Dima's name is bad. The meaning of the name Dmitry for a boy: we grow mother's reliable support and joy

As a child, a child named Dmitry is very charming and talkative. It often happens that such children are similar to their mothers, adopting not only her appearance, but also character traits. This means that Dima has a strong bond with his mother. The latter also determines the craving for general attention.

He likes to feel the care of relatives. Against this background, capriciousness is possible, which manifests itself quite often due to some pain at an early age. Later, capriciousness develops into stubbornness. In general, Dmitry is faithful to friendship and kinship, but getting along with a child is not easy.

A boy can be incredibly talented, intelligent and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve serious success in his studies until he stops being extremely chatty. For his mother, Dima is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering.

IN adolescence Dmitri studies well and is subject to outside influences. For Dima it will not be a big challenge to be an excellent student, but his preferences refer to technical sciences, which are more understandable for him and seem to be practical. Problems with study and behavior can arise due to the bad influence to which all Dmitriy are permanently exposed. This influence is not always positive, so parents should monitor their child at this stage of life in order to notice harmful changes in time.

Dima often becomes the cause of the sighs of his peers, since he has all the data for this. But he himself begins to take an interest in girls much later than his entourage, due to his extreme employment. Having a hobby or some kind of hobby that is not related to school and friends, Dmitry will devote himself entirely to him, which significantly cuts down the time for other entertainments. This can serve as a kind of seclusion, since nothing will interest him as much as the found occupation.

At this age, Dima is often fond of sports under the influence of his mother. His health will be well influenced by visiting any sports section, which will not only develop him physically, but also expand his range of interests. Will not be superfluous hiking trips, fishing, joint outdoor activities.

Having matured, Dmitry attracts people to his unwillingness to put up with restrictions, a freedom-loving character and purposefulness, an original thinking that attracts not only girls, but also males, allowing him to quickly make friends among the interlocutors who interested him.

From Dima it turns out good friend... He attracts people with sincerity and reliability. But in noisy companies he often drinks, which is another hallmark... There is usually no cause for concern - craving for alcohol during a party rarely develops into alcoholism.

In maturity, he is prone to a series of ups and downs, which are due to a changeable and somewhat contradictory nature. Dmitry loves to surround himself with beautiful and bright women, noisy events and pleasure in its various forms. The latter often becomes a serious problem for him.

Dmitriy - Greek name(sounds like Dimitrios). It is interpreted as "earthly fruit" or "dedicated to Demeter" (the goddess of agriculture and fertility, named "Mother Earth"). completely absorbed the joy, active principle, reliability, inherent in the Earth. The Church Slavonic form is Dimitri, the Old Russian form is Dimitr.

The meaning of the name Dima manifests itself in childhood. He often suffers from various respiratory diseases, which is why he requires constant attention, is capricious and shows instability of character. But still he is full of kindness and complaisance, although in school years his stubbornness and irascibility may appear. In relations with classmates, Dmitry is ambiguous. It can break him, but it happens and vice versa - such situations strengthen him.

The secret of the name Dima in the professional field: the job of a programmer or a researcher suits him most of all, there is a high probability of success in trade and medicine. Better Dmitry choose a field of activity where you need constant communication with people. In a company, a person with that name is always in the spotlight. His charm allows him to enjoy success with beautiful women... Dima, the meaning of whose name we are considering, is very fond of comfort, coziness and various pleasures. Funny company can make him have good fun and even drink, but not too much: he is not threatened.

In life, Dmitry is hardworking, he copes with failures easily. He makes a career himself, quickly adapts to various situations. He always brings the work started to the end, works great in a team. There is only one drawback in communicating with people - sometimes he teaches them quite incorrectly. But still, for the sake of his friends, Dima is ready for a lot. Although, due to impulsiveness and stubbornness, it is difficult for him to be with them for a long time. Injustice and resentment can drive him to a violent state. Diplomacy is not his strong point. Dima always strives to be the best, to be the first.

Priorities: He is madly attached to luxury, drink and food. It is difficult not only for him, but also for his relatives, especially his wife, to create an appropriate standard of living.

Dmitry is very amorous. And each time, new feelings take him so much that he sometimes forgets about his current sympathy and is sharply carried away by another woman. This often develops into deep feelings. But it is not possible to build a long and lasting relationship, since Dima does not understand well the psychology of women. For this reason, a large number of marriages are possible. And if children are born in them, then they all bathe in the care of their father. Dima maintains romantic relationships with women at any age. Mother for Dmitry is an authority for life.

The names of women with whom happiness in marriage is possible: Elena, Anna, Lilia, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Yana, Natalia. It is impossible to build relationships with Angela, Vika, Irina, Inna, Marina, Julia, Sophia.

The meaning of the name Dima will be very useful for parents who choose a future for their baby, to some extent depending on how the child will be named.

