The fight against aphids folk remedies. The most effective remedies for aphids Systemic preparations for aphids

Pests and diseases overshadow the joy of caring for flowers, vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs. Aphids often attack plants - an almost omnivorous insect. A simple method of control is washing the leaves, and in case of severe infection, the use of insecticidal preparations is required.

Pests enter the premises from the outside: with bouquets, purchased indoor flowers, seedlings, vegetables or fruits. Eggs, larvae and adults are stored in soil from the field, garden or shop. The cause of the appearance of aphids on healthy plants can be animals and people. Insects are transported to new habitats with clods of earth and parts of plants on wool, paws, clothes and shoes.

The pest is omnivorous, which allows it to settle and survive without problems in a collection of indoor flowers, in a flower bed or in a vegetable garden.

At first, aphids on indoor plants remain invisible. The larvae and wingless females crawl slowly in search of a better feeding site and multiply rapidly. If the succulent shoots become woody or the host plant is overpopulated, then winged aphids are born. They fly long distances, rise in height, are carried by the wind to balconies, loggias, enter rooms through windows and doors.

Symptoms of plant damage by aphids

Insects of this group belong to the order Hemiptera, a family of true aphids. The body has an oval or teardrop shape, reaches a length of 1–5 mm. Coloring - green, gray, brown or almost black, often coinciding with the color of the plant organ that the pest feeds on. The mouth apparatus, the proboscis, is adapted for sucking juices with amino acids from living tissues.

Common pests:

  • on fruit and berry plants - cherry, green peach, green apple, helichryse, redcurrant, gooseberry, apple-cereal aphids;
  • on vegetables - melon, large potato, hawthorn, pea, cabbage, green peach, beet aphids;
  • on indoor flowers - green peach, beet, hawthorn, large potato aphids.

Females may be winged or wingless. The latter reproduce by parthenogenesis (without fertilization). One female per month produces 3 generations of young. Often, colonies of inactive aphids cover the skin of young shoots and buds in a continuous layer. Insects can damage the bulbs, the lower parts of the stems.

Aphids secrete a sugary solution - honeydew or honeydew. The liquid spreads over the surface of the leaves, impedes gas exchange, and creates a nutrient medium for the soot fungus. The sweet secretions attract ants. The buds glued together by honeydew do not bloom, young shoots, leaves curl.

It is important not to miss the moment of the appearance of aphids, not to put off the start of the fight indefinitely. If you do not stop the spread of the colony, then all plants in the room, on the balcony or terrace, in the greenhouse and greenhouse will be affected. It is possible to create conditions for the suppression of the vital activity of pests, to fight using various methods with minimal use of chemicals.

How to get rid of a pest on indoor plants

You can recognize the appearance of aphids by shiny traces of secretions, black spots of soot fungus, clusters of small insects on the underside of the leaves. A small colony will disappear if you cut off the affected parts (shoots, leaves, buds, flowers) in time, wash off the insects in the shower.

Folk remedies

Aphids or other small sucking insects on houseplants can be killed by washing with soapy water. Infusions or decoctions of herbs are used for spraying and processing the leaves with a cotton pad, a soft brush. If the affected shoots are thin, tender, then after 15 minutes they are rinsed with clean water.

How to get rid of aphids on indoor plants using folk remedies:

  1. Boil 50 g of crushed hot pepper in 0.5 l of water for an hour, insist for a day, then filter; dilute 10 g of this concentrate in 1 liter of water, add 4 g of laundry soap for better “sticking”.
  2. Insist 10 g of dry tobacco dust in 1 liter of water during the day; filter, add to 1 part of the concentrate 3 parts of water, laundry soap (10 g per 1 liter).
  3. Mix 500 g of pine needles and 2 liters of water, insist 6-7 days, dilute with clean water 7 times before spraying.
  4. Dried, chopped tomato leaves are filled into a jar, poured with water for 2-3 hours, and then filtered.
  5. Insist day 1 tsp. finely chopped onion or ½ tsp. crushed garlic in 250 ml of water (covered).
  6. Mix 1 glass of wood ash, 20 g of laundry soap in 5 liters of water.
  7. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soap in 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. moonshine.

The filtered solution is filled into the flask of a sprayer, sprayer or spray bottle for indoor plants. Treat affected leaves, stems, buds and flowers. If the mixture is too thick and concentrated, then dilute with water.

