Monstera does not have carved leaves. Why can't you keep a monstera at home? General information about the houseplant "Monstera"

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Agriculture is one of those human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the efforts made. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily act as our ally in growing plants, and often, on the contrary, throws up new challenges. Intensified reproduction of pests, abnormal heat, late return frosts, hurricane winds, drought ... And one of the springs presented us with another surprise - a flood.

Let me confess my love today. In love with... lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and flowering shrubs which can be successfully grown in your garden. And if someone thinks that lavender is a Mediterranean or, at least, southern inhabitant, then you are mistaken. Lavender grows well and in more northern regions, even in the suburbs. But in order to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. They will be discussed in this article.

Having once tasted such an invaluable product as a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stop looking for more and more new recipes for serving it to the table. Korean pumpkin, despite its pungency and spice, has a fresh and delicate taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. My nutmeg pumpkin is very juicy and sweet, so there is no need to crush it. If the pumpkin is of a different variety, then you can knead it with your hands so that it slightly releases the juice.

Lettuce, as the earliest and most unpretentious green crop, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Most summer residents usually begin spring plantings with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. IN Lately striving for healthy eating and a large selection of greens in supermarkets make gardeners wonder which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article we will talk about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, varieties of lettuce.

Pollock is best cooked in the form of a casserole, separating the fillet from the skin and bones. Pieces of fish are mixed with a colorful vegetable set, poured with a sauce of cheese, sour cream and eggs. This fish casserole has a presentable appearance, and its taste is a bizarre mixture of subtle nuances. Vegetables and fillets will be soaked in sour cream, the cheese will harden with a golden crust, eggs will bind all the ingredients together. Pieces of fish are abundantly sprinkled with Italian herbs, and pollock acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you can really feel the awakening of nature only with the advent of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring as eloquently as clearings of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has receded, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, besides spring primroses, there is still something to see and admire in the garden in the month of April.

Growing rapidly and turning into wild thickets, hogweed disrupts the existing ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils contained in the fruits and leaves of hogweed cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more difficult to deal with it than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a tool has appeared on the free market that can rid your site of most weeds in a short time, including cow parsnip.

Carrot happens different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Orange carrots are dominated by beta-carotene and lycopene, yellow due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); white carrots are high in fiber, while purple ones contain anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose varieties of carrots for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. About the best early, middle and late varieties we will tell in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy recipe for a pie with a delicious filling of chicken and potatoes. Chicken and potato open pie is a great hearty dish that is suitable for a hearty snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this pastry on the road. The cake is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that we put it on wooden surface, after releasing it from the form. It is enough to slightly cool the pastries and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many houseplants is the period of the start of active vegetation, and for the majority - the return of their decorative effect. Admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a big stress for all houseplants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and versatile, all indoor crops are faced with much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily cook homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruits, even without any confectionery experience behind you. You can bake Easter cake not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiences (and not only), I advise you to take a small cast iron pan. Easter cake in a pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always bakes well inside! Yeast curd dough is airy and fragrant.

It is also interesting in that its fruits (pumpkins) are used as food by young, not ripe ones (zelenets). This means that you do not have to wait for the harvest to ripen, and from late spring to autumn you can have on the menu fresh vegetables. In your beds, it is better to grow varieties and hybrids of zucchini that are resistant to diseases and changes in weather conditions. This eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a crop in any weather. It is about such varieties of zucchini that will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is the time when the first flowering of plants in gardens and parks begins. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are bulbous primroses. But also among ornamental shrubs you can meet those that will delight you with fragrant flowers that enliven a still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of flowering ornamental shrubs falls on the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

Monstera flower is a common ornamental crop, often grown at home. All varieties of monstera are unpretentious and have attractive flowering, which is why the plant quickly became popular with domestic flower growers.

Monstera flower: botanical description

Monstéra is a large tropical plant that looks like a vine and belongs to the Aroid family. IN natural conditions grows in Brazil and the equatorial belt of America, and loves the conditions of the humid tropics. It is erroneously believed that monstera is a palm tree. In fact, this evergreen liana has large carved leaves up to 40-45 cm long.

All species are quite unpretentious, but in order to get large and high at home ornamental plant a monstera stick is used, which is stable and reliable support. The foliage is pinnately dissected and perforated. Flowers are collected on the cob. Flowering is long, after which it forms berries-fruits.

Homeland monstera room

How it blooms and where the monstera grows

In room culture, the liana blooms annually, after which edible, relatively small fruits can be formed that resemble pineapple in taste and aroma. Monstera flowers are quite beautiful and are represented by greenish cobs wrapped in a dense snow-white veil. Inflorescences are most often formed at the base of the plant.