A sonorous and truly proud name Dmitry. What does this beautiful male name mean? It has quite interesting origin... This name originates from the name of Demeter, the goddess of the ancient Greek mythology, patroness of soil and fertility. What does the name Dima mean? The meaning of the name Dmitry can be interpreted as “the fruit brought to earth” or “the gift of Demeter”. Thanks to such an unusual and noble origin, the name Dmitry has absorbed reliability, joyful beginning and firmness - that is, everything that is characteristic of the earth. What is the secret of the name Dmitry? This is what will be discussed.

Main character traits

As a rule, children named Dmitry often get sick in infancy. They are prone to respiratory diseases, and also often pick up various infections, including rubella, mumps and chickenpox. Because of this, a boy named Dima needs constant care and attention, eventually getting used to the fact that everyone and everything should be around him. Throughout childhood and most of his adolescence, his mother fiercely took care of her son due to his pain, so for all his life she will become the ideal woman for him. Dima is a rather capricious child, nervous system which is unstable enough, therefore, constant crying and tantrums are characteristic of him.

However, oddly enough, with age, exactingness and desire to always be in the spotlight turn into stubbornness and a desire to reach the top in anything. Therefore, Dmitri often occupies leadership positions, and their advancement on the career ladder is more like an elevator that rushes upward at incredible speed. As for intelligence, Dima has a sharp and inventive mind, he likes to solve various logical tasks... Curiosity and love for work are also inherent in the boy. The owners of this name love comfort, it is difficult for them to limit themselves in something, any, even the smallest, inconvenience causes them a lot of suffering, makes them angry and nervous.

Distinctive features of the owner of the name Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is that he is incredibly courageous and fearless, without a doubt he will rush into the thick of the fight, not for a second thinking about the consequences. This must be why many great generals bear the proud name Dmitry (Pozharsky, Donskoy). Unfortunately, Dmitry has a rather unpleasant sin behind him - he is quite amorous and windy. For Dima, there is nothing terrible and shameful in parting with one girl and on the same day starting to look after another. It must be for this reason that carriers of this name can get divorced several times in their lives.

Dmitry's touching attitude towards children deserves special attention. Dima will protect his child until his death, while caring and loving as much as not every mother is capable of. In addition, Dima is affectionate with animals, even as an adult, he can bring a wounded homeless kitten into the house and leave him, make him a member of the family.

Dima is incredibly devoted to his friends, he is ready to help them in anything without a doubt. Sadly, that is why Dmitry is often used, and he is too trusting to notice.

Dmitry's hobbies

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he is with early age is distinguished by curiosity and purposefulness. As a rule, boys with this name are attracted to exact sciences, they like to solve geometric problems and complex algebraic equations, which not every adult can understand. In addition, Dmitry has a distinct talent in sports disciplines, including football, basketball, boxing and even equestrian sports. Danger and risk are attractive to Dmitry, as a result of which he will sit on even the most moral horse without fear or enter the ring to an aggressive and dangerous opponent.

Positive traits of Dmitry

Brave and smart, Dmitry attracts attention, he can easily win over any person. It is interesting and fun with him, easy-going, the owner of this name calmly reacts to unexpected or unpleasant situations. Dmitry makes friends easily. Dima can defend his friend to the last drop of blood, he is ready to give for loved one a life.

If a friend or relative is in a bad mood, Dmitry will definitely cheer up with his perky and funny jokes. There are always a lot of friends and comrades around Dmitry, as it is interesting to spend time with him. Dima always becomes the "soul" of the company. The owners of this name often go for advice, which they share with great enthusiasm. Inborn leadership qualities give Dmitry an impetus to quickly and easily climb the career ladder.

Dmitry painlessly experiences setbacks, does not give up his goal under any circumstances. The owners of this name are always purposeful, they know what they want from life. It is difficult to knock him off the intended path, since Dima goes to the desired one through any thorns and obstacles with the confidence of a tank.

Negative traits of Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he experiences resentment and injustice very hard. At such moments, he is extremely quick-tempered, he can break even at the closest person. Keeping emotions under control is difficult for Dmitry, he needs to speak out, otherwise a nervous breakdown and depression cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, the owners of this name are quite demanding of people. Dima sincerely believes that everyone should be as selfless and intelligent as himself, which is why there is a feeling that Dmitry is too proud and narcissistic.

TO negative traits character can also be attributed to the fact that Dmitry puts his goals and desires above all others, if necessary, he can go over his head without a twinge of conscience. Sometimes it can be despotic, which will negatively affect others. Sometimes overly ambitious and picky, he likes to poke his nose where not asked.

The influence of the seasons on the character and fate of the owner of the name Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean? Dima's character very often depends on what time of year he was born. Let's consider all four options.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: winter. Boys born in winter time years and bearing the name Dmitry, most often very stubborn and stubborn children who, when they grow up, only root these qualities in themselves. In addition, winter Dmitry is smart beyond his years and quick-witted, he likes to look for a way out with the help of non-standard solutions.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: spring. Dima, born in spring, is kind-hearted and really sincere. He loves animals, he is ready to take all cats and dogs in the city under his care. Dima, born in spring, knows how to see the beauty of nature, the best rest for him would be to lie in the shade of trees in a meadow or dig in the beds.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: summer. Dima, born in summer, cheerful and perky. Differs in a special attitude towards close people, he is ready to forgive them any behavior and even betrayal. However, despite such an easy attitude to life, Dima is quite self-critical and dependent on the opinions of others, he likes to be in the center of attention, which he tries to do all the time.

