show all the flaws, and the vertical one will hide, but we doubt whether this is so.

The question arose before the winter to sheathe the house with siding. Since I am not a builder myself, I faced this for the first time. I read a bunch of different tips, sites that tell you what and how to do. But so that someone specifically and on the shelves laid out everything, and did not find it. Stumbled upon this article. I read it and understood everything very carefully. What, how to do and what will be needed. As a result, I bought a beige metal siding and got to work. Since it was a vacation we did everything quickly with a friend. It's good that the house is recently built, so all corners and walls are even. There were practically no difficulties. As a result - a happy wife and a beautiful home. Thanks for the article, it was very helpful.

Finishing the facades of private houses with siding is quite common nowadays. There is a demand for such material, and this is not in vain.
True, the work is not cheap if you hire specialists. But if you do everything yourself, then the price of the entire structure will be much lower.
Our article will be devoted to this topic. Instructions will be offered for doing this job.

Before installing, it is worth thinking a few times before making purchases. Siding has its pros and cons.
And it will be bad to be disappointed after finishing. First, you should look at photos and videos on this topic and then look at all the parameters of this material for finishing.

  • Siding facades of private houses is quite durable and will serve for many years. But this is only with the correct installation.
    If installed and fastened incorrectly, the plates heat up and they are simply turned out over the entire plane. This is one of the disadvantages of siding;
  • It is a non-toxic material that will not harm your health;
  • During installation, you can carry out additional insulation and hide external communications;
  • Do-it-yourself siding of the facade of the house will significantly reduce the cost of work and reduce the cost of the cost. The installation is not so difficult and can be done by any person.
    Only the technology should be observed during the work. You don't need a special tool for work;
  • The disadvantages include a poor reaction to frost. At extremely low temperatures, the material can become quite brittle and can easily be mechanically damaged.

Home decoration with siding

All work can be broken down into several stages that are worth doing. The durability of the structure and the correct geometric shape will depend on this.

What is required for correct installation

For continuous work, you first need to correctly calculate and purchase the necessary components that will be needed during the work.

  • First of all, you need forests. Then you will feel comfortable at the height. After all, one has to move freely there, and this is a rather serious question;

  • We calculate the number of siding panels. Everything is simple here. We take the total area and divide by the area of ​​one element, this data is on the packaging of the material.
    We get the number of elements. An integer is the number of parts.
    But here you should first plan the placement correctly. And take into account the waste that you cannot apply after pruning;
  • After that, you should think about a frame that can be made using a metal bar or wood. With the first option, everything is clear, but for the second one should take into account that the right purchase will be required.
    You should purchase a bar with a moisture content of at least 12 percent. Fastening should be carried out at a distance of at least 50 cm;