Monstera: growing (video)

Monstera: types and varieties of plants

The classification is represented by several species and varieties, some of which are suitable for indoor floriculture:

  • monstera oblique or crescent is characterized by very graceful and neat leaves, but there is no flowering in the culture;
  • dainty or gourmet M. Deliciosa is the most common species with large, dissected dark green leaves. Young specimens do not have carved leaves. IN room conditions blooms rarely;
  • less large variety "Borsigiana" often called in the circle of flower growers borzig and belongs to the most common varieties of gourmet vines. An artificially bred perennial has slightly smaller leaves up to 30 cm long in diameter;
  • variegated M. variegata is the most thermophilic and slow-growing type requiring competent care, with foliage decorated with a highly decorative pattern. white color.

The most exotic species is considered to be the punched monstera (M. pertusa), which needs to be looked after more carefully. The leaves are more perforated and as decorative as possible.

Indoor monstera flower: home care rules

The name of the species does not play a significant role in the implementation of the basic activities for the care of perennials in room culture. The above-ground part must be cut off periodically, and the culture itself needs watering, fertilizing and prevention. Reproduction is carried out by seed material, as well as cuttings and well-developed air layering.

Humidity, lighting and temperature

IN summer period ornamental plant perfectly tolerates temperature increases to 29-30 ° C, but in winter period it is best to maintain the temperature at 16-18 ° C. Despite the fact that a tropical culture is able to tolerate relatively easily low level humidity, it is preferable to keep this indicator at high values.

The culture needs sunlight, so it is advisable to place a flower pot with a plant on an east or west window. A perennial of tropical origin does not tolerate direct sunlight, so the aerial part must be shaded on the southern windows.

We select a pot and soil

In the conditions of home floriculture, the monstera reaches a height of 200-230 cm, but the intensity of growth processes does not exceed two or three leaves every year, so there is no need to immediately purchase a pot that is too voluminous. The flower pot must have drainage holes necessary for the outflow of excess water sizes. Proper transplant an adult plant is carried out annually, after a winter holiday, around April. After transplanting, the plant must be provided with support.

As a planting substrate, you need to use soil rich in nutrients and well-retaining moisture. good performance has a soil nutrient substrate based on one part of peat, a couple of parts of leaf humus and one part of pure coarse sand or standard perlite. The earth must go through a disinfection cycle. A prerequisite proper cultivation is to use sufficient drainage.

Features and terms of pruning

Top pruning is performed with a pronounced slowdown in crop growth and allows you to effectively renew the plant and stimulate the development of side shoots. This procedure should be done with a sharp and clean knife. In indoor tropical monsters, aerial roots form from each leaf. You can not cut off the aerial roots. They should be lowered into the soil or water, which improves the nutrition of the plant.

How to feed an indoor flower

At all stages of growth and development, it is important to properly feed the perennial. When fertilizing, it is imperative to observe the rule of seasonality. Feed only in spring and summer. In winter, top dressing is excluded.

You can use both root and foliar top dressing at least a couple of times a month, using special fertilizers designed for growing plants belonging to the Aroid family. As a complex top dressing, it is recommended to use "Humisol" or "Epinom", and for foliar dressings it is best to use Urea-K6.

Watering a flower

For irrigation, it is imperative to use soft and well-settled water at room temperature. It is best to use melted snow, rain or spring water for this purpose. There is no clear schedule that determines how often an indoor monstera needs to be watered. Irrigation activities are carried out after the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Watering in the summer, as well as in spring and early autumn carried out quite abundantly. In winter, the nutrient soil substrate should be slightly moist.

What you need to know about monstera aerial roots

At its core, such an organ of the aerial part as aerial roots, except additional food, provide a kind of support for a perennial tropical culture. When performing regular sprayings, one must not forget to spray the aerial roots as well. In the presence of dry air and insufficient natural light, it is this aerial part of the plant that suffers first of all. Air roots with increased dryness of the air in the room should be wrapped with well-moistened sphagnum moss.

How to cut a monstera (video)

Growing problems

As a rule, any problems associated with growing indoor tropical crops are caused by errors in care and non-compliance with the temperature regime.

Why young monstera leaves are not carved and small

The absence of a characteristic appearance of young leaves is a natural phenomenon and is explained botanical features. With age, the shape of the leaves changes and quickly acquires the appearance characteristic of the culture. If the leaves are too small and growth is halted, then you should pay attention to the lighting regime.

Why does the plant cry

Foliage "cries" at too high soil moisture inside flower pot. In this case, the earth ball needs to be dried, after which it will be necessary to increase the intervals between irrigation measures and reduce the amount of water used for irrigation.

Causes of Poor Growth

There may be several reasons for the too slow growth and development of a perennial, but the main ones are the lack of light, too low temperature air, lack of moisture or limited malnutrition, as well as very severe depletion of the soil in the flower pot.