Autumn Dmitry. Dima, born in autumn, is prone to contemplation and observation. He has an irresistible craving for beauty, appreciates art and music, often studies himself creative activity... Depression and blues, unfortunately, are also inherent in autumn Dima, but he easily overcomes them, especially if the shoulder of a loved one is nearby, whose support Dmitry greatly appreciates.


What does the name Dima mean? What character and temperament are the owners of this "strong" name endowed with? Dmitry has an unusual temperament. Sometimes one gets the impression that all four types of temperament have gathered in him. Sometimes even the most unexpected and out of the ordinary situations can not drive him out of himself. And sometimes, on the contrary, even a trifle can greatly anger Dima, however, he will try with all his might to hide this irritation. From childhood, Dmitry learns to control his emotions, which, no doubt, perfectly masters by the age of 20-25.

It is pleasant to be near Dmitry, warmth emanates from him and positive emotions, Dima simply is not capable of being angry or offended for a long time. I am ready to apologize to a dear person even if I am innocent. Dmitry's temperament can be compared with a spring: he only tolerates a certain load, but can break at any time.

Dmitry in love, his personal life

What is Dmitry in love? The secret of the name suggests that he is passionate and gentle at the same time. Dmitry is very popular with the fair sex. Unfortunately, Dmitry is fickle. One love for life is not about him. As a rule, Dima retains a craving for women until old age, so there are often cases when Dima has a mistress or files for divorce, inflamed with feelings for another woman. However, the owner of the name Dmitry is the owner in relation to women. Dima will never tolerate treason on the part of the second half, trust in a relationship is too important for him.

Dmitry loves to be surrounded by gorgeous women, this raises his self-esteem and makes him even more self-confident. As a rule, women themselves find the company of the imperious and mannered Dmitry pleasant, therefore they like to spend time with him.

In marriage, Dmitry is in most cases unhappy. Dima does not trust too much and appreciates the opinion of his wife, preferring to make decisions on his own and not consult with his soul mate. As a spouse, Dima is extremely difficult to rise: grumpy, picky, harsh and unshakable. He can go to the left more than once, while not considering it a sin and not experiencing the pangs of conscience.

Dmitry takes sexual relations and the choice of a partner extremely seriously, preferring experienced and sophisticated women who are ready to take the initiative into their own hands. He loves sex, even talking about him gives Dima pleasure, as he is confident in his own abilities.

Dima likes to make surprises for his soul mate, and the more expensive the gift, the better. Thus, Dmitry can, without hesitation, present his beloved with a fur coat or new car, subject to availability of funds. He himself accepts gifts cool enough.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: name compatibility

Dmitry will be especially happy in a marriage with the owners of such names: Elena, Eugene, Olga, Anna, Daria, Lyudmila. A rather successful game for Dima will be composed by: Angela, Sofia, Victoria, Maya, Galina, Alina, Irina and Svetlana. Unfortunately, an unsuccessful marriage awaits Dmitry with Christina, Anastasia, Nadezhda, Oksana, Julia, Ekaterina and Maria.

Interesting facts about the owners of the name Dmitry

What kind of father will the owner of the name Dmitry be? The secret and meaning of the name tells us that most often Dima has sons, given that they are expecting no less daughters. He will cherish and cherish his child, will never give offense and will be a mountain for him in any situation. Thanks to this, Dmitry turns out to be a wonderful dad who is ready to give his child every last shirt. It is believed that it is precisely in order to give his children all the best that Dmitry works so hard, thereby killing his health for the sake of his offspring. Despite frequent hobbies for women, Dmitry can only have one true love for the whole life.

In order to attract the attention of Dima, you need to have not only a spectacular and pleasant appearance, but also have a rich inner peace, since Dmitry will never pay attention to the "dummy". Surprisingly, most of all, Dmitry likes women with an unusual hair color: redheads, ashy blondes, very dark brunettes.

Professions in which Dmitry will be successful

What does the name Dmitry mean? What professions are suitable for Dima? Possessing a sharp mind and ingenuity, Dmitry will be an excellent leader. He will make a wonderful engineer, architect or foreman. Dima will also be in demand as a highly qualified doctor or programmer. As a rule, the choice of such professions as a designer, archaeologist or teacher will not be very successful.

Famous people named Dmitry

The owners of the name Dmitry are such famous people:

  • Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (commander).
  • Dmitry Pozharsky (commander).
  • Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (writer).
  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (chemist).
  • Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (composer).
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (President of Russia 2008-2012).

Astrology named after Dmitry

Planet: Uranus.

Colour, which Dmitry should choose: blood red.

Wood: ash, mountain ash, elm.

Animal: tiger, lion, walrus.