Plus folk remedies - relative harmlessness to people and pets. However, some time after applying the solution, insects may reappear. Therefore, the treatment must be repeated 3-4 times.

Aphid chemicals

High fecundity and omnivorous insects make it difficult to fight them. With a significant number of aphids on plants in the room, insecticidal preparations are used. The first time they spray with one agent, after a week the treatment is repeated, but a different chemical is used.

Names of drugs to combat aphids:

  • Confidor Extra;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Aktar;
  • Zolon.

Biological products are the least dangerous for humans and pets. Fitoverm refers to biopesticides of intestinal and contact action. The drug destroys insect pests, including aphids. Dosage: 1 ampoule per 250 ml of water. If necessary, combine with pyrethroids in a ratio of 1:.1, with fertilizer for foliar feeding. During spraying, you can not take the plants out of the room into fresh air.

The active substance aversectin C penetrates through the integument of the body of the insect and enters the intestine when eating the treated plant. Aphids lose their ability to feed after 10-15 hours. Paralysis and death of pests occurs on the third day. The solution does not work on eggs. Fitoverm protects indoor plants from aphids for 2-3 weeks. Below the effectiveness of the drug on an open balcony in wet weather. Spraying should be repeated after 4-5 days, 4 treatments may be required.

How to get rid of aphids in the garden forever

Through the use and combination of various control methods, it is possible to reduce the number of pesticide sprays and reduce the chemical load.

Treatment of plants from aphids

You can alternate folk remedies and chemicals. It should be remembered that infusions of herbs, pepper or garlic will not help get rid of a large number of aphids on plants. In such cases, pesticides are used.

Chemical preparations for the treatment of aphids

Used for spraying infusions of tobacco, garlic, pine needles, tomato tops. For one fruit tree, from 2 to 10 liters of solution will be required, for a berry bush - from 1 to 1.5 liters; for 10 m2 of strawberries, vegetables - 1.5 liters.

Handy ways to get rid of

Aphids often overwinter on apple and pear trees. In the spring, the garden and vegetable garden are cleaned of diseased and dry plants, mummified or rotting fruits left over from autumn. Any plant residues serve as a place for the preservation and reproduction of pathogens and pests. You can shake off insects from the shoots on a cloth or paper, then destroy.

Aphids feed on about 20 species of arthropods: ladybugs, lacewings, earwigs, predatory bugs and flies. Leave along the border or sow chamomile, tansy, and yarrow, which are home to ladybugs and lacewings. Other enemies of aphids are attracted by crops of dill, mustard, coriander, parsley, celery, cumin, and thyme.

Prevention is the best way to fight

It is necessary to competently make compost, feed the plants, and prevent the growth of weeds. The use of drip irrigation allows moisture to be directed to the roots of plants, which reduces the risk of infection and small insects being carried by water flows. Garden tools are recommended to be cleaned and disinfected.

The success of the fight against aphids is ensured by a combination of chemicals with biological and mechanical methods. It is necessary to take care of the preparation of the site, properly cultivate the soil, apply crop rotation, use high-quality planting material.

In this material, aphid insecticides - an analytical review (composition / active substance, dosages, consumption rates, restrictions, etc.)

Aphids are a common and malicious pest of cultivated plants. . There are many ways and means to deal with it. Along with preventive methods of protection and the use of "folk methods", chemical preparations are still of primary importance.

All insecticidal preparations are based on the contact, intestinal or contact-intestinal principle of influencing the body of an insect pest. The active substance (nerve paralytic poison) blocks the transmission channels of nerve impulses, causing paralysis of the nervous, digestive or cardiovascular system. Sometimes fumigants are used - drugs that enter through the respiratory tract and cause chemical poisoning of insects.

Commonly used active ingredients include:

  • imidacloprid (, "Tanrek", "Commander", "Golden Spark", "Bison", "Warrant");
  • permethrin / cypermethrin (, "Spark-Double / Triple Effect");
  • malathion (, "Alatar");
  • aversectin / Avertin (, "Iskra-Bio", "Akotofit");
  • thiamethoxam (, "Cruiser", "Doctor", "Tiara", "Ephoria");
  • neonicotinoid () other.

The use of any remedy for aphids from this list leads to the fact that insects stop eating almost immediately, within half an hour they have impaired coordination of movements, and within 2-3 days they die completely.

