What is Ladoga river or lake. Wonderful places in Russia - Ladoga

Ladoga lake- one of the largest fresh water reservoirs in Europe. In our article, we want to talk about where nature and climate are located on its coast. It has some interesting features. Nature here is of particular beauty.

Location of the lake

It is partly located in Karelia (eastern and northern coast) and in Leningrad region(south, southeast, west). On its banks there are such cities as Novaya Ladoga, Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya, Pitkyaranta.

Lake Ladoga on the map is located simultaneously in the Leningrad region and in Karelia. It is large enough. In addition, it also has islands. The area of ​​Lake Ladoga is 17.9 square kilometers, excluding island areas. It stretches from north to south for two hundred and nineteen kilometers. Its widest point is one hundred and thirty-eight kilometers. Agree, the size is impressive. These parameters can be used to estimate the area of ​​Lake Ladoga.

The depth of the reservoir in the northern region ranges from seventy to two hundred and thirty meters, and in the southern part from twenty to seventy meters. As you can see, the depth of Lake Ladoga is very heterogeneous, and is of the greatest importance in the northern part of the reservoir. And the volume of the mass of water is nine hundred and eight cubic meters.

Rivers of Lake Ladoga and islands

Thirty-five rivers flow into the reservoir. But only one originates from it - the Neva. There are three large bays on the southern coast of the lake: Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays.

The largest river flowing into Ladoga is the Svir. She brings the waters of Lake Onega into it. Even such rivers as Avloga, Morie, Burnaya, Airajoki, Vidlitsa, Obzhanka, Syas, Olonka and others flow into the reservoir.

It must be said that in Lake Ladoga the water level is not a constant value. It constantly oscillates, and this is remarkably visible from the white stripes on the rocks that go under the water.

The islands of Lake Ladoga are quite numerous. There are about 660 of them. Their total area is four hundred and thirty-five square kilometers. I must say that more than five hundred islands are located in the northern part of the reservoir. This is the Skerry region.

The largest islands:

  1. Riekkalansari - 55.3 km. sq.
  2. Mantsinsaari - 39.4 km. sq.
  3. Kilpola - 32.1 km. sq.
  4. Tulolansari - 30.3 km. sq.
  5. Vaalaam - 27.8 km. sq.

The most famous on the lake are the Valaam Islands. They are an archipelago of fifty islands with a total area of ​​about thirty-six square kilometers. They became famous thanks to the Valaam Monastery, located on the main island, and the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery on the island of Konevets.

The history of the lake

Lake Ladoga is located in a basin, which has a glacial tectonic origin. Three hundred to four hundred million years ago, the entire territory of the lake and its basin was covered by the sea.

The modern relief was formed as a result of the activity of the glacier. The main factor was a change in the level of the ocean, there was a rise in land. After the glacier retreated, the Baltic fresh glacial lake was formed. Later, the waters of this reservoir went to the territory of modern Switzerland. And there the Yoldian Sea was formed.

Nine and a half thousand years ago, due to the rise of the land, Lake Ancylus appeared. On the Karelian Isthmus, it was connected by a strait to Lake Ladoga. And eight and a half thousand years ago, ongoing tectonic processes opened the Danish straits, and the Litorin Sea was formed. This, in turn, led to the emergence of the Karelian Isthmus and, in fact, the formation of Lake Ladoga. Over the past two and a half thousand years, the relief in these places has not changed much.

The northern part of the lake is located on the southern part - on the East European platform. It is at the junction of these surfaces that the greatest depth of Lake Ladoga is observed.

Climatic conditions

Lake Ladoga has temperate climate, as if a transitional form from temperate maritime to temperate continental. Such climatic conditions are explained very simply. Geographical position Lake Ladoga and the atmospheric circulation of this region determined such a climate.

I must say that in these places there are not so many sunny days a year. This means that the amount of solar heat entering the earth is not so great. Therefore, moisture evaporates extremely slowly. In 12 months there can be only sixty-two sunny days here. Most of the year in this region days with overcast, cloudy weather and diffused lighting prevail.

It is better to plan a vacation on Lake Ladoga from the twenty-fifth of May to the seventeenth of July, then white nights can be observed here. These days the sun does not fall below the horizon, morning and evening twilight merge into a single whole. In general, the white nights last about fifty days.

It should be noted that Lake Ladoga itself also has an impact on the local climate, smoothing out extreme characteristics. Throughout the year, southwestern and western winds dominate here. Quiet and calm weather is extremely rare. Sometimes the winds have storm indicators.

Breezes are observed along the entire coast during summer days and nights. They start around 9 am and continue until 8 pm. The breezes penetrate inland for fifteen kilometers. Fogs are observed here most often in spring, autumn and summer.