A rock, luck accompanying: sapphire.

Numbers, which will bring good luck: 02, 37, 89, 104.

Name options: Dmitry, Dima, Dimochka, Dimulechka, Mitya, Mityusha, Mitrofan, Dimitri.

Now you know the secret of the name Dmitry. For a child, it will definitely bring good luck, as it is a real, strong, proud male name.

What does the name Dmitry mean

Dmitri has an explosive, strong-willed character. Because of this, it is difficult to find with them mutual language... They are persistent, smart. Colleagues at work welcome in them sociability and the ability to easily endure failure.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Dmitry means - "belonging to Demeter." Some translate this name as "Pretender".

The origin of the name Dmitry:

The name Dmitry comes from the Greek word "Demetrios" - "belonging to Demeter." Demeter is the name of the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Dmitry:

In childhood, Dima often suffer from colds and viral diseases, but they like to be treated. Therefore, growing up, they often pretend to be sick. Capricious, demanding attention. At an older age, capriciousness is replaced by stubbornness. Defenseless in the face of suddenly collapsed problems. Children named Dmitry are often cruel towards those for whom they do not feel love. For their conversations they forget about the case.

Dima are brave, attractive, but cruel. They rush into battle without thinking about the consequences, for which fate often punishes them. They try not to miss their chance. They try to get everything in life at once. They do not know how to listen, they talk a lot, sometimes the dialogue turns into a monologue. Confused in their own thoughts. Dmitry always has a bunch of ideas, therefore, the main thing is to stop him on time, otherwise he will waste his energy. He always skillfully makes acquaintances with the people he needs. In his environment, you will not find a person who would not be useful to him. The mother is a great authority for them. They like to drink, but do not abuse.

Dmitry is practical, loves work, sociable and enterprising. He attracts people to him, using his sense of humor, open heart, willingness to always come to the aid of friends at any moment. You can rely on him, he is reliable, and many take advantage of him.

Dima loves adventures and risking his life. Usually, in such cases, fortune smiles at him, but sometimes failures can overtake him. Dmitry, usually, does not really save money. Often spent on unnecessary little things.

Dmitriy tend to move up the career ladder, especially where work is associated with communication with people. Dima doesn't like monotony. They can make good composers, artists, scientists. Thanks to their intelligence and eloquence, they can realize themselves in public and political activities... They like to get quick and good results. Dim often shows business skills.

Dima prefers beautiful women, loves coziness, comfort and various pleasures. He does not know how to deny himself anything. Therefore, his wife will have to "strain" to create everything the necessary conditions for Dmitry and come to terms with his constant discontent. Dmitry likes to grumble. Jealous, but in moderation. Throughout his life, he feels the need for love and seeks romance.

Dmitry is polygamous. He falls in love very often. The feeling captures him so that he rushes into love with his head. His sympathies often change. For this reason, he has frequent divorces and new marriages. But to all his children - both from new and old marriages, he maintains a good and reverent attitude and helps them throughout his life.

After the formation of Christianity in Russia, the name Dmitry appeared in the everyday life of the Russians. It came from Byzantium. Initially, this name sounded like Demetrius.

The name Dmitry in different languages:

  • Dmitry's name in English: Dmitri (Dmitri)
  • The name Dmitry in Chinese: 德米特里 (Damitali)
  • Dmitry's name in Japanese: ド ミ ト リ イ (Domitorii)
  • The name Dmitry in Spanish: Demetrio (Demetrio)
  • The name Dmitry in German: Demetrius (Demetrius)
  • The name Dmitry in Polish: Dymitr (Dymitr), Demetriusz (Demetriusz)
  • Dmitry's name in Ukrainian: Dmitro

Forms and variants of the name Dmitry: Dima, Mityai, Mitra, Mitrasha, Mitryukha, Dimakha, Dimasha, Dimukha, Mitryusha, Mityulya, Mityunya, Dimusha, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityaha, Mityasha

Dmitry is the color of the name: Red Blue

Dmitry flower: chrysanthemum

Dmitry's stone: lapis lazuli

Contradictory Dmitry. The origin of the name and its meaning

Of course, a lot of things have migrated into our culture from the Greek, and some names are also no exception. Among them is Dmitry. The origin of the name is associated with the ancient Greek goddess Demeter, who was held in special esteem by the Greeks. Let's talk about the meaning of this name.

The origin of the name Dmitry

The ancient Greek goddess Demeter, who lived on Mount Olympus, was the personification of Mother Earth's love for her children, as well as fertility. It was Demeter who was responsible for the harvest and flowering, for falling asleep all living things in winter and for the resurrection of life in spring! From Demeter, the name Dmitry was formed at one time. The origin of the name is rather straightforward. Demetriss is the one who belongs to the goddess Demeter! As you know, the ancient goddess of fertility and the earth did not admit everyone. To do this, you need to be elected, and Dmitry is like that!