Other growing difficulties

In the process of growing monstera Growers may also encounter the following less common problems:

  • defeat by stem rot in winter with excess moisture and low temperature conditions;
  • mass yellowing of foliage due to waterlogging of the soil substrate and insufficient nutrition of the plant;
  • massive fall of foliage, which becomes dry or covered with brown spots, is observed when the temperature is too high and the flower pot is located next to the heaters;
  • exposure of the lower stem part and shredding or blanching of the leaves is the result insufficient lighting;
  • the tips of the leaves turn brown or papery if the air in the room is too dry or the flower pot is too cramped.

How to tie up a monstera (video)

Of the pests, scale insects and spider mites are the most dangerous for indoor tropical monstera. It is systematically necessary to inspect the aerial part for damage by pathogenic microorganisms or pests. If signs of a disease are found, the plant must be isolated and must be treated with solutions based on special chemicals.

When growing monstera and taking care of it, you need to remember that this tropical plant is classified as poisonous. The juice of the culture contains substances that cause severe skin irritation and inflammatory processes on mucous membranes, so you need to be careful and use personal protective equipment.

For over 150 years, Monstera has been a fairly popular indoor plant. This exotic is successfully used to decorate the most various premises. Monstera flower is an easy plant to care for. Even a novice florist will cope with its cultivation.

Where does the monstera grow and how does it bloom: the birthplace and botanical description of the plant

Monstera is a typical representative of the aroid family. The genus Monstera includes about 50 species of various plants. All of them are most widespread in Central and South America. The plant got its name due to its huge predatory appearance.

All monsteras are tropical evergreens in the form of vines. The size of their leaves is about 45 cm. When grown at home, monstera will need to install a stick for support. If the roots of this plant for some reason lose contact with the soil, then the plant does not die, but continues to fully live as an epiphyte.

Monstera flowers are cobs with a white "sail". Under natural conditions, this culture blooms often, but it is almost impossible to achieve its flowering in room conditions. Monstera fruits of some species are edible.

Monstera: types of houseplant

In room culture, the following types of monster are most common:

The second name of this species is unequal. It is a pretty miniature form of this creeper. Characterized by oblong leaves with pointed ends. The length of the leaf plates is about 20 cm. The surface of the sheet, unlike other species, is not dissected, but perforated. The holes are elongated, they are not symmetrical.

Another name for the flower is punched or perforated. Depending on the variety, it can be with both green and striped leaves. Monstera perforatum is a large plant with ovate strongly dissected leaves.

An artificially bred species that does not occur naturally. Relatively compact in size, the length of its leaf plates usually does not exceed 30 cm.

One of the most common species in indoor floriculture. Also known as monstera adorable. Its main difference is a very long stem. Also, this species is characterized by very large leaves oval shape. Along their edge are deep slits, reaching almost to the central vein.

Indoor flower with carved monstera leaves: home care

All types of monstera are quite unpretentious, growing them indoors is quite easy. The only thing to take into account is that all monsteras are quite large plants. Therefore, it is best to grow them in fairly spacious rooms.

Pot and soil for monstera

For growing a plant, nutritious and moisture-intensive soil is suitable. For example, you can make the following substrate: 1 part of peat and sand and 2 parts of humus or leafy soil. If there is no possibility for self-compilation of the soil mixture, you can use a universal substrate for growing indoor plants.

Also, when growing this crop, it is imperative to equip a drainage layer of expanded clay. When choosing a pot for a monstera, preference should be given to high and sufficiently voluminous containers.

Monstera: home care (video)

Feeding and watering

During the period of intensive growth in spring and summer, monstera is watered abundantly. For these purposes, it is best to use soft and settled water. In this case, the top layer of the substrate between waterings should dry out slightly. With the onset of autumn, watering is significantly reduced. In winter, the indoor flower is watered very rarely, but the complete drying of the earthy coma should not be allowed.

How to update monstera: pruning features

In order to update, the monster needs to be trimmed periodically. This is also due to the fact that it grows very quickly and, without appropriate care, very quickly turns into an untidy and shapeless bush. You should also be aware that removing old leaves or cutting off the crown of the flower stimulates the emergence of new lateral shoots. All pruning work is best planned for spring period. At this time, the plant has a very strong growth potential and will quickly grow new shoots and leaves.

What and when to do with monstera aerial roots

And as they grow back, they are simply directed to the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled with soil. If they damage the plant does not die, it will simply lose additional support and nutrition.

Adventitious roots cannot firmly establish the plant in the soil, therefore to support the monstera, they install a special stick wrapped in coconut fiber. Also a good option would be a hollow metal tube with a mesh surface stuffed with moss. It will not only effectively support the plant, but will make it possible for the aerial roots to absorb additional moisture from the moss.

