Appliance for apples. Is it possible to remove intact apples from the top of an apple tree? Yes, easily! What to do in severe cases

During the ripening season of apples, a large number of them fall to the ground, where the fruit begins to rot very quickly. In addition, apples that hit the ground deteriorate much faster than freshly picked ones. Therefore, it is best to collect them before they fall. To do this, you don’t even need to climb a tree, but you just need to use a special device for picking fruit. It's very easy to make and costs almost nothing.

Our video tells in detail how to make a homemade collection of fruits from trees.

To build this device, we need:
- plastic bottle 1.5-2 liters;
- a knife;
- scissors;
- long stick;
- drill with a drill;
- screwdriver.

Let's start making a fruit picker.
We take a plastic bottle, pierce it approximately in the middle with a knife, and then cut it off with scissors. If the part of the bottle with the neck is wrinkled, straighten it.

To make it convenient to use the device, we make sawtooth teeth at the place of the cut.

To keep the bottle on a long stick, we need to drill two holes in its neck with a drill. We take a drill diameter of 3 mm. The holes are located opposite each other.

We take our long stick and we clean it from its side so that it can be inserted into the neck of a plastic bottle.

We insert into the neck and take two self-tapping screws. We fasten the stick with them through the drilled holes.

Our device for removing fruit from a tree is ready.

Now, in order to remove the apple from the tree, you only need to go up to it, lift the fruit picker up so that the apple gets into it. Scroll the device to the side so that the stalk catches on the teeth and the apple comes off the branch. At the same time, it turned out to be in our fruit collector.

Every year we suffer from the collection of apples. The trees have grown tall, and it is inconvenient to use the usual puller - a "glass" with slots: it is difficult to "drive" the stalk into the slot. Maybe there are some homemade designs that will help solve this problem. Otherwise, the harvest season will soon come, and I would not like to “poke” the fruits again with a clumsy puller.
Anastasia Valentinovna PETRAKOVSKAYA, Vitebsk region, Novopolotsk

I offer a home-made design that will help you easily remove the fruits from the highest height.

Features of the design of the fruit picker

The main parts of the puller are two plastic bottles and an aluminum ski pole. The design of the puller is shown in Figure 1.

Bottle 1 is selected depending on the size of the fruit, for example 1.5 or 2 liters. In this bottle, a cutout of half of the bottom and part of the side wall is made to let the fruit through. In the rest of the bottom, 2-3 narrow slots are made for capturing and breaking off the peduncle. The cork is firmly fixed (glued) to the neck and a round hole is cut out in it according to the diameter of the stick.

Bottle 2 is chosen to be smaller and its bottom is completely cut off. It has a removable stopper with a hole for passing a stick. Both bottles are sewn with a fishing line with a diameter of approximately 0.2 mm and fastened into a single rigid block. The bottle caps have holes according to the diameter of the ski pole.

The method of stitching bottles for the fruit picker

To stitch the bottles, you need to punch paired holes on both sides of the seam line with a hot awl. We bend a thin copper wire in half, twist the ends and make a “needle” in the form of a fishhook (Fig. 2).

With the help of this flexible “needle”, we put the fishing line through adjacent pairs of holes and connect the bottles into a single block. With this method of stitching, the hands will always be outside the bottles.

A block of two bottles is put on a ski pole, in which (after fitting) a hole is drilled and a pin is rigidly fixed (Fig. 3). The length of the pin should correspond to the diameter of the bottle neck and the inner diameter of the cork. On the neck of the bottle, 2 small diametrical cuts must be made to fix the block of bottles on the pin.

The illustration shows the cork removed from bottle 2. In this case, the bottle block is freely removed from the ski pole. When screwing the cork onto the neck of bottle 2, the pin firmly fixes the block of bottles on the stick.

The figure also shows a ring that prevents slipping along the stick and loss of the cork. The ring is made of tape or electrical tape.

The entire design of the puller is extremely light and easy to use.

Working principle of the apple picker

We introduce the fruit through the cutout into bottle 1 and tear it off with the side wall or bottom. 3-4 apples (pears) or 15-20 plums are placed in the puller.