The name is Dmitry. Meaning

The origin of the name, as we have already found out, takes Dmitry to Olympus - the home of ancient gods and goddesses! Well, is it not the chosen one? Moreover, Dmitry is the humble one of this world! The energy of his character inclines Dima to calmness and patience. It also happens that silence that lasts longer than necessary, as well as submissive humility, can turn into a real explosion. This can become dangerous for the people around you. What do you want? Nobody said that Dmitriy are reserved people! They are rather rebels! Although...

As a child, Dima will suffer from their unstable nervous system. These are capricious boys prone to colds. With age, Dima's capriciousness turns into some kind of stubbornness. However, he soon becomes calmer, stops constantly hurting.

Perseverance combined with ingenuity makes Dmitry a real hard worker. He is not afraid of any work, everywhere he shows his ingenuity. He becomes sociable with people. By the way, this can also bear fruit - respect from the authorities and colleagues. After all, this person is able to cope with their failures as easily as they can deftly communicate with those around them. This is how he is, Dmitry!

The origin of the name obliges Dima to be head and shoulders above his potential opponents and associates, and also to go one step ahead of them. In principle, he copes with this well. This helps him to make a career, so Dima does not have to worry about his future. In addition, they themselves are not averse to starting to teach other people.

Dmitry is a pretty strong-willed nature! If he sees that something is not being done the way he needs it, there is a real explosion! In addition, this person is a wonderful ally and a dangerous enemy. Never forget this when you have anything to do with Dmitri!

Horoscope for the name Dmitry

The origin of the name is necessarily associated with his horoscope. The stars do not sleep! Let's find out what they have prepared for Dima.

  • His zodiac sign is Scorpio. And this is understandable, because Dmitry has an explosive character.
  • Its planets are Saturn and Pluto.
  • The colors that match the given name are steel, purple and brown.
  • The totem animal is a walrus with huge and powerful fangs.
  • Dmitry's flowers are chrysanthemums. In addition, a branch of mountain ash can bring him happiness.
  • The mascot stones for this name are as follows: red and black opal and lapis lazuli, set in silver.

What does the name Dmitry mean?

The origin of this name is associated with the name of Demeter from ancient mythology. She is the goddess of earth and fertility.
Dmitry is growing sick child... He will get sick with a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious, demanding of others. The mother will constantly seek protection and help. Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of childish capriciousness, but communication with him will not be easy. He is stubborn, sometimes he can flare up. At the same time, Dmitry is smart, persistent, does not give up in case of failure. In the team, he feels free and easily navigates in a new environment.
He is best promoted in a career that requires the ability to communicate with people. Dmitry loves a comfortable environment, beautiful women and a variety of pleasures. As a rule, it does not limit itself in anything.
Dmitry is easily carried away by women, without experiencing any remorse about his former sympathies. He often remarries, but treats children from previous marriages with love and continues to take care of them all his life. Likes to drink, but does not experience a strong addiction to alcohol. The biggest authority in Dmitry's life is his mother.
Serious relationships and marriage with a woman bearing the name: Anna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalia, Elvira are successful.
Relationships with a woman named after: Victoria, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Maria, Nina, Sophia, Yulia can be very difficult.

Dmitri comes from the ancient Greek word "demetriss" - belonging to Demeter. (IN ancient mythology Demeter is the goddess of earth and fertility).
Dmitry's birthday: February 24, May 28, June 16, August 22, September 24, October 4, November 8, 10, 28.
Dmitry is a nature with powerful inclinations, but extremely inconsistent with each other, inharmonious, with sharp corners and all sorts of surprises. Dima is proud. This pride entails straightforwardness and truthfulness.
Indifferent to food and drink, luxurious surroundings. He tends to value external honor most of all. Therefore, he so wants money, which gives both power and various pleasures. Sometimes sensuality in him fights greed, and revelry with stinginess. Pride makes Dmitry demand more from himself than he can, but, realizing his inconsistency, he is ready to give up what he is capable of.