Monstera breeding

Monstera can be propagated vegetatively. To do this, the crown or side shoot with a growth point is cut off from it. After that, the sections of the cuttings must be sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried a little. After that planting material planted in a loose and nutritious substrate. The container with planted cuttings must be covered with a piece of film or a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Optimum temperature for rooting is from 22 to 25 ° C.

Old overgrown plants can be rooted in another way. To do this, several closely spaced aerial roots from the top of the plant are tightly wrapped in wet moss and screwed to the trunk with twine. Soon a fairly large number of small roots form on them. After that, the crown with roots is cut off and planted in a loose substrate. In the rest of the plant, young shoots will soon begin to develop from dormant buds.

Monstera: aerial roots (video)

Problems when growing a plant

Why is monstera crying

At high level humidity and abundant watering on the plant, you can observe the so-called "lacrimation". This is especially noticeable in cloudy weather, when there is a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that roots absorb a lot of moisture, and because of high humidity they cannot fully evaporate the air. So it turns out that the monstera seems to be crying. There is nothing terrible in this kind of crying. And to reduce it, you just need to reduce the watering of the plant.

Monstera does not have carved leaves

When growing monstera, flower growers very often face such a problem as the absence of slits on the leaves. This can be explained by the youth of the plant. Such a culture carved leaves only begin to appear as they mature. Also, the lack of slots can be explained by the lack of lighting.

Why does the indoor flower have small leaves

Another of the main problems that arise during the cultivation process is too small leaf blades. Most often, the main reason for this lies in the lack of nutrition; during the period of intensive growth, the plant must be fed with recommended fertilizers. The level of illumination can also affect the size of the leaves. Most likely, the plant simply does not have enough sunlight and just needs to be rearranged to a brighter place.

Monstera doesn't grow well

In the process of growing, flower growers very often encounter poor and too slow plant growth. There are several main reasons for this:

  • Lack of nutrition;
  • Low level of air humidity;
  • Low light level.

In order for the plant to resume its growth, it just needs to create favorable conditions for development and make appropriate feeding.

Pests and their control

Not a single houseplant is immune from the attacks of harmful insects, monstera is also subject to this unpleasant phenomenon. Most often on it you can find the following pests:

  1. - very harmful sucking pest. Fighting him in advanced cases is quite difficult. A sign of its appearance is a sticky cobweb-like coating on the surface of the leaves. Appearance spider mite most often provokes dry air in combination with elevated temperature. To destroy this pest, special preparations of insecticides are used. For example, you can use "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik". 10 days after the first application, it is recommended to re-treat the plant.
  2. Shchitovka is a sucking pest of most indoor crops. It is quite difficult to notice it at the initial stages of distribution. In my own way appearance it resembles small corymbose seals on the surface of leaves and stems. Destroying the shield is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that this pest is not only on the plant, but also in the soil. For effective destruction shields are recommended to use a whole range of measures. Start by soaking the soil with an insecticide solution. The insects visible on the plant are then harvested by hand. And lastly, they proceed to the direct processing of the entire monstera. For this, it is best to use insecticides. systemic action. They have the ability to accumulate in all parts of the plant, and for a long time to maintain their protective effect. For example, you can use "Aktara" or "Commander".
  3. thrips- widespread sucking pests of indoor and outdoor crops. Piercing the surface of the leaf plates, they feed on the juice of the plant. As a result of their activity, the leaves appear small areas dead tissues, which then merge into a single spot and eventually lead to the death of the entire leaf. To combat them, special insecticidal preparations are used. For example, you can use "Aktara", "Commander" or "Confidor".

How to transplant a monstera (video)

Growing a monstera in your home is quite simple. The main thing is to create favorable conditions for her development and provide appropriate care.

This plant has large leaves of a beautiful green color, reaching 50 centimeters in length, decorated with unusual holes and slots, have a very decorative look. An unusual liana-shaped trunk, the presence of aerial roots make lovers and collectors of indoor plants want to breed such a special flower with an equally unusual name.

Monstera at home caring for the monstera is simple, it comes down to watering, fertilizing, creating certain temperature conditions. But growing so exotic flower gives real pleasure, rewarding the grower for his labors with his lush armful of foliage.

monstera flower photo

This applies amazing plant to the genus of tropical vines, very common in the tropical regions of America, in most of Brazil and Mexico, a genus of the Aroid family. In Europe, the distribution of monstera began at the end of the 8th century; the plant was brought to Asia in the 19th century.

The evergreen liana was appreciated by lovers of indoor floriculture for its unusual, exotic beauty, ease of care, and the ability of the plant to reach enormous sizes in a short time. Using a support, the liana can be grown in the form of a tree, so it takes away from the room less space and looks even more interesting. Monstera inflorescence looks like an ear of corn wrapped in a white blanket.

monstera fruit

Monstera at home care

Growing a monstera at home cannot be called too complicated and time-consuming; caring for it is a little different from caring for ordinary home flowers.