Features of the choice of insecticide

When choosing this or that remedy for aphids, the balance "EFFICIENCY" - "SAFETY" is important.

Criterion " EFFICIENCY"includes the concepts - the speed of exposure to the drug, the duration of the protective action, resistance (addiction of aphids to the drug).

Criterion " SAFETY”- these are such concepts as waiting time before harvesting, hazard classes for humans, bees, aquatic organisms, how they are subject to photolysis and hydrolysis (how quickly they decompose in the light and under the action of soil water), etc.

After analyzing these indicators, a rating of the best insecticides for controlling aphids on plants was compiled.

Aphid remedies - comparative analysis


It is a biological insecticide, which is its great advantage. The use of biological products is a modern trend in the fight against insect pests. "Fitoverm" - the drug of the latest generation, is included in. The active substance is a neurotoxin of natural origin aversectin-C, with a concentration of 2%. Dosage 8ml./1l. water. Consumption rate 10l/100m2. 2 or 3-fold processing is carried out. Another advantage of Fitoverma is that the drug does not accumulate in fruits and vegetables, which allows it to be used even during the harvest period, the waiting period is only 48 hours.


Refers to organophosphate pesticides. Active substance malathion. Produced in the form of 44% aqueous emulsion (VE), or 57% emulsion concentrate (EC). The drug is really effective, it has found application not only in household plots (apple, currant, vegetable crops, grapes), but also in industrial agricultural production (wheat and cereals, legumes, corn, etc.). Dosage 10-14ml./10l. water. The consumption rate of the working solution is 1l. / 10m2, or up to 2-5l. on fruit and berry bushes and trees, depending on the size of the plant and its age. The drug acts both as a contact-intestinal and as a fumigant. Protective properties are provided for 2-3 weeks. The drug has resistance, so the treatment is carried out once. Has mutagenic properties. The waiting period before harvest is 20 days.


The drug has a systemic effect, ie. gets inside the plant and moves at the cellular level. Active substance imidacloprid, 20% (synthetic analogue of nicotine). It does not apply to biological products; the name "Biotlin" uses a marketing ploy. The duration of the drug exposure is 3-5 days. Protective properties of plants are provided within 30 days, because. the poison is inside the plant and is not washed away by rain. The advantage of the drug is that imidacloprid does not accumulate in fruits, it is found mainly in the vegetative green parts of plants. When processing, a dosage of 5 ml / 10 l is used. water. The consumption rate of the working solution is 3l./10m2. One treatment is enough for the whole season. Spraying can be carried out at any time, except during the flowering period.

By the way, European regulations ALLOW the use of drugs based on imidacloprid ONLY when processing plants in CLOSED soils (greenhouses, greenhouses), this is due to measures to preserve the bee population.


An effective systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, included in. In the line of preparations of the Tanrek series, there is a special preparation "Tanrek from and", with a high content of the active substance imidacloprid. Properties and principle of action are similar to the previous drug.


A two-component insecticide for the protection of vegetable and fruit crops from a whole range of insect pests, including aphids. As part of malathion, 22.5% and cypermethrin, 5%. Dosage in the treatment of aphids 5ml./10l. water. Consumption rate 1-2l. for 10m2. As a rule, a single treatment is sufficient. The waiting period before harvest is 20-25 days.


Preparations of the Iskra series are familiar to many gardeners and gardeners. Convenient various preparative form - emulsion concentrate, tablets, powder, sticks. For example, sticks (sticks) are convenient to use to control aphids on indoor potted plants.


Active substance - avertin-N, 2g/l., a compound produced by soil fungi. Dosage for treatments against aphids 60-80ml / 10l. water. Consumption rate 6-10l./100m2 or 2-5l. on a tree/bush. The main advantage is a safe biological basis. The drug quickly decomposes in the soil, has low toxicity to humans, and allows you to set a minimum waiting period before harvesting - only 2-3 days.


The drug acts on the basis of 20% imidacloprid. In fact, it is an analogue of the preparations "Tanrek", "Biotlin".

"Spark-Double Effect"

Two-component preparation based on permethrin and .

"Spark-triple effect"

The most modern in the line of preparations "Iskra". Added a third component imidacloprid. Instantly affects adults and larvae. Complete death is provided within 1-2 days. The period of protective action is up to 45 days. High content of a.i. stipulates a 30-day waiting period before harvest.