We lower the entire puller to a horizontal position. At the same time, the remaining part of the bottom of the bottle 1 keeps the fruit from spilling out. Having unscrewed the cork 2, remove the bottle block from the stick, and pour the fruit through the cutout into a bucket or basket.

When picking fruit from the lower branches of the tree, the picker walks freely on the ground, and when picking from the upper branches of the tree, he climbs onto a ladder.

Drawing of a puller for apples and pears

Anatoly Grigoryevich YARUSOV, Minsk

When the trees in the garden are large and sprawling, reaching down the stairs, trying to get another ripe fruit in the interlacing of branches, is not the best and not the fastest thing to do. Such a harvest can take hours, and the result will not be the best, because if it is not, you can’t get apples from the top. But since ancient times, if someone could not reach the upper branches, then he picked up a stick. She will rescue us again.

Picking apples with a pole

So, we need a long pole, on the basis of which we will combine the main functions of a nail puller and a basketball hoop: from the first - to cling, from the second - to pass a round object through itself. The task seems difficult, but in fact we need on the top of the rod (which can be telescopic, for example, an old fishing rod) 2 pins perpendicular to the axis of the pole. An apple stalk should easily pass into the gap between these protrusions.

Below we attach a small copy of a basketball hoop made of wire, for example, from a thick aluminum core from a cable. Only the usual through mesh will be replaced by a linen or the same mesh bag. We raise the device as high as possible, going over it with our hands until we grab the lower end of the pole. We bring the ring under the apple so that the stalk gets into the “nail puller”. We pull on ourselves, the fruit breaks off and falls through the ring into the bag.

In the old days, a game was very fashionable, when a wooden cup or glass of the same material, or a small wicker basket, was attached to the top of a stick with a handle. To this device, which was called a bilbock, a ball was tied with a long cord, which had to be thrown higher and caught in the hole. We propose to do something similar to pick apples from a great height when there is no maneuver with a stepladder.

The easiest option is a plastic bottle. We cut off its bottom and, turning it over, put it with a neck on the upper end of a long pole, specially planed to the desired diameter, so that both parts are tightly connected.

Stick with a plastic bottle for picking fruit

Next, we make cuts from the edge of the resulting glass to a quarter of its length in increments of 2.5–3 centimeters so that they divide the bottle into equal sectors. Moreover, the resulting cracks should be wedge-shaped, that is, they should narrow downwards. Now it’s enough just to reach out to the apple, bring the device under it and catch it in a container so that the stalk is in the slot. We pull to the side, and the fruit is trapped, we cling to the next one. When the bottle is filled to the cracks, tilt the tool and pour the collected apples into a basket or box.

Another option is a rod-mounted wicker basket, which can be made from wicker or wire. The second type is preferable, because in this case, several vertical rods can be made longer and their ends bent inward, so you get a hybrid of a bilbock hole with the previously used nail puller function. On the contrary, you can simplify the tool and put a two-liter plastic bottle on a pole without cutting it, but by making a round hole in the middle of its wall with a small wedge-shaped slot of 2 centimeters directed towards the bottom.

Any device listed above is only suitable if the apples break off easily and even fall themselves with a slight shake of the tree. But what if the cutting is firmly attached to the trunk? A “nail puller” can accidentally damage the flesh, and a “bilbock” itself can break or deform with a strong jerk. This is where tin cans come in handy.

The first option is the easiest. We simply fasten a large and deep tin can with a wire onto a stick, making small holes in the wall. Next, in the edge, we cut a gap in the shape of a wedge under the handle and slightly push it apart from the top outward, getting a kind of spout for a coffee pot. The sharp edge of the tin will easily cut off the apple from the branch.

Fruit picker

The second option is from a large diameter plastic pipe, like those used for drains or sewers. We cut a segment about 40 centimeters long on one side with petals, which we bend inward, thus creating a closed end (even with slots). In the upper part we make a slot, which should bend to the side, and then slightly up, that is, in the form of a fishhook. At the end of it, with two screws, we fasten the blade from a pencil sharpener or just a sharply sharpened strip of metal. Now it is enough to catch an apple stalk in this slot, bring it to the blade, and the fruit will fall into the tube.