Irina pravdina

Dmitry - (from Greek) referring to Demeter.
Old: Demetrius.
Spoken: Mitri.
Colloquial: Mitrei.
Derivatives: Dima, Dimakha, Dimasha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Mityai, Mityulya, Mityunya, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mityasha, Mitrya, Mitrasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha.
The fruit of the earth (from Greek).
People are strong, flexible, quick to make decisions. Talented. Are good. They are thorough and respect the word "must". In love, there are always real men.
Dmitry - belonging to Demeter (ancient Greek), the Greek goddess of fertility and patroness of agriculture.
The Russian form of the name Dmitry is very popular, in terms of prevalence on a par with Andrei, second only to Alexander, Sergei and Alexei.
Zodiac name: Scorpio.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: purple.
Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.
Favorable plant: mountain ash, chrysanthemum.
Patron of the name: walrus.
Lucky day: Tuesday.
Happy season: autumn.
Main features: independence, temperament.
Little Dmitry is adored by his family and is called exclusively Mitya. He is a kind, flexible boy, calm and diligent, therefore, if the family in which he grows up attaches importance to education, in the future he will prove himself in the scientific field. At school, he has independence and even self-will. However, he can go on about not very good friends, especially since he prefers to be friends with older boys.
Adult Dmitry is charming, brave and cruel. Resentment and injustice infuriate him, he pounces on the offender without looking back, not thinking about the consequences, for which he is often punished. It is difficult to make friends with him, he is proud, strives always and everywhere to be the best and unsurpassed. However, he has friends, and they are faithful to each other.
Unusual activity, temperament, stubborn strong-willed character will help Dmitry achieve success in show business, ballet, politics. As an artist, he can bewitch crowds of fans, he has the magic of acting, the politician will also succeed. He is practical, knows the value of money, can be a dentist, work in trade. Most often, Dmitry is a leader. "Winter", having special fighting qualities, must be a leader. Dmitry is accustomed to discipline since childhood, demands the same from others. He is hardworking, has a cold analytical mind, draws conclusions only after a thorough study of the situation.
Dmitry loves coziness, comfort, various pleasures, beautiful women. He loves to drink, but he has no particular addiction to alcohol.
Sexual maturity comes to him very early, but his incontinence in conversation, his energy, which seeks to quickly splash out, does not provide an opportunity for easy success. Dmitry is very amorous, until old age it is difficult for him to limit himself, he often has repeated marriages. He loves children and takes care of those born in previous marriages. Great influence even in mature age his mother renders him, he cares for her touchingly. Dmitry is happiest in marriage with Anna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalia.
P.A.Florensky said about Dmitry:
"Dmitry is a significant character and his entire appearance, in some of his capabilities often exceeding the measure of humanity and even humanity."
Middle name: Dimitrievich, Dmitrievich, Dimitrievna, Dmitrievna.
Names, patron saints
Dimitri Basarbovsky (Bassarabovsky) Bulgarian, Reverend, November 8 (October 26).
Dmitry Dabudsky, martyr, November 28 (15).
Dimitri Donskoy, Grand Duke, June 1 (May 19). Born in 1350. According to the chronicle, "he brought all the princes under his rule, and those who did not obey his will, he began to encroach on them." Under him, Moscow established its leading position in the Russian lands. Glorified for centuries as the conqueror of the Tatars, although his domestic politics in containing civil strife is even more remarkable.
Demetrius of Constantinople, martyr, August 22 (9).
Dimitry Prilutsky, Vologda, Shumen, February 24 (11).

And again on the project!

What does the name Dmitry mean?
1) Struggling,
2) dedicated) to someone)
3) Competitive
Short form of the name Dmitry.
Dima, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Demi, Dede, Deme, Micah, Dimsho, Mityai, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityaha, Mityasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha, Dimakha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Mityulya, Mityunya.
The name Dmitry is common Russian name Greek origin, meaning "dedicated to the goddess Demeter."
Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility, therefore the name Dmitry is often given the meaning of "farmer". Folk forms named after Dmitry in Russian: Mitriy, Mitrei. The diminutive Micah is also used to refer to Michael. Every time you find out that your new acquaintance is named Dmitry, know that you are facing an unusually kind, active person who has a will to live. Although it is difficult to break Dmitry in life, he can withdraw into himself under the burden of piled up problems. He is not able to enter into the position of another person and can be unnecessarily harsh. Dmitry looks at all the events "from his bell tower", and if he does not like what is happening, Dmitry's reaction may be too explosive. Dmitry is loyal to friendship, but living with him is not easy. You can communicate with him at a distance for a long time, but a strong will and stubbornness will not give rest at home. Dmitry can be very talented, smart and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve anything in life until he quits his characteristic talkativeness. For mothers, Dmitry is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering. Dmitry also quickly falls in love, as he cools. In a relationship, he boldly goes to the intended goal and often achieves success. But success in the life of this man, as a rule, is followed by failures, after ups - downs. Stability is not characteristic of men with this name. In business, Dmitry relies on logic and completely forgets about diplomacy. He is willing to take risks, his the main objective- to be the best, not to be surpassed. Although Dmitry is not devoid of intuition, he sometimes forgets about it. His main assistant in business is his cold and rational mind. Dmitry belongs to men with a heightened sense of morality. He will not allow anyone to joke about this topic. It is not surprising that the first woman in his life does not appear at all early. With women, Dmitry behaves like a real man, although sometimes he lacks the ability to seduce. Dmitry enters into marriage more than once. Dmitry has a good chance of achieving a lot in the technical field. He can be both a researcher and a programmer. At the same time, he is a very businesslike person. He is quick to make decisions, always remembering the necessary matters. Dmitry easily fits into any team, is good at communicating with people. Although he does not strive for leadership, he progresses rather quickly in the service.
Dmitry celebrates his name day on January 4, January 8, January 21, January 31, February 7, February 9, February 11, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 22, March 25, March 28, March 31, April 1, April 23 , April 26, May 2, May 28, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 15, June 16, June 18, June 26, July 3, July 17, July 21, August 1, August 14, August 17, 20 August, 25 August, 8 September, 9 September, 13 September, 19 September, 24 September, 28 September, 30 September, 4 October, 10 October, 17 October, 21 October, 1 November, 3 November, 8 November, 10 November, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 14, December 17.