Lake coastline

The coastline of Ladoga is more than a thousand kilometers. The northern shores are rocks, strongly indented, forming many peninsulas and narrow bays, as well as small islands separated by straits.

The southern coastline is low. It is less indented and is often flooded by waters. The coast is entirely rocky reefs, banks, shallows. Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays are the largest bays of Lake Ladoga.

The eastern shores are very little indented. There are two bays here: Uksunlahti and Lunkulanlahti. It is in this part that wide beautiful beaches of sand are found.

The western shore of the reservoir is even less indented. It is completely overgrown with dense mixed forests and shrubs that come close to the water. The coast is strewn with boulders. Stone ridges sometimes go far into the depths of the lake from the cape, thus forming dangerous shoals.

Relief of the bottom of the lake

As we noted earlier, the topography of the lake bottom is heterogeneous and has a clear increase in depth from south to north. We can say that the average depth of the reservoir is about fifty meters, and the largest is two hundred and thirty-three meters (towards the north of the island of Valaam). Lake Ladoga in the northern part has a very uneven bottom. It is full of cavities. And in the southern region, the bottom is smoother and more even. Lake Ladoga is the eighth deepest lake in Russia.

The transparency of lake water is different for different shores. Its lowest indicators are observed in the Volkhov Bay, and the highest - in the western direction from the Valaam Islands.

During a strong storm, the water in the lake, as they say, boils and boils, it is completely covered with foam.

Only the central part of the reservoir can be covered with ice, and only in very severe winters. A long cold period leads to a strong cooling of the water, for this reason the water in the lake remains cold even in summer. She manages to warm up only in a thin top layer and narrow coastal strip. Maximum temperature surface water in August, when it is twenty-four degrees. The water in the lake is fresh and, in principle, quite clean, except for those areas where there is runoff pollution from industrial waste.

Economic importance of the lake

The place where Lake Ladoga is located determined its serious economic importance for the country. The fact is that the lake is navigable, which is important for the region. It is considered one of the parts of the waterway that is part of the Volga-Baltic route, as well as the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

The most navigable is the southern part of Ladoga from the Neva to the Svir. Since the reservoir has a serious size, there are often storms here, especially in autumn. During such periods, all navigation stops for the safety of passenger ships.

Since the founding of St. Petersburg, the lake has become part of the unified water transport system of northern Russia. For safe navigation along the southern coast, the Staraya Ladoga Canal was laid. As soon as it became insufficient, the Novoladozhsky Canal was also laid, one hundred and sixty-nine kilometers long.

The Staraya Ladoga Canal is now almost completely dried up and overgrown. And the second channel is navigable to this day. Up to eight million tons of cargo is transported across the lake per year. Oil products, chemical raw materials, building materials, timber are transported to the Baltic from the Volga. In addition, tens of thousands of passengers are transported annually along Ladoga.

Cruises (tourist) to the islands of Konevets and Valaam are made from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Vessels enter and pass through the central water area of ​​the lake, where the shores are not visible. And when strong winds you can feel a significant swing.

There are no regular passenger traffic on Ladoga. However, motor ships of a tourist destination go twice a day in certain directions during navigation periods.

Fish that live in the waters of the lake

The fish of Lake Ladoga is of industrial importance. Ten species are caught, among which the most popular are vendace, smelt, ripus. Quite a lot of pike perch and whitefish are found in the lake.

Rest on Ladoga

Despite the fact that the water in Lake Ladoga remains cold even in summer period, it attracts a large number of tourists. As we said earlier, there are beautiful sandy beaches on the coast. The northern islands are especially popular among tourists. The best period for kayaking on the lake is June and July. A little closer to autumn, storms begin, in which the excitement of the water is like in the sea.

Here on the lake there is the Nizhnesvirsky nature reserve. It is located on the right bank of the Protected area - wetlands of international importance. They are interesting because they are a nesting place for water and migratory birds. 256 registered in this territory different types birds.

Of particular interest to tourists is the island of Valaam. It is completely covered with coniferous forest. There is an old monastery on the island, which was founded in the ninth-eleventh centuries.

Vacationers also like to visit Konevsky Island, where there is a monastery. The island got its name from the Horse-Stone boulder located here. Until the end of the nineteenth century, this stone was a place of sacrifice. The main attraction is the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, located on the territory of the monastery.

Historical digression

Novgorodians for several centuries had a military and merchant fleet on Lake Ladoga. Geographical information fell to Western cartographers in those days. Lake Ladoga appeared on the map of the Moscow State as early as 1544. It was made by the German scientist Sebastian Munster.

And in 1600, a drawing of Rus' was drawn up by Fyodor Godunov. On it, the lake was plotted with fairly high accuracy. In the middle of the eighteenth century, a map was made not only of Lake Ladoga itself, but also of an artificial canal.