The third device is the most difficult to implement, but will last the longest. So, you will need a piece of metal pipe, a washer or a circle of large diameter (about 3-4 centimeters) and a dozen metal bars of a centimeter section and up to half a meter long. We weld a washer or a metal circle to the end of the pipe (on the other, a stick will be inserted into it). Next, with equal steps, we weld the rods at a slight angle so that they diverge from the center upwards.

From the side you get the classic shape of a janitor's broom. The welding must be carried out very securely so that the rods can be slightly bent if necessary. Now we just hook the apple so that it is inside the structure, turn the device, and the fruit will come off. For any device, it is better to take not a long wooden pole, but a telescopic or a rod made up of several separate sections in order to adjust the length as needed.

The stores sell special nozzles for picking fruits, made in the form of a crown, facing up with teeth, to which a bag is attached from below.. They are quite reliable, but short-lived, since thin galvanized metal is usually used. In addition, the teeth can easily damage the fruits, so a large number of protruding parts on the fruit collector is undesirable. However, such devices are used in a small country house, where there are no large crops, and you can work slowly.

Crown nozzle for harvesting fruit crops

If you don't feel like messing around, a quick apple picking net can be made from a regular (old) fishing landing net. At its farthest point from the handle, you need to make a bend so that you get the shape of a beak, it will replace the wedge-shaped slot in this device. Now it is enough to catch the apple and pull it so that it hits exactly in the net. You can repeat until the mesh is full.

If the harvest of your apples is “on top” in every sense, this cannot but rejoice! But getting ripe juicy fruits from this height is not an easy task. An ordinary garden ladder can also help in this matter, but modern gardeners are used to saving time and effort. Therefore, today we will learn together how to make a device for removing apples from a tree, which will help you quickly and without loss to harvest the entire crop from any apple tree.

If you have only one or two trees with apples on your site, then there is no point in making a “major” fruit picker, it is enough to make a simple device from a plastic bottle. Well, if your country house has a whole apple plantation, then it is best for you to buy a ready-made fruit picker

In the markets for garden tools, we have seen ready-made devices for picking fruit more than once. According to their principle, we will create a fruit picker with our own hands. Our future fruit picker must meet the following requirements: to reach high and firmly hold the fruits, to be convenient to use. Let's look at the options that experienced and resourceful gardeners offer us.

As a rule, fruit pickers are made of plastic, but there are options made of metal. For example, the fruit picker, which is shown in the photo, costs around 700 rubles in stores, it is quite expensive, but the purchase will justify itself and will serve you for more than one year

But such a device for removing apples from a tree will cost, on average, 1200 rubles. Its advantage is that it is made of plastic and does not require special care, just store it in some shed and it will serve you for decades.

Option number 1: tenacious hand of the farmer

The device will consist of a grab and a holder. You will need:

  • old plastic bottle;
  • long fishing line (2.5-3 meters), awl, scissors;
  • handle from an old plastic mop (can be replaced with a PVC pipe).

The manufacturing process of this fruit picker in the program "Crazy Hands":

So, let's start our easy work.

Step 1. We make enough (two-liter plastic bottle). We cut off the bottom of the bottle in a crown-like manner to form “petals”. We make 2 holes in each of the petals. To do this, you can use a small hole punch or a regular awl.

Now let's give the bowl tenacity. Take the fishing line and pull it through the neck into the bottle so that the latter is just below the middle of the fishing line. We thread the upper end of the fishing line in turn into each hole in a circle and bring it back through the neck of the bottle. Thus, we got a plastic bottle without a bottom with two long ends of the fishing line coming out through the neck.

Step 2 We fix the holder. As a holder, we take a hollow PVC pipe or a handle from an old plastic mop. A double fishing line from a plastic bottle is threaded through the hole in the holder and exits from its reverse side. If your mop handle has a detachable handle, you're in luck! It is to this part of the holder that the ends of the fishing line should be fixed. Make 2 holes in the handle, through which thread the fishing line, securing the ends tightly with each other. Put the handle back on the mop handle.

We have a plastic bottle fastened with a fishing line with a holder with a removable handle. Now try to remove the cap again, pulling the line slightly towards you. The cut edges of the bottle are compressed, while making grasping movements. Now not a single apple will leave you!