The location of the flower in the apartment

Monstera grows to large sizes, it needs more space for growth than some other indoor plants, it will not fit on the windowsill. Requires special stand or small table placed near a window with east or west light. Moving around the apartment with a flower is not welcome, it is better to immediately determine for him permanent place finding.

When choosing a place, it should be noted that this tropical vine does not like drafty rooms. She cannot stand it when her leaves are constantly touched, she reacts painfully to this, she may even die.

It is not worth placing a flower in front of the window: growing rapidly, it will soon block access to the window. Most best option- bright corner On the one hand, the plant will be illuminated from the window, on the other hand, beautiful fluorescent lighting can be arranged.

Soil for planting and transplanting

The main thing for indoor plant lovers is to provide their friends with comfortable conditions for growth and development. Properly prepared soil for monstera is one of these conditions. The soil should be loose, well absorb water and pass air. This structure is obtained by mixing:

  • sand - one part;
  • leaf land - one part;
  • peat - one part;
  • humus - one part;
  • turf land - three parts.

This soil composition is considered ideal. The components are well mixed, the resulting substrate is poured into a flowerpot over a drainage layer of expanded clay or small pebbles. If it is impossible to prepare the ground on their own, they use a purchased universal soil for indoor plants.

How the transplant is carried out

A pot for a young monstera should be chosen heavy and stable to ensure the safety of the flower. Replanting young plants is required every year, they grow quickly enough, the grower needs to observe the size of the root system and choose the size of the flowerpot correctly.

Know! During sprinkling with earth, the root system should not look out, the roots should be covered with fertile soil for several centimeters.

For three to four year old plants, it is better to purchase a voluminous wooden tub. Monstera of this age does not need to be transplanted often, once every two to three years is enough. When the flower reaches a large size, transplanting becomes impossible, experienced growers annually remove 5 centimeters of the top layer of the earth, falling asleep with new soil.

Some indoor specimens can reach very big size, their root system begins to curl in a circle, there is a risk that the plant will suffocate itself. So that the flower does not suffer, you will need to try to transplant it, while unraveling the roots and cutting off their excess part. Such a procedure will not bring harm, on the contrary, this is the only way to save a flower. After transplanting, abundant watering is required.

Watering and fertilizing

Monstera likes to be watered, but no frills. During summer heat you can water the flower actively, always with settled warm water, from this it will grow more intensively. It is important to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan, due to which the process of rotting of the roots will occur, causing the leaves to wilt.

Know! Excessive watering leads to the fact that the leaves become covered with dark spots, their decay begins.

After the heat subsides, the flower should be watered moderately, once every three to four days, with the advent of winter, watering becomes even less frequent, their need is determined by the condition of the soil. When dried top layer You need to moisturize it (perhaps once a week).

Starting from March, inclusive to August, the liana needs top dressing, because due to intensive growth and the presence of large leaves, there is a large removal of nutrients from the soil.

You can fertilize with complex preparations for indoor flowers in order to provide the plant with a set of necessary trace elements. With the onset of autumn, top dressing is stopped or reduced to minimum concentrations. Monstera does not need to be fertilized in winter. Watering with top dressing is resumed with the advent of spring.

What temperature is needed

The flower easily tolerates temperature changes, which in some way facilitates its care. Nevertheless, a sharp decrease or increase in degrees is best avoided. If it is possible to create a constant warm temperature in the room throughout the year, the most comfortable conditions are provided for the flower.

If it is impossible to ensure a constant temperature with the onset of cold weather, the temperature in the room should reach from 15 to 18 degrees. Lower degrees are not the most in the best way affect the condition of the plant.

If the grower's plans do not include its strong and rapid growth, the plant is provided with winter rest with a temperature of 10 - 14 degrees Celsius. In the spring months and with the advent of summer, the monstera will feel great at 20 - 26 degrees.

Required air humidity

Any plant of tropical origin loves warmth and high humidity air. The humidity level for the flower is maintained at 70% and above. It is possible to fulfill such requirements by regularly spraying the leaves in the morning and evening, always with warm water. Another option is to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth: they will moisten the foliage and help clean it of dust.

But the flower reacts to excessive humidity in a peculiar way: through the foliage of the monstera, it gets rid of its excess with droplets of water rolling down. Some use this ability as an original barometer and take an umbrella with them when leaving the house.


Under natural growing conditions, Monstera receives an abundance of diffused light. Growing it at home, you will have to provide bright diffused light, avoiding direct sun on the plant.

With shading, growth is possible, but not as active, the leaf is cut much weaker, the appearance of holes on it, thanks to which the flower growers are so fond of the plant.

A prolonged absence of bright diffused light will affect the plant in that the leaf will lose its saturated color, become pale and small, and the decorative effect will be lost.

Does Monstera need pruning?