Novaya Ladoga

Novaya Ladoga is one of the towns on the banks of Ladoga. It is located on the left side of the Volkhov River in the place where it flows into the lake. The city was founded in 1704 by Emperor Peter the Great himself. A large number of historical architectural monuments have been preserved here, which may be of interest to guests and tourists.


The city is located on the banks of Ladoga. It was founded by the Prince of Novgorod in 1323, who founded a wooden fortress on Oreshek Island. Later it was captured by the Swedes, who renamed it Noteburg. And in 1702 the fortress was recaptured by Peter the Great. He then gave it its current name. The city also has its sights: the Staraya Ladoga Canal, the Oreshek fortress, the monument to Peter the Great, the Cathedral of the Annunciation, St. Nicholas Church.


In this place, the Karelian settlement lived already in the twelfth century. And in 1310, a capital fortress called Korela was built by the Novgorodians at the mouth. Later it was conquered by the Swedes. But in 1710 it again passed to the Russian Empire.

Lake Ladoga and its environs are quite interesting places for tourists. Here you can not only admire the beauties of nature, take boat trips, visit the islands, but also see historical monuments that have survived to our time.

There is such a charming region in Russia, the attractiveness of which is given by the magnificent mirror-like surface of countless lakes. Some information about this wonderful place can be found in this article. Here we will talk about the diversity of the landscape of this region, about where Lake Ladoga is located. A description will also be given.

This area occupies the northwestern part great Russia. It is discreet and at the same time surprisingly attractive and diverse. Taiga landscapes give way to swamps rich in cloudberries, lingonberries and cranberries. The more elevated areas are decorated with spruce forests and small-leaved forests.

This is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. The length is 219 km, and the largest width is 138 km. The eastern and northern parts of it belong to Karelia, and the southern and southeastern shores belong to the Leningrad region. The water capacity of this lake is 908 km³.

Previously, the Littorin Sea was connected to the lake by a wide strait, and the river. Mga flowed to the east and also flowed into it.

Where it is now, the land rose rapidly, and thus the lake, after time, turned into a reservoir of a closed type. The water level began to increase, its waters flooded the river valley. Mga and broke into the Tosna valley. 4000 years ago, a strait appeared between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, which is now the valley of the river. Neva. The relief has practically not changed over the last approximately 2.5 thousand years.

The northern section of Lake Ladoga is located on the Baltic crystal shield, and the southern one is on the East European platform.

From the history of Lake Ladoga

The described lake is present on one of the very first geographical maps the state of Moscow, which was compiled in 1544 by Sebastian Munster (German cartographer). More detailed map was introduced in 1812 at the Admiralty Department.

Ladoga has always been a territory of great strategic importance for Russia. In the 9th century, an important waterway from the Varangians to the Greeks. There is also documentary evidence of the existence of Nevo (the name of Lake Ladoga in the old days) - an Old Russian chronicle dated 1228. And the first capital Kievan Rus was at the confluence of the Ladoga Lake r. Volkhov. Petrovsky time is also associated with this lake. Also, Lake Ladoga witnessed the battles of the times Northern war.

Where Lake Ladoga is located, a huge number of significant historical events took place. Do not list everything. But it is important to note that Lake Ladoga is the "Road of Life" during the Second World War. Most of the coast of the lake during this difficult time for the country was under the German-Finnish occupation. The people of Leningrad were cut off from the whole world. Only the southwestern part of the lake was open for communication with the Soviet troops (1941-1943). This route started from the port of Osinovets on Lake Ladoga and ended at the docks of Leningrad.

Over the entire period of the existence of this road, more than 1.5 million tons of cargo was transported and transported along it, which allowed the surviving residents of Leningrad to hold out until the blockade was lifted. Also, about 900 thousand people were evacuated along this road.

Much of the history is kept in this great lake. Today, at the place where the most important "Road of Life" ran, there are 102 memorial pillars and 7 monuments. All of them are included in the "Green Belt of Glory". This is a memory of the past very difficult times.

Ladoga lake is the largest freshwater lake on the European continent. For Russia, this lake is of great industrial, ecological and historical significance. Another version of the name - Ladoga.

If you look at the map, you can see that the shores of Lake Ladoga belong to two Russian regions: the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad Region. That is, located in the European part of the country.
On the north side Ladoga the shores are high, rocky, their relief is quite indented, which explains the presence of a large number of peninsulas, bays, and small islands. From the south of Ladoga, the lake is surrounded by low, gently sloping, more even shores. The largest bays are also located here: Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya, Shlisselburgskaya bays. The eastern coast is also not very indented, there are sandy beaches here. In the west, the coastline is almost flat. Mixed forests, bushes grow here, near the water on land there are many large stones, which also cover the bottom under water for a rather long distance.
Bring their waters into Ladoga lake 35 rivers, and only one flows out. The largest river that brings water is the Svir. What river flows out of Lake Ladoga? This is the famous Neva, on which stands the second most important city Russian Federation- Saint Petersburg. Some rivers bring water into Ladoga from other lakes, such as Onega or Ilmen.
There are a large number of islands on the lake - at least five hundred. The largest islands Ladoga together they form the Valaam archipelago. The largest single island is Riekkalansari. Also a large island is Konevets, where a famous monastery was built, just like on Valaam.