The scheme of another device for collecting fruits from trees: it will take a lot of time to create it, so we do not recommend that you take on its creation. Just showed what other homemade devices can be made

If the mop does not have a removable part, you can simply cut off its end by 15-10 cm. Make 2 holes on its sides, where the ends of the fishing line will be drawn. Then fasten them by tying them together.

Once again, if you have a lot of fruitful trees, then it is better to spend some money and buy a ready-made fruit picker that will last you more than one season.

For PVC pipes, you can use several caps from plastic bottles as a handle. For example, take 10 covers and make a hole in the center of each with an awl. Thread the free ends of the fishing line into the caps in turn and fasten to the last one. For stability, glue the caps together or make a knot from the fishing line on the inside of the first cap. It turns out a convenient removable handle from the caps. Use it the same way you use a mop handle.

Video option for making a fruit picker with your own hands

And another option for creating a capital fruit picker

Option number 2: the simplest apple picker

1. Fruit picker with bowl

Step 1. And again, we can not do without such a necessary thing in the household as a plastic bottle. Cut it in half, separating the bottom part from the neck. We don't need the bottom anymore. On the cut edge, we cut out deep teeth, and drill 2 opposite holes in the neck.

Step 2. We are preparing a wooden pole, one end of which we adapt to the opening of the bottle. A handle from an old garden tool will do. Now we put the bottle with the neck on the pole and fix it with two self-tapping screws.

Collect apples with this device as follows: we bring the device to a branch with an apple; place the apple inside the bottle and rotate the apple tree picker clockwise. The teeth cut off the fruit, and it is inside the bottle. You can pick 2-3 apples at a time.

2. Closed fruit box

You can not cut off the bottom of the bottle, but simply cut a round hole on the side. From the bottom side in the hole, make a few cloves. After that, put the bottle on the pole in the already known way and start picking apples. The fruits are placed inside the bottle and plucked in one motion. A closed fruit picker picks apples more easily, but can pick up no more than two fruits at a time.

With the help of such a device, it will not be possible to collect many apples at a time, but the advantage of this device is the speed of its manufacture: if you have all the materials at hand, you will need a maximum of five minutes, or even less

The scheme of the device is simple: we cut a hole in the shape of a heart on the side of a plastic bottle, fasten the bottle to the holder with a screw or tape, and we can start picking apples or other fruits

Now you do not need to master the science of climbing trees and endless maneuvers with garden ladders, and the question of how to pick apples from a tall tree can no longer be asked. The most juicy apples will be harvested without difficulty thanks to your skillful hands and desire. A bowl of these homemade fruit pickers will last you a couple of years. After wear, it can be easily replaced using a new plastic bottle. Well, it remains for you to wish that the fruits of your skill will definitely help you get all the fruits from your apple trees!

During the garden harvest period, the apple fruit picker with a telescopic handle is in greatest demand.

Although many gardeners prefer an apple picker with a regular wooden holder. In this article, we will look at the characteristics of fruit pickers. What are they and how to use them.

A fruit picker for fruits is a very convenient and necessary thing in the household. In any case, such garden tools are necessary if there is a fruit-bearing garden on the territory of the cottage. As a rule, fruit trees grow tall and branchy. And the largest fruits ripen at the top or at the ends of the crown. Such pears and apples are unlikely to be cut without using a fruit picker with a telescopic handle.

Garden fruit picker - classification

Tools designed for harvesting fruit on the market today are enough to make a good choice. All of them simplify the removal of fruits from trees, as well as protect them from damage as much as possible. These two points are very important. Since with large crops or areas, it takes a lot of time to harvest. And damage, even completely invisible, will not allow an apple or plum to withstand the most correct storage conditions.

Rarely does a gardener do without auxiliary tools. Most of them work for more than one or two seasons. Therefore, some summer residents use such an acquisition for a very long time. Of course, this is not a mechanical combine, and these devices also need to be able to use. But the simplest design allows you to quickly adapt and figure out what and where to press or which way to turn. Of course, there are more or less complex designs, but they all do not complicate, but rather help in harvesting garden crops.