Any drug from the TOP-10 can be used as the main aphid control for plant protection.


The drug has not been widely used due to its relatively high cost and toxicity. The drug is used in household plots for the prevention and control of aphids, the Colorado potato beetle, thrips, etc. In the agricultural sector, it is used to combat the massive invasion of insects. Active substance - neonicotinoid, with different concentrations of 5%, 7%, 10% and 20%. The line includes preparations "Confidor-Maxi", "Confidor-Extra", etc., which are produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion (CE) or a water-soluble concentrate (WSC). "Confidor" successfully combines both efficiency and safety. Efficiency is ensured by the rapid absorption of a.i. into the cellular structure of plants and long circulation with their juices. Safety is ensured by the fact that a.i. practically does not penetrate into fruits, pollen, nectar, and besides, neonicotinoids quickly decompose in the light and under the action of soil water. Dosage of treatments against aphids 1ml./10l. water. Just one treatment per season is enough. Consumption rate 10l. / 100-150m2, or 1.5-5l. on a bush/tree.


The drug "Akotofit" works on the basis of the active substance aversectin-C. The principle of action and properties are similar to the drug "Fitoverm".


"Aktara" is a universal insecticide and is designed to kill many insect pests, including aphids on vegetable and berry crops. Active substance - thiamethoxam, 25%. It is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate (EC), or water-soluble granules (WRG). The speed of exposure is 4-6 hours. The period of protective action is up to 1.5 months. Dosage for aphid treatment - 1ml / 5l. water. A 2-fold treatment is used, the second is usually preventive and is carried out after harvesting.

"Doctor" (especially for protecting indoor plants from aphids)

This systemic drug is effective for combating not only aphids, but also other pests of indoor and balcony plants (worm, scale insect, thrips). It is convenient because it is made in the form of special arrow briquettes that need to be inserted into the ground around the perimeter of the pot. During watering, the active substances, together with water, are absorbed by the roots of plants and spread along their entire length. Insects die 5-10 days after the application of the product. Active substance thiamethoxam. The drug has a long period of plant protection - up to 90 days.

These are far from all insecticidal aphids that can be used to treat and protect plants. It is possible to recommend the use of drugs " Cruiser"(thiamethoxam)," bison"(imidacloprid)," Euphoria"(lambda-cyhalothrin and thiamethoxam)," Arrow» (), « Warrant", (imidacloprid)," Tiara"(thiamethoxam), etc. The principle of action is similar to the above listed drugs, and the same active ingredients are used in the composition.

1. Strictly observe the dosage and apply insecticides in accordance with established regulations;

2. To prevent resistance (resistance to drugs), it is necessary to alternate them with insecticides from other chemical groups and other active substances

3. Preference in the choice should be given biological products. The future of agricultural technology is organic farming without pesticides. In a small area, this is already feasible today. On large areas under crops and in case of mass infection of plants with pests, of course, one cannot do without chemical pesticides.

With the advent of spring, the summer season begins, which is fraught with many difficulties and problems. One of these is the protection of plants from various pests and the destruction of the latter at the first sign of appearance. The most common misfortune among gardeners is aphids. These small insects breed at a record speed and just as quickly destroy all life in their path. Young shoots and fruit trees suffer and even die from the invasion of pests.

To protect the future crop, a fast, effective and affordable remedy against aphids is needed, which at the same time should be as safe as possible for the plants themselves, the earth and not accumulate in the fruits.

Means of combating aphids

They are divided into several types. The most correct from a natural point of view are biological methods, that is, attracting insects and birds that eat aphids to the site, as well as the correct planting of plants on the site in order to create a certain barrier. Mechanical methods are reduced to removing individuals by hand or washing them off with a stream of water under strong pressure.

However, even these methods sometimes fail. Therefore, the most effective are still chemicals from aphids. Modern pesticides and insecticides allow you to protect plants immediately from a wide range of pests. In addition, they are low-hazard and, if dosed correctly, do not disturb the natural ecosystem of the site, but effectively destroy individuals.


This is the name of the remedy for aphids, the purpose of which is to fight it and other insects. Insecticides are divided into several subspecies according to the principle of action:

  • contact, penetrating the body of the pest after direct interaction with the substance;
  • systemic, penetrating directly into the insect through direct contact, as well as into the plant itself, eating which, the aphid is additionally poisoned.