Dimensions, lengths and depth of Ladoga

The depth of Lake Ladoga is uneven throughout its territory - it increases from south to north. The maximum depth of Lake Ladoga is 233 m. The average figure is much lower - 50 m. In the north of Lake Ladoga, its depth varies from 70 to 230 m, and in the south - from 20 to 70.
The area of ​​Ladoga is 17.87 thousand square meters. km. The volume of water in Lake Ladoga is 838 cubic meters. km. The length from north to south of the lake is 219 km, at its widest point Ladoga stretches for 125 km.

Climatic features of the area

Lake Ladoga has a generally temperate climate. In the geographical area where Lake Ladoga is located, not so much sunlight penetrates during the year. Therefore, the evaporation of water from Ladoga is rather slow. Most of the days of the year it is cloudy and overcast.
Between the end of May and the middle of July, Lake Ladoga you can observe the famous phenomenon of "white nights", when at night the sun practically does not set below the horizon.
Throughout the year, western and southwestern winds blow on Ladoga. In winter, Lake Ladoga freezes until the end of spring, but is completely covered with ice only in the coldest winters. Such a long glaciation affects the water temperature throughout the rest of the year. average temperature water is low here: at a depth it stays at 4 ° C, and on the surface Lake Ladoga depending on the time of year and site, it can be in the range from 2 ° C to 24 ° C. The water is not as clear as on Baikal, but this may be due to the fact that many species of algae, small plankton live in it, and constant storms disturb its surface, whipping up foam.

History of Lake Ladoga

Lake Ladoga was formed as a result of the melting of glaciers and over the course of several thousand years its outlines were formed and changed.
Until the 13th century, the lake was called Nevo, which, apparently, was directly related to the name of the Neva River. Then it was named Lake Ladoga, taking over the name from the city of Ladoga located here. Many objects in this area have names originating from the Karelian language. But the most likely explanation for the name "Ladoga" is Finnish versions - from the ancient words for water or the concept of "lower", which are consonant with Ladoga. The name Nevo also has Finnish roots and can mean "swamp". It is possible that in those days the lake gave a reason to call itself that way, in this area there are many traces of swamps.
On Lake Ladoga, starting from the 9th century, from Scandinavia, across Europe to the country of Byzantium, the water part of the route “From the Varangians to the Greeks” passed. In the 8th century, the city of Ladoga was built here, and soon other cities and fortresses began to appear here. At the end of the 14th century, the famous Valaam Monastery was founded on the islands of the same name. Until now, its buildings are the pearl of wooden architecture.
For many years there was a war with the Swedish state for part of the land lying on the lake. Nevertheless, Peter I managed to achieve that Ladoga became Russian. In 1721, according to an agreement with the Swedes concluded after the war, the coast of Lake Ladoga was completely ceded to Russia.
To make navigation on Ladoga more accessible, a canal was built here.
During the difficult war years from 1939 to 1944. the Ladoga flotilla was based in Lake Ladoga, fighting in its waters. In 1941–1944 more than half of the coast of Lake Ladoga was occupied by enemy troops. From September 1941 to March 1943, the “Road of Life” passed along the ice of Ladoga - the only way along which it was possible to deliver provisions and necessary things to besieged Leningrad. The evacuation of people was also organized through it, in total, about 1.3 million people took advantage of the evacuation.
Thus, Ladoga is a lake that has a special significance for Russian history.

Ecology of Lake Ladoga

Basically, the waters of Ladoga are very clean, but there are problem areas. This is largely due to the development of industrial zones near Lake Ladoga as well as the aftermath of World War II. During the war, radioactive weapons were tested in this area and on some islands. Including studied the reaction of animals to the consequences of its use. In addition, a lot of sunken military ships, aircraft with ammunition create an unfavorable radiation background.
The number of contaminated sites is on the rise. Approximately 600 industrial enterprises operate on the banks of Ladoga, which pollute the air, dump production waste into the Ladoga River and others, which then bring them into the lake. By the way, the correct answer to the question - Ladoga - is it a river or a lake, that it is both. There is a river, and also a city with that name. At the same time, historians claim that at first the river got its name, then the city, and only after that Lake Nevo was renamed.
Pollution of Lake Ladoga today is considered to be at a moderate level. In some places, there is an excess of radiation standards - where supplies were previously tested, as well as those closest to nuclear and other industrial enterprises.