It's no secret that a person's fate is greatly influenced by his name. It can lead to success, make its owner happy. So, the beautiful name Dmitry or his form Dimitri also affects the character and fate of the boy.

The origin of the name Dmitry or Dimitri is ancient Greek. It means "dedicated to Demeter" - the goddess of agriculture and fertility. The name is very popular in Russia.

Astrology name

  • Astrological sign: Scorpio
  • Patron planet: Pluto
  • Talisman Stone: Lapis Lazuli
  • Color: purple
  • Tree: rowan
  • Plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: walrus
  • Auspicious day: Tuesday

Character traits

The main personal qualities of Dmitry are will and perseverance. He has a firm, even a little tough and complex character. But the people around him respect him, because he is charismatic, sociable, and often the leader of the company also turned on. This is a responsible man who will never let you down in a difficult situation. In addition, he is a moralist by nature and in no case will go over his head for his goal, for which it may seem boring.

Dmitry is devoid of a sense of fear. He can fight even with unequal forces, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Lucky in life, it is very difficult to break him. He has a sharp mind that helps him out in difficult life situations. The guy is easy to talk, he is very friendly and able to attract people to him. But at the same time, his talkativeness can play a cruel joke on him, especially in promotion.

The owner of the name Dmitry is able to achieve his career goals, although he does not like to be overworked, so he can easily miss something important in his work. In life, he is unyielding. The inability to admit that others are right sometimes goes to extremes, which can alienate close acquaintances and friends from him.

Winter Dmitry is a born leader both in his career and in love. Unusually ambitious, authoritarian. Born in spring - stubborn and at the same time unpredictable, he is constantly in search of new sensations. Summer is very emotional, which even goes to extremes, jealous and unusually amorous. And the autumn one is a careerist, loves and knows how to earn and spend money.

Hobbies and hobbies

The secret of the name Dmitry hides a very mobile and active person... He loves fishing, hiking. In his youth, he often attends sports sections, sometimes achieves success in boxing and martial arts. He often travels, discovers the whole world. But when he grows up, he spends more and more time in the family circle.

Profession and business

The ideal profession for Dmitry is one where you need to communicate a lot with people. These include journalism, trade, design, architecture, medicine. Also, creative professions are easy for him. TO leadership positions usually does not strive, but the boss turns out to be excellent, moderately demanding. In your career, you should beware of laziness and excessive talkativeness.

Dmitry can become a successful entrepreneur if he has a business acumen and dedication. He needs to carefully look at the environment so that no one uses his trust to their advantage. In general, a good businessman can come out of it.


From an early age, Dmitry is often sick, he can pick up almost all childhood diseases at a tender age. Over the years, frailty usually goes away, health is strengthened. But at the same time, he should pay attention to the work of the heart, kidneys and circulatory organs.

Sex and love

Dima is very amorous, but he quickly loses interest in the object of his passion. Being jealous, he can instantly explode and "break wood" if he doesn't like something. He often lacks self-control and diplomacy.

For Dmitry, his woman should be the embodiment of the ideal: smart, beautiful, passionate, able and loving to cook, and most importantly, adore him. In his youth, he is often fond of the fair sex, until he finds the one - the one and only. But at the same time he is able to sincerely love several girls.

Despite his addiction to female sex, the owner of this beautiful name is very indecisive. He cannot take the first step towards a woman until he is convinced that sympathy is mutual. Therefore, it is very important for his chosen one to convince her beloved of her feelings.

Jealous Dmitry never forgives his girlfriend for infidelity. She has to endure constant control from her lover. But if he discovers the fact of betrayal, does not arrange scandals and scenes of jealousy, but simply deletes it from his life forever.

Dima needs a brave and liberated woman who can satisfy his sexual desires. He tries to suppress his feelings, referring to moral principles... Therefore, it is very important for his girlfriend to gently and unobtrusively hint at intimacy with him. With the fair sex, he is usually correct and polite, and with life experience, an understanding of female nature appears.

Family and marriage

Dmitry has a very serious attitude to marriage. His wife should be the best, the embodiment of ideals. At the same time, he needs to be sure that he is ready to be with this woman all his life. That is why he never enters into hasty marriages. He must live with a girl long time before you go with her to the registry office.

Dmitry forms a family only for love. This feeling in union should only grow and grow stronger, so that the husband does not get tired of his chosen one and does not rush into the maelstrom of new sympathy. Often, the owner of this name enters into several marriages, while falling in love with each of his new wife.

Family for him is the basis of his whole life. He loves children very much, pays a lot of attention to them. For all his hot temper, he is a good and not too strict educator. Even after a divorce, she tries to be with children. And for a wife, in order for the marriage to be successful, it is very important to be able to make compromises, to come to terms with his stubbornness, jealousy and avarice for compliments. Dmitry is a faithful spouse, his moral principles will not allow him to walk to the left.