To form beautiful bush, do not allow the vine to grow only upwards. The top of an adult bush is cut off, thereby stimulating the growth of lateral shoots, the flower becomes more magnificent and beautiful.

plant support

Monstera is also unusual in the sense that it needs one more help from its owner - to buy in a store or make a support for the trunk itself, which would help the plant maintain an upright position. If you let the monster develop in a horizontal plane, it will take up too much space.
It is very easy to make a support for a flower with your own hands:

  1. A plastic pipe with a diameter of 8 to 10 centimeters, approximately 1 meter long.
  2. Wrap the pipe with a thick layer of wet sphagnum. As you wind, secure the sphagnum with fishing line.
  3. Leave the part of the tube entering the ground open.
  4. On top of the sphagnum, wrap the pipe with a green plastic mesh with mesh sizes of 10x10 millimeters, secure again with fishing line.
  5. Stick the support into the flowerpot, attach the stems to it.

Species and varieties

Monstera attractive (delicacy) is the most common variety for indoor cultivation. Climbing liana, has large leaves, up to 60 centimeters in diameter, with deep cuts, young heart-shaped leaves without cuts. The cob grows up to 25 centimeters, the bedspread is white, at home mature plant blooms annually.

Monstera oblique is a climbing vine with elliptical leaves, 18 to 20 centimeters long, the leaves are perforated with graceful oval holes.

Monstera variegated - grows slowly and is the most whimsical of domestic varieties, at the same time it is the most elegant thanks to intricate white stains.

Monstera is perforated (perforated) - the leaves are oblong, expanded towards the bottom, unevenly perforated, most pinnate. The bedspread is white, up to 20 centimeters long, the cob - up to 10 centimeters.

Landing and care

A cutting or cutting that has developed its roots well needs to be planted in the ground. In order for the roots of the sprout to have the opportunity to develop further, providing it with nutrition, you need light soil with neutral acidity. It is best for young plants to purchase a special peat soil with the addition of microfertilizers. Nothing will oppress the roots and the plant will quickly start to grow.

You can not put young plants on the windows on the south side, direct sunlight will destroy it. Requires moderate watering and fertilization to young plant did not experience starvation, then it will fully develop.

The following year, the grown flower must be transplanted. The soil can be prepared independently, for a stronger root system and for the plant as a whole, minor omissions will no longer have tangible consequences.

Plant propagation

It is quite possible that soon the grower will want to propagate the plant, or friends will ask for seedlings. So, it is quite reasonable to find out which method is best used to obtain planting material.


The easiest way to get young seedlings of an evergreen plant is by air layering. Wrap the desired stem with wet sphagnum, wrap it with polyethylene on top, fasten the edges with clothespins or tie with a thin soft wire. After the formation of roots, the stem is cut off from the mother plant and planted in a flowerpot with prepared soil.


This method is the most common. It is necessary to take a part of the cutting with at least two buds and lay it on moist soil. The prepared earth mixture should be very light, so that it is easier for the roots to break through and cling to it. Wet sand works well.

It is enough that the cutting touches the ground with one kidney, moisten well, cover with a film or jar and put in a warm place. best time years for cuttings - the beginning and middle of spring, when the plant begins active growth.

In order for the cutting to take root, it must be constantly sprayed, watered the soil, and periodically remove the top cover for ventilation.

After a while, roots will appear, later - young leaves in the shape of a heart. To speed up the appearance of shoots with leaves, it is better to water the cuttings not just with water, but from time to time with the addition of growth stimulants.

With the advent of the first roots, it is not necessary to rush to plant seedlings in the ground, it is better to give it time to acquire a more developed root system, then when transplanted to a permanent place, the sprout will take root faster and begin to develop further more actively.


Thus, breeding the monster takes the longest time. Only two years later, a plant is obtained with four adult leaves and four to five young leaves. Seeds are sown in a box with wet sand directly on the surface, moistened, covered, the box is placed in a warm and bright place. It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the sand is always wet.

After about a month, sprouts will begin to appear. With their appearance, the film must be removed. The grown seedlings are dived, then annually, until the age of four, they are transplanted into pots slightly larger than the previous ones.

Why monstera leaves are not cut

The main beauty of monstera is its unusual carved leaves. Gardeners can't wait to see them on their plant. But it turns out, young, only grown and opened leaves without cuts and holes. Long-awaited openwork appears in older leaves: first, cuts, and then cuts are formed.

Know! Openwork holes and slots are individual for each individual plant, so flower growers can proudly declare that their monstera is the one and only, it is not identical.

The leaves of such a picturesque plant can grow whole for the reason that it is contained in the shade. It is worth changing the location of the flower, and after a while the leaves will begin to form cuts.

Monstera air roots care for them

Tropical vines have aerial roots - naturally, the monstera retained this feature when grown indoors. Adventitious roots grow opposite each leaf.