Effective means in this category are:

  • Spark from aphids "Double effect". Belongs to the group of pyrethroids and contains cypermethrin, which has a systemic effect. It is produced in the form of tablets or powder, which are dissolved in water.
  • "Tanrek" from aphids. It also has a systemic effect due to imidacloprid. Sold as an aqueous concentrate in ampoules of various sizes. The residual protective effect lasts another 15 to 21 days, depending on the abundance of rain.
  • "Actara". The drug is based on the insecticide thiamethoxam. This tool can be used both for the destruction of aphids, and for its early warning, that is, for preventive purposes.


These are agricultural pesticides aimed at controlling weeds (herbicides), insect pests (insecticides), harmful animals (zoocides) and pathogenic fungi (fungicides). All of them are aimed at suppressing individual biological reactions in the treated object. Therefore, insecticides are a subgroup of pesticides used against aphids. Thus, the following drugs can be added to the above list:

  • "Calypso". It belongs to the chlornicotinyl group and contains thiacloprid. The substance in question is available in the form of a concentrated suspension. Requires enhanced security measures.
  • "Antitla". Low-hazard drug of systemic action, domestic development. Sold in ampoules of 2 ml, diluted in 10 liters of water. The package contains 5 ampoules.

Other pest control methods

Means from aphids are mainly represented by the above groups. Physical methods such as traps or poisoned baits are powerless in this case. It can be recommended to use preparations for aphids and ants at the same time, which probably live nearby and support its population.

Thus, the correctly chosen tactics of plant protection will allow avoiding their infection with pests, and in case of their appearance, it will effectively and quickly solve this problem. It is important to remember that pesticides and insecticides are still chemicals that can harm not only aphids, but also humans, beneficial insects and the earth. Therefore, when spraying with these products, do not forget about moderation and accuracy.

- one of the most malicious pests of the garden and vegetable garden, causing irreparable harm to crops. The insect feeds on plant sap, causing deformation of the leaf plate, resulting in the drying of young shoots and inflorescences. But it is very difficult to evict an uninvited guest from a favorite site, since this small insect quickly spreads throughout the garden, harming absolutely all plantings in its path. Therefore, every gardener and amateur gardener should know the most effective remedies for aphids that will help exterminate the pest.

On a note!

There are various methods of dealing with aphids. This article offers only store-bought products designed to kill pests.

Features of biological products

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, a biological product is the most effective remedy for aphids, as it contains exclusively organic substances. In this connection, it will not harm the health of humans, animals or bees. In addition, the best aphids are allowed to be used in almost any period of plant development. The crop can be harvested and is fit for consumption, usually after 2-5 days from the time of processing.

However, like other formulations, biological preparations have certain disadvantages:

  • Slow impact speed. Pests die as dangerous substances accumulate in their body, which takes from 1 to 1.5 weeks.
  • The protective properties of the product are lost when precipitation occurs, as a result of which it becomes necessary to re-treat the plants.
  • The high cost is another negative point of biologics, which is why they are not available to a wide range of people.


No less well-known biological product against aphids of a similar composition. Has a liquid release form. The solution is prepared before use at the rate of 8 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Due to the fact that the biological components do not affect the eggs, after 2 weeks it is necessary to re-treat.

The mass death of garden and garden pests is observed after 8 days from the moment of spraying. The residual effect of the drug persists for 14 days. The high cost is the only drawback of this biological product (the price of the product is within 340 rubles).


Dosed in sachets and canisters, the Jaguar biological product is also used to kill green aphids and weeds. The active ingredients in it are the antidote cloquintoset-mexil and fenoxaprop-P-ethyl.

To prepare a working solution, the contents of the sachet are poured into a bucket of water, mixed thoroughly and used to spray infected plants. The action of the drug begins after 1-3 hours from the moment of treatment. Biological components penetrate the plant tissue, after which they have a detrimental effect on attacking insects.

The advantage of the drug Jaguar is a long-term residual effect, which lasts for 20-30 days. Precipitation contributes to the weakening of the protective properties.

The price of 1 sachet (2.3 g) is about 50 rubles.


Another drug for aphids, which is based on live bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. The toxins produced by these microorganisms are dangerous for harmful insects.