The name Dmitry sounds very beautiful and noble. But it is also a monument of Russian culture and history, and its owners can rightfully be proud of their name. Yet, despite the popularity, few know what the name Dmitry means, and even more so, what is the history (or secret) of its origin, the interpretation of the name and its meaning for children.

The interpretation of the male name Dmitry is associated with the Greek word "Demetrios", which means "related to Demeter." In Greek mythology, Demeter is the patroness of agriculture and the goddess of fertility, and she is undoubtedly reflected in the owners of this beautiful name.

A bit of history

The history of the name Dmitry begins with Byzantium, from where it came to Russia and immediately gained popularity among all segments of the population, becoming one of the most common baptismal names. In addition to Dmitry, the origin of other names is associated with the name "Demetrios": Dimitri, Mityuk, Dmitri, Dmitr, etc.

Of all the saints, Christians most of all honored Dmitry Donskoy (the Grand Duke who lived in the XIV century), Dmitry Thessaloniki (the great martyr who suffered for his faith). Also, this list can be continued by the names of people who have left their mark on the history of the Russian Church: Metropolitan Dimitry of Rostov, Dimitry Prilutsky. In total, the church list of saints includes fifty-three Demetrius, two Demetrians and one Demetrion.

Among famous people, bearing the name Dmitry can be noted Dmitry Mendeleev (chemist), Dmitry Averkiev (writer), Dmitry Kabalevsky and Dmitry Shostakovich (composers), etc.

Main character traits

Since childhood, the boy has a capricious character, some instability in terms of emotions. He is very picky about those around him. Over time, it becomes stubborn and strong-willed. But the nervous system is still unstable: he can easily "explode", and therefore difficulties often arise in communicating with him. He loves his mother very much, and she means a lot to him, even an adult.

  • As for classes and studies, parents and teachers need to be able to direct his energy in the right direction, to a "good" cause, and not waste it. Sports activities (active types) are ideal for this purpose.
  • In terms of health, Dmitry often has colds in childhood. Fortunately, the child's body gets stronger with age. But a painful childhood makes itself felt: in his adult life he is anxious about his health.
  • In the professional field, he has the characteristics of an intelligent, inventive, hardworking person who treats any business with cold prudence. He is also appreciated for his sociability and optimism. These qualities are important in career growth: thanks to them, he easily reaches heights in the profession. He is especially successful in those areas where he often has to communicate with people, show imagination and all his business qualities. For example, he can make a good writer, artist, politician, businessman.
  • In love affairs, for the owner of the name Dmitry, the characteristic of an amorous person is inherent. But, despite the large number of chosen ones, he feels sincere sympathy and real feelings for each.
  • In marriage, he shows his capricious and grumpy character: the wife has to work hard to please his desires and needs. But for this work, he will reward her with anxious and romantic attitude, up to a ripe old age.
  • In relations with children, Dmitry manifests himself as a caring father. Even if the marriage to their mother falls apart (which happens quite often), he maintains a close relationship with them.

Generalized character description with positive side: friendliness and sociability, optimism, easy-going, lively mind and ingenuity, perseverance, grasping.

Negative traits of Dmitry: capricious, selfish, impulsive, self-willed, proud, stubborn.

Character traits of children born at different times of the year

  • For "Spring" Dmitri this male name promises an unpredictable and stubborn character. We can briefly say about the profession that the whole secret of the name is revealed in them - they are destined to create something. They can make excellent writers, sculptors, painters, or decorators.
  • Characteristics of "summer" Dmitry: he is proud, amorous and very jealous.
  • "Autumn" owners of this name are characterized by such masculine qualities as practicality, composure. They can become dentists, epidemiologists. They also have a talent for organizing and leading.
  • But most of all, the organizational skills, as well as fighting qualities, are expressed in Dmitry, who was born "in winter". This means that he has every chance of becoming a leader.

Compatibility with middle names and female names

In addition to the meaning of the name Dmitry, you need to pay attention to the name of the father, with whom it should be combined. Suitable middle name helps to open up positive qualities and brings good luck to its owner.

For a "spring-summer" boy, patronymics Artyomovich, Denisovich, Maksimovich, Olegovich, Petrovich are more suitable, and for an "autumn-winter" boy: Andreevich, Borisovich, Viktorovich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich.

Great value for family happiness has the name of a companion. Dmitry can create the most successful marriages with Anna, Lyubov, Elena, Natalia, Lyudmila, Yana, Lesya, Lilia. Alliances with Irina, Marina, Sophia, Victoria, Julia, Inna, Angela, Nina, Rimma, Agnes, Zinaida are undesirable.

P.S. In the article, we talked about what one of the most beautiful male names means - Dmitry. And this is perhaps the most important factor that affects a person and determines his future fate.

Also touched upon such important topics, as the secret and origin of the name Dmitry, its compatibility with middle names and female names... Now you know what qualities are inherent in a child and how they can be influenced (or will be incorporated if you want to choose this name) so that happiness and good luck are his constant companions in life!

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