Nature and fauna of Lake Ladoga

The nature of Lake Ladoga is very beautiful, this place is very famous among tourists, travelers as a place for recreation and hiking. Majestic rocks, mountains, pine forests - all this creates a unique image of this place. rare plants and animals are found in various reserves of Ladoga. Despite the difficult climate, even some southern plant species grow here, and in the north - typical representatives of the tundra (saxifrage). Forests on Lake Ladoga are not only coniferous, but also broad-leaved - with maples, elms.
Fauna Lake Ladoga includes representatives of the taiga: foxes, wolves, hares, bears, etc. There is also an original animal, which is found only here - the Ladoga seal. The animal, which is more characteristic of the seas, feels great in the fresh water of Ladoga.
Approximately 50 species of fish live in Lake Ladoga. The most popular among fishermen and industrialists can be called smelt, pike perch.

Rest on Lake Ladoga

Around Lake Ladoga you can find places for recreation for every taste and for any purpose: recreational, hiking, entertaining. Fishing enthusiasts can often be found here. Everything you need for such activities is located at the recreation centers, including almost every one of them has instructors who will teach you the intricacies of this or that type of pastime.
People like to go diving here because of the large number of finds that can be found at the bottom and simply beautiful underwater views. You can also choose to relax on the beach when the weather permits.
Excursions are also organized to the natural and historical sights of Ladoga, for example, structures left after the war, old fortresses or mountain peaks.

Attractions on Lake Ladoga

It is worth talking about the sights of Lake Ladoga separately. Here is, for example, interesting, with beautiful views practically untouched nature Nizhnesvirsky Reserve. It is home to a huge number of bird species and many animals.
Valaam Island on Ladoga with the monastery of the same name is of historical, cultural and architectural value. Not to mention the fact that pilgrims come here from all over Russia and beyond.
The memorial complex dedicated to the Road of Life tells the story of the heroic feat of people who made trips on the ice of Lake Ladoga in the most dangerous conditions, risking falling through the ice or being fired upon by the enemy. Nevertheless, they went for it in order to save the lives of the inhabitants of the city, who survived the terrible blockade.
Also of historical and cultural interest on Lake Ladoga are the cities of Shlisselburg founded by Peter I, with the fortress Oreshek, Novaya Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga in works of art

Ladoga is a lake that is reflected in folk legends and patterns folk art various peoples who lived here. Basically, these are Karelian and Russian epics.
The famous Karelian folk composition "Kalevala", which was once passed from mouth to mouth, describes the events that took place in the north of Lake Ladoga.
Constantine Roerich in his youth made an expedition along the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga and to the lake itself. Since 1916, he lived in this area for two years, created several paintings, sketches, poems and fairy tales here.
Due to its amazing nature, Lake Ladoga inspired, first of all, painters who admired the local colors and landscapes. Many painted the Valaam Monastery, as its buildings looked especially impressive and mysterious against the backdrop of majestic nature. The lake with the sonorous name Ladoga also evoked fairy tales. Here worked such masters of painting as F. A. Vasiliev, A. I. Kuindzhi, N. K. Roerich, I. I. Shishkin.

industry on the lake

The lake is used for the passage of ships, whose routes along it are segments of the Volga-Baltic route and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. The weather on the lake is very changeable and ships are often threatened by storms, high waves, so navigation is periodically suspended. Once upon a time, there was even a common expression that if a sailor did not sail on Ladoga, then he was not yet a real sailor. Such a phenomenon as complete calm is quite rare on this lake.
Various industrial cargoes are transported along Lake Ladoga, Construction Materials. Passenger ships and cruise liners also go here, for the most part these are tourist routes.
On an industrial scale, about 10 species of fish are caught here, such as smelt, pike perch, and whitefish. Near the lake are industrial enterprises: paper and pulp mill, aluminum, oil and chemical industries, etc.

Secrets and secrets that the bottom of Lake Ladoga keeps

At the bottom of the lake there are many interesting researchers and lovers of various mysteries and secrets of things. Of course, the greatest success is considered to find something very ancient, dating back to the Vikings. But most often find artifacts that have remained since the Second World War. They are better preserved and easier to find. For example, the sights of that time that attracted extreme tourists and divers include the so-called "Bay of Death", the bottom of which is practically covered with shell casings, since a fierce battle took place here in 1941.
Amateur divers find sunken ships, wartime planes. Unlike the marine fresh water does not destroy and spoil sunken things so much, which is why the finds of Lake Ladoga are so attractive.

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Located on the territory of Karelia and the Leningrad region.