For the treatment of affected plant aphids, a solution is used, which is prepared in a certain proportion for each specific culture (instructions for use are available on the package). In summer, spraying is carried out at least twice with a break of 7 days, in the spring-autumn period - every 10 days.

The advantages of this tool include selectivity in relation to pests: the composition affects aphids, moths, Colorado beetles, ticks and mosquitoes. In addition, the active components do not accumulate in fruits, so Bitoxibacillin can be used in any phase of plant growth.

It has such a medicine and some disadvantages:

  • short period of activity of the composition (disappears after 2-3 hours);
  • the presence of a specific smell.

The cost of a sachet of Bitoxibacillin (20 g) is about 20 rubles.

Types of chemicals

However, with a high degree of infestation of plants, biological preparations for aphids are not able to give a 100% result and completely rid garden plants of aphids. Chemical agents that have high efficiency and speed of action will come to the rescue in such a situation.

Chemical preparations against aphids can be divided into the following groups:

  • Systemic preparations penetrate directly into the plant tissues of a green plantation. As a result, they have a negative effect on insects that have eaten the juice of such a plant.
  • Insecticides against aphids of intestinal action produce a toxic effect. They enter the body of the insect through the digestive organs, causing paralysis and death.
  • Preparations against aphids of contact action act on insects through contact with their chitinous cover.

Chemistry from aphids is used exclusively until the buds open. Processing at a later period negatively affects insects that pollinate flowers, which leads to a decrease in the number of ovaries and loss of yield. No less harmful is the treatment of the plant with pesticides during the fruiting period, since the toxic composition will remain in fruits, vegetables or berries.

Below is a list of the most popular tools.


Iskra Golden

A systemic drug based on the insecticidal component imidacloprid. It penetrates the organic structure of the culture and is distributed by the juice of the plant throughout its vegetative mass. The penetration of the toxic component into the digestive tract of the insect has a negative effect on its nervous system, causing paralysis and death of the pest. In a similar way, the active ingredient also acts upon physical contact with an insect, penetrating through its cover. Iskra Zolotaya is produced in the form of a concentrate, packaged in ampoules (10 ml), the cost of each is within 75 rubles.

On a note!

To obtain the maximum effect, the plants are sprayed with a freshly prepared solution, the result of which is noticeable after a few hours. If necessary, after 10-20 days, re-treatment is carried out.

Iskra M

A new effective poison against aphids and other garden pests has a fast action and is used as an "ambulance" to protect affected plants thanks to its malathion. It is a concentrated liquid composition placed in 5 ml ampoules. The cost of one ampoule is about 20 rubles.

The solution is prepared immediately before treatment in the proportion of 5 ml of the product per 5 liters of water. Processing is carried out in the morning or in the evening in the absence of rain and wind.

Spark Bio

The drug, which is based on avermectins - natural toxins that act in a paralytic way on harmful insects. In this connection, it is allowed to use it until the harvest itself. In addition, the composition is not addictive in pests and destroys insects that are immune to other drugs.

On a note!

Another advantage of the tool is the possibility of its use in hot weather. With an increase in air temperature of more than +28 degrees, the effective properties of the product improve.

Caviar Bio is available in ampoules (10 ml). You can buy it in the store or order it online. The cost of the drug is within 70 rubles.


Powdered drug for systemic action is created on the basis of thiamethoxam. In this connection, the effect of its contact-intestinal insecticide can be observed after a few hours. The prolonged effect of the drug persists for 15-30 days. Due to the fact that the product belongs to the 3rd hazard class, the composition is especially toxic to bees, less toxic to birds and inhabitants of the reservoir.

The price of Aktara varies depending on the type of packaging: a 4 g package costs around 100 rubles, a 250 g bottle costs about 4,500 rubles.

Aphids are considered among summer residents one of the most malicious pests.

They settle on leaves, stems and roots, they crawl and fly, and wherever they stop "to stay and feed" - the plants begin to have big problems.

What is dangerous aphid

Leaf aphids quickly weaken young plants by sucking out their cell sap. At the same time, it also secretes poison, due to which the leaves curl, deform and die, the shoots stop growing, the tops are bent. Sweet secretions (natural excretions) pollute the leaf surface, disrupt the normal life of plants.