They cannot be removed, since they serve as an additional food supplier for vines: reaching the ground and taking root, the processes form a fibrous root system, providing mother plant supplemental nutrition.

When the adventitious roots reach the soil in the flowerpot, they need to be helped to take root. You can still collect a bunch and plant in a separate pot with a nutrient substrate.

Monstera how to care for a flower on the street

Some flower growers may be interested in the question: is it possible to take a flower outside or a balcony for the summer? If the removal is short-term and the grower is sure that he can bring the flowerpot with the plant into the house at any time, staying in the fresh air will not hurt him. At the same time, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in order to ensure timely watering and carefully examine the flower so that it does not become a victim of thrips, spider mites, and other pests.

And yet, monstera belongs to those houseplants that even in summer it is better to be indoors so that they are not killed by a sudden cold snap, unexpected heavy rain, possibly with hail.

Diseases and pests

At high temperature and low humidity, small (up to 1 mm) insects - thrips attack the flower. Females lay up to 100 eggs under the skin in the leaf tissue, from which larvae appear, sucking the juice from the leaves, as a result of which the leaf surface becomes grayish-brown with a silvery sheen.

To help get rid of thrips will help the treatment of the plant with a highly effective preparation "Aktelik" or "Inta - vir". For prevention purposes, regular inspection of the plant is recommended to identify the initial appearance of pests, maintaining high humidity in the room.

At low humidity, an attack on the flower of a spider mite is possible, which can be identified by the appearance of cobwebs in the internodes, small bright dots on the surface of the leaf. The tick itself is very difficult to notice, it is a tiny insect measuring 0.3 - 0.4 millimeters.

It is easier to fight the tick while it is small, because the female tick is very prolific, capable of producing several generations of offspring, then it will be more difficult to fight the insect. You should periodically review the flower, fight the tick when it is first detected with Vertimek or Fitoverm preparations. Repeat processing.

Dangerous for the monstera is a mealybug that sucks the juices from the root neck of the plant, while releasing a poisonous substance and leaving a sweet sticky dew on which a soot fungus develops.

Care in case of a bug: wiping with soapy water, washing under a warm shower, constant spraying, using Aktelik. It is quite difficult to deal with soot fungus, you need to try to prevent its appearance.

Of the diseases, rotting of the main stem occurs due to an excess of moisture. When there is an increased appearance of water droplets on the edges of the leaves, watering should be stopped, give the soil time to dry well. When especially severe cases when time is lost, a plant transplant will be required with the replacement of the soil with a new one.

Direct sun exposure causes burns on the leaves. First, the leaf turns yellow, then dry brown spots appear. As a matter of urgency, you need to rearrange the flower so that it does not receive direct, but diffused light or in light partial shade.

Why monstera leaves turn yellow

If yellowing occurs in winter a large number leaves, watering the plant should be stopped. If possible, transplant into another pot with new soil. The leaves first turn yellow, then the yellowing turns into dry brown spots - the reason for this is the lack of watering.

The foliage may turn yellow because the soil for the flower is not suitable, heavy. Requires a light, moisture-permeable substrate.

Why do monstera leaves dry?

Yellowing and drying lower leaves indicates that the plant lacks nutrition due to poor feeding or small size the pot in which it grows. To correct the situation, transplanting into a larger container or enhanced fertilizers with the next two to three waterings will help.

Dry spots on the leaves may appear if the plant has received sunburn. For the competent maintenance of the monstera, it is necessary to achieve diffused light.

Growing problems

In indoor floriculture, difficulties can be encountered when growing any flower; when caring for a monstera, problems and unforeseen difficulties also occur.

The appearance of dry brown spots on the edges of the leaves suggests that soil moisture is insufficient, if the spots continue to increase, this may be a sign that the air is dry in the room, it should be moistened.

The browning of the leaves and the appearance of cracks on them indicate the content of the flower in a cold and damp room.

Pale green leaf color with further yellowing probably indicates the development of chlorosis. You will need foliar feeding with one of the preparations containing iron (iron chelate) as an ambulance, root dressing iron sulfate. This condition can also be with an excess of bright sunlight.

The leaves not only turn yellow, but also crumble - the maintenance of the flower at high temperature and low humidity. The monster needs to be removed from heating appliances, lower the temperature, spray the foliage more often.

The trunk in the lower part of the plant remains the same thickness as the cutting was taken for propagation. If the lower trunk turned out to be very thin compared to its upper part, you can try to deepen it by sprinkling with a layer of earth, thus protecting it from breaking.

Is it possible to keep a monstera at home

Believing myths while living in the twenty-first century is at least not serious. Now every incomprehensible phenomenon can be easily found a scientific explanation. There is no need to attribute energy vampirism or increased oxygen absorption to the monster.