The first name of the lake was different. In ancient Russian chronicles, it was called Nevo. Scientists believe that the name comes from the Finnish word for "bog, bog." In treaties concluded with the Hanseatic cities and in the Scandinavian sagas, he is called Aldoga, from the Finnish “wave”. The modern name comes into use only from the beginning of the 13th century. The lake began to be called Ladoga, having formed the name from the name of the city of Ladoga.

Scientists have proven that the basin of Lake Ladoga is of glacial-tectonic origin. In the Paleozoic era, the waters of the ancient sea splashed here, later a glacier formed at this place, which largely shaped the modern relief of the reservoir and its environs. The area of ​​the lake is 18,400 square kilometers. Its length from south to north is about 219 km. The maximum width of the reservoir (from west to east) is 138 km.

Due to its origin, Ladoga is characterized by uneven depths. The “shallowest” part of the lake is the southern one. Local depths do not exceed 70 m. But in the northern part, the average depth of Lake Ladoga is about 100 m. There are places where the water column reaches 260 m.

A pattern is noticeable on Lake Ladoga: the steeper the shores, the greater the depths around them. The highest and steepest coasts are in the north, right next to the skerries. In the south, they are more gentle and the depths there are small.

By the way, the peculiarity of Ladoga is the uneven water level. In the old days they said that it grows for seven years and falls for seven years. On average, the water reserves of the lake are 908 cubic kilometers. For comparison, Baikal is 24,000 km³.

32 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and only one flows out of it - the Neva. Many rivers connect Ladoga with other lakes. Through the Volkhov, it is connected to Lake Ilmen, through the Svir River - to Onega, through Vidlitsa - to Vedlozero, through Tulema - to Tulmozero.

Sunset on the Svir. The Svir River connects Ladoga and Onega lakes.

The lake is rich in islands. Most of them are in the north. These are the famous Ladoga skerries, the most beautiful necklace of islands, which are separated from each other by a whimsical labyrinth of straits. Component Ladoga skerries - the famous Valaam archipelago, where the ancient Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery is located.

The large northern islands include Lunkulansaari, Konevets, Mantinsaari, Vossinansaari and others. In the southern part of the reservoir, there are very few islands and they are all small: Ptinov in the Volkhovskaya Bay and Zelentsy in the Shlisselburgskaya.

On the shore of Lake Ladoga.

The unique inhabitant of the lake is the Ladoga seal. This is the only species of marine mammals that has adapted to life in fresh water. Their rookeries on the islands of the Valaam archipelago are under special protection.

From the end of the eighth century, Slavic settlements appeared on the shore of the lake: the city of Ladoga, later - Korela, the current Priozersk. At the beginning of the 14th century, the Oreshek fortress, now Shlisselburg, was built at the source of the Neva. The famous monasteries on Valaam and Konevets were founded a little later.

Shore of Lake Ladoga.

At the end of the 17th century, the southern, northern and western shores of Lake Ladoga went to the Swedish Ingermanland. The Swedes rename the Russian Oreshek and Korela into Noteburg and Kexholm, and establish the settlement of Sortavala. With the beginning of the Northern War, Lake Ladoga becomes the scene of hostilities. The most famous battles of that period were the battle of ships near Kexholm and the capture of Noteburg. In 1721, the Ladoga coast again became Russian.

Lake Ladoga is rich in interesting places:

Ladoga skerries

Skerries are rocky islands separated by narrow straits and channels. They occupy a significant part of the northern part of the lake. Skerries stretched in a semicircle from the town of Pitkyaranta to the village of Berezovo. Throughout their length they are stunningly beautiful, but the most majestic landscapes begin to the northeast of the island of Koinosaari, which closes the village of Terva from the expanses of Ladoga.

On the northern coast of Lake Ladoga is the amazing city of Sortavala. It owes its peculiar historical and cultural appearance to three states at once: Finland, Sweden and Russia, which included it at different times. This is the most beautiful Karelian city, surprising with its unusual architecture.

Eastern beaches

The eastern coast of Ladoga is famous for its clean sandy beaches. Shallow water warms up well, especially if June and May are warm. These beaches are considered perfect place for relax.

Lake Ladoga in these places seems endless, and on the coast in some places you can see sand dunes. They also exist near the village of Vidlitsy. The ancient settlement is located at the mouth of the river of the same name. In the village you can admire the Church of the Great Martyr George. The surroundings of Vidlitsa attract with incredibly beautiful nature.

Beach near Vidlitsa.


Ancient Korela, modern Priozersk, is one of the ancient Russian cities with an unusually interesting history. This is a beautiful town, where ancient Orthodox churches and the majestic Lutheran church. There is a unique ancient fortress here. The pearls of architecture are surrounded by beautiful landscapes with picturesque rivers and dense northern forests.