Through saliva, aphids can infect plants with harmful viruses, which can lead to extensive damage, especially in gardens or professional rose gardens. When the aphid colonies become too large, the leaves and young shoots wither and die.

Aphids cause the greatest harm to young fruit trees.

Aphids can produce up to 50 generations per summer

If you do not use any special techniques against this pest, aphids in a completely natural way, without straining, giving up to fifty generations over the summer, will cause significant damage to any, even the most well-groomed summer cottage. Not without reason, only in the northern hemisphere, about 450 species of leaf aphids are among the most significant in agriculture, forestry and gardening.

The aphids must be fought

It is extremely difficult to fight aphids: it multiplies rapidly and incessantly. Therefore, we must try to get rid of it faster than it will save us from the harvest.

What to consider in the fight against aphids

We repeat, before rushing at the enemy, we need to understand where this problem “legs grow from” in order to correctly, wisely approach the fight against the pest.

1. Where and why do aphids appear?

The aphid feeds on the sap of the plant, piercing its skin with its proboscis. Old hard leaves are too tough for her, she needs the most tender leaves and buds. This means that the likely sites of damage are the youngest parts of plants. Simply put, the tops of shrubs and the underside of the leaves. Therefore, our task is protect young shoots and leaves.

2. How do aphids appear on plants?

The aphid lays its eggs in the axils of the buds on the branches of trees and shrubs, as well as in the root zone. There she winters and then grows and feeds there. It is also carried by ants. (The interaction of ants and aphids is described in detail in the article. The relationship of these small insects is very touching and causes a kind smile, but there is a problem of aphids settling and protecting them by ants.

So, we have two tasks - to prevent the growth and development of aphids on our plants and , which will transfer the aphids that have overwintered in the anthill, access to young shoots and leaves of our plants.

3. Who can help us in the fight against aphids?

Aphids have many natural enemies, both insects and birds. In addition, there are plants that aphids will avoid. And as you know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend) Therefore, our task is find ways to bring these helper friends into the fight.

4. Are all methods of struggle suitable?

Aphid colonies are always numerous, they infect many plants, therefore, treatments will have to be carried out repeatedly. The use of chemicals will inevitably lead to the fact that the earth and plants, having been saturated with poisons, will sooner or later send all of them straight into our bodies. Therefore, our task is find those methods of struggle that will not kill us ourselves.

But these methods exist, and there are more and more of them, because neither science nor dacha folk art can be stopped.

Ash-soap and soap sprays (bathing)

Soap washing and spraying is the second (after the usual washing off of aphids from plants with a stream of water) a simple method of control. It does not require special costs and labors: there is water in any household, and laundry soap is not difficult to grate.

How to prepare a soap solution for spraying and apply it, see the following video:


  • 300 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water. Can be replaced with liquid soap, then you need only 125 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • Dilute 100 g of tar soap in 10 liters of water;
  • Boil 250-300 g of ash in 10 liters of water for 30 minutes; before spraying, you can add 40 g of soap, or you can wash the plants with just an ash solution.