Know! "Monstera" means "monster" in Latin, but it's just ancient legend, in fact, monstera is a harmless, beautiful, even useful plant.

The plant is really unusual, having many features, for example, the respiratory system. During the day, the monstera absorbs carbon dioxide, releases oxygen.

At night, on the contrary, oxygen is absorbed by the flower, releasing carbon dioxide. If the flower is in a small bedroom, you may feel overwhelmed, tired in the morning due to lack of oxygen. It is enough to take out a flowerpot with a vine from the bedroom, and the problem will be solved.

Another myth that haunts the monstera is that it is poisonous. Indeed, its leaves contain tiny needle-like formations that are only visible under a microscope. They cause burning and irritation of the mucous membranes, falling on them. And if the house has Small child before you start such a plant in the house, you should weigh everything carefully.

In fact, the benefits of the plant are much greater than the imaginary harm:

  • the liana keeps particles of dust on its leaves;
  • releases biological substances that contribute to the destruction of harmful bacteria, viruses, mold;
  • only it has the ability to absorb formaldehydes released from some finishing and building materials;
  • Monstera releases more oxygen than carbon dioxide thus purifying the air of the surrounding area.

With good, proper care, the monstera develops quickly and actively and rarely gets sick. This wonderful plant deserves proper care, and it will be able to thank with its healthy, luxurious appearance.

P.S. I have my own small cottage where I grow vegetables and flowers for pleasure! But, my hobby is overshadowed by the fact that water for irrigation has to be carried from the well in buckets! There is only one way out - to purchase a water pump for summer cottages and gardens!

Young monstera leaves are whole heart-shaped, and in an adult plant they are deeply dissected. The appearance of leaves with a whole plate on an adult monstera indicates that the plant is experiencing a lack of light or nutrients(or both). Although monstera is considered a shade-tolerant plant, it grows better in a bright (without direct sunlight) place. Move the monster closer to the window.

If necessary, carefully transplant the monstera into suitable, fresh soil in the spring.

In March, you can start feeding it regularly until the end of August, applying fertilizer of low concentration 2 times a month.

Monstera care is to create conditions for the plant that are close to its natural living conditions. The temperature should be above +16 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower, the monstera stops growing. In winter, it is advisable not to allow the temperature to drop below +12 degrees.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain a balance of humidity - temperature. In winter, if the temperature is lowered, watering should be reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out, it should be moist. When the temperature rises, when the monstera grows, watering should be plentiful, but the soil should dry out between waterings. For the monstera plant, care also includes spraying and washing the leaves. warm water. To make the leaves shine better, a little milk is added to the washing water.

Monstera does not tolerate direct sunlight, but this does not mean that it can be placed in a dark corner. With a lack of lighting, the plant stops growing, the leaves become smaller, lose their color, and the correct symmetrical cuts do not form on them. For normal growth and development, Monstera needs bright diffused light or partial shade. We must not forget about the aerial roots, which do not need to be removed.

In order for the plant to receive more nutrients and moisture, they try to direct the aerial roots to the ground, and in addition, they use additional support in the form of a tube rolled from plastic mesh with moss or peat, which is kept moist all the time. Such an artificial wet trunk does not allow the air roots to dry out and creates the necessary moisture for the entire plant. In rooms with central heating and very dry air, the plant must be sprayed.

Monstera is a large flower. He needs a fairly large pot (diameter 30cm). Drainage is required at the bottom of the pot. The soil consists of equal parts of compost earth, sand and peat. Monstera is transplanted every two years.

As you grow, you need a larger pot.

Monstera. Plant care.

And how many leaves does your monstera have? Sections appear on the fifth, sixth sheets and further on all subsequent ones.

Probably because she is still young. Young monstera leaves without cuts.

Monsters are unpretentious, it is quite easy to grow them. It must be protected from direct sunlight, it loves high humidity, it is advisable to spray the leaves. Read more about care here.

maybe she's just still young, they have about 5 new leaves growing without cuts.

It’s easy to care for by watering regularly. I also advise you to lower the aerial roots into jars of water, trample growth like yeast) and multiply by simple cuttings on 1 leaf with a piece of stem. Just put in water and plant as roots appear. We have these monsters like the weeds have already sprouted..)

she is probably still young, they will appear on the 5-7 sheet, or she lacks light

maybe you need to cut it..

With a lack of lighting, too low air temperature, lack of moisture or nutrition, monstera leaves grow whole, without cuts. On the north side, in the depths of dimly lit rooms, it is impossible to achieve large, strongly dissected leaves from Monstera. In such plants, the leaf blade can always remain intact. Although, it must be remembered that there are types of monstera, in which the leaves are almost always whole, Monstera pointed (Monstera acuminata, another name for Monstera Karvinsky), for example Rare holes in its leaves appear when the stem becomes more than 3 m long, on a vertical support

Monstera can be called differently. Monstera