Fortress Oreshek

The Shlisselburg Fortress Oreshek is rightfully considered a monument of history and architecture. Built at the beginning of the 14th century on Orekhovy Island, it served as an outpost on the Swedish border. The citadel has withstood fierce assaults more than once, fully justifying its name. Later, the fortress became the "Russian Bastille", where the most dangerous criminals were sent. Today, there is a museum here, which works despite the restoration work that has been going on since 1966.


An archipelago consisting of fifty islands, the largest of which is Valaam. This is one of the main shrines of Orthodoxy, Northern Athos, as it is called. Here is the oldest monastery in Russia. The history of its origin goes back to the 1st century, when Andrew the First-Called visited Valaam. Almost a thousand years later, the first monks came to the island from Novgorod. Valaam is a unique place. Wild nature is all around here, practically unchanged since the development of the island by man.

Stormy waves of Lake Ladoga, which in windy weather looks like the sea, incredible sunsets and sunrises, sheer cliffs of skerries and sand dunes of eastern beaches. All this forever remains in the heart of everyone who has ever seen these magnificent landscapes. It is worth coming here, because the harsh Ladoga is not only a living history, but also one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Lake Ladoga on the map.

  1. Ladoga skerries;
  2. Sortavala;
  3. Priozersk;
  4. Balaam;
  5. Fortress Oreshek;
  6. Beaches on the eastern shore of the lake;
  7. Mouth of the Svir River.

Petrozavodsk, Kivach, Marcial Waters, northern Ladoga, Ruskeala Waterfalls, Valaam and much more. Car and pedestrian trips for every taste - choose, and you will dream of Karelia for a very long time!

Lake Ladoga is located on the territory of Karelia and the Leningrad region and is considered the largest freshwater lake in Europe. It stretches from south to north for 219 km, the maximum width is 138 km. The depth varies unevenly: in the northern part it ranges from 70 to 230 m, in the southern part - from 20 to 70 m.

The famous Lake Ladoga, on the ice of which the Road of Life ran during the siege of Leningrad, today is a unique monument of Karelian nature, which annually attracts thousands of tourists. Its shores and islands are amazingly picturesque. The most famous are, of course, Valaam and Konevets, where ancient unique monasteries are located. But every island, every rocky cape on Ladoga is something special.

On the shores of the lake are located Priozersk, Novaya Ladoga, Shlisselburg in the Leningrad region; Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Olonets, Lahdenpokhya - in Karelia. 32 rivers flow into the reservoir, and only one flows out - the Neva.

Every year, since 1997, the Ladoga Trophy has been held on the shores of the lake: a rally in off-road vehicles along the perimeter, the route of which is approximately 1200 km.

How to get to Lake Ladoga

First of all, you need to decide on which side of the lake to “drop anchor”. To the north and east can be reached from Petrozavodsk, to the north, east, south and west - from St. Petersburg.

From St. Petersburg, most types of transport go to Priozersk. Every half an hour from the Northern bus station and several times a day from the Parnas metro station - buses of the Piteravto company (off. site), travel time about 2.5 hours; daily electric trains of the North-Western Suburban Passenger Company (off site) from the Finland Station will reach their destination in just 2 hours (an ordinary train takes almost 3). By car to Priozersk - also about 2 hours from Piskarevsky Prospekt along the A-118 and A-121 highways (it is also Priozerskoye Highway).

There is also a railway station in the village of Lake Ladoga, it takes a little less than 1.5 hours from St. Petersburg from the Finlyandsky Station by a daily SZPPK train, and a little more than an hour by car along the Road of Life highway.

To the "Karelian part" of the lake, to Sortavala, from St. Petersburg's Ladozhsky station, travel more than 5 hours by train St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha with Russian Railways / FPC (off site). By bus of the Passenger Transportation company, which runs several times a day from the Northern Bus Station, - 5-6 hours (all flights following in this direction make a stop in another picturesque place - Lahdenpokhya).

From St. Petersburg, cruise ships of the operator "Vodohod" (off site) go through the island: the voyage takes a week, it starts from the St. Petersburg pier "Utkina Zavod". From Priozersk from the Valaam pier, the ship "Valaam" will deliver to the island of the same name in 3.5 hours, "Meteor" - in 1 hour 15 minutes, departure daily. From Moscow, from the Northern River Station, “Mosturflot” invites you to make multi-day tours with a visit to Valaam (off site).

Bicycle rental is available in Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Novaya Ladoga, Lahdenpokhya. The bike can be found through the site of private announcements, but most often the rental is listed in the list of services of large camp sites.

Ladoga lake

Lake Ladoga Hotels

Dozens of hotels, guest houses, family hotels and even peasant estates operate on the shores of Lake Ladoga all year round. They are ready to accept both single tourists and whole groups - by prior arrangement.