Herbal infusions

Despite the fact that herbal infusions and decoctions are not chemicals, it should not be overlooked that they:
  • in high concentrations, they can cause burns in plants;
  • can be dangerous not only for aphids, but also for other insects;
  • at least some of them are poisonous to humans.
Therefore, it is necessary to use such drugs wisely, observing safety measures, recipes and application rules:
  • any solutions before the first use must first be checked on a limited area, and only then, after making sure that the product is effective, should be applied throughout the area;
  • fruit crops can be treated with decoctions and infusions during the budding period, immediately after flowering and no later than 14-40 days before harvesting;
  • it is recommended to treat berry crops with infusions before flowering and after the berries are harvested;
  • vegetable crops can be sprayed with herbal infusions for the last time no later than a month before the fruit is harvested.
By following these simple rules, you will cause irreparable damage to aphids, and do not harm yourself :) But the most successful recipes for herbal infusions from aphids, which our summer residents offer:
  • Onion
30-35 g of crushed heads (you can also add onion peel) insist in 1 liter of water for 5 hours. Add 4-5 g of laundry soap. Strain. Bring the volume of infusion to 1 liter.
  • garlic
200 g of crushed heads for 4-5 days insist in 1 liter of water under the lid. Apply as a solution: 25 ml of infusion per 10 liters of water.
  • Tobacco
200 g of crushed dry leaves insist 2 days in 5 liters of water. Then bring up to 10 liters. Strain.
  • Chamomile
  1. 100 g of dry grass and inflorescences insist 12 hours in 1 liter of water. Spray with a solution: 1 part of the infusion and 3 parts of water, with the addition of soap (at the rate of 4 g per 1 liter of solution);
  2. Crush 250 g of Dalmatian (Caucasian) chamomile flowers into powder, stir in water. Spraying should be carried out immediately after preparation.
  • dandelion
  1. 400 g of leaves and 200 g of flowering roots insist 3-4 hours in 10 liters of water.
  2. 30 g of dry leaves and roots of dandelion insist 3 hours in 10 liters of water.
  • Marigold
Pour half a bucket of crushed plants with flowers to the top with water, leave for 2 days. Strain, add 40 g of soap to 10 liters of water.
  • Oxalic
Pour 400 g of horse sorrel roots with hot water and leave for 3 hours.
  • peppery
1 kg of fresh pepper pods (or 300 g of dry ones) to infuse for 24 hours in 10 liters of water. Spray with a solution: 1 part infusion to 10 parts water.
  • Pine
1 kg of common needles insist for 7 days in 4 liters of water. Stir once a day. Spray at a concentration of 1:1.
  • Citrus
100 g of dry crusts of any pour 1 liter of warm water, leave for 3 days.
  • Potato
Grind 1 kg of tops (take only healthy, not damaged by diseases!) and insist in 10 liters of water for 3 hours. Take less dried or dry tops - 0.8 and 0.6 kg, respectively.

Birch tar and tar soap

And now you will see how you can fight aphids with birch tar.
Tatyana, the owner of the Harvest Garden, will tell about this:

Effective and safe for humans.

Herbal decoctions

This method of dealing with aphids is one of the most common. Herbal decoctions have insecticidal, fungicidal and antifeedant properties and are very effective in controlling insect pests.

Here are the plants that are most often used to make decoctions, and popular recipes for herbal decoctions against aphids:

  • Tobacco
200 g of crushed dry leaves insist 24 hours in 5 liters of water. Then bring to 10 liters and boil over low heat for 1.5-2 hours.
  • tops of tomatoes
5 kg of green leaves and stepsons pour 10 liters of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. on slow fire. Spray at a concentration of 1:3 (for 1 liter of decoction 3 liters of water). Before spraying, add 30 g of soap to 10 liters of water.
  • Yarrow
Keep 1 kg of dry grass (collected at the beginning of flowering) in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. in 2 liters of water. Bring the volume of the broth to 10 liters and keep in a dark place for at least 2 days.
  • Hot chilli pepper
Boil 100 g of fresh pods for at least an hour in 1 liter of water in a sealed container. Infuse for 2 days, grind the pepper, strain the solution. For spraying, dilute the concentrate 1:10, add 40 g of soap per 10 liters of solution.
  • Celandine
Grind 400 g of fresh stems and flowers (or 100 g of dry ones), pour 1 liter of water and leave for 1-1.5 days, then boil for 20-30 minutes.

You can find a wide range of biologics to combat aphids in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Basil repels aphids

The enemy of aphids is a ladybug

To lure hoverflies to the site, it is advised to plant them. Hoverflies do not destroy aphids, they feed on daisy pollen. But the larvae of hoverflies in large quantities absorb aphids that are nearby. Therefore, inviting hoverflies to the dacha, you will not lose.

Ground beetles will choose nightshade and, and lacewing will prefer cool shady places covered with fern thickets for breeding.

You can arrange flower pots with wood shavings in the garden - earwigs, which are also not averse to feasting on aphids, can live in them.

In addition, ladybug and lacewing larvae can be purchased at specialized garden centers (or ordered by mail), and then released on your site.


What is especially pleasing: aphids are prey for many small birds. They feed it to their chicks. Willingly eat aphids:
  • sparrows;
  • Chiffchaffs;
  • willow warblers;
  • tits;
  • kinglets;
  • wrens;
  • robins-robins;
  • hemp.
To attract these birds, you can hang birdhouses (and) in the summer cottage, arrange water containers - in a word, make the birds want to fly here.

But! If you have already decided to attract beneficial insects and birds to help, you will have to completely abandon the use of pesticides on the site!

Birds willingly feed on aphids