The material from which fruit pickers are made today is lightweight and durable. First of all it is:

  • plastic,
  • metal.

In addition to the main structures for such garden tools, additional auxiliary parts.

Additional details of fruit collectors

As an additional detail, various kinds of fabric materials are used to make bags, or as they are also called bags, for the accumulation of fruits. They are needed in order not to shoot a peach or some other fruit one by one. Very successfully for these cases, such additional bags are adapted to some fruit pickers.

Telescopic handles are made of durable plastic. Usually they are made in the form of a pipe. That is, their middle is hollow. In which a wire or other material cord is located to bring the gripping mechanism into operation.

On sale are available as the simplest time-tested designs of food collectors. And completely new - light, comfortable, with a long service life.

plastic tulip for fruit picking

Consider for starters the simplest, well-known:

The appearance of such garden tools corresponds to their common name - tulip. And it is absolutely impossible to confuse a telescopic fruit picker for cherries and sweet cherries with it. Because they are completely different designs.

Working with tulips is easy and simple. It is only necessary to grab the fruit so that it falls into the glass. And place its tail, that is, the branch that connects it to the tree, between the petals. Next, you need to turn the holder handle in the direction that is most convenient for you until the apricot or nut is completely detached from the tree. As soon as this happens, the fruit will be in the glass. With such devices, you can harvest from a wide variety of fruit trees.

Different types of collet fruit pickers

The material of manufacture and design of such garden tools allows them to be divided into three groups:

  • made of durable wire material,
  • the main mechanism of which consists of exciting elements,
  • having a bag in addition to the main design of the bag.

All collet structures in their lower part have a place for attaching rods. They can be wooden or telescopic. It is only necessary to provide for the diameter of the rod. What would it fit in size to the mount.

Wire pickers for apricots and other fruits

The material of manufacture indicates the appearance of such a fruit collector. The principle of its operation is to capture the fetus and close the wire frame. What is done with a thick string or a small diameter strong wire threaded into the loops located at the ends of the wire arcs of the device. Then again turn right or left with effort. After separation, you can put the crop in baskets.

Fruit picker with gripper for small fruits

The principle of operation of such fruit pickers is adapted, of course, not only for cherries. They can also shoot large apples. The main part of the mechanism is made of plastic parts. Often this is a telescopic fruit picker with a grip. Since adjusting the length of the handle is quite an advantageous device. Having placed the fruit between the gripping parts, it is necessary to press the lever or pull the rope in order to close the cavities or parts. Such details may look like a three-fingered hand. When the mechanism is triggered, they are connected in the upper plane. And the fetus is captured, as it were. Now it needs to be torn off the branch. The method is the same - by the method of a spinning movement.

Collet pickers with bag

Devices of this type consist of the bag itself and the main part to which it is attached. The mount is pretty secure. Since it can withstand the weight of more than one heavy fruit. And as you understand, this design is designed to remove several fruits at the same time. The part to which the bag is attached is round. With tin petals all around. Which act as knives. If the petals are made of plastic material, then an additional metal knife can be attached to the rim. It makes the structure heavier, but it can be adapted for grapes. By clamping the tail of the bunch between the knife and the petal of the rim, a strong stalk can be cut. A handle holder is also attached to such devices. which is purchased additionally. And it can be installed both fixed length and telescopic.

Fruit picker with telescopic handle for fruit picking

This type of harvesting device in the garden must be singled out separately. The telescopic fruit picker for apples is one of the latest developments in gardening tools. In addition to the convenient main part, a basket for placing fruits, such a tool has a telescopic rod. This is a kind of handle extension, the length of which is adjustable. It can be adjusted to a certain height. And change each time when the fruits need to be removed below or above the previously recorded value.

The apple picker with telescopic handle can be used to harvest the orchard from the following trees:

  • apple trees,
  • pears,
  • plums,
  • apricots,
  • hazel,
  • peach,
  • and others.

Before you start harvesting with such a fruit collector, you need to determine the distance to plums or other fruits. Set the length of the handle and if it is determined correctly, then you can start working. If you didn’t guess a little with the distance, then you can always correct it. One of the most convenient ways - using it there is definitely no need to stand on a stool or climb onto a stepladder.