The price tag per night is from 1500 RUB for accommodation in a budget double room in the Starhouse mini-hotel in Shlisselburg on the street. Chekalova, 14 to 25,000 RUB for a cottage for 6 people in the "Ladoga Estate" on the Karelian coast of Lake Ladoga (Ozernaya St., 1, Niemelyankhovi settlement, not far from Sortavala). The house has its own sauna, fully equipped kitchen, three double bedrooms with individual bathrooms and a barbecue area.

The cost of a single room in a hotel or guest house is from 5000 RUB per day. However, numerous visitors are happy to save on this item of expenditure and settle on the banks of Ladoga as savages, in tents.

What to bring

The St. Petersburg coast of Ladoga is not rich in exclusive gifts: a typical set of magnets, mugs, postcards, woodwork and birch bark. On the Karelian coast of the lake, the assortment of souvenirs is more interesting.

Karelia is a deposit of shungite. Beads, bracelets made from this mineral and even cosmetics containing it can be found in Sortaval, Lakhdenpokhya, Pitkyaranta and other settlements of the Karelian part of Ladoga. They also sell the famous Karelian Balsam and Karelian Collection tinctures.

Another noteworthy rarity is products made from Karelian birch: spoons, caskets, plates. Tablecloths and napkins with Zaonezhsky embroidery will be an excellent addition to them.

It is impossible to leave Lake Ladoga without "delicious souvenirs" - raw and smoked fish, berries, mushrooms, herbs. Someone will be lucky to collect and catch on their own, the rest - a direct road to the markets.

From Ladoga churches and monasteries, especially from Valaam, guests bring icons, candles, crosses. The island is also famous for its gingerbread.

Cuisine and restaurants of Lake Ladoga

Catering establishments in the villages and towns of Lake Ladoga are not a dime a dozen, of course, but you won’t die of hunger either. In restaurants and cafes, Russian, Caucasian and European cuisines are held in high esteem, there are pizzerias, where you can taste sushi and rolls.

The main ingredient of most local dishes is fish, most often pike perch. Dumplings, meatballs, soups and snacks are made from it. Fish is also added to the "gates" - branded Karelian pies made from rye dough. They are also made with mushrooms and berries, which are abundant in the local forests.

Cafes and restaurants are located mainly at hotels, camp sites, guest houses and near the main attractions. The interior and service sometimes cause criticism, but the skill of the chefs, on the contrary, deserves praise.

The difference in prices is small: in Sortaval, and in Shlisselburg, and somewhere in Vidlitsa, breakfast for two will cost 700 RUB, lunch - 1200 RUB, and dinner with alcohol will cost about 2500 RUB.

Entertainment and attractions

It makes no sense to list all the museums on the shores of the lake - their name is legion, the expositions are often similar: the history of the city, folk crafts, paintings by local artists. The museum of the private collection of Kronid Gogolev in Sortavala (Komsomolskaya st., 6) stands apart. Its founder is a skilled wood carver. In his own art space, he exhibits not only his own works, but also the creations of other Sortavala masters. Another almost pilgrimage place is the Road of Life Museum in the village of Lake Ladoga.

Among the exhibits of the museum are steamships, an airplane, military guns, which stand right under the open sky. In the indoor halls there is an exhibition of cars that cruised along the Road of Life, expositions dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and the famous highway. 5 km from the museum, to the south of the lake - the memorial "Broken Ring".

One of the main "miracles" of Ladoga is the island of Valaam and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery standing on it. People come here to feel special peace and tranquility, to pray at the myrrh-streaming icon Mother of God painted by Hieromonk Alipy, admire the landscapes that inspired Kuindzhi, Shishkin, Roerich.

You can sail to Valaam and back by boat from Priozersk, where the Kexholm fortress (Korela fortress) built in the 13th century stands: a small building is surprisingly harmoniously inscribed in the landscape. Near Priozersk is the island of Konevets. A whole ensemble of religious buildings brought him fame, which is crowned by the Konevsky Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery. A miraculous icon of the Mother of God, brought from Athos by the founder of the monastery, Arseniy Konevsky, is exhibited within its walls.

The south of Ladoga is Shlisselburg with the not-so-impregnable Oreshek fortress, built by the grandson of Alexander Nevsky. From its observation deck, the views of the lake and the Neva flowing from it are especially good. East of Shlisselburg is Novaya Ladoga, which boasts a group of wooden and stone churches and cathedrals and memorial sites associated with the Road of Life.

Fishing on Lake Ladoga

53 species of fish live in Lake Ladoga: Ladoga slingshot, salmon, trout, char, whitefish, vendace, smelt, bream, cheese, blue bream, silver bream, rudd, asp, catfish, pike perch, roach, perch, pike, burbot and others. Human impact on the reservoir reduces the number of valuable fish - salmon, trout, char, lake-river whitefish and others, and the Atlantic sturgeon and Volkhov whitefish are listed in the Red Book of Russia.